Enhanced Intene etieu Techni he waterh mil 1e Enhanced Intecmgatien Techniques The attentien grasp ceasists ef grasping the detainee with hath hand 5 With DEE hand en each side ef the cellar tip acting in a cent-relied and quick metien In the same met-inn as the Erase the detainee is drawn iewa rd the inteci'egetec During the walling technique the detainee is pulled lerward and then quickly and pushed trite a ezdhie false wail an that his sheulder blades hit the we the he ad and nech are supeerted with a relied tewel ie peeve at whiplash- The facial heid is used an heid the detainee s head irumehiie The interregater places an paint en either side at the lace and the inten'egater s ngestipe are lcept weit awe r heat the detainee's eyes interregater's hanct makes centact with the area between the tip at the detainees chin and the betteiit at the earlobe With the facial er insult slapr the fingers are siightl spread ape rt The In cramped cent insets at the detainee is placed in a cen ned spec-e imaiceiis' a small car large hear whjdi is usually clash- in the smaller space lasts I rte mere than ewe liners and in the larger space it can last up te '13 items i Insects placed in a cerdtnentent hes irwehre placing a harmless insect in the ties with the detainee I During wall standing the detainee theyr stand eheui II it 5 feet tram a well with his feet spread appreaimateijt in his sheuldec width arms are stretched cut in heat ef hint and his ngers rest en the with in semen all if his had wet ght The detainee is net atlew ed te tepesii'ic-ii his hands er test The applicatieu ei stress may include having the detainee sit en the eet- with his ie 3 5 eatEnded straight hut in treat of him with his arms raised aheue his head at kneeling en the finer white leaning he cit at a sit - degree angie- Sleep will net esceed 11 days at a time The applicatien et the is-atecbeard technique ins-eh es heading the detainee in s hatch with his feet eteeated attest his head The data head is imineh iaeci and an interl'ugater pieces a clath ever the detahtee s iueuth and tease white Firming Natec mute the cleth in a ceui'celled manner siiriiew is restricted fer as 19 ascends and the technique predu ces the sensatien ef ditt'i 'tit and stifiecetieu
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