U S Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington D C 20535 June 8 2016 MS ALEXA O’BRIEN MUCKROCK NEWS DEPT MR 17650 POST OFFICE BOX 55819 BOSTON MA 02205-5819 FOIPA Request No 1329073-000 Subject Carnivore Dear Ms O’Brien Records responsive to your request were previously processed under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act Enclosed is one CD containing 605 pages of previously processed documents and a copy of the Explanation of Exemptions Please be advised these are the only copies of these documents located in our possession The original copies of these documents could not be located for reprocessing Additional records potentially responsive to your subject exist The Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI has located approximately 1 594 pages total of records potentially responsive to the subject of your request By DOJ regulation the FBI notifies requesters when anticipated fees exceed $25 00 If all potentially responsive pages are released on CD you will owe $40 00 in duplication fees 3 CDs at $15 00 each less $5 00 credit for the first CD Releases are made on CD unless otherwise requested Each CD contains approximately 500 reviewed pages per release The 500 page estimate is based on our business practice of processing complex cases in segments Should you request that the release be made in paper you will owe $79 70 based on a duplication fee of five cents per page See 28 CFR §16 10 and 16 49 If you agree to receive all responsive material on CD you will receive a $5 00 credit towards your first interim CD As a result we must notify you there will be a $25 00 charge when the second interim release is made in this case At that time you will be billed for the $10 00 remaining from the $15 00 free of the first release as well as the $15 00 duplication fee for the second release for a total of $25 00 Please remember this is only an estimate and some of the information may be withheld in full pursuant to FOIA Privacy Act Exemptions s Also some information may not be responsive to your subject Thus the actual charges could be less You may file an appeal by writing to the Director Office of Information Policy OIP United States Department of Justice Suite 11050 1425 New York Avenue NW Washington D C 20530-0001 or you may submit an appeal through OIP's FOIAonline portal by creating an account on the following web site https foiaonline regulations gov foia action public home Your appeal must be postmarked or electronically transmitted within sixty 60 days from the date of this letter in order to be considered timely If you submit your appeal by mail both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked “Freedom of Information Act Appeal ” Please cite the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so that it may be easily identified Sincerely David M Hardy Section Chief Record Information Dissemination Section Records Management Division ADDITIONAL CARNIVORE DOCUMENTS FROM OFFICE- OF GENERAL COUNSEL FRONT OFFICE THROUGH 7 2 8 00 PAGES REVIEWED 154 PAGES RELEASED 154 EXEMPTIONS CITED 136-1 1370-1 336-3 E1703 I - - haw umhhm a ltw - PAGE Internet Companies Decry E Mail Wiretap Plan Rim-Wzmm mama being ca hit in me FBI vac no outside wait 311 human say that #1 31 Dan Elm mum scaH t S ch damped the Cammge 535mm Irmcifgh 81w m m in I'm Wm arm woman ecassa iy maven the FBI fmm in a dmss the same primary ai gm m and privacy 7 Message s estina m saw many mimiym dfi h e- admesammneemm abom m np cw ritya said- ciam aisa him trie 11 recent Fats to tims a a nan It beater Met their cybervtta s 1 5 gxpi n a must specialists hm Cami-- tam devised by the Federal Baum or In mm have in seek designed pm in may fears that the - With 8mm pmtect unmime an the Marne Far mm might be apes in abuse-e mm hey in 1mm t me example Eem mwledge Mant- gm mm is a game aim in the Interx their nemm mame s users amine met de In use mt mamm- a mate a more apex salu- The 53mm a sophisticated mm when businm gm magmum mpg Wmm Mum 113155 f W3 SW 3 3 Dating of mm system fear Imemav 9mm argue that area ng their own de 39m has Wm mm he service mam witi' have Ewe vice mama 51131131659115 and 311W t mw in 595 fe-Wm tee that Cam-Wm is dalmguz y what gs- meme pram mm is consumed has the p33 if 3'3 595315 the Quicker ma a FBI says mat a small pamn ai is keep tabs an alt if the seems in mg mm 33min in u s change The I d7 mew haw - i 1 the Sysfem Ewmi m m the mm mm mm 55 the in much ta manimr wheihe-r agenfs bmlt m pw it m is tamed by most We that Camm m 330 if are lirm ngmeirimm gatiansm an im que nmwiy isms its imws aastim mm named in a court timer 11 Egg mm an Emma ind ush y represenla' The FBI takes the 995mm at $95 ems King Jr mm and Emit responding in us - we re the govammem open your en my med tr his af da- a remit in aws Street Journal abuzz-r re netimrk is us $3335 Stetu- excessive ruminating efuniim rim magmas mam whim a mam- 7 and gain a d ms sian man puma a Iians We ham same deep tmcems as we 1 9m am 1mm 13 331mm am am um meme-t m the 611 an 3mm 1 301 at this said Jag- 1 Rithar s grass men-2 s rm Way fawn ESP 133w a executive imcmof the Internetmiauce what my ne- aging a tram associa un fur interns pm dem ne that New My magma by that Will Aim I133 3min the FBI abnut Camimre 3336 it Imma y gaunt and Warid o inasmde mmp eg mm mm angers 1mm iawren- SW13 am n MEN-hem I m-cement agencies in this cammunftw The Camimre sysiem is he ew i to he titans at specific in i duais But the able ta singie an all sorts 9f electronic said it aniin f camps w im in radar ta traf c at 3 mm being inves gaied Ba install Earni'mre ax its netwwk asides 9mm tha t nc1u es instantvmessagmum ght Eng syslems visits 9 Web sites and Hater such a man order said Elma Gama the net mlay a farm a mmu - thief lemming af ctr a 11mm 1m airman Warned by hackem ying a an based in weaver with 11mm sab- masli their identi es sc hers We wau id not mat the 13 1an It isn't mar hawmr mariner 6f 313 wars to be mm mmis -G 912E 33555 sapMsti m witch hunts fa me user cage- scrambling- systems that have Men The FBI argum that stars 3m feds- 31 develaped fur the nial-net Scrambling judges closely sm nize its nimtapping data to make it hard 19 read is an ah us activities and that the pmduct at any Ida mm far mate worried shunt their phme nr Internet nlemept mus ha apex the FBI sysrem critimad he mien ai far ham 355mm dim-cm 33 um Amman 1mm Read an Esme hriefmg 5 24 52 Release - has 1 - A x-J val-r W a u Internet Wiyetaps Raise Issues- Of Privacy New anks - Suspe s Skiing 3 1mm Scam-gm thhs ngtm Paxt- Th FBI has an mic mated stem tn the raw mi xing autim ea a new too It sherman but drawing mum among civil beda ams and privacy-mi Weakest amt haw i might beuaedi I The new mmputer system d bimi Camivore Mde the FBI because if rapid nds the meat in vast mannts ef data as due aged at FBI computer lain Q mtim and has been used in few than '58 cases 50 Ema But that is mm ta st mid Marcus thief if the 931 s q beMe muiomr section at Qualities fit situation thaws mt 3m a large can far it he said but the human already has seen in the rate quests A - Hiram- groups sai the new taise5 uwb ng issues aboulwhat Cans-titans at tea-mn- ab ie search and seizure ammu- it 13th In snif ng out path tanduct new my aim mum scan private hr atrium a oat 323 2 at sitias it nes themaa 9f haw the - mneu nent 311% 131 fedarv a wiretap statute are going a be appiitd in the Inth 33 31 Bntt hetg head nf the Washingtun-based Bimk x a may Infam m Cantata new system mm operates an 0 1 111951125 newscast camputcts fakes ad vantage 0 me 9f fundamental plezs at the lama aha 25 Semi conmunicz uns an hmkan up inns pack at unifann chunks Gf data Computers on the up email mges World With Wat sit m5 and other in - imim m inta mate the 93% amass M-nmm-whm they are I - FBI prams a tr systetn that an dam lming summit n mmrka ta determine whether it is of an e-maii message or same ether piece at Sm mm ability to e15 ows law marmt to m or their mm for maple can but mm a W s shopping acti es The system emf- 1 be tun'e to its as Iittk as mm-itoring haw many r maii messaggs the suspect Ends and to they are the Men cf I d-whom pen ghter whit takes dam teiephme numbers being without grabbing the mutant 9 thase c3115 'I hat's the 500 news said James mpseir an anai mim the Gamer for Dem mocracy anti Technoleg a Washing-at high-scab W cy mm It 53 a mare ier c xg na ng de m a wiretap he But Dempsey a pr worries aim the new system which maid he insta m at th uf ces a a auspeszt s Emmet service - pm der Just as the ew-ice maid be used in ne-mm- a search it aha cauhi med far broad Sweeps a atag The bad news- is at it s a black km the gmemmem ass- ants in im sex into the aiz semice gravider My k31an that it does what mt gummy 1 ment it weak said on t Existe wce af 1112 Camimre 5mm 35 in a was Street 33mm ar dv yesterday which reverted that the FBI $ 13st the 351251 in inuqu 13m Gidaxi a 33mm works or the mam Edam was primal at the FBI dcmanstm um He 33M he FEE mm meat was amed ta mm industry 12 see-dim that it amid in van Mimi to pm de the kind of wiretap ta- 1 P h ity that the Since the dunan Gidari said one But Gidari mid 332 0% faction was a 2 Eng mm a n mte w at are the liab iur What the issues We don t want saftware an our sys tenf- Magi legish nn requi ag manhunt mamanits 10 make developing mummies easy in BREE PAGE wiretap is cm of large number a indushy experts who k eve the iaw not apply ta mapping the Emmet ne Fi memadms in I ng they da 533 ftiari is president cf an Internet mam A imam icd al pmmw Wish 3 simpth tanm lf what it does is if hag-s simply wiretaps and it bags wimt J Bu rt getting-10 Mp set mm mm in get-- 3mm - wrangwithig'sa Mark Wawam tymm hnt within - 1 tags Sim E35131 523% the twinning questions that have tn he iy maxim hthm umement u mhmpem ihcs a1 packets coming through a maipuier network but 2 live cers My muse packets related the sub-- 9f the The stuff 31-1255r hrs tampuie and uh by a human that Mnm an mm Rasch Hi then suggestelass 'inmiw it music be ifzmn did not useThe 'gews af Camimr adua y mr dunng testimony 135' lawyer Egbert Com evcr Ira-ha tepi efsmfe an Internet smite pram gr ghat tried in mist the 15 that $514 2 a system mam used in track Sidmis agar janm sts whim Thaw are same human issues have said ag 1 But Uf ha FBI than is mth is pug mam-mus abut the new few-ice 15 31 e ati an the in keep may mt dgangts in it l i m-m mar 35mm in iawfi lyimemept magma ata to ME v 7 court aumm'iu an It's net an increase in Myanmar-ii it 6mm mngedf vglsumein whatmdafhe'saiunm-w Va295 25mum an- 5mm Release Page Eat gag-2mg v- - sun-T - neg - - 57 h him-I 1 Justice on Both Sides of the B0 rder Agustin Vazquez Mende landed an the FRIES 15 mast Wanted list Spur years age far silage in entering his'hemhmen in kill a Drug Enforcement Administratio agent in A zuna New he s under arrest but in Maxim which must eeide whether in ema me a meme-an citizen to face wharges in the Stat-es Mexican law af cers maunted a natie-nwide manhunt to capture Vazquez and termini want him bruug hi in justice but same traf ckers have won jappea-Es agaim extradmum Most c-muvntries are undergtandahly relur mm hand war a citizen in he tried in a far-- sign country In additiom the language in the current Mexica treatieg dearly specifies thai n her bound- to axiradite a 312mm Howeven there are circumstances in the Vazquez case that shwid make it easier fur Maxim to send him off - Siam President Ernesta tuck of ce there has been a shift a attitude in Maxim an extradition At least nine Mexican saw pacts have been sent be idea in the Unit-ed States mm of these cases the suspects al- BQgedly killed us immiigratian officials irr- viting mmpa sun with the Vazquez cast According t0 US authmi es Vazquez or dared the mur ar of a ng Richard Pass in order keep bath a drug ieiivery and the glam the undarmver agent was aunt in pay for it Perhaps the mast persuasive argument is that Vazquez Wm ed to Maxim after the k ling i3 mat accused If a mime in Maxim and if he is m3 extradimd will have is he set free Maxim s foreign minister should cora- ru Sent to the US emradiliun request and p ti tiara tha'justice System Send him norm as quick the 39% process-12mm Sflrix'l Release Page 3 Dec 1% 3 73- has I EarthLink Says It W n t Install Device for BI fine ui she natitm- s ia'rgesi Emerge ser- vice inn has re fused in inmaii a new Mara Bureau if Ini'esiigaiian aiectmnic smeiliame tit via on its remark swing technicai asi- justmems required to use the tievize caused for customersi The FBI has 1 15mi Camiuare as the iievice is cailea in a number of criminal investigatiuns Bu is the rst ta suffer a pubiic account a y stem his ling-rigid and Nei King J1 an rmivurag i he FBI has iciaimed that Sammie wen i in te rieie with an 139 G taii si I Ii has the pateniiai to hurt nu nei- imrk 10 bring pieces it Stave Ea nhlink s diieszmr oi mermai- ugy said 0i Cami-vane maid impaci mm Earthhini EKE Culi- e es' said His maid it wail with autimrities in minimal im'astigaiionsi Vii-wad not in aiiow mi FBI to camivnre an the campany s neiswri The campany aim has Substantiai privacy mneems Eaniiunii has airea y wired mn- uems in mum This is the in a legai fight hunched against Carnivore ear lier this year with the ham a'tmme Ruben Cam Rwere Renewing in penpie time in the case Previwsiy the identity of the plaintiff in he casa which is un at- seai ain t imam A warm magiitmte ri ed against Earthling in the case Early this year forcing it in 31% the mi access 10 its system Mr Cnmiievere deciined Eanhiink s with Carnivore began earlier mi year when the FBI in stained a amimre tie-vice an 215 newer at a hub site in Pasadena CaiiL The Fi hat a mum girder that aiiaw-ed ii ta insiaii me equipment as pan of a criminai investi- Eat-ion k i an waging mien mi i nioiir ii gwiamer custom 7 i 4734 4 The FBI Camimre a mail computer hex loaded with mphisiicaied saiiware far manitoiing aimaii and timer amine in Earthlink s ra- mota access semen a set a netwmking that answm inseamng modem cai is 5mm cusiuriierzs But Camimre Wasn t campaiibie with the operating iem wirware an the mmnie access aim ers SQ had in instaii an wider vermin a the 'atnm i-eiiwara that maid work wiih Camivm awarding in Mr Daugherty I Emmi says the alder varsicm oi the saiiwar-e caused its remai amass servers to crash which in him Enacted wt access far a number of its mamas Mr Dough any d tiirieii in specify haw many saying sniy ihat many maple were aiieciwi 33mm executives said they wens aim concerned about piivaqa The mm- paiiy said it 3231i an way if having Carnivore was iimiting its surveil- i-anca in the criminai invasiigatian at hand or was making more Jamaal timer 151% have said there maid be sariaus Rabi - ity issues for ii the privacy of mils not connected If an invesiig a uii is rampmmisati Thai-e might 10 be some transparency It ma methods and 153915 that law eniorcev meat is using is watchiand-seiae said John R mama vice ismsi em oi imbiic paiicy at Inc an in Ashhu'm va Ea i i i i magnum declined it say whether this company has receivid mm mam ts since the ismptiim ea ier this year Eatihlini said it wmi her in criminal investigatiims using 'iecnnizquas mixer than Gamivm The FBI insists that minivan duesn t- affair the pericnnance or stamiin at an mic-met pm'idar s existing nemoriis i he human 533's Sammie imam m iim traf c ramming mix iniumiatiun mat is reizmnt is FBI irnvesiigaiians In sama mam the FBI said inter net pm der is equipped in mm WET daia witimui the use at minim This is mm - mm in was where am emaii messages are might because that type of data agar easily be nbiainsii mixing less-intrusive manna Aiming Genera Janet Rena said ygse tarday ihai she was gutting the system unde i remit Sim 333 mi - Justice Ripari- meni mid investigate Carnival-e cansnr miiunai imaginations anti maime that the FBI ms using it in a mnsi-siem anti balanced Way Sail-4392 Reign - Pagu 4 mm 5W a alumn- '4 - - - ea 19 181331 White Hausa Propases Wiretap Law y 1 The ssam atsd Juii'y 'Tha White Hausa pmpase iagisia n Monday 16 update wiretapping rules 39 that saga pm'm-cticms suma y appii ied ta talephan-e cam are extan ed ta aiactmni such as email The pian maid requira law emu-amen ef cials in chain high 13x91 asp-9mm hefare apmyisng far a cam-rt crder 1c intercept the mutant of e-maii - in ne current miss ihai genera Hamming in phone ca s - Basisa y the same communicatien if sent di erem ways thmugh a gamma ca car a dial-up madam a is subject In dzi erent and incansistant grime standards said White Hausa Ems sf Staff 4mm P353513 in announcing the pmpasala It s rms to update am hamanize cur misting laws is give an forms nf rampaging the same legisia ue grates-titans as aw teiesphone camersa ons The measure aim addrewes swaiied trap and trace wage-s which a aw iaw enfargemani nish identify the saurce cf 3 phone ca ar an evmaih but an intercept its cantent Under the Ipmposal Saw n ciats wauici 05mg mead arse order 13 Race ante ma m a phsne ca awn ihaugh such cammunica ms may 1mm thmugh mu iple carriers er intemet grahi erss 333351315 3 59 mum trace such cammunica ans withou prim agpmva in an armament Ei tua n such 533 hen 3 33 under attack But at the m time the adeislratien i5 pmpusing that a Mara Gr 5131-3 judge in-dapandentiy delemine whethar the facts suppmt such a trace murder Under cumni Mas images accept the daciaratiion sf i'aw enfarcemeni 3135 3315 agencies that such an nder is warranted changes maid a am the new Camiwra sysiam which the is using is attain amaiis ca lmes game subjects aft-er gamma 3 search warrant When Jemima is piaced at an inter-net sepia-e pm ideri it scams 3% incgming and wigsing Emails far messages associa iad with the target If a criminal prune Un ar ha pmpased- changes if ha Camimm systam is being used in imam-apt the tomes cf Mechanic than iaw enmm-ement n icials wout d rst need high-Ema Justiae Department a pmvai befurg attaining a must murder Fade-5m saw Higher standards tim iting im use aiso wank appiy he said if Camimre is being usm oniy track in ammation a ciais wauid need an in ependant it an to ew the rank- 9 girder he a de taut he Amaricain Libertias Unian chided the administratian a prepasaiis Monday saying it sham have suspended use Mme system nutm ght Gamma representsa gave meat in the privacy of all Americans by gaiu ng law anfamement aggnpies unsupem sed access in a new un t-mired amaunt of ccmmunica em traf c said Barry Steinhan AELU assaciate d i'retfor 3 Last week ASLU c ciam said hey were gaing to use me Freadam 0f Ant to try a farce the FBI it details at the inner wensings if Camimm Tm spmpased maaguras mule alga gamma inmns-isiencies in haw current iaw applies a differem ames-ms carrying Internet tram-c Far axampia new that cams systems are bang upgraded ta a- er Moeway senisea iaws that apply in dia Lup mudems mar Phena iinas shuul ha axtandad in cable cannamionst Padasla said The grapesal requireg angressional and swam iawmakar - airea y have intmduce theif'uwn sets ians The Ciintm administ a an 315 annaunce EM-anday updates its wiper tantra pa cy data anti wigwcramb g ta hn l gy Under the change ama can samg-anias can set armada is any and user in the Eurogeaan Unim 0r ihesa eight niher trading pa ners Austmiia Nnmay Czech Repub c Hungary Puiand Japan New Zaaiang and smua and Th5 $9593 change wi also Lemma 3 pzre'eicus tachnica rewew waiting periad of 38 days Rename Page 5 79m 34 5 mm Eu W99 a 1 urvaL-r- 7 Mum hunm 4 DA TE 3 h' ee mu STREET mama merit cf the eerie te-ehniea of 3 the network said it is understandabtef that Iawrezefercement agencies feeii e deve iee- merihe s e3 ebsezrve he i heme raf e fer ihe same reesens they heme felt mmpeiled ta nd ways in listen 3 be certain teiephene canvarsetiens But Mr Cert in an eimai message 1 edde that such medem survei anee che memes need 1e be balanced against pome- tiain abusive matrices that meld seri eepabi ties of the system Such infenna en eeui'ti indieete whether Semi-v were is awe to resirict its meeitering 10 me cemmunieetiens ef say eiegie c mi eespeet whim ignerieg ether dale ref - it irreievaet the ineestigatiena The seeree cede behimi Camiverze teem erovide clues te these capehili ee is essentially the leehniea blueprint h lin pregirem The ACLU centendsi and te-ehniee experts eenv ACLU Asks Details On FBI 5 New Plan Te Meniter the Web By NECK Wme em Staff Hammer in Tags WALL 5mm szmm The American Civil Liberties is seeking in fetter the Federai Bureau ef In- vestigatien the technieai eteile behind a electronic surve ance system created by the Emma The ACLU using ewe tae e'm iden- Iify the meeite ng capabilities ef the sys- tem lea a Freedem ef Infemmtien Act request with the F n'aiey asking the bureau in release the eemputer source code fer Carnieere as the sun'emenee system is The eiviHieerties greup else requested the the FBI mm ever lee 1m terse recemings meme dale memeraede email em ether inferenatiee connected with Cami- Vereg The ACLU asked fer informe- tien reiete ta amen-Were and EtherFeek - bee ether systems twee in she past by the bureau The request tenants fee geewing eem ameng grime mugs and Internet mmpanies ennui the privacy impiieatiene e Semieere The mwe ianee tem hereware device that eenteins epeeia zed p- grem for tracking email and ether farms ef amine eemmeniea e has especiaily raised hackle emeng Inter-e net serviee previders The is attempt mg in metal Cemivere on the of 151% as part at Specific Wee investiga- tiene of De ne eers But 18% see they have no way at harming whether vere is Emit ng 1e scape of its serveii In the at hand As a remit eritics 0f Camivere have relied an the Mannheim in reveal the W wt f i an - - - curred that examining the seem We behind Camivere s preprietary surveil- lance semeere seem reveal semem eg of she inner writings er the syetem The Electreeie Pn'vaey Iefenna en Center a WaSI ngten edemaey group last week else med a sweeping Freedem ef infema en request relate ing 1e Cemivere theegh it didn't explica- i sy request the system s source cutie But we made clear we are seeking everything inch de seftevare said 321er Sebei a 7 privaey ec vist a me center It is unclear whether using the Free dam ef Infermatiee Mi cempel the FBI to produce the software behind Came ere-re theegh Requests made under the ae-t are hennain used fe ehteie meet net software cede 3am Stejnherdt esseciete irecter at the ACLU said tee federal ings that classi ed seftwape code as a farm of speech geese help 331 case law ail - certain they wil not want 1e mieese en infenea en en Cemieere and we win have te ght this in the teens Mr swine-are said at She FBI But we think this is werih fighting fer The FBI ide I return eelis seeking comment on the Freedom ei Infemaiien request As the eatery against en vem has eecaieted some premieem times in the Internet induetry have expressed a seme what mere sympathetic View Inward the Vin em who has been it be the father n he Meme fer his Semap- eushr erode Immune privacy Seamed ReceBiex Suit Fedeml Sew By a 3mm 1mm Sm Repeater Ce in am pm tress e1 settling a eiaseae ee ine an lewsl i has filee metien te meme a $1 5 b-ii en wee bias suit fed- eral from state men The se eiriek eempeey argued in a me- ee ee Friday met mes ef the cieime in the lawsuit ied lest manila en behalf fear female Neel Cake emeieyees by Willie E and Johnnie Gimme in velvet Me's But a iee yer en Mr Gary s teem Trim LEE Heme disagreed anti see Gary med le a metiee meek to keep the ease in state mutt Mr Gary - per I serial-injury anemey genereiiy brings his eases te state mum am has said he pee-- 12 2mm venue The lawsuit ied by Gary e'iaims a variety of farms ei diseriminetiee incited- Leg negligent intentional in ie ee ef ham 'ehd hest iie meek arm meet Cote called Mr Gary an am- perteeist and denied ee New King Jr 3 ceezm med to this nr de Cece-Gem i163 it Have 5mm Release Page i - v use iy_ grntec an fedmzi 5' wetaps under the 191 55 Pa- and Safe Act wink re- a wart mic and i g evel Jigsaw Bellmant ag mval Wire um gm cm are covered by that Hectmm I Eamu ca nns an Act if That lawdn ght not saver Ev mail saint by Ingh-Speed table mt gued may their 9min swims shnuid tgegmn Melyl ghpm war s 3512 - umum-vw wo ten-wily 5 - w 77 d L ch f g mm g gag - '3 LLS Hopes to xtend Online Wiretapping 53'- Jnu Scmwam If xe align-at 'c Hr if T-hc mints administsalian yes away ca ed fur updating wimtap ping laws to extend the powers 9 law eufomment E5 the nn ne mad wh c pmviding new legal pmteo rims- far cleatmnic cummunicatiun Adminiatratian a iciais aim arr maimed as expedted a plan a an mks-15m the Emmi 0i mm an saftwammthe prams ih i heig Mime users scramble mesv saggs aad da ta t3 grated them mm wing-m 331 the retagphg issue White Hausa chief 3i Jahn D Pada- sta in a ai the National gab described the coming iegis taa we pafkage as t9 d nmate wnfumon about the lave of legal pmtection fur urinals ems mi com- mwlica un - waverm ans get - dam and able mumw hav ar tec m gammaht 7 - t sl ma m amaze and kind mze gar laws in give a m if tedmnlagy the legia Katine pmticms as am iglcpimne i said thty V eicomr the appmimitymwark with the on time 3 Hatd3 1143 3323 wha intro uce an priwcy said It is mwm w that we mice the ismerests a law carom implej I m-st ensure that apprap aie - are in place where the govenuntnt 3mm mi vat sf me cmsf the hills mg the iy-amge mid-d be unveiled 16 days and that he hapes- the ancan be by the end-either 3m Ma a also @142 abuut new sme iance techn ning ignewn as Camimre which giwa law mint-m meg autharities the ability miec whv mas wr the cf indi duais t0 the that can remrd the telephmenumbem 0f calls made anti ceived by a i- edged theju avemighi pi wash Ea slight and the pmtec nn agaimt ahum 3f the tedumlu ' by law em mt is Mesa talierirfar greater judiciai nvewight The wt was not mil receive by civil 15 1 e ies admtes What have imam other adminishatian a ewtg expemi mpab ities rm Internet Steward Wm dirw tar if the Civil Liberties Union the meat im le privacy rights Di the swath imply iisappaimingy While the Eaton mpasais have Same in I as ta them mantras too lime and or tabs with tag 7 we time in the iegisiativc missing in pass new hills The 5 SEES-HI 7 Stch kaIdt said represents a - we lreat 10 le privacy at a me cans by giving 13 em fammt agencies mapeMsed amass is a nea 1m - Emiin mannt qummum m ms my 3 Fociesta 315 0 dings-KI the new mcwp ii V c'jr which the adm nistxa an canjmpiemenr 1mm iy Undar the plan US mamaiesw l be-ahk in 12 I - awash in um in -- nah at-1 in le Br au and to Austm lia Ne le Czech Republic Paland 33% New land'an Su wc and The 12 7 112 the statutes-y 36m mind befom such - 1 15 phage hut w i 1 22 in plateajequirmnt 2 wt new he summedm the gavemm j 3 Wm review a 3 Summing has been a I wig days pf the ad n s a m Em in gigs are as in the ght ta r anti business prisaq but f w terhmh es g1th 1 ch Same ci it the i1 radar Louis I Free ig wim often warns thaf and can use mm in clnak their -- mamaniea argued reshic nns Mum can i- M '65 enm'p m girtb uc sg'and ixflannaxy the minim a j istra nn minced an enum en em 3 The bf ame regi atiims a v 5 Jun iow ta mmpetc in the gicba'l 3 ketphm saw Rabat-L Hu wm the chiefexecu 9f the Business 5am Release Ema- 7 a w Mia 1w aim a - WLL QRNAL Ry mum 0n Manday the White Hausa plummet new legisiulioa mguint ng surveillance by law enigmaan agancies- an the internal Em civii iihertarians are already wmpiaina ing that his man d s ttie ta adtiress the prahlems stazssibly raised by Earnim m the FBI 5 ew soft-wave system far permmxa mg madame red wiretaps at intense 'serv vice pmvi ers Using a iapmp computer 33w enrfurceh men officials can bank Camivnm inn an netw rk Grace installe it wads the headers 0f each email message listing mg semen recipient am subject cf the mmged as it gasses through If the sendar Dar recipient is the target 9f 3 mp - Carnivore regards he message Right at Risk Here s ha rub gem-re Camimre 1mm whether a- message in a tar gate-d party must browse me headers 01 an themessages passi g thmugh the ISP With a traditionai gnome tap law Mfume 1 meat listened in the tale phane iiae that magma at the tag was aging The ACLU and gas-er c as'mm- plain that when Carnivure maids tlie head- 583 s at anyma wha is m a target it ziates weir rights f _T1 f1 Earnimre critics new gogai a g pwami a Better under - mimg at the new technniagy I V Um ah asi me anamg teieephane eajma 'messag'esm Mumiued ige 3 A mmput r slices ami dices the may age mmwpackew each with an identi - ngt- tag Eng packets than spma out the Intamet nding the must gcigqt pam 1 2 the d s na un Whea- peg arrive they are-- Rmemhied and the grew the message As a r' suiti with-gnaw 13'01 shnet tap a lin he lm 13 litemiy m apar cu- - - usew ke his SEW-and mg 3157ij mai betting Its-him wing g1 cum- md mlv dataf But to jm kinds aps are happemeng mum and mum mites Last Aprii same 1m- many advocates camplninec when the request 515 m igitai Storm 3 pragram fer mannerng telephtm can and anaiyzing recnrdisngs in Seytemher a gragramm r in North iamlina mum ms natazign Key in a Micma snit- ware patch Seam rumurs nanced t'hmugh the lute-mg claiming Wil t w had a bag mm that aiiorws the Natianai Security entry In minim yam mmpuier Mk Emmi Explained that the tag mereiy ed that the suftware with the i i agency s security standarda I The gran da dy sf ali fears the-ugh is Emma ii you haligvg same amman Unim pariiamenm ansi the Unit ti sates anti Britain mama an ins-er ham-a netwan that mamimrs rtuauy all am extracts chaise nuggets with mutem mmputcrs that ng hiie key phrases intssagEs like em SW a ah terro gt atiatk'fpr indus- trial g-ecmt 'x Inf raaiity it s mt easy to nd a specific message in a end af'fraai ovm g digitai 3 diam That s me ysfhaie teaser Eur getting a mm'm gr oi a wire tap If yau canmt i' 31ml Ema-@3133 ig gilai i hfhi-ln-IE lH h -m-J-u - u - 7 searching ta nd the message yum want ta iniemem - - That is also why this E-umzzean cam- paign against Salem is soquixo c True ha mks at NSA immept camunica ns am they have gmweg ful campaign anti geniaus saftware that helps with the pre- cessing But it is far even- ue hast mmputer graham to mutiner 8011 through 3119 the warld s leleccmmunicw aws and nu nu ialitaie messages as the Echeiun paranaitis maid have yen haw Have 1 Email yam need is mm what you are 190kng far and where the rummage might appear beiure yen have much of a chants of ndith M90 me cases in which am message talis- 3 35931313 5mm 2 rare 3m eniumment mm in nggj sgg 13w - gum-35'g f WEE Camlvore Won t Devour Cyber- Privacy' 55 mar Emu enfurcew mm mm intei ii mute mganimiitms ta iisien in cqu mum Gigi lagers 1mm mum 333 a $3133 link it's mam s f cu 1 gapiure ig ta messages that pass aver ber optics us bounce ihmugh calm-Jar nei Ana with stmn g soft ware freeiy availame uri ewide anyone ream determined to a mes'sag 35% are can 115133133 at so it ynuihave any mums ust re many inie igenc-e surprise we nuclear Man th Nara Emma migs e tast the tem t Mirth- af American targets in ma Mideast and Africa of the pm fem is that we 1 Emma get to many at the soumas bait we I used Of Hm evergmrae is getting better easy ta stir u g ma a swimmers an ahuut The gimme aegis that relatiam between the gamm- me nt am the new inionua an industrigs lousy There is 113mb suspicizm and ma mile The a ministra an gets part Elke Name for its hammnded paiicies mmis 21 gm example A m 31 canma 3 353 mum have been defuse if the - had ffere mare insight inm haw the tam warke and him We rights of yeasts mum he mitti d But ha retard at the mcimageemhas mt been math better The after 3-ch maugh law an nrc-ement of cials havej business poking mm mm activi es at lings benign ne maid step inmma dgml omgyumr matings with a gem ineighgb re Mod watch pragram f It s mo easy In ipse sight at that a mimreis min are mminais in amerfwmis the kin ff when are a gala-menu the Mama and target aiwm wmp nies Gram rates fur Internet shaming haw glipe pingulateiy Jamming in some expeg ps Wm aim whether mm crgiit can and beam skate menuld think matew u ine s supporthg e aw 13 4 TE all-Q s reasnnahie cmpemimn from ma private sect-an ant aggressive law enfmcemenh and effentive rimeliigence 6165 1in wank term by public nf ciais - Fixing fthe reiationship between Wash 'ingtan and Since- 1 Valli needs in be 31m misfit far the next a minsistm an Tm only maple hene -uing from mnmva'rsiea iike the me aver Carnivore are termrisis criminahs and mg-ue states 1 Mr a naseamh fa ow mike Hm Im iimian mu maumar 0f 989 mm In-te igmmz is re frgf mm mz $91 This H935 awn W 512% Release Page A a yr A f r 5 51 i i Parkinson - L-i- a-r a Juiy 191 Hanmabi-c Charles T Canady Chairman Subcommittee an ha Cansti tutimz Cemmiit e an the Judiciary Hausa 1f Representatives Washington 23515 Bear Mr Chainnan Wt very much appreciate the appanunity appaar bafom the Cansiimtia Subc mmittca on Man ay to discuss Cambium The public iastim-Qny we beiieve wii be very haipf u i in our ta explain what Carnivore is and eqam y impertant what it is not In that regarcl USA Taday asked us is a brief 35G explanatian for use an the cditariai page While a 3 113 statement obvi usly wi be previde the Subcammi es we wo-uki Iika to share xvii $011 the tax 5f what was pmvid d the newspaper In a wry concise fashi n it ensapsuiatas m1 expianation if what in system aims aimtr-mz icai in ensure strict campiian-ce with he court ardsars that instruct us praiser what can antic- 211th in i rceptad 1 aisn haw enclosed a 3 graphic that you may rm h lp il As 11 brig-J Summary paints Gut Jam s-0m is uscd 0111 when Internal Semis vaidem an ambit an their ow to restrict interceptions within the nan-aw c-sn ms a the centraling mutt order In additim 1m intarceptmn can new unless 1hr FBI tuber 33w enfanz-em m agency can t0 1 ju ge s sat-isfacti n that the sir- ct siatutary requirements have been met tag that there is pmhabie cans-e that a crime i5 bf ng or has been cummitt-e that the evma s wi he in fu harance ar- abaut that crim ant that ha intmeptians are ncca ssary cellect evidence sf that crime That is why its 113 has been very iimitac predmninataly to 'inicrcept ewmaiis in ten arism cases I how you nd this helpful Again Wt 100% inward testifyng and in the interim if you have any questions please in mi hesitate to ask we wm d be giaas-ed to brief at any aspact 0f this system Sincerely yam- 3 E Cuilingwnad Assistant Dimmer f ce 9f man and Congresginnal Affairs Mr Pickard '7 412 1 Mr Ajba Rm 128 1 Mr Galiagher 'Fl 19 1 ML Garcia a Rm T116 1 Dr Kerr s Rm 3390 LETTERS SENT T0 ALL AEDRESSES 0N ATTACHED LIST 5314 mm 1' Baa #9 'J gm'ug' a-i l m1 - his uh Ar v'arw-an haw ammable Charms Tb Canady Honumbl Han Hyde Hausa of Represent ativeg DIE N515 Ha brabie Asa Hutchinsun Hausa at washingtm 11C M13515 Howrah Spc cer Bach-us ngse of Repr sen ativeg Washington RC 20515 Hanorabia Ember Gmdla t House m7 K Jash ingiml 11 3 26515 Hanorabie Bab Bar-r Home of Repm-s-entativcs Washington 20515 fie-newbie Wiiliam Jenkins Hausa of Rapmsentatives WaShingmm 13 13 20515 Homrabk Liszzx sey Graham H use of Remascntativgs Washingwn 1313 23515 Hmnm hlc Meivin L Watt House of chresentativss Washingtun DC 29515 Harms-able Maxine Wants Rouse 0f Rgpresentaiives Washington RC 20515 Kwang nwyv 5 - $32-$32 Release Page Hmmrabie Cha ng Canady ammable Barney Frank Hausa of Represantatives Wamington DIG 21 35 I 5 Hanbrahie 50hr Gamers Jr Hausa 9f Rapresentativeg Washingmn 13 63 26 515 Homrabie 332mm Nadia Hausa 41f Represanmtives Washing-tan 13 6 2135 i 5 1- Emma Release Page 11 rk warm Lu 31 56 'n - 5 US Department is Fatima Buma-u 9f Investigatinn Elf 20 55 53 First lets get the facts straight 'The FBI and all 1 other law agancies can gnly interca t ewmails purguant to a court arder signed by a judge who 13 atisfied that the government has damonstrated prehable cause that a serious crime is heing Gr has been cammitted the e mails will be aheut that crima an the intercegtien is naceasary ta thain evidance abcut the crime Ta canduct an intercept beyanduthat_ia federal crime subject to severe criminal and civil sanctions The entire process requires cantinual regorting to a court and GE aurse ultimately 15 subject t0 vigoraua Challenge by defense attorneys What nes carnivore d0 In the simplest terms it ensures that Duly tha exact ccmmunications authorized by the cmurt ta be intercepted are what is intarcepted 80 Ear exampla if a caurt authorizes only the interceptiqg g _efmail from a articular drug dealer t9 another-drug dealex this System captures-iny that e mail tn the excluai n of all ather camputer communicatians regardless 0f whe sends them and where they are going Nething else is menitored Gr cellected and evefything collected is ampervise by the ccurt it wauld he a federal crime ta dw atherwise 5 14 82 Miease - Page Fad nu A It g auw h 1 When is carnivmre used It is used iny when an Internet service previder on ita awn ef eat the intercaptions canaiatent with a narrgw caurt-Qrder it has be n ugad Ver few times predeminately t0 intercept ewmails in terrorism cases andr again subject to the supgrvisign sf a ccurt In 1968 Gangreas spelled out strict requirements far the interceptibn of communicatiens Carnivare gimply ensures that law complies pracisely with thage requirements as advances We understand why certain aegments opgase this cmurt Gr ered techniqua But since 1968 because sf this law many livea have been saved and thmusamds 0f drug dealerS terrerigts child predators and apiag are in jail The Chairman of lai cut the challenge He not want to BEE carnivore an his unlesa we can prove it gifts nut only the traffic fram the target Qf a caurt arder That of cmurse is precisely'wha carnivere daea electranically'protecting the privacy 9f these Subject ta the court order 512% Release - Fag HE'th xi-Xaft -m mm In vi it 33113 - 353231-33 bratilgulihlc iithlIIW-II 'a MsA t a 3 AA u'U hung A an H - mueg t o - alga-tn mu 3 83 A 51 4 A ##me m4 r nir n A 1- - Ill null-lit A n w a h rr mum mtma A Data 3 A A a 3me 253 A U330 Az mg dj gt 1 11 55 I Hal A41 Illuulk i Pu A 5 hpsa'I-er- mu an Ariliuslimisi A I 1 1 A 13$ Iii- 1 a I 2 11 5 uni 13% 313 33% - - 75 1 - Ha - mania ith uih 15 91 u- m xaa 1321 mm 7 2461 WEEK 3 'r The sysieem s critics are limb 0 d1 31 Tim 3km mam mane ham merely casme changg 3 3i ERG NEIL Ki i 31R Law mkefg are pi - I H3 - Staff Roper-Mrs THE WALL Jimmy I Ran him 1mm Carnivare Mail Teal Won Eat cious Camimre mum gm Can it vacuum - I 3 Shim 1 9 up Internet mm rms a 1' 19 the Fatima gumau nf Invesv gem mm aw i3 mm and tzgatian s tinting sugvg gnci under whai legal basis Is Cammre hm wane Damn I mic new its Heaters calls it merely a th in a ma Permanent mm the mum in box for tracking hackers am lawns - '5 Rs name the FBI a mits is un t-innate w rk ngs Of carnivor it is 90 late ta change the namewhut 1191 tax rate FBI gures it try it Eh ge me i mn i If 33 331 35 mi temet Traffic a s Mummers win have spoken hamsth artist high-techsniffensmhe agency has launched an intense behi ndmeascencs A thtAw m- defl ct mngressiunai skep sign wary meme camam rites that Cazmimre is a much pickier gate 0 ME data ows thmugh the Internist me-mg Service Pravi e r raf e an tune-r esta pius ne the FBI is tapping ows lhmugh' mama data maiming the the canti u' m Eter fallen aws any-ward tgian its critics claim Since news of Carnival-e brake last $22k FBI af dais have Emmet Cagiiml to demanwme the system to has giemberg a Congas and their staff The ai cials 3350- have 3th it to tow iecieral $23 am a mail gmupaf re ux-tars i nr - r ner ign - - - vii- 9 - Lam naiyzes cagtureg ats Wail Street animal And I published a leng iy amaze amut axv mre an iis Wah site esc hing mm lgiiagms c max that gammy new tech- I - Eggs ta 1mm pbtain 1211mm infer-i Liam while providing enhange privacy mime 7 g mtec nf requested 5313 33116 mess-age lamivnm isfa'snrgica it 3 E wnfamem e ce used rar'gly and hard 33 under strict c0311 prams And 2pm if fears espause gummy in recent am m the s gatem doesn t gimme up 311 3' the militarime E31 tiered by mm mm in its march far the mm- mm mm HEW 4 a 6mm We re Me with it faster mare gon anmnf a singie s spa ct This tie twat 1 m What the 315335 f iem and mast impa an m wine-m 1 2 is hli-n to everim ng' ut the packet pmgectmg magmas Wilma 0f Rm infama onl that it s set rem-we mm the scape-GE the search says Pew Timmas Maitaq an assistant mm wam 6 exam 55 mi 311' 95' EWENEL lame for ma 5'31 It's like a my who We Em 115% mm 'th is gamma-m 11 ex 't 5% am' ziug but a hiue an 3 mm- 13 Fromm 533's 395 max 511% me 135 353363 ih Rep licanr W110 tinn'a largest Internetbservice pmvi ers if in mm a a may calieai mm hm Fm $9453 WW it mar this m m gang hearing mt we k Fm nf m that mlzqugsmn FBI n tciais nextweek amivm 131 an techgi Ebb have bean 3mm Adds 8gp Asa an Arkansas Zea zimwmm sYsiem's name Cam - 'vm e was 111 33% hm nemia ag m same 33mm dim g moniker given to ma warm ref an iff f cg n h mg In its m-m ngsm ziamakem andnm m er sum lance system wi ch 3 5' em he' mhas dascribe meimar mm kv i - ed mnimm a tine Waugh the mine meg $32115 designe 9 am the ings at the sysgem it musing detail In - We Wm it mane eificiant'mmtapsafa nia We it s mm General Janet am mien I was keen imam haw the system mum 63 a Wm change and Fm camemimns and mixer amine minimum miznritsseamhmitmmumsanw m Mk started asking hm me we cabana waiving suspecte hackers er 7 wrists the The gamma ma aginman out-afzanepar wv haw hm gm 3 m1 33 among Wm 55% gal - The FBI 561-5 333 ning Put up Wissians made batman imam mm mm a mas Magi the giggievte ia t and 13 mm mt emails while having unmme mmage greatly in the Maire Kerr Internet gmgmers 23 as ma a mm by his or her spouse-9r midi-an A ream a the $332531 313 a HEN Havmf om-L say Camier is - mat 1mle gamma 7 icau sa minimum can in Reins 1 an 13E baa - - - u 37sum-L ns was in w mu-AI h'r 3 qu aq'wnu 9 4m J Ca nackut Ttt system hetungs t0 3 2135 at twig imam as matkat lters at which it namely at data that my aunts a nt-twn t and any-mat hr a visit It Web site xing a screen titan can he set to sure titc tutti tamer- sutiattrt it cut grab Haiti mm-mg mpg tntludmg Inc and Mitzmsut t 5 Hat- mait mm till-CF it is at at tter net sm'vice timid-er the FBI can that talk Cam'wate tn make Changes muzmwt aw that have been ca ecleti I I The F31 is adamant that tears thatCarni-vere git-um its used Guam pant tapping of public e-matt system Fer nae Wimiappi g requests are inset 3cm tintzad by therJustice and must ht appmve by a tedtral judge Abusa by a mgue investigata-r is seven less likely the tsunami says because the mgue wm d new mo much mm mm FBI techies amt the Internet service twitter says Marcus Thamas a date Eper of the system at Quantiw53 13 3 lint-tan Sum awn-h run-- Hamming tm a judge's mimre can he set tn merely true Inter- net ta am a sus- tlett tted a pa-n register if trap and tram Camivat t retards the Internet Rd- dtesses 3f passing traffic but met for e the contents 20 even the subject ne at an Since the amaunt of inter matian gathered it tetativety small in them instances ewe-t1 a week's warm at nmttitgring an be stm e an a oppy List the agency 333 5 With judiciat the system 3150 can constant utter which would gather the contents at the emails anti other data The FEE says firmware d E S 'i moat tor the mutant at passing tam-tits a mim- hiltty tsrittety mattered to exist in the minim vemtat Echetan surveillance network a emted uvemeas by the Natianal Securil kgency Bureau af cmts said watching at trey wards in passing wmatts ms techni catly mink but that it wat d 510w Interr- net traffic unacceptably far all uustamerst If m attempt With a machine like this ta Batu-arty read et'et y ting that sues It you very quickiy gamut $8 31 with it MI The ma says The PEI mm says it has aged tami- mre in 't a-wt that 25 investigattans aver the past 15 mama mast targeting sus- ttect'e or cemttutar hackers In each case the system Was cunn ctett ta 3 mmem s lute-met service pm ett where it intercepte $153 13 or eat-nails it stn ct mmpliattce with a enter that FBI 335$ 7 Privacy advatates who haven't'hegn privy tn hunger for much mare than expia atinnst the American limits wants the FBI in suspend canmm use arguing that late-met tian aiready cant aunt adequate wiretaps The ACLU 313' has fitt 'a request nite the Freedam 01' tnfamatizm Act far the Mue- Camivnre works Many in the tntiustry want these 3am mans m a ett that twat-m mtia l mam that the system isn't span tn 'abust and won t dimpt The FBI says making Camiwre's inner wat tt attaw hackers ta defeat it ante you Imam tan-w it writs it mam be fairly trivial in evade it Mt says Lagisiatinn in quash Carnivore entime t5 until-tat tawmak rs'mnld mate to tighten requirements far its use a tea imms a wit- 5 that mutt timber protest the privacy immt mtemet Matty argue that Qamivare Mum up the titer ta mm with a target diiemma up a ng the nattan s wiretap iawst hatched tang baf e the Internet ex isteti5 124 92 Release - Pat It - I anfihK- PA PLJ-ai vumemws f 55 ng pg 3 From To BONALB KER-R LARRY 7 Bate NZUIQG Subject DEM rem-2w of statement Gen amen Lima gaming the nai draft at Dr Karm siatement It DFGA was that 504 win aim raview our nal vzersian 31 the statement hafure OPEA disseminates it to ma Senate UPCA anticipates that am wi make in Weak the statement thereme i ii FeviSe the current appmved versian with highiighiad text 01 the recummemia ans for yaur review and Before reieasing it back rm DP-CA Dr Kerr This note is to can rm that 13 semen 2511 was set Earth the punishmam fer mientianairy vioia ng bat-h Title if and ECPA 7 Ami-f Refme 9153 18 bar 335 a g m m 93% sz makenfsj I three referri g ta authorization by a senim afficia v I 1 1 From 5 d 3 Tu Date f f Subject an Kerr s Testimany The revisions thai H1151 gave yau dc not inalu a a x for the problem that we just discussa enamaiy_ ihe difference bem'een standards far a oraifwi re and those far eiectmnic acmmunications The former are set forth in 18 USS 2516 1 the fatter in 18 USC Far the purpose 93 this testimcny the twa- main differences am that appi maiwns under 2516 3 cm mi requira seam-r Java appmva and 2 that may are not iimiied to 38mm edema fetanie- s Thus if we stake the sentence ai the baitam 0f page tws op of page af am and the last Sentence in the rst paragraph 5f page three Furthen iniemep nn uf cemmunicatiens is limited certain speci ed felany mffenses we wi remove same 0f the misleading inferences as is whim provision we fc cw when seeking mun appravai in in iemept e-rnai i There may may be ether instanceE where the t-esiimony suggesig that we use 2518 1 rather than 068 sh-cusld scrub the testimmy again in shack far such instances CC SIRE Release a Paga 544 3 i - -- the a nu STEEL Am 4 Ln 19 KWM - whpv-F-Vl-J'W - - lu 1 77 fdl ipr a via any 311275 21 EGGS Nate far OLC g m m EQUSA 5 GDAG - did 3 011 get the Etatemem from yesterday 3 53 3 77777 g 11 3 3 SEN 3mg 12M Ear an Sarah-far that amerz- mem Pleasa pmvidc mum-ems Cir 19 cmz'uncm an Elie anachad by 2 PM tada Friday Thanka g c 93 Phase prm'icie c 5 24 02 Retease i sxge 2a 7306 1 13 - mm - snare-Au Di GREGORY ATYORNEY GENERAL STATES DEPARTMENT JUSTICE SEE THE SUB-CGMMITTEE THE HOUSE CSESEMHTEEQN THE MICMY on AND THE 1111324 2ng hair and Membars of the Subcammiuee thank yam fer ailgwing me this to testify abam m Ems enf rcmnem 190i Camivora and the Feuth Amm nwnt On Apr 6 had the griviiegs f tcsz ing lmfarc 3mm during a hazing on karma privacy the Faurth Amandmeni plaessd marinas to p icipa c in he discussion edgy abam Camimre and 15 11333 praieatting 1a p vacy an the Inimnei 5mm unwanimied intm m and abeu he mi 322 1 rule the Dapanmant plays to ensura that th Imtmet is a safe Emmi gamma place Privacy 231d Public Safety It is bcyand dispum 111a this Famh runmdmam' pmracxs the rights ofAme -cans whiie they wait ami play 13 15 meme just as it aims in the physics wa d The guai is a long- hgnarc an noble 31 12 in presm an privacy while pmteciing the safe if aux citizens Our faunding fathers renamiza that in omits far can sacs e1 3 its ran-Lain 531' am bmy intact law mus-t 113% I m ability apprehend pmseaum pmpEe far criminal mud-um A the same time bewave-r as foundng falhm hgid in disdain the gm'ermnant s disragai and abuse cf-pn vacy in Emma The G'fthis anti-9n axing-ed meh Mtendm-am 12G the lensinn ihat at times arise betwgen grivacy and 1313315 Reiease Bag i 9 by safmy Un er the Fourth the ga- vemmem must pmbable cause befurc obtaining a Twain far a Sgarch mm a miner sigzi cam inimsim an privacy 311d the warts have 3150 recagnimd that lesser inmsimas 0n privaty 5219mm be enn'ittcd under a less exacting thms hnii The Biemunic Commi catians Privacy Asa Establishes a are-e tier system by which t h government can obtain infannatian f mm ew-mic ccmmumcation serving pro ders general the nde a sear-ch warrant it obtain 111 6 mn tent 9f 'unret sxr cemmui tationa like Gem-aim a mutt rdtr In a btain Hangman-11 13 retards and a mbmma ubiai'n infammcinn idamifya ng 115 subsc bar See 18 UEK gg $01-11 in in mdar to Gin-tam semi and damnation in real iime the must obtain a trap amt trace a pen ragismr ram order authsri zing the regarding ofguch infarmaI-imn See 15 USC 1821 at Sag Became at ms privacy wines ii pmtects the wiretap statute EELS-C 2518 22 nominal know as Titic piacas a higher burden an the r-eabtime imemap on 31 Oral wins and clectroaia mmwnicaxicns than 111 Famh twendment requires in the a sance of a autumn Exception the ma a a man 19 wimtap cammunica cns To obtain such an ardar the gavemment must Shaw that manna invastigative he infomation have gr are likely to fail a ara tau ange-trans and that any immerp un wiil he canducmd was to Ensure the intmsiau is n z mim Th safeguards far privacy rcpresentesd by the POW Amgncim m and slatutgry restrictiuns an access to inf rma en dc mt prevent effes vc law enfemammt Instead they Pzrevidc bunndazics fer law Marc-amen alas 56333 what is ammable evidence Release Pag zz nanny In gathering and wha 13 not At the same rm those whiz car deeply abnut pratmling individuai 25 privacy mus aiso that law anf rt mem has a criticai role to play in pres-an ng privacy When law enfomammt investigamg appreh and and prosemtas a c minai Wh has simian a citizan pagans infamaiian ham 3 mmputer 519313111 for cxampie aw enErcemen-t its undam abiy wax-icing fa prefect privacy and data further p vacjy viol atians The sama true law swore-amen apprehend a hacksr whu pompmmiseci nancia rewr s afa customcr As we mm into the 21 ccntuxy we must ansura that the Heads fprivacy and public 531- er Tammi in haiante and an approp atciy re ecttci in the new and mugging tccim-oiogiss that an changing Eh face at kho ugh the prir ry mi ginn of iim 9f Justice is law enfmcemenf A omay General Rama and the eating Dapa mam and share the 1831' Hunt cmecmxs 3le Americans with mgard to peraunai privacy The Dcpa mem hag been and wi ii ran-min wmmi c pmma ng the privacy rights af ndividuais W Emit farwax to working with Congas and mher mncamed individuals to ad drtass these imperial m a ai s in the manths- ahead Law Enfbmement Innis in Cybersnaca Ai zongh Eh 611111 Mumment is war two centuries aid the $5353 is stiil in its infancy Thee huge advances in the past ten years have changed forever the landscape 0f snciaty net just-in Mama but wu dwi e This Mama has msuhed in mm and smiling ways far penpic t0 communicate infan a on engage cummeree anti 533mm their cduca maal appa m tics These are but a aw i me wagderful bene t ofihis rapidly changing Iachnoiugy As has bean the case with awry maj r m-chmiugica animate in an Eli-stem 3 $243312 Reins Pag r mra - es up I if xv-data rviha15 I -- 3 25213' I a hewevsr we an seeing ind ividuais anti gmupS use his tetim lcgy semi criminal gem As Deputy Niamey Gs amf Eric Haida mid ha Crime sf this Cammi ec in Februam wintraizi ty t9 camputex crime is asron'ishingiy high and thmatens not Bur nancial ramming and our privacy but 3 15 2 this nation's critical in agt ucmm Many of the c mcs that we canfmm everyday in the gahyaicai worm are hegim ng in app-ear in the Cn mas like thraazts framed iciantii y mm anti Chiid pornography are migrating 11% Enigma Th1 qu th Mendm-em and laws acidmssing privacy and public aafcty serve as a framcwm'k far 13w enf rcement fix this HEW ibmm for C minai activity If Iaw enfm ccmeni fails pmpz y tit rcspact individu privacy in its tacims ques the public s am dmm in gm'emnem wiil he will he supprassed and criminals win giud prosecuzien Ifiaw 5100 timid in to cybemimc we will in Effect f flti fl cybersPam a safe haven far criminals and I errmists camnumicatf cm out trims witheut fear efautharized government snweiilance If we 351 mam the Immei safe pcapieis con dence in using the Intem and B G-Gf f ft will hiding endangering the very bene ts brought by he mfamatinn Agra Proper balance is the kay Tn satisfy cm - abiigationg ta the public in animals the tam and saggy we use the same saris of investigate Ecchniquss and methods online as m in physical wa d with the Same carc ll a entien a the strict cans tutianai stamian Mama court-m md bcundariesd Camimm is simply an invesiigamry teal mat is mad amine may under narrowly c ned and oniy au mfized 53 law it meat our respansih ities to he pub c_ 5mm Reiease Page h 5 Il xum a hivhm um 7 mu-mam WA 7h urn-Jim hing - iilus irate law enfercamem n m mt st find an em Wham a deaier for instance is buying his Hie-gal 'pmduczs or In whom the drug ci eaicr is sailing $0 investigate this it is heigz- zi to determine wha is 'cammunimting with the it-3333 Ihc alder days if parhaps 10 years ago ms dealsr mum have communicated with his suppiier and custemm EXElusiver through use aftaleyhenes and pagers Enfmcemant waul ahtain an c-rde-r from a com lau'therizing the instailatim 91 a trap and trace and a pen register dwicc 0n the drug deal er s phane 0r page and aim er the tekphm ccmpany or iaw enf memem wmuld have insta cd these cigvi cas E0 with the mart s ma a-r Thsmafier ne 50mm and citratinatien cf his p hgmc 123313 wmid have been rccarda v 'i his i3 i-nfnmuat ion aha minis haw-E harm 55 mt pmtected by any reasanabia expeci'atim ofprivacy Given Eh nature 3f this infomatiom hewevar Elm 33w requires gin-ven nant It obtain an mast und r hes E circumstancea in thig way psiva y is Pf i i td and iaw mafmcemmt is abi to investigam 10 prewar the public Now that same drug is-213 151 may be just as er ly to send an c-maii as tali his mnfedemtes Wimn law enforcamgn t uses a Hap and trace or pen ght-er in the however ham found that Iimas the Intranet ssgn icc pmvidgr has bsen tumble or even tmwi ing to supply this information Law anforc mant cannot abdicate its prefect 'p hii safety simpiy bananas tachmi-ogy has changcd 'Raihar the expats that aw enfarcemem continue to bf cffectiva as criminal the Inmmet We sauna do this witheut facts ka Caravan What a criminal uses cuma is send a ki naping dams-Md ta buy and sail i gga i 611135 a ta distributa child pomngraphy law mfarcsmeat needs to Lam-w In when hf is sending messages and r m when he EECEWES them Tu get this infomafiou We ebb-aim a mum artist Which W1 5am Mensa raga 25 l I xii-SS had-0 my aw n dutm 3M max-qw- 1 a gem a-mAe 4- Serve on the seivice pmvi gr Because ofihs naturs 3f Emmet addressimg i qf m man which tines mt include the c-onteni of It Imssagc is 3mm mixed in wim a lot 9f 0 116 nem cmtent ata that We have rm dasim antistatin to gather If fhe service pmvi mf can camply with the car-tier anti pmvi c with 011% the infumm m rcquimci by Emmi ardcr it Will do 5 3 anti m Willi mt cmplay C mivore If hawcv-er rim sewic-e gravidzr is unable ta cemply with ha ar cr we simpiy gamer give a criminal a free pass It is far that nm mw set at circumstames ma FBI designed Camivare is in essence a spetia i kering 033 lm gather the in fmna on autharimd by cou mm and mi that i'nfummzion It pamxits law enfarccmam for example 0 gather mi er sm ii a drassas at these with whom ha drug dcaier i3 communicaiing withdut aimng 3313 human hating eim r law the sewica providcr View private infommtion maids of the scope of 1h mum s In Int-the wordS Camivors is a mr nimz'aam'cm 1m that pmni is law enforcamen strictly to camply with mun csrdem Strongiy ta protcct p vaay and effectively 0 enforce fe law to pretect the public inicrest in addition Carnivore craa'tas an audit trail that damanstmias Exactly what it is capi mng As with any other invastigarive twig thaw are many mechanisms we have in place to prevant against possibie misuse cf Cmiwrc and $0 remedy misuse that has Fourth Ammdmem of course matricts what E'aw can do with Carnivore as it the Statuth requirements 31 Title and the Eledrenic immunisa ans Privacy Am and the mum Frat- feds-mi Title applications the Department aflustice impcsea its awn guida ncs en tap 11% privacy gmiast ans pmvidcd by the Canstitutian statutes and the mung For zexamplze 5mm Reiearse Page -- a I - A - a L '4 heifers Camivma may be uSad intercept wire at tiectmm c communicatiens 11m reguesting investigamt agency must btain apprwa than Dspa mmt 0f Justicci Speci gauy the #2151163 fEnfomamem p eraimns in the Criminal 'Divisiau of aha Bapa mtm review each grapes-ed Title apgiica en t0#cnsme that the intmeptien satis es F u h Amam ment rctfuircments and is in mmpiimce with agplicable Siamteg and reguia nns Similarly typically the US Aitamey the 33mm Ehitfwithin 131 IDcpmant Wh is hanc ing ii inv s gmicu 313 reviews the Title 111 mtg-map ream-ESL Even if th pmpo a i clears Lhe DEG apgamval musi givan by a Deputy Assistant Magma Gen 7 mi Aim eugh this requirement fhighxviwexi mvicw is required by This aniy with mgazd 3 3 propesred intercegis afwirc an-ri 0 31 cammunicatitms the agging-2m ht 53111 153-21 ofreview far prams-ed interceptims afaiem'mnic Jamey digital ismay pagar-s Tmica y investigativs agencies such the Fatima if Investigaimn have Similar imam-131 Separate arm 22pm Io-ns tu onai Swim-m m Department oflustice requirement Ifth-e 'inv-tstigative agancy ami ha of Juana appreve a federal Titie 311 request it sti must of in appmved by the pmper The com will evaluate the applicatian limits the Fourth Amandmam and using the familiar standards If Titi statum far exampie that appiicatiun it the cam must Shaw swam ag ijdavit why Warsaw is ntcessary as agpns cd in other EcssuinHu-sive i vm gamw tecimiquess That applicatien must aim previde acidi onal detail incfuding mm haw ham pr-eviaus interceptiens nf co-municatims If the target in idi ntiiy of ah target thg- namm and imitation of the facilities and a ascriptian uft he 134 1 af mmunicatians saught and the MEIER Reieas e Fags r mun v 3 5- ni fmsas to Whi h the reiate By statute and intmnal Dapamncm mg intm'ceptian may iast 10 larger than 30 days wimgut cximsim 133 ma cam Cams alga u a m impose their mm 'mquiremcnt Fur exampI-a many federal com-s mqain that Lh investigamrs provida pe a ic repc s setting forth 'infmnation suth as-lthe wither of cammunicaiians intercept-ad Stags-taken ta n nimize inelava traffic and whether the intarmptions haw Ewen uit al Tim 5mm 111 3 656011 136 seminars the i-ntarcepti-ox at any time The mme icxs f0 vi'aiating This 11 Gr ECPA by impmpe y intercepting cummlmisza ens car inciude criminal 3331 3035 ivi suitk and far 33w anfmmemem agents adverse cmpE- n nt mm Fm Violatiens fths sup-pressign is 3150 availabie Camivera itself 3150 remains salferegmlaring femur- 3 Fur exampls because efits sophis uated passive ltering feamres it automates ma proccss afniimmiza nn withem inImSiva mom mring by in vasrigawrs and aiming dismgards packeis 0f i nf nnatim that 1 1 mm satis the exit ria' in the an art s authnrizsatian Indacci ans if the most pawar xl privacy pmtec ng gamma of Carnivam is its ability In ignore infamation at is out-aids the $33393 of th manpoweer authmitga For later ve ' ca on it also logs the lter sailings ati iting as a practical mama Camimrc is not eplayed caapmatiun with the system pmvider It any ave t me FBI daes mt use Cm mrc in may instance in Maich the mun rdars a Tilt BI aiectronic cammunicatien in-tarcept hdeed I understand that that Bureau 1 25 9 Can vcrc- sail in those when the sm ice pmvider is unable mmpiy with the cam Omar aging 5115 mm equipmmt er when the Prcvidar asks FBI to use Bureau Equipment 5mm Releasenay-w mm war H4 Ur - 7 47-tas figd in Agizii We face Ma majgr catega es 0f chailanges in trying km figs Mamet a safe and 36mm piace far our citiz ns Thaw are Teclmicai haii ngas that hamper law 0 and pmsecum mammals that sperm anlina 2 Certain substantive and precedural 33 that have nut kept pace with 1h changing twinn ngy creating sim cmt Egga'i challenges to mv asiigatimn anti pmsecutien of crime in cyberspam and 3 Resource nee s that mug be adakessed to ensure that law enf mcmem can ketp pace with changing tecimalogy anci has hire arm tram peepie a ghz cybarc ms Cami vam is 313 in veslrigaim tool that assis s us in m e ii mg the first chal imgtz As we have wit-mama tracking 3 Maxim Galina i5 m3 aways an impassihle task using aur inves gativa look For Exampia last year fademl and state iaw cnfmament cambina it sumc'ss iy agprehend the crazier 0f the Meiima virus and the individual who cream a frau ulcn-t Service wabsii in artist to mi ciatly drive up that stack price if PairGain a campany 335 6 in California Although wgase grand gf 31355 impn ani samenesst we still face signi cant chaiimgcs as 1311111116 criminals bee-ems mare anti more suphigiicated In neariy awn online 235% tacking the anima- Edwina requires iaw gf rcgm nt 3 a mpi 1'0 Race the elecimuic ira am the victim back tn the perpetratun in effect this trail is the ug pr im if the an much harder 3311a and nm 5mm Rtiease Page pemanant as 15 more traditienal pradsceawr in me war-Id a gamma and his i are gentraiiy in the 5am ioca tiun But cyham minais d9 ram have physically visit the mime scans Ensi aci may cl ai than Mega attmw by weavmg annmunmamn-s unugh a sems of anonymous remaiiers by creating forg d email hea ers xviih pcwer paint and click mails reac ly hacker website by using a account or mm or by vipi g clam the lugging recurds that wank be avijdencg at their azt'ivisy In same cases the crimina may net men he in the s ame country as ma victim The glam nature at the lawman while we at Lh- assem if Lhejintemct to lawmbiding citizens mews criminals C-Dnd hair viz Emu acres the ginbg In these cases the need a resin-rend qx tkbr and track the triminai incregsiwiy campiicemd anti us ated by the fact that the activity takes piarce ihmughout tiiffcrent countries With more than 153% sauntrias connected 9 ha it is easy to mitt-stand i315 w rdiagation chailmges that face law enf rmament in these gases time 35 cf and the Victim may nm' awn 4 ma z they have been victimizad untii the grim-I m has icing aims signedwa Charity the 1 technical chaugnges far law enfercemem an reai and pmfaz nd I This fact was made alga in Ihe m ings and canclusinng rea he the recan yrclaassd report of 131 President's Wommg Group an Uni w Cundgict on the mismati gn gig fii he Fromm Th Challenng nfUniaw ll Can uct owing the Use of the Internet This Extmsiv-e report highE-ights in eietail the signi zant cha ng Easing law anfcmement in tyber pace As the repurt man-351 he meds and ch aliengcs c n onting law an ncither trivial mar thesreti-caL The mm ou ines a appmazh fur raspending unlaw asiiviiy m the Internet mam Release - Huge 36 a I Cundunt an the mm-net sham-11d be trcatsd in the same manna as similar cmduct Vef im in a technetogy mantra mama 2 We must recugnize hat the nsads anti shall-ranges of law anf memem p escd by Intcma i are substantial i clud ng an the need fur rasaurccs tip-m data investigative toms an - animaggzd multi jurisdigtional aegpamtian 34 Emily cantinued support for p V-aft leadership in dav aping mats and metimdi to h ip Internet usars pfevent and minimize the risks nfuniawful canduct mime amid ancem'aac amme with an in this im extant to it rmricw car-aqu the 6331 311 of the Working Stamp The rayon can he found an the lm's met by V iaiting ha D'epanmem uffustit-s s Camping Crime and haie cmal Smtion baamd at in additimn rspan caniains Lethal useful infenna ion on a wide array cf Emmet reiatcd issuas including the tapio f tuday s hearing - privacy Daspite the typa of dif cultic-s eutiinad in the Uniaw d Carmine Rap-mt and dis-cassed aha Justica Dapmem and iaw enforcamtnt ECWSS this natian are camin d mn nuing in work tagather and with thtir in ether counties In Qev igp an impiemcnt investigative strategias to success ziiy track and inciividuais whe conduct crimixiai activ y an the Mamet 1 11 50 doing the Sam privaay standards mat appi in the physiaal warm rcmain eff-active onH-nc Mr Chaiman aha 3693 121 331 3f Justian has taken a proactive mam-5mg tale in making 7 cyberspace safer for all Amaricans The 9f what s-rims mum pm is the 11 Release a Page 31 an a - 3 2 an Criminal Divisian s Computer Crime anti Inl'e ecma Pmpeny Sectigm as CCIPS CCIPS was famde in 1991 as the Cemputcr Crime Unit and became a S-ectian in I996 has grow a i ve in $996120 twanwtodayw and we aged mere 13 may pace with 11 demand far their expar se Tim anomtys in mark closely crime cages with Assistant United Stams A omays imewn as Computer and Telewmmunica nm C ardinamrs a in US A emay s iccs ammd mzana -an Each CTC was in special training and c 11ipmentanci genres as 111 district's an C mpl r trim cascs CCEPS and the wark in presuming cases spearheading minng for local state and faderal law waking with inicmatiana connierpams ati ress dif mh ini c-matignal chaiisnges and pmvidimg legal and t ccimfcai instruction aasist in the pmtectisn 0f this natiun s critica We are was pumd of the war than pmple dc and we continue ta we rk Sing-emf h 3361 amp c mEnai-ss vicrhnizing peopic oniins lake mic that public aducatimn is an imp 'am c-ampcnant ag A omzy Genaml s strategy on cmmbatimg mmputgr trim As Shit rim-es tht same children who recognize that it is wrong In sisal a neighbor s mail at shop 10 net swam in tmdarstand that it is equain uwng a 5 33 a neighber s c-ma a a pmpri-etary ss ware or music le without paying far EL To mnedy this prohiem the Department if Justina ingethar with Eh Iafcrmatinn Tachnel gy Association ofAmtri-ca has embarked npan a national campaign It gaitniag ' ci $7355 awarenem rcEponsib ity and pre de rasomcas mpawar cancmed citizzns The Cybercitiaen Awareness Pram seeks engage chiidmn young adults anti anthers on the basics if critical and gammy and on the limits If ancapta ia onjim behavior The nbjec ves Bf ht program are m- givc chiidmn an unrimtanding i2 51 24 92 Release - Page 32 v u Kw Vt - - l - Juan alum un- mum mar-w iar la mlg ha - gammauauysuhnaw Mg HY ml 'l I 15 bm m and an a 'aren sa 0f resulting mm the misuse 9f gm m '4 m-sdinm and an undermnding Gf the parsaua dangers that exist an 1h internal am taclmiqugs amid b i g hamled My Chaim am Iwant to hmk 3am again far this apga'nunity to 651% F3 today 33mm Mimi an the hiismetwmm yreasrving the ights zaonfermd by the Few and 513mm Ukimateiy th as 10 1h appro riate parameters at 13w enforc nmm activity 523 squarcly within the Cuns iutim and the eiected gyms-entailich of the pcopi thz C-onggress The mead prams the privacy 6f Ama can pmp ie mt just mm the gwemmcm cmninais is EGIE Si - x aii n not just if mg c-entaxi' af ne but in general That 3f I Jatice stand-s mad war with this and miners 12 ash-Ewe the pmpe baiancc bearer-cm the important nccai fer pretecting g vacy and the nix-rd I ESand H the gmwing fhreai a 83mm in cyberspace MI Shai rmaiL that cancludcs my prepared staremam Ewauki be 1313535113 a ampt to answer any quast'icns that y u may have at this time 5mm Release Page 33 v rim Statament far he Record Dmai M Kerr Assistant Di reizmr Fedaml Bureau at Investigatian Bgfore the United Stat-es Hausa 1f The Committee an ha Juciigiaw Suhwmmittee on the Cans tutian Washington DC a rmon Mr Chairman and Memb rs 4323 the I am gratsful for this t0 discuss the Inmmef and data interception capabilitiss and heir sea the recard str ight regarding this impnnam issue wnuld it rst discuss Iagai autherity far mnduming int erueptims or the Imam-at and ihen desari be Carnim m e and haw we use it Tm weak s age rm Wag SIFEEI Emma publish-ed an articie antiwar 53 51am to smartly seaming-n13 raises privacy lcgai issues This star wag imme ia ely allowad by a lumbar 0f simiiar spams in this press and nth-er media d piciing Carnivore as samething Gmimm and rai5ing concerns ahpui the pnssib ity of its pmamiai t0 sump wi mut a mum Quiet int-m the private mails of American citizens Ithink ihat it is importam that this 9133 be dis-cusseci apaniyV-aand in fact this was the purpase babind the PM mousing is share informatinn regarding this apab ity with the industxy experts 53mm weeks ago It is criticain important that as technalagy and a - particula y mnmunicatims technoiagyj wn nucs waive rapidm the guh c be guarantaed that their is absan the statume and summations pmtectians which they demand I be eve- that it is also very impartam that these discussians be planted inm the semen intn which they preps-rig bekmg and am he true facts cance ug this issue are made ciear More ta the paint 532m Reiease - 3 - _r j m u 3 h a -r Lima Jung@Emzituwa-nu a 57 k mg dau- W- hisng that these capabilities are usad on with law d authcriza on and that they are dimmed at this must egregiaus vielations ofnatiunai sesurity and pub 's xafem First Ufa the FBI intcmep ans ofcrimina'l win and elemrm c communicg ensj inrf-iuding internal cammunicatiensi under authg ties-derivad in part Tim HI sf ma mnibps Crime Central and Safe Streets 14 sz as amended whish is cammonly rei rred it as Titie and m ians of the Eaummuniaations P vacy Act of 1936 as amende 9r I want to stress that ali suzh interceptions with the Exception Ufa rarely usad 'emerg ncy authmrity 3f consent Qfa ga icipam in the are performad under a mdar issued by a judga Un er emergency pmvisionsi the Niamey Genera the Dequ or the Assasz-iata Attmmey General may if autharized initiate ciactr nic sgrveiilance af wire or eiactmnic withcm a court ands hm am if an apyiication for such order is made within 43 hams after the surveilianae is initiated Fatima surveillance laws mum comply with the Fourth Amen ment s alibi-ates concerning raasanab-Ie seafches and seizures but hrs aiso inciude a numbar ofpmvisinns that are intan e to Ensure that this inv-es gativa technique - is used judici-ou y and with deference the privacy as intermixed subjects and certainly with eference to ma privacy nfthos e wha are not subject cf the mun nrdar Fer examp ie un ke march warrants far physisaliy searching a housa n ndsr Title 111 and Dega ment QfJustice policy ap-piica uns fer i ntemeptim 9f and wire- and eiactmnic 5 24 92 Release Page w 14- var-17m - 5-91 ww- rrq we 531-1 - - - - un 3 9mm mauz muun ' r Main Rial-15 cammunica ens require the authcrizatien Bf a high-kw Depa ment ofiustice af cia bai nr the 10m Unitmi States Atmmays ufi iae can makc an appiicaiinn a federai mum Further interception n'f is iimiigd In certain fedami criminal Agaplieati-ons fur eiectmnic must demonsuate probable cause and state particuiarity and syeci c ity the w enscs being the m place from which the subject s communicatiuns are be a rigs-Grimm 0f the types at muversa ons it be infiermpted and the identi as of the pearsms cammiuiag the D enses and amic ipated be intermpted Thus criminai aunt an suwei agce faws fungus m gathering hard maiden-news mt in ieifigence Appli a mns must indicate that uther Henna investigative te miques have been tried and faiiad ta gather evidence Qf crime any will not werk are ma dangermm and must include infbmatinn semen ng any prim electronic sunrei ance regarding subject at in question Clear o-rdem are ir tiaiiy limitad in 30 days with extensions passible anti magi terminate 500m ifthe abjectives abtained Judgas may and usuaiiy do require periodic raperts t0 the court typisaiiy every 30 ags advising it fths afthe e urt This aasures mime and anagoing uversight u-fthe elagtrm c surveiliance by the Ur ted States Annmayfs Q ice handling the mm and fmquentiy the cam mam REE-case Page r_ Yaw 1 _nuu 9 I up Hauwmvu hqn' MW- 14m - w-m kmMR-u J ext nsi-ons the judge shall ensure that the subject nfthe interception wider and other parties as are mew rn 1 Interim-mans are I equirad in be canducted in such a way as minimize the interception of cmmnunicatians mt athemise subject to interceijtian under the fang such as unreiated irrelavant' and nonacriminai camunu nicatiuns if the subjects anti Mather mm named in the application Ti ensure privacy protection and e demiaw integrity of the comunicatiwns that are such mtercepte i ccmmunications are required be ec0rded ifpossibie an or nthar dcvi ca and rewrde in such a way as pmtect the recerding fiiom editing m aiteratians Immadziately 11pm the expiration m the interaeptiau periad thase rawrd ings are then required ta- be presented to that faderai district court judge and sawed under his or her direc ans The presence in the seal shall be a pmmquisii fur their use gr iaclaaum m7 fer the of-eviifence derived fram the tapes Applisations and o- z crs signed by thejudge art aim to be seaied fths judge Within a reasunabit patriot ftime aft-er 1h terminatian of intes'capt nrdar including deemed awmp ate are m shed an inventsm previd ing notice cf the or er the dates during wi ch the intermpti ns ware carried out and whether m net the person was intercepted Upan mution the judge aim direct that pm ms 0f the mutants cf the intercapted ammunication he made waif-3131610 fat their inspecting pars-0n whiz was a party in an intercegted cam'unica on Jr was a party an intemaption was directed may in any triai hearing or other prismating mama to suppreas the con- 5mm Rniease - Page tents -of any instarcepted or any evid n a derived t herefmm if there are grnunds demonsirating that the cmnmuniaatinn was Entercapmd in vi ola m of Title ECPA or the Fourth Amentimem ii Iegai unauthorized madam of eiectmnia suwai ance is a fatieral criminal u ensc punishabk by imprisamnent far up in fun y ars a ne or bath In addition any persun whuse are unlaw iy interaepmd discIOS-ed or 15261 may in a action 'remvar from he pemen Gr entity engaged in the vialatiun civil damages inciuding punitive damages a5 wail as atmmeyjs eas and other 05115 incurre The Ethnicai assristan e of ze service providers in heiping a law eni amemz m agancy execute an caviar is aways imperiam and in many Eases it is 313503111er essential This circumstance is increaaingiy the case with the a vem mf advanaed communications servings and such as the Interne'i Title 111 mandates sand-ca pmvider i' aid tal ta law anforcemant s exacut'ien af e'iwronic surv i ance ardars by spa-affixing that a maxi arder autha z ng rst inierceptian If mmlunicatiens 5313311333911 the requast if the applicant reci that a service pmvider landioni custodian or other person aha furnish the app cant fa hu-Iith iaformaiiun and assistance fit-35355313 ta the intercep enw unabtmsively and with a mini an cf interference with the sen cas that sue scn ce pmvider Iandiord custodian Gr pawn is awarding the gram whmse are in b3 interc pted 5mm Rate-m - Page 33 mannwu urn a - M I J In pram ng judges may Sign m orders we cider aut hurixing the aw enfomemem agency m comma-t the Eleml m surveiliance and a secmd abbreviated assistanca ardgr directed ta the service pro der Speai ng far example in the case of Emaii E maii accaunt name af ne Subject that is the object of the nder and directing the pmvisim 0f neaessary Sawing pmviders and their germane am subject 5 the ale-Gimme suw i ance laws Iike public uf ials and private unauthe zed electronic survei ame is farbidden anti criminal and Iiab ity may be asses-Sad for viulaticcns Nat manly are unauiharized interceptims pm-smibaddisalmure of centzents that have been intercepted it is far this reasun Ema-rig athers that service pmvidars typically f k gmai care if prtwic ng assistance 0 Iaw enfarcemcnt in cam- ag out elm onia sawe lanm purguant 0 mun Tdei In same instanizes service pro-vici-ers 9p 'prmride service es-san a y carwing gut the inierceptian far Iaw enforcem m and prmiding he nai int-emeptian produci but in mast gases sen-ice pr vidsrs are inclined 0111 ii provide me Ewe ufassistanlie necessary aiiow the law enfnmemem agency #10 canduct this int-emegtian I want if grass that ihe FBI nes n0 sawdust interceptiens insta and meta-ts pen registers or us a trap tram device-s without Iaw authmiza'tian nm a mutt In race-nit years it has bemme increasineg fur the FBI 0 seek and f rjudges It issue urdars for Title 111' interceptians are much mare detailed than alder orders- whish wette- directed against plain aid ieiephane SEW-mes Triage deta ed ordars in fd l to he successfully impiemcnted require mmpalex appraachas 0 ensure that ml messages far whish there is Ilr 5mm Release a Fage u u 1 - gr - fit A 7 I I Her 7 f probable cause in fact intercepted The fact that court mders are beenming mare detaiimi is in respanse I think to We facts First the compiaxit uf madam netwurks les the mama-i as well as the wiggle in af madam users ccmmunica ms demandbettar iscriminatinn than for skier anai 'g cummunicatians For example Intemm user s frequently nae electmni-c messaging sewices Iike ma cammunicate with Oih i individuals in a manner reminiscent nf a teiephane call mi-y with text instead of mice Such message- 3 are af rm the targets 32f smurf ints-meptimn Users 3250 use services ke the wurld wide web which Jocks mare like prim me ia than a phone can Similarly same Internal senriues like streaming video have men in with bmadcast media iikt teievismn than with t l ph ne 63 33 3 I'htse types sf are 1 55 commaniy ag targets as an intercepiian mi-en The secand fact is that for many Imam-cf sandces users share cummun i atians channel s addressgs eta These facts make the intemeptinn nf mass agzas far whi h iaw enfmcement has prebahle Baum to the exciusien afa timers very dif cult Cent Graig-m am therefnm increasingly written it include detailed far ensuring that the privacy mi wmr unica ms fer which there is prob-able cause to Qatar-cam is guarantee In mspansc a c tical maxi fur minis ta implement these court orders the FBI aw-lapsed a number uf including the sa ware salted Camivare Can vore is a very spas-Salim netwark analyzer can swim which runs on a ma a Pars-anal Camputer running the -- u Unu- i in-p o v gnu A nya nrH-vr- NI-w r- n- v 1 -A w- 5mm Reiease Pa gc 4a - - - 4 aug was and Micmsu ' 'Windaws apemting system I wurks by snif ng he pmper partisans of natwmk packets and cerpying and storing oniy 1103 packets whisk match a eiy de ned lter set progmnad with the mun order This lter sat can be extremely campiex and this pmvides the FBI with an ability to miles tranamiss-ians which wiih pan register mun girders trap 61 trace 691111 urders Ti e interception orders etc It is impe ant to distinguish new what is meant by snif ng T113 problem of discriminating between users massage-s an the Marne is a mmpfex Ema Hnwever this is exaa y what amiwre dares It dues NOT seam thmugh the contents def-even message and thaws that contain certain key words iike bamb drugsf' I seiects messages basad on sritm ia expressiy sai cut in the own far example mes gage s transmitted 10m a pa ituiar awn-um or it or Earn a particular user If he cievice is piace at some pain cm the network where it cannm discriminate messag g as 5310mm the awn ordmg it simpiy lets ali such messages pass by unrewr dcd 0115 might ask why use Jamivare at mime-any instannes ISPS particuiariy the larggr son-es maintain capabi ties which anew them to sumpfy 0r partiain campiy with iaw zl orders For mampie many ISPS have the capability ta clam car intercapt Wham iaw iilyrordgr d 0 do an maii 3 0 and speei ed user aamums In such cases these abilitie are Satisfacth and aliaw fuli compiiame wi a mum order Hewaver in mast gases ISPs do mat have such capabilities or cannmt empiey them in a meme manna A139 most systems devised by swine provid rs or purchased -fo'ihe shelf iack the ta pmpe y disadminata between massages in a fasi un Release Png A syn a 1 mici that campiies with the mutt Carder A150 many mun nders g0 beyond Iii mail specifying ntiier promgipis in be such 35 instam messaging In these cases a aimed mailbox is n01 su iciem to mmpiy with the order Elf the wart New I think it i3 Emma-ant that yum undamtand haw Camivore is used in practice Sign there is th issue of scale Carnivo is a smaii scai e avice iniended for use wily when and where it is needed In fact each Carnivars denim is maintainati at FBI Laburatur in Quanticn until i is amualiy needed in an active case It is than depioyeei to sa ify the Iwads if a singia case wurt maker and a envards upon axpiratian 3f the ordgr the devica is rammed and rammeci to Quanticu semnd issue is one if netwch interference Camimre is safe is op rate cm neiwarks ii is cemented by a high impmi-ance bridge and i093 have any to transmit anything mm the network in fact Wt gm greai ensure that the Camiww is stai'i sfaemriiy isnia ted the Hawaii which it is attachcd N30 Camivore is miy attachm ta the network a ser consultation wiih and with the agremnent nf technicai panama the This in f t raises the third issuewthat uf ESP cooperatinn Tc date Camiv-me my knawiedga never been inst iled anti an netwcrin withmut assistance ram tachmcal personnel The inteimi is a highly campiex and heterogenguus amimnmem in which in cousin-mi such n-p-era'iions and i can assure yam that withmit the tecimicai knuwicdge of the iSP s personnei ii weal-ti he very di iauit and in same instances impessibig far iaw enfarcement agendas 1-0 59245432 Release Piang success iy implement and camp-i with the strict Ianguage afar intemeptian Carder The 3156 depends 11pm panama to u ndarst and the pmtacms an architeciure a heir pa iwtar net rks Mather primary mnsidera on far using Carnivore is data integrity As mu km Rage 901 of the Fe eral Rules affividenee'requim the autheniicatien if evidence as a premmiitinn for its admissib ity The use oftha Can vore sygtem by the FBI ta intercept and stars co-mmunica ons pmvides far an undisturbed chain af cusicdy by previding a witness can 351 3th the retriaval ofIh-e evidence and the pmcess by which it wag regarded Perfmmame is $1330 a 1 632 mama for the use of Carnivore ver cumin-arch snEH E-rs Unlike se 'wam Carnivore is designed iniemapt and rec-0rd the selected campmhamsivei wiiham droppE-d pasttkets in mnclusiun I wmu ld gs to say mat over the iasi ve years 31 mare we have witnasxeed a wm'inui g steady growth in instants crimes inclu ing Iraditiana crimes and termri activities which have bsen piann-ad 3r carri d wt in pan using the Intm ngt The ab ity 0f the law enf omemgm mum-unity eff-bathrer investigate and prevent mesa crime-s is in part dependant upon our to Iaw ly miles vital evitience ofmengciqing mg Eaten-13 bscumes mare complex 53 do the cha enges piaezesi an us 0 keep pace We maid nut cits 39 without the mntinu d wopera on af eur indusuy partners and inn vatinns such as the Camiww sc ware 16 5mm Relme 91 Law-s va - nuns-u '7 me 43 - - - nfunk thwart to working with the subcommittee staff to provide mare infamminn anti wei-come yam am this imp-mam issuem I be happy to answer any quastims that you may have Thank Yen i1 5 24am Release - Pag - Wm-wuv-Mw - 77 A q 4M - w a - 2 Qx Copyright 23093 Inc film ch ral Danumcm Cica ng Hausa Ina FDCH P-eiiticai Transcripts View Related Topias July 24 2am Manday TYPE LENGTH 33-615 wartis us CHARLES CANARY HOLDS CARNIVQRE 3013 HQUSE CGENUTEE ON IUDICIARY 0N CONSTITUTION H0133 HEARING SYSTEM JULY 24 EGGS PEAKERS CHARLES CANADY CHARMAN US HENRY J HWE US REPRESENTATIVE ASA SUN US REPRESENTATIVE SPENCER BACHUS US i308 RHVA ATIVE BGB BARR REPRESENTATIVE WELLW L JENKINS US REPRESENTATWE LMSEY GRAILAM ESQ us REPRESENFATWE waw MEMBER - was REPRESENTATM WATERS 1mm us REPRESENTATWE 3mm FRANK aw us REPRESENTATIVE mm CGNYERS 03-31 15 3 REFRESENTATWE mama mm DIG-RESORY DEPUTY ASSQCIATE GENERAL hftp whdexistn 1T9276f5f3 if a 7 Release - Fag bec m - vr_- V1 r Mx v' as La Ira- 4 kWh-1 7 w than-2A1 DAVID GREEN DEPUTY CHIEF CGMPUTER CRIME AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SECTION QEPARWENT OF DONALD KERR DIRECTOR LAB DWISIGN FEBERKL BUREAU 0F INVESTIGATIQN LARRY SUN GENERAL CGUNSEL FEDERAL BUREAU ALAN STAFF COUNSEL FQR BEMGSRACY AND IVIATT BLAZE RESEARCH LABS BARRY STEFNHARDR AS DIRECTOR MERJ-CAN CIVEL mm KGB HGGAN m RARTSON STEWART BAKER mama PETER SACHS 1mm LLC TQM PERM MANAGER 0F SECURITY SAN DIEGO SUPER COMPUTER CENTER Elapsed Tim 30 00 Bastam Time 13 64 5mm Release Fag 45 v 3 I 7 n awn-Hpuw k vi 4 31- lowix a is 3 CANADY The subsomitmc win he urdcr And it s pmbably going In be ncneasam far the staff to close the dams cthemriss w li have name the haliways In recent years with the gmw af ne- intgm-et the FBI has mmuntered an increasing number of criminal investigatinns in which criminal subjects have used the Mamet to communicate with each ather thair victims 5 4 sarvice pmvidcrs lack the ability in discriminate bemeen Because time FBI bclieves many mama municatinns in order to isolate the speci c 6f infannatian that may be authwimd to be gathered under a court orcier FBI has designed and devcinpadla pw-gmm ca ed Carnivore which mamas the FBI to irmlatey intemept and caliect camunica ons that are at subject uf'law smears The rst REWS cf Camimre came Aprii during testimony ht me the on the Caustim nn by attains Robert Cnm-Revam win represents-d an Internet servic-a pmvider that tried in rasist attaching the Sarah- re pr gram to its 'neuvari it has Elsa been repa c that me a the nations iargest In1 met sax-vice providers EamhLink km has remsed mata Carnin its negvari because mote access gamers smih eiiminating sew-ca swimmers ihaz stated publicly that they wau'id challmge an rder ta attach it their netwarks Whiie mesa- m ustry at 'cia ls have expressed wiliingness to cacpemie with law enforcement in mmpiy with legitimate court orders thay re cans-6mm abaui he e ects attaching Camimre ihsi'r netwarks will have an the security nf their and the privacy eftheir custamem a press emf-Erma an July 12 A amey Genera Rena stated that aha ees mt Camiwre quate m be a too that is in any way a cause of concern far pzivauyimerests c1956 quatc T0 ay s hearing prevides fe era iaw enfarccment rim ad ress the privacy ion-mama that have been raised More broadiy Carn imre raiscs the questim as to whe mer existing statutes protetthig citizeas umeasanabie searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment balance the concern of law enfaraement and privacy Law anfumemmt is cancamed that the infunn-a pn n edea to the public safa ran-aim avai labia Individua itizens mnemad that a suf cient dagrea at - rivacy and ms integrity ofpersnnal infanna un be maintain-ed in an age ufmmI-am mmuni catims and mfarmatiun storage when infamatinn that may have traditiunaliy been Imp in a le cabizm at home is aw eI-ectmnically stated by a third party in cyberspace The heating taday wiil alga address this balance 03 interests As We cansider the use of In rnivnre it is impe ant that aux de beratims be based 0n facts and H6101 unsupported magicians and im anai feats At the same time we shat-11d be sensitive n my patential fur abuse af ne Carnivure system Even a syst m designeci with the best 0f intentions luggain Gut esaen ai 3m enfmmement mnctions may be a cans-e far cancem if its use is not properly manimred I lack famard to hearing nm 3H af-om' Mmesges i-aday and Pd Haw meagz z-e Mr Wait 5 2st Refease Ema 47 7 aman Ima r u - - - h gh ifLEm -Nmsw WATT Thank yam Mr Chaim I canf ss up un i aba ut Ii days Ma wreaks age Ehad paid vet iin'le anemian is this whoia Sarah-are project at about that paint i started to get inquiring calis em the media and press shunt What I kimw abaut Camimre I dan t knew much mm abaut it today and that's why I want to 513 11 by pmising the chair 1f the subcommittee fear canvening this hearing Mama I ang with the chair that whamver informatinn we have and hmwver we precast as a committee and 35 a 1136 3510 be based an the facts So I It bring it this hearing a ievel of apm mindedness 0 try to understand the facts and try me figure am with as much 9f an 9pm mind as I can what spnsi cm if any may 136 required by Canyess what legislative steps may be warranted I suppers Iwouki be 1 53 than hams if didn t say that I have had far gain a While if generalized concern abaut the g'm'enunam's ability to invade the paws-3y fits Citizen's Here seems in me 10 b3 3 grmving levei fgmera zed cancem about Big Brothe sm that I suspect being fad by the increasing eiectmnic warm WATT When that Faurth Amendmem was passmi an put imp ma Cn stimti n there was at I st'a fea iing that if ihe gavemment came it in a search it at least had $43 bring a warrant and present it you it came anti kickain your deer And in some afaur conununiti s we have always had probably an exaggerated Ear the latter was likaiy to 3339111 than the farmer and it 5 pmhably ow that persp ctiw that 3 have always had this kind of generalized come-m But nahvi thatam ng that i wili mak every eff n can is try to be abj sciiva and impartial ab m this issue Ami think generai cammems pair-11 up the centext in which we're aperating and point up the imgzortance ofhaving such a hearing as this Franz my pampectivc it s gum is see a number afpeople wha as lung as the unwarrantgd searches anti wiretaps and invazsiuns or mtemiai invasiuns were being visited m parts of the camunity that they weren't nac-essariiyihat interestad in pratec ng any way - it s great to See some grgater expasur and cancem hazing Sham whai my gnve mem 133 and how it dues it And this gives us an 10 160k ink that anci waiuate it I w wme Eh appurtmity and than the chairman far mnvening the hearing far that purpnse Thank 3011 Mr Chainnan I yield batik CANASZJY Thank yau Mr Watt Mr Hyde HYDE Thank yen Mr Chairman Release - as mr'rs 21 an Imi can mqn Quit-win15' T92 6 fae 2 'i Fatima Very brie y this is a very impatient hearing as atteste to by the interest shew with set titan people here teday But the tension between the law emf t cameni fumes efeut country symbelieed and petsnni ett by the Federat Bureau Investigation whe need access in infermatien ifthey are ta Stay on tap of terrorists eeunterf eitets drug deaiers criminats of all sorts the need for that in ammation comes 5 5 inte tensiett with the need for the public t fer average citizens te have privacy which is a very mitted eem'met ty So that tensimt ereetes eerietts prehleme that it is the jet eftegislatete in try to and solve And that s what We re geing to try and tie it this hearing and succeeding hearings Se I yen Mr Canady fer eaiting this heating and I weleeme the statements tit-our fn emts the witneeses item the FBI and mixers and win fen-0w this with great interest Nethng could he mere - terms efnatienat security and in eroteeting eenstitutionel rights Ihepe we get a geed selutien Thank you Mr Chairman CANADY Than yen Mr Cheimen Mr Comets CQNYERS Thank yet very much Over the past few weeks the tetaits abeut this i hope mismamed techs-930g has begun ta emerge We an knew that it wag eniy a matter oftime before taw enfereetnent Wl ul dwelt ahitity to est-induct the et th etaps en the httemet - Americans seeri ee their privacy by using it Net eniy tie web sit-es get kind-s of infatuation about us when we make purehates enlitte er even when we just eurfthe web but new we iearn that the FBI can read But e maits in the course of a e minai CGNYERS The news abate Camivere centres at a time tut-then there is greeting eeneem abeut how many Se ttrhere I came in the beginning on this is that are we minimizing the interceptien ef nondn-etimtneting at a target at wiretap erder er are we maximizing the law en i brcement access to the eemmunieatien Mean-targets And I think this is a EtEW'imp ani'TQUesti that has to heireseived It's net at at clear that the law enforcement use autheeity under pewtegisters tn the pen register etatute t0 access a veti-ety efdata it s net clear that Iaw en treetnent can install a super ttap te get the infemetien that they think that they need New the Intemet as it takes its piece aiettg side the teiephette and snail maii as a central means ef ccmunieatien Hie-get activities are migmting there as wet And within eenstitutiuttal bounciaries law enter- cement tents -- law newts tattle is be able to ttereept uniaw t by these use the ntemet' for mega conduct in the huge that they can conspire without leaving fmgetprints er feetptints 5mm Reteases- 2 mm ammn mun again-5m AWN I msgumsa '1 '13 And at 11 same tima Carniqu - I said I w-asnft goirsg ta say that wafd at 111% same time this system that we re lacking at May mustn t biie 05mm than it can chew Wham 11 Games is ciactrenic survciilance activitias Ccns mtimal rights dan't and where cybersPace begins And in many ways nday s hearing is not a new 3101 The patentiai fur law enfarcemgm In werstep caustimtienal boundaries far electmnic surveillance on a new stage gases way back to the IQMs when the Church committee use afeiectmnic against 13 Martin Luther King Jr The than mgx zed that technaiegical deveilepmams in this calamity have rendered amt mast p vatc 0f Americans are mmemhle a intameption anti monitoring by gavem lent agents 110w i1 thia new cantmy the Chm conclusinn is timely is as mciy as em 80 Should we now be comfa able with a must as warm the gmemmamu agapmaeh I dam think anyway m the has this View And I hope the hearing marks 1h beginnings cf a careft cxamina m a-fhaw ha techualagy ts within existing laws and tin new technelagy And 1 hep that this hearing will put 0 fast cur fears about this system Maybe Mfr-e unfaundad Maybe it s mania and #613 mead some legislative guidanca for em iaw mimosa-mam Bats it give the FBI he abi ty It can-aunt indisuziminate afan in ividuai s aamail activity bcyand what a court would ailaw D063 it give the FBI the tn search morass than is permitted under the agency's and irapuan vrtracc similarity And why does the FBI mead t0 put this system s tenninais onnsite at in ame service previdars rather than Setting the tum aver the infomaatinn that the FBI newss much in the same way the t i ph n company itse dms These are the questims I m looking fanvard having same resaluiiun and rm happy that we re here inquiring inta this marten ask that the statement 0 an ier member Comgrasswoman Zae baa inciuded in 111553 opening remarks CANADY With-um bjcc tinn it ha inciuded in the ramrd CONYERS yen CANADY Th gam eman Arkansas is new for wz minutes Thank you Mr Chaimmn Anti I iilscewisa exprass my appracia an far your an scheduling this I want to just make a caupie ufhrief cements First 6f ail Iwant ta extend my appraciation to the FBI and the Department 9f Justice fer the way they have been span abuut this new texhnaiagy It's my undmtan ing that yau ham almwed the media to mvimv it 313 have pmvidcd SEE-13181 Release Pag s emmn imwmat 4 91 5 - - 3er Am- A 7v - 1 Hr - Auawam I mm thh - aw fthis And 1min is exactiy the type of appraach that we need to have what we re lacking inn 3 new ataxia nfyour iggmmate needs for suwei anm 0f suspects And I the mam Hm public knows the mare the ange-35 and the Iii-Off ght that is s'hmi than the be erjudgm nts that Wm he rendere And 30 I do believe that FBI has engaged in this Carnival-e as a minin zatinn mi in limit lh review afthirdw party dacumems as wait v- or-can'tth as waif as that the suspect's But I that there same icgitimate qucstin-ns that need in he asked One is this new tachiqaxe pmps y manitnmd We re ente ng again Emit an arena that I did not have when I was a Unit-ed States mama hack in ha '805 WE had Title 1115 we had mom approval we had pm registers but this is a teta y new cnvimnmem I that $116 FBI has it step ginge y but we all uhvinusly have a exagage in lagitimate 33w mfarcement activities in terms of sun'ai amze But who monimrs this Anothar way it phrase the questiw is who reviews and contrais the appatita 0f Camimre think that that is mam what ha purpasa if this hearing is And as we g6 551 0 the new arena 'fpfi vac 1 think we all have to recegnize haw compiex this is in its entirety And for mat mama I want to xzaily mantian that them is a privacy commission bill that spammed with C-nugressman Jim Mama 0f Virginia a bipartisan bill that's mn v ad QUE afthe Gmemment Raf-hm should he mining up on the Hausa am But this privacy camzissian wnuid set up a swims-Sim fer the rst time 25 years in mview 0m privacy laws Maenever we had cm East privacy cammissien we didn t have the Internet And yai may stiH cailad it privasy 511mg infomxatien age And 51 I hi5 it's time that we di review again And was fth speni c gea is and rasponsibilii'ias cf ze cammissian we-u'ld be in review the activities af law enfmcemgm in 1 11 15 ofprivacy 3216 its impacrt an privacy Sc it s not just cam mial but it s aim gevemment it is 315 law mfurcament a p vacy commissinn And this is um thing that we can 130' at not in a mamianaw faahion but in a steady theaghtfui fashitsn and set the time as we ant-er hue the next cantury Sm with that My Chaizman I want be again thank yam I 1001 award to the testimony fth - winiesses CANADY yen Hutchinsan The gen eman from Aia nxa i3 new recng ized ve minutes BACHUS I thank the chairman I think abvimsiy what we have her is that tachnoicgy has tantrum the law We have a bier-net explasion mad I don t think ag law has kept pace with it i ion t think the laws m the baaks t very well wiih what we re talking about here taday I have we cancems that i would express yw One is that WE have a balance between legitimam law 52245112 Release rm 5 -perr ml-nu mu Mmuh tn uvmvp gcwtitwm m - wlrw f r pi-nwvr vI-vv' u - A an i 23- i iezi mrmim 'w cufmcemam needs and the right efprivacy that we try to maintain that haiame which is a delicate balance The a cnnd is 113 WE ha we a balance hemeen mar different types 31 camunicaiicns Bacause if w have certain types- if communicaiians Wham we have ihe potentiai to monitar Everything that gum uctuin them but haw ether typ s of comunica uns that we're limited in 6111 criminalS are gning to he it rst miss to gure cut what is their safest mode nf-cammunications same a Eater yeu ii be if yen have rcsmiciiens in we type ufcanununicaiims but mi 3 Int Bf in amther type afcmunmiicaiiong the criminals in mam the least restricted n the leasi nwniioresi farm afcummunicatinn 1 And if-came we ve gm ask ourseives what lav-e if manitming in we a5 a cami try want in have on private canversatiuns to achich what level If Emailiance i BACHUE is me give yet an exampie 'T dajy and this is an exampie sari 9f qua-ta am tha aid mid but today earning into this muntry Fedemi Express pa-Ckages are randomiy opengti UPS packages are randumiy waned but US mail is mi I mean mail is not opened - Naw criminais have pretty well figured am that the safest way of someihing in tin United 3iates is not a Fed Ex parcel use the 1 3 5 mail The same gaing am They ve adjusted They Quad mi where the imphoies are Tim ith out when the least is and the-fire gang with using the maii send things because- are at randaniiy checked and my question in yam aren't they The ariminais arc going in gure Gui snenar or later I would think can take a war like bomb and Wu gaing in gure nut the yen have given us is that yin can search the intern-ct far h mh aren't mar criminals we aren t for in ame aren t they very quickly going is reaiixe not in me the wow bamb i mean won t they gure am 1153 the ward dog as pp SE i ta 130mb As opposed tu- EXpiGsive dwice wm t they camp up with same kind If other wnnai Won t hay gure an a way beyrenci you using key wards u get aruund this And 3mm basically left an sweeping the convamminns of law citizens Haw in yam get amund criminals W110 are i0 adapt its this system They're g-ning to be the rst to adapt ta lie-am new tn this system at the 53m time my father con-cam is this Ii've heard sorts if assurances ihat this won t faii in the warming hands I th them are safeguards Wail time arc safgguards an FBI ies FBI file-s uni tertain peep have aca ss in muse ics Only certain pe pie can have gassession ofthase ies Oniy certain penyie can leak in those ies Yet a few years ago we fimmi mat that 1310K uftiwse files were aver at the Maire House What do we have that we're gningto have hhatiiar- sitiiatinn here when we ham like FBI les that they get 1 11 0me resirieteii area and that peepie viewed them ami perhaps utilizmi them for things they warm intended to he Yan ve read mpons i m sum that ihave aha-u 1R3 ageing who puii peepie s maxim tax faxing and they ve used Ihem in 36 up against hair wives in mm 31' their waives on child sup-port matters thcy ve gone up against sam one win was dating their girlfricnd it try in them And there ve been all was on what agents did with ies at what confidentiai infurmatim which we were assured mi faii -- wauid be restricicd where surgeon used thQS- ies within the ms in their advantage at embarrass sameanc else i simeg say that dcspite the assuraiiccs w know as a practieai matter that mare- re exampiss just raccntiy afresiricted infermatim being used for puspases which it was an intended 5mm Remus-c Page 52 - 9 15mi Phi M 1 3 y V 23 f Jffia ml d twee-mm r - A New - 3 n wak ex' - n nmu rent eaten we twee-3 Se I'd ask yea hew week this hearty di emnt Hew is this any tifterent 'infermatien whieh we were tel-d weetd age he dise lesed and has been in any number et eases Haw is this any different from FBI ies whe feend themsetves being used for pelitteei Thank yen ADY Thank you 3 went new metre te hearing teetimeny from ear rst panel Gut rst panel wilt attdtees the Fed-ere Bate-21 ef Investige tten'e Carnivore pregtem and its role federal Jew enfeteement in the digital age this panel first we weuld tike te welceme Br Denetd Kerr Dr Kerr is an assistant direct-er ef thse Federal Bureau of investigatian and director e'fthe Lab Divieien which deveiepe surveillance and teeticet eemmunieatiens te-clmeiiegies Next we wit heating from Larry Parkinsen the eeunzset fer the FBI Fathering M1 Farkinsen will he Kevin V D iGre gery Mt DEGregety is deputy associate attorney genera at the Department of Justice Two members efthe Justice Department s Cemputer Crimes tel-it Mr DiGregery is joined at the tebte teday by Ch stepher Painter the deputy chief ef the Cemputer Crime and Imetteemat Property Seetien at the Dept meet efJusti-ee Mr Painter wit net be making a S p ml statements but wit he at the table with Mr Di regery te answer questiene went te than each at yet in being- with us here tedey and for patiently listening t-e our opening statements I weutd as that you de your best te summarize yet-1t testimony in ve minutes er less attheugh Men t think anyone will insist en strict adherence he the e'eametete rule And wtt heut ebjeetien yeti felt written statements will be made a part ofthe penneneet et today's hearing Dr Kerr grate fer the eppertunigr te disease with yen our program fer ltereeptien 2mm interception at mfetmatien en the tetemet and data As yet know the use of ee-mpetere and the Internet has grew rapidly and has been patetteted by the expieitation netwetiks and databases tee eemznit crimes and te harm the Rafety security and privacy efethere Cttmineie use computers te send child te each ether using enemtmoes cemmieetiene Hackers break tnte service eempany systems and steal euetemers heme addresses and credit eeni numbers Cttm inale use the hue-reefs inexpensive and easy cemm eattene te commit tergeecaie end en victims ati ever the wet-id And terrerist heathen ptee their entices using the Internet investigating and deterring such mongdeieg requires teats and techniques designed to wet with new and waiving cemputer and newer teehne-legies The systems employed meet strike a reasonable balance hem'een eempetieg interests the privacy interests ef users the business interests of service previders and the duty et gevemmem investigetme t0 preteet petite safety 5mm Release - Eng 5 ommn and fi I weuid like to discuss haw the FBI is meeting this challenge in the area sf eieetrenie meii interception In the interests efyeurtime I ve submitted a hanger statement am what 1'11 n is try to summa ee the high mints particularly addressing seine affine questiens the subcommittee miS-C in opening remarks First meving to he we pmteet the privacy interests users requires me te taik a iit e 35th the Camiwre system what is it have dees it were Put very simpiy it s very much like what same in the netwerking industry weeid a packet sniffer that is something ebie ie pick out these packets using the addressing infennactien affine Mamet and mi these packets R which we've been given It works by being pieced at a service preei-der s ieeatien in erder te get a part ofthe traf c that s peegieg thmegh that service p-mvicie s perm ease we require a court erder The emit erder is speci c the numbers we can target ifyou xvii the eddiesses we em target and as to whether it's the equivaient of a peenregister imp and trace er in fact fuii centth 1' akin te a Title Ii intercept To be very eiear en the point we en t do broad searches 0 with ihis sysiem That s net authorized by a men Greer and in my View meld net he The way it works in detail is that once the court erder is issued the system basicaliy has a er mask and that lter mask is prepare-d with an understanding ef the eeuri Greer as that fer exemeie the Internet pmteeol a dresses 'ihat are the iegitimate target efihe inv-estigaiien are called an in the eeu wider and set faith in this fiiter mask Seamed we're able in else em on the Hi and iine efthe eemaii md maybe the besi way it think abth that is think about 'ihe piece if an dart meii What it s besieeily aliewing as he do is the address in Wei-eh the envelope is heir-1g sent and the return address an the outside ef ie envelope We re not permitted in read the subject ne and in fact it not capture that and rescued it because we re not auiheiized I'e epen ihe enveI-epe wiih either a pew register er a trepwan-dyiraee Greer if we have an eerie that allews us he cement we re ebie te open the eweiope And in this ease what we weuld then '10 is eaeture an if the packets that I0 hat e-maiI in erder to record them en a stable medium magnetic tape at some ether stable medium fer Eater reassemth at anether iocaiinn It's meteiied by a supervises special agent wire has mining anti experience in in feet 'r epen mg to court esteem efthis Su assisted by me efeur eie-ctreeie technicians and in every case by one er mere- Iechmeei peepie mm he Internet service prewder i I it s important fer yee te- nete the that team hat it errpute the system in piece is net matie we of the ease agent leasing the inyestigetien This is a technical team ef three or mere peepie Ii preheny aise ineiudes an electronics technician item e-Phi-ehever efeur eld efiisees is responeibie We den t leek at the text on site untii it s and returned either to a eld ef ce or if as at headquarters And the to put a picmre in your mind leeks very much iike a desktop perseneei computer We 5324mm Reiea-s-e Page 5 emmn NM 1 had _r - Marv Jk aadi h p mbjexisanexisoom mum 7' 9235513535 often bolted room a rack like other at the interns service provider Iocation but difference is that it has no keyboard no mortars anti in at it s lockod up as far as the enclosure is concerned Where the magnetic media are written becauso this in fact is to step in the evidentiary chain And so it's important that it be looked across oniy providod to an agent who comes on site to f coiloot 1hr Iawfuiiy obtained information and trcais it jusr iiko we moat physical evidence in terms of chain ofoustody from thereon Arr impo ant further point is that we product a for audit of the lternse ing and the con guration on oath insta ation the rst few times that it was mod that was done by the poopie oing the instaliation We ve now grown concerned brow-so o fdisoussions that have boon ongoirrg that we record that in a way so that it's authenticated and so 7 now in foot ovon'ido it with a harsh so that ifsomoone tried to uorite that trail that could be dart-eta And that record of itor set ngs and con guration in fact becomes part oftho ovidontiary record avaiiablo to the tour and the dofroso as roquirod KERR more are 3350 sanctions for misuso anti no one should forgot that There are both criminai and civil saooriorrs that cover both Tirio HI and EIe-orronio Communications Privacy Act msraliaations It s a fedora folony sailing for a prison term of up 1o far-o years a ne plus possibie recovery of civil damagos so I don t think our roohnioai reams installing those devices are goi g to risk thoirjobs their intogr ity and their rtqu by a omp ng to operate this equipment improperly at the ESP Moving on to the moihod by which we rospoor the business iniererts of t'ho rowicr proririors ovary installation has in fact been done in with the sol-vim provider'sgoohnioal staff To do it e ioiemiy wo in fact only warm to intercom ho very smailost Elite of the rolovanr tra ro And fact when the itseif is technica y capable of p-ezrfomrirrg the intercept that is they have rho equiymonr and the personneh as many ofrho large ones do so may can respond to the court order we aria rst very happy for than to do that and simply provide us the information which is the subject ofrho court order and we never do install our equirsmont We also in those oases boar some part of the cost of doing that 3235 came in air Sizes I think there are various numbers of them estimated in the Unitod States at the preseni time but it s upwar of 10 303 mayo not Largo lisrori companies Some an more moma dlpop oporationsr They don t have large amounts of equipmont and a great dear oftecimioal sophistication Ami whom the mot porform in a may way under the noun order we are than wiliing to boar tho technical anri cor burden by rst-airing our rysremr - 3 Gar system is passive on he Ironwork It only recoivos infomation uough the tior as ammorized by the court order and it tomorrows no signais and no communications over the So we don t believe that it in any way would interfere with the pro or functionmg of the rewioo pro or s equiymor rr delivering e mail to customers Ami 135133 the equipment is removed immediatoiy upon tho oxp-ira on of tho court order It does riot remain at the Inrcmot servico provider nor is more anyone who can got 211 and make a dooision on their own to leave it in piano 5mm Release a 7 I mih fix - - - hae yw My upLmsememse Ra Las y dues it Supp-er us in earrying out mvestigetiens in cur mes imponant cases We it's a wil-feeuse-d it uses some ef the very attributes efthe Internet in particular the Mamet pretecel addressing eepahili'ty the and lines 11 the e-mes in under to restrict our eejlleetien just these whe are the targets efthe mum order In a sense it's autemetzie minin zatien up Rem i 1' At Ij lfn ljnga-a Net to Say there e nei' e nimize en a er the feet because when messages are reassembled back at the eld e iee or at headquarters ifwe have in feet ineenee y er inadvertently eapmmd in fem mien we sheui n t it s in fact e leted at that time And it s reeHy different than the min eiea en teat meme first reeleime en a Titie wiretap and then subsequent en the recording cfthet Weep be snre there s nothing there that sheuldn't be It pfeduees evidence with an appropriate rst stay in the chain of custody We're trying in maximize the opportunity to preperly gather evidence authenticate it and be able 0 testi that we ve neither a ded to nor subiraeted new altered that which we ve captured It s a flexible 1901 because it's a cembirmtien efee were and hardware se we can in feet adjust it in ii subsequent eeurt Orders and we can mme re-m one ease tee anetherwnh it We xeexin ee the use efeemmereiai ee ware 0 reduce risk and east and 351 mentiened before we ve use-d authenticatiee Fina y me Of the things we re geieg ado as a ef em iiscussien ever me last 3 months with peepie in mainstay staff and members of eegress ve efthe Department e f Justice tempenenm a number attemeys seine I5 federei and state law enforcement agencies we think it's imge ant 1e 33 to rest this queetien Bees this ning in feet e that which we say it dees and things which we say it dues And we are werking right new to undertake an independent veri cation and vaiidetien ef the se were Ehai we use We re 33ng be it it with academic members of the team as wel as industry members And he the way we re net going te fer these they li be selected by he organize en that carries this out fer us But what we re gee-1g ta do is very tie what for example NASA dues with for their launch apex-mines aek eeme independent re ve fy that the eeftware that have and depley wilL in feet do those things that we say it anti net previde that we sheeld net have Bur year-madam use ef this tee that is this present year the first three quarters efthe ee-a year we've dew-eyed it eeme 15 Iixnes it s been need six eriminai eases ancil netienal security cases Some number efm-ese were simply penur egisters some invoked full cement Meme efthese cases have been adjudieet ed 50 we can t smelt to details today but i it's preheth efinterest that it s net 3 very large number It is reperted in the ann'uei wire-mp repert in the eeiegery celled other 59 if yeu re wentie eg where the number wi either eew er in the lmm that s were it bee summary 3 think we ve tried 1e devele a 903 net in advance of 703503 - and precede-m but in fact 13 with a greet deal ef ears in understaedmg the iegei authorities weer whieh we are euthe zed te use this and to target it precisely and we at these- thet the mutt orders 5 24 32 Reime - Page 55 nu nun-An- -mdn--F n'u a I aw - - gun- - u- Una- 22 Lush 41Lmasax-N msaa yam ver much Mr Chaiman Hugh CANABY Thank nu wry much Mr Parkinsan SON Than yam Mr Chairman do mt have a prepared statammi he very bfi 1' want ta @2110 rst if all what Dr Kerr Said and this is despite its unfartunate mama this is a tonl mt is very surgical I think Repreaentative Hutchi o-n had it right that this ream is a minimizatien And 1'3 leave the tech cai aspecis to Dr Kerr What I m here gamma-lily to emphasize and Pm dalighied in bat here and answer any questiams that the committee may have is emphasiza that there the FBI and the Department of Justice have a true cummiiment to the rule a aw And I want me respondjugt 'bn c y the notion that we have dEpI-cyad this system wiihaut canirols as without proper autho zation That is simpiy am the case PARKINSGN We are aisn m saying Simply trust us we're-12m gavemem think we have wa re not naive We have we ve had emugh Situatims in the afour history 19 knew that that s mat enough We have signi cant m'ersight both within ha bureau within 1h Dgpartmant 0f justice and mast inipartantiy within the judicial bran-ch that Marga sz 9f Ehis nite and any what sun-Emma- device I In additien in that we bviausiy have vigumus and approp aia gangregsimmi aversight So that s why I m hem I m happy is answer que iiens And I just want to emphasize 3591 and is the American people mat this is a 15-51 that $3 depi ye mail 331d it never epiaye wiih ut a court artist Ami we da mi depley it in a way that txceeds the mam it is very discriminating and I hape that this gives us the eppanunity t0 explme that and giva 5mm comfert the canuni ee as well as It the Aanarican peapie Thank 3cm v ry much Chaimzan Thank 3mm MI Parkinson Mr DEGREGORY Thank you Mr Chaimnan Mr Chairman and mamb-ers cf the subcammiitec manic yet again for gnawing me his oppartunity ta testify abaut the Iaw anforcemmt tom Carnimre and the Fourth Amendmant 5mm Rzlease - Nae en tuft humus- 4 u - - fu wts n fv 5 I a I a gmu w entree 1 Lensenemse - - 3 It -lr I q'eer'a-Awanwvv-HM h_ We have seen as Kerr has meted magni cent grew-1h ef the Internet ever the last 1-9 yeeze and it has created vast bene ts fer ettr cttieetts eur businesses and for and It seems te held boundless premise if we can harness it thriving tee-enemy Many businesses he've preepered by previding the letemet bers have assisted in the building maintaining and supported families and the warm The Internet hasteneth The Internet has Spurred 3 new and their preeuets and sewiees threegh imp-raving the httemet itself The Intemet has given peepie jabs and emitted new eppettueities for eemmeree fer America and fer heath an enticing lives and our family ves As we have seen threugheet history however there are these whet wattle use pewerfei teeie t0 in ict upset ethers The Intemet has not escaped this hiete eel truth Even in the Intemet s relativeiy shert' we have seen a wide range eferiminat use ef this teeheelegy It has been used te cone-nit mettienei e mes against an everuwittening number efvietime There are eke these culminate intent on attacking and disrupting eemputere eemputer networks and the ttemet iteelf 111511011 altheugh the meme-t provides unperetteied uppermnities for Americans to re-e1 express ideas it also a very et feetive means fer iH-motieated te breach the etivaey and security ef' eaters day in the physical warm are begineieg te appear the enline any 01 the crimes that we every identity theft and child pemegrephy are migmting to the waded Crimes ke threats ext-amen fraud Internet The Feurth and laws addressing privacy anti puhtie eefety eewe as a emewerk fer an enfet'cement ta reamed te this new fer-um fer etin teal activity if law enforcement feiis property te- respeet meivi-dnel privacy in its mvestigative techniques the publie'e con dence in government will be erected tetrieenee win he end est-intimate wilteiede successful 1f law ettfereemem is tee timid in resizending tie eyber-e me we wit in effect render cyberspace a safe haven fer criminals and terrensts te eemmumeete and carry e ut crime witheut feet ef authorized gevemment If we fail in teake the Internet safe penple s con dence using the ntemet and e-eemmeree wilt tie-sti e endangering the very bene ts breught abeut by the etfomtatieit age Pmper balance Mr Chairman is the key New despite the fewer ever Camivere the truth efthe matter is that Cerei vnre is in reality a tee that helps us achieve this beianee Te satiety our ebligatiens tn the public to enferee the tame and preserve pubiie safety we use the same sens ef investigative techniques and metheds mime as we in the physical world with the same eerefui ettentten te the stt'iet eenstitutienal and legai Iimite that are impesed upett us e-mmn 1 t-jn - I hl 5mm Reiease Pie 53 -- - I xi 4 i gmo-tmo Carnivore is simion an investigative too that helps us to investigate oniino in the some way as in the physioai worm and enables us to obtain oniy the infomation we are authorizedto obtain ihrough 3 cou order To iliustrarto Law enforcement often mods to nd out from whom a drug doaior for iostanoe is buying his illegal products or to whom the drug doaior is his goods it is zorofore imoonant to d ittl min with whom the thug dealer is communicating the o-ld en days of perhaps it years ago tho dealor would have communicated with his supplior and customizing oxciusiveiy through the use oftelephonos and pagan a WDIGREGQRY Law enforoemom wooid obtain an order om a mud authorizing the instali ation of a trap and trace and a penniogisier device the drug doaior s pix-on or pager Now that some tins-g deaier or kidnaooer or a ohiio pomegraoizer may be 3113 as likely to sozoti an o mail as 1o cal hi coni oderatos in today's worid When law enforcement uses a trap and iraoe or a pom register in the oniino oonioxt however we have found that at timos the _ _tomei service p'roviooi has been unable or even unuo ii ig to soppiy this infonnaiion it is for that narrow set of circumstances than tho FBI designed Carnivore Law enforcement ammo abdiomo its to protect pubiic Safety simpiy because technoiogy has changed Rather tho public nght illy expects that iaw enforcement wili continua to bi effective as criminai activity migrates to the Inter-not We cannot do this without toois Iiko Carnivore i Carnivore is in Essen-co a filtering tooi that can gather the infonnaiion authorized by a good order and oniy that in ammation It pennits law enforcement for exampie to gaihor pursuant to an order only the e maii ofthoso persons with whom the ring dealer is communicating without ailowing any human being either from law enforcsinont or the sowioo providog to View privaio information outside tho scope oftho coon ordor r In other wows 35 i its Carnivore is a minimization tool that permits law enforoement to comply with court orders in protect privaoy and to enforce 1h law to protect the pohiio interest In addition ago Dr Keir has noted Carnivore creates an audit trail that 'emonstraios exactiy what it is oapiu ng And as with many other hivestigativo tooi s there are many mechanisms we have it olaoe to prevent possihie misuse of Carnivore The Fourth Amendment and the oourts ofcoumo restrict who law enforoomozit can do online with or without Carnivore as do the statutory requirements of Title In and the Electronic Communication Privacy Act In the case of foiiomi Title appiications the Departmoni ofJustioe imposes its own guidelinos on top of the piivaoy protections provided by the Constitution statutes and the courts For oxampie before Earn-ivoro may he used to microopt wire or eloc onio commigoations wi i a iimit od exception of digital display pagers the roquosting invosiigativo agency must obtain appmvai for the Pitts soot Reieaso P333159 I 5 $75 ammo 1mm ni-I uu 5 01 kit-5 6 delta-kaE-vih U- rhi- J N mmuug err-41 mam-mm ig-x-u- A win - 7 app catian om the Bepanment of Justice 43 Spaci aaliy in the Depa ment the mica n f Enihrcammt Operations in the Criminal Bivisien reviews sash garupased Title RI wiretap agplicaiian far cement ta answe- that hat interception of camem saiis s the Fermi requirements and is in camp aaca with appiicable statutes and regulatiun-si Ethe- pfupnsai clears ha O ce af nfamcmeni Operation appmvai must generally be given by a deputy assistant aim-may general in the Crimina Division Typica y investigative agencies such as the FBI have similar but separate internal raquimmenm Ifth e investigative agency and the Bepanment of Jus ce appmve a Titie request it still must if mums be appmved by thE prams mam using familiar but exacting - JP By statute and lming regulation the intercep an may East nu iangar than 30 days witheut an extenSion the wart and courts also u en impose their 31m additianal requirements In additinn remedies fer viuiating Title a the E E-ectmnic Cammuni cation Privacy Act by impmperiy intercepting eiectwnic Geranium-cations inciuzie criminal and civii sanatinns For vimia nns of the Faun Amendment efcourse the rem dy Gfsuppressian is 139 availabia Despite this panaply' prmtectiuns we recognize that managing remain abnut this mesh as Dr Kerr has mated the meme gamers has asaksad far an indapendam review of he C'arniwre saurce ands to aware that its capabilities are what wt understand them to be A repcart genmated mm the review w l he puhliciy d isseminate 3 interested groups within industgy academia and eisewhare and sh uid aE I-eviam any cancems regarding 1mjuzsti cd intrusions an privacy the use af his tmi Mr Chairman my icstimcny mday necessar y highlights a few of the mare signi cant aspects afthe hei iev es magi he struck balance hem-Ben privacy and security that the dapanmsm The Dapanmeni mflu giice has prm'ideci ha wi l fail Titian and 1 13 my sincere hnpe and cxpec' a nn that threugh this and anther fora these of us wigs are about privacy and public safety w i mmgnize that resgansible law can et lance- hath gaaix Mr Painter and I are available to try answer any 91 yaur questians aieng with the mast ofihe panel Thank you Mr Chairman CANADY ank you very mu ch yam remarks have helped clear up at least same Let me say II ach ofymi who have testi ad mat I fhink and think yam testimnny has Bf 'l quessti o ns that have been raised abaut the system called Carniwre been very helpful 115 I'm going to ham a few quesiians md ether memhars will have questicsm Ida want at he autset a cknow iedge that we probahiy not get it ali ihe qucstions that we want is ask so we would ask you in pmvide us wings respunaes In any a ditinnai questicms that any membm 3me gm-mime may have mt also give 3m an npp-u unity any a ditianai camments that yam wish to make in 1i gm Gf subsequent testimony that mines in ht taday 5mm Release a Page 52an mt 3am 5'3 3- v 'vv-U m -- raw- t xauez t5 I 3 r Let me having said that let me ge ever some gr ut t that I we've aimed eevered eeneeming the use at Ca when under the pew register er impuentiitraee anthem - When we re using the pen-Pregister er autherity wont ti yen ever ehtairt any letters er infermatiett ether than these that make up an e rnait address such as tehnSm-ttht thurn-mere In other wards have yet ever er wanted yen ever make a reg nest meet the pee register or trap-and traee e'uthorityg that inducted the capture ef wards or sentences ether that the email address The answer from are side in terms that if it s a pert-register order we e113 get the address and we capture nothing else ER And I might say 3359 that the even the subject line we eenstdet te be Content and that week require a fail Titte Ht it s just the addressing and that solely just as in the te tephene centext the -ctie ler is the numbers received - OK So it s your understanding that year teget eu writy is limited t0 the enmeti e ress end e eeuree it has been yeur practice it is yeti practice and has been yeur practice eerily re ebtetn the email address when you re using the trep-and traee er the p t t t gist t authority PAIN I in the etectmnic eenunurttcetietts yes that's eerreet CANADY Let me set yet this in year View tees federat tew enthmemertt have the euthertty under the Per Register Act tr Capture su- catled URL addressee whieh are the addresees of the web sites a persen has visited PMNTER If'the address- the URL addresses are not really what's centemptated under the e enwregtster statute What we re talking there is I meet it ceutd it's peseibte it eeutd be eapture it it fer instance was a Hetmeil service A Retreat service as Dr Kerr can talk abeut mere speci cally in a teehnieei way is a e meit service and 5e yen weutd eepture that part ef it that itienti ee is it a Hetmeil sewiee and then speei ee y Emits it t0 3 specific authenticating cotter Aztd I think Dr Kerr can tail 3 Iittie bit 313th that CANADY tfyott weutd KERR I think that s a very good point There are servicess such as Hetmeit where tee brittle to eapture the web page and then teak fer the authentieetors and ether htdieetiens that it's an e meit service Having done that we timit the eetteetien he simply the e-mait that s preview through that service We don t capture the users ether use Intemet we are net interested in what they do when they surf the web and we restrict what we de enty te that eenei i traf c ever the web page GK Now it 39011 cements Dr Kent yet intimated that Ce rat-verve has been used ant a few times I think 16 was the number far this year is that correct KERR That s eerreet 16 times this year I think eheut a tetat efZS in the life ef the Fragrant ever the test - 5mm Release - at mi nn we wont - 1 newt-v39 uw-w v g_ 8 if Titi- ff http tvebticxisemxismm nmn i CANAIJY Wail aver that same time period how many Tim int-gjrcepts on etma w um Wu have time titit using Carnivare KERR We ve usesd Carnit'ttre and earii-er versitms at the same tacimaingy and in 53mg other cases we ve used a commercial product ta try It capture a maiit And an Eaten that we mavati 13mm the commerciai pmc'iuct ta Carnivare was in fact it get some if the seiectivity anti audit pt pertiet that I briefed you an eariiett beaause the camercia product had been dcveiuptci far quite anather purpnse Protiucts iike this are used by the service munitiit the quaiity at their service In that case tint have legal restrictinns it what they can observe In our case we re quite limited and need the mar tiiserintinatittg technique My time has expired but by mattimtitts cans-em I ii have three a tiititinai minutes Let m mi-aw tip can that i i me change given the limited amettnt cftime fit a different subject How many haw you contempiated aliowing the use of arttiwre by ether mt uni faderai law -- enforcament agenci t but stake at imai law enforcement agencies At 1153130th in time we have used it cm at Isast me accatittn in supp-mt if antither federai law enforcemcnt agency We have not yet it to the paint when we mutt be talking abaut it in terms it tit-state agencies as yatt'te the autimrities ti d f which they tapered-e are different than at the fedarai lava Ami sex we re nut n-ec-essariiy assured at this paint in time that ii wa uid be a suitable tm far its to tum aver Tit-at said anytime we turn aver Titit LII or teams intercept equipment ta state and 1 233 antimritiss we de 50 with the thh angina general Site has in fact the dactt'ien on that we don t it my statement mack-i refcrencse tn 3 madia tepmt that was required it attach famimm in its newt th it me instance Anti sti ing 50 caused past of its naiw ri it drasit anti its custcmert ta its-s s-crvitte New canmcni Dr Kerr I understand that that just shouldn't happen I d t0 heat your cements about thnse repent and what actuaiiy teak place there and whether this system can post a tin- at in tha inctitmittg afar ESP and whether wu t e had miter compiaints similar to that made by Emhlinkt the speci c 23 38 what I dc is try to give yam sumatiting for the rec-am that s mare complete than Man in right new But initiatiy when we want it Earthiink and they ware ultimately campeiied to MGVE ahead it do this they attampied it it it them-selves with satiware that they cssentiaiiy tried to put tage ther in tea time Raiuase Pagil 62 ammn 515 t 1 i-r- up Ha Nawmmt Fir Jaw-at w wax-c V c-grxuequ gnudidn't werk and it dicin t pmvide infamatian consistent the mun enter 3 It s nut sitar It as that anything W8 submquentiy did had any avmse a aat tm their HEIWGER And in fact in at Eeast an page we va had quit-e gent caep-emtian from thtm it s the only case Wham we ve in fact had 113 gm back and get judge to Emphasize that he meant the water In at O Cth sates we've had excellent cmperation particula y at the taehnical level atsz nomatty 311113 level ef'the general gamma Gf l company involved PAINTER I wentd add 3159 that in any of these mats have ta war with rm service pmvider ta acmaliy tnstati this The FBI coutdn't gt in art- 3 just an it menisci-ms Sat even when the must orders it andthat happens in each case you have to war with the tachnical yea-pie tn Ext-stat it CANADY Than yen very much Mr Watts recugnized far five minutes WATT Thank Mr Chainnan 1 Lat me start at a far-git basi lave 13 Kerr and pick up on something that yam said in t0 one if Mr Canady t quastitsns having to do with yam sharing Of this tee with miter law enforcement agencies And as I remit your response was that tilt authoritias fths stateg are t ffcrent than the autim ty under which you an warming Un-ies I m missing snmething ev-cqhady s aperating 1111 2151 the F grth Amendment 10th Unite-d States 59 untess 3mm are saying that the Wiretappittg Prometth Act gives the federal g evemment some additimnal authm ty than the states are abia ta cxemise under the Faun Amendment the Censtitution well 111335312 simulctn t specutate abant what are saying Tali me what it is gnu am saying when ynu say that 3mm are npera ng un t a authority than the state A would certainly take ya-ur paim that the states are opamting under the same Constimtinn that we are But we in additi n 3f 39mm ham the Title statute that guide the frat-data use if Electmni-c intercept WATT But that s in -- I wauid take it that that is in mhemnce 12f whatavcr anthem you haw as a basic protositian under the Cunstitutiun afth-e United States It daesn t give yet any additional authtt ty aims it N0 it certainty doesn t But the paint is that sqme states in fact etc not have a gummy basis far stiate and lanai Iaw mtbmement ta dc survm a ce a they have statutory iimitatians alt sti Within the Constitutian but in fact were restricted or nongxistent in same cases Edam tag 63 mmn in film- 3 wk 1 7 mmam mw mi - wa-mua u o 3 3 x on 4 x 9 mum-U A a mm - nu WAIT All right Let me- ask another pretty basic questian Haw 3mg has Camier a same predecesgar fem inf Carnivare been in use by yam departm-ant Ran-ugth years The pm-gmm began in Ems nf a program abaut thme years aga but in teams ufactua mutt swim and depta nem aver the East tum yam-5A WATT Square for me ifyau wauld the notion that gm have engaged in 25 uses of ihis 15 this war - at are engaging in men I guzass an an angoing basis bemuse mus have came to aria yet and lie statement that you mad that yau are nuw unriertaking or preparing it undertake veri catian that this systam times what you say it does and that 331137 It seems tn me that sush veri catim mid have taken place at same earlier sugar net 25 cases into public camam at 33331 camera The eSsence af ne devaigpment pray-am nfccurse is that yea do harm as yam develap anti ch as I painted nut had initialiy triad to use a cammerciai gradual and found that it did 1w have all of H13 pmpe i s we thought should ha in piace far Iongrterm use in a iaw enforcement cantext And so products what grammes did it th have that yam were looking for It didn t haw the same discriminaiion It didn t have the same ab ity 0 provide an audit rep-rm and mpon an can guration that we require a Maw wha is it that new that you have 1h audit capability Wilt is that has the nvemight in yam department it audit what 1 0 reain review the infermatinn that yin thai 33 01 the audit I mink that actually happen quite outside nftha FRI in that the re ux af ne Mersey w i in fact be pmvided to the mum They wi ef necessity baa-cums avaiiable the efense And canse-quantly they wiil be mere aggressively questionad in fact in that aircumzatance ham may wouid be in an internal atiministmtive mview The gan aman's time has expired The gen eman wiH have hi-ea addi anai minutes WATT Let me mm m a di 'erent ma if I can Yau ve campared this in the Internet this anaiogous tn 3 phone tap at the that you have tap p hpnes lures your auiharity to tap phunas get 3mm mm the intern phene mechanisms fth-e plume 31 33 3me m is 1mm autharity limited to tapping indivi ual phnnes 9f m ividual suspects KERR That s an area that s in fact in a state afghangc to ay 53243132 Rtigase -- I agej 54 mama man my I er-u mmafamfm mw WATT Wh s changing it Y u did LAUGHFER in that WATT I Me yam baring Cmgress I take it Yes sir - thin I voted against this as I recail and sti have 3mm canaems about it to be henest with 3mm But go ahaaci Fm lacked wiih eveqrbady Eise $332 that pumesc mum Same f my c o eagugs kncwihig harm than but the point is hit Maybe I should directing this In Mr Parkinann He s the gen-era counsel Ha shauld know mes things I guess i 0 Mr i regnnr didn't mean It beat up an the tealmician hem I m just in its most hasis sense as I understand it the elephants tap is canductad at ha phone company 1311115 restricted to the individual H11 which you wish It tap Whethar yen wish shtain numbem dist- ed numbers camng in or whammy gmu wish to attain matent WATT 0K an haw 30 you haw dues that compare with the that carniv re has far Internet communiw ous DEGREES-CRY Maw we ll go back in the science side Nut ta my in can lse you by switching back and Earth but the CROSSTALK WATT I m pretty can zsa wi'ih ut yen switching back and faith but gm ahead 5 24 92 Release - Page Es It PM We Au upunn u 7 nruxuwvv v t m w-Nl-uj-L' w v- Had-r - x 3 a 3 3 gamma-mm The Icicphone tap refers ta the to intercept switch circuits which was this basis historicain ef '11s teiephene system The interns pmvisies a differttn t kind aftechnalagy that we re ying to intarcept It's a sawca ed packstaswitthed And it doesn t war by my in affect i a ing a circuit in arder maize a phme ca Emma 11 hens in yams and mars ifyezu wi fur the time of he conversatien our pgivam circuit WATT Lei me stop yau ght them became my Iight s arming t0 gt off has aimady gene 0n Ifyau negde additional iega l authoriw to gel mahilehome phune taps why wank not adt timal isgai auiha ty but mmssary to far you tube doing what you re daing under this gym-am And maybe- PH give yam my view am CANADY The gantieman has an additional minute KERR F13 stand Emmet-ed by my We do in fact have Legs authamy to do what doing today And i think it's becausa afthe canes beiief my perspective that the address ng infamtati n an the Mamet is in Tam a useful and analog ii the telephone number in the switch circuit world But perhaps Mr Digregcry or Mr Parkinson wQuEd like ta add a that PARKINSON I think ihat s caneci and ii a aypropriate 3150 a paint out that thgre are gradations 0f authc iy and there's a higher levei of authurity within department and a higher level of authority in the cams depending an what sen 0f intrusian ynu'm talking abuut Ifyau m talking about simpi numbers than we have the panamgister txap and trame autharity Kym need to gubeyqngi thamhan we have is move it a match or sevarai not-ch33 ta a Title amhg ty WAIT Thank yen Chaiman CANADY Chaiman Hydra ME you Chairman You understand the skittishnew afsume paupie whuse whom is privacy And when you see same of things that have happened here in Washingm-n it gives me reasan wander and In warty 524$ Reiease - Fag 3 66 xf'M nir- 7 jv I speak cf the Defense Bepamnem re ning an amlpioyment application with mfennatim that was suppnsed be private and it encis up in The New 1 mks magazina And that 13313011 think he gm a letter miidly critical of what he did which doesn t go in his Ede and my prasecutian A less cam I 63 83 is ever the smealleei Fiiagate mm 11 law Wasn't breached at all but me 531153 ofp va y was tuok a beating ishould think And so than are pmple wins are skeptiaal abeut how this guitars ofprivacy haw perms ii is That essn t can far an answers th at sjust kind of a garment Cim 3'91 tell us haw 11 as this maybe of Di tegmj' - haw term- st mils and organized mime and bers use techmlugy and haw eas Carniwre acidress the gown-g use of by miminais BIGREGORY Wei mink that terrorist caiis and nrganized crime can use the Int-ems ta cammunicaI-e can use email to c-amunicate And simpiy the game way that a pen register addressgd hair use of the talephmne t0 perpetratga their aiming activity Camimre address-es or nan address their use ofthe mtemct with 3 353 01 t6 31056 activities and ubtain pumuam is a p-mz- mgister erder those numhem that are being mailed by me arganized crime gure 01 the drug tra icker HYBE 3mm you teil me what reasons gnu have far mt Eating the Internet semis pmvidexs gamer the requasted Momatinn I mix ii they have made hamsehres avaiiahie in that far the mast part Maybe some nf ihem haven't But what are the reasms xa- hy you don let them do it HIGREGQRY I 10113 think it's a questian and anybody up here is invited ta car-met ma if I'm mung - I don't think it s a question 0f mist them do it I think Carnivere s use is Iii ii d to base situatiuns where the Intamet service pmvider is unable the minimizad mummdamd that the FBI requires pursuant the arder And let ms amplify an that a Iittlc ESL The BI my understande is will aiways allaw 1'th Mamet signi es previder is in it if they can fact in it in a Iimeiy fashion The me time this was actually challenged new muting ahmit who the ESP was a- mid th t an instance the tried to war with their am 1 031 it was 10 e activs it was mt capm ng 311 9me addresses It was 61113 53pr incuming and mt nutguing a dmsses It wasn t giving the Whale mfermatinni Ami in that case 318 FBI was fumed t0 use the Carnivore That is not thair rst line The rst line is in Ia he mam-ct do it canw And in fact ha FBI I believe wad-d like the Intamet service pmviders to it it If they can - HYDE Fine Thank Emu very much E have 11-9 more quas ansJ I'm thmugh Mr Chairmam CANAEY Tim gentleman mm Michigan s recagnized 3 5 24 92 Rea-em Pan nf r - 2mm 32 n'a - m I a - quwlrv-vv'ax wvvh- -Cp r inn - Bums'mhttp vebelexisnnexismm mum I Wi f fae MMW COMES Thank you very much I think me of the baggie queetiene here is 0 determine wheiher er net yeu re minimizing yam activities er I whether yeu re maximizing them And of marge it's alreaey been easel-ted that we're mmimieing the-it nd nuts maybe befere the hearing ends but ee amly after the hearing Whether that is surface And it seems in me that this system that we're aversighiing tedey unlike other trapendutmee devices er the emers that we use is available for is subject to the maximizatien ef mfennatien getting mere mfermaiion than is required er is eutherized by a mum orden A116 53 that s the area that to me is wet very unclear as ef'new I'm net sure haw we re gt ng in ear ibis out but I think we have witnesses here that are gaging to ceme- femrard Eater on that are ge'i g eempiein about ihe feet that there was ether hefe neiien that was available thmugh this system that might net have been available ifwe weren t going through ihe IntemeL CQNYERS leaf that possible that you can get mare yeu can 190 at other hinge that weak net have etherwise been available efihe petals Mr Cemyers that was taking same- time with was in try is make i1 clear that the chy infema en we eat capture is in fact 1118i speci ed in the smart erder And ego emside of the eeuri order fact is a federai feiuny with substantial sanetiene fer wke weuid de 50 We in feet hie ef iis as a we that s- esigned exg iei y 1 3 meet the requirement ofih-e mun Greer We don t have the authezity me are ear peepie a Iiewed the opportunity in step eutsi e efthese b und-s CSNYERS We right that s the law But I mean that s the probiem I mean if cauld be assured that everybedy weuidn t 19 the wreng thing because there was a statute making it criminal that weuld reduce a a iet of 0111 e erts And even an enfmeemem peepie I heater in add Mr DiGregery DEGREGQRY owers as underetend the way the system eperates and ee ainiy that s eerreet that s what the law is Butrt'here are Checks and balances with reepeet to C'arnivere which we'uid make it extremer di ieui t fer semeene in counter these cheeks arid balances and violate the count ear-den It s not just a aim-alien time-re as i understand it a regue FBI agent fer exampie ceuld breeden the coverage 0f the C amivure intercept and violate the com erder In erder In de met he would need tea engage the aid afteehnicai peeple perhaps evengtaeehnieei peepie at the Internet service pwvider and he weuid else have in nd same Way be emer- up or change the audit traii that is Ie by the system 53- that it de-esn't expose his geing beyon the emu-It Order And again stand eemeeted by these whet are mere exPert in the way this system functiens but that s howl understami it And eitheugh yes that's the law mere are checks and balances which wemd make it SEEM Release - sage as is are ommn If Hukl 7 v 15 - - 1 451 - La man extremer di icuit for 5033mm tn vioiate the 391111 girder And it s also 2 Raw we take my Sgrinusiy If a law enfe-mement person Viaiates the wiretap iaw hay-El he paras-canted Tim Camputer Crimas Sectian has a far doing that and wauid prosecute partim a y law enforcement individuals Mm violate the wiretap law a r5EIGREGQRY we've dam that Not in the cantext afthese kinds 3f intercepts but in the 80mm 31 Ielephme intercepti ns 80 cur an that rst mi all there s a'Iaw against it wi ch yam would assidumsiy prosecute yum own penpie were may in ght it and that there are other technalagicai measures that make it veg di icuit to 10 anyway There's a hex that actually can search ta yretlu e getting mare in'f nnation than yam want 13 1 atthe way I understand that it aperaies Dr Kerr Actually the way it warks is that it s set up in can mnance with the order to cellact and mama that Whit is part ufthe card-er And in doing that setup and tha can gumtian the knowiedge 11 this setup and mnfigurati n is in fact recorded right alnng with the evidmcet Once 1113 guidance is cans- 31w it s in fact delivered the federal mum where it's seaied by the ju ge who issued the arder and with at chain at custo 'y it gai it mere CMADY The gen eman s tima has expired Withaut objec ti n the gen aman win have three additional mimics Than yau I m not sure if i need them Mr Chairman but 13 mg just say that I ion't knew math the committae is put in a mare dimmit pasi un than I appreciate COWERS I den t know if we have any way ai verifying that the techneiogicai part of the response my quas en that ynu ve given me ami I knew that you know unfanunami in the past we ve had many 3gencie-s 11 inng law en smammt ihat have gone beymnd the scope of their There s hardiy anything HEW abnm that Sc I m 'to figure an haw we re gluing in get 10 the batten eithis We made need 3 we may med technaiogy experts In match yam-s ta va fy that whatyau're teliing us makes beiieve that it s Hi it s the govemmenn And that s what 32311 not sure GRAIMM Wm tha gentI-eman yield CGNYERS Of-cnursa GRAHAM think the gentiemm raises a valid paint but Ithink that that has airea y bean a dmssed to a cenai extent by the department s annuumecl plan in have this system reviewed by an independent bndy nf who would i$sue a report that evarynna could examme And I suppers-e ukimateiy regresanta ves ofthe independent handy 0f amid come here In the anges-s and gamma quesiinns that was might have oftham base on their hidepan ant review 5 241 12 R ms n Pagg 69 am - mm 12 11 I w-m-gnw P q - tea-L 1 m5 a Jihad-is xu- - km-a - 1 - Max CANARY Wham gantleman yicid an qusstiuning yes CANAQY Thank yam I m just cancede about that Let's assume that an independaut body ofexperts reviewed this systam and said it was ne and weuld do only what it was suppase ta do at ceiem that amid thauge at any tims a er that And how wm d you nmin'iain the tms w hine-ss that the system was still iimited after they had investigated unis-as yen were gning have an independent gmin waking ever the shuuider ferever Bacause abviausiy you can't trust the police agency farcver nut tn gt heyand what they're supposed in da start at in The procass 0 but you knew this as the scape ofthingsr anti GGNYERS Well I raise this Chahman canatiy taking for it And we re happy in take the I recall it Camivare didn t wasn't sent to us we sort 6f it began to take an a fe ofits own that led in this hearing merely to paint am that we re gavemment- s wards amid mi about it in Se I'm anxious ta hgar am he nan been happaning and -- with this system camperis with what we're be anyway that's what yam jab is about that s what yawn supposed gm en1mem wimesses in sec how their un ersxanding of what has Eng mid Bui thank that witness-e59 Than yen Mr Chairman CANADY Thank yea ML Ganges-s The gentleman Arkansas Mr Hutchinsm is now re-cngni zed far ve minute-5 Emmi you Mr Chainmn ling to submit ha saurca mis ts to an indepandeni review and wwid like it 113% spam access it the snurce mules far it azcamplishes what you desire ghm pas-mania mini yam all are Ithink the dispute it that the IS purpnses 43f raw-swing it and determin ng it s authenticity and that What pmbiems weuld yam sec ifany in aH-awing open access a the 33111126 mic that make up Carnivore Dr Kerr - 'Thera aje twe- pcin s that we went-d raise We Wanna have mkasing it me a gmup set up to in ve ficatiun and validation We wnuld have a problem with fail apex disciosure because that in fact wauld alter-w anyane chose to dcveinp techniques ta what we do an easy oppuriunity gure But how to that in fact camemial u lijheosheifso ware and its Beyan'd that some afthe code we have used is tn divulge their same code pmp etary the campanies that haw tiara- 1pm it and arch nut at under the image that w ve paid far So yam wnuid be open iheugh and it would at campmmise Icgitimata law isiam - - - Ed - v4 Anne memse sh-awake leaversemmeem enfareeme t activities ifthere was a engeing review system Uf le source cedes fer Carnival-e er any subsequent adjustments 9 EL I think the 32 11 concern we d have at same paint is yen know when is eneugh eneugh 13 you review it each new case I-zion t think that s workabte De you 19 it as part of an enema review ef-eleetmnie sunreiilence heyenzd simply eemtexg the when it s in Me That may he more werkeble But elee y when the number efreviewere are iarger than our gene that deveieps the sysiem we preheny have reached same form 01' imbalance- at that point i Thanh yen New let me ifyou have a content court order use the Cemivere syetem then of merge yet have te shew ymbebi e cause is u've get to get year were erder Em at that paint is mecem third-party - infemei'ion reviewed by Carnivere Ifwe have in fact gntten prayer en the target addresses- and the tm em because that's impe em tee since were then me persen ght be using a particular eomput-er in pzineiple we sheuid 3131 get the autherized That said ifwe were e nd that we had in error or because of misinfemlatien renamed s-emeihing to which we were authorized no access we weenie have minimize that just as we weuki on a Home 'teiephone wiretap HUTCHINSGN it s been expiained it me as a pig-e in which Cemimre met et ai the data g eing ihmugh the type to seize that which is the subject ufthe order Right In feet ene ofthem HUTCHINSGN Is that pretty Yes me of our The KERR premieres is that the pipes are tee- big fm us to do that and we rely en the service previews to give us just pan ef'the traf c coming threugh their big pipe MECHEJSQN And I ve ieamed en eempuIers that semetimes delete does net mean delete that mfennatien eentinues to be seeredi And so my questien is Is the in fennetien that is not captured pursuant to the court 3 616sz it ever retrie-vable in any fem by any means Na its net because it s all in rendem access memer and voia t e memory Se ferexemple if the 5mm 'Releaee Page 71 a rm ommn 3 41 mi - 5 Awaren wutswt w zt n - - 1 35-3 71as w-L- ue W 7 nf 5 r 5 paw gags we lose is that In-emmy Nan-e 31 it gas to What fths puwer eesn t go KERR none bf it gets to a stahie ramming medium like magnetic media in a hard drive at 3 EXP drive '3 diSk- only that Which we re autha ze and Which the filter is set up far gets to that pemtanmt mcdia MEWSGN N w gnu indicated that year in date Carnivore's bezel used 16 times I heii vc 2f timas in tetai Haw many nf coma these 1 111 mes that s used the Camimre is that correct But yin aim in adciitian that use warts-ordere wiretaps 31 pm registers- to retrieve Internet m fnmation by using capabilities In sum-e fth cases we've in faai 13 23 11 ab 0 as the ISP and may have previded us the infennation CHINSON I m trying to gt a cantrast The 15211313311 mentioned ware mesa nut by using ESP This is whan the FEE went in am 1153 the Carnivme- sysiemg i5 mat mama KERR That's AH right 31 Em tying in get an idea haw many others are out there that were used by 131 capabilitiea I don have the number with me Wg could canainiy pron- ag that a gm Does anyone knew that I mes-an Fm trying gure out if wart leaking ai 100 others varsus 16 PAINTER My understanding fix 11 Title intercepts is that ii is man a larga numban Trap-and trace it might has a Iit larger We can try 10 obtain ER Kerr s i dicated pmvide it in the committee CANADY The gan eman s time 5 eacpiredi The gen eman will Emma times a-dditimai minui s MEWSQN 131311 you I mean itjust strikes me mat m I mean censide ng the numbar 9f Title wiretaps of telephone I mean thai s much greater ihan thx 36 31 what you ve used ESP And I guess what I'm leading ta is that $1ka like if the bad guys an naming as the whale papuiaticn is to data ihmugh the Internet mks like we re missing a wimie lat here that we re realiy' cm on F 33 y 5mm Release Page- 12 1 9 In - - h-k an ua- the surface If what we might need ta be doing That s cgnainty true The tea-I we vg ham tii 5231355ng ta this paint today Ca mtmre has in fact cniy been 2 15mi tn the framework eetnai KERR A5 you ra properly painting nut thtm s 3 tot of anther traf c can the netwerk We continue tn work ta t1 t3 sea haw we maid datramp appmp ate and iaw taois to go after that traf c as watt It wouid tend again tn try to use the pmpet ties fths network itself the need for me ta 13$ abi ta matte data item my camp'nter ta camputcr and capture it because 01 the addrassing that wanid be thaw mt 'by trying in the mutant an the GEM-twat WnuI-d the gentleman yield Yes I'd be baggy yietd I don't what other ftraf c 'y tsu re talking abttut ifit a not email What main are we talking if m m not tatking abtrut e mail KERR tt tl 011$ await use other prom-mitt at example nun-'2 lat-gt files 1-53 mam imagery t0 mats-t2 larger quantities 3f data And as e-mait in the Stan that we've been talking ahn ut it tatday with a you know fmm me tn ymt subject whatever It mightjust mm at a bind ofdata It maid in fact be infermaticen that aempatties are mating Emu on i ucatian to another Have you war had an Hamster t0 try to retrieve any nfthat infn nnatian pursuant tn mun timer We have mat had an occasian that I'm awam if when WEIVE tried tn intercept that kind cf infamatian In genera targa les We that we woutd expect t0 some t0 rest smattpiact and we pmbabiy be picking it up as another part efan investigatinn nality thare s tweaking ahead at little bit then was a question agitEd-nfwhethar the penwregister arders that an applied to that attract reveal fat mate than the numbers that are digits in tradititmai Elephant wiretaps And I knuw that ytau'm restricting it In to am infamatiun You ve speci cally agitated captu ng the subject infatuation because that wank bx cam-tent n ented But this is sti it a comma gums that even the ta with the sam etimcs a dasc ptive term dz yam see have you in fact mm yew- ht i t y of tht 1-5 instances that Carnivnt'e's beret used this year have been instances in which you captured mare infomtation that believed you needed pumuant to a pen'registcr- type capture that yen believed might go hate the mutant area and therefnrc yau hat ta minimize it CANADY The gentleman tint gentlemaaany i of 1 6 HUTCIFENSON 1 21 just wish his and then b dam CANADY Yes The gentleman time is expired The gentleman have one adt 'timal minute 1 11 Itserv-e the t0 answer a ar review but that are mane hi my imawiedge 30 i1 atlas wards you re saying the system's working Yen re net capang cent-em mfuzmation beyand that which is intanded un er the mun order 11 13 35 armrest Thank 3mm gentiemen I yiei back CANADY Thank yang Mr Hurd insm The gen aman from New Yark Mr Nadier is racagnized far five minutes NABLER Thank mu Mr Chainnan Fmgive me if I ask any questinn that may he rep-sti ve since b cause efa plane delay I mix-ed Iate tin hearing As I understand it Carnivore can 13 med either for content a for just in knawwho an emaii Wh - a parsnn is communicating with is that mm Yes that s CQIIECL NADLER So it can he u-sad fer either pumose KERR Y st NADL-ER r bath And whether it s used far eithar purpese depends on the name of the mun KERR That's- also NADLER And it can he sat eithar way 5 243 32 Rama tinge ammn nun 3 - nanny an a A 3 - kuu k-g-QJ It s in feet set speei ee y meet the terms afthe court mien NADLER New when yen have in effect the trap-an-d traee yen went to who semeene is talking te this is far past tense er fer ongeieg Basie-ally we weuid eepture under the trepaane- Eraee and pen-register erder the is and rem infennatiem It weu id be recorded No He is it past tense Yen get a- court erder we want in knew whe this guy talked in in the last two menths at we went e knew whe he s talking te in the next twe months 11 73 prospective NADLER It s preep-ee ve News what ie the di emnee in terms efwhat you have it shew presumath yet have to shew probabie cause that a crime may be committed Why weui yeu sometimes ask in Renew Gilly 'whe he s taming to end eemetimes what s being said ifzit'S if they re heath pmSpee ve lei my lead with that me please It depends upen the namre ef the infermatien that you have availebie te yet at the time Yen may net have eneugh infermetien at the time the you seek the peneegister er the erder to estabiish the prebehle cause necessary te seek the nder the Title HI order for the eenient But yet have eneegh te- yen need a lesser staneer efprebabie geese in get a trap-andm aee DIGREGORY It's met a pmbabie cause standard at all it s shepiy a eer eetien be the ceurt by the preseeuter or the few and ihe law enforcement ageney that the infematiee that will be eeteined through the use efthe peneegister and the trap anMra-ee er the is reievent ie an angering erimieel invesfiget ien NADLER With me probahjie cause DIGREGORY Wi l me prehehle eauzse NADLERanyhedy with em preheble cause DIGREGQRY That s eerreet And I went to paint en te yen that this that the Supreme Cent held in Magylend vs Smith I believe in 19 s that there was I10 reasenebie expectatien efpriveey in numbere diaied by a telephone because essentially when semeene turns over mfennatien te a third party like the telephene eempany they should net have either a subjee ve er en ehj-eetive reasonable expectation ef privacy in that infennation NAQLER And dues that mean that when send a letter zere e reesenaele efprivaey ee ta whom Fm sending he letter in the snail nee-EL Jeni-d yee get an Greer 0 the pest ei ee tell yen 4f82 Edema emmn 1mm - - s 1 nag-n 'rarpayw H- - - - HM v1r- - - -- - 5 cg k vv withnut any pmhabie cause W110 is sending me mail as when I'm sending maii 3 W In mail coves the time which essentiain it that NADLER W ho-ut-pfabahia calms DIGREGORY That's NADLER That s very micresting Lame ask 3 91 a di emnt que iun May just adci cue mare thing Mir Nadia The similarity uncier Which we nperat a is cofji -ed at 18 Unit-ed Siates I believe it s 3'1 25 $331 with respect 0 the pen er 3 I NABLER Thiriymneqwemyv DIGREGORY Twanty anc 3 3 21 at 358 which includes 23 25 be iieve NADLER OK Maw $61 me ask yea it dif rent question Yaw instaii-ed in yet started using this Carnivore systam about two years aga and nu me ever homered tailing Cungress Eben it waju found nut abut it banana-a Earth complained 3501 it KERR Weii no me ever hathemd te ing Cmgress in the 36mm ufa of Cmgress Than ca ainb have been members and sta brie-fed on it ever 1h last year Ii s hE n Ju iciary Committee sia KERR Excuse me NADLER Judiciaxy Cnmmittee staff KERR Yes E55 been rath r widely c'iis-cussed with industry Mamet service providers athar companieg that pmvidc se warze and hardware 0 the Ila-mark It s been fairiy substantialiy briefed within the nfjustice inaiuding at the training center Columbia Sauth Caro-Ema what the aitomeys and AUSAs gu- fur training All the majgr investigative have been brielf d NABLER What im iutiana safaguards have you set up in make sure that assuranccs that ycu've given us that givm 33y gathered by Camimre on subjects nut muier investigation is mt used Every time that it has heat used it s gene Waugh the internal review afthe FBI that such uses reqmra My cali-eague Larry Parkinsen can speak to mare d taii an that $2 1m Release 1 2ng 16 Inf-3E mama 1 34 ti - is S m d it gates to the 3an 91 Enforcement beratirms in the Department oflustice where it's in fact reviewed p nr'tn ever gning to 3301mm get a court urdrr So there's a vary substantial Laue wire-view internal the F33 intema the departmant as wen as the s hsequent review fthfi ccuri beme an ardar is issued NABLER Subsequent review to the court I'm 59113 think I wharf ner yau have Carnivore in ne what instiiutipnai safeglards dc - we have that gathered by Carnivore presumably afrer the mar issues an order tr install it is mar misused The gentieman's time has expired The wili haw three additional minutas NADLER Thank Wu The answer to that is that yam carat-1 in a fuii content intercept that the we intercept arid remrd is pravided unrirr semi farm to the court which can that we've pr pe y feilmwed the meter It's prrwided hack undar seal to the court Comer NADLER is threw a pmceading in the mun I den t Imam I mean if fhere s rm 3 pram-wing in lm mutt it' simpiy be placer in storage no me xvii 1901 at it 7 PWR That's not co-mpiete Iy true because it s piace under sea with that mum in the Tim HI constant intercept man at some time in the rture ihe item can underTi c 1H make that availabie t0 far in ame the parser whas e conversarimrs were intercepted andx ar his defame enunsri NABLER Haw the persan ifa person has been the subje 9f such an arder and his has been mirrcepted or simpiy it simply that whaaver he was emailing tr has bran mad imam in ma FBI and it s determined that this parser should nut be subjmt to any charges did marking wreng is hr ever maria aware that big privacy was 39 riniated PWER Under Ti e 1H under the prm'isi-ens at -- ifa Title terrier is dmied by the judg-E 31 expires a er a certain period af rm I believe it's 90 days a there has a be nu ce the prank whose canversarions were intercepted I think that's been dense very broadly 1 5 I un erstand it $14532 Return mm trw m Page M l I NADLER SD people s whose convama ons were intercepted a when at an whuse maii there was a irace at eventuain mid PAMER Under theypmvisinns of This HIS when ycu m dcaiing with cument yes that s garment NADLER And what about When you're mt deaiing with tun-i nt when yau ra 6 23 ng with a trapmand Imm PAMER Wen again a frapanddrage - and I shauld emphasize sama ling that Mr inon said eariier the trap-and traca the mama probable cause is mat 'requ ired is this is a vary preliminary invastigative step it is really Iiterally the addressing and nathing mam And NADLER understand that but ify u ve w hnm pmbabiy cause In halicve that I ve cammittad a mime cur den-e anything wrong but simply as par-I afar invasiigaticn 3 011 have foilawe who I m talking in by imaii far that matter not 13y e mai y u put a trapand trace an my phane far ha last six months new you've daiam naci that there's naming further is invesiigaze do yen ever tel me that my m 53am 1 privacy was vimiated in that way Di 1 we about it DIGREGORY don't be eve that there is any ra-quiremem for disclosure in the law And I mum Oilh I understand that you're using the tenn that my grimcy was violated and anly raking Upon the case Raw which indicates that thare s rm rcasnnabla expacta nn efprivasy in 521011 infamatiun I just wanted in make that point ya again - NABLER Well that may be mm the Suprame Cau i s point at views that t hgre s no reasanable expematims efprivaay but I think as a practica ma a mast penpk uid be semen- at upset ifth y thought that somecne was foiluwing exactiy who that ware 333 ng 1C5 on ha BE-when or that were mailing emails tn But be that as it may Earn a Kegal standard thai may 10 be but the fact is there was in a practical sen-Ea them was an invasicn 9f privacy gavemment gathera infmma on thai mayba I didn t want p ecple to know i think I should knew about Ihai And maybe- I shoui ht ab it say to the what basis did ynu In this Did you have any reascn 0 dc it And maybe 1113 did anti may 3111-63 didn t But right Haw hares 1m pmvisinn far mat W li that they investigatim And then sewn-d it s that glass If Eiformaimn same and done ad infm im A trap-and traca rst pfall ha pramcuiar has to certify the court that it is relevant an it's limited to a pad-9d it can t be What perimi is it Iimited to ER is 69 days NABLER Can it be renawe 5mm Release - Paige 3 3 mm unw- nmvm- m 1- 3 fo wing x a L-L Ami - 4 mg f i A 7 74 H- vagrww i3 3 Lamsw N xzw PWER It can he rcnewed but it has a gear back in mum NADLER Haw stat it he renewed I m not sure there is a i'imitatiam NADLEE the longest any-me has we Ewen subject in this PAFQTER We d have ta i001 ink that it be sure NADLER Has anlyanc we be n subject far more than ief g say a 3w Agairz 1 an t have that inf nnatian avaiiahi 31 this paint NADLER Fiva years C i d you 11111 that Gut DSGREGGRY Imam I dan i Kym want us to try nd out the fang st time- that anyhcidy has aver bean subjected we can try to do that I 133% 1310 i 1 we have these rac-ar s but we can try to dc thai Thank yam Mr Ciiaixmaa CANADY Thank gnu The gan eman om Mahatma is recegnized f r five minutes BACHUS Thank yam The pommiai far abuse here is tremcndaus Wouki 3mm all agree I guess Idan t agree with that BACHUS AI right yam dan't have to give an explanati n PARKINSQN Weii i think at a certain paint in time we have in miy on the gead faith nfpublic sansants are Wh have a numhar 0f checks and balances in case they get try ta gei away with snmethging BA-CHUS I think you re exactly right I think WHERE ycsu re saying is trust Y u have rely m us 5mm Release Paj - I nae- nuns Ho- - an-a- u-br @nqu Laugh-1- a Mi A - 5 L 11' 0515 a ak a ifowhw ukuh- s run-rm ii-3 what that reminds mt ofis these IRS agents whiz used infommtien 233% up on their ex spauses and their hny ien s and their gi imds and pataniial advarsaries far a ectmn-s and you kmw all that Wa've heard far maiiy years and years and years 3 Edgar Heaven what he did But let s talk about ame checks and Batauces because I think yau re exactly right i think you have to- mly an yau Gemini have in miy an that because you can't g3 ta Iaday and say Web going 15 analyze an the phane calls that came thmugh 5 er system can you mt s We can t dz that BACHUS But yau tie that with this with Camivare we in fast speci ca y dean that we may RACE-HIS Iknow but yam 10 have anaiym or yam do ham the abi ty to anaiyze cv-er hing coming Ihmugh that mfiymmtion siraam dun t yam KERR No We in fact rastrict what we BACHUS New y u rasmct it But 3w have the ability to Na we dan t We don t have a system wiih ha capability i6 the realvtime processing of mat much ia mnatinn You 3311 have time bui gnu can mme it are qu and just capture what-ever you want an that system I mean yen isn t have the ability in 33 a Elephant Wt dsm t have the right mm the ability is just go fishing BACHUS Wen yen have the ability 10 menith an hing within that infomativn stream No in fact have the mm appartunity CROSSTALK Na I said yam have the KERR some vet speci c infa nnati0n BACHUS Na mm mm OK You might not have the - yum say you haw the Iegai ability But gm ave the techmingy ta In nite that infumation stream anything in it mam ERNIE Release Page 30 r hug 51p - - v J - 9 he align-s p-w dmk Baum r-ahaunmkonaax arkls'lr v ui'tbm 3 5 3 hup hveblexiavnaximam mm I 92 6 fac 2f536fa4 1 We are nut Sitting Inukng at the infnmatien stream and waving aux lter around It s in fact put in plate with a court on-den It's nut immunised BACHUS But you have the technolngy 0 g6 in and munitm every cine nffhasa c maiis an the system if you wanted m N01 31$ ihem at 01166 but you wait just mum manimr here yam mum Inquirer there-m KERR Cg ai ly ifyau had access 10 the system in principle mu c-nuld that Which you do and 3 93 can t with teleph-ane calls KERR W313 in fact dapending m where you are in tha temphane system and whai kind 0f switch ynu w in you might he 31313 ta dn 3 great daai BACHUS So you KERR But again it s tile same thing Rem mbar the big switches are simpiy computers as well and so if you get into one yam presumably cauld 563 a EU nftra ic BACHUS 0K KERR The fact is that there are a 1m 31 bars in our ning that stating with the Emu BACHUS Safaguards may're saihguardi KERR What Jr BACHUS Thefre safaguards They re safeguards It's the law It's illegai In 5 10 that BACHUS The Law 0K mean it's the Raw 1113th am cfth shacks and balances and saf guards Correct BACHUS Now one of mse was gnu Said the Justice Degyaitment Yin have ta g0 10 the Justice Dapariment for m- and notify them and get their appmva And yam said that it takes a higher Ewe afau mritics hate to get appmval fur yam- activities is that cartect Helm-s ages duruww 35-6 I 792 6f 5fae 2f3 What MI Parkinsnn was s aying is that far ad rcssing infunmti-en it's a di ercnt Ewe af rev he pensmgistcr which allows the trap-aadn trace and where pmhahie cause needs to iews but get cont-en BACHUS Yum have 9 ga- higher up It in fact takes high ievcl approval in the Justice Dapa ment before we are ever ab i- te go in the SGML BACHUS Well it rm ask you this did Janet Rem um know aha-m this thre years and she is in fang 111a attemey general ai mugh it's going on far wouid remind ynu that the Bspa mmt fJuine-e is 39m izl i peeping BACHUS OK KERR and inves gatinnsv BACIWS N0 3 think I think that's a valid paint There at 3 009 pmpie ever-mas and we might Ganeml Rena said that she'd I an abaut the capacity it this an and DEGREGGRY I believe that Attemey Sim was interasfed in taking a dose i991 at the systems applicati and law enf rczmeni 1335215 and I think that's a DIGREGQRY t0 ensure that we re haiamting grime what s gang happen with respect to this magma-admin she didn't 333cm DIGREGORYS veri cation and madam BACWS Haw ahcmt Bohemia It's mar un erstanding that the atienal Security befare Cungress and said that they mutincly shared mformation they gathered with Echeien is iaw enfarcemmt agencias DD they share infomatian wi the What you're referring m 0f marge is the Nati nai Security Agency BAGWS I mean thruugh their Bahama programs do 53 4- @3413 92 Release Page i 1 7' I It rm Threegh weir- vexinue intereept programs may from time te time share infgma m with law enforcement But there re in fact seme very impenant hurdles there including the Clasai ed Infermatien Pretee en Act and ethers that in feet the primary purpose efe system may have been inteliigenee eellee en Incidental 0 that primary purpose it may have i-mpenant in ammation abate a mime either cam mitted er being planned and there are mechanisms to take advantage ef ihat EMMY The gentieman s time is exgireci Wi mut ehjee en the gentiemen wilt have were additienal minutes - I BACHUS Beheiee as iundserstend it they menimr they can monitor 3H telephene calls a e maiis ail faxes is that your understanding VPAWSGN I think we should defer re the Natienel Seeu ty Agency fa 1k preciseiy about Beheien den i' we re prepared rte 131 313011 it t edey BACHUS I guess I weuid just ask the FBI They de share yet say they sq when he said they mutmew shared infemmetien with law enfereement agencies it they share infermatien with he We have yen prehebiy knew a very signi cant asthma security respensib iliiy in asdditien te iaw enfereement Se it not uneemmon at all fer the Natienai Seeun ty Ag-eney is selectively share pieces efinfennetion that it may acquire But it dues em as Dr Kerr pointed metg with si gui eant hurdies and Iegai censtmints BACHUS I thin yeu ve raise a gel-ed paint I d Hie-e to use that as my uai question and that's yea my the Security Council I think we presume they're deeiing with natienal seeming But then they gait 'iufo-mzatien on anether Subject I mean if it s matinee seemit ebvieusly they eeuld share it with yen But let s say it's enether subject Eet s just say that we re taking about Cemix- ure - xx-rhat's the name DEGREGGRY Camimre BACHUS Camivere 01 Now the examples yen gave us were abeut espienage er Iermrism But de 9 m 533 QSHA investigatien-s er EPA Are there any rezstrietiens there It weuids efceuree have to be a federal feleny in some uneer Eieetrenie Cemmuniee ons Privacy Act And 3H these are And it weuid have to be in feet me efthe predicate e enses under Title in name under mesa a-uthexities Se no ire not every e ense Clearly intemet fraud would he an epprepriete target Chiid 0n the Inteme would be en target These are maj e-r pregmms within the FBI that we weuidm 5am Realm-e- - I 9 1 mayu g g wm fgng n I u 1- - n-mw-MWWI -qu W' v- or use this $3 in antitrust investi etien Wenid nu use it in ineeme tax evasion eases Can it be used e wr swuw nf W u a m w m wy L CROSSTALK BACHUS Can you 0-1th has emaii tan yam get into les Can gnu d3 y- u have the in get into ssmaone s les We have is at least um case 1213621 ab to izztemept using a differ-en prams-o ie gransfer pratoml but with relatively sma lm We can only gig at what we have the addresses for Within #113 laminae that s being empiayad BACHUS But once yam have that and the pasawor s you maid asma y get into maybe a Ina-in ame or samenm's database Na We rg m y autharixed what the emit arder says It s not a matter at grainy and dining xplma na er sunreiilance with the moi WATT Wilt 11h gamieman yield fur a secmui Does that amend 1 3 a maiis that have Hiram been transmitted If gym had the weuld yam wank you have the authority andfm the capacity in go in and ither Emit at the content sfa print email 31 1003 at the number or instances in which there- has been cammunimti n to daiwer mat umaii CANADY The gentleman s time has ex ired The gemieman have we additiuna minui BACHUS Thank you Let me a er he angwers it may i haw my minute 11m $113 I try 0 answer Mr Watts quasiian m swcr his yes mi Tia Cam-imm- basicaliy deais wiih mas-51g traf c on the ifthe messages have already ham s nt anti reaeivezi another way we fer example might get it wauid be if far examgle a search wem af xed and was seized a and we aunt the messages an the ham drive sf that camputer 31 as one ofthe members fth subcnmiuee painted out deie nn doesn t necessariiy mean deietiun We can fact samet imes recover mess-ages even though they have bean thanght t9 have been deiated And we have a unit that due-s that But they work under a more manna search wanant cnvimnment - and under certain aircumstances stored communications than are haw stored ts maii camumcaticns h-eid by 181% can be nbiained by search warrant as waif mm Helm Fags s in ewnbuurn -- - - um - - um - run-w balm-I i 13 IN 4 he Rug - uh E Law hau I T92 If BACHUS right Ham s my nal minute Yen mentiane CANADY The gent lpman will have one additianai minute BACHUS Ym mentionad judiraiai oversight And 131' Kerr 3m maritime-ti that yau'm 33 the defense attorney and he s lea-king ever aux shnul ers yet have the judge he s mar nut shoulders And obvinusly iftha efeuse atmmay has tha in do that that is a pretty patent weapon in limiting what yam do I But are yau saying when yam say that that ail mesa cases are angoing Ig u nai gases in mm where there is fact a defense atmme y Dr would it be wh-at abeut a cam Gian investigation where there s no a dmey 01 th active court case I think ML Di mguw Or can it be used in those 3335 cm the pmvisinns 0f Title that wouid 363d to judicial amiss ofihase win had been They ce ainiy at that 66 at 904% 5 63 11 having bean infmn-e that their had been imcrcepted would iakc a great intar-est with with ut their a nley 50 I think that the system is arimm my well t9 pmtect their Frivacy anti rights BACHUS Are ynu unabie ta take infumnation yam gain -gm these investigaiianrs and pass $6111 on to law en nmamem agencies abeut unr lated inx- cs-tigaimns 15 that infunnatian limits CANARY The gentleman s am I'm sun-y the time has gxpimd 75h gentleman's had more time than anyma else We re going 10 go ta we have a limited armament of tima The members offhe pane can answer-a miner questien abm other ihinga Ih gentleman might want to ask but Mr Barr s entif icd in have his time vau- 53 Mr Barr is man yam MI Chain an Tim Clinton administration is scina ng It new ceases to amaze mm at the BI th 3nd nfthis war haiiway the Gm' mmem Refmm Committee wc've ham having a serics efhaa ngs the canciusian ofwhi-ch the Ciint gn administratim standpaim is we don't even k an how to keep track if an awn a mails And wt have a vary sophistticamd laymen far other maple- s ewmaila This is actuaII-y quite fascinating Fer ever fur almost a year BARR fact i me matter is think they exactiy what has happened a heir a-maiis and th 83 know exactly whafs- happened I just that WE have We differe'm directions for Ciinmn administratian When may wait it pmtact themselves they have one standard when they want It get out afet her peapie they have quite a di erant grandam 5mm Reieasa Page 85 Mu a a -- u 1 7 new ty' g Lin-Aux ti 1- in In Jun-mu Hr- s msetteme 4n 4 I s af-znT92 6f5fae 2 Era the feet efthe matter is with d0- respect simply because there is a privacy act er simply because there are sanctions in Title for misuse affine Title HI provieiens 1th net guarantee that nobody in this er any other administtetien abuse it So I we reeiiy need a littie hit mere than simply saying that there are previeiens in the cede The preblem that i have with Carnimre severai prehiems but the feet ef the matter is Carnivore it net a passive system It deem sit there like a gasket and these emails just sent efdrep inte it Itis very much an active system it has to have some mechanismfer seaming the infeanatien in that ESP stream in order t0 gull am what the mutt Greer allows yen to put cut The problem we let me ask about twe things theug that are particularly emblematic As you 31 have testi ed earlier with regard to Title Chapter 2 6 of'Titie which are efthe yrevisinnzs that we've been talking that govern meme-trace and pen regimen yeu re deing something very ditt erent here and that bothem me With trasditieitei repaid-trace and pen registers- With phone numbere as yet ail have testi ed you get an erder greeted the timesheld is suh steuti eiiy integer then a Titie it end we understand that you get that em a court a mutt has to grant it there s tie discretion fer the must and the teiephone company as it were has t0 cemply with it They can t say they can t just you knew give you the highvhai amt say We re net gei g to tie they have to cempiy with it And yet teii them what yen want anti they give yen what year want Anti if they dent then you ean bring sanctions against them because they are required under the statute t0 tie that Yeu're deing semething V r very different here What We re icing here is you re geing ti that pro wider which stands in the shoes tithe traditionai phene company when you re leaking at a tmditienei hard number er pen register and yeu're saying We re not satis esi with what the statute says that you have its iB SiE i this and give us the inibnnation We deri t trust yeu I dun knew why yeast you imew whet yeti - ratieneie is but yeu'r-e saying What we're gating ta dc is we're gain-g to 39 euteide offhe law here basic-ail and we re gating tn force yet in ail-9w us in put our software inte your system Yet net he abie It remit-er it It s cempieteiy unsupervised and we're then g0 ng it take it re-m there Than We very much guys yet just give us access and we ll to eur thing That's very different item the way trepeanderaee and pen registers work unite the trasditienei Chapter 286 scheme Alisa I aim mere is new legal ground that you aiI are trying it break here and establish the precedent that I den is existing amwhere in fecierai iew er case law new I knew 5min trying tie make it in the Eartth case where yeu re saying yet have the authmity tit 33 in ten-ct sert of hawest Iarge quantities ef Mermatien and y-eu'it filter eut what yeti went I think these are twe V633 very large steps that we re taking here i en t think this has been well thought out Ali-d that s twe areas that I have cement abeet Why is it met suf cient because we have bath t-estimetty as we as a number at articies that indicate that intemet service previders have indicated and haven't seen anyhedy refute it that they can the very same thing that Camivnre does but de it in a much in a way that is much mere preteetive et tite privacy efthe ntemet service erevider users And certainly if you would ge t0 Earthlink fer example and say This is the infermatien we want the same as we would de with the phene company fer a teapvam traee er a pen register they re e ttiigated itier woutd be ebiigated to give that infermetien te yeti anti ifsemehew yet had evidence that they were net ieing it er that they were net capable of 1 13ng i t and I sien t theta the ease the-n yen eeuid seek senetiens against them i 7 seem Release page as 9 3 - nut-we tum-gs - e Hurri bath of these areas - yuu re wing tn hrcak new legal ground BARR What is it that s insuf cimt that yen dtm t like abeut the texistin g statute that yau're wittng t0 Optrate within the haunds afit 3 - FARMER Let me answer with respect t9 that East point whether a there s been cases Mitre the Intemet service ptuvider amid mt pf VidE the it mnatitm and Dr Kerr can this as well There have in fact East was 3113 case walnut mentiening who the pmvider is in fact the Internet service pmvi er was not able in pmvi a an fth-e information In that case in fact it wasn t just a matter uftham saying Wet we have to tempt with a tau-rt omen They want back It the court them was a proceeding before the mutt at ut t heae issuas including the issues about tut much material being grabbed by this pt-ogmm or that was at Ieast tha argument that was mis t - were raise with the court and the court ordered this lattice be put in place BARR And that was nut the Earthiink sass Again since that was an ongoing criminal cam i dtm't want In mantian who the interact sewictz pmviderm BARR Whig Iat s mt play nineties here I m asking was that the Earthtink case becausa that's been tepmteci in the newspaper it s mt some gmat dark aectst And ltltink ytt-u are data-ibng tha Ea hlink case PAINTER I think the pt blem is this is an under sag proceeding there is a cam miter in that gramme-ding Idan t want because it s an mder sea1 proceeding ve- muld talk the p'ubiic facts that were argued at the hearing but I don't want to merit-inn the mama at the pmvidat BARR thnught gnu at iht begirming it wasn t the Earth nk case PAWER I did mat say that I said don t want to CROSSRALK BARR I think it is PAINTER But in But in fact in that saga there was mt complete ittformativn given lama-um 3113 the outgoing or the trimming massagas were trapped but not the eutguing messages and there was Sigma evident t0 I 5 24 92 Release - Page 23 Ff- 75 ommn MdVJ a win Juan-nu A mam W 'w 1 15 35 05345 that effect that was presented to the 6mm in the But that s ver different mm the testimnny that we ve had 'nrn Ea hl ik And what i was going to say is it's certainiy the pansy as I understand at the FBI and the preference ma i in fact the Internet servicn previdercan prnvidn that and tin it in a Em-Ely what thny i premix raises this sort nf nxampie gentleman s time has expirnd Without objection the gen eman will haw additional minutes BARR gnu Are you saying than that in even me nfthe 25 cases in which Carnivan has bnen men he oniy Eamon that it has been used is the Enigma scwine pmvidet has Enid you provide the than yen need PAENTER That is my understanding and I dsefartn Kerr in 2115 address 1213 I think that that s generally the point In fast n ur favnritn antennae is that fths Intemet service pmvider can in fact pmvide the infmnaiinn tn us owered by the court turner that that's what w wnu'ld like in in And znere s sums very Mtge Intern-e pmviders nut too far nm have the amine capabi ty in dc that A ha same time in same nf thze aver 16 1000 3135 around the country yon' nc i same that have vary Iimited tachnica capabi tyg their capital structure is was Sinai uni in 'a positinn in buy equipment and set up a capability far as that may nniy he usaci ence in the entire business his th nf that nnmpany In those cases where may can t we're prepared in take the technicai and mat risk ave-ray by bringing in cur Carnivnre system and it Ham we go again I guess what yan re taliing us is Cnrnivnre s oi th privacy advncatei s best end that it you know hey wt m- I mean in ynu have iSPs breaking dawn your dryer and saying Pie-Ease install Camimre I-dnn t 59 Is there any speci c statute in gas Iaw tamer than perhaps the Earthlink case which is panning as Eundemmti it that previ lax-Wider infannaiinn a rm and say Give us nvemhing ynu have and W 'il lter out what we have That's very different from he m nnaie underlying bath Ti HI and Chapter 236 which is the cvemment can go in andjust harvest eveqihin g an its awn and than lter it ant 33011 tail snmebndy exact what you want and that s 31 that get DIGEEGGRY In the case in which in the case referred in by Mr Painter we succeas iy relied upon 5an Rein-35 - as Liar H he u I r q-l if - a- v- 1 5 the penumgistcr statute And knew of and I stand mmcted if sum-acme has a narration ta make and I imam 6f 10 mixer cage where an 13 has challmge cur reiianw on that statute BARR N0 but is -- what Pm saying is is than any statute at 2336 Iaw ather than this me casa that 33 i undgmand it is mill in ' tiga m DIGREGQRY And I m Saying we ve reiied an the penuregister statute success ly in his you a the Department uf and than have bean me when ghaiignges mixer than the ma mentinmd by Painter BARR The Dapmmam sflusiice positian is that Chapter 296 providas statutazy themfcm also constimiianal authurity I guess yam wanid argua that Emu had that the gmmunent has the autha ty tha right to ga in anci harvest a large categ -ry Bf far beyond simpiiy the target and than itself take cut the targeted lformaiiun CANAQY The gentleman s time has cxpire The gan eman have me acid itianal minnm i ER 1 mfg when you use the term haweSt yuu re using a term that $63133 daasn i appiy hare That s not what it s dong It is 0 121 hawesting it is enly capturing ha infant-lama spetzi ca y that you aliaw and the mun order has mamiated BARR But in ordar I mam this is 39 1 of that s what I lav-e abuzz the Clinmn administra an than you get into this gimuIa-r argument it s 31 11 in metaph rsicai You have to have same way gating in there and nding what yau m inciting fer amends it s a n0n sequitur Let ma as the part afthe n-unspoli timl agancy here try tn answer yam q astiun directly What d9 we acmaliy tin in the Carnival system - $3311th we in is wa rst ask the 18 to bring us the smailgst part fth-e message traf c that wuuld c-cntain the target messages We then xing it ta an interface Wham in fact a fths reduce-d sat is made The regular mas-saga traf c gaes on unimpeded in the legitimate renipients u fit We then- lter the cleaned stream 11 and the packets that in not pass our ner 'hecausa we re mt allawed ta recor them in fact vanish at that paint The only thing that passes our lter are the packets with the in ommtian mm the court ward-er And I think we've dem-anstrated that a numbar 3 times In fact we appreciated yam visit some momhs age when ynu saw it As gym Release P e 39 nanny-n an an n u-cw-In a 3 u x-M - v - - - fir-y nn m- Iva-Hum In 3-1 - - a - ain t nk-we d ahi wgig baud-u iv t-m CROSSTALK BARR I saw whai When yau were at Quantim same cf 13w we gave yam were in fact fthese capabilities 4v BARR T313 was years ago That was an That was iikze 013 or ve years ago that had nothing ta Clo with Carnivore KERR We Ihupa it didn t because it wasn' desc hsd ma as Carnivare Ha nlt ham namtd yet perhaps at the point is that we re 1m seaming the fun meatsaga traffic passing an In famtz to da it e activaiy we want in use the smaiisst subset of that A vary sephisticaiedg iarger- wili fact giva us the subset which is the target messages and we W-Duid have in insta making In 53 11 23565 we have in provide tachnicai assismnm by putti g sur system in 1315 in Quiet do th at nal imitating CANADY The gently-32111333 additianai timc has expired Ewan in nal all ha members if this pang far yam testinmny I think wa ve had g-God presenmtians in year testimony the questicming pericd has been i think vary heip We wi have additional qugstions as I indicamd in tha eutsat and we in an best t3 sen mesa ta you very man Ami Iwau d ask that you in yam best in msp nd in us within a wry sham pe ad of ine after 3 311 racciya tha ie er ofwhich we wiil semi with the questinns Again we thank you for your testimmy and your as-sistancs the cummittee in this avcrsight respunsibi ty And we li mnve to cm sesame panei And Iwauld 351% that as people are exiting the rosiam and naming inm the roam ta try 9 be as quiet as you cap because I m 305 1th gassed with the introduction 9f the at the second pans as may are naming femrar 3 take their seems The witnesses an this second and nal panal nftoday s heating discuss privacy and cameras for network sacu t raised by the use M Camimre a SEEM Reiense Pain 98 i nf'f nmnma hag - we su-e- '9 I 7 Ilw w an 9 1 7 a r-H -u 3 4m 4-95-31 331-5 hon 'e'i wle Canal 1- Gut rst witness on this panel will be Barty Steinherdt Steinhardi is the agenciete directs fths 3 Merieen Liberties Unien 3 9 L L CANADY Next we will hear em Men Devidsen whe is the staff ewesel for the Center fer Democracy and Teehnolegy Fe ewing Davidsen w i he Tom Raine Mr Famine is principal mvestigater for the Paci c 55 Institute for Cempute Security He is also we manager ef security teehnoiegies fer the San Dieg-e Super Cemputeg Center Reben Cam-Revere win then testi n Cam Revere is an attemey at Hagan and Hansen in First Amendment Internet and law Mr CemaRevere is else the ee anther ef a threewelume treatise entitled Medem Law We have heard ier Mi Cem Rwere on this subject previemiy Feliewieg Cem Revere wiil be Matt Bieze a research scientist 3% Labs Mr specializes in the areh eeture aspects efseeudt and trust in largeriseaie cementing and systems Stewart Baker an meme-y at Steptee and Jehneen will then testify ML Baker represents nejer telecemunicetione equipment manufacturers an carriers in eemzection with the Cemmuniea ens Assistance for Law Enfercement Act anti law enfemement intercept requirements Mr Baker was he genera eeu-nsei eftheNaiienai Seeu ty Agency Emma 1992 It 1994 Finally we wil hear re-m Peter Sacha Mr Sacha mums ICGNM 3 email Internet service previder bis- see in New Haven Connecticut I want te thank each ef yeu fer being with us here this a emeen I weuki ask hat each ef yeu in year best t-e summarize year tes meey in no mere than ve minutes With-em ebje c ene your wri en statements will be made a pan 0f the yemzenem rectum of teday s hearingour rst witness efthie paaei Mr Steinhardt Then yen Chainnani I went te thank the eemmittsee for the Opportunity 19 speak here today Fed 315% want to mm fm SQ expeditieus-Iy calling this hearing As I think the prior testimeny made clear we are dealing with an extremier impenam issue end one that bears- a great ee ef scrutiny mere scrutiny than even this hee ng xvi eiiew fer Let me begin to pin Carnivore inte same centext To my haewiedge Carnivore is unprecedented in the history e-fdemestie eemmuniea ens surveillance Never heme has Iaw insta ed a device which accesses the efa service yrevider s custemers rather than mly the eemmunieatiens of the target 01 a pa i euiar Urd f Never- hefere has a law enforcement agency claime the i1 Shem d he granted eczee s 0 eemmunieatiens passing threugh a service previdefe newer based 534 02 Release - arm I A r 4 an antes-U p IT 77% um a Tax i an an unsupervised promise that ii n0 stray beyand this can ucs if its authsriiy Carnivare is taugth equivalent as a numhar 0f 11 membars haw suggasted it s roughiy equivaient a wiretap capabl ofaccessing tin mmrersatians 23 1 the phane campany's mstumers one use the analn-gy that was affemd bet-hm when it that the t0 and mm which the Carnimre hm mass as the key 0 190 3 fur Which mse sagts to record anaiogy nfa at-tar this is the equivalent nfgaing to a post af ne and statianing an FBI agent mare leaking at rim addressing infamm on if every law that goes though and than picking mt these which it wishes rec-0rd either ha ad resging mfmnatian to apex up anti actua y look at the mutant Nuw I mist say want 10 cummem an we thing in this section s- me thing that you ware weld ahaut earlier this maming and that's this audit trail that for the ts rim we ve heard abnut this audit trail which apparently we art mid mam- is at 513331 what In lms settings are anti mm ofthe tram mfonnminni Ii there are prahahly a numb r 3f things that are wank nuting abeui this audit trail 15m this apparentiy was created manly rec-6mg and wouid suspect cmatad 9111 after the pu b c iiszclasure and diEussian if Carnivore But snmn i g I If ink ifs worth nnt mg about he- audit traii is that it s 0113 of use in a very limit-ad number ut ages that it mail pmvides van little in the way ufassumnce H's fer Example mt ava abie in cases where there is a trap and mcc 0r penaimgister Omar Mm is going 100 at this Thay m nut required to turn ever even firm audit traii In a judga It is as a number fths members suggasted aarlier mi pa icuiariy h p ll if the convemati ns or the informati-an xat has ham rem-ri ed picked up is fan immanent third party mt the subject af x urdcr not surname Wim s baring - They don't have a defense anal nay they dan't have an upponunity in whim 0 names that that what the discuss-aim abcmt the audit traii suggests is that you need in 300k very very careftu at an these etaiis It's hard tojmagine haw 11m superman 0f Carnivare can be squared either with the Fau h Amendment 31 ECPA was adapted it implement the Fauth Ame dment in the cani xt of eleetmnic suweiliance The very premise nf m Faunh Amendment is mat searches shank be narrow and targeted 51 as avoid the immsinn into the privacy of permits are at engage in a crime at far law enfomemem dares rm haw reasnnabie cause in believe that they are engageci in a mme In recagnitioa efthis ECPA requires the spmi c the parser who s the target 1me investiga an crimes under inves gatinn the particuia systems which the cemmunicatinn is in be agcessnd The place on the prmrider fths communications medium the to scpamte nut the communicatims authorized t0 ha intercepxed like communications Law enforcemant is reqnired minimize the inceptian the interceptian ofmneinc minating ccmunieatians Ufa target cf 3 wiretap 311 331 Carnivare is not a n nimizatien as been suggeste w Carnim r e is in fact a maximizatinn tam because it is capabl-a cf giving law access is the entire stream ofcammunica nns that is traveling I hreugh the service pmviders nahvorks I 5mm Release 5 2 pm mrxh i htji - - - w n u r- WPW Va- mp Lx sf u va hnwh' - - a urn-d -- 3- Mir- anviv ur wv-hi-J-t w nun-v u - a Ml - Now think it s fair ta say a and I urge yea not in take he leap Mada tn that this is a settled questimL I think it's fair 10 say that the Congress never cantemplaied 0r authcrizeci a wiretapping scheme that a awed 13w enfurcement to access avatar-0x165 communicatiuns that had the patcntial ta access an unlimin number If dnmmuuications $111 a smali am m at which invaive n mina ac vity anti that targeted entire cammieatinns Rem-fork rather than a particular person s wmmunicatiuns Tha questions Barr asked am axactiy the ght questiuns What is the slatmary au m zatim for Sarah-am 'ant inrthe statute what in what in the Constimtiun gives Jaw gives the FBI the a'uth rity to insist that a service pmvider install Earniwre I that s an cxmmely impumnt question which is met answered by one case whiah Imnw wry little about utherihan the hack and farm in the public and to sama extent before cnmmitme that we knew my little about anal that never went higher-than we Metal magnum - Now the FBI has ve rewanses ta til concerns that have been misad by Carnivare FEM than us that they can it trusted to strictly aciherc the Constitutign and statutes Secand may argue that thay re being hamstrung by new technoiegies and that Camiwre is necessary 23 conduct success invastiga uns Lat me rst address the trust 113 argument The FBI has a very checkered past Wham it camiss In dality bath to the Faurih Am-andm nt and First I Amen mant righis afAmericans As a number afyau pointed Gut we a1 knew ahcut the wimtappingof Martin Luther King and other leaders fth civil rights mmamant and the more ream cases where there has been illegal ofpaliticai gures But even if you assume for-me sake 0f argument that FBI af nials FBI agems are net guing engage in a baid n minai vioiation cu flauwa I you need 0 leak at the mean hism-ry at the FBI whisk telis us that - tha recent histary tells us that the FBI cannot expacted in kgep iis prgmixves an cammunication survei aacc histary Racer history 3115 us that we can fuiiy axpect I115 FBI E53 push the enveI-apc of the wall as they haw dam in this CREE by pushing the anvainpa 3f the nap-eand trace laws far exampia 19 claim that Carnival is a pennissible tesuit and in eventually 5 331 an afihe envelapa of the Iaw Let me- give yuu let me give Wu some examples mink hast exampla 31393 I detai this in the appeadix to my tastimany I g0 though a deai afihis histaxy but let me giva yau me example When Congress passed the Communicaiiens Assistance in Law Enforccmem Act that was rgferred is here earlier tcday CALEA in affect a bar-gain 1m Sail-wk In gramme far requircments that new nemarks be to preserve the thenvexistiag cap abi ties fur law enfamemem iaw enfam mcnt the FBI in particuiar agreed 110farce aerviae pruvizders to prpvide it with new surveillance capabilitics 01' with greatcr capacity man lm existed Simply put the FBI 113 5110 kept its emi of th The CALEA implemmtatinn prongs has bean Charazcta zad by an FBI power grab As I detailed in my in the appen ix to my tastimnny ze FBI has consistently sunlight greater capacity anti n-aw surveillance features than existed in 1994 In same cases it has snught capabi ties that were speci cally premiseci that Congress that they would not Sgek Ncw will amiy given an example nfthis imam are in my testimmy But I this exampie is wa h fastenmg an far the mommL 532nm Release - Pagai 3 rm mama H-m mr i - vm- awn mam Men was cansidared the FBI cxyiici y tom the Cangress it weuiid not use the new iaw tn seek in ceiluiar relaphaaes inter incation hacking devices HimCtm Freak testi ed that quarter There is rm intent whatsaevczr with reference to this mm parentheticaliy this team meant can set up infamation to inquire- anything that maid properiy be nailed tracking infamatinn Well Whether or mt that was Birectar Freaks inten en in W94 it quickly became the palm-y in 1995 the FBI has fraught 106th and nail us- rst with the caliuia teieguhme industry than with m bafore th Fatima Comications Commissiom and 1ch in the US Cam-t o-prpsais zz-r the District of 9 Cainmhia blight math and nail far 111% prapasition that CALEA in fact dams require the annular aperatnrs ta provide it with Iocatfiinn tracking infarmatiun New 1311 the questinn afthe suppnsed new that require Carnivare rst yau re gamg hear testimony an the Intem t sat vice providers here today and you ve already heard a gazed ital lgm in tin press that ihey are wi ing and 3131319 pmvide lax enfmcement with a narraw targeted set at cannuunicatiens which 13w anihrcemem is entitied They can perform 115 segrega an of cumu icaiiens that i3 111 equivalent afpmviding access ta dedicated ne there is 130- nead resm it Carnivare Ann-d urge yen not to simpiy trust an faith the suggesticns fth wimgsses that you that yet heard Earlier mday that them have ham cases that mixer sawice pmvidgrs cammt pmvide them with that infuma on Once again wg re in the p sitian Trust us we know how this black hex works a in this case We know that the service pmvidars canmt give 15 this infannatian without resenting to this black box The mi case that we know anything about in tietaiij and mat many e taifs 'becaus these mantis an an under seai 'hccausc base cases cum-E up ex par-t3 these requesi far Gliders mine up ax pane is Earthiink And it was quite clear this mam mg this a mmun raihar that the wimesses 13m hf gmemmam were not prepared to ask you 9 de much mere than trust us hare are cases Siemhardt yanks at mi utes Si ifyou can cousin-23 3 because Xe me just expiah to 31 the mambers his par-mi This hag another hating That s rm minimiging the importance ai mis in any way but we in haw a hearing an a pram-$31 that Fran has introduced which we maving in after mm St in the amen-i that you can realiy stay-31ml that ve minutas it be bene ciai given the size the p-a ei Chaixmml CANADY Yes FRANK 3 it he intention cfthe chair ta adjourn this hearing and g3 to the mm mm at $24-$82 Release Page 0f 76 I W w awotauww Mr - - I - - In 'y g'l ni- main wee Newsw- l - In CANADY It is the iniemion ofthe their te hear the x messes and to have em round ofquestiens and then go in the next hearing FRANK Than yam Wei PM 510 there and aliew the rest efihe pane e speaks then CANADY yen Mr Steinherdt Davidson Hi I'mrAIen Davidsen Mt the Center fer Demeemey and Teehnelegy Pd like m- then the eottee for holding this hearing and eemmend yet fer yeur eent me theught xl expiem en of the Feurth Amen ment and cyberspace a very imperiant issue teday CDT is a eivii iiber es gmup anti we're about Ce rnivere fer at less We tee-sens first because Carnivore itself as it s implemente is very prebiemeiie and second because Carni mre raises broader issues abeut the need fer greater privacy preteetiens in em increasingly animated statutory and eoestitutiena emewerk that governs eur suwei anee and privacy Just it start with the rst the qu-estiens abeui Carnix'ere I think the question fer Camivere is that it has Camiwre has access its much mere inihrma tien than is iegally entitied mite-CL Haw do we knew that we can trust Carnivere Haw we what kind efieash has been put on Carnivore I d i ke 1m with the ecmminee s imdulgeuee if give the eemmi ee a sense 3 3 3 1mm of what we re talking abeut with packets her-e I ve get a eeupie e f Sli- iES that I d like 10 put up quickly Let me just give a maple ef-disciaimers These are captures of actual real packets And fer those wile didn't their epera glasses these are actually Shelli-d be in yeur packets They re the and fer fence in the audience they re the East three pages efmy testimeny meet are exempies efreai packets that have beet eeptured 'em CB ffs HEMTR with a crude tech That's a tool that may net leek anything like what Ia mimre leeks like but I mange ire-e 'heip fer the ate at least get a sense ef whet same ofthe things that we're talking about lee like and how hard it is de some efthe things hat Carnivere says it's doing and hew hard it is maybe e trust Carnivere DAVIDSGN and to start with this rst packet is semi-33 e mail message aetualiy a real email message that I sent a Raul Tayler subeemmi ee counsel on Friday and was captured of ear web site efeur network Whai e interesting this is what aeket sniffEr ees in a packet It kind ef breaks it up inte di erent pieces that can be undermined And there are sari of really sort effwe chunks to this mfennatien The feet chunk is the stuffed the top which a let efpeoyle ea the header infometien which eentaigns a let if the addressing infennatien and description efihe packet The second half-of it is what I sail the date part er the paylea ofthe packet And that ineludes the date the text the cement ifyeu will e- fwhat we re- 3 h u 5 24 02 acreage a Page 95 ere - - - hiking about - I Al'nfrmc-ir zsg -Eagm mrh i I sa the co mxt ufthis message mate s acmaiiy a very simple answer if wa re Hiking abaut a pan register and we want is knaw the ms and fmms the a gins and desthxations the numbers ifwc re 39mg 3 to pen reg iisiars unto the Internet than actua y is sari of a very simple answer at the op here 3 exhaust where this packet is aming om and Wham it s g0ng to It s that rst address Mich is the yellow addresa 33 226 which actua y happens translate int-u the computer at CDT that I was using And then there's a d-estinaiiun a drag which is in red there which is that 216 address that happens it be CDTS mail server a AM mat i fyaujust task it on its face wauld be the very simple headgr infamatinn the numbers fihe address that it s taming ew the address that it's going in What we re hearing abaut Carnivore is actualiy Carnivare s trying do seme uing a little hit more subtie ying ta get mare infumzation The pmbiem is this is kind dif cuit m the Internet because might and destinatiun is very Ii dcpands an where yea are on the Rework and What 137ml fths pmmcol step what y-mfre timing ta 39 within the where you'ra baking within the packet mm in this case it's an e maii message And you can see that the untent fth-E Ewmaif message inciudes the Has It Raul Taymr mail that has the acme Mari Davidsma That's the t0 and from infomatim that the FBI is seeking get And 53 what Camiwre rea y needs to in is dig in to the cement nfthis packet anaiym it and ferret out this 1 0 and 1mm infematian whisch is what the FBI says they want u get And I raise thatqu because think that this is a simpie thing 10min that this is just mfonnati n that s Sitting an the tap hare and we taming pull cuff is mat get like macaw hem I thil it s a wry suh e thing it s a waxy dif cult thing and it requircg a 1m ufanaiysm le sjust skip ma quick it that a wali there s a second example which is an smmpic mehairman Ian adys web site u- a similarsitua nn 7 131'6'5 a and from ad ress at the 553 but to actually get 3 km a what site I am visiting what is he desiina on ofthis traffic yam have imk km the content 0f the packat In this case is the server the hast and Caz-lady p 34 is tha is the actual page that was leaking at at the time an it's reassming mm mm FBI says that they are nut mat Can Eva-r12 right new CIDES n91 actuain seek out URLs the web sites that p-euple are visiting but if Java s going to extrapnlata this noiion efnumbers diaiad inter animatinng that let-s amu- get the migin and destinaiion af ntamet it seems reasanahle that this is the next thing they going 10 Mai fer And that bee-tunes awn Him-e pmbiemalic H ynu can go to the ihird s iide very quickly I knaw I m naming m2 of ma this is a copy cafa web packet This is a weir Search that we do that baked at web site I did a 363mb for a ham this happane-d be a bank on cancer far n9 ether 63561 than my personal interest s-Gmeene in my fan fy and just wanted in Shaw you what the URL marks like for If the FBI continues this exn apolaticn and gays We just want in capture the URL not the again the source and destination IF address at the tap but the URL ofihe web site destinatinn that I m visiting they get a I m ofinfmnation 1115 get this has in pumie which isshp GB 1 They Elsa get 1th page that I m locking at which is a bank scarab that is far pmstaie and cancer Ya-u can imaging this cauld be you Imam I maid be lacking for saris I cam-d be making far sues abcut religiuus 5mm Reigns-e 9 mg SE 4- nut-Md ef '36 tepies 0r yeliticagi tepies er see-Eel tepies and an of this gets listed in this pen register fer the insemet And so i I ree ze I ve gone ever my time aheady here but i think make is that yet knew same efthese things these rules that we've came came up with in the elci canteen the ieiephene canteen fer exempie And the idea eemething -- wee semething that wasn t as sensitive was what drew I think - extremeiy low standard fer access the paint that I'd like to try up wuh like pen registers we that digite diaied were on be something when he questions eehat the DAWSON And I Cengxessman Name s teeny I mean a relevant standard and a standerde ere There's a very big difference between a reaseeahie probable cause Standard in the peneegiste ee iext Aha mink there s a greater exampie 50 when we talk abeut Cemive re we've get a hat of came-ms- ebem haw ii e being used I wouidjust sma ee in say we are ee the feet that it needs te methedet-egy need here 50 that we packet Carni vere is leaking at and haw it'e ning its searches See-end ef eli we think Ihei people who are in the hes-i pesitien te de this be there ought e be a bit mere centre in the han epfthe ESP ISPS are the fencing test And fme y 1min e1 efthis paints to the need fer Congrese to revisit seme e i mese e-eeie The qne siien ef whether er net the pen register Shellie be applied to the kitemei is just the tip of the iceberg The heme has expieded there s all eerie of infemetioe that used in be kept in the desk drawer that s new being kept eut en the nzemrerk The law dees net protect that Mennetien weiil _ We neeci is revisit this The White- Heuse has taken a gag-ed eet et-ep We re Making award 1e weeking with everybody That step deem quite go far enough but we really went 1e veer folks in try and imp-revue the privacy preteetioes here F-hank yen very much fer year CANADY Thank yen Mr Devideen Mr Perriee Mr Chairman and members efthe than yen fer inviting me e testify en the suhjeet ef Carnivore anti the Fem Amendment i believe that the current debeie ever the new digital Mretap eenmmniy knew as Cemivere is reailgy aheut the risks in eimpiy translate the law and pmctiees efteiephene wiretaps tn the digital realm efihe Internet Today'e testimeny has shown over and ever again that there are thet these diffezing intzerpretetiens 0f 01d iew as appiied the Intemet may be Eeading 1e prebiems The debate sheuid me be ahem this speei' e pregmm The real issue is hew the government is attempting e ex ieed its lam access tn the Intemet In the efepplying eid laws te ee new media the Release Page 7 seem-2 17 ej v g-uv ry e'h -uf 6 x m-L vhf- 3 a r - http hebluxismcxisxom nu privacy uf citizens may be eluded i1 ways not intended or permittud under current wiretap laws In my care-er in cumputur security We alwayu hum an advocatu ufpersonai privacy unrestricted amass 1c strung enuwtiuu and 3-553 oversight and inten'entiun in 1 11 ves of lawna biding citizens Due to my work at thu Super Cemputer Canter I aisa understand the need oflaw cnfume 7 uni to be a bie u miurcept traf c We spend an aw ri at oftimu dut uting analyzing and tracing cumputer tmsiuns But this is about haiamu The needs uf law enforuumem and privacy are nut mutuaiiy exclusive There can be a aiaucu butweun them Earlier this year while was visiting thu to dis-cuss critical was iuv ii'ed u see Carnivore almuugh we didn t knew it by that name In technical terms Camivur-e is a high-speed pauket sniffer with very aggressivu lm-Eng capabi as It dues examine of the data packets passing thmugh a nag-twat and lms uut the data that 6065 not meet its ltering mituria This is very simiiar to 19035 that are aimady available in private hams Every network administratur uses a patkut sniffer in diagnusing uruh lems Carnivure has new functions in at way that it can aggricssivaly lter and perhaps in the Speed ufthe 'nutwurks that it can monitur Carnivore dues nut appear tu be a munituriug iu astmuture and surname did use ihc ward capable uf maim uw muni mm 3 of iargu numbers ufphonu 33115 It dues appear an its fauu be a 00 speci cally duugned Eu meet the rigid requirements of a Titie H1 wiretap under penuegister garden Rut th nun-'3 statics have cumpure Curnimre u 3 tmnkuide wire tap which is munitu ng system 5 13 alluws mun ito ng all cummicaiions mnhig thruugh a phune uf cu just is nd the calls related 19 a suspect Cungruss rej-ectud the use wirutaps mute than 3Q years ago bucausu they mix cummicatiuns ufthe uznucunt with 111056 of suspeuts This is an mime-sung uumpa sun but may be awed Carnivure dues at a mdamuntai Eevul intercept and examine all lute-met traf c but it uniy dues that in urdur In Select or reject data based its misting rulus The qua-sum comes tiawn to at what paint has an exumnatiun and the privacy actually ocuunud Dues thu examination and the priuauy vimu un occur ifs pmgram campams the inturcupied dam With IIS iter and than rejects the data or does the cxamiuutiun not truiy auteur anti the 6333 s seen by a humim buiug ur if this is star-ed fur later processing Thia 8130 comes ium play - this trying it use an aualugy fth-u 01d telephunic system intu the Internet we ve talked a In teday a boui pun registurs which the purpuse is to require tu acquire 11 phune numbers mud And we've aim hem testimony that that is functiona y equivalum tn the to and um ewmail ad russcs Are they the same Actua y I um Elli Camivure is just a 190i and its must be considered in the comm ufhuw i cuuid be used Carnimru with no iiers appears to E3 capable of gathering uf'the infunua an passing through the Hem-ark that it manhunt There's naming tu Stop a persuu um Cgruivure iuchnically using Carnivore tu muui tur all the netwqu nu ic passing thruugh an interact sewicu pruvidur if they had the cauacity Were- 5 nu way fur anyuue to knew the cun gumtwn ufthe shers in a Carnivore at the time that it s histaiied or the true capabilitius uf Cnrnivure wi mut examining the swim cud-e ufthe system during instalza un and the the munituring pruuess The ACLU and uthurs have called for pub uatiun ufthe marge cud cf thu Camimru system and their arguments are comgulling 5 24 02 Release m 12 3 Pu r n 9 8 h utm4cu f I ovum mag'nV p ai aw-J u u PERRINE Huwevm a ne-timc pub ca nn at rsview afthe 5mm cage even by an independent vari catiun validating mganimtmn wauid pmvide m y a snapshat 3f Carnivare's capabilities with m assurances that the Earnimre program achmliy insta e on an ESP wag hm from the saunas that was reviawe I Carnivore is aim under canth 3 3 the same mete snapshat that was reviemd be wt 31 data within a few weeks 30 unless ynu re pimng on having an ungaing in eyandent ve cation you ll new imaw that what was instalied was actually what was reviawed And there is an same code reviaw that would indicate the lters that were installeci in Carnivore at a given on a given mac Si in canclusiun Carnivare lets appcar ta he bath a ma a-sick wiretap am an attempt to bring iimiteci wiretap capabilities to the Internet It dues have langqerm ixnpticatims fur privacy that must be Garethin command 01d laws after when applied is the intemei and I think we ve saw that today And applying tries E aid laws may gratis constitutinnai praisc nns in mummi ed ways Law anfarcement may mead apprapriate icga access iniemat communism-Suns um ch limited I but this ace-e55 must he properiy and m nimred ta ensure that mnstitutienalm safeguards are maintai ei 1 Thank gnu CANADY HM mi gnu Mr Cam- Revere CORMREVERE Chairman Jan-ad and members fI h camminea unk yen for inviting me back to testify on ihis mpg-nan tapic Rather than try It paraphras my written suhmi ian in Na mixmtas or Hi dispense with that ans- 3 just try to a ress mm at the points about Camier that were di-scusscd in the testimqny qfth govmmem witnesses try and much an two or three points related tn what in my exPe encagww Carnivnre in its natural habitat ne 3me rst paints that was made is that Carnivore is used in 0 133 vary mited ways that it s usad only 311 Iniemct sanrice previder either cannm or nut comply mm a cam Order in fact Painter testi ed that in the 0 13 cha mge that he's aware that mecming eamail a-ddressgs but 5101 autgoing aqua-ii addresses were renamed that than required the gavemmemt to wave award with the msta atian if Carnivore That s mt quite what happened in 113 case n the case it which I was the ISP did try it cam-pi with a Iaw rl mart order the peuvmgister and Impuanwmce timer It s simply taken as a given the an obligated unciar the terms afthe Flack-unit Camunica un Privacy Act to aumply with law l urders if the ia w mar orders In pmvid infmnatian but at tht same time they ra mquired in matect the privacy nftheir subseribers511mm Hausa-41w 99 13 $1133 case the saluti u that the ESP put in place did get ail of the- Bugging excuse me - 31 ufthe humming c-mail and it did supply a smaiier number 0f email ad-dmss s to the gavenunent They were digsatis ed with that sayng then must haw been mare mtgaing e mail addresses in fam we tried in explain that they re 3233' number- of r-easans why there may bu fewer uuigeing emails than than were incoming e mail For example the targat affine might have used a web basse a mail source rather than using his awn resis ient pmgram But nonetheless the marshals were disaatis ed with that solutian and in rm-ad the ISP that they were ta insta Cal-aim re $11511 tam days That s what prompted the cam scrim that lei tn the m gistrate's artist I be eve Mr Painter than testi e that since that time the has ymvide Excellent cangeratien In fact the ISP has dam in subsequmt cases what i1 did in that case It pmvided anti offered 20 provide ways to camply with ordain that itmceived in ways short insia'li ing Carnivam and since that time Carnivure has mt ham reinstaliad m its system Secendly in 0 a question from the chaimau one Of the gavemmem suggested that it was the 3113 its implementation and at the Camimre program itself that caused a crash and dismptad the ystem In fact our expa ence was that Cam-Ware was incompatible with this sysme rcquiring 13PM make adjustments which ied a number ofpmbiemg that ultimately Eat in Camimre beiag taker but and than the ex day the ardar far its i gtaliaticn expiring v Let mp sayjusi an Gib-6F thing about that order In fact there was a magistrate s ord r stiil under seal that dad risquire the mataiiatian cf C3 rniwre Wt Iii-Ed WEIR @111 in the terms afthat arder what safeguanis we muld is make sure that 'Im mare infannaticn could be cause-ted than necessary But in fact what the magistrate said in that mile was that wnuid welmme the dacisian an the legality nf Carnivare under the existing iega scheme it he decided by a reviewng wart We haven t had that kind Gf'iegai revigw ygt ayd I don t Irma-w of a case in which that may mam Next the gnvammem wimes-s talked about the of Safeguards that exist to mam that Camiwre dams mt 363d ice axcessive 'viaia cms ofsubscriber privacy Fur exampie Dr Kerr testi ed that the filter wi msum ihat Caz-11hran acquires cmiy the mfcs natian that is authe zed by a maxi er er and suggested that it would be necessary in ahiain the assistance a technician at even perhaps the assistance aftha to after the ofCarniv-ure that a vague agent might gain infunnation to which he as she is not smith Fm 1101' a an I gan t reaiiy that pom but I can say that in the case that I was invalve in I was mid that Carnivore wouid be accessibia by gnvemmem agants and that ha cun guratien of Cam-Ware timid be changeci with the ip 11 3 Switch May-ha that's Garrett maybe it inc-arrest don t knaw It ri es suggest perhapa that the pmpasals that have been discussed earlier fer independent review 31 Camimre reaiiy am in artist Release vlhy ri A- n _7 - Pain 1 mi mi- w I 7 I mamafaentsmam Next we re mid that we will be protected invasims afpzivacy basal-me there is an audit trail that makes sure that me iter is anneal sat its what is authu zed 133th cum mist and that 1313 wii'l be amiable with the evidmce in a But in fact bar s a safeguard that aim 01133 if there is a pmsecmian and the safeguards that exist under the law primarily exist far Ti e interceptiun orders net fer trap'ami traca artists There is r -quirsmem notify th targ afa s uwe iance in a impandutrace situation magma smai ance piace So if thcre s no way is ensure in that I As had mentiancd in my Ap i 6 tegtimony smaill ame was madmaken brie y with Carnivare pursuant a trapwandivtmce authorization which as many pimple have noted here teday is available auly with a shcwing if reievance certi catian ufrelevance by a law enforcamant authm ity there is 110 requirement ofpmhable- cause ngcessaxy I baiicve Backus asked whether 0 110 Ca rnivnre has bean usad fur vinlations 0f any othar ans such as antitrust laws or tensumar pmtectian iaws 9r else The respense was given that Camimm can ml he usad in the event that there are syeci ed federal feiunies as set an in Title As a matter 23f fact that s true may at This HI micsmeyt writers Yeu re not required ur ycu re not iimited 1113 use 31 Ca rniwm in the event that ifs being in to a trap and trace mam in the denies that are Speci ed in Title 111 All that has me- be sham is a certi cation mt til pmsecutm er the iaw enfomemem agent believes that the 115 sf Carnivnre wouid be ralevant and the gain d wnuId be relevant is an angoing criminal investigatinnf The r631 of what I have in say is maily just paraghrasing what i ve mitten and that s already submitted And I ll just leava it at that and be happy to answer yam quesiiuns later T le you Mr Cami-Reverse Mr Blaze BLAKE Thank Emu Mr Chakman M i shauki point wt that my conunst her-e dean necessar y represent the viewpaim of-my empioyer I m so ta Spas on my lunch ham t0 pmvide the scienti c and technical persp ctive My aws in the pmbI-em of intercepting traf c 0n the internal for analysis dates back to my Inmch work where I 131131 a System a wilwi Raf e that I wauid anaiyza as pan c me i sscnatiun work Mat I iscnvered than and what s bee me even mare the saga as we ve game higher and mm compiex uf netwm ks with mare pmtocais manning an mp af zem is that the problem of coiiccting data Internet packets ow the packet level is a very subtle anti di i uit ma my mda address the questim mt 1f haw 19 w ensure against the of mg ice 0r misdeeds on the part cf law enfercement but starting nm the premise that eve-rybadxy is acting With wi and honest and perfectly even it s difficult to he sure that the teels being SIMJBE Reieas e Page - up In i 3 used in ca ect infannation aw paakeis in the my Carnivare 1935 are behaving faithfully and reliabiy in particular there is a strong possibiliw that omissiuns mfcoiiactad data garbling of call cted data coma cause mislaa i g results that mum put infamatian ccilmmd But If context a ugliest data inadvertth that Shanid he a huted in anathcr snurce at destinatiun than it may initia y appear There is he syst-amatic my unfurhmateiy w- we in the camp-afar security community Earned ghis ave and war again these are bani- wan lessans there s no systematic way ta deal with iarge complex systems of sa ware pa icuia y when the mcticn 0f the su wam is seau qvacriticah Gemini Carniwre is a mctian sir ne 31 the particular dif mities afmanaging compch sacure systems is that very often they faii silently Th5 fail in a way that leads the nhserver 19 believe that ma a marking pmperly but in fa subtle bugs mean that mgr-e are mistakes that anyway SD we have the prablgm of being cnncemad with the 91 data milacted by a complex piece of amiysis suftware anti Ihepmhiem of ensuring- that same-thing ccnnected deep within 1h If an Internet pmvider isn t itselfvulnarable to mice-ma tampe ng 0r mum it saifbe have cantmi Lakan ever by a malicieus mird party who is able 9 gm access 0 it by expie iting same hug 'Ihere re twa ways that we stumbm 31 31 13 in trying ta assurg nurse ves that complax systems that we want to My cm are in fact trustworthy One is by aws-w review by experts by audits and I cartainiy want in strongly advacats tha the kind of facusad review by indemni th experts that was discussgd in the first panel he done But there are limits to what a iimited set of expats can evar dimmer We again and again that wan after a secun ty au it new mfmna on cames 3111350111 til-c anvironmmt in Which 111E sa tware may be 155551 a 30 11 31 11ng may have bean missed by the panel afexpe s that would nn iy he Imam by widespread pub-Iicatinn af ie swarm wait - and etails afihe architecium 31 the system 1313 seeu ty cummunim pram much unanimousiy suppams the ich that source cad-e sheuld b pubiished zz-r any system that rf ns a vita sem ty I think the Carnivore system is a very gomi mampianf this New one fth objeatims raised thing this in the C3533 afCarnimre is that it might aid and cnmfart in tin targets of investigatians who might nd ways ta circumvent the system i think in the cats afCamivare the axi sience the mare existence and the architectural d tails pf hag Camis are system da t really pmvide much help the someene wile wants in Evade itih s v jf'mti'ch like knowi g the datails- 1f haw a ap recur er warks doesn t help yen knuw that mate s actua Hy a 'ihat 5 been installed in yum apartment instsazi the imparta t infannatim that a criminai would be interest-ed in are the details afWheihar 1101 Caruivure has b53172 inatailed in a pg icniat piacg BLAZE And 0f wane 110 one acivumtes pu hiishing the sit-tails - the operatinnai detaiis nf speci c Carnivare installatians Set in summary I recammend thai we that neither m- that while neither mused mview by in epemient experts Ila-r pub ca a nfseums made an panacea and ensure against any passihie problem at abusse - - view - huy MbJaxis naxismm n ma dsw hc usaag 1 92 6f fae f5m awt u uV-r 5mm Retease - Page in Iii- 55 14 an Era always- AHA in h L-qun -v NNniQ- -p i http vchlexistnexistmm n n these are csaentiai steps teeny zed essentiai steps that certainty Sh ki b dam in this case And i hape that wit happan you Thank you Mr Blazes Mt Baker BAKER I've been on bath sides cf same af x-ass debate-ta have tn say I see hath sides this ne I think in some ways both sides ofthis debate am stuck in a in that tclephone Wadi A lot ofthe witnesses scams of the questinns suggest that maybe Wt amulet 591% this problem by having ISPs take respunsihiltty for tting these intercepts themselves And actually I think the FBI has gut this abcut right if the ISP wants ta do it 1118211113 shattld do it But if you tab an w- a small 893 and ten them Yam have tits tin it they re- gaittg ta treat this Hike an xpensive unfunded mandate And there's no mama why they tt gt ng t0 tit it more or mute privacy ymtec tiveiy than the Fm In fact there s gang to be less utrersilght This is not the phnna company that mu fdjust hire sumabodty it do the wiretapt wary day and acid it to the rate base Thain not gating ta be doing what pespte saw the plume campanies tic by way if pmtectian ifthey rt Email and they don't want to have this mic And telt you there s 0f ISPS that really dart want this EDIE in spit-e Qf'tht nuisier was Witt do But I think the FBI and the Justice Department are also living in the say yeti dan t hat t an ufprivaey in infmmati n that is in the hands at a third party in the intern-at age is just crazy i mean gut entire tits-ts at in the hands af third patties Ta treat the to and mm lines in e-maits as thuugh they were just the 53 11 as tilt numbers that yet dial is also hitting We knew that the phnne company cattects that turban-e numbers bacause they send us a bit with phage numbers may ma'nth N0 tine expects the ISP to he estimating an to and mm tines stapecially mat the item tine They don't use the line ta deliver the message you knew That s just mutant and titty get a Titia i mitt te count it Sn ifretying en the doesn t wnrk ifthis really is a privacy pmhlem what stmuld we be ning an rm I guess I M31133 say a con ict Firs-t3 as Mr Nadia suggested we ought ta be sending nntitze t0 people when mey ve been subjected its this kiwi tf intrusion We have a system right new that the privacy ofth-e awaits but not the pE-Opia what am investigatt th'u kmw if Mr Bavidfson were under investigatitm he sent that s maiI ta Taylar The next step that the patina wanted take would be ta put a cum an all of Taylor's etmails and ant It s perfectly reievant t0 their invastigatitm Tim-y want to Wh th f he s alias with other creeks that they re investigating So they re going It have days at 129 dayt If Mr Taylar s in and an email just tu amatifcaliy And he ti newt know it because hc s not gaing it get iadicteti att get to see that urination w bc ht mm Resume - Page 1 3 i yt ' lf 7 - imcampabi ty The FBI has said that means packet data carried f'h rungag yug myuf i H is Them ought to be antic-3 Gnly you guys can make that happen There 0113mm be aversighi The audit pmvisiens again an very pre i mivs 0f stacks but net at gaing 10 get to see his anti they re gaing in be ab It ifhis Email has been intercepted isn t gain-g in get a chance to see that au it There needs to he sumebo y who Wili in that audit an behalf'ef ordinary citizens w shun an immacth pmpie The criminal defense mama-Ls arc fal law that audit trail but Mr Taylor be reiying an criminal defensa a emies 30 that for us Last paint ifyou want to do something abu ut this yen pmh-abiy ought 43 da it quickiy That s is gning to happen Thai C mmcatiun Assistance became Carnivure s nut the 01 133 way in whiCh this 7 0f Law Enfarcemem Act hati a pmvisinn that aaid wen everyba y hag to pm d-e trap and The FCC has said We re carriers have it have he capability aide-111g this mpaanMra-ce by Septembar uf 230i We aren t gaming to teii you haw than mate's and one - weH there s hm ways in do it either let ma insta Carnival-e 91' 3'01 gs an buy the only sclutinns that we want to have carriers have but unless the FCC hacks eff fits deadiine and its cumm mandate that's- what s gaing in happen Car-nier on our mm I'm am sure those are reaii If 321 3 if in ma in insta a In of canimls Thank yam CANRDY 'Ihax yam ML Baker And last but mt ieast Mr Sasha and I aiming- e for mat having more Iabie for you there SACHS That s GK I'm going be vary briefin the intercst chimes My name is Peter Sachs and I m the president 9f ICONR a smail amulet mvi r based in NEW Haven Cannesticui Ami I believe I m ma ef the small that Mr Balm may be referring in We do have $115 capabilit in fact any ISP has the capab ity of supplying the FBI wim exactly what it becausa we have absnlumiy 1m need it wants in a mare accurate mare icient and mere pti vat manner leak at anybady s infomatian except for the actuai target Mr ahainnan cauld the witness speak up a 'i'ittI-e mare please SACHS ISP can it this in as Iittie as two lines ewe It daesn t require any machine It disasn't require an specialized skills beyond the ski s cfa manual system at an Enigma semis pmvidar aam ars has have a trap and trace yuu w got it have some hing instalied m- ail yum it it but we're gaing in tail you yen have ham it Inna by we L- ii t- i zw a 139% 3- Nate g 1 an hanan 5 24 32 Release PF - u arm 'i i ever an ISP's netwa t whieh is what Care-Were dates To eeu rm this statement tasked my ystem engineer t0 set up a system to manitor ail Gfm'y communicatienet And in less than hour he was able to see evemhing that was sent to me or item me an his machine in clear i egible text Se there s at need fer any specietixett machine er any sort at specialized iatawtedge to be ebie t0 tie this Carnivere else creates an extreme security risk for an ISP Te aiiew a third party to attach a eemputer especia y a secretive eemputer that's a rem-ate Ieeatien an Internet s-ewice provider is unheart' ef It just prevides any hacker cut there with yet ens ether deemay into which theyeatt enter 3mm netwetk and essentialiy destroy yen nem'erk along with ail efthe data ef all efyeur custemers _ I Carniwre else presents hit fer an 18 The you intercept alt infennatiett eeting it causes a bettieneekt Betti-mesh cause slewdewns As all ofyeu knew the Internet it already slow as it is slewing it down even further dtt-esn't help matters much 5 I just have me question tainted ta Saehs teetimeny Lastly it may have a shitting e ect en the infennatiett that my subscribers er any 13 subscriber sends ever the Intent-net If yetfre net going to send something your e aid at its cent-em er perhaps just its destinati-en it raises valid First Amendment cements Ifthe ESP gathers the data for the FBI under a must enter the FBI can t passibfy see anything it s net suppese-d to see because they re getting what we give te them If the FBI does the W fk they at teast have the ability t0 see they went and they do fact have tits ability ta see entthing they want - The fennel method ymtects privacy and the latter metth invites abuse Since the can provide the ISP with exactly what it wants witheut impesing upen the privacy rights of all the subscribers why use the mot-t intrusive means if the least intrusive means are readin avaiiable Thank yen Watt 1 went t0 thank all the members at this pettet for yew very helpfu testimany Mt Satth's has testi ed thatdeing the interceptions at executing a trap- matinee 01 penyregister enter is a simple matter fer can be dam in an item just a pregtamming and there it is New that s net eansist ent wi tb what the FBI has mid us their understanding is let me est I guess maybe Mt Biaze and Mr Famine wentd be two who might be in the best pastime t0 give me year take an whether its sheer in what Mr Saehs says at exactly as Sachs er what the FBI has had to say an that Is it as simple as t-v t and Fm net trying ta be single etjt ML Sachs here but that s a fundamental equestrian fat at t0 leak at Is it as shuttle from in your understanttieg es Sachs has presented it er ees he have a programmer that has special expertise that ether ISPS might net have FEW Well Kean address that from the standpeint ef tracing computer intrusions anti attempted I 5mm Reieate - Page rpwt ww- w- anwwee w but a' age-in - v i la- Janina- bu- Ti ffln mmum mw aw Ely-r - intrusims i wauid say pmbahiy 3G tn 50 pertain afth ESPS that we mm dam Rey we kind to S f the same ISPE the woman ng 0f h3g5 We tend to deai with a 191 If the sma'l 1e 118% ISPs OWE and we again I that it s fair 10 say that many could soiva this pram-2 4 111 ifih-ey were mativatsd to but it's not a up ar prieveming cumputer infnisicens at ether arm't going to make any manney providing infamatim a the gnvemmem pin- t earlier We arm making mane-y clawing and they certainly They're not fmanciaiiy it it Some afihem have the technical and I wauld hay say that them are same nfthem that ii um CANADY Elam Sir M3113 111 3 ta om a technical questians It depends The p-mbiem with a system iike Caruivnre mm the paint afview of campiexity is that it has It 3 35 generai purpnse it has 0 under a wide variety af ogeratiena ce ditians and it has is war in coiled a wide range a kin s ef'infn natimu depcnding cm What the calm order is asking far Same ISPS may aheady have in their for exampia lags afinfamatim 1hay may have far exampie port repiicati n tapabilitias- on that ailnwihem much mar-c cnnveni n y than an a Carnivaredike systam amid mly cancel ynurseif that it s czerrec y extemai 1 93 10 mile-ct the kind 9f data that Carnivare with same mama and with sums di iculiy ass tiring 5 other cases there may mat bat the exam required Si it dapen ds PERKINS ccuid just add fths aquivalmt cf make the -- that lower the barriers to entry pravide this infomaiian And Ithink that this is samething mat is quite feasibie It's 11 01 a six day cammunity ta mpmduce large parts of the ER ta pmvide this infannatinn themselves ammsm 30m I just CANADY Mr Davidsen sure Perhaps part if the pmhlem in coming up wim an answer is that w dnn't knuw exactly daring There seems it be a certain sub ety of analysis that the FBI is seeking And perhaps the tterpretation ofwhat numbers dialsd on a teiephanc is in terms if extrapolating it to what Carnival-e is me might be ii emm what many afus wouid think it wouid he Hr 'i-perspective the answer is mast zsub e tachniicai Carnivore were available in span Ensures that wouid for the smaller and 255 technicaiiy capable ISPS in preject it s praba bly an the 11 I think maybc three a nine manths at the outside far 113 awn same Carnivore 3325mm that mum make it Easier far smalier h- Lr s 4 x- - much in the way it s m a sixiyear pmject mp wmaxis-nexismnmunmg asgam 65345 pig - m Reins - Page m hwy-an an yuan- 5 L r r n'l Sn we realiy it s hard to answer the question sham Whethar 131 s can is what Camimre tines until wa 5011 ef knew what Carnimre dogs Wsli I undersiami that But I 3153 understand the FEM pmbiam with making the sauna cutie 3 pubiiciy avaiiable ifthare are prop etas interests there I them are other peepi sr rights that have h taken inm accbunt fthey ve used pmp etary inf nna an in devEIoPing that So that s I an t k W how ym resaive that It may be that yet just demiap 311mm pmdum that timid he ass-d in the way 1113 Mr Pam dcsc bed it I want in gnnciu e my time by all cafjmu far year connihutinns They have been very interesting And I wauid I will aim ask that he apex to receiving questiens nm the committee and respandi ng writing if the comnzi ae sends you questions That might help us as we mmpleta the dwebpment at aha racurd fer the hearing But we thank you very much And I e-cagnim za gmtiaman from Nani Sardinia M1 Watt WATT 111311 you Mr Shaman Ami in the interests of time I ll try bf very brief 100 I ve gm hm tecimicai questims 3155 Pen-inf mamiumd 11w possibility 9f timing something similar in Carnivare an an apart SOUICE basis Am mistaken that 111m wauld create a differeni scinf pr bfems Wauldn t that in effect make 113% techmiogy avaiiahie ev-cq'budy And you re not suggesting I walk in in Radia Shack anti buy me a Carnivore system so Icauld tap into weryhady's Enigma PERRINE We actually I almost am 11mm nut that Carnivare appears in be functionaliy similar in menarark sni em that are actuain shipped with camercia apetating systems and free operating systems taday Thee pulpase ar the spesial magic fear Camimre app-ears be that it is capable of ltering mat infematian in ways that ether penpie haven't had an incentive a program in do it and aim that it can manimr higher speed neiwmks And I believe that that s probably where a large part ofth-e each is is in the very high speed manitoring And 1' hciiavze that that's pmhahiy Wh f a large part fth pmpriataw cad is is the very high speed manitn ng But as mixer pgaaple have mentiun d the id a is in neck all af ne large piper-s dawn 10 small pipes and than manitar those if the ISP can ti1at thcn they dim need the u ltm-zhzigbspee m-tsnimring capabilities And I Matt BLAZE YES I addresse sum ofthis in my wriiten testimmy But the impartant paint is that thaws nothing sinister alum the basic mnctionality 5f ne wark sni ers They re an assential mu used by anytime who has in admini ste a Mtwork such as an ISP m a meal area nemer administratar These 0913 am cnmmen galace they m wi-deiy avaiiablg 5 24am Remain Fag nw-a a r5341 3 15 33 httpi wehiexisnne smm mm J sm hc BSa 1 5 1 - Timy may nut have the u they 103% have ih mquirements for keaping the kinds f legal audit traiis thal a system Bite Carnival e mum have So the additinnai gapabilities that wing-thing Eike Carnivore has don t pmvide ad itional interception capab ities but rather pmvide these legs assurances and Chains 3f evidence and audit mils that open sea-me w-eulzd bene t graa y Era-m and that wanidn t pmvide any gram aid to bagi guys WATT Mr Baker it Eagles iike mu I have in say I the FBI is right on this If yea pubiish exac y how yan'm filtering this than peap le w l try is mite hair email Eand spuoft'heir e ma ways avnid that particular wetland ifs really mat the best idea to pubiish this think the iikelihood that the public s u- the apex source immunity is guing ta embraca Carnimre as a pmjact abnut gem There are gning be very few bane ts mm ning that and a lot afcosts WATT Mr Cavaevcra raised an issue that 3 wan mm ham him because he s already that he daasn t have the Manama capa-ciiy ta address it hm Mr Elam am Mr Famine and Mr Davidson maybe Mr Sac th Mr Coeravam raised 1h prospect that Camiwre tunic be ascessibie remoieiy 4 i think I mad-emtand what that means that you mum the FBI maid-5171 in an mf m somawhere eke and change the program and manipulate it from same mums iocatinn That's what you intendei Mr Cam Revere That s WATT 0K Tail us whether that is technica y gas-ibis sinca Mr Cam Ravare doesn t knew the answar ta that give me my technical experts can mil us PERRINE Actually Ibalieve that is cases WATT Ii can be remotely PERRBQE I brgiieva that is the case 3 had a very mitcd time in sac it but halieve that is true Elam I should paint out that ha and necessity ta he rematch auntraliabh and con gurable is precisely What we in the securit are made very nenmus by That Fawn-i ifnm implemented very very carefuliy mum a ew an external attacker third may 0 gain tantra fth-e system and patentiaiiy do quite a bit ofdamage ML Davi s n Mr Slams if yang that game questinn Quickiy I ll leave eis-ee $24131 Reissue P334 Maris ommn n'lji La a 4 5 mmsamsw aims - SACHS Sure Tha- remme is aimost as Esta-ti as that invasian 0f privacy Given the record ed hacking nfgmemment web site- 3 which happens almast on a weekiy basis the fact that this secure Carnivore mashing is gang to be Gut than accz ssihie 'remate'ly means any hacker can get into a system I f'ihsy couhi get into the White House and has that site they can get inm an 33 thmixgh Camimre DAVIDSQN Changing the can guratioms remoteiy t0 the extent that it s passi ble I mean I think remmres pm nfthe shack that we wculd kcpa l y think c-xists where an ISP at beast is in same ways an intennadiary o fhuw the devise is dapiayc And that raises Emitter cenccm yam Chairman CANADY The genitiaman s time has expired gentiemam from Aiahama is fur ve minums BACHUS Thailk yen Is here any ratinnaia that any 3f you can think electmnic mail at infamatiea traveling over the Mamet siwuid have less pmtectign than say a parson a wisph one caiis at their faxes 3r iihsr t hgir prim-ta maii SACHS Na Ta ha mntrary that in faci it ash- uid have at east as great a pmiectis n as WE currently give to mice cnmunicationg far cxampie in Tim HI There s a crying need really far the Cmgress ta updazc Eh Eiectmnic Cammunicatiuns Privacy Act 0 bring it into line with the expectation afprivacy that I thi k that Nadier suggasted and that most 0st have Thess are in many respacts our most impertam cmnmunicatiens invu ives aur nest san itive data and can magi private th aughts And we do need is bring mass in m 11m The administration if can fur just a semnd the atiministmiian I parily in rcspanse to the Carniwre made soma suggestiuns the ether gay P d a made some In my testima-ny I've game thruug h 23135 - pmpasa ls in some death When you get a lament inrga 3mm to take a 1003 at that But I want t0 stress this one paint These pmpasals are 10 a mint-inn It the Carnivnre pmbiem Tweaking the surveiliance laws the wiretapping laws daesn t ge 0 the heart afthe Carnivare pmbiam which is that it is a device that does aiiow the FBI to Waugh patantialiy to capture huge volumes cfconununicatiuns mast nfw hich ara c-ompieisly 'unreiatad to the target If the invastigatian That s the rag pimbi m with Carnivore that the naeds its address needs it address I think by tailing the FBI clea y if it s neat already char in the statutes that it daasn t have the autharity to farce a pravider tn instail a device like Carnivure saw Rule-m Pug-g mu a-yyw - 19 till I 3 RACE-MS Mr Davidson EAVIDSGN the Moms o ime I d just so to say ditto And ass ono point which is that email is really just the tip o-fthe iceberg hero - Ithiok that was part ofthe point I was trying to make is that the home has expiored things that we used to keep in our gossossioo are now making their way out onto network And this is a trend that s only going to increase nsoos records hooks records stock portfoi ios infomsfioo about your kids all being stored somewhere else Goes it leaves your possession the of proteotioo is has under tho isw its grossly imioishod I think that s really the ohs eoge hose for this Coogress to think about how we deal with that Ithiok Justice Brandeis predicted shoot 49 years ago that one do ho government would be able so come into your homo and basically determine ovomhing you oid and said this maybe that day s arrived Anyone- eise wish to comment on that I road as question so the fuss panel which was that you earn go to the and say We re going to sushi-1e tho phone coils that go through your systom I moss that s one ght Can't do that But ism that what they re doing with ISP providers STEHNWT think that s essetiy what they're doing with on provider and i's s sot so mosh technical issue it s 3 legs issue this the FBI and few enforcement accepts it could not go to s t eiephooe provider and install a Carnivorewiike device the kind thsi Mr Fos ne referred to He said that was 3% years ago and he s correct I think that the I think the legal basis for doing has to so loiemes sewiee provider is st less oqusliy suspect but is may tsko so so of Congress to clarify has point EACHUS oioariy the marketplace and techsology has-outrun the law and is doing so has overrun our legs profso oos that have been in the low for yearsyour experiences what procedures are typiosliy i oilowod to notify customers whom ioformetion from monies sewioe providers and other companies about thorn is subpoenaed or requested by the government is there any notice BAKER That s a very mixed bag And it depends eotimiy on the polio ofthe Some have a policy of sending notice others do not Ihore s no requirement one way or the other It seems to one that notice is a good idea govomment probably should be sending it other than relying on ISPs to say yes or no to notice BACHUS it s my understanding the what they re saying is she don t hose to gist notice if hero's sows Release - sage I so 5 31 j 2 2- - - 7 r 1 Rasput m umqw - y v Fr reasonable pat if they gave natice the cammications wanid stag I think in evcry case when they gave amine it Wanid he 58 masenabte expectation that the cnmmumcatmns maid amp so knaw in same circumstances we have daiayed amine and i think that that games a very important purpase hare tutu And I think there be circumstancas where- that s appmp ate At teast than 1mm that this had happened yum have a chance ta abject to it even if it's after the fact CANABY The gentleman s time has expired gentt man aw Michigan-3 Conyers is reqognize Welt I begin by thankin- this sectmd panti because this has served as a very imp-man corrective for what we were just tuld or a sample hunts earlier I m salty It hear that we ought to matte trer rapidiy cm this matter beams - the stock is town an the 106th langtess Th-gre's mitt much Ei imiihood afthat But I'm hoping that this wilt prapam us far a much daeper investigaticn that tt-tatm gning ta have ta indulge in at me- thank speci cally thaugh the Mariam Civil Liberties Uniun because they t addititm ta this cemplex subject wark an a Rumba of th t s that appsar h f f the Judiciary And ta I nt glatiw 3 to see them wart ng here as welt Is than a feeling that we shame pmtzahty tr t0 tequire that statics be gich tc that who at the objects zeta trapuand-trace measure at is that gctting a 1m hit mu fin-e cut-ting tot ne a lint in the rtquirements an the Department oflustice M3 Com-Revue t Well lat me jut-n address that quES-ti in the cunt-ext ofthe previttus one and that is in the case afan ongatmg marestigation tilt-e with tha trap-antittace Q i f the ISP is expats Earn pmvidirtg nutise Othemis 0f the investigation knaws that he or the is being investigate than the cammicatiuns witl cease Sc there's n0 nutice bcfete that fact Ithink it wauld be a visah l e at teast t0 Chang the Iaw 50 that anynne's- who s been the target at a maittance he noti ad after the tam as cunentty is the case with respect to a tn tgtcept DAWSON just add that I actualiy thinkithat that are hm mare impartant things for apand ttace and pen registers an ofwhich is taming the star dard which is extremety 39w right naw for amass this infomatinn The second is ti-a ning what trap-and- trace amt pan register mean for the Internet As arm me I mm there's been this wiid extrapaiation efnumbers diated into somahow this at much mare meaningful m-i gin amt destinatiun of Int-amet cmnmunicatians And I think that needs to be dealt with If i if I maid just adci to that paint because Mr WEE-gar dt aim Supmme Cam twist-cans nding that pen registers dent vinlate the Faun Amendment no warrant because mt reasanabie expectation ofprivac-y' an that infarmatimt 5 24 92 Release Fag v um Mawn-u-wna- m uy-gawu-r-w - f Ifyou actually those Supreme 3mm apinians and there are really Wt ofth m that address it Smith v 5 Mawland and United States W New York Teiaphane Company it s impartant In read what the Com had in mind when it said that no privacy right wag being invaded exampla in NEW York Telephane Campauy the mm said that 3 MW enforcement af cial amid mt even etennine nm the use of a pan registsr whether a existed These devices de 1101 hear saund Th6 disclose only the telephane numbers that have been dialed a means ofagiaiplishing camanicaiian Neither the repent afany between the caller and the recipimi arme can their idan titiesi not whether the call was eng compiet d is diminsad by pen registers Maw bviousiy that s var di erem from the of infomatien that's acquimci with espest it e-maii Anyune Wm gets my e mair address Imaws identity party It has my name in it And that's true nf many athei- peep with e-maii Certaizzly ifyau're 251610 get -- uni'fmn magma incamrs u- far brawsing on the Mamet that's the same as getting samebady s library mean-rd er the recurd of videetapes they have cheakad an the kinds mi in ax'maiian available an the Int-emit is tempicteiy different Era-m What existech in the summit Ufa pen register when the Empreme Court thus issues same 25 years ag STEIN-IMRDT If I maid just add in that rst Mr Conyers thank yum fur year price far the ACLU i il except that an hehalfof Eh mganizatien There s 9n ether thing that think the needs in attend 19 and that's the standard now far law enfemamem in get access is stored which is extremely very law But as Mr Nadia paint out penple Wh expectati ns afpn vacy dnn i iminish by the fact that an inhamat sawing pmv der may have for an instant or pumps 3 i i'ttie Ienger been balding these stared records And we need 0 begin to treat these as the kinds of mcords which ha FBI and ather law safarcam m agencies need pmbahic cause in mac n obtain CONYERS Well g nflemm I sec this attempt to bring 11m balan e the iensions hgmreep Eh Department of Ju-stice md the ctitimns rights in be an manna-us canal s'e 'c-dmpiex I see a changing because as new tachnulagy comes an there any sf 351 here that Can give me any Wards nfassurance that seems 133 this a emmn We pmbably need some CANADY gentleman s time has cxpire And the gen ttman Arkansas win he recugnizmi SON Thank yaw Mr Chairman age 3 cu 5 24 33 was 3 - - r- - 7 W at w And Ewes absent during same efthis testimony but I want In assure eveljmne that i ve read year tea- Emmy and have a interest in yeur vi-ewpeim m it And think evet r body here prebahiy was during the previees panel s testimony and i djust iike as a general questien to Mir Devi sen perhaps SIeix zar t me beet efyeu hear the testimony efthe previous page I'd just iike te ask a reactien as to I mean om what I gathered frem re efe li evthing throne to the Carnivere pregram is proceeded by a eeu erder - The secendiy ceneem is whether there should be same independent review efthe sunrce eedes Ami I thet s seme ng I had a discussien with them on you knew ihe e submitting it it wining 1e Spend an indictment evaluation I think there's a question whemer there sheuld be same type efengeing review but I that s an issue that s eat there then you knew m- but I was askimg questiens that - y-eu knew they re retrievieg infennetion fer the Cemivere pmgrem net fer purposes efexpaading what achieved er but to limit it and in nixnize it And ify-eu eeuld just cemment en whether you disagree 013 any ef mse conclusions Mr avidsen DAVEDSON Let me sie by saying I think seme efthose things eetuaiiy mend grind And Imean I think the idea of trying to minimize inihnna' en that's in a centext ofen Intemei you knew is a geed thing i think the prehiem is we just d-en't A we den t wow really we den t knew haw well it s going to be deing that And we ve get in have a chance leek wider the heed end understand this And WERE eeu s are going to need an wmderstanding and efendents are geieg in need in understand it and peepie are going public needs 0 build same con enee in it CHINE-0N ew weuid yen suggest icing that DAWSGN I think his netiem ef epening up the cede I think is a very geed one Ifthere needs be a preliminary step efgetting an independent panei in here that's net the same arid it weuidn be as geeti as epenmg it up he the public 1 w I that personaliy think that any system that relies on - if I can be so easiiy vielated by semebedy knowing how it weeks then I dun think it can he that use a system Ifthe bad guys can gure eat yen knew hew te evade it that easily then yen know how gem can it be And think that I m net eenvineed yet that epening it up is a bed i ee But maybe that s what we can get an independent gmup in here fer Ithink but yea knew from a greater paint efview there s son at this the issue it raises is there ie this desire en the part I think ef law enfercemem '20 he abie te extrapolate every nun-em like pen registers er hep-enema erders inter the Internet werld The fact is that when yen do that same ef them don t translate very weli Pen regisiem- is prebehiy the example we've talked about the meet When yen we den t knew-whet seem Release - Peace 13 mush A A want y 351 in the Mimic warm when we try ts Extrapalate them we get a In more in ammation CROSSTALK HUTCHINSQN Yen suggest a higher stan ard far a pen register fer Iniemet ace-ass gut in be an understamiing that scant things they're going be ahie io it Imam them arinsw capabilitigs ma the FBI is getting all the times because fth 36% 0f iafmnation that s an there Abseiut y a higher stan ard and a share ofwhat it means Hui I thare g The Intemet s a very gem thing an same lave fa law mfarccmem I thin 1136ngng to have be a recugni an thai maybe same 0f the things they can it aw they have in da diffsaremly the future It s nut necessarily a hm ble thing mama s guing to be his afnew 1 0915 fur law enforcement as weiL CHINSGN Mr St cinhardi STEMARDT But we Imow em I Imuw from Iimse persons whe have saen same of thuse d m- nstratimns for exampie mambers 9f the press who have seen same 3f these 0f Carnimm that it is capable nf anaiyzing and potmtiaiiy xi rcepting far mare ham ns Emmaii Tiwre are a whaie range eflntemet which Camix'zure is capable of itering fan I'here was same aliusion in those here tcday Cam I interrupt you haw fer a second STEINHARDT Yes mean the gwemmant has that capability awning unauthorized'i re t i may have the capability of gathering mare infomatinn than they re entiti-ed 0 under a mart artist It's the mun G i r that restrains tha use 33 gathering And 53 hawk always cansaquences to that But mean abviausly any can be abuaed and may maid gather mare infurmation but they're Iimitad by a court ordar No 19 perhaps I wasn't elem- Hutchinson CANADY i m sarry the - ifhe maid nish in 15 sew-nag because we re a we need in The gentleman s time has expired 5mm Edam a pagan 14 1 Hui 7 PF Vh-I-nw-u l v-N V v h v I m riggaz m m Remy i51M- h i r ST Weii the wihxess for 6x31131913 suggested that they had Que cam had 3 getten mas waugh the ls transfer The comma didn t have an appommity 3 get ink that quas on but 1min lers are swims question abaut whether or not Existing Iaw permits th m gait that far exampie with a1rap mwd trace Jr-den Thank yam CANADY The gm iama s time has sx ired The mm New York Mr Nadia i$ remgnized fml' ve minut s_ NADLER Thank you Mr Chai m I have a gar- es ofqnes a s I hnpe the answers win be brief hecausc either time Iimitatian Sumeane sai befme that the Car-1117mm system is kiwi 9f system that there are many nthers out there 39 you maid have a Set of private sni fcts Haw 10 gm have wguki we a ifihem a danger that private saiffers can get an sens nfinfonnatiimn Vida ng pmpie s privacy and how would we know that it has happened BLAEE Sum-mm v th wanted use a maumnly available sniffer pmgram vigiate same Gne s privacy weuid still have the problem nfgtiting amass- to the newest mer- whic h iha traf c aws That's the hard part getting ue sa ware to dis ha int-crcepti n NADLER That's what the FBI is asking us lat i9 mami ate the ISPS 10 this case BLAKE Right NADLER OK Thank you we talked about the questian afremme atcessibz it 9f the FBI ut the Carnimre system And same-vane memiunmi ma yum cm d change the can guratiuns remaialy 1 grim-stand canectiy hat what is saying is that the FBI at far that matter a hacker mule by uhanging this ch gu iatim s magi in taffeta c-hangt evidcnce and implicate somtbody in same crime if they had a mativation ta in that BLAZE Well the answer it that epends an the secu iy if the minute access system if its implamenied in a Sgcure manner _ than the chances efthat are very smali If ifs limpiememad in an ngers-m2 manner than the chancas if that hammc quite gmatm NABLER Let's assume let s assume that the paiice ware under same we we knew that this has happened in the past -- the Felice were under same great pressure a salve some heinaus crime and they gum I they ve g0 their guy and let's just give a lit e mam evidence Conic they use the Carnivure system m in ef tct manu-fasture wi ance 5mm Reiease a Page 115 nf'7 A Ham- 3 Wu - ethy-m emu-mmym when a 7 M _w h p whlexismexiseam nf 3 esuebceemsleave-meme E fe l B-LAXE Thai 'weuid depend an how the audits are implemente and ief s ene ef'the reasons that epen g review we id be a very use thing 3 So the answer is yes uniess yen put in safeguards to prevent it BLAKE Yes the-f5 cement NADLER 50 we'd have to make very clear that Steiuherdt yen have suggested that ie your mitten testhneny yen say that ECPA the whatever that was e I ferget the acreage Shm be amended to require the register meets shai eniy he issued on the basis efae independent nding hyjudieiel ef cers ifthere is mesen ebie _te believe that the target efthe order has or is about to eemit a crime By reesenehie cause you mean the same thing as prohebie cause or you mean semething different Well ii a ieeser stage-3rd that prehebie cause NADLER 01'me yen are suggesting that trap aed traee and pen registers fer the Internet eheuld have this higher standard than this simply cerii eetien the it s relevant e an mves geiien Yes we re eeggesi ag Ewe things ne now is simply a ee i ce en the judge has no diseretien to 6mm the request And that there eught be a high standard Probably cause is ne with us but there eeght to be a high standard hefm e the cunt issues that mater because as you peime out this is an area where peeple e have a reeseneble expecte tien efprivaey and eught ie have a reeseneble expectetien NADLER And you're suggesting that fer the Intemet You re net suggesting that far telephones We believe no we are suggesting that for the relaphene context as well NABLER Because you believe the even in the Ielephene eeneersetien telephone centext rather the expectenen efpriveey is more substantial than the Supreme Court seemed to mink it Wes 25 years age STEWT Yes I wee eiea y it is ye memeng de you say clearly it is STEWT Well think meet peeple weulci be very surprised e ieem that they den't have a reasonable expectetien ef pr ivaey in the numbers they dial and the persens when call them I think that s cavemen sense thin the Supreme Cenrt de es eemmen sense NABLER Mr Baker wants 1e say eemething en ihis seem Release Page 1215 nan-Han tnaa h - - grc- pu Lil rem-m 42 x '3 if T5 BAKER Yes If I maid add a that in the when the Supreme Cam more 25 years ago it might have been true that $151 cauida t tell the call was compiciedg what was said and the like But hit course the FBI has forced an in indusm' an encmaus ameum aftran-saciiunai data gathering abnut calls nth-er than content which new can be alumina-d through trap-and traee timers haw- icing you hiked wheiheryeu were an caii waiting a can mnferencing NADLER Whether it was mmpieted a aii BAKER Who cent-brewed in and when they go All that infnmaiion would be part if a irap and-tmce larder tnday r I NADLER elephants mday which was mm the case and may in fact - si me Supreme Clam if it were the same judges usng the same ramming might came in a decision wday because the facts di emntb many if m weuid think that they wguid even in a ickph ne centext certaii 'y in the Internet cantaxt And Cengress independan y can ce aini y raise that standards far things set the sianciarai far this independaniiy Cifih c- mrt NABLER Wail i-et mejust say since my tim is expirigg I appreciate this 31-31131 in panei in panicular and i think that the Congress has It act because the histm'y' shows- thai pn i ice sigma- 93 be a ordeci untrameied disaretion and we cams always assume hair even their lack of misiaiigs in pro-taming upmpie s privaay CANABY The gentleman s time has expired This gentieman an Georgia is remgmized fin-r ve minutes BARR Thank yam Mr Ciiainnan Mr Sachs is if can-eat tri- say that an Mamet service provirier ifproject Ca rnimre is forced on ham they have no cantmi whatsnevar was that pmgram fh at devi cc That s my uncierstanding cataract BARR And m supervisory capability whatsaaver SACHS That s my undemianding anneal BARR Cmm R vem did it surprisa you as i think did Mr Sachs alga - 13 have the gavenumni say that they said this ai wugh they of comse aiways waf ejusi a iit e bit - that in virtnaiiy even instance the only mama far titans 25 instances over the last two wars in which they used project Camivare was simpiy because the pmvider re iseci tn Ur cauici noi satisfy them that may amid provide the ini mnaiion they wanted in tin way they wanted it 5 24 02 Release a Page m ammn nevi 93 mgr a Jay-l I ll Ihave an idea what the gm'emmenf s experienca was in those mike 24 instances but in the one example in which i was involveai that 36 13th was my the cases The did attempt in with the 0mm xx- ax without the installation of Zarnimre and ultimateiy was given mt chaise BARR That s my imprassim ton ifwe maid put back up an the board Mr Davidmn any one 0f yam exampieg and Pi came back to ynu injust a sacand But Steinhardt ycu're very and mayhc 50m Rh-er members rme panel are also with mgard to a rat-em propnsal by the gavemmem and by same if their 601168311333- up here in the Hausa and the Senate 9 amend Fau h Iaw thmugh ammdments to a methamphetamine and the bat cruptcy hi in carve out from tha necessity far pmviding an Eventmy 3f aeizcd items intangible infommtinn New 50 fat knock an way-0d we ve been sues-emit in smpping that mm waving famard Is ihis the sort Ofdata that the gmemment wauid mus-ider intangible so that may would if they cam in and seized it weuid net be required to tell gnu they ve takcn it STEINHARDT the capacity affine gm mmem in make swath arguments ahgut what ha Iaw pmvides them the way investigate-r3 never sea 15 5 311mm me 36 - yes 3mm this is exac y the mm of infe n ahon which they will make ciaim is tangible and woum be subject to 1th kinds uf discinsures BARR I weiizld suspect 53 Mr Bavi smh with regard to your armpits hem if yen maid just wry brie y and this may he vary elementary but I m nut with the dataiis hem which acne is ibis Exampla three He went dam line 12 then that s it that's highlighted in I guass purple An saying that in gr er fm 11112 governmem ta get if and 5 21 that infamatim ifthat infnmatinn is that target at what they re authn zed to renew at On any small they have in get in there are see if it is or it is that they wsuid also have ta necassar y in every instance luck at Hams me SAWS-SN Well again _1 think it s dif cult to mew exactly haw hair works It maid be quite snphisticate And men's a 01 afw Wei the is I again it depends QAVIDSQN They may be abls ta extrapoiate 'om certain pieces pflims an thmugh what tines may need lack at fth to nd this infanna on Again this $118 is in the cuntext ofa samunicatian with a web site But ya I think my general point was that may mead Inuit at a fair amu nt ofth'is- packet in artist 0 in this analysis to gure cur-t what it that may entitieii 7- - any asua-hc -asmlmimfaezri S di i Reie'ase - Pagi Emma man in - I - iv rm hwaxwebmis mxismvanm 3 ' BARR Otherv se mere 19 purpas-c to having Carnivore Exactiy BARR I mean ifCamiwre just sat there fat dumb and happy and just waited far stuff m fall infra its lap it wouki never get an hing Imam it has to g0 in there anti 1003 at this stuff semehuw daem'i it DAVEDSQN Right And I think that there is a big questim about wimher 01' mt that is a search in of itself Ham's a separate son at kind aftechnicai question which is just 10 show haw dif cult this is and why we need have same kind afreal oversight has an than is this ixwestigatimn geing an an apt-AM BARR But wanid evegrbmiy agree that at this time at least at this paint we nee i to pmhe funhar We know 50 link 31 01 this and the rami cations an potential for 3131253 are great that and i farget who it ms that sat if times a wasting and we user is in here and leak at $5310 sea exactly what it is that we min slamming to what extent we need to mf ashion thaw yum know vary outdated laws DAVIDSGN I think that we woul ask that Carnimm you know nut in daplmyed with-out furihar 1mm know public mrer'si ght and infenna an absut what s going m1ther-e Atthe very iaast some sari of independent rcview pane ma 3 start T0 at feast maintain the status qua wi muat the pre Carni vwe status qua It's pmbiematic enough BARR Thank yam CANADY The gentleman's rim is embed Iwant to than all the members cfthis pauci again And 31$ the memhars of the subcammittea for yam pa itipaticn indayi The tes mnny fth witnesws has been wary halp in us The subcommittae wi stand in b efrecass This hearing has cancludsed END NOTES Uni-31mm Ini cates speak Inaudible - Cauid um make Gut what was being said mike Indicates cnuid mt make Gui what was being said LANGUAGE ENGLISH PERSQN CHARLES CANADY HERE SPENCER BACHUS LINESEY BARNEY mm CGNYERS IR WATERS GREEN NADLER 5 24 02 Releasa Pan 11 9 35 ammo 12 17 ij szEms s LGAB-BATE Juty 2-000 A u _ nqu _m na Uanvu In A 3 FOCUSTM Saarc h General and Camimm T0 narraw this scarab plazas enter a ward 0r phrase I if I - Exampf Hon e 0f R pws mativ i 7 Tarm s and Candi ms Vimais New ham 7 Capyrighi A5 mgr- 495 5 234 33 Release - PIE 133 of i gawk ng- - - - 45 w Law-g Mr - Rh IVA I STREET JOURNR I FBI Is Pmssured T9 D sclose Cades Far Carnivare HY Tm Harm Mair merwr m Tm km Stu-mgr quimqm F crii Bureau 01 hmstigalvion is under increasing rusmm 11 r sciass me were hiueprinta far in Car- n ivmfe Eurvei ance system an indepemiem ennui-ca Experts can verify that the 30m ware Hummers oniy the Internal ammuni- a criminal susp cts Despite trimming tails La permit such ravicws FBI ni ciai-s maintain that dis clesing the software's source mm weak aunts hackers in nd was to defeat the system Thea ni cials Hist argue that such a disgi szure could violate pram inns because Camimre ihcludes partials 91F sofhmr mde tram a madam licensed 10 the gave mnient by at uni n ed vandal is expected ng press senior FBI-affi-ciais an the'suhj ci at a hearing today before a Hausa J'Lmi iary ammi m pane lea by Florida Republican Rep marks T Sammy Lawmakers ham indi- sated that the mumjgeek'assurances from the human magginq s from innav cent'qitizen are ' gm th up wheneirer federal judgyagreea hat ihe FBI can ping i Camiwrginm Service 13mm er s ne mew-ea mamas er Ih hearing Matthew Blaze mm mm re 'gearchar says- e 33$ failum ta 1 in hbw' aajni mre Wilfka has can- rm gated it an annasigmjage gi In an essay pubiished m the internal East WEEK Mr maze tin-31 reieasing the system s same we is 3 mm rst step in assuring thepub s that Camivnre can at least magma in am what it is Supposhd ta as Kimmie qnegsticmed Can nimre's effecti eness 3th that fargejsy or ESE gamma-Ema teamiquehl c s drmil it and desm be it mum m'w catiqnsinteitdguganimnmem usars While the FBI- sEIvesi m' tails fur 13mm ecks inf - tha sour e cade almady t er'tmfg t inf guests we rev quests Nam 91 Infarmatinn at-stile hams lhas mugh In ass ag'e fem by esaribmg in remarkable detail haw-the 533-52121 Friday dawns a repaying mwded a at' FBI hea qum iS zwagciz gamma51 s 2 P war has- PAGE mam Rglease - Page 31 ea 355 rp- elm-r Jauf wri- d ' m i w I 3 USA Taday's debate FBI and Internet privaw 3 1 ff-y xx 7 I FBI eavesdrops on eumall E smapmg gram crashes privacy bamers 7 7 Anwma nime 253 cummr am Gut #3317119 Eungressianal testinmny that w m - - 3 the existence quam mm also dis 3 3 I agency says it I tbsed other swarms used by the Ear 53 3999 2mg 3 Emmy I be similar pmpases 3mnivore and Ether Warmugm g my Fm ha 3m 1 peak Why maven Erma revealed earlier 2 5a armamding-m How mu times have they been used and - I I a rude mama fer gays The iai by what pirpqse 1 fummg s at est is Cams anz eaves-dropping device We FREE response In time questians is in The Mg a gang of ciating 1 that fm and Spits out in-i-i essem e trust us m re migrafte criminais the privacy of 15 citizens after with temsti g 9m fur scrutiny Not just crimi- and tem m But even a tummy giants at pa tica matives Same exampies mis' ennui Anyane s airmail Lawmformnent hismry Shaw that pram Ir @956 The FBI re-gist les and 1m FEE almady has attached atware tn 33 am his rusted The fempta un or timings Irma cf #3 0 61 r eiw the Ema-ii hardwam at same Miami 56% emmeni an misuse intbm sation jg W ml iiEE E-Q f in 3 13 3 vice pm m Waugh it won't say where irmgi tibia See km 1 will 839 mm 3 the H31 game me has been used 3 Further the to ex m than 25 13131835 Once it's in piace Cari b' re erg-3e restrain in Every 35mg Bf they King to game in acts as an unremrained internet wirerap primary compumrs the interwar and 05% Emma emf affairs gnawing through awry Werner phcnes 3 has gushed invasiveness it we 3' ggm 1 3 53th damaging imam-nae mien that comes within its 631 iimit rim an NAACP chief Rex Raiph Abern Hmmejudiciaw Cama ttee ham 3 In 1994 this FEE Eafbbiied to have had nathy 0 Vice Presidam Agnew hearing mm at which it Wm ask the F33 to dam mm manned in every new Mam 3053 FBI 9 a 9 expiain its am But inthe 25 weeks skate tn ease eiectmni snagging a awing the F31 AIDS alarms gram ACT HP and its fan wm was newaied in abscum mngres defeat security The pian was mapper all WNW 33'1 0mm z 7 FBI $391121 ms mny the bureau has evaded an er he Naiianai madam of Sciences det ru 31mm bath its and pm mined such access manic make al i mmput-a S agmbm Rum-aims 3 posed 3535 1113 bureau wan answ -r awn er mare Macrame 0 mega bmaknias Rewm mdwel m w 359 i 3 the basic questians sham the In 1935 the bums 35W 91 pajamas cf adminisna ah 9 techn l gy haw it pmtects the 'bj ty up as many as me in mi phams in 7777 at Mamet users paw maj rciities It backeci elf manly aftaer a pubilic gmfa 1' gang mam my ma a abuse is magenta-d cum Matiwv week that me intemis begin a thereugh v- Ma is imam to 3311 state in the writ is that iavasive wigw of Cam-mm That s a pasitive step c minais Innerer tram In 3936 the FBI pmpased bmliziug but its hard 9 undersmmi haw Rem after police nbtain a axdea Butthe me the Expert pmgrams but my militia aiready a WEE gigsime Fm me tbin its track marks the for compmies that unziggj gzgurt order make fthe mg since is me heat of me Indrw dua named Lathe courtmder butaisu 355335 #34335 in defeat the privacy prev President's Wo dng cramp an Uniawful mew fa game at 3 13 3mm After r eraimmts sfka dawn Conduit cm rm interact With just mm w meme gem gmmder mammal nhnei the pmposal the a minkmm game up it apart i1 Margy 3 3ng Mi be hm-Sands an in 1991131213131 Rae C nm adminismtim meted Ms What's In imp he FE mm swap 3 plan that may 3119 to be aim mama's mach with a in mg mm 1mm Gui 3 0m mg by paiice to locate the 903mm aft-heir update eiectm iwl mcy saws 33mm 1 m- mg St at an @553 111 case remains in court 05354 magregssianal Dewar say the hi1 the suma imce sf e nwi hunt a 79535 the thin answers the FBI has chance being-Wm on thisyean m 5m w 3115 as made pu litabwtca wre raise maredisa The time far such updating and review @3533 my an sur ng since the mm mm An emianati at Cami was hem Camivum We used Sh arfms W3 posted an the W913 site casua y naeds to be shut dawn until an mmi e rt - mm mm Wile mme Fm the mses me atworm survei am e an ew if its saf gual di 5 mien ahaut Sites penpie V1511 and even mtg 36m wirimr expiaimng how mmpigte And the mm that ads bmad such eesumping maid be wi jngl'y mmp ed ma me use Of my mien _me is W6 1mm a phone 3 pm my Emma an a scale an mm iimiividuats whase e ma the F33 mast l- ngqualed consti tu mai Aime mama i win an exng as less-61351313 law 0f amuse law enf rcemnt agencies cam 9m Wm Mei-gym Same leafmmemr pm an the apexate tr mm the 15 3 313356 mile in -- A Emudem 'ms if 1 it s used Hmev Ramwgh ceafmem f cm t bema i 3 - femm else mam Releasedfnge 12 9 v WV-whin- u v mun-A - U A a o-ew 3m' kink- uln' kz' - u'b m 1 u- g The fight the inaccem ta be Em mm summon sham mt he cum miiSed 10 make fe easier the FBL Unti the bun-aim can 5110mm its new techm l ghr macs m1 threat to a stamztim diet a Mis t Carnival Technolo used narrowly A gmg m mm arder image 91113 e mails of By jam 3 First lavage the facts straight This Fm anti all miner iaw enfmcemem agenda can intertept e maiis My purwani 3 mm arder signed by aju ge wha is satis ed that the government has emunsfram 3153 that a sedans crime is bee ng or has hem committem that ha emails wi be about that crime and that the intemeptiun is necessaw mum evidence abaui the crime Emmiucting an intercept beymnd that is a federal crime subject to scum criminal and civil sanctians Tim entire precess requires rimming to a court and if mum animater is figmma chai lenga by derense atmmeys Even when eniy address infomm an is snugm a mum mine is sti required What tines Can vo rig in the simpiast Emma it ensurea ma Graig the Exact awn-mm Nations authorized by the smurf be in trercepted an intemepte So far exampia if a emu authos'izes only the imerceptian 9f e mail from a particu hr drug ealer in another dealer this system capmres nniy that an ether aratiims regarde ofwham Randi them and where my are going Naming else is mane - Stored m mife ed anti evemhmg catiemd is supervised by the com What is Can vme used it 3 used my when an Internet sen ce pmvidar Emmi an its awn effect the iintermp ahs musisienr with a name court Qfd f acmgdingiy it has been use very few timea predamina te iy in termrism cams in 1953 magmas ' ut Stf a l f imm quiremems fair interceptinns Eamimm sim ply ensures that Iawgnfurcemem agemries minim preciseiy with thase requirements as teahnoiagy advances We understand why attain segments Qp pose this murt super vised But aim @533 because if this iaw many lives have saved and thousands of eakrs tE ristst c th predatm and spies am in jail The maizrmim trimmer iaid cut the aggra- priate cha enge He does mi went to see immature an his namark mm we can pram it mitects aux the trams the tar- get 0 a mum urdet lhai arr-mum is pre- cisely What Camivme-daes eiECKm ca y pmtact the privagr If ma a 13m subject the mar mien john Coarsz an misiunmimcmr foh Federal Bunyan afinmtiga m 7- 5mm Rama 113 3 an x human-- on n x mJ-w - A mu-nx-vha die u 1 Iv If my 5 July 34 2000 Mr Brian Gallagher - E itor 0f the Editarial Page Taday 1009 Wilscn Blvd Arlingtan VA 22239 Dear Mr Gallagher in t0 tmday s aditorial abaut arnivore again let s get the facts correct USA paints out that law enforcement agencies cannat Qp rate without ways to maninar the modern sommunimaticra tmols 0f criminals but than quagtians whanm Ehauld ensure that privacy is praperly prgtected The simple answer is the same as it has been far over 3% yearsw federal judgesm All 9f the fa eral criminal amd civil sanctiang and judiciai aversight that apply 0 wiretapping and have effacm tively pretecte thmse not the target Of a ceurt order apply 0 the nae sf Carnivmra to intercapt the 6 mails 0f criminals Unlike as the editmrial reflects hcw ver Carnivora ees net Every Intarnet communication daes hat spit Gut averymne $ e mai1 and is mat an unrestrained Internet Wiratap Court ar era autharizing the intercegt 9f criminals e mails come iny after igoreua review'and the cancluaian that there is probable cause that a crime is being or has been ccmmitted the ewmails are abwut my in furtheranca sf that crime and the intercept is neceasary to gather evi ence abeut the crime The mrdars are specific as t6 Wham and what can be intercepted and then the ceurts supervise the interceptian to ensure sampliance Evading these saurt orders is'a ser u5 crime which would of cwurge praduce abgolutely nathing af evidentiary V3 13116 - Finally the editorial says the Bureau won t'answer even the most basic questicns abcut whom tha technology targata an how it pratects the privacy 0f innccant naers Contrary to gal-'1' 7 Plckard Cb Br Kerr Mr Parkinsan 1 1 Hr Cellingwoad i k Huh 7 mugs u u r FA wsam- ns Brian Gallagher that assertion hewever the FBI has Shawn the system tD-and answerad these questians for degens of people on Capital Hill and over 30 reperters repreaanting 25 media outlets ESQ Todag mf caurseg waa invited and taday we are anxious ta present it at an open hearing before a congreasimnal subsommittee we are arranging for an independent review as well I Sure Carnivcre can be centrovergial an clearly is ill named But it is use iny purguant t9 caurt arder has been used sparingly pre ominantly in casea and than iny when an Internet Service Provi er cannat an its awn $Gm ly withA the caurt arder and when nae cullects iny what the law authorizes and the courts instruct be collectadwuevidemce abmut seriaus crima that cannmt be otherwise gatherad Sincerely yours e Df Public and mgrasaianal Rffairs 5 Cm 5mm R-elea-s a Page Can vam might wand like a particularly mini-em cumputer same 9r per st a thaw wm n t lat yum 12 3mm go we it a pm a $235 which dew Ming an 3012 Nb 10k is t0 - privacy - or a useful can in ghting criminals 3 The minmmatefy names I magma-n the FBI has Men 10 came up with wmething arse since- news sf its existence hmke is an de vice hmiSE in a magic- a 160 Hunks the size of a Map The ageing warm ts 1 pr Car nime taxes at the main cam ers of 231 Emmet san'ice pmvi a prim-dd an e ciem way for ha FBI muting mu appmved wiretaps an er maii in an 111 hw and am erwise is g ng digimi Since ward of this hit during mm magmas the narian s privacy advocates have been cw raged at the ids ofthe menu-I be- inga ugged u is mr at m sts who am up Tm arms is the Rep-ub can jarity cedar Bid Amway at Texas has i vam as being it- iegai under mm wiremp laws the of the ame militia hem hearings undzy 15 190k inm the may Nave privacy a mtes Vt a-y Qum Tum 18303 been ghting far yam ta pmtea 65 1 imfumario n mm prying 33 35 But it fascinating H5 5536 eueryune else gating Emu 513 2 lather war a -system that unless the is iy Eng thmugh its team is my Em fie-d in what it s a nwed In in leadership I might be miceer about the idea that were i the af an inves ga m the F3 mum mar-Aim my e mai Bur agents mum at $9 33 have ta go tea me a judge and get pemissian even at the height af mm mm mi ance timing Earthy era the number sf pe me Upro ar worse than bite if this '1 a fe By i was being nmmbered wail mmpamn Mia s mm aswe wander the Web Many sites even search Ignaz em buiimpg up a dossier of masts and mice use to target ads that appm aur mas fair am - flag- 5 their sites scammg musk hie Was that cur bm ers pick um that site and 9 3ch share inhuma- n tm to create gm wen mum sped c in addm'm by to outside dmabasaa It's 5m to attach Mt Mania 9 a namt a ciress and parsnnal mm minding what stores 5319p aii what yau bu and When you pay wurbi s k tars mm mm 31' the company gem out a mines DATE PAGE beast mwwamn izszl - happen when the Web 1 - mam e-ma 35mm Staci m s mm mum a-tmkie or - inn i pufsm mi I'm emm 132w dial titan gs ceilphmes stun I isn't say I nimrr simuidn t be mm 1' a that we shank 5er arms aver agaim passing any kindj pmiec an sanguine-r oniinei saying the indus I Mummy Kits left 53 Winn it came in the my permits Manama he gwemmem Mich is 5mm Saws 3 win-19 Em E- muitina'tianai coma ET u Release 3333 125 uh mas-#37 7 qua FBI defends e mai l surveillance tool as Kevin jehnsen U55 Peppered questiam she Iii- 33 We as the F31 cameras Monday that Its Him mi ance pm as maid be used to Hams-am an the x a Hmjudieiary tee hearixg that gamed to ca mm bath the pmnuse and pit Is a new techmiegy fur iaw emu men ssistam FEE Diremmnmi Kerr defend-es the pr 'mm as a useful am for age-n15 saici su-nreu anze done wigh he prey arm isd mes-e suspE- fts name-d an emu steers rides inciudjng an unusua cc aiin m 9f cumemrjue Republicans and dsjii liberties advmaeea have mmpiamed that the pmgsem could be used its day bread eir fear seems em- the way BATE 9mm 7 I the FBI the em arms bee ng Wiretappmg system Carnivore E2311 may mm admins Ma am m Wmmr I to idem and View a Way ed e ma 's in 25 Fishes peer ghe mans a e- nmls swam cases mamas ri es are 1mm 3% 3 15am mummn dms 315 Eng 13w aura-camera acres 0 said are re ewmg the ema s ofimoeem pwpieasm gram a make sure the m as remveamw ems mppitg Em said mes are to those immigawrs mew-ed the Cam haw been appmed far men uring were gram have neverheen pm by 3 jucige vie meme Ha z outside the Hausa judicial Cumming smpeafmeir d9 Minn-2 Hen yde MIL said tamed am am Name We the mere abate re ected an and snmi mce m is ma amm- engeing tensian barman law an rized by cam omen 7 famemen and indimduai This year the has been Von can ma er maples used in 15 cases six C min camems fur privacy mm are pmbesa m m anei semmym- people We areskep cei abamhis Ves ga ens I mime 9f privacy and raw per-nus if is We mid Ken anti other 5mm Reiease reggae - 255 1 3- 5 9 3 e lab-unit s agge'Int '25 2009 1' Ms Cluistine Bertelsen E iter at Bdite ntf pinien Page St Lenin Pest Dispatch 9G0 Next Tucker St Lents MO 63 $341099 Dear Ms Berteleen In response in yeur recent editnt tat Sitent eybetc me hunting a few additional fame might help your renters understand the eet egnat s and j udiet-at nversight applienbte tn the interception nt e mait en the Internet As always happens dangemns enminats and teneriste use new teehne'legy as fast as anyone So new instead nf'telephnnes we increaeingty nd etiztninets eemmunieeting by entneit in fu hetenee of their crimes We have teen this in everything frent ettild pernegrephy te tennrism That is why the-E81 deveienedthe Serenity-re a the that permits surgical interceptions in the midst m the nest et date on the Intemet In use Camivere te ebtain a entninet s email the FBI rst must enccessfu y sternenetrete in a judge that there is prebahte cause to betieve that e serieus crime- is ttetng er has been eenmtitted the ewma s are aheut er in fnnherenee 91 that mime end the intereeptien is necessary te gather evidence ebeut the e me It is the same legal standard that eppties tn the inteteentien ef telephene eenversntiens The same severe eriminet and etv senetiene app-1y to any misuse- es welt and the wheie is supervised beginning in the federal mutt issuing the enter Finetty the use efthis evidence and the metth 0f wit-ectth are aiways subject to vigemns challenge by iefenee lawyers - The FBI enly Carnivore when an Internet Service Provider cannot en its ewe prev-Me the very limited inf ennatien euthanized by courts to be intercepted emails te and from twe drug ealers That is why it has enly teen need 25 times sixtee- it was developed and in these cases it was used with assistance the Internet Service Provider t 54 I Pi-ekerd 1 Dr Kerr I Mr Parkinsen I Mt Ceilingweed JECmmte Retenee e 3 th 123 be '12 6 v - may n q eAvv-anMn Isa Chriatin-e Be imn Finaily amivum $065 110 aanaticalIy search fer kc words amang all a mail traf c It due-s nut search the content of email at ail Tu samrh as 'thc editoria gaggasts would be contrary a fade-mi law subjeci' via sever-e criminal sanctions and precinct nathing cf evidcntiary value bacause it would cantmvene the parametm f the Few Amendment Instead Carnivore ensures that 33w enfarcenmnt only thnse Speci c ebma s addressed as describad in the caur s order to the campiate exclusian 3f Everything 315$ an Intemet Sincemiy yams J hn Assisiant Q imcmr 0mm of Public and Gangressiona Affairs 5 41 31 Release - Page 129 4 I - in 3 iniyh l tf gnu- manta agm me 9f 3 and $23 35 7 I I '7 E itarial Page st t- n'uxs Dwmagq a 1 am 1m 7 x 35-33% 7 Edition Fina-3 an LUUIS tla' owner 5 Clm ka un 7 n indexing 3 VA 5116111 ercrim 5mg 1TH a stagge ng billing legislative prepasais create Intern-er pri axchangaci ch ay Kamettethnub vac mutations campmbi e to ame gma agar has raged arenas and Mead a mining Elephant canmma ans and the laws Emerging uaditimai forms if communiv seam agad sgizure of panama paper-5 Bu ca nn and camawma The is part at the Interact commtamcatinn some dang mie mm s appeal but aim part sf its dangex phone Haas mm 3 1qu cable teiex isian Many cf the 2 2 mil en Americans who wins - makes it a staggaxing task A and s ap tan-vim were his thafm happy whear Hausa judiciary plans that the Fe eml Bureau a has huh Marinas tuna ta waigh Law aural-ce been Rams an email yam system with sure meat mad and cans tnt eual privacy vemance aagabi as far hewnd base Gite-1e- rights and t9 exam-ma the extent in which phone mm current iaws let the gavemmem use den 1 Most citizens feel mas-ambiy camfemble vices Iike Cami-wore 7 th pram iaman laws The FBI any it has used Casrnivure fans I that lm phase cal macs than 56 times in the year i has been avail k suspecte c n gais But In - able mask to stall shape-med cases hf ca unsmminerabtciu hacking intrusion and mm summer term- amimra gamma 7 1 - rarism Clark criminals can t he mama hunt meat - - -- use the Internet as a We haven far can as far key wards among 31 the 5 mail mm mmicatjans that unzha xiries have bean able at a suspact s Internet 5 TV 7 moaitnr far years an the teiephang 31 males an enamcrus pman al far abuse and lm-t gavemment sifting cf the m an a e lass ofpr' mcy I mail is not a etptabl s Ws urgently nee The 'WkiteHnua-e and magmas ave-Hate new laws - that protect citizens both from in missing what issues am aansidg ng criminalsuspeas and invasions cfp vanx 5mm Relaase 1 53 F-mmw 7 I 361 2 1 mm 9'93 '1 7 7 - v 'l iim - 37 '91unsx umu I H V4 I 5 7 x - 19 17 mm w sum STATEMENT 3 DI GREGGRX BEESTE ASSISTAHT AETGREEY GEHERAL CRIHIRAL DIVISION BEFQRE THE GK THE GUNSTITBTION COMMITTEE JUDICIRRY UNITEH 9F REPRESENTATIVES CGNEERNING AND TEE FBURTH AMENEMENT DH JULY 24 2900 51 13 32 Release 331 7 more 11 MW 7-131 7 1 er-M am A igr CQv- ku u ww - 03 17 my STATEMENT OF KEVIN Vt Eli GREGGRY DEPUTY ASSESTANT GENERAL STATES BEPARWNT 0F BEFGRE THE SUBCGWEE ON THE CONSTITUTIUN 01 THE HOUSE an AND 3 4 26 33 Mr Chairman and Mem ers thank you far 2 110 ng me this Qppn u ity tn tastiij ahaut the law enfarcamant sci i Camimra and the Faunh Amendment Apri 5 2990 I had the priviiege cf testifying before yam during a hearing an Imemi t privacy and the 50mm am pleased wn me pm cipate in the discussian 'mday abnm Camivam and its role in protecting indi ual privacy on the Intam unwarrmtedl I - govgmmentai intrusinn and ahnut the critical role the Dgpamneni piays ensure that the Interim is a safe anti secure piaea - vaC' and Publinrs e It is dispute the Faurth Amandment pra-tacts the righis nf Americans while they wark and play an the Intemeijust as it dues in the physical warm gnal is a long v hanorad and noble um ta pmsewe murgprivacy wi le prothng the safety of ng ci tizenssj Our minding that in 0 62 far our dammde snaier t0 remain safa anti an liberty intact law Mumth must have the ability ta investigate appreth and gramme pwple for criminal madam At the same time however an f undi ng fath rs bald in disdain the govenunmt s dismgaxd and abuser af privacy in Engimd The faunders 13f this na nn adopted the Four i Amend uent in ad ress the tensian that can at timas arise between privacy and pufhiic 5334 9112 Enigma Page 2 7 f 2 nun D K'Il' ut I - I Jami V3Limmus-a aw 1mm awzsma ma mm safety Under the Fungi Amm mm the gr varnth must demenatrmc pmhable ausc befom obtaining a warrant fer a Search arrest ih l' signi cant i msian an privacy and the ceurts have aim recagnizc that 14 35 intrusiona an privacy ashauid be under a less exacting The Eieatmnic Ccmunica ans Privacy Ac smh shas a three-tier- system byg-whic h the gavement ahtain stored informatiun i from eiwtmnin cammunicatian aanrice pmx ders In ganeral the gevemment needs a saarch warrant ta nbtain the conteni ofumetxiwed communina ans like e maii 3 mm arder In obtain transactiunal mamas and a su poena a intain infema en identi eing the suh scribar gee ES um mag-1 1 In additian in ordar in abiain same and dastinatian mm timgg must nbtain a tray and trace a pm register court rdm authurizing the recording nf such infanna gn See i3 H 812 3121 Because me grim-c3 values it prams the mum 1% USE cammeniy km m1 as Titie m placss a higher burcien on tha mai-tima intern-aptiun af ma wire and electronic than the Fatwa Amendment in the absence 9 a summary exception the guvcmmem needs a court order ta wiretap anmmunicatinns To email such an arder the must show that mung investiga ve'tcahniquas far ahtaming the infamatiun have at are Iikeiy fail dangemus and mt any interecptien win he canducte su as Ensure that the intrusion is The zsafcguards fur privacy represemad 113 mg E th Mendmeni and sun qu matrictinns an gavemment mass tn- infonnatiau dc 11m prevent ectivs aw enfor cment Instead may pmvida bcmda as far law enfmcement clarifying is acceptable avidcnce 5mm Release - P230133 'i iv- at if - - Jr - t 4 numa a 1 mum w Hamr-r gang-Li 73 le i ga mring and what is At the same time 131036 wile care deeply aheut preheating individual privacy must alsu acknuwledge that law enfmcemem has a cri tinal 11313 to play in praserving privacy When law amusement investigates successfuiiy and pmsecums a criminai when has swim a citizen s personal in ammation from a mitigate system far examplq iaw is undeniahiy' warking t0 protect rivaay and deter further primacy violations The same is true when law cnfarcemem apprehends a hacker wha cempmmisad 111- financial recurds ofa ban cusmmer As we mauve inm the 21 emu-17y we must ensure that he needs Bf priva y and Public safety mmain in balance and am m mted in the new and emerging techmiogiea that am changing the face of sommunicatians the primary migsion af m Dcpa ment uflustice i5 law enfarcemem Aitamgy General Rent and the entire Dapamneni understa d and share the legitimate cameras cf with regard ta permnai glrivaay The has been and Wm mmain gamma 3 ta pretentian mc privacy rights of indiviciuaisi Inn-k fame is mrking with and Esther anneal med im viduais adsiress these- important matters in the mamas ahead Al a gh the amendment i1 aver two ceamcs aid Enigma as we lmow it is sti in its infancy Th hug advances in the past ten years have farmer iandscapa at maiety notjust in America - but warldwide The HIE-met has msultcd in new and exciting Ways for peaple ta rmsfer Momatiom angaga in camerces am xrpamd their educaticml nppurttmities These are but a few fths wuncicrful bena ts of this rapic y changing ramming As has been case With wary main technoiagical advance in nu histmy 5 $2 1m lie-tease - Pages 134 wan w- nuxrw- 7 - Amnnii 57 2 Al lu 15 umsmu TUE 99 13 am 3 35753503 cmxmaamsumm 15 1753' huwevm we are seeing individuals 3an graups use this technalagy it cnmmit iztiminal acts As 1 36qu General Eric- Helder raid the C'rh e Subwmm ttee cf this C mm m in Februaxy nut winembiliiy in wmpuiar crime is asicnishingly high and threatans not only am financial Mil- Ming anti ms privacy but aim 'tl s natien s infrastrucm Many of m crimes that we coafmnt Ewryday in the physiml wu d are cginning to appear in the mline Crimes iikc thraata cxtur an Mari identity the and Mid pomugraphy are ta ma Intzmeh The Faur Ammdment and laws a dressing privacy and public aafaty saw as a framework far lav nf rcamtnt it tn- this new farm for criminal a tivi ty If law enfarcamcm fails pmperiy t0 respect indi duai p 'acy in its I investigative tachniques ihe public- 5 confide in gavcmm nt w i bit Erocisai avidenge w i he suppresscd and criminais wiil clad success pmsecutian If an enfarcament is 0 3 in respanding a cybemrime however we wii l in effect mil-tier cyberspace a safe haven er criminais and termrists camunicate and carry gut crime wiihout fear 13f su xtiilance if we fail to make the Internet safe peaple sicon dence in using me Internet and decline endangering the very bane ts hmughi by the Hawaiian Age Fropzzr balance is the ksy To satisfy cur nbiigatiuns to 1313 pubiie to Mfume the laws and preserve the safety we use the 53 11 saris Bf invas ga va tachniqucs and wetlands unlinc as we ck in the pgysicafl wa d with the same car-3m a en an to the cans tutianal 5131mm inking anti courbur ered baunda es Camimre is simpiy an investigative me that is used amine 131113 111166 narrewly da ned circumstances and 01113 Wham authorized by law in mu the public 53 41 Release Page 115 - 3m 'i r 55 - THE M 137m 6034 i Ts iliustratc iaw nf rcemem aft n nae s In find nut Tram Wham a cirug d aiar fer instance is buying his illegal precincts m Wham the drug deaier is swing T0 investigate this it is he lp in detemine What is cammunicating with the dealsn In the alden days cf perhaps 10 years ago the drug dais wauld have with his suppisiar and custnm rs exelusiveiy mnugh use at taiephunes and pagans Law enfarcemmt waulci ehtain an cider Emm murt au mriai g the insta a m cf a rapand trace and a hm register evicc an the drug daaicir a phpne a pager and either that teiephane mummy law enforcement wn'nid have insta ed that devices to mmpiy with the court s ordgr em er the source and dcsginatian if his phone sails wouid have been recurdati Thi is inf nna un that cams if an ham is mm pretacted by any mam-Habit 0f privacy Given the personal name afthis inf ma n hcwever tin law requims government to 01min an mder under thase timumstances In th'i way privacy is protected and MW mfurcement is abls 10 inve gate It yam-teat the public New that same drug dealex may bf just as lial-y sand an ewmaii as call his c-nnfed-erates Wham law enfurcamam uses a trap and trans or pen rsgister in the saline commit h-cwcver we- have faund that at times the Internet sawing pravidcr has bean Whiz 0r wan supgly this infama na Law enforcement mm abdicat its resyaongibility t0 pmteci pumice safaty simply bemusa teahnnlogy has Rating- 3 the public rightm g cxpecis that law adamant wiil continue to he e m ve as criminal activity migrates tag - I im t We cannot dc this withnut Else Cmivure When a ariminal uses Email to semi a kidnapng demand ta buy and sell illegal drugs 01 0 istribute child pigmugraphy law enfamemcm neads to t0 whom he is sanctiag manages and an when he receives them Ta get tin-s hafnrmaticn we 0an a mutt order which we 5 24 92 Release - me $353 u ev- 1 3 9 35239 mg Wig serve an the ap r px iate serving pmviden Because of the mime of Internet the a dmssing infarmatian which zines nut in nite the mutant of ns 13235333 is e an mixed in With a of wear nun content data that we have ma desire in gather lithe sarvic e pmvider can campiy with th ardar and provide us with only the infamatian required wart under it win in so and we an ampley Camiwrc If however that smite previder is a unable to mmpiy with 33 girder we simply 93mm give a criminal a 13% pass It is for that narrnw sat of aimumsstauces that the FBI designed Camivam Camivem is in essence a special itering ml that czar game the infnma en ag mrizad by cam urdnr and only that infunnaiinn it permits law mfg-Iceman far Exampla gathar uni the email addresses of base pctsons with the drug eal r is communicating withaui aliewing any human basting either law enforcemeni or ag service provider 2 View private infnmati n nutside of the scape of the tom s mien In ber wanis Carnivarc is a minimizarim ma that pannits law enfumamcm strictly in with mun arders to pmtact privacy and effectively Enforce the law It prams 2113 public intamst In additinn Camivor craatcs an audit Ia-ii that cxac y what it is capturing As with any at th nals mere many machanisms we have in placc ta prevent agaigst possibie misuse of Camiwm am in misuse that occurred Th5 Faun Amendmam 0f mums restricts what lawenfareement can d0 Can vore as 30 the mammary requireman 311 Tim IE and the Eieatronic Cnnununinatiens Flimsy Act and the mum For federal Title HI applica uns the Department uflustica nposcs its ow gui eiines an tap uf the privacy pmtec ons- pmvidcd by the Consiitu am mum- 5 and the max-ts Far example 6 Release - Page H- Nif viAumaAVHDda-a-n hug um 5 33 31 e 92x25 93 gs 1-3 am canmuemsum befme Camiwra may be used In interaept wire at aiectmnic the requesting investigative agancy must 1th appmvai fur the Time applicatinn rm the Dapartmeni nf Jami-em Speci ealiy the Gf sze 3f Enfmc mcm pemtians 0259 in the Criminal Divisian 6f the eparnnent reviews each Ti e application tn 2mm that the intarcey bn satis es the Flam- 11 Amendment mammals and is in mmplianc-e with appiicable statutes and reguiatiuns Even if 111% pmp s a i aim the DEG appmvai must be given by a Dr pr Assistant Niamey General Althuugh this reqnimment if review is required by Titla Him with regard t0 pmposed intercepts of anti ma wmmunica ons the Department vaguntar y impesas the same levei at review far pmpasad inierceptions af ciaatmnic crummunicatibns meow digitaidispiay pagers Typically invas gative agencicg such as the Federal Bureau 3f I I'nvesiiga en haw similar inicmal separate and apart Canstitu nnai stamth I at Department if Justice requirements If the inves gative agency and at Begum-em of Justice a Edam Titi Hi requwti it st i must of sauna 136 approved by the pauper court The mutt will evaluate the applica an un t 1h anh and using the familiar standards af Titic HI By statute for 65 131leme the applicatiun ta ha mun must mung swam af davit why the intercept is as in mm iess nmisiva invas ga ve techx qucs The application must ales pravide additiami detail inc-Ending whather there have been pmvious 0f ref tha target the idm ty 0me target if Maxim the Ram an Damian m the mmuniaa uns and a ism-imam 0f tlm cf communications snught anti ma affenses In which the ccmmica uns reiate By statuta and internal Department gulatim the may last 11 lung r 33 days withnut an extmicn by the scam 7 saw Rex-em rage va rhi Jig a i' 5 5 2 raquire that the investigation pmvide parindic mpans setting farth infamatian such as he nuniber 0f cannuunica ans in'temapted steps taken a minimize mam traffic and whether unis - a $6334 Comm 315 after impasc hair awn requimmams Far exmnpia many fedami 5613115 113% remedies fer violating Titla 0 ECPA is $150 available adveme actian Far vioiatiens cf the Faurth Amendment 31 cant-5 the rained af Camivere itsalf aim mum-ins saifwmgula ng featums _ Far example becgugg if 33$ suphisticated passive itaxiag ames ii autemates the prueass af minimizatiun withnui intrusive manimring by investigators and simpiy disregar s Wek s 3f infamatian that do 'not satisfy the criteria in the mum s aumerization Indaed me of the mast puwer privacy pmtating features 0f Carnivum is 15 ability tn inf rmm nn that is aumide the amps nf the court ardercd authority Fm later veri catiun it also logs the lter scttings In additien as a practica ma a Carnival is mt dsplayad exaept with ciese uoopcmtion with ha approp ate sysicm par-width In any event mam- 3 tings mi E158 Camivme in wary instance in which the maxi ardm a Titls electmnic ammunicatian imamgm Indaem I und rstami that the Bureau Camich 3 113 in those instances whan the serva prawidar is mm cempiy the cam nrdar its own equipment 0 when 12 pro der asks the FBI in use Bureau equipment As I ms ed in April we fan majar of challenges is mag 11 Rep the mkn vzwu-nw mama awn Fax m xn @3431 ight-RA 5 A cmrmaamswm atl Initmat a gaff and secure place far nut itizcns These 3 ram the interceptions have been fwit t TEA court may sf course iermiuatc the intercap gn at any by impmpe y intemcp ng clactmnic can inch sz criminai sanc ans Civii suit and fur Iaw mfomement agents $524132 Release Page Inn - - ms-w Ana a gag n a - - - K-n' nxm - - wu- uvw 3 i '11 iJ a uwxzarna F l yarn r AJJMJ I Tethnircai challench that hamper law enfercemmt s ability to Innate and Ti garments criminais hm operate naming 2 Certain substantive anti prace urai laws that have mt kapt pace with the changing techmiagy creating signi cant Iagal ghaiiengas effec w investigatigin anti pmsew om Gf crime in cyberspace arid 3 'Rasuuma netds that must be addressed to ensure that 33w enforcemmt can kaep I pass with changing techmlugy and has the ability 0 hire and train pmpia to fight cyberc me Carnivare is invegtigative- ml that assists us in meatirig the m challenge As we have mitrimassz ds making a criminal aniine is net aiways an impassihie task using nut investigative tnnis Far etxst-aungzuies last yam fadsral and cambincci apprehend that magic cf the Melissa virus 3 33 the individuai wha created a fraudulem Blanmhe-rg Haws Service wchsitc in 3 an arti cially drive up that stack price of Pair ain a taiecommunications company based in Califumia Althaugh we are proud pf the-5a importmt sucmssas wa stili fats signi cant cha anges as enline arimina is Inseam mum and mare saphisticatedi in ma y every unline case hacking thw'nlin miminai requires law enfamement to attempt in tram the ammonia trail mm the victim back to the pet-pewter In effing this alactmnic Ra is the ngerprint 3f the manty-fizst 6 211tu - m y nch harem to nd and mat as pemment as its mare traditianai lured-enamel In that physical warm a criminal and his victim gmcmiiy in tha Exams inca on But cybam minais do 110 have in physica' y visit the crime scans Instead they aimed their illegai activity by weaving cammica uns thmugh a rig-arias of 5mm Mensa Page 1r 9 nn-u wm mt Lw- I J L-ef - n 7 - M'va M- nan-h- nun 1 -4 mung hmnrag 1gin JJ-vw w A BWESJGG THE 19 7 73p FAX 31 - cmxamaxaswm 512 4 I ananym us remaiE-ergg by creating furged e maii izcadcrs with pawn- in point and click ma s readily awni aadabic mm hackezr websims by using a acmunt MB 31' by wiping clean the legging that wauid be evidsnee if their activity - In same cases the criminal may not even bi in the same as the victim The giqbai nature if 11h Mamet writ am at ha greate t assets nf the Internet to law-abiding citizens aliaws e minais in mn uct their iH-egai activity from across the 310% In these cases 113 rated to quickiy and track the cmr nal is increasingiy camgaii-cated and n en 'ustra'ted by 12 fact that the activity takes piaca mughaui differmt mummies With mare than 198 cagnu ies a the Enigma it is easy t0 understand the mezrciination chaiimges that $213 law anfmcemmt Fu hermom in thsse @3365 time is 0f the essence and victim may net even realize they have been vie mizzd until the minimal has lung since signed off Clearly the technical challenges far law s forccmem are real and pmfean This fact was made char in this ndings anti conciusians in tha released 17 an sf ma Ebrasidenm Wurking Group an Unlaw Examine an the Meme-t emitted The Electmnic Framer The Ch imge 01 Unlawful Cauduct waiving the U512 0f the Internet This extensive rede highlights in detail 1113 signi cant shalflenges facing iaw enfmcam m in As the mport states the needs and chailangus can 'anting iaw anf orcement are mime trivial nu thenretical T113 Rama amines a magni ed appruach far ramming m awfui activity an the lawman I Cenduct an the Internet shuuid be matad in tha saxm manner as similar mandala of i e in a Malay neutrai manner I9 ERIE Rgi ass Pag - - - mun w mu v v n THE 9mg FAX gait-$64034 ha 2 We must mmgnize that ihe mantis and cha mg s 0f law mforcement sass-xi by the lntemet are substantial inciuding nut need for rescurms up m date investigative m is anti anhanced malti jurisdic ana mopcra an 3 Finally Wt mud in faster centinu far private swim leadershi in daveiuping nals and meiheds t0 users to prawn andn nimim the ghts cf uniaw z i madam ending I wnuid encourage awe-n with an nest in this imp-amt mini 10 rsview carefuin ha repnri nf the Wnrking Swap The mpart be found an the intcmet by visiting the wghsitc of the nga mem of Justice s Cnmputer Crime and intellmmai Seating locate-d a a my 315 cantains ather useful in ta the repurt warning infonnatien an a wide array if Mamet data-d issues including ha mph if Inday s hearing Despite the typa f dif cuities nu incd the Uniaw lamina-I Repart and today the Jus -cs epa mant and lawenformmem acm s this nation cemm ad to Hummui ng in work mgethar and with their municrparts in othar mummies to devebp and 3 investigative strategi s sucaess iliy track appr hcnd and ymamma individuals who canciuct criminai activity m 113 In 5 53 ning that same pri way standards that app-1y in the physical werid remain effective Galina Mr Chairman the o-f-Justice has taken a pmactive laadership mic in making cyberspace far all Americans The camerstane if our cyberc me pm 5mm program is the Cximina Divisinn s Cemputer Crime and 13 31 1scmm Progeny S'ac on mama as CCIPS was sanded in 19% as- tha Cnmputer Crime Unit and bccama a Sac on in EMS QCIPS 11 $2413 Release -- Page 13 w iwm m um - - - - jg mnuk 7 4 11 if Wu huh my 7 Via Nb M I iml sw - - - - - wzawn 1 92 21 m ffi u _k has gram ram five in 19961 mday and we need mar-e a lamp game with the th ir xpertisc The attameys in CCIFS wark sieser an camputer crime casgs Mil Assistant United Stags Attemcys knew as 33111qu and Tgimmunica ans Cmrdinaims or ems in us Attamey s f ms amumi the natian Each are receivea special ning and equipmcm and games as the district s expert an camputer crime cams CCIPS am the - werk tugether in prosecuting sagas $pmhca ing training for 10233 state and fa erai Iaw working intcmationai t0 Edda-ass dif cmt intematianai and pro ding Legal and it assist in the af natien s 51511311631 infrastructures We very proud of the work thus peopin u and WE will cuntinue in wark haip strap climinals victimizipg pzeopie mime also mate mat public educa m is impariant car-riparian cf the Attorney Generai s strategy an cumhati g mmpuw mime As she e m malts the same children W119 rmgniza that it is wreng in steal a m-aii Gr shapii do mt seem in umders fand that it is equally wrong in steal a neighbor s email a a pmpriicmw mm at music without paying far it Tn remedy this pmh'lem the Depamnem 3f Justice tngethtr with the i o ation Techmiogy Associatinn ofAmarica 1T has embarked again a national sampaign to educate and raise 0f mmgutar mpansib iiy and tn pmvi resources ie- empawar cancemgcg grim The Cybemitizsn Amness ngraxn seeks to augage chiE-dmn young adults and when an the basics uf critical infnma cu pmmc en and maturity on zz iimita ofaeceptabia Galina behavior The nbj cactives af the pmgram are in give childmn an understan ing at cybempaca bang ts and mspansib itias an if manning the misdsc of the i2 $2 1m Release Page 1% 3 i hr ewesmu e932 FAX @5034 medium and an understanding 0f the persona angers that exist en the Internet and techniques is amid being harmed Finally Mr Chaiman the Subcommittee may be aware that the Administraiien wilt seen he transmitting t6 Congress a iegisietive prepesai edemesing verieus issues relating teeyber- seeuritgm I knew that the feces ofteday s heari g is the Canevere pregrem and this is not the ta undertake any demise discussion 0f the Administratien s prepesai 1mm hewever 'iike ta mention We paints mat reiate direetly ts teeny s die-reassign First the Adminism en suppens raising the staining standards fer interceptng the mutant of eI-eetmr e eemmgnieatiens se hey are the same as these telephone highiievei eppreval use en'ly in cases inveivi'eg remain r dit t ef enses that are speci ed by statute and statutery suppression efe denee derived from impreper infereepis Sewnd the A minisu eaien supperts requiring federal Edges te that the apprepriaie statutory have been satisfied befere issuing a pen register at Order These change-s weuld apyly to the use If Cem vere a and weuld in important reagents simply con rm by stem the pal-ides and already fe ewed by the Depa ment of Just'iee Beyond these epeei e paints I simply note here that the Admhtism en supports a haieneed updating ef laws te enhance pretec e ef bet privacy and public safety and that the fenheemng prepesal wi 11 eentain impatient previeiens whese enactment weuici he meet heip in the e-ngeing ght against eyber-e me Chainee 1 wentte yen again far this epportunity in tee r teday a me en - e - erts to ght crime en the Internet we preserving the rights conferred by ex Amendment and statute mienetety me decision as the aepmmiete parameters cf law 13 seen Reiease - Page In '5 u 1 - vhtu'd' p44 Jada A u 1414 I Mumf m 59 22 FAX 1 - m'vd Ir x- wyc cf -- - L5 59343 L7 2 sip zanfowemmt a vity lies squamly within ha Caustitutim and the emailed cf the paci c the The need a am-teat the privacy 01' 1115 American pmpie n t just from the gavemmenft but aim mm criminals is a gamma cansidemtian natjust in the swim of ma Internet but in general The Dcpa ment afjas ce stands may t9 mark with this S b ammi ee and when tn aci eve the proper balanca bemgn thejmp rtanst need far gmtecting privacy am tha need t0 mpa d Ed the gr iwing threat 3f mime in cyberspace Mr Cha innm that canciu as my prepmed statement I wauld be pleased t9 attempt to answer any questions that you may have at this time 14 5324 1 Reieas-e - FEE 145 n- - - mm -- vlrW Wp H bunk Hm Nth-u- ha a 45 51 3 a a a a 777777 19 25 9 FAX i URAL STATEMENT OF KEVIN B1 GREGGRY Mr Chairman and Mamhers'ef the Subcamn ttee thank you for allowing me Ibis a pmun y testify absent the 13w anfarcement toe Sammie am the Fourth Amandmant We haw 53m magni cen $th m the Enigma we the ten years 113133 geared vast benefits far citizens basin- ags and gavgmmants and seems in 113161 heun igss pmmise if we can 113111355 it The Interns has spurred a new and thriving Many businesses have pmspemd by providing mir precincts mid services thmugh the Enigma Timers ham assisted in building maintaining and implicating the Internet itself The Intemat has givsn paupic jabs and camuniti s and createci new apyortnnities for America and are warid The I-mcmat has Washed bath an wmking lives and our family A15 we have thradghaut however there are bass wile use the Innis 3f magmas-19 in ict harm an bers The Interact has not aseapaci this E gt rical Even in the Mama s relatively sham exigtmm we have seen a wide range Gf ct n nai we of the technalegyi it has bean used tn mmn i traditinnai crimas against an ever widening number Gf victims Thaw are aisa those criminais intent an attacking and dismp ig computers camputar and ag Emmet itself In shun ahhnugh the intemei prmrides an unparallaI-ed apponunitiea for Americans to rmly express ideas it aim pmvidas a very effactiv means far iibmetivate persons 0 breach the privaxzy an security Many 9f the mamas that we evezyday in the physiaal warm are eg inning appear in the oniine warm Crimas likt t veats exturtiun fraud identity theft and child are migrating in #313 Enigma The Faunh Amendment anti laws addressing privacy and public safew serve as a framework for iaw enfurcemgnt tn to this new fem fer 5mm Release Mtge x 4 7 yum rh v whh d F33 - Cmeaastwm I - - it 1 0 a nk min nal activity If law enfnmement fail-s pmperiy fespact individua privacy if its inves gative teshniquas the public s can danac in govcmmant will be mad-ad mitigate will be suppressed anti criminals win elude successful prnsecuti-Un if law enfurcemem is int timid in respmding t0 sybemrime homvex we win in e cm render cyberspace a safa haven fer and t-err ri sis ta camw cate and carry an crime wi mut fear of authnrized governm m smailianca if we I faii a nwk the Emmet sgafe l paapie s mn dgnca in using the Extreme and e-awmneme decline endangermg the very bane ts brought by the Infomati n Age 'E rnper balance is tha key Dasphe the fewer aver the unfa unateiyauamad Carnivore this fths ma a is that Earnivmc is in reaiity a ma that helps us achiev this balancs Ta Sati fy our ahiigatiens the gublic to enfmce the laws mid pmsairva public safety 1% use the same saris of invastigatow teshz -quss and met'h ds enlinc as we do in the g hysical worid with the Same carequ attention it the strict constitutimal and lagai Emits Camivare is simply an invextigatmy teal that helm us ta investigate saline in m same way as in 1h physicai warm and enables us in obtain truly the infama cn we are au mrized obtain through a cam arder Tn illustrate law enfarcammt off-en meals u nd out mm when a ding ealar ft instance is buying his illegal pmducts or ta the drug dealer is salling his ga ds It is there-fare ix pe am to etermine with wh m the drug dealer is camunica ng in the midst ays nfperhaps 1- 3 yam ago the dejaicr weuld have cannicaied wi u his suppiier sand custamers exclugively thmugh us af tekphonas and pagers Law enforcement wnuid obtain an mist Emm a court author zing the instaila an 91 a trap and trace and a pen register device an ax drug aalar s phone or pager Haw that same drug daafler or a hammer er a child 2 mm Reiease - rage 5 Mud - I w - on zu- mm 39 5 pamagmgherg may bejusl as likely 11 sand an e-maii as in call his cnnfederates Wham law enfamemem uses a trap and trans a pen register in tha DEERE if i 3- 573 hawwer we have femd that at timas maintain-e1 $ervice pmvidar has been unable m Even unwilling ta sugaply this Mammal It is for that mow set if 1113121113 FBI designed Carnival-e Law enfmcemem caring abdicate its it pretest pubiic safe simply banana technolugy Rama the public ght xlly expats that law will anminue be e ective as c n nai activity n grates to the interact We came d0 this without toois like Camiwre Camier is in essence a special ltering 001 that can gather the i f rmatinn a th zed by mun arder anti only that it permits iaw anfarc-emcm far exampi to game an arciar the 311133 a drersses 0f thasa with whom the timg dealer is cnmmitating without aim-wing any human being sithar mm law cnfercement m the sawing gravider in viaw privat i nf onnaiian anti- e fth scape 0f the cum artist In tether wants - Camivare is a 13 mizatinn 10 31 that pennits law enfargement in camny with mun privacy and In anforce the law it pmtec-I the public interast in asiditinn creates an audit trail that dsmg stratas axactiy what it i3 capturing And as any ether 'inves gativa R3015 mere are many mechanisms we have in pm to prevent pussible misuse of Camivure and 10 misuse that has The Few Amendment and the com- ts of course re ricts what law enforcemmt can 10 an Iii-1e with without Carnivore as the statutes mquirements 0 Title and tha Elaeimnic Cnmmunimtimnx E rivasy Act I in the case of federal Title applicatians the nf'Just-ice impnsas its mm mm Regease Page 3 43 w hr i 1 uuyn mumawzama THE 95 23 PM 2 w smm guidaiinas can tap if ha privacy pmtactinns pruvidg by the Constitution statqu and the Far axampie befnr Cmnivom may 133 used it intercept wire or aiectmnic cammunicatiun-s with the iimiimi axceptian 0f digital di piay wants the requesting inves gaiory agency must ohmin aypmvai for the Title application rm the Dgparunem of Justice Spaci aaiiy the Q ice of Enforcement Opsraiiens in the Criminal Divisian af ne Departmem reviews each pmpuse Ti applica an i0 ensure that 111% interceptinn satis es the Fuu h Amandmem requircmants and is in mmpiiame with applicabia statutes and reguia cns if the clears the GED appmva magi gentraiiy be given by a Sepu ty Assistant Amine Genarai Typicaliyi investigative agencies such as the Federai Bureau if inves tiga n have similar but separate intamai requireman tse If 1h i vesiigative agancy aim the Baganmem if Justice a federal Titie HI requastj it must if mums be approved by pri per cam using familiar but exacting standarda By statute and internal epa mant regulatinn the intarceptim may last 10 iongar than 38 days wi mut an extension by the mun And cams 3130 a m mpu-se their own a ditianai requimm-ems In ad i un the remedies far viniating Titia at ECPA by improperly inmmepting eiec enic cammunicatinns inglude criminal sanctims and civil suiisi Far vialations of the Fnurth Amen ment cf mum the rained cf supprassien is alas available this pannpiy efpmtac um we recang that cancems remain abaut this There me the Attamay General has asked fur an in cpendeni revizw the Camivom saw-ca ccda in crime that its capabilitias are what we untimst them ta Em A generate the review be pubiiciy disseminated t0 interested gmups within indium-y acaciemia and Eisewhare anti shouid aiiaviate any cancng regarding unjusti ed inhusiens an privacy the 53 241332 Reiease Fagin luu ui THE 99 2 Fax ji ri n - caummsxasmm yalr k use at this moi i J iv Cung-Lusicg Chat- magi my testimuny taday 1139 6555me Mgl ights a few of the man sigm cam upsets- Qf the balms heme-en priva y and security The Bapa mant 01 Justice has pmvided aha teaming with my written statement It is my sincere hnpe and expecta an that thiaugh 1113 and owe feta time at as whu are cone-Ema abaut privacy and public safety racagnize that respunsihle law anf m mem can enhanne but gaais 5 243 12 Reiease Rage 1 3 Wiretapping in Cyberspace Mi ims 91 Americans new lag ah ha i t rv m2 as natura y and as freqaien y as they pick up a phhne Technalagy has created-a remnant in pen harm but teatime-Eng is also mak ing it pass ble fur government and man ampiayers t9 manz'mr g uate chhversmans as naver hefhm Riemann era laws must be up ated to address these new challenges It privacy Last week the with How pmpose some limited til-anng the federa ramp and exactth ic prim-23 laws that wauld thigh legal attendants far ighvemmem interceptihn of hex-nah Separatel sev- era lawmakers intimated Iegi ati an ta require empihyers hath em in aham haw eammi Internet use am phhne miss are muhhor-ed Em - Iplayees 0 Kim NEW Y-hrk Times Chmpany hm airea y hatifitzd that the reserveg the right 9 review ee mail messages Whiie investigating a humpihim Last year the campany dismissed 23 empihyees most basad at a regiuna business 1mm hen ing offensive Email mess-ages in the abhence of more String-hr cantmis law agehhies may he tempted to mh uht wimieaale meditating 91' digital written tihna is graham mt pracxicai for agents in listen in an the phane tails for example that go But new echnuwgy is making it pussihie fur agencies iihe the RM scam read and record mi ihns of pieces hf email an the Remark if an Ihzemht sawing pmvider Untii new this kind of and its far ahuhe were not an readiiy available Current rezappmg laws wem not drafmd with this technnihgy in mind and head to he updated Varihus statutes NEW 52 iffhrem 1333i standards fur the secret interception hf amestic communica- tihns by iaw summarize-ht ageucies depending on whether the chm-municatihn is te'iephnne a-mai came madam The Climax administratiun is prawsi g x n ehminaie thew inconsistencieg its plan wauld bring the standards used im- intemeptihg mun-ail mesv sages up In ihe stricmr mare hrczahtive have haw applied in wiretaps Hiegai interceptimz hf hmail wank result in S ppr si of the evidence as is the case how with mega intercep un hf phhna cam The imposai wwi alsa enfurce the same- egai standards has appiy ta phone calls fur inter- ceptihn hf acmahs sent by table mo ems Which haw a greatar- degree at privacy protectihn What a law that govern cab- 33 gaming The admihistra hh is aiso hailing for greater autho ty imr mum s- review haw enforcemem reigns-251$ to use that record he phane num bers of incoming and hutghing shim and 0 track we htigins and destinaiiuns hf ham-hi messageh Thhsa changes are cleariy But Can- grass aha-0 h provide HEW safeguards against the gmemment s wrongful use of ever mare power hi sh nreiliante against iawaabic ng chi 19 115 Serious cameras have bean raised ahuui Cab nimm the new mime wiretap 539st used by the REL h track aha cummunicatihhs 0f indivi uai s suspected hf criminal Emmy The 1-3 1 says the tachnelagy can the a- maii of the target of an investigatihh But the system when hacked up in the netwm k m the Internet Service pmvidar gives the FEE-J unlimited access 10 the smash 0f ah other an the network Whiie a court arder is 91553 required in izmezrhem he mutant hf messages the serum t-echv Whig Camrh' ed exclusively by iaw enforcement raises Maw 01 impmper mahimrihg Un t rim-v routine gavernmeht suwei ance of priv are canvarsatihhs was Iimite as much by pram ticahty as by iega canszraints Now that it is feasible eavesdmp an an uniimited scai-ei the ith have be strengtheuh to prevent mhhi mring of all saline wmmuhicatiuns simply because makes it easy 5mm Reiease macaw w Ukv -- Ju kg 35 - 7 s ung lqhick Jill hzk l'gjux m ur gram 1 7 mua u men mauwmw-waavamv nah-Hf 7 a avian-II 6 @502 mm I whiltgtatt 323 65 7thng Colembia s Serrano I inamhe Uni ed Siam apprmed SL3 33313an Wat the EIN aid want In is the 1 560 in muntmam cs aid for Coiumbia guere that Calambian Presitient $5 maps whu pro t than me drug made tentativde mm e 2 8 have wage a bland femur campaign in pmtest d3 in mm But the agreement is was Eignas andguan It implement since the mm is rich in 03 r lalea erssatamun apeace tame 5 103an gum hmndayand magma bimdshedinCnlambia continued unabamd ta fa eiting the In ux Maince they far-gr Since January when aid in Calumbia was living nutsida Crime gmremment s pmtec an The aggro-wed tha Rmulutimaw Armed of armament gawthe FARG- wmm l if a den ta Caiomtgia gmum hasattacke statims and 1m 41 3 paliceai cem ghtingmathegan mrer aeweek- gamma in the armory at the hands sf the and in Coiambia s nerthem San Lucas momma The was axe-dad as a land far peace appears ta have in the daaths-af i mem deai buttheF Rmeusewze den tarimd mane hers af le Na unal mm at guers as a base 9f npemtim and has 511mm rm- wit ri a mug and 13 renegade ght fs whatsower naga ate a In additian on Man-day 239 PARC termri sts Puma Calambian Pause Chi f Jase 59mm anhmhad a m ce stadium in this remcte mum- wha was in Wast ngtm East wk ta mam pmin e nfNarina which is rich in opium speciai agent award describes the gaming mpg aws The PARC gunned dawn II police and mug-s haw fanned when and womd ed 1 iers with timg na igkers gimlng 366 253 re smmnit s cm th 9f alen-ce MghIigth Vast resourcestebuy a erthe curtain imw'bnnaj guerriliaaud tactics can- - fen and su bvemives stoppeci receiving mane time It be Cummdars far the Elma which has the fanner Sewiet Unfun 11- Cuba he FARE 659mm mum Df' about 40 pemam fths sauna amazing us when we migateai mm eclinad EVER ta amdthe But the wk amps Mr mid The Washingmn Twigs a vas 9f 11 meme kidnappad by that in the Mn Pama splan t0 whim Spring 1999 them lobbying the release temo cs M a x and axial 53ij is there mime- r 19W mes The chiefimatcmiv Gare fare aes 13$ chance that we Cdiamhians ci a gm'e wm Ef e hape prev-emng the s if it fails we tr make our b-ysaying that nei mrthe issue of hustages nor a aver gamma he said Ha ma Sh l d want that mase m wauid he an the table far discussion Columbia has seen ennugh 53 24 93 Reiease I a a 151 3 96 $5251 I j- - 135Q9195 131111 - Who 66 13 Big Brother When There s CarniVO-re perhaps ieams same new things 5 30113 the Law enfmcem m' me FBI way This is a big ieap dam the s ppery shm d begrantfd saith slam uf state im'asinn of privacy And 5W I the vary existence of 5th a humming Be 99% @mn Gm system pruduces a chiming eifem an e- E ma lm than he 3 maii-hased free speech muse thawing I 0 i that a state mike agency wi read at kw EEK has part 91' your Email message ajiesLs B BART Ragga 7 what you saymmat message 7 The Wand pmblem is that the New 318 FBI wants to recruit Intemat ees mt need Gamivore In search for sewiee-prmidera ariSPs in spy on Us Ifged cgmifgfwe a s fag john titimns 1 ha FBI ahead works with the Wailers 1 raise t- Is issue redit companies in sein y snoop an with FEE Assistant Erect-or Hamid Kerr large minim of aux digita regatta when Kerr tasti ed baf e 31 a per the 1333 Inte igence Authmimaliun hearing Monday on Carnivore Why-d1 Act The FBI has instalied d-i'giia phanew we meal in gm terminals on sit-e at the jmgi br in phage cm-w rather char the tum pauses under a simiiar canmssiqna at we nead ad infomaunn mm the way pm 195% Am the I'reasunr nepan- that iei p mne campa ie db ment s Financial Crimes Kerr mnmed this pain but chimed Rework has depmiw i 31 that the FBI stiil 11 22 55 Carnivare in I w 111-01151 WEEK and haste that lad finmng snftu are 1 crew We mummy actw r repa s Thisis The minnow 11133 it shares ith the and anh't Sgufces Egui give With 501% g vemm msv gs missing snfiwam Theme is sim 'l'y me The calls its new 33 suwei ame mat go grant the FE such weeping software Camivtrref An agent conuacts paws-r3 a siearch and than trust the a iaptap to the gamer and than reads agency a write 139335 mass gamers in - at least the adidreas a wary emmai mes- E't'iiabhf in timew Eageihat passes through the sewer This A FBI says it has used its Camimre saw I The Slat Cm I 25 3 i ma a net 1an desp -e an us mes m e ii 0 cost-s The enminais it tries to with are lemim g Erika the very peopizewha wi iaise the two ub- 33m 35 vious stems to evade Eu'They change it needs 131 5 search-em ali sefmam In their fake gma 1135 more often am help it nd and catch such I e I I me use mom puwerful dsguai an my '11 Ems 12 3 mmhletheirmEmges There are three prebiems mm farm-v were and each is fatai The rst is that camlwm- S meam and Carnivore undermines the 4th Amend pedcnnance quarks themselves Wm 93k ment s ban an unrmanabie searcheswif digital undemmnd 5959519 59 it am not ame outright The cause 33 he'bg pe a s of 320333 law an mug get a judge mg a mama gregis 01 mg guditgarywhu aversee Ant warrant an brohahie c if e This hackers km W913 Study the 593313 in Frames can mean an more than that 'm em and maybe Rim the FBI asks in he warrant But the The only maple Camivme can cam- Maximum further demands that the denuy watch am the in ame-mt cit-122315 Wami be smi c wmmicuia y dew Wham 31' has 19 right toggle This sets a scribing re place Lobe seat-had miish and ange er precedent far the Camivure searches himdiy Ihm gh at type of hemwvhan ed ngmmeni private emails that nwugaugh the 15 re llamemne would expect to n-d in server while it 19 11 35 for a suspicious em Myanmar 91 Giulia I - mme 33 31- #me then search ail hmgs es In a my may they mm privacy and cans tu unal limits nd 5L Th3 sear- 31 115w on state police power Cangress shcuid Camivare Switches the Mae Beamh km 51 MM i en eatim mumm sear- 31125 rst i en fy the suspeci's property Ear Hash in a dcciriml Whit is then searched Canistch engineeri g 535 and use author a seamheg through private database mm The Fang Mint-e madam Home 1 idenu es a suspatt s W f d I 532% Release Dag $5 20 7 In a legat document ied resign clay Miami argued that the gm emmept s antitrust mate is com merely unsuitable far direct sweat - ta the Supreme 130w because it is mmpiex am because the ma judge made swims and substantive gran cedttral err-trans Micmsoft wants its appeal ta gt rst to the fades-at appeals wart in Washington whim rated in av-9r at the mmpany in a related cast The mmpany s argument med tvi t that Sugareme C un rests heath its on ta smthing attack cm the war at Judge Thomas Panfteid Jacksan the heart the iawsuit in Federal His-trim Cum-t The Microsmt ttecument citing tat-views Judge Jacksun granted ta new argamzatitms uctuating The New York Times mated The dt5 taint court s blunt to the press raise setth about its impam'aiity Micmsat t atst quest-timed the ammhandedness of Judge ate-mith in getter-3L First the tan pan the judge altawed the Justice Betta-amen and t9 states suing the company IO hmaden their taste Them altar at 3 3ng the a ditt lonai wide-net Judge Jacks- n assured the temp-any- that hi matings Woul be basett m the more timiteti artgina camp tnt awardng to the Microsnft ung Ttwse assurances the campmy Stated the district court W uld tater Judge Jackson ruled emitter this year that was a- manopolist that had repeatedly attered ami- trust laws am1 tw- that the campany b25951 in We a an arm he latter shalve pending apgeais a ovemme have raga 3 seeking In app-eat air-mtg and sidtastap a review by a murmur appeals court Direct mutt are permitted in mawr antitrust cases brought dtretti mm me district mm In ts tting Micro-sen is trying 0 333533643 the mart that the appeat wilt int-atva a thicket a terminal issues protedurat chailenges and disguted fault Sam-mg out these mat tiers Micmsatt 3am 7 war the mtumismus written recent of the trial - precisely ma kind of wmnowing usuaify heft to an appeats mar-t The Justice Bepmi Intent had no comment yestar ag - 372 3 m mare camparty says the made pragedum arms-3 he ather than a brief statement saying that the gave-m met-ta will respond in its 'ft ftng Still than is- Ejttie mystery what the gm'ernmem s theme will pits-baht be when it was its h efj with the cuurt tut Aug t5 First at - to legat experts the meat will say that the fauna find- tags are clear and that the issues or appeal are a couple at big legal ques- tions w- grettisety the ktnd of majat jtt gm-ems a law that the mun so when res-ewes far Metal The big Eega iasues they say are whether Emailing 113 its internist brewer with its stan atrd Windows nperating system was illegal tying of two ant meme Micrusaft's dealings with other tompanies was tntiemi 120me canductf it I-egal parim Judge Jacksan ri ed that Microsoft s mate and its behavior aid vialate antitrust lam and is appealing his ruling The government i5 aim expected ta make at termini policy argument Im- the expedited appeat given the uf mmgauter mtiustry to the ecammy 11m government will say that Is imposing a gig ni cam main cast while this case is tm appeal and no remedies are in place said Herbert Hawaiian a protestant at the University at law law ssh-mt It wit say that 10 take ting the case is a castiy at and that this is exactly the kind 01 case that was meant it gt direetty to the Su- preme Cam 7 In its 39mg wing stat that the cast went hams awry the atten referring It Judge grammar tn add mama after the suit was mm in May-11398 Hm matte Miami said at icwed the Justice Department and states to transform 1h 7 grams recugnttion In ning 5n Mt - dectared su-bst a ttvte pro dttra atmmt 7 5e etmrs Micmsuft mid in givmg me campany too tinge gas dismuery and a 15 ensemthe expandm arm at evidancm Much cf the evidence in the case Micmsait shat d have an asst-at asttie as not bemg suit- able far admisstun in taunt The district mun Metastth stated targetiy Suspended applicatinn at that federal rules of admit- ting numems newspaper and maga m ne articles and other rank hear-n 5339 Juttge Jarksun tega say did allow a wide rang-e written evidence in me case But he gave that teeway to both sides they saith stating that Miicmtaaft tsn'bmitteuti many NE wspaper artistes Wet press rateaats at evidence Anti the government mamtained agreed with this In ts ling suggested that in its appeal the campath wit seek It make sure mat it 110 langer appeam before Judge Ja ksm It tam his cam-meats a the press shwid be mustdared gmun 3 far a 5mm Rattan Page A 5 54 ADDITIONAL CARNIVORE DOCUMENTS FROM OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL TECHNOLOGY LAW UNIT THROUGH 7 23 00 PAGES REVIEW ED 49 PAGES 49 CITED b - ls b701 b6-3 h7C -3 NOTE 91 pages fr-Om this le are duplicates t9 pages from The Of ce Of General ant Of ce file In Washingmn DEC 205156220 a vi-y 5 7- 1law Lena-rmReprescemaiivcs 33-53mm i 9 Jim Freadam Remark July 11 2090 VIA FAX Hon Charla T Canady Chairman Cmstitmion Subcommi ea m 121 House Judiciary Committat 362 Ferd House Qf te Bldg and Hon Melvin L Wan Member Cmnsiitu an if m House Judiciary Cammitm 1362 Fara House Qf ce Bidg R e ashin gmn BE 205156226 Baa Tammy and Wan We are writing is you meant the HEW FBI smail system apti name-d Camivere which givag iaw mfmcemem axtranrdimry paw-er m iniertept and analyze huge voiunms of amaiL The Camimm System gives law en farcemem email imam-6mm mat never uv han Cangress the Eliccim ic nmmunicati ns Paivacy Am mdifiezd in relaxant E3311 at 18 253832 and 18 USCG lib-21 Camiwre raises legal issues that cry with images Signal extrema-m if we are it F u h Amendment rights in the igiiai age Th axistenm of Camiwre rst came I0 1i gm in the Ap i 6 i stimuny if Attila-13y Rabat CamaRevme to he Cunstitutimn Its apam an was furthar detaich in a repen that appazared in m ay g Wail Strata Emma mpg attached Accarding to mess mga s the Camimra syst m essentiain a mmpmer running 5peciaii zrad sufiwamn is attachrad directly an Enigma Service Prtwidcr's mtwork Carnivam is a achsd either when law cnfarcemeni has a Ti e HI 01631 a mutt parmining it intercept in ma time the camams af 1115 eimtmnic 0f 1 Sgeci c individuai er a trap and trace pen mgistcr arcier ailawing tea mbtain the numbars reiated to cammuniea ons mm a a spaci ed targat But nniike the operation Gf a traditiuna a pen regimen rap mid infant it-vice or wiretap 3f 2 camentianai pix-mm - na Camivare give-s ha FBI amass to ail traf c ever the netwmk mt just Yh mmnunicatians in or a pmicular target Camivare which is gamble 0f ana iyzing miliians at me ss agczs per ascend pumu ediy attains the messages 0f the spaci cd targ tj 31 31 31 th this takes place witlmui scrutiny uf either 11613 a mart Carnivam permits access to the email uf wary custnmer of an 131 and the email 0f every persun wha with ham Camin is mugh iy equivalant to a wiretap capable 9f 5 24 31 Release - Psi-a 1m 7m r155 gig I 7W- 3 1' 15 w N w Ebw mm to Camuwema agrin named v 5 iv - i 321 e Hunky v I 3 gig-IE the mutants of the canvers atima 01 all if the phans company's cusmmers with the assurance that the FBI xvii WC de canversa ons 9f the spaci ed targei This trust us we am he Gavammeni apmnach is the antithesis of the procedures mquired under our 11% wirstapping 13m Thty authmiz- Iime ciecimnic survei auca 0f the 0f s-paci cd persons 1133 1311 conducted by mat-ans 0f Spaci ed cammunita nns davicas This pizzas on ha 'pmvider of medium the raspansib ity in separate the 3f pmama authurized be mm other Currentin law anforccm ni is require minimize its imer eptim if naminc minaiing cammunicmiom If a target of a wir ap cards Camivare is m a minimizatian tool Instaad Camimm maximizes law snfurcamem access In the of nan-targets In his Estimnny yeur subcammitme MI CBm Revare dE SCi ib d the axper iemce af his an ISP ma was ra quimd to insta Camimre prasaniad with a rap and tram Gwen He detail-ed his ciiem s cancems that a my and trace e'rdm' in the c-chxt 31 tint Internet ravealsd inf maticn that did mt cemempiam when it autha zed their limited um In ha traditi-ana Lalaphane suntan those amass rm eal naming mum than the numhars diaied to fmm a single taiephone line In the Enigma mnka mast ar m s and cmiainiy Carnivore iikeiy invnive asce aining the suspect s anma ad rass as wel as hcader inf-amatien that may wasva infm matign mgarding the comm-m 0f ma communicat im As we haw stat d previously the ACLU nes um baiieve that it is clear that the Government can saw an crder on an Intamat pmvidsr and chain the eemaii addressas of incon ng and 012'ngng mgssages far a pmi ular bar Further it is not 236% whethar aw enfarcemant agams car should use authority undm the gen egistmf 5131th amass a va ety of data including Xntemci Prams addressc diam numbers and a ma i imgs We canainly do mt behave that it is cigar that law nfmcamant can instali a Supsr trap and trace imrice that amass such incm far all of 3111393 5ubsc bei's In light 01 ha new revsiations about Carnivam the ACLU urges the to madame its tansi demiim 0f the applicmim 9f the 4th Amamdm m in the digital age Mgisiatian shoulcimaka it sitar th a law enf rcemem agents may not use dwices that aliww access to electmnic cammunicatims inmiving m y pct-mans ether than a speci ed target far whit it has a proper ordar Such iagislatiun ah uid make clear that a trap and trace arder serva an an ml autha m access 01 12 mutants 01 any camuni-cmicm a inciuding ha aubject ne of a anti that he beam the burden of pr 'tecling aha privacy of eommunica ms which FBI access hag mi bean graniad W6 wouid be happy work With that Subcomm itme on drafting legiglmicm that protects 1hr privacy rights If Americans Sincerely Laura W Murphy - Direttnr ACLU Washington Natinna Of ce Barry Steinhardt Agseciaie Dimmer ACLU Gmgery T Nojaim 5324 92 Release a Page 'H i l LAW Jami- g 56 n v If u fig 3s 1 Leglsiatwe Enamel ACLU Waahingmn N-aliana Of ce cc Members cf the Cams tu tign Subcamm tme 9f Ih House Judiciary Cammittec k w i tive Archivgsl gg i Rigiggrg giggiggi Banqrass QweNiew Haw use this Semis-r11 3 mm WE smart N99 The Arrmimn rm-f mm mm 532N192 Release - P age I 5 w-rw W i mdimr Privacy grams such 3S the American Li be i es Union am ne E iecirenic infgmatian Privacy Center and some Mien-set Want to stay to mamas AGE mam er wick an the heart a the tap fth window Stronger Oniine Privacy Sangi rt By 11% HOPPER at me Associated Press Lawmakers are seesklirag ways to share up amine prime-y feiiawing repods businesses sailing gustemurs' persona infamatim and an FE system that hunts far suspecis by saanning citizens email sens Patrick Laaehy Wit and Raine- Tonicei'ii iegisiation that maid bar the sale uf parsona i inf ormat'im kept by a de anc cam-pang if he saris wnuid heme amazed privacy palicies in a act amen the mummy was in business The aim respm s to me 2356 of a gmer amine my ha-i pui at its assets inciuding its custamer records sum as names addresses and credit card numbers - up for sale despite a p -xacy p i icy that assured custumars tha wnui d remain prinaia- - The Federal Trade Cammissiien led a suit against Taysmari this week is step the 5am from taking piece Rep Spencer Bachus Fit-Na has afready gp ana to int-rmgca a simiiasr bii in ihe House is wrong to use cur natim'fp b ankmp cy laws as are EXCUS-E 10 a custmmer g pig- 50113 privacy the senatch Said in a Setter ca eagues aking far suppo far the bill Swimmers have a right to exp-ed a rm t9 adhere in its prixacy mi icias whethar it is making a pm i if has ied fa bankruptcy The Iagigiamrs say they wm my t0 include the bin in a Easger refom package an organization that gines its sea to Walt Sii E that meet its privacy Mammal bi-ew the vm g e an Taysm-a ' in June Samar Wednesdayi Walt Disney the m jm i y sj-wner 3f Toysmart said it has Q ared to pumhaae the campany's iisis and assure their cera dlentiamy In a reiated action two iiegisil'aims are gaing a ar Camiwra a system in use by ihe FE a manner suspestcd criminafS' a maii Gamma is Sinsia iied at a mama s intemei prm der and mans ihmugh all incaming and outgoing mail basking far messages beinnging to 'the suspect pm dars shied a he sysiem because Eaten 553$ mmpan es have n9 centre war the wads box They Say it infringes upcm the ghts sf indivfduals not with the inwastigaiimn That ACLU sent a ie gr ta Rep Cha es Cana y R Fiaq detaing iig cameras Canady will ann-aunce Thursday the daie for hearings an Carnivore his spakesman said House Mammy L etf Dick Ann-3y sent a letter Weisnasday to Niamey General Janet Rem and Bi irestwr Luuis Freah bias-ting ma agencim- and the canton acimmisira cn fer the cybersnoaping' system The federai gmmeni has the power and the authority it tenant and maintain mat amounts of primate persunal infoma on meta Armay Rifexas This a ministraiion caniinues In demanstrate a attitu e with that Aisog Rep may Shaw 9 45m wil i introduce a bit mumday aime at stepping identity theft The tail mute pmhib t the $313 91 Sat- 13 Swarm numbers which can be in get credit eard numbers bank leans and anaemia in anuther pemm s mama The FTC annaunced Wednesday hat cans to hair identity tha he ne are an that rise at abnut 350 mpans per week Identity hart is 3 Zambia pmbiem that has litem y destreyed mama's xes and it must be stupmdf said Shaw wha heads the Hausa Sonia Sammy cm the Net htipu r mestemg mammal mania mum nmudnu-mnumtwu mm 1 American GM Liberties Uznim htip imwaciuarg Privacy Intamatmnat APNYv-Ulizd 2 339 nae Ass-aciam Pram The snsomaz ian confained in the AF was amour may m m pumished braadcasf' remmen 0r 55m 390' 33 Wow 0f The Ass-ecfaiea' Press AH arrive hypm nks haw bean smew 512m Release a Pug 159 r- - a - if a a - urn - rm Lag u muu pmg hysma __ aises A nmnai Privacy goncams a g k FBI Cy ber snaaping Sygtem Raises Additionai Privacy Cameras Armey 0 Stay On af d fm mx Iuly 12 mm House Majoriiy Leader Disk Armey may caiiad an A amey General Janet Rena and Birecmr Lauis Freer ta address the privacy cameras raised by the Federaf Emmet of Enves ga on s Carniwre system 01 menitaring email traf c Ame-3y issued the failowmg statement Wm a have the bags heard an persmai pm as It Mam-1533 keeps repcating the sama mi iake over and over E uagm g m 1mg g g wu in Last war a Administratign pmpmal far a camyuter natwerk mmnim ng caiied surfaced Whan 1 j ined privarsy 1mg in adwaatcs questioning the af 3 gqvemgnem that g Tn- fim could meth 53651 netwerks his backed off a bit rm thair originai design But it hasyat in agswer my 35mg why they mten ed 10 men 10 private systema the rst placa NM 111 FBI wants to run a system that cauld sat through every single cmla masaage that 335553 Waugh 1 Entem san'ica maxi-den I ask why 3110 1119 we mm this Admi istration wiih our ast p arscnai cen'egpmidmca At a lm when hare is a 0f talk album mncems for internet privacy the minim-Gare ACEminiairaiian mntinuas t0 Big Bretth proposals that premete gevemmeni yhersnooping They seem tone deaf to museums have abaut the gmremmem invading hair privacy Thri Federal gavenmmt has the power and 13m authar it y to mike and maintain vast ameunta af'p vate personai in ammation This Admimstration caniinms It demonstrate a cavaiiar attitude with hat I call on Attamey Gemml Rem and FBI irectcr Freeh 510 using this sysiem until feurth amendment cancams are aciaquately addressed Reiated Carrespandense First I-Eitm it A Kenn mi to Rena 532m Release P 153' mm i 300 m SI iUUle g Lunuams Mg Jh Letter to the nrivaw 9E1 wma i updates Frans Gm Lip aiav Features 1 NEW 37mm I I Freedam Werks Home Page 01 the Of ca sf the Hausa Majority Leader 7 IE E SKI-SIM Release - Page 11 me freed- 3m hnuse gymmimregsp WI 31 00 3MP - Mam nunanCtt w ii r - Vx amt wt at- Thettatian's teammatnicatians nietwnrics are ragtimeer used in the cmisstan at sariuus Grimmgt activities inmuding emit mags Organized crime gym-ups and drug tra iciti g crgamzaticns reity heavity apart teieca-mmumcations tu- pian and exemte their mminat a-ctivitte3 The at iaw ammrcemmt agencies it canduct iamfulgiectmnicsurveittance cf the at its criminai subjects represgents one 05916 mast Wat capabttities for acquiring evidence to prevent serious crimmat bahavimt Uniike Meme that can be it being discredited tar impeached thtaugh atlizegatims tit mismderstanding or bias etecttenic suwettiance Ewan-Ge pmvides jUf t E an a pa unity to determine factuai issueg based upon a datenttant s own words Under Title appiicatians for intergegttan require the autherizatian of a high twat Department at Justice 2mm tstiiciai bet-m the tuna Limited States Mew otticas can apply fer such utters interc-eptinn orders must be mad with federat district court judges Qt betnte other wants at campetant jurisdictian Hanna untitte typing saarch wart-ants taderai magistrates are mt authariz-ad ta appmve such a piicatians- mid orders Fiurthen interceptinn at communicatitms its limited to cantata sped xeci federal tawny Gfienses Appii mtiaas fur suwetitanca must demonstrate pmbabie must and stats with particularity and spesi ctty the a ensets tting the at piece item which the subiaet s communicattans are tn be intarnegted a descriptian at the types a canversatitms to- be intercepted and the identities at the warms ccmmitting the offensea that are anticipated in be intercepted Thus criminai etectmnic aws focus can gathering hard evidenca net inte tganca Appticaticms must intimate that ether xterm-at investigative techniques Witt not wark or are ton dangemus and must inctude intarmaattm concerning any prior ammonia sumaitisnca regarding the subject cw in questtan Cami ortie rs are iimited tn SE3 days and int-Ernaptims must teminata sewer if the sbja iwes are obtain-ed Judges may and usuati y is raq mre pertaciic regatta to the SSUH typicatiy every T46 days advising fit at the pmgrass at the intercepti n effort This circumatance thus assures close and ongning mezitsight at the etectronic by the United States Attemey's affine hart-siting the ease Extensions of the crater with requiremants at the initiat apptication are permitte if justified far up to a parted at 30 days Etactmnir has bean extremety effestive in securing the mnvictian at more than 25 506 dangerous fastens we the pa5t 13 years in many cases there t5 na- substitute tar eta-chants surveiilanm as the evidance carin ot be abtaineti thrath utter traditianat investigativa techniquesi in recent years the Pat has Encountered an incraasing number 33 Mai investigatians in which the criminal subjects use ma internet ta cammunicata with each ether if in commu ieate with their victims 7 ECEUSE many tantamat Service Praviders tacked the abitity ta discriminate is identity a particular s bject s messages it the exctusinn of at ethers the designed and devetcpett a diagnastic teat catied Camivozre The Camivare device pmvides the FBI with a surgii cat attitin ta intacept and sail-act the communicatians which are the subject of the tawiui grater white ignamg theme which they are nat ta iint rcegt 311$ wa at tout is necessary in meat the stringent requirements at the 'te eral wiretapping statutes Tha Carnivme device warks much commerctat mitts-r5 arid other network diagnesttc teats used by iSPs every day except that it provides the Est with a unique ta batman Wht i t may be iawfuily uttercaptets and timse which may mt For exampte it a court critter pmwdes far the iami intqmemsm at one type of 8 9 email but exciuttes 31% other cammumcatlons egq tinting the Camiwte taut can be can gured ta intercept unify those e maits being i Didgnes c Tool SEEM Reiease Fag 3152 1 18 01 1 00 3n 1 mgsmuc mm lmtp ' wi i 'Wpragramsx camivmekamgym gm 3% - - transmitted either in arr fram the named subject Camima serves limit 31E messages viewable by human eye-5 in gho - whigh are st c y induded within the noun artisan JSF knowiedge ans assistanca as directed by court amen is requ red tn insta the de ne Tm use f the Camivcre system by the FBI is sub jlerzt tn intensenversigh mm internal FEE sontmis #35 9U S Hepa mem afdustica team 31a Headquarters ieve and at 5 us Atmrney s le csg and by the Dam There are signi cani pena iea for misuse as he mm inciuding exciusian cf evidence as we as criminai and civii penam es Theusyatem is mt susceptihie ta abuse because it requiirea expe isag in install and aperate and such Eggra ons are canducted as required in the mun orders with mesa onpera en with iha S The F3 is sharing infnmatiun reg-gamma Camhure with indusiry at this time to assist them 31 their e-ffaris ta deve ap taper standards far mmpiying with wiretap requirements The aid 30 twat waeks age at the request nf the Cammsurzica ons Assistance far Law Enforsement Act impiamenta m Sec on at an i rldustry stanciar s meeting me Jain Expans Meeting which was set up in tn an PCB sugges sn ta devalnp standards far inteme mtercEp am fhis is a matter 5 empmying new tethmlogy in flawqu swam impnnant infama ion while previding enhansed privacy pmiemian initia 1 '10 - SINMZ Reigage - ags 1 i3 WESQG 1 539 1' m I FER DAG 28M ffijFrcm 65 a Date Tues- 3 y Ju iy13 250 Subieci ERRNIVORE FOR DAG 2PM 9 m Kerr 5 5 '3 I receive a can this evemn 7 7 'eiaying a request mm the gag-- Gf ca that gnu an avai ab a fur a bn a ng u- puty - re- 3 En Mower tamarmw in Mr Haida s- ference Ron-m team 4111 at BGJ at 210 1 PM fab 3% 5 3 requested my presence as welt as previausw scheduied in brief am at 12 33 i am mmasted him and he has can rmed mat the brie ng has been reschedule-d fear 12 09 PM and Will new inciude the aka mm have it came back in mm CART at or ane her rapreseniaiive at wi be praseni We have been asked in can rm cur attendame by coniactinni- a if 3 Ife v 3 East 'mmgy Law Unit f ce m the Genera Caunse 3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATI- 4 51 s 935 Pannsyivania Ave NW FE - 20535-nam f7 1 - l i Na intemefsiw aim dress cc 5 5mm 'Releasa Fag m EB-ac 34 5i arm-m 13636 BHREAH GF RWTESTIGATION Ft ka DELETED PASE SHEET Fag-gag wimh m emiraiy a shig- location in the lm Om m mere 11' the '01 vang he-re indimzcl expiain this dam-0n E3 ei-eiicms were made pursuam the exenmiians indicazm bcl 0w with sggregahl mammal avaiiahia for release yum Sweetie 552 33 mm '11 Mimi-M E21 '3 @394 3 3 sz3 33 El mm 3 3 2E1 bli ri FKE mm 3 ib w 3 33 mg 23 mm Ci 93 5 133 5 3 13 ii bji 3 pc ain d tmiy a mini many with 119 mfcrenm its 111 subject at your mag-meg the sax te-ca was mega-cat is listed in 131 ugly Bacummts ariginaterd Wiih mush-er agencyfie's These mere rafe-rrec that agencviieg for raview and direct raspanm yam Page's camain infarmatim furnished by again-er Sovemmem aganc ies Y'mu win he advised by FBE as the mlaasability of this in nrmation mar era-n suhazisn wiih irt other Pageia withheld inasmuch as a firmi citrmminatiG-n has um bean made Yen wi his advised as I0 tha iispasition at 5 Emma date Pagas were m3 cansidared fer miaase as the an dulj mm 0f 63 6% g kf g magi 64m SWEET Pagmfs withheld fur the foiluwing 34 6 5 Tim fan-owing number is in E3 usea for referent I gaf ing magi agas baw sw 35 55 fPaw 11 5% x icmd Page- s No Bupiicaiicm Fee far this page Far wa QPCA-ED 12 395 FEBERAL BUREAU 0F INWESTIGATIGN PAGE Fag-3 3 withham 3 11 me at this iUQaE i n in the fiia Om or more 0f the faiimwing Stat-enmus where indicat d expiain this daictien Deietians wars made pursuant to he Exempsimns maimed beimv with my saga-gable material avaiiahie for release 10 yea Section 5 31 Se i on 57529 3 mm E3 539 3% 13 mfg mama 3 $23123 3 3 33 31 3 bif 3 mm 356 E3 5E3 km Inf rmmian pe-rtesimd ml to a min-11 party mm rm emme that subject m ygur raquesi' 91' the subjeca 6f 1 Jur mgucst is listed in aha mice E3 Dmummts originated with 311mm Sm-emmem These ncmnents ware r ferred that agencyiins far raviaw and direct an yam Page-s contain furnished by amther Gmr mmen agency es Yam willhe advi ed by the FEE as the reicazsabifiiy If this infarmaticm fniimving mn- CDHS Elhaii-Gn mm 3145 oiher agancy- icsm Peigafs wimth inasmuch 33 a nai micasc has not been madm You advised as the a a Eater datePag s were m3 emaciated far releasc as they aw duphscam ff-39 f3 151 assign Pagei s with-13mm far 2 11 faliewing reasonis 7 77 The I m- owing number i3 bf ad far mfer nce regarding mesa pagesDeleted Page s No Dupiicatian Fae for his pag - aaze wex OAK Frnm 7 To 7 STEELE Bate Subject Lama ve-rsian Chame- Atiachad is 3 a me statement with the Dim revisiting havng bean made 5324 02 Reieam Page 18 Ma 3 - Statement for the Receid ef Deneiti M Ken - Assietent Directer Federal Bureau ef investigation Befme the United States Reuse if Representaiivee The Cemmitiee on the Subcommittee en the Washingten QC W24JEGGB Goad a emeen Mr Chaiman and Members Of ihe Seiicenm tiee i am grate ii for his eepeifeunity te dieeuse the FBI Internei and data intereeptien and ti help set the fee-0rd straight regarding this iinpenani issue i weuid iike 0 rst the liege auiheriiy fer cendueting en the linemen and then describe the 'ieehnieei means by whieh we intercept Imemei in eidei 0 email evidence of Federei Two weeks ego the Wei Street Ieumei published article entitled syeiem 1e cm- er y Search Email raises privacy iegai issues aim was immediately foiieweii by a number ex simiier repent in the press and other media depieiing pen of ear interception ee ware coderiemed Carnivore e5 en em irieu s new ieehnoieg that raised cameras Shem the of its petemiei 10 wiiheet a semi Order into the private E-meils cf emierieen i hie ihai it is that tau - statutory law enforcement authorities he dieeusseii openiy in feet this was the reesen we chase 1 0 share infeimaiien about this capability with industry experts several weeks ego As iecheeiegy ween-Lies its rapid it is eseemiei for the public 10 knew and understand their gevemment is observing ihe and the censiituiienal that guarantee their right 1e privacy it is else very impatient that these he piaeed inie their prepei eeniext and thei the reievem facts ceneemirig this issue are made deer i weleeme his spew-amenity tie stems the ear capabilities are used eniy a er iawful ecu-ii ereereci and that they are directed at the meet serieiis melee-tine efneiienei security and piibiie saihty seem Release a- Page 1 ad The FBI performs Intercepiians fe-liming wim and electronic wmmunications mama-t cammunicatima under authmities derived ram Title ufthe Omnibus Crime Controi anti Safe Sir ma Act of 1%8 as which Is referrad to as Iiile and pmiong Ufthe Conunuaica ans Privacy Act If 13335 as amendsd 0r Ail such intercep ons with he exceptian If a raraiy used emergency autharity er in cases inwiving the can-sent if a participant in the are conductad pursuant it mutt Under amcrgemy pmvisions 1115 Attorney GeneraI the Deputy or the Assaciate Swami may if authmized initiats alectmnit suweilianc-e if wire at ciectronic Mth ut a court urder but only If an appIica Qn for such I5 ma a within 43 a er the sumailiance is Initiated Last war the FBI shiained TEIIE wart orders in 32 in ances We did mt initiate sun-'aziIIances Lmd sir emergenay provisiam m Ti e F-edarai sumei ance laws suppIam-am the Faun dicnamg canc ming reasmabi searchas and seizures to 0 51 wire and GREEN-GREG They aim induzis a number of additimai pmv ans which ensure that this invesiigative techniqua is used judiciuus ly with daf r-enge to the privacy of intercepted subject An I'm a warrant to search a private re-ai anca must he prasented undar math a judge or magistrate whu may issue ts warrant why upm a nding pmbabie cause to baiiave that a crime has been and that spesi ed evidence of the crime wiII be wnd In 1113 plane 13 be searche App cations for Titie int-e rc epti ns of wire am or alemronic mu In p reaamerd judges In hit same way magistrates are net authorized to apprm a Title appiicatians Hmvever be me the appiicati n can wen 13 submitted to the mart It must be authorized by a sanim n iciai of ue Dag-Jam th uf Eustice THEE mquires such highaiavei appmvai far applicaticns intercept era and wire cummur ca ons except in the 235 If digitai pagers and paiicy requires the sama lava cf approval f0 app aati ns to intercept Sfldi-Bl Rciease- - Page 1 a c w En v an iectmnia wrinnunica mns even though the law WOHIG ailmw Qwer ieve appmvai Applicaiiong far Ci f ic aurv-ei asma describe with pariicuiarity ant sp eci ci iy the panicuiar nifenses bei ng place nm which the auhjast's are be intarcapl-ed a description if the typas 0f 1c 9 2 intercapiecik and the iciemitias Dflh persons committing the and antiaipated to be Under This 11L eiecironic sun ai ance far a mi nal investigatims is permitted ml for the pap-use sf gathering E ard evid naew mi inta igence Appiicaiimis must indie-am that anther manna investigative tachniquas haw haw tried and failed in gather evidence ofcrimea Gr wi ii mt work are $03 dangamus and must inciude En urmatimz amusemng arr prior eiescironic survei ance regar ing the suiajem 0r i ingesting C u arders are initia y Iimiiad 30- days with extensians passihle and must terminate if the abjectives are whtained Judges may am usua y do require p ri dic mpans t0 the man arm-cam wer '3 10 days a vis ng it 99151 progrES-s of tha imarmpiim effort This assum chase and ongoing marsight hrs eizectmnic by ha U ii -d taii Niamey af ce handling the case intersemigns are requimd 10 bf tannin-med in such a way as ta minimize the intercepting of communications 171m mhem isa Subjam I0 i-mameption under the law such as umalated ineievam and mmcriminai communicgficns 51 ha Subjws or not named in the appi icaiian fat ensure the evidentiary integrity of interuepted communiizatimns they must be mmr ad if pessibig can magmatic Iapa gr Other dcvicas 53 as pram-c the regarding fram editing nther ai'ierati ns Immediateiy upan tha axpiratien afthe ini rcaption period these regarding-s must be presented in the fedarai distri t court judge and awed untier his at her directiena The presence af the sea is a pmmquisite far thair use or disc-Emma or for the immduuiinn of evidence derived om the tapes Ayplicatims and Edam signed by the judgg are aEs-o It be seal ad by thajudge 5 024 592 Rel-ease PEST 18% - I - $5 3 Within a reasonabla pe ad 0f ma a er the mm naticn thh inierceptim order the judge is 0-b gaied by iaw 0 ensure that the subjact m the inierception Eden and Gather parti s as are ciaemed are zmished 2m invent ry that in iudes 'noiics at the wafer he dams during which ih t intercegg ung wem carried out whethar min the canunudcatigns wme A intercspied Upon matimn the judge may aim diract that pm ans of the cams-ants of the interc pted cammunjcmian as made ava ahle in a ected persons far their inspactioa A variety 0 sanctions are avaiiabia to nalize iniarceptians canduatad in viaizati n itie If ECPA and the P th Amendment The ubiainad thruugh sush uniawfui interceptiens can be The Rig-gall uraautharimd C d i i 31 eleciranic suwaiH-anae is a fedarai crin nai af rms pumshabia by far up in fwa ysars a firm gr bath in a ditim any gamma whom c-ommunicaiiams uniau y intercepted may recover in a civil acticn against the persmn 0r entity enga in the Pimlatimn 1% including punitive damages atimncy s fags and ether costs 0mm we wait an mdar far 03 wire cammunications we gmera y mquira mammal assistance from 1315 gamer or sewiae provider Such ha is increasingly newssary 1113 case with the advent 0f advanced sen-ices and naiworks such as the The days 0 canneciin g a pair of a gatm clips conncming a tapa record-er In a cappar wire gimme an hang gene Title man-dates S rvice provider assistance incidental law enfgmemem exem en of survei ance arders Upon the requszst of the appiicant a mum ardsr alum-mixing ha i nt reepijm of communicaiions may direci that a Servica pmvidar landim cusmdian 9r other per-sun sham furnish the applicant fun hwith all infrarmatimn facilitiea and technical assistancs 1130 3533 t0 the interneptim unobtrusively and with a minimum of Warfare-nee with the swarm-es that such service pmvider gustiedian 0r pars-en i3 awarding the persen whasse are K be interce edg 5 243 32 Ra -e353 'P age r85 a 4 m 55-practice judg may Sign twa oniers Ema mder autherizing the law enfbmement agency t0 onduct tha eiaetmnic and a gamma abbreviatad assistance order dimcmd t0 this sgwice gravid r specifying for exampie in the 2355 If E maii ihg'E 1nail 303mm name of ma wig-3 2 that is 113% Mac the artist anti dii eating the provisian if necessary assistance Sawice providers and their pm swmei are aiso alibi-Em the eie-ctmnic survai ance laws trimming that unauthorized alactron'ic survei ance of thgir customers 131' anytime 3138 is farbidden atan criminai and civil may be assaSSed for viaiations The prohibiti n m using or igcfosing the contents mf cammunica ans Hkawise amends it sen-vica- pmviders and their passage it is fizz-r this reason ameng Others that sawice pmviderg typicaliy take great cam in prowi i ng assigtance in law en umemem carrying mu eiactmnic suma lanca pumuant to mum girder In some provider's up prm'idxs Service assemia y carrying nut that inter-cep m for law and grand-ding he nal intercepti n product but in mas cases semi-Ge pmvidars are ind in may prmida 3713 fave fassistams nearssary gnaw ms an agency conduct the intercwti n In reacnt years it has bemma increasingiy sonm mm far that F3110 seek and f rju ges to ordgr-s for Titie interueptims mam Harm-WI taiiam than those in ma aari'y years mi Ti e 1H exi siente that were directed against plain aid telephun services To be Succeessfuily impiemented these artists requir compiex methads ensure that 6513 massages far which there is pmbabie cause an intercept are in fact intercepted The incr ased detail in court artists issue under Title HI I eapands 0 m0 ralativ eiy renew-t First the mmple ity of mmiem netwt sr'ks such as the and the campi xity uf madam users commuz cations equipmant require better diac mination than alder anaiag cammunications Far exmpie Inmmet users equen y use gimme-ms messaging gen-rice $24 582 Release - Page 1 6 Eike Email 0 communicate with ether individua s in a manner reminiscent efa teiephone cell with text instead of mice Such messages are e en the targets efeeurt er ered interception Users else use iike the werid wide web which Ieeke mere ke print media than a phone ce Similarly same Internet services Iike streaming videe have mere in e-enunon with bmadcasl media Iike I-eievisiem than with teleyhene sails These types of eemmuniee ens are EESS eemmoniy the targets 0f an intereeptien erder Seemed for many Internet eewices users share eemmunieetions aha-me e dresses etc These feetere make the interception efmeesages for whieh an em ereement has probable cause 10 the exciusien of all ethers very di iemit Cour-t orders iherefbre increasingiy i-eeiude detaiier tc preeiude the interceptiee of cemmunieatiens that He euteide the smpe efthe enier In reepense a critical need fer eels impiemem temple mun orders the FBI devei-oped 2 number ef eapab ities including the ee were pregrem that is knewn es Cemivere The em nmii tee may be aware that intemm are broken down into packets of inferma en C-eesisting ef a string 0f weeds er symbeis Di erent peekeie Earn the same message oftee mke di erem mutee between the sender and the inten ed recipient The various paekete a singie mes-sage are iaheied se the hey eer- be reatssembied and reed by the recipzi em The cheiienge fer law enfercement impiemen ng mun order fer intereeptien of Emmi is to nd and retrieve eniy these packets that are part 3f a message cevered by the order To do this we developee se ware soiutiee in pame netwerk eneiysis This sef were runs a stars-dare perrsenei eomputer running the standard Meme-oft Windewe operating system it weeks by sni ing the preper pertiens ef network packets and copying and storing mfg thee-e paekeis whee mate-h a neiy de ned Her set pmgremed in eenfem ty with the sour ear-tier This lter set can be exfremeiy campiex but it prevides the F31 with an ah ity to eolleet Judy these transmissiees whiz-h cempfy with pen register mm orders trap 35 trace court arders and Title intereepiien erdere S ml Release - Page ET 1 '1 3 335% was It is imperial to understand what is by snif ng The probiem eff-discriminating hams-en users an the Intense is 3 samples ans Howevsr his is exactly what our so wars ices Ii rises NOT search thrsugh the castems sf ever message and saliest those that sustain certain ksy wards like bsmb er drugs It selects messages based on criteria expresst set as in the court 0rd er s3 example messagss transmitts 1 0 as from a ps 'ics sr sic-mum as as a particular ussr Ifthe device is placs at sams pi th on that nstwo s where it cann t discriminaie messages as set But in the csurt it simpiy lets as such pass by umscusde Gm might ask why use this magi- am at ail In many instances ISPs panicuia y the isrger was maintain capabilities which sliow them t0 mommy or same in campiy with lawful amass For man ISPs have the to 63mm or missteps iswfu g ordersd if so E msil i0 snsi speci ed use seamin ss is suck these sbizii'ties are satisfactst and slisw fu mmp anss with a cam order Hawsven is most do mm have such capabilities or saunas smpisy them in sscurs mamas Mss mast systems devised by service providsrs as o siss shelf lack the a fasf en that smmp ss with the must rdsr Aim many must fd f-S gs bsycemi Email s pscifiring either pmiocsis 0 ts such as instant messaging In these a slams-d ma bos is ram su idsm so with the order ofihs mm New I thins it is impartsm that ysu understand haw we use the in prawns First time is tbs issue of 522113 Csrnivnrs is a tool inssmisd far use manly when and where it is needed in i tj each one is maintains-d at the FBI is Quantics until ii is scius y needed in an sctivs It is than d-spioysd is satisfy mess of a singis case as mun meter and afterwards upon sspirstiss ffh t ands-r the device is and rammed to Qsantics The secsmi issue is me if ssiwerk interferense Camimrs is safe is sperms m mamas-ks It is SIMIGZ Reisase Page camected by a high impedanse bridga and 6935 10 have any transn zt anything onto the neiwark in fact we gr 0 great to EHSHTE that am system is satisfas-tmiy isuiated 'am tha- it which it is aitached A150 it is @1113 attashed the netwmk a ar mnsuiiation with and with thE agreement sf technicai parsmmai he ESP This leads- ta the third issuanthat' of cooparatien To my knewlmigg we have nevar' insta ad thig system mm an 189's neiwork without assistance the iS-P s technical p-ersannel The Iniamei is a highly campiex and h-stercgeneo- us anvimnmem in which in canduct su ch aparaticnsg and I can assure yam hat withuui the mama kmwiedge a ha persmn el it waui be dif cu iik if'not impugesibia far Iaw ag nciea succass j y immemem and wmpiy with the sari-ct ianguage 0f an intermpiim carder FEE aiso depends upan the persemml undersian the prmacms ami amhiiemure aftheir pa icuiar Anothar primary semi-datum far using his symem is ime-gri ty As yen know Rule 981 cf the Fug-data Ruies 0f Evidmca mquires ha Evidence as a ca iticn 01 its admissihi ty The use of aha Cami-vma by aha FBI 0 inmmem and stuns pmvid s far an undisturbed chain of ausmdy by muvi ing a wiimss testify 1mm mtriavai 0f the evidence and the by which it was x ecur ad Perfamaance is EH10th reaa n far this sy siam to sniffers Uniike cammarcia s-G war sniffers 33min re is dasigneti to intercept and remrd the seiacted mmnunicatiens mmprehmsiveiy wiihaui dmpped packets In mn usion I want in streas that the FBI does min madam interceptimg insta and uparate pen ragisters use trap trace devices withaut aw ji a uih-o za un a wart Ever the 13 51 ve 3mm mare we have wit-nesmd a continuing steady gram in instancas c mas in uding t raditionai crimes and iermrist activities that have baa-n planned carried am in part using the Intemet The ofthe law enfuzrcament community to e sc veiy fie- ease a Page 159 I 3 A 5 C investigata and prawn these crimes is in part dependant upcn our 323$ in 10 iawfu y wiiact vita evidenc of'wongdaing As the Internet baselines mam camp ex 50 d9 ihe cha enges piascad on as ktep 3 63 We mum net 630 5 3 wiihaut the ioni'inued cucxpe'ration cfaw industry partners and inn-ovarian with as the Carnivore safiWare 30k f rwar ta warking with it sta provide mare informaiinn and weimme your suggestions an this impartam issue I win be happy to answer any qu-estians that you may hava Thank Yam Sf f l Rel-ease -- Page 90 am-A929 1-27-3445 1 a ELHHSAU 0F ENVESTIGATIQN FGIPA BELETED PAGE SHEET Pagt s wi maid en tir'eiy at this Iscatim in 121 mg ne 6r mom 3f me foiigwing statements when - indicaw explain this daleti n 3 Dei cns ware mails pursuant ag Exempiians indicated balew with m segmgable material availabm f0 yum Sgg on 5522 E3 53 1 3 mam 53 am E my mama 3 m 3 ii-3 3 3 WEEK 1 1 53 53 1'3 b ti' fiif 3 m3 a 3 10 4 53 3 CUES 33 km E3 3 1211 penaingd manly 11 a third pang with m referent to the sub-jest Gf yam mquesr 31' ha subject of $013 request is Halt-ed in the title m y acumams Brigimawd with another Guwrammam agency es These documents were referred 0 that agmcy es far Ravi-aw and dime to 3mm Pages tannin in rm-Minn flii iSth by am icr limrenunvcm agenc icsjw Yam wille advised by the FBI 3 0 ha reiaasabimy m this infarmatian felhnwing mar mammalian with ha stile agencyiiesl Fag-6 5 withheici inasmuch as a nal release detern nation has In been mad-e YDU will ha advis'std as to Ln at a later date 76 Pagas were am consider-ad fur raiease as hey are dupiicaii ve nf #3553 54 5 a7 Pageis wi iheid for the failowing The foliuwing num bar is to he us-sd for refere m regarding these pages $55 x57 Dalemd Na Bupiica on Fer far this gags wad MJ Alan Staff Counsel I I - - FOR air Missi n acumen-m Stuff I F-uhiizm nn 2 Links Emmi 1111 I ji is f Ar ml Alan Davidsen Staff C unsef Aian Davidson is Siaff eunsei at the Gamer far Demacracy and a Washington nempm t gmup wax-king ta promote civil Iibarti es an me intamet and ather new igitai media Mr Davidsnn is cumn y 1 23 3ng effms to premaic an an poiicies that protect privazy and the mfmnatian He has w en and wi -aly an the civil libmiss implications ufpublic palinies that reismct encwtian 321% has been dirac y involved in the unguing debates aver iegisiatimn Mr Davidsan alga warks mare brawl on issues reiating its Internet pansy ineiuding ee smash and censarship Internet govemancs digitai signatures and cicatronic cnnmerca domain mama issues and online gaming He mak part in CDTS ceardinatisn Elf-0138 fth 'twc victc ws shailemgea is tha Cammunica ons Decency Ac-t at the Summit-E Court in ACLU Rene His ether re s aarc'h interasts lie generaiiy in the areas mf p vacy fate spaech and tha Spec-i9 pmbigms pascd by the interaction of technuiogy pubiic and the law Mr Davidsen was a computer sciantisri hygiene joining ha legal profeasian His eariiest hacker credentiais came as the proud Lamar sf 1 nmmodnre PET in the late 19 305 A graduaie afthc Massachusetts Instimta at he recaived an 3 3 in Mathematics and Compu er Science and later ranlme fer an in and P-aiisy Mr Davi snn 'wcrke as a Seninr Consultant atBooa A1 en Hamiiton dasigning the infmnatiun systems for NASAE Space Station Freeciam Prujeat He has aiso warkad an technulagy and 'palicy issues af the Df ce sf Technaiagy Assessment and fur the Wis Hausa f ce If Pa -cy Development Health Care Task For-cc Mr Davids-on attende iaw schaail at Yale when ha was Sympasium Editor tithe Yale Law Jaguar-Hal Ha ramains aetive in alumni affairs and recan y co-mpl ted a 41 33 term as a Trusts afthe MIT Co-xparation Be 3350 enjays backpacking skiing and is curren y Ican ng to speak Spanish Fur 27 i' 1634 Eye Street NW Sui-me 1 1 Washington DC- 26966 if 2915310963 31mm his site na a Concerns upmizsmg isth issuas 5 25ng Hakim-$2 Pte 26 I an 11 1 3 6 3r 2 ACLU PRESS Release 6134439 seepage Pregmns caemmum Free nm Netwe In Unique Tactic ACLU Seeks FBI Computer Cede 0n Carnivere and Diner Cybersneep ngrams FOR RELEASE Friday July 14 2-303 WASHINGTON in what may be the rst request efite kind me Ame cen Civil Liberties Us en is asking the Fed-erai Bureau 91 Invesiigatien to diseiese the eemputer seem-e cede ami other teshnieai details abeu ite new Intemet wiretapping magmas In a Freedem 0f Infennatien Act request sent today in the FBI the ACLU is seeking all eageney remrds related to the gavemnent enmaii eybereneep pregrams dubbeci Sammie-e Gmnivere and Ethexpeek Enema-Eng latte-reg correspendence tap-e recordings utes data memerande email computer source and abject code technical manuais 311$ technical specifications Campe'ter source cede is the Set of inetmc ons fer a program mitten by 1'13 creators whieh is compiied inte object cede Whig can be read by madame Right new the FBI ismming this se rwere cut of 3 Neck hex said Sieinhardt Asseeiate Director of the ACLU and anther ef the letter The PEI is saying tmsi' us we re net violating anybody s privacy With an due respectS we like in detennine that for nurselvee Te the ACLU's knowledge the request fer seurce made is the first cf its kiwi But Stei- ward said that twe federai appeals court miinge that eamputer nestle is a form of speech at different mm any other written eeument supper the ACst denim-ii under the the Freedom ef Infermatmn Act The Act gives Americans bread rights to ehtain mitten infematien held by the federal gevemmem Technical slate can traditienai teiephene wiretaps is currently availahie in public decements Stein-hard said Simiiar access ta the camputer source cede 0f Carnivore anti ether sueh pregame is necessmy to determine just how the se ware operates and whether email privacy ie being violated The un b dled uses 9f these technaiegies cry cut fer Cengressional attention if we are in preserve Fourth Mendmem ghts in the digitei age the ACLU said in a July 1 letter in members if Cengress Revelatiens abnut the Camivore program 315 prempted cells fur disclosure ew lemakers mncemed aheut privacy In a statement Issued on fty 12 Hausa Maie ty Leader Dick Aimey calie on Attomey General Janet Rene and FBI Director Lame Free t0 Step using this e-ybersnueping system untii Fem Mnen dment concems are adequateiy addressee In addi en the House judiciary Committee S ubcemmittee en the Constitutien seheduied a hearing an the matter fer Monday 311% 2-4 The ACLU has asked to submit testimeny ta the Cemittee FBI has 20 business 333 5 to respond request The ACLU is seehng a an an expediteci basis the Iejcter said because this relates to imp-ending peliiey deeisiens 10 which mfenned members ef the public might cent bute 5324M Reiease Page 1ng meme 11 2 $5113 #29 ACLU Frees Release 3 Zof3 9 If-ear request is denied in whole or p311 we ask that you justify a1 dele ens by reference to speci c exemptions of the act My 1'4 zoee Attention John Keiso Jr Federei Bureau of Investigation Chief Seating Rm 6296 Washington Elk-C 2053541002 Seer Mr Kelso We are uniting pursuant to the Erection of Information Ac 5 USE See agency reeor e inducing letters correspondence tape recordings notes date memeranda email computer source and object code technical man-eels ie-chnicai speei eetione or any the foilowing h We seek a waiver of fees emaciated with the xl lhnent of ihis request for search and processing fees pursuant to Section of the Freedom of Information Act Records are not Sought for commercial use we I momma Ci vii Liberties Foundation ACLU Foundation this provision of the FQM The organization meets the o te on left out in National Security Archive v epa mem of Defense where a representative of the news media is defined as an entity that gathers in ammation ofpetentiai eterest to a segment of the public and uses its ec ion'ei skins distributes that work to audience 88 F 2d at newsletters frequent press reieeses news brie ngs right to imow handbooks and other materials that are disseminated to the peblie Its inciuding tax exempt organizations n-ot-fer prefit grunge iaw students and faculty for no cost or for a nominai fee though its public edueatiaon depanment The ACLU Foundation dissemineiee infoma'tion through pubiieetions avaiieble on-Iine at weeluerg as we In addition we request a fee weiver for epiioetien coeth beeaese _diso 1osure ofthie in ammation is in the public interest It IS liken to centnbute elgm eemiy to the public understanding of the eetivitiee of the govenmzent The ACLU Foun ation is a nonprofit The computer system software or device known as The commuter system ee ware or known as EiherPeeI-z which has been or is or Cyisersnoop Programs - 33 the ACLU ietter concieded The to the FBI follows 552 to request other materials heid by the Federal Eureau of Investigation regarding The computer system so were or device know as Carnivore which has been or is eunently used by the FBI in connection with trap and trace and pen register orders served on internet Send-roe Providers or in eonneetion with orders for the interception of he semen of electronic communications served on Internet Service Providers Onmivere which has been or is currentiy used by the FBI in connection with trap and niece and pen regisier orders served on Entemei Service Providers or in comeotio with orders for the interception of the content of electreme communications served on Internet Sewiee Providers and curren y used by the in eogne tionhwith trap end tease and pen register orders served on Intemee Service vaxdere or m eonnectmn With orders foe the interception ef the content of electronic eemmumeatmns sewed en Internet Somme Providers as a representative of the news media the quali es for a fee wawer easier to raw materials into a distinct work anti 138 The ACLU Foun atien publishes matte-la is widely available to everyone no 5 243 32 Reiease Page 2 19 m ACLU Pre Release Ina-GI indw sar Cfbersn op Programs t- zy iaf pub-lick enhan ed undmtanding af a w z d wiretapping its rei tion hip - caustimiinnal guarantaes ofprivacy as we as an understanding technaiagieal if deveiopments in wire and that and expedite such wir apping Th1 pubiic a interest is particularly pertinent in ght 0f advancing Ie-chnomgy and the rapid growth af x-e World Wide Web mass have greatiy increasad intermnnectedness of the cannt as in the wurld aspacia y technelagica y advanced naticms Iika the US and Nemariands W2 aim see exp-ediiad review of this request bemusa this infematiun mlates ts impen ing poiicy decisions to which in amed members thhe public might sonhibme Tim ly public accam is these maieria'ls t9 zin in rm the public abaut the b issues surrounding cannuunicatmns interception and whim technalugiml developments Ifaur request is dsniad in whale 0 pan we that 3 01 justify deletinns by mfergnce t0 specific exemptions cf the ant We magma ycsu ta rciaase segregable parti-Dns of ihmise exampt matenai We resarve the right is a pea y ur deaisim it wi mald any infcma cn G in deny a waiver nf feas We Imk forward it yam repiy within business days as the statute requires undar Sactian Thank yen for yam assistance Sincereiiy Sieinhardt Esq n bahaif uf ACLU Faundatian sme rmaacn 2663 Tim American Iii- 5 Le cm zs Infant 5324a Reinas e Page 3 3 0 1mm 1 ms - at - v-M 'nrn 3 J-iu ACLU Press Release Sampware Fr gmm 1 M13th - 1 a if 41$ 9 7 trim limes Uni Emma-m Remark ACLU Urges Congress to Put a Leash 01 Carnivore And Other Gavernment Snoopware Programs FGR IMMEDIATE- RELEASE Wednesday J1 iy 12 2- 109 Law enfarcemcm of cials using new suweiilauce teahmI-egies a-nline are racing far ahead at esta liahed grivacy law and must be mined in ne American Civil Miami-es Union saici may I in a sent in Charles T Cana y Chair of the Cans imien of 131 Hausa Jud-iaiary Commitiea ami ranking member Melvin Watt ENC the ACLU saici that-1h unbridieii uses if 'these techmlegies cry out far Sangressiena a anti n if we are is mas-ewe Pau h Amendment rights in this digital age Speci caliy the ACLU sharply CI itiCiZEd the PEPE new 0111ian wiretapping program dubhgd Cami-mm that uses hammer Samoa intercept and analyza huge of e-mai1 suspects ami nonasuspacts a ikc It is high time that iawmakers put a leash on Gamimm and other gamma-mi schamas that go- way beyond what Congress authorized under 1316 Electronic Cummunicaticns Pratectian Act said Laura W Murphy dim-star 0f tha Maximal f ce anti an anther 5f ha fetter Surrently E aiw anfamemsnt is requireci minimize it interception 0f non-incriminating comm unicaimns at a target at a mgetap ar er Em Cmivare oe uat 'ihc apposita Murphy said by sweeping m c mails mines-em Imcmat ussrs as we as the tags-ted amp-ea Barry Steinhardt Assad-am Dimsth of the ACLU anti an anther 1f the him said that implementing Camivara is mmggarahle a gnawing gavemmant agents 20 371 0pm Past 1mm mailbags and scan evmr piece 9f mail in search cf ma speci c letter whase address may already Imuw Ha 3 150 mated that while the system is pluggsci inm the I313 it is cantml lcd 50161 by the law enforcamcnt agancy In a traditiunal wiretag the 13 is physically piazed and maimained by _the teE-ephone campany The smupware rst GRIT-16 light during an Apri 5 b f f the Constituiinn Suhmmitt e Tim Can vam systam essentia y a wmputer nummg speciaiized s-o wam is attached either Wh n law enfureemcnt has a cam under pami ing it in intercept in reai time the cont ms If I'm cicatmni-e cammunicatims of a speci c individual a a pen registar artist aiiowing it it obtain the numbers related a communicatiuns om or a a syeci ed tasget But in the Internet cani xt the ACLU latte said macs gr-tiers and cmtainiy C mivure likely inmive asmrtaining the a mmi ad rass as well _ as header informatien that may provide infnmatien regardmg the mutant 0f the conununmatian In urging Cangrass in academia its consid-emtianpf applying Pam-t Am n mant principles in the digitai gs maid be hapgy 13 wark the an drafting legislation that pmtects the privacy rights 9f Amencans the ACLU ietier said 5mm hinge a Pa i uf hair 3 a tux x - - mass Kalease 1 24 113 Gavemme 2 7 mi Pragme if f' a A gig Fr 13 A- le letter was sigma by Steinhardt and Gregnry T Najaim iegislatitve counsel with the Washingtan Natianai mgr-m Wm - 7 at Ap l 6 hearing Tn meant related develapments the ACLU has criticize ether gnvenunmt smeiilance schemes inciuding a gicbai eiimtmnic auweiilanee system by the ma a name of - m that is aapt ring satellite mismwave cc uiar anti ber uptic comm m ans werldwi e Famed pm um MM E s-t Ameri wn Chef Unfun 53 24 12 Retease Page 2'71 a mp2 'Hl m 5x l V I I um 1am Letter t0 system aptly mad hon 1131315 ma th - 333g A I mc c m her nio 44mm 777777 7 Pram HEM 2mm VIA Hon Charles T Cauady Chaiman Cunstitutian Subcom ttee if the Hausa Iudiciaxy Camn ttca 362 Fulani Hausa G ic e E idg Washingtan 2051545220 anti Han Melvin Watt Ranking Mamba - Canstitution Subcommittee ofthe Hausa Judiciary Coxmnittee 362 Ferd House Of ine Bidg Washingtan RC 20515-6220 Bear Representatives Canady and Watt We are waiting yam about the new FBI emaii sum-gimme system aptly named Carnivom whiCh givcs 13w cnf memem power In intercept and analyze huge voiume-s at email The Camivure system gives law enfarccmem airmail interceptinn Qapabilities that ware never cani'ampiatad Wham Gangreer passed the Electronic Privaty Act ECPA cadi sti in r638 va part at 1 8 REM-22 anti 38 312 227 Ciarr mr raises new isgal issucs that cry out far attention if we are Fourth Amendment rights in the digiial age The axistance of Camimm rst cam to light in its Ap i 5 testimmgy ofAitamey Rub-en Camwaem tn the Cans iutim Submmittem its apemtian was fu har detaiied in a report that aypeamd in taday's Wan Sum Emma copy attache Accomng to these the Camimm system esse tia y a campuier running sizeciaiizad sa waran is attached directiy an Intamet Servica vaidar s ESP netwark Camimre i5 attached either Wham law cafarcemem has a Title HI ardar from a cum permitting it it nial-cap in ma time the contents of the 613 tronic camunicatians of a speci c individual a a trap and trace at pen register arder allnwing in it ubtain the timbers related In cammunica ens em or to a speci ed ta ch But unlike the npem an of a a pen register trap anti trace device 33 wiretap 9f a canvemicnai phcne line Carnimre gives the FBI amass ta 3H traffic war the ESP-S nemark mt just the mmunicatiens In or at-n a particular targat Can vure which is capabi aflanalyzing millions nfmessages per secand purpmadly retains an iy the messages of the Speci ed target althnugh this proc ss ta ch piace withuut scrutiny 13f aims the ISP er a court 3 Carnivara patina-s amass to Email sf-every summer afar ESP and the email of every person what with them Carnival is mixg hly equivaient to a wirata'p tapach 3f amassing the mutants ofthe mnversatiens of of the phene campany s ustcmem with 111% assurance that the FBI will ran-card canvarsations ef the span-med target trust us we are- Emma-21f appmach the antithesis if ha pmeedm as requimd under our the wiretapping laws Thay iimi tcd eiechm c surveillance aftha canmw ca ens of speci ad persans 1131 3313 ccn ucled by means af3peci sesd devices The plaza an ha pmvider Qf'th - camnni-catiuns medium the i fi Wiaif 11 ARM R easc Page 3'33 IAnun - W4 3 00 Lanca- ta- 533mm 333 3 namcd Carnivam u rmnsibi ty to separate the camunica cns auma zed is he intesrcepted cm Esther cummunicati ns Currently iaw an armament is rquired a minimize its inteme-gpiion comunicaiians 9f 3 target of a WI Map arder Camwam 15 net 3 In ammation tea Instead Camw-orc maximlzes law enfarcemem access ta the Gf nonwtargetsi In his 'ies nmny to your Cam Revere described the experience uf hi-s client an ISP that was requir d tn inst-a3 Camivere when prescnted with a trap and time warden He detaited his ciieni s cane-ems that a trap and trace arder in ha cuntext of the 'Intemat revcaiad infamatien that aid mat than it authorimi their limited use In the traditianal 'te-Iephane context thus cadets reveai naming mare than numbers dialed t0 gr mm a single telaphune ne In the Mamet mniext mesa and canainly Carnivore iikaiy' invalve ascertaix ng the snap-act s e-ma address as w'c li as header in fonnaiion that may provide infommticn mgar ing the mutant 0me camunieation As we have stats prcviously the ACLU dens not 'be liwe that it is cigar that tha Grumman can saw-a an artist on an Its-tame service pmvider and ahtain this e mai 9f incoming and mugging massages for a particuiar subscriber ii is n01 alga whether iaw enfomemgnt agants use 01 shmuI-d use authority tinder it pan ragistcr statute to access a variety sf data including Internet Fromm ad msses diaiup numbers and sana legs W3 certainly 10- nm believe that it is clear that law enforcemant can install a super trap and trace that amass in such in ammation for 3 1 if an subscribers In light of the new revelat iuns aboui Carnivam the ACLU urgas the t0 awe-lemm- its c-ansi eratian Di It appiic-ation if the 4th Asnandmem in the digital age Lagisiatian sheuld make it ciear that law enfurcemant agents may net 1133 avicas that aliaw access to cieclmnic camanicatims inmiving only persons rather than a speci ed targgt fer which it has a propcr ordw Such legisiatien shauid make ciear that a trap and tram Ernie sewed an an ISP mt authurim access to hit mutants ofany mmuniaaticn including the subj at line 9f 51 canununica- ation and that the ISP bears the hunting 9f protmtimg the privaay of communicatiam In whieh FBI access has m3 been granted We WM h ham t0 war with lm Subwnunittee can dra ing Iagiaia on that pmtacts ms privacy rights 0f Americans Sincerely Rama Murphy Director ACLU Wmhingtan Naticnal Df w Em Stainhardi Assn-time Dimmer ACLU Gregcry T Nujeim Leglslativa Camsel ACLU Washingmn Natmnai 0mm g2 Membezs 0f the Censtiiutiun of the Hens Committee INF Hm mm Huh 17142313352 - Page 774 2 an 11 3 AM - - - Lu-9 ax 4- Rinks 333 amivara I http fx l d ja cumf - 3 - me a - 5 113973 2 i gahi an 1 alti'vacspyare bm mp w im A Camivam a t Massage 1 Ti M1539 Subject Re tamigpre Wan t avour Cyber$ vacy Bate 9 sz Author Message segment 2 5f Eat w gfg if you give up yum pemwnai privacy Every-emf eadnm wi fd ow gh rtiy bucks I say let carni vere mm Wheihar namivnrg 598$ it s job er n91 has it tq c wity whether or net grog-Jr health ar cre it renews are safe if 3 qu year ser cart 'a hywijege an ihe web nances are gone it s as Arid camiv re premem rang way brine athar S m hpw 1mm Et r g aha patient records an the web but maybe transmitting hamfar shad pe adsj gth t a but zeta atmagegan'iheweb g if p be 113- 3 mp ep a ty fer the next a-dministcatian The mi from i 2 mn ravamies iike the cane war cggmivare are tem sts c mipais and mgue mate - Fixing ih aha 3mm qu negag tgi The a bmre has fifth a tie with camiqu the above memories gt upa akin aiwiays 53 weaknessas-ofethersta gain mairends amware isjusl the mam su hjegzt wider m ny - i- Der-ft ck your criminal a ivity a er'i mm and gm haven a e nhm camivme Cauldn t getanysimpmf 3 sc be ta - - sax-1m Release Pagc i afz m wzwa 1 1 4 I A Hi7 1 if Sdejanumfget omgi I39 36519 hi - mac-5 ngasnm Ra British an wank a owi 7 alt ccmp freewa re smm - sis mfg-maneumwmig arms-h law wouid mm pa aa ta Intercept ema - -- a i mm MESSEQE 2 9f xii-7 1 Subject RE British Faw would ails-w pai ice to intercept smart aw Wiz m m - CarEM Tanis qa ejin earm nk- at Fur H f cm em 3m 72 - next in marsh Me sagedsegyagnt of 2 Get gs gment 4- amen muest Emma magmas agieja hi ma heating an Manda in to pub c untrage we F832 extra-ail spy sdzeme - - - 3 j Yam aft f cei g in a successfm 1999 campaign agai nsnha pmpasad naw Vom- G-ugtzaemer bank spying regulation if 7 gnu mi want in receive further updates @3333 use that unsung-cribs directinns at the and er his megage imme iate aa lniteaquired Help us Km the Qamiwmi - - 0n Ji iy w issued ab s f t se alien 35 FE cybers oapi g 7 Camivamg whish can scan 9f e ma its pier semndi Begause Camiwre haiqrglimit d newer is spy on aiming everyone with an exmaiihgcmunt it may bathe biggest thma 6 war digital a 7 - E 5135 mi 3 3 49M 3 an 7 ma i g a WW- 7 WW 1 av cw the sir-sierra hurt mats mt Ewan We want 19 amp the image Pi agg ga iss take the and ask them ta it ha same ism wwme f 11' a m iei'ai bii a 1P forlai'er 5324 192 Release - Page 2 I a mama 13 4 AM 39w wig Huh - a 129% tem t s 'tin g mnside ng that this is w 4 26Mnm-u ha ngamn Re British 139 would a ow e-m x i 139136610 hi - law enmean gainme hiss 1 3 pig nfstant gisig m e5 mag The is that camivare wti scan mi iqtgs 9f emf mssages haw 17 ndja nyhumheirypf messagesjram peapiwqapented gf qi m'ggihaf gn FBI apenej everyme's m a hap ing in nd a letter'fmm a miminai at 3mm Magma h ne aiif Just in @333 a crime was being gisgssed w was a 1 My rmth Gamiv- prga eg i ncgwas iust whimsy reveaied the FBI has may desrica at ax-ens sawing Fmvidera 593 ar und mummfaind staf ngf a used R'Wew'er 53 nes so far in many casesj ha F83 megs the device Sinakmk magi on ma IS its pgn wg Mm agems making ia y visits a @197 aqapturea g a wait I Ma'nyls ks agate FBit i f-iaii whims an imm ame w nf alt their'custama kfbamd be Bu e ia iar this ya'agg'a fe emi'judg ri ed 'a g ns ihi ge sgdgiiSP tearing nich ice ibm Its-3351 the FE aaceis a - Egg i3125 f suw e ha-c em mvi g Itetap-hane 81 th 'iniu'fe arai 33w gm megain iam ad over mama Has- t9 ag g ntammta wsm gag shaumnft be expect gust a with yawm dmw ze m srr -- - -J ii f- - r- But camivare 15 mm than a threat to your or i ary U V oomspandenae it aiiso gives government bur eaucra xs the ab ity in spy n your mime banking tarmac-Signs because it has the ability ta manner 31 a rgiia i wmmaniaa ns The ham-0m Sing is that yam privacy warf t be protected 39 19 as Carnivore is an the I as grayigus in search @321 in search vibe in athamereawam 'B maf View inai - CMtam $952330 my rights rammed I rTems- U A A ha an - Sfl f l R ica - Pan ii 13mm Re law wan I unset-$42 er T 77 link agg 'gfht is 19% 2089 fra gmrams a Z f up Mailmt invis ih ii j piraewam a f e Qgig Em km A 0 1 2m gim rwi egesmg rc r grist val-r c iut capt 5m 24- su v'Fiuf run a v duc xp x1 Nun P cvhn x 1 3 anaw memam as the Chg 3 1 - H metar nf Wmn an I Mg swim Wyal'it 33 th its KILL 3 V1121 I r 1R8 l aganl a tsg - 3363 Luke L dig I it Lrev ia-us in 931 th next Egg eamh n ii W - nu as-mg b tins-13mm - we Release P33 239 warm 11 4 '1 af 3- sgpige Search Remit camivmc gm Web Metasearch Resu1ts L west pricas an the mat for pfadums mi servings 1 a Lifok-i Ca ec bies a Tram 1 Small us inms t- Bu am at 37 mam 3 ng 54% 3mg ionkiri' far Search engine hand 3060cument$g fhe query string sent was Date Subject anm Amber 31$ ch Stow 99 77381 Cami-var campssecu ty mwal U7f24f200 3 altcampfmeware WIMIEOGG - almn'ldovainteme WKESEGOG Story an FBI Carnivore campsecu ty mwai E 03232680 Sim m FBI amim wingsecurityt mwal 7777 7777 7 Re Camimmis a Violatin mikgoli asmisc ammom Re Dave-u CARNIVURE THE alt wn spiracy #3732212-090 CARNIVORE altpa ticaelectien EQCARNW ELECTRONI 7777 iv 77777 altprivacy pyware GWEEIEGQQ altprivacy GWEZIEGQG aitpoiities altfo dnmurban mikpali csn sc GWEEIZQQO - 7 austinjniemet GWZEQGGS augiawsenfnmement GWEEIEQG sacmonemia 9 2212080 is altfa rlkimegrban 073232086 v a f d z amban 63132638 QWEEIEGQG glamivgm talkpaliticsguns GYIEEJEBBU talkp iiticsguns GWZWEGOO - - - Sdfx pmtiucisxocdm GWZZIQQGG I v tai'k pc iticsguns - i ildf llz EAM 5324302 R casa- Page 233- - a Dugp g Search carnivuxc - 1 m talkpaliti stguns 0 2212800 talkpaiiticsguns 4 aiitp vacy altprivacy aitp vaay Search engine - The query string saw was 7 7 v - Date 3qu act Fawn Auther 3% Jun deja com ramim dn m ts Michael An Mater altpri vacytanan-sawer An Maia-t altpriviacy Osim-niusx ait fan cuite eawmw Sign Hammn news dminwneiabuse e Lazyike rsm mgsmig-c 3 1 Jul Ancnme-us alt p vacy Remit Gill n secxulturevbaitics Jase Vallancamp ali dmgs pn Esquire the Fun the Puli altian ult-deadnmw Na User nyciransit - Dan alt privacy anmn sewer Viviana Lemar aramai-nnt 5mm Katmai Paw - i 2 or mama- 1 135 uugpzf sea- n Remus carnivoreJammy Summer bit Right altpoiiticabush There is I search engine left in he searcheci Far mar-e results click below Next S i'm archiEnginas Are yau baiting far - Fatah Web M-masearch 0 We Taming Usenet Bichws Pip C3 Auc ens Inag O k' C Audicmm Taxis 2 2m m 3M 3 $2 4m Reicase - 13 3 9 3 mama 31 2 14' - - xix fe 1 air-ml - - um dm Tee ng were at FBI Meddling - when lg- rewrite 11 3 5mm tree-race it Q Tec rain-remem- Teieceme Mfiffed at Meddiing by 1 3 613 5mm 3131i 8 230G PDT A teie-cemmunicetiens trade aseecietien this week criticized a receet FBI move te thwart the $5 5 seie of ESP Verio to a Japanese firm The e'bg egmg is that the Fed agency may net be able ice cenduct the kind Internet 3e weiiferi-ce it desires are specious said the Cemeuter end Cemmunicetiens industry Evewbedy e get issues in Pg-jieigg Mere Fundinefer FBI S ee ine In taking this eetien the FBI rune the seriees riei-z ei frustrating the openness of Internet cemrnunieatiens infringing eur civii iiber es and damaging cur with ismeortentutreding partners said Ed Black preeide t ef the CCIA The groups membere inciu e Nor-tei Nekie ene NTT Emerita the cempany which t0 purchase Verie Last year the FBI ensue-seesmeasked the Internet Engineering Task Fame to buiid wiretap into PSI Directer Lewis Freeh has in the pest eeiced Cengrees fer domestic canimis on dete ecremtsiing preduets and successfuily pressed fer a digital teiepheny iew that requires teiephene cempeniee 0 ensure that their netwerks ere ehie to be tapped by the Feds Antsir en-envmity If you criticize Penneeivenie judge eniine be warnedyea thought Thineiriened Ssuperier Court Judge Jean Orie Meivin in early 1999 sued ever a dozen Jehn ees the ehe euepeeted er posting messages en a muckraking site deemed in Pittsburgh p-eiitiee A judge whe heard arguments in Meivin'e ease wiili decide whether er net tr unmask the feiks whe participated in the Gr-ent- Streei 99 site according te in the Pr'ifsburgh Tribune-Review The ACLU is defending the Jenn Bees including me whe ree erted i-y eiieged that Judge Mei-vie was engaged in eurreptitieue and if true uniewfu partisan political activity Joy An articie en the website ef the censervetive teatime Review takes aim at Jay of Sun Mieresyetems whe raised eyehmwe when he warned ef the dangers ef uereguleted techneiegy Authere Gierm Reyneids and Save Kepei Said agigie pubiished eeriier this year in Wired Magazine is an example ei nee iLuridite sentiment More genereiiy Luddite intellectuals are successfuiiy prepegating the precautionary principie which states that we eheuiri never try enythieg new eniese we are certain that it is abseiutely safe Even werse re iinquishsment weui-d prebebiy accelerate the pregrees of destructive neneteehneiegy In weriti where neeotechnei-ogy i5 eutiewed eutiewe weuid have an eddi enei incentive te deve iep ne neteehneiegy the Neti-enei Review authere mete Upcoming events T we v 5 senators are heizding briefing ee me ieai emf genetic privacy an i f 3 - seem Ream - Page 233 mm 11 41 - 15 ea Rafi Juiy 14 The event sgms arad by the ch m in mam 3'25 9f the Russell Senate af ne bu dingm My 23in Riichmund in s 1 xx sumT 30 2mm sun 28 mm An t Eran 28 20110 f fri m 199 2030 Wire Digital in NE rights Telecomhiiffed at FBI Medd scheduiied for 12 15 pm Jim is reteasing its state 01 the First'Amendment survey on 13 at 9 am A federal miina chiid permeation commissinn 'a 5mm mileage - Page 284 r mama 11 41 9 mn-k SunSpot FBI taps aft- mail pmveke stigma 13 35 5 3 News Natiaanerid 7777 FBI taps 91 e mail provoke concerns Privacy i ssms lead to Hanse- hearings 0n 'Can wm werk Name sailed 'unfn unate 53 Del Q emm ji f r Sam Naming Sfa ' qt a To civil liberta ans and Internet s fvic-e praviders- a device created by the FBI to swap email massages is as aminaus as its mama Camivcre - Attache-d iS-P s sewer the cantraptim Sifts Mugh coun ess e-maii messages and capies spaci c in ammation far Edam agents seeking uspacted crim inaiss including team- sts and child pomagraphers But critics say that in the procass of sifting mt con nuniea ns gm its targets Camimra is aim cap-able 0f remevmg the private messagas uf innocent 13233313 This is a very danggmus evise said Barry Steinhardi assmciate dime-tar 0f the American le Liberties UHIQH It s unprecedcntadq It s the rst tima iaw anforcemam has carts b lanch access to the entire service pmvidar s netwm Tim sunnunding the device with the forebnding name has caught that attenti n 0f Repubiican lawmakers and a House Judiciary Subcommittee is scheduled haid a hearing an 1116 matter taday Qppanmts anti authm ties whc suppert the use of Carnivore are scheduiad to icstify A er the was disciased in mean news accaunts sparking criticism privacy a- im-caies FBI ofhmals met iawmakers and rcpurters to try to Show that Carnivore is not marl as as some fear Far one thing FBI Io icials said they mad the devica in combat crime and threats to natianal security They describe Carmwre as a surgical taoi that womld prewar cardinal peopie- frem unintendeci marches There are ltering mechaning bu t in that limit amount 0f infnma -on viawabie tn the human aya said Paul Bressan a spokesman far the bureau it ensures that chy the exact camunicatians auihu zed by a mutt am what we Par decades federal agents and 10 31 golica have been wiretapping Suspects plumes a er nbtaining pennissian from junich But those wiretaps limited to a speci c suspect and 19 at through phone calls at madam Cal-Rivera much diff sn y hang aumnrities stili must thain permission rm a u gc scour e maii messages at dis ccver which Web pages a suspect visits Dace may have mutt appmval agents attach the Camivure device a an 5124 2 Rekasc Paw 3-35 0 mama 11 34 AM baa w x 1 iiw u- iv Sun pot EB 20Carnivsre tines net read email messages as thsir iines ef cisls said instead it searches far mmputsr trades that direct the message is and ihs Nor can it scan s msii massages far ks words like drugs or bomb an PBX sf cial said in other ws'rcis say Carnivsrs acts like an FBI agent summissd is scan sent by msii The agent as particular suspsci s in ammation and pulls aside any quali ed swamps and opens it Last week after an from critics the White House saici it would to sm-ang sth sr things require agents is seal Justice Deparimsnt clearance befer asking judgss ts suthsiize this use sf Carnival-s in a specifis sass Such miss airsady saver wise wiretaps But the was dismiss-sci by sisii libs-mes gr ups who said it did nut g0 far smug in sI-ssimnic c-smmunicsiisn Far their part FBI of cials say the li hiis House p-rep S-al is not They say they abide by the rules gowns ng mics wirsiays is use C smivers espiis the of FBI officials civil liberties gmups and Republicans say they are wary if the system it has the capability it all said Rishsni Diamsnd a spokesman far Rep Dick Amway the Texas Rspubiicsn wim is the Hausa majcrity iris-Lies and a sharp critic sf Csmivsrs It all depends in whit pushes the butters s-s slcl push the mixing batten and have access is all saris sf FBI nfficisis dispute that assertion thsugh they cascade that Camivsrc has scams-times captured s-msil messages and data that wars not targeted in their searches They say they smiled such infannstion and did mi Isa-d it Earlier this year an ISP tried ussussess xily to prawn FBI agents 170m Csmivms on A s-r a brief sour ght the ccm pany Es hlink yieldeci is FBI demands and heips-d install devise FBI sf ciais say they don't mind simply asking ISPs In pmvids barn with s mail by criminal suspects if that is But in most agents wauid rathsr use Calais-are bscsuss it helps maintain seem-it for criminai And many smsi'lsr ISPs am as capable of creating pro-grams in thsin the data FBI si sisls said Though most have samplisd with court artists is install Carnivnrs ans majcr pmvidsr said it weuld rams-s Weiss nut going is stand far this said William L Sabra-tier chairman and chisf sxscuiive officer 035 Inc It's insidisus If iey were to ask us with a must miss to violate privacy ofali cur we mum take this is Csurt 1395 10-5 mail prevails Iii-isms stdinsw lssking deskmp campuisr ts flu ISP's main computer and is Csmivsrs passively sniffs thmugh streams Of data FBI of mals said Sill-rif l Rel-misc Pam E35 mime 11 31 AM ms mp5 in aim-an pmvoxe all m I 34643 7- r Autho ties say that mare criminais especia y those involved in child pom gfaphy and fraud are increasingly using the Intamet and e mai tn summit crimes About thrae yeara ago agents and fadaral prosecuters began asking for real me amass is tar mail anti Website visits FBI Df ciais said The agents said they were wart-312w abnut net having mii able and up tavdate intailigence 1 FBI tachnicians began develaping Carnivore which was usad far the rst tims 313915 18 m-enths age authorities said F331 Qf cials detained in disciose any infomatien 31 90 11 Camivn'raarelated cases but said tha system has been used fewer than '25 times FBI af cials said the unfmtunate chaise af 3 name ametged tinting intemai discussiens of the program At rst technicians called it Omniwre hasausa it ate in sight But as the system becamamure re md fair it needed a batter name and Chang-ad it in Carnivore a meat e ater ' Wa m leaking at haw we mama a 1m prmjauis right 110w an FBI af cia'l said This has been sobering FBI agents mated hat they don t need Cami ch read mast old eama messag-s s stared an ISP servers sh-3y can already 30 so with emu appmval 1 the Camivora system as a last ream msasum to gapmre teak-rims cammunica uns Autherities an ramming anti sociaty say they are hardiy surprised that lm 3 syst m has gensrated banana many 96 03313 new send mare jparsana information aver mai1 than war the 6 1 Samurai Eng-oping of employea wmaii anti the unautharizezd 53 1 0f align infonnaiicn by anreta ers haw unnerved many camputer users - 2 rfgimify published Inf 24 29 30 News 1 Sports 1 Fe-aturea Opinian Claasi ed Release Page 23 3 M3 7 WHEN 11 34 1 If I I iE-W af fin 1 13 camiwml Wm play mm ti - mus-aLndayxam ifefeybcr echfa I 63 1mm unwraps-g 1 News a Mme a Elite 1 Sports swimmer Mummy - i - 2 Ers g wm - 1 Eff the new a amiss i was 32mm 31 ng W w Updatcd 04 19 PM ET Samar 1133th a Mamet FREE Sain ay UG'i'i'JEl y - _n I FBL Carmvare mil play mce Sgwiac-e M3 in mt During demanstratinn details If e-maii wire-tap system emerge - aw-min WASHINGTON BJQumb erg The Can mre email F595 25 survailflance system wan t smog an innoccnt interns users offizgials 3 533 Friday Search FBI of aiags gave a kiwi @me site 0 the demanstratmn fths system Web 533 adopts iraditmnai talsphune wimap mgtha s is ha Mama 3 without vialating the rights cf izawaabiding Web surfers The dis-clasure that the FBI and rigid-e Tech interns servicc prcvid rs haw Talk Tam mapgratad bug thE messages m m 0f mminai has generated critzcism mm civil Eibcr as groups and same Republican l awmakars They say Camivsre will let the FBI Web cuiumn 5E6 e maiis sf-ail Mam-52$ subscribcrs am just time aw suspects the FBI Hm Sim wants to track 73 FBI o iciais win defend Camivem Mcnday befme a us Hausa Tenh wesator Ju iciary subcommittae headed by Rap'nb can Henry Hyde if Iliineis Tech Reviews I Bathe-r ns 'wegk the Chaim a ngzm sgratmn pmpased limiting 13w A Mtg-tapping 3f e-ma Investigatiugs of assigns crimes Game 2929 and requiring tapwicvsl Justin Department authenzatim 6413 331 534% Remain Page - I of 7324500 11 31 AM Jam i Caxsimfe' w i piay nice I 2ef2 I I harswere Sheif Web Females - we gametes- Sites Tech Frent Marketpiaee Ha rdware Accessgries Print Edition Yesterdsg Subse be Site ms Feedback Jobs at use Free premiums- M51 Wis 7 decreases users i u ex-M 9 411hugging Under p'mpase iegisiatien the fer email survei anee weu id be similar is those in place fer teiephene smeillsnee Csurt e rder E Iectsenie tapping sf an Internet service previder s data 'trsf e requires a court era-er Ne judge has rejected the govemen s spphestien fer a court arder is manned Camivers to the campsite sewers ofpnvate I Internet eempanies These servers contain mountains at data nef e generated by minions sf Internet companies genmiiy let FBI ei- fieials wile eeme te their offices meniter the eempames' Internet messages FBI e f eisis saidi The FBI said it's looking for we academic institui iens to serve as eutside auditors ta ensure the FBI deesn t overreach its auiherity and p11 into the enhne eemmuniestiens sf the general public FBI of cials said Ca me has been used 2 5 times is the past year It was innedused three years ego Camivere uses a iier which is a camp-utter centsiuing proprietary se ware the FBI 5123s from private companies The lter will senses-t to the sewers 0f inter-set companies is wee-d est messages sent anti received by peepie uneennected is the investigation ef eials said speaking on cendit ion ef They said the Carnivese ites Masks lswnaenfercemens ef cisis frem seeing the email Minna-sent bystanders Big Isis-met cempsnies aiseady have their own lterng systems that screen messages Is be seen by the FBI and spare agents em reviewing extraneaus Ea-Ea ef ciais said mm Is wi - 2 Cuts-yth sues QSA mg M a divisier cf Bennett Ce inc 5124592 Release Page as '1 mess msi I - s - A 13 34 w' La 5 ewes 12 Ml WATT-S JR MRMM 4 Ma a Oklahamzi Jf hshing m SawirfngAmm im SFuture Ron Eanj ammaan 262 Far imn m aia Reieasc Manday 3111 24 2900 Watts Carnivore System a Dailgemus Invasian af'Privaty T3113 m fminismufwr Samara Qw Surw ancg Frag-gram Rep Mil in RACER Chaimwn 9f the Hans-e Repabiican Toni erence mild Hausa Repub cam I eam issued the fo-Iiuwing stamn zem Emmy cm the FEM Camjmr-E system 31 6 3392310 HER imitating We need immvmivq Haw mategias 0 mmbat the reai an growing Hui- 31 of cybercrimc law mime-Emmi needs 1 0 mus resmurces on the training and expertise neaessar to proud 0m cybaxus ecurhy Irenmin cmnm ined 1c warking in a cquaic y im esi in and a uppm ghi law nforcuemem tactics Rowan- er the 3131 s Camimrza program agents a dangerous and in wmion of 0mm privacy Daspiic rammed inquirieg the C nmm me Adminisiw on cmuinuea 0322 Unify vague mspongas and link eniighiemn ni The record on pmiaciing privacy is aha prehlmnaiic Fer unwarranie wiretaps its mishan ng of hundreds of les on poiiticai appnimeesjus fax 1 3 ear3 agn her-s is ample cause for concem Bafme we impme privacy restric nns an the cammemial industm it seams the faderal has a duty and an nb gatimn ham the privacy mf the maple it has swam it Ipwtect I cammend Chairman Canady fer highiighting this egregieus threat t0 the MIME p vaey if every American ENE 5324311 Reimsc Pam Ear-t u 1 19 x Hausa Cemn nce E M-aii Gf I 1 7r - u easwuv 44vTiffani FANQRG Ciassrdam 1 LIVE W g in Cammya PUBLIC AFFAIRS ON THE WEE magma Hausa Cammittcc 1 E81 EmMmi Suw mllance Pregram judiciary Washing-0n listrict of Cesiumbia United Siam Rayburn Hausa ice Bui ding 1583 - GWEMZWG -- - Na Saie Hyde Henry US R prasantative RJL Rabat y Stewart Amer-nay Cam-Revere R bert Attemay HiGregar-y Kevin Deputy Assistant Niamey Gena Depa ment of Jumige St'i inhardt Barry Asseciate minder American Civil Liberties Unfair Kerr Bonald Diracmr FedEx-ml Bureau mf Crime Lab Cemminec numbers hear testimony on a mammal caliad Camimm that wiil allow 11-15 i9 infm'cept anti coliect Iectromc cammumcamns that the Subject of court arders Fm mare please I i ti gig Copyright 13 233i Nalmm Came gamma Tommi-an I huutrcf FA' ' iSh-ng Sig 1mg 4 #2459 Ethan Page 2511 mam 4 6 5% Ni 1'54 v My #92 N wmks Schedu'i Sammie j' i355 r m i'gammunii 20H ha- 5 wig-3r C-SPAN Networks Schedule for Manday MINING-0 rms Prev'iwui av 34 209 Current 3 Mamths Samantha S edule Back in Owen Sp hedu ie PUBLIC AI-fmms ma WES 777777 a mamms mats smpam s pi Atacama-SPAN 2 Time Prugmm Time Pragmm amf3 e 34E 1 LIVE 5 3 45 ipkmig gg Migrugg et213g_1 ESE GER-15M Washingmn 301mm LfPQEMassinm Cahbresi 11 7355 Magazine Candi Gaza Am agj n mg est foumai 09 36 331% - 5t Washingtim 5 133mm LIFE mm mew-an 71 14 'ne 7 v GSPAN Washingmn J numai feat 11 2 ambaSi- 3 43 1w est whingmn Jamaal Massimo Caiabm i TIME Magmm 12 85 49111333413 H0133 - - as Jamal an 53822 13 5 qu F m g an H alih Care Leradsership Leah Limit cmm Cam 09 49 Orz wm 1 331 mengng 13111153 Young Republicans Tam Davis F va I 22 am Nam-an emme Rabat Davis Lycos 1m 1 1 New Daiggaia$ Piatfom $391 as JAmencan Cgmservahw Union 7 Danaki Devme Fan-hrs Pmsideutiaxl Campaign 1 2 30 Pm Senate Pumccdi'n gm as 1 3 Senate H s egirmmg and ma pfzhix five may be LIVE earlier 9r Mar mam the schedufed rims Wm @0433 5mm Heieasa pm 292 WEMQQ 4 r w Lain h A m nu- human a5 cum-amt 3 13 69 pm 12 33 pmusmfmasag - 3 311 3 A 1303 - I as I u 3 Hams 13f Reymaama vgg' beginning and EM fsiris if magma ma 12 13 fem-Her er famr man rim limes 1 23 a a gm - J iurtsai 62 33 H5253 l i i13- HDU rpsf Represantatives 7 Hr begin Ring and and a fsis re may be LIVEear-Iier br far-9r af rm mfmdufgd Hams 3 th Eh- i ferehg - f th Rmm biwan FJEE Ceaiitien pm ncee ing SEE 315m st LES Hausa m Representatives Programs Airing 'Nemmfk- Mand not yet Scheduled Fragrant I 5mm Mme Pag 293 0f 3 $13136tum- - iafS V u ng the hub-h 5' a 15'5 AG Heuhuulh Extr Iowan- in Radia Program Tim '3 in 33 Pm Hims lawman Intiiciary E gg em' I Hyde ML Siewart Baker H s and and afshis may in wf er the srhedufed imm- 31 93 3 E itiary Harm 11 56 3 R-EL LIV- sgewa Baker we The eginning am and of xfs live pragmm may be mn fsr or any rims 51 2 sr ea ufed n mar $352433 Fatwa M c nnaid unwasin af abama Enrica Candy Nae beginning and mm afthir h vepwgram mm in mm m- hum- Am 3 3 i't fms'nfcu' s mes Q4 i a LIVE Iu icsary Fangs McDa-nald University ot Alab-am Charles Cana y ELFL WM baf ing and emf af rm Eve may be mr e or Ema than the mixm'uigd' rims Fm mare informatictn pieasa contact Ccpy g hf 32 Natinnai Cable $3 - ta fite Summation 5 24 32 Release Page 29$ mama P 7 an LIE ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS FROM OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL INVESTIGATIVE LAW UNIT THROUGH 7 28 00 PAGES 132 PAGES RELEASED 132 CITED 36-15 13701 136 3 b7C-3 29 Pages this le are dug icates in mges mm The Effice 01' General Caunsel s rant Office le and The Df ce of General CaunsellT-echmlogy Law Unit's file inf a me wmuom ma EmilMmem mm twinymun 2o again - mmnqumx m4 m3 3 1 $xhua LG Hm tumAmmnm uns ya ma a 93m mm mammw womnm nuEmemmww A 0 mmaumM- mm Huxm em m mumm umnw n rm mw own an nmx awn mwmowmua Amw mn bmmu HO magnum Em $3 J y MmamHWm j'j rm nua m w mum mun m upwim m am 93% wan isms an rm em rm 1 1939 20 52 T0151 ESTES EEK 5 F We 1 56 3 Tami Fagas 7 LRM it aims EXEQUTWE GEE-155 PRESIBENT GFFICIE MMAEEMENT MB 395533 839 Twin - Pam-uni 3331 EMS maisums 2 I 5 m Labiam liaise-n We Q'Esmhu m beau-w r 3 b3mktam re atten gamma Rafaranm ma acumen - mam cw SUBJECT $23927 Righ Tech mime Bi BEADLENE Wedmday a Emit in a s-ardanc With GME Ca rcuiar 5 19 WE raquwis he views a 3mm agency an the shave suhfect barium advising in mia onship in the as Ina Frasident Haas advise u 51' this item will affect dig-m a Farms Hi the Pay m w-Ga pruvizfaas cf T333 22m the Gmnihus Rudy-ct Act a 199 1 CGHMENTS A mm S 2552 33 a ache Justic a Please advise a any pians In prepara a views Ietiar mes 092 swuswcg Robert Ram 292 New PM MemWe is-cs Samuei an cx Jr - tr-53 Richard 5 Cam 293 Michaei A 292 43241 5'5 3 B F de ral cammu m s Ramadan 55th Wifkemn 2132341 1-530 2 1 aientraf ma a-mm 1ng - 83113113 5- 535331 $93525 QMJE Leanne A Shi-mehukum haan Esme Peter F Swim Lauren 3 Swizz-fem Martin ung Cam-rm R Emma-5 A Kai Gav fd W Ee ar James M milk-swam Emmi - yagaj 295 15 93 an 3435 a 29 52 Tm - JUSTICE an 1 3363f Jm e Ch w ml Rs Stung Charms w Fm E en 1 Panama rs-m 1 31 an an 1 5mm Reigase Page 29 40 39 1 3 95 19 5 1-3 mg men Emma a such code is hunting can 91 amt- mcw at the Amerm Tm cm Racism cry Act a 2m in the cuc u nit-ml after Omaha i ms but plug ap- pmm by martin-g mu data which 11 mums after the dam a mama at such Act in the nt time fuel after March 51 3933 M i plazas it app-gm and 12 3 by lmarung th date which 1 5 3- aft-er am an of the gamma at math Act in the we at nal fuel 15kg - anuwy 3 Emma a such Code is ma a 43 by inserting during the 1 year patriot has ginning en n dare ef he mam than American Tmmparta m Ream-try 31' mm in che use a dmej Imn uim Scw Izmir-1 30 EEFEAETWE 111-32 El 333 as Mani 1n 'naragmph this Wadnmm by this man sham talks m can dig date a the imminent of this setting an Baum mum cm meH the Serre ury BE 'Trcasury Mt mlm m the ange re ner acqui tim can tear cmda at we 2un gr 1sz than mu cm mummy the made by this 343mm shall to him He- 1 and ma - Fraternal Revenue Cad snail b mitt-Inna rem as if ism- h 3mmdm nu did me wk cf fact By Mrs FEINSTEIH 213% l A bill to gamma '31 he that a th rilati tans-crummy sf 5331 Luis Unit uf in $an Vancy 23min Caiih mi a sc i tntc mm in tha C-antrai Va ey P rqjm the Seminar an and Na - ura l Rescurces ma cahmuc a e mi 3m LEE 'uwrr a 2 332 ash-mu VALLEY 12mm Mrs FEESTEIN Mt ts-idem fwd- 33 I mvod um 2 5 amend the igg slas -an that construe tic- 1 cf the San Luis Unit at the ten trai Vailey 'iject in Cs lifnmia En- cf hi3 bill mum 311w water district in the San Luis Uni of the Gena- 11 Vallay Frag-act Emir federal waur' supplies with purr- ciuses at water the State Water ijmm m present him Law hunts the delivery 31 nonnfezierai water in istricm in the San Luis Unit um certain mammary are met The San Luis Unit is the last comm nan-t treatad Federal law in the Can an Va gy iject which is the larg- EFT Burnt 5f Raciamazien 3 13 42 in me Una-Ed Stages E farw 3 th dia trm c in the San Luis Uni is after curs m ed becausa of limitation imgcsed an pumping in this Jaaquin Belts r Ls summary fer water iSM' t in the Sim Lute L'n it suggsemenr smir 53 33 15 thrcug h put-chases an the ester Hawevar current ederai law gamma than 5mm purchasing m pin- 3 5mm aha 5mm Water ijec and 1mm trues- 2 dam-axed aver max-a Making man dwiiwrm '15 mi amwiy any because stage and Sedan-xi rqmc mn v eynnte faciliti-E am 1nm crammed 331112133 of state water far canteen aver federai v w gov- 110 3999 able far Sam Luis Unit tn sab min as rst a Supply as chi wuuid 111m - r F'mi-dzmt this hm hm 31mm gamed the Hausa as HR mm It will impasse nu additiansl on the few data It mnm m whim assure that the additional nh-mlmd by districts in the Luis Unit gamut bu used in a manner that xacerbate men gr-oun mm drainage pmblems I is mmistmt mm the gramsth in Eh 13mm Va is ijec immemm Act that mush mung the m3 at war-er by wining 5mm pmwide ad- dmsmal supp m at case In mums huygrs I urge 11 Senate u pass bill By Mr far himself and 5 28% A bill In mam- 5 an 13 United Stat-es fade tn mod authors- rJ-t relating the use of pen ghters and trap and tram devices modify pmm om ghting to fraud ami rained activities in cannectlon umh earn-e gum-s 5rd far tithe Mesa to the Curm t-tm an the Judluimy man TE-it 533 Mr SCHUMER Mr Fm dam I rim taday to intmduta with my smatcr RR 3 high Kath dim hill 31 11 35 3 combating cam purer c me Far 11 nine momhs have ham dikew-ing with Iaw 2n fatcemmt anti mime axptm haw hm the growing threat tamputer ames pause ln -masingiy netwarked gammy Many uf the has aiutians an fax Md complex ami m'ly he achieved sustained and hard mark an an intu- natinnai level by bath gwement and the private sect-2r is the years ahead mm are however made changes 3 agging Iaws that he made aw which will serve as a aignmcan first step in mmhmeede at as give law mfurcemrm 6 tools they need an affectlwiy ght qberc me The 152ng Lucian that Senamr KY1 and I are im- mducirgg' today MEL other thin-g make the fu uwing cha gts e mining law Wt must update our Saws gmemi g the use at what are eating pan register whizh 2 11 21 numbnr die-in an 1 phage ne and trap and cute devices which tapmre naming im- guises that t mtify' me a gmatmg number Thasa ans have hemma cu - datc and their grandmas an we slaw f'cr ha spau of criminals Emma L nuur mm 13w mw-s gatar must abaain a trap and trace era-e in end-a Junsdisz an mung which an sleetmnin ammunicnt cn 5 made Thus in emit-1936 mac on mime beamem Wt tatmrism aha 52 31 a a campus-er in ew erk gm $122-$332 3 New Jana-3 henna as wmguzw in e- isccr gin and than and Sm ig tar may famed 12 g2 u-zzarv weiy ta 1 mm in jumziitimn Hi-9 a 2m - Fsbmary 24 2603 far an r tr permitting the trace no it mmuan having is approx a ch prewar along the way In the recess 3mm of $ Mm attacks hackers had down a ma hun mdzs term biz camgum which the arm-ck an spacial 511 3 were then launched Na doubt muse mmpuum were to m 'ad 11 war the country and them quickly mm Currant law 15 thanks-e mia' y Em mihle This legumien amen current iaw gummy iguana-v 3 ms 312 unis-r mmpiauiy trace an ne its mums regard-- less 25 MW my m-zemzdiate sites it passes hmugh Law unmrcemen mus-t 51cm mg mm mm me burden 3 air such an amen the ur y i ercnce in that my will am have ta repeat this pm am and over 23 11 time a cammunlnadon $3539 a new carrier in a lms-mt Jurisdictiam Gin-g dg umcy a the inmpuzer hand and am Act 13 5-1333 is ms mquiramen a pm a damages in excess at 353333 In r verai cases Isms emmnhavmmund mm wh -e camv gum i'nmd rzs ti harm tamp uters vita ta Our criticai infra structures such as teiecummuni- 23 33 1635 and nancial sen-ices amagcs on cculd not ha prov-en Navarthev hrs these rs-Minn pm a grass risk at harm cm - cnunrry and must he prosecuced punished and dawned The Scimmaraxyl bill will unambig- ucusiy perm - federal jurisdican a the auger m an unzuthadzad imma on mm mum rather than having invmigatars wait gay damage Crimes that exceed the $5 333 limit 9 331 ht prmcuta as felanlas whiie rm-19 5 balnw 3131 mum wi has defined 3 ngmdemmnm Th will aim dar- Lty mat a 35 395 Em fawning a smputar attack may inn-Md the was respunding no rst mange tam ducting a damage assessment mum in a 53mm ta its originai conditien and any hm rmue er casts incurred as a result a an Mrmuptian in sew ice The samu- requiremam shawls ma same as a hat-tier tn am prusautton cf Seriaus camputizr wh threab en mar scanty nemarki Th5 Itghla m w i aha mcdify a di- rective the sentencing cumming-1 in 2 12 and femiv East Pmaiq Ac uf HS magni ed a man-damn minimum six migrant- 5 impt isanmgn far certain cia nm 97f exert-Eon 1333 C-omguiu Emmiam that Vt lat - the statute Wary in th ir swam-y any man- eEam-ness All Virginians shuuld be pal-W ished but under aha current regime the mandame mgrimnment appiies some mizdumeami chargas even what- Eh attack must-d as damage A5 a mu suit same pmamtm have da E-m bring was knawing that that remit umul he impriscmmanzz Sh wid Emma that fe erci are trmg ng 52 35 under sac-4 11m 2633 but wt ai's'u 3 24 23 Ensure '23th 5 351% 53 ranccs bang met 34 it the trim-u 5 24 32 Kai-cam Page 213 a F313 232% an 231 55 up 9 23% must echnoiugiica y 3a 4 are juveniles what In Hug with wmputers sing at Ar fingertips Unfarmnamly certain Juven as are cammizting the mm s-sv than computer crime ans-fl making havoc an nur mum For exampie nae juvemle hack-er caus d an airpart in wo mmrm Mama- thus-932 5 shut dawn far me 51 hnurs when its te-ietommumuatian connects-arm ware Draught dawn Simio lady twat Lanfamia term as brake tram Sensitive military mmputarsg 1n- ciudmg than at Lament Murmur-e 3233 152 131 Lamas-awry and the Air route a Hanger term strategy me new dm'a hett-erjnh trad-1mng childrm mm a 12 3- yuung age than 111 my- When 215% certain tundua an the Int-ems 1 5 mug and maggah But we also and 9 stand a cigar mmge that crimes an 11 Internet W1 haw real mmaquenmm This chhiadn n will amend a Ii-3 2 mm to give farm law mfwcemant authori n the power in investigate and presecuw juven t c endars of c-amgutrsr crimes in appra- griata was Tina bill will make Juve- niles Maren years of age nr cadet w hc ceramic the trans ae au viciazmm uf sectin eligible fur Sadat-a Frag-mun tic-n in was when the Ammay Sam erai certl m that Such pmsecu -nn is In zanjuuttion With 33 a the six ma a mania wry minimum 3113 i-egmatian win pmm e a baimcz measured agprcat 1mm basking C m'w 3am - thwe are Just the first steps that should be taken in a very 1mg ham-a agaimt q b-Et-trima that my cf us Mil far yam-5 names And while we fight t mnut r crime by m ifyi g cur criminal laws we shoul seek mncamitan my tn 31511 praise the fundamentai rights a Emu-- mm individuals on 31% interact I wan an thank Eenamr 5m ariasw mg me an introduting this hm A shainmn n that on Teaming Temrism and Swarm man informasfcn I that he was 219me aha-u than issues and I imgk award to wnrking with him mt this bipartisan legisia $1an n 334 Mr EGMENICI for himszi Mr and Mr 233 3 3-13-93 A 23111 amen the m cn Equity Ac far the Bis tic-3mm cams than fun oul igauan anthem is mv id 'd that Indian rammatim wads pmgram 2 31 Eammittn an and Emma Warm m3 fauna rm Ami Fe mg rm - neamwnw news wir Mr E W-sident Jr pizzas-ed 15 53 3 be jcintd by my cs - Eariguw 55 ESEGAWN and am in intmducmg ingmaum rc- crew pra-zi-au sliar allot- 3 ch by if Cmgr'eza and the Fragment far can- atirumim Indian reservation mac's 3r m3 ght in the Indian ran an d_ u 3 1M S 1 - 6 3333 DUJ SENATE our marina and awry m1 Mia's - last-$5 far Hug-raving this 31-33mm shuuid be dier cur amen In- dian resemuuns Th lack cf Mequam wads and Ibridgas is a chmnic geranium m Indian rg-ervatims when untm playment averagza 35 percent and mute 1315 half of indim 31W in hard Sis-me mi my Swat amen a men addea Indian Irma 0 am federal highway mat fund nccaunm all funds- a nmted far Indian wads have been used Fur that In WEE which prime de the am af the Trams g ati Emaignzy As far the 213' the indian Reserva- 'cn Roads named a 1931 a $91 mutton parjrean Many of us in Smarts warm hard to imam this In 3225 ma a-n in the Hat yea armwn 139-31 and SETS miiltsm each year were aft-en t hmugh mm a limit nu ce ymisian far Federai Lands Highway gig-ting an chi-133 Um Iimimucn an the IRR program has raw-Etta tn the transfer if funds in- tended fer Indian rcsenaticm m he transferred in this SD 513 5 In FY 19% the amcunt deducte far this tramfer a mate fat-em the IRR program was mlili n In FY 933 was minim and in 2 363 the a b gmcn nmiaation mm in a 1655 31 53-253 millian that mum have been med Ear Samar was max 3 11 engaging legi atjnn 1352 federal funds intanded far IRE prugrams have hertz I m ERR purposes 5111 in TEan was this changed due 3 the npp catien 91' obligation lax-7315mm I g-dgrai Lands- Hi my and the IRR gm ram am will stmpiy Excmde mo ERR ms annuai deducttim than hm tangled in the past three yem more than 5% m uan Tm mcmy While helpful many states is mun mi means an Indian reserva- tien and mm b pmen far that purpusa-gr By miuding the mega-am mm this abli-gz an limitaticn premi sian sw- be increasmg fund far mam mad widwut Manama ing ma ms of the tau program We wi b facwing the funk far Indian ma a n Endlan ma a a we have inn untied sinu 1n IRE program hate 33 pa 5f cur 3 343 33 thhway Isms fund in 3352 I urge my colleagues u in my dim ng funds intended far E ian mad ta be imam E0 that gaming Hr BKCAMAN Mr Frasidam I am pieaseti 23 join today with my 33 36 friend and colleague mm Raw Marita Senate - ta infra-data truss 33m 351mg with Emma 3 13 35 Tm htii assure that our Native American cnmmunities haw the funding they magi far critmai mjeczs Cur 3311 mm fund the Indian Rampant-gm Ran far he mm 2 32 9 wears with a teas 375 msifim pier its full amcun auinarwah av Lang-g 3 FBI Rial 8305 Mr Pmidmt since I the Senate In E383 I've work hard to- gun-- mar ecanomLc we-Jcpmant and create 53w jabs far my mm a New Maxim Um thing I lwnud wry quickly 3 hat you can t Expect tn attract new ind-m units you have me has-3'1 1m Emu-ucmre 5 support ramnual and commerczai new The raw infrastructure and Inaiu t mmpan anthem pawn communicatianm water am sewers Withnut that basic mm ice at affordabie ram upmunmes Elma gm Jabs M11 simpiy mt dw- tipf Today our mums-y 3 Sumatran so have an an the strangest cmnoml in End Harm gt Our racism advances injoh are ation and gruwrh an accumv that all AMHM shuul b1 proud cf Unfortunately as many at us knaw same swears af w naticm a 23 behind the wave of em- graspequ that has mp the natiam In particular I remain cen cemed mu uur Native American conununim Ummplaymem rams today in Indian Cauncry frequently mp am gland Evan 5 9 percent-Mr Presb- dmz the nation must not mm by while In ian Gauntry is iltmliy being his behind Perha s ct th cams-hunky in Americai the Tribes and Make Natiwr Viilages suf Emmi-equate infrastructure This yea I am phased be waking with President Senate-rs Emma and ether an a number if mew pmgrams 311d initiw mm- heip the Native American Cemmurzmes mjey the same level a monamin praspe ty as the ms 51 America In this raga the Tribe an nu different than the nest uf Amerlmm- pram e aw men haul infrastructure must rst be in plan The Fragments initiative rec- saga-aims this fact The 2311 we an 1mm timing my ad mases one element cf that initiative the need far b35516 intiuding mad and Emmi Tins biil will help promote tm-nsparwzian on Every reservacian in Amalia by fuiiy fuming the india Re tW ti-cn Rnads Program- First 95 33 12th in 2323 the Indian Restwatmn Reads is one of the may America meets its special re- SW Sih ity 0 hub Native Amarismns achiew 5355f suf zmn r amt 3 1 deter minatiam The gaai of m Ra-n amatmn ea-d3 rsgram is to pmvi safe and nmnumiz means ai truism tacian hraughout India lawman Ever the years the pragram has bear antherugd anti ma s fl-ed he'ip meet the Tribes Mada fur basic tier Mast recanzi'x v he mag-ram was rmutharimd 5i yum- in 3333 The program is playing a critical rake in ecano ai dewmpment and amp-i m em- 37 Nativa Amati-sans in 33 gates E ndud ing the $13 53 thrive Vi agts raaewacfnm roads rays-j tam 25 53 miles 5f 333 31154 wants and 35 586 miles a a a mm taunt and Ci- 31 Wadi Release Page mm than any 99 32 33 10 55 an 29-2 1235-95 saw-112122131 1 4235 52 35 31qu otma m mnmm aka '2 1 3 by maxim tray am trace ames after pen regsiar m4 0- 91 ii aim anti u I 4 5 by St kimfl a prohassing and insa ing 6 le ymcaessing am mm ng af wire- and ale 7 tragic eamxnunica ans 3 0F Gasman 9 6333 fry- Subscc an if gamma 10 3123 05 that i e amen ed read as in ows ii m vffl 7Uan as agpliaa gn maria i2 imam 5433 3313 of this title the mum amt ar 3 3 a pa Le er e Emmi-rising the insta aticn anti use of 15 3 re ster trap and trace dwice the court ack r 15 that the tamme f r le Gavemem has cgmi ex In the 16 that the iriarma an like to be Dinning-ti by such installation and age is mgvant is an tagging imi iil in 1 8 was gatiah The arder shall upon service mi the ortier 19 39331 my 211155 Wire 01 ed-ma a Emma 35 garage 3 ma mama tin-maregwm ez cmma owesmace uncer section - - I 1 T2 as 2 1-5 Me 8 13 31 91 mail Lac par-ha I 1 - ant-2 1 m1 '3 when ma a-W 2% 0mm nga m Wu me u 9 fan wimc x vwn 3 q I c Tar n- 3 1 31 4- 33 and gag- 3 5224302 Rama Page 101 H83 3 3 33 HE 252 339$ sigma 13 35 PM My 3 1 if the eeurt ncis that the State Esme 2350mmQO a may iga ve ni ear has carried to the mam $123 the infa- 34m an 33 er to be obtained such instaliatign and use is reimt- tr an angming inm w a BR 0F QWERMEubsew- ign 53 1 af that sec an Es amen e w in subparagraph by er ether fatl ity ED after implian 3 218 15 ii by befare 11 at m and appiied and 12 E3 striking subp ammyh mail in 13 swing mg fq m rg new subp agraph 14 3 asm yii n oi the 15 ta which tha aria app ess induding the tram 16 be 11 athar identi ar anti if Emma the hero $203 of the ieEEyhene or Gill a kw-J 13 which the pan register or trap and twee davice 19 is to me attache tar appiied am in the case if E13 22 11 $35 61 ag orihg tray and trace devi-ca made su asa ion i 1 l 1 gee-gram King- 3 0 the smut am i a ix42 ca- w-vn Saga far-Eu -hu m n Mk bga 5 24an Reiease my v Massimo was 19 35 am BZIEEIM 14 35 1 33 nutmeg 5a mama h EMS i by ngering m aha fac ity ate-r rm-O the and m by stra ne cam and inserting 0r ayglied Car why is eb gata by the cr er Mame 3 125 33 01 that is amendeiim in sub aragraph by at ne 231d mmqam 10 in subpamgraph by s w g the comma 11 the m3 and in sting a semiar an ami i2 3 by insatiag after 33 the fa 1 3 kWh-1g new 9 12332 ammgahs im e iam Sweat to the se 525 mama-3 of the Unita States 35 4 473 L11 1 1 imm iata amat tra- pu 13 hesith my safe g' or 13 03 an attad on the integrity availn 19 ab it cf 3 prete cte campuiey whiah attaak 1 39 13 H an gig ma an mam-2 gmmawa mm4 1 a EELS Annie i 1 52 13 3 msmm mecemzmm iv Qa 1 24 image-mm Eu geese 94 2 cu hm mm a 5 245 32 Release 1333103 5 3-3 00 35 33 10 5 m 2132 32 2 00 1 335 3323 33memgd by s we 0 map-Wyn am IA the 1le sab namgra c 5 an 53 any 1125 1121 cam 23 the L-Egn States inelu ing 3 Wm judge such a cam or 2 31 T311193 States Cami of pp ig juris ie on aver the in ame inves- H4 tigaied or of that 3-829 3 3 amende m Jew Ii a in by cinepulsa mm 33 $31 mlows twangtamea anti gagging mama 3 3 es g or ipia-rmaiim transmittad 1J1 2' an r fw iw 5mm mar 23 4 4 15 131 H WM '01 I123 he2 1 3% tw h nw it u scram ii I I 2 Eva Mg 3 33uha 3 58 a - was Hui in 3 q b L u f 0 5 212 31 5 i ilt mar misws 51 mm roux kfm Sw w 5 24-9 32 Release P312394 Eig'i l w 53 Fax g ya swam WW- HEXESXQO lawsOgmmam zmlas 1 ing ma m relevant to isientii ying ma sauna- of a a mammal comm catiem h SEC 2 0F mamiws Rammea SEE IN EGWHTERS PmiLm wSubsec on 0f sec an 1638 mi 5 33 '18 Shams Corie is mailed w '13 in par mph Cywmummp A in summang mm 1 by immigg $529331 as yrm idad in 31 Sabinamgraplrm CB m baf e a 12 fine 13 $33 by striking md in 38mg anti 15 by and at the and 16 in subp agmph effezase punishable under 19 subgmagmph after subsection it 2 26 333335 21 by a siing 311 1 9 le anti 335 A 3 2 ak whammy m- 23 agrgg failmmg 1' ie x 3 1 A a fine meter 115 11 11% a his 4 220 name it years er bang we Lin 54324 02 Release - I nge 3 5 53 29 06 11 33 19 5 232 335% 14 35 FAX inr- mm 034mm F3 gmmaw fe-nae ma a suhgw en 0r or an atiempt ta an affcme whisk-Mm ma a this auhgjaragmph the a ense caused on in the ease cf an attempta o mse $301215 15 haw cause k lass in mm er mare person during any ane ear pa ud in u ing has reaming frat-3 a reiatesi com-5a 9f mn mt a ec ng am car mare other pr iesie comput rs aggregating at H2215 $5 090 value the ma catlm a impaizment or potential ma i caiian me ia 6iagnosis fragment in care 021% a more in 'vi uals $333923 32qu to any yersom 'l 3 a tin-eat 113 pu 'c haeitih 01' safety image a cog Gi l system used by 91' far gowmmeu entity in arghg_ wee sf tbs ainimiim m af just a na ena cfense c @1233 3213125332 322 2 av redeagnamg 13 9f a in 12 nag-9- ray- 5an ink-5 1 stamih Iin 'Hw 93 E365 51 24 02 Release Fagin 3E5 3m 19 5 m an q fzzren 14 3993 ammo 33 F3 by it paragmph as dei ated by para- 6f gabsea gg by striking inse irg 311 3 33 5 m lm - ubsee em if that seed-an 35 322151161553 C13 b 13 by 4 1x3 i z v 3 in yam graph by in u 3 5 21 3 a Ere-cgt-ec i misicie the Emied States befare the semi a ien nnr 3 hi 3 the amass- 3 an im t0 tin-e mieg t if availab itj 0f data a a svstem 3r Mamatiarg 33 339- Fawmi aPh by the gericci at cw mam- f a 41 321 1 ma m emvo w 335333335 gig-a A 1 an afar-1 31 35 3 31 LQn uLm a Acium a ld-r SJZ-di l Reiease Para u'A- - 2 viy 1 fzgmo m 57 Fix 31326 ms 81 3mm 14 35 $53 gammy sz azammemzs am 9 1 the am 1033 311823335 my ammable east 2 any gnawing the cast 3f respamiing 43 an o fense canduei ng a mgc assessment 31ml re starng ag lam agar or infgma m 0 43m - its candi an pricrta the DEW and an revenue us last or cast inmd hammer cf intamptien 3f seam Dwame 12a 013 that sectim is amen in the seeand saniame by invoking ziamage mad that fallw a the pe- 11 3 210 51 and inserting subseuiinn shall ha limiie 1 3 in 1953 $133953 such 31 15 32 inciucias ne if the elanants Set 13 fart in anges mwugh iv m subsectien 14 I seem-n is mm 15 ammded by ad ng at the and the 030th new $11 16 see-titan mm The ecmi senier an 331 33 35 35 in 18 aom ate as 1 riglati nn of section cr er addii 19 rm is any miner sanienee images-ea anal Mag ae 'va of anram- 3101 a mag sat-2 #533 mm mama t w 21 Emma Emmaunmask a eh pagan 12my wnether 32293 Dr pea-Semi ma m washe 113ml a 0 Hang-tie e cgm 3 I uh 21 31353 63 01 mama- 1 ELL 3 5324 302 R a t MT 393 magma 3 59 16 53 an 193$ ELWEGJ lit-13$ FAX sax mama azmmujmam 13 I wul w 1 any grep-31$ WEE-the 3733 1 a pen-magcam mm ig or a ved Exam any pmcee gm gamma abtaine ame Err-1212 or inc mui min of such iala an The mam farfgimre 6f yam-part under 11 43 stab-section my seima and spaai on her-305 and my m 'adic al preaeeding there-m mail be gamed by bre pram an of secizicn $13 0 me Ca Hr Eubs mess t 21 ESE 853 excegt su agectign mmqm-m p 10 21 cf twat gamma ll amazing as 2 mbsectian ii this 389mm 23 333% ameme-ci by 13 ad ing at anti f owug whammy 3300 We fe amg saw-Ni bu mhgec to 3 33 sz 3 1 5a - vim 146% w 4 5 Lang wuwu M4 16 mam 17 is pmps g whemg or pascmzi '1 13 than is mad 8 Emmiad ea ta- comm er 1 0 19 faci aie the gamer of am 05 231415 sec rfrAm An u x war 303m l3 waxy-1 5 in n pm- 12 3 33 cansmutes 01 23 what r3321 tram 4 IL - w d' 33g my gamma seamen 5 324% Reismse a Page I 39- v 5 Hp-uw034MB 3303 10 38 262' 3939 Guam I 1 4-33 31 7' Gmmwimmamzs am 11 The pru siam sf ehaytar $8 mi ais raking ta 333 f 7 r $33 a a 9 11 seir We a 6% far LA 15-4 p 7 in la 1 teiima nn e subse ion 3 DEIJNQUENCY a Clause 9f the rst paragraph 5f semi-92' 3032 sf title 13 United States kmisagt is mama by staking 08 baf e by 33m h f f e session 324903 mi ll by 111335 ng afta or 11 cf il s titie the 1 1 fal a i g er secticn r1 or title 31 is a fawn viaia 7cm of saetion 3 af 5213 title wit-ere such $633503 of 1% 53mm is pur ahable ma a plan-5% maugh ai sac i n mi 3 6 TO Gumamxras S-eetism mi rm Antita'mriam and Eifeciiva 18 Death Penalty Act af TEES Egbiic Law 139132 28 La 1 3 USC 99% Base is amende by strikim paragraph F a 4 a v d m Mf ii L mf- 21 7 - 51 gar- sf an j mug vvy i w A Rae-Mare Page 3151 f - Mr Perkinsen HEGH rem ceim TLU PRGPOSALS I - This is in eiert you'ie the inn gem efieiis of ihe Unit in assisting SPCA in zed-dressing the FBi's criminei iegisietive needs ie camputer and intemei investige ene as we as meme-ding to issues generated by veri es iegieietive prepeseie being submitted Attached are a series ef deeumenis which may be breken dawn inte eve 2 groups 1 Amendments wiih Iegei eneiysis which the eupperte in existing eun eniiy ied and under censidereiien and 2 subject matter ef which is net currently prepesed Serra-e meterieie represent adaptations of hammered nut with ever the pest seize that meet ef these prepeseis have been eppreveci by the edminisireiien ie be snapped amend and is genereiiy aware 0f eur cemmeniery it the sieife e-f members of Sengrese This has been a iimeiznieneive process which has ebserbed researcee with reguiar eesieience free end ie ewe-cited ie centinue un t the end if the current eeseien in this is ie eieri Tie meet with Seneter Heidi s staff and Seneier D-eWine s staff regarding high tech and FCC merger eppmvei we supper and which have been - be eCmmpenying QPCA en Th uredey May 4 EGGS 'i'echnelegy Lew by members if P'ropesed amendments the signi cant periiens of these 3 ref menihs We understand frem CCIPS providing technical drafting and you that en 77 May EGOG'erid Friday May 5 2360 Lies respectiveiy Patrick W Keiiey Deputy Counsel 1 7 - Release - Pei-3H c 35 1 4 n s i I -1 33 BILLS UNDER CONSIDERATION Suppart nding for Support Center and Reginnal Cumputer Fare nsic Lahmam cs Hatch Tweakin of Ianguags in the mending Pen Registarffrap and Trace Statute Tweaking f langxaga mending t e Cu-mpigter Fraud Statute and Hatch Qppase Expansinn of Secret Smite 13 USE $1330 jurisdictinn Hamil 54524393 Reiease - Pare 311 43 - a u BILLS UNDER CGNSIDEKRTIDN Supp far Tachnical Support Center and Regalia Camgautar Fermsic Laboraw es 5mm Release 9332 as MATTER IN BILLS UNIEER C-GNS Suppm funding far Technical Suppmt Center and Rag'anai Computer Fnr nsic Laberamries 5 34362 Release Fag-e T5 Far Direct Funding is the FBI far the National Cyber rima Tethniml Sup-part Centgr The FBI strangiy supme withqu ressewatian the provisians of section 139 3 0f 3 2448 as a nesessaw and critical element in United State-5 Strategy wmbat an a natiunai and inmmatiunal Ev-a1 The absence 0f adaquata IE h iB l resaurces dediaamd the assistance of 12M in this arena undemin-es daily the investigative e 'orts of federaL state and Inca law enfa-rcement c icers e icam addrassing the most mung 33 36 13 of computers and the Internet such as chm expioiztatiam the c ssemina en Bf child p mography the whohsaie the sf inteilgcmal prapeny the theft and disci cmre ofvaiuabie trada secrets as wail as mutating-55 crimes new b- lg faci tated by the use cf computers The existing reshnicai expcr sa established with the FBI Labamory ivisiens s Engineering Rasearch Facility dammsn ates the paid-ems in praviding nding d-edicateci far these- emmssezd pumoses directly with the Hiram 0f the FBI as he mas e 'actiw means 0 engul ng that such a facility is mama'sth and nude aparatienal with the 1 33 fem pessihlt 3611 215 8331 2448's apgmach is necessary prudent and expeditieus 9 532% Reimse Page 115 Support fer Direct Funding the fer the Creatien of Regien Cempuier Fer-emit Lebemt-eries The FBI else supplem- without reset-madam the previsiens ef seetien 10 383 of Site-14$ autherieing direct nding it the FBI fer the express purpese ofcree ng up In ten 1-D Cemputer Furensic Leberetories The FBI times that by separating nding fer under seetien of 393448 13er State mding for ask forces and ether 1303 mnnfe ed havestigative initietives under 109 c the bili implicitly aekne-wiedges the 33 me a true campeter forensics eepability which is age shellid be an ehj-ectiye scienti c metien and a eemputer investigative cape i w mid eepreprietely chosen e ledge respcnaiv ity fer the fem-er the FBI Weugh its iaberatery division It is well known that the FBI Lebemtery Di siun was Waite in the develepmem - and realizatiee efe Regional Template Fereneic Mower in San Diego Califenee at which fedemi state and Emmi few eufercemeet ef cers wed side by Side skating hath expertise and expensive equipment and se ware vital te- the ferensic ef-e en critieei criminal evidence free competeze and ether digital media The FBI Leberatery u zed its ewe nancial re make the See Diege RCFL a ree ty and is previdieg exteesive eempeter ferensie training In state and lanai eets ufthat' facility hath at the Academy and Waugh cempu-ter industry recogl zed magma-15 The FBI Ileberetery ivisien new has same Went 20 years expe ence in the science 0 cempuier ferensies threugh its Cemputer Anelyeis Respeese Team CART With CART scheduin t'e expend em its current ferensic cempEement ef over Iii- 3 examiners to ever EGG by the beginning e'f 2mg which we matinee secure its es the eingje E ergest eemputer fereesie entity in the werid it oniy makes geed te harness the FBFS expertise and knewiedge ef scienti e memee and ferensic best practices es the means ef jump starting a iegitimte state and 10033 computer forensic capability The key ta the success of the San Diege REEL will be the key te success fer it-1H8 eameiy' the abi ty in move quickly with a Mum of edmil stra ve expense warhead or red tape 5 2443 direct nding eppmp a on make skis peseibility a rea tya Far these and man ether reasens the m ngiy supperts the a ocaaien ef eireet nding fer re he FBL EA cempeter im estigemre meek- it requiem specie f mince emcee when are versed in Emmet WINE miemet 'based perm end ethe mud memes as wail as internal chat Vemanular mabiing them e ge ending undercewr ta detect and investigate criminal babel-5m In eempa sm the theme af 3 mmputer capability the ek u wi m irzlemretasien and e f igitai evidence malig cer digits eterege medie gush 3 computer herd em attested as remit efe cempuier 'inveetigetiee Cemputer fermsic examiners gyica f are required It pessess and master a mere deza ed knewiedge ui electmnice eempmer hardware esrsembiy end Operation and se wem pregeming and egermien than wenld be fer a eemputer investigaier A eemgmer Jeremie is mere detached them heat fths investigating and an pteye scienti cally preven er acceptec meti-mdeiegies e recever either I'meelpamry er exeulipemry c dmce digilai 1 Re'ieese Fage 31f MATTER IN BILLS CURREETLY Tweaking 0f language the anmnding Rn Register rap and Trace Statute myUSchumer 1 3 $24582 i age 2' 19 1 3 15 19 2 3 2 5 31 33 35 AMENDMEMS T0 ms Pm Magus AM s TRACE 3mm it is suggested that the iast if the modi cation 0f 18 33 15 93 3122 a and its isgisiative i smry be cisangsd to make cisar that senice sfshe new singisa cam amiss is n91 rsquirs span all prm iders in the chain if a sings pm dez has access ta ail transn ssian data The suggested change is is is sign suggssied that ii revision is 3123 subsectiun new subpasagraph be changed fear the sea-sons stated beisw the propesed iegisia va history a descxiption of the csmm sa snsto whisk the srderappiies the number as was 0513 LEGISLATIVE Emma Existing Summing C is intended t0 require which the pen register a trap and trace is appiicd Histsrisaiiy this was identifying rim telephone number fth targeted isisg hons and if knew the physical lunatisn of that With tiss increase in siestmnic camunications via semaii chat sessions instant Messaging i'sienet sessions is may mm aiways be possibie is idtmify a static In cases ofdysiamic addressing sf internist asmunts and Isienet far sample it is ii suit Is scisscrihs the facility through a static numbers T0 adsiress this the mists shnuid permit the appii-csms to the technical nature 0f the sommunisstiuns as a means cf mha identi dng the which the mist applies Example-s might insiude the campsuier pmmcui 0r snmputer ianguage as any dynamicaiiy assignsd massage idsm catinn number 11 code at part thareo The bili also routing into the shrass dialing and signaling infomstisn in sestisn 3 and nth-s pmvisians sf statutes The term signaling has hisisrisa y bean givers an sxpaasivs reading is insiude in the siscimnic communicatisns warm sags His-ail much of what wcuid be routing and addressing and than sis-me it is that the insertion anti-existence sf muting addressing into its statute is not is limit the If term signaiing Reigns-e '2 his MATTER EELS CURRERTLY UNDER CONSIDERATION Tweaking 9f language man-ding 1m Cumputer Fraud and Abuse Act 1 5am Reimse P321335 a 3 SUGGESTED ADDITIGNAL Ti FRAUD MD ABUSE ACT Jauntng Prior State Camp qu Crime 35313563 A new 133 would dating mavicti n inciuda prior Federal juvenii adjudiaatians far eiaticns of 133$ Sivan that the majurity 0f States aw have mautho zed mmputer access or sim ar camputer mime stainiesl it is suggested that the new de nitiun efmmictivn be lnher expanded In Exclude prim State campumr camictians This 2 Same 45 Si tes have wasted stamgtes pmhibi ng to varyi g hgrse camputer crime Computer Crime Act Gad m Alabma Sectims in Statutes Sec-rims 11 46385 Revise Statues Mutated Sec ens 1332316 CA Penai Coda 582 Cf Revised Statutes 38111513515 1865-10 13-35462 CT Gen-era Statutes Sea ans 5334250 538461 52-63% DE Cede Mutated Title Ii Seamus 931- 38 Cemputer Crimes Am Fiarida Statutes Mutated Setting- 15 315 0 $15 93 GA Cumputar Sysaams Pratemian Act Georgia Cadfzs Annatated Sections I- ugugi Ii Its-9 5 HI Revised Star-Lites Bastian-5 373% 396 I33 Code This 13 Chapter 22 Seminar '13 22 1 mam IL Amatatad Stamtas Criminal Cards Scctions 54 16$ IN Sada Sgc ns 35434 4 35-43 26 10 Sis-1mm Semis-n5 mm KS Siatutas Annotated Sestiem Zia-3155 KY Raised Statutes Sectiens 434 3% 434 3 0 LA Revise-z Emma Ti e 14 3 11pr Compuiar Related Crimes Semi nals 18 1 1373 5 Statutes amatated Chapter 15 This Section 35 MD Annutata Cede Article Swims 45A and 146 MA Sexism Laws Chapmr 266 Samar 3-9 Statutes Annettated Swim MN Statutes Ema Cede Sac ens 589 8 MI Sade Sec nns W454 ta @4543 MS Ram-6 3 Statutes Se ions $9 093 t0 536 9999 10 13 Annuiazed Swims 45-2-10 45-6-3710 45a- 62-311 NE Ra sed Statutss Ani e 1 3 p Computars Simian 28 1343 to 284343 NV Reviseci Siamtes Scctiens 205 473 205 47% NH Revised Statutes Annotated Sectians 6 33 16 in 63339 NE Statutes Title 2C Chapm 2 0 S ecii Q-ns 2020a and Ti e Sections to NM S-Latuta Annmatedt Criminai G enses Computer C mes Act Sectinns 3G i Aul 9 3f i A-4 Penai Law Semi-ans In 163 15 subdiv KG 110 313 215 66 NC Gene-raj Stamtes Emma $4453 a 1445 Century Carla Sce ms subswtion 3 ilh OH Ravise Cede Mammal Stamens 2931 61 2913 31 $13 03 25313 31 0K Campuier Crimeg Act Gi ahama Sassiian Laws This 3'1 Swims 35149515 GR Re se Statutes Semiuns 154125 64 373 PA Cmsmiidazted Stamtea Annmated Swim 3933 R1 General Laws C n nal 6332 2533 Sea- eas ELSE-1 ii 52 5 SC Sade f Laws Sectians 15-16 th 15454 SD Indi ed Laws Swims 43 4334 is 434333 Cad Amu tate Computer Crimss Act S-sctimns 394-1431 3934-495 TX fades Mama-mi Title Chapter 33 Sectians 33131 La 33 03 UT Camputer Fraud Am Utah Coda mutated Sectians F v nmi 12 magma VA Computer Irime Act Cad af Virginia Stamens 33 245321 9 i WA Revised fade Axmatated Sectiuns 9 43 H35 QAEEWG QASMIG in 94 31 52 30 WI Siamms Annmaied sectimn 1W Statutes Secxigns 495 31 Ia 6 3 505 Suggastcd Additinna Mammals Campulcr Fraud and Abuse Ac Page 0f Pagers 5mm Rcieasr Page 32 13Given me fact that mast section 10333 o endars are juveniles anti statistica y mam likeiy t0 State juvenile m udicatiuns it is mher that the prwis'icn go ven lather than that Q'utiine 350er by inciu ing prim State juven a adjudicatiuni I - 2 a Expanding tha De aitinn of 1055 Enc'iucie Preventative Recen gumtian Anathcr far Hatch Bi is that the prepesed de nitinn cf Lass in Sectian 1 be maria dearer inziude the cost ofpiuggi g haieg in computer defens as a means If prwentigg mime called previanta ve rea coFiguratinnfrapmgramn ng B The new Eanguage cauld read the term 3955 mat-ms any reasenahia cast in my vim-Em incmding the cost if responding an a ense canduc ng a damage assessment im iementati n 0f rg gonsive se u mm-easures or rean-n quratian r easanagblv caicu 7777 77 1'1ng damage and rest-wing the dam pragram system or inftm ation it its cendition prior to ma affensa anti any revanu-e lust asst incurred or Other mmquen a damages in-cmrad because of intemapti n cf sewicef if Adgi umi Amm mcm Csmpulcr Fraud AbuS-d Act 2 of ares iai d to fevent mam Heiease - 9mm 2 e 4L MATTER IN BILLS CONSEDERATION Expa si n 9f Secret S anrice 3 USE 193 5mm Rei ease Page 32 13 41- 1 2 Li - '5 EXECUTIEE Basis nf B-ppasition ta to Grant Can-entrant Jurisdici igan the United States Sacra Servica in Section M30 G'ffenscs The propused amen ment t0 sectian cf Ti e i8 yam mucurrent iurisdic- an t0 the Unite States Secret Service ta investigate 31$ crimes fauna in Bastian 1036 In 199-5 Caggress speci ca y mitpd the Secret Service autharity ti investigate crimes mud-sf 13 USC 193i 3 9111-3 thaw a anses under mhsecztians and 30 5 and 3K6 The Swan Report accumpanying the 1995 amendment maimed that $3116 naw crimes pmpassd in the 11ng however d0 nut fail under the Secret Senice s traditional ju s ia on Speci ca liy pmposed msecticn ad dra ses gaps it 18 231 4 Mama trampo a on of simian property and propased section 103 adciressas gags in 18 1 953 thez H hbs Act and MS interstate threats Thsse statutes are within the jurisdiction 9f the Federai Bureau of invastigation which shouid retain exclusive jurisdictian mar these typas 0f G - enses even when the am cummitted by camp-Liter 3 Rep Na 35 1mm Gang 2 sacss 13 1995 inherent in the i996 chang s was the remgi ticn that the 313mm was 'hei g ama ded re ect the respective investigative- juri-sdictianal mits misting at mat time It was dear at that time that the jurisdictim of the Sacra Service mind at 18 USC did not the types of amas describe En Seaman 1038 ax-23m 9r Given at there have been at aciditiunal grants 0f inva tigative jurisdiction ta ha U353 sine that amendment the Current propasa to grant jurisdictim It the USES is at best questianabia The theft at National Sammy informatinn which is the type ufimfmnatien Sectien intendad addm has never been mas su ject sf USES ju sd'ict am mar shguki it in the types at trimas centempiateci by 103 anti as reccgniaad by the lagisia ve '3 Under the dirmriun af 1h ef 131$ Tmum Sacra Sawim is gamed-zed to draw anzi mm any perms whu ' aiam sm nn 503- 3 ii 511' this mic or mm respect is 31 Ensign Dcposit Insurance Pagich hand ha ka Mm and ban ction 213 36 433 493 657 mg EGGS It 52114 1 9m m 1999 nfthis mic 1 any af rm 5331 s if Unimd States Making com b ga ona and accusitjcs of United 51 15 and of i omign 9r any fth Siam Inked Sums misting In cimmnic transfer frauds cmdiz anti cicbit card fmuda and this idmti mtian documents er c'vi-casz thai by this paragraph sha ammiscd subgm mt he at ih't Genital art- 5 3h 3-mith Mme Tmu and 511311 net a tst the anthem 31 my mher 'Efederai an caihrcemcm mm iam s Basis af Expand-m3 Swat Service Jurisdictian under 13 036 Page 1 31 Pages 5124M Rakes Page 3f 4 - a pf - danhave tmditi-ana y been investigatims 59$ er in tin pro nce cf Ihe FBL The 1995 provisinn is an xpiicit effart by Congress in address the minim Q enses at E ssua thmugh a divisim 5f Iahur primarily detem nad by investigative and Any eversien tn the imis icti nai pro sians raises serious issues and comm- 15 ame the u zaiian 3f msuurces Cancumm ju sdimian remit in a duplicatim of e urts that wili waste resmrces and Wail mag-wage in epmdent investigatiens by saga-mtg aggncies at the axpmsa chuordmated j int a brts Basis af pposimn Expandad S i ai Service Jurisdiction under $3 LESC 533038 Fags 3 3f 2 Pagas Sildf l Reicasc PageBZ ' MATTER NET CERTAINED IN BILLS CURRENEY UMBER CONSIDERATION 1 Came C mmuaicaziens Act amendment 5mm Herman 933 3261 r t x 5 Hun EXECUTWE 5mm Cable Communica nns Paiicy Act Ameudmen t The Cabie C-ammunicat iens Bali-my passeci in 1934 reguiats va eua aspects 0f the sabie t'aiavi-sicn industry did nut take Ems aacwunt he uhangas in iathmlogy that have uczurred we the East in ates yearsa Cabie taiwisi n mmpanies now after provide- Internet access and teiephone serving in ad itien to teieviai-on This men ment ciari es that when a cable campany acts as a telephane campany Jr an arm semi-m pmvidar it must campiy with the iaws gaven ng the in'tercaptien anti disdosurc a win and chaired just iike any qther gaieghgne cu Hagan 0r Interim service prmider Cam- 3 Commw catims Pulicj Ac Amendmem Elage 1 eff 5324 192 Refuse Pam 1 UNITEB STATES CGDE ANNGTATED TITLE TELEPHGNES RWIDTELEGRAPHS i3 Sum GR SUBCHAPTER 5 PART PRGVISIDNS 1 Section 551 Pmtection of subscriber privacy 9 A Netica subsgr i her regarding parsanally identi able lamination giafinjtiuns ll 1 A the rim nf entering inn am agxeement to pmvide any cable genius 91' other senise 3 a submibar and at least mace a year therea er a mble went-er sha pmvide amine in tha farm ef'a separate wri en 5131mm m- such subscriber wk ah claariy and 15 mnspimmusiy he subscriber at A the nature afpersnna y identi able information in be cya ecte 1'7 with respect 10 ha subs-Ctr he and the nature Ofth use 0f such the nature equancy and purpose If any disclosure which may be made 3f 3 9 such infomation including an identi catian of rm types efpersans In whom the disciasure may be made 21 the period during whisk such infoma an Wm be maintainad by the cable aperatm 2 3 the times and place at x ch 1h subsc htr may have amass such Nomination in accordanca With subsection afthis swim and '2 5 E the im ta sns pmvide- by this swim with sesyect to the soli ctinn and discinsum uf infomtatiun by 3 came apcramr am the right at the subscriber under 3 Subsectians and if this sestion tea enfmae such Hmitatiens In th case of subscribers who have entered him such an agreement hefare Eh e ective 3 9 date of this seating such amiss aha be gm dgd within 1311 $332 3 0f sush data and at has ance a 3mm therea er 3 1 2 Fm gym paws afthis- seating ashes than suhsectim is af s seatianu 3-3 A the term pgrsona y i emi ahia infematian zines net incinda any regard 6f aggregate data wi ch oea nut identi r partisuiar persens 3 5 the term Gtih f sewice inni-ude-s any wire 32' radie camm catims semis-a pm de using any cf the Eac ities 9f 3 cabie age-razor that are wed in he 3 pmvisi-un 0f cabie service and C the term cable warmer inc-fucks in pagans within ma de nition 3 9 of cable aperamr in sec an 3 22 nfthis titla any parser who is owned or mutmiied by or and-gr famine-n mmership or carnival with a cab ie operator and 11 ii pmvides any win a ma a semi-ca 4 3 Cable Cmmw casmm Ant Ammtimmi Page 2 9 55 Pages SIMIBZ Release Page 23 112 5 2-9 3 1 33 35 3 9 41 43 Caiiactinn of persist-1 3 idsnti abie infoma nn using cab - system 1 Except as pmvid-ed in garagth a cable opiate th shat we use the saw system caiiemt parsona y inf nnatigu maceming any subscriber wiihaut grim w uen 5r eiectmnic cause-n 0f the subscriber A cable sperms may use the cable system ta miles such mfamation in m-der 113- A obtain infamatien necessary In randar a cable serving or What senrica providad by the cable operamr to the subssri er air @32th unauthorized ufcahla Discmsum of parsnnally identi able iafowna on 2 Excapt as previded in paragraph 2 a cahlse operator shail neat diaciose pemnaliy identi able Mematim concerning any suhscn'her withnui rm prim written at eiactmnic moment at the subsmber zoncemad and shad take sash actions as are necessary in prevent unauthan zed access to such iufannatian by a per cm tithe than the gubs-criher or same Operatm A cable warmer may discinse such Mama on if the diatlcsure is necessaiy to rendar m- cmduct a legitimate business a i t y ralatgc'i td a cable service or ether service providad by th cable operator-to the subsc hgr B mbiect subsection of s see-rim made pursuant to a smart arder authc zing such i fthe subscriber is mai ed of 5112231 Grazia by ha person in Wham the Meier is air-Mad 6f CL 3 d scinsum if the mamas mi in any cable sewiae or ether if the cable myemmr has gm ded subsc be the mpportunity prohibit Gr iimit such diamante and ii ha dimlcsure ices mt reveaL direc y indirectly the E extant if any viewing ur uther use by the subscriber 9f a mini service er mixer semice pmvided by the 53bit opefamr er Ii he nature ofany transactim made by 1hr ave-r the Gabi-e system fih cable uperamr Cabin Gammamica ons Ac Fage 3 Pages 532m Release - Page 11m6 Subscriber access its infama m A cabie subsariber shali be pmvidad access 0 all persuna y identi able infcmati n regarding that subscziber which is w -ectexi and maintaineci By a cabie o-peramr Such informatian shall E35 made avaiiabia the subscriber a rmanahle times and at a commith piace designated by such cable uperat on A cable sutiscn hcr shall be prmridad masonabis u-ppmunity can em any errer in 5 16 11 infaqn a on Destruction of infam m cabie ammo sha destmy pmnnaliy idami ahie Hawaiian the infnmati n is lunger necessary far the purpusa far it was callea tad and thgire are no panding r quasts er artists far access in such Hawaiian under sabsec on afthis section or pursnani a cam m ar Civil actiun United States dismct mun damages anomafs fees and costs nunexciusive naium 3f remedy My pawn ag evs by any act efa cab euperat-m in viaiatisn 3f this sectionhma bring a civil acticm in a United Slams district mutt 2 The court may Emmi animal damages but am iess than quuidated mages camputed at the ram Qf a day far 223 day mf viedatian 31 390 whichever is higher punitivs mges and reasanabie attorneys res and ether litigation casts reasenahiy incurred Tha remcdy pmvided by this section sha he in additinn other iawfui remedy avaiiabie a cable subscribex Reguia an by States or franchising Naming in this subchapter aha be censtrued It prohibit any State any anchising authority am enacting or safe-Wing 13w sans-istent with this swim far the protecticn if subscriber privaity Biscinsme afinfamaiien gm'ermnemal entity pursuant Czcun order Cam Cm mica-Siam Ac Page 4 of 3 Pages Release - Page 331 ll 13 15 1'4 3 gavenunamal entity may Main personally #53 I I idann ahle mfmnaimn concerning a cabie pursuant to a cam arder ml fr he mun praceeciing reievant such mam order I smash entity affair clear and cumming midante that the subject of the infnmati n is reaswnabiy suspected of engaging in crin nai activity and that the infu natinn saught wuuld be material evidence in the 93 55 and 2 the subged nf the informatian is a brded tin apge unity to appear and cam-est sud en ty s tiaim M a PROPOSED LEGISLATIVE MSTURY FOR T0 CABLE CGWUNICATIONS ACT The Battle Commimtians Amt establishes two di eram sets 0f rules regarding privacy pretec ion and disciosure to law mfarcem nt one govaming cable smite Cable Act USE 551 5 and the miss applying in the use service and Imam-2t access the wiretap gram 13 $2510 the Elewmic Cammunicatiuns Pa cy Act 13 USC and the pen raging and trap and trans statute USE 3121 gig-gag Yet tcday unlike in HEM when Can-grass passed the Cable Cammunicatinns Pel'i-cy Am many Gabi-a companias a er am an tra iti nal cabie gamgranuning sarvices but 315a Internet access and telephane semi-ca The mics gavaming aw enfarcemen t access to the 0f cnmmunima m servica prm ders hawever should n91 depand an whether tilt customer has chasm to use a reabie campany er a mare tradit itmal type of pmvider for his telephme QT Internet genius Congress haiieves that Gabi mmpanias af xing such sewices campiy with mun mdem and athar legal pracess pemlimd under the wiretap statutaj ECPA and the pen register and trap and trace statute with respect In their telephone and him-mat cusmmers In racer years haweverj cabins campgrij have inareasingly balked at camplying with such prune-53 mating the seeming inconsistenq ofthese statutes with their duty Gf nmdisalo ure except ma a Stringer Emits under ihe labia Cammunica ms Palicy Act gag min 31 fainted States 35 F Supp 2d mm Mass F6119 i999 noting apparent statutory ca-n ici and ultimateiv granting apgiication for arder under 23 2103 1d against cabie Company providing Int emat sanriee Thee campiicatims have at tim s daiayed m frustrated invastigatian in additisn Bastian 551 is awed it permits 13w an amemem obtain inf nnation whers that infomiation c onatitut s evidence Bf an 1361152 In same cases hsjwever the infannatiun act-ugh Rom a service pwvider is m e d nca at a crime even thcxugh it helps seive ans Fm example law a iciais may try is arms a Wh is accessing his smaii accent am a remote anti they need ta cbtain inf rmaiign om Cabin Ac Page 3 uf 3 Pagers 5334M Release Page 33 11 13 3 5 19 21 25 the said summit that sham than 1131 Iam an he is accaSSi g 1133 305mm Mama s- 61 whether haw enforcement Can obtain a court girder attain such infema nn shauld not depend an whather the jgitive chaser 2311 1531 the Mamet using a cabie campany iastead 0f 3 Haditioml Mamet sew-3m pmvi er Acmrdingly the amendment ingerts a new subsection to can nn that cable Campanies iike ether pm ders remain mbject ECPA the wiretap 513mm and the Ira and tram mamta with tn the pmvisian cf Mayhem and interns services mmithstanding 35 I Th de niti n uf cu5tnmer table tele sinn ewing activity is intanded Exciudie fram discinsure under chapters 12L 365 cf e 18 3me United States Sade traditiunal cable a tfbmadcast dm sian deafaudi presentment U ke Mamet video prasematiens the mbjact cumin and afwhich are selected by the 53bit custamer the salami- n and 0f teievisiwn presentations are mix-irun by aperatqr The disc-insure Exclusicn is not intended in gaminpr a prohibit me disciusme by an ayeramr af remnis or infoma an relating in teievisian presenm uns which are mummi ed Waugh the Internet Records raiating with wm d be Heated 'Iike all othar Interneweiated recards under shapters 1 15 12$ 01' 2-96 if le 13 The am ndment hawever is intended preserve the Cathie Act s primacy with respect ta rewards revaaling what or inazy came t-eI-evisinn pragmg a custcmar chooses to purchase such as particular premium channeis per View shows Thus in a case where a summer race-Eves hath Internet amass and canvantionai cabia tci-evisian servim 35er a singie cabie providsr a govmunent entity can mmp l disclesure under ECPA only these cusmmer recurds reia ng Int-6mm service Cable Cammummziens ch Fag at Pages 552m R lease Pam 33 1 NOT IN BILLS LWER Privacy Prateciion Act amendment 5 41 l Rem-axe Fags 3333 Exgmm EMMY Nacessary Amendments t0 the Privacy Pratectia Act swag The Frian Preieetinn Act PEA prehibits law enforcement air-am swching fur mixing work pmsiu-ct materials or documentmy materiais pussessed by a persnn in cannectinn with a purpmse to disseminate them ta the gub c in a newspaper 13001 broadcast ather farm 0f public wmunica an Grigina y admptad t0 prawn 131 search cf third party nexvsugathers in 'm i onal media fag newspaper press moms editar af rm PPA has ganmtad unfn-rsecn abstacies far iaw enfarcement when appiied t0 the search afa smilinal s campu tazs mincidenta y are being used far web site pub shing scen n eqimn y enwunterad by EM enfarcemem inmives the 535mm sf a wmputer used in dissen nate chiid which may mincidenta y 3350 central the email 3mm websites fth suspect and parties 36 31 32 3me size afmedem persenai computer hard drives taday miss compumrs mat a ec veiy be sea-inched an $8638 but are usua y seized rst then seamhed later in a mmpuwr forensic environment as Expresst pmvided far by a magistrate issuing the Wt Unfa unateiy such a practice creams a emma for investigators may Ieam tater timing the examination paras-eggs that potantiai third gm news gatherer material may exist an that camputer system The rea zatien may be 00 Kate as the PPA prohibits both search and seizure of 5125 matedal Amendments detaile harem wauid carve cut a reasonabla Exception the Act when the search ur seizure f ward precinct mtc a s or dacumemaxy materiam is incidental is the march 31 seizure 6f ether evi ence raievmt a crime Thus the saizure Of a mmput-er hard drive ohm-defendant thin party fur e ence cf chiid p-omagraphy wauld 10th pmbibited Inereiy besausa Lb 53m hard drive containad pmduct ath r documentaiy materiel pm hihita by the PPA P mcy F mscmian Ac uE 10 Pages 5324332 Rei esse Page 3'54 91 I rediine strikeaut versi n 13f men mems to the Privacy Pirat-actien Am STATES CUBE 42 THE PUBLIC PROTECTION PRIVACY PART MITS Section Za aa Searches and 3331213651 gcvemment of cers and empleyees in conmctinn with invastiga -nn pmsecution of ariminai a ensas Work pram qu materials any mher law it sha he unlawqu for a govemmem n-E cer or empioyee in cmnection the investigation 13 premier Gf a minim o ensa 10 search far 03 seize any work product materiais passessed by a passer reasonably believad ham 3 pan-page diss-arninaI-c the pub c a na'WSpaper hack broadcast other similar fem 0 public communication in or a ee ng interstate car farelign cammame but this pmvision sha mt impair or a ect ha 053-11 govemmem af rm er empieyee pursuant 10 atherwsise appiicahie law to search for or ssize Such material if I there- is pmbabla cause In beiim that the parser passassing such materials has mmnitte or is camu tting the criminal a enee in which the materiais reiate Pravided hawever That a govammem n cer m empiayee may net search for 0 seize- suah mammals the pmvisians mf s paragraph ifthe $33338 to which the materiais Isiate censists of the receipt passessiam or withhelding 0f such mate ais 31 the infamzatinn tamined margin but such a march 0r seizure may ha conducted un er the pm siuns uf' s paragraph if the o ense eonsim at the receipt passessiom gr commuaicatim nf infamation reiating t0 the Haiti-anal defense cias-si ed infunnation Dr rest cteci data under ma pm sicns of sect-hm 3'93 2394 397 or 7'98 of Title 18 or sectian 2274 2335 a 22 ef this ti e or sectian 383 of'fitie 50 m 'ifthe a anse inveivers the pmduction passessien receipt ma ing sale dist hutiam shipment or af chiid pomomphy me sexuai expioitation of i ldrm or the 3316 or purchase chl idren under sactian 2251 2251A 2252 or EESBA af Title 13 a hare is mama beiiav-e that the immadiate Sgizure ofsuch materiais is negessary grew th Eh death at sariaus hn ily mink-319 a hum-an Z Privacy E mwaa an Am Psg 2 e-E' it Pagm 5 24 02 Reiease i Page 1h ll 13 1 5 19 2 313 Other dacum nts Namithstanding any mixer law it shall be uniaw d far a gavemmen m' icer er emplayee in newsman with the inves gat ien our pr miim 0 a crin nal 05335-2 to far a seize d cumenmry materials ether than wart pmduct maierials pass-355w by a gamma in mmectian with a purpnse to dissen nate t0 the pub a newspager bunk bmadcas xi-timer similar form f pub c cm nmunicatiom in Dr aming intrastate or foreign commerce but this pm sion Shall nut impair 9r gha ability if any gnarl erth ni cer m empluyea purmam 0 ath rwise appli able in search far Seize such materials if hare is probable cause-ta hc m- that the person possessing such materials has cvmr tteii er is cammit ng the c n nai u euse In which the materials reiate PIG-wider hawever a gcvamment a iaer 11 353591933 may act search far 12' seize such mat-arias umier the prViSiB S of his paragraph if the 03 31 38 in whieh' the material reiate cansists cf the receipt pamssiun tanmunica cn or wit hhnid mg 9f sac materials a the infmnaiion maimed mash but such a 0r sakure may be conductcd under the pram-i033 ofthis paragraph fthe c gnse mnsists 3f the receipt pas-3335mm or cammMca on of infmna on reiating the naticaa defense classi ed infama nn or restricted dam under he pmvisE-uns Bf 3 2an 793 7594 279 at 79% 0f Title Jr swim 22% 2275 or 22 93513125 ti e or semen 33113 or if the ai mse inv-ulves the productiem passessien receipt mailing sale distribution shipment 3r Iransperta en cf child the sexual expieita un at children Or the sale or purchase of chiidren under sue-mien 225 225m 2 2 52 0r 2252A f Tim there is masan ba gve that the imma iats seizure 9f Such mate ais is 1132555343 t0 prawn ha death of at serious bi de 311qu m a human Ewing there is reasan be eve that the giving sf notice pursuant to a subpaena ducts Ecum would rank destmmien akeratian 0 conceahnem of such mater- 1315 such matarials haw net been preducad in resp-unse a aniar directing compliance with a subpoma 2mm all appe ate remedies have hem exhaustmi B there is reason In believe that the 1 22 35 in an investigatiwn gr triai occasioned by mher praceeding-s aiming to the subpmna wai d threaten the imam-sis 0f Jusucargi Ghjectims to smart amend subpoenas a idaviis Pr may Prom-Hm Mi Amcmimem 933 3 of 31' Pagcs SKEW Release Page P35 i In g went a sew-ch warrant is saught pursuant to paragraph 0f sub-samba in if this s act mn' tha parser passassing the matadals shad he a brded a ezquatze su mit an af davit setting Earth the basis far any matemien tha ha material-s seught are not subj act smzure Privacy Hangman Agz kmcmimcrsi 93$ 4 U3 Page 1 SIMIEZ Release Page 333 1141 4 3 LEGISLATEFE FER AMENDMENTS Ti ACT The Privacy Act of i981 42 USE makas it uniaw il far 10ml state 01' federal 13w enforcemmt au mri es in Search far or seize any war product maxeriais or any dmmemwy mara aif massaged by a person in cam-ectian with a purges-e tn disseminate to the public a nemyapar hunk hmacicast or other similar farm cf public c-Qmmunicaiim 42 13 533 The statute de nes work pmduct mate als as materials prepared er passassgci in anticipation afcomnmicating snail materials a the quiiq exgegtj he mataiais mastitute mnuaband or the fruits mentalities 0f crime Damemary materiais on tha other hand cansist ofmaxeriais npun which fbmatian is mace again wiih the excepting datum-and and the fruits 3r maimentaiitias 0f crime 1g 2033333113 Thug than far the mptims he PPA e ectiveiy impnsas a nmcarch mic an war prnduct mataziais and a mla an dmumeniary mataziais held by parties wh-e plan In use them ta wmunicate tn the pub c Altimugh the statute appaars reasnnahie an its its appiicaticn ia the current electronic has inadvenentiy shieideci activi es Ema legitimate law investigations such ta angst and prnsemte that who distribute child dim-i the Intemet 1 12 33 ng the PP A Gangress passed the PPA in mspunsa Iiif Summit Court s demisi-on in higher v St nf 1rd Bai 436 in in Finisher the Supreme C u upheid a polisze search Qursuant a valid search wmam 0f the fices 0f m ta31ford D-aii newspaper for gimtegraphs takcn at the scans sf a crime The Cam rejected the newspaper's aiaim that Search warrants could nut be user to TECGVET mitigate mse engaging in First Amemimam 'pmtecI-ed activities 1g at 555-5672 The Cam also held that iaw nf ters amid use search warrants to ream-er widgnce an inninch third parties 1Q at 555 state s interest in enforcing the law and rccove ng evidence is the same whether the third pan is auipabie 0 net The Cam canciuded therefcres that the czi'tical element in a remnabie search is not that tho mime-r if the pmpedy is suspectaci if a mime but that than is reasenabia muse to believe that the speci c be searchad far and seized are imated an the property ta which entry is snught m at 555 In aspense to the Court s miing Congress the PPA Ca ngress irate-11 16 11 to restriat searches fer mare e denne 6f crime held by 523206333 hirdpar w who ware angageai in Firs Ameadmenb pmtacted acti ties evi ism that law eafumemem a iciais might othenm se thain thr-augh less intrusive means 31 21 as by issuing a subpoena The purpase af restricting law anforcement in this faahion 0313601136 wa3 a gamma the can dentiaiizy of none-Evidantia ' les also heid by this spaciai gmup Bf inane-ant third parties bath the sira s of ankles mt yet pubiighed and the research anti either suppming notes and intamiews which may nevar intendezi guhiish Thus the PPA protects an authm 9r pubiisher Iikc mm Mg wha is not a Suspect in ha investigaii n fmm iaw enforcemgnt attempts to search Privacy Pratcctiun Au Fag if it 5 24l 2 Raiease Page 11 3 3 15 21 2g 31 33 3 5 hmugh his or her work er dammentm mat eriais in erder te nd and seize evidence Te preserve the een demiaiity efihese de gneted mateiials the instructs investigamrs net to Search far ihe at ail but tn eempei the eece thirci par-ties te find anti preduee it themselves This geai if Cuegress remains unchanged and ear amendments 19 net alter this preteetien Fer paniee Cengress never intended however It garment c e nais em men euiho zed seareiies and the 'iegislative i Stery re the PPA is replete with statements is this e eet Fer example the Senate indieiary Cemmi ee Repcrt stat-eci that the purpese 0f the FPA is re limit searches fer materiais held by persens inveived in First Amendment activities wise are themsefvex n0 mspeeseii efe r e a en in the aetix ty fee which the materiais are seught S Rep Ne 95 374 9511i Gang 2d Sees 11 193 3 maimed in 1983 395i 395 emphasis added Mcrewer the Cem ttee Repert stated that the ietemien in emitting the PPA was met ta limit the efiew enforcement e icers its search and seize meteiiale held by these suspected of the mime un er ieveetiga ee 1Q Indeed the language ei the statute itselfailews searches and seizures 0 any persen wine has eemmi ed er is eemmi ieg the o ense te which the materials reiate 42 U S C A 132 1 Piainiy Cengiess had 10 desire te inhibit law enfereement inves gatms that need search the premisee ef a suspected mengdeer 13 Because Cengreae enacteci this statute before the widespread prelifera en ef computers it eeuid not mnsider the prebiem raised hy the eemmingiing efpmteeted infermatien and centreband Aithough eemmingiing ef came new with paper - i- er exempie if a repener engaging it tax end pieced a semi 0f the fraudulent tax return in a ling cabinet with his er her we-rkureieted netes m- such eemiegiing never presented a significant emblem fer twe reasens First the stamte applied 0 113 in members media 3 iimite gmin not usually asseeiateci With eemn ttieg crimes Seemed when searching fer paper investigaters can genera y examine recerds in site anti hen seize 0111 these reserds that are the subjeet if their wmaet Thus investigaters can aveici vieiating the PEA by net searching fer er seizing any preteeied materiei Since they de um need if away ae hing but the abject ef their search The reiniem efcemmin iin if rammed deeuments endevidenee With thewi espread use efcemputers and the interact hewever bath if these iimiting eaters have disappeared First every computer user has Become a petentiai publisher Fer exampie a single campuier can previde i an eiectmriie bulimia beam fer the pasting 0f news items by using the Internet user aceeums Where private indi duais can stare dra e of news items that they intend te pest en the buileiin heard and 3 a website em if-course im- estigate rs may brie y iseime er gee-geese prettier-ed material during the execuiien efthe warrant but such pogsessiee auteur-s during the executien if every search warrant and ees not censtitute a seizure Privacy Preteesion Aer i mendmm Page 6 If if 533 SEWER Release Page m- 11 3 1 5 1 9 21 29 31 33 35 I which anya-ne with access to the Marne mum View at dmminad shim pnmagraphy Ahheugh the categmy 9f data arguany sums-times pram-sci unda the law af ciais piainiy have 111% dam in search for and seize the third catagnry 0f ata Secnnd potential liability under the EPA may arise far law mfercemeem af cials in such a scenarie because it has became bath unraasonabie anti impractical 33 1 in same instamas teshni a y to search for and seize the 901183th withaut simultaneeusly pmtemed material In the new alectwnic envimmnem whgre ccmguter systams with gigabyms of storage have became Libiquitaus law enfnmemem agents generally mot extract iegaily seizable evidence -em cumminng garmech material imam acma y seizing at least tempara iy t is ' i tected materials or pathaps me intmsively thaut making inn and acetipr the Search premises far amend-ad rimming Because ofthe 9f data be searched 01 because of technical concerns wag iaw enfnmemem agents must vary u en remm e the sei ed mmputar at an exact cap @f the data in a laborame cs-r analysis Moreaver liability may attach in such cases the prehibitits cm agarci ag fer a seizing mata als is stated in the isjunctiw vioiatians may lie eim r far seamhing fer asking such materials Thus emu a temperary saw a Emnination may r2531 in Liability despite the fact that such a PPA Vidation lies far outsi c the scape of the issues raised by tha gummy decking Zumher mvnived a search if a newspaper ef ng and the warm was drawn LG intentianaily seize phntagraphs that had been madein contemplatian 9f publi a on The EPA designeci 9 address the de ision slamming shcuid deter law snfamemem intentiona y evi entiagy materiais in the possession 0f was th third parties engaged in Hawaiian dissemination But making unimr ha reasanahie but incidental seizure GfPPA pmzecte maia ais pursuant ta an athemise mm search at seizure came rm siimi'iar deterrent e ect and it centravenes the 15 313 stated imam Bf Cungress to wither shield criminals mar unduly hin er Iaw e b s Pmmems faced bv law enfarcemenj Th p 'tentiai and unpredictabla i iahi ty hadvra emiy craated by the PPA has inhib-itesi the invas ga nn and presecu m 0f mm s corm tted using camput-ers Eur exampZ-e individuais have usgd 60-minuth dist bme chii copy ghted sa wara and stolen Hedi card aver ordinary phnne lines anti the Internet Some individuais haw attempted use the PPA shieid hair iggai activities by int'en nna y staring protected materials 0n the sama storage de cas that they use far their illegal activities Indeed law enfercemem ag ms have enmum-er d individuals using cumpmers rst illegai activities that have pastas the fall wing massag an their sign-am screws No court 31 135-11th that an ck me mgssaget 1 032 51 3E3 mving by th general pubii-L by wag 0f 1 Builatin Baar-ci 533 5ir3m 1 31 cumin-tag a Ehzm f-gmbi -c m- mwspapt s banks and Ema-dam nadir PPA M mugh hut instant 1w the 10 mt taping m this sis ij 1 mun mighi mak this lling if pmS- mcd with the right facts Privacy Ac Amendmram Page of 6 Pages $24362 Rams-e Fage 3 43k NUTICE T0 LAW ENFORCEMENT AGEMS The OWEN and usars if this system are warming First Amendment Rights Some material 011 this sysi m is in prepafa an fer pubiic disseminatisn and is product material pmtected under the First P vacy Pmtectien Act if 1980 Each and every parser wile has such wark precinct mate ai stared an this g'stem is 11c weaver at damages if 510% g us legal expanse While the agmcy 3m wax far mi_ght pay yam I legal judgments agai st yes- 1 why aka chances The language isiome material an this is animal siga' cant It is seldam the case that a cumputer is used 5011513 for mega purpases as the distnhu an uf Were this the case the wmpute and the evidence it cumin-s mz d be seized ii th regard t0 the since canmhand is spe caliy Excluded Earn the de nitims 3f pmduci and dacumentary mate ais 42 U313 e ning dommentary 42 U S C Ewan-7m de ning wark precinct materials In mast cams only panic-ms of a website at eiectmr c bu atin hear-d be set 33363 for Mega activities 'Whiie Other ps'nin'ns are use far c-ompizteiy legai mimics Such as the iegitimate dist bmion if Mamatinn As the qu nted language makes aims huwever mmals are weil aware that under the PPA protected materials can he useci is shield centraban-ri mm search and seimmi Cangess cf camse intende a shieki can aband Wham it enacted he EPA Moreaver in a di on expasi g Iaw enfarcement to ur n ended the PPR as it Stands creates mecessary pmbiams u ng the Executian if wan-ants prehiems thai pammially the health and safety fths pub c 1539 Eur Example Special Agents ef the Fadarai Bureau 91 Investigatien answered a system at camguteis used is provide ehiid pamography t0 anynne with amass to ms ma-mm Them camputm huwavcr aJs-e pmvided Mamet ace-aunts ta third paniesg many of did not 1me ha i egai amivities cf the paratms These umslated acmunts may have maimed material prams-ta by the WA The iinvastigaters etemined that sit wnuld be impassihfe 0 search the mmputers an size wh e at the same time allowing the c- mputers centinue to operatc Thus in an e hn reduce iheir pat-ential liabi ty under the '1 ng for seizing the third party accaunts the investigates ctidad btain a 533mb warm autha zing than 31113 my the camputers stored tam and gnaw the campaign s camimm ta aperatea This 0f mama had the effect 0 a an the child pornography tn remain amessihie to the puhii and passi iy even owing the er their ccnf zdemas to mp1 tha images to an camputer while camputer experts rewiawed the 631$ t0 segregate the mes Cengress new Headed m- hamper 13w a nm in this if The niutimn Wh ie the PPA must he say that i does nut shiaEd child pamographers Primcj iPr-stazcnon Act of Pages 522m Karena - F3129 34 i3capy ght in ingers and other cr 1z'r nalss 5-th ammdmexsts shml mt inhibit these activities that the PPA was designad pmtect In aed ha impe anca ofpmtecting the con dentialiq of these- senaitive matedals remains as great allay as 311135 war been Thus the law shaulti limit the immaivenass afgevemmem searches but shumd net hinder law enforcement s e b s tu enfmc the criminal laws T113 language 05111155 bill achieves this delicate balance between impertant values The bill's aw pm s ons Title 42 United Slams Glade mians and make it clear that law Enforcement agents may still search far at ssiza anal eviclenc net pratectgti by the PPA wen ifwork product er demmemmy material may i id ially be exan ned 0r seized luring- a It is 10 mile hnwaver that where an inns-cent party passages the items snught anti fths items saught are cam ngled with pmde at mammary existing regulations already wquire avoid using a Search warrant at mhpaena Wham lass mtmsive mean-s am appropriate g3 23 GER 5 110 reqqu Justice eparmiem a cials to use all Eltth magma available 3 tha m infama'ti-en llefhm issuing suhpeena to member of the news media 28 CPR $94130 and 28 CFR l in slamming whether in 1153 a warrant or subpoena t0 cbtain dacumentary materials an attorney far the sh uld seaside whether there is a class relatiU-nship at le-ndships l-myalty sympathy between the pussassm 0f the materials and a suspect Thus even theugh the PPA would um restrict such incidental saizures the Comma bellaves that gm'emmcm agents need a censider what mammal is proper for bta ning the evi encg based-11pm the facts if the case at hand th se men ments to the PFA address pmblem of incidental searches 0 seizures these changaa 30 not in any way alter the statute s lm in cases like Zurcher The law enforcamem o icials searched Tha Daily whiah was not involveci in any ariminal acti ty m the very dccumenlary materials that the PPA new pret ects These materials tharefmra wars mt incidental H the search and they tharefme weal- i mt meet the excagzlen feund in lm Haw Thus wen under Elm new law when law Enfarcemant agents encaunmr a simat'ian like that in tha Ellff h f case hay Will still have In use a aubpmena as tha nginal PPA direme But in other cases where the search is lawful is the abject 0f the search is samething cthar than wurlc product or dammemaw materials hage mandments to tha PPA will ensura that investigaters can tarry out their duiias even when PPAa-pzmtemed materials may be camn nged with seizabla ones The maritimeer use of the 12m incidmtal clearly pr-Uhibits sima nns in which protem d materials are the abject Gf me search The term incidamal which appears in other statutes Egg l3 USE means snmething which is accur ng 0 1 likely ta mam at the sane time car as a to-nsequenca Accordingly in order to be incidental wiihin the intent 0f this grand-slog any search or saizure 0f protestad mat-arias woulzl have 0 be a cancan tam cansequenca afa small for ma te als' n91 pratected by Th Ame mm Hat-rims mailman Seems Calleg Privacy Preteclicn Ac Mammarxi Page 9 If Pagess 5f24f32 Ralease - P3513142 ll 13 15 af rm - 5 hw- gum the Additiana y cf warm the between 115 in idemai items- and the iaw hi abject Gfthe search Salami must he magma-hie an Ike facts af the case rsquiremeut that Such a search be reasenab-ie is diremiy analogous the Faunh Amendment requimment af reasana leness both in the Size-pr of a search wmam anti in its executien QTmepm _ 43$ US 3139 El-16 Unitaci State Hug 343 F 2d 61h Cir 1988 7777 1 States v 'Tamu 694 Rid 59E 9th Cir 1982 Cages that have mthing in with the PPA have causal mum to wrta e whether m ar all the facts anti circumstantes seizing certain incidental mamriais was m cien y mammals - to met the Founh Amendment standard Thug 'me'am d i is do net 133 any means invita law enformem in 1156 an nihexwi-sa anfui search as a pram far an meagenabie rummaging 0f ether ncuments whather pmtected by the 01 net 011 the this new exce-p an the IPPA win aliaw wit-Guns apply existing and we -aatab shed Faunh Amen memjurispm ence in anaiyaing the 33310ng quas nn ofwhether any incidantal march 0r seimre GfPPAuprotect-eci materiais has been reasunable under the circumstancesTim runs 14 3 w Viral await m eu ama cn3ls i m x mt my tmf l t m i what's my wingEy 356 2 pmiccted mam ais when such is inaidmml in a Emmi search 3mcy Pmsmian Am Fug-r it 23 13 Pages 5mm Reiease - - Page E43 WTTER IN BELLS LWDER Clean Hands Exception ta aha Sanitary Suppressim aflnteraepted Camunica ans 5mm Reins-e 132 3er i -E 5 12 65 19 EXECUTIVE S mey Am endmams Crating a Ciean Hands E-zcaptiun in Prnvisiens Statutm y Mandatiug le S-uppressien magain Intercepted Hammanicatians The accompanying man mems waui create 3 51 25 31 hands to the statuth amid-ates sf is 25 1'5 gaveming the use and intreductiun Elf mgga y Ema-reamed Wile er urai The propasal wantid alinw for the- use in a criminal ixwestiga an and the in aduc an into evidence in crin mi Hunters BF wmmunica nns athemise illegally intercepted by pets-ans mm than law anti an ONLY if law Mme-amen was neither directly if in irec y i voived in its acquisitian Nat the ratianalze supporting the faith exception tn the Earth m-endnl-ent s exciusianary rem dias implicit in tha pmpased amendment is the delem na ea that the tth ndi g mctions 0f the admins prucess are paramaunt what there is lime in no 13w enforcemm deterrenca Ef e aci evable In mmrast exixting law which gre bits all use the pmpc ed men mem wouid anew the i-ntwductian 0f such Evidence both when it is incuipatn ry or exm pamry in nature Sic-m Excspiima Page I 131 1 Pagm 552w Rezem a me- 3 15 If af 5 g 3 p 55'3 12mm Emma Sumam RULE xdusive cf P zer Subsm ve Amendments Sea-inn 2 315 thibition of use as e deace 13f interacpmd wire er and wmmunicaticns 19 4le 3 7 any a era camunica m ems if such eta-mam catian and ma evidanca da va has been ntememed pan 3f the com therefmm may be recaived in evidenee in any heariag air uther macaw-Eng in or befare any court gran-d jury department ni ccr agancy regulath body Iegisla ve cnmmee or ether authority 0 mg ggiw States a State as a pulit'icai saitdivi on thereaf ifthe dis-clams nf that haf n h n Whixki ha in vialatian of big chagtm - Sectim 2i '3 Autho zatim far diaciosm e anti BEE f iritemspted wife anal 0r ammonia cammunicaticns by any mamas autharized by this chapter x A has cam-mad mowed-gs any wire ml at elect mic vidence derived therefran may disclcae such mutants t0 anather invastiga va 01 law mforment e ser the extent that such disciasure is to the prnper p-erfommnce 3f the a ciai duties of the smear makimg or receiving the discigsure 3 3- invest sts wise by any mama autherized by this chapter I has Bhtainad kmwiedge 9f the mutants of Any investigative 9r 13w 0 Nd 1 at Kauai iixf zk-ix DI-f-Jii M any Wire rural or elactmm-c cammumcanon or madame denved ihemfmm may 1151 such cements the extent gush use is appmp aie ta the pmper perfonnance 13f his ai ciai duties Any persm wha has received by any means authmized by this chapter any imbnna tion canceming a wim era 0r elactmnic cammunica en or e denae d-erivad thera am intercepted in with the pmvisiens afthis Chagater may disti-ese the to-ntanis inf I ha cam-unicatinn er gush derivativc minimca while giving testimony under 3th m af nnaiion in any preceeding heid under the anthem of this United States 3r if any State peliticai Chan Hams Fag 2 cf i agaz-s Reiease - Page 34% 13 subdivisim thereaf 4 N0 athem'ise privileged wire era ai vzmenic nomunicati n intercegted in ascordance with gr in vioiation of the pmvisiens 3f ihis chapter mail 1352 its priwiiegezd charactar When am mvestiga ve ur law enfarcgmem f ter while engaged in intercepting WE orai 0r eiedmnic in the manner autharized erein intercepts wire ma or electrm r comg catians relating to 05511565 mixer than those speci ed in the 9f authorization or appmvai the mutants thereaf and avid-wee defin therefrmn may be dimmed or mad as gravided in subsegtigns and nfthis settinn Such mutants and any widens derived lamfmm magf' e used under subsac un 3 afthis seating when at ch er approved by a judge cf Where such judge nds an subsequent app caticn that the cant-ems were uthamise intarcaptg in acct er with the pmvisims af s chapter Such applicati n be made as seen as grac cabia Sec an 2513 Prue-admire far Iintercaptien Qf x re oraL ale-tirade communications Each applicatinn fur an arder authnrizi g 9r apprm'ing the intarcepticn of a wire o- ral or eiec-tmnic- communicating under this chapter be made in upm math or a imzatian i0 a jud ge If wmpetem jurisdicticm and 5113 state the appiiaant s authority make such appiicatim Each app- catinn shall inciud-e the allowing infamaatian the idamity af the Mastigaiiva a law enfercament af ne making the application and the of ser authurizi g the appiica an is a 1131 and mmg ete statement if time facts and re ed 11an by the applicant justify his 'heiief that an ardar shoul be issuaci minding details as is tha pamitular e anse that has been is being er is about to be ii excepi as provided in subsectina i a pariizular damp- Em if the nature and iata nn if that facilities nm which or the pig-ca the c-anununjcaiion is be intercepted a pmicuiar desc ptien af magma af smught to be intercepted iv the identity fthe person if kn wm the G ense and mmunicatigns are be a ll and camplem stat-gnaw as is whether r net anther investigative pr cedmes have been tried and failed er why they reasonatsly appear is b unlikeiy succeed if tried or in be me dangerous Ci 3 statameni of the perimi cf me fur which tha interceptien is required to ha maintaine If the name of the investiga m is such that the auihcrizati n fur imercepti n should not anmma ca y tanninaie when the demibed type of mmunica en has bean rst chained a particular issc piion of facts agiab shing Sic-an Emit Excepi en Paga of I I Pages 5mm Release - Page 54 7 A'i 1 a w $ 9ka i a a m ywbahia to believe that additinnal cammunica cas of the same we will mama tharea ar a at and campaign Statement at facts concen ng ail previaus appiicationa known the individual autha aing and making the app catiun made In any judge far authmizatim to intercept er far approvai af mtarceptio s Bf wire oraL er eiectwnic mmuz ca cns invalving any ofthe aamc pagans 0r piaces sacci ed in the agaplica org and the actinn taken by the judge an each such appiiaation and A E thaagp catiaa is far the Manama afar Quiet a statement setting forth the results thus far abstained the interceptiaag at a reasnnahie expianatian fthe fa ure to mh tain such maxim 2 The ju ga may require the applicant is was additiunal testimony or d-ucumantary evidence in supper aftha applicaiion Upaa such appiica un the judge may enter an ex pane as araqaested m as modi ed authmizing 0r appmving Mameptian 3f wiraa oral 0r ccmmunications Mania the tenita al jurisdiciian 05mg wart in which thejudga is sitting arid autsida that jurisdiction but within the United States in the case nfa mabile intamaptien device autha aad by a Federal mun wi ain such ju sdimion if'the judge iatarmines an the basis if the facts submitted by the applicant that thaw is probable cause far ba af that an inai dua is mmn ttingi has aummi ed or is abet-1t cammit a pa isuiar a anse enumerated in asaciim 2516 cf this chapter in than is probable muse far he ef that particuiar cancaming that c ansa will be obtains- 1 thmugh such intaraep an manna invastigativ-a pmcedures have been tried arid have fag-ea er reasanabiy' appear to be uniikeiy succeed if tried at 10 be me daagemus except as prm'icia in subsacti-na there is probabie cause fur beiief that the facilities 5mm which car the mace whats the are and or eiectronie communicatiuna are be intercepte are being used at am abaut in be asad in connection with the cammissinn nfsuch e anse er are ieased m listed in the name of car use-d by auch parser Each cadet autho z iag Gr approving the intarcap na 9f any wire maxi 0F e'iactranic under this shame sha specify the E dan aiiy af the person if 'knawa camummirsat'ions are to he intercepted 3cm Hands Hawaiian Page 4 nf i 1 Pages Sfl z Release Page 34$ 113 5 chapter shall apex request at the app tan that a pm der if wire- mr eiactmniu a 5 - m a VL 7 aw the namra anti ignition 9f the cummunicatims faui xias as 0 which the place w ere autharity tr Eniemegztt is granta a particuiar es-c ptim an that type of camunimtion sought to be intercepie and a statement e'f tha panicuiar 93762133 in which it re'fams the idantity 0f the agency auth rized to macaw the and fthe persqn authurizing the appiimtimn and pgriqdiofti ae during which $1161 imampti-an is authar izedg including a statemant as ta whether er mt the imemep an shall autematica y teminate when the described mmunicatien has been rst attained An arder Embarking the intercepti n if a wire ma eiectmnia mmuni-ca m maxim this sawing Eadie-rd custadian 0f Bathe-r pagan sha' m sh the apg cant forthwith aii Mannaiian fas itias and technisal mistance nmsm' aacamp sh the ham-caption unubtmsively and with a miir mnm 0f interference with ha services that such service provider Sandiard custodiam cur person is awarding the perms whmse camm-uniaations are b intercapted prmider of'wim or dammit communication sani cg Sandi-0rd custodian 3r ather parser m si ng such facilities 31 tachnicai assistanca 511% be camp-ansamd max-afar by the applicant far reasunabi expanses incurred in prcwiding such facilities 0r assistanm Pursuant ta section 23212 ofthis shaman an aide Hwy @330 be issued to enfarca the assistance capability and capacity un er he Cam m ons Assistanzae fer Law Emfarcamem Am N0 Urder anteree under this section may authmize m appmve the interceg icm of any wire arai er eiectmnic camunitation for any period ianger than is maessmy ta achieve the ofthe aatho zati m mar in any eveni lungarthan thirty days Suah thirty day periad begins an the ea ier of the day cm which the maastigative or law ef cer rs begins to conduct an interceptian undgr the fth tan days a er 13m arder is entered E ensicns 91 an order may be granted but ml-y upon appiicaiion far an extension ma a in accord-ante with subsection @fthis section and the man making the ndings raquired by sub-samba of this seciian The periud 0f extensimnsha j be at Ianger than ihe authurizingju ge deams necessary to- 3chi-eve the purpascs fer W ich it was gamed and in m far longer than thirty days Eve-1y ordar and xtensimn themof shall cmnain a prn sian that the authe zation it intercept s ha be maniac as seen as practicable shali be canduc ted in Bush a way as in minin ze the intern-aptian if communicatisns m3 athemisse subject to interception under his chapten and must tem nate Lip-an attainment cf the authmized abjemive or in any event in thirty days In tha went the intercepted mmur ca m is in a or fareigr language and an expel-1 in that foreign language c3613 is not reasenabiy availabie du ng the interceptieu per-Ioi minimizatimn may be accampfis'hed as seen as praaxicabie a gr such inmmeption An inmmegtien under this chapter may be in whaie or in pm by Gavemmem peraanneL m by an individuai Sim Hands Exccp- Eitm 93g 5 of 1 i E agcs Release P3393 3 3 41 43 epsrating under a cantract with the immanent acting under the supemisian at an investigative in law enfarcament amaze authoring cranium the intercepimn 53 Whenever an order authmizing interception is emitted pummt In this chapter tha Brazier may require mperts be made in thejudge whu issued the nrd-er shaming what pragress has been ma a award achievement of the authnrized objea iva and the mead far cantinued intercemicn Suth reports shall he made at such int rvais as the ju ge may requim Ngm'ithstandi g any miter pmvisign ef s chapmr any investigative 0r iaw enfmcement n iser Speciaiiy Megignated by the Attorney General Deputy Artemis Genarai the Assmi iate Atio my General in by the principal pwsecuting attamey if any Stab m- subdivisi n thereof acting Fursuant In a statute if that State who mmbiy detemines that an emergency situatian exists that immiku immediate danger ef daath 0r serims physical injury to any parser ii canapiramiiai activities threataning this natiunal security imerest 01' conspiram ai characteristic of-arganized crime that regains a wire oral 0r ei etmnic ammunica en in he intercepted befme an order authmizing such intemepti-an due d igenne be nbtainati and there are gaunds upan which an ordar mid be entered under this ch aptetr to authm iza such hammeptiom may intercept Such wire am at eiectmnic cammnicatim if an applicatimn far an tit-tier appmving the interception is ma a in accordance with this sectian within hams a er th intercepticm has occurred 31' begns is 0mm in the abs-ease of an hrder such interceptian shaii immediately temiinate when the communica gn seng ht is abiaine or when the appiica on far the order is danieci whichever is earlier In the men such app saii-nn far appmvai is clari ed er in may ether case whem the intercaptian is em naied with-mi an mder having bEen issuad tha mutants Qf any wire orai er elemoxiic cammunica m intmepted shall be Haath as haying been abtained in aiatim afthis Emma and an shall be sewed as pro cied far in subsectinn if this sectiaa an the person named in the appiicatim The if any wire mi er aiemmnic commicaticn intercepted by any means auth zed by this chapter shal i passihie b2 regarded an tape 32 wire or ether cwmparahle device The recardi g 12 ha cements infamy wira orai iers-ironic under this subsactian shaii be dune in gush way as wili pmtect the ramming mm editing 0r ether aiteratiens Iimnediateiy ups-n tha Expiraiian of the period if the order m extmsions theme-f such remrdings Sim he mach avaiiabie is tha judge issuing such cider and saaiad under his irgctians Custady ofthe recerdings shaii be wherever the judge nr zars They shaii mat be destrayed exeept upon an urder of the iSSUi g 9r denying judge and in any wan shaii be imp fer ten years Supii-ca m rawn ngs may he made for usa gr disclasure pursuant to the prmisi n-s if subsemions Scan Hands Erma-prion Page 3 cf 5 i Fig Eriease Page 3r isINN and efseerien i251 this ehagter fer irrvesiigatiens The presence 05 the sea pre ded far by this Subs-acting er a satisfactory emanation fer the absence thereer size be a prerequisite fer the use or iseiesure 0f the mutants 0 any wire era er electronic cemunieetion er ex denee d em'e therefrem under sub-secrien cf section 2317 App ce ens made orders gamed under this chapter she be seared by the judge Curiae ef the epp catiens and arders sha be wherever the judge dimers Such ap-p eations' and erders sha be diselesed upen skewing efgoed cause hefere a judgeefpempe tent jurisdiction and-shall me be siestreyec i except an erder ef the issuing er denying udge and in any event shall be kept fer ten years Amy vie-1mm cf the provisiens of this mbseetien may be punish-ed er eenrempt efthe issuieg er denying judge Within a reaeanable time but met later ninety days a er the ling of an epg catien fer arr errier 3f app reval terrier section which is er the tennieetion 3f the gr de of an order er e eneiens theree the issuing 9r eeying judge shali Geese be served an the persees me in the carrier er the eppiieerien and Such ether parties re intercepted cemmunieatiees as the judge may determine in his discretion that is in the interest efjus ce an inventery which shall include notice ef w 1 the fee if the entry ef the Greer er the appiieerican the date efthe entry arr-Li the mint efauthe eed appmved er disapproved interceptien 3r rhe eniei ef the applicarien and me fact that during the peried wire eral er eieetroni-c cemmnieatiens were er were not intercepted _ Thejudge new the ng e a me tien may in his iseretierr make ava ebie to sue person or his counsei for inspeericn such peniens ef the intercepted applicatiene anti erdere as the judge derem nes re be in the interest efjeslice Ga are ex pa e shearing ef gene career to jurige ef competent jurisdi-etien the serving efthe inrenmry required by this sub-seeriee may be pestponed The eenieme ef'eny wire erai or electrenie mtereepted pursuant be this chapter er evidence rierived therefrer shail me be received in evidence er otherwise disciesed in any triai hearing er other pressedng in a Federai air Starr court unisese each parry not iess than zen days befure the trial hearing or preceeriing has been rmished with a cap ef the were order and accompanying appiieatien under which the interceptim was authmizeri or approved This i-ennday p-erieri may be waived by thejudge ifhe nds that it was ram possible r0 furnish the party with the aimve infoma tien ten days hefere the r aL hearing er proceeding and that the parry wi not be prejudiced by the defray in receiving seek ieforrnatien Any aggrieved person in any m aL hearing or in er before any were Clear Hands Exceptien Page i ufi 1 Pages 5524392 Reiease 3 2 2 33 fir-z fine department u ieer agency regaiamry hwy 0r other authnrity ot the Unitsd States a State 9r 3 pniitiscal subdivisimn therea fmay mew ta suppress the can'tenta Df any'wira at am cemunizaiim intercepted purguant in this chapter or evidenc e ved mrefmme on the grounds that - the communication was ur aw iy ii the maier af authe zation or appr vai under which it was intertepteci is insuf cicnt an its face the interwptian was am made cunfomjw with the aid-er 0f autherizatinn er ram-i I I w I Briton ggare the mal or praceeding nl 's fik hai was nn'l pparm ity ft make such mutitm 01' the persun was next aware ofthse graunds 3f the mating Ifthe martian is gmme the summits if the 'mtercapted wire er 0m evident de ved were am sha be mated 35 having been abtained in violaii n ofthis chapter Thejudga upon the 13ng 61 51152 1 maiien by the agg ewd person may in his maka ava abie to the aggrieved persmn 3r his comm far inspecti n gush panions of intercepted cammur cation 0r a dence derived therefmm as thejudgc datmnines it he in the interests ijus ce by In additian in any mile- 1 right if appeal United Siam s'hail haw the right 9 appeal an arcier granti g a meiion is sappress made undar paragraph if this subsyectinn ear the deniai cf appficaiim for an urder 3f app-mm ifthe United St atas sha emify to the judga 0r ether ef cia granting sum martian or denying such applicatian that the apgeal is 110' taken far purposes af deiay Such appeai shall be taken within thirty days after the data the order was at-eras and shall he diligently prnsecutad The ramedieS and san tions dess he in this chapter with wages to the interceptim ai electmnic communiaatians are the 3rd judicial remedies and sanrztians mm cans tuticnai aia ms of s chapter inwiving such 55243132 Release Page individeaivieiates Eh elpter 119 by engaging in an lega i wireiep and the gee- emment EXCEPTIQN PROFDSED Inappfimef iy 2 3 UL SEC @535 greenery em m'ee mean-use Qfeerraz n dean heed geedfe discfomres Thie empesed ehange makes a eere jellgz n ted mendmem 0f 18 U312 $515 the meter-aw exeiusieeary wie fer vieietiens ef Titie II ofthe Omnibus Crime Central and Safe Streets Aer ef W68 50 as dearly exempt twe situe ees 1 thes-e in which private individual-5' illegain intercept er recerd a eemmunieetiee but the rewarding later cemee inte the pesseesien of patty in a eriminal trial whe then shes ef intmduee it and these in whieh an therea er seeks 0f use the eemmu meme-e ete prosewte that viefater At present eppe ate deeisiens are in appereet con ict over whether seetiee 2515 precludes the use in the rst eaiegmy desenhed abeve Under ene pessihle interprete en of seetien 2515 ifs p vate individual eenma y receives a eenversatien in aid ef an mega activity er i ege y records a eenversetien ether parties wither-mt their cement the contents 31 such are net ade esfbie in criminai trial er hearing even if the government had He role in having the evidence receded and 053131 metered it through iewfui means at a Eater date This simetiee occurs because under 13 USC 25 1 M23133 a consenting perry net acting under ceier ef law may meme oniy ifme is for nemcrin nei er nee tertieus purpose Thus if the payer efa bribe seere y records the treneaetien in wi eh he or she pays the bribe of an e ieieL and the g-m emment Iezer obtains the and seeks ef use it against the of cial of grave the bribe eec en 2515 aeguabiy preciudes such use One appe ilete court has 53 'hei dm hiked State Vest 813 Fixed Est Cir 198 wettest another appe aie seen has heid that section 2515 dbes met her the gevemment using made by an mega gambling business efbets placed by teiephene 't-e prevent disagreements with be ore everihe amounts of their bets Unites States v Undezrhiil 833 Flt 105 61h Cir cert denied 484 US 33L 846 $813 Whiie the eet in Keg acknewiedgee that no deterrent eurpese weuld he served by suppressiee because the gevement played me re ie in the iIIegal receding it re ed en the fact that further disclosure in men ef the cements weuid magni e the e giea privacy elaiien Thee-011mm neerhiil en the ether hand reiie-d en eiea' Eegis ative Meter indicating that Cong-e333 despite the facial breadth ef section 2 515 did net int-end te pem t Eewbreakere enmeniee themseives fem preseeution by the View criminai purpeses 'that made the illegal The Same disagreement amen-3 circuit teens exists regarding the e'f retarding made by private eetere intercepting witheut the of any ef the parties In case a eeun barred the use hefere a grand jury of such iEiegaiEy intercepted eemmunieetiees See in reamed Jew Eil F 3d 1866 3d Cir i997 Byeemram where a wife Seeretiy insteiled a recen ing device re intercept her husband s eenversatiens with elher persens the Sixth Circuit made-tied the section 2515 did met her the use of the eeniems of these Keen Hands Exceptiun PLge 3 ef I i 5 14 92 Page 353 1 kg - mmunicatiuns in a prasem m uf the husband given the gm ermnenfs lack efinvisivement in the n ginaj interception Egg United-States v Mmd ch 63 F 3d 1391 Ga 19-95 Whether at m3 Egg and are Grand 3m were ca eml'y niecidad under the mining statuth pmvision an examptien shm d ha created under sectim 2 515 for that narmw $1355 of cases in which the gnvemmem law ly thains mega recarding made by private panies and saeks in use than as mitigate in a hives ga m pracaeding hearing or triai or before a grand jury The nuth sea ng nctien cf 3 praceeding is af paramaum impartance in this absence 0 any aterremt purpose is be by exciusiag this uuthevs eeking mctien should preva war the cancem that disclesgne in the massedng 'wauid semahnw exacarhate th 'tirigi retard lg I Cenvarse ly if avidenme maimed in an legally imamepted regarding tends to amalgam a defendant that defendant sha uld be grati ed iatmduce the evidence 56 long as he did nut participate in the interception in any way The amendment thus re ects ha iue af that a private aiation of the Sta-mm shauld rm trigger he severe result if maluaian 6f amender pmbative evidence in a criminal case just as the Faun 0f caurse 3633 net appiy to now-governmentai searches anti saizuras Amrdingly this sectinn wouid amend sactiun 2 515 to expressly 335mm such disci asures rm purview In ad ition the amen mem would alga that Mega iniercapts made has useci was limited purpase afpmsecuiing the individual Wh can u-cted he intercegtian in arm meant casa Unitgd States him F Supp 2d 428 199% an ample-gar 9f 3 ctr-unity sheriff inta rsepte cenvma ons bemaeu two manners and their anameys When the Unitad States sought use the ramming of Warsaw-ta that viaiatiang the district muff mied the evidenae inadmissihie The amendment w-aui pa mit such use the purge-5 3 6f pres-ecu g the violam 9f shame W53 Cnnfanning amendments am also made of subsection and 9f sac mn 251 and mhsec en 3 m hismw afsect m 3 5 urigimi ma mmt makes clear that intend-sci hm it existing Amcindmm Sex 3 Rap 1973 Song 3 3 3 55 @ ime in 1968 USS CAN 31 13 33 335 no int-canon grass the sen-pa ufihc suppmsiun mh beyond present warm and scizum 552 4592 Reieaw - Page XII MATTER NM Gamma IN BILLS CURRENTLY UNDER cowsmammew Emmng 3 51 REQst wTrap anci Trace authority at eld levei 5mm Release - Page 355 Exam Emma Amendment Creating Emergency Pen Ragister mp Itasca Anthem far Att meys and Tap Law Undar annex 'Iaw 1% USE 3123 3 an Emergency pen register trap 85 trace may be authnrized ugly by high levei ef ciais 131' any investigative r law enfurcement ui cer specia y desigmtad by the Niamey Gama m E11 cases invni ng the States the equivaiamt thhe Gaunt District Emergency pan register Gr trap 452 tram orders are authmizeci under seating 3125 2 uni whey exists an Mediate - danger Gf death 0r serimus hnd y injury in anyng at Where there are mpiratorial activities hharacteristis af argax zed mm hi WEE mid two Bibs emergency In the pen register statute in relative parallel with the emergency provisians and that attacks an g' Vm m a public camputer maid seriausiy mdanger the pubiis health 01 safely Even in emergemzy situation a mum arder ratifying the use of he pen registgr trap 35 trace must be suugh and abtained within 48 hm Sinae the camera 313mm authmizes he issuanca of an Emergency 333 register at the Sam level by any Gaunt 'I iszrict Niamey it has been arguad that the mm-am restrict-inns at emewgency depiayment by Federal amberitias are by cumpa sm i congmnus unnecessarily regain in mmbersame and time mmw ng Base upnn iaw anfarcament s exyerienc-e the pmbiem is especially acut in dman t computg-r investigations where time is aquen y Bf the essence The pmposed mendment weuid additinn the glass 0mm m ciais currently Mn xed to issue emerwa pen ragistars 0r impiemem trap 3 staming auihmri'zed igsuaacc 01 emergency impiementa cn upsn the request of either a Waited States A amey 0r tbs arincimgi summarising awrenfemgment mis t DE anv Fe eral crimina investigative Desigzating the United Statezs Ammay 1r th principal supenising 13w enfmcemem o cer with the auth dty tn caning a pen regime or rag anti trace in an emergency situation vests autha ty with the @ icial who is in the best pgsiticm to assess the nae-d and gamma 0f use what the passing if mgr Mates may mean th lass cfvaluabie infermatien for exampie in an Ongoing computer attack A the same time exprass designaticn WEE continua assure the mn sistent administratian 0f law enfurcemem pa cy on the use afpan ragisiezrs and trap and trace devises by ramming centralizad respansibi ty fur aggroving emergency USE in a limited number 3f identi able ami peiijticaliy accountabie n iciais g5 Rap 901k Sm-15 3 2 21 5653 i968 mgr-wad in @153 4134 2% 3185 km fat-wiretap uppii atims - Pm Reg tc mp i Tram Page 3 at ages $341333 Reieme - 3 3 3 5 EXPEDITING Emanxww my REGISTER mn TRAP Man Em m w afany wher Amemimms Seating 3 11315 Energency pen rcgister and imp and trace device inst aliatian other pravisian n hjg chapter - - i- 6 the Attamey Generalg the Deputy Attom Asseciate Attamey Genera any Attorney Senegal any a ting Genera wy De uty Assistant Attcmeg General 5 kxmg ctm g 157-2 Zx 7 gr prosecuting attains of any 3331301 subdi sum 2 erect that Stam wha reasanahly Examines that Emergency Pm Ragisrcw frap 3 Trace magma 1 A 13 52 2 u Fags Samara ti Assistant Aunmey or by the pursuant ta- a statute of mm Mme Page 35 MATTER comma 1 BILLS Title Wiretap Exueption far the Interceptim 0f Unautharized Computer Trespassers upon the Written Request ofth uf the System 1 5mm - Reiease fame 35 PH Hm Hm HM Hm 5% nowacgw gmm mmw mzamwnm az w m n m QM gamma mammnm mai 2m awn gs maaw wgd mnq magnum Puma gamma mag 22% 3% an a 2 15 Cumpmur Tmpassws ifiK'iwmm Exc'cpsm 35L HI 4 Efldf l Rciease Page 361 Fry v 4 gpi h 32' ta $135 1' BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Pra a enae DEABLINE @ f21f3909 Date Ta Biremtor s ffice Attn D3 u y Director s foice Mr Pickard Labaxatary Bivisien Br Kerr ffice cf Semiral Cwunsai Mr Parkinaen Exam Birectmr's foice Uffice 0f Fublic and Cengregsimnal Af airs Gangreasienal faid- fe Contact 8323 $732 Appruved By Piakard Thama Kerr Banald $arkinsan Larry nu E g l Drafte By Case IE Pending Title MEMGRANEUM HOUSE JUDICIARY CONSTITUTIGN SUECGM HEARENG GN avfz fgaa ISSJES RAESED BY THE 1 Synopsis The Caustitution Subcammittee 0f the will canduct a hearing on Mandayy at PM in Ranm 2141 8f the Rayburn Hausa Of ite Building Tha purpmse 9f the hearing is ta examine Faurth Amendment isgues raised by the Earnivare' rcgram Censaquently th has requested that Laboratory Divisian irectmr Dr Danald M Kerr and Genetal Counsel Larry R Parkinsmn appaar an behalf Qf the FEE netails The Canstitution will sandman a hearing to examine Fourth Amendment raiaed by Carnivara The SHbC mmittee hag preliminarily advised that the hearing will be compased of twa panels The first panel will have witnessea rmm the U S Department QE Justina to include the FBI The secan panel will be Cam osed cf individuals from grivate industry and Internet privacy greups It is anticipated that Daputy Assistant Attarnay General Kevin Ui regeryl as well 35 David Green CCIPS will represent the epartment The Speaific private aectcr witneases have not yet been etermined 5mm amass aw Te Director's Of gi From irecter's fo Q Qf Public and Cangressional Affairs Re V Office The Subcammitte3 hag requested that the Lab-ratery Divigion and tha Off 0% of the Gem ral Counsel previde a written statement for the afficial EECGIC which the witnesges may summarize for the Subcammittge The written statement must alga be prmvided ta tha Subcommittee an a camputer disk a through email items must ts the no latar than Friday A 1e tar 9f invitatian Exam the Subcammittea has n9 yet been receive Set Lead 1 QFFEC RT r is raqueated twat aha Seputy miragtmr ap rwve Dr Ker an Mr Parkinaon s yartlcigatien as witnesses at hearing SEE ME Set Lead 2 LQEQRATQRY RT DC ision pre are it is requeated that the Labmrataxy Div aral Cwungel testimany with assis anee the fo' for Dr Kerr and provide it t0 SSA Extensian by C03 awmfgoso car er that it may be tramsmittad a DQJ fer clearanne and than 0 the in a timely fashien 2 Reiease Page Ta Diractor'g OgiiEe Fram Directmr's Offig Qf Public and Affairs RE 0 1 f2300 cw foi Set Lead 3 GENERAL COUNSEL ET WASHINGTON EC It is requestgd that tha 0ffice of General Counsel aasist the Labaratery Division as needad in the preparatian 0f testimany far captimna hearing Sat Laad 4 GFFICE OF awn CONGRESEIQNAL AFFAEESJ CQNGEESSIGNAL AFFEERS OFFICE AT WASH t f The angre351$na1 Affairs Q fice will cmerdimats the appaarances 6f Br Kerr and Mr Parkinsan hafera thE the a reval $5 the frem aha eputy Diractar a affine and tha vetiug 9f tha teatimmny by DGJ 1 hri Pickard 1 Dr Kerr 1 a Mr Parkinsan 1 mr Allen File C py I an 3 534513 Reina Page wewzw 12 3-95 3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF FGEPA PAGE FNFQILHATKDN SHEET Pag ct s withhti Cmimly at his in he iie expiaisa Eh zs Hanan Dcl inm were made pursuant to me- axemmimns indicated helm with segregahhe malaria avaikabie far I raicasa U3 yau Sec un 552-23 will 3 3 3 133 2 1 mam f3 W manic a 3 mam E3 m mm a E3 E k3 km hm 3 Gm man m ma failawing statamems where insdim-ed i 0111 Infmmatim partained 01113 44 21 third party with ma to me snbjeci 3f y- mr requesx at the subject sh is lime-d in she title wigs 221 Dac ummn ss erigzinassd wish amber Gcwemmem agencyiiess These d cuments mfemzd has agewyiits far mviaw and Sires respanse yam 5_ Pages comai infarmatim furnished by amtth Gmammem agencyiiea r nu wiil advis-ad by the FBI to tilt 43f ibis infermaiim ibiiowinguur communism with the ether agencygics Pagesjs withheld mas-much as a nal release demrm nation has 10 been made wiil be deism 35 11 mi a a Eater date I I -r mun - f a Pages were mm considered fm rs Jaase as may arc dup atiw of - fr wt My ff ags 55 21 er Pageis wixhheid is he I c ltJWiLng rcasm s F1 The Milawing number is be was far ref rence regarding these pages 3ng an 2 ac KR 1 x maimed Paga Na Dupiica tign Fee far his page PROPOSAL OFFERS SURVEILLANCE RULES FOR THE INTERNET 3 ENTEREEPHGN 0F 5th White ngse Tries to iB-aiian ce Rights If Sempzuter Userse and Law Enfercement 5y STEPHEN with MATT July The White House gait way that if wuuid pmpose legisia tmn 3 5e Egai ne quit-smears for surveiilance in cya- berspace by law enforcement au- Similar in some waya these Iur Elephant wiremps Prithaay adv-3 3 535 and civil iimn ma groups w-eimmed some aspen a the pmposai but said they re mnme alarmed arm a new 5121 mmpurzer system than searches and imam-Ems private- email and tan may captum Eammunicaiians cf penpie not suspected m crime The legfgiative pmpesai was msde- as ha administ rau- aim naumb today that it had eased am- mri m realms - gs making it significantiy easier 1m American companies sai l sm- ware gra ucts the Eurapean Unien and eight nmer fadirsg park wars mat tan be used In Keep tam- puter data and communications 3e cure Beth the electronic surveillance 3212390531 and the export mats-o anges am part of a broader paltry w me in a spams mday by John I Pajama me th't-e Run-52 chief of 511m He said he tries 0 ha mm the privacy rights a computer users agains the needs nf Iaw and farce-mam ta be ahie It manner digi- tal 7 Cungress and federal reguiamrs haw dune iinle wax-k in the awn Even as the warm has quickiy came My heav y an cummuniaatians Waugh cyhempace Man than biilion elm-ail messages change hands every day The administramn's iagish w an alectronii surveillance was to fix the inca siszem patch- wark of taws that apply differeni st m ards to ieiephunei cabie and other technuiagies with a singiie standard for those system-15 and he Ema-ma Pruspem fur ma pmpasai in Congress are nntemin Unlii mm law mfmcemem agar BEES have haw-n abie mumwr mean - titanic cammunicatinn with mtg- modem mun supervision The proposed Eegisla nn 'wauid re- quire that the same sandade that apply in ma interwptim a the com mm of mlephme cam apply 10 an interception of evmaii messages Spev ci ca y i woutd require iaw en amazement agmts tn that they have probable cause of a Mimi ubtain a mar-1 Df f geekmg the cements at a suspect s evmaii messagsza The pramsai maid 313 3 give 36 rst magigtrawa greater autimrity review requests by law Enfertemem authonxms fer sma d pen magi-5w tars - H55 the phme numbera ied from a pa imiar amateurs and the 31 the calls The magistrates 110W no authariw ques ian the reques few such lists which are ire-v quanta user by me a in wmex the internist e39 is ng are a-mibigugus atmut whai app iy far differem kinds s-umeziliance Many Ezimitau was imposed on law enmrcemem th af teiephazz-n wiretaps like ism - mauiremam that 535 tam be at the highest level 33 the Jami-ce- Depa nmen -- mt appisar If apply email s'uweii ante M rmver mi Saki fan of 195-1 5915 3 ar h arzier'burden for gamm- ment agenw 0 when trying in manner camputem using came mo dems than when munimmg sake- ph ffs That has prayed tumble- same fee law eaforcemem anther-h 13385 35 mare Americans begin In use highspeed intense gamma mruug'h cable netwurksg The table AC1 3 159 requires that the iarggt of me Sun veillam - be given notice and an 3p Cancern hat the prap-asals affaw fadem agents tan much leeway an aim peanut-lit to chaiienga the request It s time to update and barman ram existmg laws 13 give all farms at me same 133 5 lative as our tei ephona can'versauons ML Fadesm said in a speech a the National PreS Club Gar gimp-used iegislmion wuuid har- mgnize the legal iandards that ap- piy as law eniarcemem s e- mail teieplhane calls and cable gamma Whiw House afiiciais Said @6313 that may mix- 1 the grating-a mum break 3 19 33am in Congress where a variety i erent measures have imm uce dealing with e112 - tmnic surveillance The adminissra-e Liam s pmposai adapts same eh - mems a both Dame-crane arm Re publican was But Eongra si nai aicjes said- there mm me time time leaf in the legisia ve sass wn anti that the matte-r wou d ali likemsood remain unrev sawed untii after the new zerm be gim in 21331 A mmistration nificiats said the proposai wauld apply in cammunicav 13 31 15 that ither begm er em in the U Hiit td Slates It maid no a ppiy in ii mail messages transmitw emireis Qutsme the town Privaty and Iib-enies grasps criticized the administratinn pm pom betauge i1 want- 1 permit the gm- Emmem use a new sun eiliance that the grasps say be used is mart bruadiy than oldar technamgies enabling fad era agents are manna an unlimited amoum at Umocen-t communicatians incin ing thase of maple wha are net targets 31 cri mmn inves gatioaa Thra- systam used by th Federa'i Bureau of Inws ga m is called Carnivore an named agents say hen cause it is able in quickfy get me mam in huga quantities a wma macasagesj so-talled 2111151311 messag- ing and other wmmunicminns bah tween campu ers Eamivcre is nausea in a small ack km and mmism a hardware am whware that trails or infa'rma aim after being connected to the mean war a an Smemet service pmri ar Inca in amed 1 mg this abihiy t9 mum-mm an a We e-mail on a may mark from the MS of what mail is $811120 the Mina wnteus of the mm manic-ma a I mam 'Re iease 33335 that if 0 Marcus mamas secEin ef a the ght ramming Swim at the 33 1 the techmlagy ms- deveiv apex- 18 momhs 33 by PM engi- neers and has been used tewar than 25 31 11 25 Mr Than said that Can mme hm mzentia y bmad capabib was and that he undemth the cam warns of privacy gmups Can a mm a mugs he saii That's why it s i iiegai it so wim- out a ciea'r dem from the awn He said that $15351 Enamel service provider had cmperated with my quests in usa C-amivure - Privacy gangs and 5mm interim service pm ders have deeply critical if the use a Camimre Be - rcau'se ant-e mama an a netwurk it permits the gavemment 9 take whatever mi rmatim 1-1 wantsw Mareaver the guvemmem has not said what 1 does with the ammumus material it gathars that is 31 31 melee van m the particular sun'eil iance Tim issue zines m ofmn arise 1% day with me manuang a 1 912than 7 canvematium because 3 Ban anfu rcemm Embark wants see 3 3 315 a teiep'hnne cam made by a susp mi the aggm gens Miser imm a magistrate presents me- antler a talephtme ccmpauy and the tumpag than turns aver the its In at Seas ma instance 33 inwr- net company Sid no cmperam so mad in with the gavemmem in Eda-3 3 marshals ap- pmached the campany with a mum order permitting hem tn depioy a dawns to register tima dime and sauna- iniormaum inn-owing E-ma messages sans and from a Speci I i-ed account Trying fa establish a single for di erent technm agfesg Rammed ma devm venue-d rem-Ni b-rnadar Mom-lama the cram-pan munmw with a campro wise it would prmride the gavemn men with the requested Marmazion abam await sanders and reaipiienm awarding Rnber Cam-Revere a lawyer for the campany in recent Congressiuna testimony The turn pan WEE Eater identi ed 33 Earth Link a sew-vim pmvider with 1 5 mild lion subssrihers Mr umv evere said the gmern- mam Initially accepted the summo- mzse but Eater 'b came dissatis ed and wished 9 am its awn device EanhLin abjected bus was man mm by a a l ederal mun which ardar ' the device ti-epinyed Either intern-met comma-m have aim been triucai or Cami mm charm-1 and chief executive of a if in Interim seminal prev ier said that the system gave the Fill the ability to manual cama messages at every person an a given netwer Ha said he maid mime 0 permit the gavernmant we ma managing at unless agents mum pram that it amid mi sift em me traffic truth a given m i dn that be target 9f 3 mun object 10 American citizens ami any citizens 5f the warm always be- mg subjett In sameune munimring their amaii said Mr Schrader whnse mmpany serves abuts mam bus-messes and mm than is minim mm believe and wail fer ue Empreme than Write me u doi - Civil iib-mies gruups meanwh e said that today s palm matinee mam wag an inadequate respmse tn the growing centraversy over the depinymem a Can vare spasm was camou age cover the mess that $5 tan mm said Barry Sie ards an assaciate dirwwr a me American cm ber-z ties Union in light uf the public and Cangresasicnal criticism at Cami mm we hoped and amazed liar mare I m-m an adminisiratmn that in mm in aanaitiw iy to privacy rights Ramar has giassing aver Camfvm Pixiesta shauid have as manned thai the admmiatralim was Eli-Sp ndmg its use Fascmg cameras abuts Ear-111mm Niamey General Jane Rem mm an Thursday that she wacuid review whether the asst-em as being useti in a manner cansise new with privacy rights in the Canistiv am in federal am A whee-me mime a the Hausa is set its hold a hearing next week an the system While the civil libemes and racy gmupzs applauded giving Engages gzreaser discretmn in review certain kinds Inf tea-gems in sum-simmer hay were critical 5f other aspects of the pmpesaj Marc Rutenberg sizirecmr at the Electmnic anacy Iniormatian Her a m ea mh urganizatinn that studies privaty issues and criticized the admmisxratim fur mwring the standards far surveil lance of cable madam-3 rather than 1 raising the sian mds im- Iel-ep'hane sumi ance The Came Am pwvides for me a me best privacy protmtions the United States Mr Raz-enberg 53185 The que stiu is whether ta karma-r Mae 53 car harmonize ileum Our View its this harmonize nwn But a ministrau-an affidais said the at-Ia he new contempiated that than wuw he bmad use a mbie modems ior-e-mai traf c and tin-a the standards used for maintaining warrams taiephane Surveillance should aim app 19 digital n-ica 1i-ons through cable nemurks saw Reiease Page 36 Lw Hopes to Extend nline Wiretapping W m The Climax aclminisuation yes- tertiary tailed far upi'a ng ran ping laws is extend the mum of law enforcement in the nnl inz wa d wh e pmvid i ng new 3933 gamm- ams fer tiedmnic cummn im mq Maxim-mama aisle maimed asexpactai a plan mime can Unis an the upon 01 an rst software- 4m magmas that heip Enigma users We mes- sages and data grain them from mitigates n the ime mite Emma Mai 91' $135 Jain D Panda 532 in a at the Natimsal Press Club dammed the mining iiw package as eiimimu can zsim atom the am of Legal mutation for m nus mas ai mm- municatim Elephant mmtims get kg Sif g pmtmi mm Miami swamps under the 19% Pa um a d Safe Streaks Act which raw quired a cam atria and high-Mel Justice Depamnent apprm-al Elm rules far wma sent by disabup mod-em are by the Kimm- ie imsy Act cf 153% I m law might n 3 by cable mo- dem and tibia comgsanits have game that their an nc senrices sinisqu in given mix-mm pm leaf-an guvemnent suma- ianoe under the 31316 Ag It s rm update and hamm- nizae an existing iaws to give ali $053315 91 teaming the legis have pram-titans as our telephone Masts saii Lawn-13cm said they mlmme the apponsunity to work with the ad- mix sualim an these issue Sen Gm Haich Raviah wha has munduw an inmmut prime said '35 is mmraihe we bal Rm news-15 of Saw Mame ment with the p vaqr rigth nf the Amman waits We mug ensure that appmp atg Ch tks are in place here th gamma-m 3mm pr vale Mmmidthehi s ihe manage wui be unveiled 113 days and that it hopes the onm'bepassedr 7 bythe endoftm'ym F csta also spake the new tech- nulo imam as which law mam- - meni autha es the ability is seiec vely manner 13 Internet cf indh iduals the dwiccs that can regard the telephnm f mils mac and hm 513m m edged Himalang than met-sight uf arch Wilma is s g hL and the pn ec m if the maximum by an maximum is Podeana called far judini Thi Fatima 59 26 ms nut wail by dw lib am c's ade have fought Emma and a xer attenmts to mam wiretapping capab r $563 an the interns Stet-alde aswdaie tm Eff the me can Civil Unitm ed the speech deeph- Wh e ler minim adv ministratian s pramsais have same bean-Hing qm lties If thgm may gra- 1m Limit and 1m hate with tan Hulls me he l gisla 've m io pass new The Car niVGf'E s tem Si-einhardi sas di raga-sent a grave threat to the privacy 017w Amtricm by giving iaw em agmdes mmupenix aum to a nea y uni 13mm mam Pedesta alss dimmed the mm'p m patina which this tan hmpiement immediate Undzar he pian US names WEE be able emu pi s mw mode to users in my na- tion in the Woman Uniim ami to Australia Nam-3y the Catch Repu hiic Hungary Polan Japan NEW Basa- im and gmmant 'w l t n nate the statutory My waiting period before- exports mm mm place but wa keep in giant 2 that um immiagies be mbmiued the gm an to a 1mm review Eng-milieu has been a bat e eid from the cg y days 91 the Clinton admimsm an Few tam-sin mags are as mammal in the ght to personal and prim but vaA' present such ni d s ream 5 Freak who thai am termrists can 25va ta the plans an ac sri ea gh- eda tn - waits argued that ES resuictimu - m y mm mmpax es 5mm meta-ms We gammy skiing producis and in January Mfg-stars a mixr Malian an exports The miudng nf these regula nns WEE 3 low US Mars in aame in ginhai said Robert Baum Bf the Bushmess Software Alliance 5 V DATE 2 PAGE Release - Pagi 1m 1 I 36$ Hinton Administratio Seeks Updatng I Etappinfg Laws Fran rm White Hausa mpg-used Eegisia-tion Manda update wiretapping NEE-s that tags protect curreme applieii to Leiaphnne calls are extentiad elecimnic tion mm as evma The plan mum paquire law aware mam officials in email high'i 'i i prm'a bef-nre appiying for a com arder m- iniatcem the cement of emaiE-r-m fin-a with current mm that govem Eister rlg to phnne cilia Easi caiiy the same- ii sent diffeimnt WEE-Etimmgh a phen-e can 3 a champ me emfis suhgem to in fem and privacy ami- Er s said White Hausa Thief of John Pad-Esta in anmummg the prepay 333 It's time to update and humanize cw existmg aws ta give-e a1 forms of tech the iags E-Eative preterm-mm our lawman- means The mretag pr-n pesal 35 addresses cai ed Uap- and treat-e Qrdara law enforcement offics 3 0 damn ma ame of a phene can or an rma but 20 its mutant Under the promwi law mart-amen affsziais mum 9 11 new one 13 tram an srmail a a phgne ca ma travel aim-ugh multigm phC-E'If carriers 33 Imernm pro- vider's Ef ciaia EIEU mum trams- sush cammu- magmas Wham prior apgmvaj in an Tngeleemergency Situation such ass computer i5 under atwc k But far he first time the a mim smv tier is proposing that a emi or state when a i judge independently detemine Whether- 'zhe iacts suppartsuch-amce order Efficiais were asked haw thum- anges wanld impact the new syah mm which the FBI is using to abtari n ma a of investigative subjects with a Search warram When Cm vore is mated at an Internet sen'ice pmvider it seams an imoming and mtgoing mails fur messages associate with the target 95 a cam-inn pram If We Carnivore system is being used to intercept he gment tu aim trams comm-amicaamns than 13w enforcement ifmials mum highdev Justice DE- szanmem appm-vai before obtaining a court wder and stricter mandams hmh ing 13 USE mum apphai Podssta said sagas the uni ahead i3 sub in tEE sEt 5mm its min in' comma ma Justice Dega mani courug s m s gni caiinn penal- 395 far miwse a the system The warmed ma qu aim wwi adv mmnsisiencies Embers Clh ri n i law has different networks carrying In- Em i Far- exampiea new that c 3- are hr ng u grar ed to Offer senises iaws that apply 10 dies - m-neriams over plume nes should be amended 13 tables summations Fade-SL2 said PAGE mm SEMQZ Release Pam Dec- 317 '7 369 f THEMLL STE g pdaung 0f Wiretap Law far Age a W ru i 'w fight gm dmlmure Ki Urged by the the Etectmnic CommWCa -uns a WP JOURNAL By Tam mamas the Write Hung pmsals ma a sense - 1 - my a Mu 39mm but 3150- wame that its mgmher mmpa- cuz m- r 1 Rd' Pv'mie 8mm 13 mes shank 1m be epn ae a spakm n t - 1W Simemm 1 gaging changgm us aw in make i Eas man said 53H Jugs age mung Il l foragihn mgs 19 eavesdmpan gramme The mm annme a ma mug i 35$ Igg fggawig t Such '85 Fm game tim-e thai the adn z stration mlaxa 0QO an uniaen ediab e in her 7 updating magma ememmfent de nbed mst c ans m the export a gamma em Vida my mm 31 pm I 35 MES-35111353 -55 3 5 Ea i r era Ef g an tachngigg m the Egg-95393 33 The admmsiz atmn said _that the aiman oAustralia awayMe Czech am Show nothe adt cbfa i age Wald enhancelegai pnvqey pm- Reput m Hung-an mm Japan New am it was nu m 13 a shing actions- becausye they mum require Easimd and White Hausa ephem mi puma a aim exampla appmvai by seam Justice av Chief of Staff Jana Pudesta said the 77 7 pay- meat officjais ham ma Fadera Bu - changemhich will'hena tsnme hamv reau pf Investiga un timid usa saftware wars am sa wara rms Was 1w infrared smez ance such as its Carnivore 51 5 in exchange im the high-iechmlagy indu5 tam That appmva already is required in try s supw of the White House reta trues where law Ewen-amen wag-ts magmas We ve- never tried 103mg hose 45 9 monitor teiephane canversaucns twig he said JhE-Cha g reqmm 15 3 judges 05 11 The White Baum aim 0 give Eiei mmt 3513 53 59' auiha tigs un ispme access it me Enter- jjgaiwireiap current tax mandates sup net ga jc a magma 2 2 mimon in sum circmzamnces 35 may en using mhie- madam And it pmpcasm ma or written n91 making it easier fur mice 9 nbiai mun Email Th - 355 math hie 0mm 1-3 trace the transmi-ssionrand If the 1389mm - 3 Ma h teipt s3 Intem i data na anwma imam ma what the gavemmwt said p nmsgi an fmr a judge in Eggs were e ciencm in enmrcing nuts ju si g gn gm dam $35535 imam M a m i Crimes an 5313 Tim'i m whet ange mum give gr 'ater The Samaritan Zivi L mnaes Ix-1333 lamude in requests But in said the nite HMS-s anmummant was extraardjnaw Eases such as a hacker ai- eapig dise pmintingf' bee ng it Edd mt tack ma FBI mum perfonn tracing than Mama-e any pmmise smegma use of Car abtain mart approvai as much 15 13 hams njmre which the gmup shame- 1 gives the Eater if 3 Alagamiapme mminues bem een Inter- I gea y r imlt am um B mm m net and law- an arremen i The 10115 Emit mum s gable providers have ar The inwmm Airimnce gamma theyare 1m reamed under the i tra e map 561' Enema said Heme Tum In Page A5 Selma I - Jappmg inta Privacy Gems key chamga-s the White House is making um iniemei privaty il eq if'i higher 5m awrw by swim Jussme amciajs to nenmm Sniernm In read email Rte-uitisna t dismr Ei etsranic evidence cat-mined in an wireiajp I auditing that Internet wiretaps is new a ma he used may when investigating the mast seriau c mes i Requiring Me-interact mmp nias to turn aver in mmatian Wham with a judga s Owen inging mthariti-es 9 seek a singie judge s Er-die in trace Meme gjrcummumaauws natianwitje amass di erent jurizmimims $24302 Release Page if 3 5 05 Restrictin Based - an Software Exports and SHARES FILLER STAFF WRITERS The Clinton administration an Men- thy further ease-d me remaining re- astrictinns on win-1g high pawered fen- ctypiion pro t-Ms averse clesnng the was in Americas rms export it the Em apea n 3nd sever-3E other key trading partner The new policy drops a requiremem that US companias get a special 13'- cense to s-e groducLs V-a greatness thaw previously inmh ed a technica review a Re t-day ezajr 1n adrji rm the wing a mw trump mic is 3 25 their pwsjum mt may buaines eg and cousumem but also gm ernmam agencies whit use-d to rtquire a sperm iicensa I The m es Egpl ex- the 1 5 mums if the Eumpem Union as we 35 Austraim ESE-away a2th Rwubuc Hungary Paiami Lw pars Eeaixnd and Switzerland The mm f-o ow the 3mm - ra mr s ma a - mrnamund in Jana when it may opened the 4 5 23 - E ar tempam s h wipes ha M'ka Rambling technomgy Amerisan tath-nai-ag campan aa 3 13 privaty Ema fought fer years far pennj-ssion expar Vina a Emma thciam-ahmad The imiustay argued mat the wasted a 51mg enemy-nan would fuel Eire Etvrani-c commerce- and reas- mwe consumers that men-credit card nannier and other pm tram swans maid not be W tgte Hausa Chis of 513$ John E Qde a speaking it the Mammal Press mum d c bed h-e anges armeanced at Manda as part ongoing effm up ate 135 5 Ma he Miami like Mam s tale graph brings with it new passihi'h was he said it aim brings new chalienges 0133mm fundamental muses am the new for new km and new pmimian-s in mains an them Mum-3r and mutiny 23 33am wel- geleg @im 20de the 131831 management as a-nmher of the Radars govemr naem's- nwafound mpmri a liberal hing pans 31 s ahvi-ousiy very in mm i 343 surname campanies are going ta mmpeta in giabal Mimi said Mt Yam a farmer Impairment a Dew-nae gammy af ciai am presi dent 0f Ri em a mm y company in Mamd a Va to Ecol Schne senior maidens a Data Seaway a tap encmman gimme pmd ucer the new mtes WW1 that ram-Ne maimans La mlung to manna govemnaats Gavemmsems are often he biggex Myers 55cm in panicw- ia y in the races-33y d macm iimd na-a isms af Eamm Emulate Bath the mlaxa an and 23mm mum gm'mmenl use a the tm mal-ugy a Hi the care impmanm a the saau w we the Inlemel Sens-mu mini ms 1 52 a tn hams far the 13 5 5ch mdusamr Eat said mar unt the ag IEHGRS can be thQr-oughiy reviewed by lagsal imam their impact wouid be uncertain The dais in this 353 is in the de- 0 55 72 Jeff a Eaadmg 5 5 cunn exp-en and net-war manager in Masachusam of Tab-- megs aim-6mm and may Haw am mar-59 derESSEd 1 43 be very sur prism j they ware just E's ag the He said that he msgems hidden re gamma couid 5-311 the expat such products the mung ne Leta $33 surname- in ne cf the forbidden mun-tries gets am am cam on America Baum-g Schiller 33m Whe they use heir Web brawsalr 1 3 5 6 an the Net it's go ing is say Virginia where many ASL server camputers that mute Internet traffic are Emmett 1 know they an mm Libya nder muse circumstantes whu is rte-spew s ble Am I respansihks lg Ail-L fer spunsibie Hut Schi said that any reiaxa- mien 0f expan genitals 15 an knowledgmem a reality You cannot turn the tide of technolagy back said The taxi guys we go-Eng tza dc what they wilt while gitimate user a encmman precincts are harmed by annualshis Rafeszs'e - Pa ne 31 FAA vl' f Rules an enmon exports relaxed m Unite SEEM has cased its miss an ermqu prade to the Unipn and emer- -- eryhatspaca elm n- if cammerce the White Hausa said Manda hanger need an expat license in sail uam mdum users in i a key trading Heme Said their urns imam waiting fora zedu ca nely 0f 3 Change shm d mt delay as have in thfaaim US the 3355 Businesws and privacy amatgs had saizi that US n e were tgya resmmve but igw ng sjzem m sopm sazed enema - um and mtemati'ansi criminal enmirpnses and term ats Wlu te H use Chiefnf ta 'bhn Fod ta Hid the mange shcuici pmvids aeiaquate 53cm I Tm 13mm Hausya aim gamma-ed iegis'ation 0 up daw wimapping miss so that pramQO waterway applied In 3135 an amended ta eiemnic such as e ma The charges could af- fix the swarm the PBS um ta 355955 the e-ma s of crimina suspect wm d have in main highieve i appmvai before seeking a cam order L15 mummies no 3 mumries the Wl te I The peiiqr a om 3 U3 axpanars to ship PAGE Release Page 35 11 1-53 HouseRejects Bill Limiting Web Gambling ma a ame Oppnsed DM Mama anti JOHN Samar FMEWM Em 3 Mars The Roam L'i t night -efcate 3 Mi that amid haw-E named mm 911 115 13f gam kgisia au Mendez-3 ta mt the expla- shae 9f mama-531% wagering an the Wm 35 W5 Wash 12 3 mm re ected Sham ix isions wi dn major panic-s Mt the 55m 44 Repnhh mns che EH W125 and em independent 5 defeat the maam e Uathr a promiur e ta Mug the bill as the mr with- mal ameniimams a twoihird's vote a 21135 pr ent was its was he kgisia an The am affai 159 far 25 mtg- 3 zahmi the 2m neede tire op'positiw s 50m humus and ads-mates museum 31mm fati ml reg- nia m m Intemrt cantem as we as the pa 1mm in Quasi-3n 13f privacy E tirs aka raiset con-cams that makc the musk the 933153115 in uential mutuai home wring and dag racial in- dustriea iea -m-s had agreed to exean- tions that wG ul gawk iega m- an expansion of oppo m tias for Galina gm Ming The as intemied address tars arm-mg Emma'er abaut ill expisiw growth 91 waguiatad saline sites where it dis uals engage in card games and amt summit gambiing an their ca th Mme than Such aim as them run an if farcign magni es r n shnre havens are aw amazing glam reguh ou with mug $1 22 v ng annu- 311 Under the bill defeated yesterday Stair- law agencies won have been 'ahie ta g1 19 mm in 05min nrdm s requiring Enigma-t sen-its pm dm to bind arm to Web silesthm engzgad in lie-gal gam- h ng - Bamrt iasi night s mic Rep Rab an W Gan- lm Ft-Va chief spar star of the bill cited a litany Inf lial mprc-y addiciim ant said U131 tutti-rm bring citizens the pre lems as rm mid Ema if you hail a inymr hn-me town 7 the hill stressed mash its ubkdians mum 359w the mutual mt de mb igme with mn n eti candiv Inns Aimcsugh the Senate has a m u'h iitameduni mb'h night that the GDP in Hausa nil am in bring the up mm the Hm year - a aa mg 3 mm stga liesth vat-ems the mnafmeafthemr'amha y Equith battiezs an Capit a of stage on boil sides ied With the 1 35 iindu try in sup- pm 1hr hm hem grams that are mg the 3015 s care gran uf 5qu including the Caa u on the-Southm cmm on the Family Re - Jamal EMS on the Fam y But the intim- trg' Mich the is- 3339 mining had seriaus and a m gm emcr Maxed than the Iegi ag tian waM mt pins- e an Exemgi on state ia eries in 3 23 tickets airline Within their 9m states Meanwhii ham- art-i dag rating wanes have been m ag dec nirxg and s er mmpe tim ham Qiher farms cf They saw the hi as Ia my in 93513 their iongierm mam by a ming than 5 0 Wk Lheir evens we the later net Gmila e assumi mam sierday that the mutual prm isians or y a ws i w what is 3 ready igga' undeniedemi law and did mt muslime an expm aim Autism he said was m aj 9n e larger 395% as But thy White Hausa @3131 that bill maid have heightened the met hood the d dren and aihar nuat e grandpa would be awe get m n ted amass a asthma an heme m ipub m This hi9 appears ta he esigned ta 3qu 15mm af Mamet ghting that mm y are mega 99th open ig the had- gate-5 in ether farms of illegal gam- hhng the we Houw 535d in a Matament 5 BATE PAGE with mamas sham we herma- gm Thus mm mm in bath partias expressed Ram-aims about the exam of fed- inmi-m int-a the pr-emgalivcs nitheatam You Wt 313th the gm Emmi didaie to mamas-t mice providers what can of fan 5351i Rap Watepher Cox Cami in naming the icgislatim Hr sai it was m tm enm' hm -wuid mate man s regi amry 3mm anti the House 60 iea mhip mught In Win mare sup- in the bill with Lastqnimie changas aimed a a the of civil E'ihen es Em Jen-91 Nadia QMYJ Supp-0 1 112g kigis la m only after haguagewas added giv -sg the taper tors as Web that have shut stimuli tour attic up 0 Evil day-5 31 29% Yester a cumme gment-ed amber in a mi afawk- ward 211mm Cmgreas 0 ML draws the issue of reg-a Intmet canan Tn Supreme Emir at ka dam as am - mns mtiam y hmad the 399 Com municatims imam 32 3 uh ch made it a ski-em it make MS Katmai-5 axa shie to mi rs via computer Cangreas Came Mt m Chad Hat ctim Act a are time a cmpi mguiam ma sates shoui g mmugmsehy an hrs Wmid Wide Vu eh Tim law been ga mgad by sis- lib-3mm $013513 and puh shers and is cur befbre mic-raj appella 313-- courts 5mm Rah-m ma a WI mu h- -WAA f THE Won t D vourCyb -r-Privacy By Esau-c3 szxom-rz 0n the White Hausa p 11pr new xegi siatian regulating by iaw agencies on the Insemel But ti i libertarians are already-cammam- ing that ibis 321m dues male is address pmhigms miensih iy raised by the F315 new saftwa r-e system for perform sing mun rdere wirfi'ap's at Internet vim pmviitim Using a 'iapmp lav Enfarce men n iciais tan hawk Camimm into an nezwmk Gm insta ed it reads his Madam 0f emaii message- 115mg the sender recipient anti subject of the it passes through the 5ander er recipi m is the mtg-est af 3 Lap Carnivm rewr s the message Rights 31 Wait Here's the rub Beta-re Carnival can Emma whether a message belongs to a tap gated @21th mus the headers of the messages passing Waugh the ISP wm a raditima phone tap law men of mers Hi-13' Iistened to the phat ne mm the subjm of the tap was using Tm $633 3 amt ather critics can piain than when Camimre reads me head- ers 0f a-nyune zz- 15 nm a target it via- mes mas rights The 581 3 and nth-3r Camivnre critics nee to get 1 g pwand a better under stamina arr-I this new techmingy Un k-e nidviashimw analng iekphane calls Hum messages am trammitted dig- $1313 A ramputer mines and dices the mes- sage mm packets each with an identify- mg mg The packets then spread out weughnut the mien-net Iin ing the ma 3 e icianz pain to the destination When 1 may arrive they are massamhfed and the recipient gets the message A a drawn with e-mail Emu came tap a ling he mus-e wen there is literally as partial iar ne in tap 3m can an is scan thee 1 messagas ma pass mgr a nk a susv pee is aw is use-dike his anti pick nu me names that belting him That s what Camiwre does The campiajns that using 3 mm- pater it manna an swam wnuid miv lee vast amannts if immen data But what no they expat the feds usewa gamma and an abacus Nate FEE Him a better publizu reiations rm and i name your next ymject Vegetarian r t a WALL STREET JOURNE- mas of aps are happening men am mm mm L331 Ami 5am pri x acy mmplafned when the FBI mquasz i $15 m linn far Digital swarm a fur ramming teiephune cans and analyzing recordings In September 3 programmer In Harm cam na nun-z the notatian Key in a igmsaft mf'b wam With Saran mars beamed mmugh the Emmet-mini Wmu ws had a back door that aws the Na onai Seem-kg Agency is maniwr your mmpuizr Mi- BKTE PAGE searching in nd the message yuu war to intercept Thai is 815-0 why the Emnpeazn paign against Echeim is 5G the ioiks at N55 intarcept and may have pmverful camputers an in genlws animate that hetps with the j o maxing But i1 IE immssime for even j has camputer in routineiy rt Magi at a the warm eiecummun a mans and 31% out elitaiag messages ag f Echeian paranoia Hamid have yau jw have I Usually my cm saxp ine that the tag mereiiz Sign ed that the software mmpiied with the agency s security standards-J The gran dad y af all 1393115 i-aars thaugh is Schema If you beii-eve same Empem 9mm parliamentarians the United States am Britain operate an inter na unaj Hawaii that mar in nuany an mmur ca ons and extracts chaiee raung with pawerfm mmputm that rec mime key phrases in messages like 35 5355mm- sermrist aim-ck er indus trial secret in reality it s mi easy to mm a speci c message in a ow a fr-eev wing digital That s me whole mama fur getting 3 mm for a wire Lap If yum cannot hook into an 55 3cm have There a la of 56mm given the a i zy of ggvmammrs Ia mouitar cgmmumimriam in 1 35 digimi 332 It it getting harder 2143- rmer for them in Essa-n in to knew what yau ire making far I Whats the messra migh appear be er you have much a a change 0f nding Aim be cases an which me messge mm a whz e st 3 are raw Good w mfamemem and - i-el gencea usually swims mum-a gure-es 3 16 with era infannatim 30 make 59 15 35 an 3 reversed It gem -f har ezr mt easy for our 133 mm mm and mm gents to st-en in am 1 61- municaiiuns in 01d days ynu mum tap a line or intercept 2 microwave It's much mare dif cult capture digital messages that pass cw ber Cami-as or bounce Waugh ne- werks And with strong so 4 ware availahfe world-wide any rea y datem ne keep a message 5 m can usua y 19 5a 2 II 3 01 have any datum just recall he may inteli igfnm summers we haw ha lately-11 tndian nuclear rst the Na f- K oraan missiie tag the tan-aria ham ings a max-inn targets in the mm and Africa t the pmbiem is that cannm get u many of the sources that w used is and everynne is getting better an annealing their cnmmunicaiims SIMMZ Release - Raga 37 1 @3553 So why is it so easy stir up mesa wntroversies abam privacy T3145 simpfa fact is that reia sns between the gavem- men am the new infamatian industries are mm Thane is too much suspician am too Erma Th3 administratian gets pm a the mama Ear its hawk-earnde palicies Cami- mm is a 350d exaum A in ad matro- vers mule have been afuse if the FBI had affered mare insight into haw the tam worked and ham the rights of nan- m- pects 136mm be laminated - Eu the ward of the technong has mt been much better They as mung law amazement officials have business parking mm their activities a wuss am can amp intema mai zmmputer criminals with a gem neighbw ham Watch pragram it s an 93 easy 1135 Eight of the fact mat Can wre x main are cyber criminalsmin other warm the kinds-ref @6636 who are a plague on the Internet and targ s at-mm tampanies Gram rates Internet snapping have been mp Ling iaiteiy Agmming be same Hyena maple may am Slimmer heir credit card nut-11mm and basic records are safe You mule thin than eabusiness-wwjd be the rs tc supmrt better law enfmaemem an the 1391 Gamma mains AH the good guys in his diam-e have wmman gam Defense and inmi g enw ff ciais want as present the natifm s cam manica ons Law smarts men af cials wars 253 chase creeks Ami mmpani-es want the cops 19 catch them Cansumm tram mix-at The path is all the same sacure infoman-on as tems Qmperatian from the private serials and aggressive law enforcement and effective intelligence clos y mam- m red by resmnsible public Fixing ha re laiionsmp hem- em Wish- ingmn anti Emma valley needs be a tap merit for the next administraziun me 9 11 - peapie h n fimng item canimvsmi s iike the one aver Camiwre are tenorisjs am mgne are-s Mr 3mm 11m mgam fe ow' M3325 semi mufhm a 32 5 futa igence it aha nibmvatm Agg Yale Un wsiry Pam m1 5mm Release a Page mama ma 95 I FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION FOIPA PAGE INEQREETION SHEET haguifs 1 11themircly a this Eocation in the Om or mare 0f fQIE-cmring statenmms where indica cprain ihis acclaim 3 Deletions were mad-r pars-mam E0 the indicaisd b iaw with 10 aegmgable matcriai avaiiabls f9 micam to 3 01 eeti-tm 5537 Swim 5533 53 $330 3 it E3 5 W3 3 C3 Mil a hymn Main 53 13 MG 1 3- mwnm 32 km 3 31 43 3 3 13 mm Elli 13 5 El 3 23 Infarmsuzim pcnaiwsd' 1531 3 mm pan With n9 reference to the if 3mm realms the whim 0f rur- mques is listed in ihe mic 05113-3 3 3 riginaied exr a' ge meme Gav-eminent agency iies These datum-ems were refsrre-d Elm agencyiim far review and rm reapmase Em you Pages contain informzumn furnished by marker Gavemmant agenzcyiies You will ha advised by me asj in ma m this mile-wing eur cansuha m with the Dicker Pageqfs witi mld ass- a final swears damminatian has nm ma a t ms will bi a viscd the disposi tiun at a later dam31- 92- Pages wart mt mr mfease as they are duphcaum at 17 3 ri es grf fiz 9 Frag 3ge s withhetld far the minwi g reamnis Tim feiigwin number is be used fur rafermce regarding these pages $51136 er 3 54 3 39A 7g Dalemd Page Na Duplicatian Fae far this page 3 - FEIJDLE 5 n a Tiny - 5 Questinns fur the Record June 20 Q Is the NIPC aigle provide indicatians and warnings sf an attack Far example daes the Center have the ah ity ta etect anamakms activigr 9r patterns in key cammunica ons nodes that might in dicate samething is ahaut ta ap-pan The ability is pmfonn inc cations and warning is dependent and fcmmast on its ability to quickly gamer infama nn nmi e saunas ahnut angelian 0r iminem attack whether an in usian a virus a demiai of smriac etha- mn af attack The RIPE dues mt 0315mm any dawning mechanisms on my government 31 civilian systems Thus wa dc not get imiicatinns in an a tomaisc sense from any datestiun devimzs In this SERSE mm in the when wo is very di bmm mm in the nuciear missile or weapans world where radam and nth-m devices can gravid advamed waning ofan attack Rather we get reievm infoma on am intsiliganca snurces criminal investigatiuns 0pm sa-umes such as media ami the Intemet anti fer indus y and gwemment mums-ts we date ct anomalous activity in key com m icatinns nodes only if the o-wnarioperamr f'that node at-eats it and ha NIPC an Field Df cs or another agency or if wa learn that gh criminai investigation 61 mamas that tha- nm dz is biting attacked The key to the M3993 ability do this is the deveiepmani afmnn iztiviiy and gins interaction wi 11 numemus 323 1 sand Intailigence Watch centers F331 Fisid Of ces 31th Law Enf ercam nt orgai zaiiuna asmmputar mti vims gmups private and public Computer Incident Response Teams and Computer Emergancy Respanse Taams forei g1 15w agemieg and private indu tm bath indivi uai mmpanics and inf nnatien arganizaiians Over the past war years the MPG has ma a substantial progress in mrginping tiles relatianships but this is a scrutinizing task ant mare remains it bi dong 3113 cf ih main magma far can extansivc outreach is in huiid trust and wi ingness cm the par of private campar as repel cyber maidantsta us and these am baa ng Emit In a ditimn P1333433 directs ether federal agencias to incidents tn the directly many agencies are dining this but there is room for with 0mm In addition 0 repaid Earn mmpani-cs and agencies ha Watch acti eiy an available govementai and private sector 50133395 far regatta 0r infnmation regarding 63 13 31 activity am imam ihmughout cash day mitho mr watch Gamers in sham 33m i f ma on or indiaa ti s of 3f attaak is recaiveci and the NIPC can issue a waiving alert er advismy nymwous mm depending an the appmp ate audimce Warn th he lissued argewtd through FBI Fisid Of ces er by the watsh direc ether fed-Era g ncies c n ha noti ad by email smut- facsimile and re ex stats and 1063 law aufomement can be'u axhed by indush'y can but warn-ed thmugh In 'aGard secure cmaii and wabsite and th rbu'gh an airmail system that reaches tens 9f thnusands nfcampani s and the general pubic 2311 be warned via the NIPC webpage and the 5 24182 Rtiease X age 7 3 553 t 4 ran a news media All of mesa mechanisms have ham used numamus rms as disuusse in the answer to the maxi ques un Senath question grass tn tha heart of mw in 111 cyber warld Shuuld the Na en have the capabi ry it detect inimsions 11110 gm'emmsm er privata 5mm systems in an autumatai fashiqn withuut having to reiy an human d m m anti manning The cammversy Naming th Ad nim nn s rm initiative italic is a limitad to place aummated intmsiun detectian an Mara agency natwnr identi ed many cf the privacy and 0111 issues such a system wauid misc pm cuE-a y if it were extended ta privatsly owned 'nEtW- rks The gevemant s appmach at the presmt time is 511 3511ng industry to pretest and guitar its awn Systems and tn mpurt annmaiaus activity va luntarily Tha works within that wag-331 paiicy to enmurag private seamr reporting 13 a critica part at its Examples nfthis inciude In aGard and the incident repartng piiai program we have devalspad with the energy sector mmugh 1116 Earth Eigctxical Ra ahility Bound NERC Q Haw man warnings has the MPG whim were evelnped through the Centers's mm anaiysi s of activity 0f the 54 tatti ai taming producis disseminated since the was estabiiahad in February 1998 all wen dcvelgped in whole 3r in part the Came-E s arganic amiyiicai capabiliw anti analysis afaaiivity Sum- sf mess preduci s were initiated by the MIPS ha BATfFirkin Worm also knew as ha Wonn u- zhiie othars built 11pm basin analysis initiated aka-where mg ting NHEC assessments of Disin'buiad 3mm of Swim twig W1 cannot put a precise gure an that r lativa cant hutians Sir- 05 mesa are ca abom va pmdu-cts In perfmniug analyses and issuing warning the NIPC aims-1y wi ether gmiemm nt agencies priva'ta sat-tor 0rgar zatiom S'Llilh as CERT which is an FBI contractor anti the instituia and estas-3min instituiians In addi nn tn warning prod-Ems 111 Center has pr duced hundreds 0f nonavaming infomatienai pmducts Sin-c 1998 the NIPC has pmduced 301 daiiy reports 30 C'yberNuteS a summaxy and anafysis 0f mammal expl its and 51 Critical In ashucmre Dcvai pments repurts a rap-mi m meant cyber mlatgd issues and incidents and ve Digaats a pe u ic in dapth maiysis 5f 111mm and Versians 0f thew analytical wadqu gm in private- indumm the Intanging Camur ry ller federal agenci-eg finciuding law and to c minai investigatgrs Q Whatether agancies do ynu see piaying a gign icim rate in the area 91' computer crime investiga ans I w c ni e is an ism th timncims 10 just the and nntjust law anfurcament genemiiy Indeed Whar- cxime in itself sihanld be scan as par Ufa header threats including cyber temrixm cyber espiunaga and igfmma nn warfare since are ciasely mlatgd and often if cuit to distinguish at the outset 9f an incidant As a result cyb r thmats are 52 I SEE-4382 Rrieasc i ag ze 3 9 afgmat to Hamming federal agencies including the Inteliigence and Law Enforcement immunities and to civilian Rad Agenaigs under ta state and Rica gwcnun nts including law enfarcemani 9 1de n msa the private 53mm It is because 13 this widesr anging interest that NIPC was establishe as an interageney mater The NIPC pmvidcs a locus and machanism fur mordinating the expe ige and miss afmany aga-ncies anti lfangg an sharing anti aparationai The NIPC warks clasely an investigative With many law when agencies inciuding the Secret Servica Mama-I me IRS Air Fame 055% of Spanial Invcs ga ans Naval Invag gative Servica @818 United States Fame Of ce af Special Investigatiuns ABUSE Dcfenss C minai Invas gativa Service DUES National Aemnau cs anti Space Adminisma nn Ef e 0f Inspector General GIG Department stnergy state ami lacai law enfnmemem the Intelligenm Immunity as weli as farsign I-aw cnf nmemmt again-tries through FBI Legal Afta h S Q Are there reasons mixer than i m-riingg which have caused other agencies in pail their persannei eat of this Fur exampig ees FBI management at the Gamer remgnize the expertise Erika 0111031 agencies anti aim them a my participate 0f the dif tul es in attempting in upstate an intamgency Canter is ensuring that all 'reievant agencies pa icipats Age-ri es have not reagivad direct funding ta pm cipate in the Canter and 50 must take damn-sea tc the cut Qfexisting parsozmg-I researces In ad itinn wiih cyhar are in very Shari supply m aning that agcncigs must cammit in scarce rsmumes and sand them autsida hair agan-cies Desyite thase impedimams numemus agencies haw 3am detailaes in tha inciu ing Defensef f ce mf the Searetary 0f afansa Central Int igeh e Agmcy Natianal Securithgancy Air Farce Of ce uf Spesiai Invest iga nns EELS Navy Amy USS Pasta San-rise gfema Criminal mvcs gative Service Generai Samices Administration US Air Emailigencg Agency I D-apa ment 0f Cammamc and the Tuscalnesa AL Shaist o f ca In additim we have fareign liaisan ragamsentza vcg tum 3 1 in enuntrics Whiz assist in wardi nating activities with mu countarpms A r pressnta ve 13-0111 PM is alga schadu l d t3 start at the and Qflm Additi nai rapmsantaiiva Dal 311% and NSA are aiso slated mare in the near W3 are also expecting representatives mm local K ashingtan area pGEi-cc d pa ments cm a panama basis Sam agencies were represented earii r but 10 mt amn y have representatives Ci rcumstamcs necesaitatcd the meal If Stake epamnam repmsautative State agmczi to d9 50 and'has pgmmittad that s wnuld repiace with fwa new representatives rst repmsenta ve mtatgd hack am agate than yeam un crstanding as tn why backis ha fas at NIPC farla time-am was'needed at headqu rier ta mg a 1311B has c mmittcd in mpiacing that daiailee Q rp'il lly L km Servica car gr had ma dei lbes it the but ma a th sc and has x 5mm Release Page 4 not yet camtted ta ramming them Seam Service has nut grwidsd any m en explain-mien far thia but in anal discussions Secret Swim af ciais statad that USES was 11-01 getting additimal funding for its eleamnin srimas magma Respite its participatian in the FBI was meeiving more media a entinn tha- crime area and hat mi re ned cam-s is Sea-rat Serving far investiga nn any suppsm it 0011M give ta Secret Scwice in ad ressing budggi requeats poia hat NRC public Statements o- m mf rred to pamemhip with and offere to do were to S ppm USES with 9111 3330 Manama and case NIPC also stated as f th helm that its rule is not to uremia and efer cases rather gases gmme oziginate in Figld Gi ms anci FBI and Secret Swim eld af ces equen y work wmpuier crime cams togethan NIPC fully rmgnizes the wine mixer agencies bring to the cyb-er crime and in astruamm pmtection missinn That 55 why is an in teragency Center and has 33min managers ether agmcics in addi en to investigamrs and analysis For ins tanner the Deputy Dimmer is an ha Sec an Chi fofthc Anaiysis and Waning Seating is turn the Assisiant Smiicn Chief ofthe Camputer Invastiga ons anti Upgraticns Sectim is an Air Far-cg the Unit Chief nf the Anaiysis 311d Infomiation Sharing Unit is 'om and ih Unit Chiefnf lc Watch and Waming Unit is ow the US Naw Secret Service amiain mccupied the maiden anssi ta i Santi n Chief at the Outreach am Stramg 5 Sectinn Racmgl tian af ne need far aihcr pmic ipa m is also what drives NIPC semi 111122113 seek rspresenta iivas gather agencics It is 3339 re zcmd in at numamus jaim investigatiens that and FBI Fi d Of ces have bean in vzc ved in with mm agmciss as dismssad 154ml ch heiow Q How many trimina investigatinns have been referred mm the NIPC mse mixer agencies Bees the Center have implanting prncednr ex ta refer a case in answer agency As a ma a ha NIPC dams not ref r Gas-e56 Cases norm-my initiate by a t d af ne whether a Fisid Gf ce of the ha Seem Sewicc anomer federal agency at a state if lanai law cufomment agancy is the pregram managar afthe somputer intrusian invas gative pragram and 50- receives infama on abaut cases directly the FBI Fisid Of ces Under FED 63 0 1181 agencies are alga suppG-sed to rapmt infmna on aha-at incidents in the Samatimes NIPC win recaive 11% rst If a cyber incidani frum a pziyata mmpany a government agency r another and cantact the ap'pmpri ate Fiek DEW meme ageney has investigative jurisdiction or same other new investiga aae that agency will also be mutacted either by the FBI Fiei Of ce 3me NIPC Wherehi t juxisdictien Exists the FBI ald of ce may work faintly with the relaxant ether agencies 5 a M Inna-'53 - Ar tfx E lphi f 'ddg hdt ll he investigativa guidelines If the FBI it may bf mfm cd by the eld ailing in answer fe m 336m at a a state or 10033 law mf rcemgnt agancy which has the authar y ta canduct gush invastiga ons FBI eld U ices aveiup aisan mntacts wiih Edam- 1 State and 36m aganmics investigating simiiar Viniaiims I I 5mm Reiease - Page 3F i rug as I H under fciicml or stats statutes anti camplainis am disseminated thmugh mess aism cantaats I hsm is system St b ShE d In mack haw many mmplaims have been semi nm FBI aki of cgs mile iaw enf rcamcnt agencies There have been however swam instancas in which 1315 NEPC Gran FEE fiaid nf ce has contacteci an ghar to d-etsrmine if mt agancy wanted to sundae an inms gatian eithar jointly or sepamtr y but that agency d-aclined A couple of exampies are Iistea belcw in May 29 13 the PEPE Detail Field mice a wmpiaini to the 10 22 11 Secret Sunrise af ne regarding a of smrice attack against going far as transfar the can om ha FBI eld Qf w to the Secret Sends-e el u ice The Segre S-awica mid the campiainaut lm at cm was in m e ice massive th- mmpiaint 1min a visit at Texas Govemer Gmrge W Bush In Migan The mmplainant than 93an the again and the Den-nit Ficid tank the complaint and assiguad the ma a far i vasiiga on MW in May based on snurcez infamation the NFC nati ed the USES hea q uariars that than may ha a vulnerability with 111 White Ham- 156 Wchpage hat gave the pnblic amass mall les 91 that saver T116 USES advisad that the administratar may alrcady be aware of mm Neither the NEPC near the FREE Field Gf ce has heard hail from the mgarc ng this mat-fer In answer instanca the REPS Resident Agancy part fths Phiiadeiphia Field Offica apemad an invastigation inta a asides 0f camputer intrusiun '19 companies msulting in the 1953 of appmximateiy 28 660 crsdit mm numbers During the initial iiwes gatiun the FBI discmrare that me If the victim-s heated in Buffam had cantactzd the Secret Service and the USES had waned a case pertaining 0 the intmsian against 11$ single victim company but was mat investigating mg Emgar am of thc s The FBI canIa-ciad the Sacra Scnrice ivisinn in Buffaio NY IQ ccardinate the case sins alrcady had a pending invss gati n Tim FBI was mid that due a the Secuxity Datail Duties for the First Lady the b3 unable mardinate- at the prawn time with 5 12 FBI on the case In previnu s testimony 113me this sub cammittee Mr Vatis has stated that the has referred apymximat y 31W cases far aiming investigatinn How many ef these 83 cases acmailiy immved a real threat in our natinn's Eri eai infrastructure 'Wouid yum catagariz the meant Denial af Service attacks hunched fast month as an attack an 9111 na an's critical infrastructure In testimmy bet-hm the subc mmi ec the ap mximaie 860 number uif cases that Mr Vatis refmnceci Ware mt c5335 the NIPC referredff but the number at camputar inmion daniaI'Qf-sewiec in cases gaming in FBI eld sigma at the time oftastimnny A5 of May 1 2890 were ware LOYZ pan ing invas ga ve up - 5mm Reieased agn 7 A-w if a 4an The nation s c tiaai infrastructures are time physical and assentiai In the minhnum ep-eratians 0f the scammy and gm'emmam including energy banking and finance transpa atiun water systams and smites hath gavcmmental and private ne t me most di isuli axpects at cyber invasiiga ans is that it is net clear at the wiser What the extent if the thrcat or the patentiai damage ash 6353 must b thawugl y investigate detennine the wet 9f and What 5mm like a relativer miner incitiem might turn out tn be Very signi gant and vice vm This means that it is much mam if cult far field invastigamrs to usa naditiona inveg ga ve thresh-Gizis in et xmi ing haw utilize scams msoumes Mcrecver mm uter system anti Remarks empiuy angina-d reiationships between ether camputsr system and baged 11pm the usem p ieges If a mmpmer system or netwark is mammal 91 super user amass that pomntial is mhstaniial and maid theoretisally page a majnr threat in ether imstad synamsi ThiS 13163135 that critical in asimcmre systems are o m unmasked with and a ected by syst ms that are in and 0f themseWas not criticai The existing NIPC database dues not slassify teams by cri uz En ash ucture at this time Thus cf lese 1 5372 cases that is nu msihmmlogy ta daicm e whim can-stitute a threat 05311 naticn sr-czji uai Picw evsr we can cite several examples Distributed Dania af Sande DEEDS attacks launch-ed in February of this year are a gated example sf the dif sulty if catcgmiaing an musk as an in astm ure attack 30 11 lesser sort 0f attack 11 a Distributed Denim f attack nix-t Duly are the victim syatsms affected but alga 11w thnusmds uf 00111531113 systems and neiwarks hat were unknewin iv an in ltrated and used in cam out the attack and hue-met Sewice Prmviderg that were heavin traf cked during ha attack All 91 the cumputer systems and networks that pa icipawd in the attack we campmn sed Mommcr em haugk the effect if the attacks was relativaiy aphamera and brief the knowledge gaine by analyses 0f these attacks is mitica'l ta mar m grates again-st mare devastating attacks in the imam If the DDOS attacks had been directed against the majux Intamc't hubs rathar than against primarily mummies traf c on the Intermt Squid have been paraiyzed dismpiing saveral 3me critical that rely an the Internet far Q Besides Sular Sunrise and h-Iaza what other iaint investigatinns can 3 31 paint to that successful interagency ceoperatian Since the founding of the NIFC in Ft me 1998 than am numamus cases which have smess interagenay caspctatiw tithe lm the signi aant So a - Sun sz and Maun ght Mam The impartame of these two- cases shamed not be we wked howeven Both mpres nt gigni cant milestanss in building awaren s 31 the what among federal age cies and pa ymakm damumimted signi cant in Dial and 9mm and pro dad to test and improve pfaccsses for mardina am Sfo Z Release 9 Page r b 2 MA- 1 r 41 1 i i sv v-r The lming cases represent 3 Email sample ihese cases which have Egan sumac-55ml warked with othar agancies 17 1398 'Numemus Interns sites have ham victimized by DDQS a ttaaks since 200a These DDGS attacks prVE i d the visti ms Eran their web Engines an 1115 Intematrtgiegi ime A DDOS attack 11525 cumpmmised mmputer to ned 21 with massive amaunts afdata which causes the victim s ta bemmg ovemhelmad and in step apex-siting The BBGS attack investigatian are izwestigaticns in seven eld offices ve avers-Jags Legal Attach af ne-es other agenaies such as NASA as weii as tha Royal Canadian Man-med Paulie-e Re ecting le cxtraardinary lave Sf amp entian 11 these investigatinns an Aprii 15 2038 the Canadian ef cials magma a juvenile shagging him mm film attach Cigrmdur On Marth I 36100 a camputer hacker using the name Curadm allagadly mukipls websites in ht U S Cana a Thailand Japan and the United King m and appm y shalt as many as 23 800 credit card numbars Thousands of credit card munbers and cxpirat inn dates were postal to variuus Intern-a websites On March 9 2080 lnfemetNews repo ed that Curaciur stated Law alibi-camera muidm t hack their way out fa W i paper bag y re pea-pie Wh get paid to do nothing They never actually Gait-h anybody an axiansive international invas gatian an March 23 2-808 the FBI assisted 111a Dyfed P wys Polica 33mins in a search at rasidence cf Curadar Curadnr age 13 was awasted in 1116 UK aiang with an app-awn nder Compute-r Mizsuae Am 1990 Undar United King nm law bath amiss have bean Sea with as aduiis Loss eatimatas are stiil haying detennined This same was prediaated an Eh investigative war by $115 y td Powys Palicc Service the Federal Bureau 0f Investigatim inter-net secu Ky cansultants the Rayal Cana ian Mannied Paliae and th intematicnal bm dng 51in credit card indusuy This case mamas ha bane ts of law anti privatz in usny qu the work wo dng tags- ier- in partnership on computer crime investigatiam Bu ms In August the FBI initiata an m an hidividua as whim canducted numsmus camputer intrusims ta various camping causing damages ta websites and systam les The $35 was wrked in coupem nn the Virgix a State Fugue The imam be En c afShom ne Washingm In Fabmazy 1999 foilawing an cxem an at a search Wmi Bums in the mmicns In May 1999 aljsa gained mayiho mi access and dafaaed the Wabpage far the White Hausa wahsite At that'pnim the FBI with the 3 313me Sawing an ha case In Septemb 1993 Hum piead d guiltyic 3113 de fai- oiaticn afTi 13 use Sec can mm Camputer Fraiid Abiig fur an ofthc 1993 intmsims In ths'pl 3mm Bums aim admittad his ac x ty inga severai other inmxsians inciuding the White Hausa website In Novmnber 19 99 Bums was scnf nsed ta 15 121511th in prism 3 5mm supervisad Islam-E and $38 241 in mstitu on and a $103 rm 5 24 32 Reiease - mars 5 5 hid- 2 Trim-m This was worked jaintly Wiih the Mid dlemwn Rhnde Island Policy Depment the state Of ce 3f the Inspector Gan-era Natianal Aeronautics anti Space Adminismtian NASA anti the FBI 333 1 'Tzifem variaus campany and University comput-sr systams inclur ng systems maintained by Han-rand University Amherst CGHege Internet Services Flux-ida Miami chhn iogits Arctic Shape Ragiunai quaam an anti 3mm Cable Cumpany He wanid these mmpron sad systems is cstah s h wah page EsMaii and Internet Relay Chat IRS Groups in the backgmun of the vic mfs mmputer system Trifch wauld aim provide 051313 with access to nase compromised systema 33 1 ma er a guin p133 in the District 13f Rhedse Isiand in cannecticsn this matter 0 1 2 31999 Trifem was sentenced in manmtinn with his guilty plea to five counts afviaiating Titi i Unitas States Cad-s Seatian 1133-0 He was smienced 1 211163% plus 1 day inja $32 650 54 in res tutian $500 special assesxmeni three years supemscd re'leasa ve houmfwk Gammunity smics far 35 manths ass fths Inismet but no cantact with mmnbers ref any gmup h- Iewhineg Thwughout 35 396 Kati-ma Gawain and A ministmtiw NOAA sufferad camputer 'intmsians which were 21159 ifnkg-d to in usions a the Nationa Acmnauiiss and Spam Administration These- mmputar immaians continued thmugh 199 1113 FBI wnrkad the case j in y with NOM NASA and the Canadian au mI-itigs and identi ed the subject Jason Mewhiney whe reside-d in Canada The criginai amage assessment that vahjney had gamma axcaedc In April 1999 5354 3318 Mewhiney was indiciaci by Canadian authe ti s In January 29m Mewhimy pleadad gu iity 1 3 aunts mfintmsians which inciuded visiations spamming 151er May 1 9% through April 1933 of destmye altemd data and inimsians with the intant 0 amage In tha Cana ian Supan m Com of Justice Mewhinay was 0 6 munths- in jail fer each if the gaming is run mncmen y Mg In ngmary i the FBI pene an investigatign assist the US Air Flame and US Navy ragarding multiple uomputar mansions The 335% was warked jnin y with this US Naval C minai Imestiga vc Sewice and Flarida State A umey g Qf ce in Jacksonvi e FL The subject was identi ed as J assg LE 31 155 3 studant cf the Univergity ofNarth Fim da in August 21 1998 Bliss pig- 6663 guilty 0 one feicmy Gaunt far viala m Qf'Fim'ida State Statute 81 5406 enti d foanses Against Computer Users On Septembar I9 1993 BESS was s amenced in the Fnurth Judicial Circuit State Of Flarida to six munths Ema-use mast fOH-owe by ame yam-s prohatic 200 hams semi-23 and a Est- Icy at 3130103 in ma Cammandant af ne x ed States Marine Cam's Cll niversc nal-pamiing case being wnrke by the F333 New Haven Di sian and the Secret Senigc reparted in 111691333 date 10 statements ma a to repn ers by the a eged per u t r In Dm m r 1999 ha New Haven Divisinn Opened a sass into the intrusien-s Limit the camputers of CD Universe an Melina music 561161 and the theft of custom-ers cm 'it numbers and a related extartian attempt Becausa uffhe credit said aspact me FBI called to ask wantari in investigatajain y The USES dammed In Jammy -3- 206% the NEW Y fk Times ran a out pagg story abcm the case has-ed an canversatians between 132 rapnrter and that allegad pamatramr Subsaquentiy calle the FBI back and mquested ta work 113 333 iain y Thai 5333 is stiil pending Other tavesii gain-115 mat are being marinated with 91115 agmcies dgtails may admiser the invastiga nn time in their pandng status The-re are cumutiy 4 panding investigative cams which are being warkad juin 'y beavsan the FBI and the muitipie entities nf thc Depment of Defense a di nnal 58 cases wem investigateti jaintiy with athm entities that are 115W in cias ed status 1 5cm Reiaase - sz'ei Sgnatar Feiinstein 1 Under Presidamia Decisian Birectivef 63 ha is summed ta take m had in warning investigating and ramming its threats ta or attacks 03 this cal-Ham s critical infrastructnres NIFC includes represan arrives mm the FBI and uthar law enfarcemgn t ngenci s Yen testified that the NIPC has Emma-vied the FEES ahi ty 0 ght cybercriine and that the FBI rinsed 912 cybercrime cases in the Fiscal Year 19% and had 834 pending cybercrimg nasty that year Haw many 0f the 912 rinsed cases invaive threats tn er attacks in ear natians s criticai infrastructures Were these cams rea y a threat in am na unal security What abaut the pending cases Haw many inv ived thraais in ur attacks an ear natima s critical infrastructures The natian s critical infrastructures are 110 53 physical and cyber basc systems essamial $9 the mir mum aperati ns if the ecanamy ami including teiemnmunicatians energy banking arid nance water anti emergency sewices bath gmemmenta ant-i p Vai One of rm mast difficult aspe s of cyber investigations is that i s nu clear at the outset What thus extent 0f the threat or the patemi a1 damage 19 nemrarks ig Each case must he fhnmughly investigated ta dciemxin - the Ievel 0f threat and campmmise What seams like a rclativeiy minor inci ant might tum out to 13$ very signifiazam and vice vex- 33 This Insane that it is much iif cult far eld imv sstigators use iraditi nai investigative ihreshoicia in dataimining haw to scarce Marcevm mmputer systems and nc- mrks employ trusted ralatignsi ps betwecn 01th cmnputer system and natworks bagged mpg-n the users priviie gcs fa computer systam nemx'mk is maHevai or super user access campmmis ed the threat patentia is substantiai and couid mecraticaiiy page a main-r threat 0 aim Hustad This means that critical systems an after cann-ccteci with and affected by systems that am in and of themselves naf critical T113 axisting NIPC daiabase dams mt ciassi r cases by critical at this time Thus there is ma lodaiogy ta detennine which casas uitim-ataiy constitute a imam 0 our nation s critical infrasmcturef The Disa'ibutad ofSewica attacks Iaaunchad in Febmaxy of ibis was are a exampla of the difficulty nf categarizing an attack as an imam attack a same 1355 51 1me In a Distributed Denial afSewice s attack th 011131 are the victim systems z mt hut also the themands afmmputar and that war - mowingly in ifmted and used 19 out the attack and Intamat Scnri-ce Pravid rs that wart heavily traf cked during the arm Ali fths cemputer systems and that participated in the was were mmpromised Memver even weigh the e 'gct afthe attacks was reiativaiy ephemcrai and brief the gainsd 133 33313335 ofmase a acks is critical to an ability is pm'tant against more devastating attacks in the If 113 D3303 attacks had been dirmtad against ha majar Internet hubs rather than against prima iy aumercc companies We on 5324392 Release Fag-egg yro' - my 1 the Ingmar couid have Int-en pmiyzad dimp ng several efthe critical that rely an the Infra th far In textim ny East February 16 ynu said that the FBI was yr adu cing fas develaping laws and that a break in tha case was imminent A mama nf weeks later Mich 331 Vatis di'mmr that in fa agents were making slaw pragress in the case Haw wank yin amass progress in the case new in fact the tes m i es Birmmr Fresh and NIPC Dircamr Vatis entirely mmistent chad the dif cuities in canducti g cyber crime investigatinnsg but bath also np mism about the pres-spams fur a succe55i 1 resuiutim 0f the case 13mm Freeh s Fabmary 16 testimany far the wizard contained the fancwing remarks ahaut the D303 investigation On February S 2999 the FBI raceived repe s that Yams had ape-rimmed a drama 3f service mask In a dispiay if the clause coopsrative reiatiunshigz the NIPC has davelepad with IE1 private swim in the days that faliawedg 33 9ch In-that campahE- is 313 3 repa ed denia outages Tings camp-mica cU-upamted with 011 Naticsnai E mtactiun and Camputer Intru siun squads in the FBI eld of ces and pmvidcd criticai legs and 0mm infann atinn Still the cfzaiZEIrgeS to the smpe s are In many cases he a ack rs use spwfed mamng that ha a dr-ess than app cared an the target% Sag was mt the true mf ha that 3311 th mess-ages Was remarch requim in J1me fmwiz garfom can be 1 Aiready we have ve FBI eld af ces with cases waned Lacs Amgeles San Franaisca Atlanta 18 55 01 and Sea le Each of mesa cf aes has vimim campanias in its jurisdiction In aciditinn su- far seven eld suf ces are suppmting ha ve af cas that have Qpened investigations The NIPC is cmzardinating the nationwide invastiga w affurt parfnm ng technical anaiysis cf icgs mm vitrims sites and Katmai Sawing Providers and providing allusnurce analytical assisimca to eld of ces Agmts from these of ces are fallawing up litma liy hundreds cf leads Whila the crima may be hi g1 tech investigating it invalves a substmIi-al aminunt l 1 0f traditian pal-21% work as we as schism mark Far exampls additian ta 1 foLIawing up Icads NIPC pmom l need it rwizew an Ovemrhehning amuunt of lag infmna ou received om it Victim Much at this anaiysis naeds ta be done manua y Maiysts and ag nts mnduc ng this anaiysis have been off If 5 other casg' wark In the caning years wt e pect nu case lead ts substantial 3 Emma Emphases addeci mic Erastus Vatis Fahruaty 29 tes mcny far the ma summed the allowing stammem ahaut the BEDS invastiga on 5am Reiease Wag 0n Feme the meivczd raports that Yahae had cxpg enced a danial of a wicc- attack In a display of 315 ail-Use Empera ve relatimnship that We have dwelnped with the private scam in the days that foiiawed several u zcr companies in uding Cable Nam-rs Newark eBay Ania-mamas Buy mm and ais-a raps-rid denial cf sewing outagas to the nr lFBI eld of ces Thea mummies coupzemted with us by pravidmg c i ial l gs and athar infema m Still 3313 sizaffaagas to apprehending Ike suspec are subsiarsfiai In many sag-as the attackm used spanfed amass-es meaning 1131 11 address that appeare an the targat s- Eng was not the true address 0f the systam that sent the messages In addi -em many victims is 11m keep network lugs re resources reguimd in ax imwsfigan m af ris 05533 are Campat es have st-en or used as 110 Sift-ZS in numemus places germs the Gamma maal ng that we must deplny wesial agents nati nwide is war I ads We airmail have 5mm FBI -eid of ces with cases cpaned and all the remaining affic s are suppe ing the af ces that have agenad cases Agents tam heats a iaw are fallqwing up Iitera y hundreds of leads This is casrdinaiing the naiinnwids investigative cf m pazfaming Iechnicai anaiysis of lags am victims sitcs and Intemat Sand-cc Providm s 131 s and pmviding a source analytical assistance to eid of ces Mammal parts af ne evidaniian traiihaw13d mtarseas requiring us to work wi Eur fmmi g1 ce umerpans in sacral mummies thmugh mix Legal A a-ches in US embassies Wl le this crima may ha high tech investigating it inwiveg a subsiamiai amoum 0f traditional investigative work as wa as I g'hiy tacimical wnrk Intewiaws afnemerk operators and cmn dentia i saunas can pmvid vary usefui in ammation which Ieads ta stili mere intenriaws and leak t0 fo owaup And victim sites and ISPS grmride an enammus 9f 10g infamatian that needs in he pmcessed and gnawed by lawman maiysts mpf e theme dra erzges 1am aplimfs c rims I e hard WWI afour agents magma and mmpuzezr Swami-sis the amalgam caspaemrim arid caffabomrfm we aw WITH private fndw y and mafvarsiries' and me teamwork we are engaged in wz'z s zfarefgn pm m in 3313 enidpmva succasg f Emphasas added Indecd F3735 investiga m canducted in 93539 mordina nn with the Ruyal Canadian Math Pniice rer quickly resulted in me identi qa nn nf me subjact in Canada 'Bacausc addi unal need-ad to b g thered by that in the and ih anuth r matter that came in lighf tbs investiga au the subject 03ch mt be inmediatety mestcd and the inves gatian s pmgress timid not be discussed publish Hawever an Ap i 15 the RCMP Executed a search warrant and aims-tea a juvenile charging with ma sf ha attacks4 41 a 42 5 1 Sigma Release 389 - 15- t' - ix 5'5 Vin We wct d t m tm assess the in this case as substantiai and indeed unpmcedanted in a $353 af tltis snaps and name The investigatian matinuas inta the attacks an EDGE victims and WE bslieve progress continues to be made 3 In instituting last'Februar 16' suggested that the renames are stretched per hig 9f the tank at highwnatiber gmarnment fereusic camputer experts Huw much has this contributed to the gevemmtent s lack nfsuccess in catching the pematmtm of the February cyber attacks As di-scussad above sub stantiat magmas in fact has been made in the BEDS investigatimn with em subject atma y i enti 'ed in Canada at said givan the expinxivc growth in mmputer cm existing magma- 25 bath in the Com-utar Analysis Response Tam and in tha NEW and the relatad eld attics Nati t tal Prutaction and Camputsr Intrusion Program are ittdce matched paper thin The Labamtory ivisimt s CART team supperts investigation at any amt 9f mimin a investigation in whi h vi denge might bf fauna an a camputer such as a 111 13 35291111113 by con-dusting computer foran sir examinatimns on mixed media The Lab s team-catty train-ed agents dcvel p draping and support equipment in parfenn Title and FISA interceptimt ofdata c-Umunicatians an Lita Internst Staff in bath if these areas farensics and ngine e mg support its extremeiy matched because that agents are tagkad with providing sup-p011 mt mt fit - what crimes but all traditional crimes in which digital evictance may present or data intarcaption raquimzi The CART prom sonsisting afagents and examine digital madiat in attic tat gather evidence is net tibia tr limp up with the iznereasing werktaadi The fellowng is a summary and gure trends assuming that the FBI Laboraton is tnde far all pending budget requests CART Capacity anti Year Staf ng Sagacity Exam Requests Case Backing Time mam 1999 $5 1900 3590 15m 203 mt- 2930 5m 2929 - 15 3 2am 154 3930 man 2929 11 4 2092 2 13 4-259 ssatt 4249- 11 9 13 5 34 92 Retease rag a at In dditian tbs PETS Laboratmy Divisicm providas suppurt mt 01 11 fur FBI cases but aisa far the Drug Enforcement Adn nim ati n and tha Inmigmtinn and Naturalizatian Service The NIPC and the field offim squads are respansible far can-ducting investigations ofcyb r attacks insluding mmputcr intusinns Wes and der als of service The has 193 FBI Spatia Agen s in tha ald af ch invastiga ug appmximate'ly 21 208 mmyut inmgn and 35115 Only '16 Pick Gi ces have full squads of seven 0 more agants T313 Gth eld o ces have only 1 It 5 agmts when are reap-unsibI-c far not aniy cyber invas gations but 3150 far industty iiaisnn the IIL nGaxd ini -aiiva the Key Asset Initiativa anti suppm ta cthar investigative prams Further the lazks suf cient computer scientists and is suppa 111% eld af ne E ar instance it has only minaret anginaers suppn investigatians such- as DD-QS attacks Th5 and Fiaid Of ce rssaurces have remainad ralativeiy static Tim MPG Headquarters budget fer scal years 99491 has been as fc ews Fiscai Y ar f Budvet Authori 1999 29 057 003 included one war funding af '31 CI far speciai cantingancies in Amway Sansrai s Cmunter term sm Fund 2000 requested 303% 80i Msanwhilc our pen ing case had has rapidiy F'isaa War Pan ing ass Load grand 0f scg 3163 19 93 601 1999 a 391 2303 as anay m2 Cicarly re g rces have 16 k pt pate with the crime pmhiam 'a Evidgn a 31 mmpuier inmio s i andat s beams the digital avid- nes tm candisappgar $13 quickly The Emplexity dzaaumen ng exan ning anti may ng the Magicians meant 0f infamatian that is amassme mil-sated in mass types of cams and its veg techt cal nature investigators exzn nexs and with exn mSEEN Reieas-e Fug a 5 I ar- spaci c skills and cxperienca Baggage Gf the technical 11am fthis it is di f cult ian impossibla to tempura iy 335i g1 additiunal Special Agents in an invastigatian since a spacial technicai Skin set is required it invastigata such Staff shortagas imme not an an ability cann uct im'as gatians adequatsiy but 3150 is gaickiy obtain infam nn mmiuct anaiyses an GM and issue approprigata wamings and ms i alg s l-djcatiuns anti Wan ng missinn mun mare dimcuh in parform Same have argued that the high-pre ie February attacks on Yak-nu eBay and other campanies were just a iiversian allowing the hackera a faces on making 5111-3113 intrusive attacks smaller sites Have yam fauna any far this cantantien No are individuais and 31131335 wh d0 fecus on planning and executing mare intrusim attacks n en far the sake 9f aming infamatian 0r nmney but we have mt 32m any correiation betwaan such intrusions and the February DDGS attacks 5 Why don t ybu ihi k industry can some this w biem itself The Enigma was mt designed with security the foremost sensidaraticni Moremrer until very remn y salami-t3 was not a majm' prieri iy 3f eithar hardwareiss ware mmufactumrs 0r cansumers As a malt art still rife- wi'ih wklerabilities Impmving gammy 0111116 Internet is thus first and faremnst the responsibility of industry Smamment must prefect its mm systams am can assist industry by pro cing infamatiun 3'me thwats mherabilities that we are swam Inf and ma NIPC dues that But it is industiy s respensibility 133 secure p vatsiy ownad systems - Evan if systems ware more secure hawcver them wauid inevitany b scma mean of mmputer crime committed an the Enigma-t inaluding net just inmsians daniais of service and viruses but 313 traditiona armies perpetrated ever the Intemet such as auci and dissmnination af-chiid pamagraphy As 1mg as crime exists the public wiH expect Iaw anfercement to investigate and apprehmd And effec ve law enfnmemem is a key element in any stratagy to data rth-3r minimal activity 11de and law must war claser I gethw 1 4 63 Haw Eig V pmbiem is this far the 139 3 01 be eve that there areimpmtant cyber attacks that are new investigated 333 km beams the attacked campaing rem-m t reyo z at gez i atei are a big far the and ather 33w anfommt ageacies hecausc may make it easy far c mcs ta he mmn tmd This accent- ts in m- 7 Vi SEZWM Relaase Page 39 1 imam a flf -I-rthe 890 cases referreci far criminal investiga un in FY 19 mm the NIch what percentage of these cases wane referrad U Mar agencies ather than the FBI far rammed inves gatiun and passihle criminal prawn-Mien As a gm ml ma er the NEG dues net mfsr Sagas nanna y initigamd by a eld af ne whethmra Field Tri es 1me the Secret Swrice another federal agagazratyi a a ats or Inca law mfumement agency is the pmgram manager of the computer intrusian irwestigativc program and so meives infomatian about cases irec y ow the FBI Figld G cas Und r $31363 other agencigs are also supposed repurt infama m abaui cyber incidmts 10 the NIPC 3032 351 1135 NIPC will Inactive ha rst at a aybar incident from a private comymy a agency or 3110 1131 sauna and mntact ha FEE Pick Giana If anomal- agency has cone-Wt invesgtiga ve jurisdictian or same other man invasiigative interest that agancy will aiso b3 Gamma-m6 ei wr by the FBI Field Of ce 0f the mere jaint iu sdiction mists the FEE aki o iae may war jointly with me relaxant miner agenda as discussad furthar beiuw fan inqx xy d tmnines the complaint does mi fan wi n the invastigative guidaimes cf FBI it may ha rcf rmd by the eki of CE maths fedarai agency ar 10 a status lacs law agenmy which has the authority tn mnduct such invasiigatians FBI eld af ces d veiup liaiscm mutants with fed mi state and 1113211 agencics investigating simiiar violatims under fed-era or staie siatutcs and eexnplaints are disseminate thmugh these Eiaison cantata The-re is an system establish-ed to track haw many compiaints have Isa-en sent f1er FBI ald of ces 0 ather law emigre-amen agancie-s There have ham hnwever several insianc as in which the NIPC or an eld af ca has mntactsd methar agency ta Eaten- nine if 1km agency wante to canduct an investigation either jaimly 9r separataly but that agency declimc A ample nf examples listed- bei w In may 200i the FEES Dctmit Fieici Of ce mme a camglaint ha lanai Surat Service of cs ragw ing a denial of summits attack against M mm gaming far as ta mfg the 331mm the FBI eld u ce to the Sacra aid ef ca The Semi Service mid the cnmpiaingnt that m one was in the 151' ch in naive the camplaim due t0 3 visit 0f Tam Samar George W ta Th6 camle than sailed the again and tha Emit Field 0mm wk the Qumpla im and assigmd the matter for investigal on A150 in May 2039 based nnFBI mums infoma un the nu -ad the USES beaniqu that than my ha a with the Wi tc House Webpage gave the public access to an was on that server The USES ad sed the may already be awe 0f Neither the NEE mm the Field U iue has hazard hack 11 USES fggarding mam -132 a- 4f - an - Wm Reiease Var-r 5 1 an in anether instanee the Williamspert Resident Agency pert effhe Phi'iadelphia Fiele Qt fiee opened an investigatizen inte a series at-cements intreeien into 19 eempanies resulting in the less at appraximatety 28 889 credit'emd nmnbete During the initial investigatien the FBI diseavered that me cf the Victims heated in Bu ale NY had eentaeted the Semet and the USES Opened a case peneining it the inmien against the single victim was not mvestige ng the larger set at thefts The FBI contacted the Secret Service Di sieii in Bu 'ale NY to mardina-te the case since already had a pending The mid mat due to the Seeu ty Detail Duties fer the First Lady the USES weutd be unable te merdinate at the present time with the FBI en the case In with-ten the FBI has teatime amt to were many investigatiene jeintly with ether agencies Two notable examples inetude Solar Sun se and Moenitight Maze Bethe-ages invelved extensive intrusiene into Bepartment of Defmse and ether getretmnent ageney eemputer memories The investigatiens twelve-d an mcweean nated investigation imelving nememus law enfereement inte igenee and defense agencies as well as fereign law enfereement agencies Beyond these exemptes the foil-owing are ether instances ef eint ievestigatiene HDQS Numereu Ititemet came-nee sites have been vietimize by 131303 attaeks since February 2089 These DEBS attacks prevented the victims from taffetng their web on the Internet in legitimate users A DDQS attack uses camp remiseti computer networks it ned a victim s computer netwerk with massive mnemte at date which causes the teatime computer network to evenehe tmed amt te step aperating The BROS attack investigation are investigatienzs in sevee FBI eie t ve mrerseas Legal Attache ef ees ether gevemgneet agencies such as NASA as we as the Reyat Canadian Mounted Petiee i Re ecting the textraerdinary level ef en these im eetigatinns en Aprit 15 2093 the Cmtadian of ciats arrested a juvenile charging him with em efthe attaeke Q radar On March 1 2033 a temp-ate hacker using the name Gender allegedly cempmn eeit multiple Eaeemeree web-sites it the Eanacie t tmitend Japan and the Uni'teit Kingdem and apparently state as many as 28 000 credit card numbers Themancts ef credit caret timbers and expim en dates were pested te val-tees Internet wee-site 311 2000 Inteme tews reputed that Camels Law enfereement cee ldn t back their way eut at a wet paper bag peeple whe get paid te e nething They never actually caret anybedy After an extensive inteme enat investigation en 23 Beat the FBI assiste the Dyfed Pewye Felipe Smiee in a search at ne residmee Camden age 13 was in the ale-rig with meg th under the Clemente Misuse Act 1993 Under United Kingdem law bath mates heirs beet 'wi x as adults Less are eti being Thie ease was predieated on the inves getitre wert by the Byfed Pam's Petiee Seemee the Fedemt Bureau 0f Investigetiem Intemet security cansult ants the Reyal Canadian Mennteet Felice and the intematienai end ereziit card in ame This ease itlustrates the bene ts ef 43 i a - a 5mm Heme a Page 3-95 law and private indusw around the world wo rirzg in partnership an campurer crime investigations Bums In August 1 995 FBI initiated an investigation an an individual only kmwu as when candutted numeraus warrant-gr intrusions ta variour rampart-er systems earring damages to grad system lrs Tim case was wcrked in corrpera on Wiih the Virginia State Po c T1213 identi er zyidan re ha Eric Burns 33 Sherelirre Washingmn In 1999 fallan an 3x35115911 ofa rear-11 11 warrant Burns canfesseri to ma irrtrurinnr In May 1999 315 gainer unauthn zr amass and defaced the far the White House Websira Ar that paint the FBI began war ug with the US Sac-re Sarvicr on the case In September 199% Bums pleaded guilty to one want far alatiun ufTi e 18 USC Sectim 3-930- Compurer Fraud and Abusr for we 0f the 1993 intrusions In re- plca agreament 3150 admitted his acti ty i an swam mire intrusions including re White Hausa website In Nm'embcr 1999 Burns was 1 5 in prism 3 years suparviscd reiersc anti $36 2 0 in reasiimrion and a $1 00 ne Iriferu This invrs gatiarr was worked with ne slam-ti Peirce D-apmmenr hernia Of cr 'Inrperrnr General Natianal Aamnaurics and Sir-are Administrarierr am thr FBI Sean Trifero va rms camparw and University camputar systems maintainrrd by Harvard 'Uniwrrsiry ange Internet Services Miami Arctic Shape Regianal Carparatian anti Sabra Company Hr wouki utilize ihrsc to ratabiish web pages E Mail and interns Rem Chat Swaps in the background 1f the Victim s camp'uter sysramr Trifam wau id arse provide athers with amass to these c-ompmmised systems On 1336 1 998 Trifem mattered a guilty pier in thr Birtn'rt 0lede Isiand in connectien with this matter Gr my 95$ Trime was sentenced in With his guilty piea to ve $911an 01 aming Title 8 United Stairs Coda Sear-en 1030 He was rearranged to 12 months plus 1 day in jail $32 653 54 in mstiruiien $583 special assessment three ysars supervireri mirage ve hr ka immunity service for 35 manths use fths Inremrr but no contact with members if any hacidng cmcking graup Mewhi 7 suffem intmsions which ware alga linked to rntrusinrrs occurring a the Mariana Amnaugics and Space Admir stratiun 331353 mmputer irrimsirms mn nu-ed 199 The FBI warkeri the carejnin y with NOAA NASA and tha Canadian authcr ries and dammed the Enhij 133611 Mrwhinay who resided in Cana a The ariginai damage assessment that Mawhiney had exceeded mama In 1999 333cm 6- Mewhiney was indicted y a th ri w In 26 98 Mswhincy plaadsd 12 mums in rmionsirrgm rd ala us sparming May 1995 Enough April 1919 91 inmirrns with the infant to Yardage In the Canadian Superiar Court of Justice Mcwhinsy warrenrencm If 6 months in jaii for each of the cauan tr run I hmughaut 3995 National Semis and r dmirrisrratian MGM 17 a iI- rrsf Reiease 7 E age Af February 1998 the FBI mental an investigation in assist the Fame and 15 31 Naw regarciing multipie camputer invasions The case was werked jnimiy with le 1 1 3 Naval Criminal Investigative Serving and Fiarida State A amw s Of ce- in acksenvi e The suhjm was identi ed as Jesse Le Biiss a student af the U ivmity f Nerth Ficridaf On August 21 1993 Biiss pleaded it one feign mum far viola an of Fiarida State- Siamte $15 05 Q egsgs Comput r Uscrs On Septamber 19 3 993 Bliss was sentenced in the Famth Judicial Cirsuit State If Fla da in six swaths harass mast fall-awed by uea years pmhatiun 2 0 hburs of cummunity amine and a w m letter if apalagy ta this Commandant cf ha United States Marina Snips - CD wage One pe ing case tting marked by $313 NEW Haven EMS-3011 and the US Seem SEMCE 1133 bean widaeiy rcported in the mags due to stataments made in repancrs by the alleged pmMur 111 Decamber 1999 the New Haven Divisim cap-med a 1 333 inm in usians intn the mmput s efCB Ur vme an owlina music seiier md the theft of custamem credit car-ti numbars am a related extartian threat Because of the crcdit card impact the PM ca e the USES to ask if wanted it investigaie jain y This USES deem-ad In January 2am the New Yer Timas a from page story ahaut the case base an conversatians b-emrsen rcpermr and thewa sga perineum-er Subsequm y USES calied the FBI back and requested in work the case jain jk That aasa is stiil mad-Eng Thaw are 3mm invastigaticms that are baring conducic with other agencies hmvever furthar details may impact Eh invastigaiien due in their pan ing status Time am currm y pen-ding investigative sass-s which am being worked jaimly bctween the FBI and the multiple 20f the of Defense An additi-mnai 58 6 33 33 wan invasiigaia jointly w h other en tias that are new in closed stigma 2 If some 9f the referred cases an patential y iaiati ns that are traditianaily enforced and invastigated by ather ageutias please describe year mechanisms and pwcedures that aimw far cyher im'estiga nns ta he canducted by these pa icuiar law enfarcement agencies uther than the me stamie used by the FBI camputar inuusinn invas gaiions is Title 1 3 USC 1636 Under this statuta the has hroari autho ty tn inves gaie mmputer Grim u 'ensas In instames Wham the tempura crime dues not meat ju sdic m ag 10ml traf c-a will mfar the that appmp ate i-aw agency federal state m heal which I has authurity it the inv tiga an On other 3663350113 the FBI may wn nuic wad a matter jail ny with anotheg law enfnwemcm 3351133 wan if they do nut hairs ju s imim 3 in provide ne dad nd 't bhnical cxpm s FBI ald n ces dsvelep 5 1an mutants with state and Inca agencias invas gating similar clatiaus undarstate mum and campiaims are dissen naied thmugh these Iiaison mntaats The abave cin creciit tase is an example 0f 5am Rel-ease Pagei 39-7 5 I 2 11 - - Mvw hbzn-hwinhaw the eld nf ces makc direct mntact Wim their cemterpa eld such as US Secret Swiss ta mardinate aspects Dian invastiga au 3 Phase speci cauy cite the number if NIPC referred cases that have a direct impact Br Fused a threat mm the natian s criticai infrastructures Thenwgg s in asu-uctums muse physicai and cyh rubase Essential to the npam nns fth and including snag banking and ames wai r systems and magma scrvims '13th and private One fth mast dif m t cfuyber invastigatians is that it is mt char at that outset what le tartan of 11 timeat or the potential damage- is Each case must be momughly investigated in tic- mine the level if meat and What saems 33m 3 reia veiy minim incident might tum 0w tn he very signi cant and vice versa means 1 1131 it is much mare far invas gamrs use m i onai invastigative in datannix ng haw tn utilize same Marauver compuier systems and cmp ioy mm raia anships 'beWaen nthar mmputer syssem an miwarks based uan the users privileges Ifa mmputer system at netwm'k is mnivlevel er super user amass campmmised the threat patentiai is substantial and could aearezicaliy page a majnr Eu-eat ta at er trusted systems This means 1121 c ti ai systems are n en wnnected with and affecth by that are in and of themsalvcs 11m critical The misting MPG database dares mi ciassi r 23333 by critisai in 'asimcmre at his times Thus there is m nwihadalagy it deicnnine which cases nitimateiy inm ive a imam to crux nation's critical The Distributa Beniai G f Service attacks lamahed in February of this year are a gazed example of that dif tuity cha tegmizing an attack as 31 1 mac-1s arson-1 lesser sen 9f attack a isuibuted Dania of Swine attack m3 are the victim systems affected 1311 3150 ht thnusands af mmpu ter systemg an that were Mammy in itmted and maxi tn an ag arm-1c and mama Sewice vai tiers that were heavily traf cked during the attack All of the camgutcr systems and newerks that pa icipa cd in the magic were Mcrewer even 'though we effect If the attacks was rela vaiy cphameral and brieef 133m 'lcnawladga gained by anaiyses nf 11352 attacks is critical In an ability to prefect against more dam a ng a acks in the If DDGS attacks had ham against 11% ma a Internet hubs tamer than agaimt 1y campmies traf c an the Internet crank have been paralyze dimp ng several 01' the ti al that miy an far mmugcation 4 I- eiaf ls desc p un and ag hcy of any stata andvl uai law gum-cement at ciats currgn y' ssiguegi on a full time basis at FBI Headquarters 9 La '4 s- myvll a kwrw nite The 01 law o icer agsig ed in the He is mn the scalaasa Gounty Shari s and p ncipal jab is work on Gun-each initiatives 721g 5mm Reiease Page g yum 10 state and 10 33 law as part sf the resgansihility as 1113 Leazi Agency wark with th Emergency Law Enfomemant Services Sect-or under H5 has alga pmicipatcd in the delivazy 0f training to eld investigatms under our Key Asset Initiativm This raprasenta w mplased an earlier rcprasentatiue this Omgan State Pu'l-icai rotated back in his ham agency The NIPC is aim in dimaians With Swami Washingmn 131 area paling 1393111131115 ahnm having o iccrs detailed to th NIPC an a fail-- arpamtime basis 5 Please any gimme sectnr reprwenta ves past at p resant Whit vein-11mm participate in the Center In animate sharing of infarmatian between and the private infrastructure awners and nperaturs Th1 wurkzs an a daiiy basis with private seam represmiativas t0 share infanna nm mam through such initiatives as Iu aGard which pmvidss infcma nn nwnam and upemmrs an a daiky basis ami 1hr pile far Indimtions and 'Waming that 111% has Established with the trimming pnwar sect r under the auspicas and the Key Asset Initiative It 3130 Uccurs an a case by case basis as we disseminate targetsd m alerts 31 wan ngs t0 industry The NIPC aiw warm @0581ng with private sect- 3 cantrasmrs Wm assist with schnical analysisnand infamatiun sharing In ad itiun the NIP-C is war ng with the Infamzati n ETechnolagy Asseaia on at Ammng to bring p vata sect-or mpresematives int-t3 ha Center far a period chime a3 ata cesf' That is part 31 a imtiativa Sponsored by this ITEM and the Niamey General 6 Please describe any private seeker regresenmtives that are hired and pai by NIPC funds This has hiresi cantmciars ta support our wark in analyzing cyhar intrusions irate the in asuuculres as weli as ta provi e technical supponi an invesiiga cns In additinn a reprasanta ve Sandia National Laberatorias has ham warking at ha Ccntar has been remhursing the Departmant of Enargy mid-er intaragency Pemonnel Act fer the cast of $1115 c013me 0n paga I 'af yaur tter testimany you state the hahaiif if the 319 e farcament cammuniiy shaul enhance its technical en-cq'pted evidence Sh uidnjt all law ehfarcement agencies mm warm it stata require capabi ty ta accemgiish the missim 1 As mated an paga 1 6 af x - m'itten tastimany the law enforcement is Memer mammal mat ths'sexfiuus puma safety pct-sad by the pm fcmtian amt use of Wag mmy un pmducts do mat a cw far iaw enfememmt amass tea the piaisitext hf swarmed ctiu na y iamd vidanc Qiatainegi thmugh cou authmized alectmnic smailianize 3mm seamh and Stigma Hie putsn al use of such nansrewvarable encwp' an products by a vast array of crin nalg and temtists to mnccal their comgnica ans eiec onicaiiy stared infama un pages an ameiy sa aus threat in 42 a -- - $24392 Release- Page pubiic saf iyr and natiunai secmity In order ta a drass this swims threat and as nute in the wring testimany it is imperative that law Manama-3m eahance it technical capahi ties in the sf piaintext access evidm Aspm fthe g vemmem s approach tn the issue the Admix stra an has pmpasad the crea on of a law Mammt Supp-0x1 Center fer tha the law enfarcemsm with urgm y gnaedad piaintaxt capabi es necessary to its investigative respa sibi ess in Sight ofth pm fm an of 53113123 encwtinn precincts wi n the In fact inaiudcd in the Adu nistmtinn s Cyberspace Eamon-is Security Act 13f 1 999 whisk Was flatwarde In the last September is a pro sim that au zn zesm be appropriated $86 the'FBI for the creatian af x Technica Suppm Center which serve as a technical resvwme far federal stata and acai 13w in responding the aver increasing use ofancw on by subjects cfc mina 23533 Tim T86 is envisimnsci as an axpansian 0f the FBPS Enginearing Raseamh Fasciliw is take advantage of ERFS existing institutimai and tech eal Expertise in this area This appmaCh repmsantga cnst effactivc non upiicativc and ef cient means- ufgmvida every 1 1 3 law cnfamamam agm y With access to 'technicai madeci to address lawfu y seized Widanm and is supparted by mtematiami Assacia on uf Chiafs 0f P015055 the Na nnal Sheriff s Asseciatien and has National District Axioms Assaciation as weli as the hifmrmaiim technalegy indusm S Pleasg describe which agancies are in the past participating in the NIPC but a re 1m wager members Bazs-criha he reamns givm by muse agencies to the FBI far their wiihcimwai from participatinn Zinc 9f ag dif culties in attempting in aperat e an interagency Center is ensuring that an relevant agencies participatc Agencies hammt received direct mding tn pmicipata in the Qantas and 30 must take detaiiacs in the out 0f existing germane rcsnumes In additian germane with axpre i-se are unfertmately in very short supply meaning that agencies must cam take 55am and send them outsi e their agcneies Despite these impediments hummus agencies have sent to the NIPC incinding' Defens-dO- ce 0f the af fcnsa Central Agency Na cnai Secuzity Agency Air Farce Of ce of Spmia Investigatims US Navy UZS Anny 905ml Defama Criminai Invss ga va Samicc Gamma Smite A ministra un US Intelligance Agangy 1 33pm uf and the She ffs af ae in wa have fareigu aisenfepmsa tg ires two aquatics whey assist in mur inmng interna enai activities with our nm is schaduled to at the end 0me A di inai Dal and NSA are aim awed to azriir in the mar lm We am am expat ng representatives mm lanai Washington area Felice an a pan time 23 -Same agencies were represented aarlier but do net enmity have representatives Circumstancas n ccssitaiad the renal af'ihe rst Stat Its-apartment mpresentative State agrsad In du 50 Ele has it NIPC that it wauld rapist-e with twa new rapresmta vesw Dali s- represanta vc miatad back after more than two yaars understanding as in why this represania ve tamed has is that in was at a time and was neade at DUE heatiqu ta assist in a DEE marganiza en 30E has cammitt IQ 'repiacing that demise Secret Sunrise Ea im had Wm detaiin to the NIPQ but media base detaiiecs and has - mt ya wrmnittcd in replasing than Seam-ct Sands has not pmvidad any u tten axpianation fer thi's but in ma dichSSi ns Scaret Swine nf aia ls slam was not getting additional funding far its elm-Emma c ma p'rogmm despite its participating in ha FBI was recai ng mare media attentien in the cashier c mc and MP6 hm mt Referred East s 0 36cm Semis far invexriga on RIPE offend any suppmt it maid give a Secret Service in a dmssing budget magnesia noted that MPG public Mime-Hts 912m referred It parmmhip wiih 13838 and affared in mum to suppart USES initiativas with pub c siatamenis and case analyses NIPC aim sti ed as discussed farther helm that its mic is not in cmate and refcr cases rathar cages gm-eraiiy originate in Fieid Of ces and FBI and Segre Service fisid offices frequentliy werk mmputar a de cases uga mn NIPC fully recegniaes the value ath r agsncies bring a aybsr Grim-a and pmiectinn missian Thai is why NFC is an Car-mt and has swim managers fram othar agencies in a dition f invastigatom and For instanca the 13 3qu Direcmr is fer the Sent-Em Chief ai 1315 Anaiysis and Rig an ng Section is from the Assistant Sectien Chiaf 13f ha Cempumr Investigations anti Gp eratians Sesiion iS mm Air Farce 081' the Unit Chitfafthe Analysis- and Ia fgnnaticzn Sharing Unit is from and the Unit Chicfof le Watch and Warning Unit is from the US Maw Smite Service Tammany accupied ha posi on at Assistant Sm nn Chief Gfih Training Outreach and Strategy Seatian 0f the mead fer-r othgr agency participatian 115 315 0 what drives cantinua y seek additimal representatives om timer agcnaies It is also re t-stead in numernus joint invastigaiions that amd FBI Fieid Of ces have ham involvad in with athar agenda-s as rmer beiaw Senagr ah Ian at attempt to cammit a violatiuu at 18 103% currently ha gras ecuted under the g empt premium nun-d in 18 US 12 even if the attamgxt tin-es not result in ioss pf at $565 939 er came we of the tithe msults st-ed in The quas ii halls far an amel- i t rpreting pmsjecia blnfauthb w undar statute and as such is man pmp ounded to the Deme aflus e As a general rule the FBI nudaxstands that undar f acmal circumstances 18 U38 1333 9 does allaw far the presacntian af oiatians of '18 1143 0 even ifthe attempt dues not result in a 055 of at has $5 809 Wham widence dams me the u emim s sgmi c intmt was to cause a less 24 law 1 I m4 1 Jon-Q Cw Jw in Excess 35 099 If an attempt mnuat be girl assented wuuld amending the statute so that le aggravating newts included in the de niti n nf damage in 1-8 U S C 1936- are instead moved tn be clematis 9f the offense 1330 33 5 change that result 'I'Eg tf es an for a hwo m cal interggretatian af 1 statuiary amendment as applied the substantive case law If a emph and shm d he directed to the Department If Justice far a men dsctaiieci and ds nj ve mange a general matter hawever the FBI doe- 3 mat un erstan that elava ng the de ni ana l aim-cuts eftha term damage is substantive 61aman 0f swtiw 10% a ensas in all circumstanaes msaive 111a attempted uffensa 155mg genth by the faats efmast inves ga cns Instead this FBI favars an appmach which wwid camhine a restructuring af u- alemsnis fth de nitiun 13f dwaga irate the Faulty pm sim afsac nn 13303 Mil the nation nfa Imscr a eme for base circumstances where dmagas a mare mat be substantiated 1hr FBI inaliech that same unautha zcd access inmians inn mmputers affecting interstate samerca 63 3 protactcd mmputcrs are $0 inherently violative as to justify Federai criminal 5 31151313115- eveu where there is changa affecti g mg mtagrity a 0f data where the Emmi mnages suff red 30 net attain the $5 651 ireshnid The intentianai unau mrizcd wmputcr intmsion into the griviieged and private medicai regards is hut me such exampier Such a statutory appraach as has been suggested by Dali s Camputer Crime anti hztaliectuai Pimp-arty Secii on would meats a lesser included mis- ameaner affensa where the $5 060 threshmd is not in fast anti wauid pmvi ajumrs in cases invaliving damag s close 19 the nes-ham a Ecgitimatc al temativa fur amem ise vimative hammer 3 If a de nitiun If Lass were added w image to de ne i955 as the mag-enable cast to any victim 31 ramming ta the nffense mad-acting a damag assessmant rasterng data systems u r informatiah in their canditien prim tn the fo S and any rat-'enne has at costs incurred by the victim as a msuit of interruptign 9f sewing wauid the $5333 threshald he Easier in meat than under current law The FBI famrs any mendments wi ch allow fur the incmased inalusiosn 0f any casts Iasses 0r th f expandii uras that a victim W id nut have menany incurred but far the vioiatian regmdlass afwhethar basses tsuitad 'am an acmal intamp on afsenriceq Tim FBI favors such a d nitian which waqu 3139 inciude if Waugh-it the mast 0f system on raiated to glam-sing 0r eliminating viaia uns 4 With resp ctg als ans 9f is it yaw undemtanding that each separate ansn ssiunf' chum farm the basis If a separate count Simiia y bres-pact to nia' ans af is it yaw uu amtagdi g' hating separate inten a ai access maid farm the basis of a separate want me question for an intmreta en nf a statute applying the substantive case iaw of 25- mm Release - Page 49 1-72 1 - 1353x786 3 34 what a minal egisade and related 10 1me nfwhat mummies approp aie jam-tier m swerance undar the Faderal Rules of-C ximinai Pmcedure and shauid mar-e he recth t0 the Depamnent af Justice far a dataii d and de nitivz As a general matter hawevar the FBI understandg that whether a singie camputer Hansmissicn 0f ma a in 30 33 under seating may form the basis for a singie cam under an will in large measure twin 1an the um'qne facts 0f any given mvastigaticn Whether a singlc hanginin afa seif-repiica ng se transmitting d-cstruc ve computer virus canstitutas me and mm want a thnusands nf transmissions intentiana y e ecmated by chain reactien anti theta me thousands if mums may turn 11pm an evai nati n of numarous fasten mt 11 hast afwhich W l d inelude the nb est and intent 0f the offm erftransn ar me - dczaign fth 20 33 the raasnnabia eraseaab iw and as a pm cal matter the ability ta track gauge and prove Simiiarly whe zer in a camputer mum-r the mpeate accessing 0f 8 mmputer in violation afs-ecticn assessing is tempara y relateti will as a magma martian aquen y mm 13pm the ccan gum on cfthe nehmrk and its security and hammer system to name but a few fa ims Are yam awm a any cases in which the current stamina maximum terms 03 imprisnnment timer 18 11 8 6 183 ware insuf cient to effect the sentence CEHEEI for by Kim Sentencing Guide nes including using the provisions 9f H 833 561$ whim provide that sentences an muitipie mums may be impased ce nseeu vety ta the extent necessary to meditate a Gambia-ed sentth equal In the total punishment emf-ed far by the guideline-s Tim MPG referrad this to the Despanment if Eustice Camputer Crimes and Intel iecmai Pmpe y Section fer imam Depmment rammed that it could reca rm cases in which the current statutory maximum arms at under 18 USC 1630 were insu icimt In affact the smiamte sailed far by the Santemzing Guidelinas ingiu ding using the prmrisions If 531 2 H5356 explain the reasan if any a cantinne the cadi cation at the agraemmt between the Secret Service and the Federai Bureau Investigatiun fauna in 1336021 171111 995 00 13 53 speci caiiy the Sam-at Service s au mrity ta invastigate crimes under 18 32 8 1 1 10301 muse off-aims under subsectians and 3 53 anti The Senate Report ammpan ng the 1995 mendment explaimc that lm in the hill hawwer 10 in fall untim- Sears 7_ 5 sways tr di un iju Sdic enJ S gci a ig prd bsed hs c an wsotaxzxm addresses gaps in 18 H 313 14 Marxian transpa a un propc y and propased sec -an addressas gaps in 18 3 3 0 1 951 the Hobbs Act and 3'35 interstate meats These mamas are the ju sdic m 9f Faderal $24192 Release Page 193 W pvt ax Mr It rn- - Bureau 0f Investiga -Gn which shauld Main exclusive jurisdiction over these types cf affenses even when they are canvnitted by aamputar 3 Rep Na 353 104th Sang 2d Sass 13 15 95 in ne 19% changes was the remgr an that the music was hazing amended ta re ect the rcSpactive investigative jmisdic anal limits 31 time It was char at that time-that 1 11 ja s ic an of the Service faund at 1 8 118$ 3956 di mt encompass the mm 0f a 'mses described in 1 339 a 3 0 3 Given that there have been no additional grants general invastiga vaju sdic nn In 111611383 sinae that mandment it ism clear why the jmisdic en aver computer mimes imam Swim 1639 should he cxyanded Th theft afNati-Qnal Secu ty Manama which is the type at infnmatinn S-ectien i EU iaXl was Malachi tn addrass has nave-er beam the sabjeat of USES ju sd c an In addi nn the iypas of crimes mutmpiatai by and as remguixad by the icgisia w histmy have traditionally hem investiga -om sult y in 11% previme and sxpe iss ofthe FBI The 1995 pmvisien is an explicit e b by to address the criminal at issue lmug'h a divigian if lam primariiy detem nsd by investigativa raspansibility and axpa iss Any raversi n t0 ha pita-49% ju s is unai pmvisians raises serious issuas and concerns 313mm the ui imtion afrcsaumes and pamper coordination Sanctum-mt jurisdiction wanid mm in a duplicatian of a a s that woum waste rcwurces and entourage inves ga ans by separate agancies at the Expense cf momma-ed faint effn s Ind-sad given the decision by Secret S-arvicc to remain pmicipation in the Na unai Protectinn Genie bath by detailing parsanne and providing investigative its cases despim a mandate from the President to do so undar exmn ing cyher jurisdiction at this time wou id resulf in a Eras-fared appmach ta intrusi n hivestigations - invaiving cspionaga exie izm and other sariaus mattera 7 The FBI has Iimited summit th issue administrative whpnenas in certain cases such as radian health care fraud ur sexual explnitatian 0r anther abuse at children Since cybercrime cases an criminal in nature is the FBI able tn attain ncumeuis relevant tn the investiga un with grand jury snibpaena To the extent that documents ebtained with a 4 Linda t c ifwtian 0f the of the Tammy Ibse- Sm im is au m z d dates mi any pagan who ames n- 7 i3 swim 553 $59 519 $21 01 1st m with mm Fedtmi Deposit Insurance Carpam an seam 1m m6 235 433 493 55 mg mg ion-7 mm 19 3 mm 199 or 1959 amis' a aas zarsg mygf ggiam hn Upitug missing in wins obiigatiam and militias of je Uni iad and 5f famign 3 3113 fth hm at the Unitesd Stains relaxing to mimic and mfg auds credit and ew card MS and false idm m un lawman or timings map that the Humanity coan by this WE sis-53 be memimd m he Wt fth mm and u fths Tm and mu mt affect the authmity afany uiher Mm law mfomt same with to time laws 274 -- - 5mm Releasg Page 411321 VT in greud jury subpeena need e be shared with thirdwparty experts can permissien be ebteine ft 10 se under Federei Ri e ef Crimea Procedure Generally speaking a gavemmental entity is authorized under 18 2 03 I B to ebtain the cements of en eieetmnie in remete campefer star'ng with prior ne ee es in 18 2mm by using an edlninismative a grand A gevemme telee ty is 313 euthanized under 13 t0 ehtein certain subscriber er 61151313151 mfonne en from a pres-side efeleetmnie cummuniee en services er remains eempu eg eewiee by using an administrative greed jam at trial a as emem'iee under 13 ESE 2'393- The Eieetmnie Privacy Act ECPAI dues net itself iden fy which fe eral agencies qualify as gevermnent entities euthe zed to issue a n nistre ve subpoenas the FBI is emhmiee te issue eds eistra ve subpnenes in cases invel ng heai l care fraud under 38 $5486 and in eases imelving Child pemegrephy and semi eelieitetien nee-er 18 USS $48651 U fem ately here ees net emently exist a gimme eutherizing er designamig the FBI as a gmrenunemei entity autherized t0 issue administrative subpeenee for eia ens 0f 1 8 U S C 1830 at other e mee of fraud increasingly eeme ited by er facilitated threegh the use ef a computer The absence ef such a statute impedes F331 efforts e accelerate an effective respense to eye-er crime helpfu he use ef grand jury subpeene to acquire mix me y in nsive infem ee eigu ee eelied header infenna en eueh as in or er subscriber infemetien the name and address 01 the owner of en Internet screen name is freqeentiy a cmhersome and time censuming espeeia y in investigatiens where time is efthe essence er where the mfeme en sengh t is Rem en unusuain large number 0-1 providers Seine eireumstanees may dictate seeking express C l i eutheriza ee under the ofFederal Rule ef Criminal Procedure fer dise lesme te experts whe may net qualify as persezmei assisting the e omey fer the gevemmeni in the 'ievesiigetien befere the grime jury In many cages the practical coneems ef delay and with ether agencies and further stymies gavel-weenie ability te previde timer response he imminent eriminai behevier The FBI supperts an egapansien ef its statutory authority te issue adminieh ative eubpeena under the Elec amnie Cemmunieetiens Privacy Act fer any vieiatien 6f law within the 1331 s existing criminal investigative juriet eiium The expe enee in date in the issuance ef edn nistmtive suhpeem in the areas a-fheelth care end anti ehii expieite en erimee demens atee that it can re3peesibiy limit and enamel the exercise e-f this eu mrity S Denial bf ser ee attacks are increasing expenentieiiy it the FBI these attacks involve the placement at tee seek as Trinoe Trim Fiend net IMF or Steehenldraht an unwitting e m syetems Whieh thensemi messages upen remete eemmaud tn a targeted caniputei sysfem until that system is Werwhelmed em essen ially shutis deem In nrder to deeument in reabtime the rem-ate tenement being given and the triggering of the message ee be the target system 1de enforcement curren y required to ehtain a wiretap Greer sinee the unwitting victim eyetem is'net a party to the cemmnnieatien authorized t e grant 28 a 5mm Reiease - Page 4 3 g 4 - 1 Fla Iva - tangent ta electmnia surveillame Wanid an exceptiun t0 the wiretap law to aiiuw the unwitting victim system speratar to grant nausea In eiectmnic surveillance be heime in law euforcemant The questian c 3113 far an interpreta cm ufa 5mm whi h wamd mom apymp ataly be diregtcd to 1hr Degamnmt of Justice far a mare Misc and de nitive As a hawever the FBI mdmtands I the pm si-nns 0f 18 1 33 pmhibit all mums authn md 61 5th in the Act 2 the provisiims 0f 18 au mize a pmv idcr cfwira or ziechm c cummunjcation swims intercept an their system not bacause they parties ta those but as is a maes sanr inci ent to the mnditian nf that service or to the afthc rights 11' pmperty of le 3 many pm dars especialiy Sim-11 interact sa ices may nut have the nacassary tennis tar expertise ta a equaiely track document er ha an intm er in their system and mm p rhaps mare- signi can y n9 providers ham mmpulmz prccass it facilitate disclasure and subscribe infomaiion am ether pmvidcrs which is 31 36 35th icienti i the sumac 0f an attack 4 18 USE does not permit law nfamemant to conduct an interception withem 3 201 11 order wen up an a prm ider s axpr SS maimed when ne pm tier s system has bean invade-d er reams-sad ups-n by a 3 hacks 3 11 3 5 as a resi t aft- hi5 quandary and in order ta EHSHIE that evidence ubtaimd will I subsequently be bald admissible Iaw anfmcement is raquired aka-min a new mid-er in nrd-cr in enable it a antivciy war in can uncticm with the pmviciar Galvan ha high Ema 303 appraval that is requi md fer Title Interceptien appiicatiens the nacessmr ganemtiun of paperwork and tha tima needed by the mricwing cam signi aant dclay can ew hath-re law enfurcament can previda an Effective rezspensc to a ha ker 0r DEBS event Thi$ anomaly in the Km creates an untcna'ble situation Whereby providers am samatimes famed to sit idiy by as they wituass hackers enter and in some simaticms esimy 0r damaga their systems and while law enforcamenf bagins the detaiied precess 9f seeking anthoriza cn an assist them In the mat warm the situatiun is in a being famed haipiassly watah a 75 burglar or vandal while palice a march warrant in Enter tha For masons the FBI 1 fawn enattrnem ofa stamtary ex eytian under- '18 ELSE 25 11 which wouid expressly auth rize 3 law enfurcement ta assist such pmviders by intemep ng the wmmicatians efa mmputm 3 user mspassezr the transn ssians to and than useritrespasser BUT ONLY upon the voiumam - mitten cgnsent of a service pro dar after that provider has Me an initial detarmina on that the 52 us-e trespasser is in fact mt authmizezd to ha an the system or network such an excaptian a the genital mgmep nn pmhihi m wouid amalgam cxyanen a y law ability in raspand to $13511 hicks incidents wom be a signi mt step swam assuring he security and integriqr 0f I Is Jaw enfarcment mmn y r g irea' to dwarfs a wiretap in wider to dacumenr in real time we rewrite Ming given In a swig grszem -29 7 5 24 32 R -ca fh e f r fi V s-5 ciA-uruwihu he L- Mug poieniial excaptinn in this wnuid be e ain pen mgisterubasad agpmaahes empiaye by sunrise pmviders in switch based soin nns Where pasbcubthmugh dialing including pastucut through signaling may nut he pravidesd to law enfarcement This is cmentiy a subject of review by the FCC under mic implamem ng CALEA and regarding which we anticipate a resaiutian in the nw The s ac an between a pen registcr de es an a talephuny amine and a Clans 'pxager c pager immep on is that a pen register is emplayad to capture diaie numb rs wl ch am used to set up 3 Cali in the maja ty sf instances where pen regisiers are used the infema an marred is simply signaiing infnma nn used in set up a call By compa wn page intercep cans are cmpiiayc ta capmre infunna an raceiwd by a pager which in an instanng canstituta the swim 0 message 9f the tall Ca-nsaquen y the law historica y distinguished the legal pmcessas rsquiznd for ha-$3 types of acqaisitiens it pen register authmity vs Title authmity rcsyactively Pen ragister 3 1379sz in the data neiwark war i m x The mast basic mason far S135 is Means-c the sewiaes mg email webibased mail wise over IP and applicati-ans 53 Enamel Chat File Transfar ' 'ansmitted we data neml urks are somewhat different Same these services and applicatians lend themselves t6 precise ways sfcapmring it1 ramming 33 Managing and signgliigg infunnatim 01113 whiie when make the 1317653835 afdiffarm a ng infunnatian 5mm call tment mare dif cuit 9 3 Sectinn 31213 of title 18 United States Gilda raquires guvermn-ent ages aufharized ta use pan regisiars it use technel g reamnahly availabiemt hat the ramming 3r decoding of electranic or rather imp the dialing and signaling in fa rmaiian utilize in can pracessing Phase describe the technai gy and methodelagy cu rmn y emplaye with this statutury requirement Pen Regisfer devices on teiaphany s-en'ices apcmte as may have fits decades Stat d differently since the enactmant sf CALEA the-re has hem no mange in teclm-oiagy or pan rcgist-ar cquipmem fer that Wm d hatter resuict ha weening or deceding of 0r aihar impulsas In the dialing and signaling infammtinn in caii pmcessing As stated abova pen register af rm in data awed area wark somewhat dif f remiy anti hare when technniagy that resu'icts tht or of gimme 0 mm impulsas in the dialing agcl signa ag infunna nn is reasonably avaiiahie it is emplay i Far example the FBI empia pm mgisfer da cas to Interns I mmcol addresses Since nemurks iypically use well- stah Shsd layered pmtocois FBI toads are capabic ofmsh icting the capturcd m the I a m Sea dn 3121 3 at title 18 United States Cede requires a wart to authurize the use afa pen ghter if the court nds that the gavernment a nmey has certi ed that the inf rma an likely ta he obtained by such use is relevmt tn an aligning criminal investigation The cer catinn by the gavel-n meat n ttam-ey is in turn made under oath and pana it y of yerjmy 31 Sfl i l Pa a 1- A 1 a under sec nn 3122 A Is the gavemment Mam-e required to describe it the mutt in the applicatim far a pen mgi er the factual basis hr the atturney s certi catiun that such use is relevant an nagging criminai inves gatiuns I B As a matter If f gufar practice do gmfemment Runways 1r State law an farcement 9r invegtigative nmcers applim nns fur pen describe far the wart the factu a basis far the certificati n that such use is relevant in an aligning criminal inv-esti gatien cu dues this practice vary C When pracedures inciuding audits 9r internal reviws are in place 0 ensure that gavemment attorneys and State law enigma-men n-r investigative a iaers cemply with the shah th standar and have the factual basis far making the applicatian particularly 1 in these districts wh are the practice in app iying fer pen register arders- is mat to describa far the mutt the facma basis fur car za n D Shauld rather than gwemmentai attorneys 01' State law eufarcremeui nr investigative atriumhe given the amhnrity make the factual nding that information Iikeiy tn be attain-ed by such instaliation and use of a pen regisier is reEeV-ant an nagging criminat investigatian and if mt please explain why Sta-verai 0f the questi ns 6311 3r impiicate an of staiute which WGUM mare appmp aieiy he dilated t0 the Department of Iu-stice for a mare detaiied and da ni ve As a gt an maitar hawwer tbs FBI undersiamis the Supreme Court has qxpressiy mired that the installation afa pen register not a 'sszarch within the 'mcai ng 9f the erth and hatefura its use does not viciate the Constitutitsn Smith v Ma and 442 U3 735 45 46 99 257 2583 1979 Sivan the lack ofan Expectation bf privasy at stake in the limited new egg-giant infama an gamerad 311 ha use efp-cn registers the Courts have 116% that the limited judicial maxim mm delineated by 18 USE 121 a mg is Caustim mal and is intended ta safeguard against th purer madam use sf pen register devices by ensuring campiiancc with the stawmfy requirements cstahlishcd by See mm 3mm Ham-Hark 911 F 2 i 3'99 481- 402 Nth Cir 1990 Pan Regist r certi catin by government attorneys are ami lai by af the Dwmnent aflusticc ansi net at the Fad-m1 levsl by Speciai Aganis ofthe Questitms regarding he subs-rams of such cmi ca nns mu ld mere approp ately directed to the Deparunem af fasting for a ma a g nitiv response a ge ncral ma a hawmrer it is le experience that I i the dag ac t0 Whi h app catinn the Court discloscs tbs mdc ng mm basis far the attemay s certi cation lms in mg measure 'upua the mung cf the stamtory affanse whi ch is the mus ofthe im'astigation Whercas seatien that 3H pen register orders wntain a statement 3f the a ensajb which this informatics may to Em nbtaincd by the pen regi-stsr Dr trap and trace dais relates it fellows that the application rewind by sectinn 3122 h 2 Bantam h 35 5 r wail v 532m Release Page 4T mark 43 i - - such a statement wi xin the attamcy s ne i catiun and it is the cxparimce that this is the case Depen ing 11130 the nature fths- a ense described iu the ca i ca en the underlying basis far the cer catinn can and in mas instances wi be readily apparent Thus in telamarketing an-ti investigations the eb aus un erig ng basis is that u mdm are using the I ta self-cit zc ms Similarly in neutering anti campimcy ta cemmit maths 'viaiatiens the nae is clearly that telecammw ca cns are being used an The FBI also mdemmn s that ute 591 basis far obtair ng a pen register nrder is to fin- her a investigatian by generating re abi-e admissibla avid An gimme wha aiser a 13 carti es an applica m under math pursuant to 13 3122 b 2 dares 5 1 at I sfh r pm a gamma disbarmmi arid pm ecu m an a emcy wha so falsely certi es such an appliaa un has m way uf km ng the subsequant came and eutcame of tin investigatien quucmly infamatiun recei vad a pen mgister is cansciidated with other invextiga ve inf rma nn and is submitted in subsequent mm di ii d app catians ii the Cami such as search warrant wiretap appiiea ans In the nnlikaly event that an a emey far the government were submit a false cmi ca un Is the cum in supper af a pen register appiicatim the lack 0f any nexus between he name sub eat-s 0f the invastigatien the statement if the o nse and the ammcy s cs i catian that the infomxatinn iikaiy a be btaimcd fmm ha devise s use is raievan is an gagging ariminal investigatian wwid in many instantes reveal itself either in subsequent appiica ans in the Calm for search wan-ants 0r wiretaps GT in dimmer incident in pmsecutiun The 3th nfsuch amp-him or anecdotal idan e demonstrating inappmp ate 0r faise certi catien ofappiica nns by attnmeys for the gwemmgni demanstrates that the ceni' catian obligaticm is canscimtiuusiy ful ilcd c Ill1 1 rac gss Ym have testi ed that informatinn their an put at $68 mi ian and I caused the mast savere nancial Iassas fact yin have identi ed use of the Intamet far fraudulent pu critical chalimgers facing the FBI ant law enfarcement in gnu at Appreciating this 3 nancial fraud perpetrated an na have $56 respettiveiy In merges as ane- 9f the mast chaiienge I have urged that the be narefui in answering legislatian sunk as 11714 131 3 Electranic Signamr s in Ginhai and Na ana Cammeme Act ht ensure that 3 cansnmers are adequately pr gected in that animus This hi3 has passeti the Emma 3 of Representativ s and is currently the subject a conference with the Ti Natim i ssocia ii 11 Aim-megs Gegega has ca-mmenfad an ER 1714 stating that the bill s pmvismns permittirig sit ng at 121133 synapses f dacu'ments that acct rater railed I retcn nn nfurfginal detains-ms has the wt Ila yea agree Evan Where the law nthem'ise requires pact law enfarcement dismvery of dawn originals six-tang paten al negativeiy 131 and if nut please airmail why I 33 w' in I 't 151 53243132 llamas Page 3 L3 3 H3 1714 wnulti require that state enactments of the aiform Electr nic Transactions Act BETA be cansistent with the hi1 resuiting in fadara preemption of any state exemp nn the presumpti n 0f Validity of electmnic signatums and transactiens that is not authurized in the Hausa bill The Natianai association ui Atwrneys General has upined that this 33mm federal preemp an wauid hinder the ability nfthe states to pmtect hair citizens against gn suma fraud If States are hindered in combating wn umer fraud would the FREE jab mutating the public from fraudulent eniine practices he made more difficult 3 11 its faee ha pm sims 1714 which ailuw far the aiccteni storage if contractg agreements and awards are unmlated is earlier pmvisiuns of the bill delinea ng what typas cf I-agal documents may he executed by elmmnic signamre Tu the extent that Semen mule he as a swing far 1213 dammit imaging and as an recard sf written cean 0 agremnen the tangibia a ginais of wi wuuid ethanvise ha raquimd by law in be maintain in tangihia fem there am exist 1h gamma-I negativ iy impaat certain iaw investigatiuns misting ta 5th dummems At a minimum the suppl wuing 31 tangible G ginals uthemrise lega y mquimd be animating- 1 in tmgibie fnmz with electronic images d pi c mg the n ginais what coupied with estructien 0f the a ginals wwki eliminate 0r compiicam handmi cn signam-amiysis and render mi the of racovc ng 0 315 tram evidence nm the swam ofa ginals By he $331123 token w pravisions 0f section 131 whisk exempt om retention data relating canunm ea an er receipt if any cantrast agreamani or Imam eiectraniica y Morde muid in 111 came-xi uf-eiactmnica y emcute aaniracts con zplicata or elimnate iaw mfowemmt in tracing the gamma of transmissi n If audulant transacticms ar the Imitation and identity 0f ca- mnspirators miner victims The marinated tend toward eiectmnic papa-Mass executi n Immamriuns which is admittedin se- 9 he ccntinued are-lutian anti expansien ofme Emmet when sampled with the gmwing of criminais to utilize to maria law anfmcamem s to recover cmaial inculpatm'y evidence and 2 the absenaa i me pracminsnt public $333 a private signatures veri cation m ty 01 premium mmplic-ates ha 0f the FBI and state law Enforcement in pram-ct the pubiic 79m on line aud I synopses mi afiawme m can neg riwafy fxggacf law wg arcement The m ew and anemia mmr gs is o cn necesaaxy in iaw mfurcem-cnt s E b is 1333 investigate G ms rewards management and rertention pelicies xerefam can be said in havean cffact an law and these pn lici-es which do not require that infonmtian 35 at least them can negatively impact law enfumammt s discoveqf nfthat infannation 3mm arg ndgfe I The h evea ask since tin respamicn in crime mu cnunny ifthe Statcs are in walk-airing cansumcr fraud than 313 FEES jab in tin publis mm frauduient Galina practices wait be made more dif cult 934 5mm Release 13 31 P 32 -- Pige I Ci atid b Search Result Rank 0f 13 Eat base m5 Atty jm Man 13$ tprney s Manual STRTES GP JUETICB UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS MANUAL TITLE - i CHAETER BLEETRBNIC SURVEILLARCE Saptemher 1997 This chagter cantains Departmant 05 Justice palicy an the use 0f electronic Eha Faderal electronic surveillance statutes Gammonly refer allectively as Title are ccdified at 18 $ 3yC 251% at seq Becaj cf the intrusive tune cf many types of electronic surveilj nca esp cially_wizetaps and bugsr and the Fnurth Amandment imp ication$ at the gavernment s use 0f these devices in the caurse Of its investigations the reievant statutes and related Bagartment af Justica_guidalines prsvide ' e trictighs on the usa of mast electranic SUIVEillance inaluding the reguixgment that a highwlevel Department a ficial specifically ap rave the ue c mamyinf these EEPES 0f electronic auzveillanca priar ta an Assistant Unittd tateg Attainey obtaining a caurt Urder autherizing'interceptianw Chapter 7'cmntains the syecific mechanisms including applicable aggraval xaquiremants far the use of wiretaps buga feral intarcepti$n devices surveillance and the consensual monitaring mf wire Gr ardl rcemmuniaationa as well as em rgency interception yrbdedure$ and restriction a fhe disclasur and avidentiary use cf infarmation obtained thraugh eiectzania W grvaillancei'Additianal informatimn ca cerning use sf the Waximus tygea cf Q is alas set farth in the Criminal Rescurca Manual at tt rneys in the Electranic $urveillance Unit cf the foice of Enfarcement Operatibns zimina1 Divisimn are available ta gravide assistance concerning bath tag interpretation cf Title ii and the review process necessitated thereunder Intercepticns con ucte gursuant ta tha Foreign Intelligence Suxveillanca Act cf 19 8 which i3 cadified at 50 U S C 5 1801 at saq ara specifically exsluded from the cauerage cf Title See 18 1 and Eiff ti g oia- - USS Ettys Mani 5 9 DE macuwamw Was 2930 Ho Claim to Orig Govt Works 3 fZ-df zkeiease - ag 41 has V that any those crimas enumerated in 18 2516i11'may be investigatj Citatio Search Rasult Rank 5 of 13 Dacha-g UQS Attys Man $57 A tpxney s Manual TEXT UNITEE STATES JUSTICE HNITED STATES ATTORNEYS MENUAL TITLE - CHAFTER ELECTRDEIC SURVEILLENCE Septemhe 199 3 3ld u uthgxization of Appli ations far Wire Gral and and History 9f Legislatian Tc u d stahd the care cancegts of the legislative scheme cf Title 11 an mu t apgseciate the histary mf this legislatisn and the gaals of Cangress it nanacting thi$ camp ehensive law By Enacting Title in 1963 Cengress prahibited Ezivate citizens from using certain surveillance techniques Cangtess exempted law enforcamant thi prehibition but required am liance with exglicit directives that cuntrolled the cixcumstanies un er which law enfarcement s use of electronic suxveillanae wculd he permiited Many of the restrictions upon the usa of Electranic surveillance by law enforcament agents were enaate in ecognitian cf the stricturea against _unlawful-searches and seizures cantained in the Faurth Amendmant to the Uni ed Seer Kat v 'United States 333 u s 34 Still saveral ef Title 9 vision3 are more restrictive than what is required by the Equrth men mant At the same time pr emptad Stats 13 in-this-areaj and mandated that States that aught ta enact 'Survaillance laws weuld have'ta make their laws at least as restrictive as ne F deral law mast restrictive prqvisians is the requixem nt that Fe iral lin estigative agenciea 5ubmit requests far the usa of cextain types of -ele rnnic urveillanCe primarily the nanngensensual interaeptinn 0f wire fad aral Cammunications to the Departmant sf Justice f0 review and apyzaval b-faz 'apglicatians for suah interception may bE submitted to a 533 cf tampetenti uxisdiCtion far an arder authexizing the interception Specifically in 13k 2515 1 Title explicitly asaigns such review and appr val paw 5 ts tha Attarney General but the attorney General to delagate this rtviea and ap raval authaxity t0 a limited number 9f Justice Department3 'bffiqials including Deputy A$sistant General fer the Criminal The DAAGs raviaw and appreve or deny pr pesed applicati ' tQ intezcept wire telephsne cammunications 18 - 2510 1 and 9 install and monitmr hugs the use cf micrephmnas to inter - aral facewtewfacel cammunicatiens 18 It should be note thrcugh the interception of wize a oral ccmmunicaticns On these rare acca when the gavernmant seeks to intercept cral a wire cammuniaations within pramisgs'c ova a facility aha Canaan be identified with any garticularity and a raving intetcaptiwn Qf wise or @331 mammunicatians is therafare bai g IEqueste the Assistant Attorney General er the Acting Assistant Attorney Cogr West 2008 ED Glaim ta Grig 8 3 vati marks 5 24 92 Reiease-el a i I J xrv - v6 ku tJA gag- 3 v q u P ge 3 'Ganaral Ed the Eriminal Bivision must b the one to aview and or - theja pli ati n See the raving interception provisian at 18 U S E 2518 di cg sgd at asag 9 7 111 1 amanded Titlg I13 by Enacting tha Ele mi 198% Specifically C n cammuni atinn$ elestrenic ccmmunicatians Whish would now be and intarceptian would be ragulatad by @itl c mmuniga iens are those'types 0f nonweral or wire ccmmunicatians that iht r alia o ax camputers digital display gagersg maczhineiss See 13 2510 32 th 1935 mi kin ii cbmmuni ations to investiggte any_ ed cg actme t that for be ofggiactronic reScinded tha prigr'appraval r quiremeng far the in erceptinn Qap t m nth prpvaA print ta to the ceurt f0 machinga Epplications to the ceuzt fmr_auth ri g im is i tef ph oni communications ave digitalw isplay pagers_ which are thezmast targ type of electronic tammunicatians emay he made ba$ed salelp upan the authcrizatian sf a United States $32 13 v 5 c 2515 33 a admini tm Samiimm 12135 a55entig1 that Fe eral 'when Eagartmantal 2511 See the Criminal Resouxce Manual at 31 protec usulth n the iawagn ucim the e ar$men t e 1 - 1 Aux 13f l fa U45 Attys Man -E capr West 2360 Na Claim tn Orig v 5 Gavt_ W rk I y eral feieny 13 s c 2 15 3g f the_f use and for citatians to relevant legialatidm 13 ctranic Cammunicatians gzass addad a new categ ry 9f cavered zed ya 1 ated rs nd SERIES 33-7-36 a 3 414 El g mwmims anPage Ci atia ff - Search Result Rank 6 of 18 Databasg 39 119 Atgarney s Manna TEXT - -5 UNETED STETES DEEARTHENT GE JUSTICE UNITED STATES AETQRNEYS MANQBL j TITLE CHAPTER ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE September 1997 th uthaxizaticn Request Qrimina 1 Divisi 5 mice afjgafqrcarment appraval cf a prapeaed appligation fa raviwlnf m m ary leadinqsy Egehmaa a aaw af i avit of an investigative 6 law enforcement cffiaer of the Uni ed _St tes who is empmwered by law ta canduct invastigati ns 0f er ta make arre ts - ax aff ses enum rate in 28 251E 11 0r which far any applicatimn7involVing the interceptien of Electronic csmmunicaticns include agy Fader l felony mffensai with such affidavit Sgtting Earth the facts sf aha in e tigatian that establish tha basis far these pxabable cause and ather r quired by Title to be included in the applicatimn 1 Em The applicatian by any United Gr hisfher Assistant er anj other authaxiaed by law t0 prgsecute a participate in the prasaautqon enumerated in 18 2515 1 or that'prmvides the basis far the caurtfs jurisdictien ta Sign an arder autharizing the requested interception cf wir y'aral andfor electxonic ccmmunications and 3 Ci A sg mf arder to be signe by Eha court autharizing the gaverwment ta i terteyt $3 th i ter PtiD Of the wire oral _' pmmunicatians that are tha subject of the a plicatinn in luding rre agte _erders to be served an any relevant groviders sf electranic c mm igati n segvice _ias defined in is U S C 2510 15 3 Ufsi' tt s man 3 _115 or taps West 2995 Na claim ta Grig v 3- Snug wazks 53243-81 Ramses Hg 415 Faximw i v f w We HE ing gh w 1 3 Riga mhi a icn - - Search R sult 'Rank 16 of 18 at base U S attys Han us i Aptuxngy s Manual 9 60 202 '7 UNIEED JUSTICE GRETED STATES RETEREEYS MANUEL TITLE - CHAPTER QF TEE INDIVEBUAL September Egg 9a 202ililegai El ctranic Havesdroppingmerasgcuticn Policy prchibitions against illegal electranic eaveadrapging cantaine in Title cf the same act whith patmits federal law enforcement 'effic rsat angage in caurt authmzize surveillance Congress vi Wed c iminai Sanctians and the caurt autharization provisions as twa sides the sam _ in of the governmant s authcrizatian ta engage in caurtmautharizad electranic survaillance may depend an its vigcreus EnfG CEnfn w of the_5anctibns agai st illegal eavesdrepping Asserdingly it t th ta vigerausly enforce these criminal prahibitions The Department s overall prasacutive palicy under 13 8 3 6 2512 is ta fowus 'p imarilg an ersana whe engage a procure illegal electronic survailiance a part'cf tha practice mi their prsfessicn 0r as inci ent to their business activities 'Less amyhasis shauld ha pla ad an the pro ecution ef whe in the of transitery situatimns intarcept ccmmunications on thair own -withaut the assistance cf a prefessienal wiretapyer at eavesdrepper This dc s not mean that such persons are never to be prasecutedggbut simply that this ype of grasecutipn is net a ma a thrust mf the Department's en arcement pragram Mos illegal interceptions fall into ne 3f five cateqaries domestic relatians 2 indu5trial espionaga Falitical espionage law '1 eniorcament and Ss intrawbusiness The largest number cf interceptiuns mane than 75 pageant are in tha dameshic ralaticns categmry it 15 the Department s palicy t vigorausly investigate an pzosecuta iliegal interceptiana of whi h fall within the in nstrial and pelitical espicnaga law tenforc mentl and intra business categoriea Generally such violatians will tha inter3tape ramifications whith will make rederal prasecutiun pre erable ta-s ta gge acntianf Neverthele5sg in casea where the federal inter st is slight it av ta defer ta state yrcsacutian a Illega intefceptiens arising frem dam stic relations disputea generally pteaentvl SS of a federal interest an thezefore lmcal prasecuticn ia mare a pr griate Hewevgr this daes meam that federal presecutors aheuld abdicate responsibility for prasecuting such intercepticnsa Indeed in View a the prepanderance cf this-kind cf interceptian napenfexcament program can he ef ectike withaut the initiation af same preaacutiams for deterrance purp ses Unitad States ttorneys should deveiop effective liaison with local prosecutcrs in'crd r ta cen ince them tn shoulder th ir share of the burden 3 Within the categary 9f damastic relatians vialatians pzimary attenticn shgujd given ta thnse inatances in which a pzafessienal is inve1ng such a3 a 'griva a'detactiva attorney macnlighting telephone campany andw Wesi 2009 No Claim ta Orig 0 3 Gwvt Warks 7 r W I a w 1 Page $50 28 9 electx nic surveillance devices nited States Attarneys shmuld feel cfrgef blpursue theSe cases 0 refer them ta lacal pro3ecutors hawever na prdfessia alm hauld escape prmse ution when-a prasecntable case Exists I EBGme st gg r elatimi melanoma which do nut inwlve a prcfessimnal intercepcbg migre the bwast pricrity cases for federai prosecution Althaugh legal 3 is nermally_preferable when local prngecuturs are unwilling taj pursga-the case rasart ta fadexal prasgcution may be Neverthelc55 viqlations f thia type will samatimea prave to be of insufiicient magnitudaEta waxr nt'eit ar fed ral or stata grosacution In such ether measures prpveISuffipiegt ar Example a ivil suit or damages 18 B S C 2520 7 3ugpreasinniaf QVidance 5 2515 or farfeiture of the wiretapping a jeaVE rgyying paraphernalia 13 U S C 2513 isturh d pezsan aften susgect that thay are the victims cf illagal cansequ ntly a camplaint which is based solely an suspicicusg the telephene normally does not merit investigation if lithe @nitial'line check fails tr produce 'indepandent evidence Of a tap 9450 292f55 a - Attys Man 9 60 202 - mm DGCUMENT C prv West 2am 4113 Claim to Orig v 5 Ea-Vt Warm 5mm Rciease Page new wriy' D k a 1-5 1 - '9 o Juz 13 55 9 cit iiaavig Af Search R3331 Rank 1 of 18 gS tg rnay s ahual a swaras DEPARTMENT OF JUSTECE mwxwan STATES MANUAL a a TITLE 3-CRIMINAL _r 5 CHAPTER 9m60 90u PRQTECTIGN 0 THE INDIVIDUAL Saptamber 193 '94 0 2s tasacuti e Ealicy w13 5 5 Hylagrant vialatazs Gf 18 2512 shauld be_prase uted vigcreusly especially vialatozs whn possess such devicea in order ts engage in el ctranic business Less culpable first offenders and those whe violate the statut because Qf ign gande of the law may be subjects far more lenient dispcsiticn warning may be sufficient Nevertheless in 11 cases except gerhaps 'for minax advertising violatisns the nited Statas Attarney s Offiaa Sh uld reguira that the prahibited device either be surrendered voluntarily ta tha FEE qr farfaited pursuant tn 18 qu c 2513 9 Sa 252_ -Uts attys Man END a 51mm Remase - Fag 5 41 s urn v 7 I g1 a 2 $551 From 5 if To an w Date Mama Suhjact Bar Ken s Taslimnny The revisinns that just gave gnu do not include a x far the egmb iem that we just discussed nameiy the i arenne between standar s far interceminn af aralfwi re cammnica ans and thpse fer eie ctmn ic cammuniaa ons The farmer are 5 31 farm in 18 2516 3 the ta er in 16 use 2516 3 Far the pumasa of this tesitima y the Me main differencas are that anplica nna under 2 515 3 35 not raquim seniar We appmvai and ma they are not Iimited in await federat feisniea Thus if we strike the sentence at me bot-tam 5f page Maltap 01 page three raferring in authariza un by a 38mm of cial 0f am and the iast sanience in the rm paragraph cf page stares Furiher interceptiun of is limited ta 33min spaci ed felony affenaesf' we remove same of the misteading inferences 35 ta which pmvisian we fui law when seeking cuurt approuai It intercept e maii There may may be ether instances where the testimmy suggests hat we L153 2616 1 rather than D-GC sihwid scrub he tastimany again to check fur such instances 3de 2mm 7 5 5 x' C ARLES STEELE-H -- 353px 5mm Reicase Page 433 bad 85 in gamma 12-3496 - Egg BUREAU FGIPA DELETE PAGE SHEET S iihheid enzimly a this gamma in the 13 3 line or mar-e a the fellewing stai mgnigw what ind-mam EA Iain deimiun E1 Bahamas were ma a pursuant 31 3 emmptigns indicatc below with segregabie maisaria avail-able far release- it you Swim 552 Sectitm 5525 CE hittl FHA 3 3 03KB El b31131 Mimi 335 9 EDUUDEUBE 3 Erafarmmiun pmamed a mm party with ma refaren-cc the subject at your mque-s 01 the subj ct win request is Esta-c that nth 91133 3 3 Decummis criginatcd with 311013151 memmem agaucyiias Th ss incumems wara refarred to that agency ii e for rwiew and r-act mapmise t0 yau Pages mmain i nfmmaIi-on furnishad by anmher Em-rammanti agen cyiies Yam 1 33 advised by the FBI as 0 the reisasability at this infarmatimz ibiilawing consultation with the 0 th agancviiesl I Fageis wiihhcid inasmuch 35 a fina E mlease i i rmina ii n has mt been ma a You will be advised as thcf at a later dam 35' Pages ware mt cimsidered far mimsg may are dup ca af rms km wzimhgm for 131-8 foilawing reasenis 77777777 520 The Mam- ng mum is to b used mesa pages - 7 if 7777 - ng535 L1 as Bast-13d Na Dupiica ti- n Fae for this page 3 - Cr IP Addresses Example 192116 201 10 Like a phone numbar Identi es a speci c cemputer 5mm Rcieasze a Page 445 baa Example How is Data Sent Tm Jdoe@eraisic0m From JaneD@freedumnet wm Subject Biah 1 Hey 01111 Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah hiah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah biah It 2'24 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah kw T0 HiahmHe-y Sahara Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 5514MB Rem 133g 44 How is Data Sent $32-$32 Release - Fage 4 8 How is Iata Sent 1 mm Release 5- Page 4T - xA '1 dais- 43 Iwuu h to Ow is Data Sent Email message - 50% characters Header 324562 Reimse i ager Data Chunk 3 How is Data Sent Header Data Em - m_ awn 7 7 Chunk 1 x r r an - hik l d y'ki Chunk 1 a me am Chunk 2i Chunk 2 Chunk 4 Chm-k5 Release Page 451 - 512w Belg-age - Page-f as 5 3 r it '1 1 Intern et Servic Mai Ser Pravider Other Servers a Gateway ant t9 Internet 5mm Reiease a Page 453 GPCA end the Let this week There is one brie a - - 6 f Ff m 3 22 To 1 i Subject Gezmivere Larry tweet-ed it bring you up te rtete re Carnivore I am teari- Heeith Care Freud Centerehee it here breeghr agree are tment-v was advised the next week there witHeese hearingeehdt nr 77 write the statement Cereivere is setwere package that can he meintierrert ei le-entice and were met ebie te titerentiate between euetemere Barrier meese ietemepte and we needed the te narrow eer interceetien Cereivere entire up freer end captures eniy these evm-aiie we intercept Herr tees it do this it this theugh a series at tters The tters etiew yea it excizude these e maite yeu de net ween As an exemeie the subject year case is represented try oeurseei end eemmueictee with him via emeti We can program Bernie-ere err that yet writ not capture these emails Green met to capture semeene'e Web mail abet net his Web tre ffie Le strapping Carnivore can that the intercepts that it web meii protester net inverter Date is he sterert en the Cen ivere device it is stared zen dis agent retrieved eni y by the agent en as to reeintien chain at austerity device There is an rte-es her reed any e-me-iie that he is net autherize in use pursuant is the court enter We they have iefermetiee up rent that eiiewe us is tter e-meiie but there may he tire-e5 that we determine throught the ce-trree er the intercept that there are e rneiis we eert't he've net reei time we need he pest minimize Once we teem that car go heck to the device and add tters in the ee that re the herd affine end pieced into he reedirtg at the tiesirt et ee to ensure that the ease agent Since meet at eur Semivere intercepts ere there is e meit traf c we do eat want we we net capture the e meite egein eiterrdert twe brie ngs test week ne was with the Judiciary seemed mere interested in understanding thew Carnivore works how ten-g we have been using in fer whet types at cases end were quite content eec e they teamed court erder They seemed quite satisfied with the briefing CC aircrew iembireg r as xpieinert it to me wee DnKerr read an repairing eteiemerrt that witi teem-cat esieete 0f Gemhrere and the iegei eetherity for its use it this meets with year approeei heth inetetieci in be that teen easily friend with ether devices at an it is eniy used under eeurt ere-er it is net running system The eehwere is is sent to heist of ce when CHARLES fer Denver this reaming te ette- d peed and he he essitingr eui he Gem it eerie Gee-A and hat Dr Kerr end we wt i he't esit'itying ineemerete bath the It was revamped by us because we gee Jugdes were eetherizirrg very rrerrew up treat rather that with peshminimieeti-eh are eelherized te intercept er wee tie his threegh Therefere it is privacy he er zipvtirv-e that is locked by key by the The tier is then hreught beak edditienet mieimieetien step that ace-ere emmittee minerin etetfere They that we eniy use Cemivere pursuant he a 5 374 mg fZ-ii z Reieese Est-ea if Q Dw we fear Wm q if a iy bee 5 3 FBI 3 A Wiretaps To Scan E Mail Spark Cmtcem By NEIL KING 351 Md Tm Emma Staff Ewart-mm a Tm Wan 3mm Federal Bureau 01 i i estigatian is using a superfast sys- tem sawed Carnivore in covertly search e-maiis far messages mm criminal su3 FectSr Egzsentiaiiy a persnnai camp-tile stsu 'mi with specialized software lamb were represents a new twist in the mam gnvemmem s fight to sustain ifs snowing pnwer in the Internet age But in Emma WA LL STREET ing the system whit-2h scan mi ians 13f emails 3 ascend he FBI has upset prie may advocates and game in the mmpumr ind str Experts say tha sysiem opens a minke of unresnived legai issues and pri may cancemg The FEE devempe the'lntememifetap ping 533mm at -a sgiecsigai agancy Iahv'at Quantim and dubbed ii Camiv nz far its away 0 get to me wnmd-athemise be an enmimus quan q' a data FBI technicians unveifedi'the 33's em a 3 at astunisha industry speciaiists here tins weeks ago in nder steer warts h dew-mp standardizj ways f with federal mmztaps Fed era investigators Say may havgmed Car- niwm in fewer than minim cages since'its launch early last year Ward of the Canyimre 5323mm has ais- mrtsed many in he Inteme-tfindusty hm cause when depiayed it must be hmked dith mm Internet 59mm pmviriem mmauter That wows give the gavep'imengi the am - b2 eavesdrop an an custamers igitai 'fmm emaii in Galina bank-Eng and Web starting I The mist-am 211 50 traumas same mtg-met sawing pm der s who are e see outside safmare plugg d Ema than 53% terns 111 many cases the FBI keeps the secret Camivar-e wmputer systam in a lacked cage in the pmvider s premises with tag-ems making daily visits 9 retrieve tin want But Sega chailenges In- the ma f Eamivere are-fewi n judi main gamed because nf the secretive 635 mm err-ma invw gaiigns '7 Meme imam ar - mud-acted uni understate 01 Mam 33 3 infrequme The ma the nits ats say we of in matiaaves r npi g 14 DA n 7 7 PAGE 7 1 The- installs one of 5 amine-shelf PCS at the intamet service provider m the r1222 target - The Pi chasm e-maiss passing thmugn the for E fmmatign that intimates- whether an 27mm is to or from the target If is me PC Games the fut taxi Bf tm a e mail a the P-C's remnmb ie hard drive which an- agent miiects dam 4 Wh e it does analyze the estinatian and gender cf ather eema g Carnivore does mt retrieve their mi text 5 Grace the ends average 41 5 F3 agent the cuzm uier mm the 15 is grewng as everjmxae timg ashers patentiai temrists begins ta mnduct business aver the Web a The F3 defends Carnivore 3 3 mm pre- cise ham Intel-ma mrgiap methods used in jt he 12331 The human says the system 31- imggs Invgs gamrs t9 ta er am-intemept Fapem n so they can pluek may thug igi stai traf c 9f ne perm 1mm mung the Ema-am of manna gimuier mggsages n as mm 3 310 six at 33 33 12 be data 7 9132373 ham hui in La iless ti f'eifi iem h I abuse - a pum m mes pm cutcr 'said 1313 nature of Lille Wein by amimeumises f1tant primy qugs ansrs me li mamas pang 13m mippgigf $32115 that aws past if mil Nickname whether to Emit fur mace 1 4 it s the elechmic eqt valant of tag to phage cans in see if it s the phane can 5m imam-he Mr Easel said 1 au Revamp 9 I em m mus mm a I Kathers say the imam how farm-e natinn s laws are lagging bei - thate malogiaal WS is a mem way to 113mm telegrams-era stat-a mes meet new challenges hm Nearly there is too much iatitude in the current may said Stewart Baker a lawyer king in and Internet Emitter matters - 3 Hubert m Revere at 11 Hagan Hartman law rm hm represented an mm System gm securimmacems Animal - n ed'againstme campan ea jf but is an area in at i -xria aunn my ear gtf sien 49133 Mel-Iiamezd amnil 'nat st zthE giainan s ef fedierai wiretapping Statutes p i us is just a_ scIfTa i erai cdm I Xma evem Once the safmrare is applied is the 18 th-ere g no check on the system said Rap 80 Bar-r whet sits on a House ju iciary subcamittee fer mnstitu anai affairs if there's one ward mum se es-tribe mis Hiram be x rightiening Marc-us Thamas chief a the F313 ber Technniugy Sam at Quantim said Cam er repmsents ta 3 32p a mast nf-ragid ahanges in Int-er- meeting beggar l Heaish that criminal and civil peqai pmhihi fie bureau fmm mating unaummzed m fetapsg anti any infarma giaaime j 31 55 type-5 inf-jgrin al an of $1 pr 633 Internist has m ad i5 6 3 after which the FBI lemmas the equip- ment Themas gaid the bureau usually has as many as Can mm systems an - hand just in we 3 FBI experts acknowledge Cami vare s munim gg can he stymied camputer data mm as gems that is sampled using 33133811111 tech 120393 mam-messages s ii tan he can ure but law of cers Wing to read 316' are at the meicy If haw weii it was warmed Mir SaicL of the aiming casesi'wnere the FR used Camiwrejn the pagt 18 mam caused an what the bursa 3135 infra sn uctjma ymtec gn cur-Em hum far hack ers lama-I it aim was used in mammar m sn am same drug traf nking eases Ef df l Release Page 453 3506 $5036 A as the humam effg CARNIVORE DOCUMENTS FROM OFFICE OF PUBLIC CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS THROUGH 7 28 00 PAGES REVIEWED 49 PAGES RELEASED 49 EXEMPTIONS CITED NONE N0 57 pages this le are duplicates to pages The Of ce'af General Caunsel's Of ce le The Of ce Of General Counsel'sf'l echnalagy iLawS'V Unit TLU file and The Of ce Of General Caunsel sf Investigative Law Unit file Van-3E I i v 'elp I A BWH PAGE MWTIGN SHEET I 't Paws withham entireiy at this incatian in the file One a mare 9f it fa owing stat mcms when explain this deletion E3 were made parallax to the climatic-us indicated bstaw m segrggable ma a avaiiabic fat 7 33 mimlvgajean -- 74 a El 133 1 5 mm mm himf b E3 mm El hm 1 1 Emmi may mm 3 Ma e 3 Infamtion pmained 9 31 in a thin party with m reference to the subject at yam mum or the subject ofwnuf mqutsi is listed in the niy immature a ginate With anather Gavemmem agency es 113mg mumms wane refem to that agmc es 7' for migwand dime response In yen 3 7 Pages wataia infannatiim furnishes by anan agemsy as You wiilhc adviged by the FBI the 01 this inf matian fang ng mt mnsultatian with the ith agency es Pagefs withh d inasmuch as a nai rah-135 detannination has an ma a Yen wiilbc advised as dispcsi an as 1 Later data Pages wm nut mnsidemd for release as they dup lca ve af 2335 - my Earn Egg '1 Pageis wimheid far fallawing mm I Th folhwingn amber is a be useai far mfcmoe ng these pages Lbd m Pu - mm Pag s x No Dup catian Fee far this page mam mmeano 7 I FQIPA r r- DELETED PAGE momamm Pagcfs withheld entirely a this Marina in the le ne or t1me faliawing smemems where indiaigd this deietinn 3 - Eilh'y i tio s made pursuant to the axmp uns indicated Maw withnu segregahie mammal avaiiabie for 5 mime mam In 15951 ma 3 12mm 3 53 2 t we 3 3 ow 11 mm - a t3 mm ma 1 mm 3 mo 4 I 1 mm a thus a mm a 3 122 9 3 mm am 3 mm Ii Infomt'ian pamincd mly It a third with m rafcrencc t0 the subjact f yam request er the sumac a request is listed in the title 3 Dacumms an ginated with anothar Gamma agancy m These was re uxed that agencyfiiqg 3 3 far review and direct mponse It you 2 Pages contain infomatiun rmishcd by antiwar Gowmmem agency es Yau will b mvisad by the FBI as the wimabii ity of this infoma c'n foiluwing nut consultati n with the cihcr agencyiies I Pagafs inasmuch as a firm release determination 1335 11m been made Yarn will be advisad as that dispegi iinn a a 13 6 data 3 Pages were acct comidem for Him as they an dupiicative of $93 7 dim Maw ing 1 Pagefs 'wimheid far this allowing mantis fa 1 g The fn aw big number is be 133% mfcm m refu gag mast P3935 aggraver il g 453 Belated Page ri Na Dup eation Fee for this page a u rah- A I thyy-T- x r arm 7 by gaff 1-9 Ha 1hr the Mamas Ct t Liberties Unicm argued that 7145- - ping Device Attacked primacy rafting g tnst a new system destgnad tn aftuw taw Enfoi em gt tn and analyze huge mmts- cf wait in cmnectfon with an intesttga un tn Lisa mam was rst hinted at on 6 in testimuny in a Hausa subcumrg ttee New the F thas it When is placed at an Internet gamma it scans at imitating and art-signing emails that massagas as actated 7 Mamet mme pmbe I In a tetiat a dmss-ed to two mambera at the House that deals Faunh the systam breaches swim by madng bath sender and recipient addresses as wet can at lm enttra message - Amendment seamh ndusaizure mat the intemet prawan rights and the gms at at its as subject lines at masts ta dectdza whether ta make a 45 Iptugiged mite tha Enema system3 it is Cbt mt the tap is physicalty placed amt matntatnact by the tellaphnne- Further white the systemts lad sat-er by the taw enforcement agancy In a tmditiunat wiretan a camp-any Camim is mugth aqutvatent to a wtmtap Gambler at assessing the cements at the comensatians at at of the phnne mmgany s customers with the aswrance' that the FBI wit tracard unit comersattons at the speci ed targat read the letter 1m us we we the gowmment appmach is the antithesis at the pmcedures required under nut retapping taws Batty swimsuit assastata dtreztm at the ACLU 53kt citizens Shaman trust that such a sweeping dataetap wit iy be used against ctimtnat mamas And men then he said the data minad by Cami-mm particuta y ubject nes are atmady intmsitaq Law WWBM shunts be rammed from instatting any device that altaws them ta intercept cammuntca'ttuns from persuns ether than the targat Sietnhard t said in an When can-ducting these kinds t investigations the infamatian shouid in My addressing A Rep Shades T Canady R Fta wits heads the Hausa Judiciary on the Cmstitu m said this t had an camment an the fetter in tes mwy ta Canadyts Gum ewerie a tamer at the Hogan Hartsan taw tm in said he 3 represwtad an Internet that refused ta instatt the 03 11th system ma pigged mien awttward pasttiaa said because the campany suits tram custemers unhappy with the trite sit the await it Wedgad by the gmemmen that Gamma Mum matte mutate access in the ISP's newt and mum be under the at gawmment agents Camw em said 1 laid the cnmmittee that Emmi taw ts sinsutticient a teat with Carnime patentia am that the tntemat prawidar inst j its in part because at the Internets cm m to teiaphcma rms and that the taw was to cater ha Wm m amid mt Mata the name at his client and the alters inst the 535% Ha said Fat has bees using Camimre si mej 1 I Gaff this year James Dempsay senior staff muse at the Gmtar fer and Technaicgy its Ingram said the main pmbtem with is FBI is pissing a htack hex inside the camputar netwn t at an Dempsey said Nat man the 38 km aka-Hy that man is timing I I an Eda - h g mu J 6 I i 1 V 7 7'7 - Mu-z um - ontributed to the man by saying that nun en technmogy was mt alisw the i nfesnai _l what gemvhent is mime to get under a search warrant The carriam Eums ai ad that they me mi - 1 saw didn't know ham to cmpiy with cam orders Dempsey said By taking that pasitianj they cyba chndegy swim mid ha Wall Street Jmmai that the bmaau has am 20 mp etary so ware He said Eamimra meets amen wiretapping laws but is designe mm which repmw eta s 3mm n e-ma weeding program iika PGF aim stays in co e an amiwre am it's 15pm agents to Dempsay has a passibie 291mm is the pmbfem hasth one thai a prebahiy uniikaiyl sham eaewane what it 6395 and haw it was it a w ng Mien-set pm ders In insta the software themsems A 3 813th make this gizma an apan-seurca pmdunt he said Then the secret i3 game an the Net Fe amf Bureau of m-xestiga on Ame can Gi i medias Union http waciumg Center fur and Technaiugy http ffmw cdt arg Pretty PW ngpcam 81253 ma Mesa The i farma bn contained in we APnem repay may 30 he mMshad bmadcast warmer a chemise Mar W ien amtimaf The Assmiaied Hess AH active hwen fm cs ham been inseam BWAU 0F WGATIGN I I In lg DELETED PAGE WWTIGN '93qu withhaid entimly at this mama-n in the le One or mm at the falinwing statemmts where mgr3 - explain this dciation g3 were ma a gamma tn the exempting indicate helm wim m3- scgrega hle mam-int avaiiabla 1 a tummy IH- iivsigf Wigs lama km a 13mm 3 ats mini E3 Em 3 mm 3 km we 2 mm Infannaxian pennined m y a thin pang with m t0 the subject of year requast or the subjec of 5 reame is Iistmi in the title ox gn 3 3 u ginaiad with maths Gavammem agency es Thesz documents were 3me to that agancyf s for review and direct 2115 343 139 1pm Pages mmain infmmazim fun shed grammar age cyiies You Wi Em advistzd by the 11 afrhis igfamtim knowing-aux with the ether agencyiics Paggtn s withheid inasmuch as a nal retails degm nmion has not ham min wiil be advisad as to this disgmmian 31 a lam dam 3' a 7 Pages ware nor consich fur mime as may up cativa 9f 7 if Way Pigais withheid for ma failewingmasnnis I The foliowing umber is be um fa germ gaming these 1 gas Km tklg 7 7 Emma pm No Dupiicaaion Fee If far this gage H 1 1 VJ it- 3 v a 0F MDRMAHQN 'Pa m withheld Entirely at this lamina in me mm 0112 er mm of falinwing snaremmts where indi this aming were pursuant ta the intimated helm with no scgreggbie lmatariaitavaiiable fur INNER Ix-5 2 1 3 mm E3 mm W 1 11 may 3 m5 I M5 1 31 63 2E1 was 3 mm Infamion panama m y in a third party with mfamnne the whim of year request or the subject of requas is listed in the title aky i ariginatcd with mama Gnvanmxem agemyi ies Thea documemts warm referred mat in review and mm respmme 3351 3 - Page remain infarmatiun fumished by antiwar Ym will be advise by the FBI as to the 9f this infamatinn fa awing our mnsuitaiicm with Eh 3 th agencyiies Page- s withheld inasmuch as a final Mm demnninaliou has not been mite Yau wi he advised as In this disgusitian a a 1am data 3 Ragga were m musidared far release as may duplicativa 0f Cy ga r er 7 age s widmem farm Mimi- g reasomjs fig-t9 The wing number is be used far mfmce sti ing these 9 - as i ci -erw Ti wwieai - tight Deleted Pag s No Dup caziian Fee far this page A 1m 1'27 3 It - BUREAU OF mm -- ummn PAGE SHEET ma a mmheld en reiy at this in atien in the le One or mm the fans-wing mama indi ex Igin this deletian 3 Ejgi bm wig nude pursuant to the a tempzinns indicated heiuw with sagregabk magma availabi ifur - - is 1 an t WWM an @651 3 mm 3 mm 3 63 2 3 awe a Taxi Imam rm a warm ka 3 3 mm 3 113 8 Ia-Kswas 3 mm Infamtim gamed may to a third party with an referents 0 the subject sf yam a the suhj m Of 1 un is iis-md in the ri e aniy Pages contain infamm im fumished by attache Govmmem agency-ties i eu will he a visa by the FBI in hit relaasahility of this infarmaiion fajiawing-aur consultatian with the rather agency es 3 Pagefs withimid inasmuch as a final Mass determinatian has not bean made Y ii w ibe adviscd as h I dispGSiti n at 3 Isle date Pagcs mm mm wasidered fur release as they 'dupiicatiw if Pagqs withhaid farms fniiawing mam 35 1 7 The fu awing number is far these pages Delete Fag s No Duplicazian PM 3 far this ag I 'kers Stap 8300png onE-mail ML WASWRREGTQN APBnewamm The gr-assure is an 115 iustica Bepa m m i I system afgerit s access to vast'amaums of Email traf c lg The-wise Camivm system mam re f1ma lawmakers as wen mm -- - 1 libmies groups Siam revciations ahnut its 3333mm - East week givas the widespread access to mgnitm Internet service pmviders Inf Imam led by Hausa Mai rity iaader ick Amey R Texas are dra ing a l-e r mm send in Niamey Geang Janet Reno latex this week urging her 130 put the wiretap system an hold unfii privacy 395063315316 resolved Th Camimrc system should mt b used untii concems are address-3d Anney spakesman Richard Dianand mid APBn-ew3 mm 19613 Were has been and a dramatic shift it what tha FBI can monimr there n ccis In be a public dismssian That's why the a-utrage This gating cm for a year and nobody knew Reno ardered review Regpmding it concerns raisad East week Rana ordered a review mf Camivam but has m plans to order the program suspanded a iciais said tnday The attamey ggneral is imking into ii is make sum she understands ii and that it is appiied fairly said Chris Wamey Last week Emmy asked Reno and Diracth Lani-s Fresh to st-up using this un i Fnurih Amendment cancems are adeqmiy a dressed t0 the Rep Bab Ban - wha described the Carniv re system Surveillance abilities as ghtening 4 demami similar restraints at a mum'ght hearing an the program next Man ay a spok sman said He is maternal about the iack of camais said Brazi Alexander a spekesman fer the Gmrgia Republican Civil Iibenarians aim outragad at the xt t of th I3st ability In monks Eh e-ma spf 1 peat a a trust them Wall Idnn'ft They haw The ACLU on Friday film a frecdum 0f Infomatien Am requcst for the seams cutie 9r FBI of aials said they want the oppnnun ity demunstrate haw critigal the 333mm is its c mes gh ng 63 333 - - i 5 innum f Tii y'wani the keys in the kin g nmi said American Civii Lihenias Unien Assnciaie Dimmer Ban y Stainhardt Wh is a csii r at the suh mmitma hearing Monday They wan the entire stream at and may ii eple aim m Camivm Susm dcd' a is tggl gf and sketching bayonci the limits if what they are entitigd 601 FBI Peaple ri ed a know haw critical this is said bureau spams-man Pan Erasmus what saiti the again-nay wants In Shaw the pub c haw Carnivore warks an Manda It gives us the ta mtg-reap conv rsatinns 0f criminals who are using mt cybammid the same way the r331 9f us am The FBI in a statsment describing Camimra said the system gives agents the surgical in intemspt and mike inferma w under legal arders Farlng wiretaps have ied t0 the canvictians 0f 25 693 felans in the last 13 years according to FBI New wiretap mies sought The renew d autcxy names a day after White Hausa Chi f of Sia lehn Pedesta announced pram-gals wnuld require a mare stringent apymval pmcass fear- FBI wiraiapsy whiia at the same time Expanding the agency's ab' ity mn uct ame-nit sun ei ance The ACLU said 3111 mitt Hausa did mat go far enough in its respense to Enamng gavenmem powem - Steinhardt called the proposal a camou age for Camivore he said whim the administratian shnuid have disavawed or suspendad the pragram He also said the pramsa is stand iit a chan of being enacted h z ire the Ciinton adn nistra on leaves of ce - can qu pmgram instruc nns mud athcr technical etaiis abate the wiretapying pmgram The FBI said it wit serum with FOLIA mics and Mass whatever Mamiatinn it is able in T-n-w-a-I nu Wn ng-J nerdy Z - - 1 5 ug st - x wfi rA Am FEBERAL BUREAU 0F WGATIDN 13 - Emma PAGE 77777 77 933 3 Withheld entireiy at this Malian in the f ei One a mare If ma foliawiing statemmts when egg- aim this dei inn - E1 were nude pursuant the axemp ans indicamd Maw with no segregable Ym lmiai airailabia fur anaemime Matti 53 3 mil 3 MWBEM E3 53 2 3 m2 13 2 E3 1 me 3 wax a km W4 13393 53 10 5 3 3 3 13 mm pe ainad oniy a air-ti party with ma rtfercnoc m- ath subjeact 0f your request at tbs subject 1f mum is listed in the title only - - 3 Emma origith wim arm- ier Gavcmmam agency es mes docummts wane re tted in that agency is for raviaw arid dime raspanse yen I - Pages commit infamion fumished by mariner immanent agency cs fan will be advised by the FBI as 7 to the relaasa bility of this infammion Estimating Bur mnsultation with the ather agmcy es 1 7777 Page s withhei d inasmuch as a na 61 35 dcmm naiimn has mat ma a Yen advise as 0 a a later date 1 - 5-2- Pages war no cumich far Mans 53 they duplicativc of a 7695 i F355 Pag s withheid far that failawmg mnfsi The Mic number is a ht 11ml 1' reference regar ing 7777 77 33 14 1014 I Dai ed 9335 5 ND Duplication Fm X for his gag X XX 7 f5 w - h-I b 1994 i PERM explain 31m d e ml sni gim raft- 355 ta 3mm gm ion 352 El lm it may 3 113 3 E3 mm 113 5 3 af rmation pertaian only in a thin with mfemncc to the mqueat is listed in the ri e G iy Bumman originamd with simmer Gn-vanmzent for review and direct ragga-use to yum Pages margin furnished by mama agmey es Wu will be advised to tin mismhil y af'this infnmaxinn fallawing am wmultatian with the mixer agency as Fag a withheld inasmuch as a nal release determinatian not been mad dispasitinn a a later date Fagss were mt mnsidcma fer release as an dupiiaativa of 9 53F 451 I Pagafs withheld far this fo nwing Wis AU 0F 'erm Form BELETEB PAGE mmwaw 77777 Pagam wi mid emircly 3 this lasatian in the me in or more of m fa mm 3 a Mime a mans max Big 33 - - 1 3 1 3 meizx mm 3 mm 3 kit- 3 a mm 19 6 1 10m inwing wh re - 'D le bm were ma a pumuam the exemptions indicated helm with sagreg hie Ta'i'aiiahle fur subject nfyour request at the subjem af g agmcyiies Them dommems were re ned that agency e 7 nhe Paras a You will be a visad as in th VI The fallawi RumbaPagais No aniicatian Fee far 933 mmnm - 3 ame If- 55 501Wng Statements Wham Fagqu arthritic my ely ail an iu'thg I this dcia an I Vi I L7 Iii I were made pm -- um - Ho the exemptinns imam beiow with segm g hi mm 3313315 31 v5 3 Mme 1 3 11 Exam1-5-3 frag f5 bif i 8 120 3 m5 km 5 rl I El Infamtian per-mines mi a third with m refercnne 0 31 subject If your requas at 113 subjch nf - mquest is listed in only If Bacaments n ginmd with mama Gavemem agency cs These wen re ned in that agencyii far mvicw ami dime 1251391133 in yam 77777 Pages caan infamation lmishad by anaem- Emmi agemyiies You wi he advised by the FBI as the rmleasa bility cf his infarmaien fu umingaur conmlm on with the- mixer agmcy es Pagei s Withh id inasmuch as a nal mime datcm natian has mt hem made fun w i he advise as the ax a Eater tam Pages were nu cansidgmd fur mime as tbs are dupiiwiw at 236 fkw - - - Hag g faw Pagds Mm aid far that follows reagents 7 The foiiuw number is be gag reg - ats pages 7777 77 E- 'it itigiifi mined Pag s in Na nglicat'iou Fee far this page BUREAU OF - - mm PAGE Pag s withhel entirety at this maxim in le 011 or mom If the faliawing what imiticai upiajn this ddetian was In yam W were made gamut In the exemptinns indicated Mow with segregabl magma Java ahie for 52 it man a mm 153 2 I 3 mm 3 mi a may a bx-me 3 7777 Samara 23 m2 m6 3 ms in mm 3 lufama on panama a third yam with no refamncc to the subjem 9f yam request at the subject cf request is Iisw in 111 tick nnly I3 Dncumenis originated with answer Gavemnem agemzy as These awmem were re ned to that agencyfi for mvicw and direct ta was Pagts contain infama nn fumig'hmd by anather Government agescy ts Yau wit advised by the FBI as i the ralcasabi ty cf this infummion foiiawing our consultatinn with the ether agmy es Page s wi lheid Mamas as a nal mime detem nation has my been made Yau wilibe advisw as at a his data 23 Pagas neat cans-idem far release as they am dup mive at my Pageis withheld for ma foiinwing ream-ms 9593f - The liming number is be mad far refarmcegcgarding xes pages Utaq i 7777 mm Pagcafs Nu Duplicatian Fe far this gag - 6 a 344 g x a EMU OF WIPA - 3de ram mmn Page withheld entirely at this lemma in the fiie One or mare cf the lming Emma Wham v22 deletiml ax - g v awe Mi fpmuant tn the exemptinns indicated Mow with segmgahle imam avaiiable for bmm mm Emm- @833 i am 1 3 a miss a I a W 77952 a hymn 2E3 16 Mania 3 km mam mm a 3 133 4 E3 113 8 3 firms may I 59 6 3 was 3 mm I fnmian IRWIN an 3 mm Pan Wm 11 rat-Ema 0 the SH 533 Of 310 Fewest 01 mm subject at I requast is Iistad in the ri e m y Documents miginated with antiwar Government Tha docummts wsre refermd to that far tavicw and direct responsa yam 3 Pages infomation fumiahed by annmar Gevemmeat Y u win he advisethis infunnaricn fuliawing mm commuting with me mhar agencyiics I 3 Page- 5 inasmuch as a release deteminatinn has not been nmdc Wm adviscd as the dispesitian a a later date r wgc r - The faliawmg nmbar is be used far reference regardh these pages ba wwr belated Page s No Dupiiwian Fae for this page Hum r - cw vM x w 1 BMAU 0F mammaw 2 rem - BELETED PAGE 7 53 5 wit hiljiei emimly at this imim in the ne Gm 0r of the fe awiagmtemmts where indium Aw - 4 swim this deletian mad in the exemmions indicated beliaw with aggregable mtcrial availahie for ate I 134 - am 1 12mm 1 my - r 6 W3 3 bum in mm 77777 km mm mm 3313 3 53 E3 3 a this mm yeminsd 1111133 2 third pa y with 21 reference It the 51 19ij bf yam request at the subject a request is timed in t c tithe only 3 Documents anginated With another agancyiies I hase dacqu ware refer-mi ti that fur review and dim muse yam Fags seam infnmatian xmishad by anather Gnvenmmn agcnc y esl k au will b Su this infarmatian fa uwing ms mnsuimtinn with the ageucy esk 1 5 Page 5 withhei-d inasmuch as a nal Islease iatcmlina an has at hm ma a Yen will be advisa as a the I 4' disposizian at a later data 3 Pages were nu consid red for release as may are dupiica ve if 11 wa c 3 3 Pagcfs wi mid far In Min-wing rem- mm - Ff magma a a swig mm m 3 ma pages Na Duplica on Fm fur 593 Miami I - Justina GEMGM I - Wm Pi 1WD 235 293 HQUSE BWLDENG REFQRM NEWS - 7 an - m5 cum 4 I f ms 3 wmrr' pm ww a 9 VICE Juiy N The Emma-ibis Len-is Fresh Direcmr Fatima Bureau at investigation 935 Fannsyivania Airtime NW Washingmm DIS 39335 0 302 EN Rwuest m Pertaining Bear Eirecmr Fra-eh in thi if the meant disciesnre m the Bureau s use at C'amivare and given the subareamiai public imemsl in this mama I hareby ask review an Escar s concerning he Camivm syslam E -Cim d in the recm s she-um be - A ascripiian of Camivarels capabilin A history nf i'famimre s and us 9 The numb-er 0f GEE-ES in which Camimre has been used an ha number 0f Imemm Sawice Providers that have had the sysiem insiallad An anaiyscs cf 1h egai issues ht Bureau censidemd bcfme depinying the sysriem Whiie wuufd wefcame an axplanamry' inf-annalicn 31 umau is wi ing pmvide in responsa 6 my inquiry I am requesting the nriginai source datuments themselves and wauid like a receiva ham bafore August 7 2389 Given the pomentiai impact an the pubiia uf Camivam 3 would like to make 'iht i tcr ifai I receive public and W uid iike 3112 Bureau authnrize this public release Thank gnu far year if 32cm have any quesuons pieas e sumac my Legislative Cmunsei Keri Ailin at 252%25-293 i I f rward to reviawing the infarmaiion 5 NW Bummer swims mm R em tummy human I Ham mm 99% WNW-GEE sea wear 5m A 5A @310 Suit am an 3mm 1312 163 MAME Magnum GA 3005 295 - 233 1215 - mlmm Ax $185-$013 FM 335 31 Th Hpg ggbie Lauis J Freeh may 19 299-3 Page 3' The Hmnarabie Jane-t Rena The Honorahie Dennis Easter The H O mbl Richard Arum The Honorabl Tom DeLay The Howrah LC Watts The Hmcrabit Dan Bums Tine Hamrah-it Henry Hyde The Evinnarabl Charles Canady The Hummble Bi McC-olium a A a 1-3-0 v I i 5a - - rut-pm - t- case Ray Big Buy imsie'ad a whose phones had been tapped by fe rai agents without a war rant The man hm evidmce ohiained in that way was legal a remark able dim by Judge Louis D Bran eiss The at science in furnishing the government means at espiunage is may ta amp with wiretapping inmate Brandeis We in a dissent that the court a apmi as the law nearly yea-m later Ways may day be daveiaped by nish the gamme am I ramming papers mm secret drawers can mpmdum I then in mart and by which it win he enabie to amass a a jury the most intief mate occurrences af the name j ihanks tn ubiquity af email and' the mgmuity a the REL that day has arrived 1cm the last mung a weeks it has been Widely repened mat the 17 3 1 is new using ag ampmer pmgram easier Carnivore mm installed on the nemark of an pmvi ar can In Liar-magi a 913mm m sages and bane in an Ethe We mummde if suspects 0 far the REL has repa e using the mgfam fewer than 25 times- m it was drawian i3 manms - age but mat numbar i5 72 45am ta quipm Siam me bureau expects it ta became an mdispansabie law enforcement mi in must-national espionage and m m mfs ne say mm but Camivare is 3159 at grammar munitarmg armpit mt suspected n n' caused civil liberties and admzes warty that A at at Miami mamas am imgm g3 week as an Camus Hm beam Mung their Wm w- In calm the gram swam 'a mummus mists stun 4 'mermm-matmm set Jar summing- a - fun-33mqu sense of as f m agcel t 9mg 3 Emma me 5st ire-- a upurgngixu i 'i in Inn W iafs w 'i Y infant-u u-umun a nun gto - Asm amu Im the swim-me Conn we the 5 - reappraikal hf all the used karma gavemment ta pavesdm xi vv With I i White- ste pmpase replacing mm Magma istimtims with a uniiurm lms set at stamiards Emma and privacy this idpa in princ we bin'are higth u ticai 0f the atiministrau than at refusing expiai haw bmadiy it immis use Camiwre er in dascribe What 7 safeguards are in mace fur preventing its - in uw enfarcement officials say that warm 5 sit r systems like Carnmre an newssan because e-ma is becoming mare freguenz- wk far among crimi- nals Ami the atficials- note that Lhasa anther munimrs can actua y he sat in remrd 91339 munica ons mutt mam selemively than a a Fix-gmivim mutt hr instance be pm- grammw to pick up the email Mm uniy nix ender am a particuiar mmp ten While eiazu mg such emai 35 messages 1299 tram say the sanders 93 Wife- Phane taps an the ether hand 3316 $513 everymm A a news brie ng an Friday tap afficiais aiso annuunmd plan-s tn submit Cam'ivnm to Maiysi by m ependgem aca demics and Hamil that the system kept a kg what it was asked gick up which could bagilse by a mm spat any rem-mans in making mair mse summers at cyber- su-wei aime say that the enly way t0 track est tia is by csmhing through an 511 the messages an a particular nemurk best-31153 Hugs cmsists a a series of digital packets 1113f are hmken apart at 1313 sending and and t ransmim alang multiple Rheum paths beier recansiituted by the mcipiem s 0me Emilie-2m privacy and same 1mm service pmvi ars m LSPE Say there a iass mmsiva altema ve pmiders like a ma Miewsa Network maid be-ardered by a mun lb over specific material ramer than givethe un mite ams to a mark That is preaiseiy haw telephme mmpanies are Mama they magenta with warrants tar wiretaps mi lists at teiepme ministers called tram a gamma phnm The real gum is Wm WM be la mum Md'ames x Dempsey staff for Center Eur Maurie and Twining a mi iiber es in WW mgm it the am mm- privacy for law we 4 - - the manhunt up a black sag it fgula d Gmerlm said Muir-was answer-a aqfa if Yaw gamiiwiis ngm - Era gimnwatatme ga no 4 tested by mmputers and more easin masked by As even 'hnusehuld appiiances begin wine wired mm the Internet and many 91 our most persanal maughts and asmcia ans are 7 n 'w sham with the mmputgr ha issue has takenivtm a my imperaxive and is being debated an a giabai swim at British gnvemmegi 'whase MHSEMW in the Bug sh mlan es led in the F th mendmenmwhibmun against 'reasanahie searches is near 33 adapting a law the Regulation Inves gatury P ww am at 3 19 that would require lntemet sen ca companies ta nance the permanent msta a na a a Carnivoreslike system far government we -- a simii r nix-anti in 'plac cit Rama whiie In the Ne mdands a debug is raging war Whether the government b ui hawme unit an tap mm mail at mix mis ebate- rea y cries cut far a return it rst nciples $916 Roteaberg director at Slimmic Privacy infantil- tim Caner a rst studies mime issues Ammg the mom at sud pmi as he said is lug 19m - my a if mmiv - - a 12345 Emu or Immune DELETED PAGE sass 7 Pageis withheid entime at this imticm in the ma Gm or mere of 116 fe awing statemms Wh i f maimed this de ating i were nude pursng In rim gmtians indith New with 12 sggragabie mammal availahie fmj' mags I67 yam 3 1 Seating 55 5mm 13 113 1 BU 7 3 i136 a @312 It mama 3 we a EM-WKC - 3 MI I 13mm 3 023 2 3 bM iE was a lawn a 3 113 4 13 Ms E3 M5 3 113 5 119 9 3 mare was a mm 3 Info-Human panain 9111 a thin may with no referenne the subject of yoga request GT the subjch of mu mam-rs is stcd in the title nnly 3 Ema an originated with anather Gm'cmmem agmcy csl Tst docunmms were that agencyf s far review and Lima I pansa to years - 1 Pages contain infmnati un m she Manama Gavemmnt mu Wm be aduisad by the FBI to me If this infannatian fn cwing masulta nn with the archer agency as 3 Pag s withheid inasmuch as a nal mime ta ninmi has my hm made Ynu wiilhe advise as - a 3 Mar due 2 Pagas were not causidemd fer mime as they upiicaiivac 0f 3 5 gage Wadi gy g Pagefsj wimhgm far the mm I ulnar 5 me 'iawing number is 0 be 23 fur 12km mgardiug these pages-z I A $55 7 If ma a 501 - 509 7 Baf ed Na Duplica en Fee for this page C0117 yn- ght Elmore Cam at July 24 mm Wm I FBI gr vaka cosime lead in Hausa hemngs an Cammw Wk - l flymay -i - WASWGTON To civii iihenmians and Intemet sci-vim pm dm a device by the tn many ewma massagas is as among as its Rama Carnivore If i3 - mnn hi STAFF - If tn an 35% server the cannaptim mmail messages and mpics speci c infam m for federal agents seeking suspecte criminals Including tam sts and chiki pornogrgp hers But critics say that in the praccss Bf sifting nut um its targct-s Camivare is aim capable of retrieving it yrivate mes sagcs Bf innocent 9303316 This is a very dangerous device said Barry Siehthaxdt assmiate dimmer affine American Liberties Unian unprecadanted It s the rst time law enfnmemem has cam Hamil access to the mike We pmvi er s nm c The mamavmy smmding m evice with the name has caught rim attention af cpublican Iawmakm and a House Judicianr subcammittec is schednied to how a an the matter taxi-3y and anthn es who suppart the use if Carnivare schetiu'ied to testii y the mam was discfased in recent new accomts sparking miticism privacy adwcates FBI a ciils met with lawmakm anti reparters in y to Show that Camivnr-e is not max-E3 as inuusiw as For an thing FBI af ciais said they new the device samba crime and ta natinnal Carnivore as a swgmal teal that wani pram urdinary people mm unintendad - seam es 111an an ltering mechanisms built in that limit the 3mm mm ga iag sm eye 1 said Pan 3m 3 spakesman far the 1 th on the exact amm if hyamwtamwhatwe intercept r - Fm decades federal agents and Inca pa ce have suspeei ' 91163125 a e permission remjudg But whetaps ashes in a speci c suspect and do not mm thmugh phom at ma am - gap much di eren still must ab in pmmissim a scour mm urdimmwhi chpagasamspm sitsl 1119 they have court appmval agmts attach the Carnivore dairies an ardimny Making deshap camp re tn 18% mam mmputer anti Carnivnre passive sai s thwugh FBI 5 24 92 Release - rmmimmz mu-AH at at a ciak said it for mm in and Norm it scan $411311 messages forkey I an megaulim ti ay Carnivare acts an FBI agent anthem to scan envelnpas sent by agent _mi s a particular suspect's a dressing Mannation and pulls aside any qnaii ad mvalnpa was the magma said it garages zegiszation in mm am 3 ng ta seek Justice Department clearance hefere Judg ex to authorize the use of minaspeci cmSuch mics already Ma 1 - - But grow was by civil liberties wha said it didth go Big n idiais say this Wm Hbuse pmpusai is mt 11038568131 They say they abide by at 3 mics gqming 'vnice Wraps ta use Camimre new i Eta the assurance G icials civ Iiherties gmups and Republicans say may are wary fths system It has lm of grabbing it 311 Richard Diamtmd a akeman far Rep Dick Armay the Texas Repubhm who as the House maje ty leader and a sham of arniwra an depmds an 5 Wk pushes the 'butmn Someone cm d the mag buttun and haw access tn all sorts 0f causation 7 u icials dispute that assmigon hung they concede that Carniwre has sumatimcs captured e maii massages and aw that were nut tame-ted in hair searchesi They say they seaiad such infamtion and did nut read it - Earlier this an 13 nd unsuccess ly ta prawn FBI agents om installing Camivnre on its netwatk A er a bricf-cnurt ght the yielded to FBI demands and 113in install dwim i n ciais say they dnn t simp asking to provide them with sent by ifthat is passibig But in mast cases agents wnuid rather use Carnivore because it heips Iain fur criminai evidence And many mailer nut capable ofcmting programs to 05min data FBI umcials gait Thing mast have camp ed with mun elders to insmii Carnival-a one major previer said it would m isa Wake mt going to Stand far this said Wii am Schader and chiefex engiw'af m of PERM his It s chey to ask us with a cum vin iate the privacy Grail our mama's we would take this to the Supreme Cami Au wri es say that mom espeaia y these invalved in child and end are in msingly using ielmtemct and tit-maii to commit years ago agmts and tam pmsecutars began fur mai time access to mai1 and - FRI a ciais Tim agents said they were uremia 3mm an haviagreiiahle and i up m dat imailiggnae FBI technicians began developing Carme wi ch was used for the time about 18 months ago similarities said FBI umciais dsciined disciase any in ammatinn abuzz Carniwrmiated cases but said the system has been used few than 2 5 FBI n icials said the Mammat Chaise ofa nature emmged during Emma ciiscussiuns ofthe pore-gran 5 23 13 girl-easel age x- H I $52 - 1 at te i ming Eusi hi Bums the sysi m'bacame 1 awed 3 anged it to Cultivate weakening- 3 a 1m ofpmjects ghi an FBI 9mm said This 1135 Been d gt med Cnmiv re to read mast aid me so with ng approval ifgm25 2000- a i at V Few vh Search G neml News ai mure Sun and Camivare To narraw this search please enter a war or phmsa WMK Hine-u H- I'll-Alrv Kg - I 7mm Haste nf Reprbsenth ves' - LEXISNEKIS Team and Cand tians I Wat s E 29m LEXISNEKIS Gram Mi sights 7' 3 i - 5mm Mam f Page 3 mma 19 49 w-ewr tz' amt PAGE Ti fkibitnj af x - a a Emitsi3 mm km 1 3 1236 i3 amt E3 1 361 3 3 1133 E3 3 53 213 5 3 E3 31 I funnation pertains in mtg a third party with at refermce tn 151$ sumac of ynur request reques is iismd in the title- air It the subjm if E3 originated with smasher gamma These mfermd In that ange- Egy- fur review and dim respens you 77 7_ Pages contain infonnation fumished by maths agency es Yin wi he ndvisad by ihe FBI as m- the mlmhii of this infamiinn fetiowing our cansuitatim with the amt agency es Pagefs withhal inasmuch as a disposition at a later date nal talus detam natian has not been made You wi be adviscd as 11 wm mt maxim far miease as they art dup cative 9f 3' c Pagds withh d fur the fakinwing mantis The inwing number is be far mfm ce r ding es 'aceayawr 45 if if f Pg- i A if - 135mm a Pagefs Na Duplica tm Fee far this page I Art fr Inf A - a-I - - j 1 41- 93 pr - st '7 - l w exp this d etirm n I 98 mime you him 3 2 mm 3 EH4 1'3 Infamlation panama 9 11 In a third party with no rtf mce swim subject 9f war request a requas is iistcd in tha title my a Becamtnm e ginate with another Guvemment agmcy es These 1 far review and direct resp nsc t0 yam Pageris wimhairi inasmuch as a nal Meme detam natinn has ant ham made Ynu dispusitinn at a fate data 7 55 V A Pages mm no cumi cm for swim as they are upiica vc of E c 53% 7 W3 wi mid far the failawingmasa s 3 mm 3 Mi-mm z himmi 3 1 1 mm a E31 1337 9 mam BUREAU 0F gums may INFORMAHBN c 3 3 3 a a Page contain furnished byaaothu Ga enmem agcney es You win he advised- ta the relcasahimy If this infannatian fo aw ng am mnsuitatiun with the other agmc i s 7 Pageis withheld entire- 33 a this Marian in the le One If more of the faiiewing Stazemms when mm Ufbeiim'ians were ma a pursuant t0 the emptians indicated 'beiuw with no segmgabic material avaiiablc far I 141 1 53 2 123 3 osmium-s were referred 9 ha ag ncyf s Pic gm a the subject 0f by the FBI as ht advised as this a i The giawing number is ta is mfemucs 7 ar ing that pig mg 5n x - yam ugh unusumwumuugu u hy 3 Daim Pag 's No Dupiication Fee '35 for this page my 5 a 1 53 3 3 $13 Statmm m 1 July-1 24 2900 Statement fer the Record at Ben-aid M Kerr Assistant Bimmr L b f m y Federa Bureau of fnves ga on - on internet and Data interceptinn Capah i es new-amped by FBI Baf e the Unitad States Hausa cf Representatives The Gommi ee er the Judiciary Suhcummi ee on the Cans tu nra Washingtan Goad afternmn Mr Chaim-an and Members If the i am geratemi far this appa unity in discuss the Internet and data intercep cn capah i es developed by Ina Federa Bureau 0 investigatiun The use if summers and 111% interns is growing rapidly by expmitatim af camputers mamas and data bases to Gamma crimes and In harm the safety security anti privacy if others Criminai s use camputers to send child pamagraghy it each ether using anonymouag enemies hacker-s break inn nanciat service camp-anies- systems and steai- austmr ame addregsas and credit cam in omafian criminais use the internath inexpansive and easy cammunica ans to cammii iarge scale fraud an wic 'ms ail war the was-id and termrist bambers pian their strikes using ha intemat investigating and daterring such requires twig arm iachniqzues designe to wart with new em an wmputem and neiwmk technoingies The system emphyad must strike a reascn-abfe 1353an between campe ng interests- the privacy interests cf taiecammunica ons userrs the business imam a service gamma-rs and the duty gmemman inms gatars ta praise pubiic safety 3 wouid ke in discuss haw the is maaiing this cha enge in the arse at eiectmnic mai Mtemep un Twa weaks ago the Wat 3am Joan-1a pubi i shed an a isie entitied Pars system it covertiy search E maii raises privacy Sega issues This story was immediatety foibwa by a number gim ar repo s in me press and ether media depicting cur Garnin system as smming animus and raising mncems amut me pawni ty of RS paiantiai in sump without a cam inter the private E maiis nf citizens 1min that j is npmant that this topic be di smssed openiyuand in mm this was the mama we mam in share abaut this capabi ty with indastzy experts s-evarai' weeks age it is critica y Emmi as technniagy and tethnoiagy a mn nues to mm erapmty that the palm be guarantae that hair govemment is observing me stanm'y and cans nx nnax - pmtec ms which they demand it is alga vary Warrant #15635 diminns be placed mm proper mntext and that the ratavant facts mceming this issue made ciear waimme this opponuniiy 0 stress that our Remap umbili es are used only after mun appmval and that they are directed at the most egregious vi aia ms of nationaf and pub c satay The Fat perme intemeptians at criminai wire anti eiectmnic animating sfntemef'cummunica ons under autharities derived a ma Qnmibus Crime Centre and Safe Streats Act 91 1968 as amended oammaniy S df i Reiease Pa3 1 aff k t5 fe migaggam a the Eiecir nic Cammunicatians Privacy As or as ar 'fadam ggevamma t inimp ans with the - a used 'emergency' au mr y Or in sagas invalving the Nansen of a in the' m-munica on are annductad pmsuam to war ordem Under prowSinns tha Mama Ganerai the Daputy or the Assmiaie Niamey Gamma if authwiz d initiate eteatmnic survei ange of wire car elecimnic mimiga an witth a cam order but am if an applica an far such 01 35 35 if 48' curs aim the sumei ame is initiated - Exit-j $33 3 3 family erti i Agiendmant s Gimmes canceming r h 4- 1 1 5411 - - sr- - 3 In For exampm n ke search warrant far yajic y searching a house under male HI appiicatians far intercap en of wire and wee-tannin cammunicatians require the amho za on 3f 3 high-liege Dapamnent a Justige p03 n EcE-a i befare the m app ca nns and swam instaaci the apniicatiuns are wawe hy'fedara-E district wart judgw Further intemap an cf cam muneic-a ms is iimited ta certain specified federai feiony menses App ca ans fur eiectmnic suweiflance must damning- rate pmbahie cause and state With particuiar y and speci city the offenses being committed the telecammunica ans facility mace from which the sub eat s cemmuniua ans are to be ziniemepted a deacriptiun of the type a cnnversa uns to be intamepted and the identities of tha persons committing the affenses and anticipated in he intercepted Thus crimiinai electmnic s-uwai l-iance iaws inc-us an gathering hard evidencwm mimiigame App aa ons must mdicaia that aims mm invesiigative EMn iqu s have been ied extensiens and must tanninate sooner if the abjec ves are met Judges may and usua y equira periodic reports tn the Gram Iypfca y every in 19 days advising it if the magmas of ma intemep an smart This assures dense and angm ng avemight of the siestmnic surve fance by the United States Atwmey's af ne handiing the and frequen y by the must as waif fn tarceptians are required in be conducteci in such a way as 0 minimize the intemaptim m cammun ca ans nut athanvl se subject ta interception under the Law such as unreia ted Ermi avant and nan-whine cammunicatiuns of the suhiects arr others n01 named in the applicatian Ta ensure the evidentiary imagr y a iniemspted wmmunfea ans they must be a rammed if gramme on magnetic tape amer an as to the mm editing nr athar a eratians immediateiy upon the expim on of reman period mesa rewrdings must he presmted to the federal district court judge and mated under his er her directians The presence of the sea is a prerequisita for weir use 0 disciosura ur far the intmductim at evidence de ved the tapes Applica nns and ftist sigma by the judge am aim in he seated by the judge Win a reasonabie period 0 time after the tam na an of the Safeway cities including Extensi an the judge is ob gated by a ensure that the sume at the htamsep an order other parties as are times appropriate are tumkhad an irwemam that has st Mica of the m ar dates during which the interceptions were nut and whether or not the communicating were htemepted Upan ma- nn the M199 may aiso direct the pa im of the Bantams 91 the intarcepted ha made avaiiabia ta- a acted persm far 11193 inspectim rmu- - 7 wit-m my Mteaeww if Mg a - 312% h 5 1 3 part it an uemapged m mg 'l directed myin any Tia hearing ar - mutants 03' any Inmrcaptad communica m pr any are are gmun s demanstra ng that the internath the ma a-r authorizmg er approan the ace he was not in mnfennanae Win29 me 6 HM damages 35 mi as The tachnicai assistance of service praviders in helping a Saw enforcamant agency an atestmnia s uwe ianm mdar is always- impa ant and in many cases it is absaMeiy essantaiai This is increasingiy the case m h ha advent af advanaed manica un swims and we as the Internet T339 mandate-s 961M052 pm dar assistame incidental in law enfarcement s execmmn 0f elfecimnfc sawe lame wafers by specifyi g that 3 mar mder authe izing the intercep an a mmunica an sha upon the request of the applicant direct that a sewice pm der imam-rd cusmd ian at anther persun shali furnish the appi'icanf forth-with an infatuation faci as and technical assisfa ce necessaqr in ammp sh the intercepxian un btmsiveiy and with a minimum uf interfare-nce wiih the sendses that such service pravider imam-rd cmiudian person is accomiing the 99mm whase cammunica ens are 0 ha intercepted in practice judges may sign hm masts me- or er amhcrizing ma ia-w enforcemant agency to canduct the eiectronic ssumai ance and a second abbrevime assistance to the service pmvider spacify ng m exampia in the case a EAma ma Emaif amount name- 1 the subject that is the obiect a the order and dirac ng the pmvisiun a necessary assistanm pruviders and hair personne are aisu subjest tn the survei ance meaning that unamm md Wait survei ance 01' their custamers or anyma eise is famidden andp minal anti may he assgwed far waia nns Na pmduci but in many cases rwee previders are inc ned em to previde the fav i cf assi anaa necessary to alinw the law war-cement agency In mnduct ha in mm wars it has We harms th common for ne- to seek anti fu r - judges- to issue urd'am far Titie interwptians which are maxi mum deia e than ol ar mists which were directed against plain aid teiaphana 33W These amed arder in order be successfu y i'mpilemenie requ re mare saphis cated in ensure that aniy messages rm whim mere is court amho za an to Mt ma in fact in iercaptad The i creased waif in mm orders mammals in two the canzp exity of ma am emm ies the intemet and the 7 - ty aimodam usars' cmumatians dam-and beam Win-aim than Far 6mm intense usars in qu USE Wis - messaging 59m er- E-ma ta omnmunicata other Mdeuais in a manna rminiscant of a teiephana Gait nfy with text instead wt mice Such massages are affair-1m targets in court i tamep an Users aim use amines iika the want Wide Web which hawks mam like pn nt media than a meme nail Sim a y suma - magma sawiues ke streaming widest have mare in common mm hma cast srnema 5 nation pragmm ma n nnal We under the Wmdows om pg - pnr ans of network wakefg H4 it is SW to c s nguish new what is be One might ask why use Camier at air larger maintain lawn Uf ef For example many what-Ha a secure maaner Also lack the ab y ta prepedy discriminata camp as mun artisan A News think it s impo anf that Wu undersiand haw Camier is used in wasting mivore is a smailnscala evice intaan far use in fast each Camiwre device is maintained a the 0m This in fan raises me third issue that at my kn 1 First there is the issue a scam Ga Namibia fur law arm need mm 13hr 1 mast systems deviseci we in or from a partscuiar'accaunt it or a particular user If on the nabmrk where it sauna dismiminata the new l Ef it simpiy 913 rceman agen ies in messages far which law i in the am of an masts very difficu Cam Wiggly incxuda ignited hams 23 minute the infercep on was that iie'woutsida the 01 - QWanmm Samarang w WW i- ff men mmpiex court nders the handing the m ware program 93st Camivore in many instances ISPs paniculariy the capabi ties which a ow them ta Gummy 0r paniairy campiy with have the aapabi ty ta cione' or intarcepi tiara Tu dam Carnivore has in 7 never been insta ed ante an natwm'k wimraut assistance from inn The interns is a higth ample and hemmganeaus anviremnmt in mm it canduct such aperatians and can assure that w ham ma ms mn is 3 53f the cam order far xampte such messages pass by be HEW dif cuit and in me mssfu y fmpiemanh and f5 res-theet ct ieegeage of en intemeetien Greer The else depen e upen Mama Winery meme e- using - a -r we germane e mderetane the pretence and architecture of their par euier name-e 5 the system is data integrity As you knew ute 9 31 ef the Federaf Ruiee 0f Evidence requires that of evidence as a preemde for its The use of the Carnivore system by the FEE 'te intercept and stare eemmueicetiene preeides fer an undisturbed main of weteey by pmvidhg who can testify tn the retrieve ef ihe e denee end the pmeese by which it was awarded Perfermenee is enema key ream for preferring this system 9 cemmemia eniffere Unlike cernmemiei se were emitters Camieere is eesigned ta intercept and record the eefee'ted cmmunieetione cemprehensively wi amn mapper peekete - in Eenemeim we iike to say he ever the East ve years or more we have witnessed a een nuing steady growth in e crimes - handing tradi ene cranes and tenures activities have been pieened Dreamed nut in part using the internal The ef the iew enforcement cemmunity te effectiver investigate ene prevent these crimes ie in part dependent upen ear ability to lawfu y elite of mengdeiegi As the Internet mere mmplexr 39 do She ehe engee on us 10 keep pace We eeuid me de en without the we nue empere en at me ineestnr partners and ineeve ens such as the Cemivere se were i want It stress that the ees net eenduet interceptiene inete and eperete pen registers or use tree trace eev iees wiiheut Eewiu euiherize en freer a court Meek aware it werking with the Subcommittee staff is previ cie mere ieiennatien em weieeme year euggeetiene on this impenen issue 3 wii be nape ie answer any questiene that yea may have Thank yen New 3 i- e eie emiF iPrw - Statem nt for the Renard af Donalti Kerr Assistant Directh Federal Bureau oflnvestigatinn Before United Stats Hausa 6f Representatives The Comm an ha Judiciwy n the Constitu -an 31C 32412360 Mr Chaim and anbers if m Subcnnunitma I am grats li fur appa m ty in discuss the Intamet and dam interception capabiili ea evelnpad by the Federal Email of Invea igatian Th usa sfcumputers anci the Enigma is gmwing rapidly wrangled by axpinitatinn 9f mmputars Remarks and data bases to commit crimas and t0 harm the safety murky and privacy of emers Criminals usc camputers to sand child panmgraphy in each other using manymnus bankers hrs-3k into financiai sands mmpanies systems am steal custnmer heme addressas and credit card crin nais 1152 1115 Intel-113 3 inexpensive and easy in minim large scale aud an victims all over the warid and ienorist bombers plan their strikes using the Enigma Investigating and rimming such requims toms and acm ques designed to war with new waiving campaign-s and technolngies The systams cmpiuyed must strike a masunahl balance hatween campating - the privacy interexts 9f users the business intemSi Ifsewics A 'j uviders and the duty at gcwemmem investigamrs prefect public safety I wuuid like ta discuss how the is meeting this Ghana-age in the area Qf eiectroniu mail intercep nn I 5 14 32 Reigns Page a c a I mg Wall sues Jam-a pubiis h ed mm entitled syst m mv y search Email raisas privacy Regal issmasf r This stury was immediataiy allowed by a number 01 1 Sigma r p rts in the press and mm me ia dspiciing our Carnivore Systam as sumething amimus It ight igs patential to withnutgcourt E mails af Amgrican citizens _ I think that it is impanant that this tupic be up niymand he reasan we change In share infama on about this capabi iit inci suy experis several weeks agu It is c caliy impath as and cemmunicatinns a cantinues evolve rayidiy that the pubiic be guaranteed that their gavcnunem is absewing ha swims-r and cons tutionai protectiens which they demand It is also very impa am mat ihase dis-cussiuns be placed inter their preps mntext and that the reievam facts- eonceming this issue are made aim I welcume this oppo unity in stress that nu intermpt capabi ii as are used after mart appmval emf that are directed at the must egmg'ie-us viniatinns of naiienai security and pubiic safe-i3 The FBI inlsemeptians af'criminai wire and eiectmnic including Internet under au mriti-cs derived 1313111 Title 0f the Omnibus Crima 63mm and Safe Streats Act of 1958 as amen ed cammomly referred to 33 Title anti partians 9f the Eieetmnic Camm ca nns Privacy As If 1 936 as amended at I gwammem interceptions with the exceptim if a mly used emergency auth z ity or in cases invaiving that Bunsen 33 a participant in tha cammunica un are mnducted pursuant to court urders Undcr mnergency pwvisinns the Amway Generai Deputy or the Assa i ie Attorney General may ifau m zed initiate eiectronic sme lanc sf wire 01 - I wv v 7 an I 4 - rm mm a rder but an ifan appiisatiern fur s ch arder is made within 435011133133 the surveillance is initiated Sliivei ance iaws apply the Farm dictates mneen ng manabi searches and imiude a number of additinnal pmvisinns which ensum that this investigative tachniqu is j i iousiy with efarcme t0 the privacy 0f intercepted subjects and vdth de ance t0 the privacy of thase who are mt the subject of the court order For example unlike search warrants far physicaiijr marching a ame under Titia appiicatians for intensp en sf wire and electmnic c-mmnunicatinns nequirs the authuriza an 31 a high-Jew 989mmth af Iusticc DEM uf ciai befnre the 10631 United State Altameys of ces can make an appiicatian to a federal mart Unlike typical 5mm warrants faderal magistraials mt authn zed sunk applicatians and Carriers instead the applicatians are 'veiwad by federa i district mun judges Farmer inrterc ption of cammtmica ons is limited In cariain spmi ad fadaral 33911 nfi ernses Appiicaiims fer elactmnic sun'ei anze must dem nsimte printable causa and State with par m arity and speci city the affenses being committed the 0r place which the subject s am in be intercepted a descriptian of the type of wnm ans in he intercepted and the iciemities ofthe pawns the affenses and anticim tn be interaepted Thus criminal eiectmnia s eiliance laws focus on gathering h ld evidmmennot 5mm Reimse 92312511 3 - -- - 7 v 95' 1 53 3 11 I A A - 7 - H no Arc a 7' I Ayp pa gas must indicafig- other 110an inyestiga ve cchniques ham fried and faiied to - - ga m r Miriam 9f crima er mt wark a mo angemus and must include infuanalion I I sunseilianc regarding the subject at facility in qg sgim Cami giihexvtegsia s passible and mail vitally Ida require periodic the l- i tef aptim e bm mfg-gang oversight ufthe cigatmuia by the United Siates Attomey's of cg- handling SI the case and equen y by the mm as walL Interceptims are reigui'red to be conduct-ad in such a may as minimize the interespiinn of camunica Qn-s mt nthenvise whim intcmeption 2 under the law such as mnelated i aievam am nentcriminal of th-a subjects a Q mr-s not mamas In the apphca cn Ta ensure the avidem ary inlegrity cf inteweptad may must be mcorded if passihie m1 magnetic tape or mixer devices 50 as ta pwteci the recording from editing a ber aiitem onsi Immadiately 1190mm expiratinn nf t'ha interceptim pariod them mc-grdings must be presanted ta the federal district mutt judge am sealed under his or her directions The presence of sea is a prereqr site for their use 01 dissiasure a far the in uductim afevidmce derived the tapes Applica ons and affairs signed by the judge am alsn I0 be sealed bf Within a reasonable perind of time a ar the tenninatinn If tha intercept Order inciuding extensi m the judge is nbiigated by law to ensure that the subject of the intamap en order nther as are deemed appropriate m shed an inventum that includes notice fth rder the dams 4 - f 53 1 a fin 7 during hick the interceptions were mania de and whetehr a not the wmm catinn wave sin Pm int rcapitede Uppn median the jusge may aiso direct that ponim Hf the 6951161113 if the intact th be maids aVaiiabie In af icted persun far their inSpes nn M I Unis Title any pemcn whc was a an was a party when an i merceptinn was ciirmte may in any trial haaring or ather 'pmceeding mnve to suppress the can-tents of any iniercapted mmunicatian a any evidence dczixred tharefram if there are grounds that the camm cza on was not lamizliy intercepted the order autharizing 3r appmving the intercap en was insuf izitmt an its face a the interaep n was not in mnfarmance with the order The iliegal unauthorized canduct if elecimnic is a fadcrai c minal affense puni hahie by imprisnnment far up '10 vc years a ne mt bath In additim any person mass canununieations are uniaw z y intercepted discics-ed car used may remver in a civil action damages inciuding punitive damagss as we as attnmey s fags and maker casts against the 3331 an entin engaged in the viaiation tachnica i assistan e of service providers in heiping a law enforcement agency execut an eiectmnic sunreiliance order is always important and in many cases it is absolutely essentiai This is increasingly the me with the advent efadvanced ammunica an sewing-s and mm ch such as the Mamet Title mandates service ymvidar assistance incidental law enfamement s 45 u- nh-a-A-H v-xrv xax exxauau-uu- - a V u l F - WK 7 7 7 7 I eiectmnic survei nce am by Sp ci ring that a order an tdrizing the intereeption afganununica m shail upcm the mguest of the applicant iimct that a service pmvider Imdgor custndian 01' mm persnn shaii fun sh the mm and techx cal assimae neces sary to agem lgsh he unablmsively and with a nf mte mm mat the sewibes semis custadian a parsan le persnn whose cannuunica ens main-c inmrcep e In practice judges may Sign Me orders me rdeir agtho zing the law Enforcement 1 agency to canduat 1h alectmz c suweillanae and a second abbreviated assistanca crder irectad to the service providar specifying far example in the case cf Email the E-mail atmunt mama 13f - the subject that is the abject of the mder and dimming the provisiun 5f necessaqr assistance S wice prm iders and hair parsmnei aiso subject in tha ammonia survciilance laws meaning that Inauthnrize electmnic surveillance If their custamers any ne alias is farhiddm and rs g criminal and civil liability may be assesseci far vioiatiuns Nat miy mautiwrized in'terc ptians praiscribed iscinsum nf t ha cements nf-cammunisa ons have ham Megan intercepted ii is for this mama amang timers Hat service pmviders typica y take great care in providing assistance to law anfarcmnent in tallying out aiming-mic smei ance pmsuam to court Omar 39m instances satrviee prgvi dars apt to provide fuli serving Wing nut intemeptionfnr law and pm ding the final intemep nn pmducg but in many Bases pmviders are inclined aniy ta pmvide the lava af assistance necessary ta 'aliaw the law age-hay canduct the interceptim 6 $324102 Re t-as Pagg 5 I Jul - 7 F-rwv - nu i 7N i z-zg- A 4K ya Ijt't ejhas Be ijinc increasineg f5 the FBI to segk and furjudges ti issue meats fa Tit intermp ans whim are much more detaiisd than Did f urders were Mad against 53131 tekyhone same-es Thcse deta ed urder ends in be success lliy In illemente require Him sapl s caied t chniques to snsure that @1115 messages far w ieh there is au mriza an ta intarcept are in fact intercepted The inareased detaii in nders i1respm ' to tum fang First lm cumpl exity efmndem iiks the Intemei and the campiexity 0f an V - 1 modern users ammunicatims demand better discriminatim than elder analog com-unica uns For exampia Int-emet 13mm frequently use electronic messaging services like Email to communicate with ather individuals in a manner remini cent if a Gail aniy Mm text instead ufmice Such messages are Q m the targets of can-mt m ered interceptim Users 33501133 5mm HR the warm de- weh which lacks more iike print metiia than a phnne cal Similarly same Interim sen-rises like streaming vitleo have mare in Gamma with braa cast ma a like Mevisian man with t iephane ca s These types of camunicatians arc the targets nfan interception mast Samar far many Internet services users ammunica ms channais a rire g 'I I-icse make the interccy nn 0f massages far which law anfercemgm has court authariza un ta the cxclusinn ofa ll athars vary dim- 2111i C m t arders themfare increasineg include datailed instructiuns in preciude the interception of cwnmuniaatio s that lie amide the $301k of the mic In to a critical need for foals ta impiement wmplex mutt l d fS the FBI deveiiaped a numbef 0f including the so warc pragmm ca ad Camivnref Camimre is a vex - tile-work analyzer 3r sniffer which was as an apgiisatian pmgram an a mammal immigrate under the Microsa Windows Operating system It mks by 311i ing the garage partians 0f packets and my ng and stating thgse pathets which mat a rm-1y de ned lter sat in mnfomsity with the mun or er lter set cxtremeiy mmpiezg and this pmvides the FBI with an ability 0 collact transmissions Which 90mm with pan registar wart var-tiers trap 52 traca mutt ai'dem Ti tie HI imameption orders etc It i3 impo am In distinguish naw what is meant by sni ing Th pmbiem 0f discriminating batw en users messages on the Internet is a complex time However this is exactly what does It dnes NOT scam mugh the mutants cf every message and coiimt those that Gawain certain key wards Like bamb er drugs it selects mesaages based an criteria cxpressly sat am in the court m-cicr fur exampig messageg iransmitted 01' mm a particuiar amount at to a from a p iaular usar If the device is at same point 011 ha netwmk Wham 171mm discriminate messagas as set 0m in tha tour order it siinply lets all such messages pass by unremrdeci One might use Camivure at ail In many instances pm cula y the larger canes maintain which allgw them to campiy 0r gartially comply with law zi orders For example many ISPs have the capability ta dune or intercept when laW zliy await ch ta do 39 E- mail to anci mm specified 113a accaums In such cases these abilities are satisfaatory and altaw 9 n- that shalt lack the ability pmperiy discriminat betwaen messages in a fashiun huo with a order Humver in must P5 dc rm have such capabilities or cannot empiay them in a secure manner A150 mast systems devised by service pmvi ers that complies With that mutt Alsu many murt nrders g9 heyund Emmi spaci mg ether to be intercepted sud as instant messaging In these cases a signed maiibnx is not suf cient ta compiy with $213 arder 0f ze muff Nil-W I think it is impa ant that you untiersiand haw Carni re is used in practice First ber is the issue if scale Cmivure is a smalhxcaie device intendad ur use nniy when and where it is needed in fact each Camivom svice is maintained at the FBI La baratmy in Qum iim until it is actualiy nee-def in an activs met It is then iapiayed satisfy me needs at a singie Gas court mien and a emards 1123911 expiratian fth arder the device is ream-wad and retumad tn Quanticn The 33mm issue is mm of netwurk interfarenae amivme is safe to operatc an IF nenvarks It is cemented as a passive culiectian device ami dares not have any ability to iransmit anything enigma - Ila-mark In fact we gm gram ta ensure that mar system is satisfacic ly i sciated from 113 netwurk to it is a achci A139 Camivarc is 1311 attached in the natw i k a r egnsuitatian wi t and with the agreement of ie-chnical 333173911116 the ISP This in fact raises the third issue - that 31 emperatian Te date Camivam my kmwledga never been installed ante an newer withaut assistance from the 151% technical v Vvu 4 al mgmezt is highiy angi gmgenaaus enviranmc t in which ta camellia i such and I assure gran that withaut the technical haw-edge 1f the persnmei di icui ind same instancas far law enforcemem it 'S jci imwge sf iatar lc b rdjer L1an it ISP t understand the pmtomls rsh ec lrc of 121% netwariis Amther primary mnsidemtion for aging the Camiwmre system is data integrity As mu know Rule 901 ofiha Federal Rules 9f Evidence requiras that authen catian 3f -evidence as a 'precnndi on far its admissibili qn The use af xe Camimr system by the FBI ta intercept and store communications provides far an undismrbed chain custody by pmviding a witness Wh to the retrieval 1me evidance and the process by M12031 it was renamed Perf nnanc is ma IE- r key reason far prefening this system in commercial sni m Unlike cummercial saftware miffem Camimre is designed to intercept and rectum the selected communications 'c mpr h sivciy witheut divade packets In canclusien I would Hka say that aver the last ve yam mare WE have wimessed a steady in instances ofmmputerwmlated crimes inclucling adi hal anti mm activities gigs-h have bean primed or cartied nut in using the Internet we ahi ty of an e farccment ta ism-diva investigate and prevent these crimas is part depmdent upon nut ability ta Iaw xliy colieat vital widenc of ngdaing As the 'I tex t hecames mam wmplex St do the cha engas placed an 115 to keep We ennui mt do 50- - - -- an AWl mm-Iqqum-V inul- - a the mhcm nn of our industry and imam-manna sash as the Carnivare I want to stress that ha FBI nines net con ne interceptinns install and i - 7 trap sf trace devices mthout law zi aumanzahon am a maxi d- upemte pan Hook forward in warking with the Subcamn ttee staff 5 provide more Mammal Weylmme Singges ons am this important issue I wili be happy is answar any questions that ' ulmay' have yam ask 3 BMAU WGATIQN PAGE Pagsfs imam catimly at this lamina in the it ne or more 92 the Renewing statemmts whim indi explain this dam-ion 7 -- New were mad P35331111 E0 311 mPImns Indicatbci lat-law with ma S gmgahlc 1133 1131 available far 3 mu I rs 3 tom 3 lama I a 2 may 1 mats 1 mm 5 CI Whit E3 my a Tammy A I my 3 2 1 36 a was a mm 3 60 5 was 3 km Infammian pertain-ed amy a third gm with mime ma whim of yam request m the 511E ij of request is listed in hit mic m y 3 Dummies originated 'wim answer Govemmem agency as These 26th war mferrad that agenc i far review and direct respunse ta you Pages contain imishexi by weather agency es Ynu witibe advised by 1113 as 3 3 in the cf this infomatian foliawiag our with the mm agencyiies Pag withheld inasmuch as a nal miease dmerminatian has not beau magic Ycu wilting advisad as 9 met Vl dispaai on at a later aw 92 Pagas new causich fur as am duplica m at 3 276 7776 ew ag 1 2g Paga withth further failawing mania 5 Tim fa lowing umbar is be used for refmce Ming that #6393- 15ch - 7 Deleted Pageis No Duplimion Fee far this page '1 u- Jen-n Wis uvw $263132 Reiease e Page 533 h 5 76 # 92 cl 1 Mk- AmIoday Gangress i 59m Jammy 2 p 51 Emm uiim sub 1E Mac-u at Fourth Amendment issue came by Cammiuu Farg- evmi meswrcamuring and Katmai Reseamcs- mnwme 21H Rayburn Helm arm 5 Hum Emsewatian and -Reinve5 ment Swinging Act 36 5 Qiekaen 53mm 6mm Jud-wizard pm Constitution Whit auiiding Qansximhml 9 make a mesa nth has been a S satin-n to mus 213 years Eligible the affine a - MW 6 12 39 msiume 2 3 1 was Rama i I a BUREAU 01 FDIPA - mama meg 31mm fagmfs with-amid entirely at this incati n in the 315 3mg gr mm of the fa owi g smienmma where indiftmi xpiain this dclc au 3 Mamas 'wem magic pursuant me exemptians indicated Mow no sagmgahle mamriai available far- mum 22 3 m2 a we 3 mm - 2 km 2 kHz 5 ix ri I 5 MUHEJ E3 mm 53 4 Cf 113 3 i3 @459 3 3 3 MES 53 '7 El Infennatiun Examined 0111th a third party with referenm In ma mbjaci cf your Ingmar or the subject of 1911 request is Ram in 116 title only Dmmems ariginated with another Gavemmem agencyfias These dumments were referred In that agency s far review and dim mamas to yau Pages contain infmnatian imished by another Gwmem agency csx Yam wii be advised by-tha FBI 75 3 7 In the reimability if this information fa owing an mamimiion with the mine agency es Pagmfs withhaid inasmuch as a nai release deignninatiau has mt been made Yau wi be advistd as In disposition at a late-r date 4 33 we Egg gF-l 1 3 3ch Were mt considemd fur reilcasc as may an dupiicative of 77 Hag lw x123 gs- Ts withheld for the fanawing magnum foli ngrn 33 Inference ping mesa Deleted Pag s No Duplica an Fae far this VM mu-mm x hA -m - 4 1-7 anBUREAU 0F Fermi BELETED PAGE- mm-mnn Pagegfs maxim cmimty a this zocatian in the le 0m 01 mare af x fa awingstatemenfs when ma a exgiaig this d ation 1 i - were mad t the exemptiaas indicated hcluw with no segregahie material avaiiabla fat release 193011 1 Ft 3 Wm BEES a 3 1 ma 3 133 3 a make was in mm W33 mm in max 5 m4 3 53 WE 3 3 ants a E 53 5 I 3 El mfannatmn gamed may in a third pa y With 119 rsfemncs to the subject 13 year request er the 311mm of mquest is listed in the title wig Dawments n ginam with mama Gavemmcm ageney as These dncuments mfermd the agency gs fur reviaw and direct mamas yam Pages airmail i fgmmi n zmishcd by gimme Gavemmeat agenc ics You w ihe ad sed by the FRI 33 the mimab iqr of this fo awing our mnmita an with the other agenc ies a Pagqs withheld inwmuch as a ts-la eas dmerminatifm has not been made Yea wi bc a visad as to dispusitian a a amt ich - Pages were nexcuusidemd far release as may are dapiicativcnf it j I ppm 3955 133 7 Pagefs withheld far the fellowing manis 731a glowing number is tea bags for my these pages 7 77 aw m 77 7 7 7 77 Desz Paris Na Duplication Fae far this pang h-x-wrvn V-u-vr u- I datum 'Camivnre wthe lame tzp same-mum mar-e than hm 9f aniRegublicaniaw pm mg a safe haven for mr iaJhms-eemmt 053 Ewart used 50 that man be sur use chm pamme to each am said mm mm I vw-r- a - a gxag an A Maw-- A pledged tn present the system to a neutral fur but said they mum 61235651 much abaut the system that wi bmmamg immsim They insistevi the Captivate awn 1231 actually mm mi vac previaus mails at that it does whauh agency saw - The law Mummies af niais- watering him-Em Manse it ame what the use Wiera ta we hands am in if magragh to each 1 1 IheFBI sKenaltsgarga tha 13 am agents w it sk eir infegtrim melt inks and lm by theiam Maxi-sis imam 13mg imme- ulnar-f on Civiliiber esgmu sandIutE-b net gm dmpsay the sitar tam qugs nns 31mm what imm m armam- In dam Stir-W mi an icdm ramming out magmtial 3% We 5 mmudud they mam we rim winthat gm sum 57 mag em m pm 3 sEa ant impm fBa rtuted mama mm lm 'f 3 mm a 1mm te Ev m may qume gammwm i m EWiSWw i-mm WW MW mm maw m Emailin- u Im'uww 7 g Bogi'm 3 gig 5524332 'Reieas e - Fag we a i Wk nu j 9mga ye zkzv Debates an uz xg r mh I and - - z 7W mama its Can-mum 1 2 it my in arms 5 WV 5 Fed nii Bureau In a 13mm - amw a oversight llama WM lemurs that the el-ectmniic Mkausa miywimn and mm H To appease miles the FBI yesterday am a a d ing for Camimre ma it said will was Mara jugges am others In miew amp each investigation the sysiem 09mm a W s eama nd FBI said it mans Show camier ner writings tn an amnizatinn that it mm mm 1313 1mm 13 as desde by me Memhem a the Hausa Sui 35mm m the Cansmutmn pm FBI aim Justine nemem af cia fs yestere to mt ma eema and nther terms from e the mwmm mre 33f jzluaprints 'gnmad Hm the Hem 7 nu- Juth aim mean um Island the ma sh wfafj privacy immeam 1 am af le thing slhamm med- if 16 30 MI Wm- l ff m i nr- 33 we tise list smian - 1- 1 171mm M llif Mule maintains am an I I tim is kept hf any messages mull by immanent tus- t nmem the same int-enact pmvi er The FBI m5 used the System 16 limes 511 FM lhis year in six' srimiml cases and it natinnai-s cu ty invasiigzltians Critics wmpiain that since 111 gavem- ment refuses to dimicse me b'iuep ms In haw its animate writs them is mm as sumac that the FBI sump-Eng isn't bmader The American Civil Liberties Hahn's madam dimmer Barry Slain- h-ardL testifie that the system is mughiy the equivaiem ta 3 wiretap capable at new messing the contents a the mmersatinns of all If the phune campany s sustain-tars with the assurame than the FBI wili recurs only a the spam 'targeL' The mat discussed awning vote- s bfueprintg in m ew whim the adaman y 653110555 then said Rep Jemima Nadia eme mum he guaran eed an that may were looking at mint u amil were Email is igominuall hi sing qp ra ed and mama-mg It m d change at any Em police for avarfhe a - Ein- Kerr said disd siing m Wmm mini-will aim hummer tn rum ways to Ian we systemgam he wow the we me it mamma- magma wank have a grab - lem with 1 11 apm isawm Mr Kerr said 5mg is ennugix enutsgh a Am 5mm name uh 25 nae-mm cnfomemant agents 53 113 have mad the cunmr- siai w wam program 2-5 mugs hairs new used the Emma illegally m- Haciwd mail they wen nut auihunmd by a ardgr A5315- Humid Ken- gald the Judiciary submmnuttee on ma mam- ay Daphne the mam-int gm FREE 331 it has rivacy ghts ad'- iawzenfumenmm ami 7 3 3 Wylw sjkeg cism use 1 OS Eptam i u ei mce tong r-Leader 13101 tum if Mex-a gamma crucial ta help ww r v AWh-ny mlu WASHINHWQ mm gurw lance 1001 25 times But iamakars amassed can cam about a lack of checks and bafances an Iaw enfarcemen agents using Can wre The patential far abuse here is marina-us said Rep Spencer Eaahus Mahatma Republican FBI General Caunsel Rimes said Camivare is a link ua-eti too When it is used Mn Kart said agents fallow the law ful l an ifthey caught wilt-ante Eng mare data than a uwed they can be img snnad 1 9 to gs far remitting a fademl felony In the past we ve had many agencies go beyrmd the scam 5f their said Repf Jain in rm 31 Datum-t Ma a-w said the FBI ant Dew- partgnem 0f Justice will seek an md ga g zaent review sf this 1 may using m La em aniprivaey rights 3 advocates aim tritide fedewi nf cialg fnrusing an vure when i Mime service m ders could just as $35in an ct Mm an being sought 6 Thane be mare the hands at the Internet sen pmvidemlf' shit an Davi a lawyer with the District - base cix liberties gmup Center far Emma and Malay Keir argued that few 0f the mama's mad mm Emmet serge mam a gthenmg ms But Hubert Cam-W at wise mpmsauted Amman based Emmet serving mder was Ea wenng- imammums male is ne if msn me marshy didn't are gamvmmu liken - m v 134 mg - 53 tracker vars en its camputers The fedaraigwemment was up sat was 23ng few evma messages Mr Cam- Revem said and needlessly im stalied Chili Hh m es Uninn Amman Jigsaw Steim ham suggeste Carnimre's gum cod be made public The ' gns a 7 7 7 mites and it man Show Just whar is capabie nf The ACLU mat a NEW ofmarma an with the Who get the source mic Even mugh they had a raft at ques uns abuzz Mime and its any - ass tn make immediate the fe ara gwermnen amt its in 115 the We shanld he seisi a abuse 9 re Cami i mm a tem ide Wein th me best of mn am 0 g y-carrym essen aiiaw' mc ons may he an- musexfnr mmifits use' monitum said Ray Ti Cmady Fins-Ma may 522 - 0 Emma 0F 30mg PAGE WMATTGN SHEET Wimheid entirely at Iacatian in the le Que- 0r mun af rm failmm ng statements in i m explain this dafttium D i tsinns wem mach pursuant to the exemptians mdicatm 'bcmw with no segregable material availabic release in you 1 2 in 552a 1 1 mm 3 mm a daisy 53 E3 3 mm a 21 ch - I 1 3 mm 3 Emmi If 11 Di C3 Mia 3 m5 E3 i335 E3 30 6 3 51 6 3 mm I formatian Wm 0mg a third pm with mitten is me subject 0 war reg-nest or the suhj 3f imam rag-nest is listesd in the title 31113 2 3 a ginaiad with meme immanent agencyiiseg These dmumants Ware mfemci that fer mview am diam mamas to Wu - Pages mnmin infmnatinn fun shad Manama Guvemmem agency as You win he advised by the -- to the if this infurmatiun follnwing aux consultatim with the other agency szs Fagmfs withheld inasmuch as a nal miease demrmination has mt been made Yen wiil bx maria-ad as In dispnsitian at a iater dag-e Pagan were In mansich far mime as may dapiieative of 3 5 $5 r gag at if Pam- s withheld for that fatten-ring munfs This in rawing number is to he used for mfemce these 3 33 12 #56 7 Sum Deiete Pag s No Dupi-icatim Fe far this pay 3 22-3455 EMU GE MEMGATIGN DEEMED PAGE Pagq's wiihhei emireiy at this inca an the file ne or mm he f li rwing salami-am where indi md his detgzienDamion were made pursuant the examptions indicated Maw with segregahle materia t availahla for mica yam I LamMimi 3 3 12153 a mamas 23 11mm 3 ma 7 WW 123 9 a 2 246 in fbK' Infamatinn WIN an a third party with ma mfarenw to the subject nfyour mquesst or the subject mum is listed in the m y ammems n ginawd with mama s Govemmen Thesis filaments were refamd to that agmcyii fag m eyr ami direct you Fages cantain inf matian' furnished by mike Gavcmmem Yg-u wag be waged by 31 as - it the mieasab iw 0f this infannatinn foi lowing an mnsuim cn mm the mm agencyfies Pagafs withheld inasmuch as a nal 'rale'ase has n0 been made Yen wi hf advised as It thej 5 dispasitien at a later date I g Pagers mm not mnsidemi for lm as may dupiica ve 0f 4 Riga ag fit Pag s withheid for the fu awing mantis the fa- wing number is be mad far reference - aiding les 3 93 7 77 K Beieted Pagefs A K Na an aa nn Fae far 1115ng w 2 dim 1 25 Bram 5mm New meg wast-mm 2 We seek expediteii review 0f this FOIA requast h cause his inf muation reiates to paiicy decisims in which informed 1 13th of 1211-6 public might con ibutt 7 me r azima mm Fax 549-3333 Jr Federal Burma Chief FCUPA aliens Rm 6296 Washingm DI 2953590332 Of ce of i uhlic Affairs United States cf Justise Ram 1123 9 59 Panns vania Amalia NW Washingon DC Aug-mien We are writing pm as Frae sz n 337 inibmm m Act $53 0 552 1 9 request mymdit-ad handiitzg 0f ux Juiy M 2300 request far 211% agency in-aludiag tters Laps rccordingsg Hams email campuier source and Birgit ch code leclmisai manuais tachnissai speci cali ms or any materials held by m Fedami Bureau of Enveaiiga an regarding the lawing The mnmuter Syst m s f iwar tic-vice know as T-imimm whisk has bean Jr is cuncntiy used by 331% FBI in comedian wiih rap and tram and pen rcgisier tardch an I'm ch Servim Pravidcrs or in Mike-mam far he i uiem ption of time swim f alaeimnic cmnmunicatiinns sawed an Int-arms Sawice vaiders 4 Tim camputer systam saf hvam or daring as Qnmimr which has 1363 gr is qurrently used by his FBI in summation will trap and trace and pen registar arders sawed cm Inimmt S-mrics vai em or in cum-action with fd f far the interceptian of the comm f communina ms severed on intamet Service Providers and The mmpumr systam sn wam nr device known as which has bean 0 is mmen y used by the FBI in mmaciicm with trap and tract and pen register urders sawm an Internet sticc vaiders or in Qfd m fur thg i of the cement 3f eiactm ic sewad an Inimet Sen ce vaidars R egse 1m Baa-33sec Ea me Kenneth 3 13m that warms Emmi Richard Zack's 5 n a um r a My 3 42 guy- 3 55 - 1 - scass matmials is 9 ifu y it me he pubh c about the f n 313 1 mated dm pmema requ i Expediicd access pursnant 28 CF31 16 5 d3 which a nws such pmcessing based an an urgmuy a infamz the public gamut an aqua or government activity ifma t by a person prinztariiy engaged in As ca icr the Fed-era usa QfCamimi a is a ma a 'of gf ait 1 i gib hcg 5333 3ng it gai iss $563 175 questi ns a the guv mment s Willingnes in pr tact individuar rii cy and iirii N t that public abn t Camimgef has bean 3a strung that 32311ng has 56am t In bald at least an hearing on this subjact Qiszgizr Hearing an Ema Amendment 155m Raised by ska 3 Piagi'qm 1069 36mg A recent h-aarings and 51 333 ofpress indicaie the urgency 1 0 Mom the public in this issue 383 rig 191m Schwartz Repubiieans Oppase Scrutiny of B Maii Washingtm Past Juiy 21 2006 at Al D 12 11 anpar Eating Away at imsy Associaigd Press July 2089 Eyeing High-Wat Privata Eyes Juiy 14 mm says Camivme not dmmur privacy July 71 5 2603 Margaret 30111151011 Dames Mail Camimm' PC Warld n0m July 21 2968 Evierem-er the Amerimi 3513i Libmiag andaiion Foundation meets the criim im Said mi in Natimm i Security m chiva 1- D pm mem ufDef ns-e where a representativc at the news ma a is de ned as an wifiy that gathers imbmm uu of pat mia i inieresi a 1% me pubiic and its witty-rial Slims 19 um raw materials 17511 a distinct work and i stribmes that work in an audienca 8'81 F 2d at 3387 Tim ACLU Faundaiian pushiishes newsimerg tqucm press rcicasgs news brie ngs right 0 mm am mimr materials 13131 are disscminated it he gubiic Its malaria is xvi-def availabie to cwryanc including ax exasmpi mgm za ens nabfm pm i gruups law students and fasulty through its public aduzaatipn epa ment The ACLU Foundaiion disseminates infomm gn hr-nu g1 puhiicatiuns ava ahie nmiine at mammaciu rg as wail Thus arganim an masts ihc pc ixmni z aguiamry far exp-edited access In addition we r-cquast expedited mews pursuant 10 2 8 GER 131835 which ailnws such access far a waiter of widegpread and Exogpiionai media News in which than exist passibl qucsiiens 31mm the ia ieg iy which affeci public Agai the heaxings as well as the Siam ofmex a abam Camimrs and in ated pmvida ampic cvidgn-gg 9f mg widesprca and exceptionai media Mart-33$ in this issue Maren-vex the rem Iattiiutamis alum Camimra raise doubts as the gwemem s integriiy in safegum ing the privacy- in ividuals We ham maimed mni catian for he pumases 9f expeditcd anca s with this latter Ifuur min- st is cnied in whale or part we ask hat yaujustify all daleiiens by re nance as speci c ammg ens 3me act We expat Wu in miease all Segregahle pm tions of athmwise sax-amp material We reserve the right ma appeal ynur d-ecisien ta wilhimld any infoma a m It dang a waiver m es 1 plug AV- 4 We It yam rapiy within ten caiggi ar days as required under 23 Rf -- - Thank 3 93 01 your assistancc Simereiy I 3 laifuf Eh Feundatmn Enciosures n rumm-n hwn- um w u M my uns- 13 Gemini th are true and centre to the 3555 of my -A Tim Aman Cm Lib ms Faugdatian Foundatian meets the ritezinn Eaid nut in Minna Sammy Archive- v Dwamnmt of Da mse where - a af le news media is de ned as an am y E1131 gathers in fennatian ofgai mial in a s gn nt nf the public and usas its cdim al skiils ta tum raw matc als mm a distinct wmk and distributes mat war it an audianm 381 F 3d at 331 ACLU Foundatign publishes newsl tars quent press relcasas Haws b e mg3 right a knaw and rather animals than are dissaminated '10 the public Its mam al is wideiy ava a hle to evexyena intiming m Exempt organizations mt fappm t groups 33w stu nis and faculty far my ms far a minim fen hmugh its public duration apa ment The ACLU F undaiion diss-arnisiualcs through publications avaiiabie endine at ag 2 Th adasum 3f infaz matim egar iug the owing mmpuiar is the puh 'g Ema-east T1312 swimmer system sn ware or dcvicc blown as Camivam which has bag is cun en y used by re wiih trap and race and par register orders sawed 331 mama Sande-r i m'idcrs or in with arders at ha intercegziien if mutant i aic mmc cmn-munica ans served an Manta Sawice vaiders 9 The mmpui r system sn wam device kumvu 13 06 11 33 mm which has been or is currently mm by the in mmwc an with trap and trace anti pan register meters sewad on Intamat Smite or in with meters fur the intermptian 3f the cc an afeiecimnic mnmur caiinns sewed an hitcmet S-ewica and I Tim tomputer sya'iam sa ware a device knawn as EiherPaak whg h has bean m is used by he FBI in wim trap and trace and pm fr gistei sen'ad on Emma Service vaiders m in wimeciim with orders far the interception if the cement ofsle tmnis cmmnurnca ans sawed an Internet Sewing Prcividers Recards regarding Camimre amivor and Emailed are 323361ij in haniribiutt signi cantiy 10 the public understanding of the activities afthe gavermnent Th6 Faundatiun is a nonpm t research and educatiun Organization wo cing to increase silken participatiw in issues The ACLU Feundatian is making this requesi Speci saify for the pubiic s mimnw understanding Iaw iy au mrimi Wham-ping its relationsl p to must in 501333 guaranicas afp vasy as we as an u-u nunwwu a awn i v und srsianding giabal dew pmmis in Wire and aimtmnic ncumrks that facilima end gtxpedite such wiretapping 7V a The pani-c s intarast is ya imia y Feminan ing t efadvancing mannut cations 5c in logy and the rapid growth f if Werid Wide Web These have greatly intrcased the communicarians intarmmeaiedness if-21H the commits in the warm aspmia y echnoingiaally advanced ma a-us like the US and the Ng mriands The inf nnation raquasied re i temst if which ther hxist 311511 the a affact pu E-c con dcmze Puh c intcresi in has grown is such 3n Emmi that Coggress has heid at Ieafsi me hearingpn this subject See Omrsig t Hamil an 03 13 mmdmergi swag Raised ry Ike 'Cm'm'mre Pragmm 105- Cong 2003 That trem hdous mnuunt 1f madia caveraga ame Can mre and raiate cemputer programs 319 pm cias strung avi ence of the Widespread and exceptianal media intemsf in this issue Sec 333111 Schwartz Republicans Oppase FBI Scm y cf E Maii Washington Post July 21 3300 t A Ian apper ating Away at Privacy Associat Frags Juiy i we Eyeing High-T h Privat Eyes win mt damn privacy CNNgum July 14 21300 13315333 Camiva July 2 260i Margami Jeimamn Beams EvMai Camimre PC Worldcom I 21 mm - In 1h raquesied mate-rm Iii-a mm ques ang regarding it g-nv-ermnant s iibm iias ide answers to among grams to pmicm in ividuai p-rivasy and iv Barry Sm ardi Esq 0n ism-aha 7617112 ACLU Estimating name n J inf g3 Repyesentatwes the ccmmi ee on the Judicia gif on me_ uq wt 9 Luftwath Assistant - 1 Swan Wm wwNation 8 mmunma ans nahm ts ans toan usad the af seriaus mums activities iml ding e pimag'e 0r Tanized graups ant ring tia icking heaviiy taper teiaenmmun ca ms in man and exacuta their crimina me of Saw enfamamani agencies it mn uct fawn elastanie survei ance vi the cammunica ans of its criminai subjects represents one it the mast impadant Under Titia m3 agpfica 'ans far intercep on requira the aumoriza an of a high-1mm Depam nant of Justice um of ciai bearers me Inca United States Attorneys af ces appty 10 such orders fntercep cn skiers mug he led with fedarai district mart judges 0r hefare rmer cam-s a campetent iu sdic an Henge uniike typin search warranis federai magistratas are mt authorized 3 appmve such app catiuns and grams Fu hzer intmp an If cammunica uns is mited to certain spasm-ad mama feign affensas Applith far steaming surveillance must demans ale pram cause and state wim amia ty and specificity ma offenae sj 139mg mm ed the teieccmmuniea ms fac fty wane fram the subject's are in he intercepta the types a conversatims to be intercepted and me identities cf the persons Gummin affansas that am an tigatad be intercepted Thu p minai mechanic- sumai 'ance Jaws rams an gamaring hard evidence mat must indicaia that what Harm-a investigative- techniques w i net work at are too wagering and mug include infama an wasaming any grim mechanic suwei ance regarding the subject ar-facii ity in question Saar arders are iimitad 313 ays and interceptians must terminate suaner if he chjec ves are nbtained Juages may am may do require 93min reports- the court iypi ca y every tM 3 aw advising it af the pmgrass of the interception a art This simumstanca thus assures dose and ongningr am at the suwa iame by the Jam Siath Attamey is fties handling case Extensians of the order can stant requirements cf aha initiai app ca on are W gus fmmruptaapemdomedays g - Electrania swam has been extremely affeative in securing WIS mnvic nn than 25 5% dangarcus felons war the past '13 year-s in many cases were is no substitme in sum iance as the evidenm cams ha obtained through other mama MW - in men yams the FBI has amatemu an increasing number mammal invastiga ms in Which he aiming subiects use the Internet it municata with each amar or In mmicata with their victims Because many interns Service Framers halted the ability in discriminate samua ica ms to idanmy a partiwiar subject s messages to the exclusim 0f ali anthers the FE designed and dammed a diagnns c Inn salted Gama-tore Carnivnre denim swims the FBI with a surgical ab ity in intercept anti 9613931 State that a yr Diagnosan '7 $1033- Caj't'rnivnsre 33 13 mo Twenty-eighi Member-s If Congress 3th the faliawing fetter in Atrium-3y ngerai Janet Rene asking he 10 snapend opem an of the Camiwre intamet suNei an-ce system until the swims privacy issues invoived have been address-ed 23f the mm an-5 M hmgim me 2352 July 25 2006 The Howrah lanai Rana Attamey Genera US Depamnsm affustice 1950 Avanue NW Washingmn EC Dear ttamey Emmi Rental We are writing to axpress our strong reservatians Eben a new Int-crust Rio-aiming system dwelnpad by the Federal Bur-can of Investigatij called Can vnre Camimm it has been repc ei enables the Fedaral Swami-Int in 5mm ail 0f the baf e on an Internet Service vaielcr s nemmk Aisha-ugh national $5311 in and law essentiai priorities Camimm has raised sasri-uus Faun mamdmeni questiang She fe crai gunmen be trusted with this kind ofpargun a i - - mn dence in the privacy and security nfthe Intem t are 355mm for a cun nue af Peaple shank- feel same that the tad-era gavemmant is nut their email 10 matter haw worthy the - Given the upmar Can vnm has and potential 'irripact mi Camivar maid have an mnsumer mn danee in the interim we urge yen to suspan any activity involving mdeveloymem r use afCan vare anti the sedans privaay issues inve-Ived haw been satisfacth Emmi 5mm misuse at 131 3 v yq w-hg 1- 011 21 Thunr Lmy Combest Julia Carson 5 91 Brian Bilhray s'ks m f I Bah Barr Bill mm Em McCray Terry Emmett Iahn McHugh iim Kathe 3555301 Pambu s my C iiahan Tum Campbell I anaid A Mamm n Richani Baker Zach Wamp 33m Gime Tom Cob-um Charles H fraying Mac Thar-1156213 Dan Miner Adt ii mai supg rters MaK mey Due Hastings Bah Goodlaita Ran Paul WebJote Fmedom mm Heme Page of he D ise 61 ha Hausa Maja ty Lamar re 3 5 24 92 Rains - 5 3mm -- awn- wig mm wwn- mmnuamm mem u myw mam mm mick an the heart aims lap swim mm v 1 11 3 - em degg besiFBl int met-ev retap system rewew Rairiers Swami Janet Rana described on Thursday a imtap to rewew a new system ca ed Camiwma at has raised gammy concerns 55With Imakers and grit-ac cnmma the system 331m far widaspraad sum-ilianca of ma a Rena said the rst step mil ha far a group 0 academic to conduct a damned review of the computer pmgram's senate ENE I 5 maexpens will rem their ndings to a pane ofintereste parties 3339 3143 teiacmnmunina ons and chm th 'i d usiti si as wet as privacy experts Ram mid herw-eakiy Justice Depamnmt b a ngn 11 I m was anxi us ta get this re aw underway The FBI i5 mm ng on it and 9f the bureau are meeting with i Maggy admates and representatives 31 the taieccmmun catia s and camputer industnr to garage it and ta dawiap a pretest it 2 the m awg she said - - I The syst m a m the FE ta intercapt the ma a cf a criminal suspect amun the ned if eth r daia passing tihraugh an Name senate pmm der FEE o iciais reiaps 0mg facu5 on criminal snspects Wm are aw-gets of an inwaiigatim But 3 pmacy admcaies fear the system may cast mo wide a net weaning-35mg private infama m absent legal ac ai es Ram 935 5 Mm ep graces was worke out with the FBI and that she wanted me arexiew a be done as soon as She said the system maid rst be suspended the review has been campieted i think that we w ir centinue ta make 511% that it is implanamaci care iy and thaw is no abuse in its use in a ietta Rena House af Rapms-enta ms Raguminans and ma Baum is an resenations about the system and urgad Ram in ham its apem on untii the swims privacy mama-s have Man sa sfactn iy answered The added Piach shnu i'd 93$ secure that the federai gatemmeni is-not reading their wait matter how the objective 3 3 Rent stoma shad cf agnee ilng in reisase the mama cede me Amari san Civii Emmi-es Uniun has asked for 5 in be made pub ' as it amid avaiuata the s o ware s true capab ies 1 142115 arm-rm mac new rights mama Hematica en car reaismwm m Review mutant immding frami' g a 55mm means is 7 Hm p w m m amsmf a Raiders Resists 833m maths aws war-lye an in Meat arfwany Mans taken in Migraine haw Men ins rfaa' yAGL the suspecfs This can remeai far mare inmatien than a simpte ema address such as a subject ting desca h ing 3 - cantenis of the message 3 I Capm ng Mamet migin and destination addresg instead 31' humbers iated amid waste a much mam intrusive ram nf g Libertiess Mien far Camim s cumputar 13563 but 5336 it WM submit to an Mama m ew Since the autumnal await nf kaybaam and mam-e sits at the suspect and is lucked dawn ansand this swarm 3mm ma er cm on the heart awwmp arms mm I 191 3 Esmale Surve lanc-e r me is um way in Ganng to incrgasa the bur m an Marat iaw enfarcemem agemies 93 531in - momng W53 email messagas and uther-cummunigtims Rep system W' aq ad ii gng an t-eiephme u reta as wait #5 - Barr $1433 said ha was cmaame abaut computer capability ham attending a heanng an Capital ea ier this age he sang he came nut cf it awed - i 1 -- 431' mu HOPPER - An K s - - I Bax gm rmad that ha his sia are at a bit that weak rain in the Fara new Camiwra summance Frixacy WES and camputar axpmis ca ed Camimre a Mask hax in estimmy Mmday and said ml the what i it My sides 11153 3 59 cantended that infanna sn he FE gets ram the dame installed at a ausgacti s in ame senice pmvider is far mare than caui d be gleaned a teiaphcne wiretap and statutes gateming tefephone suneai ance are being misused In a ieiaphana imam-trace er pen register avimtap authnrities can get a list a phona caiis made and a certain taiephone number The usable ii fa na m is iimite in the elephuna numbers and the time xf the ca and the phene cmnpany when gimn a cam wafer pm des the infoma cn Current am and Judicial precedent say hat the numbers a perms 6333 are not private cammunicatinns and therefam au mritias dc nut mad to shew that a 2de has been With Camim statute is being extended is the Internet a The dermis af arr's aren t dear yet but he said it mid addre s the issue if translating teleghane wire-tap iaw ta the Mamet by designing strict constraints farmanita ng the med um it maid 335 make sure that evidence gainati an email tap mum net yiatd more Miamatim than a simiiar cam-E arder far a tetaphme tap The Pat's sunei anae machanism sits at the ISP and scans the addressing infamatim earning mm a 995an in suneilianm that is neat Gieariy 5 1me by 33w said Man 3 Elau dson staff saunas at the canth far and Technaiogy I hr Esta an in a tetaphme can Regan the innar workings of Mama the F3 is reais ng 3 FM 91 hfarmation Act wisest by the Ame m i i Fmauthm ias ta be awe ta request ma cantentg they m-usi shave pmhahie cause and obtain a se mh wa ant same is 2 mam pi a cm nan FB marines Internet mum have b sti ed at the 9f iet ng- it sit In their mm 30 an M Kan assistant disaster 3f the bureau s iamth divisian said in an inlmewthat the maid ne a the ISP prmide the infannatian authn as need but the 503i and technica kmw ecige can be prohiwiva fer Email Mamet cmpanias Patwwmiam Sachs a magmatic president of mama a $11133 magma amidst in Cmnec wh saw the-jab scum his two nes cf amnputer code and ca e ii a Maia task mamma up satis ed war the Fan explanatim' cha 593% if in whammy miter ma s Kerr aid it aim can m it i Wat brewing chat roams and 31 30 13 emf-other vmr-wx iv1 38' 31mm 1 an that can read those things it s a dime banana-n cagat 1 3- 90 13 7 up this xi'sim that FEE mm are unsupan sed anti ans-unshain in mg use if these 1mm he said In misuse these autha ties and to go nut-side the wage at the cam under is to cammit a feigny it s to me wt mncaisahte that 9f mpioyeas run that kind cf sk doing thairjob Kerr again noted a separate audit Emir maintained by Camiwre that keepg track of its activity and can guraliun and saw that trail 2 is an 353m safeguar against misuse 33 B Barr sa i he expacts resistance wn other legisiaiors man mm other Rapub- cans bin said unchecke They want in just gs out and new an scaring 53355313 to death that if they dan t get ihis authurity he nalists win take mar ha m cauntry and say We re But it save the Barr said 12183 89045131 2993 The Mates-feted Press We inmmatfan mam-red frpublished Ema-mast remrmn or tithem a warmde NW mania wrfitan am harmr as The Associated Press AI awn hyper n fs have bean by ASL 5 My mw m Paw l' Y s wE Spy 0N own SREETX 3m cm LB WITH Vow-'9 pemx I I Rh EMM 5mm I'Hif - In 'me q-mu a wannwages UP 17% t- PREGNMT A 5% Wm 1- ix ups - - hJ-i fi BMAU INVESTIGATIGN PAGE mmnow withheid emirer a this lamina in the lm Cine 9 mart of the fallawimg statements when imiica gamma 'ihis deiation 2 Ct were made yum the examptians indime beicw with 1 19 segmgahie material avaiiahic in i'l - mime 103mm r g mm 13 mm in ms I a mom a $3132 3 53 3 a 9mm Mt f1 1 mg me 3 mm 133 4 5 1 3 5 W9 3 bli 3 km Informa nn out a third party with no Interment the subject 0f yam request or the subject of mqu st is Iisw in the title wig '3 i3 a gimmd with amaze evammem agencyiias mes armaments ware referre that agemyi fs far review and dim in you 3 Pagas maintain inf ma m mmished by anather Guava-11mm agmcyiies Yau will be advised by the FBI the Mammary at this infomtian faliawing nur cons ltatian with the usher agency m 1 77777777 77 Pageis withh d inasmuch as a rm mime deteminatinn has as been ma a You Willi advised as to dispnsi on a a law date - Pages mm nut mmi md far reimse as may are dupiicative if 265' 1 Pagefa wimh id far the mun-wing mamasawing number is be sea far ram-cam Ming thus pages kg 7777 7 #557 7 55% belch Pagais No Dngliea en Pea for this page WERE I i 5 3 u 5- mumniwms ' fitf icid entirely at this imatien in the le in er mpiain this dalntion relgasa to yam TE mm 19218 3 W5 1 was Infarmminn pman 31 13 a third pan with no mferenc 5E3 Deletion-s wear made panama WIPE 0F WGATIBN DELETED PAGE rmuest is listed in its this a ginazed with arm-that avcmment far mviaw and rm $390953 ID you Fages contain mfammian furnished by another Gavemmsm a to the this infermatiaa dispa an at a Em dam WA 3 mm mm a magma 3 C1 at Pages were mt musich far Him as they are duplicative at 5 3 The f0 WK wiugnumher is to he used Pagcafs wi m d far 171 fuiluwing reasonis If a 61 2 3 km mm rams 3 36 4 it 3 ka the exmp ons in i atc bgl w with as maria available far may- ins Yin wilt ht activism by the FBI as fa ewingaur mnsuihation with the th l agency es were of the fc mving statmems when indicaki m ant ij afy-aur request or the subject 6f This were referred to that agmqii 55W 37 g 356 53 fa mfamnce 1 Deleted Eggs No Duplication Fm far this page 33 gag - r39 I 4 1 ak-551 a mam Zw lw wm 1152 3335 39 23 2257 12 52 gA'h r l y -- REHLCanady Inti adnces Bil t9 Up ateKWiretap Lawsgg am Staredfmemar Waufd e Caizergd Rep Chutes Canady Rerf L Chairman of the Hausa Indian an the C-omtim an Iaday introduced Electranic Communications P vacy Act 0 2033 The hm would update the federal wiretap igws a mai and Stag-ad dammit cummuniaa nns as we as pmvide Spa-ciai requirements far gavammant tracing 0f eumaii addresses Canady is-jcined by ariginal Rep Asa Hutchinscn KARL This legislatinn helps wave Gut Marat wire-tap laws into the 215 Century Canady 53m We have entered a new age with the Internet and we need a new iaw I9 re ect - the rapid changea in technulagy While this legisiatinn dues nut answer an the dif cult issue-s raised by recent techn ulngical advances it does pmvide far same reasma hie that will protect the privacy right 01 Americans Eariiezr this WEEK Rep Canadiy chaired a h aring an Fauth issues raised by the FBPS Camivarc pram The FBI deSign-ed and Carnivore ta isolate intercept and emu-act communicati ns that are the swim at iaw court orders The July 2% canned Mmesses law enfcr emem civil liberty organizaticns privacy orgm za gns and representatives the business EELS-WAR - The Elam-011m C i mu icatinns Privacy Act has bres sen ons The rst swim axle to alsa mciude um use as cvidmce mggany mm commicatians and abtainad stared giantmnin carnmu ga ung pill adds ale-cumig cammiica nns tax the previausly caveer wire and erai tax-mmnniria ns WEI sacticrn af ne bit requircs the fed ra l government 0 pmdu e rm-m1 its requests for for the dis-$105133 nf stared a mmMag cns 7 i idcmicai disglasure requiremmts thug fedaral gavenunem mus meet regarding rise of - a wiretaps In sm an ofthe legislation amends the de nitinn cf pen register and ap and tram devices defining In anew the identi catian cf an email address In additian the secticn requir s ifa pen register trap and trace devica is used in idm r an e-mail address the mamzw mgf' ww 6mm dmamime to a mm that speci cuand a iculable facts reasonahl - Frig it @331 is being or will bin-Committed and irifunna an likeiy to he c'btai if I I mum 9 and trace is Ni va t an inv stiga ' 4 '1 Few ef gy Iagisia gn qgages pizas e mi meexmm 55 f5 - I #555 who u - 4 mam-3' a1 A - rs nigh wwt -W In 1 if t agan ma aquam- um 33 - a - m pay that in fact it is taxman Junie a $3510 trim is at has hm W cd ne lymm Cal-m mphisiicated so warm ac ciame hnpossl 1 far anytime mi 4 0 gaxets mung at 7 In classi mta ifa ism Ewen one phonc agfn sm 'aw in at-mm Jelyghe a juncuan hex and mama It mamas for that pm and that an In same only inming and hum Ingm- cpending on a udge is iinasmse cumin ak seMcemasti he wanted ta 33w an agreement agengias by a cus- fmm s Intent-t 5m pm dcr I is sagas rm that 0 13 am dim s mgb mksd as is diffs er Inhe- pm mg mi ta be 1mm my entire 1mm W The is gamma ga sniff' meaning and mugging ad- @r ucun Emma an island with mm Net a slam m m h m sen-far came the-Flag Jim arm to Wail - mid that am tumugh ig ma bog Lam - mmwu in degree I upwm v 5 I bum 931 5 war-wins my - a thatM fga meeiThazm dsgla IS hing little hit-e 01 ms insmm rest as de sm lance anim- ikcyed to mdmce that shm smt the magma it ems are weimmc asmces Bu fa 5h in n mem that s at my re up mam-yaw 1 Said in a Manda 53 me $3153 15 - macaw aiqgg yviah'me'g Wabbit 311 its guard #thaf'it's 31mm what it s really mi min Eleph e Sim- myinthcuthenhemmz it be In-guru- 3 3 a Mr must a aha-rig i 7514 rehascs'wh - Still the tempmion to Ian a mare Mn is anthem whether with $315 WW3 is 7 nt- Law 59 5 mmlh past in 9 2 wing-czamsmm Ana the Cami and my 3 32 pm imam abori 1h denim Itrsgachnical ah ity to afoul of the 35335 w - th isg ap pain-lg eta aha 11 155 is that mailing has far gm- paoed the Men s 9f which amine activism-if This is only address cataputh 4 has a oat that edema 11 Emma has an Inth mm be l 1391 Fig mm mm Leaky 231 35 bwgdabasad 1m 7 9mg Ham - inkadmcd in ame be 5mg MT FBI o md K- M a madam lav Shaw 7 Eff- 1 7 7 but putting an ham man do It midi an ah miter ham prq dc at has mime In innocent that - m m l beaks mag I To its g5 f I and and I m yinmwes Semfur n a what stamina me 111m nger says them- 7 - ht-Ti 7-H $93 the - metapk- Thingiam m f' pa with and S eci m y he aidEmmi reporting statues Ia t0 3 331 an interceptian of elastrmic communicating in additionth the tal plguna wiretap already required a Black the use of electrm c evidencein zen-mt if it is iile gt liiy a Step unchecked govmant access to 12113 idanti'ties users unless than is masanahle svid-ence a crime has been cummitted a Stop than govenmmem 'um tracking the Iceman afca ph ns Its-em withaut a mart Qrder As the Waite Hausa recan y ackamwiedged aux wiretapping awe haw fallen fa behind the technoiogical explagiun of the past dmde For exampie under amen law euma s receive has gs pmtectian than bath Miriam pasta mail anti clephone camersa uns said Barr The Digital Privacy Act mnecis same cf the most glaring wnmdictions and 10011119133 in smut law As systems Echelon In Camiwm have prawn technological advances make large scale sunm iannc asiar ever befare It is vital we safeguard aux civil I Iibmi-es by making certain the law changes ta prevent lengstanding 9mm Amendment pmtm ens being crashed Barf compiled - 7 Ban 2 fth Hou a Committee has saved with they - X - Departnw oqustice and the Gemini 4930 utwtg 3m a - Tn ma a latter am an as To have a regular ake activated it topic ya 7m BACK T0 PRESS RELEASES 5mm Ram Pug a I -3 - - - I-EIJERAL BUREAU- OF F3612 SHEET cmirc y explain ats ndicawd with no segregabla naieria wailab c Baha'i-ans were maxi- 1 exempzimns m- gram 552 gig iun 5523 13 Cl mm it RIM mm m nv 331137113 gummy WW 3 3 13 59 f3 8 3 m E3 mf or nmim pc- aim 3 113 a air-5 p33 mquem is listed in the mic unify far rcvicw hare magmas 3 111 tomam mfurmat'mn um g mi fuzswmancsat You a be advised E33- ihs FBI Eh of his infm mman our causal- Man rim lh tuber Pagcis withl ieid as a mm misuse ew-n inmim has nan-t freer ma a You win in advmd as 10 mt spesiliun as a later dam his lamina is me We One more of Ike following where indicatch Dmunwms Griginamd wit- 11 agencyiics rm wears that Pages were no consi med fur rcimsc as t'izey are dupiicalive of Sf gb 2 6vang Pagmjs fur the s tawmia page s qj My 3X Belated Pag s 3 1 Nu Dupiicaiian Fee fax this page my ferancc mgarding they gym This fem 'ingnumbcr is in meng 2H 55 674 w 3725 39 52 531 MM I nle 1 E2 ll rx 4me a 3 4 5 a ENETED SEATES DISTRICT COURT g DISTRECT a CALIFQEJXA BEUISIEN 10 11f ZN THE MATTER 9 THE 3 1 APPhicgfz N THE Criminal Ea 23 STAEES a Amaax a F63 a i ORDER 13$ 13 A 93 DENEIWG ma x T0 QLASE EEGEETBE A33 wag A33 TEECE 3 3m ETER GRANTING APELICATISH TD EXTEED 7 77777 QRDER RUTEQREEIRQ FEE 15 1E5 ThlE case ra-ga$ the quaacinn whether thi caurt has th l i legal autnarity under the pan regigter statute 1e 3132 - W - Bi to issus an cr ar raquixing an Internet serving provider 15$ ta install a evice w ah captuxes aha mime date smurce and 20 deatinatian a dressing of elemtronic mail e ma 3 tn'l' messagas sent 9 and Exam an E m il address maintained by a custemer 22 at the 59 Aftar aansi raticn tha caurt finda than it has the 23 legai autharizy un ar the pan register Statute t0 ush an crdez Tha as this i$$ue arises in the cantax mi an 25 angaing criminal investigatimn The near @085 nan want 50 263 the integrity of that criminal inVEStigatimn Aecnr ingly aha 2 dascription 0f aha facts Gut Bf which the current dispute arises 23' daliherately emits factual infermatian which cauld alert the suhjac 53345132 Release a Pag sai 25aci xi SR @539 09 at 50 1 n ransru 99 mama _1 F 1331 a A or sub acte a the investigatinn to the existence-of and the tachniquea usad in the investigatimm Gn Becember 2 19 3 the gavermmant thraugh an Assistant Unite States Attorney presented ta the court an ax parce ap licaticn for tha issuance of an arder in tha nature af a pen ragiater $he agplitaticn nntained that a federal criminal investigatary agency was seakiug to legat a feaeral fugitive that 5 agents sf He fedaral agency believed that ha fugitive wag maintaining cantact with a specific nama clcse Exian or relative hna subject by mgans cf E n il tranami ais s sent to the Subj t and that the aubjec naixta ne an Internet serviaa account with a dasignata Iatartet eexvice gravi er i ISP under the subject s mama This aur that tha gavernmant agency may ar- 7 a 3 saurce an degu ngt on mail mesaagms sent as an from the EuhjECt Entarne 53 12 1 ragar ing the true eaurea sf the masaages with u limitation The gmvirament agancy aerve the ar er an the ESP The ISP and the gavexnment ha same initial discua ion ragar ing tha mtder Even ually aha ISP tn zamgly with the arde by prnviding the ag ncy with the headers minus the subjewt 9r regarding line a numarwus incmming ma a gea ta the gubject s avmail account an@ the haa ars u a aw autgming messages with the Bthett ur regarding n1 the suhj ct accaunt gcv rnment is not aatisfie with this cannanding than the tarma af the ur Er entitle it ta install its awn device an tha'yremisea vi tha ISP Cannectad to ISP's equipment 5093i Rf am an Ag wn Reiease - Page as 09 33 ESU i 1 ha a rgauln 35 this dispute the hag haw mavad ta quash 1 2 ar madify the crder Tha gavarnmant has agg sed the mstimn is nish 3 and aaparately subwitte an ax parce application requesting an extension 9f the ccurt a previcus arder 5 A an init al E haduling cmn arance the partgas rggreaente a that the court s original Urderf isaued nauamber 2 expir 1 Fahruaxy Txia smut sche ule a hearing an the mati 87 ta quaeh a madify the arder on February 4 269% It naw aygeara EB 9 th agar tkat the @355 has already expirad The statute previ es 15 that the cmurt may isaue an mrder authorizing the instaliation DE a 11 gen r glste far Ejperio at ta excea 55 days C 29 3123ic l Tre Crier-was sauE an Deaember 2 lSE q Pursuant 9 the terms 5E aha statute tha Grdg engired 3 days thazeafter an l7 Sgnq ry 31 263$ 15 Thera 1a mm Fresently effeczive order in F1339 WhiCh thi 15 curt may gda h Tha cent Lherefara deni s aha nation 5 4 ash a5 mast - 15 Althmugh that ruling the pending matioh o tha 25 L9J ta quaahr it does net raselva the underlying issue whether the smut 2Q has the autharity to an or er That issue is haw prasance to 21 the caur because the ccurt mus a ci e the applicatinn F3 22_ Be exaend the arderv 23 The azatuta ravi es thgt court shall enter an ex arte arda authqriaing 25 the installatian and nae of a pen ragister er a trap and 25 brace devige within the jurisdictian af the caur if the 2 31 saw finds that the acts-may far the Government or she 25 state law enforcement at invastigativa cf i er has carci ied 3 5 5 32m Heme - Fag as h 88 3 FEE 982 1 r ur u - n i Warsaw 03 34 Tamwssaz was 1 ta the court that the infarmacisn iik ly E0 he abtained by 2 such installatian and use is relevant ta an mngming criminal 3 investigaticn 4' LS 11 811 5 31 23% 5- The gavernment hag aertified ta the ccurt that th 6 informatimn likaly ta be ehtain by the pen register er trap and trace devica 15 relevant ta an anguing criminal investigation Thig cent acawr ingly ha$ autharity ts issua a grmgerlpah regianar er tra an trace nr er T a qu stion presenta hara is whathar the evice 10 whinh gavernmguw geeks tn ingaall ia a evice escribe and 11 Eucharizad in he statLte 12 Tha Stitute iffsr pen ragn$ter es a dav ce which at Elactranic my O h r 2 1 meu 5 3 which i ntify numbars-diala r 15 transmitted an the line 0 which such evica is 165 attacged l8 6 3 C 3 27i3 3 3t Tue statute gessribes a trap an traca evice a5 1 a davice which cagtures tha incmming'el CErcnic a othar 2n impulses which i entify Briginating number m an 21 instrument gr eVica Exam which a wire a 22 communicaticn was trinsmiuted 23 1a U gec 3127 4 26 It is apparent that a pan regi$ter as defi ad in the 25 statUEeg is inten ed am he a avice which captures the telaghen 253 numberg dialed by a t get'Ph E A trap and traca evice i3 intenda ta capture aha elaghane numb rs cf telephmnes which make calls 6 a 233 t tg t gin-cuew It is also fairly clear that the draftera af tha gen 4 3 532m Release - Page 583 331 sz 5n was we was 90 53 a xsa i -1z aatFKH 39 54 ESE a I '1 rsgister statute di net centemglate hat tha sca ute wmul be uae t0 3 auzhcrize the issuance 9E smart ardera ta capture the a mail addressgs 3 of yea st sendi g email ta and receiving ass mil rm a targete ea 4 mail addresa 5 The statutory definitiun cf a pan regigcer describes a device attached to a teleph n line Ea u s c 5 3127 3 The $3 atatanury definitian s a trap and trace device daes nah limit aha 3 description to a evice attache to a atlephana linem 23 it appears from the aonatzuctiaa cf relatad 10 Eectiana m5 hue statutea gavazning trap an trace evicea that h y 11 inclu e 951 davices that axe attached to a talcyhene line Ia l2 Kart o Hm Apr1 v vinwrh Statea n Ammviga or an ar mv 13 Bt- r noriyi arhn U93 Tie aghcna 19 293 Cal 39953 hareafter Th C913u ar Digir 33 35$ a lgaax An order far use of bath pen register and trap and traca dEViceE must include thc number and if khOWn physical lmuanian cf the telayhane line a which the pan ragiacer a ra an Eras device 13 is t0 be attache 13 15 In i5 clear LEM the here does no i tend ta 26 antash either a pan register a a trap and traca 21 ta the subject's telepmane linaa Eng apgoaition an the 22 matian to quash antains a descriptien by a technician de larant 33 DE haw aha gavexnmen intends to imglement the requested Grier The 24 government wcul install a computer pragram called CarnivaIE an the 25 network grahahlv an a rout r uead by the 3 renter i5 25 eacrihed as a transw saimn device that processes packetized natwozk in arm'tign Both the muter an the network are cannmte to 2 31 th 'telaphcne lines amd transmit packatized natwark infarmaninn aver 5 WW3 soma xsxamv #933 cit Ea inu t- P 5mm Release meg Hmi 39i5 i- P em 96 1 teiephcne lines The Carnivure softwaEE'pr gr m uid loak th 2 targetrs 1ag'in name presumably fer outguing 3 mail r target' 31 el ctronic mail name presumably for incwming eum il The pr gram 4 wculd than Eapture the hg ex' informatimn asaasiacad wicn the a mail 5 wasage including the ima ate and addrassing infer ti 5 including Internet i entit s for massages sant in a $35 the target accaunt The Fragram wauld-nat caytura the nhjact QT ragarding ling S a the ewmail message r phe cantent vi the TEE aa tur 9 material wuul ha Etsr a a gavernment com uter hi h Presumably wauld ha attacha 5a 23% rautar_ 13 an camturaa the tala h numhaz dialed by 55% 3393 talayhane 13 gray and raca device 15 azta he t0 tel ghana lines and cap UEE5 1g teleyhcne number calling the subj t t lth na Here ha 15 gavernmenc-n requeste iavice is a cam uter an E twareiFragram 1 attached to the which is in turn to 17 talephane linas which aptuxes the Internet avmail ad rasses $5 133 yar ans sen ing ta a eamail tha targgt There agpears a ta he he significans-differenca betwean capturing tel ghena numberg 20 with a pen register er trap and t ace e#ice and cagturing e mail Eli ad rasaes with the government's prcpusad camguter and sm tware 223 Fragram 23 This caurt acknewieagaa that the pan zegiSEEr statute 13 3122i 5 Egg is cantained in Title It af the Faderal 33f Slagtranic Cwmmunication Privacy Act mi laser that GHQ of the avid nt 25 urpeses of that snazuta is t0 regulata gavernment incrusign inuc E f privata-ccmmunicatiana and that the statute ahmuld be Strictly Canstrued 3 a 111m 7 833 nguFPa at This a 5 245 02 Re ex-25 - Fage 58$ ' Eaisg Kagamriv an 5322 re era 33 I I ii' iFRi 39 55 ESE 1 cour finds that the 2 would be allowed by canventianal pen register-arder 53 by the amicem mi an of er in the presant statuta Escar ingly a E aria 18 For the 11% origizal cr er auth 12 ie le as nae Th 13 a pen regista 15 gram LJV Viv v r7 ED 22 23 25 '25 23 pnn I i' ariginal atatuter the use of a pan regiSEer Ah the ceurt will grant the government's E l i Ra g llv graater than tha iwtrmaiun create by tha issuanca of a Althmugh agparantly centemQEAtad ia compatible with tha tarms n5 the F 393 5mm Rename Page 535 30 CI chleajims wen ma a pursuant mamptimsg mm BUREAU OF PAGE Pag s i'ilhh ld entirwiy this Iceman in the ne 0r mam of $1191 ng statements where i nditz e f Explain this deimiom 3 indi-camd below Wiih mamia available far rciawm 3131 Sew- rm 5523 3 bi- if E3 3 3 C3 mamas m2 E3 3 km a hymn 21 mm a @Hau In mam 13 43 mm ratings is lined in it 13th @3113 fa h 5 i mmaaxim pcmained 15 3 2 third am a mfcreme aha E'Ubj ct 0f j 'a3ur magmas the af Bummersis ariginam with 3 1th Ga u-Ctmn-sni ag c ncyi icsl Timsa were mfers cd that meatyii review and dime mpmsi- c 30 gm Pass cunaain in nmminn furnished by mama agmcy as You WEN inc advised by the 35 $0 the at this infmmuaim 335 1 mmukaziun Wm the nth-er agmcy ias I E agc s withheh i itsasammzh ass a rm rclcaa dmrmiamim has rm 13mm ma a Yer-u Wilib adri-sw as m Ihej 31 a Eat-e data upck Page wars um far re aasc 255 may are dup i ve aft SEKLQ 23M 3'3 13C- DES if am v g ff Paging withheid fer the fa mving reasmi i The feiiawing number is be mad fen referent regarding Lhasa pages Egmwewr PM 58 0 x X amed Pag s K Na Dug iica an FEE 1 far this page Emma - Jcm yr u c d '41 4 ESU P 091 SERVICE Eves gativa Services Divisian Shamanic Surveillance Unit Of ce Sammie 2333215FRQMDATE NUMSER OF PAGES EXQLUDING swag GGMMENTSFACENEE MACHMZEE $209323 OH PAPER THE MACE '15 MD ii m mf IN 9 W s menu BE FREE AS Release a Page SH 6 ma isms $433 I 9 931 STATES MARSHALS SERVICE Df ma sf this as istant im ar far investigative Sewiae-s $03 Navy Brive Suite 12% swam 4 Min-910m VA 22262 Fianna 202 30%9110 FM 282 swam er 202 303-4333 Fags 3 90 29 m '2 mm if MESSAGE 5f24 2 Reieasc Page SR 0F BELETEI SHEET Pagds wi ihh ld en zir y as his imz i n in the One Of man if he fo mk'ing staicmmw when indica md Emma H 153 3 3mm 1mm ma a pursuant u ihif indicated beinw wilh nu aggregabie materiai availahic far micasc 0 Wu 55 2 3 53' FGIPA 383530 13383 El W63 3 rcz'iaimd mix-11 3 mm 17333133 wiah to he Eugenia 0f yam mqum or its subject ni i mqucm is iisted in me We WEEK MKS mm was mm m m '0 Dommums originasg wish anth Gm ammem dsJ-cumems awn inferred m far and dime you withheld as at a law dam i ageis wimxeld for we foiliew ngmassmm The folk ing number is In 13$ 1ch mesa 1 if F i f 7 HEM 5 13 Sake 7777 1 am reitasc d et-erminatinn hag rm ma a You will he advise as he cmzsain in annasian fumjsh-mi by maths Sm-emmtm agencyiies ht advise-d by the FBI 3 the of this faiimring cm - mnsultation wii n ether agencyfiesy Pages were not cansi em fur mi-case as they are duplicativc an a Debi-Lad Pagei s 1 N0 Duplicatin-n Fee 3i far this page m 0 1 4 FEB 81 '83 l imm 55m amimn 14 51 m an 53-4 5239 aw Earg t is an line 777777777 77 i Wm umca aim DECLARATIGH I Edward Hill hexeby'daalaxa as failaws I am a special hgent with the Faderal uxeau cf invastigaticn an have heen a Agent in le yaara I syamializa in tuehnical equigment including electrunic aurvaillanse equigmant I am amiliar-with the Internat an 'with aurv illanca aevicea used far aha internet I authariaad by thia asurt I a ather techniciana intana ta inatall a prugram called Carnivaxa ta cbtain the informaticn sawght in'this ordar Tha'psagxam will he inatalled 0 arthmink s nezwork was likely an a rautar Head by EarthLiuk A rcuter ia a transmigsisn aviae that procegses yackctize netw 3k infarmatisn Bath the manta an EarthLinkle inatwark are is tha telgpnana lin s and trangmit inferwatlan over the telaphmne lines he Carnivare acitware gsagran watchas the incmming telaghone tr5 ia 3 ta Eartuhink an losks tha targata subacrihar'a Egg in name a elechranic mail a euxt name if it finda the target'a leavin 3'5 mama the pr gram fall w tha target w ile the target ig an l na The than captu e3 anly the hea e inEarmaticn far mail massages sent a receiva by the target while the If finds the target's ele tnenic mail name f it will captura hea ez-infarmatian assaciata with that mail message the will capture aha time data ana tha addresaing infarmatian internet i enbity Ea messagas gen ta or Exam aha The progxam will mat 2i R iease Page l Li l3 aystemi waul be unable ta aammunicate Eh EarthzinKFS infarmation cancernina the targetis athar an line activity UV ig4ha m rg car - - 51 91 21-3 534% 835- 35 WEI-CE cagtuxe the subject or regarding an the mail massage mar ages it capture the content of the message cr any 3 Althuugh the is cagable of capturing mare than tha in armation auth rized under the ardar I c the installing t chniciane will configu e the r gram in a manner that will yrevant the from capturing any in mrmatian that is an authariza un er tha ex ar In a diticn the camp re used ta run the gregram has limited mamuxy capacity an iimite ability ta prcsess in srm tian cf thaa lim tationg the camputer used ta run the gragram be cverleade within a aw minutes if i attempt ta callect all cf the in ormaticn an EarthLinkFa maa aga Maraavar ha Fragram will b3 inatallca c a gartiuular natty paint into EarthLink S mtwaru En as wcul mat have ascess 29 all cf Eng gragram 1 naturity riak far EarthLink Althcugh tha Carnivcre_pr gram is remately accessible it haa EEVeral security irovisions that prevent an intruder fram cbtaining unautheriza accaes ta EarthLi k 5 ntzu er id abtain sunk the pregxam pg 3 an Even lackg a gratccal stack which means that the intru er ayatam ftam the Mr gavarnmenb s camputer 3 an ether aganta with whem wark have inatalled this at many ache sarvice_pxuvi eza including an have mat ha aecurity yrahlems a nbjections the pravidazai 5mm Raina a rage 6m u rat Mra- 33m iSAw enver - - - - Mu - I 1 ifs va I wauid wrikr qsec red n EL-SUR nicky in re esi Froin 1 - Tm aw 5 33 85 4mm SEQ-gent 7 at Qi i 51% may unhappy With ETGS and the t-thinks has U51 Unit mute nag an u-n rs a men is mnr ihie repnr a s in in mate was ah'we - - a - tiust ma a 3 33 fro - - H aha-s can do in that ewa s ssuredjhatthe FBI had sgziec'iaf chui 'idczw a sari fact states that the techuica penpia in Qaari ccg-fahpm d the HSA ianguag i The F8 tec nicai pehpf e went in insiali he F83 snf irare 0 aciwmp sh the efe wnic am March 18 The ff zj f gare am picked up the E Mai s batgispgicked up 52m under the eiactron i Suw manca cit he iarge Ema- ts The FBI iaa hnisai parser was 'apparen y 50' 'p a 'Eha t 23633er '36 3 1 the E-Maii take including the take an 7 7 impre icsmhat uione ha F3 was present ta supewise maria talc-mini gamma the time aw 25333 5 a newss wam experiment 3% the carfigr a see i - - ates the FE aware was ex erimentai OSFR was informed that it Tha FEE teaming peaple arest i tryi g to mega ih- nrk andwam tn resume the ammonia survai ame Tina FBI pe piain aisn was a warr nt is pick up the E-Mai s mm the cat sh which the picked up or the target gut- eys sgcyem infarmed me that the F83 daes n t h v fhe adi n ty i@ raasqm Mac-ironic sm mame umii she renaives aw tten axpianatian a vhai has hagperi a ds h igs with the must vaiausim s e has 121 inten a n a seeming a s earcih war-ram aiihar ntfitg s is sira ghienea gut When yoEm-dd this its a the F'iSA'mis iakesic var Eat th xyga srepared 1Q gt the zeid and whicghris in signature hafg r ejiigp es for hifsj g aiur Wu havie a pattern sf accurre c s which igdlua ie ta as in abimyia t he gaff ftha 't'm manage 3 5 FSSASCC Mimi Rename - Pagej ii 22 55 5355 i - 5 63 295' was gar Jan smu- an i e a I Fram Tu 7 Date Thai Apr 1 E 21309 9 00 AM Subject Legai iasues The Etta-chad sets an a few issues we wan-Ed gem in discuss with you 5-0 mast we can wurk ioward providing a reasona'ibe and practicat guida e ta persmnei in ur um and the Field My number is he on Ila-ave from Thursa day thmugh next Tuascia y cc 5 524382 Raiease Page ban #6 v a- Aviva-1w 5 at 3 6 The follmwing sets Gut Emma 8f the lagal issues Eating DITU at well 35 some thoughts on ways to praceed We nted ymur legal guidance in this matter to farmulate a reasanable and pru ent course at action as well as a practital wetting guide for the tarsonnel and the Field Effice invalved in Data Intercepts I am sure are ether issues an ideas but thia may'be a gaod gtatt Call me to discusa this in more detail I am willing t0 travel ta your Office at FBIHQ or to meat with yam here at QT If yau need any clarification of technical concepts or SSA tcept mn a netimrk or at an 159 the BITU ice with appropriate filtert set t0 capture data witnin tn tcmpa cf Cmurt Order o _the eFfective tangent at a yarty Thit filtering pratesa a tampmnett cf Carnivare ilit r based at TCPXIP Gr OttatLQn w a csunter menustandard implementation at trantmigsien central Enternet protacalg within a network at at an ISP Ewa3unte ng narwstandard amplamentat on has led ta inadvertently captu nng and yrecatsing ata cutsl e rue Qrde 0r Pantent taste I In instantet whtre wt Enttunter at a protoccl whi 1 tn tue improper taptur main cancerns aria first and cf mast immadi is the farmulatimn of a 1 matter Thia guideline installe and likely di 3 1 ne to be falloweu hauld extend tram the DITU persennel who 7 Stovere the errur thraugh BITE Management represtn ativea Field Divigian Case Agents CECE natificatiens ta AUSRS Matians to Seal etc ISSUE El The secand issuet tritical in efferts t0 intercept the data under the Court s Grder a under tangent item a test atccumt is how FBI technical such as Eng inears4r Camputer Programmera and may lawful examine the cellested data far the gala turnase at determining why the filters tailed and what sc tware changes need to ba made to bring tha calleetien in line with the scape of the exigting Order We need to leak at the data t0 figure out what is wrong and how ta fix 5 34 932 Reieaw - Page GEE issue II a thit which we would like yeu to canaider is that we frequently set up user aeteunte on netwerke and install data intereegt devices ta a test tap under ear ewe eenaent This is generally dame ae a meana ef verifying that the ieeatien en the network and the filter set weuld be appreptiate for an anticipated er exiating intercept Order in the event that we are doing a teat tap under I aaeat leaking fer Guf ewe mail etc and ina verteatiy eaetere eometaing euteide eur ceneent each ea anether peteene we what are eat eptiena Is it a vielatien of if the interception ia net intentienal and we_ L34 as not iaeleae er endeavct te the infermatien to i a a - r- aayete hey we the inieimatien ana eimply net In reiatien t0 the teeting ef network placement and filters it ie generally a technical requirement te install the device with appreptiate filters set and initiate the capture preceaai It may he hears er daya befere a determinatien can be made as te the funetienal eperatien ef the eoilectien During these first few acute or daya the technical representatives at the FBI Electrical Engineere Eieetteniee Engineerei Technically Trained Special Agents aad ethera may frequently examine tellected data te determine the efficacy of the inetailatien in relation te the time peried item iaetaiiatien ta the verification of proper functien the following question is poee fer year Is there a eignificant legal difference between Randem Access Memery that which is net retained when power is remeved and ef a 0r fleppy disk which retaine the data The thought yreceea here in the BETH being that during the peried at time from the installation ta the varifieatian of proper function the data eeul be direeted ta remain in RAM and not be ferwetded ta a permanent media Technical representatives could then examine the celletta data fer preger filtering and 5am Release Fage aasure tha the collection is cperating within the scape 0f the Order If the collactien agpaars technically correct it cauld than be rea irected RAM 0 permanent media and the intercept initiate If not the data could he examined in RAM by Computer to determine a filtering change or patch neces ary ta effact tha Caurt ardere intercegt The data in RAM wguld hat be retained by the Eamputer on power mff By directing collected data t0 remain Gnly in RAM we may gain both the ability ta traublashamt inatallati ns and t6 assure that the data is mat written ta storage media nor recoverable from any madia mm Release - Raga lawn a A-V- - in m 4 unwhuhw - P ge 2 From Ta 7 max-ma MARCUS Date Wadi p 89 5 53 Eubject ENTERCEPTS See the afiached A er you mi get a shame t0 eview my nitiai thgughis ragarding yam questimnsr is-sues iet g men mar 19 sit own and tails TX was 53 532m 7305 41'123 2000 Marcus Thomas Intametf MaiI In tcmepts This is in tut-Email of I 1 regarding the captioneai mattgr The following are same graiiminag reactions and thoughts They are mt necessariiy nal Icgat sin-swam or guidance 3313 are m ewd to stimulate furt ha-r consid-sratitsn on all 91 mu parts As was tuggested in tht Email alt need in Sit down in the very mar future and take a tint time 0 talk about our intercept well as what we must dc when th y unintentiena y gt astray Back armund We need it with a few highhiav i and familiar thoughts beatings they fin-m1 a ba kgmund and cont xt fer the subsequent discussien As we an at away and appreciate cicutmnic sun iltance is a very sensitive- izwestigatiw 3115 techniqut As such fer meet 39 years it has been carsfu y regulatcd 9b and thtaugh statutory regimas at both ht Faderai and State EEVCES xvii-ch mgimes in many instances mntaitt prm-iisians that we wry Sp ci and which cantatn ciictat s that are quite detaile in their aspects On its face the language 31 115153 regittms written thus Congress is essentia y black and whit-a3 anti generally is unf rgiving one csampiiess with the statutas alternativeiy viuiates them In mac-ting mass regimeg Cangress saught it balance and advancc privacy and effective iaw BMW-cement Hammer given the sansitivity of this taclmi qu ehsimnic has been the subject uf on-guing sam ny by angressinnai wergight the press pt ttacy gmups and the public In start there are few if any inwstigatim tachn'iques that are mtd have been subjectsd t0 such heighteneci Sammy And ihCIf are few if arty investigative techniques that gating and have gamemd in the past such criticism what errant suw-eiliames missteps be they intantiana i tar While at mated atmvzeg the electronic suweiilance ans are a en specify and dstaiiad in ih il prav isi ns gentsraliy they not address the precise aspects of haw tebhnicai spaaking the intercept is a 0mm Ce-ngress eschewad ning so it wanid he a bad idea to try 0 deiinesatc ail thc various patential in'tarcaptien methodoEugi esfappmaches Tn do 59 would infringe upon Executive Bram premgative in exactutin g ih iaws And it weuld get inn scnsitive intercept saunas and mama-d5 etc both the C-mtgrass and the cams have Whites we in ear pa icuiat area of iaw enforcement an SQ ciuse tn- this matter that we iitaraily live and breathe gleam-nit survei ance ti gathers esy cialiy those Cruisith If law enf mammt any efecfmnic tsurvefft ance is a big rising 5mm R iease - Page I 5 1 1 an cximmtiy keen imemst in making sun that scveral things are being art-entice by 1213 Exemtive Branch in camiucting suwcilianca snatches and that mega uncangtitutimal marches are net e-cmrring La iha i m3 seam th f pmans are assuming withaut probabl and 2 that the spiriffintente ieiter 0f the siemmnic sunreilianee laws as inmlamanicm law at least to a dagree am b i g nag-Tied mt carefuiiy' and judi iously Jae aspect if this invciv-es the require-5mm that such sunrsinanms anly be appmva with I gbigvei departmental apprwal with en gning pamwentai 'Iegayadministratiw avers-ight Inierceptions Hf the J-Mar Camrmunittaticns Tachnselpgv It i s pmbabiy fair is say that hismrica y has fths opinion and car-rectly that far iaw enfamement affecting a Ema-'qu im-crceptim was mat a pa icula y problematic andeamr Typicai win Zinc asnrice lam itse if ta rcasanabiy easy segregati n nf a iarget s to tha targat ne and thus to mncamitamiy e cting law and effactiw Icclmically-Eax geted internepiiong With anther 'id-mti ers ESng Cap Cadas etc being avaiiabie acmrateiy i argsfie intemeyi ions if celh ar phcnas and pagers scald iikewiss be effecied by law anfercamcnh Impa an y Cmgress understood ihai in ardar i9 effam samurai-e irltemepti-onsa an anfemenmn se k ami iytain assistmae mam cI-ectmnic cmnmunica an sender pmvidcrs o mrs to pmpa y conduci the intercapt upmn request afar ECSP it sham furnish the applicant onhwiih a infann ation and itchnicai assigiance magmas-F to accomplish me int rcaptim with a minimum of imarfm ence wiih the sanrices ihs is awarding m the persan u- hmc are be intercapie 231 USC 25 i Umii 3991 see balm-v them is nu clear indication in the Manage or etham'ise that avg un erswc-ti accuracy b an issue for iaw cnfurcemmt Wham p oien tiai avenacquisiti0-115 amid a sa privacy gmupsi and anthers have hcsmed in am takm an intarest For exampie with mgard to pen and whats have been cmcemed 2mm c-enain but mt an post cut thmugh dialing c ain dialing that arguably nona'iimms a substantivs conmmnicaiian v avian though related 10 ha target individu ai as appased 0 31mm In this regard Ganges as 9am 3f hit CALEA legislati n sp eci ad in 1% USE 3121 e that law nfarcemam 511331 use teclm iagy reasanabiy avai'iahie to it that rest cis the retarding m decoding 6f Gina imp-11 3585 the iia ng or signaling in mm nn in aali Similarly undar assistance capability regain-mania Gang-grass spaci td as a as par 3f the immiggmion canabiliw 1 3 i i-ecommunicatians swims magi their ohii gatign in a manner that 2 One pBS Sibl xcep on being which by new is pretly rare It's ma a exactly what Cangrags would think about such partyiinawrelaie inter epts Presumabiy minimization mum be empioyad to parse ha i arget subsm aer s calis But 31th end of day undar the statuimy regima anguage ha t-eiepimnic wrm unicatiuns being iaIgc-red far imarceptian wguidq in war the g'ed mi hone Iin-effaqi Here law enfurcemem Wguld at hast he an the 63 16 Iinaifacilit that had been auth zed fur interceptian by the wart 534m Reiease - Fag 61 - weprotects the privacy and security ofcemmunications and eeibidentifying infemetien not authen'eed te be 47 15 5 6 intemet and Email Service Previders Beth Internet Sewiee vaitiers and Email service providers are eemprehended within the term pmviders ef eteetrenic cemmunieetien sen-ricem under the ECPA and Title See 1% USE 2 51965 Moreevet certain facets of eerviee at least with regard te the acts at transmitting and routing xx'irefeleetronie eemmunieetiens can atee censtitute activity ef a semen thereby sub eating the eemmunieationee eez er to the previeiene ef CALEA See USE Aoeerdingiy certainty under the HUFISA and perhaps under such electremie service providers are mandated to afford 3 11m necessary assistance te megerlv effectuate an int-ereeptien ef eieetrenie communications When-ever there is an eteeteenie Sun-'eilienee erder and whenever there are any questiens abeut stern-dmatinee standard trensmis-sien meme-Ute or any ether technical infemtetien matter ef censequenee in preperiy and effecting electronic eurveilianee these sewiee previders ere titty-bound to wet with us in preperiy and lawful effecting the enter IntemettE-meii Intereentions In the referenced MILE Ehmeit it is that certain Etherpeek and Cen xrere tters are et ized to hoee iliy capture data and enty that irate eutherieed fer interception in an eieetrenie seweii tenee meter at pursueet te cement The Email mentiens that en when new etandard implementatiene have been encountered dete euteide the ceurt ertier er e-eneent have been captured and processed inadvertently DITU then presents several issues fer examinetien In the rst Ewe gu idenee t0 femmieting guidelines the meeting to such in-advenem intereeptiene 331d whether edditienal examinatien efeueh eeneautho eed date is pennitteti to remedy the errant efferte As acted in the background eemments the electmnit sun'eitlence etetutes speak at a rather high ievei and are essentially Meek and white in nature with we either eempiying with the law or feeialty Vielating it The Title state-tee genera y speaking are not speei e intent statutes That is one ees net need to have specie er perimeter ye-d uremia or meme tn fae ialiy Vieiete the iaw Further since the proteetiee of pereenal eemmunieetriens privacy is a key facet efth-e Statutory purpose anti regime any unauthorized intereeptien ef anether s cemuniea ens is a matter etc-eneem at a minimum Indeed same might argue that the gevenmtent s uneutherizzed of such eemm un cetiens is even mere prebiematie Histe eetly as a matter of Departmental erectieefpeliey unemtherizee interceptions be they of the subject ef the interceptien er ethere have been taken ee e esty by DOE ne by the FBI fer that matter When detected D03 has edvise AUSAS 10 1 le a pteading with the eeur-t explaining the unintentienal ntentienei act and ta 2 seat the unauthorized intercept-ed eemmunieetions with the seem in erder e prevent further etch as er diseiesure see 18 13 8 5 2515 Such unautherized interceptions net oniy can 3 Sir le Release - Fag vie-Iain a citizen s privacy but else can seriously centaminate engoing ineestigatiens In edditien een ld aisn eeunsei the AUSJE to rem-mend to the whether er not the perennCs eemmuniee nne were improperly intercepted shnnid he neti e in te-reenng iy under- Seetinn 2-353 macaw Whii'e Tine specifies that ne criminal cause of snail He in any eenn againsi any preview ef wire er electrenie eemmnniea nn service in ef eers employees or egeme iandiern enstedinn er other speci ed persen for providing facilities er assistance in annexe-ante with the terms ef eeurt erder er eer ee en under 'Titie there is me similar enpiieit preteetinn fer law enfereement persennei under this previsien New preetiea y speaking there is virtually m1 chance that law enfnreement ef eem acting in gend faith pursuant to a eenn order are going to be criminaily pres-named or even investigated As tn eivii liability under IS 252% Title states that a good rename en a noun warrant er order subpeena a legislative nutherizeiinn er in staining is a enmpleie defense against any eivil or criminal netien bmugh t under Tine er any other Inna 50 here tee law enfereement nersonne sneuid he praetienily speaking ftem any liab ny E nnher even if in nemieegregiens ease iiabi ty were in be hand it weuln almesi eenainly fa In the agency a net the agen snppen persenneie Hnwever the FBE itself rentineiy does eennuet inquiries an administranve perspeetive in nrder tn detennine the nat u'r'efeanse ere efany investigative missteps in ennrs which feeinily Vininte a law wiih an inward preventing intern etc in a similar f anhien missteps under FESA Eend in mandamr y renaming In the President s Fereign nie'iligenee Adviser Beard EDP sue enemies men he repnnen expieined jnsii ed tn Cengrese Insne In sheet then as to the rst issue Linen detecting an inadvertent guanine- ned unlawful intereeptien - A the technical ef i e that is causing he mistake shnuld be stopped inmxedietely me not re instituted unni advised in do 50 by the sneeze-'ieing attorneys E the error she-Hid he repened immeeiateiy tn the substantive ease persennei in the as apprepriete to the Eek of ce TA and CDC and e the respective ABS MQIPR snpewisery attorney who in turn win presumably advise the mun C the repening as tn the errant interception should Eve eaten and clear 50 that ihese In whem it is will 11in understand what happened the reporting Shoui include any substantive aspect of the semen 0f the that may have been g ieaned and D the nnanehenned intercepted metenai be segregated inmaediateiy as a prelnne i-e fermei sealing with the issue As in examining the unauihorized intereepien data amen fer the sale ef why the itere failed and what changes need in be made this is very delicate and potent iaiiy 4 snnez Rel-ease - Fage 612 ptehlematic area It weuld appear that eentineing to tee at examine and use the substantive eenteetfptain text at the material that was met autherized for interceptiee week meet aggravate Ti e eeneemsfdietates Seetiens 251 '1 anti 2515 and meet likely woule het'g tten the legat problem in the minds ef the Department the eeurt Cengress privacy genes the pubiie etc if an the ether hand there is same way e-f tacking at the Signaiing pregraming etc it a Mere few Eater this might be ekay if 1 it is fer the sole of detemining why the lters failed and what changes need It be made and if it is zap-peeved by the antier the eeurt ifthe AUSAIQIPR beiieve retreated such seen penniseien in this area would presumably be preferaele frem the perspective et legal preteetien fer new technical peeple Another theeght I wattle emceeg eneeurege is to engage the 313 That is if there is emblem regarding the it weuid appear to be much much mere preferable for the ISP te try te fie it even with us washing and er guiding teehnieal'iy 'em after The reason fer fully utilizing the ISP is the existing mandate for their assistance etc Lea-tier the tew and because ef'the Wear it affetds US iega y petitieeliy and pemepti ena yt EITU pesee a similar issue as te ene its own test tt'here an inadvertent unautherized interceptien occurs Again we have te be very careful here even where testing is eer activity because the petentiai hamtfviealetien efpriveey' is etgeabiy the same S-emehew when we test we have amid tripping over heme th third petty eemmenieatiens I am not sure haw we een te test witheut inadvertentiy intercepting the eemmunieetions ef ethets but we teeny need be try Perhaps we can explain am testing requirement to the ISP and get them It test nut lters etc far 115 since it ie their nenvezrk and since tit-e administrate it etc i wettid real enceurage using the ISPS the man reesens net the least at which is to make them aware ef us popping around in their atware to senduet testing etc DETU asks whether interceptien eolieetiens effected in- Rendem Aceess Mammy rather than peneanent me ia make any signi eam ieg'al differences in short I mute say gre'b eb'ly net as a purely legit matter inasmuch as an unauthe zed interception is e er 3H an unauthetized Entereeptien New having said that it may make some feel better that the petential fer engeng use and seme pennanth storage media may be semewhat reduced but I don t think this its the path to take As alluded to abet-e I weeld ept fer mere eentmiied testing and utilizing service providers as much as p-essibie te create some insulatien between us and the sehse eer gambit-c where inadvertent intereeptiees might a ee in the eeurse at em trying eat em lters etc Release Page 13 apnea 124335 mm FEDERAL BLREAU 3F FE ka PAGE SHEET Pagm s wimhe d maimiy at miss Eucminn in m mere 02 2h fn awing 51318311531315 when indicmad Explain mm d ictim 3 E slmims wan magic purmmi '10 mt indicated 33$le with segrcgabk mam a a emiiabi-c w rciaasc is grim ggtign 5'52 Sec-tier 5523 i METRE Emma km 3 lm-5K Erimr kiwi 23 Mb mm 3 111551 5'3 @1359 3 301 6 Infunna m pertained 23 shim wish ma migrants in has sugjec 31313 raging m the whim cs mu I FCQUCSE i3 ii-s ii in she mic aky 3 arii imzed vim swans Ga vsmm-em dam-ma a were ma ag ncyiias far review and imsy respimse a yam r c Hm advised by me FEE 33 that 0f ihie fuiimx-ingQ-ur csansuitaii n with the Other age - Pa e cram- am infmmaiien fumisirm be anth agenqiim Yam wi ncyifi s f Pascfa Withh i-d inasmuch a ns mew has not ma a x au Jvisad as the 1 Sign Him as a hum time 3 Page-s New 10 consider-2d fer refita c as may are uplicatiw 3f I 9 6 mg muff Fry W as z Fagais withhei er t hc foiiawingreasanis agaggmr 9 $ng Hug aliawing grub-3r is 0 he uses for pagas K1- Baht 5d Pageise N0 uplicatian Fem for this page Fame an FBI Using Intermt W'irciap System Washingtonng 51 30 31 Carn iwre wpd i 3 By E31131 Schwa z Washingmn Pest Staff Writer Tu-csday J'uiy 3 3 29 00 Page A1 The FBI has deployed an autmnated system to wimtap hit Internet giving au mri es 3 MW Mai to poiice cyberspace but drawing mncems elm-mag civii libertarians and privacy advocates ahmut how it might be Th new mmpu er systam dubbe fiamivom inside ha FBI because it rapidly nds he meat in vast amounts if dam WES lav-6 30pm 3 FBI computer iabs in Quan tica Va and has bean usaci in fewer than 50 cases 5-9 far But that naming is sure it said yiglgmas chief 01 tha- FEES cybema hnelagy semi-on at QuantiC-n In criminai situatians thera s mat ya ham 3 larg c-aii ts-r it hf said inn the human aiready has seen in 13 3 mic ofreq uestg h ii liberties gmupa said the new 5331 3111 ra isas I m an izasues about what a reaamnabie search and 363mm of ammonia data In snif ng out pmemiai criminai conduct im new t-ec huoiugy skis-0 scrum scan privaie infamminn abcm Regal attivities it gees the heart if how the Fn unh and the animal wiretap statute are to be appli i in me alt-cram said Mart Rattlinberg head 13f the ERFaslzingiox'l-hased Elemronit Privacy Center which ap araies an cmzmuiam takes mirantage of time the fundamem principies of 316 II-Emmi that am such are bra-ken up 11m yachts or unifonn chunk mfdazta Camputarg an the interns brag up emaii mesmges Warm Wide Web aim traf c and rather infbma'ti n inm p isc-as and mute the packets acmsg the gisbai natwmk where my an an the a mr and pragrammem iwiaed a packet sni i i er swam hat can analym dam I owing ihmugh mmputsr Hem-mks to determine wim mr ii is part of an eamaii messag or same pie-cc sf We tram-a The ability to distinguiah bem aen packets ai'imvs law enf mem-Em af cials It taiior their searchas so that for example ley can maminc mail but leave aims answers amine shopping activities The system maid be tuned In de- as iittie as munim ng 11 0w mange $1133 massages the susth sends and in Wham may are the equivalent 5f 3 tat-33313210116 pen register which takes dawn number Easing sailed without grabbing thug ftth calls That- 5 the goad news said Iamzs aming-ray an anaiyst with fh f Canter fer Democracy and Techn lugy a Wasizingmn higimtch poiicy gmup it is a more discriminating demise than a fail wiretap he saint But Dzempsay axpreased wmrias ahaut the HEW systamz which wauld he 5mm Razease -- Page 61 pea 7937 5mm pannmgisier data I0 fa wiretaps with cam authorimiun It s not an increasa in war authex ity it deem present a hange of vciume in what we he said 1 23m The Washingtan Farsi Cmrmany MIME Release Page w i Max lug-um Camivor t mind I i c mail Snnaging Eevice Attacked July 209 0 Fik i 2f3 pm EDT The A ssaciaiad Pram xvii Eihartjias and pI ivaa-y gramps railed Tuesday against a new designmi aiiow iaw agents In intarcapt and ansa'iym huge of amed in summation with an invastiga on Th3 ayattm calied 'Camiwm was rm hinted at on Ap i in tastimeny to a Hausa Subcaammiitem New if FEE has it in use When Camivor is p'lacec 5 13 1 Intsmet Prmridcr ii scans ail inseamng and utgaing wmai is far messages aagociated with iim target mf a-crin1ina pmhe in a hail-er 1C5 haw mambera ef ng Hausa subtommiuce 11131 deais with F u h sweatinsz s-eamh-m xdlgei 2 1m issues ms American Cix ii Unis hat mg sysicm bmaches the imam-st prm-idafs riglm am the 1 3 $115 051 its by wading bath sand-er and recipimn addressea as weii as subjem lines Qi eema as decide whatimr to make Li copy of the amine message Funhen while 3hr system i plugged mm the Inf-3mm prm id r's ii cm m ed smirk by the law enfmr csmem agency In a the physically placed and maimgimd hy the C-Gmpany Camimre is mugM-y emjs'vafem to wiretap capabic- if accessing the mutants af ma 0173131 If the 80 11pm y s swimmers with Elias 3551 113 136 that the FBI wiil remrd 013i cam'ersations oi the specified mtg-gm read the Eater This mtst US we an the men aypmach ami iesis of he pmmduras mquimd un m um wiretapping laws Hairy Stair mrdt assmcimc fths said citizens aiwuidn t rms that Such a awea img data tgp wiil my be used against c minal suspects And even than he said 1hr data mined by Camivorc particuiarly subj-rz ci lings i2 aiready Law enfOrcemmt sheu ld Be pmhibite from installing any device that Hum- 5 them to hug-map cmnmuni a uns mm parse-us 3mg than the target Steinhardt said in an intewiew Wilma mnducting these kinds 0f invasligations the infanm on shouid be restricted to only addressing A spakeswoman far Rep Charles T Canady R-Fla w he heads ha Constitutim gaid that the hat no immediate on at E's-Hen In marina-my 20 Camde subcommittm ROSTER a lawym at the Hagan 3c Hammi- iaw mm in Washington said that repmsenteci gs 1 5 249 32 Release - Page r1 gag Cam iva a P- an latcmet providar that refused insm the Cam-5mm system The providm was piaced in an awkward pasit ion Cem evere mid beaause in company sand suits from martin-1am unhappy with the gnvamment leaking in it 31 the email wag by the gmvenun that Camimre 'weuid enabfa rename access the ISPE antiwar and wank be umim the ufgavamment agm s CamnRevem said C0m R vere mid the that cur-mm iaw is insufficimt deal with Camivm s pa-tentiai and that Internet pmvider lost hair mun baitl in part hscause mi in Emicsmaf's aannactian to ieiephm lines 331 1 mat ht 13w was sketched to saver the Intemai 33 wail Cam Revm e wauid mat Immaal 116 mama at his ciien t and ms ciient 193 the case He said that the FBI has ham using Camimre since sari this year James Demps ya senior smi fcounsai at the Caner for am Teghnuiagy said that m2 i2 nmbicm with Camivw i3 it's mystery The 13331 33 placing a Mack Eran inside the Rampuier niztwork of an Dempsey said Net the knows E i iiy that thai gizm is doing Em Dempsey said hat Emmi-at pi awi m s coniribx ed to the p'f'Dh i m by saying mat current I iill fzig has mi alien the Internet prm- ider 50 1 Out exactly what ihe is emitied 9 gal Li flii if a search warrani The usrmpia ineii that they has a give everything the Fm The service pmvidara said didn i 1 mw 11m to with mun ardars said that pasitian they have hurt them-selves putting 113111391115 mm a imx Marcus Thmmas haw-s sin Cybar Technuimgy Sacti on mid 1152 Wall 31 13 11 3011mm that rim ut' li has abaut 130 J amivms systems which are with pmprimar smi tware 53M Sammie maets current wiretapping Ea'ws imigm to keap up with the Enigma This is just a S'petzialized the Emma which rst rcported detaiis abnu t Gamblers evmaii 3190 113 with an e mail eneming PGP still stays in nude an Camivme md it s up a dissuade it Eampsey a passible 501mm th the pmhiem thaugh ne mars pmbaibly uniikety shew ewsz yem whai it does arm haw it ees it allowing Inter-rm providers instaii the sn wam themselves The FBI $11 01 Ld ma a this gizma an gram-39qu product he said T118111th secret is $9113 On he Net Faderal Bursar m Investigati n swim Release Page j 21 camivure impd 1 5 Ame cm Civii Libcnies Unian Cent r fur Democracy and Techm iagy h p wan mrg Prat 3006 Privauy 2 008 T113va fmk Timas Campany amass Page 6'2 - Fianna Cammanrs FACEMILE CV3 L 7 m3 Y A um er af Pagas 6 Dateg In ciading Cam $2 4m Release Page t3 - Jul 11 2309 11 53 mg FBi S -sxan email raise-s issues 55 usunc mm g m mcnesarr at-yams cam HUGE Emu BESHESEES WEE-CH My 951452 155 11ft qu- system to smartly search emma raises privacy legal issues El Nail King Jr am Ted Bridis m July 11 The ms Federal ureau of Investigatian is using a superfast systam callad Camimra t0 smartly seamen e mails for mussa es mm cnmmal 3 EON PETE M33 - Fats-and Lip-dale fur Micmso author 2905 $379785 Jr mm mm iramhs A PERSONAL a ham m am 7 stuffed saftware C amivmc mpmsems a n ms 111 the fatieami gnk'enunent s ght to sustain mam its sum ng in the Internet gag- 3 But in cmplaying the Eggs-tam which can scan miliiom 31 emails 2 sccond he has upset pri may advmates and gems in the camputer indusuy Experts 53 mt sysiam wens a thicket 0f unmasked kgal issuss and pnvazy cameras The FBI dcveiagntd the Emma wiratapping system at a agency fat at Quantico Va and autism- i it Camivare for its ability ta get in the meat at what waum what-wise bi an Enema-us quantity sf data FBI 5mm Mam rag 624 afS 71 1 939 55 AM u FEE siiymm w- swim esmnii mam privacy i issues 5 9f 5 Ward of the Cami va System has disturbed many in the Intcmat indusny becausem Wham Lia-played it must be h eked dimc y inm Intamei sax- at jprm icicrs mmputer Remarks Jui 31330 11 51 technicians unveiiw the system It a retamfu at asmnisha industry apecializsts here twe wee- 13 ago in 3de t0 steer ef ms ta Jamal-up standardized ways 01' with federaf wimaps Federaf imestigams they haw used Cmnivar in fewer ham 00 cri mina 2 35 25 since its Iaunch early last year Ward of he Carnivore system has disturba many in the Inmmat industry because when epm yed it must be hacked directly irate Internet survice pmviders campuwr neiwarks Th at woui give me gavemmem at least mcamtica y that ability In aavas mp an msmmars iigitai commrunicatiens from aemajl to Galina banking and W533 surfing Th system aim troubics- some Int mm service providm an 103mm sea maids yiugged mm their systama In many cases tha'FBi hays the $Cr t Cami vase computer sy stcm in a imktd' sage can the providar s pren sas with agents making daii visits to maria-we the data capmred from ahe pr mvidar s But laga cha engas to the us 31 Cami are few and judges ruh ngs remain sealad bccau-se Gf ihe sesame nature at the i m- estigati cns wiretags an con-ducted only u d i state or fs-daml jm iciai ar r and mcurrclatively infrequa y The huge majemy of wiretaps continue as be the t r aditimai mic-gamma variety though us f ciais say aha mac cf Enigma-t is gaming as averyene drug detains it parantia tam-crisis begins sundae met the Web - The FBI difGH-di I Camimm as mar-e praise than Imemat wiretap mamas used in the 9 15 th bma au says ma a aws inv-sstigators @161 an intercept apamtion so tbs - can pluck 111 digitai traffig of cm parse-n mm amung the swarm Gf millions of other messages An earliar verainn aptly cadmnamed maid suck in as much as to six griga h as of data every ham but in a less disc mina ng fashien Sail critics 201116 115 that Camivurc g abusa Mark Rasgh a fez-mic autism campumecrimcs praises-mar said the nature cf the Survei anze Carnivore raiszes important privacy questie-ns since it anaiyma part if wary snippet 0f data traffic that aws past if Only 13 mamin whemer to reams it far palicei from me WSJ Wat Streak Jaumai staries an MSNEBC it P 03 5mm Rafa-am - Pa 3 525 mum m1 Jul LL 2833 1133i P5351 mlvs ystem mwr y snatch mma Wis-cs ham It s the 11 s the Electmnic equivaiem of lismning to aquivaignt 3f phase ca s ta see if it s the phnne 2311 31m shuul be mcnimring ML Rasch said ch cievaziiop a tremendous ameum cf informati n Others say he drama zcs how far ha negation laws an lagging behind the ta-ch ncl gicai tistming phane calls in 56 if it 51338 Prim 93 3 9 raw iminn %is is a giant way is 115 am shauld bi elem-mama mamas mast cha angas hm manim ng Mr 51 11am hare is me much iatituda in the Carma law Rage said said Emma Baker 3 iawyer spacia zing in tekzemmvnica ens and Internet regulatery mama's Rahcn Cam Revere 9f the Hag-an Harman law rm hare rapm santcd an unidmti ad Imam-e ends pmvid r in one Bf the few laga ghts against Cami 20 3 He mid his than woniedthat ma FBI wo uid have access to the evmai traffic on its system raising pri was an mentity concem sa A fed-am magiamm again -t the early this 32225 having it no Gytio but to aliow the asses-5 1 3 its system is an 353 3 in d pe-Tast mad 0 cim cation from sai MI Cum-Remra Cm that is app-liar the ESP tharc s no Chit cm 1h gy'siamf' 531M Rap Bob Barr R whe 3515 an a Hons-c ju iciary subcammi as f0 - mnsti mun-31 affairs If ham- s 0 13 word wouid as 0 EECFEEZEQ this it wanid be f ghtmingm Marcus Rama-3 chief at the FEM Tar mam-g3 atrian a Quwtito said Carniwra mpmanis the bureau s effa a kaep abreast m rapid Chang- 5 in Int m while- meatng the damands of fade wiretapping statutcg This 32-5 rs a we sgaciaiized sniffar he said 313 nay-ted that criminal and civi panama pmhibs 1h bureau from placing unamhmizad wir taps and giaamd in base 313ch of criminal $215125 uid be thrown mt 3f court Typicai Internet wiretaps i235 amund 45 days aim which the Emma the cquipmanh Mr Themes Said the bureau usualiy has as many as 20 Camimm sysm ms an hanci just in cas sf a ammum 9f in fbrmatimn Release - Pa e 6 26 3 afS 7 11 09 1 35 r in-r alarm-r r 51 A Jul 11 2380 111531 9 05 Far mw enly warm e-mil raises mvmy issues I $5533 Wm m m FBI mpe s ackncawiadgc that Sarah-3017 15- 5 Stacy ESNBC mmimring can be Styx- ied with camputmr data su h as - 3 mma that is as cr ambied using paw fu'l _r Thus-e mes-sagas stili can be uapmrecl but law 0375mm trying to head 11$ caniems an at the mercy Ciick ef far 0f haw xsxa it was Mr Thmm said SWEERE 315 Mm 0f criminai was when the F81 used am am Camimr in past 13 months facuscd on what the human ca s infrastructme gatemian or the bum far basilica-2m th ugh it alarm was usad in muntenems sm and same drug-mf c ng cases Ca @r EOQCB aw Jane E Eastman Inc AH Right Rags-3 653 assay Latin America him a wag 0 213 pmvitiers Demsche Hie-323m i0 acquire VoiceE ream Wireiesa Den hex- ts me a $31 life 593 nal Mi r sc aims sa aim-'empers m3 its new campm ing Fast-fem 'ff'Ef sCi i s Bani-1 fa cm a aw-r wiih endera Ready in i -Si where Manama tricky in Eurw Dautsc e Tami-am makes ove ur-ea to awning Vai ceStream Wireiess Tipping the seams both ways in Mamet case Vanda with rag-v viigion 2 9 0 repent Earnings Lo bbyista get to ame me spectrum 9 3 Shana the saie cf WebiPC ne 5 243 32 Mileage P33 62 a we 91 mo- ifMarcus 6 Thom-as Pram Ta Sent ue ii 1 j u Subject Carnivara ameie 3 AH if yam are net aire-aciy aware 13 aurca is UK ZDnet page News Burst FEE uses email Suweili ncc system Tue 11 I113 200% MESS GMT Win Knight 3 Lamar fast scanning systam niekname Carnivore is be ng use-d b31336 FBI covertly same through rzmaii massagm 533 3 13m Wa Sires Emma Mimic-51's Federal Eurasia 9f Investiga n i3 using a email scanning System dubbed Carnwom tummy trawl through email masmgea in order capture suspecm cmmnais report-s the Walk Six-6e Journa Tuesdav The revalatians have waged a furor mama-g privacy and security admcates becausa 1 a u-get acumen-on in a cmzmercial miwmk auih rmes in access 1 3 32 Internet cammunieatmns Cami m're i5 repartezdiy making mare than a permnai compuim $3386 with spasm Se ware Gambit of scanning mi i ns 9 emails a second Accurding in the repari Camimre which was launched 135% year has latter used gather ew ancc in femzr than crimimai itasesi Page 1 of 1 52 4592 Emma - Page 6291 m #fi WavyMon- 9 5 q 43' - - FBI Eama ii Stamping e'vice Attacked 53y BLIAN HQPPER c The Asseciated Press Civii Iib eni s and privacy gmups am railing against a new gmem d sign-e-d 331mm 13w enfarcremem agantS 1-0 intercapt anci anaiyze huge am unts 0f anmaii in amines- inn with an invastiga cand The system sailed Camivare was rst hinted at on April 6 in tastimdny to a Hausa submmitteeuse tter Camivere is p an at an Enigma seniw pmvideg it scans all incoming and eutgoing e mails fer messages associated with this targai 31 a criminal pmbs In a Tetmr addressed hr ha- 0 mamhws of the House ihai deals with Faun Amencimem searchvan d seizure issues the Ame can Zia- H Libaniea argued that the system this Inismet pm dm s rights and the rights ofa its custom by wading hath sendar and recipient addressesy as wall as subjact rms 31 emails to dacide whether ta make a 0313 Of ihi Entire massage Further wh e the system is piugged imo has In emet prm'ider's systems it is Contra sd 3 3 er by the law enforcemem again- 31 In traditional mire-zap the rap is physica y place-6 311 maimginad by the zei phcn mmpany Cams-me is mughi'y equiva icm to a wiretap capabit mfg-613335333 ha cameras 31 the wmmsatio g 33311 of the phune mmpang s austmmera with the lsaurance that the FBI will Graig camersati-Qns of the Spaci sd target read he fetter This imsi us we are the govenmzam approach is i113 antith sia ed the requimd under mt u- imiapping iaws Sleii aardt assuciale dire-aim of 111 ACLIL said citigena sh uldnfi' mist that such a sweeping 331343 wi he used against c rimina i anagrams And even than he Said the data mined by Cai niml s pa icui a y subject lines are airway intmsi vs Law enforcen lent 53101116 in proh ibiis instailing any device that allows them the iniercapt canmanicatims Ram parsons anther than the target Stainhar-dt said in an int-swim When conducting these kintis 0f inv-cstigmions ha information should he restrietad to adrimssing infommtion A spakeswuman Rap Charies T Canady R Fiaq heads the Hausa Judiciaw an the Cons tuti n said ha had comment an 11$ letter In matinwny to Canady s subcommitiem CemRev-em a iawycr at the Hagan Harman 23w i2 Washington said he rcpr sente an Internet provider that mfused to instali the Camiv-or system The pmvider was piacad in an awkwar pasitian Cemn'Revere said because the company feared suits rm-n custmnars unhappy with the ga-vemmem 100kng ii ii ail 5mm Release Page waa B F33 the tie-mail was aeimowiedges ' by he gevemment hat Camivme w-eu d enable rename access to the 1313 s tWGi k and week he under the exclusive central e'f gevemmem agents said Cem Revere mm the can- miitee that eurrem Ease is insufficient t0 deaf with Camimre s peiezn ai anti that the hue-met previ er lest its semi battle in part because of the Entemei s ieiephene nes and that the law was gireiehed it cover the Intemet as well weuid net reveal the efhis client and client East the ease He said the FBI has been using Cemimre since ea y his year James K empsey senier staffeounee 3i he Cemer for Democracy amt Teeimelegy said the main preblem x- iih Camia'ere is its mystery 1e - in $431 Jami Int - Age 7 NWR hex meme en uier nee 0i i at even the ISP knees exec-i what the giant is deing But Dempsey said lemme pmviders teammate-d e the pmi em by saying that current teehnoiegy ees- net ailme- ahe Imam-e erodes-er 1e em out what the gm'emmem is men-m 13 gm under a search warrant The een ies s eempiained me hey had to give everyihh i the FBI The een'ice said they Eden's knew how in Gem-ply with e01er erders Dempeey By taking that pesitiem zey have her-1 Ihemse i veg puti i 11g ihemseives inte- a box Memes Themes u th heads the eyeene-ehmiegy seei'ien mid the wan Street Jewel $113 the bureau has abth 20 Cemiwre syszems whieh are PCS with preprieiary gaftwere He said Cemivere nice-is eerreni wireiapping hams but is designed in keep up with the Mei-net This is just a specialized sniffer Themes mm the lemma which r si z ep ed detai 1S abeut Camimre Eneqpted email done with an eemaii weeding pregram like P6P stil i stays in code on Carnivore and it s Up in agean in deem- 3e it Dempsey has a gessi bie selulie-n to the prehiem theegh one thefs probany 11 15 er 3110 everyone what it lees and haw it ees ii allowing Internet previders re instaii the se ware them-seizes The FBI 33101315 make this gisz an epe'nwseuree prudent he said Then the secret is gene On the Net Federal Bureau of Imrestigmjen American Civii Lihe ies Union ht tp fhmweaeleerg Sfldi Reieesa Page 531 Gamer for Democracy anti Techmiegy Pr 'iy 303 Privacy gp em 2 4 30 ZEDT Copyright 336i The Assmiaiad Press I SEEM Release - Page 9 32 a FEES Internet Wiretaps Raise my Cantatas - mm r Ti 11651 t a Head Emigrant mass For your I n i News Hume Page aws Digest @anitiu Nation Wartd Harm Butinct f reth Ma Pn Te atmates 5' Can-many Reta - in th Mutual Funtis Permian Ftnanm Industries paciat Rep rts Live niini Rea 125 1 Tech index S parts Style Eduuati-un Tram Health Opinion Weat er Sectians Marietta P s t Editimt Archives IHUEI Mp ud h Wl- tailiu l Fartnw 341 GM blip 93629095311 1 htmi N tegister Web Search i I - he Page I at Quick Queues Enter fixi' lTESZEbiE a Index internet Wiretaps Raise Privacy Cancel-ms By Jab Schism Washimgtan Stat-T A ritct Eitj gacg sraacia Ragga Tuesday 11$ 1 i 2800 Page A01 Wh- 5 Tan iniun The has tiap-iayed an autcmated system to wiretap the nit-met giving anthmitias a am in notice but drawing cancems amnng civit tiherta rians and privacy a vocatts abaut haw it might be used Ex aiil i rti g - Est The new computyt 5 5t m tabbed Hawkers in isj the FEE because it rapidity nds ha meat in vat-st of datas was dweloptd at FEE camp-titer labs in Quanticm and has been in fewer than 58 cases St far But that number mire ta rise said Friar-tug Thumast thiaf mfthe cyberte maiogy section at Q'uantim In criminal situatitms that-2 5 mt yet ham 3 large cat for it he said but the human aiready has seen gt-math in the rat of rtquestt Civii iibanies grtz-ttps gait the system trembling issuts abaut that canstitutes a reamnablg search and seizure of etactmnic data in snif ng mt patential criminal conduct that new tachnaIG-gy 3330 could scan private infatmation abeut Iagai activities It 023 to ihf Ewart of how the Feurth and the federai wiretap statute art gang to be tappiie in the Intemat aga said Man head of the Electronic Privacy in ammation Center is The new system Which npsrates an per-5 31 31 camputersj takes advantage at am nf'tha principics 0f the Internet that virtua y at such cctm'unicatiens art 'bruken up in m ' packetsa 0r unif rm chunks 0f data Camputers on the Imamet brat 13p ewmait messages World Wide Web site traf c and ether 'infennat'ion inter pieces and mute the packets auras-s the giobal netwmk where they are raasx-embted an the ch f and pragranuners devised a gasket sniffer systam that can analyze data owing through computer netwutks to datenrnine whe ter it 35 patt of an Email wattage same mher piece ofW-eb traf tt V'ti i ti New 2 9 1 4 1 Ltm Calla Ft 5mm Release the 1133 Emit- 1 it 123 2990 interns Wiretaps Raisa racy Ca cenm 3 Page 2 5f 3 The abi ii y t0 distinguish between paCkets aliaws Slaw enfemement af cials ta taii-m their that far exampiey they can examine e maii but Icava alone a suspect s 0111mm activitiag The system 3011M ha tunad in do as link as nm-nitaring haw many evmaii massages the suspect sends and to whom they are a desedm-the equivalent of a teisphana pen registgr which takes down Eleghane numbers haing caiied withuut grabbing the C t m calls That s the game news said Jamas Dampsey an aria-1 531 with ha Center far Demncracy and Technc agy a Washingt n high- tech palicy group it is a mare discriminating day'iae than a full wiretap he said - But Dampsa expresseci werries about the new system which wauid be installed at th a 'ices of a su5peci s Internet sewica pmvidar Just as he -evice maid he used it ne-tune a search it aim cam-d use-d for braad Sweeps of data The bad news is that ifs a Mac the gn-vemment ants in insert rm the pmmisas fa service pmv ider Nabsd y that it aims what the gm s mmem ciaims it uid diff Dempsey 521M Existemc 0f the Carnimre system was disarm-35w in Wail Street Iamnai amcie yestarday which rammed that the FBI sham-ed the to telecmnmumcations Industry expert-s hm weeks agm when Gidari a- lawyer Mm marks for the vsiralegs in ustry was pmsen t at he FBI He said the ammuncamsm was intendad to 2me industry assenims that ii would be very dif cult to r vide the kind of pez1 registsr wiretap capability that the agency wants Since the Gida saw an factien within telecommunicai ians indu sins' was phased with hat FEM effo s But Gidari said the mils facticn saying Wait a minutewwhai are the Iiabi ty ia uw K s hat an the privacy issues We wan thin pa y scs warre cm system Aitimugh has passeti iagisiaiinn requiring wisp-bane companies In mam their develuping netwm'ks easy 10 Wiretap Gidari is me ufa Earge Jmmber ofindustry expa s wha haliew the iaw 10 33 am appb wiretapping that Inimzct The FBI oven-eachas in evcwhing they day said Gi ari wim is prssidmt of 66an an Internet cansuiting cmmpany A fart-mar federal pmsezugmr soun ed a mare suppa ive Mme if what it times is it halps comply with wimtaps and it heips minimim what yuu re gettingwm hail gift what the court auth rizes yen in get time s nothing with it said Mark Raachg WW 2 security cansuiiam with Regan basad Ginbal Integrity Stilt Rasch said the teatmlagy raised questions that have yet ta b3 fu y 2 x p med by law enfamemeni The PC m hump examines all packets can ng thmugi a compmar network but gives ve law cnf rcement officers 0 133' mass packet-s to subjett of tha investigatiwn The stuffihat is examinad only by a camputh and mm by a human being was that infanna on searched Rasch askad He then suggested 5mm Reiease Page 1 h tmi I 1 THE 233030 Bills Internet Wiretaps Raisa C-e ncams Page 3 0153 an answer it is a watch but it is an amen 385$ invasive than it wmuid he ifyau did mt use this technulagy The rst mam-'3 f Camimm aci ualiy came in April during tengr ssionai testimnny by Xi ashington lam- er Rabat CornuRewm neg-hm representad an mama service pmvider hat triad resist attaching the sysiam is its netwark Cam Revere suggested that such a system maid be used to Hack di ssidems and journalists oniina Thaw are same hum-an rights issues hare he Said But Thelma 0f the FBI said than is naming mysierimus about the new device This is an cffc on the FEM part to keegte pace with change-s in animal-cynic maintain an to lam- fuliy intarcept mm pen-registar data to fail wiretaps with mun authorization It a rm an incmase in cur aulhariiy it duesu pregnant a ange of valume in what we he said mm The Washingmu 13-35 Cmnpany 4' Eimigsaawsfi $5 98- Mm SERIES Release Page 00511 1 I html 2553300 OPCA-ED 12 3v96 FEDERAL BUREAU 9F 1 01 2 INFORMATIQN SHEET Psgefs wimhcid emiraiy this in the ma One at more af thc mum-in st-sitmnazma where indicat lj cxpiain mi damn-cm 1 C3 clciian wan made pursuant In the excavagman s indicated bemw with my segregahic malaria far relgasa yam C3 E3 i3 @115 a may E1 3 Minx mg-3 3 m ET E3 3 MS mm 3 m5 3 Him mg bk-E info-namian pertained 0m in a third party mm rcf umncc the sumac 15 request Gr 31 subjm m mr re-quc3 i is ned in the Mk 3mg Ducmnm-Eg migmr Kid wiah mmher Ihasc ciacum nis ware rafsrred hi-ti 5 far rc- c iaw 3m direct was Fagm contain infh m ian furnished by mmisw Gm emmsn agencyi'iea wi bc advised by Ina FBI as the at this ini'ormaa an a wing mu consultation u h 1hr mhar agencyi es Fag-d3 withhcid 3nasmuch as 1 Mai mam dc-mminatinn has not harm ma a Ynu will advisad hi this iispnsilian a 3 his data we 92 Fagcs were rim msidsred m r-e easg as may dap ica ve if '13 g g rfw m f E w Pagms Wilhhi d far feiiuwing raamn s 77777 Th f0110wingnumba is be used 'pr mgm ing these pag- 23 mt awamr ffj if ef ng mmu #31 a Edam Page- s Na D aplicmi n Fee far this page DJ Hem v r - 9- u J 5mm - 2 3-w- lemme 't d tf Ge are31' MUM resume federal agencies ebsoletesystems and 1 394 said Dang MeMiister Gifts ederai agencies Wm be able e 033- 5 deli we them eha tabie argmiza ens 5 direemr ef marketing and so um cm it 'LGWarrj the purchase Agencies an specify a charity er al mu catiam Camputers and tedm of new IBM Corp PCs and 13p - few Gifts In Kind to cheese the charity 1 agyare high on the needs list for eh - mp5 by denati g 'ueir'old amputers ta that will receive the tempura Gi e In McAIlist-er said 1 charity via a unique gm'emmemwide Kin-d3 Recycle Tethnelegy gal-03mm for deleting elassi whi h supplies tefurbished tempurers irierma om computer ham dri- '3 The Department afk eierans Affairs 1 needy ergenizatims has de ated 1 er ramming the driees themseh a Speciai Services n ice am the Air Farce abeut 16 903 camputers a year 10 man- rests with he agency trading in - Magical Lagistics Office awamed a de- erganizations since it started in equip-meme Mack said 1 can tra zed blame purchase agreement 1 last week to imam-m an car-dine mm 5 put-er equipment reselies the ugeuE- air a I Eire government cusmmerzs 10 receive ire-dean allowance for their elder IEM equipment a the time pueehasenew lacking inta the aiie Agencies could remeive a $3 00 Cf t dii he Ameriean Civ Libenies gations 1 XR-1ixem we evxteieg new meek fer 13M PCs that have 43$ Ur fan-re 1 L nion appeaied Cengeess East n niagym-hen we app iythe Cam mtinm preceesars and are 3333 m mmempiiam week to p mtect Americans mm want we nuke sure that we appiy iv ir Corinne Lingehac h prev unreasnnahie Searches and seizures on 55 a consisrent and balanced way Rene gram manager fer the Technicai Refresh the Internet in Eight revelatiem said and Tradevin program which is open that a new mm mring teal maid enabie Rehert Com Revere an Intemet anci W ail gevemment agencies anti runs the FBI 5 intercept the email an awe cammumcaiiam iawwr with the Y fesi v 1 thr-augh Ger 8 mmfhe ere-ii ten he abiding eitieens ingmm D- C nbe-sed applieci ta the purchase ofa new m a Eerie the law Firm Hagan pester Agencies could neceive a saw-cretie- Hem- fudfciarjc Comm LLB rst Iii-1 it far eachlapmp tmned' in mines-'5 Ce Begimunn vuiged evidence The EPA based en iszzcem s Generv Su bcenmiitte ACLU Iii-e Carnivere sys f 31 Sewi ces A mmistre en scheduie ten direcmx Lau ra Mar 7 tem s abilities during tract is abetter value and it enhances 3313 argued that the a mngressiomi hear-g meal-ems we already have said F1313 new rmware e-maii sunrei ance ing in Aprim he FEI must have a court men nf cer Mary Ruse system gives fetierai lawenfercemem of i crazier use rmware fa-ml ismv effers the traeie-in so it's eets aetees the e-mail of every cus- I Dnee-appmve Carnivore is attached um que Dame efan Internet sewisze' provider and directly to an me work anti give The contract guarantees Esteem at The email of-every pawn-who mnmm- the FBI aeczess in all email traf c ew 5 ieast gamma in les but the mummy 3132 3135 with them 1 Eng acres the nemerk acmr mg the 3 mticipates mom timing in sa'iess 1 me Sankara system gives law en- ACLU ami' others have raised 1 We the life of the contract said End Farcemem email mterceptien capa'bi r concerns that tarnivare intercepis ine Mack i6w cem s vice president ofsaies ties that were never-contempiated when 3 Fermatian from the headers cf email 51 in the xture Rust hepes an acid uth- paesed the Electronic Cem- messages and may jvx ge deraile- abeut 1 er types efcemputer equipment 1w the 3 mu cetiom Privacy Act in 1936 Mm the ofthe messages program Althuugh there are rm ether pm in the letterJThe ACLU I The FBI and the law enfereemem canteens that offer trademin credits the subcoth accelerate its care and maximal seeurivf conmxun-ities in I Rust's ef ce does eff-er other unique 1 si eration of the applicant ef the general axe offermgatmde less privacy 5 program that bene t schuois and Dth mum Amendment in the Digqu Age 1 due 12 in amed use ai mningy in 311 - er charities The Fourth Amendment to the Cum veillance in return for greater safety far iGev cem pennant with Gifts stimtien pro t the pubiie from 1111 the public said Daniel Ryan a Ewes 1 Kind Interna anal an Aiexm a Va reasonable searches am seizures and farmer ethectm' of Infenna rm 53 95 1 based charity organizatinn refurbish Attorney Generai lane Rem said My terns Security at the Fentagen I I0 mu n xoaa rants enmrm'ex wan eas Pa 2 633 BY DAN VERTQN agar partians af 3 hi1 hat Wk li authm ize appmp atinm munity weupld sigm tm y the fame Hepartmem s ability to suppart military openiions warn Defense cretar William Cohen and his mp adviser chgn 313% Army Sen Henry Shelmn chairman cf the faint Chiefs if 5 35 cen y sent a Earner ier lawmakers an Capital I protasting a pmpmai by the H use Ferman-em on Inm igema to esmhlis h an mrmnunicmiem pesiaim with-in the M The Win iam chief architect have mad m spa-nsib itie fur mt ew-empment ctf a worldwide zeEecommunicati-ans system that wauld 5mm mm - munii the 13qu 3f which mw residea and ms the CIA for the us inteliigence come I Intell turf battles rage i 1 Ema-n - Sacr tery at afgnse n' A The chief art tecn suppm d by a 30 per-50 1 maff wank-ti be funded with $30 1115113051511 start-up money taken divest-r I the budgets as the 'Penmgm s Na 2 tional Remnnaissanm Qi ce the Han inns Security Agenq' and the 365359 Intel gence Agency awarding in the hm This unilateral and in ependent at I chimcrumi of m mum seriously am- age if ms retail-y dean's the effons of the BSD chef mfmmation af rm Wh has mugging ac ties with the 3111 6131- gemte and efense imam - gence companant C105 advance iv 1 between and amang intelligence pm ucers and consumers taken and Shaken mid Cangress The Hausa Armed Services Cammittee' in - ciudaci Cohen am Shanon fetter 3 pat-tan the scal we 'Imeliigence Am 1 1 Lhutizatian hill reieased Em mamh But the Pentagan is also concerneel WEEK funttions Grimm-ism we 35313 the impart the new Office might 3 haw an effm ts tn urch srrate a Global information Grid award ing to the Cahen and Shelmn iettm thc PE Meagan has been marking an the GIG contapt far mare than a year and envia Siam a 3331533 nemer cam big of deiivering secure fammi-an ta ai mars The GIG a premium an the gamma and timer atmss by mu war ghim and psiicy-maiuh ears 0 ail farms oif infermw tinm including inte igenm a Pentagon spake-spawn than shm dv If he sepaxatie for f mbat i uncziong For supper matti m- 32 tar An a kia 1hr Eentagnn'g a ice e Lamnm Cams-9L am 1 alsm said that the Pew Eager supports a bmader GIG mncepr as a Barman intai iigmxrevenly nit-31mm archimcmm v saw-nun u Solutigms which take down the aid baniers internparab iry and harness mar m abc-rative nem'mki mg and 3 gaming have the most value and are deserving af summit the ef v dad said Our unmam with the prev paged intelligeme commicaiiam Chi t am lessened by the extent to which that entity is free tn Euppm t the hmader-Glabai Informatirm arid archi tecmre in preferenca to a narmwer in tel gencevcniy netwark Cahen and She'lwn opposb titan to Congress proposal to expedite- the rea wmld 135 3 9f we aim mics-Mia game Emmi Archimmwe ma in the in Lelligeme saying it is pre snaiure esignaie the sm'm am capability as the Standard for caiiamra o The a mam generatinn digits caiiaberatic-xs effort headad mg by Defense Intelligence gmcy Congress tail-3 3 Erma-sight cf the 13mg 411 its s'ifwm 10 the CIA feei 51 35eg that it wouid mumemmduczive bath in fur- their aw-NV L-echmia-gy pursuits and in remaw the from the D033- m-eraight that has mada It the ha 1 the committee ndsf' st zed Ctr-hen and Sheimn The-C1355 e ined on he ymposed legislation t WAR NOT A BATTLE antemqeznce experts tharacmized the sates raw-t an fhe bilE the House Armed Services as t e mare than a ton in the struggle Iu-r' tantra ever the Elntefliqance budget batman the Hausa mid the Senate Select Cnmmiitee an intel'iigence stained by Sen Richard Enemy Ream Others said this diet-ate centers on this mam awaiting of swimming the qence and manila be In charge Wis iusjtqun j of the m1 heme aver inte iq nce Said stewea Aftetq and an specia st with the Federatian-af Azim ri an Scieh vsli The Basic questian i5 m were he a strang dim th 0f cmtr ai intei mnce when is in charge of the whaie w The Defanse namrtmen says no Furtharmare h cause at the awning mi tari zaiian af infe iqence my bet is ihat the Pantaqan will get its may he said Robert steeii'e a zsvear veteran of the intel gente cammunit and author 12- the recent buck On in mzt'iiqencei Spies and Sktl et in an Open Wn ar said the inter matinn Age has magni ed the ma a m- ti'un u havin a centre against-y aspansibie 1' far interliiqente In the aqua ui distributed lnfer ga m tam concept oi central gem is an Steeie said 7 33 51 Vader jijLY If mac-c 5mm as - Page 3 I email Smaping Device my ked Raga I an Hume when My fghoa New Asians - 1 3th Pla num Visa APR Instant Rewards with Gi Cemi camsic-am No Annual Fee Home 379 9 Stevie-S vsiness Egg mag 92 n Enie aimw Pmi cs News updated @mmsimm i 1 Tuesday July 11 PM ET 7 FBI e mail Snaoping Device Attacked $3 1 51v MN HGFPER A550 me Prexy Wri sr Speak yaur 17 er a cuss has awry With what mama1R SEifhi ph Lmi Eighng gag p kdt r gmugs railed Edam ag ma sa g j Tugsday against a new system magma-cl ailm aw Eilfo'rgemcnf ag n ts Raquims Masgg gfgf Inter-cap and analyze huge amaums of s-znaui cannscimn With an invesmgaum The 33365111 hill-113d 31 April 6 in testinm ny to a Manse Now the has 11 133 Carnivore is placed at an internal Sen ice Provider it scans a3 weanling anti wagging ewmaiis message s assamat zd With the arg i a crm al pr-m sje in a latter addressed to two members wfthe Hausa subcammi 'ae that deals with Fourth Amendment seamhvandeacizur issue the American Liberties Unirm arguad that ma system breachas 131 Internet pmvidar s rights and the rights If ail its cusmmars by reading bath gendar and r aipiem addresses as we 3 3 subject lineg m enma sg decide t0 mask a copy of it entire message Fu hcr While 113 syst m is piuggad mm the Intsmet provider s 33 rsiams it is camm d smleiy b31116 law sni urcement agan-cy In a wire-taps the tap is piacad and maintained by 1116 teiaph-one mmpany Carnivere is mughly equivalent to a wiretap camble afaccassing the cantents fths cameraa ms of 33 3 if the phona company s cusmmers wiih the assurance that the FBI record ccn vcrsations the speci ed target mad the Ignaz This 'trust us 1 ch are 1132 gmemment alppmach is Eh c the maximums required under cam wiretapping laws S'tainhardt associate dimetnr oi the ACLU said citizens sh uidn t trust that such a sweeping dat tap will 3 113 in used against criminal suspec is An awn than he said the data min-ed by Camiwm particuia y subject lines is already inimsive Law enfarcement should be pmhibited fmm insiailing any device 35 31 aiiews them to intercept I persans other than the Steinhardt said 111 an intanfiew Wham gonductm may kinds 9f investigati nng the infmmation Sheuid be restrici 0 13 addressing in fcmatmn A spakeswoman for Rep Sharks Canady R-Fla g whe heads the Caustituiian said that the cangressman had no immediate gamma m the ie ar mam Halts-aw Page 8w bag #96 I 07f 12f2990 83 email 3 100 ng Bevige bad - Mgrtestimany Sammy's subcammittee Rabat a ia'wyar at the Hogan Rama-n law r 3 in Washingten said that he represamed an Emmet prmri zr that rcfusad install the Carnivore systa The provider was placed in an awkward pusiticn Cam Kevan hacause the camgzany feared sui from custQ-mers unhappy with the gm- emnan t lacking in in 31% the enmaii It ms by that Camivore wnuki enahia mnmta access to the network and wauld be under the exclusive annel of gevemment aganis CarnnRevere said Com-Revere told that current law is insuf cient to deal with Camivam s poimiiai and thai le Ema-mat prow er last thair cam batik in part becausa afthe intemet s to teleghona lines and that the law was matched to cover the internet as wail CQm sRevere reveai the name 3f his client and le alien lost that case He said th at the FBI has been wing Camivcre since early this yam Iameg K Dempsey senior staf fcounself at the Canter for Democracy and 'i ecfmoingyz said that the main prabiam with C-amwors 15 13 s mystery FBI is pix-icing a Mack his insidz ms amputer neiwmk of an Dampsey said Mm awn 1h ESP knaws email what that game is doing 13 But Hampsay Said that Internet pmviders camributed the pmbicm bf saying that current Iechmie dam 11m aiiow the Interim provider 1-123 3017 mi cxac y when the gmemmem ss enuin in gm undcr a search wanani The Gamers tmnpiamcd aha they ha gwe Everything ha ha FBI The sen-rice I'm-idea said they didr know have to cam' v with mun girders A i a i takmg that peg-man they have him Eammseh esg 111111ng themseh es mm a hex Marcus Thomas 1 th heads the Cg'h ar 'I'Echmiggy Sectian mid ha Simm Mum-a that the bumau 11 15 abaut 20 Carlin-Fen 13 which are PCS with mapnemry sat- mare Hf sa ld amivm-c nae Eats current wiretapping ans bum 15 dagignm a k p up with the hummer This is just a specialize ci szziff r Timmas mid the Inumah which rst rcperia details ahmu Cmimre 1 eimaii time with an E'm-Slli cncading program We PGP siays in wide an Carnivore an it s up to a ng faced 1L Dempsay has a poss ihie mimics t0 the pmhiem haugh one that's probably unlikaiy Shaw ex-rerym-xe what it dares and have it aims its aliewing lnmmei gravid- rs 10- insta hit software hams-61mg FBI shmid make this giant an pm uct he said Th-en the secret is game n the Net Fad-areal Bureau Invastiga an 111m 33 333 11 15 93 Ama can Civii Libertitzs Union Center fur Dramas-racy and Tachmingy h yi ' x k j gdt l Fr tty Semi Privany PC sz Reimse - Page I h tmi 2 201 33 N 3L u - a FBE c mail Bumping levice irked a 4m - 0 A Emmi this story aw man-swam ng Printernf endw format Archived Eateries by Date Seamh News 7' 5 I 1% Search a Statics Fuii Cm'erage Haring ToprStar es gs ness Egg Wariq Egg A Cupyright it 2003 Thu Assatiated Pres-s ASE reserved The infu n Etitm containeci in the ATP prim written auihurity Gf The Assatiaiad Press 5 24am Release Page 64 ifpl bi snmpingvj htmi 3133123521360 3 Page3ef33 Entertainment gum-s Suiencg Beat- h f News may m be pub sh d broadcast rewritten or redisiributad withnm the mm my $933 13 353 993SHEET 1 3 1 3 Immedim Tap Sam Time Transmitted Primrity Save San-dtr's Ini a'ss 7 Ranting Can damiai Number mfP gas 1 Ci Sensitive imiu iag wver sheet j Unclassi Name 91 G f se 7 3i 3 23 3 w cg Aft-f1 $7 Name Ream Talephanc 3mm 77777 Name 91 Of Spccial Handling InsiwctiamName Teiephanc' I 7 ma 1 Originamr s Paagimila Number 7 7 7 7 Approved 7 Brief at Cnmmunm un Faxe - WARNING 5134M Reieasa Page af rm-mm amt-chest to the carver shag1115 intended wipient 0f thin inf-ama cn iscimum mpmdumiou dishibmian or us of this infuzrmatinn is ssmhihiw Hum natify the 3 angina-tar the Kasai immwimiy tn image far pupa d spwizim 7 Ea 7 Rana it review this Enlcmat Wham system 3 3 Reuters - US Axioms Janet Reno said 011 Thursday Sh would review a new autematcd cmnput r system that item wiretap ha Interns dew-mains whether it might in ings m privacy rights I'm taking a has at ii new 10 mam sure that we balance the rights if 211 Amerisans with the tacimolagy if mday Rem said asked about the FBI system ismown as Camivme that can be user In mmitor e ma s s st minal susp ct Rem emghasised lm any such wiretaps whiah are placzed on an internei smite providcfs tanner he ba lane 1th an appropriate scum order awarding and pracedm es used f0 anfui sun iilmce Wt are Making 31 it 19 what is 'zmeded if axmhingj she Said If additim ial regulatiens are needgd we pursue She mid @5ka news brie ng i seai she wam o its sure mar the new ec mem gy dogs not hie cums 3 cause 01 mum-2m fer privacy That American Civ i L beriics in rm and tamer mix-aw a ma-aiea haw Express-ed 10-61171 me new 5ysicm maid private ni anm m 2 13 31 23 33 aciivi iES rcsui ng in in Hashim enmesiis 1hr system can maniinr visits 5 E Sf '31 1 pa 0 $304 a 3'yr rig Rent said she n-Iziy Making ins-a the issue and er news a icies appear-ad agriier this week The FBI recemiy dcmemsaramd ms sysigm 10 immatures in th teiawmn unicmimm il'idusmt hare Esmowu about the capacity if ihis Its appiicaii n and whai has harm done had not bean brought in my amnion Reno aa d Tim 1381 s direcmr Louis Fr ch i epmns to Rena just want in mam sure that industm privacy imareats iaw enibrcemcm interms an a fail advised 30 that we cansider cmcema anti milk sum that we adiirsass them Rem saidt She wm ambit to say wheiher tha system- vmuid caminue in 013mm 11mm hm mvi-aw was undamvay 13 29 Cnpy ghi 2000 Reuters Limits-d All rights msen e 5mm Reieasa - raga-3 7395 fe 546 12-3995 3 FEBERAL BUREAU 0F HQVESTIGATIGN PAGE Page- s withheld antircly 1th5 J'ncaiia-n in the it One cf that gnawing Stamina-ants Wham indicamc Expi ia his dcieii m 3 Dam-ms were made payment as me axempt'ians indicmd hci-aw wish me segregabie mam al availabis far ei asa EG- yen EEQEELQEEL 13 3 5 m maw E3 5353 C3 Hi5 U3 535 3 533$ 53 3 Biff in rm-Minn p mained Univ E rd pm with no Extrema the Subjeci Wu rcqucsa he subjem if mm a gural is Eiste in the Iitk only oaliments Originated w th anqihar Gm'emm im for rm i w and dire-m mspanse I0 yea Pages Contain infarmas n rm ghed by meme Gm ammcm Ems winks advisad by the 525$ 10 the raieasabiliiy at this isifos'maii n Mimi ng ms mmuha n with hat mhe r Pagcis inasmudh a final mic-aw d ierminatian has new bean mach a a ham dam Paggs mt cam-idem as reieasa as may are duplicaiiva Of 7935 flag 3 3 g mkoa I Them maximums wen r ferrs-d hm agencyiim Y u xvii hi adviseci 33 the 151 533 my ag mm Page s wimh d fm 111 allowing wggj_ a 3 The falitswing m th is ba 1155 far reference r-Egarding these p agts Omar a bun 77777777777777 Deleted Pagei s Dupiim nn Fae far this page 3 mm I 1 1 var-vie v 1 5 Iofl i Cmmn ls 9n of Emaig on S'nwre i0 bc Based washringtonposgmm 1 News Hume Paga News ige t nP-oiitim Haitian Warm Meztm Stark Education Tray-Pei Heaith pi i nn Weathw Weekly Sectiens Classifieds Print Editian Archives News Index Help Rm-waum a mm Cantm is on Export 0f S-thware t0 be Eased By Join warm Post Staff Writer anday JuEy 2mm ME PM Live nlina Emmi-Mr aveid Steer of TRUSSTE how t9 sensitive panama at 11 Wednesday Frgiect Amy Ai man the Canter far Media Educatian discusses ways is prawct chii ren mine at 1 pm Thurs aw The Ciinimn a ministration announced fcday that it will teaser m the expert nf sc wam 9-7 the pmgrams that hem usera scra mhie mesgages and data 10 pigtact it prying eyes and ca lied im- new iegistation intanded to make sansa if wi reiapping in the internist age Re p-csr tmw Th We mad 1 3 baiance the semminms comma-Eng goais 035 he pmiection 0f public safeiy he achiwemem 31 gr o wih and digital appa m ty and the presm va m 0f privacy and liberties said Whit-e Hausa Chic 9f Slaff Jehn i dcsta in a speech delivere at the Naiionai Frags Ciub Printer Fries de Var-sign Under the pniicy American mnma nies be 3131 expert hit simngesi cm agraphy prmiurcts 10135613 in any natium in the Eur-Oman Hahn and t0 Austraiia Mammy the Czech Rapubiic Hungaw Paland ap-3m Maw Eealand and Switzeriami The gmvemmem wiil eliminate a cuwem statutory 39413 waiting period bef m Smith cxpa s can take place but kerzps in phase a requir mam hat new he submitted the far a iachnical raview Enm'yptiun has ham 3 high mch hai g' eld from the early days cf the Clinmn a min istratium Few techmiegias are as in the ght in maintain pammai and business privacy but new t-ec-hsnmiegigs as pmsem such daunting issues for an which warns that criminais an termrists can use crypia to ciaak their pians and activitias But highntec h campani-as succassfully argued that Lip-Sf rastrici ions wig harmed Amarican mmpanies since overseas rms were marketing strong producis and in Emu-3 3 Hm Q n nS-atm nn rp nnwi nn pnrrunfinn pvnn c In 3356 5 14 32 Releast - Fa mm a @ News I gmf Yg g g Pg Ngiggi g Washingtasj mum Eggs Magma I E ggib m1 Da- 3 I W3st ragt 3s1 mm mm F I The ge xi'a'5ral 1i1 Past From Unde rsta I 131% Wash Posh j 7777 My 3 55 Axu-l 73mm 2 39 We i 20H Somalia 3 1 xpun uf Smut-e be Based washi-ngtonpaslimm i x A H - V qgnp yig nun-hwvu Varmint-pig today s Sp c h Padasta strassad the now familiar than 1131 ha gn m revolution has bean a mixed Messing At the same time that the Inicmet makes Shakaspearean sannets and new phmos 3f Mars avaiia le angmhem in the world it has undemminad the piwamy me our mast sansitiva financial and medica records and ailows such evii aers as iniema unal drug traf ckers to communicate rmly and a cr tiy That s why we have mask-a sure the iniemet is use-2d t0 the bene t 1f seams 11011 their de-irimcm the P odesta said The mas swesping part the Padesr a addrees was a caii far a th-m ough rethinking of that Fourth Amcn dmmi s against unreasanah-I search and saizure in this mgr-net age files-tram mail imnsmitta by high-aap ac can-nections such as DSL madam Pod-esta'g spaech argued has enjeyed the iegal pr ohzctions the law givss hr - taiaphone mn-versalians - 01' to simx'er diai np madems unti r the Electronic Privacy Cemm-unicaiions Act of E984 At the same time gable privacy iaws an laugher than wir ap standards Wh i ii C meS to gaining acec s If subscrib r r-caren is e which maid include e-ma sam via cabla madam P desm ca ed Ear mw icgislatimn t0 address the im omistenc es in the iegai framewmk 11 s iime to adapt Icgislativ mw eciians 1115 map mess impmiam privacy garincipias mate the laws cahnoiugyf he saw Fadesia s speech 3150 nuke shi quc rafts-ems a a casni'rowersia smu- gum- e ian-ce z'm'azzaied i351 wcek whit a is known as Camimm givca gm emmcm the bility IQ selc ctivi y meniior interns traf c of i ndividuaia Er xx- ays hart can give law enf me mem the Miami equi vaicm uf Imp and Ira-cc usad in islephmm Uniikc full- edged wiretaps 1h judicial cwersigh 13f rap and tram is s gi lt arid the pmtectian against abuses 0f the technengy by aw enfarmm-am is weak Padeam caiiad far greater judiciai WEE-sigh 3f trap and tram authari ea a i Pedesta'a s-pcech staisd that hi5 squid be pass-ed by 11 and m We year an uni keiy prospect in mesa waning days of the Eagislative sessian iima update and hammnize our exisi ing laws In give all farms 01 teshmiogy the 5am legislative promotions as am t-eiaphane he said Tha spa-cm also made the paint that the admini sn'atiun's prefemrce is far public-imitate partnershigas to make ha int-amen secure against atiack minty-1m that Congress has any if the $90 milliun Pmsidani Ciintan has mquaslcd far security msearch and cyber paiicing It s time Pedesta notadg that they picked up the pace and pmvided he pmt zc o s ma an essential in America's cybar security The speech was mi we receivc by civil ii'berties ativocatas wha have faughi Camiwm and ether administratim attempts develap wiretapping capabili cs an the Intam t Barry Steinhardt assaciate dimmer of the American Evil Lihe ies Unian called he sp' ech mam Release Page as e-dm-fan 11m 09 PM Viz 37 A simm- 555 9 Contra gm Expat if Sums to he I 4 I'd u'ashinglonposi mnzj a l I i u an imply disappginting Rather than defencling Cami-ware Sisinhardt said Paci sm should have annaunccd that the adminisiratien wag suspending its 3 356 Carnivore raipresents a gram Ihraai the privacy of Americans by giving iaw agencies unsupewigad amass ii neariy uniimiied amount iraffic Steinhardt said in a staierneni li iziit the Ciimon administratien's pmposa ls have same bartering quaiitias they an me little and on law with tag iime in the icgislatiw pas-s new hills Lashminute legislative manna satisfy the damp privacy cancems 91 this American pubiici Sici hardt said 2000 The Post E O mpany 4 3 h 532 4% Rel-ease -e Page i0 PM oma-zc 124% FEBERAL mama INVESTIGATIGN FGIPA HFCRE-LATIGN SHEET Pag s withhc entimiy a this inmian in the EEK Em r men of the bliawing mat-crating Wham indicalc explain this Edi-cams 1 E3 Dclmiuns were mach 'gmrsu-a Eh-t Exemp ms indicaic belaw with no Segmgeat a maimed avasiiaom for mlimst was Semism 552 Senior 552 mm mg-'5 23 3 3 r 32 as If Ia 1'4 13 3 El E3 Mffur- nJ S-nr 3 ma tb zg'EHF Bani-1 a mm 3 1 C3 1-7 3 15 3 mm E3 him-madam pariained only 0 Liz s psmy win at the suh ieci 0f 3mm magma-3 9 1h - 3 ij resins-5 is Sis- Cd in me am mi Bommcm-s uriginated with angina E cn- emmcm agessc ms Thaw dominant war-r rcfanad to this age-nzgriias for evimr am climax you Pages camain informmiam i urnism b3- anmh-cr Gawammem agency es Wm be adx sad by miss as 211 mica-ashiliiy If this infmneuzum 0m cvonsuhmisn with he Omar I mums-c ha rm ham ma a Yam Militia advised 5 is she 3 9 92132535 whh icld magmath a fin iiaptssiticm at a Iascr Liam sag-cs wen ram wasi amd m 2 ch as may are dupiicaiiw nf 3 Pagei-s withheld far that faikm ng 535 $7 453 The gnawing numhar is m- be used r ref-5mm regarding pages 3392 Pa $1 953 F35 De es-ad 1 N0 'upiimtion Fez for this pay 3 FEMUQ - yfwl ' 'cyd ame $9113 Pmpases New Standarci Mon-itaringthe Internet Technolagy Site Search Forums mm Archives paws-mm awn ssw mf 51 ACHIEFE FRED if 53-36555 do with bin 7 business 38$ng 18 Prep-08a Offers Suweillance Rules far the Internet White may Swim-ca Rights 51f Campiif r 5533 and Exy brwmem 13 - STEPHEN m MATT RECHTEL ASE-INSIDE Juiy i The Whiie House 33M In ay that uid prams icgiglation set 3332 r-tquirements far sumaillaace in syherspme by Iaw en 11xcemcni autharitieg similar in 5mm way-s hase far Ieiephmue wiretaps Privacy admcaiss and Iibmies gmups wet-camed 5mm aspec s of 13 15 but said they remained aimsd a h ui a new 13 133 campuim system that marches and intercepts private e-maii and can Erasiiy capture communicatians 9f net suspecteci of crimeg The lsgisiative propasal was made as the administration alga axmounaed today that it had Eased expert tantra-Is an mmqpii-cm tachmiogy making i1 signi cantiy eagisr ibr American Campani s it 5611 suftware pmducts the Eurupean Uni-on and eight rth-er trading partners hat can be used in kecp mmpm-er dam and 3 3mm Beth the elecimnic sun c l ance prop sai and ma expert emit-GI changas am pm if a bmadar poliay autiined in a spaech taday by him D P05138133 the Whitc Hausa chief-0f staff He said the puiicy trim balance the privacy rights If campuier 34581121 against tha news 9f law is be 3331 te- monimr digital cammunicaliuns in main E mx Emmi NEWS Emmy R umiasmg Juiy 13 2-039 E mmki wet 'Wratggp-Lng tju ly H A miinistgjagjgg giractWeg June 13 200% FORUM QWM 'ifbimechfa icles SSecurehimI Pagr 1 MS and get intent help your fu tim and th Fund Ent r gnaw enti it we Skiff- Vii-ma mam l'l'aGf' If inwsm Hy Tu mm grkagTime Set at phii i sezurita perlf hn 5mm Release Page 2 5 3 2 97x1 mm fivx gp 4 3 ivrruz - r 1- - - Hpuga Prepases New Standarc' Man- toting th internal Page mf a and federal regulators have dame t e wark in the area even as the wo has quickly came 19 rely heavily on though cyberspace Mere than 1 4 bi liion evmaii messagts change hands every day The admix stratimn s iegisiative pmpasal an electmnic sun' a iame trims a x be inconsistent 0f iaws that app 13 diffemnt standards telaphme cable and ail-1 3 technaiagies with a single standard far these and ha Iniem t Pruspects fur the proposal in are uncertain Uniil new law agancies have baen a'hE-e manith cammunicamm with mu est mutt The prams-ed Iegislatiun wa'ui require that the same standards that apply to the intersepzion af x nf elaph ne calls apply it ha ask-mail messagesw Spaci cal 13 it weuld raquire law that they have pmbabie cause of a crime Snows- 7111 a court arder Staking the tenianis 8f 51 suspem s muss-i1 messages The propgsai waui aim give Eda-m 131agi51raias greater amimrizy ID mview rtquests by law mfamemem authmities fer gag-i an pen regigters lists nfihe pimm numbers caiiad from a panicuiar i-mtation and 131 time 35 the calls The magistrmeg may have no authority to quesiitm the m uesl for web lists which are eqmemiy used by the In the context 9f the Imemei existing laws are am'bi guaus a'bmut Whai standards apply fa differs-mi kinds Jf szun eilian ce Man ii in taiians impinged cm Ea'w enforcement in the c-Ontexi f teiEph-en wiretaps iike the requirmnani hat such taps be appmva at rm higth ievei af ne Juana Dcpa mam in mi appear 1 3 apply to email Moreover the Came Am cf 31984 sets a far harder burdan m goverm cni agams satisfy when trying it manitmr computars using same nmdems than when munitming telcphancs That has proved tmubiegama far law a uthmities as more Americans begin 115 highapeed interns sawiae thwugh tabla naiworks The labia Act also requires that the targei 9f the suweiilansa be given mice and an ammunin cha ngt the mquest It's time to update and hanmnize cur ex isting laws ta give 211$ farms 0f techmiogy rim same i gisiative prntectinns as Bur telep'hune canv-ersatigns Mr Fadesta said 5 13 speech at the Naii nai Press Hub Gut prams-ed iagisia n wauid harmenize the iegai Standards that apply 9 Raw mfercamem s access 11 e-maiia sails and cams White Haus said 13 13 that they h pad ha prep-05$ wauld break a Eagiam in Congrags when a variety of differsnt measures have been imfaduued d aiing with eie imnic wrvei ancc The 53 24 02 Releaw PageES my mama ox- i4 - m nz'e'v r ewes-2 3 A a - Hons o Pro-poses Now Standardi fMoniioring the Internet Page 3 of 5 to Wm aominiotraiion s propel-3a adopts some ohm-ems of both Democratic and Regubiioan bins Bu Congrosoional aide s said there was too huh om left in the iegisiativo session and tho the manor would in an iikolihood remain umosoh'od um after the next term begins in 2031 Administration of ciois said the proposoi wouid apply to oommonioations that Either begin or and in the Uniioo It wouid not apply to eamaii mossagos transmit-so entiron outside the country Privacy and civil libs-Mos groups cri oizod the aomini stm ion o proposai becauso it ml ooid cominoo to portrait the government to use a new sumo-mange system tho 111 groups say may be used for more broad than older tooimologios enabling fodorai agents to mooitor an unlimited amount of innocent communioations inciuding mom of poogoio who are no argon of criminal invostigati-ons The syotom used by the Bureau of Investigation is Ca e Carnivore so named agents because it is able in quick got the moat in huge quantities o e x nai mosoagoo sovcallod- instant mossaging and oiher oonmmnications hem-eon compumrs Carnivore is housed in a 3me Black box sonsists ofhordwaz o and so waro that rs-Ho for informaiion after losing oomoctod to the network of an interns provider Onto insulioi it has tho to monitor oil of the vmoil on a nomork from tho st of what mail is 5313110 the axiom content of the Eviarcus C Thomas section chiof ofthc C yber Tocimolog Section oftho said the i eoimoiogy was doveioged E3 moth ago by 33331 enginoors and has boon mad fower than 25 times Mr Thomas said that Carnivore had poicmia y broad anti that ho- ondorsiood tho oonoem-s o prix'aoy groups It can do a ton ofthings ho said That s why it's o do go withoui a dear order from the court He said that most into-met sewioe providers had coopo ra ioo with roquosts to USE Camiaroro Privacy groups and some Internet son'izco providors have boon doepiy critical of the no of Camworo bocause moo tnstailed on a notwork it pen-mus tho govonmaem to take whatever Infonnatlon it wants Moreovor the gave-roman has not said what it does with the extraneous material it gathers that is om relevant to the Sumei anco Tho issue does not o on ariso today with the moniioring of convorsmions became when a iaw enforcement authority wants to so a st of telephone caiia made by a suspect the agent 5mm Rattan hgo moonnyt imosoomf tech il- D Wis-i zteoiv ani voles Esocorehml 1 $2633 e s-Hausa Peepeses New Siandex Meekerng the interns at Page 4 0i 5 gets an eerie frem a magietretex presents the order a ieiephene campeny and the eempeey then turns ever the list in at ieest one instance an Internet eempeny did not 5e with the gevenment in December marshals appreeched the campany with a cent erder permitting them te depiey a device te register time date end souree infometien inveiving e meii messages sent is and from a speci ed gem-uni eecemeci the device weuld Tryl g t0 establish recerd breeder the i eempeny eeuntere 7 we a a Single Shanda eerngremise it we'eid provide the f0 1 diffe rent govemmem with the request-ed 5 infe-neetien about eenail senders and reeipients IQ Rainer iewyer fer the tempeny in recent Congressional iestimeny The cempen y was lat-er identi ed as Eerih Link a service erevider with 3 5 subscribers Mr Gem-Revere said the government initiaiiy accepted he mmpremise but later became and 'wie'iied use it mm device EerihLink objected but was e vermied by a a fed-ere wart which Drier-ed the device depiayed Internet cempeeies have else bee I-emiverei Wiliiem Li S-ein ecier cheimman and ehief execuiive ei PSiNet a major internet service previ ez said the the eyelem gave the FBI the monitor e maii messages if-every pereen on a given network He said he wmzid refuse is permit the gevemmem use the teeimoiegy er unless agents eeuid pmve that it ceuid eniy sift mu the traf c from 1 given indivi uai is the target Ufa court erderi i shied be American citizens and any citizens aim-e world being subject it semeene meniteting their eemaiis said Mr Schraderj whese company serves eheut businesses and mere than it were beiieve it s and 31 wait fer the Supreme 'Cmi to force me te die it Civil iibeniee gr-eups meanwhiie said that te ay s peiiey aimeuneement was an inadequate respense is he grewng e-ontmversy we the depioymem ef Cam-Were Teciey's speech was cameu ege e sever ihe mess that is Carnivere said Barry Steinhardt an esseeiete direeier ef the Amerieae Civii Liberties Ueien in ght ef the pubiic and Cengressienai criticism ef Cami-Vere we had heped and exgeeied far mere mm an administration the iikes 19 mm its tea privacy rights Rather than ginseieg ever Cm ivere Pen- esta sheuid have enneuneed that the administretien was suepeneiing its use Facing growieg een-eems about 5mm Rezease - Page 559 i Eseeurehnni 1 SKEQGU - 11-34 - r - Hausa Fruposas New Standards 'Mm m ng Internet Fags 5 of 5 Facing growing 55m that the Emma-s Amway General Janet ens said an Thursday that she 9 3131165315 au w wnuid review whether the sysism tiers ages 16 was bsing used in a manual - csnsisiem with privacy rights is mu Ch lee 3 the Constitution anti in fc erai his A subwmmi s 9f the Home is set is how a hearing '11in wssig m1 sysism While 1h six-i iibsrties and privacy grasps applaude giving judgss greats Io revisw semis kinds of fur suweiilancs they were critics impacts ofthe pmpusai Marc Rstenberg direct-tar of the Privacy Infemistion Gamer a research organizatian that studies privacy issues anti tscimaiegy criticized the administration for lawsring the standards is survsi snce Qi cabls modsms rather than raising ks standards as telsph ass survsiliwcs The Cabls As provi es far ms 31 the best mix- spy in sh United Swiss Mr said The qussti n is whether it harmonize up dawn Our is this hamanises 6mm But administration of cials that Cabis Act never wuiemplatsd that than wsuid be use of cash modems fur Email traf c and lbs the standarcis used for uh-mining war-rams far teispham sun- siilsms six- mid aEse appiy digiiai swmmunius sns ihmugh cable lizem'srks ask new network fr n The New York Times Ge and nether readers what yes i Imaw ch ug The Ul mnle Small Business f esaurte Mushm is amen Hume i Site index I Site Search 1 Few ms jE Archives Quick News 3 Page ne 5 Interna -unsl 1 N atisnsm i Business-i Science Sports i Weathsri Esimrjsi i GmE-d 3E Aummchiies 1 asks Bivt ions Jab Market Rea Esme 1 Hy H sips chdback 3 1 Servings I New Copyright 238G Ths New Company 5 524 332 Release - EIZQGG mesa- 95 The faiicwim number is haw i ij far refaremc mgarding 1136 333 pag-eT I Zb 3ngT EDEEXQ vb-E Page s u-szham cmimhr a this 10 an in hit lc Ont or mere mm failmx' zin2 slammams when indis amd 1 FEDERAL BUREAU 0F BELIZTED PAGE SHEET axpiain mis Dalmam were ma a yawn-am it me indicamd bcluw with no segregahis mamrisd m-aila bic far Mitzi-ac you cctiitm 5-523 m5 Mi 3 a 3 If 33 3 Maggi LJ Majgamma it d w-Ex' a ea shire gum- wiih m3 rc izmmc 111 suhjm a yam if 13 subjc of mar n rcq-ucm is Hated in the min m y magi-mama with anmhur agencyijics These damimanis wcr xterm cs shzsa far review and dives respms 3-0-53 Pages wmain fumzs c hy agencyiies z nu will b1 advised by th FBI as 10 she rc a'maszab liay oi'mia inmrrausian mi mnsuhamn wiih m Omar agmcy m 1 Fagcz s m i ld Ems-smut as flimsi $13352 timer-minimiqu has new hem fw be aih'i-sczd Ehcf at a Isa-er dam if H A Pages were um considered far as they at dupiiaa v 3f 3 7777 9 CEILVC 5135 a ag f v Hz withth far that Mowingreawmfs 77777777 Dalcmd Pagaiis Na Dumim an Fee for this page mini A I 1v t-v - was 4 Jain I 33' msev amse Ief ' a Caey ght 209E U P I United Press Intematieml my 21 28 19 Friday 31 2 PM Eastern Time SECTIGN GENERAL NEWS 7 13 words The Carni wre I bji tes 3 under new Bede By MICHAEL DATELINE July 21 BGBYfuilnceurt press to reassure the pub- e 1th its Camivere intercept system esigned te perferm a whee-tapping en the Intereet During a backgreund brie ng for mpor ters Friday FBI of ciais sai the system can e111 be used under wart order and that peacetime mining anti audits 9f its use wil prevent technicians om attempting unauthorized weeping A genie addegi that the bureau is Keeling fer a eeuple efteeim iea instsimiie ns eutside he FBI te independently v jdate anti evaluate the system's eperatien and integrity system has drasm re from an uniikely ceaiitien 0f critics The American Civii liberties Unien and sim er gmups have attacked Carnivore as new govern-teem intmsien without ereper Safeguards The Repuhiiean ieadership ef CangreS-s has 3358 been highiy criticai and a Hens-e Jedieiary subeemmi ee has planned hearings te expiere whet seme pelitieiens believe is a need fer new federal restrictions en its use Meanwhile the average cemputer user may fee that Big Brother is leaking over his er her sheulder Net 3e say-e the FBI in its most seething ef ciai mice Friday's briefing in a eenferenee teem ai bureau headquanem in Washingmn he senier e ieie i said the Carnimre program is three years 91d antii It began because we were receiving eoun erders to do iniereepis m the Internet Cern im re so waze so named because it lee-kg fer the meat in a data stream uses a Wi dews pietfenn and is eemained en a personal cemputer that is piugged into an Internet service provider The access is e ewed eniy fer the iengm eftime set nut in a eeu mien Wen the order expires we take em equipment away the s enier ef ciai said 'E he usueliy perfenns same pIe- itering of data so that the ameuei efinfenne an imve ng 'ihreugh the Jemimre ier is net mremheiming The Garnivere device ean perfenn a mditionei pen register functiun an the Internet and stem the etigin and destina en efe-meil er capture the cement ef an e mail message much like a tmditipnel phone tap enljy mueh mere speci c way That finer is e t the eonteur ef the must Greer assigneci in the senier said In other wards it eniy eeleei and eepy speci c infermatien authorized by a fedemljudge The system targets email by an autim eatien cutie ta an hidividuai user anti the FBI will net moniter subject tines en e mei The ltering will not slew imam campuier respense time anether e ieia familiar with the techneiogy said It s just passively wetehing the bit-s hnpewemexemismm $14-$01 Remakes 9 I - Kn vi-P I f The eppmvei presets fer a Cemivete intercept is also extremely gureus an et eiat expert in cyber legal issues said Investigators seeking a eeurt enter te use Carnivore must go thmugh en intemei FBI teetew precess then the request must be app-raved by the meme general er the deputy attemey genera before a 'fe etaljudge is appteaehed fer a mutt etder Less than a oi tt such meets-ts have been made over the East year fer e mina prebee - es eppesee te nettettei and ma request has been refugee by a judge These intercepts ere net implememee trivially the FEE legat ef eial said both efthe expense and the depth of What aheut semeene eutside the FBI hacking inte the device end an innocent e-mail The device eatmet be pettettetedftem the Internet sti e the FBI tee-twice tutti-Ciel set ti Titeoretteett a a hacker eet d beat very high adds and randomly dial into a separate menite ng line he added but even that little is pmtected by heavy security The senier ef eiat at Friday s brie ng conceited that the meme efthe system Cemivere hee caused settle epprehensmn Nam-mg IS always a vet seneitive thing the -o 1eiet said This experience is tebetmg The ef eie said the FBE tt eutd gtve some ttmught in the future tee the e eet the name of en epereiien Dr pmce dure might have m the pebiim Sni et might be a fairer term it s a customized peeket sniffer the FBI technical ot eiat said very welt-focused sniffer the senier of ciat added ENGLISH July 2 EGGS FOCUSTM Search Genera Newsg a mimre Te meme this search please enter a weed or phrase 777777 i 777777777 Ex-ampzie Reuse of about LEXISNEKIS Terme and Cund rtiens What's New 23 tame Gzreup Mt tights tesewed 5mm tteetse met-65 2 at 2 A we 23 5 1- 22w - rzr r 21 ii-$95 FEBERAL FOIPA SHEET wiihheid animal at his imatimn in the im line more m the falmwing stammsuia Wham indicate xp'iam this eictiim Deietinns mm made pursuant in 133 cxt mmions intimated heimv with rm sagmgahle material avaiiabla far rel ase to yam Sectian SSE Sectian 552a E3 MWKA 3 3 153 2 Maria 3 am 133 3 3 IE3 5 WW3 E3 mim E3 M3 E3 Mimi- 2 E3 my Ema E3 3 r9315 3 13249 365 was mm E3 afar azion pariah-ad 9 113 10 as mix- E parsy With as ref mngc to the Eubject 0f your request 15 m subject m 313 request is iiszsd in m mic chy Dacummt originated with another m mmem aggcsi c ies Thesa documents wen are ferried it ma a enm' ax rm review and dim-3 rcspansc gnu 0 rm hm inf-armamn fa iawing our summation with the other agancyii s a a later date 9 Pages camain infarmalicxn fumishm mam-er vacmmem agencyiies You wiilhc advised by the FBI as Fage rjs withheid imsmuch 3 5 12 13 mimic determinmiam has 1101 been made be advised as the I Fig 3 57 I 553 Pagcs ware um cansidared far release as thi y an duplicative cf 7 3'3 0 g c f3 r t 5 35 f5 Pag s whim-aid fur the 1 01 ng masenisThe 3% sswing number i519 he 'u szed fur reference r i l ding these pages 5 55 777777777777777 Maya 6 a 7 aiated Fage jsj Na Duplicatign Fae Xi far this gage mum $24 95 FEDERAL FGIPA DELETED PAGE SHEET Page- s withhcid emit-ti a this osmium in ma le ne a mate of the Emma-Eng Siam-mama whats indicat d explain his s letion Bahamas were made pursuant it he in imied heiaw with aggregahfe maaciriai ax- ailabi for r alsasc me gnu Simian 552- ggctian 552 2 3 in-HI 13 Wm 53 0337125 1 3 Cl $316 3 E3 '3 13 33 3 3 35 31 mama 32 33 RN43 3 hi-F3 E3 3 1336 k s m mm 12 El in armalim psnained mix to a third party with mime-nee the subject 01 was mguas he 3f yf ur request is li i d in ee O ij 3 migiamed with amt-Em imammzm agencyiics I isesa dacumems ware referred 61333 it review direct It yam 3 Pages mmain infurma qn fumis hrzd by anmher imammsm Yen will be a viscd by am FEE asj a the of this im mmasion aiming an cansuitaaicm with the mixer Pages withheld inasmuah as a nzsi reiesage deserminmiun has ms ham ma a be am is-rr as 111% dispnsitian at a later date agezs ware n01 considermi i 6 ti-eats as 23935 are duplics iv e cf $35 gig I 4 KMW 5'25 3 Pageis withhei far the faliawzng resisting 3 The aming number We be secji far r feran ragarding theme ages jg #625 7% 91 13 55 Lb-g a m- I - -- Deleted Pagesfs No Dupiicaiian for this page 3 - mem The Feds Can Read Yen 3 Page 1 W3 m g mgg yes'Mee Free Ema why-was Heme Fa Me News alerts I seem 51' I- I I I - 3i ln - genteel Tr 1 The Feds Can Read Your Ewen NeweMex eem Weeneetfey July 12 2390 Firet it wee Eehe ien he gi-ebei system Uncle Sam and John Bel have been ueing te Spy en phone C3113 and fax messages New it e Cereiuere the FEizl e newest efectreniie eneeping device that can reed year right eff yew mail server ef seeming ef e meile Cemivere can easily be used to meniter everybody-e ewmei meesagee end tree eectienef including banking end ilnter nei eemmereer rr they went ten the feds can nd eut whet beeke you re buying emerge whet kind ef banking 'yeu eenduet in Sheri everything yeu do when yeu ge eni ne and send emeih whether private er commercial The Far hes been meeite eg gee-mail fer eb-eut a year Twe weeks age 'ihe feds went eub c end explained the hig hnieeh eneeping eperei ien to What the Wail Street eurne eeired e reemfui ref eet-eniehed indus try specialism e-ceerding is the bureau they ve use-e Berni-Vere 5 0 gagged because it can dig s'l the meat ef ihe infermet ien they're eel-em fer in less than TESS cases in most cases In hackers 1b u t te track terresriei and narcotics activities But there is metering to step Carnivore frem making a mere or your eumeii messages and treneec ens if ihey decide that s what they went te tie and can get a judge re issue a eeurt erder e ewing them re rep yeur email as they wemd year phenee That's ecen t eemferi eeneiderizn-g the undemeznded means the fees empieyed it get seer ere-ears te raid the Branch Deeidiee eempeend er to win a jedge'e te stage whet ems-meted ie an armed raid err GeezeieZ e Miami heme Cemivere is seething but a stereneeught pets-me eempeter with semere that the FE i neteiie n the ef' internet eewiee previdere The computer is kept in ieeked cage fer abeut a menth and heif Every day were Reieese i 1 14653 7 W11 1 u Fags 2 Df3 - The Feds Can Read Your 5% an agent names by and retg eves the previous day s enmaii Sent by someone suspected 0f 3 crime But critics- say that Carnivore ke same fawning beast is hungry in be trusted - that it gives the feds far at much access ta th much private infarmation This is more of a vacuum ciaaner z yzpe appmach a it apparentiy through everything David Saba-i generai cwnsel for the Privacy ilnfarmatian Center mid Fm News it's patentiaii y much more invaSIi ve than tei ephane sum-eiifance Carnivore ccuiid conceivabfy manner an the e-maii that thmugh an 38 n0 merefy messages sent to tar from the subject a egediy being mc ni'tc red Critics compare it tn eavesdropping an 31 the phcne s in a neighbarhaod is zen in an just me phmene Disturbingly the hag in chaiienges against farting ta aliiaw Carnim re 20 be in their effi cea Awarding t0 the W53 Street Journal Ema unidenti ed ESP put L333 3 ght againgt Camimre ea y 'thi year and cast The FBI defends Camiivme insisting it is use-d saieciiveiy and manimrs oniy the e ma of the subject They say 1113 messages Damaging to thwa- being probed even if Crim naii weuid n01 be admissible in mud The wiume email in a bastion is gamerauy fairiy Email and being managed by a smaii number Q'f eemaii semen an a fa'i'rw law speed network said Marcus Thamas chief af the cyber sectian The system is net aniffar s used within the every day 'fhai faiis- t0 satisfy critics such as Sahel He says Carnivcsre is simi iar to Russia s survemance system aa ed which at Russian are famed t0 inst-ail t0 aitaw the government to spy on vmamever it cheeses it s 33 30 simiiar he says tn the notari-ous Echeicn the N-ationai Sewrity Agency s glam Says-tam which intercepts tranamissians around he world and lacks for Rewards that muid indicate iliegai activity Carnimre is reaiiy the latest i'nt icatian at a very aggremsive stance that the bureau is taking in mliecting as much in amatimn as technicaliiy pass-ibie Sobei said FEE spakesman Pant Bressan insists that iawabiding citizens have naming to fear Camiwre Any me we deve -wp a system we re basica y baiancing the imam-sis of national security against that of the privacy of the pubiic he said This issue s airways 9 3ng in name up We're always gaging 93 get questians We under-stand that a 512% Release Pagf 331 4553 3 gm Emma '3 Ike Fan s Can Raad Your Page 3 act 3 1 3 w See artistes an Echeia i Primer riiendw 543313 62 31 39 an News axcam Diacuss this Article in Newsh axcmm s Forum Home Search Frat Email News E EpMaxwvaree Webmail gamma-Sis News Links - Archives Mai Magaz mas Far-um a Class-zi izds minted Us m Right-5 Essen-ed New-max om SIZ #332 Release Pa 1 U2 14663 El-3711132999 1582 FBI FACSIMILE COVER SHEET 15 5 PRECEBENCE Immcdiata CI Tag Secret Primity Samara Ranting Cnn den ai snsitive 33 Unciassi ad To Ed All-en Tim-g Transmittad wa Seming Initia is Number sf Pages 4r in u ing cam shad Name if Of c Facsimiie Numbzr 2 81 77 Am 13mm WEEK - San Digit Nam ef f ca Subj ttGriginamr s Facsimile Numher - 14 w- 58 910 Aypmved Bate EKEODG 77 Brief Desez ip Qn of Cnmmunicatiun Faxed WARNING To a a 1925 informatics-x arm-chm the can lm is U93 Gweramwt Propenye If you are net the intenda recipian arthis infama an disciusum mpmducu nn dimibutiam or use cf this infama m is prohibit-ed 33 1336 Ficus originate or the 19m FBI Gf ae immadimiy to far prop dispesitina 5 9243 02 ratify the Page A Irv - 5493 EELGW fn z cawpagc rz-mspapen 5w 3 5m a Uaimr mm 5w f ga i Page Juiy 25 ZGSG 4 Title 313 Eye if the Examining 0 55 99 Sam Mtge ff gil i g A a 5mm Regime - Fag-634 aw GHQ J'w g 3 xiv a Bye 6f the By Lisa 5 n an hens m lmm was ajake here s some ng else 7 far y u ta laugh at It s a new mm Camimre amp am by the Fe cral Emu-a nv 7 am The 7 is piamd at the Internet Service pram or 11 39 ofyeu wha 'th aught that ECHELQN the mt tina Thma we sr We pan-shims With Cm vore Fm mm uf a warm to in an Enlarge uw s accaunt for activity Wart inst taps averyanef nica a s and like Ecmm lms them in bank for mega activ ty As 3 mt yqu pzivate - mai g to year friemis and m yper flaps dismissing very Haggai matters Eran- 1 up in the hands 01th This leads the secmd pr biem namiy a dear shiion cf the Fem- Ammtiment wk c h is mpmsed to prom us from such activi mperiurmnd by ihe gave me me remind yam 91' the wording 9f the Foam Aman ment The night a income to be m in their man's hauges pap-am and against Unreagunabl seamhgs and Wag not he vialated 33 3 36 ea I135 of its hmad mepmg pow-m ta 111mm hundreds if mn mcis mi messagas a one time nances mans HEva dogs an-e abtgin a walnut in tap hmi ads 3f mausands of ce F mfth Aman ment f Since we re talle ng abput hem law enforcement is going a have a Eme- the place to be searched and th persons er things being seized Aim mace We re ahead man-3pm where gvida cse is inimgibie rather than hie it wbt d fac mta law mamm-Enrs ab ity to seize prim nm oae s can ng wimqu a if yam wank nwer happen just km a the recent bi in bath 1302 5123 emit-2 1 The Me- mnph famine m aho fem m Act which gives iaw E hfmne t ah ity antes-yen home or tapynur amine cammica ms and seizn pmperty bvth rm and a tiine Wimautyuur immige gm - Butagain law has ta chain a Wm tn awn mam Galina mu - ram right Right but we have eh aver tima the ease with which warrants Mann wir Va 'fewam byiuigea In at it s almast a guarantee is presiaen hummus perm at the Free congress an a em w mgr d centinue l 1' mm Rgieass Page 535 r' Eye 3f the continua law minimum that i- ir regattas far mam ize mi Since- 1953 when Cungress passed ha wiretap hwg rte-gum have been outafa zeta in was 31' 20 009 La 1996 mam Bait a mSpecta hi agency as the FBI really 5 561 in has saris ofgmc cg The midence megs rms apgso a quca onabk mamas Ct prac c s cmductcd by the 33mg mare does the FBI get its EU harm- m mnduct these- tice In 1985 Cong- 53 pas ad aha Elam-mic Communicati 011$ At a updam the fe eral iaw enacted in 1 968 by imitade new mmzmim m teatimgIQgies such as and aluminum communi'ca ans md jurisdiction 0f the law Then in $94 Congress in an mm in update the law passed the C-onmm cation Asgisiance forlaw Moreen- ntAct ur mix which tau-3d the tei cazrmmitatinns m as is ackmaio dwaicped it has an dca gn its in sud a may that it diti not impede the a'bi ty of 1m mfawemmt 10 mn- - duct 7 m tap smrf anceerr - panding the aumcriw of haw smarternmt in the am afwirvetap survemmae Very Wit the passage 112% FEE infra-meted he an bewn the bamcia as far wl th it inm i may to mciude ioca an 0me ph ne was and 39 qu aking haw to exam 3 mum- 1 to tap af rm- 9 phnafta u thin he weighty cf a suspect rathm 13m the h i ana 4 7 a it legally WM Mam may 2113 ab ity to da $1113 in tum avera afthe email adims 20f um wha car- respan with a suspect arm acceas tn m st afar 3t me The bal ness am 0f fetiera agenty is amde $113 We magmas 1% eba ng such Inc-3 5mm as arm issues nal it been hm ngvowr sinae ze Reagan 21 it a game am take asharp lack into this agar y s memes - 1hr amimm amem perfectbv ame because if is dwaurv Eng fur faster 7 an we than We don't Stan a 3 1 5324fi32' Hei'ease Riga 6316 P a _'ivp 1-qu ammo ii-3 95 - Pages were mm cami emd far reiease as they are duplica w 9f mm 5 FEBERAL BUREAU OF FQIPA BELETED FACE P g i W i'ihh id mlir eiy at this lamina in the Out 61 man sf the 0119ng siatcmems whcre indi camji expiain this eiazioni E3 Daiations wars made pursuant 10 he exam-grde indiaamd below with ma materiel availab g rm micasc yam Sec nn 552 Sectia 5533 3 53 3 3 135 33 Mg 3 MWMB 3 3 133 3 C3 mm 3 mm 3 mama 135 3 Eb ' ir 53 erE i d mm 0 mm 2E3 9 3 3 55 mg E 133529 3 11383 3 PH 4 3 bl-HE in ammtinn pam inad 0533 5 a third par-qr with reaf mnm subjec Gf yam 0r aha Eu ajg ct of ur mqucs is iiswd in I m sh- crigmamd wish agam ies These dcmmems were refarm ihai agenc i ft review and direct a mu 3 Pagas simian inihmsaiim smishea by another G-ove-mmem agencyiics z ms wili be advised by F31 I to ha 13m ibiiawing an cansuhatien with ht mher sigma-mas Psi-33 5 wi shfmia' inasmuch as a rs mi-casc daterminmion hat nm bean ma a Yam wili he a vised as 116 at a ialcr dam- 1 4 er The fo u Ping numhar ii to he um fm af rms regarding th pagas mama-v7 7 53 Dsletad Pageis 2 Na Duplicati n Fee far this page Farm I ital- 45 Suwei ance Existing Laws Permit Man Of Isnfama an me E-Maii FBI Says he Edam Bureau cf Invastiga an takes the pdsi on that current federal Iaw gives it the autharity I6 implement the use 01' speciai 3mg hard- ware cal'iad Camimre coiiect infemation the e-mail massages traveiing thraugh an Internet service provider s e ma genre according Kestimgny by FBI and 13 135652 Bepartmem u f eials July 24 at a Siam hearing The hearing betting the Hausa Judiciary Camminea s Subcammi es an the Canstiru an was ce nvened in respanse to an apt-mar triggared by a July a ic f a in the Wtz Emmet Journal igclusing the axe Esta-nee of Camivnre Mam-ding to the af ci ala temimony if an Internet service prm ider is nmciaiiy or tenhnn iag ca y unabia or unWiliing to pmvida infematim on e mails pursuam t0 - 3 mun urder the FBI wi li hawk a Camimm- unit up tn the EEWEI Zambian scans what of ciaia rain 0 as the smai legt Emmet of i nmma tion imam ing and butgoing email message-5 Sarah- re than duv piicat-Es the inmma en and lets the ranszmissian Stream Km-time aw- Carnivore reada the incuming infammzian and lters it awarding ta prerme based an the D-rigi nal mun Mn tier Usuaily the arder win a-uthnri-ze the FBI 10 99 1th he to and fram infama on fr m messages going It and from a panicuiar e-ma addre-sa 33113 the rel Levant inf mation will he recordad AH smmneaua in farmati n will remain an temporarily- in she ram-dam access nae-marry and win not be xed in stable res carded famat The remit according ta me FBI be a Hat 9f use-mail mes-sages that have been sent from at received by a particular eemaii address aiming with the and Tram infomatiang Tha FEE iikens this the results obtained by a cnmhina en ermiepmne trapmn mca and gar register evices which produce a st cf teie phone talk 0 anti from a number giving an'iy the railing number at the number tailed Th3 has impiememed Carnivan 35 times since January and abgm 25 time weal since it was put inw cperarinn twa yea- m- age awarding a Dona-id M Ham assistant dimmer 0f the FBI current Law Authoring Carnival-e Kab n 92 d3 Grega r3 deputy assistant attamey general far the crimina i sion testi ad that the FBI i3 auiharized to impiemem Camiwre by the current pen register and trap-amiu trace Ram 18 USC 312 et aeq and wrap an i3 USC 2551942 The pen ragistar law aliaws an FBI investigath In ap ply for an ex pane arder a court by submitting an I af davit- af rming a certi czx un by the appiicant that the infamatinn likeiy be nhtaimd is relevant an ongoing crirr nai inves ga an The inxa'estigamr need not make a showing nf prohahl mama and the court does mt have the discretim to mfuse tn issue the Gram By folimvi g this pracedum the FEE may aim obtain mm an ESP the and fmm infarma on coming anti intriguing e-mai l messages far a particularjj address Rep Jen-aid Na im' expressed canceni ihati a subject m such scm ny might never Gama kn wj that his privacy had been in-vaciad in such a manner be cause the pen register 13w rinses mat require disdusure no charges are ever- brang ht Di Gregozy disputed that any invasmn 0f privacy would have take-n mate in such a simaiian He said that 11 5 Suprema 20am prawn-tang establi ng that a tale 1 phana user has nu legitimate expecta an of privacy in 1 the num ben ha dials suppans the View that an e mai user has such of privacy in the adv rasses cm inmming and eutgaing maii communica- f1 Hans Awarding to di Gragary the FBI may an attesahtq the mutant ema m es sagw under hie wiretap law j The wiretap law requires a highranking ef cer 0f the j J usf ca Department anthems an agppiica an far 3 court mien The mun may then issue an arder amho xing the gmammem iigtgn in m a teieghan a man-- vewa an if it nds that there is pmbabie cause It 32 j Ewe that sail-manna is committing has 8r is ahaut one if the affenses listed in 18 USC 2518i231ai there is pmbabE-e cause In heiieve that a wim- a tap imercept czammunica am trance-thing that ml 3 fense that mar-ma investigative pmmdures have failed 3 m appear ta ha unlikely to mace-es or are at danger nus and that there is pmbable cause us believe that the 3 ne ta be tapped is the ne mat is iikeiy be mad far 3 such a comm umca mm Accarding in Kerr and di Gregor implementing f Camivnre und r these stamteg wiil result in minimized and particula zed infamz'a an gathering and i985 not amount 9 a march cf 31 inceming and nutg ning email messages traveling hm-ugh an server Mai mv ally in-hcusg technciogical and adversarial oversight Win ensure that these m th d are net abused Gmu-ps 33593119 Claims 0f Amman This asserrtim was atly mntradicted by Barry Steinhar t 9f the Ama ean 1 Libartiw Uni-on Wm said that sum ltering 11% 3 essazily the inspectian at every single e- majl a massage traveiing mmugh a server Such broad Rather ity tn lter through private was never j contempiated g Cangress when passing the pen reg-59 tar and wiretap iaws Steinham t said Furthermore he 9 said an matter what pmmises the administratian 1 makes regarding iimiting its data gathering m cent histm y shnuld warn net ta heiieva those premises Steinhardt affereti as an example the passage of the I Communicatinns msis tame Law Enfamement Act 01 CRNINAL LAW may ma a - - I 1 7 a vi - - - VA n mrA - - - 42w 4 ail-my 1934 4 SC wee et seq which realised free a compre m'ise with law enfereement agencies afraid that new tethnolegy weaid hamper smei enee of cells He said the exchange for requiring new tiigitai miephene networks re be constructed ta exist- ing suwei enee Capabiliti-esi the FBI agreed net in use the statute 0 try te reqmre Ieiephene seniee previders 0 create new suwei enee capehi es Nevertheless ecwrding to Steinher t s testimeny the FEE cure sistentiy weight greater capacity and new serveilianee features that did eel exist in 1994 in same cases they have seught capabilities that they Speci caliy promised the Commas the would not seek Filtering an and item infcma en is net as easy as the FBI makes it acmrding re Alan Daw idsen ef the ame - for Demeerecy and Technewgy Devideen presented the eu'bcemmittee with exampiee ef the by of data packets that are co ected by C'amiva're In many eats-ea he with the 16 and from informe- tien that the FEE is seeking came he ehtaine without bee ng in the may 9 the message Beth Steinherdt emf avidean as weE as P-erer WiEe Ham Sachs president If New Haven Sense ESP LLC iesti e that the type- 21' infemation the the FEE says i wants Cemimre can be easily gezha ere-d by the ISPS themselves and aimed wear to Law ere Dream-em agen-eiee whe have ehtained apprepzriaz e com ii-ears Beth Sides Living in the Fast Beth law enfereemem and civil iibe ies gmups are sen thinking in ierms ef the tre ifiena switcheti teleehene neswerk according ta Stewart technemgy expert with the Weeh- i gmn law rm ef Saeptee 8 Jnimsm and farmer gen- eral counsel to the Nazi-aha Serum egezzqu aker said that it is unreaiistic by expert 1595 par ticuieriy email mess to be capable of mmp- iy ng with sue an order an its mm The has get it right he said Witheut Carnivore er some simiiar gregram 13 335 weul he faced with en extensive unfunded mandate m ect infemetien pursuant is mun artiste On the ether hand for the gm'emmem' it say yen we have an expectation of privacy in infermatien held by a third parry is just crazy Baker Said Qur are re ves are in the hands of third pax ee Same kind of technetegieai saint-Eon is necessary for 33w er -ercament ta keep up with techneea-m' crimi- neis he said A the same time innocent people must be given preteetiens Whatever the CZ-eng ress ees eeide we de it must decide quickly Baker eaid er Eegisiatien have been meote by tethneiogicai devei-epmenst-s New Legisie an en Herman The euhcemminee s keen ing came a week after a V er Heuse ef eial emiined plans by the Ciinton administration it introduce a bin that weuid update her privacy laws and previews thmugh wi ch erereppmg in 3 53 its farm is ut ized The bill which the White Reuse has yet send Cenv greasi wmld reguiate under what circumstances Eew enfercement amid listen to and trace eena- s eel Mar phone ea e and ever table net werkss Speaidng at the Natiana Press Chit July 18 White Reuse Chief e-f Sta 01m Pedesta said the bill ' weuiti amend statutes using Gunna ed Emguage and that are herdwereepeci c ea that they are techneiegiee y neu- ma ea 16 news In other wards the leg sia en would apply equal standards to batch hardware em semere The White Henge is characte zing the preposal as me that weuisi increase privacy preteetiens by equip ing that men erders euthozizing the interceptien a email be prelim er by high level Ju etiee Department e 'icieis Additieneiiy the preposel weui aim make it easier to identify someene wake is caning er using algae trenic means re contact an individual by requiring eniy one imp and trace order to trees a cali er interne-t session back he the meme Curren y 33w re-quiree an tar-tier te be issued far each separate Hate ef an email which are usume haunteci around by a member of dif- ferent Internet eewicee during a tmnemi ien thus re quiring mul pie orders In trace a single email Any such orders meet be issued by a judge aft-er a facmai eeing that the standard for criminal aetivity wee met The biil also aliews for tracing tn he centimeter with But prim eeun apprevei in the case ef en emergeney such that threaten matinee defense or large scale hacking attempts Such orde re Weuld be subject re judicial review within a e3 heur peried en-et 1e previ Sim would grant euihorities the eeme It the ire teme traf c of censnmers using cable madame as those u th use die up modems With Ger prepeseia we weuid retain the un eriying puree-5e of the Cable Act to keep con den ai the st ef shame that eusmmer hes weighee Pedestal said but when cable systems used 9 assess the internet thmugh came medems we believe the mies shame be me teugh but sensible standerde we aim suppers for e-ma s and teiephene cells Theugh the m te Hausa hers my target dam fer Send - ing up the Iegieletien the administratien is cen dem ihey win he abie werk with Congress 20 pass ieg isletiene We ve been ems te strike the middfe gr'e-und Which wii enable us in get there fairly gummy Xi eite House Spekeemen jeke Siewen tea-id EMA Recar ds W1 Agrees te Release 53 Basements Ended ng Regert an FBI crime Leaheratery ver 53 13130 pages of haekground infermatien pew taming the Justice Department impede genew are in-vee getien of the Federai Bureau ef In veetiv gatiee'e crime iaberetery are subject te disciesum es remit 9f the recent settiement ef a Freede ef Inf erme- tien Ac suit me Mariana Aesociaxien ef Criminal Dev fenee Lawyers anneuneed Juiy NACBL and its then prees ef ner Jack King were the originai piaimi s in the wit and were later hired by Dr Frederic White hum a rennet empiwee ef the lab wheeze allegatiens prompted the investiga en Eeeiclee lming the plaintiffs e the decree meets the settlement cams fer the Jamie-e Department te pay $355i l3 in autumefs fees and to p95 a pointer an its website referring inquiries aheut the end Whitehurst s websites NAGDL seekesmen Tedd W211 ease the organiza- tion mum make the materials avaiiebie m campac t dist fer a nest of $40 briefs can he pieced by calling 5 5324312 Release - mg meet ceemem 5 BY THE Bue eu OF- we wasni' cfee ac 35 534 W 3 5 Cmntent an programming 2065 Cable MEws Netwark Transcribe under 4 cense by ewediaMill grks Inc Elkfa Fe aral Eocumant Clearing House -I Inc Fermatting acpyright EGGQ a edia ill arks Inst ffkfa Federal mocument Clearing H usa Incv All rights regerved Nu quate$ tha matariala cantaine herein may be used in any media withwut attribution ta Cable News This transcript may mat be capiad-a resold in any mediav CNN 886W CNN July 24 Mbnday Tranacript TYEE LEVE REPORT SECTIQN News Damegnic LENGTH 331 wur s HEADLINE F51 Defan s Carnlvore' E M ll wiretap an hapltal El l BYLINE Kyra Philligs Piarra HESHLIGET FBI afficials are en-CaplLul H111 me vireLap fer the inf rmatian age It'a alled and it egxgne 3 selectivelymm nitar campute I daii KG aLd rm a Su3 6 t It can only b $Se with a cmurt ordex Still 5 are concern abaut 355ih1g jrhvacy EDDY THEE 35 3 EJEH TRANSCEEPT TEES MAY S Fm ESE MAY 53 it s sille Carnivwre ax dua'gny to selective y monl or Cwmguue am - A mall to an a suggest Can only me $530 a ornar gullA A CElthS are Lontarnem Qua praxu v 0 at10na Mara now mn aha cm traversy Her s Justice Pierre Tnomas Hi Pierre - 7- Tum- m 1 LEN R1 ny a As gag cut the FBI sayS 15 a lbi tigatlve a3 pan Ea mali at a suspect but Gnly u th a cert orqar But cr t1c_ sav Lt s Jag L- I Brother an the internetr bn BEGIN VIEEG MALE Eva a system designed with the best sf igaentiwns is legally carry gut asaential iaw en srcamann Eun tio g may he a gauge fax cancerm if it s use is not prhperly manitmre r REP JQHN Bit MICHIGAN Gangtitutianal rights don t end where cyberspace begins arm v me But the F5 was quick tm point out the restrictiang than QGVEFH carnivore The tag lab official explained the safeguar s VIBES UNIBENTIFIED MALE In evexy sage we require a court Gr er That court order is sgecific to tha numbars we target if you will the aa ragses we can target mam Reiszase - Pa -e ms Ema '57 VEDED THGMAS de'ay was a factafin - ng hearing there was one paint of early agreement Carnware may be name fer thiza system Kyr a PHILLIPS All right Pi rre Them-as thanks so much T0 UEDER A VIDEO 6 THIS PLEASE CALL QR USE 03R SECBRE ORQER FGFM AT UAEE ENGLISH Lamnnme 313132224 20513 5 2 62 Raieasa Page Ni I - in I 1 Copyright EDDG Phillipa Busine s Information Inc CGMMUNICATIGNS TGDAH July 24 2093 SECTIGN V01 6 No 1 6 LENSTH 1 5 wmr a HEEDLINC From the Eiitmr s Desk 9 EGUY Who s A raid Gi The Big Baa Carnivare P u1 Gee Clark II This week it finally h ppene z the government ma a Clear its intent ta expand wiretagping from switche voice traffic to Internet traffic The imglications far Innexnat aervica prawidars and cable oparatQXE are a5t Monday white Hausa Chief of Siaff Jahn godeata propmsed a hill SE n by A 1n my a xpand tha vsice wiretapping allcwe undar the Communicatians A sistance Law RC ta 3 mai1 Pa esta efende the Carniva ch allawa the gavernment t0 read the a packet snifiing In-c A a dress cont ni y sewerage of the prepeaa w s quite raatra nedi as wa t 4 t0 Give i fair scr t ny befer ju ging it ve given the pian that scrutinV and 1 think lt'S a had an Rere 1% a a avo dec honest ebate tlegrle Ea on gdeata in yarticular misrepres nte the uses oi wiretagg He a 30 wag mxslea xng is gawing thgre beam n9 im royar valce wiretaps a fact a used to support 1 wixatappi g F83 and Justxce L parurent cffic1 ls in Lesti nny to Cengrass inevitably Qut wirezappixg as Salution LO in chili pcrnagraghy geliticai hat buttan everyene That testimeny-drawa favorable 9 933 caverage and congression 1 wants to be pertraye as sugparting those crimes Pe eata hit same in describing Title XI of the 1958 Crlme and Safe Straan$ Amt which 3e the rules for vaice w ret pping The g minastratian wants ta pply Pit II t pe rulea to internet S jiug It anly allgwed wiretapa in the sericus cylm's such as aapignage aha trimea 9f Pm asta gaid But thosa are raraiy tha crimes againat which law eniwreement uses wiretaps Th 99 wirgtapping repert by Administrativg Office Qf t n Unit d Statas Smarts available on tha Web ihe GE the Privacy I armation Center shaws thera were 1 35% Title Ill wigetapa lag year There were an 1 4 in 1968 The repurt includes a hreakduwn oi the crimes that ware the basis far each wiretap A ull oi the wiretapa in $999 were drug case Aganciea rarely mention that fact Wham seek wiretapping authority because they knew it weakens their argumant Tap cur phwnes becausa terrorists might blow'sgmeane up Mayha so Tap them because someane Somewhare i3 smaking a jaint I knmw Drug ca$es were by racketeering 139 cases Only when wa get to hamiGidesfassaults 52 cases e we hit the crimeg of vialence cite by Nationalwsecurity'wiretaps dm net even come un er Title but the Fareign Intelligenna Survaillance Act There were 886 wiretaps under FISA in N9 braak mwn of these sagas is available 30 we can'- tell if they wera indee far treasmn ana espianaga The FBI of course has a history sf autharity ta wiretap such natarimus menacea t9 the cnmman weal 33 Martin Luther King er Jenn Lanmon an any ra czt r5 happen ta annoy Richar mixnni 53430 Release Raga Em f3 hurrah um y Pad sta sai that all wiratapping has met Title abandar g i know of ma case in which a wiretap was out far violating those stan ar s he said Ngt yet maybe But the current Ramparts 901139 a an al in Los Angales resulte in tastimmny abgut hundreds if Gt Rhougands 9f iilagal wiretapsi i a ke Podeata hCW'he cwuld recancile that fact with his statement Neithar'he mar his aides caul They had me answer 23 arniV xa wiretagping is fun amentally i ferent from CALEA vnice wiretapping Tap an switched phone ircuita by their nature racard enly tha phmne calls and txacing infarmatien Of in ividual lineg Carnivore by its nature mast intercapt all traffic through an ISP t9 find the suspest maasages We have nathing but the gavernmant'g assurancas that it will ignare traEfi far which it has an warrant Earnivcre al a can read tantent Of eemailg 33 well as addregsing information Under Pedesta s prepasal the gavernment gtan ar for intercepting a ress informaticn waul be lcwer as it is far penwregi$ter an information far vnice calls A penwregigtar intercept hnwevar ags mat give access ta the voiae 3311 CarniV63e gives anaess ta tha text nf anmaila Again we have nly the government s agsurancas that will igncra the CQntenti Nb all elements 0f 2h Pa esta prmgosal are ha He requiring probable cause he Titla 1 1 stan ar t0 intercegt th canteat a ewmail nd Una iamant the remQVal of tha pxotectiens gain$t cable surveillan e in tha Cable act 0f EQQB is imevitable Whataver rules ragulL rum this legislation shsuid rur iy agpiy evenly to XSPS Gf all technolagic l tri e$ Tha apr835ing thin4 ow g fly phcne industry new CALEA The Te ecam in uat wciatian was invaive in evel ging the G n wiretag ing stan ard a nivmre w ich was uwvawled late last manth a the TI ozganize Jain Remain in Uashiagtan The i5 E phiStiC t d i2 Tuzsday Caxnivwre works wigh Licre mft Outlwak Latus Roses and athe @nmail pr gramg the SQwi tiD3 centinue Equigman venicrs who QELgin lly baltw at naw wixatapging a pre x c nter EEC i3 C3 just rolle Gut its New CALEAserver want ping ling rec ives tha intarcepte corpunicatian ata fram vaximua circuithsvitche netwark Elementag gracessea it to c nform ta the requlrame t 35 and than istribut s 1 t0 the apprapr te Em culiectimn facilitieg the cmmpany sai prau ly Thursday Comverse Infasys 5150 relled out gear this week Commerge infagy is the in ustry lea ar in tha legal interceptian markat warldvi E Presi ant Dan Bm ner bragge Current rumblings Suggest 1395 are 1335 happy abaut Spying 0m thair custsmers be foala6 thmugh they ll a it The Fadesta and CALEA shauld be stappe beimre 39y equipment becamaa an inextri abla paxt mi aux basic co m1nicatians Paul Ewe Clark 15 is the editar wf Communicatimns deay He can be rea hed at axt 263 0 at gclarkEpHillips com July 24 2005 Ra-Iease Page Capyrighu 2303 CNEC Ina CNBC News Transcripts SHOW RIVERA 9 03 PM July 24 990 anday LENGTH 13 5 wards HEADLENE WHETHER THE GBVERRMENT SHGULD EB ALLUWED TD INTERCEPT INTERNET NAILS RNEHDRS DAN AERAMS REPQRTEES Mr EGNALB KERR Lab mivisioni br service company'syst ms and teal custgmars' homa addres3e3 numbars Criminals use tha Internet s inaxpensive and E y cwmmit larg cale fraud an victims all aver tha and plan their strikes aging the Investigating and ea 1 J wrongdoing requiras aegis an t chniqu $ to war evelving ccmputar and net RBWESI 3 93 Eu haw far shauld law he warminte ta g0 ta Shauld they be abla to igeane's e mail t0 gee what raceive The FBI Says ey say they new hav% a he system that can iSwiate messages without invadin aza9rc an electranic 5 sorts Th5 say it has th phcne Wir tap rarely a a spaaific permiSSian rcm a ju gs EEW Carni is own 5 an imvasion i all impess aky the relevant e m ils th we hava access in mrmatior TQ ay th Ean ed an Sapitcl Hill eak intm inancial an cra it card communicaticns terrariat bambe erri g gush with new and E 3 9 if I 14' - I3 1 mmw hig'f cv 1w #3 HITS 3 4 t 3-4 9 Feara tiat enmail from anuahid ing usars GE the Intarnet cauld b swag in a new FEE camputar sygtem eaigue to catch terroriats can artigta-and Hackers lad Cangraas to schedule t day s hearing But same an Capital Hi1 Bay diastic acti may ha nee e t0 gut the brakes an the FBI evmail wlri a syssem knawnas arnivemw Repreaentative R publican chcrity Leader shun wn Carnivmre an if were at ghe agency Carnivore is a computer applicatien in talled an a Well I vaair PC that ag nts aonnect ta the har ware of an Internet service previder CG sear h far specific genders and raceiver 9f meg ages The FBI needs a court wrder ta use it and sayg iny targete infarmation is retrieve that no indiscriminate snooping i3 allewea Mr- KERR We re mat in the yam know hrea surveillance business in any way We re a law anforcemant agancy limited in what we e by order us to carry ant But many Enternet servic prawidar3-dan t like it what tha cmurts Mr ARDAI Jana nline Services i think an custamera'wauld not take kindly to the i aa that their private inform tian cauld govarnment agency Still one scholar specialize in rivacy isguag saya it'a a heel law anfarcemant needsw be available ha a 5mm Remase - 932 350 C 3-3 335$ w zu w 91 Hr AMITAI ETZIGNI Gemrge washingtan Sniversity Now mere an mare And without inuezcepta wewuthe cammunications advance thrbugh the Internet FBI cannot d0 its jab Even if Qangreaa is persna e that Carnivwre daea mat invade privacy tha sy tam may $till faca-a challenge nian has filed a Free mm cf Infarmation request co as that the g Vernment wants ta Reap secret Capital ABRAMS Gaining us now Exam wa$hingtan is Ari Demacracy an cyber nnaping by the eas Mx Schwartz letwnlet me 5tart with ynu Effect than a wiretap Mr ARI Rmalysti Canter diff rant in a few ways $he wthe big with a digital wiratap wa knew we haw what the ap ewhat kind 0i taping 1 close '3 a black ham hat s put Even the ternet service prszid aesn dif eren than the way tha phanevmt Inn 14- 1n D Hapand that s raally wha @twe n privacy a 3 m px blem that we ve a gets pulled kncwing what s key 1n tea w- win mad differ ntg As I said ma h can t we just see the C d d if was 3 CGCM AERAME Andi an wnan wig that it $ patent prutected an right Mr SSHWARTZ Well what theirw that's what thei cancerns arge we have tha 3 mQthe hava the same thing set 7 But of cmurse againw as said up with the igital phone twork netwerks as well cg e and have it span We ve had had Andmwand an that a your primary grip Mr thatu that uthat s the mai right now ever have in the past government paople had the filas in their hmme and knack an their-dear That s mat the case ta a He s an expert on privacy an the Intarneti Grace an Michaal Nasatir remain with u to discu g Carnivmre and wuft 5 71 can he retri ve latar 03 he arguuwtha argument an at t allow hackers tn bra Yeu know why can t we we shaul just ha able ta see this Tha ether cancarn that carniv9 e raises an shuws far the future is the question 0f the acay mf the Fourth Amen mentg informatian stared-0n computer systems and on thir party sy$tem5 than wa When the framers af the Canstitutian-wrate the Faurth Amendment which 15 protecticug unreasmnable searches and seizures by the The American Civil Liberties demanding Carnivmre computer Jae Janna NBC aws the Sshwartz from th Cent r far Nancy 'Etam whi h ES to variaus a i m ate axactly'whi is we 5 e yQu re ta ghcwing a 3 the phon 5y kers in tha win the phone I mean 13 concern with Carnivmre W re having a lot mare The govarnm t had to came 3 $24 432 Release Page rqangg a 'yvl'yfx v 11 - i ABRAMS Nancy Grace Fcurth Ms GRACE Anchar Court Wall ynu knew f course that's net what the framers had in mina When they wrate the Canstitutiom But man the Faurth Amandmant has been applied Ear averything fram abartimn rights tn what you carry'in yum car trunk It can ertainly ha agpliad ta access Hy an cmncern i5 ycu knaw years and years and years of qurth Amen ment law ragarding wiretap has develaped aver the past decadas and that same law needs to be appliad new 0 intercepting Intarnet It cannet be a ighing spree an the part GE the ngernmant On the ether hand a Warrant allows ymu ta open doors open bcxes pen mail an epen the Internet AERAMS Ga ta take a break Du tapic this part is Big Bruther watching when we_come back Je re gaing ta talk abaut a shariff Who is putting Web cams in his priswn 'We ll be back in a minute An Guncaments Eefwra'we get 0 tna shariff hh has installea Nab cams in his prisen I want ta talk to Michaai Nasatir abaut Lhig i5$ue 9f this FBI_pragram that yuu can attaCh ta internet saruice pravi ers ta hasicaliy lamk at wnat peaple ara a mailing What 60 you think Mr MEEHAEL Cfi v l neiense Tau knaw think what tn gantl mah from ashingtc 3 Saying is Laak 19 the civii Eibertarians hava a crack an see what they'IE rgaily gaing 0 do It ca n t ma 6 secret The Lechnelogy har t0 be hwe we 0 ha able to study it to knaw what we re abjecting 3 object ng EG And at the very leaat dw agra with Nags Gra eA Le get caurt order f'x and keep it sgecafic an have the 3 Q Xth ng t ap ly for sure Well anC I th nk Eere a qwegtlon that there wwul Den th haV t6 mak$ PPEiC tian fax V fri t the same way they $0 With a I was tn twank Ari Schwartz in joi ing ua an talking abagn Ldi 5mm Reieasa Page 1 -r wt-1' -Copyright 2003 Burralie s Infarmatimn Services ABE NEWS WORLD NEWS THEE NOWHERE 6133 RM July 24 EGGS Manday TYPE Newacast LENGTH 32% wards FBI UNDER FIRE CGQPER REPQRTERs ANDREA MCCARRED CDQPEE anchor Fe aral agentg say they ve came up with a highntech Way tn find criminals wha usa cyberspace t9 plan illegal acts but critics gantan the systemq aalie Carnivore simp1_'gmes tau far That is ring an the focu$ 0f 5 hea Capital Hill to ayi Here ow is An rea MsCa rren 3 ms I a i p fgl g a ad - a Er iamALD Agsihtant Directmr rail Tne range 0L Ciimes that f C 1Lateq by cowputetg a F't exigL bezeie 39 we new nave imtaxn9t ridu rathar than iraum an pa ar t cnnmio thrwuqh thGUs n 5 e5 privat a particular criminal suspict becau e in sorts the Hr a Fr-vauy Speci 11 t a a a a tha cars an a highway juSt 0 fin the biua handa yQu want an it swuit a extremely intrusivei Th Ciintnq midliifati h grepased than the strict privacy stan ards that apgly ta telepha e sezcice be extanded to eieqtranic cammun'catians Ari-J ii PQDEST White Houwa Chief of Staff whit we're intereaae in is naming up with a balance that accounts E r the nee s uf law anfarcement hm pursua pursua u g ie at me and narcaties traffickars but alga pratects he 1 privacy of individu l Amarica s y- a 1331 315 121 MHQAREEN Dvar the last year the FBI has use Carnivore in abmut 25 criminai investigationsi Now ami grawing privamy cancerns the agency plans ta submit Carnivare ta a third party for an indeyen ent aasessment The F8 wants to keep aacret haw the but at the Same time reaSSure the public that their gnline yrivacy is pratectedv Andrea HcCarren ABC New LENGUAGE English 2000 Rel z se Fag 7mm Cagyright 2306 Burrelle's Informatimn Services ABC NEWS 333% NEWS TGNIGHT 6 30 PM 3' July B w 2008 Mon ay d TYPE awscast LENGTH 442 wor s HEADLINE FRESIDENT CLINTQN TB To ASSIST IN PEACE BI DEFENES SYSTEM PETER JENNINGS BSDY PETER JENNEEGS anch$ At Camp Eavid in Haryland ay The Iaraali an Palestinian leader5 have been hmlad up twe weeka new with har ly a ieak 0 the nawa media which in itself is quite ramarkable President lintmn just back Japan $pent much cf last night an mmst GE today in the talks deS eranely we ara tol trying to tea the partiea intm Emma kind 9f 5 aal Jahn Eschra ig qaverina Camp David far HS 5333 Embking a yam mates ma av Nmt lau ing gmad senigr i ministratlnn GfFicials will ttke a miracle say the Palestinian mean t 100 gosd at all That s right Pater A E hi r a minastratimn affiaial tal me just 1 time aga ha bglieveg the talks will add one way er the Other this wee an he wag net particular aptimisti Qn tap cf that Palestinian foicials told ABC Haws them believe 1% wil aka a miracle ta auhieve a hreakthraugh - h The'key s umhling bl-ck not the mnly stumbling black but the key onea cantinuing to be Jerusalam $0 much 30 that ta ay the negatiatars simpl taak that eff the table an corcentratad on mther igsues 58 why di they takewwaohm Jnhn why da they take Jerusalem aft the table an expec shay can get anywhere like a deal CUCHRANE Well wsat they mania iike agraament an land an sacnrit an they are getting irecto -f the Gaorge Tenet to heip tham on this sacurity issue If hay can resolve thnse issuas maybe they can gs back ton to the issue sf Jerusalem What they waula like Feter i5 ta get at leagt a partial agreameat this week gmething that will enable hath sides ta came back at laas in Auguan and keep'banging away covering Camg Maryland for us There s the key phrase partial deal Jerusalem has always always baan final i sue The FBI was an Capitol Hill taday defending its ewmail mmnitoring system the aminous-sounding Carnivore againat cancerns that it casts tea wide a hat The agency tal Gangress today it only usaa the systam to eavesdrap on Suspecte terrorist camputer hackera and other criminals nah an lam abiding eitisens Same eople will net be canvincad When we come back a glague cf grassh ppers in Taxas JAMES RDBINSOE Entcmulsgi$t Thage are same of the wars autbreaks GE in ects for cur cattlemen in the state that I ve witnessed JENNINGS An surviving a sterm fo the Lauisiana avast Wag it mur er selprre5ervatian 5mm Rcriease mm 3955' g ig r wmm vv- 11r- ir-ffa-r A r7131 - Announcer NEWS TUNISHT with Pater Jennings and A CLGSER LUSH bxought in you by Ccmmercial break LANGUAGE English July $24 35 Release - i nge 2 Nag-3 ifCapyright 2090 Burrelleis Inf rmition Eervices CBS News Transcriyts SHOW CBS NEWS 5 30 PM Juiy 2i Newsca$t LENGTH 4 2 wards HEADLINE3 NEW SURVEILLENCE THE FBI T0 SHEEP THRQUGH CGMPUTER EWMRILS ANCHORS JGHN RUEEHTS REPORTERS JIM STEWART BQDY JQHN RQBERTS anchor Tap officialg at the FBI want to Capitul Hiil ta ay to ta iawmakars cancerna ahwut a taphisticata twmaii turvaillance pragt m an its patential for abuse Criti $ feat this new saftware makes gevernmant snaaping so easy it leaves cr inary'imericans vulnerable t0 invasion mi ptivacy 385' Jim Stewart has more JIM STEWART ra artimg Every day more than a billion E m i15 are sent an received by acm uter users an the FBI txinks itiminais are new just as GE them as th guy But the problem fer agetts has always bien Just how YOU suit thrcugh all the gibberish t9 find any mattingful eviden t Ta ay the bureau told 6 curd the answer in a software yrogram calied it thinks it r 9 1 Ir Mr LARRY FARKINSGN General Cmunsai This is u aapite itS unfortunate name this is a taul that is very surgi a1_ STEWART Essaatially Carnivare is like a wiretap an the Web thysicallye it's nething more than a small camputer the FBI cat lock inti i the switching ream at an Internet itavider iika say America Balint But instea of reading every ASL tustamer s enmail it s designed t0 zeta in and tecatd just the massagea Sent ta and item ne particular t mail a dteas KERR Birecttr Lab Di isinni We tn t in broad searthet at Surveillance with thi system That 5 net authsritad by a court szer and in my View a uld mat be STEWART Critics hawever immadiately aske Wha's watthing the watchers Mt ALAN fer Bemmcracy Teth olmgy c ar ivwre has access t0 much mete informatiwn than it is legally entitled to collect Haw' e we know that we can trust Earnivete ch do We knew what kind GE leash has been gut an Carnivore teaacn far the skepticism is because thare s a big difference wiretapping the Internat an wiretapping a talephwne If the FBI wants t0 bug yum telephoneI they get a court Grier an g0 ta the phane cemyany an the theme tampany maket the cunnectian far the bureau If the FBI wants to wiretap ynur Intarnet ad rass they get a smart order and than thay can make tha commastian themselves They ve cna it 15 times thig year already mastly against Internet hackera and tha patential ligt of suspects an their crimet is grewingf agents watnt qur years fram n w the number 0f ctmmercial emmail messages alums is expetted ta tap 268 billimn a year Jim Stewart CHE aws Washington RQBERTS And up an the CBS EVENING NEWS a aw scheme to bilk the old 5mm Release - Page 75 230 453 3336 9 33% - anti steal theix trust Graphic on acre-en CBS Market atch INDUSTRIALS CLQSE wn 16 685 12 NASDAQ mass dawn 112 53 Mawlcements LANGUAGE English Raicase - Page 1 36 my rink- 6 133351-39 a a fin-2 copyright Information Services CBS Transcripts SHUW THE FELE Various Timss July 25 3 09 Tuesday TYPE LENGTH 45 wsr s FBI HNDER FIRE FGR USEME INTERNET so WETCH Es NAILS REPORTERS GSGOOD EGDY CHARLEQ QSGOOD THE FILE Charles s the CBS Radis Network The FBI is abls 0 read private sumsil and using a system calls Carnivsrs Earnivsrs ts the is any fleshusating animai sr slant Net ts warty says the FBI Er LARRY PARKINSQN Csunsel Esspiss its this is tosl that is very surgicsl Where we hsar thst befsrs Announcements American Civil Li s 7 u_ sham the Csrnivsrs system far sunsping on has Uni enti ism Man This $5 th Ex iV l t of gasng as the pest sf scs and ststisning an ER there Enaking st its iniormstisn sf 'vsry that sass throug GSGGUD Na st s nstninq liss inst as s11 says PB Lab Divisisn s Mr EQNALH KERR Lab Bivisions We as t d3 brass or surveillance with this system 03GQOB 'Ths bureau is being very ssruguious absut not vislating snyhody s Civil rights with Carnivsrs says the FBI general seunssl Larry Farkinssn PARKINSQN This is a tosl that is rarely sn it is never withsus court In other wards 'Trust us gsod snough says Alan Davi son sf the Center for an DAVIBSDN Censsr far and Carnivore has access to much mars than it is entitled ts calleat How u ws know that we can trust Haw as we know what kind sf leash has been pus an carnivsrs The Justice Department says law sfficials have to follow crims wherever it leadss Deputy attorney general Kevin csnirant in the physical maria are beginning t0 apgsar in the saline warld Hr Deputy Attorney Many sf the crimes that ws GSGGOD Fer many sf the abuses that occur in the thsical wsrl sccur in the nnlins warld use That s why is now'taking sn interest in 5 24 32 Rsiease a Page n 720 3 7 law Carnivmre John Canyers namacrat of Michigan_ KeprasentatiVe Bemocrat Mi higan Cenatitutianal rights end where eyl rspace beginET s wvm wVv QSGDODscrupulcus abmut u ing Carnivore as it aayg it 13 thare's always Hurphy a Law ta consider That's the ne that says If anything bad can hagpen it will I Rapublican Gangre33man Spencar achus mi Alabama Representative BACHUS Republican Alabama The patential for abuse here's tremendmuv THE FILE Charle ngoad an the CBS Ra ig English Jul 35 336% 5124552 Reiease Page a Anni-inwangu x Wan-u 1 Cepyright EGGS U P I Unite Press Internatienal -July 25 2330 Tuesday '7 SECTION GENERAL NEWS 1 LENGTH 9 5 wnrde an The Net BYLINE By Unite Frees lnternatienal BODY Justice Department effieiale defen ed its Carnivere' e mail scanning pregram an Monday in cf 3 Reuse panel saying it is narrewly fecuse and they haVe used it just 25 times in two years inclu ing 15 times ea far this year Discriminating between usere messages en the Internet is exactly what Carnivere does eai Denal Kerr assistant directer at the FBI it nes net search through the cantente af every an cellece these that eentein certain key wards like homh er drug5 It eelects messages base an criteria expressly get out in the court erderg for tranemitted Le er frem a particular acceunt er to er from a @erticular user Kerr told the Hausa Ju ieiery Subcemmittee on the Censtitutien that allibut six uses 0f the pregram this year have been far national security reasons but he ecline te talk ahaut the cases General Janet Rene has ar ered an in ependent review of the syseem ED determine whether it in ringes on privacy rights Whe American Civil Liberties Union hee filed a Free em ei Act request with the epartment for eli eeuments related t0 Carnivsre Ge Anether Inte heavyehittere vi ee files and a 1 infringement suit America and the Net rue ile treding service is facing Caur come a eite that Searches the I 1 ewe users to exchange them ie the target 0f a cepyright 'led in New Yerk by the Recordin Industry Aseecietien ef 0n Picture mi America Scour aem whinh is beeked in gar by ermer Qieney heed Michael Gvitzg eai it man very surpxieed by the i WSHit the campany hadlbeen in recent talks with tap in uetry players sueh as Seny MPAA Chairman Jack valenti called Ehe site Negster with maviee 6 4 A - The recording in uetry s caee against mapeter meanwhile gees ta trial as we needey in San EranC1sce Lewyere for the major record labels are expected pr ates music piraev t0 ask a ju ge to she Napeter mwn because it allegedly em and-copyright inixing ment Napater allewe users to shaxe M93 digital of somge that are campact iec quality en can be downloaded in a few minutee The fact ie that Napster hag giVen milliene and milliens e music fans the Dppartunity t0 hear music they heuen't hear before Said Napster CEO Hank Barry ta the New Yerk Timee Experts watching the ease den t expect it ta end quicklyethe iseues are eomplicete j en Napeter hae amassed a battled-her ened legal team on its aide w Nepeter's hae rewn a 19 0f the media e attentimn but the high te h biggest case is still simmering in the backgreun A iederal judge found in June that Micreeoit ha used illegal an unfair tactics to push its Windews eperating system and the eempeny has one appeal left tn the Supreme Court But the ease might have ane lee wants to apply a fe eral antitrust law enacte in the 19 Ge that wnuld allow a caurt to hear the appeal first Accer ing to the Weehingten Past the cemyany e lawyers believe the Supreme Caurt wmul benefit frem an0ther review GE factual and precedural issuee in the eager The gevernment and the cempeny can file mare paperwerk an the issue in August and the Supreme Court ewuld make a ecieion by the fall on whether it will hear the appeal 0 Stephe King eei he effered his new serial novel The Plant an the Web for a buck an epieode because he wanted ta test haw people weul resyend We have a generatien 6f cemputer jackeys that we ve raised on Hamster an MP3 5 242 82 Release Page TE Ema $555 3 yn Q t-l I gl V-rtrur j d gm 1 7 51 fl - - a 5 has -1- a f h who have gatten the mistakan idea that everything in the stare is Eree And like 9 see if wa canit reeducata these peaple ta tha idea that aha fruits cf talent cast yum maney the author said M n ay on Sand Morning America Readars can downlca the iivst awn pertimns of the back without paying the 53 but accor ing 9 King an his wab sita If yum don t the Stary He wants 5 parwant 0f all readers t0 pay for the stery in order to keep it going it s available at A French ju ge has or ered a serie 3f teats inta whether Internet screening Eaftware well enough t9 require Yahuo be black French Web aurfers from having access ta anline au ti ns 0f Nazi memmrabilia French law prghibits the sale Gr exhibitien 9f item with racist overtnnas se a ju ga'in June ardere the Nab campany to black accass to the auatiansw Because suah auctigns are legal el awhere Eaheo only cut them fram its France oriented r yahmabc m Site not its main glabal Yahec cam partal The company argued that it doesn t have the means ta keep French users fram acceasing all tha auctiana Gut i e-Df rvyahaa cam but Ju ge Jean Tacques Gomaz sai that idea gheuld be taste by expertg befmre ha'makes anathar ruling in Augu t Yahoo cauld face hun rads of thquaands mf dallars in fines Rivals 0f Emerita Qalina s instant messaging service hava banda together in an attemp to get the Virginia company t0 open up itg huge tammunity of real tima Intarnet chatters The Car-pH iCast Carp an Tribal White have ferme a caalitian calle IMUnified that will push AUL ta lat them commas ta its l Earrice which has tens of millions of user i grasp might en up with the gavernmemt an its Hide the IM iSsue 3 one cf many that tha Fe eral Communications Cemmigsian will consider an Thursday when it halds a hearing an the wrapased AOLwTime Warner merger EMU ified hag an ughill bantle ahea ta in ustry Mark Levi mi Enternatianal Eata Carp told than ASL will eniy giV' in when it is cartain its EH market share wan t be affected 0 ENGL 1 SH July 25 266% 55 241'32- Hematite Page 1 30 by Eopyright 2000 National Public Ra io All rights reserved Ne quates the materials cantainad herein may be uta in any madia withaut attributian t0 'rA-w It National Pablic Radio This transcri t may mat be rapro utad in whole gr in i part without prior written marmissian Far further information please 3 cantact Parmissiana Caordinatgr at 2333 414H2n00_ National Public Radia SHGW MORNING EDITIQN lli EH an 7 July 25 2866 Tuea ay BENGTH 584 wards HEADLINE SYSTEM To MQNITGR E-MEILS INTERNET SERVICE CALLED UNCENSTITUTIONAL BY MENY ANEHGRS BOB EDWARDS LARRY ABRAMSBN 30335 i BOB heat The FBI is gtruggling t9 defan a Qantrevergiai wiretapping sy$tem far the ntermet The system is caile Carnivarem It's dagigne t9 help investigatars search far avidente by gift 3g threugh huge Velumes Qf ammaiiw Civil lihartiea grau 5 tag Carnivara exptses lawmabiding citizens to an FBI investigation The FE tci membars of that the Eystem can be trustad because it anly examines massages raievant ta invastigationgi Larry hbramscn reporta reparting 6 providers he d3 its Eavasdr pping hr infarmatinm the agancy haE bean name Carnivwra is just a canwutar 5 work but if an cannat su plv tug -t a the aystam in the office Qf tha turning ta Carnivmxe Seagi with special software The i tai Internet 5 rvite prsvi er Lia a big vacuum ciaaner Earnivare sucks up evary singla eumaii message tan or ecaived thrnugh tha prmvider Rut 31 according tn the Danald Kerr Earnivare $pits out everything except for the few hits that are reiata it the investigatiqn Mr DDRALE KERR F i c What it 5 basical the address t3 which the envelope is baing gait outside 0f the envelwpwi ie re net permitted t6 rea the subject 1i fact d9 net capture that an recor it i ail wing mg to an is racard and tha return a rats an the 39 and in AERAMSQN It s a lat har er far tie FBI to get taut authority to actually qgen up awmail messages The FBI agsure membera @f a Hauae Ju iciary aubaammittee that Carnivwre saftware nan be carefully tailgre 50 that it aniy traps the namea 9f thE sen ei and the recipient cf measagei Agants have used theae kinds of searches an telephane iinas far decadas Kevin Di Gregory with the Dayartment 0f Justice gays they re very useful in the Early stages 9f an investigatinn Mri KEVIN Di GREGDRY Degartment of Justice To illuatrata law enforcement cftan n eds ta find out rom whom aiding ealar far instance 13 buying his illagal praducta a to when the drug dealer is selling his gou ai It is therafara important to determine with Wham the rmg dealer i3 ammunicating ABRAMSSN The yrablem is that tha system has ta peek at each bit of infarmatian an that it can ecide what to away Many mamhers of the Congrass and aivil libErties graups are not ready ta trust tha FBI when it says it really will discara information it's not-aliawe t0 collect Barry Steinhardt 0f the Amarican Civil Libertias Unicn calltd the-potential far abuse unprecedented Mr BARRY BTEINHARDT American Civil Liberties Unian Nave befmre has law_ 5mm Reimse Pm $53 I A u'J m enforcement inatalla a device which access all the cammunicatiens af a aerviae previdera cuatemera rather than cnly the cammuniaatiana of the target ef a particular erder ABRAMSDN Internet service previdars have beccma accuatemad ta court orders an aubpaanaa for infarmatien in criminal investigations and lawauitav But many say they resent the use They the ayatem poses a security threat and can crash an campaaera Cangreaaman 8ab Barr 0f Gaargia accuae the aganay GE abusing its autherity and bullying its way an to the 9f Internet service previdara Reyreaentativa BUB BARR Geargia Yeu're saying Whaa we re gaing to 60 is we re going ta g6 entai e 6f the law here basically-ana we're going to force yeu to allow us to put em aa tware inta yaur system Yam will net be able ta manitur it It 8 cempletely unauparviae Thank you very much guys Yam gust give ua an we'll d3 our thing Much of the Carnivore debate hinges on just what Internet users expect when they send e mail Caurte have rula that telephnne callers have the telephane numbare they ial will he kept arivate me right to expect that But Stuart Baker armar ganaral enunaei at the Natimnal Eecurit- Ageaayy aava exten ing that analegy ta Internet aervica provi exa daesn t make aenae Maw STUART BAKER We say mu den t have an axpactatian af privacy in informaLion that is an the han s mi the third arty in the Internet age is just crazy I mean mu ntira liV H are in the han a af third partiea The FBI ia 02Eering ta hire an independent investigater no prava teat Carnivore eifara a canaaitutiunal way ta wiretap an the gntarnet But ea fara the agency says it will mat reveal the aaftwara cede bethd the ayatem many civil libertariana that s the enly way they can prave ta Cangreaa that Carnivere is angareae and ah i be abandaned Laxry Abramaan NPR Newa hashi gtani LANGUASE English Auguat 200$ SIZ- iml Release is 1 3 1 731 6' dig-Copyright 2303 Chicagm Tribune Company hicage Trihu e July 25 EGGQ Tues ay ERECAGG FINAL EUITEQN SECTION Pg 1 ZONE LENGTH 989 words HEADLINE FBI BEFENBS USE 9F MBNITQRENG SUFTWARE BYLINE By Frank Jam s Washington Bureau DATELINE WASHINGTON 305 Privacy Experts an lawmakers on Manday criticized he FBI far using that manitors emmail Claiming that it threatens rivaay rights But namputer security xyerts ay those concerns mi s the paingr By its very natura enmail is not sacuze messages ara amwng the wars ways tn send private informatien Spaaking after a Hausa Judiciary t'T a Camputer expert iamen lawmakers that it's Lat jug g varnmenh gnaogs usi g a special secret 30ftware program like Carniv re tha threaten eumail prxvacy Anyoaa with a iittle camput r knaw how can catch and rea ather paoplg s an ne mail The an war he and nthar experts say i a simpla 51 3 a thars can't rea ii ii verywna sur ng Earge part5 9f Carnivare weuid b- msglesa Perrina said at the 3 liawhau hearing namwcratic an Republican skeptias Opanly oubted the FBl s abality t0 kgep abusing its Carnivare tachnolagy an vialating maricans constitutianal quhts wing Intarnet equivaiant of a talephana wireta Far years witneaaeg tegtifie the agenc has quietly used Carnivare t0 capture the ta an fr m lines of anmail ween certain suspactg an their ewmail bu ias When federal ju ges have gravi a the agency with the at ust the address 3 required autharity aha FEE alga has captured a infarmatiom but tha cantent 0f targatad eemails ed the FBI Ear Privacy expert5 lawmakers an atherg have sharpiy a i 2 1 th accusati0ns Qf itS use of tha_pragram Monday g hearing was f privacy vialations RI think CGEQEESS has ta act sai Rep Jerrol Nadler calling far tighter restricti ns an the FBI Felice agemciea can t ha afforded untrammeled digcretion and we can't a$$ume a lack Bf bad intent on the part 0f palice a the presence Qf goadwill is annugh ta prata t pegpla s grivacy The ganeral ceunsel Larry Parkinsan assured the lanakgra There are checks and balancea with regpect t0 Carnivura It s not a situatien where a rogue FEE agent could brca an the Gawarage 65 the Carnivore intercept and vialate tha caurt cr er authorizing the surveillan a What the numerous witnasses efending the usa 9f Carnivure as well 33 privaay advncates condemning it i n't ack awle ge hawever wag the thing thay all agree anathe insecurity cf avmail in ge eral Pxegident Clintun knews ftar a speech last' arch in Eilican valley as repezted by Dan Gillmor techmalogy cmlumnist far the San Jase Mercury NEw ememne aaka Clinton if he kaeps in tmuch'with his college Stu ent aughtar Chelaea by awmail while she is away at Stanfard Umiversity mm Release - Page Ts a LAF- - 437 don't e eemeil with Chelsea Aheelutely meta en't think it's secure said Clintnn In ee eeid Perrine manager Gf security teehnelegiee at the See Diege Supereempeter Center et the University pf CeliferniewSen miege everyene werries about pretecting their camputere hut 303 many end Sensitiva infermetien by enmei1_ l w 93 3 There e a quete I wish I cauld remember who eeid it but basically it gees Trying to e secure thinge ever the Internet is liee two peeple in cenerete bunkers eurreunded by machine gene een ing messegee te each ether written on the back ef peetcer eg Perrine saide There s ail this eemmunieetien that gees that can be read by an ene with access no the network and technelogy nailed aeket sniffer he seed E meil transmitted weer the Imternet like all infermetien sent ever the glebel 13 broken into chunks celled packets that are beunced from tLe sender s cemputex to the recipient s Eeceuee ef the may the internet was censtrueted1 the peekete eften rake different routes to get frem emint A 0 paint B haunting areun the Internet until they eeriVe at their deetieet on and are reassembled 1 A the rigyt elece on the netwavk a hacker er semeene else using packet eniffer can cellect the peckete then reassemble them te learn the eonteete ef an e meis Eee ing to the eeceriey leeue Elinten reiee The greatest cause fer concern ie the ef an in-ide jeb eemeeme with access te the pewerful cementere knewn ae servers the braine oi camputer ne werke said Richard Smith an Internet security expert in Cambri gee Ease Im the of the I woui have as Freei ent Clintee er the Secret Service is that eemebedy at stenferde or wherever whe maintains the e mei1 eyetem was watching the traffic that they get $16 600 free teblei neweeaper te rea these enmeile an spy an Chelsea fer'wxetever reaeen he eei Seneitive cergeretv enfermetien an creme eecrete when they are mentiemed in enmeil which has ite meets in an eaey te rer format lf anything cried cut fer being I weuld eey e m i1 ees Smith said Maybe ever time the can he a change that happens Actually pewerful teele are currently available ta virtually all cemputer usersI though they take same knowledge ef computers Ce properly empley Cemputer experts grewing ceneumer demen for eneryptien We can expect that as peeple learn that ewmeil is not Secure there'll be mere interest in ueing be pretect it eei Matt Blaze a research scientist with Labs Meet people new den t use it because they re net interested in it or it s net available ta them in the stender eenfiguretien that eemes with their cemputer Perrine said an Internet engineering etan erde group recently developed gui elinee that could'haeten the-day when peeple reutinely send e_ mail All traffic between computers would be and in meet cases thie'weuld be trenegerent he the he eai These technelegies if they re not already here are at least on the herizen Rehease - Pam LWGUAGE ENGLISH LGADQATE July 25 2000 5mm Release mg was MW mve mw sn turning over informatian an targeted - 1 -- I - C yright Michigan Daily via U Wire Univarsity Wire July 25 2300 SECTION EBITORIAL LENGTH 5 1 warda HEADLINE E mail a big brather HELENE Staff Editarial Eic igan Daily SGURCE U Michigan Ann Arbor Mich BERT The FBI has recently came un er fire Exam interns privacy group an the AELU is a cantroversial a mail Engaging syatem that monitpr all e maii passing thraugh netwerks cannegte to the devica Th systam dubbe Carnivare by the FBI because it geta at the meat af inf rmation -- is dangareus'because it is cagabl 9f scanning gender and recaiver infurmatian alcng with the subject lines mE all passing mail ta detarmine if thase messages umntain infarwition worth Saving for FBI review Unlike phmne tags Carnivmre's nnlimite accaag tn private message carries a high potential for abuse by overz alows FBI agents and aliaws the Qf targeting users not $uspest' of any crime Eaurt Dr ers are currently reuuire L0 tag yhone lines or gather information fram an passibie illegal activity carrie out aver me iums like ewmaii but Carnivmre is ush mare parvaaive- The system is an untnuchabia box ingtaile an private t0 caliect all gagging through them This is like installing a device that listens t0 phone canversatian to determima whether it not the phene dfercem mt But inf calls should he menitmxe by iaw e ormation an the inner wmrkinga mi Carnivaxe remains sketchy This alarms wany privacy a vscates like Representative Bab Barr had Qne ward for the system Frightaning One Solution invulves ailmwing the cada GE Carnivare t0 be perused by independent graupa wh wvuid Examine it warkinga ta make SUIE tha baing coll ctea i3 limited ta thgse un er investigation fur illegal activity seamg a viable swlutimn as the integrity of the Carnivore system woui mat ha vialate i yet could still be maniaoyed FEE anneumced Fri ay that arnivere cauld be xeviewa by in epem ent ana mics but thia does not ga far enough A more palatable alternativm ta Carnivere wwuld laave far users for PET review as is the currann praatice with ghone companiEh in posaessicn of incriminating evi ancai This Same degree 0f protectiun an wnuld be a reasonabla altarnative ta widespread surveillanca Mmra sweaping rafoim caul came fram CongrassI as legislators examine th recammen ation ta raft lagislation that wauld bring Carnivcra and similar schemes under cantroli Current privacy legislatiom nee s to evolve t0 include prawisions Ensuring that acceas ta electranic communicatians by law is limited t0 and specific targets nnly The gatentially abusive nature Qf carnivara is net anmething wa shoul learn ta live with in the digital age Lawuabiding citizens have their privacy infringed by law agancie innatestad in collecting data an a few criminals Congress must keep up with the times and fully examine the feagibility of wid9 ranging hanges ta electranic privacy Outdated lawa like the l eyearvol Privacy Act whiCh allaws fer raal time intereeption 6f messages with a saurt order nes nut includa pravisimns for new technalogies and for loophsles like 532qu Release I nae EM #394 #36 '0 4 vs-HT Whether Carnivere's ce a is wpensd tn public investigation 9 more stringeat attentien i$ aid t governmental b iES engage in Snooping the lawg are far behind meaHS It is time tha Amarican people receive camprahensive legislatiVe prmtectien frem risky unaccauntabla law enforcement techniQHES that vialate Feurth Amandment preteetion Exam unreasenable searches 2090 Michigan aily via LANGUAGE ENGLISH July 25 2390 dmll elcase - Page mi g' Jw an - rst -uu- nan-Mvvt c gh i Copyright BGQG The Washingtan Past The washingten Past July 25 EQGQ Tuesday Final Edition SECTIGN Pg 301 LENGTH 94 word$ HEAELINE FBI Hakeg Case For Nah Wiretaps Carnivnre System Faces Fire on Hill BYLINE J hn Sahwarta BGDY Pe eral law enfarcement afficials defen ed Carnivare the Internet wiretap systemwuthraugh mare than two acrimonimus haurg a grilling by Bam cratic and Republican lawmakers yesterday painting a chilling-picture 0E an Internet that'wuuld heapme a safe haven far raaks an terrmrists withwut proger Surveillance t'washingtun Past Staff WEiter Criminals use cmmputers tn sand child p rnagraphy ta each other using anonymuus communicatiens FBI Assistant Directs Denald M Kerr told the Rouge Ju iciary subcammittea on the Camstitutimn Hackers break intw financial $erviaa campaniea' systems an steal cuatomers name ad rasses and creditmaard numbers criminals use the nterna s inexpensiva and easy cammuni atians no cammit larga scale frau an victim all aver wuxl and terrwris bembers plan thair stxikes using the internet saema just The 1 Many of tha lawmakezs Enfarcmment Q fici ls Spencar Backus as ramcarned with the antiOns of the law a patentlal far abuse here is tremendaus said REJ What ymu re saying is Trust us Carnivmre is a madifie version at a gammon netwurkmmaintenance program knawn as a packet sniffer Carniv0 e a fers great specificity the ability be quickly collect just the to an fram information in e mail mesgages far axampla and n0 mnline banking transactimns That gives law the a vivalent 05 the telephrne warld g pen register and trap an trace ata wthe erigin an dastination of all call related to the Subject ivil liberties QIQBQS and 'nternet Service prawi erg say the system raises trnubling questicns aheut wLat constitutas a reasanabla search an seizure af data In snif ing Qua potential criminal Qan uct they mate the aw technalagy'al w Haul scan private infarmaticn ahmut legal activities taking in ammunts GE infarmatinn Exam innocent penple as WEll as the suspect The aritics alga ta that pa t expari nce has Eh wn that law enf rcemant has averstepped its wiratap-autharity numerous times in the pasts Earry Steinhar t aasociata-directar Gf the American Civil Liberties Uni sai in his testimany Carnivoxe is taughly equivalent to a wiretap capable of accessing the contenta of the of all the phmne campany'g austemarsr with the assurance that the FBI will recard only annvarsati ns of the Specifie target 1 foitials of Internet sarvica yr vi er3 oppage the techmalogy say they are wary of putting equipmant designed by athers an their networkw Thay Want tha FBI ta pUbliSh an tha used SQ that 893 can ha sur that it doe$ what the agenay says the system to a neutral $0 much infarmatian abaut and hacking The law officials pledged t present thir party fer review but said they cannot release the system that it will become a target far evagion They insisted the Darnivnre system actually provi as greater grivacy than previmua 6f gathering electrunic informatian because it can finewtune what tha machine han s aver t9 investigatcrs Sil f z Reiease u- Fame Ema 1 1 J v- A f The Kerr alEa arguad that agents won t risk their integrity their jobs an their futures by abusing the law The toughegt questiening came Erum Regs Nadlar and Rabert Lw Barr Jr twa gangresgmen rarely an the same si e of an issue Ma ler papgexed the affimiala with a serieg 0f questioms that un erscure the point that Carnivare un er the laws that govern pehwxegiater surveillance cauld be used withnut the i ficult hewing of prgbabl cauaa require in a telephone wiretap Barr citad the inVE$tigaticn af missing White Hausa ehmail an scornfully said the Clinton adminigtratimn asserts that we dun t even knew haw t0 keep track of our own e mail while nww we see a very ssghisticated system far keeping track-cf ather geaple s e mails Aftar the hearing Hausa majmrity Laader Richar K Armey issue a Etatement saying members 0f bath parties shawa cancerms that the adminigtxatian is infringing on Americang' baaic canstituti nal gratectian againgt umwarranta search and seizura Vatil these cancerna ara a dxessed he c0331H ed Carnivmre ghoul be Shut down yum Reiease Page 1 5 Hutu-5' K -Ceeyright 2656 News World Cemmunieatiane Inc The Waehingten Times July 25 Tuesday Final Edition seemem mm A eel A1 LENGTH v44 waf e HEADLINE Lawmakers rip FBI ewmeil traeker Surveillance teal empleyed ZS times i EYLINE William Glens THE BGDE Federal law enlargement agenee say they have use the contraverelel Carnivere eeftwere gregrem to track enmeil ef suepeets 25 times in the pest tee yearsBut agents have never used the gregrem illegally'er treeke e meil they were met authexlzed tn track by a ceurt er er FEI Assistant Directer Deneld Kerr tol the Renee Judiciary sebcemmittee en the Cenetitutien yester ay Deepite the restraint the FBI says it has need privacy rights criticized law enfercement agents fer eeing Carnivere en lewmekers ekeptieiem about the Ee erel gavernmeet e 0f the Internet surveillanee Seal Heuse Hajerity Leader Dick Armey mes Reguhlieen eai yesterday Carnivere eheuld be suspen e umtil cancerns ef privacy advocates and needs ef law en ereemenn are Until these cancerns are addressed Uernivere eheul be shut- ewug he sei Carnivere enables investigatere be pick ewe specific emmeil traveling threugh en Internet service previder e eemputer system e0 1L can menlter whe eemtecte and-whe genteete suggeet Mr Kerr and-other fedezel efiicials eei the highmteeh surveillance Ey t u is crucial to help them keep up with en eephistlceted breed 0E techweevvy criminele en crucial to help them keep the Inter et safe Many cf the crimes that we cen rent every day in the physical w-rld are beginning 0 appear on line sale Deputy'ESeietent Attorney General Kevin DiGregery HI we Eeil ED make the Internet safe peeple's een idence in using the Internet and e commeree will declineF endangering the very benefits brought by the infonmetien age Carnivore is simply an investigative teal that is see on line only un er nerrewly defined circumgtencee and only when eutuerizea by law to meet our ta the gublie he said Eut lawmakers cencern abeut a lack e cheeks and balances an law enfercement agente aging Carnivere The petentiel for abuse here is enermoue said Ree geeneer Beehus Alabama Republican General Ceuneel Larry Parkineen eeid Carnivere is little uee teel When it is used Mr Kerr said agente fellow the law cere ully ena if they are caught mere ata than allowedr they sen be imgrieene up to five yeere fer eemmitting a federal feleny In the pest we ve had many agencies go heyend the scape 0f their eutharity said Repl John Conyere Jr Michigan Demeeret Mr Kerr said the FBI and Department 0f Juetiee-will an indape dant Release Page 193 I E55 uwu t a 5-1- 4W'mhli aux-gm Annamaria-MAJ Ava- hiraview 0f Carnivure this year to shDW thay aren t misusing the pregram 2w r Lawmakera and privacy right$ a vocates also criticiaed federal mfficials uaing-CarniV re when Internat service provi ers couid just as easily gallant i fnrmatinn being Eought Thare ta be more central in the han s of tha internet gervice g prcvi ers Eaid Alan Davidsan aklawyer with tha District ba$g civil i' libertiea graup Cemtar far Hemacramy an Technalagy 1 Mr Kerr argue that few of the natien a estimated providerg have the means ta sift thraugh emmail traffic and law enforcgment Internat sarvica callect them far But Rob rt Corna evere an who represented Service_praviaer EarthLink said Earthhink wag gathering-e mail inf rmatimn at the federal government s request earlier this yaar when it was farce to with a smart crder and let federal cfficials ingtall Carnivore an ita CGmputers The Ee eral gavernmant was upset that Earth Link waa cagturing few aimail massageEJ Mr Earn-Revere sai and it naedleas ly'in tailed Carnivarea Lean Civil Liberties Union A5$ 4ate Directer Barry ein ard suggested Carnivcre a swurce cmde b5 made publicm The source cade is the set 0f instructi ns a pragrammer rrites and it will shew just what Carnivara i3 Cagabla a retrieving The ACLU has Eile a Freedom cf Informati n Act request with the FBI t get the ma a Even thangh thay ha a raft 0f abmun Carnivmre an ita USE lawmakers yester ay di n't EXPEESS any wiliingnass to make imma iate changes in the fe eral gnvexnm9nt's aurhmrity he use the surveillance ltiVE to gny_patanvia1 in ahuge of e with aha hEEt of intentiong 0 legally carry gut We shmui ha sens the Carnivore system Even a sygtem sign essential law anforc a t functions may ha a cause or cancern if its use is mat @rnperly manitore sai Rap Char g T Canady leri a Republicav Al 5 24 92 Retease Fame 191 34 15vCQeright 20GB E rrelle's Informatian Services CBS News Transtripts MGRNINE NEWS 5 33 AM July 25 230B Tuesday TYPE Newsca$t LENGTH 388 war s HEADLINE NEW SURVEILLANSE ALLOWS THE FBI TO ANCHORS SHERYL ATTKISSQN REFORTERS JIM STENAET EOHY First came wiretapping phonas New the FBI i3 using a cybersurveillan a called Qarnivara that wiretaps the Internet Jim Stawart reparta reperting Every day mare than a hillinn emmailg are gent and received by'cmmputer usera an the FBI thinks criminals are new just a3 cf them as the next guy But tha problem for agent has always bean Ju t haw d0 yam awr thraugh all the gibberiah t fin any meaningful eviaance The bureau angress it thinks it's faund the answar in a software pragram Callad Carnivere Ev ral EO'nseif This i$ despite its SUN Gan a $991 that in very aurgicali Mr LARRY PARKEN unfartunata name thio is STEWERT Essentially Carnivore is like a wiretap on the Webv Phygically it s nothing more than a small camputex the FBI can iack inside tha switching rgam of an internet service pravider like say America Dnlinee But instea mf rea ing Every A03 custamar s eemail it's dasigned to Earn in and racard just the messages sant t9 an iram Due particular Ewmail addre s Hr EQNALD KERR Direatmr Lab Divisianf We an t da hr ad searches 0r $urveillance-with this sygtem That s net autheriza by a cgurt Gid r and in my view ceuld not be hmwever imme iataly agkea Who s watching the watghers Mr ALAN BKVIDSGN Center far Dem cracy Technalagyi Carnivare has access tw much more informatian than it is legally entitled tn gallant How o we that we can trust Ca nivare Haw do wa knew what kind cf lea h has been put on Carnivore STEWART The rea3cm for the skepticism is because there s a big ifference wiretapping the Internet and wiretapping a telephane' If the FBI wants t0 bug ymur talephane they get a court arder aha g0 ta the phone company and the_phcna aompany makes tha connectian for the bureaui If the FBI wants 0 wiretap your Internet addreas they-gat a court order and than they an make the-cannection themselves They ve dame it 16 times this yEar already mastly against Internet hackers an the patential list 9f sugpect an their crimes is growing agents warne i Fan years Exam new the number of commercial alane is expected 9 top 20G billion a year Jim Stewart CBS Haws Washingtun LRNGUAGE English Suly 35 293$ 5 24 02 Release - 2 15 3 35 In n Capyright ZGDG Seattle Pn3t lnte11igen er SEATTLE POSTWINTELLIGENCER Suly ES 2000 Tmasday SECTIGN NEWS LENGTH 564 wards HEAELINE FBI OF VIQLATINQ ADVQCATES SAY PRGQEAM SIFTS THRUUGH EVERY FILE SENT THROUGH SPECEFIC ISFMARE HELM BATELINE EDDY P ivacy a vmcates an technalagy experts yesterday blaste a new PEI program ta palice the Internet saying the system agenta ta manitor mails Qf people are mat targets 0f criminal investigations an Tha PEI aska yam ta trust them with unsupervisa acceas t0 literally millions GE innocent Communicaticns Barry Stainhardt aascciate- iractor cf the American Civil Liberties Union told a Hausa investigating the Syatam Fmr'me that s an enarmaus leap of faith that the public is being aske ta taka Th3 enmail smiffing system knawn a3 Carnivwref aliaw law enforcement afficiala t9 sift a suspect' zmessages Gut af he full stream of data pa sing thruugb an internet service @ravider like America O llne Once installe an Lh ESP netwerw Cgrnivare dam monitor all of the ewmail an that 15 fram the ligt Uf'what iS Eant t9 the 3 mal cantant af awe anmaii Steinhar t teld the an tha onsaitutinn that-Caraivare dif ers significantly Exam traditi nal phone er tap Fith a phmna wiretap the FBI must obt in a cmurt Drier ta mani50r conVersation$ 9f 5 speci ic phane the FBI centacts the phone campany which ingtalls age tap an whan the investigatiun ends iscannect Agents araznat able t9 manitor ny it canvergatiuns gther than thase on the en phmne the Un er the Carniware 5y t m the FBI first gets a caurt order ta nae agency s a saftware tn tag intm the lines of an ISP Unlike a traditiamal wiretap with access to anly Qne phane carnivare has access t0 evary message being sent alang th 5v55em In addition the hag no $ver Qr knowig ge wf what the FEE is n mitorinm Petar Sach presi ent 3f a New Haven Conn nbasa sai Carnivore violataa the rights cf every lawwabiding citizen wha 5585 18 Internet to send e mail At this very mement a instailed under ccurt or er at same sumewhere in this cauntry is busy reviewing all cammunicatioma passing thraugh that 33 including message$ rpm and to you the mamhera 0E gangress Sachs sai the saitware used fer Carnivnre whiah is secr t alga pages ather threats ta internat usera Fir t he said the cauld be vulnerable ta hackera Anether prablamJ he gai is that the Car ivore already has caused service problem$ Ear several I595 Gauging them La stay or alww nwn But Justica Departmant an FBI afficials said they are simyly trying ta preserve their ability ta manitor criminal aativity They gai that capability is being ermde by the grmwing use 0f new tenhnolmgiea such as Cell phones an wiraless message davices Kevin DiGreg0ry deguty assmciate attornay general said Carnivmre actually protests privacy because it an be canfigured to i entify anly the s n ers and $24132 Retease Pa 936 gs 2e 39 1 y- zl $1311 43 x fur - recipiants of the suspect s ewmail Tha system salectg enly the ata Kelatad t0 the criminal ha sai 3a that human reviewers sea only what the machine has culled - net just a situation whera as I under$tan it a rogue FBI agent for example caul broaden the cov rage Qf the Carnivur intercept and viglata the caurt Disregary said In order tn g that he wmuld nea t6 engage the aid of technical pample perhaga even technical panple at tha Internat service previ er Danald er I director cf th camputer lab divisimn said-Carnivere is usad only when an ISP prnvi e the infermatian requaste undeg a court order The FBI wmuld prefer tn let ISPs dc thia wnrk but scmetimes that s not passible and in those cases wa bring in Carnivore he said Existing lama are abeut what standaras apply for different kind cf internat surveillancei Last Man ay the White Houga annaunca the administraticn will pr 9 lation t0 harmaniza tha laws of wiretapping as it affacts tha ma y by which people 2 remunicate - such as t eleaphone imam and nignw'spcaed bz wadbamd access Release Page I a ' 'lrj FKj Cepyright 2889 PeetmNEWsweek Business Ine Newebytee EQGG Thureday July 81 Wards ESP Hewmekere Want Te Starve Earnivere HELENE nevi McGuire DATELINE BGDY A pewerful cadre 0E Reuse Republicane te ay demanded that the FE pull the_plug on its centrevereiel ewmaii eurveillance eviee arnivere Given the Uproar Carnivere has created an the petentiel im ect reperte an Carnivere eeul have on consumer cenfi enee in the interner we urge y we ta suegemd any activity inrelvi nJ the evelepment or nee ef Caruivere email in the eerieue grivecy inve wee have been eetiefeeterily answered Emu 1 lawmakers wrete in a sternly werde1 letter 5e Atterney General Janet Reno Signe by 2 House Repubilcene including Majerity Leader ick Armey Ev Texas an Nejerity Whip Tam E'Lay RwTexasc tD ay s letter is aime at forci g the Juetlce eparteent to move quiekly in eke cemetltutienel raised by use ef the controversial Ermey staffer Ricuerd Blamond toiA Newebytee tedey Ueeigned ta atteeh directly 1% Iatereet service previ er e internei systeme Carnivere 33 eawable of u 1ng tqreugh vast quantities of ewmeil 0 find these the meet vestigetive epeeifieatiome ef court erderl that en t meet parameters 3f a given eeurt erder are aceer ing te the FE ver reek iene f innocent 9f oppeeitien te ri the use Of ea cenetitutienelly 3 i i I v 1- - - But the reveietle that tee Fe lg gifting 7 a EntexneL USers' ewmeli mes vb the device Conserve Yee sheeldn t be using kine a teen elegyi with this type 0f question hanging over your head Diamen eai The anthers 0f today e letter asked Rene to retire the device until the FEE Justiee Bepartmemt can e rese the priVEey concerne it raises Hewever Reno in he weekly Seetiee Department newe briefing said she woul net suspend use Qf the aevice until after an internal FBI review Qi Carnivore is completed Biamend eeneeded the it ie probably unlikely that Carnivere would ever meet with congreseienal eppreval Tue bur en ef preef is en the Atterney General to shew us that arniverel is in full cempliance with the Feurth Amendment Diamond eai Ame at least ene eignetery to tedey e letter eesn t intend to wait for the Juetiee Department to shelve CarniVQre 0f its own vmlitien Rep Eeb Barr is crafting legislation that would prevent the FBI fram using Carnivere and devices lime it Barr staffer Eze Alexander eai te ayi The Justice Department was net available fer cemment en today s letter $24332 Enigma - have T95 At 914 L9 Earlier this munch Rena premise ta peraanally investigate the Use of armivore Repmrted by a 16 31 CST Raposte 15 31 CST ONLENE LANGUAGE ENGLISH NEWS July 28 2890 5mm Release Page 7% wei- A J i n aqua - Capyright Peatm awswaak Buainass Informatian Inc July EGGS Thursday LENGTH 516 wur s HEADLINE Privacy Legislation an't Move This Yaar Leahy EYLINE David McGuire Newabytes DATELINE WASHINGTON 3 0 EDEY While bread hased intarnet privacy legislatimn probably wmn t far in this cangressibnai sessien lawmakers axe making pregress charny isgua an will ideally ha rea y to develmp Sim thing year Sen atri k Leahy trivia e teld rapcxtars and high lea arg tnday go very on the Substa tive n Xt tech in u$try dan t think anything will be ame significantly this yeaxi Leahy 553$ adding that shmuld begin wmrking in earnest om setrin haggling federal privacy gtandards max yaar afaer the presidewtial eiectz n brauhah hag a chance ta dig cwn B sgite tde iiflculLy Qf substan ive privacy legisl timn n tgis CangxeSS Leahy biasted aha natiwr of pu tlng she prwicy iz ue t u cangxe3simnall_ am 01nted panel if wa va ti 9a i Administratia scan als we auqnt 9 at least 0n p ans of P llnuan us g samethin a Pen ing Hausa lEgislation waul Establish a d 0 delve infu the Internet privacy issue Elthmugh industry leaders remain leery acuemting privacy standaxds without a fight the buainess cammur willingness to at least discuSS-a legisl 1 way ta eua ting privacy legialatioml Lean said Leahy spake tmday at a breakfast meeting an apital Hill whera the Business SaftWara Alliance honored him with a Cyber Champimn which rapresants a slew c large seftware makers Carpm wlas out tha Cybar Champion sta uettas tn Wu su port intellectual proparty and antimpiraqy AWar inclu ing Micreseft lawmakers and regulatars causes In ad itian is his in aha privaay arena Leahy has played key roles in camhating piraey and augparting the relaxatien 9f US expert an products BSA lea ars said that they gave Leahy the award ta thank him for his work in thage areas Fallowing the ma ting BSA presi ent Egbert Hollayman that while the 30ftwarg indu try dues mpemly en orsa tha creatien of federal privacy standar s the graup would be Qpen ta iscussing limite legislatimn with Leahy and hig calleaguas naxt year - It is premature ta-da semathing in congres$ this yaar Halleyman saidJ But BSA and its member campani s wvuld be willing to talk ahmut en ursing strictly limited federal grivacy legislaticn particularly if such legislation wmuld preempt harsher atate and local measures Still BSA wants Cangress to give indugtry self regulation a chance and Release - Page 9 516 H lleyman ramain concerned that any privacy bill may go tac far fcr'his taste $Qmething miggt get starie in that prace35 that just becames a snawball Helleyman sai - 2' 5 a a E-v J aring his remarkg taday Laahy also a ressad Carnivnre the F l a -3 cantr versial ewmail $urvaillance devica dan't thimk'wa are doing adequate oversight an Carnivoreg Leaky Sai Raported by i zl CST QNLINE LEGAL 5mm Release Page 793 A I -t 214 715 a we I is Copyright 2630 The'New Vere Times Cempeny The NeW'Yerk Times July 2300 Thursday Late dieien Final SECTION Sectien Page 24 Celemn 1 Editeriel meek LENGTH 635 words HEADLINE wiretapping in Cyberspace BGDY Millieae of Americans new leg en te the Internet as me Erequently as they pick up phene Technelegy has create _p reonel ccmmunicatiene hue technelegy i5 else making it beiere Telephene ere lewe meet be up ated to e drees the privacy Last week tee White Renee same 11mite change wiretap end electrenic prLVeey lewe teat weuld raise lega eevernmeet interceptien e e me11 Separately several 1e eegielenlen ta require employ re to netify abeu Internet ue ene calls are menitered 0f empeny ere already netifiee that the eempeny reserves eh meii while eempleirt Last year 23 meet base et regienel bueinese efiice effeneive e m ii law enfe tering cf d1 i l wri Im the abeenee of mere be temgte e eendect whelee It ie prehably not practice 7 fer example that gm threugh But mew teehnel gy is making 0 Ear egeneiee like the 5c reed en mil mail the netwerk e en Internet service previ er Unti end its potential fer ebuee were net em readily ave Current wiretapping laws were met refte with this te need he be Variees etatutee mew set differe t 1e w r innerceptien ef emeetie cemmenieetiees by law 8mg depending en whether the communication is by telephene The Clinten administration is prepeeing te eliminate lee plan weeld bring the stendar e used fer intercepting the stricter mere pretective level W lei d to teleph interceptien of eemeil weuld result in ef the case new with illegal interceptien e5 phcne cells The pr emieree the same legel etendar e that apply te enema cell ehmaile sent by Cable me eme which have a greater degree pretectien under law the geverne cable eyeheme The administration is elee calling far greater autheri review law enfercement requests to nee eviees that record the Qhene numbere ef inceming and eutgeing ealle and to track the urigine mail These chengee are clearly needed But Cengress else ne safeguards egaieet the gavernment'e wrongful use of ever mere pewerful surveillanee technology against lewwebiding citizens Se been raised about Carnivere the new enline wiretap eyete evernment and even he meniter exivete eenvereatiene ae never e right 0 rev turelly and as revolutien in fer 5e new challenges ta it r' how mail tee company for eemqeng reemeae eqene new ilable1 33 1 hese inconsistenciee eemail messages up to one wiretaps Illegal evidence as 15 the eposel eeuld elem fer intereeptien ef e5 privacy ty fer ceurte te nd deetinatiene ef e eds te previde new ceneerns have need by the seem eleese - Page 3M 9 5 99 track the eemmunicatione ef in ivi uals suepeeted ef criminal activity The says the technelogy'can ieelate the emmeil of the target ef an investigatien But the system when banked up to the netwerk cf the Internet service yrmvider gives the unlimited to the enmail 0f all ether subscribere on theinetwerkd While a caert mrder 13 still required ta intereegt the centent sf messages the setret tech elegy-centrelle exciueively by law eniercement raises fears at impreper manitnring Until new routine govermment surveillance oi private aenversatione was iimited as mush by practicality as by legal eonstrainte New that it is to eeveedrep electreniceliy an an unlimite scale the 1 aws have 9 be strengthened to prevent monitering ef all enline cemmunieatiene eimply because technelagy makee it ENGLI SH July my 5324392 Release 4- Page 3-91 ve Copyright aMQdiaMillworks Ina f kfa Faderal accument Clearing Hausa Enc Congressianal Ere53 Releases July 2095 Thurgday 'i SECTIQN PRESS RELEASE LENQTH wards HEAQLENE CANADY LAWS HELENE CHARLES Ta CANADY HOUSE EDDY For imme iate Raleasa July 2996 Rep Canady Intraduces Bill to Update Wiretag Laws E Maila an Stated Internet Communicatiwns Whul Be Bavare D Q Rep -Char1es Canady Ehairman a th Hausa an the Canstitution today intrc uca tha Elaetrmnic Communicatiwns Privacy Act of 2869 The bill wuuld update the Eederal wiretap laws tn cover ewmail ald stare electronic ccmmunicatiena a5 well as prwvide special requiraments fer gavernmant tracing of ewmail a raases Canad is Jbined by arisinal emapunser Rep Asa Hutchinsen This legislatimn halpg mave our Egderal wiretap intn the Elst Eentury Cana said We have entered a new aga with the Intarnat need a new law ta reflect the rapid changes in tachnalogy While this legislatian dneg mat angwar all the diffi ult issues raised by recent gical a vances t es gravide same reasonable referms tha will yrotect tha privac his GE E rliex this waek Rep Canady chaired a ammi mg an Faurth AmeLdment issues raise by the Carma rag -pa Carnivare to ismlate interceyt ect of lawful court Qfdexs Tke July enforcem Ht civil libarty repregentativeg from the buainess u animus Erivacy'hct mi 2839 has the tatutwry excluaianar rula t 1y in ereepta tared alactromi communita 1 i f pg kd a El 3 52 P Mmrf 51 any-Ire ha #111 simply adds csmmunicaticns ta the previgualy covargd wire an Or l The secnmd aecticn of th bill requires the federai Government 0 prauuca annuai repexts rewar ing its reguesta for Dr ars far the '9 stored alECti iC Thia reflacts virtually requiramants th- fe erai gcvarynent must meet regax ing the use of lectrenic wiratays The final Eactimn of the legislation amen a the de init on 9f pan register and tr and trace devices defining the t0 allQW the identification 0f an e mail ad ress In a itian the sectign requires that if a paw regigter or trap and trace avica is used to i enti y an a ma11 a dress the Ee eral gavernment must first demonatrate cm a caurt that specific an articulable facts reagmnably indicate that a crime has been is being 6r will be committe an infermatian likely tn ba obtained by such installatian and use of a gen rggister or trap an trane- evice is relevant ta an invastigatian of that crime For a copy of Rep Canady s lagislatisn page$ glea a call Michelle Knot at 282 LANGUAGE ENGLISH July 31I EGQG M nday Copyright 2909 Seplay News Service Co 1ey News Servite July 2900 Thursday SECTEGN Cemmentary LENGTH 396 wards SEEM melons-e Fagin Sill ac 51 54Gehbling Gamen HGDY It s irenic that the cempeny the Justice Department worked 56 hard to break up is crumbling ceekiee while the government is eating raw meat Geekies as many computer ueere knew are bits 95 cede that help Web eitee keep track ef vieiters In e itien te innecent uses ceekiee have been exploited by hueketers 0 learn censumere intereete and habits without their knewledge They re en immeasurable enuree-ef pereenel infermetien 5e it was weleeme news recently when Mieroeeft Corp ennemnee new eeftwere to allow the indivi ual user t0 bleak same er ell ef these tempting little-tastee of their private livee In the newe ebeut the same time was the revelatien that far the pee 18 menthe it 138 been using a cementer gregram celled Carmiverer whieh when inetalle en the network of an Internet previ er can eembumilliene of e mai1 messages The patentiel fer mischief makes seem like eemething from Gren ma e even This new fir to wiretappi says te keep up 1 the FBI reneephietice ed Cree dealer en ether criminale Tee questi L is how e we make sure the eut40rit1ee are rlffilng threugh frem eetual er prebehle cxeeks and net ehe ewfiles ef citizens members ef unpepular greupe er pelit eel enemies ef semeene in pewer Pressed by eivii liberterxeLg eLe privacy the Clinton e minietretien has te deVelep guidnlines fer bringing eensietency en centrel he sem il eerveillemue Is there a chance vice Preei ent AI Gere e missing fundereieing e m 113 m1 he turn up in the A major sticking paint ie the degree ef say that Tnternet previ ere standing in fur their euetemere emuld havev Clearly the FBI would prefer te mmniter ewmeil traffic with ceurt en its ewe terms with its e'n filtratien Privacy groups en eeme of the provi ere suggeet instead thee feds obtain a eeurt er er asking the cemeeniee fer specific materiel en a basis Seunde reasonab1e_ Juetifying intrueie hebble law enfercement and weul the Internet witheut criminal intent that their trail of crumbs en weul net rity who net fellewin' Reprinte frem the En ienepeiie Star LANGUAGE ENGLISH July 28 2900 5mm Release Page 3 3 'l 1 6' A 5 3 win - Pp a Cugyright Pa$tw ewsweek Businesa Infarmatian Inst guiy 28 Friday LENGTH 473 warts HEADLINE Barr Intraduces Lagisiation To Kill Carnivwre BYLINW David McGuire DATELINE 6 5 AV EDDY Haping to ermauently pull plug an the cantrava ewmai survaillance evita Carnivnre Rep Bab Barr legislatian that weuld curtail law enfarcers at Internet uaars R Gan As he premise eariiar this weak Bar intru utad the migi -0f 290$ which ug atea faderal wiratapping iaws to bring devgiapments Sum as the Intarnet wireless electronic mail Barr s attitt said in a statement to avi SQQCititaliy the iegitiatist wuui prevent thy FBI and at tram accessing indivi uals comguttx fiies unle s factual em reaswnaaly'indicat s that a crimt has'beer is being at will Elettanic evidence illegaiiy cbtained by aw enforcers rem usa in court EEGE the leasslatian on Thur rights tw manitox 1 phones rsial a af intrm uced the activity tal Privacy Act am in 1i 3 NE 5 her law enfarter$ be committe waui he barre Barr s legisiatiwn is tie latest and mast tangikle attatk Ga Jarnivsve which hag haen drawitg criticism since REWS of its use wag ma a public earii'r this month esigne t9 att ch Qirectly systems Carnivore is capable of messages ta Eind thrsa that meat trdar Messagta that dun t trder acetrding to E- 3 FEE are never read Internet sarvite prmvider a siftiig thrnugh vast qyantit - a rive swetifications at caurt Kw 1 3 03 1 meat the $ ecific parameterg cf a given Wur But the reveiatinn that the FBI i8 Sitting through milliens 0f innocent Internat users ewmaii measagts has sp wne a of ta the evice -Cmnservati an liberals alike have decritd the 39 0f vet the avice claiming that pr tecte privacy rights using the constitutienaily Sada Barr's legislation the FBI waul nat be able 9 sift thrmugh the massages f eumail users ne at Carnivnre's matt ar ent cengressienal oppcnents Barr cm was ane mi mere than 25 lawmakers 7 Janet Reno demanding that the FBI thelve the evice issuas surroun ing itS use are resalved in search of criminal evidence Thurs ay wha signed a ta until the canstituticnal Given the ugroar Carnivmre hag created and the potential imgact an Carnivore cmuld haVe an cansumer confidence the Eeriaus lawmakers wrota In ad itiun to hamstringing unchecke ewmail surveillance legislatiun would alsm prevent law'enfartars tram tracking the mavamentt in the Internet we urge yam to suspen any activity tr use Of Carnivort privacy issues have been satisfactmrily anawerede umtil the Barr s 0f mm Releasa Pa 523 236 $575 2e m3 cell phune usar s withcaut first chtaining a caurt order Reported by Newg'hyt es ccam l i g CST R goste 15 a2 1 gramme LEGAL LMEGUAGE ENGLISH TYPE muss July 29 EGGS 534101 Rclease - Page SM t at - I a a C3 303$ 0 3 4 P experts q he Jus net a a 4 1 Ce Bap July 28 whi dress these issues mthers BELIUE Frem Wire 236$ Ed ather commumiaatiwnv min 1 tha at 5 i1 8 new Carnivare hS can 3333 GEEK 7mg mix-32 Reieas e Fagg 3'65 uvu i ED N NATIQNAL BRIEFS 132 wards Rena wan t sugpeq Ju 3 -L A 2030 Friday 137 The News and Obger Carnivar Copyright BEBE The New V835 E72 an Qbserver Raleigh n- 4 3 gauge - x c - g Cagyright 2303 Natienal Jaurnal Group Inc Matianal Journal'a Technology Baily PM E ition I -Ju1y 23 2008 LENGTH 238 wards HEABLINE PRIVACY Barr Tm igital rivacy Act BYLINE Drew Clark Rep Bob Barr $ai Fri ay he wnuld intraduca legislatien dubbed the Digital Privacy Act that woula update wiretapping laws t0 enhance privacy pretectimns by restricting the palice a ability ta thain surveillance informatian with a warrant iSsue by a judge One pravisimn OE the legislatien that 18 gimilar a prapesal by Sen Patri k Leahyg wcui give gudges iscretian aver Whether or not ta autharize wirataps Surrently judges must apprave augh reqrests 0 iwng as a law bnforcament officer sweara that it is relevant to an engetng LLvestigatian Agatha of tha bil1 wmuld avarhule a centroveralal decisian last year by th Fe eral Comm Lications amd wwui SEDD Eh gavarnman from tracking the insatien a Ell phane asers withaut a court or er As the White recently acknawlg ge an lawg have fallag Ear behin the 1 expicsian of the Qa$t decadeg sai B rr a imrmar CIA agent anm federal prmgecufar The Digital Frzfacy Act carrects 3am cf tee mas glaring contradictions au looghalea in agrant law As systems Exam spy proja r t9 Carnivsre have praven a vances Lake surveillance eagler than ever beiaras It i3 vital we safagnar our civil liberties by making certain the law changes 9 prevent ian standing Fourth Amendment protectiong frum being erm ed Ear said July 28 EGGD 532451 12 Reiease Page 8 th baa 3155 v warwaHv i 4 y t Cagyright 293E CREE Inc Capyright a edia iil brks ffkfa Fe aral Dacument Clearing Haus Inc Congressional Presa Releasaa July 23 SECTION PRESS RELEASE LENGTH wards BARR BILL UPBATES WIRETAP LAWS BYLINE ESE BARR SENATE 803E FQR EMMEDIATE RELEASE QQGOG BARR BELL UFDATES WIRETAP LAWS MEASURE ENHANCES PRIVACY PRGTEETIGN D C w% U S Bob Ear announcad te ay he was intraduciny tha Bigital Privacy Act of Ee w Tha legislatiwn un ateE wiretapping lawx ta unhanc with technalagical dawelcpmamts mail such aE tha Intarnet wireless phon privacy and bring tham 1 Sgasifical the maasure wan gteai yepoxting Etaaues raqviring law ta repart an its Antarcaptimn cf cornunicatinnsf in aiditian ta Eh telep nme wlr%ta ragorts alrea y IBQUired Black yhe may 0f -lectranic evi ence 1n cmurt if it is thaina illegally Step uschecked governw n acress to the identxtiea 0E cmnputer Laers unless there 15 raagamable e i rca a crime has beam cwmmitted the gmvarnment tracking the in tins of calf pdcne users withwut a cmux ordex base an prchabie cauaa As the hit Hausa recentiy ac ncwledme an mir ta ping laws have fallen far behind the tacthlogical exglasimn Bf the at eaade For Example under current lawf ewm ils receive less legal'pratectian than bath traditianal pasta m il anC telephane conversations g'id Barr The Digital $Eiva$y Rut tarrectg soma of the m glariwg cantradictiens and iaaphgles in entrant law As sygtams ram Preject E delcn as Carnivere have praven technolagical advances make large geala surveillance easier than ever befare It is vital we Safeguard mur Civil liberties by m king certain the law Changes t9 prawent langstanding F0urth mendment prot ctians Exam being ermded Barr continued Earr a Member of tha Hausa Judiciary-CommitCFe has served with bath th Department 0E Justice an the Central intelligence LA m hGg ENGLESH Friday 1 5mm Releaw Page Si j 3 53 31 W53 1 2909 The mauve Pest Ccrpexatian The Denve uly 28 RD EDITION SECTIUN Pg LENGTH 86 wur s Soaring saline warrants warty pr BELENE By Will Ro gar USA'TGday cmmf The number 0f search warra ts s eki g uring the gag few years a Taday com The iindind based an an examination 0 natiwn s largeat internet service prori er surprise ta federal lawmakers an civil 1 far legal ref xm The warrants Eng Ly staae and 10 a1 inVEstigatgrs Exam ECEGSS the nation were aima at discavexing the identity an activities sf AGL suh crihera in l9 7 AQL-waa serve with 33 search warrants accor ing E0 court EOQS in Lnudsun Cmunty Va where AGL is bagmd That numbar jumpe ta 15 in 1998 an 391 im an incraase cf mare than EGG percent This year state and iecal investigaters ha served 131 warrants an AQL examine ega Hausa magcri 1 standards applied ta I Carma ty Lea mr nick Armey R Texas Wham why an haw they perfarm eleatrqxic i Crit cs era concerned because they believe that 1 1 all typas is a highly powerful teal that rules aga nst unraaswnable police saarche 69 hava reparts an wirataps Armey right ta what the gmvernment is ning in any media Armey s displaasure echoes the criticism members of a Hausa expresse thi weak abnut the new Carnivore eviceg Same say the FBI may be intercepting nah messagas still in tranait from ne Na But privacy advacatas say that while mi with tha legality GE Carnivnre s realwaime ignoring another pmasibly more impartant acaounts after messages have bean delivar protestians afiar ed an ardinary telephane call at e mail still in transit Searghes fer U lina data tygically invg and chil pwrnography ta viclant crime and sienal lea er informe mf T0day cam's ndings Past Fri ay ivaay advecates itize hag goarsearch warrants served or M rica Online Gama a a ibertarians and are prampting call 1 said they will investigatlansi At a Minimum 1 ai Felice nee ta tell Gangregs searchas$ surveillance GE if mot cantrollad vielatez Why houl n t paople have a to ccess per mnal $ubcammittaa Int rnEt wiretapping taa much e mail Wham it tries ta user t9 anothar icial Washi gton mccupieg itse f enmail interceyticn it is paint The e mail shared in online ed has anly a fractian-Gf the lva casaa rangi g fram haragsmadt fraud Remam Page Sill M 54 5 gran iww White House chief of ataff Juhn Podesta has pledge the administration wmuld mmve Eagn ta prutact data A tn Data transmitted cvar netwarks is not affarded tha full privacy pretecti n wa-give ta traditianal phone calla he sai w 'Conaidering the extent to which Qur electranic carrespon ence centaing an mast sensitive thoughts and informatinn shauldn't they count 5 Empreme Cwurt JustiCe Lauis Bran eis fwreshadewed mmra than years gm as the papers an effects mentianed in the Fourth Amen mant FBI dawnglay cancerns rm that gtarEd e mail an ether are aa confidential as a yersonal telephana call FBI offi ials say there i$ littla reasom fur cmnce FBI assistant general caunsel Thmmas Gregory Motta said the law hag treated stared recarms like e mail the same way it handles ather ccumants such as lettars and diaries which can be seized Exam a hama with a ing search WErrant What about recgr z 0f my tranaactiana at 'bank he sai gan gat that with a suhpaena Exam a grand jury What authorities are loak ng far can vary by case In game the lags shew ask far am get limitg AQL such as subscriber identity billi g data and payment histaryw ethar times police r qu 3t a1 such inimrmatiom plus eumail tha aniine 'hamdias' and names oi pewpla catalaged in mem ers bu y 1ists '11 files attache ta eumails an all Other information cuntaanad about the svbacriber in the Amarica Galina databases campiy With the moxa aatuusxxe c caxb experts say AOL Jana aver a great meal They can gat all inferm timnf' sai Mark Ragga farmer e ral pra ecutar a d vice pxesident far cyber law at Glab l I tagrity 'Thag can get yGur cre it car data an EVErything yeu've fiiad with them ihey can get a rec rd o what tim s yam iale in where you dialed in fx g haw la g you were infne what activities you wera engage in what wiges yam V4Sihe 1' what chat sessians you were in and W t yam said there Intarnet Service campaniea are privy t0 everything thair members do anline But ISPs vary greatly in if xacwrd retentimn policies Same may keep emmail far tww'years a them after a few re Others may delete weeks And that will affect authorities ability t0 gen what thgy w nt in criminal investigationa Fur instanca he aaid companiag that best Web sitas Gft keep rea r s cf the numeric Internat addrasses that hit their sites for years yet iny the visitor s ISP can which subscriber is behind that numbesi Emerita Online spokesman Nichelaa Graham said the awmpany had no cumment on law enfarcement s gr wing 1n subscriber recordsr July 31 3009 5mm Reimst Page 8 9 il Capyright 200$ Internetienal Heral Tribune 9 Internatienel Herald Tribune NEuillyw ur 8eine France July 28 2030 Friday Opiniem eg 21 0 LENGTH SEQ wer e HEADLINE Wiretepping in Cyberspace BYLINE New York Times Service EGDY Milliene 0f people new leg en te the internet ea naturally an frequently as they pick up a phene Technelogy has created a revolutien in pereenel cemmunicetions but tee elegy is also making it peseible fer gavernment and even to meniter private cenversetiene as neverjhefmre Telephone era laws mu$t be up eted ta these new ehellengee ta privacy Leer week the White Heuee prepese same limitea changee EG the s iretap and electrenic privacy lewe that wenld reise legal etan erds for 1ment inaerceptien ef e meii Segaretelyg several lewmekersintre uced gatien ts require emgleyere te n0tify empleyees abouthow eemail Internet use amd @nene cells are menitered Employees of The New Yerk we elree y notifie that the comyerv 1 a reserves the right he rev'ewe meil messages while investigating a comglaint Lee year the cempany ismiesed 23 em mest based at regienal bveinees e fice fer gending effemeiVe e mei1 messagee in is absence cf mo e at law enfernement agenciee may e t0 een uct whel - igg 0f g1te3 written communicatiens New technelegy is making it gossib er agEnCl like the FEE t0 acen rea an recer milliene of pieces 9f e weil an the netwerk 0E an Internet service previ er Until new thie Rina 9f pewer an i s pete tial Ear ebuee were net 89 readily available Current v 3 wiretapp g laws were met drafte with thie technelegy in en need to be up eted vet atutes new set different iegel de fer the secret intercep f- umestic by law ement agencies depending en whether the cemmunicetian ie by telephene or cable madam The Clinted a minietretien is prepweing t0 eliminate these Its plan wnuld bring the standards used ior intercepting enmeil messagee up tn the stricter mere preteetive level new applie to telephene wiretepe Illegal interceptien ef eumail wauld result i suppressien Qf the evidenced as ie the case new with illegal interception wf phone calls El The a minietratien ie alee aalling or greater autherity for ceurte t0 revieW'law requests ta nee devites that recer he phene numbers ef inceming and outgming cells and be track the exigins and destinetiene of e mail messages These ehenges are clearly nee ed But Cengreas e150 needs te previde new safeguards against the geve xaent s wrengful use of ever were gewezful Surveillance technelegy against law abiding citizens Serieue cancerne have been raised abeut Carnivarej the new enline wiretap system used by the FBI to track hhe cemmunicatiene of indivi uele suspected of criminal activity The system when heeked up to the network of the Internet serviee previ er gives the FBI unlimited-access he the e meil of all subscribers en the network Whiie a ceurt order is still require he intercegt the content ef messages the secret technelogy centrelle exglueively'by law eniarcement raises feare sew name - Pagefsw 5 e a g if I 93 gm of improp r monitoring Until new routine gavernment surveillanca cf private c-wnversatiens was limited as much by practicality as by legal c-ons traints aw that it is feasible 0 aavesdrep elaetronically on an unlimited scale the laws have ti be strangthenad to prevent monituring mi all Julia-e cgmunirzatiuma simply bercauE-a tecmmlogy makes it $23531 EENGHAGE ENGLISH LUADWDATE July 28 200% $24 502 Rah-raw Page 311 9 UPCAQO 12 3-96 F0113 DELETED PAGE SHEET 7 Page withheld cmirdy a this Inezizictm in me expiain this deletiun 3 Ballet ians wcm- made pursuant reimse yma we exempxians A E3 in3 E3 3 3 mm 3 a mimxnaw 3 Mi- 53 ma 3 133 Jne or mere 01 the fu liawing stammems where indic td indicated baa-w with m scgragahle master iai availabie fer i Seam 552a i3 @175 3 an 5-6352 3 mg 3 1 3 E35 Ci Information- gcnain ad oniy a a third party wiih no reference It the subject 0f 3mm raquest or 16 subjmzi of mu request is in th this unlit Dacuments mfiginamd with anmher agencyiies These dacamems were referred in that and dier 503 Page s mnmin infurmati-an Mmished fay math 9 ha EMS infunnmian fellow at agency e ing our cansuitation with YOU wi he advised by the FBI asj the mhar agancy cs Pagetfs 'witi leld inasmuch as a finai rcE-easge detenninatie has 10 been mad-a Yen advise as the dispasizian a a later dam Pages were no cansi dmd for 153333 Fag s wi-ihherid I'm the following reasan js see 3 as they are dupiicaiive of rrf w g Th failowing number ii In be used fur refermce re nrding these pages 96 ##7ng XWXX 55$ 1 8 Deleted Pagcias Na FEB for this page Emma-J Milt232 324 6438 P lx A I v JV h u w s FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OFFICE OF PUBLIC AND CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS - 3 n 4- 1 i i 35 tTEL if mm TEL I FAX mm i 31 megs swam canmamare Wf Sa E f l Release Page 814 mi Ea a 3 7 all zuxjr 5 2-336 Pageis withheld emircly at this i cati n in the file Gm or more the 5931 expiain E3 Deietians BUREAU 0F FGIPA DELETEH PAGE SHEET this deletian release a yaw Sgction 5527 Mail E1 E3 1 330% 123 3 I3 3 E3 3 3'3 5383 3 In htmaIi-on penaine only to a third 3 mines is Iism in that mic mix Emma-mus originated with amihm Smammem agamy es for mvimv ami direct mspmasa ii 3mm wan-u res-aw Fagei s iiv'ithh fd inagmuch as a Essa swag-E determilnaiian n0 ham made at a late date Pagei s withhei for an fizliowing magma were ma a pursuant 0 that exemptimm intimated be le with segregable materia availablc for L c mn S l 1 4151 $1333 E3 13 kW mm These dacumcms mm r-cferrmi to that agencyiif Pages remain infomnatign smishw hyan ca-shxer Gnvemmem agency es fan will his advised the FEE as the of ihis foiiowjng ear cansuhzatian wiih he inner agmcyiiw 15 43 Pages mare m3 m sidered for reieasa as the are dupli-casive of 3g 1 3 when inditami will be advised as 10 111 many wizh mt mfemnce the subject 9f your request or the Eastmij if 30m Wm $322 - ww win-g numbar is used far page's g w#5M wr 7 - 1 Deiiemd Pagem Na Daylicatien F133 3- far this pagemum 3 Mia- 0113 were made pmisuam the indicaztad heiaw with no sagragabie matariai avaiia bk mi I saase yam 3 Pagefsf withhefd antimiy at this 1113mm in tha lm 31m man of the ibiimving statemcms when indimm Explain 1mg in ation 1i EIMAU 1F PAGE INFORMATIQN SEEK-T Smion 552 Swtian 553a d a mxm mm 3 mama E3 33 2 E3 E1 bi- WE mm 3 CI @9355 C3 I3 aim- 4 3 3 3113 4 E3 M33 34 3615 3 max 5 3 1 31 93 3 E3 E3 infofmatimi jmnained only a mini party with m mfarcnc the subjcm if 3mm mquas er the subjem 11 km request is iismd in the title may 3 3 uriginatcd with maxim Government agencyfies Thaw datum ms were refamd 01313 agency as fur review and direct respDn-St 0 you 3 Pages mmaain infarmaima fumiahad by afl' th 'r Government agencyiias winks advised by ma FBI a5 the raiaassability 0f ihis infamaiiun falhming 9m mnsuitaziqn mm this mhar 1 7777 Page- s withheld inasmuch as a finai nzlaam dmerminmmn has no men mada Yak wit tn advise as 0 lie disgusi cm at a later datePage- 3 were not cnnsuiered for mlaas-e as 'Ihey am duphcauve 0f 3 635 x f fwx 55 Tin f0 wing number is be ifm rafcre cc mgmding them pages k Kpu CF I 'wimhald fer the fails-wing magma my a 3 52 tlete Pageis Na Duplimtiun Fee for this page mum magnum 3w w a m it 3 at I n 2323 32 3 3525 Q FUGITIVE NATIGNAL PRESS OFFICE msamamrz Bic V axb Dam-m r mammg was '252'4 i 7 7 -- 772% magma y a gngy i ca means - am aw 453% 4745 fag a My 3 65m Mia-5% v w m NUMBER OF PAGES 7 Imam-ding C-Gv-e'r page If w g twr w FWW - 1 @557- 5324232 Reba-as P293315 mu l I v Mhur h d L7 i 62 29 i 324 3525 P amen AEN L i a 1 Jul i f - n I ramiin Stamina for the Rem 11 5 Hausa a Representatives are the Jutliciary Subcmi aa on the Cms mmn nmmuaa Laban th ni si un mama Director myomid Kerr The Naiiun s cammunicatians nemrks are mutime used in the at serious mm indming espiunage Grganized mime gmups and drug traf cking omaniiza uns mi havihr Japan telewmmunica ons to plan and exam their criminai activities may at iaw enfarcemant age ciss ta sanders eladmnic surve iance of the af its aiming su'hiacts rem-warm one of the must impurtant capab ies far acquiring madam in prawn se eus edit-aim hehavian Unlike evidenna ma can he n being d'ismvd ed car impeached thraugh a egaiiuns- m mimnderstanding er bias eieci'mnic surve iance guidance pmvidasjumrs an agpartun y determine factua issues based upon a defen ani's awn was Under Titia m apwicaiians far imemeg on requira the autharizatiaa a a highwievai epartmam Bf imam beme the lam United States Astana-3's suf ces can am far mm Gram Mamman Wars must he ed mm fe em i distant mart j dQE- beme ether means of mmpeteni junsdidian Hence unlike typical seal-ah wawanta federa magistrates are mat amnm zed a apprwe such apg ca ans and swam Further intameptinn if is iimiteci ti Gawain smci ed f'e-deml feiany mamas MEWS fur gimme suwe tance must gamma-time gramme cause am state with pam wa ty and Swai my a ensecsj being the facility or plaza which suhjaws wmmunica ms are it he intemepted a dam- mm af ne types cf canvaisa uns 19 ha intemept ed and this ames of the gem-ms cammi ing the a enses that are amidpatad ta he immplad Thus criminaf eleamsnia suweiilanne iaws amus- an gathering ham evidance net ima igsnce App ca ong indicate that other name investigative Imiques w i mt want at are mu dangerous and must mantis sinfanna an anan any p ar eiectmnic suma iance waning the subjec Of facility ia quastien Com amers are m ad ta at days and in emminns mug teammate sooner if the mistakes are obtained Judges may and usua y an require pe adic in the man typica y every MG days advisng it of the gar-09m of the imminth a m This draumstance thus assum am and angai ng wamight of the electmni c suw-ei anca by the United Slates Attamays of ga handling ha Extensians 131 the arder cm-sweat tequi rements of the ni ai app catiun are mitted ifjus ed far up It a periad if 39 days mammals sawei ance has been mammal a edive in the cummide a mare that 25 803 dangemus Mans warms 13 years In many cams them is nu Summg far mama suwa lance as me wits-mm cannot be obtained thwugh cater mammal investigative temniquaa In team ha FBI has 9an an increasing number of mmina invest-mamas in whim the criminal subjews am the intemei ta 3am aria their Victims Swans many inan Service vaiders asked the ability in d zsc minate camanica ms ta Han fy a par mla mbjed s messages to 5am Mme- w c - AA 1113 More device 91 9va he 5431 a swim ab y ta am mm the mmuniaa ans mm are the subject a the mm order while taunting muse whisk they are to intemept this of too is to meat the Sim-139m mquiremmts of ma Meta Mapping The $3me device much am mama 'sni ats' and ber net-um diagnostic tin-03$ used by 1593 wary day accept-mat it pron- es the with a uniqua in distirmish Maureen may he lawfu y awed and my net Fur mm if a cam under mvidas form faint intemp m cf ma typa cf communim m mail but exam at oth mammuniaa sns 1m mime momm the Carnivare fan can he to Mama any rm ma a being Mummers aitharto the named Camiwra serves to limit the mamas viewabm by human eyes- ta thus-e which are strict indudaei within the man mixer $53 Momma am assistance as gimme by mun under is tequired ta insta the device meFBIdidsamweeksag 7 7 Eafarcamant Ac implementation Semen a an industry 51mm meeting the 4mm Expens Maghran mm was 531 up in magma to an suggass an 1a timing - standards fur imamai immp um This is a matter af Empxo ng newtechmiagy ta lawfuisty attain impmam infannatinn white pmvidmg enhanced mtewan 5mm - Reieasze Fags 321 a 15 15 15 Jung- - may 5325 Bda ii 1 a - - inp' f the diagram $h l 5 an traf c hmth an inmma 59mm pmvi er Tha and t tagethar to iden fy an amass paint that maintains 3in traf c mm the amped named in the war as We ether traf c as pess ible In same 335351 the is awe ta pmvide the FBI with an m paint that nomains am the susped s Emma he F32 mnne s a cammemia y avaitabi e arm-way tapping device a the swam paint This - pmduce5 an exact mpy m 35 data at the amass paint The tap atscs pmvidas gleam-GEE isaia en prevent Camiwre fram having any nd 03 impau an the 13% nah-mm he cupied network traf c men aws his the cane-wan swam where 51 5 campamd against a 2 e ned tter This iter aniy passas traf c ambit- aw for mptura by the court order mm that an mmugh the liar mn znues an in be archived ta permanent sierage media Na ather data is var Emma is permanent media nor is any infcmamn 3mm traf c hat 19125 net match 3 he tters il 1 i i fma m avaiiable to F3 cage agents is asst made avaiiabze is the defense atmmays dusting 2 dismvew in addi cn an data 519mm permanent mama is sealed by the mud-that I 552 126 the mun gamer in is a cha enge a judge can tamer the data in ha masked and 51 24 62 Release - Page m2 B4 - - - - Enmlasurefs Details T0 RE Sipan 3 The Eata Inter SEC in ratory 5 cr atind the calls 7 If Mme i vest iga b s integ unions and Capahi 19 a Hanging litie 5 1 ammo cept Tachnel Qf Requisitian Number 853011 F1 'ral part fm migrational tasking in TAELE i Prqpasa rFundgd Aguuntg by Praggam 0g Unit is in cept devices' I in_$upp0rt a 55 supporting thesa Wg t of AMOUNT he 5mm Release Page 7 i 34- rkn-r gli a A 1- Mw arg at Rev 1999 2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF 7 I I TIL-IT rn 44 E31014 gutk w I f Dvgf Tn i a ce Roam Roan '3Encl sure Ranm nomm M evitt Qt Themas QT ERF Laboratery 1 7 23 wziaa'z 1 Emma-$Quiz max-nah nk-Ngum I rafted By eggwine and ai ig T0 requa$t that the Cantract Revig aggrave and l ltlata an interim contract 7 a 5mm Ski-ease Page 3-23 3F 3 6 5g 3 19 0 mm 3 Fr 7 ratary 03f8 2593 URAGONET is the daveioying Internet inter capabilities ta preaess resp nsible far reactival capt gapabilities and-developing the he Gellected data The sub tasking in this interim cantract will include the follmwi g 1 davelgpments and 2 Cgmmur aicatian protmcal developmentaw g cggaalon 3f 0 rat10nal supheri for th pr ceSSing and modificatians will incl 4 71 a if dd fig ration Requigitimn number 853011 is available far thisr Elan The and above would like t0 request the that the Engineering Contracts N'r m_4arove and initiate an interim contr-ct to - I 7 and issue a purchase order far for the tasking as described i q amordinatad with 56 33 5953 HM program areas as described and L63 5mm Release Page rd r gr fuel Al 3' 4r jig 9 2 5 it in 5 2 Set Lead 1 Sat Lead 2 13 Se Lead 3 To Re sic wagi 991 a 7 FEDERAL BUREAU 0F f-ef 1 1 - 39 Execadance RQUTINE Date 30 nan-ca Criminal investigative Labaratary Hr QT ERF I Mr They QT amsmm Apyreved Kerr Danald Allen Edward Mc evitt Micha Thomas Marcus AM -n Eraftad By -119 m 1 5 a s DEG-magiw SH 325 e Title Pending Synopsis re -eati- 52f The Data Intercept Technelagy nit that the Cantract Review'Unit ad centract presentiy being me develapment ef ternrt Collec fpww- 0 1 1 Siz f z Reigns - Page l 3 a Dag 6 I Q Eatery BSKISIQDGU ariva Requisitian Number 85801 Details The Data Intercept Unit ESTH4 is res-onsible C pt devices 1in supper 'r a ntEQIa part of these cmllections and napahilities is Ber L nal taakingrigrm an main- 3'41 FE -- Eacaa m huh-w q - wiv_rat9ry EfleZ U m difi The and EST-5 program above waul like to request catim 14 ssat allows 3 1 Eequisiticn gumber 858011 is available sad 5 available far he us will 'Systam c fig fati h the that the DJ 5324362 Edens Fage 825 A I 1 l' 3'1 - Eatery Gailszz a 9 ave and initiate an interim can 2 and issue a purchasa order far fax the tasking a% - 'n Gardinate with NEWER a SEC R iuas-e Page 339 SE i 43 C3 5-4- Hi 0 45 5 533 3-4 5 Release Page 831 LIDSet Lead 1 Sat Lead 2 at Laad 3 LEAD a I 55% FEDERAL BUREAU OF Pracedence ROUTINE 'To Finance it EERE ES Pram Jlectxen- SETH Cantact Kerr Danald Allen Edward Mc evitt Michael Eppraved By Case 113g 7 5 mm p4 HS 4 SynaniS To r queat that th apprave and initiate an interim ca Tun-l Data I REASGNI 15 ega I MM #3 ms m a Contract Rev attach with $241592 Reiaxse Page 8 1 3% Dad 5 33cm b ratory 03f15 26D0 Enclasurefs Raquigitian Number 858011 Details The Bat on toin and mendina I mom W3 $124 132 Release - Page 833 a Intercept Technolcgy Unit is res Qnsihle far af a the ntern9t_intr cept dev1c95 7 in suppert investig tions An intagr l part '8u pbrting th se callecticns and aagabi itiea is 1am qu- anam Mn hy i Ea it 'aaw mmq135 DRAGDNET ig the program reaponsible f0 eactively avelaping internet intarcept capabilitiea and develeping the capabilitia to prmcess the collected data The $ub tasking in thi int rim agntract will include the following 1 CARNIVQRE avelapmants and 2 Com unication protmcal develm ments g Veicnai sup 0rt far cesaing and modifications will includa but at th exclorg rrw 3 f Tigrrq 75 lguratlan 7 umb x 858611 is vaiiabla for this precurement actinn_and funding 33 available at 7 Eggs r 77777 7 g q The and ESTHS prugram areaa as described weal ike ta reque5t the that the Engineering raxa and initiate an and issue - a purchase car-dear Em fax the taaking as de$cribed in thig mama m rdinated with Nsw my 3-ch -Q ab ve n7t_ $24312 Reiease a Page 834 Set Laad 2 Set Lead 3 q- a - suppGIR rt guild-3 v E Set Lead 1' - rater 03 That CRU initiat an 4 rim A M $311umnan 12 39ng BUREAU 0F PAGE IETGRMATIQN SHEET 9 Pages withhcid cmimly a this inc-align in fits s3 mum of tin s tmemems when inciicamd explain this dalmioni Mimi- mg want mimic pursum to the examptiens indricate balm with my sagmgable material available far rat-Ease mu 59 2 ng 7 552 Swim 7 5523 an hm I Cl dE- Si El MR 131 E3 3 63 jEEi mantis mm mm 5 39 ij 3 m3 123 f3 mm 33 W5 3 3 Wig E3 E3 3 mm In f rmat an pertained an In a third party with no migrating m subject 0 yam request or the subject at 5m requast is iisz-ed in 1111 Me May Dmcunmms miginmd with anather Gavenmwm Them dccumems wars mic-trad to that agency i far review and direct msiaonzaa in y u it hit of this infarmatm foliawing our cansukatinn with the ag-encyfies at a 13ch data Pages ware mt far release as may are diupEi-caiive of Pages contain information furnished by alumni-r Em- emmem Ygu win he advised by FEE as Pagcfs withheid inaamuch as a final rcimnsa demrmim ion has 11m been made Yam win he advisad as th W5 Page wi meid the fa owing msamfs ryi i f f g The fqtawing number be used fer nzgarding these pagas #513 5Wer a Kala-Lb h amed Pangaea Duplication Fm far this page mam Em M w g my 1 Rev 3 334999 Precedence Ta Finance Lahcratmry i n rd-gwr g a I i Wiig ii kiwi vi Li 3 mum Exam Laboratary ectronic Surveillance Sectian 1 23 my Allan Edward M avitt Michael Thomag Marcus Appravad By Case ED 3 Title medify the Existing FYEGOQ cantra t with ROUTINE Tm request that the Cantract k i a FEDERAL BUREAU MVESHGATION Date GBI2QX2DOQ Etta git w QT ERF ' losures QT em asurej QT ERF ga-veyr wg WIFE xenonssure 56v 4 wf 5' 2aa HQ m 2598 DRAGGNET a purchase arder for a tqtal ammunt GE - 511 Enclosurefs 1 Requisiticn numng Si l far sasuw 1 5 09 1 5524302 ReleasewPage ew s-v- - - 7- Ta _Firance RB Details The DRAGQEET Pragram is the FBl'Titla Internet intarcapt rragrama This program is responsibla for developing the capability Sf supporting lawfully authorized lntarnat packet captures in suppart of law enfarcement requirementa This hi hly if I ww mspegializad has baan developed i vi To the which man intarcept this traffic is a da- 9 reduce the case af this affart a adificatian to tha system will be 5 ada Tha systam was originally develagad for tha S pregram and has the capabilities naa ed by the 'praganat'pragrama Pram L w ratoryr 33524EEBGG p Ehe Thraat Rnalvais Program as a mead far cymtimjing Samport a and hillpp ltm zij an apwratlowa aatabase that tracxs iiald aperat ons far NED and the field The ant n ed apaxatiun 3f thia atabasa ia Crial al ta ap rational an fiaia peraoanal A new is aurrantly being nagm iated7wiih a far Fisc W easa reference cemmunlaation titled Cantract initiatimn and gj g dated llfl fg fer thf' auis 7 is new centzact The tasking a and funding atailed in the EC in for fun ing under this new contract funding be tr grogram araas below TABLE 1 Funding Amaunt a Program AREA 5amouaw a5 6 jld Dragnnat 4 Produmtlon 2 3 Uraganat 9 3 8 Threat Analysis Program $i 5 eae 512m Rah-age Page 855 in awn rnrm 5 oratary 03l24f26 0 a ash wau 51 4 Task 3 0 Threat Analy$i$ Pragram rue cantracto shall previda 3thware upgxade installatien $upgert and software maintenance far the Technical Threat analysig databsse and the Special Prajeqta database The Dentractor shall suyply saftware anginaar with an anticipated minimum level of ta sup sxt this efferi at rata of twenty fivaiEE heurs par mozt Due to space limitations in the Engin ering Rasearch Easility it will net be possible ta garfarm all services at the facilityt Regardingly tha Contra tnr mu t be prepared to canduct mperatimns in an axternal location selected by them FEE raserves the right he apgrova any such external facilities Sh ui a contingency ariae IX U GOVERNMENT FUENISHEB EQUIPMENT Th3 Geverm ent will furnish hardware applicable dmaumentation and additinnal GFE requirements that should be identified by the montractmr in hiS propmsals 5f24 32 Reiease - Page - ante Re Kf Tm provide managerial and administrative fur the 381 s Scheduling task assignmentg and budg ts shall be generated gtatus ra 0rts and other relevant _ FBI_Plnuxam Ma aaeme t iygce iPMO _documentatiOn shall be '7 Technical 'RepreSentative at required intervals The3a repert are to include pragr sg during the previaus periad and expected pxogress far the following paricdq Budgeting information including expenditures ta data is ta be providad ta the FBI on a As part 0f the Contractors program management eapansibil the contxamtmr shall the Contracting Offig and foicer s Technical Representativ in writing when any of tha ah u tasks reach a seventy permen centractar Ehall also pravida a ca '-mE r qulrerqr spanding level The G analysis vi the remaining Eta that sh5 the ramaining funds are Lm uiLnganL campieninq Lhe tasxa 1 5mm R-ciease LPage 857 a ratarv $139 I Set Lead 1 Lm s CE I 18 ncreai CU A the That a I lit ar 2600 y b Jraqanet part u cup 1 5 a Sat Lead 2 Set Lead 32 5am Reinase Page- 358 vie- 4 011835 41 xi If A BUREM-J INVESTIGATIUN DELETED PAGE INFORMATIGN SHEET Page- s Wiihh i entirely INS location 311mm le On m mm m the ibiiuwing s aiements- Wham indica d expiain thiS dg ieztion E3 Deiminns man-ice pursuant the exam ptiom indicated below with mamriai available far release 9 you - Scp ein 553 NH 3 MWKM 3 3 3 Cl Mg 53 3 m2 E3 METRE 3 E3 Wig 3 3 335 3 Wife E3 3 infarmmi-m pas-13mm only it a third pan with referenca H3 the Sub-jam 3f 3mm request or the mbjac'i If rag-meal i3 iism in me my when Dacumsams mriginamd with mmhar Gusvemmcm agancyiies These dam-merits wart refarrcd that agancy gs fen-r raw-cw and dime 10 yau 7 Pages camain infm'nauian fumishe by angina Gavsmmem agency as f You wi be advised by the F3133 in of this infommicm E Qii rwing mnsulsmion with the 013w Page s withhald inasmuch as a rm-i release ei aze'rminazign has nu Men made You he advised as h disposition a a later date Page wan-e mt cansidemd f0 rei ase as they are dupli-cative 9f sf Pagcfs withheld far the fullawsing magma gf fm S y f gqb 1 if 39-15 32 3 Tm faliowing number is In be usmi for mfemz zea mgar ing hcse pagas 0f Mix- K af rm Mama famv 3 Sci $37 X amed 3336 5 Na Dugiica om Face Xi far this page q I X Ul rlguv 1 r I rt-rug - x'Ni-I may STATEMENT MORE d 1 T lt 1 In am - - n U STATEMENT OF WDRK FOR FY 2000 ADDITIQNAL TASKING qd THREAT ANALYSIS PROGRAM mg mi av '3 qu June 2m BEASQN as egg - Page 1 Release Fag Bad $6 6 '12'7- I 11x IV VI VII IX STATEMENT OF WQRK STATEMENT hi TABLE 01PROJECT DESCRIPTION BY TASKING U TASKIHG AREA RENAMERG TREE 3 i TASKING AREA TASHENG AREA #4 3 DRAGGNET 9 j w 5 TASKIHG AREA #4 g IMTERCEPT 9 AREA 4 GQVEREMENT FURNISHED 4 Program Management i 5 Ham - 3 SEMET STRTEMBNT OF WGRK I _ -This 30W will incar ra e modificatiens fer the current ag l lama tasking and askihg 23GB contract Ix PRQJECT DESCRIFTIGN BE TASKIHG AREAS asking masking numbars are referenced to tha original cantraat tagks m TEBLE 1 Area Summary Table My 1 aw- W5 71 T- I iAbR yam f 't'wfr'v Wimp Rum mu J $ng E Jan Has g ha f4 gaagsamaT High Speed Intercept Stu y T chnicai Threat Analysia Pragram Data Supgort V and VII far FEEDBGQ give 2 E21 1 3 1 I Q the TASKING 2 3 HENRIEG ROUTER ENHAKCEMENTS 1 UgThis task has been renamed VIKING REHANCEMERTS 7 5 5 IV we manna 2 1a 4 7 - 53339 1% sm m WORK EASKING AREA $4 3 VI In #4 INTERCEFT STUDY This task shail prmvide the DRAGGNET pragram with a capability internet data intexception The overall system throughput operating System performamce enhancaments additional capability that will be added Carnivore to filter on stream am filter associated with EEP to includa a rvica pack 1 VII THREAT ANALYSES Page cah r ct r shall make enhancements t0 exiatin Carnivore interce rive These enhancements will maka use with in additiwn t0 overall thraugnp the up ate Qf the graphical Lser 5 24 92 Rehab Page 5 STRTEMENT OF WQRK The cantraator Shall provide saftware upgrade ingtallatian gup art and saftwarE2maintemanae suppn Technical Thraat Analysis databaae and the Special database The cantractmr shall supgly a an anticipatad minimum level of 0 supgort th rate Qf twenty five 25 haurs per menth LOCATION-OF WEEK Ln 3p$ge limitatiens Eh the Engin e ing it wilt net be posaible t0 perfarm tLa facility an Eontrag wr pLsgazed t9 fan ucf apexutiahs iw an aatarnal lacat by th m FE xeserve the 9 a plave any facilit163 a 8 136 EX U SUVEREMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT Jig anaernmen will furr h iariwate afgl Qacumentazi n an a ditienai GEE t quxramants that idantiried my the Cuntractox in H13 p 0poadi3 R MANAGEMENT T previd managexlal and pragrams Scheduiimg task assignmenta and be status Eeports and wthar rel Pragram Management d cumentatimn Shall and supglled to the FBI Centracting Officer'g Tachm Repreaextative at required intervals These 0 include progregs during the pravimus par egpectad progxesg fer the follewing pariod managament responsibilities the centractor ahall i Officar and Cantracting Offi Technical Representative in writing when a tasks reach a seventy percent Spending level cant actor snail 130 grgvide a cost analysis of th I funds anm t ma requirements that shew the r maining WT including eXpemditures to date 15 to be pxovided ta th FBI on a basis As part af the contramtars praqram rt fer the Prcjects ngin er with is at a must be 10m seiact d ext6r3a1 itable should ha upport far the udgats 5hali evant be generatad ical reperts ara 19d and Budgeting the car's my of tha The ramaining fund are Page 5 sz f l Release Page 38 9 15 mi I STATEMENT WORK L suffzc anb 9r insuf3161ent far completing the task A SWIM Reiease as Page 884 A SPCAQB 12-23996 BUREAU 0F BELETEB PAGE SHEET FOIWIL i Page s withheki entireiy this Encaiion in 1h it One at man mi 121 whare maimed exgiajn this deiminn 3 Deietiuns mania pursuam In le exemptimms rdaase to y u mm Shula E3 Secfinn 552 23' 133 5 E3 333133 3 i fm'nmim permimd 0 33 If ihird pang with my r hmnm is iizsmd in he mm mug CI Bucumcms m iginmed wixh another a ncyiiesi far mview and direct mapmas ID yuu dispesitien at a law data 193 35 wen mnsidemd far reims as the are dupiicatiw 0f i Pagm mm m allowing gigs rm fem r g mf EXTRA Pages cuniain infumxa nn fumishad by arsmhar a the rekmseab ity 9f this infimnatimn failmx- ingnur mnsuita -an wiih the other agency es Page- s withheid inasmuch as a ns micass dgterminatian has my been mad You wi he advised as indicated with 139 aggragable maierial awsiiabfe fur maxi - ze subjaci Qf yam aqua-t er the Subject 0 gmcyii s You wiilbe advised by the FBI Swim $523 M5 km 3 3012 bit 3 E3 3 Mi-4 E3 E3 3165 yum These datuments were rafe-mzd It that agancg fies 3F Wa The follawing number is be mad far ref renc regarding them pagas ngwr' 'T cawca amed Pag s Na Buplication Fez far this page -- - 4m- - 3 FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION Date 05 1512990 Ta Finance Hr Stal hangmagma cammi BEBE is Exam # me SEW umse Fran Labaratory Cyber Technalagy sectian Data intercept Techn - Cantact 7 145 353 5 Labmratary Encuasu a By Kerr Donald I mm -f -3 Drafted By 35 Case Eh zsa-HQ 1092593 Pending Wi la EREGGNNET synapsia Request 0f the Finance Divisimn tn assign funding far Inc Enclasurets Enclosed far Finance is Raquisitign number 82 3 3 Details Raq isitimn numhar is hainr ngaypv the existing santract number ma ifiaatinn cansists uf increasing the ariv' ca wha a ditinnal funding will previ a for Engineer far a cue year paria tn auppert deplayment DE Internet Interceptian and collectian sys rgs mansiat a Sggi ttiit stem 1 5 Xi 3 2 rum requisition number 82 303 frem hu get line item in - amaunt Bf $347 30 modifying contract - Release Page 4 ant- xes - va'n snm - 2 3 2 5 Finanaa 06115IZGSQ ThiaLmodifisatian auerat sal suraas xx Ylt v 1 $150 arav ga ai fl z Reiease- FREE 3330 Finance Fr l Laharatory Re zaavnqwiogzssa aafiaxgoga h bta Eat Lead 1 Adm whe Finance Divisicn is requasted ta medify Eumbar Set Lea 2 Adm3 BRIMINAL To apprave fun ing far requiaitiah numbar 32 303 Exam budget line item Bszze the amount af modifying mantract at L ad 3 Adm g VA ar infarmaticn anly 3 534302 Release - Pag- 91 m ti wh hmu av DRAFT REQUEST FGR OF warms LEE gmcmomc suggmemNCE Eouimmw - 5me Ralease Page 891 u-r - avid-hum n l -u anwvs-Mvuimsam w 5 fi g 3 apartment cf Justice 3 ream Bureau cf Washin i m JE- M m rm b xc mach 43mm May 5 2500 - a 3 He -- f i' I iayl ii muse FUR a _mu u 4f 3 APPHOVAL t I a bl smuszmva ELECTRONIC 7 1m 14-03% w 7 mus Imummw mammal $24383 Rte- 2352 Page at 66' 5 I al 1- 7 313% x I DRAFT REQUEST FQR a TESTING EQUIPMENT Pro 0 58 Frmcedure Honda AH FBI testing $11313 he penducted in such a way'fhat it wi m be iargeted against the ammunica ans nfany particular person a persons Fatwa 5 SENSIEEIVE SHRVEILLAIECE EEGHNIQUE INFEEMATIDH no as 0 '5 5 24392 Release rr f age RBI - - 45 77 7 Riga 5 Damien Tim tesging herein she be E-i miied in extent and duratia-n ta that necessary 19 tegmne 1th capahihiy of the aqui i-mem inaiu ing re ning iha presision nfthe equipment estmg hemn shail 11 3 Exceed 90 ays with ut the pnm apprwal fth- 3 mama Genemiw a ha r in shall biz clam maritared by Eh FBI Lil s Chief af rm Syber Tec mciggy Sectian ens versi ht FBI L1 testing harem including cam-3313mm with the pmm ures set forth 3 Rep 83mm campieticn cu it testing herein _the FBI shad submit ah summary reps-r to Department cf Justice s Qi ae m Imeihgencerahcy 3 13 Rewew ne y setting fax-ti the resuits m at teszmg stating with these pracedures and idmn ng the duramn ufthe fasting INCLUDED no Ham 4% 5mm Helms - Page 83f May 12 2 09 21 Marv 1 CLASSEHEU 35mm 1 5 an Aiter recognizing the efficacy 9f using these statutmrily basad pracedures the LD shared this propased ceursa ef actian with the Emunterterrerism Divigimn an the foice af the Gemeral Counsel and they acknawle ged the use ulnegs of thie Enclosures- 2 1 -RoomL v- 1 Roam 1 Dr Kerr Room 3099 1 1 a Mr Allen QT REF 1 1 Mr Thomassxzazaz Release new bag Mg _wmww mi apprmachpreach advisas that the FE request General thrmugh the attach already apgered in draft Mareover the LD has shara -with the OffiCE-u Intelligence Palicy and Review a draft of the attached proposed memmran um t0 the Attarney General prapased electranis aurv thig m7 $13 337 aamm If you appreva of this apprmach '3 which includes the eillance teating prece urea as provided for in the FISA tha OIPR sham be forwarded ta the m randumg i r the OIPR ha 4 1mm M 5mm Rams - Page 89 13 WA CEMENT 1 5 2de Release - Page 393 074 I 7' Maimnrandum arm 9 m TU Mrs Frances Pragmg wansend 9mg foice of Intalligenca Whig a _Palicy WHERE S i8 1' m Eh mx ACTIQN MEMQRANQUM E fe Carnivore from other and stores the targeted cemmunications to atmraga media where the cammunicatiens can be maintained as evidan e SEE NQTE PAGE FIVE 1 1 1 AM m a Classi ied_ Declas m9 133 3 11 57 333 REASON 1 5 jays 5 24 02 Re'laase - Page l9 - 55- S gg T Mrs Frances Fragas Ceunsal Office 05 lntelligenca 4 U The Carnivore has been developed and testad over period of year% and has baan deployed in the field sucsessfully on numerous Hawaver it baa never bean ingtalled in the USAENET network While use standard pratocolg can vary wi ely fram standards in som 'i aw k - saga Frances Fragms annaend Caungel Office cf Intelligence 91 ad Review in - V - I 524292 Release 5 9mm I 3W 3 m r%mWEwm4 2 11 1 fiu My 1 pwn um I f 0 Mrs Frances Fragos Caunsel Office 3f intelligance Palic and Review RE SIMMZ Ethan Page 902 A n 'ri ix a - 3 Mrs- Francgs Fragos Townsend Caunselr affine of Intelligence i9 is and Ravi-w #3 5524 20 Rama-ass Page 9H3 2 5mm Re-Imse- - Page m TD THE ATTORNEH GENERAL MRS PEEL RN FROM LQU FRESH LIR FBI FHEFQEE Ta tha attach FBI to authwrity vesta i tha Fareign Intelligence 1865 codified at 5% U S C EIMETAELE propoged FBI testing pre eduras as amen as possihla gurauant ta theaa pracedures is essential fer the FBI t0 be abl i h AA g f The Attarney Ganaral is requested ta agprove the TEENS QFFECE END tna Attarney Senaral s appraval 0f EAE surveillange teating procedures pursuant th General in Seatian l Sff 0f Survaillance Act of IQTB FISA Testing ru22@3m i 1 waging a r c if-E 3 5 Sigma Releasb Fags 9 5 - A 4 rsr 1 er f gar M a 1 Hamerandum ta The Attarney General frem Dir ctor FBI EECOMMENEATIQN A terney Ganeral approve the attached fertin procedure Cancurrinq gemmanents seguw NGNE GTHER 5 4302 Release - Eage wan-emnx'u-AuuW wwm m mmh a 2 332 ne 39 37 mgmg 3 halve hath a 3 l lty ke h- i g h 5 was ng ram 3 MEMERMJDUM FOR THRGUGH MRS FREE-CBS FRAGGS CQUNSEL OFFICE WELLIGENCE PQLICY REVI TESTIEG EQUIPPEEINT am k 3 Pug uumm ub kn PUEPQSE Te Sbtal Eh Atturney Ganaral s appraval cf the attached FEE electrenic survailiance agatimg praceduIEE pur$uant ta authexity vaste in the general in Saction 6f the Fereign Inteliigance Surveillance Act DE 19 8 ce ified at SS Up c TIMETABLE The General is requeated ta approve the FBI tasting procedures as scan as gassible tarsuant in the e gracedures is assantial for_ he I 5mm Reieas-e Page pg ' iv b ruu n with-16 Memorandum rdm Director FBI tm The Attarnay General Re REQUEST FOR OF TESTING May 11 2060 35% Sail eiease Pag 9m - - 31 ch 45 Memrandum from Director FBI ta The Attorney General Ra REQUEST APERGVAL OF TESTING May 11 2000 via-1' M mwrandum fram Directmr Ra sun-er BI to The Attarney General REQUEST TESTENG May 11 2399 Raieass a Page 29w Wine-yawn-yv -p-nm imam 3 a Memarandum from iractor FBI to The Atterney Ganeral Re REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TESTING May 11 - 272' 'Jj Paigmesed Prpcedures Silt-WE Release Page 91 lmv SEW Memorandum-from Eirectar FBI ta The Attorney Genaral Re REQUEST FQR APPROVAL OF TESTING May 11 263e prugram't'atg'lh impertant respects filters and than intermepts with great precision varimua ESP data elements including cantent when authorized upcn reference t6 certain standardized ESP TCPJIP prntocwls - - an tarqet testing All FEI tasting ghall he canductad in such a way that it will not be targete axainst the cammunicatimna 0f any garticular persen 0r persons Bura ion 'The teatimg herein shall be limited in extent and duration ta that necessary ta determina the capability f the equipment inclu ing refining the pracision of the equipment Testing herain shall mat exca-d 9% days withaut tha prim approval of the Attarney Generala G l 8 A an @vergi ht FBI LE testing herain including rampliance with the prmcadures set Earth herein ghall be clasely monitmrad 2y th FBI Chief of the Cyber Technalagy $ectian 313% 5 245 12 Release Page - - - - I 7 4 ll ' mv mWT S in Memmrandum fram Director FEE ta The Attarney-General Re REQUEST FQR 9F TESTING May 11 2569 a Regerting Upon compl tian af the testing harein the FBI LB shall Submit a summary egort t0 the Department 9f Justice s Offica of Intelligence Policy an priefly Setting Earth the results Gf tha testingi Stating itg compliance with thege testing pracaduras and identifying the duratian Qf testing 3 RECOMMERDATION Ganeral ayprove the attacha EEQCErania surveillan a testing grocedures 5 kencurrinm campone s __gwmm JOSE GTEER 7777777 NCRJE Re ne - Page 913 5 3- wuh'u I 1 352491mug-Mum inn-0MP g Mamarandum from Directar FBI REQUEST FER Ramm Rasm emit I 4 ts The Atterney General BSTING May 11 2030 Roam Roam Br Kerrg mamm Mr Allen QT ERF ERF i Edema Fame 91-4 V1315 Avg-win - g Memurandum me an The Attarnay General Dme 35f11f2698 Diregtar REQUEST FOR SF TESTING SF FBI SURVEILLANCW EQUIPMEJT ACTEVN MEMQRANDUM SEC and semi $263 31ch I e p fkitz I 3' gnaw a a g- Zta- e- si-ru 'r vu l'r nf rvmc'f Reieas- Page i i 7 will r - En yfy wg 5374 Memorandum from D zmty Dir-ac th 1 0 The At t rney General Re k j 3 596 REQUEST FGR OF TESTING May 11 QQOQ 5mm R ense- Page 915 - 4 w er Memorandum rm Deputy Eire th ta The Attornay General Re REQUEST FOR APPROVAL BF TESTING May 11 2500 SIHKQB Release Page 1 Memgrandum from Deputy Dir-actor t0 The Attorney General Re REQUEST 90R OF TESTING May 11 EEOC - 4 5 5 1qu Rains Pag l 1 Jay-rugda'np I I if $ch Memarandum Exam Deputy Director to The General Re REQUEST FQR TESTING May 11 4 er - wwi -u n 2 T Stinm Ennis qf lvare IS an F fudeai nea' 7 program respects filters and then intercapt with great precision variaus ata elem nt$ including contant when autharized based upan reference ta certain standardized ESP TCPKIP protacols 4 Nmn tarqeted tasting All FBI testing shall be Eonducted in such a way that it will net be targete against the of any particular person er parsens @g I 5 Si hunt 532453 23 Release Page 919 tuba Memorandum erm Deputy Birecter tm The general Re REQUEST FGR APFROVAL 9F TESTING May 11 EGGS giratiqgl Th testing heraln ghall hm limited in extent and uration to that recesaary ta determine tha capability GE the equigmant including r fining the recisimn mi the equipmaw Tasting harei Ehall mot 3 cys withaut the print apprev l Qf the Attorney Ev FBI LE Seating her in inclu ing compliance With the pracedureg set Earth Shall be clmsely manit h 33 PEI Lr Ehiaf of th Lyhar Tealnalmgy Sectx 9 Upow Sampletian if thE Ra tlnv herein the PBX LE shall gubmit a aummary rgparn ta the Departna cf Justice s foice cf Intelligence Policy and Review briefly getting Earth in r smlt5 of the teatimg stating its compliance with thasm terting pracedurgs and i antifying the duration sf the t ating I saw Release - i age up a A FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL magma MRS FRANCES FRAGGS camsm OFFICE OF INTELLIGENCE mug AND REVIEW E was amm 1 FRGM LQUIS J FREEH DIRECTQR FBI h SUBJECT Ui REQUEST FOR OF TESTING OF FBI ELECTRONIC QKICTION bt l the Attorney General's mi the attached FBI electrorlc survaillamce testing uranamt ta autherity vegte in the Genaral in Seatimn 105 f sf th FurEign Intalligenae Surveillance Act mi 19 8 cadified at 53 1835ff TIMETABLE The Attcr ey General is reque tad tm approve the PEI testin as pracedurgs 8033 as p9 ssibl ex 7 gursuant to these is 1 3 1 art 7 1 1 Mr AllenMk Par i gan pak 5mm Ri e-as Hagen swath 5% CLASSIHED BY 5n amen L5 3 BECLAS-SIFY on i c I 7 I ma a memorandum ram Directory FBI to The Attorney GEna-ral Re REQUEST FOR 3F- TESTING mam RHWSE v- Page my hhmeTv' Law a - Memorandum Exam ir ectorf FBI ta The Attorney General Re REQUEST FOR OF TESTING A mm Kai-ease - Fag 923 -- an r 1 1 t Memcxandum from Directar Re REQUEST FOR APPRUVAL 0F TESTING ru-xu- a - A FBI tm The Attorney General @4102 Rakase -- 924 u-i-x-pw 342-11 $ch Memarandum from irectar FBI to The Atturne b 7 7 - ene l Re REQUEST FOR REPROUAL ti - 55242132 Release - Page 9 as 4 na- st WI I a u th s 9 mm h- mama u SEC Memwzandum fram Directwr FBI to The Attorney General Re REQUEST FGR APPROVAL OF TESTING 55-arn1var is ah F3143551gnau respects filtera and than 77 ta elementa 9 including cantent when authorized based upon reference t0 3 certain standardised ESP prmtacolsf 4 4V rnwtarma ed testinq all PEI testing shall be conducted in such a way'that it will not be targeted against the communications of any particular person at persens if bl Duratimn Th3 testing herain shall ha I limited in extent and duration to that necessary ta determine the cayahility 3f the equipment including refining the greeisiwn 6f the equipment Testing herein shall net exeaed 99 days withaut the priar apgraval 0f the Attarney Ganeralyga mmu a versiqht FBI LB testing herein including campiiance with the procedureg get Earth herein Shall be clogaly monitored by the FBI Chief 0f the Cyber TEChnol gy 3x125 I saw Reiease - Page 326% 3 a i 3 fo Memarandum Exam irectmr FBI tm The Attorney General 3 3 Ra REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TEES-TING I 9 Remmrting Upon cempletion 0f the teaming hereim tha FBI Lit shall submit a summary re tan ta the Department Qf Justice s U ffia e cf Intelligence Palicy and Review briefly setting farth the results of the testing stating its campliance with these taming pracedurea and identifying aha duration 0f the testingf RECQMMEHEATION Attorney General apprava the attached El 32strainit 1j surveillance tasting procadureath Ccmcurz r c r components I SAP PEG-NE mm FUN-E 5mm Reieasa - li- - Jam t i u 'c v np Memerandum fram Directar Re REQUEST
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