ALL ES UHCLASSIFIEB FD-302 Rev 10-6-95 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 1 0 2 6 9 8 Date of Birth I Social Security Account Number was advised of the identities of the interviewing Agents and the purpose of the interview furnished the following information Iidentified her boyfriend asI I a white male DOB resides in I He is a who works at a factory which utilizes a 1 rep to pump and maintain 011 for commercial purposes was unable to identify the factory location a I able to comment whether the factory has an ties to the She recalled that Ihas worked there Since late recently informedI Ithat he is in search of a new job I Iadvised her most recent contact approximate lvl via e mail most recently visited She stayed with her family fo while visiting friends and family Prior to enrolling ad I obtained financial assistance from a foundation that provides fu ds for Euronean students to studv abroad logged onto web site and learned from an adviser the type of arch that is conducted at that department liked what ro ram had to offer and as a result she matriculated at his is a te matriculated in the a 0 en ioned program I Iadvised her research atI IinvolvesI I Tn lavmpn terms Iutilizesl r_J l I According to mixed Signal deSign can be 81 applications to include military application advised her research strictly Investigation on 10 16 9 8 at Cincinnati Ohio Fm# mmdew 10 29 98 Jb u u This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency BATE E f 136 Rev 10-6-95 Continuation of FD-302 Page 2 theoretical research She does not know who the end user is of the research she conducts Her recalled that during her visit at the Embassyl she was interviewed by an embassy employee concerning her request for an exit visa to abroad The employee spoke Romanian and English He asked Ef f jthe following questions a 5 1 NJ Cb Who is funding your trip How long will you be in the Why are you traveling to the When will you return Do you have any family in the Will you be working in the mU l -wNH the interview lasted approximately fifteen minutes The interviewer was male and was dressed in a suit and tie The interview was conducted within the confines of the gener 1 off ce space where there was no expectation of privacy affirmed that at no time was she asked promised and or influenced to cooperate with embassy officials and or other government employees that she weekly e-mail b7c correspon ence with her boyfriend and other friends and famil Her contacts a are very limited She advise a as a very small group that meets approximately once a month for social functions added that she would contact the FBI in the event she feels threatened and or is confronted by any unusual person s advised she would not object to a polygraph if requested to do so
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