DOCIlD 1 400 73Jj WGBPDUVl lW i I1 $ VU Ul $W rUl tl lBGBP3Ul lBGBP3 lB OOGBP3UllDGBP3 f OOUl l1UllIllD '1 ONE DAY IN DANANG 1 WILL THE REAL ELINT PLEASE STAND UP 5 BEST LOCATION FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 6 ON BEING TRUTHFUL David W Gaddy o 10 THE VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT REVISITED l ll HIDDEN LOSSES IN COMINT PRODUCTION 13 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR oo 15 NSA-CROSTIC No 3 oooo oooooooooooooooooo o A J S ooooo ooo oo o o 18 TnlS DOetJMEN'f e6N'fItINS e6BeW6RB MA'fERIAb -TOP-HeRET- 3' lIIl1y 9IRNih eGIIG88 ENi 4G88M 1111 I eapl tow 688 1 811651 Bee ' Y Netith aliou hi lII' 81i Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 '1- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 DOCID 4009731 'fOP Si3CRE Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations YOLo III No 4 APRIL 1976 WILLIAM LUTWINIAK PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief Arthur J Salemme 56425 Collection o 1 Language Special Research Machine Support Mathematics Cryptanalysis P L 1 89555 If8025s Emery W Tetrault 5236s J 3 21S Reed Dawson 39575 Yera R Filby 71195 Traffic Analysis o Frederic O Mason Jr 4142s For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI 'fOP Si3EURRBT 86-36 DOCID 4009731 SECftE'f L 86-36 6 0- - J _ # w ' - ONE DAY61N' s-DANANG Other Duties as Assi ned It' ovember 1974 At about 1000 LieuI leave Danang Center in my jeep and drive to the ite on top of Monkey Mountain We get there justb fore 1030 and go right into the intercept van Iil1ll lediately notice that the men aren't using theitKY-8 secure voice equipment when talking with Dan ng Center via radio In fact they not only don't have it turned on but don I t even have it hooked to the VRC-46 transceiver c JeJ plains that the Jllen use the KY-8 only when they have to pass intercept ' ed VC messages to the Center He says that they are afraid to burn it out as it gets quite hot after being on for a while I hit the roof over this All the work we've gone through to install secure voice communications and they won't use it When you consider how much intelligence Danang Center gets from low-level VC voice activity you'd think these guys would realize that their own communications are jU t as su s ce p t b l e to intercept I instruc hat his men should never communicate with the Center in the clear now that they have the KY-8s and assure him that they don't have to worry about burning the gear up If they can cook their rice on the KY-8 all the better Heat has no effect on it tenantl----Ja d When we arrive at the airbase gates the ARVN guards won't let us go around the south end of the runway We have to get to the Center by going via the back route From the Center we can see that it's the Army Air Force ammunition dump at the south end of the runway that has gone up Flames are still shooting up and small stuff like mortars and rockets are still exploding The first explosion we had felt and the other two shock waves that rolled over us as we were coming down Monkey Mountain apparently had originated at revetments of 500- and 750p u d bombs The Center is about 4000 feet from the dump so no bomb or shell fragments have dropped within the compound Thecol1 ussionwaves have done some damage The first jn ripped the doors off the Morse intercept bay and a few Qther buildings and knocked the fluorescent tubes out of most of the fixtures A couple of theanten as look as thOl lghtlle 'havebeen pushed overl l it but they should be easily fixed Luckily po one was hurt E O 1 4 d L _ _ _ J1has evacull dl llmo t al f 'the 8 6 - 3 6 men from the Centerll I' dsen themt the barracks area to ch c1 on their families and homes Then I go out to look at the antennas I Lieutenan ri cl Ilpokinto tneMorse interfind that the SHF corner reflector is oriented ceptJ 3y tice that some of the men have a little off-compass and the bottom half of the forgotten to tJ lrl1 off theirR-390s beforeleavcage has slipped loose Fix it Then I look ing Thec enter had lost all power when the in the building that has been proposed for tile dump first went up but if the radios aren't site expansion I have some misgivings about tUl edoff now the returning power might burn it more about this later them out later and I take a couple d f At about 104sc Jaricl I are back in the Van minutes to walk he four racks and make I had when we feel a shock wave sweep over us We all sure the 96 radios are all shut off I go outside and watch as a great black cloud forms thought to tell the men to put their typewriters on the floo I before leaving Good idea over the south end of Danang Airbase maybe IS miles crow-flight from us At he time it look ays he has heard that two Americans as though the sourCe eSDl ke is quite close have been hurt down in the EC-47 aircraft area to Danang Center sOl----Jand I head down off Two American contract firms work there Bendix the mountain immediately As we descend we maintains the Doppler navigation gear and Harris feel two more shock waves Corporation has the contract for the Airborne I April 76 CRYPTOLOG SBCRB'f Page 1 IWIShE VIA EBIIHA' EURUAtIHEhe BtJ JPY -----------------_ DOClD _ 4009731 SECRET group thought to get in the bunkers when it started ' Both groups had left a lot of personal stuff in the huts and the doors wide open Also Harris had a lot of classified papers regarding ARDF gear Burt and Paul want to try to get to their hut to get their stuff and the papers before the Vietnamese loot the place -- that would be sure to happen as soon as it was safe to get into the area I tell them I'll go along and help them Two jeeps Three of us We drive a bit closer on this road but there is a lot of shrapnel ahead We decide to go through the Air Vietnam Explosion as seen from Danang Airbase The terminal and then drive down ammunition dump is about one mile away the runway and into the hangar area We pass a bunch of Radio Direction Finding ARDF system itself I ARVN troops crouched under the side of a row know most of the men well At this time only of CONEX containers They stare at us stupidsmall stuff is still exploding I'll see how ly as we drive by Who's stupid It's like close I can drive to the EC-47 hangar which is the Fourth of July on the other side of the about 150 feet from the closest bomb-storage hangar where we're headed revetment I get to the huts park and look into the I get within 1000 feet or so and stop to see Bendix shed It's a shambles Burt and Paul if I can spot anyone moving in the hangar area head for their own shed and I follow Their A jeep comes up from behind me Two of the place is a mess too Gaping holes in the Harris guys -- Burt and Paul I've played some walls Lights smashed on the floor ChaIrs softball with them before and seen them in their pushed against the walls in the rush to get work shed Burt says that the Bendix chief out when it started Jim Gaunt got a few cuts when a fluorescent Burt takes a l2-pound sledge and knocks four tube dropped on his head Nothing serious padlocks off desk drawers in a few seconds though No other injuries but a Harris man is missing He was due to report for work at just about the time the dump first went up Possibly he was driving past the dump at the wrong moment and is still there No one has been able to get close enough yet to look for him Burt says that when the explosions started -- aybe 100 yards from their shed -everyone on duty hit the door and drove to the Air America terminal on the other side of the runway Same for the guys in the Bendix shed Harris had a bunker in their shed made from 55-gallon drums filled with sand and roofed with railroad ties It would have taken a direct hit to shake it Bendix had an underground bunker that would have held 20 men Funny neither Explosion scene from about 3 4 of a mile away April 76 CRYPTOL G SECRET Page 2 1IJ fIBbE VIA ESrtlli'JPY EIIA-lflIEbS SUb DOCID 4009731 seCReT Paul and I gather briefcases and cardboard boxes and start filling them with secret papers and personal things Cameras passports radios The sound from the exploding part of the dump is getting more intense We make two or three trips to the jeeps loading stuff keeping as low as possible I notice something the sound of ricocheting bullets sounds exactly as it does in the movies Hell of a time for a thought like that Paul crawls into their bunker and drags out flak jackets and steel pots for the three of us Black smoke is rising from across the street Back in the hut I grab two filled briefcases and head for the door Burt and An Air America helicopter destroyed Paul behind me They also by falling fragments have a load of stuff I put out a hand to push open the shell Or maybe a VC time-charge had set them off door when a shock wave knocks me to the floor No matter now They're gone with a tremendous roar My shoulder hits the side of a desk I'm on my we learn later that they blew windows out of the hands and knees I look up The door I was Consulate 15 miles away Jagged pieces of bomb reaching for is gone wrenched from the hinges Pieces of insulation wood splinters and papers shell colored purple from the heat of the detonaare flying all about me and outside in front of tions I see them dropping all around and I can hear them tearing through the tin roof over my the doorway The trash seems to be floating to the ground in slow motion It's weird head u S bombs -- the best in the world What had happened A revetment of 7S0-pound bombs had gone up all at once Why Sympathetic detonation from a neighboring revetment Heat from the burning bomb crates A falling mortar A man is like an eggshell a paper bag a balloon filled with water A tiny piece of this steel can rip through him and let out the stuff that makes him alive Is this what the VC go through out there in the jungle In Hanoi they recruit him give him some basic training and tell him to walk south on the Ho Chi Minh Trail with a l22-mm rocket strapped to his back If he's lucky he'll only have to walk this far to Military Region-I If not he'll walk all the way to the Delta Maybe a thousand miles They'll take that rocket from him and fire it It misses They tell him to go back and get another and he does Can we beat a man with that mentality Lord help you VC out there in that jungle when arc light shines down on you The ARDF aircraft hangar adjacent to the Bendix and Harris Corporation huts Concussion caused most of the damage What about Burt and Paul They had been right behind me I look back Everything is black Great gaping holes in the walls and ceilings and sunlight streaming in April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 SECRET b NBbE YIA ESIIIIR' E1 mEbS SIlbY DOClD 4009731 SECREq' looks over my jeep and tells me his story He had been standing with a dozen or so people awaiting the incoming flight from Saigon The others were mostly Consulate civilians USAID types orphanage people and some dependents Bill saw the fireball of the first explosion and hit the deck He had learned at Khe Sanh He yelled for the others to get down but they stood there and watched the explosion until the shock wave rolled across the half mile of runway and knocked them all flat The Sidewinder missile assembly shed the street from the Harris hut but the dust is 50 thick that the light does nothing I don't move I should yell to them and ask if they are okay but I can't I'm afraid I'll get no answer Silence Then one of them speaks Everything okay The other answers Me too They come out of the gloom and we rush to the jeeps throwing the stuff in the back Something is wrong with the front of my jeep I look in the door The windshield is gone and so is half of the dashboard There is a basket-sized hole in the canvas roof and pieces of concrete allover the inside In my seat is a piece of concrete that must weigh 30 pounds Burt and Paul dump their loads and go back in the hut The sounds from the dump are building again Paul is at their safe spinning the dial I yell at him to leave it -- no one is going to get into it for a while He agrees and goes on to something else We make one last trip to the jeeps and then climb in A huge black cloud of smoke is rising from the last revetment that went We are so close that the cloud is directly over us Not enough time to move the concrete block in my seat I climb on top My jeep is at the head of the alleyway If it doesn't start I'll be blocking in Burt and Paul It starts We drive back onto the runway with the gas pedals to the floorboards Back at Danang Center we unload the classified papers and put them in my safe They fill one drawer Then over to Air America where we find the Harris man who had been missing He had been a mile or so from the dump when it started to go and had gone right over to Air America to watch the show Staff Sergeant Bill Sparks chief of the Marine Security Guard force at the Consulate As we're standing there Jim MacNiel the chief of the Harris people arrives He intends to send some men to across the hangar area as soon as it's quiet so they can protect the test equipment in the sheds But something more substantial has to be done We're already a month into the rainy season and it's only by luck that we didn't get a storm today All the electronic equipment in those two sieves of huts will be ruined if we don't get it under cover I tell him I'll try to locate a safe storage area I leave and drive downtown to thec Jlogistics compound When I arrive I must look a mess Pretty dirty at this point and my hair all windblown from the lack of a windshield in my jeep I exchange my wreck for a new Yeep and drive over h lls flgcom ound wfi' frel 4 c I f1nd Ron theogl stl CS offl cer lPe J b 86-36 plain to him wha as happened and ask if he can loan us some space in one of his warehouses so we can store the Harris and Bendix equipment until we can locate a new permanent shelter He says no sweat Then off to the Consulate where I get chewed out for not having my radio with me when I went up to Monkey Mountain in the morning Apparently the Consulate people thought I was at Danang Center when the dump went up and were afraid I'd gotten zapped They'd been trying to get me on the radio all morning Then back to the airfield where I look over the warehouse that Ron says we can use and where I beg the use of a flatbed truck from the Air America people They also cooperate beautifully Everyone pulls in a crisis Then to home and a shower That evening I meet Burt and Paul and MacNiel and some of the others in the bar MacNiel says that when he was finally able to get some men back to the sheds they arrived to find some Vietnamese looting the place but he doesn't think they got much We talk about what has already happened and what we'll have to do tomorrow We have to beat April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 SECIU T IIMlBeE VIA E811l1 ' ' EI lil HS 8lihY DOCID 4009731 SECRET EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 the rains so we'll meet at the sheds at sunup and start moving the stuff to the warehouse with the flatbed and what pickup trucks MacNiel has I'll also try to get the loan of a forklift'so we can move the safes and other heavy items I see Ron theL ogistics man o the ot her side of the bar I go over and buy h1m a dr1nk He says they haven't determined why the dump went up Rumors are rife though Some say a South Vietnamese fighter bomber started it by dropping a bomb in the dump Another story says mishandling of some ordnance inside the dump was the cause And of course VC sabotage is mentioned In any event we can expect the VC radio broadcasts to take credit for it The VC are too good at propaganda to pass up an opportunity like this I buy Ron another drink and then ask if I can borrow his fork-lift for a while tomorrow He hesitates but agrees I don't like to push my friendship with Ron too far and of course officially he's not supposed to support me or Danang Center too much But he's a good guy MacNiel says he can keep the ARDF systems working for about 2 weeks but by then he'll have to be set up in a new shop and have his maintenance equipment working or we'll be out of business Keeping the ARDF birds flying is critical to the intelligence product for Vietnam so I'm going to concentrate on helping these guysforawhile Ca pta in Ishould be able to get Danang Center EO 1 4 d back on its feet by himsel f Not too muchP L 86- 3 6 to do there anyway except clean up the broken glass and fallen ceiling tiles and put the doors back on 1 Tomorrow is going to be another busy day First to get the equipment under cover and then to start looking for a new permanent home for the stuff Burt and Paul and I buy each other a few drinks Then to bed It's been a long day and tomorrow is only a few hours away Tomorrow is 30 November 1974 WIll THE REAl EllNT 'lEASE STAIID IJ' I P L 86-36 rE23 For one reason or another a number of people in this Agency maintain a low profile The lowest profile it seems to me is not kept by the people who skulk around behind the cipher locks and won't speak to you unless you are cleared for STEINMETZ We often have an idea about what they are doing We may not or should not know the sources of the material they work with or the degree of success they enjoy but we know something about what they do experience was that 20 years ago they had been taught that SIGINT comprised o o COMINT -- intelligence derived from any kind of emission by which information was transmitted and EO 1 4 ELINT -- intelligence derived from anT c other electromagnetic em1SS10n L 86-36 The only people who know anything about ELINT however seem tQbe other ELINTers We COMINTers know that there Q such a thing as ELINT Thanks to an articlebyl 1we even got a tantalizing glimpse of what ELINT is all about -- or at least one phase of it But information on the subject is hard to come by and anything outside of some sketchy definitions is known only to a few people outside of the ELINT field itself L Recently a group of veteran COMINT collectors 2 was discussing this subject The usual 11 - - Apn1 1975 2S ee Some of the questions posed in the preceding paragraph are semi-tongue-in-cheek I have heard valid answers to all of them at one time or another But the subject is one which is of interest to a vast number of NSA-ers and deserves attention by someone qualified to discuss it I'The Uses of ELINT CRYPTOLOG 1 ------1 What E6QNFIBEI 'fIAh Is a ColI ector CRYPTOLOG AugUst 1974 P L 86-36 April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 SECRE IIANBhE VIA Eaf lIN'I' EItANNEhS al hY DOCID 4009731 UNCLASS I FlED WHAT'S THE BEST LOCATION FOR THE COMPUTER-APPLICATIONS FUNCTION --L-r----- P L The following article was originally written as a paper for the American University graduate course Systems Approach to Management It is being printed here because the question with which it deals -where to locate and manage the applications-programming function -is one of continuing concern to the Agency Much has been written in recent years about management of the computer-processing function and where the computer-processing department belongs in the overall organization Most articles on the subject address the entire range of computer-processing activities systems analysis programming and computer operations as being within a single EDP electronic dataprocessing organizational structure and then they discuss the placement of that whole structure in the organization This article will discuss as background some of the reasons for placement of the computer department in the organization but more specifically it will address the location of the applications-programming and systemsanalysis functions in the overall organization Historical Location of the Computer Depa 'tment In Computers in Business Donald H Sanders discusses three locations for the computer department in the organization These locations are viewed as a function of the size of the organization the applications to be processed the degree of systems integration achieved and sought and the importance attached to information systems by top executives They generally fall within the following functional areas o finance This situation prevails in the majority of businesses The primary reason for such location is that historically finance departments were the first to recognize and take advantage of the benefits offered by data processing o research and development R D and April 76 CRYPTOLOG UNCLASSIFIED Page 6 86-36 DOCIO 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED o anaLysis The location of the computer department within the R D or analytic functional areas is noted in organizations that are heavily R D oriented and in certain government agencies that have scientific and analytic functions Among these three functional areas the computer department was initially located in the area that originally sponsored the use of computers Some drawbacks of this choice of location according to Sanders are possible lack of objectivity in setting job priorities possible limited viewpoint and possible lack of organizational status An alternative is to create the computer department as a service center located on the periphery outside the main organizational structure The drawback of this location is that such a computer department is usually a weak and subservient component at the mercy of the functional compo ent that is sponsoring it In medium-sized and larger concerns it is believed that the best location for the computer department is as a separate department in the organizational structure with the same status as the other primary line elements such as marketing finance and production Arguments that support this location are o the ability of the computer department to provide impartial service to all user components and o the ability of the computer manager to express an influential voice in systems development Another Approach John Diebold takes another approach to the problem of computer-department location He states that the higher the level of applications sophistication the higher the level of management to which the EDP manager reports Diebold has identified five levels of applications sophistication as follows o Level 1 -- historical accounting At this level computers carry out only the functions usually related to payroll sales accounting or financial control o Level 2 -- the firm has achieved means for supporting the main operating departments on a current rather than a historical basis Carl Heyel John DieboZd on Management o Level 3 -- a significant amount of operating information is processed by computer and some management reports for some of the major departments are created o Level 4 -- a general data base is available and a significant amount of reporting is done by computer not only to the department management but also to the Executive VicePresidential level o Level 5 -- the basic transaction-activity information within all major functional areas of the firm is being captured and introduced into a data base The data base then serves the needs of all departments without duplicating or overlapping files One can readily see that at Level 1 the computer department needs only to report to a line manager somewhere down in the organizational structure But at the Level 5 stage of development the computer manager must report to the highest level of corporate or agency management Further Background Now that we have considered two approaches to the location of the computer department within the organization we should briefly discuss as further background the general functions necessary to support a large-scale computer-processing effort For the purpose of this article we are assuming an ongoing bUlk-processing system which is used by a number of organizations to analyze validate and interpret large amounts of data One function necessary to support the computer is computer operations -- the people who actually run the computer and who control the input and output maintain the various libraries and set up the job schedules This function sometimes includes maintenance but with a large-scale computer maintenance is usually handled by the manufacturer Another major function required to support the processing efforts is the systems-analysis and programming function In the systemsanalysis area this function includes o the development of new applications and o the translation of user data-processing requests into program specifications The programming function includes o the preparation of programs to support new applications and o the maintenance of existing programs Using another approach we can talk of this function in terms of applications progI'al77J7ling and systems programming One definition of applications programmers is that they are very often individuals who have been trained or hired by a specific company and are usually highly knowledgeable of the problems for which they are programming Systems programmers write the programs that run the computer equipment and generally are employed by the computer manufacturer Orville Elliott and Robert S Wasley Business Information Processing Systems We would define applications programming as that programming which supports user requirements Systems programming includes such functions as development of generalized software routines which can be used by other programmers and maintenance of the various libraries April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 UNCLASSIFIED DOClD 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED Where ShouLd the Appliaations-Programming and Systems-Analysis PUnation Be Loaated a tQtal budget of m2re -han $1 billion their primary long-range planning o bjective was to-increase communications and cooperation between the EDP group its users and top management John V Soden Programmatic Guidelines for EDP LongRange Planning Data Management September 1975 Another disadvantage of this concept is that the user never seems to get what he has-1 equested When results are provided to the user a typical reaction is That's not what I really wanted A third disadvantage of this organizational setup is the user's lack of trust in what is being done with his data We shall now discuss the applicationsprogramming and systems-analysis function and the advantages and disadvantages of locating that function in different parts of the organization First we will look at the function as part of a central computer component along with the systems-programming and operations function Second we will look at the function as separate from the central computer component in this situation the applications function Deaentralized Funation will be a part of the user component for management purposes Finally we will conAn alternative to the central computer-applisider the applications function as part cations function is to locate the applications of a project-management office separate programmers analysts in the user components as from the central computer component and something like open shop programmers The the user component obvious advantage of this setup is that a close relationship can develop between the programmer Centralized Funation and the users As a result the user probably has a better chance of getting what he wants The advantages of having the applicationsprogramming and systems function as part of the from the computer-processing system In a small central computer component are several First computer complex this situation might be very beneficial but in a large organization it it is easier for the programmers and systems would probably be very costly analysts to keep up with new systems developments because they are in the same component The disadvantages inherent in this type of organization are several First there is a The information flow is probably better within a tendency for each user component to have its given component than between components so that data related to systems changes would be available own programmers develop specific applications tailored to its individual needs Also stanmore quickly Another advantage stems from the dardization is difficult to enforce particularsharing of programming techniques among proly if the user components are autonomous and have grammers who are working on various applicaa great deal of flexibility in developing comtions for different parts of the organization but who are located in the same programming puter applications Efficiency in terms of the component actual software performance may also be sacrificed From the management standpoint there are a number of additional benefits from this type Projeat Management of working The programming function is easier to control Standards can be applied to proA final possibility for the applications gramming across the board and with the progroup is to make it part of a project-management grammers in one component management has a office separate both from the central computer better chance of enforcing these standards component and from the user component The adThis could result in more consistency in the vantage of this type of organization is that it software Also by sharing softw re-development is easy to develop systems' with overall organiideas cost savings in software development zational goals in mind and without the parochialwould result if subroutines were developed once ism of individual user components The primary and used by several programmers Finally if disadvantage is that the programmers are still the overall organization is at Diebold's separate from the benefits of the central comsophistication Level 5 the applications puter component component would exert some influence in Obviously there are no absolute solutions determining the type of applications to to this dilemma One must evaluate a number of be developed and could ensure a consisquestions before deciding what is best for a tent approach to problems of systems given organization Factors such as the size of development independent of the parochithe overall organization the complexity of the al interests of the various components applications the size of the EDP component There are several disadvantages to the centralized computer-applications function One primary disadvantage is poor communications with user components II si tUil tion which cannot be taken lightly At a recent conference of 20 EDP executives from corporations that had annual revenues or the autonomy of the line elements in the organization and management experience will dictate what is best in a given situation Management should exercise extreme care in obtaining the proper balance to obtain the best EDP production for the best price April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 UNCLASSIFIED DOClD 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED ll MEE T Y' J 1 'WII T THE C'611E6 April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 UNCLASSIFIED 'fiE 11 DOCID 4009731 SECKET L ON BEING TRUTHFUL DAVID W GADDY D5 It was amusing to read Vera Filby's account of the bafflement felt by the roomful of SIGINT people confronted with the question which she adopted as her title How Do We Know It's True CRYPTOLOG February 1976 Amusing because it sketched a cartoon illustrative of the charge sometimes leveled at us we're accused of being the product of too much inbreeding of too much isolation from the real world in which our recipients live After all she characterizes the reaction to us in the business there is no such question if it's SIGINT then it is true by definition I recently heard the same thought expressed this way SIGINT doesn't lie That of course might prompt a facetious rejoinder Well SIGINT might not but I just don't know about some SIGINTers This conception this idea of being on the side of the angels appeals to what seems to be ingrained in the American character -- the desire to be the good guy the guy in the white hat In this particular case it has about i t an unseemly air of intellectual arrogance which think is neither warranted nor intended as further reflection will show I think on the contrary that SIGINT of crypt equals truth is a grossly oversimplified traffic shorthand way of conveying something I do believe iri arid believe merits just the sort of EO 1 4 c consumer education Vera espouses That someP L 86-36 thing is the professional intellectual attitude which motivates the real SIGINTer I know of no comparable body of craftsmen so sensitive to the uncertainties of their profession so painstaking with accuracy as SIGINT reporters and who work under the stress and strain of events and time constraints which characterize the SIGINT reporter's world So if we see it in print resulting from decryption it must be true right Consider TA At the risk of offending some colleagues again let me observe that much if not the bulk of traffic analysis is in the realm of April 76 CRYPTOLOG SHEURRH'f Page 10 1I 'tP18bE VIA GElIIINT GIIMlIlEb6 ElNbJPY 86-36 - DOCID 4009731 SECRE'f P 1 4 c 6-36 Sanitization -- protection of our sources and methods -- thus becomes an added burden for the SIGINT re orter P L The Voynich Manuscript an object of interest off and on since the seventeenth century contains over 200 pages written in a partially cursive alphabet which has proved indecipherable Equally'enigmatic are the large number of drawings -- of plants few of which are identifiable and of naked women sitting in tubs or emerging from pipes one writer has called the latter a plumber's nightmare was an enciphered text prepared by Bacon and he worked on this assumption from 1919 until his death in 1926 He thought he had deciphered some of it including an occurrence of R Baconi on the last pagel His solution has been convincingly refuted by other scholars who however have not offered anything better I now rush in where angels fear to tread Although not a specialist in Old Norse I am convinced that the manuscript is a tex in fifteenth century Danish or Norwegian -not a cipher and not an artificial language as has also been suggested For reasons too complex to go into here I have tentatively ruled out Old East Norse that is Old Swedish and rejected altogether the second branch of Old West Norse Old Icelandic The reasoning which suggested Dano-Norwegian is given below The history of the manuscript which has been detailed in other places needs only passing mention since it does not throw any light on the content Dating from about 1500 it was said by Joannes Marci mathematician and orientalist at the University of Prague to have belonged at one time to Emperor Rudolf II 1576-1612 Marci writes in 1666 to the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher in Rome that he was making a present to the latter of the manuscript the author of Most of the manuscript has a depressing numwhich he had heard from another source was ber of repeated words and phrases of little the great medieval scholar Roger Bacon How help unless collateral information is available Marci came into possession of it I do not know suggesting that these are prayers incantations Marci himself withheld judgment on the attri- or formulas of a specific character This is bution but at least one scholar since his time 1 The information in this paragraph and the became intrigued with the notion of Baconian preceaing paragraph was taken from Horizon authorship Professor William Newbold of the University of Pennsylvania was convinced that it January 1963 Vol V No 3 UNCLASSIFIED April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 8BCRB'f Ib'tliSbE VIA C811IN'f Cll Pl IHS 81lb't 8 36 DOCIO 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED not the case and the botanical drawings and naked figures are not helpful either I therefore chose a mostly unadorned text without too many repeats Folio 114 recto in finding past-tense suffixes and a few highfrequency verbs common in Danish and Norwegian I then attempted to find function words that is connecting words such as conjunctions personal pronouns and prepositions assuming correctly as it turned out that the language would have these The first item that caught my eye was O the second letter of which was a mystery However I thought the word might be and because of its frequent position between longer words which often had the same endings Remembering og and from Danish I sought out phrases of the type of mice and men Scandinavian literature like that of Anglo-Saxon contains many rhyming or alliterative phrases of this type I was lucky a phrase in the script form looked like re lar past-tense forms -ida -oda and the verbs l'7-da ride and gof gave seem solid From the above it will be clear that this is only a beginning Spelling variants in the manuscript sometimes turn out to be different words and in any case cause difficulties variant spellings of the same word are common however in manuscript of most Germanic languages and are not in themselves unexpected The letters themselves are not all recovered due in no small part to the use of digraphs especially when short words like and and of are written as one with following words OOr o o o 0 1 o o occurred The first is a general Scandinavian word for from out of This was promising because not only did the first word appear to be in a known alphabet with the desired meaning but the second letter of the second word was a tentative recovery g The same procedure has been of aid in establishing proper names especially those occurring in pairs for 0A 1 t'V ' U Ii' TMl' og Thruthel' Thor and his daughter Thruther This was an exciting find because in my ignorance of Nor e mythology I had never heard of Thruther An encyclopedia came to the rescue Once a few phrases of this kind fall into place the logical next step is to look for verb forms and hope that verb affixes and bases of the desired type appear Again I was fortunate 8a -080 O'fo Jl o g thog although In other cases vowel letters appear to be used to indicate that other contiguous vowel letters are umlauted cf English man singular men plural The major difficulty though is the syntax Human langu ge is produced and understood in fairly long strings but linguistic analysis has up to very recently concentrated on forms i e morphology and the reference texts I am using are no exception This together with that the fact that I have only had recourse to texts which concentrate on an older stage and another dialect of West Norse Old Icelandic has slowed progress I am pretty sure however of the correctness of my basic diagnosis and will I hope be able to publish something more than this skimpy initial report UNCLASSIFIED Received in editorial office 16 Feb 1976 April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 UNCLASSIFIED Dacm 4009731 'fOP SECRE'f DilPA nI RY W GeLD_ OLMm II LOSSES P- L 86-36 Most of the Golden Oldies published in CRYPTOLOG so far have been light in tone but the Editor feels that this department should also reprint certain serious works that continue to remain golden and that readers may have missed when they were first published One such work is the follOWIng article by retired NSA-er which was originally published in KEYWORD June 19'11 I P L April 76 CRYPTOLOG 'fOP SECRET -------- Page 13 86-36 EO 1 4 c tl 'tJJ8bE YIA ESrtIH'I' eItANNEbS SNbY DOCID 4009731 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c 'fOP SECIt 'f April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 TOP SI3CRE'f IWIBbE 'IIA e811IN'f elhlrl4NEL3 8NLY DOCID P L 4009731 SECRET 86-36 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor CRYPTOLOG After reading the December 1975 CRYPTOLOG article Wbat Are We About byL I 1 am compelled to comment 1 II Overall the article was good food for thought But one sentence in one paragraph prompted the following tirade Istated It follows that i f the processIng and reporting effort ever catches up with the collection effort we would be in real trouble because we would certainly have the cart before the horse I I J I have shown the article to several people who were puzzled by that statement Personally I disagree with his philosophy although I sometimes think that the NSA CSS and the Intelligence Community do not disagree The philosophy that I would prefer to operate under is to attempt to keep pace with the collector in processing and analysis Reporting of intelligence in a selective manner should follow thus not inundating the user with reports he doesn't want or need April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 SECRET 86-36 1 4 c L DOCI 1 4QOJ97 31 EQ 1 4 c P L 86-36 SEEURREtf P L 86-36 P L To the Editor CRYPTOLOG Thank vou for t heOpportuni ty to comment m ltoffiment on my short item which appeared in the December 1975 issue 1 1--------_ ' In conclusion I appreciate the old #2 problem It is worrisome but it steps beyond inventory and volume considerations into the realm of prioritization and that approaches one of the theses of my article i e L--------- --- -- - -- __tinundation From the maverick point of view Remember the old motto the impossiit seems to me that the old #2 might well have ble will take a little time been elevated to #1 if only temporarily inasmuch as there is no substitute for the on-scene judgment calls of the person who happens to be attending the signal -- admittedly another generalization asked whether he ---------tUclliz'daare to aOlmlent 9111 D Chlef A732 tetter to the editor HeL -r-ep z z - g-SL- rTjr a p r o- c- e- s- s i n g-a' ' n' ' d- -r -eport ing shop follows ---------1 -----_1 I lwas I e-a P L 86-36 A ril 76 CRYPTOLOG SEEURRE'f Page 16 86-36 DOCID 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED LANGUAGE IN THE NEWS Language Rule Snags Fairfax as t '0 Dec 1 ' leganRosenfeld uhinglon Post Start Wri1er 'is-sn me Fairfax County schOQI system may be in violation of federal civil rights guidelines for identifying children whodo not spe tk English County schools may be required to spend $60 000 to achieve comeliance and hire 30 new II ' empl'os_ to interview children and their parents and tel' Jan ale tell8 rnl1etl were We aVII out 26 lanauap represented in our school 'yitem board chairman Mary Anne Lecos said in an interview We don't see how we can institute bilingual education without turning the entire school system upside down And we don't see the point of follOWing guidelines designed for bilingual education if we don't NYT 1Y Ia i l SaYS a Wron T e a In M Y' rans ate 8 Feb Clas 7 V i i A' rrOl' S N y varnmg to h apparent s Wash post s on take care etoUunited s v f UJ' 11 r O NATIONS Feb 8 g Outb ched f uPIl _ Daniel Patrick Nations I til'S in th o f a May an glared across the United s st night f ftlted 'Uf' Daniel pates repre the Security Council table at SOviet' MOYnihan sebntative Soviet Ambassador Yakov th t represent ti ve o ut the Malik He leaned forward in he d oohe TeaUy a mea Staid later o J Lr n D t _ his chair and in measured asked for f r MoYnihan - tones told the Soviet Mr MOYn'h venes s en the So' I an had Wearenotinlimidated We Malik VIet delegate y aSsailed are not afraid We will not did n n s Y ng that' k A 'take care' threats f gIVe a dam encans But rom Moscow n about We do not give a damn 'I' Mark emarks h IS But it all turned out to be a h I later Said th misunderstanding caused by ated by th ad been mis at a faulty translation of m rpreter e United Na ' Maliks's words I neVer sai' ns I never said 'take care' e raid I Sai ' ake Care' Malik said 1 said 'take heed m mt ernen You a Take heed gentlemen you are the li tock of A ri he laugh laughing stock of Africa ' Word 0 assert that I WOUld Moynihan said his tran ware' an ot be USsian script bore the words 'takf 'take h ake care ' l d 'becare' but 1 ask forgivenesl cess to the' t A source W g e ans for what was a wbolly unirl had uSed the xt S d Mr Ma'f ctended mistake can be tr rdl oPOmnites I o ' s come t ns ated I' hJ' The politent'Ss that mark Mr 101'0 0 Your senses U8 the end of Frjday's Sccur' Obtained aY7 -han said he Council session was abs' the English t nscript in wh ad from n lSt of the vel' al Ma lilt Saying ' klation had M h between 0 'va e ca' 76 trani h Ch pqe ' o Moynihan Soviet Trad Tough Talk 8 Feb It A' ANY NEIt C'ltllEIt 11 WAII at the corner of your desk if it's private enough the corner of the cafeteria the corner of the parking lot you name it PURPOSE To discuss that hard-hitting article you've been wanting to write for CRYPTOLOG but which you'd like to have published anonymously At various times people have mentioned to members of the Editorial Board that certain articles should be written and those persons WOUldn't mind writing the articles themselves except for various personal reasons -- official position friendship with NSA coworkers etc According to our publication charter CRYPTOLOG can print anonymous articles so long as the Editor knows the identity of the author If you wish you may submit the article unsigned through the Agency mail and then by telephone or other appropriate Pssst identify yourself to the Editor as its author Or before actually writing the article you may wish to discuss the idea with the Editor In either instance do not actually drop in on the Editor in his office He doesn't really have an office but shares space with several other NSA-ers anyone of whom would be more than willing to TA the situation and blat out anything they suspect So if you have an get in touch with me your anonymity while on things that have article a-brewing about a controversial topic discreetly I'll do everything to preserve offering to the NSA reading public your ideas to be said CRYPTOLOG Editor P16 Room JC099-1 56428 UNCLASSIFIED April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED -CRIITIC ' 3 BY A J S The quotution on the next page was taken from a published work of an NSA-er The first letters of the WORDS spell out the author's name and the title of the work DEFINITIONS WORDS A Russian poet 1814-1841 B Athenian tragic poet 525-456 B C C Groucho's straightperson 2 wds D Yeomen of the Guard E Gentle reminder given by Ivan to his wife she had been arguing with Rudo1'f Rudo1'fovich party functionary about whether it was snow slush or whatever 6 wds based on song title F Nazi concentration camp in Poland Germ sp Auschwitz -3- 32 171 ---s 14 167 113 143 218 183 156 135 82 211 66 141 205 115 8 202 125 144 155 193 107 ----sz 22 206 I f 59 209 H Name of W C Fields' son on radio until the sponsor Lucky Strike -- got wise I Forever J Italian mathematician c 1170-1230 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 2 wds K Poison gas M Unit of beauty sufficient to launch one Greek ship N Marked by stateliness or magnificence 208 89 172 104 164 13 120 35 70 96 83 179 161 O Patron of exploration 1394-1460 3 wds P Word used to express discomfort aversion or impatience Q Gay obs R Defendants S Patronymic prefix in Irish names April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 UNCLASSIFIED 109 165 152 -1- 58 149 186 191 G Confiscate L Island taken by U S Marines Feb-Mar 1945 2 6 DOCID 4009-1-3-1---------------UNCLASSIFIED T Fault U Word seldom heard in political speeches since Spiro's departure ---gs 163 110 76 170 M V Dialect of Akan W An article not needed by the hoi 204 159 polloi 50 X Play by O'Neill The Hairy ---J Y Members of one of of Islam th great divisions Z Kind 177 17 -6- i l l ll Show the minimal reaction 1970's usage Z2' Japanese lyric drama Z3' Falling sickness 1-E fftffff fff 2-J 3-D 15-0 16-K 17-Z tI It 1 j C8-G 19-N 29-N 42-R 43-X l t t - 1S1-Z1 IISL-E II 6-Z 7-C 8-G 9-K 10-V 11-F 12-B 13-M 14-0 20-B 21-J 22-F 23-T 24-Y 25-A 26-E iIIlillli lilllil 27-H 28-0 30-Z3 31-A 32-0 r 1 1133-0 34-B 35-M 36-Y 11III 37-B 38-0 39-Z 1 40-C 41-G tiji i i iI i 44-0 45-B 46-H 47-N 48-P 49-T 50-W iI irriiI 51-K iifIIII52-E 56-A 57-C 58-E l l l l 60-J i i ii i I i ii - 62-0 63-Z 3 64-X 69-G 70-M 71 R 83-M 84-U 85-C 4-0 5-Z 3 86-K 54-N 65-A itt%%l 66-E t11i fISU Z3 o 74-J Iif Ii i 77-V 78 Y 79-C 88-B iiIIiiiiIit 89-L 90-Z 1 91-C 92-E II f i ii 93-C 94-J a Q t 1 9 GBP A u 121-C IIII 122-K 123-Q 124-2 125-E o 134-Z 135_E 87-0 53-1 t 136-0 iIIllil 14f-Z 1 1141S-J 114 -J 137-A I 126-0 j 1 1 j j 138-T 127-G 139-Z 140-K JI 1 1 L Uo IIIJ t l-V l @ t 128-0 129-H 130-B f t 1141-GBP 142-0 131 Z 132-C 133-J 143-0 144-GBP 145 2 146-G Il L-J Il ol tIIIfr 4-p 115 1' 1 6-1 '1 I-Z i1 i iIIi 158-Q 159-W 160 3 161-M 1 62-0 IIIII1 163 - U 164-M 165-GBP 166 3 167-0 11111 168-G 169-J 170-U r i iiiiil 171-0 172-L 17H1174-Y t%lttI75 2176-0 l l I 77-Z 178-H 11S3-GBP 184-R 185-J 186-E 187-0 t@f@188-G 189-T 190-S 191-GBP 192-H 196-P 197 -N III I ii 198-J 199-0 OO-A IiiiiIIiiiil 201-8 202-E 1 179-M fili Iti 180-J 181-C 1 82-G l%lmw 193-F 203-H 1i 04- 0 208-L 209-F 210-J 211-E 212-J 13-A 214-T 215-N 216-J 217-1 218-0 194-J '1 I I 195 - B 205-GBP 206-F i 07 -K II ri ii ii 1i 1iiHiili iIii ii iLli l i l i 1 i l i il J Solution will appear next month April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED DO ADULTS LEARN P L Why do adults have such a hard time learning a foreign language when it's so easy for a 5-year-old child to learn his own language or even two languages at the same time Why do older children -- such as those in junior high school where most Americans make their first attempt to learn a foreign language -- also have difficulty in assimiZating a second language The author of the following article finds the answers to these questions in an understanding of the physiological development and functioning of the human brain 'any psycholinguists agree that learning a second language after the age of 12 or 13 years is extremely difficult for most people Since it is generally accepted and rather obvious that children easily master anyone of the 5 000 lang1lages of the world psycholinguists have assumed that there must be certain characteristics of language which coupled with some type of physiological brain function enable children to develop a language capability if not spontaneously then certainly with great speed and ease If we assume that in these 5 000 languages there is a common base structure that remains basically constant we may further assume that it is the psychophysiological functions of the human brain proper that present problems when learning a second language as an adult Several theories and explanations have been advanced concerning second-language learning Many of them have overlapping features and hypotheses But the consensus is that small children learn language by using both hemispheres of the brain and that after the- onset of puberty the language and speech functions are transferred to the left hemisphere only This is suggested because damage to the right hemisphere in an adult rarely results in language or speech disorders It would appear then that the learning of a second language after the age of 13 years would pose serious problems not encountered when learning one's maternal language The problems would include o the lack of dual hemispheric capability o the tendency to interpret the sec nd learned language through the structure sounds and patterns of the primary language and o the phenomenon of bilingual interference confusing elements and patterns of one language with similar but not directly transferrable elements of another language in a seemingly spontaneous manner But one may ask to what degree would these problems affect second-language proficiency Does hemispheric dominance indeed play a major role in second-language acquisition Which hemisphere of the brain controls language acquisition and competency in the adult If current psycholinguistic theories are correct it is only an extremely rare individua who an attain native or near-native profiCIency In an acquired second language There most certainly are truly bilingual persons throughout the world but virtually all learned both languages as children or as adults have displayed exceptional aptitude for language acquisition This article describes an attempt to explore experimentally on a very limited scale the questions of second-language proficiency in order to draw some conclusions concerning the inferred concept of an extreme Ii rare individual and dual language competency April 76 CRYPTOLOG UNCLASSIFIED Page 20 86-36 DOCID 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED Romanian a language spoken by a relatively small number of persons in the United States was selected as the test language in order to reduce the likelihood that the test subjects had heard or acquired the language prior to the age of 13 years A random group of nine persons participated in the testing All had begun studying Romanian as a second language after age 18 The average length of time they had studied the language prior to the testing was 4 years 8 months All the persons tested had received basically the same language training at the same school under similar conditions The test group consisted of both males and females and both right-handed and left-handed persons It was unbelievably fortunate to find two left-handed Romanian linguists and even more improbable to select them from a group of 25 possible subjects Truly left-handed persons tend to have a dominant right hemisphere for language and speech functions whereas right-handed persons are generally left-hemisphere dominant I The two deV1ces used in the testing were modified from previously carried out experiments to evaluate specific language tasks and functions and to identify the roles and properties of the brain hemispheres in each instance Visual stimuli were used in the testing The first test was an adaptation of the Stroop 1963 color reading-identification experiment A number of white cards were prepared each bearing the Romanian name of a color Different colors of ink were used so that no word was written in the color denoted by the word e g the Romanian word for blue albastru was written in green ink the word for red ro u was written in blue ink etc The subject was told to look at the word on the card and translate it into English orally as quickly as possible The group was then tested for their speed in recognizing each Romanian word and their accuracy in translating it into English As a control a similar number of white cards were prepared using the same Roman1an words written only in black ink the normal black-on-white medium The cards were flashed at a rapid and constant rate The results showed that considerably more time was needed to read the color and accurately translate from the multicolored cards than from the black-on-white cards The average time for eight responses was 9 7 seconds with a 92 percent accuracy rating for the colored cards first saw the word visualized the color it denoted associated it with the English word and then produced the English word One person gave the color of the ink in Romanian paused a split second and then translated the ink color into English -- a correct translation but an incorrect response In this case there was clear evidence of simple bilingual interference and in the color test overall it was at least partially demonstrated that although the subjects could be accurate in their responses if given sufficient time they lacked the spontaneity of a native fluent speaker It also very probably shows how those people tested were bound to interpret color through the experiences and prior perceptions in their maternal language and perhaps culture In attempting to isolate one brain hemisphere it was necessary to devise an experiment that could block one side of the brain while allowing input to the other side Audio inputs are transferred to both sides of the brain Visual inputs however can be isolated Visual stimuli are transmitted via the optic nerves crossed to opposite hemispheres nd sent to the right and left visual cortex Perhaps this can be more clearly explained by describing the action of one eye only The right eye has its field of vision divided into three basic elements right field of vision point of fixation and left field of vision Objects perceived in the right-eye right field of vision are eventuallyreceived in the left visual cortex left hemisphere and objects perceived in the right-eye left field of vision are received in the right visual cortex If one wants to isolate a particular visual image in one specific hemisphere of the brain this can be done by placing the image in one field of vision only and blocking or covering the other eye Thus if one wants to feed a visual image to the dominant side side of the brain for right-handed persons the image should be placed in the right-eye right field of vision with the left eye closed The control cards presented an easier task Accuracy jumped to 100 percent and the recognition time was reduced to 5 seconds In the normal right-randed person the left hemisphere contains the speech language and visual association and interpretation areas If indeed second language learned after puberty is co located with the original maternal language then testing of the weak non-dominant non-language specialization hemisphere should yield low language competency and performance Conversely testing of the dominant side should show competency of a degree After the test each person was interviewed regarding his or her feelings and thoughts while taking the test Six of the nine readily admitted confusing the word meaning with the color in which it was written All said they A test was devised to evaluate each hemisphere for language location and second-language colocation A number of white cards each bearing a short simple basic Romanian word were prepared Some words were nouns others April 76 CRYPTOLOG UNCLASSIFIED Page 21 DOCIO 4009731 UNCLASSIFIED subjects complained of not being able to comprehend the word even though they could physically see the card and the letters One righthander remarked that he could see the entire word but still did not know what it was Another For the testing the subjects were instructed spelled the three-letter Romanian word but to stare at a spot affixed to a wall approxicould not perceive it as a meaningful word mately 10 feet away while covering their left In another instance the Romanian verb mer'ge eye Thus the visual images the words in Romanian were fed to the left hemisphere for to go was translated into English as yield Apparently this subject a right-hander who all subjects normally has no difficulty in translating the As each word was flashed on the spot on the Romanian verb correctly could do no better wall each subject was asked to perceive it under these conditions than to associate it and translate it into English or if he was with the English word merge and mistranslate unable to perceive the word as a meaningful it by another English word seen in related Romanian word to state the letter or letters traffic situations he had seen Ma y of the subjects could identify only Seven words were presented to the left hemi- the first and last letter of the word All sphere of all subjects yielding the following seemed frustrated if not surprised at their results inability to translate simple three- and fourletter words Even the allegedly best linNumber' cOr'rect guists including some professionals were subject out of 7 words duly humbled by this simple test verbs but in equal numbers All nine persons had readily translated all the words as part of a 250-word control text that they had been asked to translate two days prior to the testing I 2 4 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 4 7 5 4 6 1 It is obvious that subjects 3 and 9 did considerably worse than the rest of the group However these two persons turned out to be left-handed Apparently their left hemisphere did not function well in language and speech problems These two subjects also complained that although they could casily see the card and the letters on that card they could not get the meaning of the words The group was then subjected to a test to probe the opposite side of the brain -- the right hemisphere which is not normally associated with language functions in the adult Under identical test conditions a new set of Romanian words was flashed to all subjects with the right eye covered These results were Number correct Subject out of 7 words 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I o 5 1 1 1 o I 6 In this test the left-handers subjects 3 and 9 did far better than the right-handers and moreover zipped through the words with surprising speed Virtually all the right-handed This part of the experiment clearly located the area of the brain for Romanian learned as an adult -- in the respective hemisphere both for the right-handed and for the left-handed subjects There was only a very marginal amount of Romanian in the weak non-dominant side of the brain Since this testing had no fixed time limit it may be surmised that those weakside correct responses -- which in fact took fairly long periods of time to produce -- were the result of a slow associative process that involved some type of data transfer between hemispheres via the splenium If anything these experiments tend to support the consensus that language competency -- especially in a second language is located in the dominant side of the brain and thus co located with the maternal language It also shows a shift from one side to the other depending on which hand is the dominant one To sum up then when answering the questions Does hemispheric dominance playa major role in second-language acquisition and Does language learning as an adult present unique problems we must answer both questions with a categorical Yes Can we locate the residence of second language in the brain Again we can answer Yes but not as emphatically And finally we may answer the question of language competency by saying that there is little hope of attaining native fluency or competency when only one hemisphere is used in the language-learning process At best an adult may hope to acquire sufficient language items and sufficient exposure to the foreign culture to compensate for any learning deficiencies and psycholinguistic limitations _ _ _---_ _-_ _ April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 22 UNCLASSIFIED -DOCID -4009731 EO 1 c P L 86-36 SECRET SPOICE L r 1FJlJTER fH E TRfl SLR FJT 86-36 B L I -----J Introduction Skeptics have long ago and very convincingly put down the notion that the computer is going to replace the linguist at NSA or indeed anywhere else However a great deal of thought is going into designing ways in which the computer can aid the linguist In this article I would like to describe a ro'ect currentl underwa However since interim systems have the tiresome habit of hanging around long after their predicted demise I shall not even speak of the future or of greater glories yet to come Instead I shall deal only with the very real present P L A wish was born to free transcribers from as many clerical or nonlinguistic functions as possible and at the same time make the fruits of the transcription effort available to other transcribers and to analysts on an onlinembasis' uThe wish eventually became father 86 36 to the deed min theuuformuofl I a computeraided transcription system The need to generalize the software for exporting to other transcription problems and the overriding need to provide the intelligence data gleaned from transcription to the intelli ence communit as a whole P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 23 SECRE'f SPOKE L P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d L-- -- --3-6- - - -- - DOCID 4009731 1 4 c SECRET SPOKE April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 24 SECRET gPO ICE 86 36 DOCID 4009731 E0 1-4 April 76 Page 25 P L 86 36 1 4 F1 April 76 Page 26 DOCID 4009731 S CR T -P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c SPOKE April 76 CRYPTOLOG Page 27 SECRET 8POK DOCID 4009731 CONFIBEN'fIAL CLARIFICATION OF ANNOUNCEMENT OF NCS Course-Equivalency Tests The November 1975 issue of CRYPTOLOG contained an annoucement issued by the National Cryptologic School concerning Course-Equivalency tests The announcement with a list of courses read EA-20l EA-202 The National C1'yptologic School offe1's employees the Oppo1'tunity to ea1'n COU1'se c1'edit by taking EQUIVALENCY TESTS F1'equently th1'ough expe1'ience 01' self-study a pe1'son has al1'eady lea1'ned the mate1'ial p1'esented in a COU1'se If this knowledge can be demonst1'ated time and ene1'gy 1'equi1'ed to take a COU1'se can be saved Equivalency tests may be scheduled th1'ough the cognizant NCS depa1'tment A g1'ade of P is assigned for passing the course through an equivalency test G1'ades of F are not recorded Aspi1'ants may take the test only once The announcement elicited the following comment to the editor fro I Cognizant department E23 ED-2l0 ET-lOO ET-260 ET-26l MA-400 Introduction to SIGINT Technology Introduction to Mul tichannel Technology Basic SIGINT Technology SIGINT Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Continued Introduction to Computer Science Mathematics MP-154 I Introduction to Computer Systems 1- _ Operation P L MP-lB5 CDC 6600 Series System Software SCOPE MP-lB6 CDC 6600 Advanced Technical Skills SCOPE MP-lCS UNIVAC 494 RYE System Software MP-lC6 UNIVAC 494 Advanced Technical Skills MP-lD6 IBM3 0 370 Advanced Technical Skills OS MP-lE5 UNIVAC 1108 System Software Mp' lE6 UNIVAC 1108 Advanced Technical Skills MP-lG5 Project HOLDER - UNIVAC 494 Systems Software MP-lHS Burroughs 6700 System Software MP-lH6 Burroughs 6700 Advanced Technical Skills MP-lK5 CDC 7600 System Software IDA MP-lK6 CDC 7600 Advanced Technical Skills IDA MP-lS5 Introduction to IBM 370 MVS Operating System MP-166 FORTRAN for Operators Above 15 courses constitute the Operator Paraprofessional Program Person must be in program and must have adhered to proper course sequence MP-160 The following list of tests is annotated to show the fie7 d testinga1'rangements The list is followed by instructions fo1' 1'equesting a test EA-OlO EA-030 EA-lOO EA-200 Introduction to Electronics Solid State Devices and Applications Digital Concepts Cognizant department E24 Please thankl Ifor bringing up the issue of equivalency testing in the field Many NCS tests can indeed be taken in the field but some which 1'equi1' a laboratory exercise cannot E23 has agreed that if the field station can make the necessa1'Y equipment avai lab le and will pY'Ovide a qualified signals analyst to ovep see the laborato1'y testing the depa1'tment will on an individual basis arrange to send the test to the field station E23 will also make the effort to modify tests to accommodate personnel assigned to stations that do not have the CU1'1'ently stated requi1'ed equipment Tests and Measurements Cognizant depaptment E42 CRYPTOLOG seems to be leading field pe1'sonnel down a ppim1'ose path as 1'egapds the article on NCS Course Equivalency Tests In the futU1'e please flag those courses which a1'e available to NSAjCSS Ft Meade a1'ea ass ignees on y Fop exarTT Jle I am told bii E23 that coupse equivalency tests for the EA-200 series COU1'ses a1'e not available outside of NCS Wou ld be in te1'es ted in knowing how many other courses equivalency tests listed in the apticle ape not available to field pepsonnel The editor was pleased to be able to relay thts comment to NCS and is equally pleased to print the School's clarification as follows Communications Sigdals Measurements and Analysis Techniques ELINT Measurement and Analysis Techniques MP-188 MP-227 MP-230 April 76 CRYPTOLOG 1 1 Introduction to Computer Science Bypass test available to satisfy prerequisites for other courses Course-equivalency credit requires toy problem using a Turing machine computer APL Programming requires APL terminal FORTRAN Programming COBOL Programming Continued Page 28 CONFIBEN'fIAL 86-36 DOCID 4009731 MP-242 MP-243 MP-248 MP-267 MP-335 MP-368 MP-375 CONFIBEN'FIAL PL l Programming Burroughs Extended ALGOL Programming BETA Programming requires BETA compiler paGOL Programming requires POGOL compiler IBM 370 Programming IBM 370 Job Control Language JCL PDP-II Programming I IP12 Intermediate Traffic Analysis and Technical Reporting TA-26l Computer Aid to Traffic Analysis TA-36l Air Defense Technology and Traffic Analysis Cognizant depa1'tment E14 IS-250 SIGINT Reporting TG-l26 Target Studies - Mainland Southeast Asia Cognizant depa1'tment E12 Key - Available in field - Available in field -- toy problem also required - Available in field -- laboratory required has ariuidea P L 86-36 DAISY He suggests that readers of CRYPTOLOG MAY Cognizant department E21 TA-200 u that's fresh as a want to share witn their memories AND rare documents for a LI'L ole article he's contemplating writing on the ABNER computer hat was used at Arlington Hall Station If you have any information to share with Russ please call him on 5868s or visit him at 3C089 INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUESTING AN EQUIVALENCY TEST IN THE FIELD To request an equivalency test write to NCS Registrar E71 Identify the course and summarize your previous training and experience in the subject If a laboratory is required give the name of the qualified professional who will oversee your performance For MP courses identify the equipment that is available to you Tests will be sent to the Test Control Officer at your station for administration after which they will be returned to NCS A cache of uncirculated copies of the following publications in the quantities indicated recently turned up If any reader of CRYPTOLOG would like to receive a copy of any or all of them pI ease calli IPl6 '''p L Room 3W076 4998s Collected Papers on CY' Introduction b f icDiqgiUisis papers i W jJ j 'is Jacobs 1----r- p e nn e-y- 1 Ti 1tman L a n-d -r '--- I NSA April 1969 'PSP SEERE'P 6SBEI SRB S-194 074 23 copies An Introduction to Teleprinter Key Analysis Lambros D Callimahos NSA 1968 Technical Literature Series Monograph No IS E8NFI8EIlTIAb S copies l I u I uIIlw l l il o L r- ' ' _-r Are Conjectandi The Fundamentals of CY'yptodiagnosis Lambros D Callimahos NSA 1970 Technical Literature Series Monograph No 18 Ee E'F 2 copies April 76 CRYPTOLOG 60NFI9BNTB Page 29 Pl-Feb 76-53-24514 86-36 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu