E8B 1 4 B 1 4 x ACTION INL-00 INFO LOG-00 DOEE-00 H-OQ NP-00 WHA-00 TEDE-00 AID-00 PERC-00 INR-00 ACQ-00 DS-00 L-OQ CPR-00 OIGO-00 VCE-00 DEAF-00 FBIE-00 AC-00 NSAE-00 NSCE-00 OES-QO OMB-00 NIMA-00 PA-00 GIWI-00 SSO-00 PRM-00 PRS-00 SS-00 DRL-00 ACE-00 P-QO FMPC-00 SP-00 TRSE-00 ASDS-00 IIP-00 PMB-00 G-QO NFAT-00 SAS-00 SWCI-00 ------------------EEB14A 1320162 j38 DODE-00 VC-00 NRC-00 PNI-QO IRM-00 DSCC-00 OOOW P 1320152 MAY 05 FM AMEMBASSY MEXICO TO SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 3377 -INFO AMCONSUL CIUDAD JUAREZ PRIORITY AMCONSUL GUADALAJARA PRIORITY AMCONSUL HERMOSILLO PRIORITY AMCONSUL MATAMOROS PRIORITY AMCONSUL MERIDA PRIORITY AMCONSUL MONTERREY PRIORITY AMCONSUL NOGALES PRIORITY AMCONSUL NUEVO LAREDO PRIORITY AMCONSUL TIJUANA PRIORITY CIA WASHDC PRIORITY DIA WASHDC PRIORITY MEXICO 003Ii9 INL PASS TO ECARROLL AND E r T-' E O 12958 DECL 05- '0s ' 1i1 TAGS PGOV PINS KCRM S14AT SUBJECT PGR UPDATE STILL i2 TIH-L P-'S S TO F L1_ 'DUN C'rN F T'T OPERATIONAL REF MEXICO Classified By in Sections 1 4 h n- R Kelly 1--2i _ -_ cons L SUMMARY 1 The late April departure of Attorney General Macedo and other senior officials f--oiri 'she PGR has left the institution in a state of uncertainty about whether and when any other shoes will fall Far from being paralyzed however business continues amidst the leadership change_ The exodus of over a dozen military secondees throughout PGR has been a reminder of the quiet influence and prevalence of UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY APPEALS REVIEW PANEL CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL REASON 1 4 13 1 4 D DECLASSIFY AFTER 6 MAY 2020 APPEAL ACTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELEASED UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY JANIES F COOPER REASON S B1 1 4 B 1 4 D DATEfCASE ID 15 DEC 2011 200$02284 DATE CASE ID 09 JUL 2009 200802284 t the military in public security affairs END SUMMARY 2 tlQL One week after the dramatic April 25 resignation of Attorney General Rafael Macedo de la Concha amidst floundering GOM efforts to indict Federal District Mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reftel the PGR is still reeling from the departures of over a dozen senior-level officials While the first tranche of departures appears to have subsided another round cannot be ruled out and many mid-level managers remain on pins and needles unsure if they have a job and therefore unsure about moving work forward Meanwhile the lower echelons are simply waiting to see which way the new winds will blow That said the institution is functioning with all programs still in place Bureaucratic paralysis has essentially amounted to hand-wringing at lower levels over who is authorized to sign what paper 3 As predicted by PGR contacts many military officers seconded to PGR with the'rank of major and above returned to the Secretariat of National Defense SEDENA May 2 The most noteworthy in this category involved Deputy Attorney General Alejandro Ramos Flores a colonel in the army and Drug Intelligence CENAPI Director Carlos Luque Luna a general Other offices affected by the return order included Strategic Planning and Innovation formerly headed by Eduardo Gomez a colonel in the military and Intellectual Property Rights Retired military such as the head of the PGR Air Wing General Victor Manuel Noble and AFI Operations Unit Director Ruben Rivas Pena who will move over to head CENAPI in place of Luque Luna 4 s SEDENA also initially recalled military secondees from the Secretariat of Public Security SSP but reportedly thought the better of it and permitted them to remain in place We note that over the past year SEDENA has stepped into a number of SSP tasks most notably guarding for a temporary period the maximum security prisons after the New Year s eve murder of cartel leader Chapo8 Guzman s brother which touched off a series of dismissals and arrests and a spasm of vicious revenge killings Cabeza de Vaca Comes on Board 5 M The Mexican Senate rapidly confirmed former presidential counselor Daniel Cabeza de Vaca in a unanimous 98 to 0 vote followed by his swearing in at the new Attorney General May 3 He plunged into the task of learning the vast operations o£ the PGR and its constituent agencies the Federal Investigation Agency AFI the Deputy Attorney General s office for Special Investigations and Organized Crime SIEDO and CENAPI_ The initial word on his performance is positiveGOM Cautious about Tinkering Too Much 6 Z 9 1 Both AFI and SIEDO remained essentially untouched in last week s shake-up_ AFI head Genaro Garcia Luna has been asked to stay on While such action is a reflection of what is widely considered to be the solid anti-crime anti-trafficking work that he has accomplished at the helm of AFI it did not hurt that Garcia Luna also enjoys a positive relationship with Los Pinos and Cabinet Secretaries independent of his strong ties to former Attorney General Macedo Likewise Jose Luis Santiago Vasconcelos has been asked to stay on for the time being -- interpreted to mean several more months He told an Embassy Officer that he would likely remain in his position until the end of December 2005 COMbENT 7 e 'R roppe ega procee ings against AMLO clearing the way for the mayor s much-anticipated May 4 parley with Fox and angering the Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI which is now threatening legal action against the PGR While Fox has failed roundly to push fiscal and energy reform through a recalcitrant Congress the gains achieved combatin -narcotraffickers have been credible and far-reaching B1 B1 8 N The quiet victor in this whole episode could well be Secretary of Defense General Clemente Vega Garcia The UhClASSI FI 10 seniority number and wide dispersion of military personnel throughout PGR operations and other federal agencies make SEDENA very much a public security player The popular head-shaking over the AMLO debacle and PGR shake-up have made Vega s rare public remarks last fall warning that ongoing political squabbles were damaging to the national welfare now seem prescient END COMMENT Visit Mexico City's Classified Web Site at http www state sgov gov p wha mexicoci ty GARZA NNNN B1
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