A DECLAEETFIED BY an 1213111995 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence PRIORITY Date 12 29 1998 To Cincinnati Attn SAI I From Charlotte Raleigh Durham RA b6 Contact SA I b7c By Drafted By 5 Case ID Pending Title MOONLIGHT MAZE SynopsisJml g Duke University able to identify department where computer data targeted by Cincinnati as their Biomedical Engineering Department Additional identifying information required to even attempt to identify which specific computer was used and it is uncertain even that can be achieved Any of the computers in that department can be used by anyone in that department who has access to the generic password Additionally all of the departmen s computers were scrubbed erased approximately October 15 1998 a fairly standard operating procedure accorFinc_tQ_Duka Ll gaJ counsel FD-3OZS of interviews wit Dukes Office of Information Technology and IDukes Legal Counsel Office are enclosedSerial 40 and CE telcall to CI 12 18 98 Enclosures w3 Enclosed for Cincinnati are an original and six copies each of of a Duke Wn'versity Office of Information Technology and b Duke University Office of Legal Counsel and c one l A envelope containing interview notes b - e V bo b7c OTHER Sealed Court Documents vmm w was 5 T SERIALIZED Hm MN 1939 To Cincinnati From Charlotte 12 29 1998 b3 b6 b7C OTHER Sealed Court Documents However a copy was furnished tol of Dukes Lega- Counsel Office Her office has a long history of excellent coo with the FBI and currently employs a retired SA will provide all possible assistance and requested any requirement to seize a computer s from Duke come in the form of a subpoena court order or search warrant directed to her address in Cincinnati is requested to advise Charlotte how it wishes to proceed 00
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