FD-302 Rev 10-6-95 b3 13 6 107$ - Sealed Court Documents ELL In DEER 6033nijTjilj tae tais saijjaic -1- Date of transcription Office of Lecal Counsel Duke She stated Duke will provide all of the assistance possible Should a university computer need to be seized a subpoena court order or search warrant should be directed to her at 2400 Pratt Street Suite 4000 Durham N C 27710 If the computer in question is identified as the private property of one of the students then the subpoena etc should be directed to the student In that case she would request an information copy be provided or at least shown to her Iadvised that it is fairly standard bf practice of the different departments at Duke to periodically big erase or purge all of the computers in their departments at one time in order to avoid data overload and the consequent slowing down of their operation Investigation on 12 18 98 at Durham N C File# Datedictated 12 18 98 135 etc by SA This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency
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