Ul DUUl JUl Dl1 l lB rnUU D l UllB J V lSl lS '1 WlS lDlS f OO l1 WlD IBrn Ul l1l rn CJQrn JQm 0 fJ L 86-36 r EARLY PROPOSAL FORSATE1LIT RE MOTING rlosePb E HOrn l COMSEC AND HILBERT S TENTH o o 5 CO HNT T G E F oo I BUT WHY DO WE DO I T ' r 9 THANKS FOR THE ATTABOY o 11 WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO COPES o 12 THE MAN WHO BROKE PURPLE P William Fi1byL 13 A C BROWN'S BODYGUARD OF LIES 1 14 NSA-CROSTIC NO 11 David H Wl111ams 16 C A A NEWS o o o o o o o o o 18 JOYS AND FRUSTRAT IONS OF PLURAL - DROPP ING o o 1A J S o o o 19 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 21 I CfIIlS BOCUMENCf CONCf'2UNS COBE'l ORB MACfI3RIAL 1 88iliellll QIR Slo 'SIISSS HSIa SSSM lila l Bxempt flow fjf S 6 118lJ2 eateiOfj 2 QU11lll8if '8R 8tilieeti81l II the Srifinat81 Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 2- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 DOCID 4009806 TOP SECRET Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations JANUARY 1978 VOL V NO 1 WILLIAM LUTWINIAK PUBLISHER BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief Arthur J Salemme 52365 Co 11 ect ion 1 Cryptanalysis 1 Language Machine Support Mathematics Special Research Traffic Analysis Production Manager lf8955s 1 4$ 025 1 52365 ----IK5303s 1 Reed Dawson 39575 Vera Filby 71195 1 44775 Harry Goff 49985 1'-- For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI TOP SECRET P L 86-36 ---------------------- ----- - ---- -- ----- DOCID 4009806 SECRE'f i I - - - - - n August 1962 JosephE HoY7l submitted thPough channels a i l 1Y Q ing a future SIGINT s stem WiZliam M Nolte VJ8 DISPOSITION FORM File No C03 085 62 19 September 1962 The attached paper is submitted as a think piece not a proposal The devotion of time to considering the statements made in the inclosure was motivated by the day-to-day pressures on SIGINT activities and the feeling that NSA should have a long range plan which steps beyond the many SIGINT development plans of varying scope that are prevalent today through out the SIGINT Community As far as known the idea as presented is different from any current development plans JOSEPH E HORN C03 29 August 1962 JOSEPH E HORN Ext 3723 C03 January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 StJCRl3tF EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 1 'dIB E 'iIA 6811I I'f 6IIlIdltlEbS 8N Y DOCID 4009806 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SI3CRI3'1' January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 SECRET lh'diBLE riA eS olIlff ell 18iHS afUX I DOCID J 4009806 EO 1 4 8 P L 86-36 1 SI3EURRBT January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 8BEURRB'f Ih NBhE VIA EUR8MIN'f eIl NI E 814M' - DOCID 4009806 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SB6RET January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 SECRE WIBbE VIA EUR811HR' 6111 R EbS SUM' _DD C lI lD L o ------'l4u OJ lOu o I9-u 8uO L D61_---'L -----I E O 1--'--- 4 -' c _ P L 8636 668 C81WIBElffIAL - IIi I L VfA e6l IINT P L 86-36 COMIN T COMSEC AND HILBERT'S TENTH I I R51 he great German mathematician David Hilbert died in 1943 after a long and highly productive career He was well into that career in 1900 when he delivfifth erea a paper in'Paris which engaged the attention and energies of mathematicians for many undecidable So reads the English translation subsequent years That paper l listed 23 probof his first Russian papers on his solution In lems which in Hilbert's opinion the mathemati- what 1 assume is his own English-language paper 6 cal community should endeavor to sol ve forthwith delivered at the Nice International Congress of One by one the 23 problems were solved ex- 1970 he simply calls Hilbert's tenth problem unsolvable Unfortunately for those who cept for problem No 10 Finally in 1970 translate from Russian to English the English even that holdout gave out or gave in Several words undecid ble and unsolvable are important blows had been delivered earlier but the coup de grace was delivered by a 23-year-old translations of the same Russian word neveshimyj which is related to the Russian native of Leningrad Yu V Matiyasevich word veshenie and that word can be rendered correctly into English depending upon context The American mathematician Martin Davis who as decision determination judgment had delivered in 1953 2 one of the earlier decree verdict soiution answer blows had pointed out 3 that the tenth problem conclusion etc 7 was the only one of Hilbert's 23 which in today's terminology could be classed as a deciOf possible interestllisnoiHii hl 4 c sion problem Indeed the M solution 4 -asserts tenth problem per se inal al1eg d Iso- 86-36 that Hilbert's tenth problem is algorithmically lution per se What is or might be of interest is one of the ancillary conclusions tossed Russian spelling 10_ B MaTIDICeBHQ off by M first in a parenthetical note in his pronounced mah-tee-yah-SEH-vitch with the first paper then in its own sentence in his sole stress on the fourth syllable The name 1970 paper For example the set of all prime appears in the literature in th int rnational transliterated form Ju V MatlJasevll Hence- numbers coincides with the set of all positive values of some polynomial with integer coeffiforth 1 will refer to that bright kid now an cients M's over-the-hill 30-year-older as M T January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 SECRE'f IIANQbl VIA 6811IIlT E1b WIEh5 SilLY DOCID 4009806 CONFIBEN'FIAL file of this journal goes back only 20 years It's been established that a polynomial in P L 86-36 one variable will never generate all the prime but our librarY'sl IcanrandaTieidy numbers M however is not talking about poly has been able to borrow the Library of Congress nomials on one variable His first paper' copy gives a step-by-step construction of the polyno3Martin Davis Computability and UnsotvabiZity mial which generates all and nothing but the Wiley New York 1958 In the NSA library primes as its positive values That polynothe call number is QA 248 5 D29 mial says M in his third paper would have a hundred variables By the second paper the 4yu V Matiyasevich Diofantovost' claim is for some 25 variables Finally the perechislimykh mnozhestv The Diophantine third paper gives the construction of a polyNature of Enumerable Sets in Doklady AN SSSR Papers of the USSR Academy of Scinomial of 37th degree in 24 variables That was ences 191 2 279-282 1970 No t in NSA in the first sentence of the original paper In Library M's own abstract can be found in the addendum added in the translation to Engreview 7A80 in Referativnyj zhurnaZ Matematilish 8 M is down to a polynomial of degree 21 in 21 variables In that same paper M goes on ka Abstracts Journal Mathemrtics in the R5 library -- see IL to say that The number of variables may be reduced even more but the author has been able to 5Ju V latijasevi Enumerable Sets Are do this only at the expense of an essential inDiophantine Soviet Math DokZ o 11 No 2 crease in the degree of the polynomial 354-358 1970 English version of 4 In EO 1 4 c NSA Library look uncIer SovietMatheJl1atics P L 86-36 6Jll V Matijasevi Diophantine Representation of Recursively Enumerable Predicates Actes Congres intern math 1 235-238 Paris Way back in November 1976 Whitfield Diffie 1971 NSA Library call number for the first and Martin E Hellman henceforth referred to volume of proceedings of the 1970 Nice Congress as D-H wrote an invited paper New Directions is QAl In 8 1970 V l in Cryptography g The ideas of these two 7Russian-EngZish Dictionary chief compiler Stanford University professors were discussed A I Smirnitsky Moscow 1958 There are by Martin Gardner in the Mathematical Games later editions -- this is the one on my desk department of the August 1977 issue of Scientific American Gardner notes that the D-H 8Ju V Matiyasevich Diophantine Representathes i s has been improved by the three M 1 T tion of the Set of Prime Numbers Soviet Math workers Ronald Rivest Adi Shamir and Leonard Dokl 12 No 1 249-254 1971 In NSA Adleman The nub of their improvement was the Library look under Soviet Mathematics utilization of prime numbers Almost simul9Whitfield Diffie and Martin E Hellman taneously the computer-encryption waters were New Dir ections in Cryptography IEEE Transacfurther muddied by the outpourings of Gina Bar tions on Information Theory IT-22 6 644-654 Kqlata in the July 29 1977 issue of Science 1976 Vol 197 No 4302 writing in the News M has published frequently almost always in and Comments section on Computer Encryption Russian since 1967 For an Englishman's reand the National Security Agency Connection views of the Russian originals of 4 il nd 8 Jjls well as M's det a i l ed proof of his thesi OUn 4 c Izv AN SSSR News of the USSR Academy t5fJgci B6-36 ences s 3 30 1970 see three reviews by J W S Cassels Cambridge England all in our MathematicaZ Reviews MR in the NSA Library MR 41 review 3390 1971 MR 43 review 54 1972 MR 43 review 1921 1972 Annotated Bibliography 10 Hilbert Gesammelte AbhandZungen Band 3 Berlin 1935 In the NSA library the call number is QAS H54 1970 V I See pp 290-329 particularly p 310 2Martin Davis Arithmetical Problems and Recursively Enumerable Predicates Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 33-41 1953 The NSA M's initial paper received a favorable review by one of the Americans he cited Martin Davis in MR 50 review 6820 1975 and M has coauthored two papers with another American he cited Julia Robinson The relevant reviews are MR 52 review 8033 1976 and MR 53 review 10566 1977 ee ees o UNCLASSIFIED point Three weeks later 1 another The text of my original paper as submitted -- and far more competent -- R5l mathematician to CRYPTOLOG on 28 September ended at this brought to my attention Le showed me a 1976 Addendum I I January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 CONFIQE TIA WdISIo 5 VIA S IINT eltl t ltNfL ' emLt P L 86-36 --J '--bu Hl- --- l'H J -J oUol ''''''---------------------- -- ------ UNCLASSIFIED article 10 which actually contained a primerepresenting polynomial This polynomial is of degree 25 in 26 variables The four authors assert that When nonnegative values are substituted for the variables the positive values of 1 coincide exactly with the set of all prime 1 k 2 1- wz h i - q ' - numbers It also takes on negative values e g -76 To assuage the reader's curiosity I include here polynomial 1 from that paper gk 2g k I ' h j h - z I' - 211 P q z - t ' - I6 1c I k 2 ' 11 ll l-rr - t' t 2 o 1 ' I-o'J' - o'-I y' I-x' ' - 16r' ' a'-I 1- u'J'- 0 u' u'- a ' - I II 4dy ' 1- x cu ' ' - II u - y ' - a 2 -1 I' 1- m' '- ai k 1- - i ' - p l a -1I-IJ b 2all 2a -11'_ 1 -2 - ml' - q yea -p-l s 20p 20 -p'-2p -2 - 1' ' - z pl a - p 2ap-p'-I - PIIIJ' lOJames P Jones Daihachiro Sato Hideo Wada and Douglas Wiens Diophantine Representation of the Set of Prime Numbers The AmeY'ican Mathematical Monthly 83 6 449-464 1976 U negative Since we are to ignore all negative values of polynomial P and we're quite indifferent to its zero values we must remain indifferent to all values of S except S O A few remarks about the polynomial -- call it P a b z since it is a function of those 26 Variable k being free to roam all the positive variables Notice that P can be written in the integers starting with zero can certainly be zero giving the smallest prime 2 0 2 or form 2 k ' l - S where S is a function can equal one giving the lowest odd prime 2 of those same 26 variables taking the very 1 3 and thereafter must be some by no specific form of a sum of 14 perfect squares means just any odd number while 2 3 5 a i e prime and 2 5 7 another prime 2 7 9 14 2 S 1 T which is hardly prime That k in conjunction a a l with the other 25 variables must somehow with each of the 14 Ta being a sum difference serve to provide a zero value to all 14 of the or product of integer variables each occasion- terms Ta in order for P's value to be a prime I remind at least some of my readers ally raised to a low power Since each of the that an algebraic equation with integer coeffi'I'a is an integer whether negative or positive cients all of whose solutions if any are its square T is necessarily positive or integers is called a Diophantine equation since just zero Hence S being the sum of squares they afforded such entertainment to that ancient is either zero if all 14 terms are themselves Greek mathematician Diophantus zero or positive U E S S The product of the necessarily positive Any more addenda Last chance factor 2 k by 1 - $ is itself either zero All right then to press -- Ed if S 1 or equals 2 k if S 0 or is Addendum 2 P L C A A Logo Contest 86-36 2 All entries must b e submittecl one t-e n t r e r a e t o th -'ton tc 5 t cha 1rma n 05 loom 9A181 not The Communications Analysis Association later than I March 1978 Any individual may CAA is looking for a logo -- a symbol or submit more than one entry emblem which is simple yet symbolic of the goals and purposes of the Association We've 3 Each entry must nave the name 'organizatried a few ideas of our own but aren't tion and phone number of the submitter on the particularly pleased with anything we've back come up with to date 4 Judging will be by the Executive In order to benefit from the vast amount Board of the CAA The judges' decision is of creative talent available throughout the final naturally Agency we've devised a contest to find a S No submissions will be returned suitable logo The first and only pri e will be a Anyone may enter The rules are simple gift of a book of the winner's choice 1 Art work is not important The conand of course public recognition cept or idea is what welre seeking U January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009806 L 86-36 SECRET THE CHANGING FACE OF N S A i One of our constant readers and almost as constant contributors is also a pack rat He has saved for example all the back issues of the Agency's QuaY'teY'Zy Management Review Recently he compared the issue for the fourth quarter of FY73 and the issue for the second quarter of FY77 and came up with some interesting figures that he wants to submit wi thout comment Ed Ii r1 ow many people are there in your COSC field today and how has that number changed over the last 4 years The following figures were taken from two issues 4 years apart of the QuaY'teY'Zy Management Review Only fields with 100 or more civilians assigned to them are shown EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 c II January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 SECRE'f P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c IbltHBbE VIA E8t1It1't' Elb NNEbS SlibY I -LtOCID CONFIDENTIAL WHf BUT DO WE DO IT P L II --_ _----IIGROF E anyway spec ies very couple of months you open your copy of CRYPTOLOG and come across a piece which has as its subject matter a topic which you proclaim to all within earshot everybody knows This is the January article of that The purpose of this article is to point out an existing problem briefly explore its symptoms and underlying cause and present one means of reducing its incidence Picture if you will the following scenes Scene 1 George Allen and Billy Kilmer are discussing the team's faltering fortunes or if team loyalty will not permit it picture Ted Marchibroda and Bert Jones The team has just lost its eighth straight game the QB has not completed a single pass But Coach I'm thPowing the ball the QB protests Scene 2 You enter your doctor's office for a postoperative examination you feel just as poorly as you did before the surgery I've done all that I can do Mr Smedley I made the incision your physician says Scene 3 You've loaned your beautiful new 1977 Belchfire V8 to your neighbor An hour later you watch in horror as a tow truck returns a twisted pile of useless metal to your driveway It's not my fault Harry I looked both ways Put you in the coach's place and you'd sack the quarterback quicker than a defensive end would If that was your doctor you would protest his bill in court if need be And as for your neighbor you'd probably force-feed the hood ornament to him But what you ask does all of that have to do with NSA Those were contrived exaggerated examples weren't they Yes somewhat But how about these sent that tasking Don't look at me message It's not my fault he's not here I caned him We're covered on that I pes ted the notice on the bulletin board myself The blame lies elsewhere I infoI'l7led that office months ago I can't help it if your in-grade is late I mailed the personnel action weeks ago I'm sorry the tape is blank but I recorded the signal Do they hit a little closer to home than the first three You bet they do And if anything statements such as these are getting to be an increasingly commonplace occurrence The root cause of the problem is not unique to NSA or to the federal government for that matter It is pervasive in our society remember the last time you spoke to the billing department at Sears A sociologist might point to the attempt by an organism to adapt to an environment of increasing complexity as the reason behind the problem In management terms however the problem is due to a confusion of activities and goals A glance back at the scenes will highlight the problem All the emphasized words are verbs things that we do I'm throwing the ball I made the incision I looked both ways I sent that tasking message I called him But two self-evident statements might be made here Se If-evident statement No 1 The words doing and done are not the same word Self-evident statement No 2 Just because someone performs an activity does not mean that a goal has been achieved that the job is completed or that that person's responsibilities have been fulfilled The activity might have had nothing whatsoever to do with the goal The activity may in fact have been counterproductive leaving the organization even farther from the goal than before What needs to be understood then is the difference between a goal and an activity A goal or objective if you prefer as generally accepted is a state of being It is a point or phase hich is achieved or reached An activity on the ther hand is something that is done in order to achieve the goal January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 CONFIDENTIAL 86-36 DOClD 4009806 CONFIBEN fIA We have now come to the so what point in this article But there are actually two levels of this question -- so what and 50 WHAT -- and I'll treat them in that order The so what is the one that you mentally utter to yourself during all meetings briefings tours and conferences While the speaker drones interminably on listing the electronic wizardry which his organization is capable of performing or his shop's latest analytical coup you repeat So what to yourself At the conclusion of the gathering and if your so what has not been answered to your satisfaction that is the time to exclaim aloud preferably in private conversation SO WHAT Finally you'll need a framework for listening to gisting and recalling the meeting As with most other organizational matters simplest is best The simplest model of which I am aware is one which was developed on a cocktail napkin at the Valley Inn in Fallston Maryland Like another more famous document written on an envelope during a train ride to Gettysburg this one retains its ability to describe many conditions while maintaining its simplicity It is reproduced in miniature below Ten percent fewer poking errors To know the target's complete Basic Station Designator system The same hours of coverage for 22% fewer dollars A completely safe and uneventful evacuation of the crisis spot A simple extension of the matrix will help cover situations wherein Time plays a role for which you will have to account This alteration is pictured below RAG P I E P Planning I Implementation E Evaluation Thus you may see if the planned actIvitIes were actually implemented later on determine what percentage of the resources were expended A find out if the planned goals as implemented were at all realistic and a host of other questions some of which may even be pertinent If you will enlarge the following Program Matrix to 8xlD-lf format your di vi sion' 5 Xerox machine will provide you enough RAGPIE matrices for a lifetime of meetings R A G Resources Activities Goals PROGRAM MATRIX So during the meeting while others are taking notes in the standard format or merely listening you jot down the key words in the proper cell or cells Items such as people equipment time real estate and dollars go into the Resources R cell Anything that will be done such as collecting analyzing processing storing disseminating etc you will place in the Activities A cell Hopefully you will also have some Goals G to enter J J Dempsey and J A Grant Viewing Program Evaluation as a Component of the Administrative Process The RAGPIE Model Perspeatives in Maternal and Child Health Series B Program Evaluation No 4 September Resources Activities Goals Plan ---tt----- ------ ----- Implement Evaluote 1971 January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 CONFIBEN fIAI i L 'fOP SECRE'f Ul'ttBRA P L 86-36 THANKS FOR THE e NSA translators never get to see our O f I names in lights The closest we come to that is seeing our byline -- the lSI Intelligence Source Indicator -on a message that was helpful in formulating policy or in guiding a negotiator Seeing our lSI in the customer feedback -- some people call it interagency Attaboys -- is a major form of payoff for us NSA translators It makes all our work seem more worthwhile There is even a certain amount of rivalry among the offices issuing the items mentioned in the customer feedback I scan the feedback comparing Ito see how numbersl my branch stacks up against my friends inG9 Every once in a while an author of the feedback makes an extended comment to praise something he considers particularly noteworthy On one such occasion the comment was made that P were really valuable because his writing w-a-s l-u cid and coherent Lucid and coherent We had always thought he was just a pain in the neck Then it struck me this comment was at least as much a tribute to the skill of the translators and the checking team J L _ _ _ _ _ II ought to give a brief description of the checking process since it represents the pinnacle of the Agency's language skill -- checkers are operationally responsible for the Agency's looking good in print G51 Checking Process One very successful efficient and productive system for checking translations involves two stages In the first stage one person reads the translation aloud while a second person follows along in the original foreign-language text Whenever the translation differs from the meaning in the initial text the second checker interrupts the first and gives a sight translation of that portion of the text The t o people then resolve the differences until both are satisfied Sometimes the resolution requires considerable delving into dictionaries and glossaries and the use of a thesaurus in both languages Occasionally it requires brainstorming with other checkers and senior translators When a decision is finally made the checkers may E 1 ---1' 6 record the finding in their glossaryfor future reference and resume reading the English translation The second stage of the process is to turn the corrected translation over to a third he ker who edits the En lish Surpr s ngly t s twostage process s actually more efficient than having the three checkers work separately and far more likely to catch errors and accurately represent the intent of the original author The dialogue between the checkers that the process requires also satisfies the social needs of the checkers and upgrades their job satisfaction The editing process is so important and demanding that if the Agency ever decides to solve its language problem by promoting operational linguists to higher grades my vote is to promote the checkers first Clear to Whom Let's return to the business of being lucid When an author is lucid his meaning is completely clear He uses grammatical constructions figures January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 TOP 8BCRE'f UMBRA DOCID 4009806 TOP SECRET UMBRA of speech historical and literary allusions etc that he knows his reader will be familiar with But translating a foreign text that is completely clear to the fopeign peadep does not always result in something that is completely obvious to the English-speaking peadep It is hard enough for the translator to mak the me ning com letely clear to his reader when a foreign word has no direct onefor-one English synonym -- if a foreign word means either son-in-law or grandson does the translator flip a coin or put in one of those footnotes that nontranslators hate or what Yes that's hard enough but when a metaphor creates an image the problem is sometimes compounded exponentially because the image itself is unfamiliar to Americans the possibility and unpredictability of their occurrence means that no computer will ever fully take over my iob 1 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J The absence of 1 one of them can leave a ranslator wishing ' Challenging images like these can be exasperating but the silver lining is that L eON ' HlEI4'fI AL that the next issue of the NSA NewsZettep would come so that he could at least spendt le government's time solving the puzzle Since no OfL tllEl c three can be controlled by the tran 9rEUR 6- 3 6 there is a constant threat that some change will eliminate the job of even he most skilled and dedicated professional Perhaps that is why the interagency Attaboys are so welcome Even if people in other agencies do not have a good feel for what it takes for a diplomat to be lucid and coherent it is very reassuring to know that somebody else values our work 1l1' NI5LE 'VIA eeJ II 4'f eIlANl4EL JeJ14L b PJ v e oh e e j to P14asks any What Ever Happened to January 78' CRYPTOLOG Page 12 TOP SECRET UMBRA COPES EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009806 CON FIDEN IAL 6 668 UI CLASSIFIED THE MAN WHO BROKE EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 REVIEWED BY The following review appeared originally in the Baltimore Sunday Sun October 16 1977 under the title Teaching Purple to Talk Saved Thousands Its author P william Filby is already known to our readers as the author of Ultra Was Secret Weapon That Helped Defeat Nazis CRYPTOLOG December 1975 and as the husband of CRYPTOLOG SRA Editor Vera Filby Ed Winterbotham's story of the breaking of Hitler's command cipher in The Ultra Secret was unwise but since the documents were 30 years old nothing could be done about the publication Winterbotham opened up a Pandora's box and it was not long before we had Bodyguard of Lies and A Man Called Intrepid -- and now The Man Who Broke Purple The chief difficulty with all these authors is that none was actually involved in cipher work and therefore their treatment of cipher breaking is secondThe Man Who Broke Purple By Ronald hand Since those who were involved are unable Clark 271 pages Little Brown $8 95 and unwilling to assist the writers errors were unavoidable These books can be faulted y virtue of recent books on cryptography heavily on this score but since some of Friedstarting with The Ultra Secret British man's work is public knowledge through Senate biographer Ronald Clark felt that the and other hearings at the time of Pearl Harbor story of William Friedman grand old man of Ronald Clark had masses of information to use American cryptography should be told It was and he make a great effort to interview those a daunting task because the British law permit- who knew Colonel Friedman The reviewer well ting release of certain classified information remembers a dinner with Mr Clark fres from after 30 years is not matched in the United his triumph as the biographer of Einstein States No doubt there were many on both sides where it was impossible to fill in any'of the of the Atlantic who felt that Wing Commander gaps vital to the story But it was possible B t January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 J i CONFIDEN'fIAL Ib'tfIBbE 1'IA 681 1114'1' elI1 UHEL emu DOCID 4009806 UNCLASSIFIED to give some insight into Friedman as a person through a friendship which started in November 1942 and continued until his death in 1969 Readers will be a trifle disappointed if they expect startling disclosures but the author has done all he could to write of the man -- his many successes his few failures and his psychological sufferings and frequent depressions Because of Russian pogro s the Friedman family fled to America when WIllIam was only 3 Clark tells of his early life with its setbacks but we find him as a young geneticist at Cornell University and later working for one Colonel Fabyan who had a team at his Riverbank Laboratories in Illinois attempting to prove that Bacon and not Shakespeare had written the plays All manner of tests were made on the First Folios anfr other Shakespearean works but in 1957 Mr and Mrs Friedman exploded the whole theory in a book The Shakespeare Ciphers Examined Bill and Elizebeth -- she was also and still is an expert cryptographer -- made fun of all the Shakespeare cipher theories and in fact with one system developed by a Fabyan worker Bill proved that he had himself written the plays But if Fabyan was an eccentric he was nevertheless the cause of the two meeting and forming easily the world's finest husband and wife cryptographic team While Friedman was with the Army Elizebeth was with the Navy Coast Guard and Treasury both on similar though separate tasks and no doubt similarly successful Certainly their later collaboration on the Shakespeare book was a bri lliant achievement When World War II started the Army Department quickly called upon Friedman to create a team and through superhuman efforts the Japanese main cipher known as Purple was solved and in fact was being read at the time of Pearl Harbor Purple was the name given to the diplomatic cipher system used by the Japanese Foreign Office for the most secret cornrnunica- The following book review appeared originally in the Agency's COMSEC Intern Review Vol I No 1 September 1976 That publication which is issued quarterly by the COMSEC Intern Organization is entirely produced and managed by the interns toward whom it s ori nted In his first editorial the found ng ed tor I gtated that the publication is h -n 't-e-n d e T da s a ' ' ve'hiale of instruction not only for the interns bili5a lso for those in the larqer COMSEC community whooa about t e principles techniques theory and app hcations of COMSEC A primary purpose of the Review therefore is to provide an educational tool of general COMSEC interest For further information about the COMSEC Intern Review call the current editor tions with its ambassadors abroad and its decipherment makes exciting reading If the reader wonders why even with Purple the Pearl Harbor defenses were unready he should study Roberta Wohlstetter' s Pearl Harbor to realize the confusion which existed at that time The breaking of Purple has been public property for over 30 years With these records and with the Friedman papers in the George C Marshall Research Foundation and invaluable help from Elizebeth Friedman Clark tells a fine story and even those close to William Friedman for many years will learn facts hitherto unknown to them Clark has given a sympathetic and penetrating study of America's outstanding cryptographer pace Major Herbert Yardley and his American Black Chamber Tyros will enjoy the succinct descriptions of the ciphers and their breaking since they are presented in clear nontechnical language and no doubt were vetted by Elizebeth Friedman Unfortunately such men as Friedman are sworn to everlasting secrecy and their fame comes if ever after their death Though he was awarded America's top civilian honors the reasons could not be spelled out and in fact the actual ceremonies were generally held out of the reach of the press Various writers have averred that the reading of Ultra and Purple and other ciphers actually won the war There are many who will dispute this but Clark's book will leave the reader with the certainty that even if the outcome had been the same victory would have taken much longer to achieve without the knowledge derived from the breaking of the ciphers Mr Filby is director of the Maryland Hist01'ical Society he served in British Intelligence in World War II U A C Brown'S 'IBODYGUARD OF LIES I REYIEWED BY I S02 l7Ll'pSA S02 x2445s Ir---------l Ed January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 DOCID 4009806 UNCLASSIFIED 'approached deceptive gambles became both more elaborate and more risky Operators were sent into the esides the elaborate orchestrations of field with ciphers BODYGUARD and FORTITUDE the operations the British knew and programs surrounding EI Alamein are the Germans of particular interest to the COMSEC strategist would be able and tactician As is ever the case the COMSEC to decrypt lesson was only learned after a series of The British staggering military reverses and then only would then send after the capture of a German wireless normal traffic to their operators and thereby intelligence post When the sources of feed the Germans deceptive information Sometimes Rommel's brilliance were demonstrated to be this program compromised numbers of agents BTown poor American and British radio security the pursues this labyrinthine aspect of stratagem He Allies at last reacted with swiftness and imagiscrutinizes its effectiveness raises the ethination Cryptosystems were both changed and used for deception New disciplines were imposed for cal considerations pursues the official inquiries and their muddied conclusions The the use of radio telephones call signs cryptohuman difficulties with such operations are graphic procedures voice codes wireless silences painfully illustrated The decisions were made for units on the move The British formed indeed but were they as ruthless in their use new companies to monitor the security procedures of their own troops and severe disciplinary ction of human life as some thought He gives the benefit of doubt if such is warranted In all was taken against offenders One of the gre_atest he shows that men did not risk other men's lives COMSEC actions against Rommel however was the destruction by the British of his entire experi- lightly Whether it was Churchill's decision enced radio intercept organization The new in- about alerting Coventry and sacrificing ULTRA experienced organization was very vulnerable to or SOE's game with Princess Khan the ends did not easily justify the means wireless deception Not only did the British exploit this weakness by Manipulative CommunicaIn summary Bodyguard of Lies is often caretions Deception MCD but they also reconstitu- fully researched and entertainingly written It ted a captured German espionage net and used this is a monumental and unforgettable volume It fiction to pass deceptive intelligence to Rommel contains both conceptual strategic sweep and All the fabrications were carefully supported by finely chosen detail The subjects of strategy camouflage feints and leaks of material With a stratagem and COMSEC are treated in a balanced fine eye for essential detail Brown relates how and integrated manner It is a necessary VOlume the Desert Fox was systematically turned into for the serious COMSEC professional U a dunce and carefully maneuvered into a trap points to this conclusion Brown achieves more by an organized recounting of events plans and programs I E I A large portion of the book is devoted to COMSEC -- practices systems successes and failures The authoritative voice of Ultra is consistently heard throughout the work It is the final authority on all German plans beliefs and intentions This constant unfailing source of intelligence brings the weighty and cumulative conviction that this COMSEC disaster was one of the primary causes of Germany's downfall -In sharp contrast to this strategic failure of COMSEC is the painstaking use by the British of a one-time pad to transmit the whole BODYGUARD plan a mile long to Moscow While Brown does not blanch at revealing many of the subtleties of Allied deceptive practices he does not give cryptographic system details to any substantial degree in the methods by which cryptographic systems were broken Some measure of this book's concern with COMSEC is indicated on page 912 in the index where more than a full column is devoted to codes ciphers and cryptanalysis One of the most fascinating chapters of the book is entitled the Wireless Game As D-Day I HAVE AN JDEAl I think I'll write an article for CRJPTOLOG about the project I'm working on now That way more than 2600 readers will have the latest information about it January 78 _ CRYPTOLOG Page 15 UNCLASSIFIED II U 40 9-S-Q-6- DOC ID UNCLASSIFIED No 11 NSA-crostic by guest NSA-crostician David H Williams The quotation on the next page was taken from the published work of an NSA-er The first letters of the WORDS spell out the author's name and the title of the work DEFINITIONS YORDS A U S state capital 2 wds B Testify C Angeles D Avid E Prepare potatoes popular TV program F See Word L G Glowing coal H Laugh nervously 124 157 -1- I First pocket watch ca 1500 - Nuremberg II 97 88 -5- -3- 52 200 J Point ------------ K Pester L Followed by Word F Word A's state M Pertaining to a stomach ailment N Character in A A Milne's books 2 wds O Star prefix P Second line of Burma-Shave jingle beginning You know your onions 2 wds Q Third line of jingle 4 wds 85 115 -9R Mutually existing shared S Selected at random and without reason 11 S l1aA OZ 0 f pl1al s11 liO S'U1 -PUl1 S al l1 MS umu AI01 npum al l ll1l M T ------ 119 44 182 164 63 92 January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009806 UNCLASSIFIED U Last line of jingle S wds V Swiss adventurer who initiated Peter the Great into the pleasures of debauchery and became his best friend 189 i l l 42 7' 5 47 159 W Fix i l l 7'8 209 151 201 62 X Miserly Y Set aflame Z Extemporaneous Zl' David Brinkley 31 IH 2Z 15 P 16 U 17 B S H 6 S 7 A 19 G 20 U 21 P 29 G 33 N 42 46 W 47 V 48 K 34 U 8 U 9 Q 22 S 23 Q 24 M 25 N 35 X 10 Z 11 P B 38 U 12 J E 39 N 51 U 52 x 68 X 69 81 N 108 R 122 U F 135 X 148 J 173 B 186 J 200 I 201 14 J 215 Q 216 SoZution next month January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 UNCLASSIFIED DOCIO 4009806 CONFIB N'fIAL C A A NEWS President s Letter Equa lly important to the CAA however is CAA is on the move again energized by the the contribution it can make to your profesdeepfelt concern of its membership -- including sional development The CAA is not only innew members who saw in the Association the terested in those who have been professionalized potential to meet a real need Professional but also those who aspire for professionalizagrowth has been the objective since our by-laws tion in the career fields mentioned above were first adopted It should be a personal - In an effort tOuaugmentuexistingu structlJ P L 86-36 objective for each of us Unde lin uwithiiiuNSA utheCAA is working on an approach spired leadership this past year the Association to career development for both categories continued the attempt to realize that objective of members For the aspirant we hope to draw Why CAA Because of the various groupings on our most important asset -- our cadre of and mechanisms available to us CAA is panexperienced knowledgeable individuals within discipline in its orientation Even colleceach discipline We feel strongly about helptors who wanted a home of their own and are ing aspirants toward career professionalization off to a great start with Bill Hunt and the This help could be in the form of work study newly formed Collection Association continue groups prior to PQEs what to look for etc to have a role in CAA or more individualized tutoring etc For the professional the CAA is currently thinking Tom has given us a vision and a challenge about and talking with M and others about As incoming President my aim will be to further the accomplishments of this past year Extend a post-professionalization program We envision a program that would encourage professionalized an invitation to your coworkers to join with us Make a special effort to enlist profesindividuals to broaden themselves so that they could function more effectively within an intersionally motivated military specialists Attend disciplinary environment Such a program could our open Board meetings -- make your views include NC5 courses university-level courses known and lend us your support Promote the CAA Help us to continue our contacts with our and special training that would provide the oppeople in field service portunity to achieve this broad interdisciplinary perspective An alma mater of fond memory adopted some So you see the CAA is concerned about years ago a slogan which I'd like to borrow for CAA Emphasis on Excellence Let's keep you and can provide something for you in the form of its stimulating lecture series its h special interest groups and its real concern that t ought in front Of S' for your career development program All the AA wants in return is to have as members concerned dedicated individuals like yourself Hurr' o hurryo hurr'l' o A few c oice memberships stil available So how about it Why not join the CAA today Cal anr of the following individuals for an appl1cat10n form or for more information In the past few issues of CRYPTOLOG c J _ _ _ - -- lprQVidedthe CR PTQLOG reader with some incisive and often witty perspectives into the new Communications Analysis Association CAA and the underlying philosophy that governs it But what exactly is the CAA The CAA was established to promote professional growth and outstanding accomplishments in the career fields involved in communications analysis e g traffic analysis TA special research SR signals collections cryptanalysis CA and cocrmunications security COMSEC Using its interdisciplinary membership the CAA would promote active dialogue or an exchange of ideas in an effort to stimulate the U S cryptologic community with new concepts in the application of communications analysis to cryptologic problems Such an exchange of ideas is manifested in the fine lecture seriesrs -L __- hC'l AA erT'- gT '' W- h it n eY R -e ed ' s JI a so sponsors audiences and L _ - ' ' ' rih ipcommit tee New nilw n w tEt- A Special Tnte r 'it GyCJ UP on C yptOlogic H1StO Y J 4087s 1S the organlZe1of thlS group Wh1Ch will have had its first organiZing e ting by the time you read this If you mi sed that meeting but are interested call B H for the latest on this new 5IG Logo CtNltest For information see page 7 January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 CONFIB N'fIAL 86-36 DOCID 4009806 The Editor's Page UNCLASSIFIED THE JDYS AND FRUSTRATIONS OF PLURAL-DROPPING By A J S One of the easier chores of the CRYPTOLOG editor is making minor changes in the text automatically changing for example this phenomena is to this phenomenon is Or changing these antennae are to these antennas are Sometimes the original author doesn't like the change and if for example he or she doesn't like my version these media are we usually come to a compromise A few months ago I automatically changed the statement you may find these data in technical reports to you may find this data in technical reports After checking the proof sheets the author 2 told me I've been insisting for years that 'data' is plural and if you print it this way it will look as though I've finally knuckled under So what the heck I changed it back to these data and that's how it appeared in print Did anyone notice one way or the other The following article written soon after the unveiling of the mosaic NSA seal in 1968 has been awaiting the proper publication moment since then Having recently corrected the straw that broke the editor's back I now ordain that that moment has come The article contains a couple of references to since-departed Beautiful People and at first I thought of updating the references But then I decided that that would be a form of tampering similar to the kind that ruins old songs as when Pearl Bailey sings A-washin' an' a-scrubbin' don't make me look like no movie star instead of Don't make me look like no Hedy Lamarr Why don't we just assume that everyone knows who Hedy and Ari and Maria are S om peop e enjoy name-dropping saying th ngs l ke When I was on Ari's yacht a couple of years ago I thought Maria looked a bit peevish Others enjoy placename-dropping If you think that this is deep snow they say you should have seen the snow in GarmischPartenkirchen the year ot the big snowslide on the Zugspitze Still others -- it takes all kinds -- prefer plural-dropping The lWell maybe a wee bit more than a page 2I have deliberately used the words the author instead of the appropriate he or she in order to protect the author's identity Norma would kill me otherwise plural-dropper looks up from what he is reading -- perhaps the newspaper the NSA Newsletter or an important or at least important-looking report -- and says Oh Having attracted the attention of those around him he reads a phrase from the text preferably in a colorless tone that disguises what's biting him One of those in earshot asks say What's wrong with 'This is the most important media of expression' The plural-dropper says simply Well 'media' is plural -- 'medium' is the singular remember Then he shuts up while the others get into an emotional discussion bringing in everything from whether to say None of them is or None of them are to completely ad-hominen fancy way of saying Your-mother-wears-army-boots remarks such as Well maybe in your part of the country they say that but in cultivated Engl ish we don't usually say it that way Well today I -- or rather a certain plural-dropper I know -- was able to read aloud one sentence from the NSA Newsletter and get two with one blow Byzantine smalti the sentence read considered the king of mosaics is still being used to decorate modern building facades and the NSA insignia was made with smalti in much the same way that mosaics were made when Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel What's wrong with that came the nibble they probably don't have a cedilla to put under the 'c' in 'facades ' No I was referring to 'smalti' -- pieces of glass used in making mosaics -- that's plural 'Smalto' is the singular remember And oh by the way 'insignia' is a plural word meaning the distinguishing signs 'Insigne' is the singular remember Then since I have been convinced that everything happens in threes I began to read each and every item in the Newsletter looking for the third boo-boo involving singular or plural number Twelve pages later I found it The item on the Fort Meade nursery said that Parents nay leave their offsprings for periods of an hour or more Is it conceivable that someone does not know that while bedspring has a plural as in People may leave their bedsprings to be retied offspring in the sense of progeny is singular and collective Elated or not any plural-dropper who finds three examples in a single publication is morally obligated to write an article on the problems of handling singular and plural nouns in English Even if ignoring the current NSA trend of using a cute title to signify a discussion of a complex and potentially dull topic he decides not to call it Are It Singular or Are It Plural he still has to mention a couple of linguistic facts of life January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 UNCLASSIFIED 4009 8 6---------------------UNCLASSIFIED One such fact is that there's no logical reason why English or any other language or any old speaker for that matter thinks of something as being singular or collective rather than plural In English we say Her hair is blond but in French lierman and Russian they say Her hairs eheveux Haare voz osy are blond -- dumb foreigners Scissors are plural in English except when people refer to a scissor obviously thinking of it them as a single gadget French eiseaux and Russian nozhnitsy but singular in German Sehere Eyeglasses Plural in Russian oehki but singular in French binoeZ e and German BriZ Z e And ink is plural in Russian ehemiZ a about four many moons ago when we all went on a family picnic that included the girl destined to become his Aunt Gerry Pointing to a plate of cherries he asked his mother Can I have one of those things Another one culturally deprived His mother said They're Gerry's He said Well then can I have one of those gerries Impossible you say Then how to you explain that the very word cherry itself is a mistake When the Normans introduced the fruit to the Angl01Saxons the singular noun cherise modern French cerise meaning one of them little red things was misunderstood as a lot of them little red things since the last consonant sounded an awful lot like a plural English ending Well it's too late to do anything about it now So don't go around saying Some joker says that we're supposed to say 'These cherrieses taste sour ' So if there is no logical reason why some things are thought of in various languages as being singular or plural are we surprised that American kids talking everyday English sometimes use wrong forms But are they wrong And look at the language now It has words Actually sentences like Jimmy and me's going from all kinds of languages in it -- Latin to the movies make perfect sense to one-half of an inseparable pair of pals It isn't until Greek French Russian Italian Indonesian How are we supposed to know what the words many years later that some mean old English really meant in the original language Ah teacher splits up the pair by putting the two that's where the plural-dropper comes in Just halves on opposite sides of the room and makes as there is always a Greek expert waiting for them say dumb that is correct things like someone to say the hoi polloi so that he can Jimmy and I -- or better yet James and I -explain that hoi polloi means the people are going to the movies -- or better yet and thus the hoi polloi means the the motion-picture theater Teachers like this people there are all kinds of experts telling have convinced so many kids that there's something nasty about saying Jimmy and me is that good solid tax-payin' Amurricans what to do with Latin and Greek nouns in English You to this day we hear and read statements like can't say 'This data seems to be correct' - I want to thank you gentlemen for taking the 'data' is a plural noun in Latin Singular is trouble to come to the airport to meet Mrs 'datum ' remember You can argue yourself Smith and I in this terrible weather A gracious statement but goodness gracious the blue in the face that data seems to behave grammar They have also given a lot of people in two different ways ' When the word means specific isolated items of information in the idea that there's no difference between no one as in No one is perfect and none scientific context it wants to be plural The basic data are pressure temperature and as in None of us are perfect Why anyone humidity But when it is used in a collective can see and hear that they're different and sense as a body of information it wants to be that no one is singular and none is plural singular This data was furnished by the except when it's singular Mayor's office A lot of people having Or are we surprised that Americran kids also talked themselves blue in the face will avoid make mistakes recognizing plural suffixes the issue and just say This information was Perhaps the boy who showed the remains of his furnished by the Mayor's office But if broken yo-yo and called it a yo was makethere is somewhere in this country someone believe it sounds just like Dennis the Menace who wants to fight it out to the death like and therefore is suspect But I can attest a mongoose and a cobra here's a fact he can to two real incidents from my own experience use English has other nouns which although When our daughter and a friend of hers were plural in Latin are singular in English both five and were eating lunch together at dammit and nothing but singular Even people our house my wife gave them each a sandwich who know that opera is the plural of opus cut in quarters -- witbout crusts naturally do not say My favorite opera are 'Carmen ' carrot s icks and a slice of American cheese Nor do they say the agenda have been approved cut in strips The little friend particularly But there are still a few people who learned liked the latter and asked what they were must all that Latin and they're not going to let us have been cUlturally deprived Cheese she forget it So they write personnel regulations was told Well then she asked May I have concerning annual-leave maxima What's the another chee CuI turally deprived but matter 'maximums' isn't good enough for them talked polite Another ordinary English noun And th y carefully write these media these suffix tricked a nephew of mine when he was January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 UNCLASSIFIED DOCID 4009806 UNCLASSIFIED theses these bases Sometimes their readers figure out that those words are the plural forms of medium thesis basis Sometimes they don't Sometimes the careful writers themselves get so careful about their pronunciation that they carry it to the point of referring to air bases pronounced base-ease in Western Europe Sometimes careless readers and careless listeners pick up a catchy word but botch the ending This is an important media of communication or These are important medias of communication Who's going to straighten out all these bums or is it ba Why the plural-dropper Formal written English being what it is the reading plural-dropper usually pounces on a Latin word Only an infrequent Greek boner like this phenomena will catch his eye The best that he can hope for in a conversational environment is to insinuate the word stigma into the discussion and wait for his partner to feed back the plural stigmas affording him a chance to ask Stigmas Oh I guess you mean 'stigmata ' As for the nonclassical languages they are rarely encountered in contexts where one can amass a considerable number of oneupmanship points What is he supposed to do Tell his hostess These spaghetti are delicious -'spaghetto' is the singular of a diminutive of the noun 'spago ' Or tell a wedding guest on the church steps after the young couple has driven away You have a confetto stuck onto your cheek 'confetti' is a plural form you know Or is he supposed to point to the sign Letter to the Editor To the Editor CRYPTOLOG - In reply tal article Whither the SRA CRYPTOLOG Se 1tember 1977 I would like to say that some of my best friends were SRAs whatever that is Back in the PCP days pre-career panel the relationship between TA and IRA as it was then called was quite clear if you were below a certain grade I think it was GS-9 you were TA and if you were above that grade you were IRA We thought of IRA as professional with a small p and TA as preprofessional and that was the way the job auditors titled the jobs Then one day the career panels were formed and when the dust cleared behold -- TA and IRA were two separate fields We in that early TACP studied the situation at great length and found among other things that it was then standard practice for job auditors to classify a job as IRA if the incumbent produced any reports and TA if he or she didn't As I recall we did not care for that at all since it was our view that all traffic analysis efforts should be aimed ultimately at the production of results in writing on the cafeteria counter that reads Lasagna 70 cents and ask the server Certainly that can't be right 'Lasagna' is the Italian word meaning 'a noodle ' Certainly we get more than 'a' noodle for 70 cents Is it conceivable that it's a misspelling for 'lasagne ' the proper plural form What's he supposed to do when he sees a recipe in the newspaper for pirozhki that -- in addition to leaving out the mushrooms -- says Each pirozhki should be bite-siz ' Should he write a nasty letter to the editor signing it Paul E Glott or some other silly name and say Anyone with a modicum of knowledge of Russian haute cuisine should be aware of the fact that the singular of 'pirozhki' is 'pirozhok ' Certainly he's supposed to do none of these things He's supposed to avoid the issue like a chicken mongoose Not a mongoose that eats chickens -- they're brave -- but a mongoose who won't fight a cobra -- they're chicken He's supposed to smile understandingly at other people's mistakes and make sure that when he uses such words himself they can be interpreted either in the singular or the plural He would in a Newsletter item for example say Smalti can be used in such-and-such a way rather than Smalti is used or Smalti are used In effect he ideally should write just like the zoo owner ordering two mongooses 'Please send me two mongooses ' No strike that out -- make it 'two mongeese ' No strike that out Make it 'Please send me one mongoose as soon as possible And oh by the way while you're at it send me another one U Le reports And after some negotiation the job auditors' guidelines were adjusted Last but clearly not least the two career panel were directed to investigate the problem of defining the boundary line between them After some 6 months of discussion it was concluded that the boundary was indeed a problem What we finally committed to paper said in effect that at one end of the spectrum there were jobs that were clearly TA and at the other end there were easily recognizable IRA jobs but that all along the line between those two extremes there was overlap between the two fields My own view is that reporting to consumers can be a very specialized business and undoubtedly is a cryptologic skill but it is really more of an overlay skill like supervision The field seems to have drawn most of its people from the language and traffic analysis fields many of the better reporters I've known began either as a linguist or as a traffic analyst Finally what traffic analysis is all about is producing intelligence -- by reconstructing the network by recovering the signal plan by watching the target day after day to see what it is doing and how today' s behavior differs from yesterday's lehief Traffic Analysis Of hce ot I echniques and Standards U I January 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 P L 86-36 UNCLASSIFIED Pl-DEC 77-S3-26 40 i ID 4009806 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu