DO IDf 400J979 15lBmrnUU iJce15mlB Lr0WU lS0W lS WlSUJlDlS II WUJW l1 i1WlD m iJUUllJm iJ11 m u JI1 J Cll J b 1J0 1 4 c P L 86-36 TEACHING THE TRANSCRIPTION SKILL I o CHANGES IN MAKEUP OF EDITORIAL BOARD i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 TOOL LANGUAGES JOhn D MurPh 3 ZBB WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT o 10 1 Stuart H Bue o o oo 11 WHICH TAPE HAS THE INTELLIGENCE J Gurin 0 o o o o 19 DATING GAME o o o David H Wi11iams o 21 NSA - CROST I C NO 8 o A J S o o o o o o o 22 CLASSIFICATION CORNER o o 24 WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE C A A o 25 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR o 26 MATCH THEM UP o o 28 L 86-36 I I 2 I TillS QOCIJAO T CO T I S C09 WOIlQ A T IlIl J I 81assified hi BIRNSA 8n8SS t SA 8SS 1129 2 ElIelllllt Ct'SIII 6B8 89 lUigi SateA's y i Beet sir poe 'lolileatioll h the Q i iaata Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 '1- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 DOCID- 4009798 'fOP SECRBT Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL JULY 1977 IV NO 7 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief Arthur J Salemme 52365 Collection 1 Cryptanalysis 1 I 02sj 1 8955s e 1 ' 'I 'TT'ua wso n 6s -----'F3 3 J Mathematics Reed Special Research Vera Filby 71195 Traffic Analysis Production Manager IL - Ilc 44775 Harry Goff 49985 For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI TOP SECRET P L 86-36 DOCID 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED THE TRANSCRIPTION SKILL CONCEPTS AND TEACHING METHODOLOGIES F L 86-36 E112 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS tU tion skill For these reasons there is a need 'to clarify and establish a definition for the The author owes a great deal to her students skill of transcription identify the relationfor their suggestions which have helped to ship between the skill and the other four improve the quality of the transcription course i'skills describe the level of the transcription and which have made the classroom activities skill which the students should attain and demQre effective velop an effective methodology to use in teachShe also wishes to express her gratitude to ing the transcription skill her many colleagues for their cooperation in Problems of Transcription answering the questionnaires which provided Transcription involves hearing the sounds much 0 the oundation 0 the er and sound patterns of a language understanding or their valutheir meanings and representing the sounds in l 'I e s u-g g-e-s- t t 'on-s- - '-t ' o h -e-r----lsupervisor Harve the written symbols of the language inferring for his encozaoagement and support unheard or inaudible sounds and words Under 'al debt of gratitude is owed to standing the me ng of sets or combinations of or his thoughtful assistance inL o -o-t -I Isounds is absolutely necessary especially for r -t e 'e-v ' e lopment and preparation of t his ' those languages such as English French or manuscript Chinese for which the graphemic representation N B the writing system generally does not correspond to the phonemic stTUcture the sound sysof the language For example the underCiT he National crYPto i oglc School NCS is tem lined spellings in the words shot schist currently offering many transcription session effi cautious all represent courses to develop students' ability to the same sound all of which can be represented listen to recorded tapes and transcribe by the IPA symbol Cases such as this ithem Since the tranScription skill is not one illustrate that English cannot be transcribed o of the so-called four skills involved in foreignwithout knowledge of the meaning of the sets of i language learning listening speaking reading sounds of the language writing it appears that no academic instituEven for those languages whose writing systions have offered courses specifically to develop this skilL Moreover little research has tems are largely phonemic such as Turkish Spanish Japanese or Korean understanding of been done on this subject Consequently teachers at NCS are individually experimenting the meaning is indispensable to obtain a correct with various methodologies to teach the transltrip- transcription for several reasons Firstly any P L 86-36 July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED unit of speech sound is articulated differently depending upon its environment That is the place and manner of articulation of a consonant will change according to the vowels which accompany it l Secondly when sounds are articulated in rapid speech or casually an assimilative tendency 2 to reduce the differences between sounds takes place and the sounds that a person does utter are the result of a- compromise between the assimilative tendency and the minimum differentiation necessary to make himself understood Thirdly pronunciation in the spoken form of the language varies depending upon the social level of the speaker some group membership or a personal idiosyncrasy3 These allophonic variations are phonetic and do not necessarily signify any change in meaning However what seems to be a very small phonetic difference in one's own language may signal a distinct difference in meaning in some other language In addition to allophonic difficulties the listener may not hear clearly everything that is said This is true even in one's native language The native speaker however can piece together the information from what he does hear because of redundancy 4 in the language and the probabilities of occurrence of certain sequences ot sounds Knowledge of redundancy and probabilities of occurrences of certain linguistic elements buil t up through experience in the language makes it possible to guess correctly the words that are m1ssing or inaudible Redundancy in languages is to be found in elements of sound and in morphological and syntactical formations which reinforce each other in the conveying of meaning The English language for example is 50 percent redundant S Without comprehending the meaning a person cannot take advantage of this redundancy and consequently cannot infer missing words ReLative SkiLL Ranges We have found that a significant portion of the transcription skill rests upon the ability to infer missing phonological morphological syntactical and semantic elements as well as to hear the sound patterns of a language and understand and translate the sounds into written symbols With this in mind we can discuss the relationship of the transcription skill to the other four language skills and analyze the transcription skill range which students should achieve lBertil Malmberg Phonetics New York Dover Publications Inc 1963 p 58 2Ibid 3Wilga M Rivers Teachi g Foreign-Language SkiLLs Chicago The University of Chicago Press 1968 p 115 4Claude E Shannon and Warren Weaver The MathematicaL Theory of Comrrrunication Urbana University of Illinois Press 1959 p 104 5 Ibid When an adul t is studying a foreign language his ideal goal is to achieve the skill range of an educated adul t who is native to the language The relative skill range of an educated native adult may be illustrated as follows Skill Reading Listening Writing Speaking Relative Skill Ranges of Educated Native Adult As the diagram suggests the ranges of reading and listening skills are generally broader than those of writing or speaking The educated native speaker will be able to recognize and comprehe d visually more of the grammatical lexical and semantic system of the language than he can recognize and comprehend aurally Listening requires him to comprehend immediately without deliberation what he has heard Reading in contrast allows for more time to analyze and analogize unfamiliar elements Writing requires a more complete and active control of the elements of the language than listening comprehension and therefore the range of the writing skill of the educated native adult is more limited than the range of listening skill His writing skill a productive skill never surpasses his receptive listening skill ability6 The speaking skill a productive skill is the most complex ski1l 7 and therefore is the most limited skill of the educated native adult Speech requires almost instantaneous interaction between formulations of statements questions and replies while writing is a much slower process which allows more time to 4eliberate and search for words and forms Speaking involves thinking of what is to be said while saying what has been thought Words must be formulated at a rapid rate with a spacing of about five to ten words ahead of the utterance In addition words and patterns must be chosen to fit the right situation or attitude intended 6Kenneth Chastain The DeveLopment of Modern Language SkiLLs Theory to Practice Chicago Rand McNally and Co 1971 p 164 7William Francis Mackey Language Teaching Bloomington Indiana University Press 1967 p 263 July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED This discussion indicates that the native adult can listen to and understand and read and understand more vocabulary and structure than he can speak and he can demonstrate a greater command of the language in writing than he can in speech The range of the four language skills of an educated native adult may also correspond to the order of difficulty in acquiring these skills The speaking skill is the most limited skill of all because it is the most difficult skill to acquire and the reading skill is the broadest skill of all because it is the easiest one to acquire Considering the features and the relationships of the four skills in an educated native speaker and the features of the transcription skill defined above the transcription skill may be illustrated in the following diagram in terms of the ranges of skills of an educated native adult and in terms of difficulty of acquisition - --4- Transcription with high probabilities of occurrence and through his knowledge of the language and the factors of redundancy in the language he activeiy fill n the sequences of sounds that he does not actually hear or distinguish Dependenae on the Foup SkiZZs If we assume the transcription skill to be a combination of receptive skill and productive skill what skills should be developed together with the transcription skill All language skills are closely related and each language skill complements the other At the same time the students' passive knowledge of the components of a language i e phonology morphology syntax and semantics cannot be deepened reinforced and internalized without actively and repeatedly exercising the productive oral skills and the productive written skills Furthermore the transcription skill is also a receptive-productive oral skill and therefore the speaking skill which is a productive oral skill must be developed and used as the means to achieve the development and consolidation of the transcription skill Desired Transaription SkiLL Range Relative Range of Transcription Skill in Terms of the Four Language Skills of the Native Adult The ideal skill ranges for an adult student to attain in a foreign language are the skill ranges of an educated adult who is native to the language In the practical situation however we recognize that the skill ranges B of our students will not correspond to those of a native adult The students need not acquire as high a level of proficiency in speaking and writing as they do in listening comprehension transcription and reading to be able to function satisfactorily in the language The goal of communication through speaking and writing would be acceptable at a level below that of a native speaker The minimum skill ranges required in listening comprehension transcription and reading however are identical to the skill ranges of an educated native_adult The difficulty which the students will experi-ence in acquiring the listening transcription and reading skills will therefore be quantitative in nature rather than qualitative The relative skill abilities of an educated adult who is native to the language and the desired skill ranges of the students are illustrated in the diagram on the next page This diagram suggests that transcription is perhaps easier than listening comprehension Listening requires retention of information from an ongoing series of sounds and immediate or unconscious om rehension of wha has bee heard Transcr1pt10n does not requ1r tha 1nformation be retained nor must comprehens10n of sounds be immediate and unconscious In fact it is sometimes possible to recognize words and write down the words without comprehending their mea ings Transc iption is more difficult than read1ng comprehens10n however because transcription involves recognition of sounds Surrmary of Conoopt8 comprehension of their meanings and recognitfori of the words to be copied in the writing system So far we have discussed the following points of the languge and inferring of necessary missing elements Reading on the other hand ino Transcription involves hearing the sounds volves only recognition of written symbols and and sound patterns of a language undercomprehension of their meaning We suggest standing their mearting and representing however that the listening comprehension skill the sounds in the written symbols of the which is defined as a receptive skill by most language while inferring missing linguistic language teachers and scholars as well as the elements transcription still is not a purely receptive skill but a combination of both receptive and BThe concept of different goals for the four productive skills THe listener always anticidifferent skills originated with Ted Everett pates and predicts certain sequences of sounds July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED -- J Transcription --I-_ Student Native Relative Skill Ranges of Native Adult and Desired Skill Ranges of the Student five distinct p ases of classroom activity o The transcription skill is inherently part These phases include receptive and part productive o exposito y presentation of material o The transcription skill should be reinforced by development of the speaking skill which o analysis of the content through explanation is a productive oral skill in the native language o The goal of transcription is to be able to o drills stressing understanding of the concomprehend native speech at normal speed in tent a real-life non stereotyped situation This o consolidation of those learned patterns requires a lengthy period of classroom inthrough application to new situations and struction and on-the-job experience o evaluation of the students I level of learning Teaahing Methods and Techniques The Five Teaahing Phases at the 120 LeveZ Now that -we have discussed the characteristics o Pzoesentation of the transcription skill its relationships with the four other language skills and the In this initial stage students are given desired goal we will describe methodology and written material to study before they listen to techniques for teaching the transcription skill recordings They can study the written text In the Korean Department and Japanese Department and the accompanying tape before a particular we have reviewed available information on learnlesson outside of the class if they wish In ing psychology and theories of language teaching the classroom the teacher first projects the and have adopted the audio-lingual cognitive written text on a screen and reads it aloud method called the cognitive method in short alone as a model Then the teacher reads it to teach transcription This method is based with the students and or asks the students to upon the assumption that language lear i g inread it in chorus and individually The objeccludes a mechanical process and a cogn1t1ve protive of this activity is to provide practice in cess The idea of the mechanical process of the visual and aural identification of cornmon language learning stemmed from t e behav orist word groupings and phonological and structural theory of stimulus-response learn1ng part1cularly patterns which are unfamiliar to the students as developed in the operant-conditioning model Memorization of the text if possible for the of Skinner 9 This view has been rejected by student greatly enhances the students' ability Chomsky and Lennenberg lO and other theorists to identify a sequence of sounds and their who maintain that there is something more to associated written symbols language learning than the mechanical pr cess of o E cp Zanation imitation and generalization They have 1nstead After reading the material alound the teacher emphasized the cognitive aspect ot language and the students analyze grammatical sequences learning and tenses modifiers and function words cliWe suggest however that the process of ches expletives hesitation expressions which foreign language learning is built upon both can be ignored as irrelevant to the message habit formation and the cognitive process and levels of discourse colloquial or formal 'therefore we have incorporated both concepts into emotional overtones as well as regional or dia lectal variations and translate them c rrectly 9Rivers p 73 lOIbid Initially the students at the 120 level usually have little ability in listening and Jul 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED speaking and writing and therefore the forquestion-and-answer drill the teacher may put eign language utterances strike their ears as a questions to the students the students to the stream of undifferentiated noises By providing teacher and or the students to each other a written text and explaining the meaning These drills facilitate the students' ability to thoroughly we can help the student to assign recognize word groupings and patterns and to promeaning to these utterances and thereby enable duce them with ease in a sequence and environhim to transcribe material more efficiently and ent which are are slightly different from those accurately The value of this method can be in the text contrasted with the unguided learning situation The various oral drills are indispensable for commonly encountered by immigrants in a foreign developing and reinforcing the productive aspect land Lacking explanation of the meaning of of the transcription skill Their effectiveness sound patterns immigrants are unable to undercan be easily demonstrated by giving transcripstand more than a few simple phrases even tion tests Students with a superior speaking after many years of residence This leads us skill and inferior reading skill will perform to assume that aural comprehension must be better than students with an inferior speaking learned in part through the theoretical frameskill and a superior reading skill work which is provided by recognition of the o Consolidation meaning of words and phrases After the manipulation activities the stuo ManipuZation dents are ready and eager to try their ability After the materials have been visually preat recognizing understanding and transcribing sented and explained by the teacher the stuvocabulary and structure which they have studied dents listen to and transcribe a recording of in a totally different context without the use the material without benefit of the written of the prepared written text The teacher dictext This drill allows the students to aurally tates selected material which includes some of identify a sequence of sounds in meaningful suc- the vocabulary and structures which the students cession and to transcribe them correctly in the have studied As a challenge the teacher also writing system of the foreign language while includes some unfamiliar vocabulary and strucinferring sounds which they missed or could not tures The students listen to and transcribe it identify Moreover they utilize the passive and do so with a great sense of achievement when knowledge of vocabulary and structure which they they find that they understand the meaning of have studied and retained from the preceding what they are transcribing presentation and explanation activities A question-and-answer drill follows the The transcripti n drill is followed by a dictation drill This time the questions and drill in which the students read aloud their answers are exchanged only among the students transcripts in turn and the other student l s- Both form and content are dealt with in the ten to it correct mistakes and supply mISSIng questions and answers The students at first sounds and words At the same time the teacher ask questions about form in order to supply helps the students to understand the material by missing words or to correct mistakes The stuexplaining deductively why they made mistakes dents then proceed to ask questions concerning and what particular phonological morphological the meaning of vocabulary items and then move and sYntactical elements are involved on to the content of the entire selection After the question-and-answer drill each stuAfter the transcriptions are corrected in dent may be asked to narrate it in his own words class the students listen to the tape recording a ain and compare their transcript against The teacher's role is kept to a mInImum in the sounds on the tape This exercise reinthis activity He plays the role of consul tant forces the students' ability to associate guide and assistant to the students -- and only sounds meanings and written symbols The stu- when needed Afterwards the teacher collects dents' transcripts are submitted to the teacher the students' transcription sheets corrects after this drill and the teacher corrects any mistakes and returns them at the next session remaining mistakes The transcript sheets are in order to advise students of unnoticed or unreturned to the student at the earliest opporcorrected mistakes The teacher may also show tunity on the same day if possible so that the correct transcript on the screen and ask the students will be aware of any mistakes the students to read and translate it for reinwhich they missed while correcting their tranforcement scripts o EvaZuation After reviewing the transcript sheets the class moves on to another drill or drillS such After the material has been presented exas true-false drills question-and-answer drills plained manipulated and consolidated the or reproduction drills For example the stuteacher gives the students a very brief achievedents are asked to respond true or false in ment test which covers only what bas been taught English to statements which the teacher prepared so far in the course The test consists of based upon the text or the teacher may ask each dictation which the teacher presents to the stustudent to compose a statement and have another dents for transcription either through the student respond true or false In the medium of recorded tape or by r ading it to July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 UNCLASSIFIED DOClD 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED activities does not mean that the student's are given long tests but that the students can ind pendently transcribe mor e material which is-unfamiliar in more advanced courses The 120level course is fairly tightly controlled by the teacher The 220 class is an intermediate situation At the'320 level the students experience a more unstructured environment which resembles a real-life work situation where totally unfamiliar material must be transcribed every day The cognitive method of instruction has so far proven quite successful Nevertheless the students are still unable to transcribe all material freely after these courses The goal of the student is to achieve a transcription skill range which'matches that of the native speaker It must be emphasized that this cannot be successfully achieved without development of the speaking skill nor can it be achieved without a long period of instruction and on-the-job experience For example a recent study of students of Japanese ll has shown that fluency in the language reCoU 'se Emphasis quires 5 or mor years of formal study including We have discussed the different objectives of approximately 2 years of residence and study in the five teaching phases in a l20-level tranJapan The study shows that even after this scription course The activities of each phase lengthy period of training students are still may vary from teacher to teacher or from day to unable to write with ease An adequate tranday but the five teaching and learning phases scription skill range is not easy to achieve are distinct and characterize the cognitive but through the cognitive method and with instrucmethod The five phases are covered each class tion in the listening comprehension and speaking day which lasts from 3 to hours At the skills it is possible to give students the end of the day the students should be able to basic tools with which they can achieve the detranscribe about 200 syllables of dictation sired transcription skill range with an average of two mistakes The dictation can be based on material covered in any of the past lessons llAmerican Council of Learned Societies and The five phases are emphasized differently the Socia Science Research Council Jccpanese for more advanced transcription courses such Language Studies in the United Stat 8 A Report as 220 or 320 In general the higher the of the Suboorrmittee on Jccpanese Language course level the more time is spent on consoli- Training Study of the Joint Cbmmittee on dation and evaluation Emphasis on evaluation Jccpanese Studies December 1976 p 30 them The teacher collects the transcrip ion sheets for evaluation and then projects the correct version of the transcription on a scrren The students are asked to translate this version and their translations are also collected for evaluation The transcriptions and translations indicate how much of the material has actually been mastered by the students and serve as the basis for the final grade in the course In addition to this type of text every ten lessons or so the teacher gives a transcription test which does not contain material from the text or which was covered during the consolidation activities but which is of approximately equal difficulty The test measures students' growth in the range of their tran cription skill since the last such proficiency test The transcript'is corrected by the teacher It is not used in determining the final grade however because the content of the test was not taught to the students TET FRED HANDOVER 'BLUE PENCIL'S BRASS KNUCKS '1975 A Vexing Agency-Wide Problem November 1976 and Where Were We January-February 1977 I've appreciated working with Tet and Fred Starting with this issue there are two and know that they will ontinue to share their changes in the makeup of the Editorial Board ideas with CRYPTOLOGreaders Who knows Maybe Emery Tetrault Language Editor since February now with no need to persuade others to write 1975 and Frederic O Mason Jr TA Editor since articles they might find lot of time to write January 1975 have completed tours in which each many more of their own has made a large contribution to broadening the magazine's readership In addition to acting as advisor on incoming manuscripts in their respechave been tive fields as well as encouraging and assistht-oT'T-t a t t e ' y r o -- n o ' t- 'a' 'c' 'tu ' 'a li l y ' ' 1 - a v7 eto write ing their coworkers to submit articles to articles themselves although they may if they CRYPTOLOG Tet and Fred contributed several articles of their own Tet wrote Even a 5-year- want to But their main job will be to lean on their coworkers and have them write about Old' Child October 1974 cogent letters things they know about So if you linguists to the editor February 1975 April 1977 and traffic analysts out there hear an increase Where Does 'Does' Come From June 1975 and in occurrences of the exclamation Hey that Research in Speech Perception August 1976 would make a good article for CRYPTOLOGl' y ou' 11 Fred wrote TA Handmaiden of CA May 1975 know why More on Squaring the Page A Crypto-TA Function Ed UNCLASSIFIED June 1975 Abdul and His 40 Tanks August July 77 CRYPTOLOG Pace 6 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 DOClO 4009198 CONfiDENTIAL I I July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CONfiDENTIAL DOCID 4009798 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CONFIBEN'flhL July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 CONFIBBNTIAob DOCID 4009798 CONFIBEN'fIAL Less than 85 00010 prizes Awarded Monthly EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Draw Tiny YES WE AWARD LESS THAN $5 000 IN PRIZES MONTHLY TO NEW CRyPTOLOG SUBSCRIBERS Considerably less than $5 000 In fact we don't award any cash prizes monthly Or ever But you can still win a subscription to CRYPTOLOG Draw Tiny any size except like s' tracing Use pencil Or simply print your name on the coupon below Every enltrant receives a free un professional estImate of his or her drawing or ability to hand-print ALL ENTRANTS ARE WINNERS Winners will receive a subscription to CRYPTOLOG one of America'S leading' TSC in-house publications Our objective is to find prospective readers who appear to be properly motivated and have an appreciation and liking for this sort of publIcation YourBFltry will be judged in th month eived Prizes wi 11 not be awarded for' best drawings of various sUb ts or best hand-printing specimens1 l'8'ceived from any entrants age 14 lor any age No drawings or handprinting specimens can be returne t Contest winners will not be noti ied Send your entry today MAIL THIS COUPON TO ENTER CONTEST To CRYPTOLOG PI Please enter my drawing in your monthly contest PLEASE PRINT _ Nomo _ _-- - Organization Ago _ _ OI lM 'P '''' CA C_ _ Addl1l oo City N _A API _N_I_A N I cA _Stclo _ _N I_A_ coun'y T I phon Numb r July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 CONFIDENTIAl N I A -_ zip --'-'-N I'-'A N I A_ _ U UNCLASSIFIED DOCID I Z'BB WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT I 8 g arly speaker in 1973 read at the an office the acronymmeeti n i SADPPO then asked What in the world is that Having just read N$A Regulation 110-2 the day before I immediately jumped up and unraveled the deep mystery Senior ADP Policy Officer From that simple statement I was immediately proclaimed the world's foremost authority on SADPPO In a way the same thing happened again recently with the abbreviation ZBB When I saw it cross my desk for the first time I was able to jump up mentally and say Zero-base budgeting Because just a few days earlier I Had read the book by that name Zepo-Base Budgeting by Peter A Phyrr Having become ipso facto the Agency's ZBB expert I now feel ready to write an article about it and really establish my field of authorityship I'll leave the more intricate details of ZBB to the budget boys but try to give a glossarylevel understanding of the key objectives so that the operational force can find the transition to the new concept ea ier to take I'll purposely avoid using words and phrases such as decision packages ranking macroplanning and microplatming It is so easy to become entangled in catch words and phrases until they become a part of our normal vocabulary even though we aI e still unable to grasp the main intent of ZBB First ZBB is not just another burden laid on us all although I have been just told that it is On the contrary it is a concept which if the understanding of it were to filter down to the working level would ensure that the government gets more for its money Just as Value Engineering attacks the very premise of our design as possibly not being the best and Base-Line Management shows us where we are and where we are going even though we already profess to know ZBB has as its roots the assumption that there is always an alternative way to solv a problem even though we doubt it Dare we admit that there is even the remotest possibility of an alternative to our already perfect plan Unlik PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique and CPM Critical Path Manage ent which will never concede a need for a s11pped date but only a readjustment of activitie or events with slack or float time or al terat10ns to t he critical path ZBB demands that we do concede an alternative to our already perfect plan Years ago in a Work Simplification course the professor gave our class a proJect July 77 IC263 to cut the time and thereby the cost of a simple manufacturing process that had already been simplified by three previous classes It was utterly impossible for us to cut the time any more Or so it seemed to us until the professor very humbly suggested an alternative instead of shortening the process we could eliminate it completely We were all very quiet until the next class IN ZBB not only must we concede that there must be alternatives to our plan but we must further concede that they are cost-related If we can swallow that much crow we are ready for Step 2 that someone else will undoubtedly evaluate our alternatives and then possibly have the audacity to place our second choice first For it is on this tenet that ZBB draws its strength that there aPe alternatives and that these alternatives must be ranked as to their cost-effectiveness value within the relationship of the total budget which was reached mainly through the workings of PPB Planning Programming Budgeting Also ZBB requires that we point out in each alternative the consequences of not doing something As programs progress so do the alternatives Therefore industry has found ZBB most useful for budgeting nonproduction expenses because of its flexibility What about PPB someone may ask Does ZBB negate PPB or does it supersede it 'Neither The two concepts work together We still require top-level long-range planning The big difference now involves the low-level short-range planning with cost-related alternatives Except that with ZBB we are soliciting our budgeting aid from the grass-roots level Does ZBB affect us in our negotiations with the contractor Absolutely yes particularly where an RFQ Request for Quote is sought It's back to the crow-eating example Are we willing to ask our contractor to use his expertise and initiative to devise an alternative to our already perfect task description in the project directive Remember he is an expert and the best qualified or we would not have picked him What if we're planning a really big project and we know it's going to cost more than what is available What do we do Cry a little and lie a lot Or plan only enough to get started It's none of the above Instead we consider the alternatives And then we look for mope alternatives CRYPTOLOG Continued on page 20 Page 10 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 DOCID OP SECRET UM8R EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Stuart R Buek Pi6 RfTIRED L - ---' Before dwelling further on this thought I think it would be advisable to define what we meGln by bookbreaking as used in the context of this talk This is a ticklish subject guaranteed to inflame tempers Bookbreakers as a group are much like the blind men and the elephant -ithey seem incapable of distinguishing the whole beast i rom 'the one small portion that they happen to touch A common assumption is All codes aTe like the one that I once worked on Nothing could be farther from the truth In fact it is impossible to have a meaningful discussion of bookbreaking without clearling up certain common misconceptions First we had better settle the whole business of code charts as opposed to code books the area where most of the misunderstanding begins It is absolutely vital to understand the difference between these two broad categories otherwise our present thesis will make little sense Generally speaking code charts are made up of 'blocks of information or specific categories July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 TOP SECRE'f Ul'dRRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 TOP DOClD S CR UMBRA 4009798 that have a definite beginning and ending each with a built-in logic of its own In other words they are fini te Common examples are numbers the alphabet a syllabary years months days time of day etc If the chart is intended for the routine operations of a particular organization as it usually is it may contain special category blocks such as types of aircraft names of vessels ports airfields points of the compass weather conditions and so forth Actual vocabulary included in such charts is limited to the immediate needs of the users After all words not on the chart can be easily spelled out using either the alphabet or the syllabary or both Code charts of this type are a cryptanalyst's delight All you have to do is to break into a category in a couple of places then generate the rest Moreover each chart is subject-oriented to a high degree Ships don't fly aircraft don't drop anchor and the weather however disagreeable can do just so many things You might have to consult with a linguist occasionally to make sure that things are going right but for the most part the problem-solver happily thinks in English -- and usually gets away with it In the end he ar- rives at a total solution just as in a crossf word puzzle Decrypted messages are then ha ded over not to the person who solvud the puzzle because he can't read them but to a lin ist who presumably functions at a lower level July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 TOP EO 1 4 c _00 - _ 8 l 61l 3 u6o --- SBCR T YMBKA DOCID 4009798 i EO 1 4 L P t 86-36 'fOP 8I3CRI3'f UMIUlltt o I I' i 'il iii Ii I i I i I July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 'FOP SBCRB'f tfMBItA DOCID 'fOP SECRET UMBRA 4009798 iii July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 'fOP SHCRHT YMHR EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 iEO 1 4 c DOCID 4009798 'fOP SECRE'f UMBR t L 86-36 o July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 'fOP SECREI' UMBRA TOP SECRET UMBRA DOCID 4009798 July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 TOP BECHT IJMRR - - _ _ -' r ' --'-' - - L_'-c DOCID 4009798 L 'fOP SF 10RF 1T UM8Rl July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 TOP 88CR8T UM8RA 86-36 DOCID 400979 L 'fOP SI EURRE'f UMBRA 86-36 As we saw in the preceding article Stu Buck accomplished a feat in the tradition of Champollion and Ventris applying techniques that evolved oVer centuries of studying ancient texts Some of the aids Stu referred to were so well described by Inow retired that her comments are reproduced below somewhat abridged for reasons of space Her unabri ged comments Ire contained in Bookbreakers Workshop 1970 the proceedings of a series of 14 sessions sponsored by PI and chaired by Stu Copies of the publication TSC 5-212 800 can be obtained from Harry Goff P16 4998 S I I I Chainnan Bookbreakers Forum July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 TOP SJ EURRE'f UMBRA EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 -- - - -- I lIlI lIll '----------_ DOCID 4009798 -- _--- --- - CONFIDENTIAL WHICH TAPE HAS THE INTELLIGENCE l I J Gurin certain excitement seems to have been generated by a modest project devised in the Office of Research RS and under way in A6 It purports to discover how decisions are made either to retain or to reject intercepted conversations No doubt the excitement is related to the desire or even anxiety of those who are seeking some way in which the machine may help solve the problem of too much traffic for oo few transcribers Project I I f '1-un-d e-r-w-a-y fo-r-- J several months is attempting to pin down the precise factors which enter into the human decision-making act in the hope that much will be learned that will be of value in the eventual automation of some part of the process July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 CONFIBEN'fI t I1 HQ e YIlt 6SHIIIT EIWlNEbS SUbY DOClD 4009798 CONFIDENTIAl tEo 1 4 c P L 86-36 It may seem odd that we have never examined our selection mechanism in this way until now but perhaps the need was never felt so acutely Whether we succeed eventually in automating some significant portion of the process or not we should gain some useful insight into the process and benefit in some other ways as a result of his investigation F'QtlFIBEtl'flAb Continued froom page 10 To imply that this is all there is to ZBB an that it is as simple as this brief introduction might indicate is to discredit ZBB grossly So don't stop here Read up on it There is plenty of good material available at the C5 Library including the following o Zeroo-Base Budgeting Peter A Phyrr HF5550 P99 o Zero-Base Budgeting Comes of Age Logan Cheek American Management Association ee8 o Annual Overhaul ' ' Lindley H Clark Jr Wall Street Journal 14 March 1977 p 1 o White House Memo dated February 14 1977 signed by President Jimmy Carter with attachment by Burt Lance Director DMB with working draft of instructions for agencies in designing and implementing their internal zero-base budgeting systems o P ning Programming Budgeting Fremont J Lyden HJ2052 L98 o The Politias and Eaonomias of Publia spending Charles L Schultze HJ2052 Sch8 UNCLASSIFIED July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 CONFIDEN'I'IA WANQbE VIA eSIIUI r elWHIEbB 8P1b DOClD 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED David H Wi lliams Pi6 ave you ever found yourself needing to know the day of the week that some date fell on several years ago and been unable to find a calendar for the proper year If so you might be interested in the following method for determining the day of the week by a bit of arithmetic simple enough to do in your head The system looks more complicated than it actually is In the course of preparing this article I taught the system as an experiment to a 13year old It took 15 minutes The formula is quite simple Y L M D N where Y is the last two digits of the year L leap year factor is ignoring any remainder M is the month additive D is the date and N is the day-of-the-week factor The month additives are JaFeMr ApMyJn JlAuSe OcNoDe I 4 4 025 036 146 These must be memorized It helps if you think of the first three triplets as perfect squares To determine day of the week divide the day-of-the-week factor sum N by 7 and ignoring the quotient convert the remainder thus 1 234 560 Su Me Tu We Th Fr Sa It 2 What day of the week will December 31 1999 fall on Y L M D N 99 24 6 31 160 160 Answer --7-- yields a remainder of 6 equating to day Obviously with dates late in the month or late in the century or both the arithmetic gets a little cumbersome Since you're shooting for the remainder after dividing by 7 you can simplify the process by eliminating 7s as you go along That is if Y or L or D is greater than 7 simply divide it by 7 and use the remainder in the formula Likewise when your running subtotal ST exceeds 7 reduce it similarly Thus the Pearl Harbor example becomes Y L M D N 6 3 9 - - 2 6 0 1 Sunday And the bulky arithmetic of the Century Eve example simplifies to L M ST D N 1 3 6 10 - - 3 3 6 Friday Since I've found that about half my usages of this method involve dates in the current year I always keep the current Y L subtotal in mind For 1977 it ' s 5 Thus determining say what day Christmas falls on is an easy 5 6 4 1 Sunday Y For January and February of leap years subtract 1 from N For dates in the twenty-first century subtract 1 from N for those in the nineteenth Examples 1 What day of the week did December 7 1941 century add 2 fall on Editor's note I certainly hope thqt Dave Y L M D N and I are alive on December 31 1999 so that I 41 10 6 7 64 can see the incredulous look on his face when 6 4Yle ld a remainder of 1 Answer --7-I tell him that that date is not Century Eve to Sunday equatIng or even Millenium Eve and he's a year early with his funny hat and noisemaker July 77 'CRYPTOLOG Page 21 UNCLASSIFIED DO CID UNCLASSIFIED 4009798 M ' -c stic Mo I By J S L The quotation on the next page lJas taken fxoom a published lJoxok of an N5A-exo The first letters of the WORDS speU out the author's name and the title of the lJoxok DEFINITIONS WORDS -- rury 86-36 - v'-'vu o Q ' UNCLASSIFIED --z -z - DOCID 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED 00l-U Z-on nexv monvrlJ July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 23 P L 86-36 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID CONflf EN'fI L 4009798 I I P L 86-36 P L 86-36 DDO Classification Ad isory Officer With this issue CRYPTOLOG is starting a sePies devoted to imppoving classification ppoceduPes F'r'om time to time we shaU pPint bPief articles that ape designed to help the peadep in maintaining good classification ppactices while caPPying out his op hep evePyday duties Readeps are invited to send in questions on difficuU dassifiaation ppobLems that they wouLd Ito dis JU8s in fut'Ul'El Like I issues op to send in theip own bPief articles dealing with classification mat teps to Classification CoPneP m m u Ed First letter s indicating the National Classification Level TS - TOP SECRET S - SECRET C - CONFIDENTIAL U - UNCLASSIFIED Secondletter s indicating special handling re there standardized abbreviations for ' classifications or can people make up yj their own abbreviations Nowadays it's a common thing to pick up papers -messages memos correspondence etc -- with various classification abbreviations being used to designate individual paragraphs or titles The information in one report may be SECRET COMINT Category II and yet one originator uses the abbreviation SCW as the abbreviation another uses 55 and a third uses SC Do all three abbreviations mean the same thing Can we use any of them interchangeably Or is only one correct If so which one What would you do if you had to take the three reports with the different abbreviations and consolidate them into a single memorandum to be sent forward Could you look somewhere for the correct abbreviation The answer is Yes in the NSA Classifiaation Manual That manual lists on page 28a all the classification abbreviations as standardized for use in NSA CSS correspondence They are the following C - COMINT Codeword CCO - Handle via COMINT Channels Only These abbreviations are always enclosed by parentheses e g TS U When using the letter C do not use a hyphen slash space or other separator e g TSC SC But do use a hyphen with the abbreviation CCO e g TS-CCO S-CCO With all other special-handling caveats phrases or instructions use a space to separate it from the first letter s For example 5-CCO NOFORN SC FRONTO TS NOFORN TSC ISHTAR 5 FRONTO TSC GAMMA The only instance when a slash is used instead of a space is when using a codeword that is not normally associated with the National Level classification TS SPOKE e eeS July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 24 JONFID 8NTIAI lLo llBbE VIA EQIlHlf SllMlllHS QlI Y DOCID 4009798 UNCLASSIFIED EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 WJa Ever Bappen d to tJae CAA that you won 't miss any speakers Other possible speakers at press time mid-May include Dr Telford Taylor an expert on World War II c'-l ro L l t l o l l O li l a n l d n l o w a r o f e s s l o r a t l C l o l l u m b i a Funny you should ask In January 1977 a new Board of Directors for CAA was elected President 1 President-Elect David Gaddy Treasurer Timothy Murphy Secretary Board Members o A small Special Interest Group on Crypto-TA problems has been started under the leadership of Fred Mason Other SIGs could be developed wherever there is enough interest The Board has taken the attitude that CM should serve all members and a wide variety of interdisciplines even if some of the subjects don't have the Since then w have been asking around What broad general appeal of a presentation in the Auditorium Therefore if some things are indo you think theCAA should be doing Some teresting to only a smaller select audience people answered oo Never heal'd of the CAA we're ready to book a smaller room rather than Others asked Wh lt ever happened to the CAA the Auditorium Still others said I thought the CAA died when I stopped seeing COMMAND And on and on Finally where does the CAA seem to be headed Well let's p gin with basics What is the That's not so easy to answer Our crystal ball CAA and what is it supposed to be doing The is a little cloudy Nevertheless the Board NSA Communications AnalYsis Assocation has as seems to be moving in the following areas its purpose according to its charter o In June still in the future as of this writing we will have a social getVnat - to promote professional growth and tOge her -- a cocktail party for Past Presi outstanding accomplishments dentl l departing for CPAC Where - throughout the U S cryptologic community Depending upon the response we'll have How - stimulate new ideas in the analysis of more of this sort of thing cryptologic problems o We are actively discussing with DDM and - promote professional contacts and exothers just what role the CAA could play change ot ideas between analysts in in post-certification growth Since we r lated career fields are an interdisciplinary organization and - encourage wri ting and publication of signi- most notions about what happens after proHcant contributions to communications fessionalization lean in the direction of a rtalysis cross-discipline work or study we are beestablish a forum for workshops special ginning to think the CAA could be useful interest groups lectures etc in this area Who - members f the several fields of o We will continue to look for opportunities communications analysis to light fires by rubbing two skills too TraffiC Analysis o Signals Analysis gether There has always been a need to o Specia Research o Cryptanalysis get analytic people to look beyond their Signals Collection Communications Security own immediate territories to see how what So what has the Board been doing We meet I do might be connected with what you do at least once a month and the meetings are This need is ever-present both before and open You are invited to come out and see for after certification and some career panels yourself what is going on Come and tell us have included in their criteria some form of encouragement for aspirants to get out where theCM should be going and what it and see how other analytic skills live should be doing and work o w have been lining up speakers for general session$ in the Auditorium Dave Gaddy in May We're not proud We'll accept ideas sugCecil Phillips in June Did you miss them gestions and criticism from anybody So what WatchJfor the announcements on who our speakers do you want the CAA to do Where do you want will be Better yet join CM and let us send the CAA to go figuratively speaking you our very own copy of the announcements so I '------ ------- July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 25 P L 86-36 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009798 SECRET SPOKE To the Editor CRYPTOLOG I am distressed that the reaction to my article on InteBrated Analysts for Asia A Cohesive Approach CRYPTOLOG A lgus 1976 has centered on an observation Ia8ae regarding the Asian male not my pl lJ'$OJ1an_ttitude towards women Firebrand CIt'tPTOU' lG October 1976 allege s that I have virtually admitted to sex discrimination in the placement'- i of1 integrated analysts and Mr Newton CRYPTOLOG eApril 1977 states that I discourage utili zinc women as employees which seems a it much Before I am given the lIMCP of the Year award or disfigured or something let me once again $tato what I was trying to achieve in that article Tho point I was trying to make is that I believe we need a cyclical program of develoPment for the very few highly important integrated a rialydc jobs which we support and such a program may require several years rather than a few months of preparation by the selectee before deployment Further we should insofar as possible try to identify those people wbdiWfll have'the best chance of success with I-- T -o-- ---i ounterpartsandtOdOsoreql 1 i re s an u erstanding of the counterpart mores customs and attitudes You might be interested to know that gefore I submitted my article to CRYPTOLOG I had it reviewed by a senior female employe of the Agency whom I have known and respected for several 'years This individual is herself very active dn insuring equali t y O ri hts and opportunity or gency I _ She fouLn -m-y-o 'tb s e-r 'v 'a t '1-o-n 's- -to J J e- u- 1 t e-r- -o e-n Jsive nor inflammatory in the context of the article since she allowed that while she personally did not like the Asian le attitude toward woman and what U S woman MoUld my portrayal of that attitude was accuTate within her experience and was worth noting She also felt that any woman considering applying for one of the integrated analytic jobs should be aware of what she would be confronted _ J with and cognitively be prepared to deal with L July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 26 EO 1 4 d P L 86-36 seeJl'tiT SPOKE EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009798 EURONFIBBNTIl it if she were selected If would appear if nothing else my article has achieved this latter effect although I would welcome some opinion on the program r proposed beyond the particular point at hand I I I must confess that my observations of last summer were somewhat superficial These people have attitudinal idiosyncracies which I never even started to consider For example a lefthanded person is considered inferior and parents will expend much time and energy retraining a lefty early in life Another inferior being is a person who drives his or her own car -- if you can afford the car you surely can afford a driver And on it goes 'EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 buckle under andcllanQ'e native habits and customs 1 Some are changing but it's terribly slow and due to orldwide social development not the whims ana desires of our women our President or our Agency That is fact That is reality I J1 They are great people and they the men love their women deeply and respect them In fact behind the scenes the women are more often than not both the driving and stabilizing force in the man's life But in pubZic at work it's a man's world That is fact That is reality 1L Can we follow the Executive Order and select a female for an integrated position Sure If she is qualified why not Should we select a female To answer this question and to be reasonable we must go beyond the Executive Order and the American ideal If an integrated analyst is going to function and be effective in pursuing the assigned mission he she must have the ------------ - ------ mutual respect and credibility of foreign counter I hope the above will put to rest any parts If however the counterparts do not sexist charges still pending against me My wish to share that feeling a female due to their point was not to malign the fine women of our own customs and standards well that's Zife Agency or suggest a process in violation of and all the Executive Orders Lib movements any Executive Order Personnel Regulation and the like are not going to change it at etc least not in the next few years If on the other hand it can be categorically determined r- - ------ - ------- ---- ---- II that the moot principle and or spirit of the L However the times are changing Executive Order are more important than lasting foreign friendships and hard-won intelligence I I relationships so necessary to support our National Mission objectives then perhaps we EO 1 4 c should press on with same regardless of the P L 86-36 E8NFIBEU'fIAb cost To the Editor CRYPTOLOG That is fact That is reality guys and At the risk of jumping on the proverbial band- girls If you both selectees and selectors wagon or otherwise blowing a rather innocent fu ly understand the rules of the game and article completely out of proportion I for one still desire to fill a specific Integrated would like to register a bit of moral support for Analyst position then proceed post haste Ic oncerning his conunents regarding women albeit not blindly in a bureaucratic fog in ' 'l-n t-e-gr-a tedAnalyst positions I know he would Heav en only knows 6 months of looking at like to put thee l1 tire matter to rest but it ap- __ __ Ifuzzy beard is about all I can pears that there are those who either thrive on take and a change of scenery would be most the art of disagreemeht or otherwise simply rewelcome fuse to address facts orf ace reality especially a reality over which they have no control That is after all the root of this entire discussion E8UFIBEU'fIAb With no intent of disrespect either for our To the Editor CRYPTOLOG President or Director it is evident that the quot'ed Executive Order 11478 is a work of Could you please arrange to send me a copy of naivet Our foreign friends the few thats ill your exciting fast-p aced and informative really like us more often than not are willing journal each month to go along with our American customs and stanl have heard that the magazine is free but dards for a number of reasons -- usually borne if this is not the case I would be happy to of politeness economy or fashion He is extremely naive however who thinks that by simply give youlJ recording of Georg i e Handle the Cows Well as sung in the original Romanian by issuing an Executive Order our friends will IL - I IL -- ----- l July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 27 EURONFIBENtfIAb P L 86-36 CONFIDENTIAl DOCID 4009798 P L the Brothers Petreusi in exchange for a oneyear subscription Thank you very much r-------Editor'a repZy No thank you very muchl for those complimentary adjectives If CRYPTOLOGreally is exciting fast-paced and informative it's because of readers like yourself -- people who are willing to send in their letters and their articles and thus to share their most valuable possessions -- their ideas their MATCH THEM UP 05 By 1'----_ _1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Amin Asad Bhutto Boumediene Castro Daoud Desai Fahd Fukuda Geisel Giscard Hassan Houphouet-Boigny Lopez Portillo Marcos Mengistu Mobutu Morales Burmudez Neto Numayri Nyerere Qadhafi Rabin Ramgoolam Sadat Senghor Siad Soares Suarez Smith Tindemans Videla Zia Urrahman gripes their uggestions their honest accounts of su sesses achieved and failures experienced We're always pleased to add new names to our subscription list but eveRmore pleased when new names appear in the table of contents So although we appreciate your offer of that choice recording we would rather have you send us an article we can print What have you done lately that you're proud of Or disappointed in Or mad about What would you want to share with other CRYPTOLOG readers Quick start writing UNCLASSIFIED The 60 uowing PlUme Min it teJL6 0Jt He a d6 06 S ta te weJLe - 'den-Ufr ed - 'n In telUgenc e PJtodu c t duJr Lng the week 06 25 Apltil 1977 Can you aMoM a te the namu and c ou ntJU u A Afghanistan B Algeria C Angola D Argentina E Bangladesh F Belgium G Brazil H Cuba I Egypt J Ethiopia K France L India M Israel N Ivory Coast O Japan P Libya Q Mauritius R Mexico S Morocco T Pakistan U Peru V Philippines W Portugal X Rhodesia Y Saudi Arabia Z Senegal a Somalia b Spain c Sudan d Syria e Tanzania f Uganda g Zaire -'Answers next month I E8tIFl9E R'IA July 77 CRYPTOLOG Page 28 CONFIJU NTI l Pl-JW1 77-53-25334 86-36 aa This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu