a- emo on conwraatioa with HumphNy' EDcut1Ytt Office Btrl ldlna JamalY 4 1967 --- 1-- Viet Nama HHH or1giDally tavored the decisio to botab the North in hi tallal with Johnson t al BIlt h ia u long aure he waa right I lot the f ool1D that HHH wanted the babiDg stopped or at the very l ut coDfi d 0 D7 lI1lit ar Y tar _ llUoh as atagina pointa aad materiel depoaitori a The bini be relt baa poisoned the a_osphere It haa U hur the Admini trati at h_ with peraona lIbo otbern t support our Viet aot1 am it baa liTOR oredibil1t r to the North Vietnatae_ propapnda MoNaura with bis computer thinld ni ' kDn- all along that punaa fi yina at bette than 1 00 m11 a an hour would net on11' hit what they wre suppoHd to He further lcDn that the North Vietname 11ft in ncb a W'a7 tha_ peaR a' huts abut the rai1 read tra b But he M'ftr told aI YoDl outside veneent Then Sal1abuI7 apiUed the beana Johnson should have i0be or hwld iO 0 natl nal tolavision and explain our posi ti- The AmericaR people want a l ad r they 11ke to be ra1l1ecl to haw a aaUN Thi is not heiDi do aDd th1a 18 the cora of the probl lIe A t a yoar ago Hwaphrey advocated a cordon nitaire i ooo pl aoila the Amo lean ArrtJr and the Marinea alolll the l1tJa paral lJal and dnn the Ho tra1 1 to r strict the n or and munitiou fr the North The Penta _ rejen t tbia id a aa too expensi'ft in the ordor or t2 3 bUlien a y Now they are do1Ae jut that What t he heU 1fhen you're 8penQiIIg 'What o're apeMiD ut th ra mat a couple or bUlio to stop the inti1tratioll eapee1all r 1fhe that IIq help - really h lp - to will the war The first pIla or WeatGel 8lud's battle strateg' waa the aai UNA aDd deatr masiou Thia cam right after the bi buildip They re weeea M n that the ps accOtiplishe4 what they oot out to do naaeq to break lip 't M battalion-sized JIID t u a1te of the DRV and the bii stai1n poilltoo Th new pba- i oalled aceellra o1tieati n To ar to o o whether it will work One problell ia that the ARVP anq i t talq unpreparod for this sort t ark rhaps it uld be a 'MCl idea to put YOUDi AlIen au to work iD Viet Naa 1D li u of the dra Hw Ipb rq waa th1JJk1D 6ft teru ot a ort ot qual-Gilit l7 oino actio pro raa But the Peace C rpa its lf IIl18t be kapt pl1N aDd tree of thia It dirty war II It ia probabq too lato l in politioal teras to stop the bOllb1n withwt tirn receiT1 Jl a quid pro quo fra the other side We are ltICked 1n U S publ l opinion the Air Force the Senate hawka - they would DOt stand fer a pau or a balt nthout scae raoiproci't7 The beat thing DOW ia t per qui t dipJ try to put together a paokage in socret that can be sold to tho Americaa people Ho is waitin it wt for the 1968 elenton He th1nlca perhaps Johnaon' a policy will be repudiated and the 1fU' can o d that wq Thia i the big problooo Heanwh1le though woohwld de-eacalat in tiJv stapa ChaD the bOJllbUi tarlet awq trem centen of oivUian population Gift thoo an 1Ddioati Dwire w1 I ling to do blainesa ldtheut having to 1 taco That c uld work -fIT llCEE 2 - liUlapllrey e Jan 4 1967 Lansdale ba k o tell' da7 age and mm He 1t'U hepetul that the Tillip el etie wCNld - ' beiia the prece oo et winniD the people baek Theae eleotiou nnt rather Q11 The big Deed nR i te 8le - a ci'rll1an g v8naent 1A wbiola the southerners a 8UIH contNl K T has c _ al Di tan and heuld be given a r le te plq but not the tep jeb The trtNbl ia that mal T ot the VC are fight1Da agaiDat what they regard a an opprea in Ddl it r7 direoterate It a ci'dL1 aa g v8r ent was eleot lUUJ t the VO Lanadal e think weuld baYe a geed and auffioient reaao te step fightiD DelIooratic Politica Lot ot ideaa battle plana noatiJIg aroUDd but DOth1De has been hatched Thinks it would be a good i t maD O'bRien chail'Jlall f the DNe IJudoa llU t still be convi Doed that the DII are teohnialau with teelua1quo ot w l nniDa aJl oJ otion and PO no threat to hill For the flrat tiM in rq private talk with hila s1 Jloe he bec Veep HHH attaeb4 Johuoa Ho aid the Prealdent was YrOJIi to have gone to Manila in advan telliq ever ye that DOtld ui would be accollpliahecl He was Wl'MI te haTe kept hi aouth abut 1Jhile ho waa throre r1oazaa want a leader Then when ho came b ek lid tailed te campai p the pre unlM -' on hila and tb ugbt up all the other tille that Jo1maen had buffal0e4 thea I thiDk wo 1 t thia eleatio 1A the l at ok Joluaaoo could 1 ill '68 It thiDa - the Near the eCODOJq which 1 rieht now tlakey' the war and the contide lssuo all happen te go wrelll the Rapublicana c ul d take it Our posture ah ul d be that o are bebiD i J huen all uld ge bet the AIleria n peepl ten thell what hi Id nd I he heul d ter example hay had a ferul TV report after Manila The b_b1B -olv1l1an issue could be doru a with uch a Pre idential a ooo i Jobnaon 18 senrJilole HuJlphre7 t Atria probabl r ill Februar r Thi i off-the-rttoord H1IIIlphrey' emad the intervl at 1 30 meetiJII IBJ f r lunch National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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