Mg DECLASSIFIED i Authority 1 xi - I yd g If1962 Dear Clean I wafer ta letter 3f January 26 1962 in whieh autlined the backgraund and scage 0f the Cammi sian's interest in the bielagical and effects a nuclear war In a latter of reply dated March 6 i962 Mr Gilpatric ecu-acumen in the viaw that there is a need for continued Mucky and evaluatian in this area and antline a number of aspects which were af interest to the Department cf Defense You will recall that the Defen e latter March 6 sugge steal the establighment a a working gran under the Chairmanship of the Atamic Energy Cammissian with the firm magi 0f businem addrewed tea a raw- view 9f that wark which has been a-c amplishad t0 date in this area As you indicateci in your letter of March 80 ta Mr Gilpatric the study gram-1p argmimatian wag Iinitiatad and A c bai liaison was effected threat-13h my affice After a few preliminary meetinga of 'represcntatives 53E ma - respectiva Mafia Mr Hellister agreed to undertake a gpecial nuclear attack study an assessment af the im - mediate effects and the longer term mat-attach bialagical and ecu - ingical effecta sf 3 nuclear attack cam aring the r emlta anaer- variatien in weights of attack and-degrees 9f weapcn cleanliaess Ta date this particular sway has been handled an an informal basis and bath Dr Dunham and Mr Hal Hamster have been mm comparative The hepartment Befense Bamage Assessment Canter has computed that camputar runs and the immediate ca ualty data have been camputad for the parameters considered I understand that lm data on fallout diatribmicn far tha cases commas-ed have been farwardad ta Mr Hamster as August 13th FEEL u B 133-53 34 3 - mug mug 33 ng Cb m MM an far 52 63 DECLASSIFIED - Authority gg Ll H'have indicatmi tab yet in was put cawema ans on mi paint 1' am Quite con ent that time rag-salts 59f thia sturdy will hear an maay aux-gas 61' barren MB interest strategic plaguing and cm straim eansideratitms asaaciatad therawith waapbm ami pass-lbw fumra campasitiam In vie-w at cm timing far but respective cmasi bratims a these matmIs it would be highly desirabl ta reactive by 15th a final amdy port am this initial ecolngical sirlmtiya incwely Sig ned'ggjerry Eurasia W Jobnmm 'Amistant t2 rm mianae Ammic Emu-gar ammable Glenn nabbrg Chairman Atami'c Energy Cammissibn 3E1074 x74405 National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu