DOCID 4009793 WUJ'ilVWWUJI1 lBl JWVU UJ BI UllB WWV ffiW OO fW W W 1 11 THE ICE AGE AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY 1 IT'S GOT TO GET OUT TODAy o o Frances Blank o 3 g E D g M I gssiAN P Q E j P L 86-36 2 NSA-CROSTIC No 7 o o o L R Chauvenet 10 THE LAST WORD ON LA T S o o o Cecil Phillips o 12 SWIFT OLIVER AID ON CODE RECONSTRUCTION o o o 12 FLASH 115TH S R I LOCATED A J Salemme o 13 LETTERS TO THE EDI TOR o o o o 19 'fillS B90I JMBN'I' 09N'I'l4INS 09BEW6RB Ml4'fRRIl4L tOP--IICIIR- 'ill SIMliteli h 91RH8l- SIIG88 H8AfG88M I Ir G9B B9 lIall eitl gOl'Y Z ge ItI8IiI IJ Hettle tieD h tIN 9tiJiualui R e_ Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1'1- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 MDR Case # 54778 DOCID 4009793 'FOP BECRE Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL IV No 4 APRIL 1977 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief Arthur J Salemme 5642s Collection 1 Cryptanalysis P L 1 89555 8ozSij W Tetrault Machine Support Mathematics _--------_ 332ls Reed Dawson 3957s Special Research Vera R Filby 7ll9s Traffic Analysis Frederic O Mason Jr 4l42s Production Manager Harry Goff 4998s For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI OP BECRI3'f 86-36 DOCID 4009793 UNCLASSIFIED adjust to these severe climatic conditions The import nt industrial and port city of Murmansk for example has 200 000 inhabitants living and working there year round and the greater Murmansk area -Murmansk Oblast -- has one million year-round inhabitants Murmansk itself is located above the Arctic Circle on the Kola Peninsula at about 69 0 north latitude It is hard for many people to realize that almost all of the state of Alaska is situated south of that latitude The Soviet Union's largest and most potent fleet -the Northern Fleet -- is headquartered near Murmansk at Severomorsk and most of its ships operate from home bases located in and around the Kola Peninsula Fortunately for the Soviet Navy the North Atlantic Drift Le the northern reach of the famed Gulf Stream finds its eventual terminus hard against the Kola coast By the time it reaches those extreme latitudes it carries just enough warmth to keep the southern Barents Sea relatively ice-free year round Even so the less mobile and less-warmed estuaries and riverine outflows freeze in the winter and have to be kept open through the continuous use of icebreakers The Soviet Navy and merchant fleet rely heavily on icebreakers including the new nuclear-powered ARKTIK-class supericebreaker of 25 000 tons standard displacement There are 45 icebreakers in the Soviet maritime service more such units than of any other service-force type found in the Soviet Navy Submarine tenders are in second place Viewed in the naval context icebreakers in the Soviet Union accountforoV 1 30percentofthe P L aggregate tonnage of the naval service force and for just over 9 percent of the aggregate displacement of the entire Soviet Navy Prevailing winds across almost the whole of the Soviet Union emanate from the north and northwest in July and from the south and southCl uring the last year or so a number of west i January Highest actual temperatures in SCIentific writers have published articles disJuly do not for the most part exceed 70 0 F cussing cyclical recurrences of world ice ages and in January drop to from _30 0 to 30 0 F including the possibility of future recurrences Permafrost perennially frozen ground occurs If the winter of 1976-1977 in the greater extensively in the USSR This creates extremely Washington-Baltimore area is any indicator the adverse financial and technical problems for next cycle could now be in its formative development smail gains can be made only at stage As this article is being written early great costs Agriculture is negligible in such January 1977 the Washington temperature is areas there is little or no growing season 13 F and the chill factor is below zero Most food supplies as well as almost all manufactured goods must be imported Sometimes we do not appreciate that the Any heat leaking from road surfaces or Russians as a whole population have alstructures leads to flooding and soil subsidence ways lived with wind ice snow fog ana exwith considerable structural damage Accordtremely low temperatures throughout a great ingly public works and human habitability syspart of their country all their lives tems require special costly engineering and and through many generations of Russian peocold-weather maintenance ples By necessity they have learned to April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 UNCLASSIFIED 86-36 DOClD UNCLASSIFIED All of the Soviet Union is affected by only three seasonal climates o 80 percent of the country experiences cool summers and cold winters o Another 10 percent experiences a full summer and a cold winter and o The remaining 10 percent sees only a very short and very cool summer followed by a very long and very cold winter Above 58 latitude of Labrador lies nearly half the USSR where the soil is predominantly the high-latitude podsols soils with acidic nearly structure less upper layers or the andept inceptisols soils which contain high amounts of clay are perennially or seasonally wet and have little or no horizons of redistributed materials These soil types are found on high-latitude wastelands tundra and ice caps and millions of acres of coniferous forest all of which areas are tract less and without access or inhabitation specified in general dry cargo bottoms In the Congo immediately north of Angola at Tchitondi is located a fertilizer center which was able in 1969 to produce 100 000-500 000 metric tons of phosphates annually One more point needs to be stated If there is to be another slowly encroaching ice age and the purpose of this article is not to take one position or another on that question then the Soviets probably are or will be better informed on that subject than any other people in the world Only Scandinavians and North Americans -- al though in nowhere near the numbers of Russians -- generally live in the high northern latitudes Continuous Russian polarresearch programs predate the October 1917 revolution The continent of Antarctica was discovered in December 1817 by a Russian naval officer one Lieutenant Thaddeus von Bellingshausen whose voyage emanating from the Baltic Sea was specifically tasked to see in what the other polar region consisted InsoGiven these adverse conditions one far as Soviet nonmilitary technology and resees the climatological sense of what appears search are highly developed they are most highly to be a certain Russian predilection for developed in arctic-polar matters and in the cruises to warm-water ports continous naval transportation exploitation and industrialized deployments in the Mediterranean Sea and the habitation of the extreme latitudes Their Indian Ocean and sometime voyages to the prior commitment to developing such potential Caribbean Sea Philippine Sea Middle and as exists in those reaches of geography is South Atlantic Oceans and elsewhere below 40 driven by historical geographical and demonorth latitude Such rangings of the Soviet graphic necessity On balance the Russians Navy and merchant fleet should not be viewed probably stand to suffer more from a future ice with exclusive respect to their more obvious age than do Scandinavians or North Americans political military and economic dimensions _ Chileans and Argentinians The thesis of It does not seem altogether facetious to regard this brief discussion is merely that an Soviet maritime expansion in a climatic and