NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CRYPTOLOG This Issue Intelligence and Combat Lessons Learned from DESERT STORM Page 1 A Linguist's Look at the Internet Page 19 SIGINT Glossary The GUHOR Stick Page 36 o AND MORE Table of Contents page ii Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'10- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O 135 26 rvl DR Case # 54778 ctasstkd hy NSl'deSSfII IE l 0 8 o o S S g81 SS 8 getePllliBMi8B Ae 8iNti 't'KIS D6C IEN't' C6fHMNS COBE V6R B I AfEMAL TOPSEC T DOCID 4009690 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONE' CRYPTOLOG Vol xx No 2 2nd Issue 1994 Published by POS Operations Directorate Intelligence Staff Publisher William M Nolte 963-3123 Editor 1 1 963-3123 Board of Advisors 1L r- Chairman Computer Systems Cryptanalysis Intelligence Analysis Language Mathematics Signals Collection Signals Collection Telecommunications Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large 9 i3-7712 963 6 69 1 1 963 438 W' P L 1 96 6283 1 963 51 4 1 1 96 3-1363 J 968-7160 996-1847 963- 717 1 Classification Officer J 9 68 4010 J 1 968-4010 961-8214 1'-- 1 963-5463 Contents of CRYPTOLOG may not be reproduced or disseminated outside the National Security Agency without the permission of the Publisher Inquiries regarding reproduction and dissemination should be directed to the Editor All opinions expressed in CRYPTOLOG are those of the authors They do not represent the official views of the National Security Agency Central Security Service To submit articles and letters please see last page FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL'I i 8 6- 3 6 - ------ DOCID -- 4009690 FOR OFfi'lCIAL USE ONLY Table of Contents EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 A Note From the Chairman iii Intelligence and Combat Lessons Learned from DESERT STORM b L -_ _ jI l I Information Warfare A New Line of Business for NSA b Tour of DutY L - 3 lbY L ----- l o oo o 5 oo Target Development in the Field bi oo oo 1 Spring '94 SRTD Conference Reviewed byl 7 lq P L I oo Opportunities for Publication b L OPSEC in the Post-Cold War World b '----_----' o oo A Linguist's Look at the Internet b L -_ _----JI I 1 r-'-----1 1 The NSA Broadcast Center byl SIGINT Glossary The GUHOR Stick b EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 FOR OFFICIAL USI ONIX ii ooo16 u -_-lrrb -r 1 12 u 19 oooooooooo 26 30 33 36 86-36 DOCID 4009690 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONVl A Note from the Chairman THE CRYPTOLOG IN A TIME OF CHANGE The end of the Cold War the redefinition of vital U S interests increasing fiscal cutbacks downsizing of the technical workforce and the proliferation of complex technologies provide the impetus for revitalizing the CRYPTOLOG First and foremost the CRYPTO LOG will remain a forum of the informal exchange of information by the analytical-technical workforce and will serve to enhance the knowledge base of technical skills within the SIGINT community But in these incredibly rapidly changing times it should also address the purposes Dave Gaddy described in a 1989 CRYPTOLOG article entitled Where Are Our Textbooks professional literature is a means through which the profession is defined and grows and evolves over time It affords the opportunity to assert and to challenge to advance ideas and expose outdated thinking and procedures It can also supply a more systemized institutional memory such as that called for by NCS Commandant Whitney Reed in a 1988 memorandum to Agency seniors 'we are heavily dependent on individual knowledge recollections of lessons learned and not learned and acquired wisdom on the part of our seniors to guide the education of the next generation of Agency leadership ''' In that spirit and in an attempt to make the Cryptolog a more relevant and useful publication I and the new board of advisors invite you to contribute articles letters and reviews to the Cryptolog which o address current and future issues and directions in your field and in the technical aspects of the target and the SIGINT process o promote understanding and appreciation of the worldwide advances in technology and the changes in the SIGINT process required to respond to them i e technical matrixing o describes strengths and more important weaknesses in how we have gone or go about our business e g lessons learned histories etc o enlighten the workforce on breakthrough technical advances which could significantly affect all aspects of SIGINT o disseminate information on professional seminars attended o encourage discussion and even debate among experts on any controversial subject affecting technical health Finally this journal can serve as a voice of the technical track P L Chairman bRYPTOLOG Boar visors Ext 963-7712s FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY iii 86-36 DocrD 4009690 'FOP SECRE'F UftIBRA CRVPTOLOG JUly 1994 Intelligence lit Combat P L 86-36 Some Lessons From DESERT STORM byJ----- ro54 POUO We in the SIGINT business have long recognized that direct access to the principal player in a given scenario is far more likely to yield accurate and reliable assessments than would be available if we're reduced to listening to what other interested but perhaps not all that well-informed sources have to say about that same situation It was with great anticipation therefore that an overflow crowd turned out on 15 April to hear an address in the Friedman Auditorium by United States Air Force Colonel Chris Christon then the Director of Intelligence USAF SPACE COMMAND and formerly the Air Intelligence Officer for Lt Gen Charles Horner Commander Coalition Air Forces Gulf Theater during Operation DESERT STORM Col Christon-by any definition a principal player during the allied operation to drive the invading Iraqi forces from Kuwait-shared with the assembly his experiences in Saudi Arabia emphasizing the intelligence successes but more important driving home some lessons learned about how to use intelligence to support the kind of warfare that our national security strategy and our force posture will dictate in the future How good was intelligence support to DESERT STORM In combat everything starts and ends with intelligence -Lt Gen Charles Homer roll SECti't' Ui'flBftA 'EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 1 DOCID 4009690 TOP S CRGBPT mlBRA CRYPTOLOG July 2 EO 1 4 c 1994 TOP S CR ET mfBAA llANBLB VIA CO IINT CllANNGBPLS ONLJPY DOCID 4009690 TOP SECRET illffBRA CRYPTOLOG 4 e 86-36 July 1994 o Information Warfare A New Business Line for NSA byl p42 P L 8 6-36 fS eeO One of the new buzzwords in the hallways these days is Information Warfare IW IW is defined as the preservation of the integrity of our information systems from exploitation and corruption by potential adversaries while at the same time exploiting and degrading adversary information systems At the The author would like to than lof N53 for providing the videotape and slides of Col Christon's presentation P L 86-36 TOP SECRET lHtlBIM IIANBLE VIA CO UNT CIIA NNELS ONLJPY 3 DOCID 4009690 CRYPTOLOG July 1994 TOP SECRET mlBRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 nforrnation Warfare promises to provide a new way of looking at familiar problems as well as a new set of tools for the war-fighter NSA will be one of the main players in many future IW developments and our support will be critical to its future and speaking ofInformation is anyone going to GIS LIS '94 The Geographic Information Systems Land Information Systems Annual Conference and Exposition will be held in Phoenix Arizona from 23-28 October 1994 This will be a multidisciplinary educational and scientific meeting designed to foster professional and intellectual interaction among individuals and groups interested in the design and use of GIS LIS and related specialties and technologies The GIS LIS '94 program will feature the latest ideas research and technological advances in GIS LIS AM FM infrastructure management surveying mapping and related specialties from around the world For further information please contact GIS LIS '94 5410 Grosvenor Lane Suite 100 Bethesda MD 20814-2122 or call 301 493-0200 or fax 301 493-8245 Please consider writing an article for Cryptolog ifyou attend this event 4 TOP SECRET UMBRA IIANBLE VIA CO IINF CIIANNt LS ONLY DOCID 4009690 EC TSPOKE 1 CRYPTOLOG EOIA c P L 8 6- 3 6 July 1994 1 SECRE'I' SPOKE III' NDLE VIA COMIN'I' CItA NNF LS ONL l EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 5 DOCID 4009690 SECRE'F SPOKE CRYPTOLOG July EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 1994 SECRET SPOI'E 6 IIANDLE VIA COMINT CIIANNELS ONLJPY DOCID 4009690 SECREl CRYPTOLOG July Target Development in the Field EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 1994 F L 86-36 byl _ fC ceQ The purpose of this article is to discuss target development in the field and how it is different from target development as practiced by offices of primary interest OPls at NSA Washington NSAW These differences are important for Headquarters analysts to understand because their ability to work with field target developers will have a direct effect on the product they receive from the field The ideas in this article are drawn from the author's experiIto discuss encel target development issues and countless telephone and e-mail conversations with target developers around the world While these thoughts are not universally applicable they are valid in varying degrees for most large field sites C CCO There are probably as many different definitions of target development as there are organizations doing it One of the problems that arises in discussing the topic is figuring out what is meant by the phrase target development Since it involves so many different types of activity there are many different slants on its meanin e 1 1 o EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SECRET IlANDLE ytA COMIN'f' CItANNELS ONLY 7 DOCID 4009690 SECRE'f' EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CRYPTOLOG JUly 1994 SECRET 8 IIANBLE itA COf 7I1N'f' CIIANNELS ONL l DOCID 4009690 SEeM'f EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CRYPTOLOG July 1994 SECRET HANDLE VIA CO flNT CIIANNELS ONLY 9 DOCID 4009690 SECRET CRVPTOLOG July P o L 86-36 1994 Highlights from the Spring SRTD Conference EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d P o L 86-36 i 10 SEeREiT EO 1 4 c HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONL'l P L 86- 3 6 DOCID 400r9 6 9Di-36 EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d SECRET CRYPTOLOG July 1994 SECRET fBLR Y'b COMIN'f' CIfANNi LS ONLY 11 DOCID 4009690 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CRYPTOLOG July P L 86-36 b L - 1994 Pu6 isliing 5ts JI Member Of rrfie rreclinica Tract r Technical Director THE PRIMAL NEED TO PUBLISH WHY DO I NEED TO PUBLISH SOMETHING tFOUO The Agency Technical Track Program offers its members an unprecedented opportunity to further their technical skills while growing professionally Professional growth within the Technical Track is measured by technical accomplishment within three key areas Performance Factors Skill Development and Skill Field Contributions Complete information on these areas can be found in Annex B of NSA CSS Regulation 32-12 dated 20 August 1993 U The simple answer is that it is now your responsibility as a member of or an aspirant for the NSA Technical Track Program Technical Track members have a professional obligation to ensure that the transfer of technology happens One of the best and most longlasting ways to accomplish this is to simply share knowledge in written form Having done this many future opportunities may arise to expand upon that which has been shared Such opportunities may be delivering papers at conferences and symposia providing informational briefings based upon the written product and or authoring a sequel document to further enhance a good idea The possibilities are virtually without limit FOUQ Within the area of Skill Field Contributions is a section which establishes the need for members of the Technical Track to publish their work as a vehicle for both technology transfer and career growth It is upon this aspect of the Technical Track Program that this article foc lses TECHNOWGY TRANSFER BUT I'VE NEVER PUBLISHED ANYTHING BEFORE U What is Technology Transfer T2 It has been defined many ways the process by which technology knowledge and information developed in one organization one area or for one purpose is applied or used in another organization in another area or for another purpose U S Department of Energy 1990 providing on a timely basis technical information and assistance in its application in response to specific user-identified needs J Wycoff Journal of Technology Transfer 1981 ' a purposive continuous effort to move technical devices materials methods and or information from the point of discovery or development to new users J Gilmore The Environment and the Action of Technology Transfer 1970-1980 1969 U In general T 2 may be considered as the overall process of moving technology from its point of origin to its point of need U Ignorance is no excuse for the law Sound familiar Don't worry the Technical Track police aren't going to collar you for simply not being aware of how to go about getting something published If anything you'll probably find so much help and assistance that you'll wonder why you ever had any hesitation about becoming an author in the first place The main point is that you can and will find a wealth of resources to aid you in your personal quest to share your unique technical talents Try asking a member of the Technical Track who has already published something and see how enthusiastic he she will respond to your request for information If we all follow the chain-letter principle everyone tell two people-and they tell two people etc we'll be knee-deep in best sellers U Don't be bashful about asking for help Remember the Technical Track also means mentoring is alive and well FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLJPY 12 DOCID 4009690 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONVl CRYPTOLOG July 1994 OK SO I WROTE IT - NOW WHAT THE BOTTOM UNE U Now we're talking The hard part is done At this point spend a few extra minutes reviewing your manuscript for both its technical content and attention to detail spelling grammar punctuation style etc Don't forget to use the built-in power of document-processing software to assist you with the attention to detail part Publishing articles reports and or papers has a lot in common with driving a stick-shift vehicle At first it takes a lot of effort but over time it simply becomes hard to imagine doing it any other way U It's always a good idea to have a few friends provide you with constructive feedback on your creation Run it up the flagpole as they say and see who salutes Synergy works and is a proven component of success Don't be afraid to expose yourself to this peer review process that's what the Technical Track is all about in the first place people helping people P S It's also a great feeling to see your name in print POTENTIAL PUBUCATION SOURCES TheDDEye WHERE CAN I PUBUSH MY ARTICLE U The places to publish are everywhere Are there any journals which regularly come across your desk or to your computer screen How about Newsletters and other local publications that you've seen Most Agency technical societies solicit papers on an annual basis for essay contests look for the announcements or contact one of the society's officers How about an organizational technical report that carries a wide distribution Career Panels and Technical Directors can also help point you in the right direction U Don't forget unclassified commercial publications which may be appropriate for your document After an Agency publications review you've got a whole world out there just waiting for your brilliance U As an aid to aspiring authors the Appendix of this article lists a few places where you can get started with your publishing career along with publishing criteria and initial points of contact CONCLUSION U Publishing is simply a state of mind Be positive about your technical contributions and look for opportunities to share them Too many people have the misimpression that nobody will be interested in what they write about At this Agency nothing could be further from the truth Everyone can make a significant contribution to the overall level of awareness of the Agency's population lIto IL -_________ i P L 86- 3 6 Mission The DD Eye Newsletter is published monthly to disseminate information throughout the INFOSEC community The primary focus of The DD Eye is to inform and motivate personnel increase their knowledge and improve their performance The DD Eye contains information about Corporate philosophy organizational missions career and personnel matters unique training opportunities and programs and facilities The newsletter allows individuals and organizations to share accomplishments with the ISSO work force Preferences U Unclassified short articles that are of interest to the entire work force Can be technical but should be written so that non-technical personnel can understand Will accept classified articles but they must be classified by the originator Photos diagrams clip art etc are encouraged The author should be identified Submitting Items P L 86-36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLJPY 13 DOCID 4009690 FOR OFFICIAL USI ONIX CRYPTOLOG July P L 1994 86-36 INFOSEC Technical Exchange D Classification V The Exchange will accept and print articles up to the TOP SECRET level Each paragraph in a classified document should be properly marked with its classification level U C S TS V The following guidelines should be used in writing an article for the INFOSEC Technical Exchange These guidelines are intended to help a prospective author focus his her efforts toward an article which meets the spirit of the Exchange We invite all members of the INFOSEC Community to submit articles V The Exchange is distributed to the branch level in the ISSO and is widely available to NSA employees and others with appropriate clearances for V S classified information Protection of caveated or compartmented information cannot be supported Topics Length V Articles may address any topic which is of interest to a wide range of INFOSEC professionals All articles should be U Articles should be from one to ten pages long including any relevant graphs charts diagrams or schematics If an article is longer than ten pages the author may contact the publisher of the Technical Exchange for a discussion or advice V Relevant topical and contribute to the advancement of the INFOSEC Community V Timely although historical articles may occasionally be used V Mayor may not be highly technical however if the topic is highly technical pay particular attention to the CONTENT guidelines below Content V All articles should be of a professional nature and serve as a technical resource for the INFOSEC Community Format FQUQ FrameMaker format is preferred 1334 has a conversion service that converts Interleaf Word Perfect Office Writer and MS Word into FrameMaker Just attach the document to an E-Mail Compose Window addressed to convert@po In the message window type Target FRAME Send it The document will be converted and returned to you V Articles may disseminate information on o R D efforts o findings from general research o recent developments in policy which have a broad impact o new achievements in ongoing projects V Articles may introduce a new project or program that needs support from or offers support to a wide range of organizations V Articles should interest a wide range of INFOSEC professionals V Articles should be written on a level that will allow all readers to understand the main ideas presented It is expected that there will be some cases in which highly technical details are essential for a complete article This is acceptable as long as comprehension does not depend on a clear understanding of the technical details In general technical complexity should be considered the exception rather than the rule V Classify all paragraphs U Do not double-space between lines V Do not type your article in capital letters V Include your name organization building and phone number U Do not type your article in multi-columns Submitting Items U All articles must be reviewed and approved by the writer's organization V All articles must be approved for publication in the INFOSEC Technical Exchange by the Publisher and member s of the Selection Panel who reserve the right to edit abridge or refuse to publish an article P L FOR OFFICIAL USB ONU' 14 86-36 DOCID P L 4009690 FOR OFFICIAL USB ONLJPY CRYPTOLOG 86-36 July 1994 Virtual Campus rvC Advances NSA Crv ptolog Publisher William M Nolte P054 963-3123 Editor 054 963-3123s Editor I 1'-- ly471 972 2355s P L 86-36 Mission Preferences P L U Classified technically-oriented articles with emphasis on improving NSA's technical performance should be aimed at explaining one's discipline to those outside it Readers are also invited to contribute conference reports and reviews of books articles software and hardware that pertain to our missions or to any of our disciplines Humor is welcome too Submissions may be published anonymously but the identity of the author must be known to the editor fOUO VC Advances is published bi-monthly to promote and publicize Virtual Campus VC throughout the Information Systems Security Organization ISSO VC Advances contains information about Virtual Campus goals and objectives helpful hints and tips for new VC users updates on new products and changes and technical information for our more technically oriented readers This newsletter gives the ISSO workforce an opportunity to learn about what is coming voice their concerns and contribute their expertise Submitting Items Preferences 86-36 FOUO Send a hard copy accompanied by a labelled diskette to the editor at P054 in 2E062 Ops 1 I OTt Guidance o Do not type your article in capital letters o Classify all paragraphs o Label all diskettes identifying hardware OS DOS UNIX density and type of word processor used o Put your name organization building and phone number on diskettes o FrameMaker format is preferred ASCII is also fine 1334 has a conversion service that converts Interleaf Word Perfect OfficeWriter and MS Word into FrameMaker Just attach the document to an E-Mail Compose Window addressed to convert@po U Unclassified short articles that are of interest to the entire DDI work force It is preferred that technical articles be written so that non-technical personnel can understand but that is negotiable depending on content Articles containing important technical information that could benefit at least a part of the work force have been accepted and well-received Photos cannot be accepted but diagrams clip art etc are welcome Questions and ideas that could lead to articles are also encouraged The author should be identified Submitting Items Information Categories Collection Cryptanalysis Cryptolinguistics Information Resources Information Security Intelligence Analysis Intelligence Community Linguistics Mathematics Research Engineering Science Technology Traffic Analysis P L 86-36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL l 15 DOCID 4009690 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CRVPTOLOG July 1994 Cryptolog ic Quarterly Publisher Center for Cryptologic History Executive Editor Barry Carleen E324 968-6558s 1GBP324 9680 Managing Editor 1 6558s Mission FOUO The goal of Cryptologic Quarterly is to educate the work force in both narrow technical elements of the cryptologic effort and the broad issues that affect that effort Preferences U Articles for Cryptologic Quarterly may be written on any theoretical doctrinal operational managerial or historical aspect of cryptology The criterion for publication is whether or not the article is of sufficient substance and interest to make a genuine contribution to cryptologic literature The decision to publish a submitted article rests entirely with the management of Cryptologic Quarterly The author should be identified Submitting Items t COntributions should be submitted toC J Mana n Editor Cryptologic Quarterly '-----1 968-6158s U Manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract and should be typed double-spaced with generous margins Two copies are required a third copy sbould be retained by the author Illustrations should be submitted with the manuscript and should be adequately identified If your manuscript was prepared on a desktop computeriword processor please submit a disk with the following information the type of equipment the operating system and the word-processing software that you used A11 material used in the publication of an article is destroyed when no longer needed unless the author requests that it be returned P L 86-36 OPSEC he PostCold War In P L U As the world settles into the post-Cold War period the government of the United States finds itself in the awkward position of having no easily identifiable enemy at which to point a finger The threat to our national security or at least the way we perceive it has undergone radical changes yet these changes have only just begun U To compound the difficult situation faced by our government we are also in the grip of a budget crisis Every dollar spent is being carefully scrutinized with an eye towards return if there is no identifiable benefit from the expenditure offunds on a particular initiative then the funds will probably be invested elsewhere Within the Intelligence Community the traditional security measures that have been ritualistically adhered to under the specter of the Soviet Threat have begun to come under question The question that is being asked and rightly is What is the return on my investment of security dollars U In understanding the new concern about the effectiveness of security measures a word needs to be said about the changing nature of the threat to the Nation's secrets In the past there were scores of identifiable cases of espionage At the height of the Cold War the Soviet bloc countries had perfected a staggering array of espionage techniques that would enable them to access the guarded secrets of the United States and its western allies These techniques included sophisticated electronic eavesdropping operations massive SIGINT and IMINT collection efforts and the most formidable HUMINT collection network in the world All of these threats have undergone radical change in the last few years to say they no longer exist however would be a grave error but the most noticeable change has been in the area of HUMINT operations U At the height of the Cold War the Soviets were effectively operating a closed society for which we had to develop our own methods of penetration The United States attempted to make collection of information equally difficult for the Soviets by blanket classification of any and all information dealing with the national security The Soviets responded with the intelligence collection assets mentioned above with a particular emphasis on HUMINT They seemed to like FOR OFFICM L USE ONLJPY 16 86-36 DOCID 4009690 UNCLASSIFIED CRYPTOLOG July HUMINT collection and they were good at it perfecting a seemingly endless array of techniques for surreptitious entry penetration of security containers access to restricted areas co-opting of trusted employees illegal agent operations and other means of sneaking around To make matters worse at least in the mid1980s there seemed to be a fairly large number of Americans who were seeking out the Soviets or any other foreign government to which they could voluntarily provide sensitive or classified information From what we were able to discern at the time it was apparent that investments in traditional security i e safes locks fences guards badges strict classification policies TEMPEST countermeasures etc were money well spent U Today however we find ourselves dutifully adhering to security policies and procedures that were effective and prudent during the Cold War but whose effectiveness has been reduced or eliminated Blind adherence to these policies at times may even impede mission effectiveness and the justification to continue to spend money on these measures is increasingly difficult to accept The reason is that many of these security measures are no longer protecting our information Our adversaries have found that there are more economical The dawn ofthe information Age has changed the concept ofprotection of information we can no longer protect it all ways of obtaining information that do not involve sneaking around instead they need only sit down at a computer terminal visit a library or submit a request for unclassified information to the Federal Government These methods unthinkable in the Cold War world of 15 years ago have been made possible by another phenomenon-the dawn of the so-called Information Age U Within the last 10 years technology advances have changed the way in which we view information We now literally have the world at our fingertips with access to worldwide networks and databases that contain virtually every piece of information available This has also changed the concept of protection of information What we once protected easily by lock and key is now being transmitted worldwide at the speed of light This has led us to the realization that we can no longer protect it all Instead we need to determine what the truly critical pieces of information are and develop a carefully orchestrated strategy for their protection The 1994 means by which we identify and subsequently protect this information forms the discipline of operations security or OPSEC U OPSEC is a five-part process and I say fivepart rather than the more familiar five-step to avoid the suggestion that the five parts occur in a particular sequence These five parts are o identification of critical information o assessment of vulnerabilities associated with that information o assessment of threats to that information o assessment of the risk that the information will be compromised o implementation of countermeasures to prevent compromise of the critical information U OPSEC is an analysis of the flow of information from an adversarial perspective and the informed application of countermeasures based on that analysis U In today's world of budget constraints the risk analysis phase takes on particular significance Risk analysis means assessing the probability that a particular source of information will be successfully exploited by an adversary For example if a determination is made that a vulnerability exists for a particular item of information but there is no demonst ated threat to exploit that vulnerability then the overall risk is low A similarly low risk factor would be assigned to information to which a known threat was posed but with which no vulnerability was associated In other words the expenditure of significant funds to protect that information would not be justified Also critical to the risk analysis phase is the concept of value of information The cost of protecting the information in question should not exceed the intelligence value of that information It is in this way that OPSEC can be seen as an effective costsaving tool it identifies the areas in which limited security resources can be put to their best use OPSEC can identify areas in which existing and sometimes costly security measures are not effectively protecting the information they were intended to protect and can free up those resources to be applied in another area where they will have a greater effect U This is not to say however that the risk analysis phase is the only one of importance When seeking to protect information the critical step that is often overlooked is the identification of exactly what needs protection Adherence to the OPSEC framework forces an UNCLASSIFIED 17 DOCID 4009690 UNCLASSIFIED CRVPTOLOG July 1994 identification of that critical information In today's environment of information exchange it is simply not possible to protect all information that is associated with a particular program or initiative Instead that information which is absolutely critical to the success of a program the golden nuggets must be identified and protected Along with the identification of exactly what information is critical a realistic assessment should be made of what if any information has already been compromised or can reasonably be assumed to be known or available in the public domain We are currently spending enormous sums of money protecting information that has been publicly known for many years U The assessment of vulnerabilities that could reveal critical information is an equally important part of the OPSEC process It may be that existing security measures are adequately protecting critical information but it is this phase of the OPSEC process that will result in that determination By reconstructing the flow of information into through and out of an organization or project the OPSEC analyst can identify the vulnerabilities of the critical information independently of security measures that are already in place It will immediately become apparent whether or not the existing security measures are in fact protecting the information in question U In identifying the threat to a particular piece of information we should be careful not to rely on Cold War threat assessments of what an adversary could or might ascertain or what his probable or possible capabilities are In today's tight financial times funds will be increasingly allocated toward defending against demonstrated rather than postulated threats If there is a reasonably good indication that there is a threat to critical information then countermeasures should be applied to that threat We can no longer afford however to defend against threats that have never been demonstrated We also need to assess the likelihood of a particular threat Would an adversary mount a sophisticated expensive high-risk SIGINT operation against a particular target if he could get the same information from Nexis-Lexis or a similar database In most instances the answer would be no U The culmination of the OPSEC process is the identification and application of countermeasures It is in this area that OPSEC often stands alone as the economical alternative to more traditional and often costly security measures because OPSEC countermeasures are frequently simple administrative changes These changes can range in scope from the development of a deception plan to the omission of a few items of information from a shipping label to the decision not to release a particular item to a local newspaper OPSEC involves an assessment of existing resources followed by a subsequent plan of re-aligning these resources to provide the maximum protection for the identified critical information Occasionally OPSEC countermeasures will include additional changes that do have a cost associated with them such as the provision of secure communications equipment but this is not usually the case U Viewed in this way it becomes apparent that OPSEC can be a valuable tool for cutting costs without sac rificing protection By identifying the information that really needs to be protected OPSEC ensures that this information is safeguarded by relevant countermeasures while eliminating unnecessary and often costly security measures that are oriented toward an undocumented or unlikely threat Furthermore if OPSEC is employed throughout the entire life-cycle of a program or system as it should always be it can provide further savings in the form of dollars that will not need to be spent re-developing or replacing a system or program that has been compromised even before it is fielded The intention is not to imply that in embracing OPSEC we should throw existing security measures out the window However in practicing OPSEC consistently we can determine which security measures are effective and which ones are not and in the long run ensure that the dollars we spend on security are doing the most toward protecting our truly critical information UNCLASSIFIED 18 DOClD 4009690 SECRET CRYPTOLOG July A Linguist's Look at the Internet b ---t'T0pen-source information OSI has grown to enormous proportions in recent years Communicating electronically has become simple and cheap and as a result global information access has virtually exploded We may be reaching the point where it's impossible to track systems let alone users of systems Where in the past OSI was given little attention or even disregarded today its intelligence potential has grown dramatically It is being turned to more and more to fill gaps in analysis to validate intelligence assessments even to interpret SIGINT and to direct SIGINT tasking The shift in priority from military to civil targets in particular has placed much reliance on OSI to increase understanding of political economic and scientific targets and to keep up with events in those areas The Intelligence Community has recognized the importance of OSI and the need for a broad-based as program As a result NSA may soon be playing a significant role in the acquisition and exploitation of OSI P L B6-36 U Probably the single largest window into the woTldofOpenSource is the Internet For the past six months my colleaguel and I have been accessing the Internet in search of information tools and applications primarily in support of A Group linguists This article is meant to familiarize linguists with the Internet as a source of unique and timely collateral information It also describes Internet resources of particular interest to linguists but is not intended as a general guide to the Internet For some points of orientation I have borrowed from existing literature For a more complete orientation to using the Internet and for more detailed descriptions of Internet resources a list of references follows this article I U The A Group Language Technology Center's ALTC use of the Internet has been in three general areas This paper will describe what we've found in each of these areas which we consider of interest to language analysts Included are sample snippets from messages and documents which we've encountered as well as listings we've compiled of useful resources We must emphasize that we've only scratched the surface of what P L 86-36 1994 p' L 86-36 --- 'I the Internet has to offer The information presented here reflects only six months of navigating the Net and is only meant to give a glimpse of the potential of the Internet as a rich source of useful as information I The Networks What is an internef U An internet is a computer network which allows computers with differing software and hardware to communicate by translating messages to a common communications protocol The first real internet the ARPANET was a wide-area experimental network in the mid-1980's which arose from research supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA now DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency The ARPANET connected terminal hosts and servers together and as local-area networks grew many hosts became gateways to other local networks A network layer to allow interoperation of these networks was developed and called IP Internet Protocol Over time other groups NASA NSF states etc created long-haul IP-based networks The collection of all these interoperating networks a world-wide network or networks is what has come to be called The Internet U Allowing simple pes and sophisticated mainframes to interconnect the Internet can be used for an extraordinary range of purposes long-distance collaborations transfer of programs and documents between remote computers accessing library catalogs logging into supercomputers the list gets longer every day U The Internet has become so immense and complex that there probably isn't a single person who understands everything about it It now comprises thousands of networks and hundreds of thousands of connected computers serving millions of users More users and services are added every day making mailing lists resource guides etc out of date almost as soon as they are generated Despite its enormity and complexity however the Internet global village operates under certain common conventions and standards even a certain global netiquette Once one has mastered a few basic skills using the Internet is actually very easy L RFCs Requests for Comment are documents which form the system of standards adhered to on the Internet SECUT 19 DOCID 4009690 CRVPTOLOG U Before we go any further we need to define the following essential terms Internet Simply put the Internet is a large network of networks There is no one network known as the Internet rather regional networks are connected into one great living thing communicating at tremendous speeds with the TCP IP protocol All activity takes place in real time the UUCP network is a loose association of systems all communicating with the UUCP Unix-to-Unix Copy Program protocol It's based on two systems connecting to each other at specified intervals a process called polling and executing any work scheduled for either of them BITNET The ecause It's Time Network consists of systems connected by point-topoint links all running the NJE protocol Mail gateways are in place to reach users on other networks U These networks are linked in a variety of ways 1 dedicated telephone lines with 56Kbps connections 2 special phone lines with 1Mbps connections 3 special backbone links which can carry a massive 45Mbps load of traffic These links are paid for by each participating institution to a local carrier e g Bell Atlantic owns PrepNet the main provider in Pennsylvania Also available are special connections which carry Internet traffic packets over high-speed modems U UUCP links whose connections are of the store-and-forward variety described above are made mostly via modem Also in use are Internet-based UUCP links Using TCP IP connections these links provide some blindingly fast hops allowing one to communicate cross-country or around the world for the price of a local phone call II Electronic mall U Electronic mail e-mail is the most common form of communication in computer networking It allows people to write back and forth without having to worry about how messages actually get delivered Most Agency users are familiar with e-mail addressing and mail-system protocols so we won't go into detail here 1 The same user@somewhere domain convention is used on the Internet every machine connected has a unique IP address or dotted quad e g 147 31 254 103 The trailing domain is often one of the following com edu gov mil net org company or commercial institution educational institution government organization military organization administrative host for a network private organization Each country in addition has its own top-level domain au Australia o ca Canada etc U Mail messages also have a specific structure that's common across every type of computer system Proal c1iDtoD@hq ai1 Sat Peb 27 17 06 01 1993 Received froa hq ai1 by house gov with AA21901 4 1 SNZ for al@house gov Sat Peb 27 93 17 05 56 -0400 Date Sat 27 Peb 93 17 05 56-0400 Proal The PresideDt c1iDtoD@hq ai1 s age-Id 910525210506631@hq ail To al@ eDate gov Subject etiDg Text Note that the first From and Received lines give the real address that the mail is coming from as opposed to the address to which you should reply which may look very different and what places the mail went through to get to you If a message is sent using UUCP there will be a Received line for each system that the mail passed through unless the mail program filters them out The second From contains the address to which you would reply as opposed to the address from which the mail was sent 1 The basic format of an electronic mail message on the Internet is defined in RFC0822 For more information on e-mail see %@ A Directory ofElectronic Mail Addressing and Networks Donnalyn Frey and Rick Adams pub O'Reilly Associates Newton MA 1989 SECRET 20 DOCID 4009690 SECRET CRYPTOLOG July U The e-mail one encounters on the Internet is either that routed via a discussion list or a newsgroup explained later The header of a typical e-mail message passed over the Russian Electronic Communications network RELCOM sort of the Russian equivalent of our PRODIGY service would look like the following after converting the Cyrillic for proper display I r Pra newca kiae sulL-relca @newca kiae su Sun Peb 28 08 50 28 1993 Return-path newca kiae sulLrelcoa@newcoa kiae au Received froa techno fuug fi by afterlife nscs ail 4 1 SNX-4 1 id AA194081 Sun eb 28 08 50 22 BST Received froa newcoa kiae su by techno fuug fi with UUCP id AAI0887 5 65c IDA-l 4 4 1 Sun 28 Feb 1993 15 27 56 0200 Received by newca kiae su1 Sun 28 Feb 93 15 32 12 0300 To subscribers@techno fuug fi ___groups rel bbs Fra Alex Popov alex@_chta _k su Subject Rews BBS na Iskre II Date Fri 26 Peb 93 20 55 28 0300 Organization AliB Ret AliB_Ret_gate X-Gate UU2 1 13b sender L-relcoa@newcoa kiae su X-Class Big nPrecedence junk Status RO This is a message uploaded to a newsgroup relcom bbs announcing a new A B Net BBS being set up at Iskra II International Newcom is the news server for the RELCOM network based at kiae Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy Note that this message has been relayed through a European Internet node in Finland fi Note also the exclamation point in the address newcom kiae su 1 ooo E-mail addresses usually appear in one of two formats an at sign @ for the Internet format or a bang 1 for the UUCP format In addition a percent sign % often acts as an extra routing method indicating a specific gateway to another network l user%site bitnet@bitnet-gateway For example ukraine indycms bitnet@pucc princeton edu is the Internet address for recipients of the BITNET discussion UKRAINE This list is moderated from a host at Princeton University puce via the BITNET node indycms 1994 UUCPMaps U The UUCP Mapping Project at Rutgers University is an attempt to manage the growing number of UUCP hosts UUCP maps allow mail TOuters within UUCP to work properly The map for a domain is processed by a program called patha1ias which generates UUCP routes from the data The map data is in the following format t ts '0 C 'E 'T 'P 'L 'R U 'N sitenaae sitenaae uuCP naae of site manufacturer machine mode11 OS version organization naae contact person's naae contact person's electronic mail address contact person's telephone number organization's address latitude longitude r_rks netn_s neighbors who last edited the entry date edited odomain r otel freq r_ote2 freq remote3 freq The UUCP map for Russia domain name su thus essentially contains a database of information about Russian e-mail subscribers to the Internet For example oo'5 C'0 ''P'ET ''RL 'N ihep su VAX-1l1 ULTRIX Institute for Bi7h Energy Physics Leonid Yegoshin egoshin@ihep su 7 Serpukhov 42952 IBEP Serpukhov SU-142284 Moscow District Russia 37 10 E 54 55 The main relay server of local nets on the territory of IBBP egoshin@serp ihep su 910215 any@hq de os su 910708 The ihep su server connects other users listed in the map such as serp ihep su which happens to be an IBM PC AT running XENIX It's easy to see how useful these maps can be in tracking systems users of systems and organizations UUCP maps are available by anonymous ftp explained below from ftp uu net in subdirectory uwaap The map for Russia actually ex-USSR is in files u sun O 1 2 3 4 lOO A separate map for the Ukraine is in file u ukr 1 These maps were last updated in December 1991 SFiCRET 21 DOCID 4009690 SECRE'I' CRYPTOLOG Mailing and Discussion Lists U People that share interests are inclined to discuss hobbies or interests at every available opportunity One modern way to aid this exchange of information is by using a mailing list usually an e-mail address that redistributes all mail sent to it to a list of addresses U There are two general types of mailing lists 1 those moderated by individuals to whom you should direct inquiries about joining the list and 2 those open to public access U An automated mail-list system called listserv allows all the functions of adding and removing users to and from a list to be performed under program control Recent versions of listserv also provide file-server functions which allow moderators to make data files available to subscribers U Each discussion list run from a listserver has two e-mail addresses You send commands to the listserv address and messages to the group address For example RUSTEX-L is a discussion list maintained at the University of Buffalo concerning the Russian version of TeX other Russian text-processing systems thesauri spell-checkers keyboards etc If you can send and receive Internet mail you can subscribe to RUSTEX-L by sending the following message to listserv@ubvm cc buffalo edu where your_full_name is your REAL name and NOT your network user ID Once your subscription is acknowledged you can use other commands to learn more about the list index rustex-l info genintro review rustex-I sends a list of available archive files retrieves General Information Guide returns the network address and names of all subscribers U For some lists administrative tasks are handled with the suffix -request NL-KR-L for example is a discussion list on natural language processing and knowledge representation maintained at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute To join the list one would send the subscribe command to the following address nl-kr-l-request@cs rpi edu A number of mailing lists are set up not as discussion lists but as a means of distributing newsletters digests reports bulletins etc SUEARN-L for example carries a monthly digest on ex-USSR connectivity with the Internet Many sites channel such digests into newsgroups or similar systems which let many users read a single copy of the digest If such access is available reading such a public copy is preferable to having your personal copy e-mailed to you saving some network bandwidth D Needless to say listservs have become extremely popular The latest issue of The Eastern European list of Electronic Computer-Accessible Resources for example contains 124 discussion lists just relating to East European issues There is even a list mailing-lists@ijs si whose sole function is to publish a monthly directory of South Slavic mailing lists e ALTC has been sam ling a significant number of discussion lists to gauge the nature of their content and usefulness see following listings So far we have remained passive observers refraining from any active participation in discussions We can see the benefit however of two-way contact now and then with other language professionals on certain topics This is permitted as long as users are careful not to reveal Agency need interests or capabilities You can then send mail to the list by using rustexl@ubvm cc buffalo edu as the group address and everyone on the list will get your message - P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c SECRET 22 kn DOCID 4009690 86 36 LOG July 1994 23 DOCID 4009690 86-36 1 4 24 DOCID 4009690 SBCKBT CRYPTOLOG July 1994 General Guides to Using the Internet U The following are useful as introductory and general guides to using the Internet A more comprehensive list of recent Internet books can be found in RFC #1432 by J Quarterman Mar 93 available on-line by anonymous ftp from nie ddn mil in subdirectory Irfe as file rfe1432 txt o Zen and the Art ofthe Internet A Beginner's Guide to the Internet 2nd ed Brendan P Kehoe Prentice-Hall 112 pp $22 00 Probably the shortest of the introductory books The on-line first edition dated Jan 92 96 pp is available by anonymous fip from ftp es widener edu in the pUbl zen subdirectory as file zen-I 0 ps o The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog Ed Krol O'Reilly Associates Inc Sebastopol CA 376 pp 13 Sep 92 $24 95 Aimed more at graduate students who want to use the Internet for research Ed's 1989 paper The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet 22 pp is available on-line by anonymous fip from uxe eso uiue edu and other sources o The Internet Companion A Beginner's Guide to Global Networking Tracey LaQuey Addison-Wesley 196 pp $10 95 Aimed at the general public Being made available on line two chapters per month for anonymous fip from world std com o Internet Getting Started April Marine SRI International 333 Ravenswood Ave Menlo Park CA 380 pp Sep 92 $39 00 How to join the Internet and some context so you will know why Neither a guide nor a catalog but contains numerous contact listings o The Internet Passport NorthWest Net's Guide to our World OnLine 4th ed Jonathan Kochmer and NorthWestNet Bellevue WA 450 pp 1993 On-line version Internet Resource Guide 3rd ed Oct 92 300 pp is available by anonymous ftp from ftphost nwnet net in nec nwnet user-guide subdirectory file nusirg whole-guide ps Z o The New User's Guide to the Internet Daniel P Dern McGraw-HIll New York 1993 o An Internet Primer for Information Professionals A Basic Guide to Networking Technology Elizabeth S Lane and Craig A Summerhill Meckler Corp Westport CT 200 pp 1992 $37 50 o Crossing the Internet Threshold ' An Instructional Handbook Roy Tennant John Ober Anne G Lipow foreword by Clifford Lynch 142 pp 1993 $45 00 A short textbook on using the Internet by two librarians at the University of California at Berkeley o CICNet Resource Guide Available by anonymous ftp from nie cie net in subdirectory pub file resoureeguide 25 DOCID 4009690 'FOP SECRET UM8Rz EO 1 4 c P t 86-36 CRYPTOLOG July 1994 byl --- P L ----' U The first coordinated public cellular mobile communication networks came into service in 1981 Since that time cellular mobile use has grown to the point that there are now over 20 million subscribers to these networks throughout the world Until recently all of these networks used analog transmission technology to transmit users' communications In the late 1992early 1993 time frame however a second generation of public cellular mobile networks emerged using digital technology and employing advanced multiplexing methods and modulations These second-generation digital networks support a variety of new user services and provide for a number of improvements over existing analog cellular mobile networks U Two digital cellular mobile standards are presently being employed the IS-54 digital AMPS DAMPS in the United States and the pan-European Global System for Mobile Communications GSM in Europe Other standards are also being developed and may emerge in the not-too-distant future 86-36 public cellular mobile radio standard aimed at beginning public service in the early 1990's Following the 1982 inception two significant events occurred First in 1987 the original GSM system's specifications were modified to reflect a change in technology from analog to digital due mainly to operational simulations and trials conducted in Paris under the supervision of the GSM working group Then in 1989 the GSM program was transferred from the purview of the CEPT to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Since that time GSM's official expansion has become Global System for Mobile Communications and ETSI continues to oversee the development of GSM U GSM is a public digital cellular mobile radio system intended to become the standard for the whole of Europe and differing greatly from the many cellular mobile systems currently in existence throughout Europe and the rest of the world today It will offer connectivity to all public telecommunications systems both national and international and offer all the same services and compatibility of a fixed telephone including Integrated Service Digital Networks ISDN ithotK L 8 6- 3 6 the restriction of wires EO 1 4 c Who developed GSM What is the Global System for Mobile Communications GSM U An oversimplified definition is that GSM is a public telecommunications system The original expansion and eventual system name was derived from the initials of a Conference of European Posts and Telecommunications Administration CEPT working group Groupe Speciale Mobile GSM CEPT established the U Non-cellular mobile radio communications systelllshave been in use since the 1920's however public cellular mobile networks did not come into service until 1981 Papers describing the concept had been written decades before but it was not until the 1970's after the emergence of reliable microelectronic circuits that practical cellular communications systems could be developed By the late 1970's the telecommunications administrations of the Nordic countries Sweden Denmark Finland and Norway had developed the Nordic Mobile Te1ephone-450 Standard In 1981 while the rest of Europe the United States and Japan continued their cellular research the Nordic countries began public service with the NMT-450 a coordinated mobile cellular communications system that uses analog technology and operates in the 450MHz frequency range U By 1982 European telecommunication administrations interest in cellular communications was growing and the market was expanding rapidly CEPT 'FOP SECRE'f' UMBRA 26 IIANBLE 'fIlA CO IIN'F CIIANtfflLS ONL l DOCID 4009690 'FOP SECRE'F lHtlBR-A CRVPTOLOG July realizing the growth potential of public cellular communications and a need for standardization among these systems established the GSM Working Group Specifically it was tasked to provide an outline definition by December 1986 and a specification for a Pan-European public land mobile network by December 1988 Early in 1983 the working group had identified all competing systems and proposals none of which were acceptable as candidates for the Pan-European system To avoid standardization obstacles and any interference with the development of a new clearly defined Pan-European system the working group declared that all existing systems and system proposals would be considered interim systems V In 1987 the Ministerial Council of the European Community EC urged all member countries to introduce the GSM system According to this recommendation the start date for the Pan-European digital cellular mobile radio system should be no later than 1991 the most important city areas should be covered no later than 1993 and the main connections between covered areas should be no later than 1995 This recommendation was adopted in 1987 through a memorandum of understanding MoV between operators and telecommunications administrators of 16 European nations Since then others have signed the MoV bringing the total number of signatories to 23 operators in 16 European countries as well as another 20 countries throughout the rest of the world Most of these countries have agreed to abide by the terms of the EC recommendation including the stipulation to license at least two operators one private and one public thereby creating a competitive consumer market V As the GSM working group's activities progressed it became quite apparent that the analog systems currently deployed in Europe were overburdened and would be unable to meet future demand for public mobile cellular communications Therefore in 1987 it modified the GSM system specifications citing a change from analog to digital technology Since 1989 when the program was transferred from CEPT to ETSI work on the GSM standard has continued as planned and CEPT continues to provide an open meeting place for European telecommunication standardization activities It should also be noted that although CEPT and ETSI have been the overseers of the GSM program various ad-hoc subgroups and joint groups have been formed periodically to assist in the development of the GSM standards At one time there were as many as 28 groups involved in the writing of the standard as well as the theoretical practical and simulation studies associated with the program 1994 Why was GSM developed V Development of GSM is particularly important at this time due to the political and economic changes sweeping the world today Many of the Third World countries including those in East Europe are attempting to develop market economies patterned after those of the West to which efficient communications are essential therefore many of these countries are planning massive upgrades of their telecommunications infrastructures and are intent on deploying state-of-theart equipment in order to compete V Funding for such upgrades if not nationally available is in most instances readily available through various lending institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development or through joint ventures with many western companies designing and building GSM-compatible equipments V Various factors have driven the development of the GSM system but probably the most important of these was the need to develop a standard to be adhered to by all digital mobile communications equipment manufacturers and suppliers This standard will insure compatibility between equipment and provide a capability for the user to roam freely throughout Europe while maintaining communications with another party be it through speech or data V Another major factor was the phenomenal growth in the use and deployment of public analog cellular mobile networks Several European countries as early as 1983 had deployed mostly non-compatible systems operating in the 450MHz band This rapid growth especially in the Nordic countries resulted in pressure to allow these systems to migrate operationally into the 900MHz band-a logical migration since the International Telecommunication Vnion lTV had already obtained approval from the World Administrative Radio Conference WARC to have this band designated for public mobile communications use in Europe V The Vnited Kingdom was the first to allocate a portion of the 900MHz band for the operation of their first-generation analog system known as the Total Access Communications Systems TACS Since that time other countries have followed suit and the V K has gone one better by allocating more of the 900MHz band just below the original GSM spectrum allocation for the operation of its Extended Total Access Communications System ETACS 'FOP SECRE'F mtBRA IMNBLE VIA COIt UNF CIIAM'ffiLS ONLJPY 27 DOCID 4009690 TOP SECRE'F mlBRA CRVPTOLOG July 1994 Future Use U The ETACS expansion illustrates just one of the perceived benefits of the GSM system High Spectral Efficiency As GSM is introduced it will be facing fierce competition from numerous analog systems already operating in the majority of the 900MHz band Therefore it must use its limited spectrum allocation 905-915MHZ and 950-960MHz more efficiently than current analog networks This reportedly will be accomplished through the use of a more complex control system It is envisioned that the GSM system will eventually migrate to occupy the whole 50MHz of the 900MHz band designated for public cellular mobile communications throughout Europe 890-915MHz and 935-960MHz Until this occurs however the digital GSM system must perform far better than any analog system within its limited spectrum allocation to be an attractive marketable alternative U Cost-efficiency is also another benefit of GSM deployment Initially equipment costs may be higher than that of present analog equipment for the subscriber as well as the network operator However as additional features are introduced by the network operator the GSM equipment actually becomes more cost-efficient for both the subscriber and network operator U To date all operational GSM systems are in their infancy and provide no more than national telephony service Additional services and capabilities such as international roaming and ISDN will be phased in as software is developed and tariff and billing arrangements are established among national operators U The network operators benefit because there is no additional equipment to purchase when introducing the new features since they will have the digital equipment in place and the additional features will be incorporated through the introduction of software at a minimal cost Subscribers will be provided with these additional services as the operator introduces them probably at a minimum additional charge and in the end enjoy all the benefits that an analog system cannot provide Other advertised benefits are smaller smarter lower-cost terminals digital speech quality improved mobile data and facsimile transmissions built-in encryption integral short message capabilities and the added dimension of national and international roaming U Overall the digital GSM cellular system will provide the user with smaller equipment better quality communications and all the services normally available on a fixed public telephone network U Estimates vary depending on the source but it has been projected that there may be as many as 20 million European subscribers to the Pan-European service by the tum of the century Future deployments are projected for all western European countries and the central European countries of Cyprus Hungary Poland Turkey the Czech Republic Slovakia and Greece A number of other countries are considering GSM technology as a basis for their future digital mobile communications network deployments These include in the Far East China Australia South Korea New Zealand Thailand China and Singapore and in the Mideast Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar and the United Arab Emirates just to name a few U Based on the above projections and the apparent head start the Europeans have on their competitors the United States and Japan one could easily see GSM becoming more than a European standard as the world's telecommunications systems migrate from analog to digital technology It is highly unlikely however that the GSM standard will be universally accepted more likely it will be considered the first step toward the development of a global digital cellular mobile standard U Many factors will influence the deployment decisions In the EC the desire or need of the government to participate in the European one market philosophy will be an important factor Other countries must consider their economic situation the availability of the required frequency spectrum and any restrictions which might be imposed by a successor organization to the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls COCOM Additional considerations include the current state of a country's telecommunications infrastructure for example the existence of any analog cellular systems and their potential for growth as well as the availability of any competing digital standards U The acquisition of GSM systems will thus vary from country to country Many will jump on the bandwagon right away some will initially deploy analog cellular systems while others may decide to playa waiting game especially if they have an adequate telecommunication infrastructure to see which digital cellular technology if any will be accepted as the global standard The likely scenario for the European continent is that all the western European countries and some central European countries will as stated above deploy GSM systems as soon as possible while the remainder will probably deploy analog cellular systems to augment their inferior telecommunication infrastructures Even- 'FOP SECRE'F mfBRA 28 Ht 'lI LE VIA CO IINT CUANNELS ONLY DOCID 4009690 TOP SECRET ffitlBRA P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c tually even those countries who initially chose an analog deployment will probably migrate to the GSM standard U Adoption of the GSM standard by other world nations should also follow the pattern set by those countries throughout Europe In the lesser-developed and Third World countries some will go the route of the western European countries and immediately deploy GSM systems providing they can obtain the funds and COCOM-successor restrictions do not apply others will delay deployment In developed nations the need to immediately adopt a new cellular mobile standard will be less critical since most have well-established telecommunication infrastructures to include a number of operational analog systems or are in the process of developing their own digital cellular mobile standard as is the case with Japan and the United States CRYPTOLOG July 1994 scribership to GSM networks diminish The rate at which this migration and growth of subscribership occurs will differ worldwide because of variances in governmental telecommunication policies the current state of an individual country's telecommunications infrastructure a desire to perpetuate a global market subscribership growth potential of current analog mobile cellular communications systems availability of the required frequency spectrum and the development of other digital cellular standards possibly providing capabilities superior to the GSM standard U Therefore the world's cellular mobile telecommunications picture will most likely at least in the near term remain a hodgepodge of analog and GMS digital cellular mobile communications systems and the number of users subscribers switching to the new GMS systems will not increase dramatically due to the initial high costs of equipment and subscribership In the long term however as more services become available and costs decline GSM will undoubtedly become a viable option for the public sector Conclusions and Recommendations U GSM systems provide highly sophisticated communications The vast majority of cellular systems currently deployed throughout the world today are incompatible analog systems providing at best a national voice telephony capability and other limited services When these systems are compared with a mature GSM digital system it becomes quite evident that the additional capabilities of GSM-increased data rates improved signal quality improved spectrum usage improved security of communications and compatibility of systems among countries--provide a cellular mobile communication system far superior and more sophisticated than those in use today U GSM system deployments and subscribership will increase There will be a continual migration from analog to digital mobile cellular communications and the number of system deployments as well as the number of subscribers will increase as new phases of the GSM standard are introduced additional services become available and the costs of equipment and sub- 't'OP SECRE't' mtBRA IIANf LR --rIA COr UN'f' CHANNELS ONL i 29 DOCID 4009690 't'OP SECRE JPY Ul'fIBRA CRVPTOLOG July E01 4 c 1994 P L 86-36 - b L - P L _ U In the past several years there has been a virtual explosion in the use of digital means for transmitting voice telephony and other services The most prevalent method of converting analog information to digital pulses is pulse code modulation PCM Many countries have already made or are in the process of making substantial investments in the installation of PCM systems Third World countries in particular have been rapidly expanding into the digital arena while Western countries are doing so at a slower rate chiefly because the lack of existing communications infrastructures in the Third World makes a direct move into digital systems economical Western countries on the other hand have invested significant resources in their analog systems and therefore tend to replace existing systems at a slower pace The growth rate in digital transmissions in the West over the next several years is anticipated to be about one to two percent per year This pace is significant enough that it cannot be overlooked by the Intelligence Community U Economic considerations enhanced signal quality and the inherent flexibility of the digital transmission network are important factors in the shift from analog to digital transmission In addition many vendors are no longer producing analog FDM systems thus forcing users to replace them with digital systems Fiber-optic cable is the preferred mode however terrestrial microwave is expected to remain prevalent for short-haul transmissions and as a back-up to fiber U The concepts underlying PCM have been understood since the mid-1930s France filed a patent in 1938 British and American patents were filed in 1939 and 1942 respectively By 1948 studies in Bell Telephone Laboratories had proved that PCM was well understood Because frequency-division multiplexing FDM was easier to implement and further developed than time-division multiplexing TDM the basis for PCM however FDM was virtually the only transmission mode then in use The advent of the transistor in the late 1950s helped solve the problems surrounding the implementation of PCM and American Telephone and Telegraph introduced PCM in the early 1960s U There are two primary PCM hierarchies in use throughout the world the CEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications or European standard and the North American Bell standard The Japanese have developed their own standard based on the Bell system to date it has been seen in use only in Japan Each standard operates on a building-block principle Voice-grade channels are multiplexed in the basic level to form channel bank units CBUs also referred to as the Level 1 multiplexer Level Is are combined to form successive signal levels and increasingly highercapacity systems CEPT Standard CEPT the European standard has been accepted by the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee CCITT as a standard in the international PCM arena In this system each frame is made up of a set of 32 channel time slots numbered from 0 to 31 Voice channels are allocated to 30 channel time slots Time slot 0 is reserved for frame alignment and alarm indication facilities and 16 is used exclusively for signalling voice-grade-channel signalling is carried on this one channel rather than within individual channels as is the case with CCITT #5 This type of signalling is referred to as common-channel signalling CCITT #6 Each channel time slot is composed of 8digit time slots and sampled at a rate of 8000 samples per second the complete frame repeats every 125 microseconds The CEPT format produces a 256-bit ram 32 channels X 8 bits per channel and an ope9 L 86- 3 6 109 bit rate of 2 048 Mbps 8000 samples per second ES 1 4 c 256 bits employing A-Law companding Levell Ll signals are composed of 30 channels Level 2 four L1s 120 channels Level 3 four Us 480 channels Level 4 offour L3s 1920 channels and so on 'FOP SECRE'F mlBRA 30 86-36 IIANDLB VIA COMIN1' CHANNELS ONLY EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009690 TOP SECft ET UMBRA CRYPTOLOG P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c July Bell North American Standard U The Bell North American standard has also been approved by the ccnT as a PCM standard The Tl carrier also referred to as a Bell Level 1 was introduced by Bell in 1962 and allowed for the multiplexing of 24 voice channels oyer one transmission medium Each voice channel is composed of eight bits giving a frame length of 192 bits 24 X 8 A 193rd bit is used for framing and signalling control The Tl operates at a bit rate of 1 544 Mbps 8000 samples per second X 193 bits The T2 or second-level Bell system was introduced in 1972 and carries 96 voice channels on a single transmission medium The T2 is composed of four TIs the T3 of seven T2s for a total of 672 channels and the T4 of six T3s for a total of 4032 channels 1994 once introduced into the signal Each time the signal is amplified any associated noise is amplified as well This is one of the most serious limitations of analog transmission systems The PCM signal on the other hand exists in only two states 1 and 0 pulse or no pulse as long as the presence or absence of a state can be detected no matter how distorted the signal the PCM system can handle it The degradation of the received signal does not alter the information content until it becomes so severe that the receiving equipment cannot distinguish between the presence or absence of a pulse In contrast with FDM which is amplified at each repeater PCM signals are regenerated at each repeater and are therefore not limited by accumulated degradation Regeneration completely eliminates the perturbations of the preceding transmission which means there is no limit to the transmission distance This is one of the unique advantages of digital over analog transmission systems U PCM is very flexible lending itself to all types of modulation schemes Systems of different rates and carrying different types of service-telephony data and other digital services--can be easily interconnected Because it offers direct digital interface there is no need for modems to convert digital signals to analog prior to transmission over a voice-grade channel A channel capacity of 64 kilobits per second Kbps can be achieved with PCM as compared to a maximum of 2 4 Kbps on unconditioned FDM channels Advantages and pisadvantages of PCM U PCM has several advantages over FDM analog systems One of the primary advantages is its low cost Unlike FDM systems which require many precise and elaborate band-pass filters throughout the system PCM systems require only simple channel low-pass filters Because of the decreasing costs of large-scale integration LSI technology which is employed in the design and fabrication of PCM system electronic components and the elimination of expensive filtering the per-channel costs of PCM are much lower than those of FDM U A second advantage of PCM is its excellent speech quality and its improved signal-to-noise ratio SNR as compared with FDM transmissions In analog transmission disturbances caused by noise cross-talk intermodulation and other factors cannot be eliminated U PCM also has disadvantages First it requires approximately 16 times more bandwidth than FDM In addition in order to maintain transmission integrity the signal must be regenerated frequently approximately every 6000 feet on cable and at each repeater on microwave Lastly complex demodulation and demultiplexing equipment is needed for voice-grade-channel analog-to-digital conversion at the transmitter and digital-to-analog conversion at the receiver Conclusions and Recommendations 1 S geerrt is clear that the worldwide communications environment is undergoing a transition from analog to digital Cable appears to be the transmission means of choice however microwave will continue to be used for short-haul transmissions in urban environments and as a back-up to fiber thus making terrestrial microwave collection a viable mission We can also expect to see increasingly higher data rates in use Data rates of 140 Mbps are no longer unusual and it is anticipated that data rates up to 300 Mbps will become increasingly common over the next several years In TOP SECft ET mlBRA IIMffiLE VIA COMINT CUANNELS ONIX 31 DOCID 400969EURl L 86-36 EO 1 4 c TOP SECRET ur IBRA CRYPTOLOG July 1994 addition new formats such as forward error correction FEC trellis coded modulation synchronous optical network SONET and synchronous digital hierarchy SDH will become more prevalent Higher modulation levels such as 256 QAM can also be expected as can increased military use of digital transmissions 32 'FOP SECRE'f UMBRA I McNDLE VIA CO IINT CII NNGBPLS ONLY P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009690 S C T CRYPTOLOG July 1994 Video SIGINT Dissemination The NSA Broadcast Network EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 P L b 86-36 lp0542 e eeQ SIGINT reactions tol I ---- ----l These are the kinds of things you may see on television in the workplace as the NSA Broadcast Center pursues its goal of bringing you the latest intelligence news from around the world 24 hours a day The NSA Broadcast Center has been broadcasting SIGINT for more than two years via the NSA Broadcast Network and the Defense Intelligence Agency's Defense Intelligence Network DIN Through the DIN video SIGINT reports reach DIA the Pentagon numerous military commands worldwide and certain Washington D C users Within NSA classified broadcasts produced by the Broadcast Center appear daily on NEWSMAGAZINE Channel 21 Video SIGINT is a fast-growing medium providing the busy executive field commander and target analyst with instant access to the world's daily headlines and breaking stories in a readily absorbed form Since July 1993 the Broadcast Center has been producing live programming that integrates live SIGINT updates live and taped interviews interviews remoted from organizations such as DEFSMAC and taped special programs All SIGINT Headlines programs are broadcast live to ensure they contain the most up-to-date information In addition the Broadcast Center's partnership with NSOC ensures that CRITICs of national level importance can be broadcast as soon as the information has been verified-meaning viewers will be able to learn of them faster than ever before How The Broadcast Network Works EFOUO Time-sensitive video SIGINT is a unique medium yet it resembles commercial television news in many ways Video SIGINT reporters aim for timeliness while striving to meet the standards of commercial news presentations Video SIGINT reporters-most with SIGINT reporting experience a few from other SIGINT disciplines--work rotating shifts to cover the SIGINT news around the clock All underwent a selection process involving a screen test and writing sample C-CCO A video reporter's day is probably at least as busy as that of a CNN correspondent Arriving in the newsroom he or she hits the ground running poring over the most recent SIGINTproduct ev ery thing that entersllisdistributed electronically to P L 86-36 the Broadcast C electing items based on their newsworthiness First priority goes to items related to the hottest news stories of the day In addition reporters focus on product related to regions of current policymaker interest as listed by the White House Situation Room or product deemed by the executive producer to be of intelligence interest Using the selected product reporters write video scripts design graphics and select appropriate video footage Meanwhile skilled computer graphics artists convert the reporters' rough sketches into professional on-screen graphics that can incorporate maps photographs and footage stills U Mter the scripts have been edited and approved by the executive producer the reporter becomes an on-camera anchor seated under bright lights in the Broadcast Network's studio reading scripts as they scroll by on a teleprompter Next words meet pictures in the Broadcast Network's control room where video editors many with commercial television experience combine the live or taped narration with graphics and footage In spare time the newsroom crew carry out innumerable logging and housekeeping duties In even sparer time they put together long-term video background reports In addition both reporters and executive producers conduct on-camera interviews FOUO Executive producers the shift team chiefs perform all the functions of a reporter In addition they are responsible for content and quality control of all programs written and produced on their shift After normal duty hours the executive producer has Senior Reporting Officer-equivalent authority as the last SBC T IIANBLE VIA COftl1tft' CllANNELS ONLY 33 DOCID SECRE'i' 4009690 CRYPTOLOG July 1994 person to see NSA visual product before it is released to the DIN and its audience On days the producers also do program planning work on developmental program projects coordinate the Broadcast Network's activities with Intelligence Community customers and brief visitors on the Broadcast Network's operations NSA Video Compared With Commercial Television Just as commercial television news is faster than print media video broadcasts have the potential to get the SIGINT fact to the customer faster than standard database pulls whether on a computer screen or in a stack of paper At the same time video aids the viewer through use of graphics such as maps bulletin boards photographs and footage clips Interviews a staple of commercial television news are also proving highly effective in providing SIGINT target expert knowledge and background that are not generally included in SIGINT product C-CCO Video SIGINT differs from commercial television however because SIGINT stories respond to National SIGINT Requirements and thus lack the sizeable entertainment component such as stories broadcast strictly for their humorous bizarre or human interest content of commercial news Another factor that makes video SIGINT look different is USSID 18 which by forbidding the intercept of U S communications results in a distinct lack of local news Video Complements Written SIGINT iEURr-While television news serves a different purpose than print-media news it definitely has not replaced it and so it will be with video SIGINT In the commercial world print news media have largely ceded the breaking-news aspect of journalism to electronic broadcast media In somewhat the same way televised SIGINT will ultimately serve the person who wants the latest news now at the push of a button without having to touch a piece of paper or even read a screen SIGINT on television will also serve the busy executive or policy-maker with little time or inclination to read as well as the busy analyst with a yen to know what's happening in SIGINT around the world When large numbers of customers gain access to video terminals time-sensitive video is potentially the most efficient way to get the basic facts to the most people purposes including decision-making people require written reports they can mull over carry to the next office and discuss and have sent to them via electronic mail muo Television won't replace longer-term SIGINT product or SIGINT summaries either Consider that commercial television has been available for nearly 40 years While there are far fewer newspapers now than there were 40 years ago most people still peruse at least one daily paper for in-depth background and analysis of the day's events As electronic journalism has taken over delivering breaking news print media have expanded their capacity to give the full story to provide perspective and to serve as the media of record It is unlikely that a well-informed person such as an NSA employee would consider television news sufficient to keep him or her up to date To an even greater degree the same considerations apply to SIGINT and other intelligence delivered by video or in written form However video SIGINT possesses a unique extra dimension not possible in written form television interviews While all SIGINT reporting answers the question What did NSA intercept interviews can answer much faster than the written word the important question What does NSA think Policy-makers and other customers want and need the benefits of NSA's immense reserves of analytic expertise To stay informed and make decisions they require access to the intuition and experience of SIGINT analysts who in many cases have studied their targets for decades In a five-minute television interview an expert analyst can give large numbers of viewers a great deal of valuable knowledge about the hot topic of the hour To this end NSA's SIGINT Intelligence Officers SINIOs are interviewed regularly on the Broadcast Network Other Applications For Video SIGINT 5 CeO Television in addition to its unique timesensitive uses has many applications for long-term SIGINT analysis and background A short video feature can untangle complex facts about a SIGINT target Broadcast Center reporters have produced video term studies Video SIGINT's role is to parallel complement and enhance SIGINT in written form Time-sensitive written-media SIGINT product will of course continue to convey vital intelligence to users For many SGBPCREl' 34 UANBLE VIA COMIN'i' CI LS ONLY o - EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Do q 4 c909690 P L SECRET 86-36 CRYPTOLOG July 1 -----_ e possibilities for fusing SIGINT with other intelligence sources such as human intelligence imagery and open source news are unlimited During a crisis video features combined with expert analyst interviews would give policy-makers a snap course in events leading to say a coup in a foreign government Customers would learn factors affecting economic relations between the U S and another country or discover key people who may affect the outcome of elections in a fragile new democracy Besides disseminating SIGINT video term reports can benefit a diverse audience by addressing collection management and personnel issues Such reports would benefit the viewer by rounding out the picture of what NSA does NSA's role in the Intelligence Community and how the individual fits into the intelligence picture Audio SIGINT News Service Much Work 1994 yet To Be Done FOUe Although video broadcasting at NSA is constantly expanding there is a long way to go before video is delivering all the SIGlNT on the spot to every customer who needs it at NSA in the Intelligence Community and within military commands Some issues that must first be addressed include o Increasing the number of NEWSMAGAZINE terminals presently there are about 400 throughout NSA Access currently is limited by the number of terminals as well as by security and distribution considerations Our broadcasts may not use compartmented product and certain ORCON Intelligence Source Indicators are off limits as well o Expanding the NSA Broadcast Network to include National Cryptologic Representatives Cryptologic Support Groups Special U S Liaison Officers and ultimately field sites and Regional SIGINT Operation Centers o Establishing remote video links for two-way broadcasts FOUO No NEWSMAGAZINE terminal yet and no word on when your office will get one You can still hear the latest SIGINT news through the Broadcast Center's Audio News Service by dialing 963-NEWS It is updated 24 hours a day with each edition of the SIGINT Headlines and Highlights plans are to include other SIGINT news programs as well During weather emergencies when the DIN closes and the Broadcast Center does not retain enough personnel to do video programming the Headlines will continue to be updated daily o Expanding our partnership with NSOC o Increasing the Broadcast Center's manning resources and space and going on line 24 hours a day 7 days a week o Tailoring our programing to a variety of customers downtown and around the world as the DIN expands its customer base Thanks to the Tech Trend Notes which publishes a Calendar of Events sponsored by NSA academia and professional associations there is now a greater than ever opportunity to disseminate information on technical breakthroughs to the workforce Here's a sample of what's happening this year Event DoD Database Colloquium '94 Satellite Communication Users Conference INFOTECH '94 Conference Exhibition Global Telecommunications Conference Date 29-31 Aug 19-21 Sep 11-13 Oct 27 Nov -l Dec Location San Diego CA Oak Brook IL Dayton OH San Francisco CA Where to call 703 631-9125 312 938-3500 703 631-6200 415 375-4338 SEC T UANBLE VIA COP IIN'F CIfANNGBPLS ONLY 35 DOCID 4009690 SEC T CRYPTOLOG July 1994 SIGINT Glossary Communications Analysis Trivia The GUHOR Stick P L 86-36 b L -_ _ J1 P0542 EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 This is the first of what we hope will become a regular feature Contributions from the Agency's corporate memory are welcomed U The what No it's not a Russian popsicle or the latest dance craze in Bosnia It's only the most important tool ever invented for the traffic analyst of yore Solutions to the most intricate communications networks often began with this simple device No selfrespecting TA was ever without one close at hand Like the six-shooter of the old West the analyst kept it at his side always ready to draw--circles boxes and lines that is U The GUHOR Stick in its most recent and bestknown iteration is merely a 6 by 1 5 clear plastic template Its prime purpose IS to facilitate the drawing of communications diagrams although its secondary uses are endless It comes equipped with a large circle at one end to draw control terminals a smaller circle at the other end for outstations and a small rectangle in the center for communications relays and CQ calls The straight edges are used to connect these stations and show communications paths With this tool a #2 pencil with extra erasers some graph paper and several pencils of various colored leads the analyst of old was fully prepared to face any communications adversary U But whence came this strange name A GUHOR Stick Putting my analytical skills to work I set out to research the issue To my surprise there was a higher than expected number of individuals who had heard the name Most were seasoned veterans from a mixture of professions including linguists reporters managers executives and naturally traffic analysts But there was more than a little discussion about what this device was and where its name originated 00 o U The early returns were mixed however r was still searching for the definitive word It was at this point when I began to get responses via e-mail from EO 1 4 c 1 Those on field duty in the Pacific used a similar devicf L which they called a pooka-maker Pooka is a Hawaiian word for hole SECRET 36 ItANflLE VIA CO IIN'f' CII NNRLS ONLY ------------------------ - ---- --- 8 6- 3 6 DOCID 4009690 SI CRE'f CRVPTOLOG July 1 4 c L 86-36 members of a Communications Analysis Association CAA interest group A number of seasoned veterans recounted their GUHOR experiences and in a number of colorful responses gave me what I believe to be the true scoop 1994 CRYPrOWG Editorial Policy U Technical articles are preferred over non-technical classified over unclassified shorter over longer Emphasis should be on improving NSA's technical performance articlesshould be aimed at explaining one's discipline to those outside it Readers are also invited to contribute conference reports and reviews of books articles software and hardware that pertain to our missions or to any of our disciplines Humor is welcome too Submissions may be published anonymously but the identity of the author must be known to the editor Submitting Items U GUHOR Sticks as traffic analysis tools have been around for decades Some CAA respondents remembered seeing or using them in one form or another from at least the early 196Os Even so a couple of questions remain unanswered Who invented it Why was it given this curious name Someone out there knows If you can solve the mystery we're ready to hear a good story U All this discussion about GUHOR Sticks may be moot These devices are few and far between these days The GUHOR Stick does not have a federal stock number They were made in batches at NSA by special order however they are fast becoming collector items With the advent of the desktop computer many analysts are using computer graphics to diagram their targets The traditional circles and lines on paper are becoming passe Most GUHOR Sticks that are found are being employed for many a sundry task-not for crafting the intricate networks of old but for drawing nondescript lines and symbols unrelated to the trade of traffic analy- N B If the following instructions are a mystery to you and your local ADP support is no help please feel free to call the CRYPTOLOG editor on 963-3123s FOUD Send a hard copy accompanied by a labelled diskette to the editor at P054 in 2E062 Ops 1 orl I For maximum efficiency as far as possible within the limits of your word processor P L o Do not type your article in capital letters o Classify all paragraphs o Label all diskettes identifying hardware OS DOS UNIX density and type of word processor used o Put your name organization building and phone number on diskettes o FrameMaker format is preferred ASCII is also fine 1334 has a conversion service that converts Interleaf Word Perfect OfficeWriter and MS Word into FrameMaker Just attach the document to an E-Mail Compose Window addressed to convert@po SIS U Now is there a similar wealth of knowledge out there about the Chun Wheel The author would like to thank the many CAA members whose phone calls and e-mail postings contributed to this article SI CRE'f HANDLE VIA CO flNT CIIANNELS ONLY 37 86-36 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu