1 Immerodnewonmane 2 RJ — 2 % Ane Snesst Thi dc at vecuassined — — to __22 qf nneraitt 450232 revouoroum ror ms rites mAC gura les — Subjects Operational Status of Tes CJ Mstribstton RA trs Hagt 2 Bik — xe Dale Tuck» o bbimk I attended a briofing for Ate Vice Marshal Putin of the Royal Ar Force thia morning ot tho Pentagon Tie M Vico Marshal was accompanied by a maber of staff officers» The U S apoknonan vas Lt Gane Moore Vitted States Mr Force vio in turn had a muber of staff officers prosent« At the outset 1t vas agreed that the parpose of the briefing van for the tuo Mtr Forces to reach some agroment ultimately as to a Solnt atate nent recardizg the operational status of the IOMS in the United Kington Subsequently outh a staterent would be submitted to the appropriate political authorities n both countries The British from a strictly nilitary point of view ham a maber of problems witch call for anivers before the missiles could be ontd to be operattonat« Por exaepley there fo the problen of the vartonte The np nited Kingdon doesn‘t have any Without warheads ouch ntestten could f hardly be called operational fro British apprectate that the United — States Jaw says the custody rematne with the U 8 but there are a maber Lent dapat to work out so that the British can rehoarme nore realtatically The NIP needs to know Who 2iterally doos viet to vhat Lerh7 reearding the warhead provten There ts a reat deed of sgnorance tn thin 1 riels he fuP would atke to have dry rana vith dum vashoude but to do 4 5t so needs to knoe much nore about actual planning in this ield than fo # presently kno — There vere a mumber of other problons before the Drtttah could contder the mtasttes operations These problens Include the obtaining of nccurate and up—to—date namals outlining the technical procedures for Firtng the Mastin Ancluding 411 the Jatest developments and modifications the 0 5 side arrced 16 was destzable to opeed up the eecurlty process Involved in relcasing these nanusts nore quteidy The UAF reprosentativee potnted out t A_ hat they @t not even have the 2atest U S ourvey witch abound exactly Mere the attes are — They furthomore pointed out that they don‘t eren keow what their own people have been trained to do Thay cany of course ask each Aniividust but 1t would bo helpful to have an over—all ptcture 0 5 side apreed to corect this matter There vere a maber of other dechntcal questions the British felt called for some clarification wich an how lone can a mlastlo be natntatned in a pressurized state and ready to go» To this the U 5 replied 15 dtd not know but uas researching the mobileme Again the Dritich felt this was an 1llustzatton of the difficulty of declaring a mtesite gorct MERIRRARRERRRNN Lu c c lifeeel eres cla B o cmntrnitattes wee ‘L Aun Ail 7 rlee — % nol l a Hopsimeh Sheol a noementd$423%e — —— % Seczat yAL your a Ama — a ntzssile operatonal Thorpotnted out Lurthomore that so far they have had no expartonce on getting on the target the U S replied that At was about to dret a handbook vhich vould bo helpful on this problen Air Wee Marchal Tuthi22 stated there were three questions prescntly before the Howse of Comors regarding the MIO H eaid that it posstile Duncan Sandro wished to be in a porktion to make a statesent sone time in July resarding thir operational status Tt wer agreed that with our help L 0z4 0 5 porsoned Orttfah persona ant the contractors the ‘nftbtles could be presently Zaunchedi Tt van furthor agreed however that as of thts atagey the Bettloh could not do this alone Purther training and access to additonal date vould hopefuly correct much of this by daly There wss a lencthy description of the technical cepab2ties of the lon MASH dllosed that the accuracy on the targot vas within a rarge of ‘two miles 4 2709 Ar Yiee Marshal Tuth12 said he would no back to the Uke and recos— 20 zend to Mo superiors that the two Mtr Forces agree before Jy to a state» Sent that vould Comey an optintstic fnpreeston as to the operational e Expab2ities of the THOR in the U X e w Miter the nesting broke up 1 opoke briefty to General Bore‘ then t Red known n London shen ho vas head of Third Atr Force there e ob — » finczved that the British did not ratze viet they were really versed about What concerns then ts that they cannoty under British repidatiom ship movers warhoade over Drittsh reads Inerafore in a otrict cera the ntestloo could hardly ever bo declared operational According to General thom the N wan trying to keep this Mt of information frou the Frixe Mintaters ARe iMiaWWouthart nem 5 22 59 Secret
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