1091 1 '' D Russia's use of coercive economic tools 2 including sanctions market access and differen- 3 tial pricing especially in energy exports and 4 '' E Russia's use of criminal networks and 5 6 corruption to achieve political objectives '' SEC 6212 ANNUAL REPORT ON ATTEMPTS OF THE RUS- 7 SIAN 8 DISINFORMATION 9 MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES BY SOCIAL 10 11 FEDERATION AND TO PROVIDE PROPAGANDA TO MEDIA a ANNUAL REPORT REQUIRED --Not later than 12 March 31 each year the Secretary of Defense shall submit 13 to the congressional defense committees a report on attempts 14 by the Russian Federation or any foreign person acting 15 as an agent of or on behalf of the Russian Federation dur16 ing the preceding year to knowingly disseminate Russian 17 Federation-supported disinformation or propaganda 18 through social media applications or related Internet-based 19 means to members of the Armed Forces with probable in20 tent to cause injury to the United States or advantage the 21 Government of the Russian Federation 22 b FORM --Each report under this section shall be 23 submitted in unclassified form but may include a classified 24 annex HR 2810 PAP National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu