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"Drastic" Change or
"More Thunder Than Lightning"?


The National Security Archive
Freedom of Information Act Audit

Phase One Presented March 14, 2003

2003 National Freedom of Information Day Conference


Executive Summary
Findings Regarding Implementation of Attorney General Guidance Regarding FOIA
Preliminary Findings Regarding Implementation of White House Guidance Regarding FOIA and Classification
Findings Regarding Administration Openness/Secrecy Agenda
Findings Regarding Administrative Processing of FOIA Requests
Further Research

Phase Two of the Audit will discuss implementation of White House FOIA and classification guidance. Phase Three of the Archive FOIA Audit will examine the problem of backlogs and annual report quality based on an evaluation of the "10 Oldest" FOIA requests pending at the reviewed agencies, a survey of the agencies' websites, and the agencies' 2002 annual reports, which should be available in April 2003. The Archive Audit will also look at the actual impact of these changes on the use of exemptions and the problem of backlogs based on the agencies' annual report data for 2002.

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