DoqrD 400 BOB 13 mWVV D 13m rlDWU lSlDW lS Il WlSUlfillS f WUlW lkaJWfil m DVVWm D11 IBrn flU JI1 Jrn W DI W 0 EE EO 1 4 c SOME BACKGROUND ON THE CiT MERGER oooo Frank Smith oo oooooooooooooo l n i Jg r Hr ' E j E I L 86-36 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR oooooooo ooo oo oooooooooooo ooo ooooo 13 AN IDEA FOR AN ARTICLE ooooo ooooo ooo Doris E Miller oo y o o o o 14 WORD-SEEK ooo oooooooooo I 15 NSA - CROST I C NO 12 ooooooooo ooooooo A J S oooooo ooo ooo ooo 16 C L oA NEWS C A oA o NEWS oooooooooooo 18 0 oooooooooooooo 1 r I CURE FOR PERFO NCE SYNDROME ' TillS 90 JYM8N'F JON'FAINS EUROBRWORB MA 'fRRIA L e 1It 'led b BIRNSl4Ljeliess NSl4L 'es8M K oo 698 139 1I11H tlaltqUi Reel_if I Jp Il NvtUkatiun b the 8 igiualui Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 2- 20'1 2 pursuant to E O '135 26 vl DR Case # 54778 DOCID 4009808 'fOP S CR T Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations VOL V NO 3 MARCH 1978 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK BOARD OF EDITORS Editor in Chief oo Arthur J Salemme 5642s Co 11 ec t ion 1 1 89555 cryptanalysis 490iij LangUage o o oo oo l 5ii s Machine Support L kS303S Mathematics Reed Dawson 3957s Special Research Vera R Filby 7ll9s Traffic Analysis Production Manager 1 Harry Goff 4998s For individual subscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI 'fOP SBEURRB'f P L 1 4477s 86-36 DOCID 4009808 F9R 9FFISIAL SE 9HL SOME BACKGROUND ON THE CIT MERGER 1 - -_ _ 1 O n 2S March 1977 the Director published a memorandum directing the Consolidation of Automatic Data Processing and Communications On 29 May the C and T organizations combined to form the Telecommunications and Computer Services Organization T under the Deputy Director for Telecommunications and Computer Services DDT It is my purpose this morning to review with you some of the background to this decision Please note that the title is Some Background I know there are many different opinions about something as significant as the CiT merger This is especially so when people feel -- as the people in C Group and TCOM felt -- that they were generally satisfied with the way things were It is not my intent to discuss the new organization itself but to concentrate on some of the events which led to the CiT merger In other words to explore what many believe to be an increasing convergence of the disciplines of data processing and telecommunications which indicates that they should be combined Closely related to this convergence is the problem of how to organize automatic data processing ADP The problem of how to organize is not unique to us or to the federal government In the fall of 1976 the American Management Association began sponsoring a series of 3-day study seSSlOns on The Crisis in EDP Organization primarily for the business community These study sessions -- which deal with the organization of such equipment and functions as Data Networks Data Bases Micros Minis Virtual Memory Distributed Systems Stand-Alone Minicomputers Complete transaript of a talk given to CISI NSA Computer Information Saienaes Institute in September 1977 Exaerpts of the talk were printed in Field Information_Letter 1-78 106 Minicomputer Networks and Small Business Computers -- have been well attended I unders tand Sasia Prinaiples of Organization It might be well for us to refresh our memory about how this subject of organization fits into the management function Ernest Dale in his Management Theory and Praatiae lists the following management functions o Planning o Organizing o Staffing o Direction o Control o Innovation You will note that organizing is of a very high order in top management's consideration In his 1964 book Managing for Results Peter Drucker outlines how knowledge is the essential ingredient He cites IBM as an example IBM bills for equipment that was more true in 1964 when he made the statement than it is today But both IBM and the customer know that knowledge is the essential thing and that the customer buys service rather than product Indeed it is this awareness on both sides that explains' why IBM starting late and ith reluctance took the leadership in the computer field away from companies that had started earlier and that seemed to possess much greater technical competence In his later and very provocative book The Unseqn Revolution in 1976 Drucker discusses the fact that more and more jobs are knowledge jobs in our society The number of knowledge jobs is growing rapidly while the number in manufacturing has shrunk sharply Yet little has been done about the productivity of the so-called knowledge worker The principles that apply to making manual work pro- March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 1 FeR eFFISIAL ijSE 9HLY 86-36 DOCID 4009808 taR 8FFIeIAL 5E 8NLY 'p L ductive also apply to knowledge work He then outlines the need for analyzing and organizing the tasks of knowledge jobs to improve productivity Challenge to SIGINT ChangeoI' Die 1969 By way of introduction to this subject in NSA I would like to make a digression from the CIT merger and quote from an article that you may remember from the first issue Of the Cryptologic Spectrum in 1969 The article Challenge tQ SWINT Change Qr 9ie Ywas written byl al'ecognized authority in the scientific community and a member of the NSA sdentii'icAdvisory Board In that articl Ipointed out thatSIGINT activities obviously would continue to be important for NSA I S future but the ever-'increasing speed of technological advances was threatening to put us out of business unless we eQUId exploit the other changes that opened new doors If we can't move with the new technologies that help us said the ones that make our job harder will bury us By change he did not mean something simple like replacing vacuum tubes with transistors and continuing to perform the same old functions He meant changes in strategies tactics tools organizational structures resource allocations and personneL He said that the right way of doing the job would change in elusive ways L -_ _ Ifurther pointed out that in the poor world where over two-thirds of the world's popUlation live the population growth rate was 3 percent per year or more while in the rich world where we live the rate was dropping We can expect he said to be attacked verbally and physically over the next few decades by larger numbers of dissatisfied people We cannot expect to bring more people 86- 3 6 into our mi Ii tary d f ense we ill1Ust move forward in labor-saving ols sqtha1 we can do more work with fewer people Thei number o f governments in the world to whosei intentions the United States must keep alert was o growing and even when' Iwrote these words in 1969 was well over 100 While only a small number of nations threatened us in 1969 with militarY force there was little to suggest that the 11urnber could not increase dramatically withinthe coming years We would have to be pn the lookout in all directions simultaneously Meanwhile the communication of information from point to point was becoming incredibly less costly There was promise I o I said that those costs would fall by a factor of 5 or 10 withinia few years after he wrote his article karned that although many of the early contributions to the arts of automatic computing had their origin within NSA and its predecessors the commercial world appeared to be outstripping us in the application of com puter systems As the cost of output from computers continued to drop we had an opportunity he said to do more and more work with the help of these amazing machines So this was the challenge that saw in 1969 and it continues to pertain today Don't try to stick too long with obsolete means Press forward with vigor and stay flexible Try to achieve that nice distinction between the visionary and the tried-and-true History of C T Organizations In briefly reviewing the history of the C and T organizations we can get a better understanding of what has happened to both ADP and Telecommunications by comparing their organizational development over the 25 years since the Agency was created History of C T Organizations 1952-19 1952 ADP TeleCommu- 'cations 1956 1958 1961 1962 1983 1986 1969 1971 1973 o C 4 - - - - - - - - - C -_ _ NI2 Pro- _D93 DatB_D93 to Division Office Group cessing Systems DDR in ProducSystells Te hnology ADP appli- ' tion Division Division cations N23 Data P13 Computer to A B Systems Science and G V W Division O R Staff DS4 opera tions to C Group NSA-13_TCOM_To _ _ D3 -- -- C2- Tl AnTC Agency in Pro- Agency policy to Office Staff duct ion Staff and P2 of planning TCOM TCOM functions Agency C2 - - line Staff functions 1977 NSA-82-- MPRO March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 Fe aFFIeIAt 5E eNLY DDT DOCID 4009808 o O IeIAL 3E eHLY was The Growing Interrelationship Between _ As one can see from the chart ADP has reADP and Communications That interrelationmained within the Production organization except that certain staff functions have been assigned ship with the tendency toward convergence can to Agency staffs and DDR In 1971 the N12 and be seen from the following diagram N23 functions went to D9 the Assistant DirecADP Communiaations torship for Science and Technology You will note that in 1961 the ADP function was C4 At 1850 that time TCOM was C2 -- the two functions were 1950 both under Group C as co-support functions within the Production organization The idea at 1955 that time was much as it is today -- to achieve 1960 an integrated systems approach to the design and flow of materials in the overall NSA produc1970 tion system 1980 In the case of telecommunications there were some complications which did not appear in the ADP field until later TCOM functions within NSA were always more closely aligned to other This symposium followed the logic of the elements of the government than was ADP This Blue Ribbon Panel and created considerable imbecame more pronounced in the early planning of petus for consideration of ADP and telecommuniCRITICOMM when the Chief TCOM wherever he cation mergers throughout the federal governwas was working closely with the J6 JCS and ment Perhaps I can best summarize the thrust DCS There was a need for the emphasis and of the symposium by quoting from its program prestige that the Agency desired to place on Teleprocessing is a new technology TCOM functions and the channels of communicaresulting from the marriage of automatic tions desired between the Director and his data processing and telecommunications principal TCOM executive techniques providing a tool to extend Consolidation of ADP and Communications information processing storage retrieval Outside of NSA transfer and recording capabilities for more effectively directing and controlling I would like now to review briefly of course organizations and systems Typically what has been recommended and what is being while teleprocessing retains certain characdone about ADP and telecommunications organizateristics of its parents this new technoltions outside of NSA ogy possesses features that are both A Blue Ribbon Defense Panel Report in July different and unique 1970 found that indications are that most computers will be on-line with teleprocessing The push toward closer coordination between capability by 1980 The report continued with ADP and telecommunications in the federal the statement government continued through the early 1970s Present assignment of policy responsibility for ADP in OSD takes inadequate Interagenay and DoD Conferenaes 1976 cognizance of the close technical and Mr Terril J Steichen from the Office of Telecost relationship of communications and communications Policy Executive Office of the ADP management As a consequence the President spoke to the Interagency and Planning interface between ADP and communications is inadequate and will become increasingly Conference in early 1976 on the challenge of the converging technologies and the crossing of inadequate as digital communications techdisciplines He expressed concern that the nology increases convergence of these two formerly separate The House Committee on Appropriations in technologies has spawned a very top-heavy dual its report on the FY-7l DoD Appropriation Bill staff organization that is perhaps beginning expressed concern with the Panel's recommendato cause more problem than it solves tion that all responsibility for Defense ADP Later as a part of the Department of Deshould be placed under the supervision of the fense ADP Management Improvement Conference Office of Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Telecommunications The commit- held on 12 January 1976 several issues aftee was pleased with progress being made in im- fecting the DoD Automation Objectives were identified One of these was AUTODIN II The proving the management of communications and presentation and discussion for this item ADP but saw them as two distinct and separate centered around the theme that a cooperative operational activities which should have sepaeffort between the ADP and telecommunications rate management communities is all-important A number of NSA people -- and I was one of them -The Honorable Terence E McClary ASD attended a symposium on computer communications Comptroller concluded the conference with sponsored by the National Communications System some pertinent comments in October 1970 The theme of the symposium a March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 3 FeR eFFleIAL 5E eHL a a o a DOCID 4009808 FeR eFFleIAL SE 8HLY o Exeoutive Office of the President has an o Congressional direction to the Air Force relative to centralizing all ADP resources will be executed unless absolutely impossible Office of Telecommunications Policy but nothing on ADP o GSA has a Commissioner of Automated Data and Telecommunications Services As you know GSA was probably the first major element of government to combine these services o GSA is reaching out with leadership plans in the ADP arena the DoD community should react with the view that if we cannot change GSA then we must learn to live with the situatiqn o TPeasury has an Office of Computer Sciences but nothing on communications o Veterans Administration has a Department of Data Management and under that department is an Office of Telecommunications Service o The DoD ADP group is characterized by emotion and outrage This attitude may require correction There is a need to back off and look at the reasons why GSA and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy thrusts in ADP are taking place We may be wise to adjust more to the public policy Positive leadership by the DoD ADP executive may be more important than ever before o Army has a Communications Command but you can't find ADP o Navy has a Naval Telecommunications Command but no ADP o Air Foroe has an Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications and Computer Services As I mentioned earlier the merger was done by Congressional direction Situation in Private Industry Survey of Communioations Organization and Structure Gilbert Held Acting Chief of Teleprocessing for the U S Civil Service Commission conducted a survey of the communications organization and structure at eight government agencies and industrial firms His June 1977 report uncovered a characteristic common to the majority lack of organization Perhaps this can best be demonstrated by taking a look at several major government organizations to see where ADP and communications fit into the overall scheme A thorough examination of the organizational charts for those organizations reveals the following At the present time only three companies RCA Western Union and Comsat General -- own complete satellite systems In January 1977 though the Federal Communications Commission took a momentous step by admitting IBM to the satellite business and with it the first syster l that will push the technology to some of its logical conclusions Five or six years from now if all goes according to plan large corporations and government agencies will have private networks using a total of at least 375 earth stations The current satellite facilities for the most part all transmit to a relatively few large earth satellites which then send the message to customers over land lines that are expensive and can be noisy and slow The new _- EPAR E ' OF HE - FORCE NAYy ooPARTMINT OF THE'ARMY YlrIRAN AD O''IHE'IREASUR'' GENERAL ooo __ r EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF T E PRESIDENT -----J' -- -- ' L ' -'HI '1'11 1111 March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 FeR 8FFISIAt 5E 6HL - DOCID 4009808 F9R 9FFISIAL ijSE 9NLY system will bypass this mire by broadcasting directly to antennas small enough to fit into a two-car garage They will typically be on the roof of a building or in a parking lot At an average production cost of $345 000 each the earth stations will be cheap enough for a corporation to lease a dozen or two and forge direct celestial links among its offices and plants across the country For those 9f you who haven't read the book The Waves of Change by Charles P Lecht which has been published in ComputerworLd in installments you will find some interesting thoughts In his discussion of future system architecture in the commercial field he sees a vast expansion in on-line communicationsoriented transaction-oriented and real-time systems in the 1979-1984 period But he sees this growth restricted by AT T communications tariffs and line inefficiencies until AT T can fully implement digital networks or until IBM communications satellites and private branch exchanges become operational Lecht sees IBM and AT T pursuing strategies which suggest major competitive confrontations by the end of the 1970s Both want to supply a total end-to-end service A key challenge is to define the relative meaning of data processing in such a way as to arrive at' some workable consensus on the meaning and roles of message switching transmission circuit switching and other interdependent terms and concepts This issue is currently being hotly debated by the Federal Coaunun aJj onsCommission However the shape of the data communications revenue pie is changing dramatically The change in the relative shape of the pie slices is primarily a result of technOlogical changes Clearly AT T does not want to participate solely in the transmission-services aspect of the business given that segment's expected relative shrinkage to a 20% share of the 1985 market configuration NSA Studies and Recommendations on Organization I now want to outline the NSA studies that eventually led to the merger of C and T in the summer of 1977 I am sure you will agree it was not a hasty decision In March 1972 the Director VADM Gaylor directed that a study be conducted to examine the possibility of merging the Agency's ADP and telecoaununications functions An ad hoc committee with membership from most of the key components was appointed to conduct the study and was chaired by Mr Neil Carson from PROD The Carson committee identified the following 12 problems in two categories pLanning and operations -- and for each of them attempted to answer the question Would the merger of the ADP and telecommunications functions facilitate the solution of the problem P1'obLem Planning 1 Difficulty in obtaining realistic well-coordinated long-range requirements for telecommunications and ADP Probably not This is primarily a problem for P in developing requirements which encompass those of A B G and W There might be a slight advantage in having a single technical interface for C and n 2 Many requirements are ad hoc necessitating quick reaction to a specific unpredictable situation Not directly Combining functions could facilitate some The Changing DolLar Di8tribution in Data communications 3 Lack of integrated planning for ADP in the telecommunications area 1985 19608 $22 biUion Communications Processing II1II Media Conversion t Transmission Services Yes 4 Omissions in plans Yes the merger would facilitate but not guarantee a solution to this problem 5 Imbalances in programming for telecommunications vs ADP and other CCP areas Yes although many other factors also influence the balance March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 F9R 9FFISIAL WSE 9NbY ----------------- Would merger facilitate the 8olution - - - DOCID 4009808 E FeR eFFIEURIAL 6 Complexity of external coordination and relationships in telecommunications planning roles of DCA and the military services 7 Incompatibilities between terminal equipment at field sites and internal NSA processing system No On the contrary the present status of Tl in the organizational structure makes it easier to deal with this complexity - Possibly But this is more related to other bl 1 d pro ems a rea y mentioned A strengthened role of a combined C and Tl would help some OHL problems Regardless of the organization they saw a great need to have better definition of the interfaces between C T and SIGINT processing The majority of the Study Group concluded that most of the Agency's automatic data processing and telecommunications functions especially the planning software development and maintenance should be integrated The Group believed that the two disciplines would rapidly merge into one as technology advanced in the 10 years following their 1972 study The Group also believed that the ADP component must become a central Agency utility of ---------------------- ------------------------1 hardware systems software and data bases Yes The combination with applications software increasingly the 8 Lack of total of ADP COMM functions province of the user Because of the complexisystems automation into one organization ties of the ADP effort and of the external for computer netshould accelerate derelationship in the telecommunications area works velopments in this and the group considered it necessary to accomplish r e l a t e d f i e l d s 1 the merger in the following two stages o C Group to be removed from the Production organization reorganized and given a Operations strengthened mission statement as the central NSA CSS authority for automatic Yes 1 Coordination data processing systems C and the P of telecommunicaStaff with a third party chairing the tions operations working group to be charged with completinvolving computers ing a plan for separation and reorganization within 6 months Probably in that 2 Troubleo While this action was under way C and Tl there would be a greater shooting i e to be charged with preparing a plan for probability that those the difficulty in merging the ADP and telecommunications involved would learn to determining whether functions Such a plan to be completed speak the same language a computer problem within 12 months is due to computer There were two minority views to this rehardware executive port two of seven members plus the chairman software 1 ines One minority view agreed that an organizational terminal equipment merger could become the solution at some point or worker software in the future but major surgery was not recomYes potentially mended at the time What was recommended at 3 Time and red Delay of work requests tape involved in the time was an exchange of skilled ADP and could be alleviated communications personnel accomplishing relatively simple operThe other minority view was that it had ations e g not been shown that the activities would be moving a computer conducted better that economies in dollars terminal space or manpower would result or that the efficiency of the Agency's operation would be Yes A single key 4 Lack of consignificantly improved element could more sistency in availaeasily adjust resources bility of C8 and Tl IUSN whohadbeeri to balance the situation chIef of NSA Telecommunications for several maintenance personnel years studied the Carson report and commented on 14 June 1972 that he believed that the long-range trend is toward consolidation He The Study Group attempted to anticipate was very concerned that such a merger be done major factors in the future and considered the carefully following in some detail Because the findings of the group were not o Computer netting conclusive the Deputy Director reported to o Software conversion the Director on 24 May 1972 the group o Integration of ADP into analysis and is now exploring alternative courses of action o Dynamic resource allocation which might also achieve the objective of comI shall not go into the details of their depatible system design without actual organizaliberation but simply state their conclusion tional merger that combInIng C and T would allevIate these I March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 6 FeR eFFIEURIAL E 8HLY P L 86-36 DOCID 4009808 FeR eFFleIAL The Wa e Repo t 1873 In 1965-1966 Dr Willis Ware had been tasked by the Director LTG Carter with preparing a study of the Agency's computer center The study was to review capabilities and capacity planning In 1971 Admiral Gayler authorized a review of that earlier study but asked that additional factors such as centralization and the advancement of communications be considered e LY tion of ADP equipment maintenance and supply support responsibilities in order to achieve cost savings The audit found that o Maintenance personnel trained to work on the same ADP equipment were assigned to various elements -- operations R E and telecommunications o More control was needed over repair parts inventories o Improved procedures were needed to review and monitor contract maintenance support to ensure that contractors were satisfying contractual commitments In May 1973 the second Ware Study Group published its report That group of course had the Carson study as additional background The only recommendation in the second Ware which bears on the present subject is Relocate the Agency computing facility organizationally so that it has high management visibility is the property of the entire Agency and not only of the analytic groups and is under the direct purview of the Director 5E The audit recommended that activities involving the maintenance of ADP equipment be consolidated under the management of C Group The To deZZa Study 1976 On 23 October 1975 the Director LTG Allen asked Dr Tordella to look into the current functioning of T and of C Dr Tordella submitted his report on 15 March 1976 He recommended the establishment of a new Assistant Director for Communications and ADP He considered it a sound solution and suggested that if not impleThe rationale for that relocation was mented at that time it would recommend itself at such time as any major reorganization of NSA o It would give the Director better visibility could be accomplished of a resource that consumes a substantial He also expressed a major concern stated by fraction of the budget 000 that removal of C from PROD would decrease o It would give him a larger personnel base the ADP responsiveness to 000 analysts 000 over which to exercise the man-machine argued with great logic that the reorganization trade-offs of operational costs proposal risked damage to the relationship between ADP and operations to achieve improveo It would put the allocation of a scarce ment in what could be the narrower relationship resource in view at Agency level where between ADP and communications If the CiT things can be selectively controlled organization were merged outside of 000 the C o It would be more responsive to the broad experts could become more ingrown and systemsneeds of the Agency and oriented and less responsive to 000 analyst needs o Since computing and communications were becoming interrelated technogically comOf course one possibility was to merge C bining these two functions would be advanand T within 000 TCOM had been in PROD as I tageous Should this occur it would be outlined earlier but the thought of resubordi more appropriate for them to be an indenating TCOM to PROD was rejected because many pendent organization responsible to the of the goals of combining C and T would be neDirector gated Dr Torclella concluded that the status quo was clearly the least disruptive choice but The 1973 Ware report also recognized that even if that were chosen in the short run he not all computer-trained personnel should be recommended that a merger be planned for an located in one organization The analytical early date groups -- A B G V and W -- undertake problem-solving efforts involving computers and As we know the Director considered the matter for about a year and selected an appropriate should have appl ications programmers assigned As you will recall all applications programmers time to direct the merger in C Group who were directly supporting one of A Look at the Reco d the analytical elements were transferred out I have talked at some length now about the exof C in July 1973 pected acceleration of the convergence of data The OSD Audit of ADP 1975 processing and communications Now I would like to look at the record of the past to see what An OSD audit of NSA's ADP equipment maintenhas been happening here at NSA ance dated 7 July 1975 recommended consolidaMarch 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 FQR QFFIGIAb U Q b DOCID 4009808 FeR eFFleIAL 5E eHLY 1 I really hate to gloss over this period and the outstanding work that was done by the people in both the old C roup and TCOM The advances during this period have been dramatic and have provided the technical base for the accelerated growth of the future 11- - Improvements E J peated from CiT Merger OUring the several months of 1976 and 1977 that General Allen considered the relative merits of merging C and T into a single organization his staff helped himdevelop a list of improvements to be expected from such a merger Those expected improvements -- which really constitute the bottom line of the merger -are o enhanced visibility of a more direct management focus on the Agency's computing resources o creatiQn of a central point for long-range planning systems development involving computers for communications and processing o greater effectiveness and efficiency in application and management of computing resources o consolidation of computer maintenance activities o central control of support planning for computer facilities o clearer definitions of interface between Agency customers P R S T M N field etc and supplier of computing services o possibility of development of standards across the board rather than only within projects o centralization of control of policy and procedures for communication and computer systems services o possibility of better career development United We Stand In conclusion all of us who work in the new T organization have a major challenge and responsibility Communications and computer services have been fused into one and organizationally placed under a Deputy Director in an attempt to achieve the improvements I have just outlined It is up to us as individual members to insure that it becomes a real fusion of the two types of services and the two technologies not simply a combination of two things under a common management There is a great reluctance for organizations to change We must be especially attentive to the risk that the merger be only a half-one March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 FeR eFFIeIAL 3 O Li P L 86-36 DOCID 4009808 L 86-36 CONFIDENTIAL THE HAND IS NOT QUICKER THAN THE software supany years ago I was told that a good because we can't port that's a subject for a separate article analyst does his own logging countWe want to log It helps us touch the materiing and tallying While at first I al It's like buying a piece of land and not admit I thought I was being set up to being satisfied with topographic charts -- you do all the menial labor my son calls it the have to go out and walk allover it Then you donkey work it wasn't long before I saw begin to know the land that the senior people around me did do their own logs and counts and tallies -- not always I have always had the notion that someday but much of the time interactive computers with screens might begin to meet this touchinll need of the n' I can remember more than one callsign problem when the callsigns had been extracted by hand from some sort of generating matrIx and inscribed again by hand into pages Often the makers of the pages would begin in an attempt to be very random but boredom and inattentiveness quickly set in and both processes extraction and inscription slowly became more orderly and regular Near the end as fatigue set in the processes became virtually mechanical Such handwriting patterns -- top to bottom left to right -- are sometimes so strong that one can convert pages from arbitrary to true base on this feature alone On a problem like this one can deal with the problem on a statistical basis -- one can even convince one's statistically mathematicallY minded friends of the truth of one's solution -- but the acid test is to sit down with pencil and cross-section paper and by hartd dupli- cate the process callsign by callsign If your solution is right you'll see it and you'll feel it intuitively In both of these processes we gain analytic insight by doing it ourselves Logging brings us into contact -- a kind of slow-motion contact -- with the material we are studying I don't know about you but I know that I have disaovered more things while logging or counting or tallying or some other donkey work than I have while sitting there looking at the results of the logging counting tallying Especially the discoveries that were unexpected -- outside the range of what I thought I was going to find In the extraction inscription kind of problem the lnsighttomes as my hand follows the hand of the enemy signal officer Why did he stop just ther What made him jlllllp over or away from thatca11sign Nowadays we are told that the c9mputers are going to do a 11 things for us But what happens to that intimate contact with the material when the original traffic ' i f you can call it that anymore- is de plnside a computer someHas anybody done this sort of thing or ever where and alLyou'vegot to look at is some seen it done If it works I'd sure like to computer outputJ Well some of us still find stop all this logging 1 a way to closome hand-logging And not just M EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 COSFIDEN'fIAL DOCID 4009BdSL 86-36 eONFIDEN'fIAt I had Animal Crackers in but you've got A D ONKEY IN YOUR WHAT T he group of mayors was touring the water quality-control facility at a municipal reservoir Their tour guide a young engineer repeatedly extolled the virtues of the equipment they were about to see They entered the operations room and beheld an entire wall of gauges dials lights and buzzers all sensing the pulse of the hundreds of acres of water outside the building Fully a dozen technicians moved purposefully back and forth among the dials and gauges stopping to record their readings on 'the forms attached to their clipboards Gentlemen intoned the proud tour guide this facility and its equipment represent the absolute state of the art in nmnicipal water supply quality control From this one rOOJ l I staffed by only 12 men per shift the health of over eight million people is guarded against disease From here we monitor numerous hazards We scan the salinity the coliform level and the chlorine concentration We check for algae growth and a host of industrial contaminants and agricultural pollutants To put it succinctly we're on top of it Following a polite round of applause and a few parting oohs and aahs the mayors headed back to their bus for the return to their hotel convinced to a man that they would request funds for a similar fac 1ity in their next budget As they walked across the dam they saw a sight that caused their jaws to drop There lying on the shore of the reservoir half in and half out of the water was the bloated carcass of a dead donkey It had not affected the salinity nor had it made any contribution to the algae concentration and so it had gone undetected despite the absolute state of the art in sophisticated equipment The story of course is apocryphal but i t illustrates a lesson which while always important becomes increasingly so in the age of computers and staff meetings A host of pugs raise their ugly little peads when machine processing intervenes in March 78 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Allover this agency are managers who scan performance-oriented printouts with a frequency ranging from daily to monthly They rely heavily on the reports they review to give them what they need in order to fulfill their role Many will not discover until a dead donkey of some sort shows up in their shop that statistics as useful as they can be are not meant to be the end-all Their purpose is to indicate hint or suggest that a problem might exist They may highlight a known problem or aid a manager in distinguishing between a symptom and an underlying cause At that point the computerized report has done as much as it can ever do The other pitfall comes about when an individual rises within an organization to the level at which the role is to manage managers as opposed to a first-line supervisor who manages the people who actually perform the tasks Meeting with subordinates then becomes the primary mechanism through which the manager acquires data on the system for which he is responsible Heaven help the manager whose knowledge of his organization is limited to that provided in staff meetings by subordinates who in turn rely too heavily on statistics That constitutes double jeopardy The cure for managerial myopia is prevention For every half-hour spent reviewing statistics a like period should be devoted to visiting part or all of your empire It prevents dead donkeys in your reservoir CRYPTOLOG Page 10 CONFIDKNTIAJ L DOCID 4009808 86-36 TOP SECRET HMBRA A LINGUIST LOOKS AT THE - TUBE THE TUBE IS COMING Computer systems which use video or CRT cathode ray tube terminals distributed to work areas are on the increase at NSA and we linguists can take heart that the tube plus a good text manipulation system can be an ideal tool for the translator THE TUBE AND THE NEWS MEDIA The fact that video terminals are widely employed by the news media is evidence oi their usefulness to those whose job is writing The major wire services and according to the NEW YORK TIMES more than 300 newspapers have installed computer systems which permit reporters to type their stories on the screens of CRT terminals then move their drafts to other terminals for editing proofreading and computerized layout and typesetting As long ago as 1970 UPI let a contract for such a system and in 1971 AP reporters were already writing stories on the screens of a trial system This item from a recent issue of U S NEWS AND WORLD REPORT tells of that publication's system We can never translate at computer speed but a computerized tool which removes our dependence on paper can make us much more productive Surely everyone who has worked at translating a foreign language has felt frustration at the slowness inherent in the conversion of foreign words to an English translation on paper A typewriter may be a little better than longhand for some linguists but the medium is still paper where small corrections are time-consuming and revisions require recopying by the translator or someone else A more detailed description of a typical text-oriented terminal comes from this COMPUTERWORLD news item for organiMarch 78 Other features include the ability to move copy delete any defined text from the terminal's memory THE TUBE AND TRANSLATION The VDT was viewed with skepticism by many newsmen steeped in traditions of a business that has used typewriters for generations 'It seemed like a hell of a lot of trouble to go to to write a story ' says Associate Editor Frank Diggs 'But you get hooked to the point that you come in in the morning with a smile on your face to sit down with it ' exclusively In addition four automatic search modes are possible including searching text for a specific word or word string search and replace each occurrence in text with a new word or word string search and replace upon request and search and delete each occurrence in text of a specific word or word string The sim ilarity between news media operations and NSA translating and reporting makes us ask whether we Agency linguists might profit from the use of technology which the news industry finds 80 effective Businesses also are stepping up use of computerized word processing equipment including video screens to produce letters and documents Instead of a typewriter the editors use a Video-display terminal or VDT It is simply a keyboard attached to a television screen Letters appear on the screen when the keys are struck A computer to which the set is connected allows writers to drop words with the push of a button or insert full sentences without retyping old copy Entire paragraphs can be transposed by striking other keys This saves time spent erasing striking over shuffling paper and typing clean' drafts Designed zations like newspapers publishing houses and other communications firms the Delta 4300 terminal provides text manipulation features that include automatic word wrap automatic ragged right sentence and paragraph justification and automatic justification of new insertions the firm said The feature of the video terminal which I find most attractive is the worksheet nature of the screen I can type as fast as possible knowing that any correction ins'ertion or deletion can be made instantaneously I can transpose whole sentences in a moment -- a marvellous time-saver when sentences in the CRYPTOLOG Page 11 TOP 8BCRBT I TMBRA 8 QcP EO 1 4 c ----nUCTij 9 BOB 'fOP SECRE'f U IBRA original text are long and convoluted After I have made all needed changes my draft is actually the finished copy In a total system a button push would flash my translation to the terminal of the checker and then to the releaser I could print a copy for local reference if needed An EXPERT data form could be displayed on the screen and data elements not recoverable automatically from an associated data base could be entered quickly From my experimentatiQn with a CRT terminal for translating texts for product I estimate that I at least double the productivity of the time I devote directly to translating The amount of time saved willQf course vary by person language and subject matter but any linguist should expect to make his valuable language skills more effective THE TUBE AND A TOTAL SYSTEM Although my immediate purpose here has been to extol the value of the CRT terminal to the translator the total benefit of an on-line intercept-to-product system should be kept in view We should not only help the translator to be more productive we should capture the first key stroke of his translation on the computer terminal and pass it on electronically to the end user without copying from paper Record copies on paper undoubtedly will be wanted at some points in the flow but paper must not be the medium of transmission Time and money are wasted and errors introduced by the retyping required in the present process Although it is the experienced linguist who In G Group for example will profit most from the use of a video Ir--- '' '''''' '''' t - I LI terminal the work of the less experienced will also be speeded up The worksheet nature --__ - -_--- IIf a text editing system is Qf the display screen makes alterations easy then available on those terminals and there is for him or the reviewer without the need for a direct connection to NSA's product release retyping and distribution system the translator will be able to perform his wQrk as an integral _ I f_ a t r a n s l a t o r_ u s e s- a- d i c t a t i o n s y s t em '- I part of an overall system the transcriber will be the one who video terminal with the same advantages of rapid correction and revision and the capability to transmit completed texts for checking and disposition at a button push I u-s-e-s- the There are to be sure conditions for the success of a translator's video terminal system The first is up to the linguist and the rest are the responsibility of management 1 The linguist must be able to type This is not an unreasonable requirement in a high-technology agency A typing course is available in the learning center for any who need it 2 There must be a terminal at the linguist's desk and a printer nearby 3 Text manipulation on the screen must be flexible and fast 4 The system must be dependable Nothing will discourage the linguists's use of the terminal more than a few lost translations 5 The lighting and physical arrangement of the terminal must be suitable for constant use Segments of the total system principle are already in use or on the way but they are limited either to a part of the Ate C or a part of the process To make the _ _ _ __ concept a reality we await a a a on- ne system hopefully one with text-handli g features which will allow us who are lingulst$ to be as productive as technology will alrow March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 TOP SHCRH'f UMBRA I EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009808 CfOP SECRECf UPttBRA THE TUBE AND THE TRANSLATOR -- I DO j Both linguists and managers have a part in arranging the marriage of the translator and the video terminal We who translate must be willing to accept and master the use of tools which will make our language knowledge more valuable to the Agency For its part management must ensure that new on-line systems have flexible fast text-handling capabilities plus suitable physical environment and that the translator's role is not merely an afterthought Agency efforts to recruit and keep good linguists should be matched by the determination that they will have modern equipment for their part in SIGlNT production This article was typed and revised on the screen of a computerized word processing system It was produced in the form of a single column to fit the CRYPTOLOG format With the exception of the human labor involved in cutting and pasting these columns onto the page masters the article was untouched by human hands I RS I I To the Editor CRYPTOLOG As a twenty-six-plus-year veteran ofNSA and its predecessor AFSA I just cannot resist commenting on the article How Not to Make an DB CRYPTOLOG December 1977 Although I have never been a traffic analyst or special research analyst I am nonetheless motivated to make the following comments The intent of the article is obvious i e to hopefully eradicate to some degree the lethargy that may have crept into some of our analyst 1 daily work habits I hope that the article is a gross exaggeration however I have made the assumption that occurrences similar to the one pantomimed in the article have taken place at NSA with sufficient frequency to prompt the writing of this article I am appalled at the very thought If this assumption is correct we are indeed in a sorry state Can someone allay my fears and reassure me that we are more professional in these endeavors many mistakes being thrown into one OB entry It's the sort of thing they do on TV when they want to show mismanagement in hospitals Rather than clutter up the story with a whole lot of characters they come up with one patient who is suffering from high blood pressure low blood pressure prostate trouble pregnancy complications chills fever and a few other symptoms 3 The OB in question did not get issued thanks to the efforts of the checker but my natural modesty prevents me from telling you who he was 1 ----------lp16 P L U Editop's note The following communication attached to the article fiNo Winnie You've Got It UpsideDown Too CRYPTOLOG February 1978 appeared recently on the Editor's desk P S If some of our consumers read this article what would be their thinking in terms of the validity of our product 1 - 1 K3l ---1 The authop of ths al'ticl e pepUes As a twenty-seven-plus-year veteran of NSA and its predecess or I can assure 1 1 that the article was based on areal-life incident It was slightly exaggerated and the names were changed to protect the guilty However 1 1fears may be allayed somewhat by the following facts 1 Theincidenehappened many years ago -about 15 as a I recall -- and most of the people involved are no longer involved in Agency reporting 2 Allthe sloppy practices described did not involve the listing of just one Obscenian officer The story was a composite with March 78 CRYPTOLOG P L 86-36 ' U Pa e l CfOP SEEURRET I JMBKA 86- 3 6 ----n-o ---------' --- -- -------- UNCLASSIFIED I had to move the apostrophe this month beaause we're printing something sent in from retirement paradise by our founding editor Doris E Mil- leI' From time to time we send Doris unalassifie aUppings from CRYFTOLOG just to let her see how her baby is getting along Sometimes it's only the piature on the title page of the artiale plus the author's name But oaaasionally we aan send Doris a treat -- a aompletely unaZassified item Reaently our aUppings to Doris inaluded the unalassified letter to the editor that was sent in by and 1Uas printed in the January 1978 issue It prompted Doris to send me the following letter with a suggestion for a definitive artiale How's this for proof that you aan take the girl out of the Agenay but you aan't take the Agenay out of the girl I'm too busy editoring to take he up on her suggestion Instead I'U just print her letter here and hope that some CRYPTOLOG reader wiU seize the opportunity In a way I feel like Mikey's brothers pushing the new aereal baak and forth eaah saying No you try it Won't I be pleasantly su rprised when someone reaUy LIKES it and does something about it Asswning of aourse that the person sends it in to CRYPTOLOG for pubUaation u u m o One part of it though that I regret not having passed on to you or somebody retraced the evolution of the cryptolinguist that is our present conception of him in which I include her who they mostly is using as indicators of the various stages the different job titles When I came into the Agency you were either a CA or a TA I was quite astonished at being dubbed a cryptanalyst on the strength of a couple of Dilly's courses but soon learned that at that time because the nature of the systems being used the linguist either picked up some CA or the CA picked up some language t el eal distinctiqnwaswhetheryouworked'- wlth the message externals or internals Then the systems became more and more mathematical and the solutions more and more independent of linguistic aid also when some of the big big ystems broke lots of linguists were brought ln as a second wave so to speak who had no part in breaking them and they just exploited them Then the Agency began reporting its own scoops and the linguist became a research analyst Then the research analysis was separated out how do you like that for redundancy and the linguist became just plain l nguist except that that didn't seem quite rlght elther so they became cryptolinguists I still remember the State Department interpreter who was so amused at that word __ cryptolinguist What is a cryptolinguist Ed Is it something like a pseudoliberal SothechronologicalsequertcewerifSollleihfl'lg L - - letter about theTela tionship between TA and IRA CRYPTOLOG llke Cryptanalyst Cryptanalyst FIL Research Analyst FIL Linguist or Cryptolinguist January 1978 reminds me of an article This is a steady diminution of the role of the I once started to write called What linguist who is now considered to be neither Is a Cryptolinguist It was in the a cryptologist nor an intelligence analyst months just before I retired and I had so any but a kind of simulated translation machine passionate thoughts I wanted to put on paper' about the work of the cryptolinguist and so This shows a frightening lack of comprehenlittle time to do it and I would write at Slon as to what the linguist actually does how home far far into the night using substitute much nonlinguistic work he does how much is words and leaving spaces etc trying to get left to his jUdgment and discretion that never it down in shape SO that I could work it up comes to the attention of other disciplines finally at the building Well it was not to because the linguist makes the live-or-die be I piled up an enormous amount of stuff decision in his scanning or is slanted by the some of it very good I thought on the whole linguist's rendition of it of which the SRA concept techniques philosophy and ethics of s frequently unable to make an independent special intelligence -- trying-to fight through' Judgment o Well here I go again the wilderness we have got lost in and get back I think Agency linguists have made a to some kind of common sense approach to the mistake in emphasizing the intricacies and work I had something like 50 pages in varying difficulties of the ages who cares and degrees of eloquence and incoherence when D-Day not bringing out the tremendous power the Eve came around and I simply had to scrap it March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 P L 86-36 DOCIO UNCLASSIFIED 4009808 P L linguist has in the early and sometimes the late stages of processing -- power which is sometimes put into the hands of people who are totally unprepared for it Linguists should emphasize their role in producing intelligence not their virtuosity at one -- or 21 -- languages If they would present it from that angle which is the only one that butters any parsnips for the Agency anyway they might get a better hearing Be that as it may it might make an interesting article No I'm sure it would It might be possible to write -- or get someone to write -- a historical account of the process by which the originally simple dichotomy always wanted to use that word of CA and TA has been elaborated into our present jungle of specialties Where one would find the material I don't know Job auditors People's own personnel files Position papers Wayne's remarks are very much along my line of thinking He could probably produce a large chunk of such an article If the idea appeals to you you can take it from there atk' you to 86-36 f A World War II phonetic alphabet in the Word-Seek below Solution next month H 0 C E 'II E M L A G 0 N H E R 8 N E I K A M T R C E N G T E I I 0 E 0 N Q V E U F M L I M 0 E S 0 P U I X E C p E T E S N 0 I R E G 0 A I X 0 J A P A R L 0 H A R L I E R A G 0 D R T R E K A 8 R 8 K Y S A F E 0 B 0 E P Z y A R X L I 'II Q E N K U U Answer to NEWS DAY Y -i IN MOSCOW U inT S LOW puzzle For the past 60 years foreign corres- pondents have always had a dispatch that they could count on whenever there wasn't really anything to report or whenever it was too cold to go out and take a picture of the old peasant women sweeping up the streets The dispatch deals with English words in Russian The latest in this genre filled a whole column in a recent New York Times The following snippets give you the general idea See CRYPTOLOG February 1978 The problem was to think of what solid figure not a squeezable material could be passed through each of the holes a circle 2 in diameter a 2 square and a triangle with a 2 base and 2 height At each pass-through it was to make a completely contiguous fit Here's the solution Cut the appropriate circle square and triangle out of light cardboard Draw perpendicular diameters on the circle Draw line down middle of square and cut half-way down G lL 'ID'fMt Y eo the paper Im'nrlitlh Draw triangle height and cut half-way 'nJO et un OIl OIl tile 01 oc - sept Z6- e l U ' Cbey have beep for MQ5CO l4eolOpcal UlI by RJ 0'1 haVe the west iIlJ far borden yet at l fIe __ iCID f OIII fell' d e l y and cIlstruMtul at d eo-weD IIIUd R 1 Is mdudID beeD the CUI -4al1 ee I nth 4JIlYjlt lIaiPIth 4 o o play pretty fcIr- of the oft vda that tbe theMi dlyr ma 'be be- iIl theifdrib i sn4 tb' uros they e 1iIJt --l Jt 'lfUl t 'Wtl I IM'- tl wodd autaaider un t1 'd1- ' _ o 'l1o bY UlIiDI WlV' IIlye'l' '1 at2n c 1II _' ' 'a Ims tllrcoine 1rn1fch 51 ' 27 '77 Slow day in CRYPTOLOG art department Ever notice how whenever there I s an odd space to fi 11 it I S always a news clipping on Russian U March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 UNCLASSIFIED ' _ -- ----- - - DOC I D 4 0 0' 9 8'Ir T0'8' '---------------- -' -UNCLASSIFIED NSA-crostic No 12 The qu e ta Uon on the next page weu taken 6JLom the pub-U6hed woltk 06 an NSA-eJt The fri JL6 t le tte 114 06 the WORDS peU ou t the a u thoJr ' name a nd the tUl e 06 the WOJr l By A J S VEFINITIONS WORDS A Kind of English earthenware mantlepiece spaniels etc n 120 8I 65 -5-73 46 113 181 B Head of a monastery C Songwriter's summary of Hamlet When a ghost and a prince meet And everyone ends as --------- D When her three boys bought a cattle ranch she suggested they name it Focus because that's where the ------------- 3 wds E What Sir Francis Drake was looking for 2 wds 29 182 F Affirmative colloq G Vessel abandoned on the high seas H Spin I Attempt to vomit J When told that this was a person's favorite phonograph record the other person said Oh I didn't know that 01' Blue Eyes had such a fancy first namel 3 wds K Vegetable L Person in charge of entertainment 3 wds M Lastest period of the Tertiary 2 wds N Not torn asunder O South American lake highest in the world fifth-grade geography 82 116 9Y D teachers hate to mention it because the rest of the class hour is nothing but giggles and smirks 190 60 215 165 P Ancient sculptures taken from Athens to England in 1806 now in British Museum the Greeks want 'em back 2 wds Q Vegetable melange March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 UNCLASSIFIED --ri 136 10039 DOCID 4009808 UNCLASSIFIED R Wild goat of Europe and Asia S Refusal T One helluva good poet 2 wds U Large indeterminate number V Fiddle-maker W Make lukewarm X Last nine years 1811-1820 of the reign of George III Y Oriental monetary unit 1 D 2 J 14 C 15 E Solution next month March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 UNCLASSIFIED -- --_ -- _ --- - '--- --- DOCID 4009808 SI3CRE'f SPOKE News of the erypto-Linguistic Association I Ves DNa Yes Jack Gurin R5 is obviously the winner in CLA's informal Think of the Longest Title for Your CLA Lecture Just So Long as You Give the Lecture contest The title is I Was Just a Middle-Aged Polyglot Until I Discovered Transformational Grammar Or A Layman s Guide to the Mysteries of Linguistics Time and place Wednesday 22 March 1978 0930 hours Friedman Auditorium All are welcome U -------- News of the Communications Analysis Association ' I OVes ma I I I I I I 1__ - _ No you don't have to be a member of CAA but it makes it easier for you to get the word Like did you r l i e t it o h e a J briefing on that tern how they got -l n 't-o t e-s-o - - - - great things the solution has done for the problem You say you didn't get the word How about the CAA's Special Interest Group on Cryptologic History Does that tickle your fancy Are you an older hand who just wants to get it all down on paper and set the record straight Have you just read The ULTRA Searet and are you just burning to write a classified rebuttal to appear in CRYPTOLOG Or are you one of the younger ones who's tired of hearing about the good old days and who wants to go look for yourself at what really happened Well the meetings of the Special Interest Group are open to everyone but Maybe you've heard a rumor that the CAA is working on a proposal for a Communications Analyst but you're having trouble tracking down who when where so you can go and give them your two cents' worth Or you might have an idea for a different kind of Special Interest Group but you don't know who to see or how to get it started If it crosses skill discipline lines and don't they all anymore maybe you're thinking about asking the cAA for help but you never seem to know who we are which of us is interested in what and where we hang our hats Yes Penelope there is a CAA and it has a lot of things going on -- all aimed at promoting growth and professionalism among communica- tions analysts But the reason you're not hearing about these things until too late is that you're not on our mailing list And the reason fort tisiyouhaven tJoined AndTf you EO 1 4 c have been sitting there smiling saying I'm P L 86-36 OK I'm already a member you better check your membership card If it says 1977 then I'm talking to you too Wait a minute What does my card saY Hrnnun Can somebody lend me a dollar W E S P L 86-36 Communications Analysis Association David Gaddy President I I Timothy Murphy 3247s 11395 3 791s 8025s 599ls 3573s 3369s 3500s lAppointed to serve for the remainder of tUSN who the term of has resigned as Board Member U 2New appointment Space reserved for CAA logo see CRYPTOLOG January 1978 p 7 March 78 CRYPTOLOG Paze 18 SESRE'f SPOKE P L DOCID 4009808 BECKE SPOKE March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 8ECKE SPOKE 86-36 EO 1 4 c DOCID 4009808 SECRET SPOKE March 78 CRYl'TOLOG Page 20 SHCRHt' SPOKE EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 4009808 SBEURRE'f SPOKE l March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 SfiEURRfi'f SPOKB DOClO OOge08 SKCRKT SPOKE March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 22 SECKEl' SPOKE o I EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009808 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 SECRET SPOKE March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 23 SECRET SPOKE - - --- ---- - --' '------o---- --------- _- c - -c _ DOCID 4009808 SECRET SPOKE March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 24 SBEURRBT SPOKE 11 _ _-'- _ 7 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID EO 1 4 c F L 86-36 4009808 SECHE'f SPOilt March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 25 SECRE'f SPOKB DOCID 4009808 8 CR T 8POK March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 26 SBCRB'F SPOKB I EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009808 SBEURRET 8PQK March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page S CIt 'f SPOKE 2 I EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 Docm 4005BU8' ---------------- SHeREI' SPOKE ii i I MaTch 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 28 i CRiT PQKE ' EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4009808 SECRET SPOKIS A PROPOSED CURE FOR THE - PERFORMANCE SYNDROME 1 he following is submitted in rebuttal to 1L _ _ _ _lllrticle A Proposed Cure for the Time-in Grade Syndrome CRYPTOLOG November 1977 Topilraphrase the article ISllggested thli t too much attention is paid to an empl yee' s time iIlg t ade that the primary factors for promotion should be performance and capability to perform at the next level potential and that tp offset charges of discrimination promotion boards should not be given employee's names but only arbitrary numbers He further suggested that jobs not be limited to certain grades but geared to performance potential Well I findl lart cle a mixture of fact and fancy The fact part iSbas don his own experiences and the fancy is based on what sounds like extracts from a book on labor relations It has been my own experience that each manager has his own pet criteria for promotions If he has had to wait a long time for a promotion he probably favors time in grade If he has gotten his promotions fairly fast he probably favors performance If he has been held up for a promotion because of professionalization he probably thinks the program is a waste of time If his boss doesn't believe in giving outstandings he probably doesn't want performance to count too much If his boss has a forceful personality and likes him he probably does want performance to count If he doesn't have a degree himself he probably has a low opinion of the value of a college education People with several degrees are sometimes called professional students people with several professionalizations are often referred to as jack of all trades people with a lot of experience in several areas must always reestablish themselves in each new area The reason so many views are possible is that NSA does not have a definitive prioritized and bjective set of criteria for promotions Without such objectively measurable criteria perfOrmance has often become a personality 'Cpntest acase of who-you-know who-you-like and not a realtest of a person's productivity Time-in grllde advpcates are that way only because the perfprmance advocates have abused the system Finally it may surpriset Ito krtow Lfully accept his cure for the time-ingrade syndrome itis the same cute hat is needed for the currentp rf rmancesy n d rome That is I fUlly accept promotionboards f ling required to judge a candidate on the basis of the records and not on how well they personilt'Y know the person or how forceful theiI'supervi sor P L 8 6- 3 6 is compared to others pre f lnt It may also surprise when he finds most of the obj ectors to this plan are performance advocates By the way Hi Georgel This is March 78 CRYPTOLOG Page 29 Pl-FE 78-532-26236 SECRET SPOKE 694 U WEIR 293993-503 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu