w» DUGSNED fy emnniemmcmer op ——— Amory yub@C@St — 3 4 _ 3M C um owrlthy © iits Tore mri artse ot d Froid SR iogres peee Pett ites Ian aff _ TOP SESAET october Bl 1957 s 18—1000 14 »monuom ror ms PH SUINOTs MeentMan Talks——1 8 —0 X Atonte Heapone Cooperation At their meoting on the norning ot ootaver 2b the President and the Prims Mintater requested Mdatral Strauss and Siz Brin Flovien In tia atonto energy Aleld ant ir Quarles and Siz Michand Pot An the minsiles ant weapons Held to snbai by the ond of the day recommendations on the basta for future 0 8 —0 ¢ cooperetion Tt was agreod by the Tour representatives that a stugle report should be evbaitted rather ‘han two seperate reports The grotp worked in Adatral Strauss office from lunch straight through until wout $130 pln The dnttial drafting was untertakon by S6 Edin Plowden Si Mchard Powell Gorend Saith ant Pailip Parley Their draft was revioved by Adstral strain and general Loper in the middle of the afternoon Adatral Strause commented Wat the deaft vas excellent he mado a few changes and then oleared 2t with the other mosbere of the Conntaston wo were in the ABC butlding« General Loper sugested only that 16 should be specified that if possible adainistrative doterninattons regarding infomation witch might be asscussed without anendannt of the Aboste Energy Act should be made before the comittes of experte from the two countries comenced Ste 22 ht Guntins aise erieved the draft and eugeonted one or two changes The draft was then typed in final form for Adatral Strauss to take to the iite House yin the report had been agreed and while final typing was undervir the two British reprosentattres Toft Adstzal Strauss then seid he wished to advise the Ansrican side at thts tine Mr Quarles general Zopor Ite Seithy and ite Farley that he had spoken to the President privately ant had ubtained the Presidents concurrence that regandloss of wiat was stated in the report there was no intention to commnicate to the British information on Anportant design principles such as Roostang wadtation inploston and as understood by l Parley fusion general Loper Smodtately ould that 4f all modern 0 9 mcloar weapos wore thus to be excluded there would be little point to the agreement Which had Just bon drain wp Adatral Strease protented that this would not bar 0 8 Aunniahing weapons to the U K for retention in U custody» tto felt that 14 would be desirable for the U K to give up mcloar weapons production Ateolf and 1t vould this not need detailed tnfort thon on design Mr Saith doubted whether the U K would want to depend on anything but the most modern weapons or on ¥ 8 wergons whose design 16 vas not entirely familiar and metttied with Adstral Stray tels that the U K willinguses to accept TBM vashouts met this objection general Loper potated out that on Adaizal Straus plan we would be giving the British leso than the Russtans already kan since thir Intest tests were gonnally agreed to indicate fexiMarity with the bno—stage thomomelear weapon and boosting Adatral Strass aatd he T0P SHE RESTESTED DATA qsouto mummor aot 2984 _ — DECLASSTIED —— 11° emseenoimmerret acsnguib@ t@nst # $1 3y¥ tc mim curltthy a 414 not understand the Russians to be familiar with radiation fnploston General Loper sald that for a two—stago themmomelear weapon they vould have to master etther radtation tnploaton or something equalty‘as good or better Mir Satth exld that 1f this was to be the U interpretation of the agrosmant 14 vould come as a great shock to the British since In effect they would have ben told NMuL partnorship® by the President An the morning hare vorked Jointly in the afternson to prepare agrosmont on the Mu partsershtp® principle and then be told in the evening that actually they would not got anything the Russians did not already hare and perhaps Jono Nevertheless ho felt that the British should bo told the basta on which the ¥ 8 would plan to carzy out the agroament Ho wondered whether the Prostdant could even describe to the British under the Monts Energy Act the 1inttations mentioned by Adatral Steane Adntral Strauss sutd that the President vas gofng to tell then in sons vay Ubon returning to the Departaent Mr Saith called the Secretary at hoe and described to hin in general terms where matters stood Hs advised the Secretary that in hia Juigient the report was excellent but that to take the reservation stated by Adtral Strauss vould be to make it meaningless and would be inconsistent with the guidance from the President and the Prine itintaton as he had understood £ fESTEETEO BATA home nssror aot 1954 west ja asome nasnor r TOP SSSAET
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