THE ASSISTANT SECR RY OF DEFENSE 2030 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20301-2050 4 3533 DECLASSIFIED PER ED 1352 mtq-oqo S-N 5 January 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FROM SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY PLANS SUBJECT Memcon of 05 January SecDef Call to Russian MOD Grachev U CS SecDef placed an inaugural phone call to MOD Grachev on 05 January using the Partnership Line Mutual greetings and pleasantries were exchanged SecDef expressed the hope that the Partnership Line would be used frequently and could serve as a symbol of increasing contacts between our defense establishments Grachev con rmed that this was an important step forward in U S -Russian cooperation and eXpressed his regret that SecDef would soon stepdown SecDef thanked Grachev for his cooperation over the past year SJ SecDef asked Grachev for his personal opinion and the likely public reacrion to the upcoming NATO Summit SecDef added the main focus would be on NATO expansion since a number of countries were pushing for NATO membership Many peeple in the US support NATO's expansion SecDef stressed the Administration's continued support for its Partnership for Peace proposal Grachev replied that he supported the basic idea of Partnership for Peace as an effecdve mechanism for maintaining security in EurOpe and expressed his hope that Russia would be among the rst to sign up He supported establishing a transitional period for c00peration between NATO and Central Eur0pe However he was concerned with the growing criticism of the Partnership for Peace concept by politicians in Russia and the US Congress Such positions were based on a bloc mentality and unbased fears of the imperial ambitions of Russia He h0ped Partnership for Peace would be approved and common sense would triumph- expanded NATO membership was nor the answer Grachev voiced his support for an all-Bumpean process for security noting that every country has the sovereign right to ensure its own security by means of political and military alliances However Grachev said Eastern Europe and the Baltic CLINTON LIBRARY States should not speculate on the mythical Russian threat These countries did net need to protect themselves by joining NATO EurOpean security should be collective not bloc-oriented relying instead on all- EurOpean structures tron c00perative relations with NATO Grachev mentioned the positive results already achieved c00peration on peacekeeping training for personnel at NATO courses and a NATO naval exercise with the participation of the Russian Navy It would be useful to conduct special seminars and courses dealing with the role of the armed forces in a democratic society Grachev also said he would be prepared to meet in February with NATO ministers to explain the new Russian military doctrine Skin discussing bilateral relations with the U S Grachev stated that the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation and Plan of Contacts for 1994 were a powerful impulse for expansion of ties A great deal of work had been done on preparing joint peacekeeping training exercises An exercise involving 200 personnel on each side from the 27th Motorized Ri e Division and the US 3rd Infantry Division would be held in the Volga Military District in June or July There would be three additional eXperts meetings to finalize exercise plans SecDef mentioned that it was his underStanding this exercise would be a eld exercise Grachev replied it would be like a command-post exercise but with the involvement of 200 personnel from each side making it a eld-like exercise Boch agreed this should be discussed during the upcoming meetings on the subject SkGrachev also discussed nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction There was room for expanded c00peration between and MOD Grachev suggested a thorough analysis and development of proliferation's military-political aspects He also saw a need to set up a joint early warning system based on existing national early warning syscems that would integrate this information into the national missile early warning sysrems Grachev greatly appreciated the assistance given for housing construction for returning servicemen Talks have lead to agreement to build 5000 apartments within 2 years Grachev recommended that experts continue work on housing projects Russia is short of funding but has a good indusuial base and quali ed personnel OS SecDef said that he and Grachev seemed to be in t0tal agreement and he thanked Grachev for his views on the NATO summit and CLINTON LIBRARYW Partnership for Peace program Grachev responded that agreement meant that their work had been successful and the Partnership Line would ensure further success SecDef said he looked forward to further conversations Grachev ended the call by passing on holiday wishes to the American people 1 DepSecDef CJCS Wisner Slocombe Carter NSC Mr Burns STATE AMB Talbott Classi ed by SECDEF Declassify on OADR Prep Maj D NL Humpert 307202 CLINTON LIBRARY National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu