TRANSMITTAL_____1 _1_1_3 - - United States of America DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION ORDER SERIES DEPARTMENT OBGANIZATION ORDERI_ _ _3_O _-2_B_ _ _ __ DATE OF ISSUANCE January 7 1997 EFFECTIVE DATE January 7 1997 SUBJECT NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION I PURPOSE 01 This Order prescribes the organization and assignment offunctions within the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST The scope of authority and functions are in Department Organization Order 30-2A 02 This revision abolishes the Computer Systems Laboratory and the Computing and Applied Mathematics Laboratory and uses those resources to establish the Information Technology Laboratory abolishes the Budget Office in the Office of the Director the Office of the Comptroller Financial Management Systems Office and the Financial Information Group of the Boulder Executive Office in the Director of Administration and uses those resources to establish the Chief Financial Officer abolishes the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program in Technology Services and uses its resources to establish the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program at the organizational unit level equivalent to the NIST Laboratories change the title of the Office of Quality Programs in the Office of the Director to the National Quality Program reflects changes to clarify functions within the Office of the Director ofNIST and to transfer the Office of Human Resources Management from the Office of the NIST Director to the Director of Administration SECTION 2 ORGANIZATION The organization structure and line of authority ofNIST which is part of the Technology Administration shall be as depicted in the attached organization chart Exhibit 1 SECTION 3 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 01 The Director shall determine the policies ofNIST and direct the development and execution of its programs within the guidelines set by the Secretary of Commerce 02 The Deputy Director shall assist the Director in the direction ofNIST and perform the functions of the Director in the latter's absence The Deputy Director shall supervise the National Quality Program the DirectorlNIST Boulder Laboratories and all NIST operating unit directors In addition the Deputy Director shall supervise staff functions relating to civil rights program analysis legal affairs congressional and legislative affairs and international and academic affairs USCOMM oc ll DOO 30-2B -2- 03 The Associate Director shall report to the DeDuty Director and provide advice on all activities at NIST concerned with program plannin md evaluation SECTION 4 STAFF FUNCTION REPORTING TO THE DIRECTOR The Public Affairs Officer shall serve as the public infonnation spokesperson for NIST serve as Chief of the Public and Business Affairs Division and work with the NIST Executive Board in developing communications strategies for the Institute using the resources of the Division in implementing those strategies The Public Affairs Officer shall report to the Director of Administration except that on certain matters regarding public relations or the dissemination of infonnation to the public the Officer shall be directly responsible and have access to the Director ofNIST SECTION 5 FUNCTIONS REPORTING TO THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 The National Quality Program shall provide assistance to industry and to other public benefit organizations in the development of technology and procedures needed to improve U S quality and competitiveness and be responsible for the assigned responsibility in the Technology Competitiveness Act section of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 PL 100-418 manage the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award program as stated in Public Law 100-107 in cooperation with senior U S business and quality leaders perfonn research and outreach activities to assist private sector quality efforts and to serve as a mechanism by which U S companies universities and other organizations can work together to share and develop perfonnance excellence best practices serve as a mechanism by which U S companies universities and other organizations can work together to share and develop quality management best practices coordinate quality-related developments and requirements with the NIST laboratories serve as the NIST representative to national and international quality organizations and serve as the NIST quality liaison to business government entities at the Federal State and local level other public benefit organizations and to other targeted groups as identified and or required by Congress or the Administration 02 The Director NISTlBoulder Laboratories shall act as the delegate and representative of the NIST Director in providing leadership policy guidance technical and managerial oversight and coordination ofNIST-wide technical and administrative operations in support of the scientific goals and research objectives of the NISTlBoulder Laboratories and be responsible for liaison with other federal agencies in Boulder and its vicinity and the maintenance of productive and cooperative relationships with the Boulder community SECTION 6 DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION The Director of Administration shall manage and operate NIST administrative programs establish and implement policies and plans ensuring maximum responsiveness to the needs of NIST technical programs The Director shall be assisted by a Deputy Director of Administration who shall assist the Director in the perfonnance of administrative functions and serve as the Director during the latter's absence -3- D0030-2B SECTION 7 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES -- The Director of Technology Services shall provide U S industry and trade government and the public with measurements standards and information services that increase competitiveness and facilitate trade by promoting innovation improving quality reducing cost promoting the use and adoption of U S standards measurement practices and technology by important trading partners and overcoming barriers to trade which include cooperating with other departments and agencies of the Federal government and state and local governments in establishing uniform legal metrology practices standards codes and specifications developing producing and distributing Standard Reference Materials providing Standard Reference Data providing calibration and laboratory accreditation services coordinating metric usage to the extent practical in Federal government procurement grants and business-related activities managing the Small Business Innovation Research Program SBIR provide information services in support ofNIST and collaborate with NIST's Laboratories in carrying out technology services responsibilities SECTION 8 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM The Advanced Technology Pro shall stimulate U S economic growth by developing highrisk and enabling technologies through programs proposed and cost-shared by industry plan focused programs in economically important technology application areas fund projects selected through focused program and general competitions promote the formation of and aid United States joint research and development ventures through provisions of organizational and technical advice and through direct participation in joint ventures administer an outreach program that cooperates with State and local government economic development authorities to evaluate the technology requirements of businesses and make businesses aware of Program opportunities and carry out cooperative research activities with the private sector Federal agencies and State agencies as may be permitted by law or as assigned to the Program by the Secretary of Commerce SECTION 9 MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSIDP PROGRAM The Manufacturin Extension Partnership Program shall develop and maintain as a joint venture with State and local governments a national system which provides technical assistance to manufacturers in adopting appropriate advanced technology and best manufacturing practices to strengthen the global competitiveness of smaller U S manufacturers assist State governments in planning for the development of state-wide industrial extension services which deliver technical and business assistance to smaller manufacturers in coordination with other existing services available in public private and academic sectors provide joint funding with State and local governments for the creation and maintenance of extension services which focus on and respond to the specific needs of smaller firms develop and manage programs which respond to the specific needs of State- and local-based extension services and supports their integration as a national delivery system create and maintain partnership across the Federal government and within industry to develop and integrate new and existing resources which are complementary to the national delivery system and which allow these entities to utilize the national delivery system as a means of access to smaller manufacturing firms in support of their mission objectives and DOO 30-2B -4- develop strategies and execute programs whicl e p1 m e innovative alternative approaches for improving small manufacturers competitiveness and which capitalize on opportunities for the national system and its component service entities to realize greater revenues from private-sector investment in its services SECTION 10 CIDEF FINANCIAL OFFICER The Chief Financial Officer shall direct and manage the overall financial management activities relating to the programs and operations ofNIST which include the 1 development of financial management policies and procedures and 2 development and maintenance of an integrated accounting and financial management system including financial reporting and fin ncial internal controls which comply with all applicable Departmental OMS Treasury and FASAB regulations policies and requirements and ensures that such information is timely complete reliable consistent and responsive to managers' needs oversee budget formulation presentation justification and execution direct the preparation of the annual financial plan serve as the action official responsible for responding to all internal and external audits investigations reviews and examinations related to financial management coordinate financial report requirements as mandated in the CFO Act PL 101-576 of 1990 promote programs to deter fraud waste and abuse of government resources oversee implementation of Section IV of the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act serve as principal representative for NIST on financial matters and as liaison to the Technology Administration Department and OMS on all financial matters including development and implementation of a comprehensive departmental fmancial management system and serve as the senior financial management advisor to the Director and Deputy Director ofNIST as well as to the NIST Executive Board and the technical and administrative staff ofNIST SECTION 11 ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY The Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory shall maintain develop and disseminate the national physical standards for electricity provide a focus for research development and applications in the field of electrical electronic quantum electronic and electromagnetic materials and engineering maintain and develop competences in measurements and analytic methods in fabrication processes in performance evaluation and in practical applications appropriate to a wide range of materials devices instruments and systems identify market and technological barriers to the effective application of electrical electronic quantum electronic and electromagnetic technologies for the achievement of national goals conduct responsive basic research to yield the requisite fundamental physical constants practical data measurement methods theory standards technology and technical services and provide national reference standards and engineering measurement traceability and deliver the results for the benefit of the government industry the scientific community and the consumer either directly or through effective intermediaries DOO 30-2B -5- - SECTION 12 MANUFACTUR1NG ENGINEERIN 2 LABORATORY The Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory shall provide competence and develop technical data findings and standards in production engineering mechanical metrology and automation and control technology provide instrument design fabrication modification and repair and provide industrial and mechanical engineering in support of a program to develop standards interfaces recommended practices and associated technology to be made available to the manufacturing industries SECTION 13 CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY The Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory shall provide the national system of chemical measurement coordinate the system with measurement systems of other nations and furnish essential services leading to accurate and uniform chemical measurement throughout the Nation's scientific community industry and commerce provide advisory and research services to other government agencies conduct basic and applied research in analytical chemistry biotechnology chemical engineering and physical chemistry develop and certify Standard Reference Materials produce and evaluate Standard Reference Data provide calibration services and conduct interdisciplinary research efforts with other NIST laboratories in the areas of analytical chemistry biotechnology chemical engineering and physical chemistry conduct fundamental investigation of the phenomena on which measurement of the composition and behavior of chemical and biochemical systems is based provide benchmark experimental data new theory and models to explain the behavior and predict the properties of chemicals in chemical and biochemical processes and systems acquire and disseminate thermophysical thermodynamic kinetic and thermal data provide calibration services for temperature pressure and vacuum flow volume liquid density and humidity develop new laboratory and process measurement techniques including in-situ real-time process measurement methods develop and improve measurement capability and quantitative understanding of basic physical processes that underlie measurement science including methods for analytical chemistry biological chemistry chemical kinetics thermodynamics and surface science and thereby improve the comparability among laboratories throughout the United States measurement compatibility with other nations and measurement reliability in U S industry and commerce and use the techniques to assist in the solution of problems of national impact e g in improving the accuracy of clinical analytical chemistry air and water pollution analysis and chemical engineering metrology and in providing advisory services to government agencies scientific organizations and industry SECTION 14 PHYSICS LABORATORY The Physics Laboratory shall conduct long-term research in measurement science develop new physical standards measurement methods and reference data and promulgate these standards methods and data by providing measurement services conducting workshops publishing research results and collaborating with industry universities and other government agencies establish spectroscopic methods and standards for infra-red visible ultra-violet x-ray and gamma-ray radiation investigate the structure and dynamics of atoms and molecules singly and in aggregate develop and disseminate national standards for time and frequency and for the measurement of optical and ionizing radiation by means of calibrations measurement quality assurance and standard reference materials generate evaluate and compile atomic molecular DOO 30-2B -6- optical and ionizing radiation data in responst t pmal needs develop and operate major radiation sources as user facilities and maintain a opriate collaborations with other Laboratories in NIST the Nation and throughout the world and support the research commuruty and industry in such areas as communication defense energy environment space health lighting microelectronics radiation and transportation SECTION 15 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY The Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory shall develop and maintain the scientific competences and experimental facilities necessary to provide the Nation with a central basis for uniform physical measurements measurement methodology and measurement services fundamental to the processing characterization properties and performance of materials and to other essential areas in materials science provide government industry universities and consumers with standards measurement methods data and quantitative understanding concerning metals polymers ceramics composites optical materials and nonequilibrium materials characterize the structure of materials chemical reactions and physical properties which lead to the safest most efficient uses of materials improve materials technologies provide the bases for advanced material technologies in basic and high-technology industries obtain accurate experimental data on behavior and properties of materials under service conditions to assure effective use of raw and manufactured materials provide technical information such as reference data materials measurement methods and standards to processors designers and users for selection of cost-effective combinations of materials processes designs and service conditions use the unique NIST reactor and cold neutron research facilities to develop neutron measurement methodology develop sophisticated structure characterization techniques reference data and standards participate in collaborative efforts with other NIST organizational units in the disseminate generic technical information from the divisions to private and public sector scientific organizations through special cooperative institutional arrangements and through conventional distribution mechanisms SECTION 16 BUILDING AND FIRE RESEARCH LABORATORY The Building and Fire Research Laboratory shall provide the national laboratory concerned with increasing the usefulness safety and economy of buildings improving the productivity and international competitiveness of the construction industry and reducing the human and economic costs of unwanted fires perform and support laboratory field and analytical research on the performance of construction materials components systems and practices and the fundamental processes underlying initiation propagation and suppression of files produce technologies to predict measure and test the performance of construction and fire prevention and control materials components systems and practices and to assist the construction and fire safety communities in achieving the benefits of advanced computation and automation provide research results which are widely used and adopted by governmental and private sector organizations with standards and codes responsibilities but does not promulgate building or fire safety standards or regulations and conduct fire research mandated by the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 research for the improvement of seismic design and construction practices as assigned by the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 as amended and structural failure investigations mandated by the NIST Authorizing Act for FY 1986 I I I -7- DOO 30-2B LABORATORY SECTION 17 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The Information Technolo Laboratory shall develop and demonstrate evaluation techniques testing methods and standards to enable U S industry to develop usable reliable interoperable products for information technology and provide leadership and collaborative research to NIST programs in the areas of mathematics statistics and information technology use and services to enable NIST to maintain its status as a world-class institution SECTION 18 EFFECT ON OTHER ORDERS This Order supersedes Department Organization Order 30-2B dated March 21 1996 Director Nat onal Institute of Standards and Technology Approved Acting Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration USCOMM-DC - 97-8913 Exhibit 1 to 000 30-28 u s DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Institute of Standards and Technology Director Deputy Director Director Boulder Laboratories National Quality Program Associate Director I I Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program Advanced Technology Program I Electronics Electrical Engineering Laboratory I Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory Technology Services I Chemical Science Technology Laboratory I Physics Laboratory Materials Science Engineering Laboratory r I I Director of Administration Chief Financial Officer I Building Fire Research Laboratory I Information Technology Laboratory JANUARY 7 1997 y
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