DoellD r 4009f719 rnwuumrnW b 0 l JmUU W B rn U WU lB E illlB E lB m Ew D E f m Dill Wrn D P L 86-36 A COMM CHANGE AT RAMASUN STATION oooo ooo o oooo 1 3 A GUIDE TO CENTRAL INFORMATION o o oooo oo oo ORAL REPORTING A NEW CHALLENGE FOH NSA oo o 4 COVERTERMS o ooo ooooooo oooo oo ooo o Vera Ruth Filby ooo 7 THE USES OF ELINT 15 LANGUAGE IN THE NEWS ooo o ooooooo ooooo 1Emery Tetra11t ooo o 17 Answer to CAN YOU MAKE OUT THE NAME o o ooo o 18 PSYCHING THE CODE CLERK oo oooo oooo oooo o L D Ca11imahos oo o o 19 LETTERS TO THE ED I TOR oooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 21 I ooo I o o o o o ' o ' TillS 90CUMBNT CONT tINS C09BWOR9 MATBRIAb Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 '1- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 DOCID 4009719 Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL II No 4 APRIL 1975 WILLIAM LUTWINIAK PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief COllection Doris Miller 5642s 1 Cryptanalysis o I 3511S P L ICBOZ5s Language o Emery W Tetrault 5236s Machine support Special Research i lS 1 Vera R Filby 7ll9s For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI 86-36 DOCID 4009719-SBCRET SPORB The document be1 ow otig-Uta U y appe aJted 116 paJLt 06 the Weekllj OpeJta ti oM Rev iew 601L the week 9-16 Jal'UU1JLlj at USM-7 i11 UdoJtI1 Tho i e a nd It WIl6 an opel1 iefteJt- 6 1tOm the 066 ceJt in -Cha Jtge 06 the CoUec t i on Mal1a gement B1t a neh to aU PeJl-601111el at Rama 6u l St a tipn iuA t a teJL a heeUc dau i I1voiv irtg ol1e COmmu n i ca t i oM cha l1ge Iby EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Cambod i a I1 gu eJtJt i UIl6 We JtepJU nt it heJte w i th the a u thoJt' -6 pe mi 6 6 i on 60Jt the v i vid glimp 6e it p ltovide 6 into the woJtk i l1g 06 a Meld -6 ta t i 011 at 6u ch a Ume FoJt thO-6e 1 1 11 with the conte x t be hel u i B CMB P L 86-36 Colle e -t ol1 I1C -Ur ee tW11 EO 1 4 c F i nd i l1g Su ppoJt t BJta nch TI--TJta 66 i c Ide n t i 6 i ca t i on KSR--a k eljboa Jtd on i i I1e to a compu teJt CATWALK--al1 i n- 6 ta t i on mechanized ta Jtge t ide n t i 6 ea t i ol1 61j-6tem ASRP--A i JtboJtI1e SIGINT Re conl'la i 6 6al1ce Pia t60Jtm CEG-- tJt i gJta ph 60Jt Cambo d i a n Gu eJtJt i Ua SOI- - S i g nat OpeJta ti ng 1M tJtu e t i o M C1L OSB 1MF- Ce n tIta i Int ence UbJta JtIj OpeJta t i oM Su ppoJt t BJta nch InteJtcept Ma i nte na l1ce Fae i U tlj I - - 11 I Though this L c 'h-a-n-g-e-wa-s-e-x-p-e-c 't-e d-a-n 'd-a-c-c-u-r-a 't-e ' l-y-predicted by ASB the actual degree and seriousness of the change was not known I spent much of the day running around like a chicken with its head cut off such is the career of Warrant Officers coordinating between ASB DFSB and the intercept bays The scenes I encountered during that day reaffirmed my faith in USASA operational personnel and in particular my faith in the potential and professionalism of the personnel of USM-7 I would like you each and everyone to know what thoughts go through the mind of a Warrant Officer with my MOS and experience as I venture through the heart of a field station on the day of a Comm Change Scene Bay One Good Godl Look at all the people TI personnel sitting on operators' laps TI personnel standing in the aisle An ASB CMB NCO running back and forth dodging bodies leaning over operators' shoulders competing with the bay supervisor for room and access to pounding searching operators They've already isolated numerous good suspects targets which will be developed through a concerted effort by interce t 0 erators ASB ersonneland ood ole DFSB Scene ASB Great All the key NCO's are here at oncel There's a couple of people in IL- Har Ignorance is truly bliss o Later I civvies They're probably trying to muscle in will see the swing trick come in and relieve on my overtime fundI Look at the analysts-the day trick in Bay One The transition of one everyone of them looks like he or she has the operator on the position to another operator on weight of the world on his or her shoulders I the position is smooth though filled with can still remember my very first Comm Change anxious interested queries All known history circa 1954 in Europe How eager nervous and of what has happened to date is passed along desperate I was to recover as many targets as all down the lines of positi o LIn s ailJ lloll l -IoIIllI loU l li'- possible I wonder--do I still have that drive I b a s u erv l 's o r t o _n That interest I hope soI I talk with the appropriate supervisors and learn that they have everything well in hand Arrangements have been made for every possible contingency I move on to the bays Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 SBCRET SPOKB EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009719 SECRET SPOKE -EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Scene Bays Five and Six I make trips into these bays and each time I by the concentration of all operators coordination between the operators and fessional Air Force floorwalkers The Scene Bays Two and Four At last A small semblance of normalcy Just the same old tiring Bay supervisors handing out folders like they were dealing cards operators hunched over their keyboards fingers flying 1 several am awed and the the proreason I __ I Without these personnel--men and women who give 0 themselves selflessly men and women who endure hours of noise nerve-wracking tension mental strain and fatigue men and women willing to endure the responsibility and discipline of military life men and women who often bitch about the unfairness the inequity of their plight but never fail to get the job done-How would the free world'know _ J re '1 ' ' ------------ Scene Bay Three Aha the CEGs tried to catch the world with its pants down r Scene Comm Center Though I did not have time to enter the Comm Center nor any valid reason to intrude on their hectic day I have had enough familiarization with communications centers to readily visualize their frenzied chores on this bad day at Black Rock Inside their secure vault teletypes are clacking out their incessant chatter Bells are ringing and lights are flashing Tired blurry eyes are scanning incoming messages which pertain to every element of life and business on our post Experienced fingers deftly twist and fold the individual punched tapes from each message and staple them to their messages Outgoing messages are patiently poked onto tape and then transmitted to all points of the world This hustling busy center of activity is often overlooked in our daily lives But without these men and women contributing their bit to our unique' tasks here at Ramasun station we would have no contact with the real world They too are a vital part of our organization and the analytical answers the operational facts that we discover on each and every day of the year are relayed swiftly to our headquarters and NSA by the devoted toil of these men and women Scene DFSB Ye gods Another bedlam and bustle of activity That poor controller Look at those damned lights--how can he possibly tell which one has priority Which one came on first There--four of them together Rots 0' ruck fella And over there--and there Those crazy almost psychedelic whirling circles of light And look how fast they are able to align the bearing with the null of the signal Yes here too the pros are at work All the key NCO's present for whatever assistance may be needed all the shift personnel hustling to keep up with the constant and continuous blinking of the Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 SECRET SPOKE SJ3CRET SPOIffi A li hts on the controller 's G U IDE TO Scene The Operations Gate CIL OSB IMF Though the personnel who man these activities are not intimately involved with the actual recovery of the communications change without them we could not function successfully These The little directory given away at the INFO ' 75 exhibit seemed to us to be worth reprinting are the men and women who ensure our security just in case you missed it So here it is who support our intercept and analysis efforts with regulatory and historical documentation 3258s Central Reference Service 2C05l who furnish the material things we need to oper2E099 4853s Information Services Officer ate with and who maintain and repair the equipment so vital to our efforts Though we the Book and Periodical Libraries operators and analysts may often feeL that we 5848s Main Library 2C051 are the only reason Ramasun station exists it would behoove us particularly at times of CIA09 234ls S Branch crises to reflect that without these various B6B06 8447s Fanx Branch vital supporting elements we could not do our 4868s 2N072 Inter-Library Loan jobs We are a team A professional team Our victories and our successes are not measured in 8445s BlB20 Soviet Information terms of individual heroes They are accomplished Fanx 3 by the united efforts of every member of our Middle East 4A187 48065 team Without our security guards our waterSoutheast Asia 6A198 42785 boys our equipment managers our coaches and our fans who serve quietly and unnoticed on 7Al87 53205 China the sidelines our team could not exist These 2C051 International Information 3258s people are pros too every single one of them 2N075 5918s Geography and Maps When 04 Jan 75 finally came to an end 5759s Technical Documents 2N090 when I crawled into my bed one thought made me glow made me proud and made my career seem 2E024 5670s Collateral Documents very worthwhile These men and women down in 2E054 58535 the box these operators analysts DF operators SIGINT Repository 3W076 40l7s and Comm Center personnel were a glorious unsung Cryptologic Library breed And I'd go to hell and back with anyone Language Library 3W076 40l7s of them I slept very well I thank you all 2E029 3265s Field Support of you and each of you Very much 30965 Publications Purchasing 2Nlli 1 ' ' ' ' _----' CW3 MI 24-Hour Service 2E099 48535 OIC CMB FeR eFFle At til er t 'O'P'P'O'R'T'U'N'I'T'I'E'S' The Intelligence Department of the National Cryptologic School is interested in contacting NSA employees who would like to teach English writing courses on a part-time basis These courses emphasize intermediate and advanced writing skillsandusU J1ymeet six hours a we for eight weeks Anyone interested in teaching should contactl JE12 telephone 71195 I Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 S CRET SPOKE DOCID 4009719 CONFIDENTIAL ORAL REPORTING A New Challenge for NSA The author of this article serves as the Representative on a V4 team which provides weekly briefings--or oral reports --to the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency DIA the Deputy Director DIA for Intelligence and the Chiefs of Staff for Intelligence ACSI's of the four services to DIA's Deputy Director for Estimates and staff to the Deputy Director Central Intelligence Intelligence Community and the Committee Chairmen of the United States Intelligence Board USIB and appropriate National Intelligence Officers NIO's plus ad hoc briefings as required to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the State Department the National Security Council staff and others Traditionally NSA has regarded the production of the ritten report as the ultimate in the intelligence process Through personal observation over the last 20 years and particularly as a result of my experiences durin the last year and a half in reporting to some of the top decision-makers in Washington I have come to the conclusion that an additional requirement is crystallizing for the oral report The function of the written report is to inform a wide audience in such a manner as both to enlighten and to provide a permanent record of the enlightenment While this will continue as a critical requirement the modern age of rapidly changing situations requires a more timely approach for the executive level--that of the oral report I cannot state it as a hard and fast rule but it has been my experience that executives do not read reports Their time is limited and they must become informed on a subject quickly When SIGINT is one of the inputs the fusion of SIGINT with other sources of intelligence is normally performed by their staffs Thus they exist on briefings and rely on their staffs to continually filter to them the information that they should have As the information proceeds up the chain of command the filtering process continues both in numbers of items being forwarded and in the length of individual items For example when presenting an item for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff a briefer is allowed no longer than six minutes regardless of the complexity of his subject The JCS daily intelligence briefing usually lasts only 20 minutes If that is all the time that people at that level have for intelligence it is obvious that Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL IIMIBbE VIA ESPlHlT El1Af81EbS SUbY DOCID 4009719 CONFIDENTIAL they cannot spend time perusing lengthy reports particularly when they cannot ask the written report a question In contrast the oral report is primarily for the decision-maker and treats specific events or situations enabling him to take actions as required It is a most effective way of presenting information in that first it allows for questioning to clear up points which may appear ambiguous or vague second the dialogue which develops allows the briefer to be sure he has made his point and third any follow-up actions that may be necessary can be initiated immediately without having to wait for questions to flow through the chain of command and possibly be distorted in the process to spend more and more time away from his problem and less and less in analysis Further al though they may be knowledgeable many analysts are not physically or emotionally suited to the task I have seen poor voice projection lack of confidence or nervous mannerisms completely destroy a good intelligence presentation On a few occasions emotional tension and or lack of experience in briefing has rendered an expert physically ill to the point of considering canceling the briefing commitment A major occupational hazard faced by the professional oral reporter is fielding loaded questions Questions which bear on the Agency's capabilities or shortcomings those which are designed to embarrass rather than elicit information or those that focus on our techniques rather than our results all can be disastrous to a novice briefer Rather than appear to be less than totally knowledgeable he will attempt to answer questions that should never have been asked Similarly questions that may exceed the clearance level of the audience can cause problems the senior officer may be cleared for a direct answer to his perfectly legitimate question his audience may not Under the pressure of the moment the briefer must know how to sort out immediately what can be said or how --tactfully--to say nothing Within the intelligence community the normal method of preparing a presentation is to select an individual with a good voice and stage presence let him read the immediate facts sur- rounding an event prepare a written script and then brief read the script What is needed is an oral reporter who without use of notes can summarize events bearing on a situation provide background to place those events in per- spective present the material in a professional manner with well-designed visual diplays and most important be prepared to answer detailed questions on the facts as well as to offer opinions when requested The wide di vergence between the professional briefer and the oral reporThe obvious solution is a core of oral reter was best summarized in a plaque hung in the porters possessing a good background in SIGINT small conference room of Admiral Gaylor which an understanding of the hierarchy of the intellisaid DON'T BRIEF ME JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU gence community a knowledge of its personal i ties KNOW and varying needs and the ability to present As a result of the lack of equal recognition NSA and its product with competence This by NSA for these two forms of reporting we have approach allows the individual oral reporter to produced highly qualified report writers and very accustom himself to this form of reporting defew oral reporters A major reason for this velop familiarity with his audiences through situation is the fear by many analysts of being repeated exposure and most important realize type-cast as briefers which would put an end that he can brief without scripts file cards to their careers It is ironic that many of our and other memory joggers It is this type of managers feel that briefing requires no special presentation that establishes in the minds of skills or training and that almost anybody can the audience an immediate sense of confidence do it ever though every time they actually have that he knows what he is talking about Addito find someone to brief a high-level visitor to tionally the rapport which is established bethe Agency or select an individual to go down- tween NSA personnel and executives throughout town it seems to become an almost impossible the Washington area is priceless in selling NSA task which repeatedly falls to the same few and its product people Having recognized the need to develop this In some areas of the Agency managers have capability within NSA and the reluctance of inseen the need for the oral reporter and have dividuals to volunteer for such assignments let attempted to meet the problem by training their us consider the elements of the solution senior analysts in basic briefing skills so that Who should our oral reporters be They they can give briefings on their specific probshould be experienced analysts and reporters in lems should the need arise Although this would appear to be an effective solution it is the middle grade-level who will make a positive only a stop-gap measure and ultimately doomed to impression on the executives with whom they are dealing It has been suggested by some that failure This conclusion is based on two facts that there are many large audiences in the Wash- prior experience as a recrui ting officer a used ington area alone which have a well-established car salesman or an insurance agent is vital as a prerequisite ror an oral reporter Wh le I need for direct person-to-person exchange in would prefer not to comment on this directly I the form of intelligence briefings by NSA and would emphasize that it is a selling job For that their number is rapidly growing The net result will be a demand for the senior analyst many years NSA has referred to our published reApr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL WNIQbl VIA EURiQUHI'F EIWlNECS 8NLY DOCID 4009719 CONFIDENTIAL ports as product and that is exactly what they are We have a product to be sold and sold as forcefully as any item in the business world In this day of dwindling funds and stiff competition wherein all of the intelligence sensors are competing for their share of the money available the lack of salesmanship by NSA not only affects decision-making on military and diplomatic issues it affects future budgeting--your job and mine What should they be presenting The NSA CSS story the contribution that SIGINT can make to the solution of the intelligence problem Qualified persons presenting this at the proper levels can do greater good than pounds of written reports which find their way into the files of other intelligence agencies but are never given proper credit at the top levels where the intelligence and budgetary decisions are made When should they begin The time is long overdue However other agencies have not yet realized the full potential of such a field of endeavor so that we can still venture forth in this area and reap the benefits The standard military approach of having a script-reader present intelligence briefings while a myriad of back-up personnel stand in the wings is still being followed by most agencies This allows NSA CSS to take the initiative and begin to train effective oral reporters In my experience a good presentation by an individual having the qualifications of an oral reporter stands out and repeatedly draws praise from an exective audience visual aids the various forms available to him and the advantages of each Lastly he should become familiar with the facilities available to provide audio back-up for his presentation This all-too-often neglected technique is helpful in enlivening a long presentation or as an attention-getter Contrast the normal approach to reporting an air engagement with that using a short cut of the voice tape played while the screen shows a map of the battle area The latter gives a youare-there feeling that is lost in a written report It also allows those not accustomed to SIGINT to hear first-hand and observe the difficulties encountered in what they have previously considered a simple transcription effort Where should they come from From the various reporting staffs and senior analysts with backgrounds in a number of operational problems But--our career and promotion systems being what they are--don't expect volunteers to jump forward At present to become a briefer is all too often the kiss of death for a good analyst The incentive must be created by our managers to attract the proper type of individual A major assist in this area should be provided by the NSA SR career panel The criteria for professionalization should be changed to require not only in-depth training in oral reporting but mandatory experience points for holding an oral reporting job Last and most important consider the why At the executive level the why is the valuable input that SIGINT presented in this How do we get such reporters First of all form can make to decision-making In far too the National Cryptologic School must recognize many cases the full SIGINT story has been pubthe need and begin to design courses on execulished but is not available to the decisiontive briefings visual aid design and other maker when a deten ination has to be made Two parts of the mechanics of producing an oral refrequently encountered attitudes of Agency manporter These courses would be directed toward agers however are I've already published a developing the extemporaneous briefer as opposed report on that why should I have to go down to the more stilted canned style now used and tell them about it and I have more im14orFurther just as the writer of reports needs to tant places to put my resources than a dog-andknow how to distribute his reports the oral pony show These attitudes not only sell NSA reporter needs to be familiar with his potential short but might lead to an erroneous decision audiences within the U S Intelligence Communiaffecting the national interests and even the ty their missions and functions how they can security of the United States The why to use SIGINT and how to be effective with each NSA CSS is the new image that can be created one of professional competence and diversity He needs to consider certain questions before presenting an oral report Why does this execu- which will result in greater recognition of tive need to hear this report What do I want SIGINT The why to the individual is answered by allowing him to see things happen as the to achieve in presenting it What is his knowledge of SIGINT and what is his feeling toward decision-makers react to his presentation question his experience probe his views and the Agency These questions 'and many others then make the determination of what is to be must be answered before an oral reporter steps done to the podium and begins Thus the oral report should be the ultiFurther the style of an oral report may mate in satisfaction for both NSA--in that it is differ substantially from that of one designed fulfilling its mission to the utmost--and the to be read The various styles and the us s individual We had intelligence for top execuof each should be instilled in the student so that he will be able to select the most effectives we got it to them and they used it J How many SIGINT reporters as good as they are tive format for a given audience or individual can say that He should be taught the effective use of Aur 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Ittdff'LE VIA eel lIIff elttdftfELS 8NL ' DOCID 4009719 @@WC3ffiTERo o Veta RJi CJdIu el 2 A Memo from Prime Minister Churchill to General Ismay 8 August 1943 I have crossed out on the attached paper many unsuitable names Operations in which large numbers of men may lose their lives ought not to be described by code-words which imply a boastful and overconfident sentiment such as Triumphant or conversely which are calculated to invest the plan with an air of despondency such as Woebetide Massacre Jumble Trouble Fidget Flimsy Pathetic and Jaundice They ought Ilot to be names of frivolous character The world is wide and intellil'ent thought will readily supply an unlimited Ilumber of well-sounding names which do not suggest the character of the operation or disparage it in allY way and do Ilot ellable some widow or mother to say that her SOil was killed in an operatioll called BUllnyhug or Ballyhoo Care should be taken in all this process An efficient and a successful administration manifests itself equally in small as in great matters Let us suppose that the basic ideas for a project have been formulated and discussions of plans for field tests are about to begin The time seems right to assign a name for convenience--and for prestige The proj ect is designed to determine the amount and usefulness of a certain type of data recovered as a by-product of traffic intercepted for a different purpose What should the name be How about BYPRODUCT since that is what the experiment is all about That doesn't exactly stir the blood though does it Well how about something catchier like SCAVENGER Or SCRAPS Or maybe just a pretty pleasant name that everyone would like Or maybe it would be nice to let Diana choose a name she has done a really good job as secretary typing up all those figures That's it Project DIANA E 1 x p l o 1 4 c L 86-36 R _ names to be shunned in addition to those proscribed for any of the reasons noted are words listed in the Joint Chiefs of Staff JCS publications JANAP 299 UNITED STATES JOINT SERVICES CODE-WORD INDEX and ACP 119 ALLIED TACTICAL -------------- I I l I --- TOLOG Page 7 Hl 'IBbE YIA e6lt1fl ' eIl fI NI L3 6f L' P L DOCID 4009719 EO VOICE CALL SIGN SYSTEM INSTRUCTIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS There is no question of course that there are a great many unofficial semiofficial informal local and oddball coverterms around 8 6-3 6 ------ 1 4 c WAVEGUIDE' if descriptive because it reveals the nature of the activity ZEALOT becau$e i t ils a listed in ACP 119 A Ir--------------I A further limitation in the selection of covernames even 1 'hQ$e on the STINFO reserved list and available is that they may not form a family For example i f a project is named FORSYTHIA related projects may not be named DEUTZIA HYDRANGEA RHODODENDRON orother names of shrubs the obvious reason being that if one name is compromised then all are compromised Randomness in aUcovername features is normallypreferred but sometimes special reqUirements pfevail For example when the quadripartite To facilitate the assignment of official coverterms STINFO and other responsible organizations compile and maintain lists of available coverterms Despite the enormous stock of Eng lish words coverterm lists are remarkably dif ficult to compile because of restrictions and a number of other considerations None of the following for example would be eligible ALOUETTE because it is a foreign word not used in English and because it is the name of a French helicopter BUGGER because although it is innocuous in American usage it is vulgar in British CANOE because it is a five-letter word and because it was once used as a COMINT codeword CHELTENHAM because placenames are reserved for machine programs and systems and because it is already in use COWPER because two-syllable surnames are reserved for research and engineering projects _ I HADRIAN because nameS of Roman emperors IHONKY because it isI a five-letter word t are and because it is offensive and derogatory JAGGER because it has been used as a coverterm within the last five years KLEENEX because it is a registered trademark MARLIN SPIKE because it is listed as a root word voice callsign in ACP 119 A I_N_E_C_T_AR_ _b_e_c_a_u_s_e-i_t-i_s-i_n-u_s_e-a_s-a_n_'----- PEDRO because it is a five-letter word and because it is a fixed callsign listed in ACP 119 A for search and rescue helicopters The current Lr e s e - r v e - II 'lJ ' s - t - 'w' a - s - p i- c7 k e dj j f r o m-- thi 'e 'i l Vashi ngton telephone directory but the choices were t random Limitations included avoidance ofnot surPHOOEY because it is trite pejorative and names which are also placenames and of names potentially displeasing to senior officials easily misunderstood misheard ormi sspelled SOBRIQUET because it is listed in JANAP 299 A because of homonyms common varillJ lts or other Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 PERSEPHONE because mythological designators I -8BEURRE F IW BeE VIA SQltH T SIWUlEbS P L 86-36 1 4 c QIiIQ' DOCID 4009719 reasons CARNEY KEARNEY KEARNY D'ARCY DARCY DARCEY HAYWOOD HEYWOOD WALLACE WALLIS Names with spaces apostrophes or hyphens DE GROFF O'KEEFE RAIT-KERR would not necessarily be ineligible but their marks of punctuation would be eliminated LEFOXCREY LEFOXCREEN pr LEFOX CRYPTOLOG Page 9 IlMlShE 'IIA e6l 1IN'f ellAI4NEhS 614hY P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c P L DOCID 86-36 4oB 7 igc Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 IWIBI5E VIA EUR8MIIfP elfl d l'fe OI'J lt 3 6 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009719 ASCC ickname GMAIC Designator SCARP SS-9 STYX 55-N-2 SCUD A 5S-lb GRAIL SA-7 GALOSH ABM-I KIPPER AS-2 ASH M-5b Description Third-generation intercontinental ballistic missile Naval aerodynamic antiship missile Short-range tactical ballistic missile Man-portable shou der- launched heat-seeking SAM Ballistic missile defense system Supersonic aerodynamic cruise missile carried by BADGER C TU-16j Infrared homing variant missile carried by FIDDLER TU-l28 Another missile name probably familiar to many readers is FROG which is no a nickname but an acronym for Free Rocket Over Ground Abbreviations like acronyms are not controlled and consjdering all the complexities and ramifications of coverterms of all kinds freedom from control may be an attractive feature for some potential namers of projects 1 J For guided missil e designators as for aircraft names the first letter expresses the type S for surface-to-surface missiles SSM Gfor surface-to-air SAM Kfor air-to-surface ASM and A for air-to-air MM The 1972 reserve list of names perhaps reflects expectations for the future 29 names ACRID to AUBURN are held in reserve for A 19 for K nine for Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 IWiBbE 'ilA e6MHfF EIl fdfifEtS 61ft P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009719 P L 86-36 E0 1 4 c c as an example is VINSON covername fOI' a half- cal PARKHILL for exam Ie r rJ -u M 8 refers R A One peculiar communications security requirement is reflected in a special group of coverterrns used to identify and protect COMINT and distinguish qetween its categories These are the familiarLCOMINT codewords l They belong to the cryptologic community and ul timate authority for them lies with the United States Intelligence Board the LOndon Signal Intelligence Board LSIB representing the U K Australia and New Zealand and the Canadian Intelligence Advisory Committee lAC Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c -BEeRE f lW1BbE VIA sSlIm SHAN lEeS SP1M' DOCID 4009719 EO 1 4 c P' L 86-36 USIB LSIB and lAC jointly select the COMINT codewords and decide when they are to be changed The current three used for Category III Category II and Subcategory II X COMINT came into effect in 1969 about nine months after the compromise of the previous codewords resul ting from the PUEBLO seizure Change has been infrequent in recent years because change means massive and costly administrative problems and is necessarily slow Just the practicalities of disposing of and arranging for preprinted paper stock and rubber stamps take time and work to say nothing of all the computer programs that hav to be updated to incorporate changes COMINT codewords must be five-letter pronounceable infrequently used words that are not offensive or derogatory and do not reveal their COMINT meaning The codewords are unclassified by themselves When used on rubber stamps or preprinted paper stock they are CONFIDENTIAL HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY When used in their codeword sense they take the classification of the category to which they apply That means that when for example the word SPOKE is defined as the codeword for Category II COMINT or when it is used in any way in specific reference to COMINT then it isitielf classified SECRET HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY Other restrictions are the same prohibitions that apply to other coverterms they must not be the name of an En lish poet or a Roman emperor not a mytholog1cal designator and not listed in JANAP 299 or its successors A p H E JANAP 299 A dated September 1971 contains an index of all codewords authorized for use by the Armed Forces of the United States Codewords are assigned to designate classified plans projects operations movements locations etc and they are assigned in blocks of 10 to components of the Department of Defense One final source of prohibited words is another JCS document ACP 119 A This document provides lists of voice callsign root words for Allied tactical use convoy internal voice callsigns and search and rescue callsigns Voice callsigns for tactical aircraft are based on a root word assigned to the parent command or activity with a suffix for the aircraft APACHE ZERO SEVEN for example means aircraft 07 of the 54lst Tactical Fighter Interceptor Squadron APACHE A convoy is assigned a two-letter or figureletter group called a convoy radio distinguishing group before sailing Fixed suffixes denoting function are used with these distinguishing groups for internal convoy communications Among these fixed function suffixes are CHIEF for the commodore LUCK for the vice commodore and TEAM as a convoy COllective so that the internal callsign for the commodore of a convoy assigned radio distinguishing group XY would be XRAY YANKEE CHIEF In the search and rescue callsign system also a basic callsign is assigned to a function These function callsigns are supplemented with a geographical reference for certain operations and a number suffix for others BULLMOOSE is the callsign for any and all search and rescue airplanes so that BULLMOOSE ARGENTIA would be the callsign for any search and rescue aircraft operating in the area of Argentia Newfoundland SAPPHIRE is the callsign for a search and rescue boat so SAPPHIRE FOUR would be search and rescue boat number 4 In addition to these four-letter scene-of-action callsigns are used in both military and non-military communications The callsign HAWK for example is used for any air force airplane at the scene of action ABLE for any helicopter CREW for any navy airplane and TIFF for the senior officer present Firially certain voice callsigns are known and used intern tionally MAYDAY Qistress signal SOS SECURITY Safety signal PAN EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Urgent sigrial Apr 75 CRHTOLOG Page 13 m'jDLr T' 6 '1' E POlL'''''' V z h O ifulll'd'I'IScS eN Y P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009719 rL If you are a potential user of a coverterm you may feel now that you appreciate all the complexities that life would probably be simpler if you just skipped the whole thing and used an acronym or abbreviation But as Mrs Marjorie E Miller the NSA CSS Cover Term Officer writes Besides the fact that you would possibly be in violation of security abbreviations and acronyms are sometimes misleading or confusing due to multiple use of the same letters for various words or phrases The acronym BOSS for instance has the meanings BMEWS Operational Simulation System Broad Ocean Scoring System Bioastronautics Orbital Space Satellite Burroughs Operational Simulator PAR means--in addition to its common use for 'paragraph' and 'parallel'--Precision Approach Radar Perimeter Acquisition Radar Palletized Airborne Relay and probably many other things Others with multiple meanings that we have run into in this office are AIDS ADAS ATR DDC MAD MTR After looking this over you may decide that what appears to be 'an attractive feature' freedom from control is not a bargain after all Anyhow the problem isn't really all that bad The whole system can be summarized in the chart below As always when you have a problem 'the best thing to do is ask someone who know the answer The people listed below have beel1 most helpful in supplying information for thiS article and will assist you too I ------ will give you guidance on the general procedure for a coverterm request and the others will help in their special fields at need Mrs Marjorie E Miller C513 Room 2N090 tel 5801s GENERAL ASCC NICKNAMES I I C534 Room B6114 tel 8657s Mr Paul W DeCamp W2 Room B4135 te1 8$91s CANUKUS NICKNAMES tI COMINT CODEWORDS COMPUTER PROGRAM NAMES I I W09 Room 3W116 tel 401s Mr G P Morgan D41 Room 9AI87-3 te 5825s IC09 I Room IS013 tel 3321s COMSEC DESIGNATORS Mr John J Sullivan S133 Room C2A24 tel o 2343s NSOC AUTOLINE RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING I o I V36 Room OE229 tel 34l2s I I R043 Room 2W038 tel 5603s ASSIGNMENT AND HANDLING OF COVER TERMS U type of cover tenn definition authority alphabetic allocation length security classification word alone 2 Nicknames 3 Mythological Desi ators 4 COMINT Codewords 5 Code Words NSA one word not five letters no restr un cl ass un class usually unclass must be classified A combination of two separate unclassified words employed tor unci assi fied admini sirative convenience DoD JCS two words first word must begin with DA unci ass DE HO HU HY MA orME Names from ancient pagan mythologi es applied to general CIYPtosystems NSA one WOld no restr un cl ass USIB LSIB lAC one word tradi tion5 letters no restr CoCCO class of when used cate iY wlo class plus CCO one word must come from must be must be JANAP 299 classified classified Desi ators assi ed to identify source s COMINT Desi ators tor classified militaiY DoD JCS plans operations or goographi c locations exclusions word meaning 1 Co -rlllll1es A single word under a general exclusi ve control of b for use I7t R NSA used to desi ate c for use I7t C classified clYPtologic proj ects equipment or operations 86-36 Words listed in JANAP 299 or ACP 119 mythological characters English poets Roman emperors first words of JCS nicknames registered trade names abbreviations acronyms etc two-syllable surnames goographical locations Words listed in JANAP 299 first word or two-word combinations listed in ACP 119 mythologi cal characters registered trade names NSA covernames trite words Not Applicable Words listed in JANAP 299 mythological characters English poets Roman emperors fi rst words of JCS nicknlll1es registered trade names abbreviations acronyms etc Not Applicable As of March 1975 Apr 7S CRYPTOLOG Page 14 lINlShE VIA 6QtIINT 61INlNHS Q lhY DOClD 4009719 P L 86-36 SECRE'f SPOKE THE USES OF ELINT 1 1 What we now call Signals Intelligence began as simple Communications Intelligence It took us a while to discover the other half of SIGINT Electronic Intelligence in the form of radar signals data signals and electronic jarrming Many of us still have a rather hazy idea of what ELINT contributes and the short article below may serve as a useful introduction to the subject ELINT--Electronic Intelligence--is a part of the SIGINT effort that should become better known and better used by analysts in NSA CSS This article defines the two roles of ELINT-operational and technical--and gives examples of how each is used to aid in the SIGINT process The field of electronic intelligence covers the collection processing analysis and reporting of information concerned with the noncommunications electronic systems of target nations Operational ELINT is concerned with the identification employment deployment trends and tactics of foreign radars weapon systems jamming signals and data signals in connection with specific operations It employs event recognition all-source data and SIGINT interaction and produces both time-sensitive and term product reporting Technical ELINT provides detailed parametric information for assessment of the performance capabilities and vulnerabilities of the above-mentioned emitters Technical ELINT also provides the input for the development of electronic warfare tactics and electronic countermeasures equipment Like Operational ELINT it employs all-source data and SIGINT interaction but the product is generally on a term basis rather than a time-sensitive one A somewhat oversimplified explanation of the difference between the two is that Technical ELINT tells what the system is capable-of doing while Operational ELINT tells what it s doing at a given time Let's take a look at an example Below is a picture of the radar and missiles of the oviet-buil t SA-6 surface-to-air missile system This is the system that obtained a great deal of publicity during the 1973 Yom Kippur War Apr 75 o CRYPTOLOG Page 15 SBCRB'f SPOKE DOCID 4009719 iO 1 4 c S 8CRECf SPOKE ' L 86-36 Technical ELINT directly or indirectly gives us such details on the system as the following I hope I have given fue reader some fee 1 for the nature and value of ELINT As a final remark I would like to comment on the present emphasis within the Agency for a fused COMINT-ELINT product As of 22 October 1974 the Operational ELINT job has been transferred from WGroup to A Band G Groups in the hopes that COMINT and ELINT analysts working side by side will produce I could go on with examples such as the on e a better product--a fused product--which is more above but for purposes of this article let me complete and responsive to our customers The just list some major items including Key Intel- Technical ELINT function has remained in W but that does not mean that the ELINT analysts in W ligence Questions KIQ's to which ELINT can do not need COMINT as well as PHOTINT HUM- contribute r----------------------- INT etc The better COMINT people understand the nature of ELINT and vice versa the easier it will be for this agency to satisfy our many customer requirements SEeItE'f SF6Ief TAKE FIVE AND TRY THIS Fill in the vertical five-letter words and find a punnish phrase reading across W L Co V 1 F S S I t SO V T oJ 0 - M e 1 Pro R E f- a 1t E - ' '1 E or r 1 S S' z 't Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 SECRET POIffi --- ---- _ ----- _--- DOCID 4009719 - -EG P L _L c o o 86-36 CONFIDENTIAL ANGUAGE N ws TE1 AULT iIiIiIIIIIIIiII THE P h 86-36 Under the former heading students will be given a quick survey of NSA machines and there will 1 le a discussion of some of the more frequently encountered terms and concepts such as off- line II on-line remote batch conversational ' interactive fast intermediate slower access etc The latter category includes rocessin s stems and a lications' AT HOME l_NGUAGE PANEL NAMES NEW EXEC _ -- r-- '----- -'has replaced I as Language Career Panel Executive -'--' now assigned to G77 '16 data bases and the production of various working aids As in the first section of the course it is planned that students will be assigned some project such as analyzing the machine systems used in their own areas in terms of speed of turnaround convenience of access ease of use etc and writing up a detailed evaluation of these systems or studying one or more of the machinesystem applications related to their work the systems which help process incoming traffic or outgoing product produce working aids etc -- - - - -- _ _ ----11 J rings to his new duties an impressive background in Soviet studies and Russian language along with extensive operational supervisory and managerial experience MACHINE COURSE FOR LINGUISTS For years linguists were either told absolutelynothing about machine processing or were made to learn one or more dialects of FORTRAN to the same degree of pro fici'ency as a native speaker Then a third way a course about machine systems for linguists was tried in at least two variants and a revision of this approach is now under way 1 1 Pl6 is developing the course in support of the National Cryptologic School For about one-third of the program students will consider what must be done to plan and carry out a machine processing task Topics in this section of the course will be determining what computers can or cannot do for you planing a job stating requirements for example learning how to communicate with programmers testing data and setting acceptance criteria for programs maintaining quality control during production providing documentation and considering some of the junctures at which things are most likely to go wrong Present plans call for a student project to accompany this part of the course for example a project to come up with a new application of machine proce ing nd carry it through each of th tep covered ln the course or to take an eXlstlng or past appli ation and analyze its strengths and weaknesses ln terms of what has been presen- ted in the classroom The rest of the course will be spent in surveying machine processing facilities both computer systems and data processing systems I Course materials will include a text a glossary of terms and a directory of machine services CLA NEWS The Annual Business Meeting Mark your calendar for the CLA's annual business meeting which has been set for Tuesday 6 May 0930 in the NSA Auditorium This is a particularly important meeting since a full slate of officers President-Elect Secretary and Treasurer and two board members will be elected One board member will be chosen for a regular three-year term and one for a two-year term The latter is necessary because the most recently elected board member was transferred to Korea I I The members of are Jacob Gurin PI SIGTRAN Lives A Special Interest Group of the CLA SIGTRAN Special Interest Group for IXan ti i ' Vg under the guidance of JPl6 See CRYPTOLOG January 1 75 Mr ltney Reed's talk on fr e- lance translation was well attenlied and by the time this issue of CRYPTOLOGem rges there will have been a second meetin f atUring Mr Arthur Salemme on the joys of technical translation I __ Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 P L 86-36 CONFID NTIALHANNa U1 S81Hlff Elb dflifL3 614L' DOCID 4009719 And So Does the NSA Japan Forum Answer to last month's pUZZle Another new Special Interest Group the NSA Japan Forum held its first meeting 29 Jan rifan fou make out tlte name uary Lambros D Callimahos spoke on Japanese World War II cryptosystems and the attacks on The cryptolinguistic solution to this those systems by U S Army cryptanalysts real-life puzzle was achieved as follows A second program is planned for late March with Japanese language training pre-war and post-war the topic for a panel discussion E o 1 4 c P L 86-36 Not to Mention SIGVOICE One of the most dynamic and firmly established of the CLA Special Interest groups is SIGVOICE In Februa yl R54 spoke twice on Voiceprints Fact or Fancy Voiceprints are a fact but Dr Wood warned against expecting the same degree of reliability from them that one expects from fing rprints handwriting analysis he said wquld be a better comparison I P L 86-36 ABROAD BEIRUT Lebanon - Akhram Hannoush a Lebanese systems engineer has a promising new business going in the Middle East with computers that work in both Arabic and Roman characters What's more the cOmputers being assembled by Mr Hannoush's Systems Technology Corporation from imported components are competitive in price with big foreign suppliers and are tailored to the special needs of Middle Eastern customer s The added dimension of making computers that answer in Arabic opens up a large number of potential users such as an internal Government service sold to Saudi Arabia for more than $l-million A similar service also in Arabic has been installed in Egypt for the army The development of computers that work in both Arabic and Roman characters involves a more complicated keyboard for the computer operator and the design of components based on 64 characters including letters and numbers for Arabic compared with 36 characters for Roman letters and numbers used by English and other Western languages Mr Hannoush says that Systems Technology's units can be assembled for half the price of the large international computer companies' standard systems The concern now includes among its Lebanese customers the American University Hospital Middle East Airlines and Unicrat the country's largest automobile parts distributor in Egypt the Arab International Bank and Cairo University and in Kuwait the Beidoun Trading Company MoJta1 When you kUn into ouble on the eonvenSystems Technology has been financed by a UoYltLf Mad to Jtuu tU cont weJt the pOM i bu u y group of Lebanese investors with backing from on a -6hoJttc ut via CentJta1 Innolt l7lation private Middle East capital The New York Times 26 January 1975 fieF SE6RE'f I R IBJbIt I Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 I P L 86-36 1 4 c 86-36 DOCID 4009719 SBCRE'f SfOKE THE CODE CLERK Apr 75 CRYVTOLOG Page 19 SECRB' SPOKB DOCID 4009719 SECRET SrOKE 4 c 86-36 The name CRYPTOLOG with its paucity of high-frequency vowels doesn't seem to be very good material to play the word game with but can you find 50 good English words of 4 or more letters using only the letters in CRYPTOLOG L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J I I U s u a l rules for the game H G R SE6RE'f SP8IEE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor CRYPTOLOG traffic or about the special study that still lies unpublished in the supervisor's desk or about the boss who told the intern there was no work to do so find something to keep busy Now I'm not saying that interns or pre-interns should not be exposed to what I call drudge work which is a necessary albeit tedious part of many Agency jobs The gathering and logging of data preparatory to tackling a CA problem comes to mind as a good example of drudge work Dud assignments are those in which the trainee is misused or not used at all When reports come back that an assignment is a dud that assignment should be checked out If the job is really a dud the trainee should be placed in another OJT assignment and no more trainees should be put in that dud job If the job turns out to be drudge work but genuine work the trainee should be told why he or she should remain in the assignment and why the job is a valid learning situation Kudos to CRYPTOLOG for being a fine publication in general but especially for printing the excellent Anne Exinterne series Overall the articles present cogent arguments and raise very many valid questions Drawing on my own experience as a member of the first intern group in 5R I would like to comment specifically on a point or three 1 I agree wholeheartedly that n w employees should take basic courses in TA CA data systems etc as soon as possible Hopefully this could be done without placing them in a stultifying wholly academic atmosphere Anne's idea of placing new hires in productive jobs ith plenty of allowance for courses selfstudy or otherwise is very good Perhaps this could be formalized into a general pre-intern program designed to give new hires some exposure to all the major Agency career fields New employees could be given OJT assignments in each field while taking the courses At the end of this period they would have a fairly good overview of Agency operations as well as a good idea of which career field best suited them The Agency would also have a more accurate indication of each trainee's actual abilities in each field not just aptitudes The trainees could then enter directly into an assignment in a suitable field or into an intern program for more specialized assignments and advanced courses This method could eliminate the problem of employees being assigned to wrong career fields and by giving people good grounding in all the disciplines it could make cross training easier for those interested in professionalizing in more than one field 2 Anne touches on another problem briefly that of the dud OJT assignment I'm sure every intern has a tale about the office where he or she was allowed only to sort and file I 3 Lastly and leastly I'd like to clarify the beginnings of the F5G ti tie Aclose friend and fellow intern returned from an interview for a job in D or whatever it was then and reported incredulously that the interviewer had dubbed her as an intern a future super-grade We didn't just laugh appreciatively at this story we thought_it was funny as hell So we adopted the title as a cynical joke attaching the initials among others to our names on notes among ourselves or dropping the title in conversation It was a good joke and still is and caught on and spread If there were some later who began taking the title seriously Well I hope none of us who started the thing were silly enough to do that Thanks again for a good series Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 SECRET SPOKE I I P L 86-36 DOClD 4009719 CONFIDENTIAL To the Editor CRYPTOLOG As an individual who has attended Bookbreakers Forums and has regularly received Bookbreakers Notes from meetings I do not welcome the idea of having to compete with the linguists translators transcribers or cryppies in this Agency for professionalization as I am sure they would not want to compete with the bookbreakers for certification if there were no Language or CA Panels As an Agency employee for over 15 years ten of which were spent in the cryptolinguistic field I for one feel discriminated against You see I am a bookbreaker one of that special breed of people who live in limbo as far as professionalization is concerned Why Because we have no Career Panel to call home we have to visit elsewhere Language Cryptanalysis Special Research etc for our certification Duncan Battison B34 For years now we bookbreakers have 'been told how special we are and how important our skills are to the Agency's mission But when Professionalization came along we were almost forgotten I say almost because the Language Panel has thrown us a bone of sorts For instance if we take Part I the open-source part of the Language PQE then we are allowed to take Part II which at our option has a bookbreaker's part We can only do this though if we pass' Part I which for some may be quite difficult I' for translation is something we do not do every day The CA PQE is even harder for us than the Language test Less than 10 percent of the I most recent CA test dealt with bookbreaking It appears that the trend is away from hand sy tems and more toward statistics II As far as points toward professionalization are concerned I am sure I would receive the maximum amount from a Bookbreaking Panel for experience but with the other panels this is not always true And to qualify for maximum points from those other panels required courses have to be taken and as a result valuable time money and effort would be wasted by the bookbreaker trying to become a linguist or a cryppie MIt 13tLf Ut on P0-6U a quution that fuu Vl Oubled though t6ul NSA people 601L rje o Jt1 WhelLe the bookbILeakeIL 6w into the SIG1WT pJL06u-6 ionfLUza t ion -6eheme i-6 ttt onee a -6ema nti e quution 06 de6 tU -ti on 06 te UT16 and a human quuuon 06 6a Ut defLUng 601L the people involved 1-6 a bookblLeakeIL one who blLeak -6 into a eode Then he mU-6t be a elLlJp ta nalrj-6t 1-6 he one who lLeeon-6 tJui c t t a eodebook Then he mU-6t be a language analrj-6 t 1-6 he bo th--O t nUtheIL but a -6peUai blLeed M MIL Lt tiAon eontendo It -6eem-6 to U-6 thttt we mU-6t de6 ne the umblLella telLm bookblLeak eIL wh-ieh now eoveM bo th the elLypt and the language -6 Uil 1 neeu-6a1Ltj to tuILn eneoded text in to plMn f ttnguage th LoUBh analrj i-6 Then we can -identi6IJ the -6peUai expeJLi enee t uLi Un g and a ttJUbutu 06 thO-6 e who exeJ Ci6 e tho M -6 k iti6 CRVPTOLOG hOUe i U the v iew6 06 W lLeadeM on th i-6 tholLn tj quuuon whOH a weM a66ee t the UveUhood 06 people who engage in th i-6 pec u Ua Jr ltj SIG1WT oeeupa t ion RUpo u w t U be pubwhed in a 6u t uJLe i-6-6ue Crypt Ed r'--------I I I If your personal copy of CRYPTOLOG is not correctly addressed or if your organization is getting too few or too many copies please let us know on the form below so that our distribution list can be corrected Clip and send to CRYPfOLOG P16 I I I I On individual-distribution copy addressed to I o o I I L I Are We Getting Through to You I I ---I name ___ Please change name to _ On organizational distribution please change filunber of copies for _ to copies I I _ Please change organizational designator to ____ rganization I i I I I _ __I Apr 75 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 CONFIDENTIAL Pl-Apri175-53-23558 4009719 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu