r-nouu- wgsd Iuw 1932 31m Asian-sane 'qu - ACTION AmEmbassy TOSEC EYES ONLY FOR THE SECRETARY FROM PRESIDENT I am in'ggneral agreemenf with the hemor ndum on Brifish Guiana which you sent to me en June 14 Hewerer because we have been - burde ing the personel letter channel heavily I scald prefer you to reply on my behaif to Prime Hinister Macmill h's ietter of May 30 1962 suggest you Speak ice Macm laner if this proves unfeasible to Lord Home along following lines - The President was pleased to receive the-Prime Minister's ietter of was 30 and he has requested that I eenvey to you his views en British Guiana The Presidenh will be dealing in the neer f ture ith the Prime Minister's commehts on broader problem of censulta- tion on colonialiSm - i I I I IThe President helcehes the Prime Minister's suggestidn for a series of Special consultations in London about British Guiana and British Honduras and we will nominate representatives to attend these meetings The President is_grate ul for the und3rstan ing the Frihe Minister has shown SANITIZED E O 12958 SEC 3 6 In con51der1ng our overall strategy toward British Guiana we - have I again assessed the consequences of an independent British Guiana under Cheddi Jagan leadership Sueh_a_possibilihy disturbs us seriously fwe muSt recognize that Jagan is now thoroughly'distrustful of Our own motives We have concluded there fore that it is unrealistic to hope- that a British Gu1ana led by Cheddi Jagan oeuld be kept on the side of the west through a poliqy of cooperation as was envisaged during the talks held in September of last year we must be entirely frank in saying that we simply cannot afford to see another Castro type fegime established in this HemiSphere It follows that we should set as our objective an independent British Guiana under some other leader Thus we are glad that you envisage-new elections This would provide an opportunity for a gtVernment of a different complexion to come - TOP SECRET come into power through democratic processes However the coalescing of various elements now opposed to Jagan into a winning combination will be no eaSy task The President wants the Prime- M1nister to know that he has personally given th1s matter his close attent1on Ih the eoonomio field e are going_ahead with the additional de _ tailed studies our surtey mission now just retufned from British _Guiana recommended We'hope thereby to let the people of British Guiana know we are serious about helping them and to be that much further along with the preliminary work by the time a new government comes into power a - EU WCBux-dett JSweeneymmw Mr Scott S s 3- Ir Brubeck This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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