1 lii d LfWHITE HOUSE 13 mm can of pass WASHINGTON Co l PCBO SPECIAL STAFF NOTE January 16 1958 rom Defense Introduction into Korea of Dual-Capable Weapons In implementation of decision to eq 'ip US forces in Korea with modern weapons Joint State-Defense messages were transmitted December ll 1957 to Commander-in-Chief United Nations Command Korea and to US Ambassador Seoul informing them the 7th Infantry Division and Cavalry Division in Korea would be reorganized as scan as possible into pentomic units movement of HONEST JOHN H3 and 280mm gun soon would be initiated Subsequently on December 24 1957 the Secretary of the Army was informed by memorandum from Deputy Secretary of Defense of Army's authorization to move these dual-capable weaponslr into Korea as soon as is feasible under Army deployment schedules Accordingly 8th Army was told to complete their original deployment of the battalions by end of January 1958 with entire transferring action to be finished by May 1 1958 In addition Chief of Staff advised the Joint-Chiefs of Staff of his plans to deploy to Korea the 588th Tactical Missile Group MATA- DOR Advanced echelon will be de- ployed some time during 4th quarteFBf FY 1958 to be followed by em- placement of a full group in about 18 months RE ST RICTED This oatmeal cantmu Pr tel-'46 In of I954 do an uwhannd pawn magi DATA Q's-hr nL llkrE 3411 1'4L1u BEST COPY AVAILABLE DECLASSIFIED FOR PUBLICATION IN FOREIGN This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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