970 smog DEPARTM ENT OF STATE WASHINGTON May 259 1963 MEMORANDUM FOB THE PRESIDENT I Subject Pblicy Recommendations NSAM 2 1 - French Gaseous Diffusion Plant NSAM 2 1 requested policy recommendations on possible German and other assistance to the French gaseous diffusion plant at Pierrelatte Ybu have already received the joint CIA-ABC report of May 13 on this subject The following are my recommendations based on this report The Chairman of the ABC and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency concur that l The CIA AEC and Department of State should as a matter of top priority discreetly seek further information concerning German and Italian industrial scientific and military interest in the Pierrelatte plant CIA AEC and State should also seek information on what financial or technical participation if any is contemplated by Germany and Italy on either a bilateral or multilateral basis 2 State and ABC should use the visit of German Science Minister Lens to Hashington on June 1-5 to seek more information on this subject and to make clear our concern based on the information now available 3 If the reports of French overtures to the Germans and Italians are confirmed the Department of State should follow up with more formal representations to the German Foreign Ministry If warranted you should during your June 23 visit to Bonn express concern over bilateral Franco-German nuclear cooperation which could even indirectly serve French nuclear weapons purposes State should suggest in any case that the German Government take whatever steps may be necessary to discourage private and prevent official German participation in projects_such as Pierrelatte Depending upon confirmation of French approaches regarding Italian participation in Pierrelatte or a Joint Franco-Italian nuclear program the Department of State should inform the Italian Foreign Ministry of our firm opposition to European participation in Pierrelatte h The gig fig SEC I oam'z -2- 4 The Executive Branch should address itself to minimizing German or other foreign interest in acquiring additional non- United States sources of nuclear fuel by US assurances of a long- term supply of cheap nuclear fuel for peaceful uses In par- ticular it should press strongly for the enactment of the legislation which has already been submitted which would enable us to provide enriching services for foreign uranium on a long- term basis and guaranteed credits for reactor products ecretary SECZET National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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