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About the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
How to Make a FOIA Request 
Government Guidance, Directives and Statistics on FOIA
International FOIA

International FOIA
Upcoming Launch of freedominfo.org

In July 2002, the Archive will launch a World Wide Web-based virtual network of freedom of information advocates worldwide.  The need for such linkages is especially acute today, in the wake of the September 11th attacks, when governments around the world are retrenching on openness in the name of fighting terrorism.  With the URL freedominfo.org as its name, the network will commission “lessons learned” accounts from the successful and unsuccessful campaigns, and from key advocates in countries struggling to implement new FOI laws and monitor older ones.  This joint international effort will create an online institutional memory of campaign strategies and tactics, debates over actual and proposed statutes, non-statutory openness initiatives, best practices for implementation, important legal/procedural cases, and specific examples (documents, news stories, cases) from around the world where freedom of information has made a difference.  Freedominfo.org will also commission and publish a series of papers on “hot” issues and current developments.

As a preview of things to come, the Archive has published on this Web site the first two installments of this new international freedom of information initiative, reviewing FOI developments in Japan and Mexico.  Follow the links below for more information:
  • Freedom of Information in Mexico - Full text and analysis of new Mexican freedom of information law.

  • Japanese Government Information: New Rules for Access - Legislative history and analysis of Japan's freedom of information law, including a side-by-side comparison of  its key provisions with analogous provisions of the U.S. FOIA.



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