DIRECTOR FBI 105m284458 6 15 77 3 BUENOS AIRES 105 1305 nn 5 I ENRIQUE RUBIO if - I mnww ARGENTINA ReBUlet 18 77 #5nif 7_ win 7_ Encl d fur the Bureau 5% b 1 photo- graph of Colcnel MAEL ARNALDO ZAMUDIO tagethe with the corres pending negativp Bureau is requested to transmit the enclosures to WFDO f5 a For the information of the Bureau ARNALDO ggo according to records of the GTfi s Embassy Buenos Aires was born on 2 19 22 in Buenos Aires His wife s name is ANA MARIA TROTZ ZAMUDIO has eight children ISMAEL VALERIO DOB 6 26 51 ANA DOB 7 24 52 MARIA CECILIA DOB 7 4 53 MARIA VICTORIA DOB 10 18 54 JUAN DOB 6 20 56 MARIA VERONICA DOB 7 23 57 MARIA JOSEFINA DOB 2 17 60 and LEOPOLDO EUGENIO DOB 9 10 62 ZAMUDIO attended the Argentine Military Academy entering on 3 4 40 graduating on 12 29 43 as a Sub Lieutenant He was promoted to Second Lisutenant on 12 31 46 First Lieutenant on 12 31 48 Captain on 12 31 51 Major 12 31 55 Lieutenant Colonel on 12 31 58 and Colonel 0n 12 31 64 ZAMUDIO apparently retired from active military service on 12 31 67 with the rank of Colonel Although ZAMUDIO is classified as a Cavalry Officer his specialty was intelligence In this connection he attended the Argentine Army Intelligence School and also the Argentine Army Center 0f Higher Studies In connection with the latter he visited 5 - Bureau Enos 7 1 - Fnreign Liaison Unit ELL 2 we 105 13095 Buenos Aires W tai a 6 mmu Maw s x - RUE 105 1305 the U S during the period 1 18 67m2 11 67 on a tnur varinus Ug S military establishments Aa an indication uf intelligence affiliation he was posted tn the Argentine Army Intalliganca Servieg during 1953 when ha was a Captain to the State ecretariat for Intelli gence during 1958 when ha the rank of Major and again to the Argantine Army Intelligenca Service in 1959 while he was a Calonsl ZAMUBIO speaks his native Spanish Italian French Portugese and English Buanoaw iras indiees contain a ref renee t0 JORGE 0 ZAMUDIO whe 19 1967 was ligtgd as a Legat contact This individual was listed a a Lieutenant Colonel in the Argentine Army AI 6 15 77 Colonel ALBERTO VALIN Directnr Argentine Army Inte ligenee Serviee advised that ZAMUDIO was an extremely campetea Argentine Army Officar and 1 regarded in Argantine Army I 'elligence Service clralegg Galonel VALIN mated that JORGE ARNALDO 2AMUDIO Colonel VALIN red from Argentine Army service with the rank 0f Colonel during a roximataly 1972 Colbnel VALIN noted that eldest son I MAEL VALERIO is a Captain in the Argentine Army assigned to the Arg ntine Army Intelligence With regard to requested information comments by Legat concerning possible change in Argentina pulley taward the U S as a result of U S criticism of Argentina for alleged human rights violations the following informatlan is set forth The incumbent Argentine Governmeat is a military government It is in the process of terminating lung egtablished tarrorist organizations in Argentina The process of eliminating terrorists might be likened to a civil war During the past five years numerous military personnel and their families have been killed by terrorists in Argantina The Argentine military is engaged in a no hulds barred exercise t9 annihilate terrorism in Argentina once and for all The U S criti sm 0f Argentina and the curtailment of BUE 105 1305 credits t0 yurchage military equipment has deeply disturbed the Argeatine militarya Many high-ranking Argentine military contacts beliave that the Cartar Administration'g pe itlon an human rights via a vig Argentina is hypocritieal These Argentine military contacts note that in a raport submitted ta th$ U 8 Congress the Department of State nated that there wave very few human rights violations in Israel Argentine military centaqts emphasiaad that they have personal knowledge that the Israeli Gnvarnment has absolutely n0 een ideratlon far human rights partalning t0 Arab terrorigts an that the most brutal raprassivs meggures utilized anywhere in the world are ragularly employed by Igraeli intelligence Additionally Argentina military contacts point out that Secretary of State vanca commentad that although thera wera human rights vialatinns in Snuth Karea the U S Gavernment would eontinue military assistance and credits to that government inasmuch as it was considered t0 be stratEgieally to the U S Argen na military contacts paint ant that they find it hard ta believe that south Korea holds any stratagic impurtanae ta tha U 83 and have indicated that they are canvinced that an sanction wara taken agai st South Koran for human rights viclations because the Sauth Knrean Intelligence Agency KIA ha bribed U S and Senators not tn condemn Scuth Kar a far human rights violations In eontacts by U 8 Embassy Officers with Argentine Government officials in Buenes Aires there has been a noticeable coolness disylayed by Argantine Gavarnment offieials especially an the taplc of human rights when raised Sevaral Argentine military cant ets hgva privutaly lnformad Legat that they susgect the Central Intelligance Aganay providsd infermation coneerning Argentina intelligenee aerviee metheds used in repressing terroriats whieh admittedly W$re harsh and eauld ha considered a3 violation of human rights under tha normal atandards For this reasmn it has become apyarant that Argantine Gnvarnment officials in Buenos Aires ar being extremely cautiaus in order not to divulge informa- tion whiah might be harmiul ta Argentina in the human rights area It is noted that U 3 military parsonnel asaigned to Argentina have nvarcome problams with thair Argentine military contacts bacause of human rights Violatiuns by pointing nut that they are aggreelative 9f Argenti a'a prablem in cambatting terrorism and emphaaizing that they axa U 8 military parsannal whose duties do not inelude gathering informatian on human rights violations or BUE 105-1305 lg-ml offering criticism against Argentina and the Argentine m iigi tg t for the canduct 0f the Argentina Government's war on terrorismg Legat has also successfuly been able to avoid lack of caoperation by his contacts beaause 9f the human rights problem byipointing out that he repreaents the FBI and his duties do not include gathering intelligence on human rights in Argentina Legat concurs with the oyinion of WFO that RUBIO may have broken contact with WFO Agents because at the human rights problem resulting in U n criticism at Argentinao Bureau is requested to advise whether any additional actinn or infarmation is desired of the Buenos Airas Offica in captioned mattere This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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