-- ------ lncle 11uro 1 Ao666 Djakarta lb lekiga bgktt Ordored the lfurder of the Seven Cale ' 3'o11 and All leactloprx Offyer1 'lb CD l cni d to Supply Ar and ynltlpno etc for 30 009 r90p1o la1ad on facto lt can be told at pre1ant that the Geatapu KI eou ooo n iDMrecl and arrang in Peking wt thin the fr ork of the world revolutloa advocated by feldng ao a project which lo alven the hiabeot priorlcy by Chairman Nao ill order to cr ta a con-ml1t world orlentecl to hldng or- To cou -ta tho Geotapu Kl couf oo a ftrat 1tep la the r 11atlOll of o0'1 own fine be ht Hlf bee lto active architect and lt wa1 be ld 9Mlf vbo claclded September 30 1965 ae the data to launch the adventure ta order that the national de7 of the vouldoba lndGDetian feoplo'o 1 epubllc of tho Chineoo would fall on October l tho utlenal day of the en I t o o a110 he vbo order9d the oooera of tile aeven ale g ral1 and all reactionary officera of the Arllad rercaa ln order to atr lka terror amoaa the people vbo finally would parrot alMI 1vrreDder tbailulelva1 to c nioo cloae vae the contact between Aidlt aDd hie lord ln feldng vltneooed by 1ecrat telagr- reporto 1ent by A ldit durina urlior dayo of tha coup vhtch totally failed becawaa it w 1 cru1hed by the ADIM foreoo and tho proaroooive revolutionary people Ai4lt Ylolted the Cft for eight clayo and durlna thlo time he other thingo heltl talka thr tlMo vlth Nao They tll mcwaaad profoundly the ootar-plan for the recomtruction of lndoaa1la la the future Aldit auggaated that tba poat of the lreol dent abould be alvea to a eutoide the party after the coup eva though Sukarno abould also lta r _ vbl lo Aidlt ht aalf would hold tho real power in blo capecicy a1 tho lriM IU Dlatar oo l'H-tmaa abald QS hu haa4 Nids oonit o lo utterly tmpoa1ibla lvarytblna la thlo world obould aloo an appropriate title oo that it la p l o - t to the r 'l'hlaga which are not pluNnt to the oro MDMt -caed Toa JOUraelf maat bee the frutdallt la thll -J all or4era oIMI ooneo MD ba iooued noothly iltllt u lut I afrato that the ArMCl l'blo will 1'rlna about diffloulttoo roreeo will DOt Hey o o l'aa-tuaa Niels Don't be afraid Act acccmliag to wl albd Mte all ructleMry eentor offteara 1uch ae outt on 'lani oIMI ' $ -- Au ECLASSIFIED Lthority NND '7'2 CJ1 IDcloaura 1 UMCLAS UUD Ao666 Djakarta oooo 2 lubarto iD oae etrolua 4raaon without o head be Ara I rorcee vt 11 thell become like o hey vtll certaWy yield to you Aldle old To eU ainate all r etlcmary Arm cl foeooo offlo care vt 11 likely a ti oooera agat ut nveral hundreda of th- llao 1 tU111 laughf Da Widely oid What do thuo aeveral hUDdreda people of Upoa arrival ln oorth Sheul l iD ana atroke elaaghtar Z0 000 caclroo and aoldiero of the IVth hoot ae4l AJ mfo Coaaequmitly th9ro vaa 110 rebelltoa cluriq hard yoro afterwrdoo aDll tblo vao breught about 1ty ooNcrl na all -ople With obakJ t deolO J o Aid l t miliDg Aid Chairman mow can ve afford auch a lofty act of o o 'l'oe-tung aloo tltng ulda ' bough you have ao opporo tUDlty to olauabter 20 000 people you uat at laaat murder all ructloaary aeaerala and you mut clo it impruelvely he latantlon lo llOt only to take revenge agalnat them but aleo to etrlb terror in thooo who are otill living ao that they dare not ccnmml- oppooo ildlt regard o'o -thod too bareh Revertheloooo becauae Mao ee-tmag llluatrated everythiag oo eimple Aidlt'a Mlf-coafldeace t ncreaeed After he left Hao he went to vi alt Lo Jut Cbiing to dlouao the oupply of arm with him haoo Lo Jul Chila uU1 Donot WW l ordered the hparto w t of Geaeral U--- ta to otart tlw dlepatch of arm and aupplloo for J0 000 people 'l'ho aru will have arrived vlien you retura to Djakarta o After preparattou ware ode with all partlu concerned Aldl t flo back to Djakarta to draw up bu plan lecauo Aidlt often WeDt to the c a thlo oiolt drew ao attentloll It wa oo maru80Uble that lukano weuld auapect that hio ccmradea in feldq would plot agalut hlo couatry and life ORrd the lliddle of leptaber 1965 after Aidlt had had timeo wltb Uatuna and Dud the vay to lllitiato ttaao HVorol the - - lt - htuq vbo - t olimlaato tho o--o1o thm aad rdariq them oaa b7 - Aldit pw opecial lla8tructlma8 that the - o - r e ohould be correct and u artaa faataatt a becauH ucordlaa to Cbat naa ta thU o1 the ''meat a rill be iDttofdated lual o o appolotecl to elbd aato lukarDo Aa _ oo tbe coup otarted lukarno aat 1te pero i ct to ao to tbe lill Air be mut lte utalDM there Vhethar be voalo be kill aecretly or deU v r to tbe for hio publt o trial _ o the at tuatlon 1 lnlCMISP'PR lncloouro 1 Ao666o Djakarta ooao 3 Several dayo aftezvarda Un tung owldenly NV Aidlt aaids It t1 reported that the aenerala will likely aot be ln one place before September 30 1965 lo it foaalble to wait until the parade ill tbei amt Day of OCtober 5 1965T So that aoHdy will ucape Aldlt aaids he firat plan vaa to wait until Armed foreoo ia taking I agreed with Com ade Hao vith reaard to the ttma namelJ the night of lept_ r 30 1965 The nat day October l 1965 vill be atipalated the uv Rational Day lecauae tba Cft'o otlonal Day al80 fallo Oil thlo uy he regarded the ate oo abaolute Let - oellcl hill a telqr- to 4laouoo thla otter with bill o tbell aent o aecret telegraa to hldna t Day ao Upon the receipt of tba telegr- at the lecretarlat of the onf at larty in the Cft Teng lstao Hng bt aelf 1- dlately took it to Hao Tae-tuna and ookeel for bia reply Co Shaking hio heado llao Mids lend 1-df ately a tologr- to Aldlt oo follavas ' 'ha time 8Wlt not be altered no -tter what ciro cumtance the actlm muat be taken ill the nlght of lept -r 30 ' Teng tao ftaa Nldl We are very far away fraa tbe action Aldf t io on the apot ad he aeea the a ltuation more clearly It io ltetter to take blo vin o ina ht o arma from aide to ot de llao r tuag Ntd Thia lo not a correct tht na o utter ID every action we muat act nilo the aact alacNlpbere io under wy Dono t waver If you can alter a date oneo 7ou _ alter lt for the aecond time If you alter t t for the third t1- nothing will happen Let - tell you la 111 hood I - t an old on isa Yilloao lurina hio youth be a wellolulon thief iD W langtan Ba waa okilled in digiag a hole could -ka a bola Ba eoul t a hole ill any kind of wall whether tt of bricka or atone aad be could enter o houe within tbe im it takeo you to WRlk oae hundred otepa o waa weo ooo oko blproo lelaa Tena tao ling Hide Bow faat hio haDllo are or-tuna Nida 'rbat - o taught a great DUlllber of hie pupilo Ila uld that nery pupil u t make a hole but he dared not ater the bcMwa Dae tMCbn' pu a hf a ill and in thio way ha o o forced to 10 f D If a papll dareo aot enter for tbe f lrat tt a ho will naver eater a h ouM throuab a hole and be vill He _ an unuHful individual _ tao Pina lanpacl aml ooida te fUla Aldit tato tM hole rbu Chat run io peraiotent '1 -tuq Nida Indeed I ahall pU8h bill 1D veb-wntly t bat be caa enter After the failure of tho Kl rebellioa in lnclooure 1 Ao666 Djakarta f age 4 odtua in 1948 Aldlt replaced 8jarlfu4din aa benorable rty leader vbo vaa killed lflthla theoo laot 1 5 yean the otreagth of the farty baa f ncreaaed rapidly the perty baa DOW thr 111111on -mel 'a larrina our Mm rarty and that of the usa t he RI bu the great t ntnber of here u not wn real otrmgth One muat have the of atnggle oor aample the Japaaeae Conmmiat tarty baa not o111 nmhera but ito recent perfcmMDC aurprioecl the world be fl u unable to do that o _ ia co a ot fa ooo Sld llngly o Ieng otao liDa aalch he atruag1e of the Com-eoniat tartJ o11oo aa our No ial tblnga o Vltbout the o ct al thingo and aolo to flmca their operatiou the Ja aue Ca rniat farty could aever do anything N Hao lae-tuaa anwe ta llevertholoo Japan- Co mSat tarty lo al aa ble lf there io enough SOIMIY lt nuat be appropriately Ve11 thea lead tm1dlatel1 Che teleanm u Aldlt In other -ttera l nay yield to bill but ta thla natto be cut follaw - the time w t be the aight of le caDDOt be altered iD wbatner circ -Ulaeu 'U' JO 1965 ht National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu