I I T F R 1 rii6asdIu t D IGrI TAL oC % aAP1 V ' I S9% oIntoreharlve rrri _ ry E' E A R OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH • MATNEMATICAL Vol 20 No 1 ameon h Interested rsops of Inforetilon conior nIq recent devoal ets projecs Olatrlbut Ion Is I InIte to goeravent agsnolee egoaraators Mdsontr Ibutors MIeNcMS DIVbI1N Gordon D Goldstein Editor Laura A Repass Editorial Assistant Barbara J Walker Editorial Assistant January 1968 CONTENTS Page No EDITORIAL POLICY NOTICES 1 Editorial 2 Contributions 3 Circulation I 1 I 1 COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSORS NORTH AMERICA urrurugha Corporation B7500 and B6500 Systerns Detroit Michigan 48232 2 Cornell Aeror autical Laboratory Inc Palern Recognition Computer Buffalo N Y 14221 3 General Electric GE-600 and GECOS Operating System New York N Y 10022 2 4 5 1 l COMPUTING CENTERS 1 University of California Los Angeles New IBM 360 75 For Biomedical Research Los Angeles California 90024 2 Drtmouth College Expanded Dartmouth Time Sharing System Hanover N H 3 lIT Research Institute Time-Sharing Expansion Chicago I11 60616 0 1t 12 COMPUTERS AND CENTERS OVERSEAS 1 English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd Advanced On-Line Computer Banking System Aondon SWI England 2 International Computers and Tabulators Limited IC T Software London SWIS England 13 14 MISCELLANEOUS 1 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Computerized Pathology Information Washington D C 2 University of California San Diego Ocean Going Computer LaJolla Calif 92037 3 9tate of Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles Computerized Driver Information Wethersfleld Connecticut 06109 4 National Bureau of Standards Index of Government-Sponsored Computer Projects Washington D C 20234 5 Naval Material Command OSIRIS On Line Search Information Retrieval Information Storage Washington D C 20360 6 Naval Training Device Center First Navigation Trainer with a Digital Computer Orlando Fla 32813 7 Headquarters Navy Pacific Missile Range Versatile Digitizing System Point Mugu Calif 93041 8 University of Rochester University-Level Computer Assisted Instruction Rochester N Y 14627 9 University of Southern California Hospital Drug Usage Los Angeles Calif 90007 10 U S Army Automatic Data Field Systems Command Ft Belvoir Va 22060 11 U S Department of Health Education and Welfare Public Health Service Information Clearing House Study Bethesda Md 20014 20 20 25 29 30 31 32 I 34 - Approved by The Under Secretary of the Navy ' 25 September 1961 Rtepre'ducud by tii CLEARINGHOUSE • 'or Fedaral Scientific I cr c Inforrmation Springfield Va 22151 mll m 19 33 12 U S Naval Communication Station AUTODIN Expansion FPO San Francisco Calif 96613 LCUT 1 s 0 6 17 18 j Editorial Policy Notices EDITORIAL Although the Digital Compute- Newsletter is a Department of the Navy publication it is not L'estricted to the publication of Navyoriginated material The publication of information pertaining to commercial products does not in any way imply Navy approval of those products nor does it mean that the Navy vouches for the accuracy of the stattments made by the various contributors The information contained herein is to be considered only as being representative of the state-of-the-art and not as the sole product or technique available It is regretted that because of limited time and personnel it is often impossible for the editor to acknowledge individually all material received It is hoped however that the readers will continue to submit technical material and suggestions to the editor for future issues Material for specific issues must be received by the editor at least three months in advance of the month of issue CIRCULATION The Newsletter is published quarterly January April July and October and is distributed without charge to interested military and CONTRIBUTIONS gove ment agencies to contractors for the Federal Government and to contributors of material for publication The Office of Naval Research welcomes contributions to the Newsletter from any source It is through these contributions that the value of the Newsletter is enhanced as a medium of exchange between government laboratories academic institutions and industry Requests to receive the Newsletter regularly should be submitted to the editor Contractors of the Federal Government should reference applicable contracts in their requests All communications pertaining to the Newsletter should be addressed to A limitation on size prevents the publishing of all material received Contributed items which are not published are kept on file and are made available to interested personnel within the government GORDON D GOLDSTEIN Editor Digital Computer Newsletter Informations Systems Branch Office of Naval Resea ch Washington D C 20360 l1 I Computers and Data Processors North America B7500 und B6500 Systems 111vioug1 m CJ11AM111 n Dr'Imil lihipm -1 272 Borroughs Corporation has announced two models of the large scale B7500 electronic data processing system and three new models of the B6500 All five models are third generation systems employing monolithic integrated circults throughout in the central processors billionths of a second Very fast magnetic core memory can access 48 bits of data in 600 billionthe of a second The Burroughs president said the new systems are very important additions to the company's family of advanced electronic computers Within the Burroughs 500 Systems family the B6500 and B7500 systems provide a bridge between the intermediate sized B5500 and the very larguý 9cale B8500 Other members of the fainily are the smaller B2500 and B3500 third generation systems All of the systems said Ray W Macdonald Burroughs president are well suited for parallel processing through utilization of dual central processors a concept pioneered by Burroughs with the B5500 and given greater emphasis in the glanL multi-processor B8500 The new systems represent significant advances in hardware technology and design said Macdonald and it is noteworthy that software for the new systems will be ready at the time the systems are delivered Burroughs determined many years ago that hardware and software should be developed concurrently and that they must arrive at the customer's site at the same time He said that systems in the Burroughs 500 Systems family are upward coinpatible through the higher level languages they employ The addition of the new systems gives Burroughs a tremendous range uf computing power and versatility from the low priced B200 upward to the B8500 one of the world's largest computer systems Burroughs systems are at work in business scientific financial and governmnental installations all over the world Rentals for these systems range from about $2000 a month or more than $300 000 Macdonald described the B6500 and B7500 systems as up to ten times faster than the B5500 Purchase prices could range from approximately $950 000 to about $10 000 000 Deliveries are scheduled for the first quarter of 1969 Macdonald said the B6500 and B7500 systems' are designed for business and scientific users who require continuous multiprocessing time sharing remote communications and real time processing as normal methods of operation in addition to conventional 'batch' processing of jobs The central processors of all five of the systems utilize monolithic integrated circuits throughout thereby providing faster more sophisticated more reliable logic systems at lower costs The systems can accommodate more than 2 000 remotely located communications devices such as teletypes input and display or other input or output units in a time sharing situation ond simultaneously be processing several other independent programs The new systems represent flive steps in speed through different combinations of processor and main memory speed The new systems include The B6503 with a processor speed of 2 5006 000 cycles per second and a core memory access time of 600 billionths uf a second The new systems provide ascending choices of processing speed and power and options of either magnetic core memory or ultra-fast thin film memory he said Thin film main coinputer memory developed and manufactured by Burroughs can access 48 bits of data in 300 The B6504 with a processor speed of 5 000 000 cycles per second and a core memory access time of 600 billionths of a second 2 I 4 I The B6506 with a processor speed of 5 000 000 cycles per second and a thin film memory access time of 300 billionths of a second junction with the key software element an improved more powerful Master Control Program MCP derived from Burroughs years of expertence with automatic anaratinu nyit m The 137504 with a processor speed of 10 000 000 cycles per second and a core memory access time of 600 billionths of a second The MCP permits the systems to control their own operations Because they are self regulating the systems recognize and incorporate additions of peripheral units without need for reprogramming Among the many choices and advantages made possible by the logical design and modularity of the B6500 and B7500 models are Three central processors with clock ss tad 10pe 2 5 and of 2 5 rrates of megacycles The B7506 with a processor speed of 10 000 000 cycles per second and a thin film memory access time of 300 billionths of a second Our experience with the development p of the B5500 and the experience of our customers in the use of this system has proved what a really advanced computer system should be like Macdonald said We have improved on the concepts of the B5500 and utilized experience with third generation techniques to produce the very advanced B6500 and B7500 sy8terns processing Use of from 1 to 32 main memory modules in increments of 98 304 bytes to a maxi- The ability to move from one generation to another generation is of imTf equipment measurable Importance to the computer user Macdonald pointed out While the computer industry has made tremendous advances in the areas of hardware technology and design ofthere has been a significant lag in aevelopment a d m ne workable software A company selecting a new million dollar computer may be faced with spending an equivalent amount or often much more in developing new programs or amending older programs for the computer to use One or two input output multiplexors which allow up to 20 simultaneous input output operations and which control transfer of data between memory and all peripheral devices independent of the processors Users of iai'ge scale systems such as the cluding card readers and punches printers verticaltape units and four-station tape clusters and up to 50 billion bytes of data storage In disk files and data memory banks B6500 and B7500 want systems to be completely responsive to their needs and they want to be able to alter the size and nature of their systems to suit their changing requirements without the burden of reprogramming Macdonald said and softThe integration of the hardware ware design of these systems and their modularity permit users to make many choices among processor and main memory speeds number and kind of peripherals and size of main memory and data storage F'3 Choice of one or two central processors each of which can access main memory If two are used the system can be used for parallel B5500 users can utilize the new systems without reprogramming and other computer users who select B6500 or B7500 systems can prepare and prove out their B6500 and B7500 programs on the B5500 k Core memory with read access time of 0 nanoseconds or thin film memory with read access time of 300 nanoseconds Hardware elements of the two new models of the B7500 electronic data processing system and the three models of the B6500 work in con- mum of 3 145 728 bytes One to eight data communication processors permitting a very large network of up to 2048 terminal units such as teletypes input and display systems and others s In addition to data communications deaacmuiain e vices eI the diint use of up to 255 peripheral units in- Real time adapters for each multiplexor to allow communication with such devices as process control systems rocket test stands and other real time operations Time sharing is a multiprocessing function for the B6500 and B7500 All the hardware required for efficient time sharing-large and fast main memory capacity fast mass storage independently functioning processors and multiplexors and interval timers set in microsecond intervals-is monitored by the system's MCP which gives the systems the advantage of being able to maintain a time-sharing network while I U handling large volumes of on-site work At a given moment a B6500 or B7500 may be proceasing a payroll performing a matrix calculation running a simulation program compiling ing Programming languages of the two systems include COBOL COmmon Business Oriented Language FORTRAN FORmula TRANslation and ALGOL ALGOrithmic Lan- programs processing remote order entry anrd atvin•I 2nd nr- nWiI inventory management and serving the users of a time sharing system The MCP key to multiprocessing and the most advanced among automatic operating systems controls scheduling and loading of programs the dynamic allocation of memory assignment of peripheral units nitiation of input output operations maintenance of a log of system operation and communications with the operator languages which are developed for general use in the areas of scientific and engineering computatlnn nr business and financial data proccssing Pr _- A - rI h i --- A significant innovation for the B6500 and B7500 is re-entrant code which permits multipie users tu have accer to the same program at the same time Main memory allocation Is •uuabuved bccauinp therc need be raily unc copy of the program in memory Multiprocessing takes advantage of the re-entrant feature and is the key to practical workable time sharing All programs for the B6500 and B7500 are written in compiler languages providing the user with a simplified method of program writ- IPitteri Recognition Computer C 1141' Ar 'l ual 4hmrlory hn Bu r N uo Ywh •1 1221ý Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory Inc CAL has made two significant additions to its patt 'rn recognition and image processing computer facilities subsystem amd is thus subject to change as desired by p ogramining The PRC is a research tool which ohould be easily modified and as such is n t miniaturized It is also designed for general capability in high-speed pattern recognition and is thus not limited to any one class of rcognition techniques The CAL Pattern Recognition Computer PRC first operational in 1965 has recently undergone major augmentation In addition to a considerably expanded instruction set and magnetic-tape-handling features the PRC now has three analog audio-frequency signal pattern input channels and an analog output response channel for time signal recognition and learning control systems researe The PRC is a closely meshed combination of a -nall general-purpose computer 4 microsecond add-time and 1024 words of memory and a high-speed specialpurpose wired program computer which implements recognition calculation by processing connections in the recognition structure sequentially at one-million connections per second By programming the 16 000 word special-purpose data store a wide variety of multiple-layer linear or piece-wise linear classifiers can be employed as can a variety of minimum-distance and statistical-decision classifiers The training algorithm resides in the general-purpose The second major addition at CAL Is a PDP-9 computer manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation which will be used as a real-time image pre-processor between CAL's Flying Spot Scanner and the Pattern Recognition Computer The PDP-9 will perform the function of scan control dynamic thresholding and filtering image segmentation and normalization It will transmit patterns to the PRC for classification The resolution 95 percent modulation of the Flying Spot Scanner Is 1024 x 1024 points with 64 levels of gray and it is a point-wise random access device Acquisition of the PDP-9 completes a configuration permitting real-time implementation of all functions of spatial pattern recognition without the use of the central CAL scientific computing facility 4 I GE 600 and GECOS Operating System Ele I itt rnt' ul 'w 'wk •'r Y' k 111022 The GE-600 product line is a fanilly of highperformance information systems designed for larg6e- sao1 h •tentific and rea -time 14inp1s applications The initial offerings of this family are the GE-635 which has a 1-microsecond memory cycle and the GE-625 which has a 2-micruosecond memory cycle Individual memory protect for processors Individual memory protect for I O controller channels Logical assignment of meniory r dules TAILORED SYSTEMS DESIGN Two major goals of an information processing installation are increased throughput and reduced Laia a•'umd time wuasurkuL against the cost of the equipment The GE-600 family of computers achieves these goals through an integrated user-developed and user-oriented hardware- software system The system's efficiency is accomplished by advanced operation techniques including standard multiprogramruing capability and system design for multiprocessing Modular hardware components Selection of memory speeds and sizes Selection of compatible piocessor Selection of input ouLput channels per system Modular software design General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor GECOS Common input output supervisor All input output is source and destination independent File and record control program Centralized control on all interrupts The hardware is completely modular permitting expansion in many combinations to meet changing requirements Major system modules input output conare memory processor and troller The system has many features that are used by the advanced software system to make multiprogramming and multiprocessing easier The GE-600 family is priority interrupt oriented and has complete facilities for memory protection and data communications MEMORY FEATURES Memory speed and word size GE-635 with 1-microsecond total cycle The software is founded upon the General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor GECOS one of the most complete executive routines in the industry All software packages including standard compilers operate in conjunction with GECOS sharing input output supervision and file record control GE-625 with 2-microseconds total cycle time Two words 74 bits transferred per memory cycle Word size-36 bits plus parity bit Modularity Up to 262 144 words of directly addressable inemory One to four memory controllers per system One or two memory banks per memory controller 32 768 or 65 536 36-bit words per memory A complete line of peripheral devices for a wide spectrum of applications is offered ineluding a high-performance mass storage device which is used effectively to optimize software performance bank LTIPROGRAMMING FEATURES Other features Eight memory channels per memory controller Each memory channel may be used for a processor an I O controller or real-time device Total file protection for processors I O controller and real-time devices Zone control provided for character handling Memory locations may be used as accumulators Dynamic memory protection Dynamic program relocation Multi-level program interrupt Dual mode pro essor master and slave MULTIPROCESSING FEATURES Control subservient processor relationship Direct addressing throughout memory by each processor and I O controller 5 I SYSTEMS PROGRAMS PROCESSOR FEATURES System efficiency is the result of four im- Floating point Fih-ttepnt j 4U L4IAA JJL 28 and 64-bit stored mantissa with extended computation precision to 72 bits Separate addres -bic exponent re-giatcr Compare and inverted divide instructions inu ijlilrb 1 Software was written from a user standpoint t oitw 2 Software works hand-In-glove with unique capabilities of the hardware Extensive address modification techniques Eight index registers plus other register indexing Indirect pointer to any level with tally Multilevel indirection with index modification Direct operands from address field of Instruction 3 Software is mass-storage oriented to improve system operating speed and throughput 4 Software is data communications oriented for integration of the data communications and data processing functions Logical and control instructions Character addressing with count control Binary to BCD convert instruction AND exclusive OR inclusive OR to any register and storage Compares arithmetic magnitude logical masked and with limits Repeat repeat double and repeat link for sequential and threaded list processing General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor GECOS Controls nmultiprogramming and multiple activities Expedites job processing Built-in on-line media conversion Minimum operator intervention Absolute control of all I O activities Standard checkpoint and restart procedures Source and object time debug Adaptive scheduling algorithm Job accounting included for multiprogramming Modularity allows incorporation of user sub-programs Protected executive software control instructions Load and store program relocation and memory protect register Load and store timer register Mask I O priority interrupt register Mask processor interrupt conditions Mask memory access register Set master and slave processor modes Language processors Macro Assembly Program and loader COBOL-61 extended with report writer and sort Sort Merge FORTRAN IV INPUT OUTPUT CONTROLLER FEATURES SIMSCRIPT Performance characteristics 1 6 million characters per second throughput per controller 16 simultaneous channels per controller Six 400 000 character-per-second channels Ten 25 000 character-per-second channels Up to four I O controllers per single mereory controller Applications LP 600 APT PERT Cost MATH library Data communications real-time cotnrol Efficient processor for programming DATANET applications Message switching routing and queueing Program integration with GECOS Direct quick response from desk-tocomputer-to-desk Programming characteristics Macro instruction processor Four levels of 1 O interrupts Direct addressing of all memory modules Memory protect for each I O channel Complete parity checking Registered trademark oi General Electric Company 6 F INPUT OUTPUT EQUIPMENT Magnetic tape subsystem 7 9 track recording 2 x 16 and 2 x 8 crossbir controllers 120 83 30 thousand characters per second transfer rates •Ou b56 200 bits per inch 1 2 inch compatible Magnetic drum storage 370 000 characters per second transfer rate 786 432 36-bit words ner drum 17 millisecond average access DSU-270 mass storage subsystem Fast fixed-head disc storage units Single or dual controller Up to four file electronics crossbars to one or two controller channels Up to five disc storage units for each file electronics unit Seek time-0 microsecond fixed head Average latency-26 microseconds Minimum capacity 15 36 M usable characters Maximum capacity 307 M usable characters Data rate 333 KC GECOS lI General Comprehensive Operating Supervisor III GECOS LI efficiently integrates req airuitats for on-lints batch remote batch and time-sh aring into one system using a common data base PR-20 printer 1200 or 900 lines per minute 10 charactcrs pa I•i nntsl inch Six or eight-lines per vertical inch Vertical and horizontal paper alignment ASCII graphic character set The huart vf GECOS III is a centralized file system of hierarchical tree-structured design which provides multiprocessor access to a common data base full file protection and access control It offers full user program compatibility with GECOS Il but its internal organization and logic flow are completely-new It provides significant improvements In the performance and reliability of the multiprogramming multiprocessing and remote processing function of GECOS I1 but also provides concurrent time-sharing capabilities with BASIC language and text-editing functions CR-20 card reader 900 cards per minute Hollerith binary or intermixed modes Validity check on Hollerith codes CP-20 card punch Hollerith or 12-row binary cards 100 cards per minute Reader-after-punch check Consoles master and auxiliary Operate as peripherals to the system Master console has hardware status indicators Multiple supervisory consoles for operator software system interaction With the new operating system the GE-600 family of computers now of offers users the ability to mold their varied data processing and access requirements into a truly integrated system The problems of employing multiple systems with incompatible programs and files no longer need exist for large-scale computer users TS-20 perforated tape reader punch Read punch spool 5 6 7 8 level Reads 500 characters per second Punches 150 characters per second Plugboard for format control on input Through the use of GECOS III the ease with which a system may be extended and modified has been enhanced greatly GECOS III consists of three distinct elements or types of routines Custom peripherals available Digital plotters Real-time interface controllers CRT display 1 A resident executive known as the hard core monitor 2 A small number of system programs such as the job input processor which perform for the community of user programs services within the system DATANET-30 data communications processor Stored program single address computer Core memories to 16 384 28-bit words 7-microsecond memory cycle Up to 128 I O communication channels Bit character and word channel options Elapsed time counter Indirect addressing and multiple index registers Memory interrupt 3 A library of system subroutines which perform service functions such as I O for individual user programs 7 I The portion of the hardware dedicated to timesharing is dynamically variable providing an operating spectrum from full time-sharing through tull batch processinLy aernrdfnlý t _ fh specific requireme'its of the installation At system initializatiot the hard core monitor is loaded Into memory and remains intact throughout GECOS III operation It contains system configuralion data interrupt proc S 1pr ý OiJI' routines We dispatcher' which allocates the processor and the most heavily used system service subutill hiis Thc time-sharing executive ierfornis the functions of selecting allocating dispatching and swapping time-sharing user programs Since the time-sharing executive Is treated as a singlr system program by GECOS it suballocates memory and sob-dispatches the processa r to individual time-sharing user programs All menory except the hard cure monitor is occupied by programs from user-submitted jobs and by a few system programs such a job input processor peripheral allocator core allocator and standard output disperser The time-sharing executive also performs various services fur Individual programs ineluding file system I O terminals i O and creation and modification of filies catalogs and their security definitions and it accounts for resources used by the individual time-sharing users These system programs concern the funetions of introduction preparation for execution and dispersal of restiltS Of t w cX program There is only one distinction that the system makes between user programs and system programs System programs need to reference comimion data such as the system configuration held in tables in the hard core monitor therefore a special entry point to the harrl core monitor is provided to allow such a reference Programs which are permitted ot use this entry point are privileged programs The timesharing system and the test and diagnostic system also are privileged system programs and are allowed this privilege in order to achieve and interior high speed I O protection If ainterfaces user program attemptsmcmury to gain One of the major Integrating factors in the design of the time-sharing system is the use of the GECOS file system It is through this comm fie system that user programs in the batch system and in the time-sharing system comnatonicate with each other A straightforward application of this capability allows a iarge batch job to generate or update a file perhaps based on Inputs from anupaeafe erpsbsdniptsrman other file entered from time-sharing terminals and have the updated file available for inquiry entry that program is aborted by time-sharing users GECOS III provides true device independence The I 0 structure is defined so that user programs reference logical files and need not be concerned with physical device peculiarities Association of logical I O requests with a specific device only occurs when the physical I 0 operation is initiated Thus a data file can be moved to a different device whenever necessary An even more interesting capability allows the time-sharing system to generate a job for the batch system The user program In the batch system may be too large to process conveniently in the time-sharing mode or may be an existing program for which modification for direct execution in the time-sharing mode is not desirable An option exists to allow a timesharing program to wait for the completion of a batch job In addition there can be a direct conversation between a batch program and a remote terminal The GECOS III time-sharing system is designed for installations that have a batch processing commitment and also need time-sharing 8 1 I Now IBM 361V75 for Biomedical R1secarch IIIIi ir I ti Y ' aifI More than 300 medical research projectsincluding studies of brain surgery kidney transplant cancer and microscopic X-raysare advancing with tih aid of an extremely powerful computer at the UCLA Center for Health Sciences uirt IIw % J hl ' • TYPING WIIITE1BLOOD CELLS Ainozig til many research projeets using the Modcl 75 is an international program of typing of white blood cells under the direction of Dr Paul Terasaki of the UCLA Medical School's surgery department In cooperation The UCLA computing facility-already one of the nation's largest data processing centers for biomedical research-now has expanded capabillty with its new IBM System 360 Model '75 Televislon- like devices will be used to communicate with the new system to graphically display information For example microscopic X-rays of chromosomes will be stored in digital form within the system and shown on the device's cathode ray tube with the press of a button The multimillion dollar computing facility was made possible by a grant from the National Institutes of Health It va' originally established in 1963 with IBM 7040 and '1094 coniputers now replaced by the Model 75 one of the largest systems presently available from International Lasiness Machines Corporation Six West Coast research institutions are linked to the UCLA facility In a teleprocessing network that permits them to use the computing equipmeat and to exchange medical information The institutions include Oregon Research Institute Eugene Presbyterian Medical Center San Francisco University ol Southern California Medical School Los Angeles Luma Linda University Loma Linda Rancho Los Amigos Hospital Downey and Pacific State Hospital Piomona Other institutions are planning to Join the network The Health Sciences Computing Facility has long been a leader in developing theory and methodology to enhance coml uter research efforts of medical science Dr Wilfrid J Dixon facility director said Time well known Bimedical Programs Package BMD developed by tie stall is being used all over the country with Dr M R Mickey of the facility staff Aim of the project is to determine if white blood culls may be typed as an Indication of tissue compatibility in tranaspl•nts ol kidneys and other organs Just as red blood cells have beeni typed for blood tranusifnlons for many years In the project tiny containers of blood are airmailed from 14 organ transplant centers throughout the world The blood from both the donur and the recipient is subjected to about 600 dilterent tests in Dr Teraskai's laboratory The System 360 processes the result g which are studied by doctors to determine tissue compatibility 'The computer also is being used in analysis of statistical data about such organ transplants in the search for a universal method of white blood cell typing Cooperating In the study are transplant centers in Paris France Copenhagen Denmark Sydney Australia Montreal Canada and in this country centers at Harvard Medical School University of Colorado Medical College of Virginia and sevon other prominent nmedical institutions BRAIN WAVE STUDIES An investigation of the intricate process of how the brain stores and retrieves information is being conducted by Dr W Ross Adey and Donald 0 Walter of UCLA's Brain Research Institute Computer analysis of brain waves has tremendously accelerated growth of the knowledge of brain function Dr Adey said Brain waves have been recorded for more than 110 years in thle form of electroencephalogram he pointed out But not until large computer systems were applied to them wqs it possible to analyze subtle patterns which denoLe iniormational transactions in the brain While largely coincerned with a basic understanding of irformational procosses in the brain the investigation is being practically apk c ý u rnubi •eus oi b rain tunction and behavior in the hostile -nvironmeat of space and in treatm ent of ne uro log ical d isc ases A lrea dy these coni 1putcA 4ehisiques are being used to plot bra-in surgery in difficult cases of epilepsy and other neirolhgical diseases The study has been also extended to mental illness each day for the requesting physician nursing station or clinic and patient chart HOSPITAL PHOCEDURES The X-rays are electronically scanned and converted into a series of digits that can be stored in the Model 75 or on magnetic tape They also can be retrieved and projected onto the cathode ray tube of the 2250 In this way chromosomes can be classified and any abnormal differences in their shape may be correlated to various diseases or genetic disorders In time the computer may enhance the image of X-rays of the lungs and skull Subtle differences in light and shadow not always discernPble to the trained eye of the radiologist may carry important diagnostic information The computer may eventually assist the radiologist in recognizing these subtle differences I INTERPRETING X-RAYS Ap o e t u d r t e d r c i n o r A o A project under the direction of Drs Amos Norman and Harvey Frey of the radiology department is studying the use of the computer to assist in the interpretation of X-rays The IBM 2P50 display unit is used to study microscopic X-rays of chromosomes as follows As the result of an extensive research project at the Health Sciences Computing Facility computers are performing a variety of chores for the UCLA Hospital These include compiling storing and retrieving records on clinical chemical and bacteriological procedures hospital accounting patient billing and maintenance of a master patient identifination file The recording system for patient laboratory tests includes more than 300 procedures Laboraory technicians record reoults on marksense cards identified by patient name At the end of each day all results are assembled and the computer edits sorts and prints them out for patient charts In about 15 minutes the high speed computer-controlled printer peoduces 900 to 1 200 separate chemistry reports The graphics system also utilizes tumor registry Various facts about cancer such as geographic incidence of cancer by age and sex can be retrieved from the computer file on command and displayed on a large scope Expanded Dartmouth Time-Sharing System Adkn uth• College lh1aorri New llaprihirr Eighteen Northern New England seconda-y schools aie lii ked experimentally by teletyp to Dartmouth College's time-sharing computer system The aim is to discover how a largescale computer facility can best be used as a broad aid to secondary education generally callers will be able to use the computer simultaneously with little a parent delay because of the computer's extremely high speed At the same time Dartmouth students and faculty members can be using the computer for their class work and research The students will be taught an easily understood computer language called BASIC which was developed by Dartmouth mathematicians If the experiment is successful the knowledge of operations and teaching techniques will be shared with other computation centers which seek to serve secondary schools in their regions In support of this Dartmouth received a grant $142 500 from the National Science Foundation which will enable the secondary schools to have teletype consoleu connected to Dartmouth's Kiewit Computation Center by long-distance telephone lines The link-up will give the students quick and easy access to a multimillion dollar General Electric 625 computer by simply completing a telephone call Through the time-sharing system up to 200 Seven of the 18 schools iave been connected to the computer in the years since time-sharing was started at Dartmouth in May 1964 They are Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter N H St Paul's School Concord N H Mount Hermon School Mt Hermon Mass Vermont Academy Saxtons River Vt Phillips Academy of Andover Mass Hanover High School Hanover N H and Mascoma Valley Regional High School West Canaan N H Joined with them through the NSF grant are Manchester Central 10 __________________ _____________ - - --- _______ - i'I HighSchool Manchester N H Keene High School Kenne N H St Johnsbury Academy St Johnsbury Vt Lebanon High School Lebalion iN 4i TIlniberlane High School Plaistow N H Hartford High School Hartford Vt Concord High School Concord N H Rutland High School Rutland Vt South Portland High School Westbrook Maine Cape Elizabeth High School Cape Elizabeth Maine and Loomis At Mount Hermon School more than 400 students were trained in the BASIC language on one teletype tiurini tho fal l1 #er School Windsor Conn descriptions of the use of the computer in particular courses the recommended procedures for forming computer clubs or examples of exercises and teaching units found to be useful he added Our purpose in applying for the grant then was to permit developing expanding sharing documenting and publishing the results of this experience But despite the general enthusiasm in the schools and the reportA of Innnyotive uees Professor Kurtz continued the results of the computer experiments in secondary education had not been examined 'W e have no detailed Professor Thnonmas E Kurtz director of the Kiewit Computation Center at Dartmouth and director of the secondary school project explained the secondary-school project this way Ve start from the premise that in the lifetime of today's students the use of computers will become as much a part of everyday life as the telephone or automobile But few secondary schools especially in non-metropolitan areas can afford their own expensive computer Installations Our experience with the secondary schools showed us that while students might know little about the computer itself they could develop a familiarity with computing technique that would allow them to use it in their everyday work And once they experienced the practical application of computing any uninformed apprehension they might have had would be dispelled their judgments would be more rational and concerning they would it be ready to pursue As a preliminary to the program last fall teachers from the 18 schools attended Dartmouth for a 4-week course in computing techniques including the BASIC language Three other teachers from the South and Midwest also attended the conference under the sponsorship of the Pillsbury Company of Minneapolis Minn They are Mrs Rene Chandler a teacher at Therrell High School Atlanta Ga H Murray Jr of Needham-Broughton High School Raleigh N C and Prof Milton Brostrom of Gustavus Adolphus College St Peter Minn their education and careers with confidence and competence The Pillsbury Company operates computer centers in these cities and experiments with secondary schools are being planned there too As an example of the sometimes-startling results achieved by the students Professor Kurtz cited Hanover High School's extracurricular Computer Club Several hundred students have joined and one group prepared a program in BASIC language which plays chess A bright fifth grader working on his own produced a program for generating magic squares and another for factoring integers Another student developed a program that composes Japanese haiku poetry The program's associate director Prof William E Slesnick of Dartmouth is assistant director for education in the Kiewit Computation Center For 10 years before coming to Dartmouth in 1962 he was mathematics master at St Paul's School in Concord N H He is the author or coauthor of several mathematics textbooks and is frequently called on to discuss or consult on matters of education in mathematics At Phillips Exeter Academy the computer is used extensively in several courses including mathematics physics and chemistry Arrangements have been made for students to arise at 4 a m to make use of the otherwise idle teletype console Most of the teaching is being done byJohnC Warren instructor in mathematics at The Phillips Exeter Academy He was instrumental in establishing the compuLer teaching at the academy 11 Time-Sharing Expansion 11T lRr seaw11 C hhiagnr IRhaviIw 0lauff 606M Development of computer time-sharing techniques and Aoftware i1 being cxpanded at UiT Research Institute under an agreement with Allen-Babcock Computing Inc Los Angeles according to Albert K Hawkes Director of the Computer Sciences division at IITRI The agreement extends to IITRI the use of the firm's tme-sharing computer system called RUSH rShared Hardware which is a conversational programming system for the IBM System 360 RUSH was recently developed by A len-Babcock to combine the best and most usable features of the FORTRAN COBOL and ALGOL programming languages according to Mr Hawkes ice to IITRI's Computational Services Center which will continue to provide its present large scale scientific and engineering computer services to industry and government agencies The RUSH system has demonstrated utility in commercial as well as in scientific and engineering applications Mr Hawkes said During program input there is immediate feedback when an error is encountered and during proceasing program errors are flagged Immediately he said In addition to powerful algebraic capabilities including nested loops and subscripted arrays the RUSH system has instructions for handling character strings arid extensive file manipulation A specially designed set of micro-instructions to make execution of RUSH programs very efficient on the IBM 360 Model 50 computer has been incorporated in the system RUSH will be used at HTRI in developing techniques for on-line applications in such areas as operations research civil engineering and financial data processing It is also intended that IITRI will develop on-line computer techniques for individual Computational Services clients in other areas of application IITRI PUSH terminals also will provide IITRI also plans to make general RUSH service available to clients via telephone datalinks The RUSH system will be an added serv- access for remote job entry to conventional System 360 batch operations run in the background during RUSH operations 12 I Advaned On- ineComputer Banking System I pairs SI' VI Eiagfivil All branches linked directly to computers by early 1971 is the target Midland Bank has set in plans for what will be the world's largest and most advanced on-line computer banking system The scheme which will initially cost several million pounds has been planned around English Electric Leo Marconi's System 4-7l0 computers-six of these machines installed in at three centres in London Leeds and Liverpool with possibly a similar centre in Birmingham will form the bedrock on which the Bank will build its expanding customer servces To operate such a scheme requires very fast computers with very fast interrupt times since the more terminals on-line to the centres the greater of course the peak load is likely to be It does in fact require third generation machines of the power of the large System 4-70s These machines are at the top end of the System 4 range which is the first computer range In the world to use micro- integrated circuity in all central processors The demand for these large machines since their announcement has been considerable Five 4-70s have been ordered by the GPO two for the Giro service with an option for four more two are going to the Ministry of Social Security at Newcastle for use on pensions the Ministry of Transport will take another for work in road research and road safety and another will go to the North West Electricity Board in Manchester rTihe 'computer centres will be linked to braches via leased telephone lines and will themselves be interlinked on a ring-main concept so that a customer banking in Liverpool say could go into a branch in Brighton and cash a cheque as it he were In his own branch This facility would eventually be available at any one the Bank of the 2650 or so branches'of I The use of a computer network of the type pandb iln akwl nbeteBn to contain banking costs and also to extend considerably its range of customer services At present a very high proportion of the cost of the average banking transaction is made v of labour costs The use of computers on this scale will increase the hardware content of costs and keep labour costs which are less predictable and rising to a minimum other schemes in other parts of the ol for on-line banking systems are either much smaller only the French banks can compare in terms of number of branches or more limited in application The Americans are using computers on-line to banks but only for savings' bank applications covering a relatively small number of br'anches and a relatively small area The scheme proposed by Midland Bank is far and away more ambitious since the real-time computer terminals in the branches will replace the actual accounting machines and not be used just for up-dating passbooks as In the American system The scheme will In fact form a national computer grid of the type foreshadowed in the Flowers' Report the government's blueprint for future computer development The Midland Bank has already ordered two System 4-50 computers and a System 4-10 for use in the North of England Delivery of the 4-50s to Liverpool and Leeds is due in the summer and autumn of this year and the 4- 10 will kollow In Manchester early in 1968 13 I C T Software lidernational Copttpurx and labu luor Linited l ondo •I Etngland ALGOL and FORTRAN Source program statements are examined and partially converted by the particular corn piler overlay in the machine at that time Then the next overlay is read into the computer's store overwriting the previous one and the incremental compiling procedure is repeated Finally when the last overlay of the compiler has been handled a complete compiled object program remains in the store ready to be executed immediately ALGOL and FORTRAN programs can now be compiled on the smallest computers in the I C T 1900 Series range This has been achieved without restricting the facilities of either language in any way Special compilers inevitably dubbed mini compilers have been developed for this purpose and will be available shortly for use with 1900 series computers having core stores of 4096 words capacity No supplementary backing store is required The compiler overlays and the sequence in which they are read into the computer have been arranged so that any legal FORTRAN or ALGOL source program can be compiled Mini FORTRAN comprises 29 overlays-Mini ALGOL has 34 overlays Source programs prepared in ASA basic FORTRAN FORTRAN 2 and IFIP ALGOL can be handled In fact the two mini compilers can process languages with facilities that are somewhat better than ASA Basic FORTRAN and a version of ALGOL that includes IFIP ALGOL as a subset and has additional features such as recursion Mini ALGOL and Mini FORTRAN compilers can be used on any 1900 Series computer equipped with a paper tape reader a line printer and a core store of 4096 words capacity The compiler is read into the computer from punched paper tape On the printer a list is produced of the source program statements together with line reference numbers During the compilation procedure an error commentary is printed out the line reference numbers being used to identify the location of mistakes Mini compilers are suitable for handling small scientific and engineering programs especially where iterative or recursive calculations are involved and for such work as the preparation of short statistical routines They will also prove to be of great use in the training of programmers-the diagnostic facilities available with the mini compilers will be of special value in this context Naturally this particular compilation procedure possesses certain limitations and also certain advantages over what might be termed traditional compilation techniques First the size of the source program that can be handled is obviously restricted by core storage capacity Broadly speaking of the 4000 words of store available 2000 are required for the computer's Executive program 1000 words are needed for holding one overlay of the compiler leaving 1000 woids free for the compiled object program This means that source programs of 70 to 80 statements are about the largest that can be accommodated More powerful versions of Mini ALGOL and Mini FORTRAN are being developed for small 1900 installations that possess data storage capacity additional to the basic 4K core store such as cassette tape units or exchangeable disc stores In order to be able to handle ALGOL and FORTRAN programs on a computer with a 4K core store a new method of compiling had to be devised The conventional procedure is to load the complete compiler into the computer and read in the source program one statement at a time translate the source program instructions into the equivalent machine code instructions and then either hold the derived object program in store or record it on magnetic tape or punch it out in paper tape or cards With the mini compilers the procedure is the exact reverse of this The complete source program is read into the computer and held in the core store and the compiler previously divided into sections referred to as overlays is read into the computer one overlay at a time Several advantages do accrue however Firstly because the complete source program is in the computer in practice this makes error detection easier Good error detection facilities are provided in the mini compilers Secondly there is no limit to the size of the compiler consequently extra facilities can be added if required merely by the addition of further overlays Furthermore any developments improving the efficiency of the compiler can readily be incorporated 14 tt ii For load-and-go runs the compilation time '% J- u u0u % uWIsu iuI1mJilurb cuiiipare'le ivuur'- ably with that for conventional compilers Since a slow peripheral-a paper tape reader-is used to enter the uilii uuvunpller uver lays inii iChe computer this effectively determines the speed of the compilation procedure When a mini compiler is used on a 4K machine for converting a source program of 70 or 80 statements the compile time is of the order of 5 to 6 minutes PATSY PATSY Program Automatic Testing System is a suite of programs which simplify ac- The final operation in the compile phase is to consolidate the semi-compiled object programs and write fully compiled object programs together with their test data onto the testing file magnetic tape to be processed is file and the profileq e ind pr grams are then dealt with in sequence in oe one procedure testing and continuous compilation Details of any errors detected in particular programs of a batch are printed out for the programmers to correct PATSY reduces turn-around time for proPrATs redutesturmn-saroundetime forprograms under test minimizes magnetic tape handling and reduces computer set-up times PATSY has three operational phases-editing compiling and testing it sembled on the one magnetic tape of the master source file With the introduction of Mini ALGOL and Mini FORTRAN ALGOL and FORTRAN compilers are now available for all 1900 Series computers from the large to the small The batch of programs Sassembled a magnetic tape gamsemared on tn dmagneatc wthpe F All the source programs and their associ- ated iee data in the butch to be tesied are as- Next is the compile phase Source programs written in PLAN and COBOL are read one at a time from the master source file and consolidated semi-compiled object programs are produced with their appropriate leaders Due to the nature of the NICOL compiler it is called in separately whenever a NICOL program is to be compiled celerate and generally improve the efficiency with which program testing work can be performed PATSY enables batches of source programs written in PLAN COBOL or NICOL to be amended compiled and run with test data withthe minimum of operator intervention • produced on magnetic tape cards or paper iatpe at ihis s•uge un request Finally in the third phase-testing-the titles of the programs to be tested are supplied to the computer on cards or paper tape Object programs are tested in the order the titles are presented At the beginning of each test the test data supplied are fanned out and written on work tapes to simulate the files with which the object program will operate Provision has been made for test data to be entered by punched card or paper tape input readers or by the operator via the computer's console typewriter should such facilities be required The object program is then performed and when requested postmortem print-outs of core-store or magnetictape data files are produced under the control of PATSY PATSY can be employed on any I C T 1901 1902 or 1903 computer installation equipped During the editing phase a master source file is first created on magnetic tape This file comprises the source programs to be compiled and tested test data representing the file information to be manipulated by the object program and control information specifying for instance how post-mortems of particular types of de- with an 8K core store a console typewriter four magnetic tape units a line printer and a paper tape reader or card reader tected error are to be presented tape system Amendments can be incorporated in the original source program or test data supplied during the editing phase If a master source file has already been created it can be updated at this stage Should an error be detected while incorporating amendments error messages are printed out for the guidance of the programmers A copy of any source program may be Two versions of PATSY are available PATSY I is designed for use with I C T cassette tapes and PATSY 2 for other magnetic COBOL It has for some time been possible to program a computer using simple English statements By using a special program known as a compiler the computer itself could be made to do the work of translating the original English 15 II Ll instructions into its own machine-code lan- that is in COBOL guage of O's and l's But in the past this compilation took up so much of the computer's valuable time and the final programs were so inefficient that the applications of a simple English programming language were limited then be re-compiled in a matter of minutes and the COBOL programmer need never know the nature of the program as it is obeyed by the machine This significant reduction inprogram testing time allied to the tact that programs can be written in less than half the time taken when using assembly language results in Now I C T has exploited both the speed of its successful 1900 Series computers and the experience of its software writers to develop compilers which are over 70 times faster than those previously available The new compilers translate programs written in COBOL-COmmon Business Oriented Language-into a form suitable for processing by 1900 Series computers COBOL is a commercial programming language composed of a limited number of standardised English statements like MULTIPLY HOURS BY RATE GIVING GROSS PAY which can be used to describe most commercial data processing routines marked savings in overall programming costs Yet the final program running time is only marginally increased over an equivalent program written in assembly language a language in which each machine code instruction is represented by a more easily remembered mnemonic code Two 1900 COBOL compilers have been developed by I C T These are Compact COBOL which has been developed for the benefit of users with smaller 1900 Series computer and Full COBOL for larger 1900 vstems Both are designed for maximum speed of operation of the final object program while keeping the core store requirements to a minimum Source programs written in Compact COBOL can be compiled on an I C T 1902 computer equipped with an 8K store and four magnetic tape units at a nominal rate of 50 statements a minute Given a 32K store Full COBOL can be compiled at the rate of 800 statements a minute Computer users are therefore now able to benefit from writing programs in ordinary English with little or no sacrifice of computer time or program efficiency COBOL programs can be written proved and running far more rapidly than programs written in other languages And since it is a standard language COBOL eunables programmers to transfer readily from one computer to another Apart from obvious flexibility this results in a marked reduction in training costs Moreover programs written in COBOL are so well documented that continuous program development is possible in spite of staff changes Finally I C T COBOL has an important technical advantage common to all I C T 1900 Series programming languages Different segments of one program can be written in different languages and compiled into one program Therefore each segment can be written in the language most suitable to it Moreover separately compiled sub-routines from a program library can also be incorporated into the final program The high compilation speeds possible with I C T 1900 COBOL compilers mean that all program testing and subsequent modifications can be carried out in the source language itself 16 rS The source program can Miscellaneous Computerized Pathology Information SArmed Fori 'r I4 iiiu o l'atluotj iingion D SII'a In 1067 a computer devoted to the science of medical pathology went into operation at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Major General Joe M Blumberg the Director AFIP said the computer lie mean cass the difference lso heben ad ugen twee dethcould tween life and death in urgent cases Also he said it will speed up research which was here tofore slow and arduous greatly-expanded record with a natural language input technique LTCOL Cheek said The vocabulary of pathology as it 1- used for morphologic diagnosiv has order and regularity and discipline It is adaptable to mechanical handling and it is this feature that had made this system General Blumberg said the computer center will serve Department of Defense hospitals Veterans Administration hospitals civilian hospitals and other federal medical facilities and more than 8 000 civilian pathologists possible he said The use of natural language instead of a computer code also is unusual The technique has been used in medicine in the United States only a three universities University of California at Los Angeles Western Reserve and Lieutenant Colonel N R Cheek MSC USA head of the Automatic Data Processing Service explained that AFIP as an international center of pathology receives more than 50 000 requests each year from pathologists for consultation When we use natural language LTCOL Cheek said we don't have to code and therefore we don't have to interpret Interpretation gradually changes meanings Records of about 1 240 000 cases are stored at AFIP and are used by the staff in diagnosis and research of pathologic problems LTCOL Cheek said the computer will allow the professional personnel to obtain knowledge previously not available It is felt that there is a vast amount of hidden knowledge In the pathology case records and associated materials which is not presently available since it is virtually impossible to retrieve The computer an IBM System 360 Model 30 has substantially shortened the time it takes to get vital information into an AFIP pathologiat's hands Index information and brief records on subjects requested by pathologists-to steer them to detailed medical reports-are delivered by the computer in a day or less Getting this information which can go as high as several thousand cases previously took up to a week Mathematical and sciertific problems also can be solved which presently are not even attempted The computer gives The Institute one of the most advanced research tools yet invented by man Research previously impossible or so laborious that it would not be attempted now can be accomplished through the use of a computer Mr Lee C Taddonlo is chief of the computer center Initially data fed into the computer will be coded Within a year AFIP will experiment with a new system to replace coding The innovation will incorporate automatic indexing and a The $500 000 center will be staffed by 35 persons 17 A Ocean Going Computer Un'irv•ty of C lifiurnia 'Sti Diego hi idia Cahlinnria V•2037 A sea-going computer has signed on for duty aboard a Scripps Institution of Oceanog- terpretation by the scientists while the ship is still on station Usually data collected during long research expeditions are not processed until after the scientists return to their home port Installation of the IBM 1800 system on board the THOMAS WASHINGTON will enable Scripps scientists to gather and act on information obtained from the sea without waiting for a return to port and processing by land-based computers This research cruise will be part of the Eastropac Expedition that began last January sponsored by the U S Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and funded to a large extent by the Office of Naval Research The objective of the is to understand better the circulation of teesentola aii aesadisbo the eastern tropical Pacific waters and its biological populations The computing system is being Installed in one of the ship's air-conditioned main deck laboratories The installation designed to function in fair weather and foul requires some 250 square feet of deck space The installation of the computer is part of T jointrestaliprofttei computer bcruise a joint research project being conducted by Scripps and International Business Machines Corporation The 1800 will be used initially in short research trips through Southern California waters as Scripps and IBM technicians study the equipment and its applications under cruise conditions give the Ultimately the computer will bcientist a tool with which to achieve greater scientific knowledge more rapidly at sea explained Dr William A Nierenberg director of the University of California San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography E H Coughran research staff member of IBM's Los Angeles Scientific Center has worked closely with Scripps' Shipboard Cornputer Panel headed by Dr Charles S Cox professor of oceanography in planning this installation We are pleased to join IBM in this oceangoing computer program It will give our scientists an opportunity to concentrate on interpretation and analysis of observations while at sea for planning continuing research This will result in substantial saving of ship-operating time The IBM 1800 data acquisition and control system is extremely versatile Coughran said It is being used to control complex scientific and industrial processes ranging from glass production and oil refining to drug research and air-pollution testing This will mark its first installation aboard a research ship The 1800 is a seaworthy scientific computer It is capable of functioning over a wide range of temperature and humidity and will be able to withstand the ship's pitching rolling and yawing motions Mr Coughran stated Use of the computer could enable a chief scientist to determine whether he wishes to alter course midway in an expedition based on information collected and processed at once by the computer Dr Nierenberg added scientists at sea would prefer to have immediate analyses of their research while the ship is still in its area of operation in order to confirm their findings before moving on to a new work station Mr Coughran said the IBM 1800 has four jobs on board ship 1 To perform the regular routine logging of the marine environment including measuring water depth checking sea-surface temperatures and salinity every 5 minutes if need be calculating wind speed and direction and taking air temperature and humidity measurements -itomatically Dr Bruce Taft assistant research oceanographer at Scripps will be chief scientist in a 55-day cruise beginning August 1 in eastern tropical Pacific waters During the cruise the 1800 will be used for automatic reading of ocean temperature pressure and salinity and for direct reading of echo-sounding measurements The system will be able to reduce these data analyze them and make them available for in- 2 To collect data for specific scientific experiments for example to chart temperature 18 and sound velocity and conductivity profiles or to calculate the biologically important properties from automatic measuring instruments 3 To work towardl a more accurate knowi- hottwer edge of a ship's position at sea giving knowledge of the origin of the data it is collecting When satellite navigation becomes available later next year the computer will be able to calculate the ship's position very accurately every 90 minutes as the satellite sw gs overhead and re-plot the ship's course if necessary 4 To give the scientist a general-purpose computer with which to analyze previously unanticipated relationships from the reduepd diatA _The scientist will be able to write completely programs new analysis at sea or modify old ones while he is still These four assignments can be carried out simultaneously on the 1800 with no interference with one another As far as each of the four jobs is concerned the system will operate as though there were a separate computer aboard for that job alone Computerized Drver Information S 'hr C illedi'i• IDepthlinew J 1 11 V'rh irh Il 'e vtlle •t on IIItU U61 ' 9 any driver's license and avoid issuing a bogus duplicate In 1967 Connecticut took a computerassisted step toward making its roads even safer The Motor Vehicle Department Headquarters installed a high-speed communications network linking 16 department offices throughout the state to a pair of powerful computers in Hartford According to Commissioner Tynan it is likely that State Police and the police departments of Connecticut's larger cities eventually will be tied into the network Detailed driver information stored in the computers electronic files is available at any terminal-equipped office in seconds The computers IBM System 360s are part of a statewidc data center complex operated and coordinated by the State Comptroller's office A growing abuse and threat to safety which the new Motor Vehicle Department systern is helping to end is the obtaining of duplicate licenses by drivers who expect to have theirs suspended The ava lability of up-to-date information at almost-literally-the touch of a key will be a great aid to the Motor Vehicle Department and to law enforcement agencies the Commissioner said It also should prove a benefit to the driving public as far as simplifying and speeding up the registering of vehicles and the issuing of licenses ' The communications terminals now installed at Motor Vehicle Department Headquarters here will be supplemented later this year by 16 visual display stationsp also linked to the computers in Hartford Instead of printing information out as the terminals do the display stations-IBM 2260s-flash data on a small television-like screen Since Connecticut began suspending licenses for speeding explains Motor Vehicle Commissioner John J Tynan the duplicate license plot has been increasing steadily It works this way-a driver after getting a speeding ticket goes to one of our offices and asks for a duplicate license to replace the one he says he has lost The office nut knowing about the ticket issues a duplicate Then if the speeder is convicted in court he has one license to surrender and another to drive around with The new terminal-computer system is operational in all but three of the 15 Motor Vehicle Department branch offices The 15 branch o•ffices are located in Bridgeport Danbury Enfield Middletown New Britain New Haven New London Norwalk Norwich Old Saybrook Putnam Stamford Torrington Waterbury and Willimantic Any Motor Vehicle Department office linked to the computer by one of IBM's typewriter-like terminals can get information in seconds about ---------------------------- • I Index of Government-Sponsored Computer Projects ' ' 1 ' ' It htnghm 1 C 2 127 puter sciences Also the index offers a large corpus for experiments in machine indexing The NBS Center for Computer Sciences and Technology U S Department of Commerce has completed the compilation of an automated index of Government-sponsored R D projects in the computer sciences The index which covers almost 2500 projects was prepared with the assistance of the Defense Documentation Center In the form of a computer printout it is available for study at the Computer Center's Technical Infcrmation Exchange at the Gaithersburg Md laboratories of the National Bureau of Standards The printout comprises two different listings One of these is sequenced by 20 subject categories drawn up by the Center staff especially for the field of computer sciences and technology the other Wnby sponsoring organization further arranged by performing organization As stored on computer tape the index will be available for such representative machine searches as the listing of all projects for which a particular investigator has responsibility or the determination of the amount of money spent by a certain agency on all projects in th com- OSIRIS On Line Search Information Retrieval Information Storage D C 2 0oo n1 '11F hm itl INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Acronymology has become more than just a fad in the United States especially in the Department of Defense where one needs a glossary to keep up with new terms It seems that having a catchy acronym is more important than having a system to back it up We must confess to adding one more to the list but we hope in this case that both the acronym and the system prove equally appropriate It is a fact of life that today every individual in the Naval Material Command has an information handling problem Our managers must have information that is current accurate and succinct upon which to base their decisions Our scientists and engineers must be made continuaUy aware of new state-of-the-art developments so that they can take advantage of them in the design and development of new systems Staff workers must be able to ferret out the intricate relationchips among policy applicable instructions directives and informal drafts in order to be responsive to requirements placed on them and also to be aware of what is going on in their working environment Our message centers and mail rooms are tremendously taxed to keep up with the at times overwhelming volume of incoming material they must process They are very hard put to handle the input much less worrying about better techniques for dissemination and storing the information for future reference As the secretarial and clerical level the picture is just as bad the secretaries and clerks are all bogged down in filing and there is no immediate hope of relief using present techniques The myth of Osiris an Egyptian god makes for an interesting analogy to information and information systems Osiris was the son of Geb the earth and Nut the heavens and was the sum of all beneficient agencies He was murdered by his brother SOt and his body was torn into 14 pieces and scattered all over the earth Isis Osiris's sister who undoubtedly conceived the first mythological retrieval system then searched until she had found most of the pieces and she resurrected him Osiris and Isis were married and she bore a child Osiris then became king and judge of the dead and it is through him that all contacts with the dead in the underworld are made Surely we can consider information as the source of all human endeavors and that vast amorphous mass of information our civilization produces is certainly an underworld In order to resurrect a particular item of information we must have help This is precisely what this latter day OSIRIS attempts to do All of these people spend the majority of their time immersed in a continual flow of information and most of this information is in the form of documents ranging from a handwritten note to a 5000 page report There are individual differences in the particular types of prob20 I I lems they face but in general there are four basic aspects to information handling In addition it is hoped that in testing these pritciples we may prove the feasibility and u itliy u wiziay vi them ior wuturo use It thli is the case we hope to continue development of the system including both the hardware and the softwaiv hivulved fur possibly wider applications within the Naval Material Command 1 Irput How to organize assemble index or somehow reduce the incoming informatien to a meaningful form and to fit it into current workload 2 Processing What to do with the information how does it relate to previous information and how might it relate to future items of information What action must be taken as a result of receiving this information SYSTEM CONCEPT The system concept was conceived and developed by A Kenneth Showalter Information W h nSciences p 3 Output What is the resultant of the process performed Has a new Item of infgrina mation h te flow irm of or has the flow of information been terminated and Plans Branch of the Naval Material Command It Is our feeling based on an appraisal of thu current state-of-the-art in information retrieval technology that for large document handlini systems microforms are the most fficient storage medium and the cornputer is by far the best search and retrieval device This opinion seems well supported in view of the increased emphasis in microform storage capabilities and already well proven 4 Storage What is done with the information either the input the output or both What is the best technique for storing it for future refe rence computer retrieval techniques All of these basic problems are included In the burgeoning new field of information sciences and the most crucial problems are those dealIng with Information Storage and Retrieval The system we have chosen as a test vehicle embodies both of these concepts We feel that the combination of the two results in an extremely powerful and versatile system The OSIRIS system as it is presently configured has the following features Many individuals and groups withiiý the Command have come to as iin the past and continue to contact us for help in solving the kinds of problems they face in dealing with the information explosion We have been able to apprise these people of what has been done what is being done and what can be done in certain areas of applications similar to their own We are able to cite study upon study to them but we have found that it is very difficult for us to show them just how some of these potential applications would work in their own situations e A large capacity microfiche file for document storage Remote random access video display of microfiche documents Random access mass computer storage e A remote time shared computer terminal We have therefore reached the conclusion that what Is needed is a practical demonstration of these potential applications in as nearly an operational environment as we could create with user participation and using real life Information formats Possible later additions all of which are commercially available include a Multiple computer terminals and video displays s A single terminal for both video and data display Test OSIRIS is intended to be just such a practical expression of the Information Sciences and Plans Branch's continuing search for better techniques methods and systems for acquiring processing storing retrieving and displaying information Remote and on-site hard copy generation Time-shared video disc drum or tape storage We hope that in conducting the test to give various groups within the Command first hand experience with some of the latest principles In information sciences using state-of-the-art technology and methodology 9 Broad band data voice and video transmission A 200 000 card capacity file 21 kI a Digital transmission of video over single storage retrieval and display system for various types oR lull document files and to store the indices and abstracts on a random access computer file We have inviteI potential users of such a system Irom our Command to store sample document files in the system and to access their material on the video monitor usirn either manual or computer retrieval techniques piuie iinei English language type computer terminal querwu The strategy we are employing in testing the system Fig 1 is to use the microfiche VID EO REMOTE CONSOLE FIA30 PHO-NELINE16KCA q TELETYPE MICROFICHE LiRETRIEWL AG AR r4 N l A FILE A FILE 6 INOEY ROSX STORAOLa DOCUMCNT SIORAGF -FLE C INDEX C Fig I - OSIRIS Corfiguration REMOTEICONSOLE 49TRIEVAL FILE TV CONTROL Fig Z - GrLphic Data Storage Retrieval and Display System 22 Wing the computer terminal the user will conSduct his search In the usual interactive manner using Boolean search techniques by subject one a 17 Inch TV located with the central file and a remote console with a 21 inch screen Any one of the cards can be accessed and any keyword author and so on He will be able to list either the title or abstract of those documents which seems to satisfy his request along with the microfiche file location number It is at this point that the OSIRIS system goes one step further than most retrieval systems in that it allows the user to review the final product the actual referenced document on-line portion of it televised and magnified from 5 to t50X from either the central file console or the remote console which Is cabled to the retrieval file Figure 4 is the remote console with controis and indicators To retrieve a card containing a document to be viewed the operator takes the index number he has received as a result of a manual or computer search and keys it in on the keyboard example 4671 bin 46 card 71 He then depresses the left center or right platen position button #12 depending on which area of the card he wants to view Next he depresses the Search button #10 and thL retrieval cycle begins The drum will revolve to the selected bin 00-49 and then the selected card 00-99 will be forced up into the glass X-Y platen in front of the camera lens Once the card or microfiche is in the platen the op- SYSTEM OPERA TION Figure 2 shows the automated microfiche storage retrieval and display system The retrieval file stores 5 000 microfiche on aperture cards in a rotary drum having 50 bins with 100 cards in each bin In Fig 3 an exposed view shows the drum the X-Y platen which receives the card during retrieval and the TV camera There are two display monitors on the System X-Y PLATEN ---- X-YPLAI•N VE CRANK -STORAGE HIGH RESOLUTION f• • DRUM DRIVE BELT - - Fig 3 - Right Inside View of Retrieval File 23 TV CAMErRA I 2 1 4 3 V -- 16- Is ItI 11 to I Fig 4 - Pemnote Console Controlc a ' d Indicators tion ratios the system can display Standard reductior ratios are on the rd ýr of 10-45 1 In - aeytones and g rt this range alpha-numeric graphic material are Ti' n the screen J the system can as the original hard of high also blow back legibl ' ' - tnv t'- as high as density microfiche whi - olard ratios it is 260 1 is phenomenal W' possible to store 20 to ' 1 2' x 11 pages on a microfiche using a ' l reduction ratio it is possible to store eae 10 000 giving the file a capacity of 50 000 000 pages Although we are not able to bring this high density material back to its original size with this camera the manufacturer can modify our xisting systern to give us a 500X magnification capability which should be more than adequate and possibly further extend the reduction ratio capability erator can move the card In any X-Y direction by manipulating the joystick control #5 and by turning the knob he can zoom the camera in and magnify any portion of it from 5X-250X Once the operator is finished viewing he depresses the Return button #11 and the card is returned to the file TEST RESULTS TO DATE The retrieval file was originally designed for photographic storage but we felt it had even greater potential for textual and graphic material and acquired it from the original user for this purpose It has not been in extensive use the past year or so and we have experienced considerable delay in getting the system in perfect operating order In addition the on-line computer terminal installation has been fraught with the usual problems We have however been able to conduct limited tests with a wide range of material and the results are extremely encouraging Probably the most interesting discovery is in the range of microfiche reduc- Another pleasant discovery is the remarkable clarity and ease of viewing a TV display of microforms allows The combination of the joystick movement zoom magnification and a reversal switch for changing a negative to a positive image make it possible for one to re24 Sviaw R rn• a-d d k'k UUNOlIS I1 It has become apparent to us as well as to many other information system designers that the computer alone cannot solve all our problems Just as methodological solutions require a multi-disciplinary approach technological solutions may also require a multi-media information handling system such as the combination of TV microforms and a computer Industry and science present us with new capabilities almost daily It is imperative then that the tems designer be aware of these czpabilities so that he may evaluate their utility and potential system applications We feel certain that systems similar to OSIRIS will be developed in the next few years and we hope our efforts will have helped in the development of these systems TVi monitor ior i II a considerable period without any fatigue In fact the TV display is far superior to most optical microform Eeers wc have had experience with A poor quality microform can also be enhanced with the use of the camera and monitor controls so that the display is actually better than the original We are very encouraged by the results of the Initial tests for they indicate that the systern has capabilities beyond those of many current systems and we have not yet fully explored its potential applications by any means We are now in the process of microfllmiiig other users documents for additional gic rage in the system We plan to have comiuterizod indexes to these files in operation by tl s F• l sys- First Navigation Trainer With a Digital Computer Naval 7 ruainig S 11 T Cv ¢enle 1 Hoida 728'7' Fi simultaneously solutions to approximately 100 equations contained in the mathematical model must be calculated in a fraction of a second Pioneers in the simulation field since the early 1940's the Naval Training Device Center NTDC has continuously strived to keep training device standards abreast of recent scientific technology One example of their success in this endeavor is the latest addition to the Navy's simulator inventory-the Operational Navigation Classroom Trainer Device IA22 the first fully digital navigation trainer The functional requirements for the trainer was formalized into an engineering specification by the Naval Training Device Center The Otis Elevator Company Reflectone Division developed a trainer from the specification which uses a digital computer as the computation mechanism Other functions such as engineering design review evaluation and acceptance were also performed by NTDC before the device was released to the Navigation School Naval Air Station Corpus Christi Texas This requirement for high speed high precision solutions of so many equations precluded the economic use of conventional analog computations After conducting a survey of available digital computers Reflectone selected the DDP116 manufactured by Honeywell's Computer' Control Division Major factors influencing the decision were word length maximum internal memory size memory cycle time instruction execution time availability and of course price COMPUTER PROGRAMS The major component in the trainer is the digital computer with its programs The corn- puterprogram is an on-line real-time package with the capability of simulating a navigational environment It was coded in DAP the standard DDP-116 assembly language Functions that are integrated over time are calculated in double precision because of the accuracy requirements Single precision is used for all other calculations because of memory space and time requirements The computer is equipped with a hardware multiply divide vptlon in order to minimize the time requ d f The classroom trainer presents to as many as 32 student navigators a synthesized global environment for practicing many different methods of air navigation The classroom 's effectively a flying aircraft in which the dynamic use of simulated air navigation instruments allows the students to develop their skill at several different navigation techniques These various navigation techniques include basic deadreckoning pressure pattern naviga- perform the lengthy celestial calculati an on-line A-SR-33 Teletype tion celestial navigation together with observations of Polaris and the Sun electronic navigation such as automatic radio direction finding Consolan and Loran A and driftmeter techniques Because the techniques are simulated - The executive program which controls calculation of ali flight parameters celestial data 25 and radio station information is cycled in an iterative manner it may ho thol-ht a subroutine that outputs known values to In- a - a - - --- large do loop where the start of each loop is signaled by a real-time clock The number of loons executed times the period of the real-time clock is equal to the total flight time Once during each loop a subroutine outputs tems The trainer operator nccd only compare these values with a checklist to verify a hardware ready condition He then requests Insertion up-to-date information to the peripheral equipment and inputs data from the trainer control panel The frequency of the real-time clock is 8 Hz This frequency is slow enough to allow all calculations in one period yet fast er ough to provide insignificantly small changes in data Thus all instruments and other peripheral equipmeat appear to move smoothly as in an actual aircraft of the initial flight conditions These conditions include blocks of data such as meteorological gyro aircraft radio beacons Consolan Stations Loran A Stations Sun stars and the starting time The above information is entered on the teletype in a question and answer manner between the computer and the trainer operator and thus provides an automatic checklist The executive routine follows the sequence of equations contained In the mathematical model while calling up the appropriate subroutine as the loop proceeds At the end of each loop control panel sense switches are interrogated in the event a change in operating mode Is requested The instructor can then notify the trainer operator when the flight is to begin The start and time-freeze buttons on the trainer control panel allow the aircraft to be stopped temporarily for intermissions or critiques on long flights In-flight changes can be entered online with the teletype The math library contains a number of subroutines which are frequently called to perform calculations Subroutines included are square root x sine x arc tan x e and coo x They are programmed using standard programming techniques For post-problem evaluation log entries of latitude longitude and time are printed every minute on the teletype However additional flight Information can be requested In this case latitude longitude and time are printed every minute along with heading speed altitude or other data Aircraft controls are located on the trainer control panel where the operator can change any inputs as if flying the aircraft These controls are Turn Rate Climb or Dive Rate Indicated Air Speed Heading and Gyro Mode free gyro or compass controlled directional gyro Ahy type of aircraft can be simulated as far as the above parameters are concerned Some other subroutines necessary for efficient operation are character input and output from the teletype rounding routines angle limit routines and format conversion OPERATION The realistic presentation of navigation equipment in two classrooms simulates a flying aircraft The student navigators are monitored by one or more instructors while the trainer is under control of the trainer operator The trainer operator receives the flight plan from the instructor prior to take off so that the instructor can spend his time observing the students and answering questions Sense switches are also used to halt the program at the end of a loop and initialize it for proper starting For system analysis a debug routine can be selected This routine performs many functions that are useful to the maintenance personnel The functions that can be selected with the aid of the ASR-33 Teletype are relocating a block of memory setting a break point changlng a block of memory dumping a block of memory execution of a subroutine via a jump store instruction fixing a break point look and change a single memory location search memory for constants or effective addresses type data into sequential locations and run to the executive program The sense switches control requests for additional flight information for halting and initializing for insertion of the initial flight Žonditions for performing a software and hardware self-check and for a routine used for protram debugging These self-check routines are analogous to the preflight checks that a pilot performs before take off The computer will make a GO NO GO check on its internal program and then cycle in Diagnostic programs can be entered into the computer by maintenance personnel via the 26 • vide paper tape reader on the ASR-33 Teletype These prnwo-t nre de-ni d 'r C-h-Gk v o tems The hardware solution of using a digital cuupuier ior navigation simulation is discusesd pars of the computer such as the memory frame instructions the multiply Smallnand on a subsystem basis of four main subsystems input output star simulation radio aids and dioption thob ASR-33 Teletype and the 1 0 bus diagnostic routine Isolates and identifies The any failure hJusmaent subsystem$ The input output subsystem design is a standard computer interface that is parallel transfer between the CPU and input output registers These are programmed transfers which are dependent on several control signals The computer main frame generates the timing for the external addressing and control signals All the digital logic in the peripheral equipment is made up of printed circuit boards with hybrid in tegrated circuits Star simulation a very important feature of Device IA22 is an open loop servo system A collimated light is positioned in the azimuth and altitude planes by two gear trains which are driven by servo step motors The subsystem accepts the contents of the output register as a number representing azimuth or altitude angles The number in the register is then counted down to zero During this time a pulse train is sent to a step motor which rotates its shaft to the desired relative angle Each of the eight star observer booths has two of these open loop servo systems one for azimuth and one for altitude As the aircraft flies and the earth rotates the star position changes The computer outputs the incremental difference in position for updating the two servos This is done at the program iteration rate so that each digital step of the step motor is insignificant to the observer Three star magnitudes are available and are programmed as part of the teletype input star data A larger image is automatically illuminated when the student selects the sun SHARDWARE The trainer provides simulation in two • Ssimulator classrooms with station the following major assembites operator and computer eight ' siuest op erat r stationa t cof Sstudent celestial observer stations two classroom instrument display panels two Loran A time difference indicators two classroom radio aids panels and two optical driftmeter simulators A large instrument panel with six oversized navigation instruments is located in the front of each classroom The Loran A time delays are digitally displayed at the bottom of the instrument panel Adjacent to this panel is a radioaids panel with a tunable receiver and bearing indicator The star simulator booths are located in the rear of each classroom There are four observer booths in each classroom Each contains a periscopic sextant magnetic compass gyro and clock A star is located over each sextant A sliding curtain can be pulled across the door to darken the booth when the student is taking star shots The computer teletype and interface cabinet are located in one classroom such that the trainer operator can view the instruments at the front of the room The front panel on the interface cabinet contains aircraft controls driftmeter controls radio tuning controls and call letter patch boards and a continuous readout of aircraft latitude and longitude Sa t Radio aids are divided into three groups radio beacon stations Consolan Stations and Loran A Stations The computer makes a range comparison and blanks out those stations not in range The computer is an unmodified DDP-116 and is equipped with a hardware multiply and divide option in order to decrease multiplication time by a factor of 25 and division time by factor of 20 The 1 7-usec memory contains 4096 words of 16 bits divided Into eight sectors of 512 words each An ASR-33 Typewriter with an input output rate of 10 characters per second is suitable for communication with the cornputer since the navigation programs are stored in memory from day to day and during a flight only occasional on-line changes are necessary The airborne radio compass equipment is basically a receiver comprising a band switch vernier tuning dial S-meter and station bearing indicator On the trainer control panel there is a similar band switch and vernier tunIng dial for each station When the student's bandswitch and tuning dial are coincident with any of the stations set up on the control panel a comparator circuit sets a bit in the appropriate computer input register The computer acknowledges this by loading an output register with a bit to deflect the S-meter and a station bearing number which positions the bearing indicator by means of a D A converter and closed loop servo system Between the computer which generates the solutions to the math model and the student who practices navigation techniques is a considerable amount of hardware arranged into subsys27 4 The Conslo an Stations Arip tinad hy tha at - h-c- d ir• -9 tiai -wd ws ped dent in the same manner an the beacon stations The S-meter and bearing indicator are also active however a special method in employed to simulate the audio portion of the Consolan Systern The dot and dash pulses origin ate from a digital counter These pulses are used to gate a 1 kHz tone to the student receiver The comnputer outputs a bearing number which is counted in the output register to determine how many dots and dashes the student should hear in each code group and wind direction and then projecting this vector forward for a selected period of time to provide a DR or assumed posiitiuj Device 1A22 deals with all this information including rangnetic deviation and variation for corrections to compass readings also pressure altitude and air temperature for corrections to indicated air speed The navigator can view large classroom instruments such as a barometric altimeter air speed indicator and air temperature indlcator for making the true air speed calculations The enlarged classroom navigation instruments are 18 inches in diameter and are mounted at the front of each classroom The six different instruments are radar or absolute altimeter barometric altimeter indicated air speed with mach number magnetic compass with gyro free air temperature and clock Pressure Pattern Navigation takes advantage of the known behavior of air masses as they move in high and low pressure areas The trainer presents a dynamic pressure pattern by accepting wind speed and direction and their rates of changes as inputs and adjusting the differences in instrument indications accordingly as the flight proceeds The rate oi change in wind speed and direction can be programmed in order to insure realism With the incorporation of the correct air temperature indication Pressure Pattern Navigation requirements are cornpletely satisfied The clock uses a standard ac motor Since the computer real time clock is also derived from the ac line the classroom clocks and computer program are synchronous A double time mode is available in order to advance the flight at twice the normal speed This function Is used on long simulated flights betwene infrequent position checks Polar navigation where the magnetic field does not strongly attract the magnetic compass and the lines of longitude converge requires special navigation techniques In this area a single entry on the teletype will change the trainer to the Polar Mode which means that the coordinate system is switched from spherical to rectangular In this region the navigator usually flies by his gyro This mode is also selected by a teletype input The other instruments share a common design The output register for each instrument Is connected to a D A converter channel The resulting dc voltage is converted in a dc closed loop servo system to the correct instrument dial reading The magnetic compass and gyro deviate from the above design because they are continuously rotating instruments They use a feedback pot with dual wipers located 180degrees apart Relay logic which senses the four quadrants switches from one wiper to the other so that the active wiper never passes through zero where the pot is discontinuous imuato is Althughthestadar dritmeer Although the standard driftmeter simulator is not physically similar to the Instruments mentioned above the same principle is used for the system design The driftmeter is an ac analog device Therefore D A conversion is again necessary to obtain the ac excitation voltages Even though celestial navigation is one of the first techniques developed by man it is one of the most important simulation areas of this trainer The trainer is equipped with eight traier the taeri eqipp with eih separate booths where eight navigators may simultaneously use their periscopic sextants to get p a fix on seven different predesignated stars Device 1A22 offers training in several different navigation techniques which were mentioned at the beginning of this article A brief description of these techniques may show how the trainer is used as a navigation teaching aid The established table look-up techniques of celestial navigation require the navigator to start with an assumed position to the nearest degree Once this is done stars are selected which are visible at the assumed location and are approximately 120 degrees apart in azimuth In the trainer the navigator student enters an observer booth with the azimuth and altitude information for the optimum stars which he has selected from almanac data Dead reckoning which involves the determination of the ground velocity vector of an aircraft is accomplished by deriving this vector The booth is equipped with a periscopic sextant compass and a clock which is synchronized with the trainer The navigator selects FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 28 I igator can identify the tuned station by readinc the irequency on the receiver the star he wishes to observe arnd the trainer u -1----- -- c 1ta- imul 'cd 1uztroi resMond intensity at the exact azimuth and altitude hie sextant using navigator WhilethetheRetIN1I Srainto obcontinuously trainer anglesIs the updates the star position as the aircraft flies After forming a triangle with the three star shots the navigator can locate his position within a mile of his actual position the thirdbyelectronic Loran In each displayingnavigation 6e A almulated method classroom two time delays in microseconds These are the delays between the Loran Station pairs selected Once again the navigator must consult a chart showing Loran Stations and their time delay curves A fix is obtained by utilizing the delays from two sets of Loran Station pairs Azimuth checks can be performed by selectin ' he Sun or Polaris depending on the hour of the day Atmospheric refraction and coriolis effects are also included so that the student faces the same problems in the trainer as in a real-world etiuation The geographic positions of all the stations discussed above are entered using the on-line teletype In addition Consolan requires a line of tower reference and Loran requires a time delay constant The frequencies of the stations to be tuned are selected at the tuning dials on the trainer control panel Finally the selection of the Consolan Morse Code call letter is inserted on five simple patch boards Code generation is automatic Three different types of electronic navigation are simulated by Device 1A22 There are two receivers that simulate standard airborne radio compass equipment A total of 10 radio beacon and Consolan Stations can be synthesized In each classroom there is a display showing the station time delays which apply to Loran A Systems A radio aids panel in each classroom allows the students to tune In one of the Consolan Stations which he has located on his navigation chart The receiver S-meter deflects when the station is tuned Then he hears the station call letters followed by two sequences of a combination of dots and dashes The navigator can establish a line of position or bearing from the station by counting the number of dots and dashes and locating on his chart the radial line from the station which corresponds to the dot dash count A bearing indicator Is available to the student for a check on the correct quadrant Repeating this procedure for another station establishes the intersection of two bearings or a fix The last area of simulation involves the derivation of ground speed and drift angle using a IBN4 Driftmeter Simulator A driftmeter is essentially a telescope which projects through the bottom of the aWrcraft and permits a navigator to watch the underlying terrain Drift angle is determined by noting the angle at which an object on the ground passes beneath the aircraft and ground speed is determined by measuring how fast the object passes Device 1A22 when connected to Device 1BN4 allows the student to use the normal techniques that the Driftmeter Simulator teaches Day or aight illumination and intensity are adjustable from the trainer operator's control panel Drift angle and absolute altitude divided by ground speed are calculated at the computer and applied directly to a DrIltnieter in each classroom The radio compass equipment uses the same radio receiver to tune in any one of the beacon stations The radio compass indicates the bearing of the selected station is within range The compass automatically positions itself to the bearing of the tuned station when the S-meter on the receiver deflects The nay- it should be emphasized that all of these techniques may be practiced simultaneously by a group of navigators Device 1A22 has again shown how a training device can be utilized to teach men to make the correct decision under stress The application of a digital computer to a navigation trainer is now a proven design concept Versatile Digitizing System lNi Alupi aila tiu ' 41 sampling rates to adapt the digitization to the data frequency The total sampling rate is 20 000 samples per second maximum Input consists of one PAM Pulse Amplitude Modula- An Electronic Engineering Company digitizer system which has been installed in the Data Processing Department of the Pacific Missite Range is designed to digitize a variety of 29 _ 3 an AFC system by a special sinewave recorded on the data tape or by the IRIG standard time code signal tion signal one PDM Pulse Duration Modulation signal or up to 20 continuous type informati 0 • au •tl4 411 prerecorded on magnetic tape Input data are converted to 10 binary bits and sign There are two separate 4096 x 18 core memories While one is accepting data from the digitizer the other is connected to the output equipment The 7utput device is an IBM 729 VI Magnetic Tape Unit The digitizer provides accurate and flexible time-data correlation The range time word for each sample time is written on the output tape in 17 bits of binary seconds and 10 bits of binary milliseconds Standard IRIG Inter-Range Instrumentation Group time codes are accepted An auxiliary device called a Pulse Per od Readout Unit measures the period of incor ing data signals by writing on magnetic tape Wie time of each axis crossing of the input signal The device has a resolution of 0 2 microseconds and the percentage of cycles measured is limited by the data rate of the output tape unit It can process up to six signals at a time and is used for several types of signals random pulses monotonically changing frequencies and non-standard pulse code or pulse duration signals A successive approximation method is utilized for digitization A sample and hold multiplexer supplies the proper channel for digitization and minimizes the time correlation problem by sampling all channels at the same instant of time The master clock may be the output of a crystal oscillator or may be controlled through University-Level Computer Assisted ru'% ' ction Unive Uily ty RocheAfrr Rocelwier Neu York 14627 The computerized program although similar to a heavily branched written program does have important features that distinguish it Among these are variety in display rapid acceptance of program change concealment of unnecessary material storage and processing of student performance and access to remote equipment and material We see the fast data processors as potentially powerful assistants to teachers of large groups with special advantages for teachtrs of college science A study to determine effective methods of teaching large undergraduate science classes through computerized assistance is being conducted by the University of Rochester in collaboration with the State University of New York CUllege at Geneseo Everett M Hafner professor of physics at Rochester is directing the investigation under a $46 100 grant from the Esso Education Foundation Initially Hafner and his associates will gather and adapt appropriaýe samples of computer assisted instructional material already in existence Students from Rochester and Geneseo will then test the material at terminal stations located on each campus and linked to a central computer system The grant was made under the Program of Support for Promoting the Utilization of Resources SPUR one of the Esso Education Foundation programs To date funds totalling $809 174 have been awarded to finance 19 Innovative projects in United States colleges and universities The University of Rochester is the only institution to have been granted two awards under the SPUR program The project according to Prof Hafner is aimed at finding ways of teaching elementary science to large classes honestly and effectively with limited professorial effort and with attention to individuals An essential step toward such goals is to make it possible for the instructor of a large freshman science class to redistribute his time We'd like to help him get rid of routine housekeeping and of the need to spend year after year teaching straightforward and heavily aystemized material he said Then Hainer says a professor might devote his entire teaching time to the labors that only he can perform preparation of new material association with students individually or in small groups self-education and cooperation with his colleagues Prof Hafner a Rochester faculty member since 1953 was a former associate physicist with the Brookhaven National Laboratory 30 Hospital Drug Usage L I ngelrr C li wu i The University of Southern California School of Medicine is doing rapid retrieval of data on drugs with particular emphasis on a study of the incidence of adverse drug reactions Now being used under actual working conditions at Los Angeles County General Hospita the cornputer corrects misspellings translates coded messages into readable form and accepts information from authorized personnel only •' OI 7 Over 700 drugs have been coded and programmed into the computer Should the pharmacist not know the code number for a particular drug he types the first two letters of its name and presses a find key This causes all the drugs beginning with those letters to appear on the screen together with their code numberm The drug name may then be entered in one of several forms but the computer will generate the generic name on the label State law requires that a licensed pharmacut must personally type the label and dispense the medication for every prescription To fulfill these requirements the pharmacist using theterm irem ents the stsi the terminal must identify himself to the systern with the code symbols assigned to him The computer will accept information only from authorized personniel Medication is dispensed bythe ph rsome pesiption label the pharmacist from the prescription label by returned by thle computer Project director Dr Robert F Maronde associate professor of medicine and pharmacology said that before an assessment can be made of adverse responses quantitative drug statistics must be obtained This information is naturally difficult to obtain in a large population he said At County Hospital we have the advantage of knowing that some 90 percent of advatag ofknoingtha soe 9 pecen of the drugs prescribed for patients are obtained by them from the hospital pharmacy County Hospital handles over 700 000 outpatient visits a year and the pharmacy in the Unit I outpatient building where the computer terminal is located fills in excess of 10 000 prescriptions per week Dr Maronde estimated that the use of this system will save about 75 percent of the time previously spend in typing and this is a valuable saving because there is a shortage of pharmacists he added The computer will relieve the pharmacist of a tiresome chore and free him to devote his time to activities more appropriate to his training At this stage of our study while we are still training personnel in computer use the pharmacists are entering a partial number of prescriptions into the computer system Dr Maronde said While the prescriptions are being filled we are also capturing essential drug information by patient and by quantity the USC clinical pharmacologist continued 'We have rapid access to data on drugs prescribed for our patientpopulation and each day we receive a summary print-out of all drugs entered through the terminal We can call for this either alphabetically or in chronological order beginning with the drug prescribed most often he added When the system is fully operational for the evaluative study which is being funded by National Institutes of Health and Connell Charities drug information will be obtained on patients in a selected ward on the twelfth floor of County Hospital where the computer system is located This is to be the pilot ward for the entire hospital for this type of computer application Dr Maronde said USC and County personnel will be working in close relationship Our project and the County Hospital program in fact will tie in very well since the hospital will have its own computer next year for application in the field of medical data retrieval Plans for using the system on the pilot ward are to collect all laboratory data and en- Information which includes the doctor's and patient's name the drug ordered dosage and instructions for taking the medication is entered into the system through a typewriter keyboard at the terminal Using a code which the pharmacists devised up to 26 symbols can be entered and up to 150 letters can be retrieved on a printed label When the pharmacist has entered the prescription in coded form he presses a key on the typewriter which generates the informatiun on a small screen written out as it will appear on the label for the medication If the image on the screen compares correctly with the physician's written prescription the pharmacist instructs the computer to enter the information and return the label Labels are recovered in strip form through another machine adjacent to the keyboard If the information on the screen is not right the pharmacist can type over any line to make the necessary correction 31 4 ter it on computer files by patient The patient's file will also include diagnosis drugs prescribed usage And eonmments by the attendIng physician regarding occurrences of adverse drug reactions Dr Maronde indicated that he expects the system to be in operation for all prescriptions filled at the Unit I pharmacy within a few weeks Eventually we will be able to provide the physician with a summary list of all drugs prescribed each time his patients come In he said The computer is also being programmed to project by patient how long each prescription should last he added A computer system for the rapid retrieval of selected material can also be invaluable to the physician in improving patient care Dr Maronde said 'Existing hospital records are often bulky and cumbersome and the information he wants may be scattered throughout the file Another advantage of the computer according to the USC physician is evident when a patient reenters the hospital A printed or display form of the tape containing his complete prior record is readily available to the physician for his perusal USC is one of three test sites in the United States at which IBM has installed a computer system for this particular application The medical school project employs a fulltime statistician a systems analyst consulting mathematician several programmers and other personnel as well as three systems engineers assigned by IBM U S Army Automatic Data Field Systems Command Fot hl'hwit I ahgpua 22 160 The Army Automatic Data Field Systems Command ADFSC commanded by Brig Gen Roger M Lilly began ats third year on August 1 1967 equipment suitable for use by other Army tactical ADP systems Tactical Operations System TOS This system provides for the introduction of a first generation automatic data processing system into the Army in the field which will provide commanders and their staffs at field army and below with current accurate information and intelligence for consideration in making operational decisions TOS provides for ADP assistance in three areas of interest-operations to include G-1 and G-4 summary information pertinent to the operations estimate intelligence and fire support coordination Major developmental effort in this systems area is being accomplished in the Seventh U S Army under contract to Control Data Corporation who is to supply transportable ADP equipment The equipment including a Service Center currently operational in Germany will be used for the TOS development in Seventh U S Army to asbist in determining hardware and software requirements for an Army-wide Tactical Operations System TOS The contract provides for the first transportable data processing center and remote input output devices to be delivered by late fall of this year Headquarters ADFSC at Belvoir and its TOS Development group in Europe are providing technical assistance to Seventh Army Organized on a world-wide basis ADFSC is a subordinate command of the U S Army Comnbat Developments Command and the Commanding General ADFSC is also the Project Manager Automatic Data Systems within the Army in the Field ADSAF so designated by the Commanding General U S Army Materiel Coinmand In his capacity as Commanding General ADFSC General Lilly represents the user and as Project Manager ADSAF the developer and supplier of the systems The mission of ADSAF Project is to develop procure and distribute the following systems for use within the Army in the field Tactical Fire Direction System TACFIRE This system provides for the introduction of a first generation automatic data processing system in the Army in the field which will increase the effectiveness of field artillery fire support through increased accuracy better and greater efficiency in the determination of -ire capabilities and the allocation of fire units to targets TACFIRE development is currently completing a formal competitive contract definition phase LITTON BURROUGHS and IBM leading to a Total Package Procurement in Dec 1967 encompassing development production and early field support of the deployed system A design goal of the development program is to provide a family of militarized general purpose ADP Combat Service Support System CS This system is that portion of the ADSAF Project that addresses through integrated automation a computer supported logistics personnel and administrative system for the Army in the 32 i i - i i k liii a Field The ultimate goal Of CS in to intoffrato n'41 a• t l -pl - U • as many as possible of the functions of the G-1 G-4 G-5 and Comptroller into an ADP system and thereby relieve military personnel from theme chores an well as improve the effectiveness of those functions The system will provide Combat Service Support unit commanders with data leadin to operational decisions based on best utilization of available resources tactical commanders and their staffs with current accurate port situation information and Headquarters on the combat Department service supof simplified automated supply accounting capibility to Direct and General Support Units DSU'S GRIR ' Army-wide provi ion of persohnal rvrthe Army Element of the tri-service TIPI-JSPO Joint Special Program Office engaged in developing the Tactical Information Processing Interpretation system for defense-wide use aesslsting the Commanding General U S Army Europe in the modernization of the Seventh U S Army Stock conduct of a Control field teat Center at Fort at Hood Zwelbrucken Texas on and the Army agencies with information required for their missions A CS• prototype test is to be conducted Fort Hood year during 1968 foratwhich the III Texas Corps has beenfiscal se- the ROAD Division Univac 1005 configuration to determine the desirability and feasibility of automating certain functions on this equipment lected as test organization IBM was awarded the equipment contract for the CS prototype and Seventh Army Inventory Control Center and delivery Is scheduled for April-June 1968 ADFSC field units include the TOS Development Group and CS Assistance Group in Germany CS3 Test Group at Fort Hood Texas New Equipment Introduction and Assistance Teams ii Europe and Southeast Asia a field oflice at Fort Lee Va and a d tachment at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base In addition there are ADFSC liaison offices at Headquarterm Army Materiel Command in Washington Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J and U S Army Frankford Arsenal - In addition to the foregoing systems the Project Manager is also responsible for the production and distribution of the Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer FADAC Gun Direction M18 and associated equipment to active Army artillery units world-wide the Information Clearing House Study feasibility of establihing Cener The Public to serv the I as tten-rd Health Service int problems is exploring s a - and ovn pitfalls sce to e be encounthe many feasibility of establishing a Center to serve am tered in this fast-moving science a clearinghouse for information on hospital automated communication systems A 6-month study to determine technical and management requirements for the Center is Ing supported by a $29 386 research contract beexecuted by the Division of Hospital and Medical Facilities Kerner and Company consultants in information science Washington D C will conduct the study Increasingly hospitals are using computers to speed the exchange of information between Individual departments such as admitting bustness office nursing pharmacy and others relating to patient care The Center would gather and analyze the data relevant to this rapidly doveloping field so that Public Health Service consultari throughout will be better prepared to advise pitals hosthe Nation on their computer applications Dr Stewart that the study to provide is designed variousadded by-products such as a list of information tion systems sources on automated communicaa bibliography of the literature and questionnaires for surveying automated communication activities in medical care fucllities Noting that automated communication systems have great potential for Increasing the efficiency economy and effectiveness of hospital operations Dr William H Stewart Surgeon General said These systems in hospitals are proliferating rapidly in the midst of constant technological change and development If public funds are to be prudently expended in this area a comprehensive source of information on these systems and the current state-of-the-art is essential Our objective is to help hospitals avoid Clayton Pierce Communications Specialist Division of Hospital and Medical Facilities Is project officer This Division directed by Assistant Surgeon General Harald M Graning administers the Hill-Burton Program which among other activities promotes research to improve health facilities and services 33 ---- _ • • 3 - - - _ AUTODIN Expansion H1 J Sit h anuc-jn 961i11 A completely new era of coommunications was introduced to the Ilawalia•n area on 3 April More speciflicaUy the system will provide direct user-to-user service store and fcrward 1967 when the United states Naval CommunicAtion Station at Wahiawa officially activated their Automatic Digital Integrated Network AUTODIN Captair Warren H Wettlaufer USN Commandrig Officer at the communication station put the network into operational status when he sent the first message over the channels to Washington D C It read Alo a from Hawaii AUTODIN iuelsage service compatibility of media eeods speeds and formats automatic error detection and correction message processing by priority maximum security against compromise and will automatically route to alternate addresses on a message The significance of the system can be best understood by considering a few examples of its capabilities To send a message from say Vietnam to Washington D C normally would take many hours or more likely many days however through the use of AUTODIN this message would be received in Washington in less than 5 seconds after it was put on the wire in Vietnam At present the United States Naval Communication Station at Wahiawa which is the largest communication station in the world handles approximately 8 million messages annually With the activation of their new switching center this handling capability will be increased to over 70 million messages per year By eliminating the need for human hands to process a message at each station enroute to its final destination this system can effect such rapid delivery in mass volume Captain Robert S Downes USNR a director of the Naval Communication System Headquarters in Washington was the principal speaker at the ceremony held at Wahiawa which was attended by representatives from nigh military command throughout the United States executives from Western Union Telegraph and Radio Corporation of America as well as local political figures Captain Downes emphasized that the activation of AUTODIN in Hawaii is a sign icant advancement in the Defense Communietition System throughout the free world and even further enhances Hawaii's position as the military nerve -center of the Pacific AUTODIN is a world-wide network composed of individual Automatic Electronic Switchig Centers in various geographic locations At present there are nine such centers in the continental United States The recently activated one at Wahiawa is the first outeide the continental United States and the third und'er direct control of the Navy There are currently others under construction or in the planning stages overseas The system was first conceived in 1958 by a Special United States Air Force Planning Group Its activation as a replacement for several manual data networks was completed in 1963 Upon its activation with its five switching centers the network war adopted by the Defense Communication Agency as the nucleus of a planned world-wide system Since that time it has expanded to include all services The switching center at Wahiawa is manUnited States by theHonolulu aged and operated Defor theNaval Station Communication ile ationAgHonolulu forspthe feneCommunicatio responsible ftense Communication Agency It is Reed and Martin Contractors Honolulu were awarded a 2 5 million dollar contract to begin construction at the 22 000-sq ft Wahiawa loca- for the handling of communication data amA tion in March 1966 The installation of equipment was initiated on 1 October of that year under the direction of Western Union and RCA the prime contractor and major sub-contractor respectively for the entire AUTODIN program Once installation was completed testing was begun and then on 3 April the cent'ýr went operational quality control of circuits throughout the Pacific and maintains inter-connecting trunk circuits w th continental United States centers and other mnanual data Relay Centers in the Western Pacific It will provide the Navy Air Force Army Coast Guard other government agencleb and industrial contractors with a worldwide high-speed automatic electronic cornputerized data communication service It Is designed to link about 3 500 such installations within the year and will eventually replace all manual and torn-tape relay stations in the world Lieutenant William A Tanner Jr USN has been appointed to head the Wahiawa system while more than 100 civilians with a combined salary of 1 5 million dollars man the facility 34 S÷ - _ J
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