IlJ VVI W l1 15 JWVV l5111 LrWWV lD15 WlD15 lDQ OO15 Irl15 f OO W l1 GJIrl IBm Urnl1rn clJrn b 0 0 1 SOURCE PROTECTI N OUR AGENCY'S INSURANCE POLICY U I 1 4 NAVAL READINESS A BASIS FOR COMPARISON U NSA-CROSTIC NO 27 11 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo D H N o oo ooo o 8 WILT THOU ANGELINA U o o o o o o Sydney Fairbanks oo ooo 10 GEARS OF THE MOUTH U Donald Lasley ll LETTERS TO THE EDITOR U o o o o oo o oo o o oo o o o oo 14 EXPERT U oo oooo o o o o o o o oo o L o ooo oooo 16 SHOOTOUT AT THE SIGINT CORRAL U 18 1 P L IIIS B961 H fEN'I' CJ9N'I'A INB CJ9BEW9BD AfATEHlA1 86-36 GbA IFlE9 Bll NSA eSSM 123-2 RE 'IEW eN 1 dl ily i 999 Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1 2- 20'1 2 pursuant to E 0 '135 6 vl DR Case # 54778 DOCID 4019668 Published Monthly by PI Techniques and Standards for the Personnel of Operations July 1979 VOL VI No 7 PUBLISHER WILLIAM LUTWINIAK _BO_A_R_D OF ED I TO R S Editor-in-Chief o oo David H Williams 3957s Collection ooo oo o o 1 ---J1 85555 Cryptanalysis oo o o o 1 1 49025 1 91hs Cryptolinguistics ooo o o 1 Information Science o o ooo 1 1 30 54s 1 Language Machine Support o o o o 1 8161s 1 l tsQ84 - Mathematics oooo o o 1 1 8518s Special Researc oo o o o Vera R Filby 7119s Traffic Analysis o o Don Taurone 3573s Production Manager ooo o o oo oo Harry Goff 52365 For individual sUbscriptions send name and organizational designator to CRYPTOLOG PI SHEURRfi P L 86-36 DOC I D- 0-l-9-G-6S- _-------- - ------ ----- ----- ----- ECftE'f P L 86-36 IV12 L - SOURCE PROTECTION Our Agency's Insurance Policy J i l at kind of SIGINT aby was b rn UI as the audience ' rows so does the number of players Ir-'o _- to us In th 70s What kInd of delIcate crit- ter WIll cry for attention in the 80s How shall we care for it Viewed historically it's a sure thing that tomorrow's SIGINT baby will be increasingly delicate will require increasing attention to ensure its wellbeing will both benefit and suffer from modern technology and will face enviTonmental challenges unimagined in years gone by A thoroughly modern baby indeed You can bet that this hild of destiny will challenge our IngenuIty to provide it security and continuity in the face of a changing world IGINT product was once mostly hardcopy and was sent to a small selected readership Now distirubuion is largely electrical and secondary distribution is just about anybody's guess The trend for EO 1 4 c the future is toward cathode ray tube dis- EO 1 4 d play -- SOLIS COINS and FRITTER for ex- P L 86-36 ample It is now very easy to access great volumes of SIGINT CRT displays are open generally speaking to all who can see The systems while secure sort of stretch the conventional need-to-know principle Thus technologic sophistication has made it much more difficult to control what we disseminate and to monitor its security U SIGINT has become fragile Contributing to this fragility are such factors as the development of new concepts for providing SIGINT sup ort to military commanders the sophisticatIo of SI INT technology and a seemingly ever-IncreasIng SIGINT audience GINT direct support units are now organic to the units they support This brings new play rs into the game In the pa t only the ServIce Cryptologic Agencies had to worry about monitoring cryptologic skills now the supporte command is involved Whether Johnny and Joanle learn Mandarin and maintain proficiency in it are now the concerns of new member of the SIGINT world These developments Impact on the way NSA provides SIGINT support us the SIGINT audience grows as it has always done This probably means that we SIGINTers are doing something right The more people become aware of SIGINT the greater is the demand for it The greater the demand the wider the distribution The wider the' distribution the more people become aware of it and so on he process continues even now I I lOne wonders And while SIGINT producers some cause for feeling gratIfIed SIGINT security people cringe w ere I wI 1 en mIgh Ind In thIS EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 I U As might be expected security responses grew to match these developments But these reactions were almost an unconscious development No one dictated for example an increased emphasis on sanitization but while in the past you seldom even heard the term now it seems a daily topic of conversation People who once thought s nitization had something to do with cleaning the restrooms are now requesting help in sanitizing COMINT U Well it's high time we develop a conscious reaction to the security challenges of the day But how do we increase the security of our product even while providing it to an expanding readership One obvious way is to reduce attribution to sources and methods as much as possible Source attribution is not a buzz-phrase being forced on SIGINT Teporters rather it is a sensible way of coping with some of today's problems I ------ ---- ' - July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page I SBCRB'f II e rQbE ''lA G8l t1N'f' 8IIANHBLS eJI4L i DOCID 4019668 1 4 c L 86-36 SECRE'f July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 2 SEEURRET IIHIQbK VIA SQMIN'f SlIlzPlUl3bS QtlbY DOCID 4019668 SECRET SPOKE 11 4 L c 86-36 U This brings us to the point where all discussions of reporting lead the requirements themselves We must constantly be aware of current reporting policy to ensure that we accept only those requirements which are consistent with our policy and that those requirements are stated in a way that allows them to be met without violating our policy Finally a word of caution for us all Even while rushing to eliminate excesses in source attribution we must be sure that adequate emphasis is given to retaining it when required We must be carefuX not to throw out the baby with the bath water That our product is SIGINT is evident in fact we want it known The SIGINT connection is revealed in the address and the special intell'igence caveat The ultimate consideration is not concealing the connection with SIGINT it is the protection of sources and methods L-----------------' 7ftT T J - -lLlu-LOG Page 3 8 CRB SPOKE EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4019668 UNCLASSIFIED EO 1 4 c L -- IAOS NAVAL READINESS ABasis for Comparison ny study of contemporary naval readiness should be based on a historical naval readiness condition about which we already know This provides a kind of analog in real time-and-space dimension and is thus valuable for purposes of comparison contrast and characterization There are several corners into which we might look for our lifelike model such as the navies of the Soviet Union North Korea the People's Republic of China or Israel We have in this country a high regard for all of these navies--or so it would seem from the amount of intelligence war-gaming assessment and propaganda devotion which we lavish upon them But we often know less than we might about the readiness of these navies inasmuch as we are in their contemporary midst A History is not only a good source for taking an example of naval readiness or any other amorphous quality of the present but it is also the only such source We can only know with certainty that which has already past Accordingly we shall examine briefly the readiness and reliability of the navy of Nazi Germany as it was at the outset of the Second World War starting on September I 1939 We have excellent historical records about this much analysis has already been done and there are several late and living witnesses from the German Navy among them Donitz Bekker Werner Ruge Rohwer and others We shall examine a naval condition which a German might term da8 RPieg8bepeitschajt dep Deut8ches Marine--the war readiness condition of the German Navy or more simply serviceability Through this we shall be looking for specific places where parallels may be drawn with navies today but without however the impossible necessity of finding equivalency Between 1933 and 1939 Nazi Germany devoted increasing proportions of its GNP to military production and to the creation of a great war machine in anticipation of what is now known to have been an early intention of wa ing offensive war are penditures as a percentage of GNP rose from 3% in 1933 the same as that of Great Britain to 18% in 1939 At the beginning of 1938 it was 8% the allies therefore benefitted from over a year of indications and warning foreknowledge of the Germans' intention In 1933 the German naval inventory contained two major and twelve minor surface combatants destroyers and greater In 1939 submarine Ptoduction amounted to 19% of the total naval inventory Given that a non-creeping buildup followed by war was contemplated the Nazis' long-term naval production plan the famed liZ-Plan is of interest This plan forecast naval production from the outset of hostilities 1939 to the final victory of the Fatherland 1947 and provided for both new classes and for replacements to war losses Table 1 next page is extracted from the Z-Plan Thus the Nazi naval planners conceived a grand plan for quintupling the number of ships in their navy in seven to eight years while under arms--not to mention achieving a sixfold increase in overall tonnage On February 2 1943 Grand-Admiral Kar DOnitz issued a directive on Hitl r's order to radically alter the Z-Plan production to cease repairs and maintenance on battleships and cruisers but not on destroyers and light forces and to place the thus freed-up resources into land-based coastal defense and into the submarine service Clearly during the course of an extended conflict a considerable distinction can develop between availability and intent at the outset and sustainability at mid-course In a distinct sense this is the internal rationale for continuing a war to cripple the enemy's capability to continue One is then running down his war machine with consequent effect on his posture and degree of readiness The overall availability of the German Navy on September I 1939 is interesting Generally except for battleships it was high as shown in Table 2 July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 4 UNCLASSIFIED P L 86-36 DOCIO 4019668 UNCLASSIFIED On Hand 1939 Planned by 1947 Great-Sized Battleships Type H 0 6 Battleships Type GNEISENAU BISMARCK 2 4 Small Battleships Type DEUTSCHLAND 3 3 Battle Cruisers Type P 0 12 Heavy Cruisers 2 5 Light Cruisers Type M 0 24 Scout Cruisers 0 36 Destroyers 22 70 Corvettes 8 78 Aircraft Carriers 0 8 Submarines Ocean Coastal Special 66 249 162 60 27 34 32 0 TOTAL 103 495 Table 1 Number Available Percent Available 9 3 33 3 Two -of the three available were old WW I 13 200-ton ships Cruisers 11 6 54 5 BLUCHER was commissioned three weeks after September 1st had she been available she would have changed the availability factor to 63 6 Destroyers 21 17 77 3 Submarines 57 4S 78 9 Corvettes 12 10 83 3 Coastal Light Forces 20 19 95 0 1 0 0 Number Battleships Aircraft Carriers OVERALL MEAN AVAILABILITY Note Remarks 60 3 Availability information of 73 minesweepers and several auxiliary ships was not obtainable at this writing Table 2 July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 5 UNCLASSInED -DOCIO 40 196158 ------UNCLASSIFIED The mean availability if not high is quite respectable A navy knowing that it will soon be involved-in war ought to consider sixty percent availability to be a decent minimum If in this case however the one 23 200-ton aircraft carrier GRAF ZEPPELIN which had been launched but not commisioned is omitted from calculation the overall German naval availability factor rises to 70 3% a figure of some interest with which to compare the short-term notice availability of certain navies today The percentage of availability-by-type demonstrates a principle of naval readiness well known among naval specialists that the smaller a combatant therefore the less equipment and fewer sub-systems which comprise it the more likely it is to be serviceable on short notice--given of course adequate facilities and professional attention This principle appears to prevail irrespective of the ranges of classes and sizes that is whatever the size of the larger types generally their availability will be less than that of the samller sizes Also this principle appears to hold without being directly borne on by the numbers of units in a class thus 17 of 21 destroyers is a higher percentage of availability than three of nine battleships or six of eleven cruisers Even among the largest unit-class the battleships it is the smaller ones which were available that is those of 12-14 000 tons rather than those of 23-32 000 tons this group also in Judes the one aircraft carrier The availability of the corvettes 83 3% and the coastal defense light forces 95 0% is very high Submarines present a modification to the basic principle inasmuch as certain extra or specialized care is required for their maintenance and operation on the other hand they can be gotten up to full readiness more quickly than can most surface combatants On September 1 1939 16 submarines were in their standby positions in the North Atlantic and the North Sea By the end of the first week of the war on the continent the number of operating submarines had doubled No other type of German naval combatant ever matched this record in the course of the war in Europe Operating battleships and cruisers never doubled in number While the number of destroyers and corvettes in operational service more than doubled eventually it was only after much longer periods ranging from several weeks to several months As to the sustainability aspect of readiness it has been noted above that wholly differentvalues from those for availability may accrue Specifically the needs for modifications and the consequences of battle damage alter the overall readiness condition markedly In the German case in less than one year that is by the summer of 1940 the status of units out of action was as follows Number In a Yard Refit or Repair Battleships 3 Cruisers Reason Battle Damage Percent of Total In Type Laid Up 3 0 33 3 3 3 0 27 2 Destroyers 5 5 0 21 7 Corvettes 3 3 0 13 0 17 12 5 42 5 3 3 0 5 0 Coastal Light Boats Submarines Aircraft carrier Launched on August 12 1938 but never commissioned MEAN PERCENTAGE OF ALL SHIPS OUT OF ACTION 23 8 Table 3 Thus without the U S Navy having yet come into the war and without the Battle of the Atlantic having yet begun almost one-fourth of the German combatants were out of action July 79 after _about ten months of warfare In addition to the above eleven auxiliaries were also undergoing yard work for either refit or battle damage CRYPTOLOG Page 6 UNCLASSIFIED _ _ o __o _- --_ - - - _ - - - ---- - - _ _ - DOCID 4019668 UNCLASSIFIED An effectiveness assessment of the German Navy throughout World War II yields quite a different story--one which highlights the extreme usefulness of naval policies programs and strategies which are centered on submarines Capital warships either could not be completed building or suffered early decisive losses These ships battleships and cruisers subsequently were sharply underemployed owing to very high cost per unit as well as to consequent changes in strategies Destroyers and corvettes were variously over- and under-utilized By early 1943 submarines had become the principal German naval combatant and were used with considerable effectiveness According to Rohwer by September 1944 the twenty most successful submarines had sunk 573 Allied non-naval mostly merchant ships totalling 3 297 685 tons In addition eight naval ships--two destroyers one battleship one cruiser one submarine one corvette and two auxiliaries--were destroyed This accomplishment was attained with an investment of 166 submarine missions amounting to a total of 6 028 ship-days Although the effectiveness of individual submarines varied greatly the overall average effectiveness of the German submarine service was as shown below in Table 4 Average number of non-naval ships sunk per submarine Average number of all ships sunk per 28 69 29 05 s bmarine 3 50 Number of ships sunk per submarine mission 570 06 Non-combatant tonnage sunk per ship-day Average number of ships sunk per ton surfaced of all 20 leading submarines Average tonnage sunk per ton surfaced of all 20 leading submarines Or expressed otherwise a 121 1 return on investmentl Average submarine utilization over a five-year period 021 121 23 8 3 missions per submarine or 301 4 ship-days per submarine Table 4 This amounts to an average of 16 5% of the five-year period spent at sea with a yield of 570 tons per ship-day over that period This submarine effectiveness was achieved in spite of serious technical and design deficiencies in torpedoes during the first two years in spite of late 1942 policy and program changes in strong favor of submarine production and against the increasing odds thrown up by Allied convoy and antisubmarine warfare practices The Z-Plan called for the delivery of 249 submarines by 1947 Instead total production ran to 1 170 submarines by 1945 Of these between 1939 and 1945 630 were lost to enemy action at sea 81 were destroyed in horne waters 42 were lost by accident 215 were scuttled 38 were retired 11 were interned and 153 were surrendered Overall 91 7% of the German submarines were lost as a result of various Allied military actions Direct combat losses amounted to 60 7% of the final total production but this required nearly six years of warfare In the end a lack of sustainability rather than initial or even mid-term availability resulted in the total collapse of German naval readiness In the preface to his Hitler's NaU2l War 1 Cajus Bekker states The momentum of the German war effort was in fact only enough to last two or at most three years after the reserves ran out and though the arms industry continued production this lagged increasingly behind the enemy and his sources of supply 1 Kensington Publishing Corp New York 1974 AUTHOR'S NOTE The analysis in this article is that of the author and any faults are his The intention is to provide a brief basis for comparative naval studies with respect to readiness Extensive data and more complete analyses upon which this material is based is contained inter alia in the works of Mr Cajus Bekker Dr Jurgen Rohwer and Congressman Les Aspin of Wiscons n July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 7 UNCLASSIFIED DOCIO 4019668 UNCLASSIFIED NSA- Crostic No 27 By D H W DEFINITIONS WORDS A Sousa composition 3 wds B American humorist and actor Steamboat Round the Bend 1876-1944 full name C Perpetual dummy of the bridge columns 209 -8- 235 j III D Right at sea E Strange such high dispute should be 'Twixt On the Feuds Between Handel and Bononaini John Byrom 1725 3 wds F For pushing the foul-mouthed laboratory duplicate off the rooftop the police charged him with making an __ 3 wds 223 217 173 166 G Amerind var H Virginia I Author of A Message to Ga toaia 207 J _ _ _ Darby In 96 214 '62 -5- 28 196 113 -2- 149 K Characterizing a perfectly ordinary mussel entree 3 wds foIl by Word Y L Palindromic Honda M Bullied intimidated N Where Dorothy's dog's most recent meal is 2 wds O Miss Ullmann P Lascivious Q Formed an incorrect opinion R One with an exaggerated sense of se1fimportance July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 8 UNCLASSIFIED 68 DOCID 4019668 UNCLASSIFIED S Cambridge's other institution of higher learning 2 wds foIl by Word T 32 182 130 144 193 92 233 163 156 V 168 ITO 10 86 ----s7 139 150 176 119 205 109 9f T See Word S 2 wds U The best-dressed people in Mecca 2 wds foIl by Word V V See Word U 2 wds W In the same place Lat X European capital Y See Word K z Avon lady 2 wds a Still 1 T 2 J 3 E 4 o o o o o o o 18 T 17 M 5 0 6 A 7 I 21 A 22 E 19 V 20 0 32 S 33 Z 34 G 60 C 61 M 62 I 75 L 76 T 77E 90 V 91 5 925 o 50 H 51 A 63 W 121 V 122 Z o IU4 JC o o B IU 212 U 213 P l l IUb LlUI li 69 N 70 B 71R o o o 139 5 140 E 141 U 142 K o 126 N 127 X o Illll t 214 I 215 T IU A o o 154 E 155 Z1156 5 1157 Q1158 G1159 U1160 H1161 F 200 M 201 A 202 P 203 a Il3U o Il3 X o o o f 29 F o o 189 Z 190 N 191 W Il33 S1134 A C UNCLASSIFIED JC 42 0 43 U 44 P 45 A 57 5 58 X 59 K 72Q 73 0 74 Z o o 89 Z o 102 Z 103 N o o 104 0 117E 118 X 119S 145 A 146 T 147 Y 148 F o 116ZQ 16rS 164 A o o moe 192 G 193 5 194 Q 195 A 204 F 205 5 206 Q 207 I 208 E July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 9 30 Y 31 175 V 176 S 177 M 178 T 179 E 180 A 216 A 217 F 218 W 219 E 220 0 1232 14 Z 15 B 16 P 128 E 129 H 130 5 131 A 132 R 133 F 143 X 144 5 168 S 169 H 170 A 171 J 172 W 173 F 174 E o o o 113J 1140 115E 116T o 13E 84 B 85 T 86 S 87 M 88 U 99 a 100 F 101 E 97 P 98 0 1105 111 C 112M o o o o 28 I 38 F 39 0 40 R 41 E 66 A 67 L 68 J 181 H 182 5 183 R 184 Z 185 E 186 N 187 U 188 A 196 I 197 L 198 F 199 E 211 N 65 123 0 124 W 125 K 149 J 150 5 151 L 152 E 153 H o o 64E o JC 52 B 53 Y 54 R 55 A 56 T 93 A 94 Y 95 H 96 I 134 0 135 a 136 B 137 T1138 V 165 B 166 F 167 U o o o 11 R 12 25 Q 26 V 27 5 JC 78 M 79 Z 80 F 81 A 82 Q 83 P 105 Z 106 G 107 F 108 B 109 5 120 P 23 E 24 35 Y 36 Z 37 T 47 E 48 W 49 0 46 M B 8 C 9 F 10 5 221 JC o 222 T 209 C 210 V o 223 F 1237 B 238 E 239 Q 240 P DOCID 4019668 UNCLASSIFIED WhaT are you said Cy 'iZ jbr he had been to night-schooZ -George Ade One of the more charming frailties of actual speech goes by the rather stuffy name of hyper-urbanism signifying that the speaker is trying too hard to sound like a city feller There are plenty of familiar instances Tell a Cockney not to say ' orse for horse and he will presently call an outrage a houtrage Reprove his sister who works in a Tea Shoppe for calling a plate a plite and she will want to be nace and refaned Persuade a Brooklynite not to say poil for pearl and he will practice hard at saying pernt for point -or alternatively he will develop an extraordinary diphthong something like that of the French feuiZZe which makes it impossible to convict him of error and equally impossible to tell whether he means lcurl or coil SYDNEY FAIRBANKS Similarly in matters of syntax if you train little Johnnie not to say he seen a Good Humor man he will tell you that he wants to saw another and apparently if you teach fifty million children not to say him and me are going fishing forty-nine million will grow up saying between you and 1 We heard the other day of an unfortunate secretary within the confines of this institution who after one or two angry snubs no longer dares correct this idiom in her tyrant's correspondence Our heart bleeds at the thought Secretaries themselves however have one form of hyper-urbanity to which they tend to succumb in large numbers Ask a victim to do something for you and she answers in tones of conscious rectitude Yes I shall It would be a brave man who would tackle the little matter of shall and will -representing in the first person futurity and volition respectively--within the limitations of two pages of print Suffice it to say that a question uses the form of the expected or rather the invited answer Shall you fut be in town tomorrow and if so will you vol send him a telegram Of Xlurse I will vol I shall be glad to Shall I vol send it collect Yes Will you vol Shall I seems to reverse the rule but this is because it invites an answer in the second person and for the second and third persons will stands for futurity and shall for volition of the speaker Thus Shall I compare thee to a summer's day invites the answering command Thou shalt o although what is probably e r peptsd is an ecstatic Oh William wouZd you But this is a digression Colloquial usage of course is I will for everything even an undesired futurity If I do that I will be fired Only shall I survives like a fragment of an ancient ruin protruding through the level turf Thus reverting to our original theses when a lady is asked to do a favor she should answer whether colloquially or formally I will -excluding of course the more frequent case where the proper answer -is No One wonders by the way whether when the secretary marries her boss and Wilt thou Angelina is intoned amid orange blossoms she answers crisply Yes I shall It may be said that we are not concerned as an editor with spoken language but only with what is printed In fact we said as much ourselves about six months ago when someone asked us to voice a protest about a growing tendency to say I could care less But last week sure as death we saw it in print Unfortunately ours is we like to think a mild and mannered pen incapable of excoriating the perpetrators However the English sentence gentle nonreader which says in five neat sylables precisely what it means is I couldn't care less It is hard to improve on it EVidently it would be unfair to expect you to Understand what you hear but could you perhaps Zisten a little more closely Aw gee mom what's the use Reprinted from The NSA TeahniaaZ July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 10 UNCLASSIFIED JOU1'naZ April 1959' ----- ---- - DOCID 4019668 ------- SECKEl' SPOKE Gears of the Mouth u Donald Lasley A41 This article was originally delivered as an address at the Language Quality Control Symposium of March 1970 It is just as pertinent today as it was then dhw u When I was asked to speak on the subj ect of language quality control I accepted confident that I knew enough about it to speak extemporaneously Since then I have given considerable thought to the subject and have reached the conclusion that language quality control is extremely complex and that I really have much to learn about it I am somewhat knowledgeable however on the subject of the lack of language quality control I July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 11 SECRET SPOKE EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4019668 SECREtF SPOKB July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 12 SBCRBT SPOKB o EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4019668 COHFII EHTll 1 Some of the questions we ought to ask ourselves are eAre we recruiting the most talented People eAre we measuring talent by a reliable yardstick eDo we use the measurement once we have it eIs training whether formal or OJT adequate Do we effectively plan and utilize training U I 1 I I I I J U What is language quality control Quality control has been defined as an aggregate of functions designed to insure adequate quality in manufactured products by initial critical study of engineering design materials processes equipment and workmanship followed by periodic inspection and analysis of the results of inspection to determine causes for defects and by removal of such causes I suggest that language quality control is an aggregate of functions designed to insure adequate quality in product based on language through management of linguistic resources followed by periodic inspection and analysis of the results of inspection to determine causes for defects and by removal of such causes The key to language quality control is the management of linguistic resources This includes the recruitment the training the organization the utilization and the support of such resources eAre we properly organized for efficient operation eDo we provide adequate supervision and checking eDo we utilize linguists efficiently eIs linguistic support adequate Do we have the research aids working aids machine aids files and books that are needed U To conclude while I have probably not contributed much to your overall knOWledge in this discussion I hope I may have brought out some aspects of language quality control in a new light and that I may have stimulated some thought and even further discussion of this very important and very real problem UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN HANDBOOK OF SPOKEN USAGE VOL 3 Volume 3 of the Russian Handbook oj Spoken Usage is scheduled to be distributed at about the end of July It covers the Russian letters T through Copies will be issued through organizational channels but analysts who fail to receive a copy may request one directly by contacting the Pl6 Publications Officer Harry Goff ext 5642s or 5236s The Russian Handbook is a reference aid containing items which are not found or are very incompletely treated in standard dictionaries but which occur in the spoken language such as Detailed explanations of words that express speakers' emotions and attitudes--surprise annoyance approval disagreement uncertainty and the like Characteristically colloquial constructions Points of syntax and usage regional or otherwise nonstandard froms and constructions and vocabulary items Uneducated When complete the Handbook will consist of five volumes Vols 1 through 4 will contain Russian words arranged in Russian alphabetical order while Vol 5 will contain articles under grammatical headings such as Infinitive Perfective and so on listed in English alphabetical order The Handbook is UNCLASSIFIED Copies of earlier volumes are also available including a ring binder which will hold all three of the pUblished volumes UNCLASSIFIED July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 13 COHFIBHNI'IAt EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 DOCID 4019668 COHFIJ F HT 1 __L_e_t_te_r_S_T_o_t_he_E_d_ito_r_ -- J Last month CRYPTOLOG printed a letter from Kathy Bjorklund in which she wondered why the view of traffic analysts as a vanishing breed which has been expressed in CRYPTOLOG by various people is at such variance with the M3 view of TA personnel as an overstrength category To the Editor CRYPTOLOG U Since you were kind enough to ask me for a comment on Kathy Bjorklund's letter I felt obligated to break out I r ticle to which she referred There are several hot spots in those two items and one that rises from them Ul First CRYPTOLOG has traditionally been an open forum and I would not change that But we who write for it from time to time are obligated to do some homework before we present opinions that aren't defensible Or maybe it's time to label fact and opinion so that readers can sort them out U For Kathy here are a couple of facts While your briefing on reassimilation and career field overages were probably conducted by personnel or administrative people they are not the ones who made the decision that TA is an overage field As yourChietof Personnel Services could have told you M3 is part of Management Services DDM and it is a support or service organization that attempts to meet requirements estabZished by other Key Components In this case it was Operations DOD telling M3 that there were overages in the TA field and shortages in the language field it was 000 telling M3 to initiate the needed personnel actions e g reassignments and hiring Can you imagine the confusion if M3 went about willy-nilly hiring and reassigning people against no known requirements U Another fact is that George's article is mostly opinion Now he has as much right as anyone else to have and express those opinions but he knows he will get some arguments For example we not only lost good analysts when some TAs moved into management--we also gained some bad managers although that's not a problem peCUliar to the field of TA U But by and large I doubt that you could find anyone who has to pick up the tab in billets or skills balances who would say we have any current or near future shortage of traffic analysts or of TA Technicians I I to fill the vacancies in the analyst ranks U Comparing real and present shortages in the language and computer arenas to maybe shortages ten years down the pike may not be a fair analogy The computer and language shortfalls are there because we have added jobs or lived with vacant positions In the field of TA that has not been and is not now the case U Since most of our TA overages are at the technician level I'IIITIots lre I understand George's suggestion that we hire more technicians But my not understandingisir relevant--we aren't going to hire against a non-requirement at least not if I underP L 86- 3 6 stand the y things work _ U Back to Kathy's letter for a final comment on her last statement talent returning frollloverseas should not be regarded as a lIagic ingredient for such a brew Given our selection processes increased promotion points and preferential treatment in assignments upon return for field people I am a bit surprised that you believe there is an intentional negative attitude toward returning field people And my opinion is that DOD DDM DOR DDT and DDF would be equally surprised U Regards to you Kathy' Congratulations to you George And Dave whenever you want an opposing view on almost any subject please give me a call Dan Buckley M03 To the Editor CRYPTOLOG Ul I read Kathy Bjorklund's letter with a feeling of depression--because what she says is all too true The bodies-and-slots or bean-counting approach to personnel assignments is not one which is conducive to the continued development of the technical work force of the Agency During the skills requirement forecast of 1973 the career panels were ask d various questions on personnel development covering the period FY74 through FY79 Questions such as the following were asked July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 14 EURONPIBHNTIAt DOCID 4019668 CONFIDENTIAL I 1 f -What effect will new or emerging technology and modernization of cryptologic operations have on the skills under the purview of your career panel - Do you anticipate a need for developing multi-skilled specialists and if so which skills or combinations of skills will be required -Will the need for specific skills TA CA etc decline or increase U I don't know what happened to the results of this poll since current personnel planning does not seem to reflect them but rather continues to be based on projections of the current work force How many people do we have in such-and-such COSC Well then if we have that many and if we are getting the work done then that must be the right number So let's just straightline that number for the next four fiscal years Obvious this approach is the basis for faulty TDs since it makes no allowance for any shifts in requirements brought about by shifts in targets or other considerations Let's see how this works At the moment Traffic Analysis is carried as an overstrength skill in A Group The TACP has two interns due to graduate this month On the basis of their backgrounds experience the panel's recommendations and their own preferences these interns should be assigned to A2 But the thought of placing them in an overstrength element is enough to give the bureaucrats heartburn The placement of overseas returnees is sImilar P4l attempts to assign personnel holding A Group overage skills to B G V or W only a few of this year's returnees have been assigned to A In short P4l and M3 will almost always stand in the way of any assignment to an overstrength element I have accused P4l of approving TA intern placements using the bean-counter approach They deny this vehemently yet state in writing in a memo to Chief M3 the reasons cited above Another rankthinning factor is age Almost twenty percent of the people in COSC 1411 Traffic Analyst are over 50 years of age less than two percent are under 30 U What is the solution As I see it it is two-fold An immediate measure would be some directed assignments This would include the identification of personnel holding a given COSC in an overstrength area but not performing that function and making appropriate readjustments such as transfer retraining or reclassification It would also include the placing of overseas returnees in areas where their skills are most needed even where there might be a temporary overstrength condition For the longer term we must nurture the TA intern hire insuring that we have at least six to ten coming in each year and placing them in the work force where they will produce for the Agency regardless of numbers or quotas Let me quote from an' old-time member of the TA corps How long does it take to build a professional traffic analyst from zero If it takes say five years then we are betting that whatever the situation is today it will be the same five years from now And what we are betting with is the Agency's reputation for adapting to fast-breaking changes in the world situation The TA intern program can and does build a professional traffic-analyst-reporter from zero with a very solid understanding of the interrelationships of the other cryptologic disciplines The annual hiring of a few bright people--recent college graduates as well as former military analysts--should solve the problem of being able to find good traffic analytic talent in the future I IHllS Executive TACP To the Editor CRYPTOLOG -_ t JPjrmit me to comment onl Tes lf n - g 'l''' w 'l h I'' c''l h-- 'ap --- peared in YOlir April 1979 issue This piece is obviously aimed attheiyounger employee approaching professionalization testing with some trepidation But what of the older preAge of Protessionaliztion employeee for whom it is not a question of phobia but one of 1 -_ artIcle Fear of A fair share--by the numbers U I I quoted by Ms Bjorklund in her letter are correct the number of traffic analysts is dwindlinR Part of this is attributable to EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 pPincnpZe Cor tinUBd oniPage 21 July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 15 CONFIBBN'I'IAI P L 86-36 P L 86-36 DOCID 4019668 eONFIBBNTl al P L 86-36 __ __IP 1L ---_IG65 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c I EO 1 4 c P il-' 86-36 --------------------------------------------- Provisions have been made for inclusion of other information fields that may be required or which are unique to an individual office 2 Defined in USSID 300 as information abQut foreign communications or signals ob served through signils collection or derived through analysis J u 1 Y 79 P EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 U In its early formative years EXPERT's data and programs resided on the IBM 360 65 86-36 CRYPTOLOG Page 16 CONFIBBNJ'I-A IWI9 V jl SQM9 'J' Slhtzl'II'I J 8 QI'IhY DOCID 4019668 COHFI9gHTI1 1 ' ' 86-36 UI The problem of automating NSA-originated product information into EXPERT has not yet been resolved Automation of G product may become possible when al Isystern is fully implemented UI Initially in 1968 when EXPERT was only a theory it was envisioned as an Agency-wide system While that vision may never be attained it is coming closer now that Band G are both using it P L 86-36 'fl eeet' Over the year s EXPERT has pJt 6v n 6 d be a useful system in meeting G's objectives Today to a greater degree than ever it is being used to correlate SIGINT product information and corresponding target information to assess productivity and to help develop management policies EXPERT will be close to becoming an L --J automated SIGINT end proauct information system when the match-merging of field product information is implemented It can become fully automated with t e adventof an Agency-widel Jsystem EX PERT might then be defined as an automated SIGINT product information system capable of answering the what who when why how and where questions in full and of providing this tnformation on a timely basis to its users 3 Defined in USSID 300 as the identification 4 Writing on this subject two years ago I IquoteduthisuremarkufrolJlua of the person headquarters or other tartranslator I used to like to finish get authority which has authorized or caused a translation so I could get a new one to thr transmission of the collected signal start Now I dread it and put it off It identifies in effect the drafter or because I'll have to make the EXPERT sheet releaser of the message collected or lilt's Got to Get Out Today CRYPTOWG the organization which sponsored the April 1977 transmission of the signal July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 17 EO 1 4 c P L 86-36 EURONPIBHN IAL 1I lBhEl VIA ElElMHl'P elfAUP1ElhS em lt P L 86-36 P L 86-36 DOCID 4019668 SECRET P L 86-36 Shootout at the SICINT Corral UI In his article r Remember SPELLMAN in the July 19 8CRYPTOLOG Art Salemme pretty well dismissed the idea of on-line voice transcription as unworkable Now here's IWho whiZe not being e ctZy enthus astic about the concept does see some hope for its limited application I July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 18 P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c SECRET 1I JQkE HI EUR1Ql'tHN'T EHL'dHlBb8 8NbY DOCID P L 86-36 EO 1 4 c 4019668- SBEURRET 1 r July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 19 8EEURRET H NQJsi HI A QQ Htf 8I1AHNELS 6H'L I DOCID 4019668 SECRET SEMINARQ TRANSLATION PROBLEMS U 11l1nar Ci ' iP4 p 't S OnL 8 6 - 3 6 EO 1 4 c U P16 wil1 Sponsor a Seminar on Translation Problems from 1 0--to 13 September Topics common to practica -ry all languages-things 1ike ambiguity redun ancy set phrases culture-bound words o and the formation of neologisms-will be treated In each of the first sessions these will be followed by s'pecialized tack-ons devoted to specific an- gusge or groups of related languages NO lce translators old hands and even non-llngUl st managers should find the sessions which will fe ture correction of problem translations in EnglIsh but reflecting the fact that a translator had a problem in rendering the text enlightening and useful U If you would like further informatio J-__ t -h-e person to call isl I-PT6 ext 5642s or 5236s SOwrION TO NSA-CROSTlC NO 26 U rCRYFTOWG June 1979 by D H W I CRYPTOWG I-let-t-er __ to t_he Editor October 1978 U I will laugh at quip __ concerning female traffic ana r$-t-s--only when the opportuni t i e __ f-or--professiona I willen are equa-l--to those for men and when he--fate of women promoted is equal to that of men promoted and 'hen the number of omen in management positions is proportionate to the number of men in management positions P L 86-36 July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 20 SBCRET III NQbJPY1 VIA E8PtHNT' OIl 'HJF1LR 8NLY DOCIO 4019668 UNCLASSIFIED Although I have no hard statistics at my fingertips I suspect that in the language field at least many old-timers are standing on principle in refusing to participate in the professionaliztion program fathered by the late Si4ney Jaffe because they were inequitably ignored in its formulation in other words discriminated against -- men who had genuinely professionalized themselves before the program was intitated by securing advanced degrees whereas others simply because they were GS-13s and up were automatically professionalized on the basis of mere salary achievement of course the bosses like honey always stick together This patent shortcoming I have repeatedly pointed out to Dr Jaffe himself as well as to Dr Tordella and to a number of NSA directors either orally or in writing however at this late date the problem still persists giving us the impression that the dictum of ignoring-it-will-cause-it-to-go-away stilIi$ supreme in the conduct of the cognosceJl tL D NSA Fellow GS2 I I Ph To the Editor CRYPTOLOG As a former Art Editor of CRYPTOLOG I feel that I must write and congratulate you on the recent addition of the clever drawings that have been accompanying many of the articles in recent issues They are very well done truly a credit to the artist whoever he or she may be and why do you keep the identity of such a talented artist a deep dark secret Certainly you owe it to your loyal readers to tell us who is responsible for those wonderful drawings Admiringly L IPI6 In the May issue of CRYPTOLOG we asked if anyone could identify a language of the Soviet Union other than Armenian Georgian and the three Baltic languages which used a non-Cyrillic writing system Last month we printed an onswer from A Group'sl I ich identified the language as German But it looks like the issue isn't quite thll t sim Ie P L To the Editor CRYPTOLOG The answer to your Llnguitrlvla question can be found on page 188 of theArea Handbook for the Soviet Union 1 J wh1ch accompanied the progranuned text for'NCSch course TG-003 Orientation Soviet Union Referring to the linguistic make-up of the Soviet Union it staJes The western branch of the Germanic group is represented by German and Yiddish German is spoken by a decreasing number of descendents of German steelers who arrived in Russia during the eighteenth century under the reign of Catherine the Great herself a German Yiddish is a variety of medieval German spoken by Jews descended from those who had lived in Germany but who had subsequently moved eastward into Poland and Russia The language is written in the Hebrew alphabet and contains a large portion of Hebrew words In the Soviet Union it is considered to be the language of the Jewish people although the Jewish communities in the Caucasus and Central Asia speak local Iranian and Turkic languages Some books and journals are published in Yiddish and it is nominally the official IamgUage of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast' k L - APOLOGY From the Editor It's a pleasure The illustrations signed L2 which have been appearing in CRYPTOLOG since the Match issue are the work of the very talentedl lof G92 In the accompanying eJf pQrtraitMs c JisshOwtiiri'amoiiient of artistic creativity while one of her surly penguins looks on Incidentally you can catch more of Lynne's work in the WIN Women in NSA Newsletter each month The April issue of CRYPlOLOG carried a puu le entitled itA hat LaTler Pro'ble __ b J t later issues bave through oversiaht oait t ed the answer p tien n fl'UCk '''iJ Lpro- Oi 1 igeTIce duce the table a portion of which -ls -- C 5 GOO o N G I M J o W U J A H Q What is the 1location systell next anth July 79 CRYPTOLOG Page 21 UNCLASSIFIED 1 2 3 4 1 F Q 1 Co mH PI-J1JN 79-53-2 82 86-36 Answer P L 86-36 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu