l AT THE Autheriiy NW3 1 DEPARTMENT er Nnee PeLIer erorr SECRET Fahm Br 5 1959 HEHURHNDUH Subjeet IREH's in Turkey 1 we were net eemmitted to depleNment in Turkey by either the Seereterp's stetement er the eemmunique et the 195 Here Heeds of Government Meeting Beth these were in generel tenne The eemmnnieue seid thet depleyment ef these missiles weuld he decided 'in egreement with the stetes directly eeneemed E Hething wes edded te er detreeted i rem this generel eemmitment et the 195d Peris Meeting Dur pesitien on Turkish IRISH depleyment wes eteted in pesitien peper erp r prier tn the meeting end sleered hp Etete end Turkey end Greece The questien ef deplement ef in Turkey er rests in with HAG - entirely with SAGEUR The US would ef eetn'se sensider whe teser SAGEUR might meke in this regerdo 3 Generel Hersted then speke tn the Greek end Turkish represeitetitee without US eutherisetien Despite this r it wee etill E' mhessjr enkere's judgnent Ankere 1993 Jenner 13 thet if the Deperhnentie en were net te deploy this generetien ei IHEM's to Tin-key there would he greet dieeppeintment in effiniel Turkish eireles hut ne ever- riding pelitieel in Turkey In meters 2101 sf Jenner r 23 this wee emplified te meen thet henderee weuld not he eterthrewn er would similer pelitieel reperenssien thet reletiene hetween etn' militerjr end the Turk militerp meld he severely streined h Then I ellewed eesuel referenee in Seeretery' MeElregr's press eeni erenee tn the ef IHBH depleyment in Greene end Turkey which wee reported in three Turkish eppeeitien newspepers In Ankere 2 125 er Jenner r Ed the mhesey reversed its fermer judgment end steted thet the sensequensee eeuld he tery greve if the IHEH's were net fertheeming sinee the eppeeitien emild eherge thet we were ne lenger heeking Menderest This sentrests with the REA judgment thet the eppeeitien would eritieise IRBM deployment if it In TOP SECRET I I- I I 1 - 75 1 L'r 1 r 14 vi TOP SECRET ri es In Ankara El n the Embassy reperted that nn Fehruer j r anlu had vnined ahnut the delay in IRON negntiatinns pninting nut that it he dnne nnw hut that we might have trnuhle later nn henause the Oahinet is hennming mere rsstive vnnalJr and even Prnsident upset by had news Iran and nther similar develnpmenta This unnertain natinnal attitude tnward IRHH snmehnw mnved the Embassy tn the same as had its earlier judgment that the Turks wanted the missiles very hadly we shnuld gn aheadu 5 In ahnrt the nnly nnmminaentitn Turkey are an unauthnriaed apprnanh hy ii a press remark hy Senretary HeElrny ll Is It Militarily s In a letter tn the Senretary nf Denenher h 1953 Searetary EnElrny stated that the JOB plan was as 1 TurkeyII l-OkinawaIr l-Alaska area 7 Sinne than we have hennme tn nf in Italyll an that the re Turkey Okinawal and Alaska must nnmpete the remaining Only eight are tn he prnduned 8 On January 15 General Twining said tn the tresident in the'HSO that Okinawa wnuld he a plane tn put snme 9 The latest JOE plan1 as repnrted Ida tn Hagill UE- Greene-1I Italy 2 Turkey-l lO All nf whinh suggests a suffiniant variety nf npininn tn indicate that there may he a decisive military advantage tn he gained by deplnying IRBH's in Turkeyl rather than Okinawa and er alaska P O FE signed eff a while hank nn having nn majnr pnlitinal nhjentinn tn Okinawan Re the argument that this wnuld mnve the OHIOOHS tn want Enviet these missiles wnuld nnt given their annurany he a means nf knneking nut the US missiles nn Okinawa They nnuld dn this hetter with airnra t TOP SEGHET I AT THE emcee Tag SECRET a Ey J'ngb_ r-nss hie m 3 - Geuld Effective HE Centrel be Haintained 11 The warheads will be standing in the missile at all time Hagill certainly whenever the missile is en El l te 12 A key necessary te fire the missile ceild net be withheldfrem the Turks ence indigsneus manning had been achieved This weuld be nelitically infeasible given the Italian precedent 13 The State Department has ne infermatien cencerning a key which must be used te render the wanhead cperatienal If such a key is develeped If it is a physical facility it eeuld be taken frem the American custedian If the Turks had decided te fire the missile witheut U3 appreval they weuld hardly step at this If it is a state cf it eeuld net indefinitely be cencealed frem the Turks after repeated practice drills 1h The need fer US range data is irrelevant The missile ceuld be fired witheut the data and still set eff a wars 15 The difference between the centrel issue by Italian and Turkimi depleyment is very great Beth ceuntries are velatile but they are velatile in different directiens The Italians are as likely te err en the aide cf cautien as the Turks are te err en the side cf eagerness Italy dees net have a ccmmen with the USSR and se there weuld be less likeliheed ef the incidents that might trigger eff a mistaken decisien te fire IHEH's vielstiens ef airspace er mistaken readings cf radar blips leading te a supnesitien ef imminent attack 11 lecal hestilities which we might want te prevmit frem expandingu lb The difference between and ether weapens depleyed in Turkey is alee great The take eff ef an aircraft is net an irrevecable act as is the firing cf a mi il e THE SECRET gem- 3 AT THE MCHWES ma i e615 eeriHET netheliw The 1e teetieel Heepen min- teken Heuld he likely te trigger eff general nueleer Her The ltquti- ueled IREH is furthermere venerable ef its eheraeterietlee henee the Turks will knew that it'muet he fired en a strike fleet basis if it ie net to be destroyed en the grenqu by Seeiet attack l7 The enee depleyed ueuld represent a standing eemmitment whieh eeulenet be if an irreepeneible Turkieh gevernment eeme te Fewer We givenTurkey mere er indefinitely eentinuing Fewer te etert general war by firing in heete er errer madame humanly warm totem FIE AT THE Toe SECRET IV How Could the Blow to NATO be Softened 18 A aim-equadron HATD deployment would atill represent a fulfillment of the program laid on at the 1957 Heada of Government meeting It would howerer obvioualy fall ahort of the ten-aquadron program that SACEUH originally enriaaged 19 We might point out to the few offioiala who are euffieiently eonoerned with thia aubjeot to feel any diaappointment that- a There it a limit to how mueh HAP funde we oan eeoure from the Congreae b If we do not funda for we oan apend more on HATD modernization than would otherwiae be the oaae EU a more aubatantial blow aoftener a a promiae of a more forthooming attitude on aeoond generation mieailea Holladay aeoording to Hagill that it would ooat about $200 million to make about EGG Polarie miaailea for Europe Would there be any ehanoe of oanoelling production of the and 3th IHEM aquadrona the NSC to the contrary notwithatanding thua eating the funda for the aeoond generation program Solid-fueled miaaileaabeing leaa vulnerable than Thor and Jupiter-- would generate leaa riak of aooidental wart TDP SECRET eEtmsaaED i - HEPHEHJUCED THE NATIONAL mummy WE warm Belem Tap SECRET V Doea the Funding Problem Have Political Implications 21 It aure doea To puah aaide the technicalitiea-- a The weapone coat money and it aeema unlikely that DUE will agree to charge all or moat of thia coat to ita own hudget rather than HEP h The local coata will have to he horne largely by NSF to Judge from the Italian precedent c There ia a limit to how much money the Budget Bureau will allow ua to aak for HAP or that the will proyideJr and thia limit it probably not going to rice in the yeara ahead 22 So that even if the Turkiah deployment coata to MAP are ahared with DOD and epread over aeyeral future yeara they will he euhatantial he eehetaateai and will compete with ether high priority MAP commitmenta modernization Iran etc Ie the IHEM deployment high enough priority to win out in thin competition The State Department haa a atrong political intereet in other commitmente and we ahould recognize the danger that an affirmative IHEM deciaion may poae to them We cannot do everything Dur choice ahould repreaent a conacioua weighing of alternativea not going ahead with one coatly program without reckoning its effect on other programa TDP SECRET - fitiih wgi - Ea @w TOP SECRET FIE HIT THE HATICIHAL VI Why Are IRENE Seed in Turkey While They Were Bed in Germeh 23 They are beth countries tn the blee and having tenee reletienn with the hint Depleyment in either eeuntry wenle thee the rink ef aeeidentnl war ef the mieeilee being fired in reaetien tn 3 mistaken Judgment that Seviet ettaek impende er tn 3 leeal eetien neepe we wiehee te eenfine TOP SECRET This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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