P L 86-36 8 3 11 m DVUmm D 1 $lBl JmUV Df $mlB 0WU l50W l5 Wl5aJlDl5 WaJl l1aJGJlD EQ 1 4 c L j MAPS IN MIND Photoessay THE oLrrl SECTION Parts 3 4 AN APPROACH TO CALLSIGN ANALYSIS o LETTER TO THE EDITOR o o o CISI FORMING NEW SIG Human Factors THE NEW COLLECTION CRITERIA o A FLAG-WAVING PROGRAMMER o A LONG HARD LOOK AT THE INTERN PROGRAM A PROPOSAL FOR CALENDAR REFORM o CRYPTOLOG INDEX FOR 1974 j t Wi11iam J JacKson G O g o n Anne Exinterne o Francis T Leahy J 86-36 1 5 o 7 9 10 11 13 14 20 21 Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 '1- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 o DOCID 4019620 Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations DECEMBER 1974 VOL I NO 5 WILLIAM LUTWINIAK PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS Edi tor in Chief Doris Miller 5642s Collection 1 1 35715 Cryptanalysis 1 1 80255 Language 1 Machine Support Special Research Traffic Analysis Art Editor P L If5Z36s 1 3321S Vera R Filby 7ll9s William J Jackson Jr 3369s I ___ Editor for December Harry G Rosenbluh 86-36 DOCID 4019620 P L 86-36 -ii -------------l I ND A PHOTOESSAY I b1 Marshall McLuhan has said that the map is one of a select group of communications media without which the world of modern science and technologies would hardly exist Last year the Geography and Map Library in room 2N075 answered 5000 geographic information requests and furnishedl Imaps charts and geographic publications to help the employees of the Agency communicate more effectively and to help them adjust to the rapidly changing target areas and international crises which characterize NSA's recent history For those readers who have never used our services this photoessay should provide an introduction to the selectiQnof map The second major concern in selecting a map is the projection Projection refers to the method used to put a representation of the earth on to a flat sheet of paper Maps are usually projected onto cylinders cones and planes The following chart shows some of the major types and their uses NN IE USES MERCATOR N wi gation and dead reckoning FN lI LY CYLINDRICAL LN 1BERT' S Atlases pilotage and CONIC In selecting a map we usually ask custQmers CON FORNAL radio to visit the Map Library because describing j A IMUT L EQUIDIST Aeronautics radio map over the phone can be difficult One of the engineering and first questions we usually ask is what scale celestial maps map is wanted This is a confusing question betIrans-polar and transcause small can mean large and large can mean GNOMONTC oceanic route radio small In other words a small scale map covers land seismic work a large area and a large-scale map covers a small area Scales can run from 1 1 000 000 000 one to one billion which would be a map of FIGURE 2 the world the size of a postage stamp to 1 1 one to one which you could get by putting a 'EO 1 4 c piece of paper on the floor putting your foot P L 86-36 on the paper and tracing around it You Quld then have a map of your fooLatascale of one Figures 3a through 3f sho how the human to one Figure Jshows three maps ofl I head would be represented in various mapping c Jin small medium and large scales The methods revealing their respecti distortions squares on the 1 1 000 000 and 1 250 000 maps renresent the area covered bv the 1 50 000 man I' r Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 DOCID 4019620 _ EO 1 4 c L 86-36 3a Globular 3b Mercator 3c polyconic 3d Lambert's Con formal FIGURE 3 'U 1111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111Illflllllll _ 1 t'k I yfll' 3f 3e Stereographic Gnomonic' 7 plotting an outline map would be best Terrain briefing and outline maps come in three general sizes small medium and larg depending on the size of the paper the map IS on not the scale of the map In general small maps are letter size and are good for including in IGINT and other types of reports The map shown In figure 4 is a medium-size mapl I ' J1111111 II 111 1 11111 1111111 UJIJ 1 1 I1 11111 ' ''1 1 III 1 TIl After the scale and projection questions usually include a medium size terrain map with have been solved the major remaining problem small special inset maps covering population is the type of features needed on the map If economics vegetation ethnic groups and other you want a map to decorate your wall a National relevant specialized subjects The map library Geographic Map with terrain features and many has these area brief maps for most of the counplace names might be best If you want to do tries in the world Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 DOCID 4019620 FIGURE 5 The last two figures cover special maps In figure 5 you can see if you squint real hard a map taken from the National Geographic Magazine which illustrates the world wide use of oil The United States is very large and Africa and Australia are tiny The map below the oil use map shows in an exaggerated way the world of known oil reserves These maps have been used as an ad for a well-known international oil company These maps and the map from Forbes magazine Going Fishing in South Vietnam which shows the oil concession zones in the South China Sea illustrate the wide range of devices and distortions that maps employ to communicate and also the highly specialized nature of many maps The Geography and Map Library has many examples of specialized maps from maps which show oil pipelines wells pumping stations etc to bird hazard whale time zone and ice charts to city and port pla s to moon maps L 1 Figure 6 suggests the wave of the future as far as the production of many specialized maps is concerned Computer plotting along with maps Oil microfiche and computer graphics will undoubtedly playa larger role for both geographers and Agency analysts Of the exampIes shown i n the photo the one on the extreme right illustrating field-of-sight plotting would probablY be the most useful for Al1enc v oroblems 1 Maps on microfiche can be useful when it is necessary to trace the course of a railroad river or border area over a long distance ' Successive sheets in a map series can be photographically reduced and placed side by side on one fiche for easyyisualcontillul ty Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4019620 L 86-36 EO 1 4 c As far as computer graphics IS concerned the Agency already has rna pro rams on the fol10win computer systems in conClUSIon Just rememlJer to think out your map requirements in advance then come on down andvisitusinRoorn2N07S 0urhoUTS are from 10 a m to noon and from 1 30 to 3 30 p m I - inguists collectors information technicians SRA's and data systems people can all find articles in this issue of CRYPTOLOG dealing with their specialty Somehow or other there isn't anything for cryptanalysts 01' there wasn't anything for them until the Editor decided to fill this spot at the bottom of a page with three open-code messages from the back of Military Cryptanalytics Ei L Ll Each of these texts contains some other meaning besides the obvious one Can you find the hidden message in each of these innocent-looking texts 1 TO COVER D HIDE YOUR FI ANCES I lAINTAI STAFF TO BARTER F C EXCHANGE 2 BEARER IS A FRIEND I CANNOT WRITE IUCH WILL YOU BE READY TO MEET A TRUSTED INTERMEDIARY SO YOU CAN GIVE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO HIM NEXT WEEK I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY 3 DISATISFIED WITH I tIDIATE RESULTS OF YOUR t LYSIS STOP ADITIONAL RENUNERATION TO ALL PERSE NEL WHO INDENTIFY COMPONANT PARTS OF THE ALLOIS OTHER NICKEL OR COPPER Sorry but we can't print the anSI ers since these problems are part of an extension course but you cryppies shouldn't have much trouble with them UNCLASSIFIED Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 P L 86-36 DOCID 4019620 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 86-36 n e Revrewe erson who reviews There are several advantages to having all outgoing messages read by one person 1 The reviewer serves as a control point for conventions of style usage technical notations spelling publication series priorities sometimes a message looks hotter after degarbling and priority is marked up 2 The reviewer can best control the quality of the translations and monitor the observance of standards This is best done by a single person 3 The reviewer seeing all outgoing messages is able to examine each one in the widest context possible Hy can on occasion I spot a duplicate translation which has slipped through the scanners unnoted Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4019620 4 Section Chief EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 The determination of standards in general and in detail is the respo sibility of the section chief He must tperefore be qualified as a linguist Thereare two principal ways in which he is able t %bserve and thereby exercise control over the quality of the end product IJHe may receive the requests for clarification of texts from the consumers and from edl tors wi thin NSA and personally conduct the research required for these requests 2 He may periodically check messages which have been translated and review messages which have been checked It is normally of interest to the section chief to read daily the top priority messages which have been disseminated by teletype and to examine them with the eye of a reviewer of the In 1963 President Kennedy expressed his 1 Aberdeen solidarity with the beleaguered people of Ber2 Atlanta lin by proclaiming Ich bin ein Berliner 3 Cairo This was understood without difficulty on both 4 Cambridge sides of the Atlantic But what if he had want- 5 Dallas ed to express solidarity with the people of 6 Florence Hamburg-or still worse Vienna Americans might 7 Glasgpw have been dismayed to hear the President call 8 Legharn himself a Hamburger or a Wiener for we are not 9 Liverpool always familiar with the forms that names of 10 Los Angeles cities take to express citizenship 11 Madras Even in English these may be unpredictable 12 Madrid In the list below can you give the correct or accepted English form for a resident of each city Answers on page 12 Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Memphis Moscow Naples New Orleans Oxford Parma Peking Rio de Janeiro Shanghai Tangier Trieste Warsaw UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 40196-2-B SECRET SPOK-E EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 o cCOrding to Mr C G Garofalo former chief of P14 who is the individual most responsible for the solution of a number of target callsign systems over the past 30 years the first step you should take when faced with the job of solving a new and complex callsign system is to go on two weeks annual leave b'wILLIAM J JACKSON P14 significant system characteristics and of phenomena useful in analysis Several standard forms are avail ab Ie for this purpose I Assuming' that the system is not immediately obvious the initial objective is to determine what type it is 1 L _ _ - - _ _ rIThTh e -tb e tt t- e r- eiittih e r you or the team does on continuity the easier and more successful your callsign analysis is likely to be In addition to the requirement of continuity for successful analysis another is that of complete openmindedness in the approach to the problem no idea no suggestion should be dismissed as being implausible Remember Aristotle said that a likely impossibility is always preferable to an unconvincing possibility Probably the best approach to callsign study after a number of callsign continuities are available is to arrange the callsigns in a form which will facilitate the recognition of Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG page7 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SECRE1 SPOIEURE DOCID i L 4019620 SECRET SPS E Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 SECRET SPSIfE 86-36 EO 1 4 e EQ 1 4 c P L 86-36 40-r9620 SECRET Spe f In forthcoming issues of CRYPTOLOG it is expected that one or more examples of the application of the foregoing approach will be presented 'LETTER To the TO TIlE EDITOR Editor CRYPTOLOG Magazine The article in the September issue COMINT Analysis ofl ' by Derek Craig is of great interest but may I comment on this article - - - - - - ' Mr Craig's analysislL ---- -- Iwasa valuable piece of reportage and I EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Name withheld by request Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 SfCffET SPOKE DOClD 4019620 111111I1 I id Forming New SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP on HUD F Facto you ever wonder how many hours are wasted because analysts have to read output in computerese that borders on low-level encipherment how many ACRP operators have trouble copying traffic due to high noise level in the aircraft or possibly have hearing problems from the noise how many errors are made because of poor keyboard design or non-standard layouts why your typing keyboard is so high that it gives you a backache or tired shoulders or just feels uncomfortable why somebody designed your operating console so you have to stretch to reach the controls or why they didn't give you enough writing space how many computer jobs have to be rerun because the tape label was hard to read and the wrong tape was mounted how long this list would get if you really thought about all the other problems we live with day in and day out because someone forgot to consider the human being in the working environment P L 86-36 To promote a more efficient intertace among people hardware software and environment in systems design development and use To encourage the acquisition and app ica- tion of information tools and technIques to satisfy the above Through lectures seminars working groups and publications SIG Human Factors plans to provide opportunities to learn mor about the human element in procedures and brIng people with common interests and problems together on a professional level Under the I eneral l Uidance of' I I A63 ext 3847 who Initiated actions to start the SIG the nucleus of the I rOUD nresentlv includesl L- IJack ' Gurin P16 ext 5236 Until the Group is more formally organized these people are key points f contact If you are involved in human factors work or are a user with a strong interest in how systems and procedures design affects you or your subordinates please get in touch We need your support Some of your colleagues have wondered and As of now commit yourself to a Vigilance are doing something about it Task that's a good human-factors buzz word The task is to keep a watchful eye on your daily Under the sponsorship of the NSA Computer mail for notices of SIG Human Factors activities and Information Sciences Institute CISI they which should be starting soon are forming a Special Interest Group which will be called SIG Human Factors NO PAGE 19-20 IN NOVEMBER ISSUE The Special Interest Group's goals are To increase awareness of the need to connoticed that the Table of sider human factors in our work so that Contents for the November CRYPTOLOG listed A as systems and procedures are acquired or Medal for Horatius on page 19 and a Letter to developed 1 people are considered in the Editor on page 20 You may also have noticed relation to the total environment--which that your copy didn't have pages 19 20 in it means consideration of human physiological It seems that the writer of the letter included characteristics behavioral reactions biosome terminology and information that were betmedical factors training motivation ter left unpublished in a general newspaper personal comfort and safety and 2 the Alas the breach was not realized until the highest and best use is made of both human issu had been printed so in the inteand machine resources through assignment rest of security the offending page was bodily of appropriate roles to each removed The letter duly sanitized will be found on page 9 of this issue and the Golden To stimulate NSA CSS-wide interest underOldie about Horatius' medal will be included in standing and involvement in the human CRYPTOLOG sometime soon UNCLASSIFIED aspects of our business may ave Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 L 86-36 DOClD 4019620 P L The Collection Career Panel has now in draft a new set of criteria for Professionalization The new criteria are to be published we hope in January 1975 Some description of the new criteria will be found below but for now let us just say that they are more pertinent The Collection Specialist will be concerned primarily with Collection operations and it is intended that certification in this specialty will enable the individual to be promoted in professional-level assignments through grade GG-13 To be certified as a Collection Specialist an aspirant must have amassed 1 000 points must When the new criteria are published aspi- have met certain minimum standards including rants who have already submitted Professional having taken some specific training courses Qualifications Records PQR's will hav a spe- and he must have passed a Professional Qualificified amount of time from the pub11cat10n date cation Examination While academic education is to achieve certification under the existing always an asset in any professionalization syscriteria The new criteria will contain some tern technical training and achievements are rigid requirements--some specific demands -- not stressed for a Collection Specialist with acafound currently At the present it is not easy demic education a very desirable adjunct The to be a professional Collector in the future emphasis for the Specialist is on technical it will be more difficult At the present competence training requirements may be met by peripheral The Collection Officer will be as he is courses and on occasion credit must be given now more oriented toward staff and management for courses of very little relevance to the Col-The criteria for him will include certain minilection business The criteria to be published mum academic education requirements and some will afford points for any training or edu different required training courses and some cation as before but will require some speof the other minimum point requirements may be cific Collection-related training as well as higher Many of the basic requirements will be requiring some additional train n from a set the same for the Collection Officer as for the of elective courses The spec1f1cs of the Collection Specialist so that the points earned training requirements have not be n agreed on in achieving certification as a Specialist will entirely but the basic concept W11 preva11 as go a long way toward certification as an Offiw1'll most of the training required 1n the draft b't b s'ble to become a Col cer ut 1 may e pos 1 From a purist's point of view the ne lection Officer without being able to qualify as criteria are exemplary n concept There w1ll bE a Collection Specialist The normal progression two professional areas 'Collection Specialist however will probably be for an aspirant to be and Collection Officer professionalized as a Specialist first Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 1fAimbf l 1lfA C9MHft' C dfMl B 9Nl aY 86-36 DOClD 4019620 Besides the ad ition of academic education ed for the career field With the advent of the requirements for the Collection Officer he too new criteria a definite plan can be drawn a will be required to pass the PQE Further he career can be mapped out in Collection from the will also have to pass an oral examination beginning A potential professional Collector board When the aspirant has met all the mini- can be groomed and be guided by the criteria mum requirements has passed an objective through a career from the time he enters on written qualifying examination and has then duty Those of us elderly personnel who have been subjected to a further screening by an ex- floundered and drifted through an entire career amining board he will have demonstrated real can appreciate how much that could mean professional competence The new criteria will not be more difficult than those in existence And let it be said one more time The Colnow probably but they will be more rigid more lector is the backbone of the SIGINT system specific more demanding They will be focussed Without him there is nothing for the other dismore sharply on Collection and in many ways will ciplines to work on We need competent probe more objective This writer feels that they fessional Collectors and through the new will be a vast improvement criteria we will develop them One of the chief benefits to be derived from the proposed criteria is that for a very welcome change a curriculum is being establish- lITIZENS OF THE WORLD Answers see page E8IJFIBEIJ'FIAb P 'EES b U 1AOS A 'PZ OU1lS 1 1 ' Z Oll1P aU1 8u 1 'ZZ JI S noA dn n 1I001 i lsauoH pu n lj8u ljS 'IZ a5nolj l1ljM oJ SP OM u wuI 1dnl ljl wO J paA1 ap 51 P OM aljl pUB '01H wO J u05 ad B alJB paWBu SBM a uBp aljl a uBp aljl JO aWBU aljl lliO J awo l usaop s1ljl 'ON B 01 BJ 'OZ asa8u111 d '61 a5aa J u1 5 u saw Bd '81 UB1uoxO 'LI uB1u aI O'9I uBl1IOdBaN 'Sl l1Ao 5nW'vI s5 uual u1 5 l1 J1 uB1 dlliaw o l dA8 3 u1 51 Al1 aljl J1 anljdwaW ' 1 lli OJ lj51UBdS aljl 51 0 llan pBw u 1ual1 p w 'ZI 15B P W 'II lj51u dS MOU nOA lOU o aljlaljM uodn 8u1puadap 0 ar 8uv o ouara8uy '01 qppnd 5awo q rood lp UBllpnd - aA11 '6 UB1u OA11 '8 lWO J 5 lliO UB18aMrB l ljM lno n81J Ol lU lliOW B oJ U1ljl Ol aAB nOA P1U 'u 18 M oN UB18 MIB q pa uanIJu1 AIqBqo d BIn8 1 A - - A 5 Bql iuom ooHj U 1 M -5BI8 'L s883 u1 5 aUHua 0T l '9 an5BlI a 'S uH l IPP1W lliO J uB1 1 q lUBJ 'P u A8 ljl1M 5 WAlj ua 1BJ ' A Ol5 aljlou IOljM B 5 lBljl U lUBrlY lON UBluBIlY 'z UB1uoP qy 'I UNCLASSIFIED intk r - - P L 86-36 ENGLAND Some messages sent in 1910 from a sea captain to Scotland Yard ---marking the first time that radio was used to capture a criminal---were auctioned off in London recently for about $4 000 Tho e m ssa es led lJ to the arrest of Dr Hawley Crippen who left the dismembered body of hl WIfe In the basement of their London home while he and his girlfriend went for a crUIse to Canada aboard the liner Montrose The captain became suspicious and used his ship-to-shore radio to ask Scotland Yard for advice I A British boxing fan who was hoping for a son has given his new daughter a name involving the surnames of 25 heavyweight boxing champions and for the rest of her life the girl will have to fill out forms with Maria Sullivan Corbett Fitzsimmons Jeffries Hart Burns Johnson Willard Dempsey Tunney Schmeling Sharkey Camera Baer Braddock Louis Charles Walcott Marciano Patterson Johansson Liston Clay Frazier Foreman Brown How did Maria get in there British males made sterile by vasectomy operations have begun wearing neckties with a special V motif originally designed t promote the operation but according to an official of the Vasectomy Advancement SOCIety many men who have not had the operation are placing orders for the ties Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 DOCID O R 'MME1 t OYq EO JOHN q 2 f - tllJntil six months ago I considered myself a competent programmer but since writing a recent series of data handling programs I've had to revise that opinion The programs behaved well when being written and initially debugged but got rowdy after being given to an I n for routino e The job I tackled was to write a family of programs one for each key system to sort the key by identification eliminate duplicate records and add the newest data to a blocked tape This tape would then contain all known key on that system in a prescribed order The analyst who was to Jse the first program gave me the following information about thl input data One of the other programs failed and after two weeks of looking at the program I found out that the analyst had combined two tapes onto one and input that one to my program This introduced duplicate records and separate blocks of the same key and thoroughly confused the program and me P L I It only takes one wrong record to derail a TOgrllm and un less that record is flagged at he time you may find yourself searching through thousands Qf ecords without knowing what to lOOk for WhenanC1T alyst tells you All of the data has the echarac ter istics try to remember the wise old saying Sta t elUepts that use 'always' or 'never' are always fal ep' L 86-36 Programmers can gain more yardage by EO 1 4 c having the computer act as referee At each point where unnecessary roughness offsides etc can occur include the following a A statement of what is wrong with the record b Aprintout of the records that were being processed when the flag was thrown and c A branch to read a new record and continue processing This technique should help both in initial debugging and in planning later revisions Taking the given information with a simple I'll just run it up the flagpoVe and minded faith I proceeded to write programs s e e w h o s all u t e s- i t to do the job The first time the analyst brought back one of the programs it took me a week to discover that the failure was caused by missing separators between the lane groups in the input WA T AD tape I had not thought to look there 1 -- ------------------------------------------1 WANTED Unwanted RYE GUPPY Manuals If you have The second time she brought it back I longer need it a Manual in ood crndition and analyzed the program logic for another week please send lt to _ E13 FANX 2 before I noticed that the segment numbers on for use in Cryptanalysis training courses the input tape were not in the proper order I added a sort step to the program IIIIl- fO Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 j 1 86-36 DOClD 4019620 LONG HARD LOOIi AT T E Intern rogram PART FOUR WHAT HAPPENS TO THE GRADUATES L - I l t intern program to date What impact have they had on the work force Is their performance notably different from that of college hires who took and remained in direct assignments How do graduates feel about an Agency career How do they feel about the intern program While I have heard much concern about what would happen to college hires if they were required to have operational experience before being considered for an intern program there seems to be relatively little concern about what happens to the graduates and little effort directed at looking at the program through their eyes P L 86-36 study six graduates had been promoted to GG-12 they were all men Sixteen months later the grades of the first five classes this panel graduated were reviewed By that time 17 of the graduates were 12's 14 of them were men While the Agency reorganization made it difficult to continue an organizational analysis it was possible to determine that Group Y had yet to promote a graduate These findings suggest that the most significant indicator of a graduate's future advancement in this career field may be his sex and that Group assignment is also a significant predictor however on a theoretical level Career Qualification Battery scores are used One panel did conduct a survey of graduates to predict success in a career field How did several years ago and found that approximately the CQB scores of the graduates who were pro20% of the graduates were having problems with moted compare to those not promoted Scores of their assignments and that the primary problem 57 graduates who remained in that career field was lack of challenging work There are two from the first five classes the panel graduated ways to look at the results of that survey--one were analyzed For the 20 graduates who had is to say that the hands of those graduates been promoted to either GG-12 or GG-11 as of were held for three years and if they encounter December 1973 the average CQB score in the problems now they should be resourceful enough category that pertained to their career field to know how to handle them The opposite apwas 5 25 The average score of the 37 graduates proach is to say that after spending thousands not promoted was 5 64 I said previously that of dollars on classroom and on-the-job training if I had faith in CQB scores as predictors of for these people it is foolish not to have success and viewed the program as a highly sesome type of follow-up program to ensure that lective one I would require a higher score they are being usefully employed and to monitor than the 5 that most panels currently require their careers in order to keep abreast of proof program applicants since a 5 indicates averblems that seem to be common to a number of them age test performance Actually what the Panels In fact there do seem to be some patterns may be expressing by not requiring a higher score is that they do not have such faith in in the careers of that panel's graduates that would concern me if I were a Panel member or an CQB scores In the case of this panel the requirement for a 5 was not even enforced for 15 M3 employee The survey cited above revealed of the 57 graduates if it had been adhered to that sex and group assignment seemed to have a very significant bearing on career advancement almost half 9 of the 20 graduates who have been promoted would not have been accepted into For instance at the time of the study 14% of the graduates either had been assigned to Group the program Three of those nine did not even receive a score of 4 and thus needed a waiver X by the Pane 1 or had trans ferred there and 17% since they did not receive a qualifying score of the graduates had been assigned to Group Y for the COSC On the other hand only 6 of the or had transferred there but 57% of the promotions received by that Panel's graduates went 37 not promoted 16% did not receive a score to those in Group X and not one of the Group Y of 5 or above and only one of those 6 did not receive a qualifying score for the COSC While graduates had been promoted If I were a Panel these are admittedly very small samples these member I would want to know if Group Y really figures make me uneasy when I consider how much had appropriate jobs for their graduates Proemphasis is placed on CQB scores in determining motional opportunities also seem to have a which employment applicants will be hired and sexual bias 46 women and 43 men had graduated from the program as GG-ll's At the time of the then what fields they will enter ' Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 DOCID 4on6zcr P L 86-36 That uneasiness prompted me to do some him a prime candidate The possibility that the further research into CQB scores I next comfirst day was just a bad testing day for this pared scores of 60 interns 30 with a degree individual is diminished by the fact that scores and 30 without a degree for the category that for 4 of the categories remained constant pertained to their career field In view of the Another thing about the CQB that disturbs recent proposal that the program again be limme is that the CQB battery seems to have changed ited to college graduates I was impressed by the fact that the average score for non-college little if any in the nine years since I first encountered it although some career fields have graduates 6 46 was higher than that of the chan ed considerabl durin that time college graduates 5 87 That difference in average scores may suggest that performance on the CQB could be affected by experience even though with an aptitude test this should not be the case This theory received additional - - - - -_ _-- - Jthe support from the test records of 8 on-board SR field has attempted to assert its identity as interns who took the CQB twice Their two a definable career field rather than a catchall attempts yielded a total of 206 scores so 103 for people who do not seem to fit into any other comparisons of scores could be made Scores field Does the present CQB and the weights improved by 1 to 5 points in 56 cases stayed given the various subtests adequately reflect the same in 26 and dropped in 21 Given a this or is the battery a selection tool that universal requirement of 5 for consideration for an intern program these people would have was appropriate for the fields ten years ago but not today gained eligibility in 20 categories and lost eligibility in B The most dramatic change was My discussion so far applies to just one an applicant who went from a 3 to an 8 going panel The study that was done by the specially from a score that was too low to even be condesignated Intern Study Task Force provides a sidered for the program to a score that made EXTRACT FROM TABLES Graduate interns 1969 and 1970 CA DATA SYSTEMS LANG TA SR L 86-36 Number of interns Grade GG-9 GG-l1 GG-12 GG-13 Not Promoted Since Graduation Last pIA Outstanding Overseas Tour Resignations FOOTNOTES The categories of Number of interns and resignations were not defined but it appeared that number of interns referred to graduates who were still at the Agency and did not include graduates who have resigned since the sum of the figures in the grade breakdowns equaled that given for number of interns The one exception to this was the SR Panel for which Number of interns appeared to equal the figures from the grade breakdown plus resignations Therefore to determine the total number of graduates I added number of interns to resignations This total was used only for the attrition information EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 DOCIO 4019620 broader look into the fate of the intern program graduates When I first looked at one of the study's charts part of which is given above I didn't see much of interest However I then used the data provided as the basis for additional computation and some interesting patterns began to emerge The information provided above yielded the following statistical information A Percentage of Graduates Promoted by Career Field DS- 57 5% TA- 33 3% LG- 33 3% CA- 23 6% SR- 17 2% These graduates were at a disadvantage since the first sa Interns did not graduate until 1970 while other panels graduated interns in 1969 B Percentage Promoted by Career Field and Sex DS-M 66% SR-M 22 5% LG-M 58 3% CA-F 12 9% TA-M 50% SR-F 11 1% DS-F 39 1% LG-F 8 3% CA-M 37 5% TA-F 0% C Percentage Receiving Outstanding Performance Appraisals by Panel TA 86 6% LG 50% DS 47 9% SR 46 5% CA 27 2% D Percentage of Outstandings by Sex and Career Field OS-F 43 4% 'fi M 90% LG-F 41 6% TA-F 80% SR-F 37% LG-M 58 3% CA-F 29% SR-M 54 8% CA-M 25% DS-M 50% E Percentage of Graduate Resignations by Panel TA 44 4% LG 33 3% CA 15 4% SR 13 4% OS 1 4% F Percentage of Graduate Resignations by Sex and Career Field LG-M 20% TA-F 54 5% SR-M 6 1% LG-F 42 8% CA-M 4% TA-M 37 5% OS-M 2% CA-F 22 5% OS-F 0% SR-F 20 5% To give additional perspecti've to these figures the statistics on resignations of interns in the program from its inception through the first quarter of FY75 were analyzed using an M3 report The figures for these five panels were clustered between a low of 24 8% for CA interns and a high of 29 3% for Language interns It should be noted that these figures are lower than those contained in an FY74 Management Rep r The difference may be due to varying def1n1t10ns of attrition which will be discussed later If I were an Agency manager and saw these charts I would want to know I How do the figures for intern attrition in these fields compare with those for non-intern attrition How do they compare with the figures for college hires who took direct assignments 2 How many of these interns had prior cryptologic experience I would be especially interested in this figure for the TA field If those with prior experience do have better attrition records than the liberal arts graduates as I suspect why don't we concentrate on hiring them for fields like TA 3 Has a study been done of the interns who resigned Do college hires with certain majors and personality profiles tend to leave as I suggested previously 4 We have heard much about the loss of data systems personnel once they have received some Agency training however the 9-70 data systems graduates had the lowest attrition rate at the time of this study and at that time these graduates had been with the Agency for up to eight years Is their graduate attrition rate the direct result of having the highest promotion rates Is there a leveling off that takes place--do those who stay here five years tend to make their careers here Or has the attrition rate for data systems graduates changed for the worse in recent years One C Group manager told me of his idea to try to establish a model based on the past attrition of data systems personnel and changes in the nation's economy Such a model could possibly alert Agency managers to an impending large-scale loss of data systems personnel Did such a model ever become a reality 5 Is there a logical explanation for the fact that the resignation rates for interns while in the progr m are closely clustered as among the var10US f1elds 24 8--29 3% but resignations of graduates show wide variation 1 4--44 4% 6 Why is there little relationship between the panel rank order for promotions and the one for outstandings Is it much harder to get an outstanding if you are a cryptanalyst than if you are a traffic analyst Why do female TA graduates have the second best percentage for receiving outstanding performance appraisals but not one of them had been promoted Why is it that the performance appraisal percentage for the female CA graduates is better than that for the males but the reverse is true for their promotion percentages Is it true that women are given outstandings while men are given promotions Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 DOCID 4019620 7 Why is it that only 2 of the 19 field assignments received by intern graduates have gone to' women I suspect that some people would reply Because women aren't interested Then isn't it interesting that 2 of the 5 TA women graduates have field assignments What was so different about those women compared with the other female graduates B I strongly suspect that if the study had shown promotions received by organization there would have been biases across the board just as there were in the study that the one panel conducted Are such biases of interest to M the Panels or Agency managers 9 Is it of interest to M3 the EEO office or Agency managers that the promotion figures show the most sexual segregation and that the male graduate who statistically has the worst chances for promotion still has a better chance than every woman graduate except those in the data systems field subjective 0p1n10n included in the study In comparing job performance the majority of graduates felt that their job performance was more effective than that of their non-intern peers Since I wasn't able to compare effectiveness of job performance I compared the grade levels of intern graduates current on-board interns and college recruits who took and remained in direct assignments for one career field In doing this I reasoned that there should be a relationship between job effectiveness and grade level even though previous research indicated an organizational and sexual bias associated with promotions I e tabllshed the fo lowlng paramete s for determ1n1ng who would be 1n y sample t Insure that t e people I was compar1ng would In fact be sImIlar only employees wh had a degree were born In or after 1942 dId not have more than 12 months difference in their Agency and government service computation dates who still I think it is unfortunate that studies such held a COSC for that career field had not been as this one usually stop short of looking for an intern in another career field and were not cause and effect relationships and thus are not assigned to a group that contained only intern as meaningful as they should be In this study graduates or only direct hires Since the inI think some of the questions asked were too tern program is described as a highly selective vague to allow the task force to do this type program I envisioned that I would be able to of analysis For instance if I were one of the find several employees who had been given direct supervisors who was asked Is there a difference assignments for every intern graduate therein the work performance of an on-board intern fore I was surprised when I found 31 intern graduate compared with a college campus intern graduates and 15 current interns but only 29 graduate I would ask that the categories be direct hires who fit these parameters The broken down further Maybe I would take a col- selectivity ascribed to the program and the fact lege hire with military experience as my first that the original interns had received two virchoice an on-board college graduate as my tually automatic promotions also made me suspect second choice an on-board intern with no dethat the intern graduates would have a grade gree but related military experience as my edge but an analysis of the grades of these third choice a direct college hire as my fourth three groups revealed a very mixed picture In choice etc general the employee with the highest grade of I was also concerned by the type of ques- a group that started in a particular month could tion that intern graduates were asked Perhaps be either an intern graduate or a irect h re the originators of the study did use some grad- the honor never went to a cu rent Intern It uates as a sample before administering the ques- should be noted though that nterns can not be tionnaire but such a review was not evident in promoted above GG-II I notIced that when I the final questions Most of the ten questions reached employees who have been at the gency were of an opinion nature e g Is there a for 66 months or l ss that the Agency-wIde continuing need for an Intern Program in your shortage o promot10n fund tended to produce career field While the answers to such ques- an equal z1ng effect but InterestIngly four tions are certainly of interest as an intern of the f1ve peopl who h ve been pr moted from graduate I felt there should be managers better hat group were dIrect h1res the fIfth was an qualified to supply an informed answer than I Intern gradu te The less n for on-board emTo me the value of asking intern graduates to ployees c ns1der1 g enterl g t e prog am apcompare their performance with that of nonparently 1S tha If promot10n 1 a major interns is also dubious and I question the oncern they WIll rob bly do Just as well wisdom of using such subjective questions as l not better staYIng l n an operatlo nal a spart of a study that was designed to determine slgnment --part1cularly 1f money remaIns t1ght if the intern program should be continued Until now I have not made any reference to If subjective questions are used they the attrition rate for women as compared with should be followed up by facts and figures In that of men I still hear supervisors voice rethis case would facts and figures support the luctance first to hiring and then to giving adDec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 J DOCIO 4019620 vanced training and promotions to young women Conclusion giving as their reasons that the women are likely to marry and then leave the area or beMuch of what I have said really concerns come pregnant and resign It is no longer valid one central issue Is there a well defined phito use such arguments I also suspect that in losophy behind the intern program as well as many cases a baby may not actually be the prime other Agency programs and practices By well cause of resignation but its arrival represents defined I do not mean fixed in fact I do not a socially acceptable reason to leave a job with believe that anything should be considered which the individual may have been disenchanted exempt from change but just as the data systems for some time In fact I wonder how many men analyst documents a program he writes there is would elect to stay in their current jobs if a need to document personnel practices Because at some time between the ages of 25 and 35 they of frequent changes in administration and a were placed in a position where the social pre- lack of such documentation there is a tendency sure they received was to resign rather than for Agency personnel to continually reinvent stay on the job and when they were in a position the wheel In the case of my article I realwhere they knew statistically that their chances ize that few of the ideas are unique even so for success were considerably lower than those I was somewhat surprised when while working on of their counterparts of the opposite sex this month's installment I came across an Motherhood doesn't necessarily make a womanAgenc Management Report that included these less interested in an Agency career provided she questIons believes that she has a chance of advancing in Are college graduates needed for that career It is disturbing to me that the all the jobs that these individuals are female intern graduates may be suffering from now on Are some college graduates bethe same types of handicaps as far as advanceing put on the wrong jobs Is the Agency ment is concerned that women in previous eras hiring more college graduates than it did I had hopes that since the intern program needs Is there such a thing as an ideal gave men and women the same training work exNSA type that perhaps should be recruited perience and promotional opportunites that this equality would carryover into their post These questions sounded much like some that appeared in my first installment but they were graduate years contained in an October 1961 report Were these questions answered in 1961 If they were and the answers were documented and readily available maybe I would not have repeated the questions in 1974 Or perhaps on the basis of the documentation provided I could have seen that those answers seemed appropriate for the Agency in 1961 but not in 1974 Footnote on program statistics In my research I encountered several problems of definition which M3 and the Panels must also have encountered For instance how do you define terms such as graduate of the program and attrition In the past some panels classified anyone who completed the program as a graduate whether he achieved certification or not while other paneLs apparently considered those who completed the program but were not certified as transfers out I indicated previously that the figures on intern resignations in one M3 report differed rom the figures on intern a'irition in another report based on M3 input The explanation may be that attrition includes more than resignations in one case but this was not evident I can think of several types of attrition figures that would probably be of interest in reviewing the program A Program attrition How many people who enter the program complete it This would include transfers ou t and resignations but only those people who resign durlng their internship This could be further broken down In several ways such as direct hires vs on-board interns college graduates vs non-graduates etc B Current intern resignations what percentage of inters leave the Agency during their internship C Graduate attrition What percentage of graduates are left to mark five or ten years at the Agency This assumes there is a method of identifying intern graduates in the past there has been no systematic way of doing this D College hire attrition This could also be broken down into sub-categories such as college hires who go directly into the intern program who take and remain in direct assignments and who become on-board interns E Career Field Attrition The purpose of the program is to supply professional level employees for a specific career field How many graduate interns leave the field within a year after graduation five years after Which of these categories if any do the attrition figgures compiled by M3 fall into Without precise definitions for terms such as graduate and attrition' ' statistics on the program using such terms are of questionable value Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 DOCID 4019620 It is natural for a new manager to want to leave his mark on a position but in his attempts to do so it is possible that he may institute a program very similar to one that failed five years before All too often the employees concerned and the administrator's successors do not know whether a change was made for philosophical reasons budgetary reasons for the sake of change itself or simply as a display of power The changes I am referrin to affect virtually every aspect of Agency employment including hiring training course content criteria for professionalization reorganizations and relocations Such documentation would be extremely valuable in program evaluation It appears that there are often two sets of goals for a program those that are written and those that are understood There is nothing in the 1973 Intern Program Study to indicate that one of the primary motivations for establishing the intern program was to reduce the attrition rate of college hires but if you ask an M3 employee to evaluate the effectiveness of the program reduction in attrition is likely to surface as a major motivation for starting the program and as a significant accomplishment of it Attrition has dropped from the 65% reported for college hires in a 1961 management report to the 30% reported for interns in an FY74 management report If this was a primary goal maybe continuation of the program would be justified on the basis of that reduction even if none of the graduates were certified but then attrition statistics should be a factor in program evaluation and every effort should be made to determine how much of the reduction in attrition can be credited to the program and how much to other factors such as a change in the economic climate of the country It also seems appropriate to ask Would there have been other equally effective ways to reduce attrition Is there a point at which the reduced attrition no longer justifies the cost involved Is there a point at which it becomes counterproductive I suspect that the Agency attrition rate would be even lower if all new hires were started as a GG-9 and guaranteed a GG-ll 30 months later but it would be lower for the reasons alluded to previously the recruits good or bad would soon reach a point where they felt they could not afford to resign A look at the orientation of new college hires illustrates another need for documentation Currently there is a 9 -week orientation course for new uncleared hires but cleared hires are available for assignment immediately --usually on their third day in the Agency My questions concerning this course are is its primary purpose to give new hires an orientation to the Agency or simply to keep them occupied while processing their clearances If the goal is to give them an orientation and if it has been determined that 9 weeks is the amount of time needed for that then every new hire cleared or uncleared should have the course If the number of new hires dwindles to a precious few as it did several years ago other provisions should be made for the orientation but the reason for discontinuing the formal course should be documented so that 10 years hence officials at the School in M and elsewhere will know whether the course was dropped because it was considered unnecessary or ineffective or because of cuts to the E budget On the other hand if the primary purpose of the course is to keep the new hires occupied and 9 weeks is not really needed to orient them to the Agency then it is reasonable to expect that cleared hires would be placed in a more concise course If the number of people not cleared soon after completing that course grew to be a substantial one it would also be reasonable to reinstate LIC working areas rather than continuing with the self-study courses that comprise the second portion of the present CY006 course I suspect that the School already has machine records on courses so perhaps the documentation I advocate could be done by simply inserting in existing programs a few comments about why courses were instituted modified or dropped Similarly the contents of the panels' annual reports could be adapted to provide for some philosophical consistency both within and between panels This could save the panels from having to learn the same lessons independently For example in its original criteria Panel A stipulated that an aspirant could not take the PQE more than three times When an aspirant vouched for by his supervisor as a very valuable employee failed the test for the third time the Panel was in a quandary the authors of the criteria had not included any ideas on what was to become of such people The Panel concluded that it was not practical to limit the number of times an aspirant can take a PQE About a year later Panel B published revised criteria in which one of the new features was a threetime limit on taking the PQE Now it has apparently learned the same lesson as Panel A and recently removed the limit Why wasn't the first panel's experience sufficient to keep the second from having to go through the same educational process While the panels' annual reports are a means of sharing findings and panel A's change in criteria probably was included in its report in order to be of value to other panels and to successor members of the same ones the announcement of changes in criteria should include the rationale behind it Once steps have been taken to explain the philosophy behind the intern program and other programs the next step is to encourage discussion of them I am not advocating management by the masses but I believe that keeping Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 DOClD 4019620 employees informed is beneficial to all concerned and that every employee should be encouraged to comment on program features to suggest improvements or simply raise questions I am not talking about a hot line to handle complaints but a philospher's corner in Cryptolog or Spectrum where you might find an article composed of the views of an operational employee an M3 employee an intern graduate and a current intern on what the goals of the intern program are-and whether they are being met Or an argument for specialization by an employee who has only strayed from his 20 year association with one problem for the six months needed for certification side by side with an argument for diversitlcation by someone who has 1 'rurus'll fur been with the Agency for 20 years and never spent more than two years in one place Such a column might alleviate the feeling that many people have that the system has become more important than the people it was supposedly designed for I'll conclude my contribution to such a philosophical discussion by saying that it was not my primary goal to win converts to all my beliefs but I did hope to start people thinking about many facets of the program and asking which ones are good which should be modified and which eliminated I hope that current and graduate interns as well as non-interns will now take up the discussion arn l ubnr 1 t fnrttt- hen Julius Caesar introduced his calendar he designated every fourth year as a leap year the extra day being February 29th as at Eresent However by the 16th century it became evident that there had been a few too many leap years since their purpose of course had been to synchronize the calendar year and the earth's annual revolution around the sun It seemed that there had been about three leap years too many for every period of 400 years Thus at that time there had accumulated about 12 extra calendar days In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII proposed that the accumulated extra days be dropped all at once and that thenceforth all calendar years ending in 00 except those divisible by 400 consist of 365 days and therefore not be leap years Following this rule 1900 was not a leap year Summarizing every period of 400 years would have only 97 leap years instead of the 100 that Julius Caesar had envisioned Since 97 X 366 303 X 365 is an exact multiple of 7 each of these periods of 400 years begins with the same day of the week There was general chaos confusion and turmoil for several centuries as each country found it expedient or necessary to come into line with the new Gregorian calendar The Unite States for example did not adopt it until the time of the American Revolution and then only after a long struggle As great an improvement as the Gregorian calendar is over the Julian calendar there will nonetheless be an accumulated error of one day after 3 200 years I believe the turmoil that might occur at such a time can be avoided If Pope Gregory had had a large computer in his basement he would have noted that by merely excepting every year exactly divisible by 128 from the Julian leap year rule he could have had at once a simpler and a far more accurate calendar Instead of 97 leap years every 400-year period he would have proposed 31 for every l28-year period Oddly enough this leaves 97 normal years The number 128 is two to the seventh power or 10 000 000 in binary notation This mayor may not be of mystical significance If we now decide to adopt this iMproved rule it would first affect the year 2048 which at the moment is scheduled to be a leap year although of course it should certainly not be one If the earth continues to rotate at its present rate the proposed calendar will be accurate for 173 000 years Actually it slows down by one second per day after 500 centuries Note The true period of the ea h's revolution now is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds and some hundredths of a second We note that S hours 48 minutes 4S seconds divided by 24 hours results in 31 128 Hence one leap year dropped from the original Julian calendar of 32 such every 128 years produces almost perfect synchronization Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 DOCID 4019620 A Flag-Waving Progranuner A LettEr of Introduction A Long Hard Look at the Intern Program Part 1 Program Philosophy Recruitment Part 2' Selection Orientation ' Part 3 Motivation Morale Part 4 What Happens to the Graduates A Proposal f r Calendar Reform A Short Directory of Career Panels A Sp t by Any Other Name An Approach to Cullsign Analysis An October Overlap An Unofficial Glossary of Weasel Weasel Word Golden Oldie Answer to October Overlap Answer te Puzzle No 1 Answer to Puzzle No 2 As We Go to Press Dec 13 Aug 1 Sep Oct Nov Dec Dec ' ' ug Aug Dec Oct Oct 10 Nov 21 Aug 2Cl Aug 18 Sep 7 Calling All SRA's Reporting Symposium Character-Building in the People's Republi of China CISI Forming New Special Interest Group on Human Factors Citizens of the World Ci tizens of tl e World Answers t i ' fl Contribution' SolicIted Cryptanalysis Code Recovery cm PTOLOG Index for 1974 16 11 15 14 20 17 7 7 20 Aug 20 Oct 7 Dec Dec Dec 10 6 12 I 1 Sep Sep Dec Data Definitions Calling Things by Their Rightful Names Nov Department of Golden Oldies An L'nofficial Glossary of WeaselWor s Oct King Eusyb 8 Queen Deodi o Sep Managem pt Surv _Y-__of---the Phi lharmonic Aug _ _ _ _ _ _IWhat Where Why Nov 21 5 21 0 19 20 5 Oct 4 Gary's Colors Stp Guidesmanship or How to Write Technical Manuals Without Actually Gi'ing Anything Away Nov 8 Even 5 -Year-Old Chi Id 18 King Eusyb Queen Deodi Golden Oldie Sep 19 Language in the News Letter to the Editor Lexicographic Corner Some Thoughts on Lexicography ' Sep Dec 14 9 Sep 11 Dec 1 Maps in Mind A Photoessay PI-Dec74-S3-23300 ' New Trends in the Teaching of Cryptanalysis A Walk Through th '75 Curriculum ews from thf School Nice Busman's Holiday for One NSA Employee Prizes Honors from the Leaned Organizations -- Spring 1974 Project Carriage Worldwide HF1F Modernization Plan Purity of the Russian Language Slavophiles vs Westernizers Puzzle No 1 Puzzl No 2 Nov Oct Aug 5 14 19 Aug 21 Sep 9 No' 12 Aug 10 Aug 13 Reflections on a Translators' Conference Nov 111 Right-to-Left Text Sort Are Not Impossible At g 14 Secret Mess8ges Secrets of the Altars The Moustier Cryptograms Self-Paced Instruction The Future Is Some Thoughts on Lexicograrmy Subject SRA Symp sium TDB The 1EXTA Oal a Base Telephone RecalL The Apostrophe SomeThought s The English Languag j the News Dec ow' _ ' 4 Sep 10 Aug 15 sPp 11 Qct 19 Au b 4 Oct i oo Nov 14 pec 12 n fS o fi h ' yd yTa1k ljg 11 Philharmonic Gold n Qldie o Aug The Mission oJ the Signals Pr c s il1g Requirements Panel J o o o o o o o o o o o o Oct The New Collection Criteri oo Dec The New AnalY isGlossa ry Aug The Old ectiUII Parts 3 4 ' Dec T h E e r c i s e A Case Study In esen ch Analysi Oct 20 Want Ad What is a Clllector What Should You Expect or The Analysis of Cryptanalysts Worldwide HFDF Modernization Plan Project Carriage Dec 74 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 1 11 8 5 16 Dec Aug 13 2 Aug 5 Sep 9 EO 1 4 c This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu