DISCUSSIUN Intrn-flutiinn I Flu-re has teen much Sane-i 11' aha-II the rA-rr-au-rl uf ill-Jr I'hlt hat appeared in i-nhlif' hv 5mm whim-ll 45h military hath-f1 in hv huh initials tarurlnl hath and furs-inn ludirm rs in internal numnuniratlum and in uther channels Emir-t lath-amines have declared that Wuhitut'tun Hrfurmur war and have this warning that the L hh ml net give in in nuclrar lilachnull ether mihtary pressure The articulation cf lhii theme has paralleled the 5mm carnparnn tc il-ffil 1 5 IHF deployment It rentinu- t In dai' although at a spun-what W'tl' intensity in than in late 1 Since 1TH there has luv-n a lunch lust-I cl Spur militarv Jenni-v utth new arr-lei menu uf ramm- and airline I'urres large-scale rmhtari' ctr-n else-i and several niher steals- - - 51 1 n of sdd inrul 55-21 ham pH-swim hndr rtrv's at ml- Humming 19 cf terminatmn ni the it runnlh inputnrium an 55-20 magna- allf- Islc u fulfills luv H-H nuclear-tsunami cruise mic-ill- wham- tin-r-a u the mutt infant-rte forward nephr- in rnitl-lanturr ul' hurl-prance muslle-v min-t Marissa h'lilihii and the ill ui Jet-lbs also In mud-January cf rauce 5-5 till Hill-ail in I'L'ut Human and Tan-hu- ales-aha and continued preparatsia and arm - nu-nurri rasirnt nit-planner - Hrumnlr it by #11th arr Ilrutt in and Farah-i ircrn him-thrr nf high sis-rt ital-u with I55 mid-rat duh - flit-tri- rn WEI liliclni hi-hr hither-RI a In In than mm Inst in- than Laura-while r'tf'l-t't'l-i damn sprint I F'Iiil- whirl hat drain-d tinir- icsIImr-l thr- umhmir ct huh- 05 and urtiiui-thtv tumund lulu-Jun in rm-a r Nr-rthern Her-t wtrpimrtni hv a Lint - numb-c mi share and Ul f' L-i survival-Ir mntl nl and phil- Infrni 111 5 th J Iranuiuf k sa'v'llafln mind-m Fault Ith-mth rn it Fahruan at minimum altitudes fur the entire gnu ur Inn-ht Hi the Harlin air fulfidnfa a unilateral In the rule-s gnu-naming sir acct- a In Ih-rlin ifrhanuraa mill 'r'mrl'll in minds-I'll cf sen-r- al auburn - unit in Afghans-rials slim-hung ul' 1 up spring sulfa-naive the Valh v and initiatinn um Anni I'ur first 1 th ut' Ivrmhing nf ll'uluimlan In mur 1113 an h-f-tn'II-L'h Inn-1 the Jug lie hutnerll in turd-Hutrn rr W51 Hf haul mile aircraft in Eur the rst time lat-1h hunt-t Itrwsilumal aircraft carriers er the hut time in Minn waters In March lull-l anti Ihe lust h-mt in 'n'lrlnameus assault nn the crust ul' Tia-mam in Ann h mull church- juttm na val In the lilf u his-urn 1asi'th the hnti I've vii-ii Hi I Ethic t'al'lirr In hlnv and drills That-Ir Initialhrn n the Mill tritium ul- Suvu-It INTI-13 raj-Islam in Fan-tum IIJ J s-n later in lplt than this hit r-rturi'ni f-Ii' Iiw lull-t inc irari Tl-I-i Fahmatc cull- rs the hunt-rt tail its-Ht the marl-stint Ithciihv'd run hut arr-Ll the fume militiiv ittlaltiri hilt-Ii a utl-ftn uf E l'lli'i'inf elihrf i-r'l- alarm Hf thr- i'nitrd Stair-i anri ta slit-Pi In in mew-c ether resil- anb1e Esplanaticni i hfintiaalh In t'urmrut-n he Ar addicts fit-'- planar-ran- a nil th-r' int-wt shunt and than rmirhn return-HI- have incur- 1 murmur-nip Hrd ni f l strait 24 2 3406050 there has been nuch scviet talt abcut the increased danger cf nuclear var This theme has appeared in public by sevist palitical and military leaders in statenents by high cfficials targeted at both auneltic and fureign audiences in internal ccnnunicaticns and in ether channels saviet authcrities have declared that is preparing Ecr var and have issued dire varnings that the USSR vill not give in tn nuclear blackmail sr ether lilitary pressure The articulaticn at this thene has paralleled the Enviet canpaign tc derail BATH in It ccntinues tc this day althcugh at a seaevhat lever intensity in recent tenths than in late 1333 Is Since Hcvenher 1933 there has been a high level at Enviet military activity vith nev cf veapcns and strike fcrces large-scale nilitary exercises and several ether events Ihr respense Start at cf additional 55-3 bases fellcving anncuncenent en El Hbvenher 1933 cf terninaticn cf the ncratcriun en ss-ss HAN initiaticn patruls by 2-11 cruias cf -- e-carr ng an- a start cf ss-irfrr nissilea in last Bethany and and continued prepaganna and active neasures against - -- chiet exercises har e-scalc erercise activit durin a ring 1331 npere l li ar-e nulher cf -- Berlin air curridcrs Pericdic Seviet inpcsiticn beginning in February l f cf nininun flight altitudes far the entire length cf the cr lure cf the Berlin air curriacrs- a unilateral change in the rules gcverning an access tc berlin Afghanistan in aid-April n several units ta Afghanistan launching cf a eager spring cffensive intc the Psnjaher valley and initiaticn ca 21 April fur the first tine cf high intensity bcnbing cf Afghanistan by cver lD5 and 53-21 banter based in the USSR -- East Asia in hid-hcvenber 1533 cf naval ru la strike aircraft in vietnan fur the first tine pcnitinning cf Sevist cpsratipnal aircraft carriers fur the first tine sinultsnecusly in Asian waters in harch last and the first jcint Savietfvietnanese anphibicus assault exercises an the coast of vistnan in April - 1 - 31 th 11-1151 l 113 m a I 113
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