1Tb I 'Jll H- - I fligheptlniber19h3 Fem y 5 liJhC Prog real i I-iernorehdum for the Preeident L in my 1 ch reeticm on Friday efternoou with the hec retery oi Detenee u-e dieculeed the emblem on determining the required Ievele of the retegic nucleer iorcee end the need tor I cieIr wider- otending of the deeming Ind intent of the proposed Memorandum to the Prelident 2 Duringthe wanted ll thie regent to prior we lhould rebuild the Itreteiic torce requirement touowin I block or cut-gory Ipproech The block would he that force to deterrence -- Iu icieni eihle deliver-hie Itrength to deetroy the Soviet Union II I viehie Iociety For the purpoee of thin exercile Ire Ihould eelume thet Ila-out I 30% lo of population and 5314 lol- of indultriel capability would eecuneplieh this result The pollen-1m out much I Iorce Ihould lure egeinet I deliberate resort to we Ind leave no expo-ed only to the deeger of mincelculetion 3 A Ieconud we Ihould look It torcee which would Ierve to limit lame to the United Stetel in thie me orr we could coneider weIpohI which might be employed in I Iii-It Itrike Jeanie-t roiliurjr targets II well II those Ivuilehle tor Itriltee It m1 target under condition of re ne-tine d For the third block we Ihonld eenouee thoee torcel which might be required I lull first Itrike it it can he ehown that thil prIhility ie both Ind pol-ibis ol' attainment 5 tinting eeteh-liehed thiI procedure we ehould then telt the e ective neae oi eltemetive i'orcee in meeting the requiremente of the three cute-gotten Amen the-e torcel Emlidered one would he the 13m Mimeemen torce mother the Hr hiimzten'un Iorce Eech iorce would he telted wider the no- ceiled were puleihie Iituotioe Ind under the median condition using both the current EIDP targeting proceduree and that implicit in the propoeed -Uit 'm l'l llm to the Prelident The teetiug or encureiuujl 1would endeavor to answer the tollowing queetiono5- - #1 1'1 hie- e Whit ere created in the US Lei levers- 1 en hinge F b hat turn at rncture applied by which ta raet procedure reunite tn the met invent- 11 pnet-etrike ettuetinn er the Ear put-pence of Hunting dermge tn the US previuiun te it to make in fence gunning int weepmne inr use in a rst etrihe nr er the retllilt ry etteeh of enemy weep-en withheln rum 1 hnet e rst ntr l d t what paint it ever will expenditures in - Ai ihi hen civil detenee he mere effective in Limiting demise then will expen ituree Inr mere n eneive weapon- Under the canditinne n the rheu- eetenreinne whet damage tn the U5 wee ettrihntehle tn USSR euhmerine When mill ll'i' I In erriving It force requiremarte whet preview-1 he been made inr striking tergete t lilil the Speci eelly how lure the 2 1 1 if 5 requiremmte hi the MTD tnrget eyetern Inert 5L1 - g Whit in the emelneiun tn the eulhility n I 11 11 firet I etri te upehility end what ere the relenne thereier L I E 1 ti The ever-ell intent ct thin etudyr ie tn determine whether it remain L imible end desirable in the 19h time rune tn maintain enneurrent capability tn Itrihe e willie-r1 end an tnrget eyetern er I'd-tuned lend bend Whethtr the growing Soviet millile turtle emit-ting he naiee ee and at eutnnerine -l ennehed miee ee he net in e eet priced enmte nrce tnrgeting nut of the tinge nf pm ell anthem It the meter to the Letter in n irnntive it became 1 quee tm at determining whet threes beymd thnee In full deterrence ehnuld he minteined fer the ni wiehin tn etr te the enemy rlt n In nth-citing reeidnel Inf uncertein Lecetiun end identi ee m nun-wing I rst etrike by the enemy K r r inr L t Ghenmm - In H 5r Inint Chieie ni sun 53TOP SECRET 2 3 4-13 fete-L 4 - _w dime Ian'liml - 131% This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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