JUSTICE NEWS Depm'tment ofJusljoe Cll oe of Public Affairs FGH IMMEDIATE RELEASE lt londav August 1 ECHE FBI Engllojree Pleads Guiltgto in the United States as an Agent of the ese Termnent EE-Ferrda'rt Collected mid Catraed Senai veFE-l' l'nf'onnatfon to he Provided to the Chinese Government Hun Shan Chun a native of the People's Flepublio of China and a naturalized LIE oitizen pleaded guiltv todav to a oriminal irrfom'rationohargirg him with aotirg in the Lhited Statesasan agentofChina without providing prior notioeto the tton revGeneral Assistant Attornev General for National Seouritv John Carlin LLB Atton'lev F'reet Elharara of the Eouthem Eistriot of New Tori and osistarrt Direotor in Charge Diego F-lcdriguez of the FEII's New tori Field Cllf'lce made the anno uncen'errt Chun alta Jcev Chun 45 pleaded guiltv before LIE Magistrate uclge Jan es C Franois of the Southern Eistriot of f-law forlt He Has an employee of the FEII until his anest on Shan Chun violated our nation's tn rst bv exp loitirg his ofl'io ial LLB Government position to provide restrioted and sensitive FEII information to the Chinese Government said Assistant Attornev General Carlin l-blding aceountable those 'who Hort as illegal foreign agents to the detriment of the United States is amorg the highest priorities of the National Seouritv Divis ion Amerioans who aot as unauthorized foreign agerrts commit a federal offense that betravs our nation and threatens our seou ritv said LLB Atton'lev Elharara And when the perpetrator is an FEII emplovee Iilte Hun Shari Chun the threat is all the more serious and the betraval all the more dupl ioito us Tha nits to the excellent investigative merit of the FEII's Counterintelligence Division the FEII succeeded in identilvirg and rcotirg out this oriminal mi5oonduot from 'within its own ran lts f-lo one is above the law to inolude emplovees of the said Ass istant Eireotor in Charge Hcdrigua We understand as an agenov 'we are tn rsted bv the publio to proteot our nation's most sensitive information and we have to do everythirg in our power to uphold that tn rst ' ocerdirg to the oomplaint the information and staterrents made durirg todav's oourt prcceeding In approximatelv 199T Chun began worltirg at the FEII's New fort Field Gfl'lce as an eleotronios teohnioian assigned to the Computerized Central l lo nitorirg Faoilitv of the FEII's Teohnic-al Elra noh In app roximatelv 1993 and in connection with his emplovmerrt the FEII granted Chun a Top Seoret seouritv olearance and his duties inoluded accessing sensitive and in son'e instances olass i ed information In oonneotion with a reo ruitn'ent prccess Chun received and responded to tasltirgs from Chinese nationals and at least one Chinese govemn'errt ofl'loial Chinese lel'oial-IJ son'e if not all of whom were aware that Chun nod-ted at the FEII multiple prior to his anest in Maroh 24116 at the direotion of Chinese govemn'ent ofl'io ials Chun oollaoted sensitive FEII information and oaused it to be transmitted to Chinese lelioial-l and others while at the san'e tin'e ergagirg in a prolorged and ooncerted effort to conceal from the FEII his illioit relationships Hith these individuals Eleginnirg in 203E Chun and mm of his relatives maintained relationships with Chinese nationals purportirg to be af liated with a eemparry in China named Ehuhai Helicn hmpany Ltd Relic-n Chun maintained an irxlirect nancial interest in Helicn including threugh a previc-us investment by ene ef his parents In cc-nnecticn with these relatienships Chinese natienals aslted Chun te perfen'n research arxl ecnsu itirrg taslts in the Lhited States purpertediy fer the bene t ef Helicn in exchange fer nancial benefrts including partial ecmpensaticn fer internatienal tnps Between and Chun's eemmunicaticns and ether evidence reflect inquiries frem purperted emp Ie'yees ef Helien te Chun while he 'was in the United States as well as efferts by the defendant te ec-llect amerrg ether things infermatien regarding selid-state hard drives In appreximateiy 21311 dunng a trip te Itaiy and France partialiy paid fer by the Chinese natienals Chun was intredueed te Chinese Cllficial-I whe indicated that he werlxed fer the Chinese gevemmerrt and that he Itnew Chun 'werlted fer the FBI Dunng subsequent private meetings ccndected abread between the twe Chinese le cia l-1 aslted questic-rrs regarding sensitive hen-public FBI infermatien Eunng these meetings Chun amerrg ether things the identity and petential travel patterns ef an FBI Special gerrt In appreximateiy 2012 the FBI ecnducted a reutine investigatic-n relating te Chun's Tep Secret security clearance In an effert te eenceal his reiaticnships with Chinese le cial-I and the ether Chinese natienals purperting te be af liated 'with Helicn Chun made a series ef false statements en a standardized FBI ferm reiated te the investigatien Between 1333 and March was required by FBI pelicy te disclesearrticipated and actualcc-ntact with fereign natienals during his internatienal travel but he lied en numereus pre- and pest-tnp FBI debrie ng ferms by emitting his ccntacts with Chinese Cf cial-l ether Chinese naticnals and Helic-n muitiple Chinese Cf c ial-1 aslted Chun fer infermatien regarding the FBI's internal In appreximateiy March 3313 Chun dewnlcaded an FBI erganieaticnal chart frem his FBI cemputer in Manhattan Chun later admitted te the FBI that after editing the chart te remcrve the names ef FBI persennel he saved the dccument en a piece ef digital media and caused it te be transperted te Chinese le cial-l in China Chinese Cffeial l alse aslted Chun fer irriem'iaticn regarding technelegy used by the FBI In appreximately January 3115 Chun tcelr pl'retes ef dccumerrts displayed in a restricted area ef the FBI's blew rent Field Cll ce which summar'eed sensitive details regarding muitiple surveillance tech rx-legies used by the FBI Chun sent the pl'x-tegraphs te his persenal cell pl'x-ne and later admitted te the FBI that he caused the pl'x-tcgraphs te be transperted te Chinese Cl cial-l in China In appreximateiy February 3115 the FBI eausedan be intredueed teChun The DEE purpertedte bea LLB in Chinaand Hen-ting asacerrsuitant teseveral m'rs including an independent fer the Department ef Defense amerrg ether entities Cunng a reecrded meeting in March 1315 Chun teld the abeut his relatic-nship with Helien and Chinese natienals and later explained te the UCE that Helien had gcrvemment baclting and that appreximately frve years prier a relative n'et a secticn chief' whem Chun believed was asseciated 'with the Chinese gcrvemment In ancther recerded meeting in June 21315 Chunteld the UCE that he had infermed his Chinese asseciates that the was a censuitarrt whe might be in a pesiticn te assist them Chun said that he wished te act as a s ub- ecrrsuitant' te the UCE and wanted the LEE te pay' him a little bit In July 3 115 after ecerdinating travel te meet Chun's Chinese asseciates Chun met with the DE in I-IJngary twice Dunng ene ef the n'eetings Chun stated that he Itnew rsthand' that the Chinese gevemment vies activeiy recruiting individuals whe eculd previde assistance and that the Chinese gevemment was willing te previde immigratic-n berrefrts and ether cc-mpensatic-n in exchange fer such assistance The UCE teld Chun that he had access te sensitive infermatien frem the LLB gevemmerrt Chun respended that his Chinese asseciates 'weuld be interested in that type ef infermaticn and that Chun expected a cut' ef any payment that the UCE received fer previding infermatien te the Chinese gcrvemn'ent The ecuntefactirrg in the LhitedBtatesas anagerrtefChinawitl'x-Lrt previding neticete the AttemeyE-eneral carries a maximum sentence ef 1i years in prisen The maximum petential sentence is prescnbed byCengress and is previded here fer infermaticnal purpeses enly as any sentencing ef the defendant will be determined by the jolge Tire FBI's Ceuntenntelligeree Divisic-n investigated the case The presecutic-n is being handled by Ass istant LLB Hiram-5 EmilJ ElmrE and ndrea Surrart the Burthern Diatrbt rf Mew Yul-1'5 Terri-Em and Internatbnal h-hmbi Unit with prawided try Trial Attorney D FL Handle-r and David C Hacker the Matt-Hal Eecu tgr Elw'raic-I'I'E Cmnterintelligencze and Expc-rt Sectim 16-3-34 IE Tnpic hhtimal 5931111 WEED HunEhg'ICfIJn Infc-Hnat'rcun Updaha-d August 1 2 ms
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