advancing northern ice cap pushing in ItS path physiographic light the great ice pack may have long-range implications for Soviet political economic and miliConsider if only momentarily the possible tary expansion -- or may even now be a valid consequences for international security that consideration not only in the United States and is NATO and U S national security of a among its allies but also certainly in the gradually advancing future ice age Here there is neither the space nor the rationale to Soviet Union where much of the cold-weather debate the merits of some of the climatologists' existence is experimental and delicate and from whence the only direction to move under insurarguments Assume only that there will be another ice age in the imaginable future With -mountable pressure is south what increasing covetousness might the Soviets come to regard seaports and habi tat ions below 50 north latitude On the land the Middle East Africa and South Asia could prove increasingly Editor's note One reason why Antarctica attractive A place like Angola with a relahas international status is because a lot of tively small native population and an extremely countries claimed to have discovered it large supply of largely undeveloped minerals and around that time including the United States arable soils seems properly worth a substantial on the basis of the official log of an l8-yearcommitment In 1973 Angola already had the old whaling captain from Stonington Connectifourth-highest gross national product per capicut whose crew had actually disembarked onto ta of the approximately 50 African countries the continent and were cavorting around when they heard strange bells coming through the and produced on a largely undeveloped basis 750 to 1220 calories per person per day As fog Turns out it was Bellingshausen's ship early as 1963-1965 iron-ore production at and t e Russians had a good laugh out of it Cuina and Cassinga was large enough to be listed saying Here we thought we had discovered in world economic atlases Mackerel sardines a continent even though we haven't seen it and anchovies inhabit the waters off Angola yet and now we see that a young-punk American Gabon and southwest Africa The port of Luhas beaten us to it I anda is well developed for genera dry cargo transfer the USSR merchant fleet is heavily April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009793 'FOP SBCRB'F UMBRA In January 1977 Frances Blank retired rom the One indicator of her high professional standaris ' s her having won jointly withl Jthe first 1973 Syaney laffe Award or Outstanding Conlri butions to the Language Effort at NsA Shortly before her retirement Ms Blank spoke to the CLA's Special Interest Group on Translation giving much practical advice based on her operational assignments The allowing article is a sli htly expanded version of that talk Ed i iiI ''''1 Agency after a long and distinguished career Cf' efore any discussion of my ideas on transif I were pinned down I would come near to agreelation of end product a word of warning may ment I question only the all part of it not be out of place I have frequently been Accuracy is important but it has to be told when I expressed disapproval or amazement considered constantly in relation to timeat certain procedures in other linguistic areas liness But you don't undel'sto nd You've always been Time Ziness in an old-line section You don't know what it's like in other places This charge is un-I-------------------------- doubtedly true but since my views were formed and are colored by by own experiences I cannot i nore them in discussin translation 50 As for languages my experience has been largely in Romance with some Germanic Moreover t have worked an unusually high proportion of flaps swing and graveyard shifts and holidays For several years Saturday or Sunday or both have been part of my regular work week Indeed the title of this article came to me one 5aturda when I was tr in to find care It's got to go out today N5A translation it has always seemed to me is marked by three qualities o timeZiness o accul'acy o styZe I have listed these qualities in what I consider to be their order of importance I am aware that there are many Agency linguists who would sho ut'Out in outraged chorus No In our work accuracy is all-importantl Actually Apri 1 77 CRYPTOLOG TOP SEEURRB'F Pa W 3 EO 1 4 c UMBRN L 86-36 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 400 jf- TOP i CRi T ylttHRA Anyone named Blank understands about sensitivity to names In fact when Hecht's first installed its computers and elected to call me Frangert Blank I protested by letter the first month Then I marched down to Hecht's the next month and told the lady in Complaints that much as I valued my Hecht' charge account I was going to have to cancel it because my ulcer simply would not endure facing Frangert every month Fortunately she had a sense of humor And what about abbreviations The translator is instructed to expand them Yet BP KtM and BMW are better known than t-heIrexpansions And how many people can expand fob 'if or even a m and p m TV hasn't quite reached that point now but I suspect that in another generation there will be people who do not know the expansion for TV In the same way many abbreviations in the traffic quite exotic to the translator are old friends tiothe real customer Certainly expand them if you can but do not delay publication or waste time looking for them Your customer will know April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 TOP SECRET c -36 EO 1 4 c DOCID F -L 4009793 86 36 'fOP SBCRET UMBRA i r 1 i j 1j Continued on page 16 April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 'fOP SEtRET lJl IfRlt P L DOCID 4009793 86-36 UNCLASSIFIED CONTEMPLATING COMPUTING I W16 L -I 5 704 689 200 685 129 054 721 x 59 649 589 127 497 217 To place this in perspective let us see what would be involved if we simply approached this problem without an algorithm and tried to work our way up to the smallest factor starting with 1 There are 31 556 952 000 000 microseconds in our year -- a l4-digit number Assuming that in our search for the smaller factor above -- a l7-digit number -- we use a computer capable of performing one operation per microsecond it could require about 2000 years of our mach1ne time to find this number By the way this is not simply an exercise for the fun of it The factors of 2 128 1 are of use in designing codes for space communications and the same type of considerations arise today in carrying out some of NSA's challenging communication tasks This capability has arrived during the lifetime of most of us for the first electronic computer was the University of Pennsylvania's ENIAC operational in 1946 One might contemplate the implications of the rapid increase in computer speed The adding speeds for 10-digit numbers are of the order of the following Computer listings and IBM cards are such commonplace items in our lives here at NSA that most of us probably take for granted the rather awesome capabi 1i ty that 1ies wi thin the Agency's high-speed digital processors Similarly many of us probably take for granted the computer power that is readily accessible to anyone who can afford even the simplest pocket calculator It was not too long ago that the type of calculation that we perform today in fractions of a second had to be done by hand with the aid of logarithm tables The very tediousness of the operations prevented many problems from being considered Today using high-speed computers in combination with mathematical techniques the principles of many of which have been known for a century or more we are able to perform operations that would have been unbelievable to a nineteenth-century mathematician For example recently Morrison and Brillhart M A Morrison and J Brillhart Math Comput 183 1975 tackled the roblem of is over- ing the prime factors of 2 1 8 1 Th1S 1S the 39-digit number 340 282 366 920 938 463 463 374 607 431 768 211 457 Their answer determined after about 1 1 2 hours of computer time is Additions pel' second 19th early 20th century 1960s mechanical calculator medium-speed computer today high-speed computer 4 200 000 200 000 000 Knuth D E Knuth Science 194 No 4271 1236 1976 compares this acceleration to that of transportation speeds Miles pel' houI' snail man walking U S automobile commercial jet plane 0 006 4 55 600 Even if we add a nominal near-earth satellite with a speed of 17 400 miles per hour the ratio of the computation speed of today's computer to mechanical calculator is approximately 11 500 times greater than the speed of our satellite compared to a man walking When one notes the cultural impact the transport a ion-speed increase has had on mankind can one help but wonder what the computer impact ultimately will be April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009793 CONFI9ENTIA b Another aspect for contemplation is our growing dependence on computers and calculators In our division if the computers are down so is our productivity This dependence was strikingly called to my attention on a recent airplane flight where two individuals seated next to me were assembling cost figures on their week's sales efforts When it came time to add up the column of figures they discovered their pocket calculator was discharged One then told the other I no longer trust myself in adding figures like this since I have grown so sed to using my calculator They put theIr work away without the final sum It was not too long ago that agility in mental arithmetic was widespread This was particularly true of astronomers who had numerous dreary calculations to perform One very wellknown American Astronomer who possessed a remarkable mental calculating ability was Truman Henry Safford 1836-1901 Ashbrook J Ashbrook Sky and Telescope November 1976 p 346 has uncovered some documentation which here is no evident reason to doubt illustratIng Safford's talents I repeat several of the anecdotes here A friend gave Safford the following problem Suppose I was born at a certain hour minute and second of a certain day of a certain year where the friend supplied values for the certain how old would 1 be in seconds at noon today Safford walked up 'and down along a bl ackboard and told him the answer The friend responded No that is aot correct for I have worked it out and the answer is different What was your answer asked Safford When he was told he retraced his path along the blackboard and then exclaimed Oh you forgot the leap years Safford was right Safford's ability was recognized by the time he was 9 years old An interviewer asked him How many acres are in a circular piece of ground with a circumference of 31 416 miles The child flew around the room and in a minute answered 50 265 6 He was next asked What is the entire surface of a regular pyramid whose slant height is 17 feet the base a pentagon of which each side is 33 5 feet In about 2 minutes he replied 3 354 5538 He could routinely take a column of about 40 numbers with from two to four figures in each number and in about 5 seconds write down the sum of the squares of these numbers Perhaps the most astounding feat was when he as asked to square 365 365 365 365 365 365 It IS reported that in less than a minute he gave the answer from left to right 133 491 850 208 566 925 016 658 299 941 583 225 It ook me considerably more time than this to verIfy the answer using the calculating tools I ave a ailable from my desk If anyo e re dln thIS can do this type of calculatIons In hIS or her head we could use you when the computers go down h ' ol-6 fi _ I' t _ For this reason and because language profesRussian Professional Qualific ation Examlnation PQE is a topic guaranteed to stimu- sionalization is a particularly timely topic I would like to share with CRYPTOLOG readers a late lively discussion among NSA's Russian linsampling of the opinions expressed by discouraged guists And if you want to get into a really heated conversation spend an hour or so with an aspirants Some expressed feelings which are no aspirant who has failed a portion of the PQE more more than vague complaints about the unfairness and irrelevancy of the PQE others have voiced than once -- he will have a definite opinion on what can be done with the PQE The frustration more compelling evaluations and arguments It is despair and anger of such an aspirant are under- my intention here to note only those valid and reasonable complaints which are in my opinion standable for it seems to him his career adworthy of the Language Career Panel's consideravancement and promotion are inseparably linked tion The audience I have in mind is those with passing the test To some particularly those who have been with NSA for only a few years Agency linguists who are receptive to criticism the PQE becomes the added frustration that makes and who are in a position to effect meaningful working at NSA almost unbearable Unfortunately changes in PQE policy I also wish to address the aspirants those who are finding it difficult perhaps fortunately in some cases some linto pass all parts of the PQE and those who will guists eventually begin boycotting the tests soon be taking the tests for the first time to others seek jobteclassification to pursue a ask for their forbearance as well as their career elsewhere The loser in such cases is suggestions and to reassure them that the testNSA because usually large investments in time makers are aware of their frustration and are and money have been made to train the aspirant to become what he will not be if he abandons the striving to devise better tests ceeJNfIBEI4'f'IAb - eee language career field April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 P L 86-36 CONFIDE TIAL IL NQbE HI o EURQtll IT QW' H Ji Isi QJ lI V DOCID 4009793 CONFIDENT There is clearly a need for a testing program to determine which Agency linguists are of a professional caliber Academic credentials alone are not enough Howeyer the effectiveness of Parts IIA and lIB in particular in filling this need is clouded by the following factors In this light we need to ask ourselves a few searching questions Such as does a pass on either Part IIA or lIB tell us with any certainty that an aspirant is a professional linguist Or does it tell us only that the aspirant has finally succeeded in passing the test And finally how many professionalized linguists could pass the test a second time There are no clear answers to such questions but on the basis of the large number of linguists who repeatedly fail it is obvious that for many Agency Russian linguists Parts IIA and lIB in their present form are a formidable perhaps an unfair barrier to the professionalization which has become an important criterion for promotion April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 CONFIDEHTIAI IL NBbBi VIl 08MIfJ'I' OIIMJNE S 811 '1 DOCID 4009793 le EO 1 4 P L 86-36 CONFI6 ENfIAL April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 CONFIDI3NTIAL IIAtISJ B Vilt 8SMHI'f 8II 'tPI IBbS SUb' DOCID 4009793 UNCLASSIFIED NSA-crostic No 1 The quotation on the next page was taken from a published work of an NSA-er The first letters of the WORDS spell out the author's name and the title of the work The following NSA-crostic was submitted by guest NSA-crostician L R Chauvenet P12 WORDS DEFINITIONS A Caesar's mother B Reflector 141 105 37 134 7T -7- C Deep dish fruit pie D If two do it it may make a to-do 3 wds E Ready F Eager G A Vermont answer to the question Have you lived here all your life 2 wds H Part of a ton 149 i l l 113 S5 110 -3- 1 An opinion of the paleface J What the sign carried by the tackle said 4 wds K How a burden might feel to a left-handed man 2 wds L You can do this with flowers M Concentrated quarters of a racial minority N We sometimes hope retirement will bring us a life of this O Yellow green P Lacking nourishment Q A call to dinner which made the Frenchman suspicious 2 wds ill -2- 92 ss--- 2 t 8T R A branch of philosophy S Would she could make of me a saint or I of her a ------ T Common meeting place U What the prisoner said when the judge shouted Order in the court 4 wds V Matter in a state April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 UNCLASSIFIED 173 DOCID 4009793 UNCLASSIFIED W Confuse X Water conservation expedient 3 wds Y Why my picture might have made it seem I was twins 3 wds 2 Proprietor 210 What you might do to alleviate the condition of Word P 2 wds 1 0 2 Q 15 A 16 2 1 26 S 27 2 3 G 5 0 6 K 68 122 7 B 8 U 19 161 9 R 49 22 10 K 11 0 35 76 128 12 P 21 23 S 38 M 39 W 43 Y 44 S 53 K 57 S 58 T 62 X 71 B 72J 76 21 52 L 16 P 82 0 83 W 86 Y 94 2 95 U 98 V 99 H 103 P 104 F 105 B 106 E 107 R 108 S G 111 C 112 E 113 117T 118 K 119 H 120 A 121 X 122 21 123 o 124 T 125 2 126 130 U 131 N 134 B 1350 136 V 137 I 154 F 143 N 144 X 145 0 146 A 147 V K 158 J 159 Y D 166 J W 77R 178 G 179 X 180 U Solution next month April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 UNCLASSIFIED CONPIBEN'fIAI J DOCID 4009793 THE l ET EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 W A TS E l PtHLL PE 03 o --'------------------------S tltl twe't lid Ut fhde 'Ree61t4Cz etetifm The revised edition of Collected Articles on Code Reconstruction compiled by Katharine Swift andl lis now available The oreword of the 3l4 page publication states This collection of articles mClstof which have previously appeared in varibu Agency publications is a revised version Publication of Cryptanalysis Department National Cryptologic School 1976 TSC CCO S-212802 of a collection edited by Katharine Swift which was published in 1973 A demand for more copies after depletion of the supply has necessitated an early revision While it has not been possible to include all pertinent articles in one publication it is hoped that managers as well as bookbreakers and programmers and senior analysts as well as neophytes will find material that will help each in making his individual contribution on the job I Edi tor L Anyone with a Top Secret Codeword clearance tan obtain a copy of the publication by calling Harry Goff P16 x4998s April 77 CRYPTOLOG F8 e P ge CONFIDENTIAL 12 P L IIANQb 86-36 VIA 8SPtUN'f SIlANNEbS 8NhY - DOCID 4009793 F9R 9FFIEIAL E - -- ------------------------ 9NL FLASH 115th S R I LOCATED A J Salemme P16 ow that everyone is writing in to Fred Mason filling in the gaps in his excellent compilation of radio stations Where Were We CRYPTOLOG January-February 1977 it's time for me to add my bit Where Fred has reconnaissance outfit We practiced our Morse code and practiced establishing radio contact One guy would send while the other cranked a portable hand generator Then we would break down the equipment load it onto our two hosses and move to the next stop The concept was to send us poor excuses of hossmen and Morse operators -- would you beRADIO INTELLIGENCE COMPANIES lieve -- ahead of our troops on those steamy South Pacific islands with our hosses crashing Ill 112 125 126 under 4 4 2345 quietly through the underbrush until we deGen MacArthur in SW Pacific tected some Nips and then get off our hosses 113 114 116 117 118 121 124 2345 set up business and start transmitting the 129 137 in Europe news back to base -- one guy cranking and the 115 119 120 122 123 127 2345 130-136 138 unlocated other asking Is B dah-dit-dit or dit-dit- dah Sure enough basic training completed I was I'd like to add sent to a radio recon outfit in San Rafael 4 3 4 California which I suppose was as close as l15th Sig Rad Int Co Presidio S F they could get to simulating the South Pacific l15th Sig Rad Int Co Fort Lewis Wash 456 jungle conditions When I arrived it turned How do I know Because I was there And out that they didn't even have hosses They had vethe memories those terse entries evoke hicles pronounced invariably vee-HICK-les In the hot summer of 1943 I a city boy So forget the canter and gallop Now the city who had never seen a real horse took my basic boy who had never driven a car yet we was training at Fort Riley Kansas in what was the pure city folks had to learn driving while last horse-cavalry the real trooper s all called double-clutching on a two-and-a-half-ton it the hoss-calvary unit in the U S Army half-track Drill instructor Do not scoff They tried to teach me first of all to ride at the two-and-a-half-ton half-track gentlea hoss Rule 1 Take care of your hoss first men It is a for-MID-able vee-HICK-Ie We We would ride out to the riding-oractice area would drive up into the California mountains and ride around in a large circle while the and establish radio contact We don't use drill instructor in the middle would holler Morse code We just stick in these crystals I said 'Canter ' Who told you to gallop and talk into the mike But watch what you I clearly rememb r one day when I was on the say because they're monitoring us I horse one minute and seated on the ground the remember once driving through -- what was it next with no recollection of what must have steam fog what -- on the top of a mountain been the majestic flip that made the transiThen it dawned on me It's a cloud City tion between the two states Who told you boy had discovered that clouds aren't solid to dismount trooper After practice we'd like mashed potatoes -- they're n thing but go back to the stables rub down and curry the fog up high horses wipe the horse sweat off the gear and In driving through the mountains Rule 1 saddlesoap it clean out the horse's hooves replacing Take care of your hoss first was clean the dock etc And then lead the horse Al lays remember to close the farmer's gate to water Believe me he would want to drink We would open the gate dismount close the But you had to slow him down You kill that gate and then drive up paths that a mountain hoss with cold water trooper and it'll be goat would wince at I'll never forget the time statement-of-charges for you Put the horse when the driver not me misjudged the width back in the stall and then only then could of the path and that massive two-and-a-half-ton you the trooper get a drink of water for hulk slid sideways finally resting at a 45yourself And did that vile-smelling Kansas degree angle against one tightly-drawn strand water coming out of a green-encrusted faucet of barbed-wire fence If I had been brave ever taste good To this day when watering enough to lean out the window and pluck that the lawn on a hot day I pause to take a gulp strand the Bo-o-o-o-ing would still be reof water from the hose the taste of the brass verberating around the world Were we worried noz'zle takes me back to Fort Riley Sure That if the barbed-wire strand broke and we tumbled down that ski slope vee-HICK-Ie The second thing they taught me at Fort Riley was Moree code The Army's idea was to and all some farmer would be mighty mad Not send me along with other city boys no one I only that but there'd be a little matter of a statement of charges for the half-track If I knew who actually yearned to be in the hoss remember the physical and fiscal terror of the calvary and wear those distinctive jodphurs situation why don't I remember how we got out and high boots actually made it to a radio April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 FeR eFFIEIAL SE 9NL DOCID 4009793 FeR eFFIEIAL We used to simulate maneuvers I remember one night long long after missing evening chow You'll get your chow after you find your way back to base being told Okay Salami no one ever did get the name right Contact base and arrange for rendezvous Instead of things like dah-dit-dit vs dit-dit-dah I had to worry about things like which crystal to use and what's a beat frequency Plus those daily-changing codewords for locations One day CUCUMBER would mean the firehouse in Petaluma and SPARROW would mean City Hall in San Rafael and the next day they'd be something else I remember one night my rebellious gastric juices made me do it when in order to resolve an insoluble rendezvous problem Radio Operator Salami blatted out in the clear for all the monitoring operators to hear and record Where are we supposed to meet anyway Is BETTY BOOP the firehouse in Petaluma or the City Hall in San Rafael Not only did I not get to crash a hoss through the South Pacific jungle did anyone but I didn't get to crash a for-MID-able vee-HICK-le through it either No within a couple of months of my arrival in signal reconnaissance I was transferred to signal intelligence It was obvious from my having flunked my response to crisis test that I sure needed some And so I arrived in November 1943 at the 115th Signal Radio Intelligence Company Presidio of San Francisco California For 4 or 5 months World War II was rugged I mean to tell you Every time that the Golden Gate Bridge is flashed on television and that's pretty frequent even without the opening credits for Phyllis one of my kids will say Yeah Dad we know we know They used to make you put on full field equipment march to the middle of the bridge and then run non-stop to the other end End of War is hell reminiscence Since I was supposed to know Morse code it was easy to teach me a few niceties like the Japanese Morse code Kana syllabary and abbreviated numerals and make me a Japanese intercept operator Okay then a week of the new frills and onto the job That meant driving up to the highest hill in the Presidio to the intercept station it was called Fubar an acronym meaning something like Fouled up beyond all recognition and trying to pick up Japanese Morse signals Some nights they were mighty sparse It had something to do with the Heaviside layer -- I couldn't figure it out A lot of guys would switch instead to local San Francisco stations listen all night to the Andrews Sisters with anyone else but me-e-e-e and put NIL HEARD in their log That was risky though because there was a central control room from which the trick chief could patch into any receiver and hear what you were listening to He could talk to the intercept operator and help him adjust his signal Or he could even send SE eNLY Morse code to him In fact he would often do that very thing in order to dispel his own boredom and to provide training for some Andrews Sisters fan who had twisted his vernier a fracticn of a second they didn't have nano econds then too late I remember one night when Farley was caught that way The trick chief started sending from his control booth a series of Japanese messages that had been intercepted the night before Everyone was in on the gag but Farley We clustered around him saying Hey everyone Farley's the only one who's picking up a signal Farley would feverishly copy the messages Occasionally he would say Dammit I missed a group Miraculously the operator in Tokyo would repeat that group Dammit he's sending too fast Miraculously the operator in Tokyo would slow down After a couple of hours Farley was still copying traffic The trick chief decided to cut it off by carrying out Farley's every wish in ways that should have made it clear to him that it was all a big hoax But whatever ridiculous thing he did or whatever we other guys said Farley kept copying traffic Finally the trick chief sent a message with an address line reading not in Japanese Morse code but unbelievably in International Morse code ATTENTION STUPID AMERICAN FARLEY Farley jumped up shouting ' ey they're sending this one to the Postmaster General But what if the trick chief didn't enliven the proceedings that way The nights would really drag as we tried to pick up Tokyo And how many times can the same joke work Or the joke of crumbling up a pile of intercept paper and setting it on fire under the hard metal chair of a snoring intercept operator with his hand frozen to the dial as he searched for a signal If anything went wrong -- such as putting NIL HEARD in your log when another operator on the other side of the room heard a signal loud and clear on the same frequency -- you might see your name posted on the Discrepancy List I remember one country boy asking What does that-there 'discrepancy' mean anyway and a city boy replying It means 'you keep up dis-crep-an-see how long you stay in this outfit ' In the spring of 1944 the 115th moved to Fort Lewis Washington probably because the audibility was better there And there I stayed as a Jap intercept operator and later as a Jap traffic analyst my that was a prestigious jump until my discharge in March 1946 I did have a little TDY interlude however After I had been a practicing traffic analyst for more than a year another fellow and I were sent to Vint Hill to take a 2-month course in Introductory Japanese Traffic Analysis We joined a group of 20 guys just out of basic training during which they had learned Morse code Is B dit-dah-dit-dit or dit-dit-dah- April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 FeR eFFIEIAL SE eNLY DOCID 4009793 ro OFFI IAL SE 6NLV dit When all by myself the other guy had taken some leave en route I showed up in class 20 guys shouted in unison Hey it's Goldberg What do you mean Well it seems that this group of New York wisenheimers had invented a twenty-first member of the group -Goldberg -- so that each day one guy could disappear someone else would respond Yo to Goldberg's name at roll call and the head countl would come out right Some of those wisenheimers are probably now writers for Hogan's Heroes -- they really knew how to fight a war facts that r 'll take with me to my grave such as the routing number for TOKYO AIR -- 26907 according to a system in which the fourth digit was always a zero or a 5 and the fifth digit showed the total in noncarrying arithmetic I also remember the things I did to fight off the boredom during off-duty hours between shifts while stuck in the boondocks Like trying to tie my extra shoelaces in that funny braided way that only the Rezular Army guys could master Or taking a USAFI U S Armed Forces Institute correspondence course in Russian So that's how he started Things like that The last Christmas there however I All I remember from the TA course is the made a lot of Christmas cards including in instructor telling us that the time difference each one a poem I wrote imitating but not between Tokyo and Washington state was so many quite approximating Ogden Nash One of the hours Maybe ex-hossman Salami couldn't tell cards survived the holocaust of World War II a canter from a gallop and ex-radio operator and strange to say the poem in it was printed Salami couldn't tell CUCUMBER from BETTY BOOP recently on the back cover of the Winter 1976 but dammit he knew his time differences issue of the Phoenix Society's Phoenician He had the temerity to tell the instructor that The reprint didn't bear a date or any word of the computation was an hour off -- we had to explanation so it looked to the uncritical consider Pacific Daylight Saving Time No eye like a Christmas 1976 message One NSAsays the ins true tor the book says No er even asked me a couple of times why I wrote matter that I had worked many a long dull the poem as though I was in the Signal Corps night in that intercept shack and I knew that in 1945 I'd like to assure him and anyone when I got off duty it was midnight in Tokyo else who was confused by the Phoenician reNo the book won print that it wasn't as though I was in TDY over it was back to Fort Looie as it Fort Looie in December of 1945 and until March was called The only things I remember about 1946 I really was Fred believe me the rest of my tour there include some useles When you've heen thinking that maybe thia year you'll be apendine Chrtatlll la at home dressed in a flamboyant civilian enaemble - ybe even wearing a necktie t tuchaia tIC' ' SO FAST I Even though the Poll ann88 have been te Hing ua sinee December 7th 1941 that OUr boya will all be home by Chriatmaa never tearl It looka aa though I' m bilked again thle year For thh Decemher 25th I'm aUll up here at Fort Looie And we d n t know what if 8llything h to happen to ue dooie But aince it' a Yuletide I muet eaeay To be in Yuletide apiri t toujoure gail going So it you'll look cloaely at my OD'd figure you'll notice ju-u-u-uat a 1IU pie1on ot an I-ehould are 1IJIIi1e on'my pan aort ot reminiacent ot Yona Liee What we do know though ia that we Bre aUll in olive drab And let me tell you that our nJI1IOr-sitting aeseions are becoming a hab- Or maybe it' a a euapie10n ot a thi i r amle ort ot reminhcent ot Juliua Ciee Itual But though the expreeeion it any may be inaerutable RitWll It isn't that we're dieeatiatied here goah no But it a diacharge ia torthcoming let'a gpi There h juet no bottom to the depthe ot despair to which an annUlll poet pone nt can reduchaia The thought behind the military mask ie tor thio 'ae lllOn at any rate rather lIItablel I WISH YOU A VERY IlERRY CHRISTItAS AND A HAPPY NEil EARl April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 F6R 6FFIEIAL Sg QNbY 1 4 c -DOClD S-G- 3 TOP SECRET UMBRA uooo out today Continued from p 3 research not only delays publication of the message being researched but all subsequent ones One factor that helps timeliness is any kindL-__ __ -J of background knowledge you happen to have A good trans1 i t era tur e the comi cs It i s L a 'lt l ' o - n - rT m 'y' l' L- a' t i n - 't' 'e' 'a' 'c h- e r u s ' 'e' id- t o say i s on e in man odd kinds of information come which I can see where you got every word but which reads as though it had been written in English This is of course a goal to strive for L-__ __ W1thin a reasonable not to be attained But even so in the inperiod of time I have seen references to terest of the readability I mentioned earlier o the Gray Eminence French history -a translator should make sure that his adverbs the reference puzzled one young translator clearly modify the right word his adjective very much clauses attach to their antecedent nouns o Adamastor Portuguese literature - which clauses dangling several words after tried hard to ungarble that their antecedents are if not actually ambiguo Fabius Cunctator Roman history ous at least temporarily confusing Try to o Latin phrases -- obtorto coZZo sic avoid juxtaposing two words which normally go rebus stantibus primus inter pares together if in the passage in question they o the Prime Minister is required to steer do not belong together True if given between Scylla and Charybdis Greek enough time the reader will work out the mythology ambiguities but in the intelligence field o These findings unsatisfactory as they time is of the essence Many years ago I are to a Cartesian mind French science read o He refuses to go to Canossa medieval Lake Leman 1 ies by Chillon' swaIls history -- if the allusion is unknown A thousand feet in depth below finding that Canossa is a small village in Its massy waters meet and flow the Alps is not very helpful Thus much the fathom line was sent o the Draconian program passed by the From Chillon's snow-white battlement Italian Parliament Greek history Which round about the wave enthralls o the sword of Damocles hangs over his A double dungeon wall and wave head Greek mythology Have made -- and like a liVing grave o he is a quisling modern history o Yalta this is not Malta as some you nger It took me 20 years to get that passage parsed translators are inclined to ungarble 1t and realize that wave is not the object of while admitting that it makes no sense the prepositional phrase round about but Any or all of these if not recognized by the the subject of the verb enthralls and that double dungeon is not a modifier of wall translator may take much of his time to rebut the object of the verb wall and wave search or unfortunately attempt to degarble have made a double dungeon NSA's customers Such background information may come not only should not have to wait 20 years to realize from newspapers or collateral but from paperwhat the translator is saying nor even have to back novels science fiction and for all I read a sentence twice P L tJ 6- 3 6 know from True Story Magazine All of this is EO 1 4 c grist to a translator's mill In the above excerpt the words dungeon and wall form an unfortunate juxtapositlpn Style they constitute a good concept and want to The word style suggests different things be read together Poetic license allows the to different people Some authors translator s poet to write this wa and allows and editors -- especially those in the outs1de world -- think that style is concerned with making the text sound elegant with such things as never splitting an infinitive or changing the word horse to equine q adru- ped In the field of COMINT translatlOn however style means just one thing -translating the foreign text into completely unambiguous English It is not concerned with elegant variations and therefore 1f a foreign writer for example uses the word section repeatedly the translator st1cks to it Because the customer is not always able to ask the translator Does the word April 77 ' CRYPTOLOG ' Page 16 'fOP SECRET UMBRl DOCID 4009793 'fOP SECKElI' UMBRA Every language has its own characteristic translation problems In Italian the abstract noun and the third-person impersonal subject are very popular In English the active verb carries much more weight Train yourself so that when you see in the foreign text There is a tendency on the part of the Germans toward doubt to make your pencil write The Germans tend to doubt without your having to think too much about why or how you are doing it And don't allow yourself to fall into the habit of writing out a translation on a tablet sheet and then Englishing it It wastes time If translation into a dictaphone becomes more widespread the ability to produce a fairly smooth translation first off will be essential Listen mentally to your proposed translation to catch the awkward spots The statement states that the member states will make a statement on the state of their defense How to Use a Dictionary For some time in this discussion I have been wanting to say something about dictionary usage But I am not sure where is the best place to discuss it because the dictionar is closely connected with all three essentIal elements of translation -- as a tool for accuracy and as a guide for style but also improperly used as an enemy of timeliness Yes there is a wrong way to use a dictionar namely to believe that no word may be used In a translation unless it can be found in a dictionary as equivalent to the foreign word being translated This erroneous belief leads to dictionary hopping the waste of time and the use of a second- or third-choice word I am sure that every checker suggesting a different English word to a novice or sometimes a not-50-novice has heard ad nauseam I wanted to say that but I couldn't find it in the dictionary or the opposite I know that the English doesn I t make sense but that' 5 what it says in the dictionary And yet even the dictionary compiler is human I have seen some quaint if not downright hilarious English renderings of foreign words in dictionaries even in the standard languages such as Italian French Spanish or German To show the impossibility of relying wholly on dictionary synonyms without using critical judgment I quote from Teaching English as a Second Language Toronto Education QuarterZy Winter Spring 1968 as published in Today's Education -- NEA JournaZ What happens when we consider only the words of a language and not their cultural connotations One difficulty arose with EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 electronic computers designed to translate from one language to another The sentence 'The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak' was fed into a tomputer translated into Russian and then back into English It came back as 'The liquor is good but the meat is rotten ' The same process was followed with the headline 'Mary suspended for youthful prank' and it came out as 'Mary hung for juvenile delinquency' 'Out of sight out of mind' went into Japanese and returned to English as 'invisible insane ' I am certa ln that if one could have asked the computer it would have said plaintively in each instance But that's what it said in the dictionary The right way to use a dictionary is to consider its range of meaning or meanings sometimes one word has two apparently unrelated meanings Try to get a general idea of the root meaning Look for examples of word usage A dictionary says that a foreign word means range That's all But is it range meaning the span of effectiveness or range meaning a thing you cook on Or maybe even the place where you fire at targets What about pot Is it what some people smoke or what other people boil water in Or is the place where things go when they fall apart No bilingual dictionary say an ItalianEnglish dictionary can list every English word that might be used to translate a foreign word in every conceivable context Therefore get used to the idea of referring to a dictionary in the foreign Zanguage in which you read the definition of the foreign word as speakers of that language define it rather than the word's equivalents in English After getting the idea from all the dictionaries available to you select the English word for that idea out of your own vocabulary to match the context you have And if you know the word you want but no bilingual dictionary gives anything near enough to satisfy you look in a dictionary going in the opposite direction -- say English-Italian Often you will find the very word that you want And remember that usage changes I noticed this particularly because I was away from Italian for several years and when I first began working on it again I spent half my time it seemed turning to somebody to ask Have you seen this word meaning this The answer usually was Yes It has been meaning that for the last couple of years For example for 30 years in vista di regularly meant in view of Now at least half the time it seems to mean a completely different concept with a view to Furthermore be sure you are looking for the right word in the dictionary Can this verb form be derived from this infinitive Can this April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 'fOP SECREI' UMBR2 DOCIO 4 00 l9 i'5-36 E01 4 c TOP 8BCR I3'F UMBRA Eo 1 4 L c 86-36 noun be the plural of this one Is there another j dictionary entry fro 14l1ich the form in question could come In Italian testa pl teste means head and testo pI - ' te'l ti means text And then to confuse one thoroughly there is that I have heard given for these lacks seems to have any validi ty The papet wi th prepnnted classification I was told be used incor rect ly But whether the paper is preprinted by the Agency print shop or th classification accent marks never appear ___ th s is of no help The ordin e' may hink that it should be completely obvious to the translator which of these three wor ds was used but in telegraphic often garbled t xt things aren't always that easy ' And even if it doesn't the trart slator who by hand writes TOP SECRET UMBRA lOO times correctly will frequently write t the hundred and first time even it i not the correct classification cam sa e c t r e i l J n ow b UIC i C t ' b nC ntt r rn r To determine the root word also cortsider the adjectives or articles that modify the noun For example La capitaZe itaZiana feminine refers to Rome the capital city but il oapitale italiano masculine is money Italian capital Colpo means blow as in colpo di stato coup d'etat' and ooloa means fault or blame 1 At tn s po nt I would l ke to make a gripe Current foreign-language education or English education for that matter doesn't seem to teach granunar One translator to whom I pointed out that the verb was subjunctive not indicative and it made a difference perche followed by indicative means because followed by subjunctive means in order that looked at me wide-eyed and said But I haven't studied any French grammar since high school And he had been a French major in college I'd like to know why or how Does It Make Sense Last but not least It's got to get out today but it also has to make sense If it does not either it is wrong or you the tranSlator are ignorant of some fact involved and you'd better find out which I have already said that you can't know everything but you do know something and You should have and use common sense A message shoUld conform to what you already know and to its own internal logic If man bites dog it may be news but in our business it is much more Linguist's Other Duties A major enemy of timeliness is piling everything on the translator The buck stops here currently belongs on the translator's desk not the President's I know that it is nice for the adminis tra tor to have management information in fact it is rather necessary But in most cases it doesn't require a linguist to supply it Much has been written and more said -- frequently blasphemously by the translator -- about the EXPERT sheet The whole subject is currently in flux while some of the burdens such as d writing Mll on virtually every translation g have been removed Others have been added and a report says that many others are in the offing At present one major complaint is the effort -- and usually rewriting -- required to make the last carbon copy readable One This has been basically an attempt to translator said recently I used to like to counteract what I feel is an excessive emphasis -inish a translation so I could get a new one on research research and more research It to start Now I dread it and put it off is not an excuse for sloppy or inaccurate because I'll have to make the EXPERT sheet translation It all comes down to It's got Apart from the EXPERT sheet there is the to get out today -- or at least it ought to lack of translation sheets with the classifica- in the best possible shape tion preprinted and the lack of prenumbered ooooooooooooooooooooooooo L ooooooooo paper for worksheet assignment No reason o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Apri 1 77 RYPTOLOG Page 18 TOP S I3CR I3'F UMBRA DOCID 4009793 F9R 9FFIEIAL To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I'm not sure if it is proper for a member of the editorial board to send a letter to the editor but I would like to add a few observations of my own to the dialogue between Mr I I CRyPTOLOG December 1976 and Mr Buckley CRYPTOLOG March 1977 As far as I can see I Ith nksthat the NSA overall grade distribution from GG H through GG-18 ought to be applied through some sort of affirmative action to the Language Analysis Career Field Mr Buckley on the other hand believes that no single-language linguist maybe it would be better to say languist or languager is worth much more than a GG-12 or -13 Without calling a plague down on both their houses I do believe that a third position is defensible All linguists may have been created equal but they don't remain so for long A relatively small number of them develop a real personal interest in at least one foreign language and the cultural system in which it serves as a medium of communication It is no coincidence SE 9NLY 86-36 As a result most working members 0 the language field remain unconvinced that pure language proficiency has any positive effect on their career development It is true that there are junctures in a linguist's career where the failure to demonstrate some minimum level of proficiency in a foreign language has an adverse effect on career development As long as good indifferent and even incompetent linguists are held in the same regard by their supervisors and as long as all linguists are provided roughly the same incentives regardless of proficiency we will continue to have alaD l la ge problem and all the delightful things thatgo ll it It is not so much a question of a bigge'r pie of the pie for linguists but rather which Tlngui s ts should get any pie at all -P L E W Tetrault P16 FeR eFFIE I J6r gNb To the Editor CRYPTOLOG In reference to -------- iiaicie Integrated Analysts for Asia CRYPTOLOG August 1976 where he discourages utilizing women as employees and letters to the editor on the same subject CRYPTOLOG October 1976 and January-February 1977 D8 reiterates the appli t h aut t h e s e aur e t h e s a m e e o l e w h o a s M r ' _ lcability of Exec Order 11478 the EEO Act of 1 Z2 P L 92-261 and pursuant regulations to all Federal personnel actions including those 1 which involve overseas assignment of employees An equally as underscored by President Ford's memo of November small number of individuals and for this we 20 1975 to all dep rtments and agencies can be thankful go to the other extreme In making selectionsfpr overseas asslgnThey appear to be antagonistic toward the ment the possible excl sipnary policies language which is putting food on their tables ' ng to of the country to which theapp l icant or Th ey a b so 1u t e 1y r efu se to have anythl employee is to be assigned mustn0 t be a do with it except as it appears in their work It is often these same people who display a factor in any part of the selection process of a Federal agency United States law truly ab smal i norance of their tar et countries must be observed and not the policy of the foreign nation Individuals therefore must be considered and selected solely on the basis of merit factors without reference Most of to race color religion national orlg us however fall somewhere in between these sex or age Persons must not be selected two extremes out at any stage of the selection process So what We seem to be rediscovering because their race color religion nothing more than the bell curve It should national origin sex or age does not connot be surprising that linguists fall into form to any formal or informal requirements three groups the dedicated the indifferent set by a foreign nation and the militantly incompetent Most career Director NSA General Allen further stressed fields show the same sort of distribution the adherence to these guidelines in a memo to all What is surprising however is the fact that NSA CSS personnel dated 4 December 1975 supervisors and managers have so much trouble L IChief D8 telling the difference between good and bad gR gHI'IOJ 'His g II linguists I Apri 1 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 P L 86-36 FeR 9FFIEIAL SE 9NLY 86-36 P L 86-36 P L 86-36 DOCIO --- tO ------Eo 1 4 9793- c P L 86-36 'f L S CRJ3'iJ 86-36 To the Editor CRYPTOLOG To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I noted in your January-February 1977 issue a letter froml J As President Ford emphasized in regard to selections for overseas assignments see January 1977 WIN Newsletter United States law must be observed and not the policy of the foreign nation If a woman applicant is the best qualified for a particular position it is iZZegat to not accept her I Iconcern is appreciated I'm sure but it is not necessary there can be only a single standard for rating the performance Elimination of dflubZe standards is what Women's Rights is all about I I G515 Editor WIN Newsletter Mr Mason's article listsl P S Anyone wishing to subscribe to the WIN Newsletter can call me for information on extension 4235s Anyone who would like to become a WIN member membership includes a subscription to the Newsletter can do so by sending $3 00to Rosalie L'Ecuyer V362 2E068 5773s UNCLASSIFIED To the Editor CRYPTOLOG We all owe Fred Mason a vote of thanks for his Where Were We contribution to cryptologic history in the January-February 1977 issue The centerfold idea makes it a useful desk reference aid even though it can't compete with Burt Reynolds or Marilyn Monroe wa l 1 I ____ t_e_r_E_ _L_a_n -d_ g EE8NFIBEllTlA h To the Editor CRYPTOLOG While the Intercept Station list includes some units without alpha-numeric designators Part II does not I L- __ I maybe other readers can contribute dates units to this worthwhile project Should they send them to you to PI to E51 Edi tor's rep ly L I IIVI Missing from Mr Mason's list of U S Navy stationS is Poyner's Hill N C During World War II it was located about 20 miles north of Nag's Head on the Atlantic coast east of Cur J ri tuck Sound Ibelieyeitsdesig l1ll torwasP EO 1 4 c Also missing is the Navy station that was loP L 86-36 cated on the southern tip of Greenland during WWII It lay to the northwest of JUlianhaab near the entrance to a large fjord I do not recall its name r designator its callsign was NTG I suggest that the Navy station at BainbridgE Island Wash was turned over to the Coast Guard well after 1945 I served as an intercept operator there until mid-June 1946 Thank you for your word of caution and for your additions to Mr Mason's compilation which I have sent to him Readers who have any more additions corrections etc can send them either to CRYPTOLOG PI or direct to the author Frederic O Mason Jr P I 4 __ P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c EO 1 4 d P1-Mar 77-532-25187 elS JRH EE8 P L James R McGrillies F9203 EE8NFlBEIITIAh 86-36 April 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 SECRET I1J NQbl3 'q ' T G8PdlN'f' OIIANHEhS 6NL j DOCID oa9793-- fGP-SEEREf- D CJ - 'f'IIIS DOC MEN'f' CON'f'AINS CODEWORD r-tA'f'ERIAt This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu