- s-O f DECLASSIFIED I AlIlh 'rit AlNf fft JJ3f DEPARTMENT OF STATE MemoranJum of Conversation DAn 8eptea r 14 19M SJ cm SUBJECT JIr ' of Taw on luoe Sin-Uon 'floe S oretal'7 PARTICIPANTS MI'o on rt hoy r Jroo 1Jn4 l'-locrotarT Do 1cnato Aaba o4or JU et eb 117 Mr JOD Woo l y Jo COPIES TO sis m - lID - Mr o 1070 8 I a OLI - I n n Bn - 1Ir J'o tor Perl_ y Pari AIl4 puc y 1001140 rt_ - Mr Jono - Mr W d u IIA - Mr P lur o o_ usn 2 -- 'floe J'ronch _ 0401' oall04 tIliO _mill at Ill re ' to report that lie ha boon rocall04 to Pari for coualtlltion _ J'rncll Proa1n AIl4 rorolca Milliet r M 1Io1lcl ea-J'ranco 'l'bII AII o4or _id thd _ t bIIcl to oarr7 bad ith hill the lato t U S ytowa oa the hropean dn-tlon 'fhe 8eonta1'7 repli04 that he ha4 been Ollt of t eb ith hIop n affaira for the la t two week b1lt tbat he ha4 two 10 thO'llChto oa the pren of Woo t rn JUrop 1 that 0 %'11 117 h01ll4 b l l'IlDt04 f1lll cy reicaty wltllot' IlD7 U erilliaatol'7 lillitatlona aa4 2 that orcaaio lialt political ooU tary or conoaie bat oo n 'ranco AIl4 Oel'Mll7 allOt ba cloY lop04 at tbouch it uet ' aot ba lilltt04 to tho oo two coatriO '1'ha loeretal'7 laborata4 the fint eonoideraUon ref rrill to hi podtioll ill tloe draftiDe of the JIIpIlDOoo P aca Tnaty hieb firaly oppo U7 lillUaUoH oa Japan l'OIo1 oont or other aapoeh of Japanoooo0Tanipty With reapaot the ooooD4 ooui4 rotio thO Soeretal'7 e r plaln04 that he t U that a re treaty relatioaohip 'wa a J'ranc an4 o mllD7 not a urtioi aUy 0IlDA lied Oil hicll to b1lU4 a h altq JlQropo deplore4 tho reJ ction ot tho C 'frea'y the J'roneb Parliaaant i all other olutioa to the J'ranoo-Oemaa prebloo ware laperl e' by cOlpllJ'ioon ' aid that vith the taUure ot JiDO ia Franco the W ot voul4 haY to 40 the ba it could vith 0 oth r y hiet b1lt tbat it v01lld be a aoItoahlf' at ba t IlJI4 tMt ' it vould not ba CIlUf bt up IUId aupport04 vith tho _tbUlan b7 01lJ' Wootara i AlUoo or by the Aaarlt11Z1 peopl particularly the U 8 CcJlCl'O' 0_ he cony r ation turned to the Briti h J'or lca S eretal'7'o currant lw ep oo1l tour Mr Dull 14 that he had Jut reed ' a ho Mr Kea na-1tiac ' a t1ac ill London ot the liDO Pown 6n Sept bar 21 foUlld tho Koa _Ill the POIpu oa h1l do k IUId r0a4 o tho _ a40r cortaill puo o o frca it ' 1JCIIJ 'f - Il f CLASS IFI E D SIgUT Au'I 'ri y J ty 1 JJ5 o o ---------- o IIon thea that Mr m n bad fOUll4 wholehearhd upport aaon the Be elu Mini tera for a poliC7 of integratiD Germ n1 into tile Weet ad of obtainine a Ger an contribution to ita defen e that the Ge Chancellor attached t port- anc to eooo lI ind of Gel'UD political inte ration into pe that mill hoped b y modification and 'l p neion of the Brua ele Pact to inolad Gel'U D 1 and Ital to achieTe uch an integration wh rein the U I would participate ecpall wit Iranc and Gel'lll l Y that there be a Bu -Power Conf rence 0 Sept_ber 22 in London to precede the uro Min1aterlal oo etine Th8 be o o o or alked whether puttinc a ide Concre UoDal di'approTlll of an Y hin le than IDe to achi Gel'llllln int ratio into the d fen e of Weatern hrope the Secretar v' 8 i WIre tbat oaethin alon the line of tile lUll propoeal that i German 'IItr y into JATO with coaaitoontl UDder tile Brue ol Pact would be delirabl in the cirC llllltance 'file 8eeretar v iaed1 tel r int 1'- po ed that he did not wi ll to gi the Aab a4or the illpre8110n that it _ on1 the Concre oo which bad gra ai lTID 1 about an r hropean 801ution other than lDC that h hill elf hared the e i Th8 8ecretar r co t inUld that we bad giTln lpaciUc a eurancoo to tile IDe countr1e laet aprin reprdine U S eu port in II1rop when DC becaae a realit Ie added that the J'rench Oo J'1III t houl4 not e r pect that the e a urane would be i other eir_tanceoo n e Seeretar y aid that WI bad r r little inforaation about the Kill propoeal oth r than the meaeage fro whioh he bad jut rea4 11' would not of cour oo do an y hln to hinder the Jlnrope dUonl fro arri 1nc at the be t 01uUI po libl in the light of the lrenoh rejection of lIDC which _ to haYe fOlWd the poll tical bee 18 for an fhcti BTO ill tar defen 1II11o that Ia rope GOUla not e o peot tile lUll ettpport fro the U S that it had prepared to gl to a 10 hropean co_U 1 ' be we 11 The Aabe oo ador aid that if there an r of withdrawal of U S troop or wlthdraTlll of 'upport for the We t rn Ittropean def n e affort thl would of cour oo haTe a er y ad ree aff ct upon the po oo nUltloo of Geraaa tr y into NATO Ie added that the Pr nell Praler would ha eufUei IIU difficult 101118 gettln the rrellch e bl r to acroo to GerIIIA oo tr r into B UO under pree llt cireua tancoo ad that wUlaout aes1IrIUlCl of eontinuinc Aaerlcan pr ce u4 eupport in lnrope hi taek would be 11m to illpo oo 1bl he abuaa4or in that the Bonn Con ntioll were 110 loncer applicable aeked wheth r in the Secretar v' '1'1 the Bri Uah Ull pacted to hold n oo r poWlre Whell Ge1W ll r wae panted h r aoy r tgnt r Mr Dalle replied that whil h did not know t Br1tl po lt10 w 41d DOt f oo1 that the Ge_ hould be aek d to re oo rrtdpowen to t pre oo llt oecup 1nc tate aDd that w f ored 1l41E ' 00utJ q_t for the rederal lIepublic J OA- J ' L e iJ l o -inc 1 't t j The Aabu a40r thell turn d to J'ar Ia t rn queet 0111 and a ked if the 8ecretar y bad beell plea ad with the J'rellch po Ulon at the ManUa Cont nnOi The Secretar7 ' ret rred to hio offort 011 b half of the J'rellch Del'cat to ba a J'rench text of ' the ManUa Pact collaidered authentio aloD with the lncU h one he AabuiMor 1 aid that there were aan r que tiOIl partioularl of a financial nature whicll h 01 and the U S uet 41 CIlI8 w1tll reapeot to Indoohina ad id that the ili t of the J'reull rinanOi Nin1eter Id ar laura to W oa n xt w 1I woold prOTide an opportunU y Ire a rplained that there va f int the que tion of U S aee1 tance _s to the AI oc1 ted Stet wh1ch of eouroo our bainooo 'but which w would w1e11 to di CIlI no doubt witll the J'rench Al o there the quoo tiOIl of the aupport of the Pr ach l rpedit1onar r Corp for which h1 Oo l'IIIl nt would W14oubtedl r Med cant 1nuing help in aaintainiDg in the Jar 'ft1 IUR WJ JVJOII cal U SlORE o INCOMING TElE R M 23 -H v EUR Actio ACTION COpy Department of State FROM PARIS IJ -f Of 5E lRt fM Alqs ME ' i i E Control 6781 E SEP 17 AM 7 49 Ret 'd SEPTEMBER 5 47 PM 16 19511 - 4 - i I o Info SS G SP TO NO C F tII t f Secretaty of t ate o - ' - '- ' 1135 SEPTEMBER Hi 113 PM 0 o C1I OLI SENT BONN NIACT 249 REPEATED INFORMATIU IJH T LONDON 314 l OP FOR THE SECRETARY I UOC OCB D en C1I g MENDES- FRANCE GIVES US FOLL SUMMARY OF- HIS TALKS WITH EDENI - CIA GERMAN MLMBERSHIP IN NATO HAD ALWAYS BEEN UNPOPULAR IN FRANCE AND HAD COME TO BE REGARDED AS THAT EVIl WHICH EDC WAS DESIGNED TO AVOID ACCORDINGLY HE HAD HOPED GERMAN MEMBERSHIP IN BRUSSELS TREATY MIGHT PROVIDE SATIS ALTER ATIVE HOWEVER OTHER PARTIES TO BRUSSELS TREATY u S' l CANADA AND APPARENTLY ALL OTHER NATO COUNTRIES DISAGREED AND FELT GERMAN MEMBERSHIP IN NAtO ESSENTIAL HE HAD ACCORDINGLY SOUGHT WITH EDEN WAYS AND MEANS OF MAKING THIS PALATABLE TO FRENCH OPINION AND THEY HAD AGREED IT CLD BEST BE DONE THRU DEVELOPING BRUSSELS TREATY p o BRUSSELS TREATY WLD BE UTILIZED PRIMARILY AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR EDC L IT WLD HAVE TWO GREAT ADVANTAGES OF BRIT MEMBERSHIP AND THAT IT WAS NOT RPT NOT SUPRANATIONAL SOME NONDISCRIMINATORY CONTROLS OVER ARMAMENT WERE ESSENTIAL 1 VOLUNTARY RENUNCIATION BY ADENAUER WLD CARRY LITTLE WEIGHT IN FRANCE AND NATO WAS NOT RPT NOT STRUCTURALLY DESIGNtD FOR CONTROL THEREFORE BRUSSELS TREATY SHLD BE USED IT MUST NOT RPT NOT BE MERELY PAPER CONTROL OR WINDOW DRESSING BUT MUST HAVE REAL SUBSTANCE IT MUST ALSO OFFER HOPE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF POLITICAL INTEGRATION IN EUROPE AND PERHAPS THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUPRANATIONAL FEATURES ' IN TIME THERE WLD BE NO RPT NO QUESTION OF SETTING UP NEW ADMINISTRATIVE MACHINERY UNDER THE BRUSSELS TREATY THERE WLD BE POLITICAL D SCUSSION AND DECISIONS BY BRUSSELS TREATY COUNCIL BUT NATO MACHINERY WLD BE UTILIZED C ' TO ADMINISTER CONTROLS BRUSSELS TREATY MUST BE PRESENTED I TO ASSEMBLY AS SUBSTITUTE FOR EDC AND AS AN ASSURANCE THERE n WLD BE NO RPT NO INDEPENDENT WEHRMACHT r J THIS SOLUTION WLD ENTAIL NO RPT NO DELAY GERMAN MEMBERSHIP IN NATO WLD OF COURSE REQUIRE APPROVAL OF FRENCH ASSEMBLY AND BRUSSELS TREATY MODIFICATIONS WLD TAKE NO RPT NO L6NGER HE AND EDEN HAD AGREED THAT EXPERTS SHLD BE GIVEN ONE MONTH TO PRODUCE SPECIFIC DOCUMENT WHICH SHLD BE CLEAR SIMPLE AND ' d OECLASSItU U Authority ' t J11 I CII wn fft zr3f- - NOT RPT NOT o I nrn vvrm _ _ lJ'ned to DQthwml files with notation of action taken o ' 'I r 1 ' I REPRODUCl'firM FROIII THIS COPY IF CLASSIFIED IS o PROHIBITED o SECRET I CLASSIFI I AUlh 'rily AI f J f ff1 2J35 -------- - 2- 1135 SEPTEMBER 16 10 PM FROM PARIS NOT RPT NOT COMPRISE MORE THAN TWENTY ARTICLES IN RESPONSE TO QUESTION AS TO HOW TIGHTLY REVISED BRUSSELS TREATY AND GERMAN MEMBERSHIP IN NATO WERE TO BE LINKED TO AVOID DANGER OF ASSEMBLY ACCEPTING ONE AND REJECTING OTHER HE REPLIED THEY WLD BE PRESENTED TO ASSEMBLY IN SINGLE DOCUMENT AND TWO WLD TAKE EFFECT SIMULTANEOUSLY IT HAD BEEN AGREED THAT EDEN WLD CONVOKE NINE-POWER MTG IN LONDON SEPT 27 OR 28 AND THAT NAC MINISTERIAL MTG SHLD BE HELD IN LATE OCT OR PERHAPS BEGINNING NOVEMBER AND THAT EVERY EFFORT WLD BE MADE TO COMPLETE PARLIAMENTARY ACTION BY ALL PARLIAMENTS CONCERNED BEFORE END OF YEAR MENDES EXPRESSED HOPE THIS WLD BE SATISFACTORY TO US SINCE ACTION SHLD HAVE BEEN TAKE BY TIME CONGRESS RECONVENES IN RESPONSE TO QUESTION WHETHER HE CONSIDERED ' THIS SOLUTION ONE FOR WHICH HE CLD WHOLEHEARTEDLY SEEK ASSEMBLY APPROVAL HE SAID IT DEFINITELY WAS SUCH A SOLUTION AND THAT WHILE DiTAILS MUST STILL BE WORKED OUT POLITICAL PROBLEMS WLD BE DIFFICULT AND HE DID NOT RPT NOT WISH TO APPEAR TOO OPTIMISTIC 1 HE THOUGHT THERE WAS REASONABLE CHANCE OF SUCCESS HE DID NOT RPT NOT WISH APPEAR EGOTISTIC BUT FELT HE HAD BETTER CHANCE OF GETTING IT THROUGH THAN WLD SOMEONE ELSE HE SAID HE WLD NEED HELP FRI ALL CONCERNED INCLUDING U S HE INQUIRED WHETHER THERE WAS ANY CHANGE IN YOUR PLANS AND WAS'ADVISED THAT THERE HAD NOT RPT NOT BEEN lIJT THAT nlS INFORMATION WLD BE COMMUNICATED TO YOU IMMED BEFORE HIS DEPARTURE FOR AIRPORT EDEN HAD TIME MERELY TO TELL US THAT HE CONSIDERED OUTCOME AS BEING AS GOOD AS CLD BE EXPECTED AND CONSIDERABLY BETTER THAN HE HAD ANTICIPATED YESTERDAY ON RETURNING rROM AIRPORT JEBB GAVE US MORE DETAILED ACCOUNT WHICH CONFIRMS THAT GIVEN US BY MENDES ADDITL POINTS WERE THAT EDEN HAD EMPHASIZED GRUENTHER'S OPINION THAT NATO MACHINERY CLD BE EFFECTIVELY UTILIZED FOR OPERATIONAL AND LOGISTICAL CONTROL GRUENTHER LING FULL ACCOUNT MENDES HAD REPEATEDLY INDICATED SEN ITIVITY TO BEING ISOLATED AND ALONE AND IT WAS ONLY LATE 'THIS AFTERNOON THAT HIS APPREHENSION AS TO AGAIN BEING ALONE AT NINE-POWER MTG IN LONDON HAD BEEN ASSUAGED EDEN HAD A EED TO USE HIS INFLUENCE WITH OTHER BRUSSELS TREATY AND NATO MEMBERS TO BRING ABOUT SOLUTION ALON ABOVE LINES EDEN WISHES TO DISCUSS THIS PERSONALLY WITH YOU YOUR ANNOUNCED DECISION TO OMIT PARIS HAD HAD VERY SATISFACTORY EfFECT BUT THIS UNEXPECTED SATISFACTORY OUTCOME OF EDENMENDES TALkS DOES WE BELIEVE CHANCE SITUATION IN CIRCUMSTANCES WE RECOMMEND THAT IF POSSIBLE YOU PLAN TO COME HERE TOMORROW EVENING EVEN IF YOU CLD ONLY SPEND AN HOUR OR TWO EDEN AND JEBB WHIL ELUCTANT TO orrr R SUGGESTIONS BELIEVE IT WLD BE USEF L Ii 'i'4 lU CLD STOP H ' RE DILLON o o AB 32 c S'r llrT This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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