BEGRET ■CECRg - THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION SUBJECT 9454 DECLASSIFIED PER E 0 13526 aoi og53 r 0 ® 3 0 MEETING WITH PRIME MINISTER MURAYAMA OF JAPAN AND KIM YOUNG SAM PRESIDENT OF SOUTH KOREA 8l PARTICIPANTS President Clinton StanleyRoth NSC Notetaker President Kim Notetaker Prime Minister Murayama Notetaker DATE TIME AND PLACE November 14 1994 9 42 9 55pm Summit Hall JakartaConventionCenter The President It's a verygood thingthatwe spend a few minutestogether It's a good thingforthe peopleof our countryand the whole regionto see us standing together on issuesaffecting the Korean Peninsula on the nuclear agreement on the need forNorthSouth dialogue and on our common security commitments Of course the press wants us to answer all the details about how we will implementthe agreement They would like some sortof public statement describing who will screw the last screw in on the light waterreactor For reasonswhich we all understand it is not possible to go intothatlevel of detail JSr We have to givethe impression thatwe are goingto see the agreementthrough We have to send a clear message to President Kim Chongil thatNorthSouth dialogue is important thatsome mattershave to be resolved between NorthKorea and South Korea and not between the restof us Thank you forspendinga few minutesthiseveningto send this message to the restof the world President Kim Today the threeof us have come together It's verymeaningful Concerningpeace on the Korean Peninsula I thinkinterKorean dialogue is very important We have to resolve that Cooperation among our threecountries especially is needed in orderto supportthe idea thatNorthKorea will faithfully implementthe agreementthatit agreed to in Geneva GE €RB T Declassify on OADR ■OEGRI Prime Minister Murayama As you indicated earlier our three countries are meetinghere in the same place In the future closecooperation will be necessaryabout how we are going to respondand take actions on thisagreement The agreementthat was reachedin Geneva between the UnitedStatesand NorthKorea is just an entrance There may be some differences in the future In thatsense we have to make sure thatNorthKorea keeps its word and implementsthe agreement We have to watch carefully their future progress I'msure we will closely communicateand consult amongst the threeof us It shouldbe amicableand smooth In that direction we have to take further actions The NorthSouth deal is of the utmostimportance It has implications forthe entire AsiaPacific region President Kim I agree fully withthe Prime Minister of Japan The threshold is testing whetherNorthKorea in factwill carry out the agreement To ensure this we need closer cooperation among our threecountries supportedby workinglevel consultations NorthSouth dialogue is the essential key to the resolution of the Korean question I fully agree withPrime Minister Murayama about this fjg The President I agree as wellwithwhat he said But I would like to emphasizethe othersideof the coin If this agreement is carried out it will resolve the world's biggest threat of nuclearproliferation which not onlythreatens the security of Asia and particularly Northeast Asia but alsothe security of otherpartsof the world which couldbe threatened by the peopleto whom NorthKorea couldsell nuclear weapons So carrying throughthisagreementisvery important I agree withPrime Minister Murayama thatwe must do everything thatwe can to ensure thatNorthKorea keeps its sideof the bargain We must push forthe quickresumption of NorthSouth dialogue But we must alsowork in good faith to carryout the obligations of the otherparties to the agreement We don't want to giveNorth Korea an excuse not to keep its word JIT We will all be pressedfordetails I understandthat We must be firmand clearin our supportforthe agreement We must be insistent thatit be compliedwith And we must support President Kim Young Sam in our clearassertion thatit's time to resume the NorthSouth dialogue SECRgR i OECRg r Prime Minister Murayama The nuclearissueis a globalissue a big issue Therefore if possible the G7 shouldjoin the processand be partof the framework Our threenations must keep in touchvery closely We need cooperation J f The President We must work hard to ensure that as we like to say thereis no daylight between our positions We can't permit anyone to exploit any divisions among the threeof us Prime Minister Murayama Yes I understand President Kim It's a very important point We must never let NorthKorea miscalculate the situation or underestimate our resolve which couldhappen if we ever show any disagreement among the threeof us If we cooperateclosely NorthKorea is bound to resume the dialogue withus Our goal is to createsuch an atmospherefor NorthSouth dialogue Prime Minister Murayama It is important to exhaustour dialogue so thatwe can resolve thisissue We have to createa routeto exhaustour discussion on thisissue Insofar as the agreementbetween the UnitedStatesand North Korea is concerned we have to make sure it leads to a successful conclusion To thatend we would like to cooperate What kind of framework how it shouldproceed are thingsthatshouldbe talked about at the expertslevel We need an exhaustive discussion From now on this will be more important End of Conversation 3Ee«t T O This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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