beGiiggingy _ amerornememnces wa Mie BUR wenoes Pl somethin document containe _ pages« w Copy Ho __ of 1 Seriee A statue ot t wat moe magee 2742 T1 8 Unter the 2998 agreement the V S Mr Porce undertook to furnish the RAP with 60 IOR mtesiZes to be munsed in the U % by four RAP aquadrons The mtestzes are deliverad and the British declared the THOR oqundrons opecationt3 in Decesber 1959 Defence hns been concerned for cone time hoverer over detaye which have occurred in mating varhends to mtesitos an operetton ecsentiat to the attaiment of the 15—mtnite readiness condition Initdalty there vas an apporent relustance on the past of the Cabinet to authorize nating Burly thia year 4t seemed that this cbotocte had been overcons Then a delay was cceastoned by the British request fer an addtttooa safety feature The situation has been conplicated by USA® problems in providing custody of the nated masiles vich would be compatible with ¥ 5 mucteas eecurtty requizenents Both safety and custody questions seen now to be settled and it appease that once again the operation mvaite a U K Governsent political dectoton The latest vord 40 that a fevornble dectston has been taken ¥e understand that this subject come up during the Gateo—Vaticineon talks on June 2 and that both eideo agreed that there yas no longer any problen There S still however no confirmation that mating has consenced Another aspect of the situation is the dectaton of the G10 to conduct a survey of the USKP handling of the THOR progean GO representatives visited the U thio spring In the course of their investigations they becase avare of the delayo in achioving fully operational status of the missiles Zhey have cought nformtion redatéve to the British contict of the program State and Defense agreed that U S officiate will not provide Beitish data without prior consent of the U K Governsont sooun deRegigp __ ewerornewes ages » cy stom Thie docunent contains _ pageo 2 Blue Streak — Sybolt The President informed Prime Miniater Hecaiian at Camp David on Harch 29 that the ¥ 5 40 prepared subject to Sto om priorities to provide Skybolt mtostles minus werhends to the Beitich on a reimbursable busts in 1965 or thereafter The agreezent vas made dependent on the Sigholt development progran Reference was also made to 0 5 plane to nake Polaris mtesiles available to HEO and 4° necessary to assint joint Buropean production of Polario Armed with these assurances of ¥ 5 mostetance in the deterrent ield the British proceeded with their dectaton to absndon Independent production of the Blue Streak fixed base TRAN In addition to THORS U K deterrent forces are to constat of te Y—bouber force eventually arsed with Siytolt They hope also to be able at nome time in the future to add a mobile base Polaris to their deterrent The announcenent of the cancellation of the afiStery Blue Streak progrun aroused a storm of critictom Sn PorManent Tabor Party epokeonen attacked the Goverssent for Jnunching the Blue Streak developont in the iret place ond for not abandoning 1 cartier A byproduct of the Blue Streak debate in the V X is the atrain placed upon the Tabor Party®s official nuctoar policy Galtakells Toader hip of the arty has been severely teated as oentiment portscularly in the trade unions grew for a unilateral nucleon ddearnaments Very recently however there has been an apparent Sncrease of trade unton support for Gattskell on Defense policy store avourn __ _ Tug This document containo __ pages mutosy NAD ECC Cony No _ of _ Serten A wee The 0 5 and U X concluded an agreonent February 15 1960 providing for the installation and operation of a belMotie early warning atatton on Fiyingdaten Moor in Yorkahire Eecentially the U S do to provide and fnstell the radar for the station and pay for conmuntcations to Mtzk the statfon with the resainder of the DMBS network The British provide the atte buildings and running conte The atation vill be opearted by the RIF Information obtained vill bo available eimultancously to U K and U S operation centers The station is tied into statin 4nstallations in Greenland and Alaska Advance warning can thus be given of attacks on North Azerfca and the United Kingon The BIEMS Agreement encountered considerable critictoa 4n the D X It vas argued that new developments n veapons made the syatem ussicns as fer as Britain vas concerned The Mour—minute warning which according to % Governsent epokeasen night be a11 that the U Ke would receive was deemed Anoufficient to mount a U X retaliatory attack Critics charged that the extatence of the otation vas an ueset to U S continental defense but only a danger to the U K as a target Nature lovers protested the siting of the gtont radar in the midet of a nattonel park There have been queations dn the U K with regard to the relationsldy betwsen EKEHS and NIDAS The latter 4 to be a atellite equipped with detection devices viich paosing overhend could presumably epot mtesile launching operations before the missile could be detected by BMS rader beans KIAS 46 not yet developed Prelininory discussions have been held with the Seitioh ooking tovards the possibility of establ4chrent in the future of a MIDAS receiving station 4n the U K secrer Dedlbggy _ _ nroememeswene be emre a t P wsnow THK $ Zcsnofer of Provater Horete to Boon Prevent plans are that Brovater Morris F50—1 Political Counselor at London will trazofer to Boon ao DOH thio ourmer Personnel do eostyning ZAdn O‘Shaughnensy £50—1 to replace Provater O‘Shaughneosy dn no DCH dn Betgrado« As of the menent BHIVEX done not know London‘s reaction to the ansignzent of O‘Shaughnensy» Another pending change at ondon 4s the establiahment of a now political officer position to be filled by an Rustern Buropean specialist Matcalm Tom 250—3 Tom vill proceed dizectly to London at the conclusion of hia service on the dtonrmanent delegation in Geneve