Echoes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolt in Romania, 60 Years After
Events in Hungary
The first sign of the long-suppressed dissatisfaction of the Hungarian people with a repressive and an economically inefficient regime appeared on October 6, 1956, at the ceremonial reburial of Laslo Rajk, a former cabinet minister who had been wrongly accused of various crimes and executed. This mass discontent exploded on October 23 in Budapest, with a large demonstration calling for political and economic reform. Encouraged by the reform-oriented Polish politician Władysław Gomułka's success in gaining appointment as head of the Communist Party without invoking a harsh Soviet response, and after a summer of Polish demonstrations against the party-state, students at Budapest Technical University formulated a list of demands known as the ‘16 points.’ The list included a call for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary and the restoration of a multi-party system.
Lecture hall at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic Institute in Timisoara - meeting place for the students on October 30, 1956 (Photo credit - Corina Snitar)
On October 23, at 3 p.m., the demonstrators met at Bem Square where a monument honored a Polish general who had aided Hungarians in their 1848 fight for freedom. From there, they headed to the Parliament, to the Radio Budapest building, and to City Park where a statue of Stalin dominated the area. On their way, the marchers were joined by citizens coming off their shifts and their number rose to tens of thousands. The crowd called for the re-appointment of Imre Nagy, who had been forced to step down in early 1955 for his reformist views which Moscow feared could jeopardize Soviet political and economic control on the country.
However, the development of events showed that the replacement of Ernő Gerő with Nagy, who assured protesters of his intention to reform Communism, was no longer enough to calm down public discontent with the authorities' unresponsiveness to their grievances. Even the first intervention of Soviet troops could not scare the angry demonstrators, and their uprising turning violent as street fighting broke out between a poorly armed crowd and Soviet heavy armor. At the same time, new institutions began to be formed such as workers’ councils to replace party authorities with local management. An independent media network sprang up, spreading information about the revolt not only within Hungary but also into its neighboring states, including Romania.
Findings in This Posting
The documents posted on this web site today refer to the echoes of the 1956 Hungarian revolt in Romania, exposing the origins, the trajectory and the outcomes of the Romanian students' movement, a topic which was little approached in the English literature after 1990, and before then mainly through investigations of public documents and articles whose findings could be biased due to official propaganda. This research also aimed to reveal a new perspective on the relationship among Socialist states by investigating the role played by Romania during the Hungarian revolt, when the country was led by Gheorghe Gheorgiu-Dej, a Communist known as 'more Stalinist than Stalin' in a historical period marked by Khrushchev's ‘Secret Speech.’ The 'myth' of Romania's 'independent course' as an outcome of these events was already de-constructed by findings testifying to the docility with which Bucharest accepted not only to 'host' Nagy, but also to extend the 'temporary' stationing of Soviet troops on Romanian soil. With a party lacking national support, Romanian Communists were not in a position to argue with Moscow on this point. Even in 1958, when the Soviets finally withdrew their garrisons, the decision belonged exclusively to the Kremlin, as part of Khrushchev's game within the Cold War.
Events Unfold in Romania
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Polytechnic Institute, Timisoara (Photo credit - Corina Snitar)
What happened in Romania? The news about the protests taking place in Budapest reached Romania from the very start – first through the large Magyar community that inhabited the area bordering Hungary and enjoyed regular communication with their relatives in the neighboring state, and hence were well and rapidly informed of what was happening there. In subsequent days, Romanians from across the country and from all social backgrounds came to follow events assiduously by listening to Radio Free Europe or Voice of America, and later Radio Free Kossuth. The events started to be debated all over the country. Questions were raised about the policy of collectivization, with peasants asking if it was right and necessary. Workers began to complain loudly about their low incomes, and they expressed fears that the Soviet Red Army would crush the demonstration in Hungary due to a rumor that Soviet units stationed in Timișoara left Romania in the morning of 24th of October heading towards Hungary.
The onset of national turmoil could not have been totally unexpected in a country run by a leader who claimed that de-Stalinization had ended in Romania with the elimination of the so-called ‘Muscovites’ (Ana Pauker, Vasile Luca and Teohari Georgescu) from the party and government. In fact, their purge took place in 1952 because they could have jeopardized Dej's position as 'supreme leader.' Moreover, after the 'Secret Speech’ episode, Dej was the one who ordered the elimination from the party of any activist who dared to criticize the leadership in the light of Khrushchev's new vision on the 'cult of personality.' Romania was also a country where the reality of everyday life was far from the image of the grand success consistently promoted by Communist propaganda: Romanian agriculture was in chaos as a result of forced collectivization and Romanian industry was burdened by the export of the country’s most important natural resources to the Soviet Union in payment of war debts. The poor economic situation was reflected in the high-level quotas of agricultural produce that peasants were expected to deliver to the state, the low incomes of workers, food shortages and high prices for basic commodities. The abolition of rationing in 1954 reduced further the purchasing power of urban consumers.
All these grievances were well known by the Romanian leadership at the time of the Hungarian revolt. One of Securitate's missions was to keep under control and inform on the public's state of mind. In addition, several months earlier, a campaign of control was launched in academia targeting the situation of hostels and canteens, and the reports signalled a lack of accommodations, the poor state of existing buildings, and unsatisfactory food at the canteens. But who was there to care? Dej and his henchmen who visualized themselves, like all the Communists in the satellites countries, as being far above the ordinary people only because their cries could not reach the ears of the repressive organs? Last but not the least, this lack of interest in resolving people's hardships fueled the general anger with a government composed of Kremlin-sponsored Communists who did not renounce Stalinist rule even after Khrushchev's famous ‘Secret Speech,’ and when the party, as a consequence, showed confusion in implementing its policies. The presence of Soviet troops could not but to add insult to injury, especially when officers and their families occupied the most beautiful buildings in many towns.
In Romania, the initiative was taken by students of the Art Institute in Cluj-Napoca, who gathered, on 23 October, around 300 students in the hall of their faculty to express solidarity with their Hungarian fellows. At the same time, they asked for the removal of Marxism and Russian language classes from the curricula and for an adjustment of the scholarship system by removing the requirement for an assessment of students’ material circumstances, which limited the number of scholarships. They called for a demonstration to be held on 28 October in Victor Babeş Park. At the same time, a Manifesto was written containing requests such as for the creation of a free, democratic student association independent of the party central organs and connected with similar western organizations, academic autonomy and the abolition of compulsory attendance.
Leadership Insecurity
Securitate headquarters in Timisoara - where student organizers were taken immediately after the October 30 meeting; a commemorative plaque is visible on the right. (Photo credit - Corina Snitar)
During the first days of the Hungarian revolt when it was still unclear how events would unfold, the authorities demonstrated a sense of insecurity and fear. Party leaders returned early from talks with Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito on a Yugoslav plane instead of by train as originally planned, and almost immediately announced wage increases. The first newspaper article about the events in Budapest was published in Romania on 24 October 1956, on the last page of the party newspaper Scânteia. At this stage, no criticisms were raised about the Hungarian students who had taken part in the demonstrations the day before, but an attack was levelled against ‘foreign elements, who, a long time ago, had planned a revolution in Hungary and were making use of the students’ initiative,’ an allegation similar to that launched by Moscow at the same time. The article ended by citing the Radio Budapest transmission that order had been restored in the evening with ‘the support of the working people for the Communist regime.’
At the same time, the regime tried to keep potentially dangerous unrest from erupting into disorders. Measures were taken to avoid any further dissemination of the truth about what was happening in Hungary. In agreement with Protocol No. 55, issued by the Politburo of the Central Committee on 26 October 1956, border controls between Romania and Hungary were strengthened and a temporary suspension of the return of Romanian citizens was introduced together with measures to prevent tourists from entering and leaving the country for a short period of time. The Ministry of Internal Affairs enforced military oversight of the Băneasa, Țâncăbești and Bod radio stations. All press releases and radio broadcasts on the events in Hungary were now to be carefully scrutinized before publication.
The Protocol also stipulated that meetings were to be held in factories, offices, university faculties and cooperatives to ‘explain’ how ‘groups of hooligans, reactionary and fascist forces are threatening the achievements of the Hungarian workers,’ and that necessary measures were to be taken to improve the food supply, especially in towns. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was ordered to arrest people only with the approval of the party leadership, and the party was to be informed about these cases within 24 hours. At the same time, measures were taken for the release of those students who had been taken into custody for making ‘hostile’ comments against the Communist regime and the Soviet Union in the broader context of the Hungarian revolt. They were to be transferred to the care of the City Committee of the Union of Workers Youth, where they were to be disabused of their ‘unhealthy’ attitude. Even the collection of compulsory quotas that the peasants were required to deliver to the state was ordered to be made as tactfully as possible, ‘using especially political persuasion,’ as the Protocol set out.
In Cluj, a region inhabited by a large Magyar community, a campaign was launched aimed at promoting nationalist sentiments amongst the Romanians and preventing them from joining with the Magyar people in any coordinated protests. A rumor quickly spread in the region on the basis of which it was suggested that the new government officials in Hungary were negotiating with Tito in Yugoslavia about their countries’ borders. It was rumored that Hungary was planning to give part of its territory to Yugoslavia, receiving in return Transylvania, all with the blessing of the Soviet Union. The rumor created a state of panic among the Romanian population, who expressed fears about their own future status if this plan were put into operation. Raluca Ripan, then Rector of Babeş University, exploited this situation and started to warn the Romanian students about the danger of a so-called ‘Magyar peril’ emerging from the ‘revisionist intentions of the Hungarian revolutionaries in Budapest.’
Public Discussions Spread
A military garrison in Becicherecu Mic near Timisoara, where over 800 students were interrogated in October 1956. (Photo credit - Corina Snitar)
Despite these measures, discussions were further amplified by the news coming from Budapest about the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Budapest and the turn towards political and economic reform. During the ‘explanatory meetings,’ people put party activists on the spot by asking difficult questions which showed that they were more than well aware of what was happening in Hungary. Leaflets started to appear in many cities with slogans that showed an accumulated anger, calling for the overthrow of the Communist regime, and for the removal of the Soviets from Romania, blaming them for the ‘hunger and misery’ being faced by the population on a daily basis as a result of the ‘imposed policy of high quotas’ and ‘the seizure of the national grain.’
In the city of Timișoara, following intense debates, three students – Muțiu Caius, Stanca Teodor and Baghiu Aurel – helped by some of their colleagues and close friends from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering succeeded in gathering around 2000 more students from the Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Construction, the Agricultural Institute and the Pedagogic Institute at a meeting that took place on 30 October 1956, at 2.00 pm. In front of the Deputy Minister of Education, Coriolan Drăgulescu, the Minister of Labor, Petre Lupu, and alternate member of the Central Committee, Ilie Verdeț, who were all in town at that time, the students asked for explanations about what was happening in Hungary and demanded solutions to their problems relating to the limited number of scholarships, the lack of accommodations and the poor quality of food in student canteens. They also asked for the withdrawal of Soviet Red Army troops from Romanian territory, an increase in workers’ wages and an adjustment to the quotas of agricultural produce that peasants were required to deliver to the state. A Manifesto was also prepared beforehand by the initiators with the intention to hand it to the regional party organization the next day.
In Bucharest, students from the Faculty of Philology had started openly expressing their discontent over the use of censorship as early as September 1956 but a protest meeting planned for 5 November 1956 in University Square in Bucharest had been arranged only two days earlier. The intention was to raise issues similar to those posed by the students in Timișoara and, in addition, to request the release of several colleagues who had been detained a few days earlier for sending a note to the official student newspaper Scânteia Tineretului (The Spark of Youth) asking for changes in its editorial policy and claiming that many commentaries in the Romanian press did not tell the truth about what was happening in the Hungarian uprising. Information about the planned protest spread rapidly among students at the Faculty of Medicine, the Architecture Institute, the Institute of Theatre and Cinematography and the Faculty of Law.
Moscow Steps In
However, towards the end of October, the first signs of what was to follow began to appear. According to CIA files, Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej, then First-Secretary of the Central Committee of the Romanian Workers Party, was ordered to come to Moscow from where he returned on November 4. During that time, CIA analysts noticed that the anxiety of the Romanian leaders was replaced by a relaxed attitude of confidence which demonstrated that they had been informed about the preparations for military intervention in Hungary. Romanian propaganda started to show how the Hungarian workers were ‘helping the army to re-establish social order’ by arresting ‘those criminals who act under imperialist influence.’ The doctrine of the ‘inevitability of war as long as imperialism exists’ had now been revitalized. It seemed that Soviet political thinkers who favored iron-fist action had just won. The Soviets began to build-up their forces and Budapest became almost completely encircled with around 15 mechanised divisions and four infantry divisions.
Protocol no. 58 was issued on 30 October 1956. The beginning of the Protocol outlined the necessity ‘to strengthen the working people’s spirit of combativeness against the schemes of the class enemy.’ The document expressly mentioned the ‘hostile manifestations of some groups of students in the city of Timișoara,’ against whom actions were to be taken. A General Command was set up, with designated powers to take ‘necessary measures,’ including ‘the right to opening fire’ and ‘to declare a state of emergency’ in places where ‘difficult situations’ arose. It also had the right to suspend courses in higher education institutes if circumstances required. In Timișoara, steps were to be taken to apprehend people who had participated at the meeting earlier that day and to escort them to a ‘special place,’ where the security bodies should ‘sort out the hostile elements.’
The Protocol’s provisions were followed to the letter. In Timișoara, the organisers were arrested immediately after the meeting, under Decree 199 (1950), which allowed for use of the death penalty. However, the sentence would be changed a day before the first trial which took place on 14-15 November, 1956, instead the students were charged under Article 237 of the Criminal Code that provided for up to ten years’ imprisonment for ‘public agitation.’ Other students were taken to the military garrison in Becicherecu Mic or to a unit in Timișoara. They were interrogated for three days about how they had found out about the meeting, how they had gotten to it and next to whom they had stood in the hall. In the days that followed, other students were taken from their hostels for interrogation. They were all eventually released, but not before being forced to sign declarations that they ‘disapproved’ of their colleagues’ actions and that in future they ‘would be more vigilant’ and take steps to prevent any similar movements from happening again.
The campaign of gathering students’ signatures under pre-written declarations was not just limited to those who had been detained, but was extended to all university departments and faculties. On 1 November 1956, students were forced to condemn the ‘hostile attitude of some students’ and to commit themselves to respecting the law of their ‘people’s democracy’ and the internal regulations of the Polytechnic Institute. On 2 November, when the decision was taken to put on trial those involved in organizing the protest, the declarations were appended to another sentence according to which ‘those guilty are to be punished’ or ‘the request of the working class for punishment of those found guilty is justified.’ On 3 November, the content of the declarations changed, illustrating that the authorities were now trying to identify ‘scapegoats’ to show that students of ‘healthy origin’ would not oppose the regime and that they had been influenced by ‘hostile’ foreign elements. Declarations asked them to ‘recognize’ that they ‘did not, do not or will never belong to a secret organization having as its goal the undermining of the regime’ or that they ‘did not conspire against the state.’
Aftermath and Implications
Gherla Prison near Cluj-Napoca; about a dozen student organizers were imprisoned here for their role in October 1956. (Photo credit - Corina Snitar)
The terror continued into 1958. Virtually, every evening a car belonging to the secret police stopped on campus in Timișoara and, after ten minutes or so, left with one or two students. Many of those detained were individuals who had been released from Becicherecu Mic. Lists of the expelled students continued to be posted at university faculties. These former students were now publicly criticised at open meetings of the Union of Working Youth, where their colleagues had to ‘testify’ to their ‘inimical behavior’ and to ask for their expulsion from the union. In Cluj-Napoca, several students from the University Bolyai in Hungarian language were similarly detained in 1957. They were placed on trial alongside the initiators of the 23rd of October protest and others who had already been arrested for wearing black ribbons and taking flowers to the graves of Magyar writers on 1 November 1956, the ‘Day of Deaths’ celebration. The purpose of the arrests and the trial was again to attach a revisionist interpretation to the 1956 student disturbances. In 1958, the accused were sentenced to up to seven years in prison for ‘public instigation.’ In 1959, those now charged were subject to an even more severe sentence of up to 20 years’ imprisonment for the same ‘crime.’ In Bucharest, the state organs took the decision to review some of the cases of students who had been identified as engaging in ‘hostile’ activity during 1956 in the interrogation reports of their colleagues already under arrest. Those found guilty would be also sentenced to imprisonment.
As for the political consequence of these movements, some scholars suggest that they led the Romanian leaders to address a request to Moscow towards the end of 1956 to withdraw Red Army units from Romanian territory. The telegrams sent by the US Legation in Bucharest confirm my hypothesis that, on the contrary, the Romanian leadership had no interest at that time in making such a request when local reports on the state of mind within the National Army showed the unreliability and the poor morale of both officers and soldiers. From the Soviet point of view, the circumstances created by the disturbances in Poland and Hungary dictated a keen desire to retain its own military forces in the Socialist bloc, resulting from the same downward revision in its estimate of the reliability of the most of the Satellite armed forces. Therefore, in April, 1957, an accord for the ‘temporary’ stationing of Soviet troops on Romanian soil was signed after months of negotiations. The reason publicly announced was the ‘peril of the European military blocs.’
The real effect of the students' movements was that, for the first time after seizing power in 1948, the Communists realized that something had to be done to maintain that power and, moreover, to show the world that Socialism as a system functioned even in an environment marked by strong anti-Communist and anti-Soviet sentiments in the Satellites. In addition, the Soviet intervention in Hungary affected the USSR's prestige worldwide as coordinated surveys in 1957 in Great Britain, France, West Germany and Italy[1] – the usual Barometer countries – also show.
The timing of uprisings in the Socialist camp could not have been worse, taking into account the Soviets' interest in exploiting the window of opportunity opened by the Suez crisis and filling the void created in the Middle East by the unfolding war. This was not a good moment to show weakness in front of the ‘imperialists’ either. Moscow's wishes, transmitted to all the Satellites, explain the Romanian attempt to minimize the social disturbances by changing overnight the initial death sentence for protesters to imprisonment for up to eight years - an unprecedented decision. It also explains why Moscow was so keen to start amending the contracts negotiated with the Satellites under the duress of 1945-46 following the war, and to charge higher prices for their exports that could allow them to make improvements in domestic living standards and avoid further turmoil. Romania also received a modest economic assistance, compare with Poland, through credits for wheat and forage, technical aid for chemical and oil industries and the postponement of old loans. However, the economic loss involved by the outcomes of this policy had to be somehow covered and a reduction in the Soviet military presence would be the solution that would follow in 1958. The withdrawal of Soviet troops could not significantly alter strategic thinking anyway since they remained stationed around two hours’ distance from Bucharest.
Historians are still debating the reasons that prompted Khrushchev to change his mind overnight and to move from a ‘peaceful path’ to a ‘military path’ at the end of October. Concerns about the unity of international Communism were advanced, with the influential Italian Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti and, most importantly, with Mao urging ‘the restoration of order.’ But did Mao press Khrushchev only in those specific hours or did he support a harder line days before? Another factor to consider is the 'Suez crisis,' with Khrushchev's words from Politburo member Vladimir Malin's notes being used as evidence: ‘If we depart from Hungary, it will give a great boost to the Americans, English and French – the imperialists. They will perceive it as weakness on our part and will go on to the offensive ... To Egypt they will then add Hungary.’[2] What if, in fact, Khrushchev as well as the other Communists around him were determined from the beginning to go towards the military path and all these talks were only for the sake of the record? They all knew what the revolutionaries' success could mean in terms not only of losing power but also their freedom, if not their lives. They had all been Stalin's trustworthy men in the period of the great purges and had witnessed the fate that had befallen their colleagues – a factor that, for sure, was not eliminated from the equation.
Besides the documents that constitute direct evidence for this presentation, other materials are important for offering relevant insights into the Hungarian revolt and might be used in further research on the topic, such as:
- Bekes, Csaba, Malcolm Byrne and Janos M. Rainer (ed.) (2002), The 1956 Hungarian Revolution: A History in Documents, Budapest New York: Central European University Press
- The Cold War International History Project BULLETIN, Khrushchev's CPSU CC Presidium Meeting on the East European Crisis, 24 October 1956, Issue No 5, Spring 1995
- Wilson Center Digital Archive, “The Cold War International History Program (CWIHP)
- 1956 Polish and Hungarian Crises (Collection)
- Cold War History (Theme)
Corina Snitar is a Ph.D. candidate in Central and East European Studies at the University of Glasgow.
Read the Documents

The National Security Archive - Soviet Flashpoints - Box 12
Although written in 1949, the political situation accurately described by the CIA analysts was still dominant in 1956 Romania. The document reveals the roots of the Soviet-style policy imposed on Romania since the end of the Second World War, which explain the hostility of the population towards a regime perceived as alien, and kept in power by Soviet military force. The Hungarians' protests instilled hope in Romanians who also dreamed of a political change.

The National Security Archive - Soviet Flashpoints - Box 16
The statistics attached to this document testify to the Soviet military presence in the satellite states, including Romania, which have been an important reason for the popular discontent that erupted in 1956. On the other hand, the seizure of Soviet garrisons could reveal the strategic importance of Romanian territory in Soviet military thinking that shaped Moscow's attitude vis-a-vis Romania throughout the Communist period.

The National Security Archive - Soviet Flashpoints - Box 16
US diplomats confirm that Soviet troops from the Timisoara region were called into Hungary in the very early hours of October 24. Citizens' comments on this subject were recorded by the local authorities in bulletins on the public's state of mind which the Central Committee ordered to be sent twice a day during the Hungarian revolt. The involvement of Soviet troops stationed in Romania in the attempt to crush the opposition in Hungary led to a growing anger among the population, which already perceived the presence of Soviet troops in the country as a military occupation.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
US diplomats in Bucharest inform about the abolition of rationing that has led to a reduction in the purchasing power of urban consumers. Later, in 1956, this issue would remain unsolved. Nonetheless, the Romanian Communists were confident enough at that time that they could keep power by engaging in a rule of terror and with Soviet military support.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
US diplomats inform the Department of State about open protests by Romanian Railroad' workers who have asked for increased pay in accordance with the new higher prices that have resulted after the abolition of rationing. This event was one reason for the authorities' fear that the upcoming 1956 disturbances within academia could degenerate into significant revolt against Communism. The fact that Romanian workers did not get involved in the students' movements as in Hungary was determined only by the security organs' efficiency in concealing the protests through limiting access to information and undertaking rapid arrests among protesters.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
US diplomats offer information on how a Romanian peasant manages to meet his quotas for delivery to the state. Although this is only one example, the situation was generalised in the 1950s in Romania. Agriculture was in chaos due to an imposed Soviet-style policy totally inadequate for Romania's specific climate and geographical conditions. Peasants' grievances would form a basis for the students' claims in 1956 as well.

Council for Studying the Archives of the Former Romanian Secret Services
The Memoir contained what students thought to be solutions to the grievances which they and their parents faced on a daily basis. In 1956, Romanian students originated from workers and peasants' families at a proportion of around 90 percent, in accordance with a Directive from the Communist Party Politburo in 1952 that provided access to higher education only to those with "healthy origins". Therefore, the students all knew about their parents' hardship. The Memoir reveals their sense of caution by not seeking a change in the political system. On the contrary, they asked to be involved in 'building Socialism'. The 1950s was not a time to fundamentally challenge the regime - people were routinely arrested and imprisoned, in some cases together with their families, for no more than making comments against the leadership.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
The US Legation informs about Romanian reactions to the events in Poland and Hungary, noticing the Communist leaders' precautionary attitude before a population with strong anti-Soviet and anti-Communist feelings. The document confirms the existence of tensions in Romania since the beginning of the Hungarian revolt and the fear that dominated the party leadership toward the end of October 1956.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961 - Microfilm 5
This is another document that confirms the movement of Soviet troops into Hungary by way of the Romanian railways. It also confirms the existence of students' disturbances in Timisoara and the Transylvania region, although they are exaggerated, probably based on rumours gathered from people in Bucharest. There were no killings in Romania - the students were only detained for interrogations. The same was true in Transylvania which emerged as the main location for protest movements due to the general expectation that ethnic Magyars who inhabited the region would be the most vocal compare with the Romanians. However, since the beginning of the uprisings in Poland, a policy of "carrot and stick" was applied in the region, by undertaking many arrests among those who commented in favor of the Hungarians' protests, and, at the same time, offering certain benefits to the Magyar community. This policy was extended across the country after the Hungarian revolt was crushed by the Soviet army.

The National Security Archive - Soviet Flashpoints - Box 40
This document reviews the echoes of the Hungarian protests in the satellite states, highlighting the Romanian leadership's desire to keep the situation under control by taking several steps: arresting students who expressed pro-Hungarian sympathies and discontent with the teaching of Marxism-Leninism, dispatching army units to minority areas, increasing police vigilance, returning early from an official visit to Yugoslavia, closing off access to four regions on the Hungarian border to western diplomats and other foreigners.

The University Library, Bucharest
The first Romanian article on what was happening in Hungary was published on the fourth page of the Communist Party newspaper. It is worth noticing the cautionary tone used by the author who does not criticise the Hungarian students on October 24 - while the outcome of events is still uncertain. However, the Soviet intervention had to be explained somehow so the author mentions the peril represented by certain "hostile elements" who must be suppressed, in accordance with the Hungarian government' request and the provisions of the Warsaw Treaty. At the end, he allegedly ensures his readers that the 'counter-revolutionary' movement was liquidated, although most probably the article was written in the morning when nobody could possibly know how events would turn out.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
Legation diplomats inform the Department that Romanian leader Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej was summoned to Moscow on October 31 from where he returned on November 4. The talks were about clearing the Romanian rail lines for heavy Soviet tank and troop traffic on November 3. The cable provides evidence that the Romanian leaders were informed about what would follow in Hungary, after which they became more relaxed and confident. They were now sure that the Soviets would not permit an overthrow of the Communist regimes within other satellites.

National Council for Studying the Archives of the Former Romanian Secret Services
At first, students were arrested for 24 hours and taken to the closest Securitate station for interrogations. It is worth noting that the sentence was already written on the warrant without benefit of a judicial decision. In Communist Romania, the Securitate was both judge and prosecutor. The judicial system was set up only to create an image of democracy for internal and external audiences. In this case, as well as in the cases of all students arrested in those days, their "crime" was punishable under Decree 199/1950 that provided for the death penalty for 'traitors, workers for the benefit of enemies, procurement and transmission of state secrets to a foreign power, plotting against Romania's internal and external security, terror committed individually or in groups, setting up groups for purposes of terrorism or sabotage.' (Article 1).

National Council for Studying the Archives of the Former Romanian Secret Services
After 24 hours, the detention of students was to be extended to one month under the same decree. This was contrary to the constitutional provisions stipulated by the Criminal Code in force at that time, in article 28: 'no one can be arrested or detained for more than 48 hours without a mandate from the prosecutor or a tribunal', and in article 30: 'no one can be condemned and forced to undergo punishment unless there is a judicial decision'. This document thus reflects the fact that the abuses that characterised the Communist regime stemmed from an arbitrary system of justice strictly controlled by the party and dependent on the political interests of the moment.

The National Archives Timisoara
All students were forced to sign a declaration that they condemned the 'hostile elements' that had participated in the October 30 meeting with various Romanian authorities (see essay). They also were required to request the immediate re-start of classes and commit themselves to obey state' laws. On November 1, the situation within university faculties was still tens and the authorities had to prove to the students and, generally, to society that the protests were only an accident occurring from the misunderstanding of international events by a small group.

The National Archives Timisoara
After the decision to put on trial those involved in organizing the protest, the declarations were appended to other sentences such as in this case where students had to commit themselves to act against any 'hooligan manifestations'. Once the protesters were already arrested, the authorities' goal was to dress up their repressive measures as an act growing out of a general request from all of academia to punish those found guilty of disturbances.

The National Archives Timisoara
Before their release from Becicherecu Mic, all students had to declare that they were against 'hooligan actions', request their punishment and, of course, commit themselves to be more vigilant in the future, meaning to inform the security organs in due course about any similar manifestation so that it could be crushed from the start. As stated above, the authorities had to show the legitimacy of their measures against protesters and a request purportedly coming from those students who had been targets of abusive methods could not but enforce the image of a democratic act.

National Council for Studying the Archives of the Former Romanian Secret Services
It is worth noticing here the change of the sentence from Decree 199/1950 to Article 327 of the Criminal Code which provided up to 10 years imprisonment for 'public agitation'. During my interview with Tedor Stanca, one of the organizers and the author of 'The Memoir', he argued that the sentence was commuted from death to imprisonment due to an order coming from the Council of Ministers a day before their trial. I did not find any file containing this order at the Romanian Archives but, most probably, the Communists avoided recording such an act that would clearly demonstrate political interference with the justice system. The order was probably orally transmitted.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
The Legation informs about the trial of students in two "batches" although the authors do not know too many details. Indeed, the students who were identified as organizers of the protests by informants or during interrogations of those already detained were split in batches (two for the students in Timisoara) under a commonly used charge impeachment such as 'public agitation' in their case.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
This telegram lays out rumors about the cancellation of customary festivities connected with the November 7 anniversary, with the authorities still fearing any public assembly that could cascade into a protest meeting. Measures continued to be taken by the distribution of Securitate agents in every school, university and factory. At the beginning of November, the situation was still tens in Romania, with people continuing to comment in favor of the Hungarian revolutionaries and against the regime (see also Document No 21). Romanians correctly deduced that the Soviets had crushed a legitimate revolt in Hungary despite official propaganda to the contrary.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): C0015 (Formerly) Confidential US State Department Central Files Relating to the Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1955-1959 - Microfilm 5
This telegram confirms the rumors that circulated among Romanians about the deportation of Hungarians to the USSR by train. The news amplified anti-Soviet feelings among the Romanian people, perpetuating the state of tension recorded by the security organs in reports sent to the Central Committee at the beginning of November.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
US diplomats provide information about Khrushchev's reference to the Romanian student dissidence being 'easily assuaged', in a speech delivered to Moscow youth and published in Pravda, on November 10. The information testifies to the Romanian leaders' compliance to Moscow, keeping the Soviets informed about events in Romania and taking measures against the protesters with Kremlin approval. The fact that Khrushchev's endorsement was not mentioned in the Romanian press was interpreted by US diplomats as a sign of timidity combined with tenacity. Another interpretation could be that the Romanian Communists wanted to avoid a new challenge by admitting their obedience to the Soviets in front of an already hostile population and at a time when trials of arrested students were being prepared.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
The regime admitted that an 'ideological' discontent existed among students. It is worth noticing here that public recognition of that fact took place only when the leaders were confident enough that the situation would be restored to 'normal' and the organisers of the protests were already being condemned and imprisoned. Another significant issue was the explanation given for the protests which occurred not out of material grievances in a poor economic situation but from 'the lack of party political activity that led ill-informed students to blunder into an erroneous interpretation of certain international events'. In fact, the students' movements took the Romanian leaders by surprise, it being hard for them to understand how the children of workers and peasants that they were supposed to represent, could stand up against the regime. Therefore, a campaign of identifying 'scapegoats' started after the events, with many party activists being dismissed. They were accused of lack of involvement and even indifference towards ideological work.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
This telegram lays out a call received from a student at the medical school in Cluj Napoca who informed the diplomats that a group of students had held protest meetings two weeks before, complaining about a lack of adequate food, enforced study of Marxism-Leninism and the situation in general. He also reported that about 50 students had been arrested and beaten. It is worth noticing that the diplomats considered this a provocation for a 'persona non grata' operation. Indeed, the Romanian Archives do not record any incident in Cluj-Napoca after the first days of the Hungarian revolt - students who tried to organize a protest were immediately arrested, as stated above, and severe restrictions were being instituted in university faculties. On the other hand, at the end of October and the beginning of November, propaganda against the US became more acute in Romanian newspapers due to the Washington's diligence in bringing the case of Hungary before the UN. Therefore, a 'persona non grata' operation could not be but useful in this context.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
Here, diplomats in Bucharest inform the State Department about the accord signed by the USSR and Romania for the "temporary" stationing of Soviet troops on Romanian soil. They correctly comment that the reason for extending the Soviet military presence in the 'buffer zone' stems from the fact that the Hungarian revolt highlighted the low level of effectiveness of the Satellites' armed forces. In Romania's case, the archival files show that Bucharest considered their national troops unreliable at that time, with many comments in favor of the Hungarian revolutionaries being recorded among officers and soldiers during the revolt. After all, similar to the students, the soldiers originated from workers' and peasants' families and understood their situation very well.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): C0015 (Formerly) Confidential US State Department Central Files Relating to the Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1955-1959 - Microfilm 6
This telegram illustrates that not only did the Romanians not ask for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country after the uprisings, as some scholars argue, but that they were prepared to receive an increased number of Soviet troops. It is worth noticing that this occurred almost a year after the disturbances had exploded in the country and many arrests had already been carried out among those who had participated at the meetings. The authorities still feared social turmoil and in this context only weak solutions were found to resolve people's grievances, such as a small increase in wages and pensions. The national military force could not be of any help in such an extreme case (see Document No. 25).

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): C0015 (Formerly) Confidential US State Department Central Files Relating to the Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1955-1959 - Microfilm 6
US diplomats in Moscow compare the Soviet-Polish Communique with the Soviet-Romanian declaration on the agreements signed after the Hungarian revolt, noticing the non-existing opposition of Romanian leaders for the stationing of Soviet troops in the country, their stronger endorsement of the Soviet line in Hungary and in the Suez crisis. The diplomats also notice the modest level of Soviet economic assistance received by Romania compare with Bulgaria and East Germany before the Hungarian events, and with Poland afterwards. This telegram is more evidence of the Romanian Communists' obedience to Moscow, essentially being ready to accept anything coming from the Soviets.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): C0015 (Formerly) Confidential US State Department Central Files Relating to the Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1955-1959 - Microfilm 6
Here, American diplomats inform the Department about the disappointment expressed by some Romanian politicians over the outcomes of negotiations with the Soviet Union on economic aid for Romania as the country failed to obtain either the cancellation of debts or increased prices for exported goods that has been expected. Indeed, compare with Poland, Romania gained much less from the events that shook the Communist world that autumn, despite its obedience, as illustrated by following Soviet policy step-by-step during the uprisings and by accepting without hesitation the extension of the Soviet military presence on Romanian soil.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): C0015 (Formerly) Confidential US State Department Central Files Relating to the Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1955-1959 - Microfilm 6
Moscow's announcement about the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Romania in May, 1958, was received with a lack of enthusiasm by Romanians who doubted that the process would lead to important changes in their day-to-day lives. As Document No. 30, below, illustrates, on the contrary, the Romanian leadership would launch a campaign of terror that has become known in Romanian history as the "third wave of terror". It followed the first episode in the late 1940s when all members of traditional parties (Liberal and National Peasants parties) were haunted down and sentenced to over 20 years' imprisonment, and the second at the beginning of the 1950s, when entire villages situated on the Yugoslav border were accused of 'Titoism' and their populations deported overnight more than 500 kilometers to the east, in the Baragan area.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
This report highlights the fact that the Romanian government has intensified a series of harsh measures initiated by the Central Committee plenum of June 1958, confiscating remaining land, revising the penal code to incorporate the Hungarian revolt's lessons and conducting arrests among intellectuals, youth, clergy ethnic minorities and any social segment considered to be a channel of foreign influence. The punishments - for both political and economic crimes - in some instances exceeded even the severity of the Stalin period with over 60 categories receiving the death penalty. The American diplomats correctly explain that the clampdown occurred after the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Romania in July-August 1958 which prompted Romanian leaders to strengthen their position vis-a-vis the population and to demonstrate to Moscow their firm control of the situation.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): C0015 (Formerly) Confidential US State Department Central Files Relating to the Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, 1955-1959 - Microfilm 5
In 1959, for the first time, the Soviets admitted hat they had made mistakes in handling the Hungarian problem. This telegram lays out a conversation between the French and the Soviet Ambassadors in Vienna. Most probably, the Soviet authorities were concerned about the issue of refugees that created a security breach by opening a channel of information from within the Socialist camp, which had been carefully concealed from the West until then. This allowed for greater knowledge of the Communist system that led, among other things, to the downgraded prestige of the USSR in Western Europe (see Document No. 32).

The National Security Archive - Soviet Flashpoints - Box 47
This document discusses the downgraded prestige of the USSR in Great Britain, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium and West Germany after the crushing of the Hungarian revolt. It is worth noticing the authors' comment that the losses in Soviet prestige tend to be greatest in those countries that formerly had a higher opinion of the Soviet Union. This fact would shape future Soviet policy and, probably, constituted a reason for Moscow's decision to withdraw its troops from Romania and other Satellites as a gesture to public opinion.
[1] Source: The National Security Archive, Soviet Flashpoints, Box 47, Research and Reference Service – Report No. 42, West European Public Opinion Barometer, “The Current State of Soviet Prestige in Western Europe – With Some Evaluations of Western Policy on Hungary,” January 8, 1957.
[2]“Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 31 October 1956,” October 31, 1956, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, TsKhSD, F. 3, Op. 12, D. 1006, Ll. 15-18ob, compiled by V. N. Malin. Translated for CWIHP by Mark Kramer.