r11 1' INDEX Agitator index AI is being discontinued Manual changes follow Yon must review case les pertaining to AI subjects and submit recommendations Concei ning any subject whose activities - qualify him for inclusion on Security Index 01' - - AI cards should be destroyed You most insure however any photographs and physical descriptions on A1 cards have been included - in the main file for each individual AI subject k I 1473 1111 51193 11mm 5916111113 Very truly yours John Edgar Hoover Director - - Jruw 3 7 77 3117 1E 1 1 Ilium-n lu Hvihwzinf m u I ll -f q Ia 59151nSE 15 3 9 34-3 - 3 33303 1551 1133 7 1 1gitator I ex to more aptly d scribe this IdeK My usecure a current photo braph 336- nhysical description Haich Iiled in the Iield in the $333 manner as is QIes handled on Security Ind-ax card s ur Eur i sned thra in the naar _the meastlme j DATE 1 9 21law I 3 - ff11 chbl Rouser IndaI has been reigned th v nF-mvmh I Each OI fice should immediate age steps to should be placed on tne baci of each Agitator In ex card r- changes in th anual of Instructions and 0335 1 b 3 have been approprlate chanred Vi7_ L umuww cabin-M continue to us your supply of - -For3 ED- 397 for rcpomwe c13 d -t ons tQ Quantns 1 1 3 3d deIet103 I333 tin u him mHAt r -- ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED 2' - A11 Oifi es 1- HEREIN UNCLASSI LI 3 - - arI-r-u Mad-Snuml 4' of InStructions sets forth instructions regarding the Rabble Rouser Index being maintained g 1K pat the Bureau and in the eld in view of the growing problems created by i a - local rabble rousers from the standpoint of internal security the criteria e for recommending individuals to be included in the Rabble Rouser Index is being expanded Henceforth the criteria for inclusion will be 1 agitators who have-demonstrated by their ac tions and speeches that they have a propensity for iomenting disorder of a racial and or security nature and 2 have attracted such attention nationally or locally as to he of significant interest with regard to the overall civil dishir oance picture a A rabble rouser is defined as a person who tries to arouse people to violent action by appealing to their emotions prejudices et cetera a demagngue You will note that under prior criteria the Rabble Rouser Index served as an index only for individuals of national prominence with particular consideration given to those 'Who travel extensively and was limited to those fomenting racial disorder It is the intent of this expanded criteria to have within each division as well as nationwide an index of - agitators of all types whose activities have a bearing on the national security This would include for example - black t - Jagger-S and other extremists As you were previously advised the fact that the individual is on the Security Index or the Reserve Index does not preclude his inclusion on the Rabble Rouser Index 4 tter 1 Altai Each Special Agent in Charge is instructed to submit a is under the above caption to the Bureau within 30 days from the date of letter setting forth the identities of the individuals residing Within the field divisions Who are being recommended for inclusion on the Rabble Rouser index under the expanded criteria in accordance with existing instructions an original and four copies oi a separate write up should he submitted regarding each individual recommended using the sample format previously furnished to you ALL IS UNCLASSIFIED Bras 4151 Elgar NH 51193 13013111359161833 Page 15- r 7 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE ewe w BYs e - -- 11 I ICI if 4 ROUSER INDEX conraon Effective as imniediately in view of the widespread r-ac ial unrest the Bureau will maintain a Rabble Rouser Index This consist of the names data and background information of individuals who are known Enclosure for B John Edgar Hoover individuals as rabble rousers and who have demonstrated by their actions and speeches that they have a propensity for fornenti ng racial disorder It is desired that only individuals of are of national interest be in- cluded on this Index Particulanc onsideration should be given to recom- mending those individualsin thiscategorv Such and Stokely Carmichael of the Student 5 - inawftuig Committee andFGe ge Lift 66111 Rockniewllgopf thigj anterioanuliaai 33 are typical examples of the type cf i'ndividuals to be included The fact that an individual is on the Security Index or - 7 Reserve Index does not preclude his inclusion on the Rabble Rouser Index a - - nNgi-rviol nt Coord Each Special Agent in Charge is instructed to submit a letter under the above caption to the Bureau within 15 days from the date of this letter setting forth the identity of the individuals residing within field divisions who are being recommended for inclusion on the Rabble Rouser Index An original and four copies of a separate write up should be submitted regarding each individual recommended in accord ance with the enclosed sample format Make certain that information contained in the succinct resume of activities section of the Index card clearly shows the reason the individual should be included on the Index It Bureau concurs with the recommendation one copy of the write up will be stamped approved and returned to the field office - These ape proved write-ups should be retained by the field office in alphabetical order in a loose leaf binder labeled Rabble Rouser index This Index - should be afferded the same security as the Security Index After submission of the initial letter any necessary changes deletions or - additions should be made and the original and four cepies of corrected write ups should be forwarded to the Bureau by letter under the above caption An administrative tickler should be prepared to review the Index every three months to insure that all information is current and accurate Appropriate Manual changes are being preparedsu Very truly yours - I Director 33C LETTER 67 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 WŚŽŶĞ͗ ϮϬϮͬϵϵϰͲϳϬϬϬ͕ Ădž͗ ϮϬϮͬϵϵϰͲϳϬϬϱ͕ ŶƐĂƌĐŚŝǀΛŐǁƵ͘ĞĚƵ