Kemady Shot of Govemment ciesaamo CoeProgam mie siomotrarmum Report he President «smott ano nassau Amerian Polig—Maing and Anglo American Reation® Novemteis 108 Deciassiea apr is 000 This eport wes projrd at Proident Jan F Rennety‘s requst by Prfever Rivard E Newtatt then of Cohembia Uninanty in hs cciy as conultent to the proilent Th report ws deisel to the proitent Novente 15 1963 Mr Kenedy rat it Novenber 17 at Pin Berth before staring stor of Teas The rpur then pet int M popes 650 No copright—Govemmentdooiment Drrr%m or rraxswrrtas me worm rows wisxmoro Novenber 25 3963 Deer Me President Jast March you asked me in ay cepeesty as a consultant on goverment operations to taxe a ctose 200k at our poldcy—making in certain erittcan fields uhtng as case matertal aspects of our work on Atlantic Miiance ant relates proviens to Apeit ve agreed that T vould focus on events surrounting S ROTR cancelation ant the essen Conference with reference both to viat occurred inside our goverment ant to relations with the British Goverment My report on these events 1s attached T have chosen to present then us a story rather then to treat them as a source of observations The atory 4s of sore‘use T beitere thin an extented commentary» In the course of this stuty T have intervieved ant read the tiles of virtwatty a12 pertictpante n these events at every level of our goverment Everyone has been cooperative beyond the onl of duty 1 acmovlede this with gratitude T have also intervieved a maber of perticipento and key obeervers fn the Reftish Governaent ant have seen selected tiles of the Prine Mintaters Private Office Beitish cooperation do a tribute to you not to me bnt 7 an no less greteR2 for that Regarding the Preach sho enter this study as notas off stage® T have not for ovrious reasons tried intervieving in the Byste Mong with‘ mettish end Aerfcen offiota sources T have had access to a mame seriye based on Parts interviews prepared by Robert Kitenan fer the Cometh on Forbign Relations Ris study ill be plished by the Council An Decesber« Tor the sake of perssective T have pursued strende of poltey back to the Spring of 1962 or even eariter ant forvard through the course of MP this year These easier and 2ater matiers are not touched in the attaonad report katess they bear directly on Stybolt and Mesonu Bat as a genernitzation T as now abe to say thet the adainteteattve behavior ant poltcy perspectives here described are not unchazactertatic Herp feal Richard ® Heustoat Connitant me rresicent me vnite Rouse somort ao meow Contents 1 mmonetior see nine nap aes 1 2 mome maume sena ear ae naaa 3 ccroam ammune peee eeeciec iene iiss s wnsrnuzor was como aie nee nl ane ne w t$ 5 suum momors peemics seme ena ee snene # 6 mowmcrort kaas qee klk eee ee 6% 3s 7 worm ware Mull as 8 semom meaume res eee cieee cie ike 9 newoums meats mormycrom l ln cnn cee 6 10 rue pr me aome senna ne na daee 6 11 woemenisme nowe s oonane nea a na oats 98 12 meaniems mogu seee na ane a naie 06 13 rroomussw reaume® npapa ob eace ata die — 309 w concuustor sprain a ad n n oie a M838 1 — prrowerior n Decesber 11 196 in Zondony Secretary of Defense Robert Milimare net Peter Mhorneyerort the Brétish Defence Minister to continue a discussion they bad started on the telephone November 9 Thetr mibject was a substitute for SOBOLR the planed Anerscan atr—to—runfuce missile on vhich Tonton bat i reed to protong tte for te memned—tonber mleer deterrent but which 1 Washington now vented to abandon In the course of thete meeting each man got a severe shock Pach discovered that the other Aid not sey and evidently had not done vhat vas expectod from lim on the baste of that shone exl1 iat vere theis expectations ant how formed y did they let a mouth go by before they checked then outt Anavers to these questions are the heart of the Siytolt story Gn Decenber 28 2962 dn Nassm ‘the Brhamas Presttent Remedy met Prize Minister Macstitan they picked up vhere theis Ministers left off hey greeted one another gust two days after MacntZian had conctuded an unpleasant interview at Resbouttct with Charice DeGitle of Prence At this juncture the President und the Prine Minteter shared bigh—prionity objectives Bettiah entry fnto RG a British sore in Barope® transatlantic pertnersitp They also shared a pressing probtens Prench hostility Bit the two men could not focus on that probten the Prine Mintater could not acquaint the President with viat they hat to face in ight of Resbouttet ustond he had to concentrate on squeeing out of Kemmaty TOLIRTS as a substitute for SKOIR And Kennedy could not persuade Macutitan to deter decieton on that evbetitute never sid ite likely look to Busope Instead he had to concentrate on Snprovising vhat he vanted from Macattian in return My did the one man feel iupelted to pit the aqueete upon the othect ity dtd the other have to Anprorise his gut pro quot Wy vere they both unable to keep thetz sinis on Dedailiet Anvers to these questions are the heart of the Hassen story 2 Hassan resctved Siybodt Prom Anertomn officiate the terms of reso— ution von a mixed reception Just before the Nassas Conference closed one senior menber of the Anericen delegation phoned a State Department colleague to inquire Bow does 15 look up there The anevers A disaster Another sentor neaber relaxing on the flight back to the States told an associate It ‘Siypott hadn‘t happened 1% should have been dovented to get us set on this ne track of viable portoy Three veeks later DeGanile s Jemary press conference stil2ed cians of viability ant sharpened allegations or atsuster Tn retrospect both these descriptions mize the mark To be sure that mew track has yet to reach a destination As this fe veitten MP to not in sight TAP has not tert the station negotiation with the Preach has #6101 to start on the other hand DeGmite s hostility toverd Bettiah mesbersitp in E20 ant hts fnststerce on a mational deterrent for bixselt were not cnused by the Haseen Conference and vould not have disappeared had there been no much conference Decenber‘s public spectacle of Anglo—Seron Attitudes helsed his choice of means Junary‘s thntertolt« T know of nothing to euagest that Hassen changed his atas« Bit many things suggest that vithout Mossau‘s terms London vould have been estranged frou Washington at least for the short run perhaps for a long time In this sense certainly the Conference vas no asaster Tn this sense also Hassen almost murely had to follow upon siprors As an sme in Anglo—merican relations Slytol has been charged to many ceusess to arbitrary buigeting to lack of connitation vith the State Departsent to Tack of verning for the British to usurpation by Derense of State‘s negotiating ole These atteibutions are all vite of the mask ‘me budget decision vas not arbitrary State vas commited the Beftish vere varmed Derease dst not usury 3 tybott as an desse betveen Washington ant Tonton vas cnused by nove of these but by mvccesstve fattures on the part of busy persons to perceive and sake attovence for the needs ant wants of others fellures mong caters to shere thet reasoning with Inttens® fattures anong Intians to sense —— or heck —— the reservations of thete Cites fatlures anong Anertcans to comprehend restraints upon contingensy—planaing in Tonton fattures anong Bugiishnen to couprehent imperatives of buigeting in Washingtons Lattuses on 21 sides to consiter hov A‘s contuct might tie B‘s tore Some of these vere sheer communication fattures By accident or by design wort att not pass But nore‘ important vere the fatlures to sesk ust ovtatn feet—bask A vord was passed but speakers Aid not peuse to check what eutitors hat on thete minds before ant after Mtstentng And mutitors heard mostly viet thetr mints vere set to hear in 2ight of thet own hopes and fears theis stakes thete risks regurtens of the spesker‘s imen Chiefs worked without Indians dettberntely they often failed to errenge feed—back for Shessetves en Chiefs relted on Indians thetr ates quite often faites to do 1t for then Beneath these proximate causes Ates a baste fatture reaching back to 2960 to the Etsesbover regimes a fatture to assure that Britein‘s defense posture ant Anglo—imerfcen cooperation rested on a rationale viich could be justofied in techntont and military terms since these vere the ortenctite germs as vel as in Suplicit terms of dtplonatic ant donentie politics Sich vere the causes of Stait as an terue during 2962 To show the causes is to tein the story 11 moceniee resume Burly tn Novenber 1962 the Secretary of Defense put to the President und to the Secretary or State the 1ikelihood that we vould terminate our SKIROUR program As an active Sasue in Washington and london the Siytort story then began Put what occurred thereatter is best unterstood by Ment of ansvers to sone prior question ihat brought the Defense Secretary to the tite Mouse thent mat vere his expectations thent ihat vere the presstentts and State‘s and London‘at With hat stakes and perspectives Ad the actors in thts story start Tor ansvers one goes back two months n time to an early quiet stage of budget season at the Pentagon he seasons for the quiet are a thotor in the story On August 2k 1962 the Controtier of the Pentagon ant the Director of Defense Research and Mugineering Charles Hitch ant Rerold Prom met secretory Nellemaze to discuss in confidence their latest studies of the SEXB0U® program ese stuttes had been made at hie request he weapon at this gunctuse was st11L under development after tvo years of effort and at 1east another two years vould be needed to reach Aull protuction the Brown and Mitch reports though seperately prepared case to the sane susie me SKIROUR force as part of a « B—52 force 1s MmreHio to he force which could be bought for a seuethat Portier aeount of mover W Sinting out the 2 5% aqiatrons ith u DG mtsaties ant paying a certain mover or winteioont RDDimIE the SNOIRS themeiyes ane to be used either for defense suppression vhich is the Picizal majose of the HONG 500 nineties or spninet Primay terpsts vien can akso be attacied ty komma A anot deal more than money wis involved in this constusion« HOMD Doo Atke SCOUT vas an ate—to—wurface weeyon although it lacked SUBOUT‘s range DWTBMAX ves a solid—fueled murface—to—murfuce weapon with M intercontinental range 5 ©00MD D0 has coupteted tts development ant mVrmuit will do so ty the end of this year unerees 0B0U® wil take another two years « the difference tn schotuze is likery to be refincted ‘as vell tn a lover rertabtlity for Scrmott the risk tnat GOBOLE with ati to vork at ain ts very dow the risk that 1t v3 not be a highty rertable «« aysten until the late 296 0 te quite targe By the 2ate 1960s defense suppression for manned boubers vould be rendered moot 4f boubers then vere phasing out of our stzateste forces Heanviile we bat BOND DOG As for primary attack viere reliability mattered 2eas MDUZROI was now at hands SKMOUE vas rot Tis Line of argument vas not new to the three men meeting in the Steretary‘s office Tn the last year of the Risentover Anintatration when SKIBOU® got ite start Broun had chatzed a PSAG panel witch reported negatively on the veapon ant on dts guidance system key to reMabi2ity Tn the first your of the Kennedy Matntstration Riteh had viewed vith syupatty efforts ty Presitentian attes —— Caz Kuysen Jeroue Miesner an the mutget Director David Bell —— to persue Molanara that the veron shoutd be dropped Mat etfort in Belts phrase hat been a near—niss during butget season 2962 How ten months ater Hitch was reviving it As for NeXamaza himsert SCBOU had been anong the problen—ttens on which he ant Bett vere betefed by Didget atdes before the Reanedy Inaugural SKBOUR then ves virtuelay staited for 2nck of development Aunts vhich Wclamara‘s predecessor Thomas Gates had chosen to witibold Gates had been both frifazed at the Afr Force and in doubt about the progrean One of Mellamara‘s easty actions vas to restore funds for full develoent He in his turn after Gates hat then been treated both to eMypeges in schetule und to increases in cost During the 2x21 of 1961 Wemaze had resteted urgings trom the Presstenttal state to drop the program Instead he hat 6 devised a sort of treaty with the Air Force setting a fixed cefhing for toten development conte By the epring of 1962 it had becove clear that the treaty wound be breached The Afr Force nov asked urgently that he rersase production funts with witch —— in effect 4f not fom —— to cany on development Mts request vas on his desk along with the reports of Broun ana ttn The Ade Force asked for funds with confidence Mollmare bat just von a year—3ong batts with the service ant its Congressional supporters on the future of the S—10 Mis victory spelled doon in tixe for the mansed bosbers But his victory atso deft sears anong other places on Capitol M2 tn Ate Poree etzctes 1t vas thbught unltkely that he vould tempt fate by striking at another cherfshed program hile the echoes of the RS—7O asspute count stil be heart Moreover the A orce knew —— as ellanere itch ant Brom did also — that the SKEROL® program had been undertaken to meet British purposes as vell us cure and that the Beittah Corerment vas totally depentent on the progren to maintain its current version of a nuclear deterrent after the mid—1960‘s Nansed atzcrntt —— the ¥—boubers —— vere the only British steike—forces at hand or in development Soviet defense—nensures progressively decreased their capebitity — SOROUR vas expected to renew it ant maintain it for at least tive years Bestish claims to status as a mucteer pover in possession of an independen muctenr deterzent vere ths mortgaged to SUROULR not as a weapon of defense suppression but as the means of mounting an attack messtes she Bettsh Goverment hat more at stake than mctons status MMdary yover uas the auzfase of the Semis benesth lay fory pover The abour opposttion had deco the vole deterrent posture abour spokemen 1 nad poured scom on SETROU® as a weapons right—ving ory beck—benchers hat eritictzet depentense on Anerfcans» Mecntltan meamhile had defented everything ant hte Defence Minteter‘s supporting case bat often been extravagant Maestitan‘s reputation front—bench oredibiltty and Rory sciitertty vere 2isked with the success of SCBOUT An Air Porce general told a idget Buroms atte in 2962 Mey can‘t cancel SQMOLE on us The Beitish are in with uss They von‘t do that to then n the event his confidence was mteplaced but the prior history of SKNROL® gave him auple grouts for 13 Indeed the tro Mr Perces ours und thetes had used ench other‘s leverage conttmousty ant effectively trom SEBOUMs first beginnings Herold Watkinson the then Defense Minister recains that 2ate tn 1959 vien the Rettish vere deciing to abandon RIDE SMB their evefece—to—surface miosile becmuse of mounting costs conbined with RIP distaste for sitting in ator there cane a hols out of the biue s reposts of Anerican enthsstasm for SKIBOUR Join mibel then a techntont assistant to the Secretary of Defense recalls thet Oates vas pressed to proceed with SCBOU purty by reports thet thts was shat the Reitish vented Consseratte testimony some of 14 frou Vetktnson mugeerte that at Comp Davia tn Merch 2960 when ve agreed to British purchases of SUBOIR Cates ant Wetksnson alike vound have been pleased bad the other shown strong preference for a meitish share dnstend tn POLARIS If so the SCOUT program started us it vas to ent with trensetiantic reticence frou Mintater to Mintster occasioned ty the fnttmacy of thet Atz Forces Tor fittch ant Brom on August 24 avaiting vord from Moonare Rettish stakes n SCROU @i not seen the barrier to cancellation viich our Ar Force may have thought then he Comp David agreement on dts face had a done so more than pleige that the Anerfcans vould make SKOUE avaitabie to Britain if mecessfilly developed with commutation specified should ve give up the erfort Coomitation there vould have to be and sone agreed artern— tive devised No doubt the Reffish vould mot find this easy and would not be pteased Bit frou the vantage point of the Defence Controller and his col 1nague the Disector of Research British displeasure vas Averted by the prospect of Congresstonat dssptensire ‘me Ats Rorce —— and the Doetas Corporation as prine contactor —— were anything but Srdendlese on the KIIL They and their Zrfents shared comon views unt arso shared the scars of Nellamaze‘s wer on RS—70 Reneved combat was sieky Congressional pressure milt suftice to force reversal of a SROLR cancertation or at least to penalize Defense in other vays How could the risk be mintadsedt itch hat a formilas SOBOUT should vantsh in the course of buiget season dtsappearing from the Jemery Datget with the current program canceltet as the bndget vent to Congress Then wroponents of the program would face a fait sccouptt mhey not Defense would have to change the status quo And they vould have to nake ther case for change agatast the backtrop of a massive buiget deficit coubined vith ealts for tax cute In August 1962 that beckrop seemed assured on this logic the time to cancel SKIROU vas not August but Decenter Hitch conveyed the point to NoFazaze on August 2h the Secretary nested no prosping Soneviit to the eur prize of his tro aides but to thet pleasure he intfcated that he say the snbstance and the tactics mich as they dt4 They left his office clear in ‘thets minds on severs scores eltamaza vas prepered to deal vith SCBOIT on the techntoat ant buigetary nerite of the case and then to cope vith c s consequences British an CongreseSonal Ne vas prepared to recoment a cancelation vien the time cane the tine vas not yet e also vould absorb the new requirement for MDUTBON vithout a net addition to the mtesiles now on order this vould magaity the savings gained trom cancelation Heamvtii2e Mefenare verd mot telegraph his punches nor should they ne vould release profuction funds he dif no in September but only mouth wyemonth he Atr Forse this sould know SKOOUE vae unter serutiiy bnt premature reactions vould be stifted by the money» witch and Brom returned to thet offices ant kept thete mouths stut Zach told hts deputy Alain Bathoven dat John Rubel that the outlook ves for canceltation tater atzence nov Apparently no more vas anid ty ary or the four to anytoty for at least a monthy and precious 2Mttle until Ante October Secrecy has rarely been as vell meintetoed as by these men —— and Metemare 10 11x coronm resume In nif—Septenber 1962 Peter Tromeyeroft paid his first viste to Washington atnce taking office as Derence Minister July 23 vien Watkinson one anong seveny left precipitously in Meentitan‘s Purge the move tovart a nev 20ok for the Sortes Zhotneycroft had been a sentor Minister before as Chanoeior of the Reshequer a port he had re« stgnnt earty in 1959 on a matter of principle Thie evoked abstract atztzation but no tangtble support from his beck—benchers and the press Tm 2960 he had dotned the Goverment again as Miniater of Aviation here ncttentaity he hat tzst encountered SKBOUR Ate new portfolio restored hin to a sentor piace tess sentor tin before but moving in the right direction Washington gave Thorneyerort a warm reception The Prestent scooped hin up ant took htm off on tour of missile test—sites ant research fecili— Hes Menara took hin out to SAC In the process there vas a good deel of conversation some of 1t on Strzotn Welmaza unteretantably 488 not purmve that subject very far Mormeyerot—to—RMF—to—USAF vas too obvious a chamel of commntcation ‘me Secretary Soid the Mintater that he vas now relsssing some production punts he atso inttcated that he vas dtsturted by rising coste ant Jngging schntutes in development The first item of information evidently meant nore to Zhornaysroft than the secont In a progren of development he thought 15 maturel that cont and tine should exceod estimates is contern vas with viet foltoved after ant the release of protuction funts had a gout sount e dd take care hovever to expount to Mellmars and briefly to the Prestdent the Beitish neat for SKIOU ent the British unterstanting that n the essence of Canp Devid vas our help for theis deterrent ts told his suittore nothing they had not heard before but perhaps conveyed a mance witch they misses Regarding Ntenaza‘s pevate plans for SCMOUT Rrorneyerort departed no wiser than he cane ts Bebassy in Veshington and Mintetry dn Zondon vere no viser than he aet on 2nks to the program vere extenstves technical statts in Vanhington ant Cattfonta kept then close to our Ar Force and to the Doughas Corporation ous attaches ant Corporation representatives in Loto retuned the couplinent Bit as information sources there het two deftcenctoss they dtd not represent the thisd ficor of the Pentagon and they had a verted Snterest in sellin the progemn onty Solty Zuckerman the Mintetry‘s chief ectentist vas close to higher sources Beom‘s office at Defense Wiesmer‘s at the lite Rouse mt Puckernany 2tke his Anerfcan friends bat never been a STIOU® partisen —— fas trom it to bat never sade a secret of his disdain for ite guidance systen In the Ministries of Ar and Atation he vas tagged as sconthing of a traitor Ets vernings roused more anger than attention Besides in September he heard nothing from Brom‘s office ant Hemner‘s office beard nothing rom Brom London dtd not know tit neither did official ¥eshington Tot until Inte Septester vas Pail Nitze‘s Office of International Security Atfaizs clued tn on nat tupented ond lfteze vas MeTemera‘s on many an Assistant secretary of Defense Not until then vas Wiesnerts office aile to extract a sotdt hints ant Wiesner had the services of Spurgeon Keeny pestape the best dnterligence—cperative in the Rercutive Office Bifiding Keeny parsed re a vord to friends in States for reasons T will mention dn due course hts Srients renatned unnutthed By then the Budget Bores statf bad Jeemed enough through Keeny among others to seek the vord—tirect They got it unter plete of secrecy from Hellemaza‘s Deputy Roevell Oilpateic Bit this dtt not ccour until Ostober 25 The Cihan ertate then took center—stage« At the height of the creds October 26 Budget Director Bell sent a nevorantm to MiGeorge Bandy at the iiitte House This had been drafted by Belts MX dtary Divieton a vek after Oiipetric‘s revelation The draft vas ftzst intended as a menorentum for the Presitent in the ctroumstances Bil had told hie stetf to change the ‘adresses Dell‘s nevorantin gve it as his understanitng that the current revieve in Defense in comection with the 1964 baiget will leat to a firm recommendation by the Secretary that development of the SKOL® mtastle be cancelled Bell intfonted that the Dadget Durem had no quarzel vith this Znteet he personally had urged t on the Secretary in July but noted that 1t rized an fame in the foreign £1e14 viich someone else should check and button ups cancellation s 2ikely to create internal political problems for the British our actions up to now while not actually comttting us have clearly tapiied an inten ton to proceed Te vould seem tnportant that suitable arrangements be made for advance notification ant conn sultation prior to the time that a decteion becoues known mblicly or through Atz Force chamers Bundy exbrofled vith Oube scarcely saw this mesorentim but his deputy Carl Kaysen vho vas serving momentarily as Danty—for—everything—cise put 1t on hts om vork 24st Taysen vas no stranger to the SOUR femme or to petense an State On October 31 he tatked by mhone with Hitze at Derense and then carted Wien Tyler the Assistant Secretary of State for Broporn 13 Aftatze Xaysen gave Myler the essence of the story contitentially and asked hin for a quick appretonl of the Beitish probles ant of Tonden‘s prob ubte reaction Myler passed the task to MIM the Reiish desk in the Depart« ment A ressonse from the desk officers reached hin two days ater On November 2 he sent thet mesorantim to the tite House ‘mits vas a mosent of glory for the men in BIM traitionatly the east commute country—dork at State since high officials from the President down use bount to be desk officers on Beitain Heving suidenty ecqiired an ustooked—for opportunity these men made «12 they could of tt canseltatton of SOMOUE vould put in deoparty not only Rober Coment but a vital element of British defense phtlosonty the intepentent motor deterrent tvo of the Conservative Partys talking points are that they have spectat ant superior quatifcations as compared with Tabour for desing with 2 defense andt 2 the Americans Canserdation coud be an unattigated poltticnt Mov to the Conservatives Whatever cur on feolings stout the efticacy of tmete deterrent the British coud hextly regard our cancelling SN2OU® as a friendly gesture « mey vourd certainly feel 2et down —« hand ««« Me stil2 rety heavily on Beitish real estate a12 over the vorld from Chefataas stand to Roly Loch Ye should carefully consider the consequences of an estrangement Asuning that a decteton has atzenty been made urgent consideration met be given to the mamer and Eiuing of informing the Beitish MecxtIan should have as mich tine as possible to prepare the groun before an announsesent 1a mate wo asmmptions ran through the entire nesorentum an Antepentent deter rent vas dnseperable from SCOUT and MacaiZian could put time to use 4 he vere given some As events vould shou these tvo assuspttons hid the heart of the Bettich probie Bit the authors of this mesorantim vere only the first of our ottietate to be led astzay by thetr assumptions Soon they vould have a Jot of copay w Mo a degree the Buropeen Burem now vorked tn the dark Witness those ussuaptions he nen in MIA had not been there when the STOUT Agreenent ves made Nor for that matter had Myler None of thes vere informed at first— hand about the origin of vhat they no described The State Departsent orticers sho seen to have known sont about event in 1960 hat been transterzed overseas a nere three months before Poy Kohler Tyler‘s predecessor ant oe of his asststante Russell Pessenten Io Novenber 1962 Mubel of Defense vse the one sentor official on the scene with roughly the same role resenting somort as in 196 Hite this sesorantum vas in preparation at our State Department mibel arsived in Lonton for technical taike on other subjects On ovenber 3 ‘morneyerofe invited hin dnto a private session ant confronted hin with rusors that SEYBOU® vas to deep trouble Bubel knew of recént press reports to that affect but Drormeyeroft‘s concern ves with more evbstantiel stutt initenal1 he said vas fui of talk So 1t wass as Trorneyerort did not tell miber peitisn atplomatie staft —— not the technicians —— at thet Bebassy had sot onto the story some days easiter through hints frou frens in elfenara‘s entourage Rubel bound ty secrecy could ary no more then that norma reviews vere sow in progress His response Aid not suffice for Thorneycroft On Movenber 5 Thormeyerott cabted Meemaze The cable conveyed a ses— sage dettcntely done he Minister began by noting that the Betttsh press report vant they describe as the first production onder for Stolt you witl not be evrprised when T say this ts velcone neve tnteed mere foltoved a fev cheery generetsttes ant then a final sentences ie look forvazt to mucesss with the Sproit programe which 1s as you kow a centeat feature both of our defense potey ant of our collaboration with you is ‘mie piece of Bngiish unterstatenent reached the Pentagon the day that Wclanare sent to the Joint Obtefs of Staff for their advice his draft 0 budget propossts on strategie retaisatory forces S©ROU vas mtesing trom the cotum for the contog yeas Mhere could be no American dectedon® until the Chers responded and the President decided Bit uith Melemaza‘s on pos— tion stated matters bat proceeded very fre The Obtefs vere to be hoard from by Novenber 20 the President‘s review vould follow prouptlys Dectston vae n eight vithtn the month morneyeroft‘s tast sentence made t plain that he vould have to be entigntened ant at once Mitze‘s office drafted a reply ty cable olamaze thought this insufficient both in tefms of Reittsh neets ant of his own tnten— tion Instent be asked to see the President and telestoned Deen musk the secretary of State On Novenber T four days after Mibel hat een Trorneycror ust five days after Xuaysen bad got Syler‘s menorantun Mollemara ant Mitee Joined by Busk ant Bunty met to Atscuas SCOT tn the presence of the Pressaent with prettntzartes over and no hers done yet the story now beains« 1s w mormorer uas tomor Hoveaber T was the eteventh day after the climatic Suny of the Cube erists The five sen meeting at the iiiife House hat that Suntay still in mind the eriis had passed or been suspended anyway but Soviet mtasties vere bezely off the fetant and T1—2818 remained to be peed off in the next weeks Moreover for those tive men ube had been an extesontinary test the provien of thet ives rendering thet other problems minor by comperi— son they had lived through the experence together had got over the hsp together Now in the aftermath they vere reideved ant confident and close ‘rey atso vere at vork together on a new concerns Chinese troope vere marching against mntin In this context they met to dexl with Morneyeroft‘s problen Meamera sketched the sttuation He aizeaty had given Risk the gist of t as Myler nad done atso and Bandy knew of it fron Kaysen The President had heard enough from his om atdes the year before ant had been thisking hard exough about his buiget defies to fint the propostbion that he cancel SOT no wirprize ant quite acceptable Mellamara‘s budgeting vould save $2 5 bi2ion over several tiscel years a fifth of it in the next yeas alone Melamaza‘s tactics should assure the sering vitle a year‘s delay could deoperdize the whales with halt a bt2kton nore dnvested Ar Porce friends in Congress wound be hard to stops witoess the RS—7O oreign poldey considerations 4d mot qustity foregoing 612 that money musk agreed me issue then vas hov do conpensate the British Mellnare and Risk toth tort the President as ench recatte that Sondon vould be left with quite a problen It say be so serious as to make the Goverment fall ilo one wanted that hey also fel ant stated that Comp David and our contuct ar since left us comitted morally to join in some replacement for the SCBOI Agreesent 4f ondon so destred as a vay to meet the peoblen There ves sone nention of POLARIS as a possibility but specifics vere not much discussed me Bettish vould need time to thizk through their desires programmatic ant poiiticnt e ought to vern then now and then conutt vith then once ve vere done with our dectsion—making three veeks hence with att or this the President agreed and turned to the mechantons how to tel the Reftish ao they coud collect their thoughts without miggesting to our Ar Force that dectaton® had preceded vord from the dotnt Chtets Tot resassabty the Pressdent‘s sctution was to cell uson his friend the British Asbassador Str David Ormsty Gore Mellanare volunteered to do that te also votunteered to talk by shone with mormeyerort T1 take care of 58 he offered The others sasd mat‘s fine me five then turned to other subjects Tese men never ddd assume vat State‘s denk officers had done that Beitain‘s status as possessor of an intepentent deterrent vae eorynous with the SCROUE Agreement On the contrary they took t for granted that t feoton chose to keep the status —— as seemed 1ikely «— conething else could substitute for the Agreement Mhat would be negotiable shen ve hat reached the stage of conmuitation In the meantime it vas up to London to decide viet tootoo ventets the problen vas theirs not ours Me Bugltsby after e13 vere crever chape with time they‘d work 5 out And time vas vat ve now proposed to give In actusttty frou where Mtcntten stood ant Mrorneyeroft if tine ves att ve offered tt vas tittle use to then But the men at the Waite House id not know that In this respect they sav no more then RA had done het 1s State had not picked up they vere in no postion to suck out of their own thumbs Macntitants problen had fts roots tn a decieion taken with Dright Esenbover a Camp Davids none of then had been there And 1 Aid not occur to Dinty or the President to use their private telephone Melimare vould take care or 1 The Secretary of Defense vas quick to cerry out his mandate The next day Moresber 8 he sav the Bettish Ambassador ant told hin all he could niccesstve increases in cost vere causing us to reconsider SCROUT‘s vorth canseitation he fuptied was now a Atkety prospects he avatted recomente— tions from the Chiefs ant no dectzton vould be made for three or four veeks wt London ought to know that we vere ‘reconsidering Gore responded strongly with an untertone of passion £f SKEROU were cancelled his Goverment faced an smmense porttteel problen a politcal disaster vhich could not be warded of by any substitute Gore returnet to Massechusetts Areme n abock ihat he had heard con firmed outras the recent rumors A conpsteiot who eww hin later tn the day recails that he vas 2tke a men vho‘d earned the Boub vas going to drop the ent of ctvilization ant he doubted he could stop 5 matever his teerings he lost no time in senting off a NL account of his exchange with Welumaze« Gore‘s dtspatch A1d not say that SUOU® necessary vas gone for good no one had told iw so ant privately he thought the Sseue st nego— fiable he exptestzed hoverer that 1 vas in serious decpendys Hts theme was perft he pursued it for two pages mis Rntasey dispatch vas passed to Trormeyerort before a shone call came from MeXlamere my preasrangesent the latter vaited a day He called 19 November 9 tte gave the Minister the avbstance of vhat he had suid to the Ambassador Then as he noted at the ine t ated thet in the event 1% appeared destrable for the U 5 to cancel the SEIROLR program 1 bettered there vould be several aiternativen thes should be conetdered by the British ull urthery I etated that peor to any U 8 decieion to cancel 7 vould be quite willing to come to Tonton to Mlecurs The matter vith Peter I estimates that the decteion vound not be made here before approximately Deceaber 10 Tonton Gonmitatione vould probanty not be adrissble before Noveaber 2x Decesber 30 vas actually not the date shen Yelfemaze foresaw an Anertcrn dectston Novenber 23 van when he hoped for tinal clearence frou the Prest— dent witch ts uiy he used 1t as he 41d in this conversation ‘Decesber 20 was ather vhat he evbsequenthy put to Hitee as the probeile 2ea—date or the dectsson a week after normal batgetary precttce vould have got the final vord to the Joint Cuierb The seventeenctiy dtfference in his dating of decieton® was not meant to confuse London but merely to give ¥ellanare ated 2eevey e dA not intend contusions in the event he caused some morneysrortis response vas briet ant to the point Pev vords vere wasted on couptetnt none on recrintnation ts beaver caught the tose ant Mater commented to Hitee He vas ess excited then Td expected dudetza from David Gore Nellemaza noted at the tixe that romeysroft suggested that before ve met tn Lenton tt would be wich for hin to have a mesorentim outlining our vievs Ristner he stated his appreciation of the advance notice ee of our reconsideration and be stated he vould fozeddately arrange for hts department to consider hov the Weoober force might be operated vittout Siytolt ant stat The 0 51 and Reitish Goversmente should state to the pubite n the cvent the program 1s cancelled rorneycrofs Suplies his Government vould vish to consider ‘a mip—leincted stasile IF 1t appeased the Y—bouter force vould be made obsolete by the loss or Strmout m Tits squares vith Tromayeroft‘s oun recsli¢ctiony seve in one particular I 41d more then Snttnate I used the vord ‘POLARIS T seid I thought ve‘d have to start from there I assuned he‘d get the message At about the time these men talked on the telephone Mickersan ves hearing on another shone of SCBOU‘s definite dentse Ris Anformant vas WILL Mavthorne Professor of Engineering in Cambridge Untversity ant a Mintstay consuitent vio currently coubtned a visting year at MIT with frequent tripe to Yeshington Revthorne Anifcated he hat 2earned enough from friends to know that Melomera‘s c vords covered a definite intentions SKMOU would be cancelled Rinty vas his source aithough he dtd not say so Bickersin felt no surprise mubel hat opened his mind to hin a week before as vell as n mouths past te had kept mibe1‘s contidence this vas another matters Revthome‘s vord vas duty passed to Mormycroft As fickersan recelle 1t seemed to make no npect Ruvthorne had attempted to do nore than sharpen Nellmera‘s varning e had sought to castion his Auerdcan frtends On Novesber T following a conrer— sation the preceding evening he say Dinty and entemvored to convey the situs— tion as he sensed 161 if ve dropped SUIBOU® the heart of thet probles becise cur evbstitute avthorne spent no tine on a defense of SCIROUR Unitke Gore he snared with iesmer Brom and Puckernan a sctenttet‘s dubtety about its gidance—systen Bit granting ve should Jusk 14 what vere we prepared to do Anstend for thent Binty grev a bit inpatient e recells asking what do you med viet do you vant The burden of his coment vas igure 1b out ant tell us If the anover vere POLARIS he svegested they could have it mit the decteton vas thetes not ours 2t vas ther peotlem Mavthome recalls doubting they wound see 16 so5 hence hie Loadon mone call two days later Iereaster he fers he coilddo no more lest he be cetetopied as enti—MF musty meamiie turned to other things The Bettih chape and ellanara nad this one in hast a me Secretary of Defense for his part say another transatlantic duty witch it seemed to hin he should performs He asked Mitee‘s office to prepare a cabe for the mericen Anbassador in London David Bruce This vent to Bruce Byes Onty® on Novenber 22 to bing you up to date Tt intfcated SCBOU‘s state ant enmertzed vint had been suid to Gore and Mhomneycroft Ancluding Metenara‘s offer to cone over after Noveaber 23 for a Atscussion or atternatives open to the Betih Bruce vas told he vould be kept advised On the Secretary‘s instruction a copy of this cable ves sent to his colicague the Secretary of State Rask 44 not share it with the State De— partment mor Atd Neltamaza the ordinal reached Bruce through aflitery chamets © Weltemaza seamile had put Hitrets stat to vork on something elses a look into alternatives witch Bettiah staffs could be expected to considers If he vere going over there he vented to be sure that vite the Reféish asd thetr homevork ve 41d ours he meant to be at least as vell—prepered as they to pass on vit vas sensible for then ant sound for us After he ha fintshed talking to their Mintater Novesber 9 he told Mitre to get stuttes aterted on alter natives ant inticated those he thought most monising first HARD D00 or a vertent to evbetstute for SGMOU 4f Bettiah boubers could adapt to carry t secont a British taxe—over of SCBOUE developent with some Ainmeial aid from us ant third a evbstifution of POLARIS Whether or not he heard that vord the thing vas in his mind as vorth exploring Mitze at once assenbied a stzad group from is office and Brom‘ They dfscussed those atternatives ant ated a fourths British participation in a nivedcnemed mnititaterat MIM force a Buithcee® force of viich more ze Moter Mitre then parceled out assignments One of his deputies Harry Roven received geverel of these with special reference to political aspects ant ended as the min vho pulled the viols together Rovents report vent to Wellemara tvo weeks later on Noventer 23 ‘me Secretary vas not at the Pentagon Movesber 23 e ves tn Myanate Port meeting with the President Betl Bundy Mieener mong others on his budget proposals for strategie retaltatory forces Kaysen inci dentally as the Yhite Howe aide vio regularly folloved defense budgeting wound ordinarity have been there but vas not On Noveaber 22 he hat exptaned for India with the Harsisan mtaston disappearing from the scene —— ant from thts story ‘ ‘me Jott Chiefs bad now been heard from Coments had arrived Hovester 20 us expected Regenting SOUR the three Service Chiefs predictably had Joined to urge contimtion of the program so they hat done each year since 1960 het Chatruan Generel Masel Miyloe had demirred The readiness of other atssties seemed to him sufficient reason not to tie up fints in this one On this tense he had Zi2ed a separate statement entorsing cancellation As he recalts mis vas a 20¢ easter for ne than for uy drwy and Nowy eoiteagues I bad only joined then in Cetabery to counttments They had backed the Ate Force Caiet before ant had aat with hin since Mherels a certain honor about these thinge T vas out of 1¢ ‘me Myamiis Port meeting did not dvell for long on SQTOU Meltenare wound have pressed his case had a11 the Chtefs opposed him with the Chatz— uan‘s aupport therewes Mdttle need for argent Stace Befttsh aspects hat been covered on Hovesber 7 he did not devote mich time to 1t nor did the zen Pressdent Bell of course had nothing to dispute Wieser vho had been alerted by hie Bgltoh friends attempted to expound the British problen Bandy senattive to moots ant minttul also of the prion meeting cut his short Presidential action on the srue vas recorded as approving canselte— tion aubject to coonittation vith the Rettish on atternatives ‘Tne Secretary of Defense bat a decision now he bad to conmitt a v stm memuors perms then Roven and his associates in 198 the Hitze office Melonara‘s quntor State Department began studying alternatives for SKBOUT on November 9 they nev that sentor State across the river had provounced uson the subject rather recently Os Septenber 8 a few days before osneysroft reached Washington Busk had sent a Dear Bob letter to his coiteagne at Derense vou witl reeat2 the April 21 2961 MS Poltey Directive viich states that ‘over the Jong min it vould be desfrabie if the British uscited to mhase out of the meloar deterrent business‘ Tt aiso states that the U9 should ot prolong the 2t7e of the Beitish deterzent except for SOMOUR f this 1s verrented tor U8 purposes alone me present situation tn Burope underscores this policy After the UCR negotfations the special UB—OK rerationshtp may have to be closely re—ezanined ¢ 1s of the uteort feportence to avoid ary actions to expand the retationahip« Buch actions court serfounty pregutice eount multilateral arrengenente me Meitish probably feel that the Y—houber force « 4s a vesting asset They have shown past dnterest tn yolarts evbuartnes Trey may be considering vhether to try to contime a UK national force nto the mtaetle ere —— provably combined vith a Prench national force unter some trpe of ‘oin arrengenent Such an arrangement vould vastly coupticate our efforts to hold pressures for a German mational program n check I hope therefore that both our statts can hold to extating poldetes in discussions vith Defense Minister Trorneyeroft ‘mais came tvo weeks after Mellmaz aet his eights on SKTROUT Misk‘s letter veiters mew nothing of that ‘rs stgnature vas Musk‘s the tone ves not Melamern had not paid the 2etter such attention Be could not see Septeber 0 sty he deserved a lecture ant anyway from private taiks he knew Risk valued the relationship a with Bettain ot lost vile nothing better ves assured ant doubted mitti— Antera arrangments So ddd he Mitze one atep dovn had been annoyed He too disliked the Zecture he vas not enamored of its peenises Nitze held a very dtfferent view of viat was good ant bad tn Beropeen prospects ie vas an advocate of updating the epectal retaticusnty to guard against a Peittsh side tovand nevtrelien Ie also advocsted upgrading retattonshtpe with others notably the Preach to pare2ieh the London connection Ris nage vas not muttGlatera arrangenenta bit bitatered arrangements radtating from our hib 2ike epohes in a sheet Rusk‘s letter retested quite another purpose viich Hite had opponed before und vould again Bit now he qubged that Musk ver not the source and let 1 go at thas Lover down the 2ntter in the Pentagon hoverer distinction betveen Busk ant State vere bturred by the man‘s atgnature Sone of itze‘s untforned inbordinates espectaity those closest to the Bettiah attuation felt inhibited thereatters SKBOLR cancertation on the one hand ant vitiholding of POLARIS on the other seemed beyond the renin of argument for then eentor Stete had spoken Roven for his part had no such fnhtbtéfons he vas a ofrflian out of RAID to boot But he knew and had cone eympetty for the strong thrust of purpose witch the tetter of September 8 reflected te knew the personalities und sev the osues ant bat read the record That letter now ves in the record signature inctuted In exanining alternatives as he vas nov to do Boven thought it vel to connitt State ‘me day Roven began to 2ook into alternatives Novenber 9 Myler at the State Department sent the Secretary of State a mesorandim covering the one that he had given Keysen a week easier he veek had been spent on as clearances Tn the clearance—process many offices discovered part of vit the Secretary treaty knev Reactions verted the Beiéish desk st01 fretted for the British Eisewbere in the Biropean Birems there ves fottguetion at the thought thet buigeteers vere dontnating poltcy again Peeling ran pertiou— Marly high anong the aides to Robert Schastsel Tyler‘s deputy for Regional Arfatzs Schactzet‘s office vas Sntent on Betish erforts to doin Rp tf SOIROUE vantshed might the Sorter fall Who then vould take Bugland into Buroget® Masity tabour But Af we helped the Tortes with a mbstitute for stomot what wound Busope think about their will to becone Buropeans size E20 negotiatione tasted so should SCOUT y other course wound rock the tost a For a time the ory became reverse the buigeteers Ryter bore vith this but gave 4t no support A brief talk with the Secretary had Informed his sensitive car that Rusk vas not Adsposed to quervel with ellamaza‘s bntgeting» tyzer recalls asking Ie there anything T should dot me Secretary responted os Tim in touch with Mellmare ant the President Scanetzet ant his aides vere left to contenptate the stiver lining duntnent dentse of Britatn‘s independent deterrent me etter of September 8 first drafted as an action program had orfginated in thet shop Tt hnd fovobed stat they assumed to be Maintetratton poltoy that a United Birope Ainked in transatlantic pertmershipy should rise on the foutatson of an extarged EBC Bettain‘s mcteer deterrent vas Aivistre It atzeaty hat fueted Prench ambitions for a national capebiltty there vas hope of a Gent2tst defeat in Assembly elections but even so thei mational deterzent might be hand to stop As Prance proceeded conpareble ambitions 26 soneday vound become the cotn of politics in Boon At vorst this might spark German adventurten Soviet preventive ection perhaps both At east 1 wound dupat the grovth of Biropean sentiment and institutions on viich we ned counted since the 1910t# to bind resurgent Germany Anto the West No one had conceived September 8 that SCOUT as an terue vould arise so fust Bit stace 4 had perhape 1% could be turned to good accounts re affirmation that beyont the V—bombere the Retfish vould have no more intepentence than the Germans mite losis vas eppeating outaide Schaetzed‘s office as vell as tn 1t appended perttcutarty to Reasy Oven Welt Ronto‘s deputy tn the Folicy Pian« nizg Counet2 vione 2ife vas now Aevoted to a mdtilaterel solution for the meleer problen n Burope During 2960 Oven had joined In a rumer study with hie former boss Revert Borte of Rervert vho had headed PoMdey Flanang unter Poster Diites mets study fathered HP a sesborne MBM force Ade tinguished by stxod—menning ant by miltiGaters omership viich German could gst dnto bit not out of Oven helped by oute had purmued this Men from the ord Aatnistzation to the nev refining ant adapting it and meemile clearing ground for 1t vnerever he could the sentences on Britain in the 19612 Green Rook —— the SG directive State had cited on Septenber 8 —— vere one anong hits grount—cleartng endesvores o vas the letter viich Ancauded the citation Senactsel‘s staff had drafted this but Oven had revived 1t after tong deny occasioned by foot—iragsing in other quarters ‘me principal opponent of that letter vere tn Jeffrey Kitchen‘s Orfice of Polttrco—@ittery Attaize a general—pzzose staff ink to Defense vatch had a tte to Rusk through Alexis Johneon the Deputy Under Secret» Kitchen and his depity Seymour wesss dtd not oppose the poltey espoused by Schaetsel‘s er people —— the President inset had fevored 15 in speeches —— ant vere not opposed on principle to Oven‘s mclean sotutton mat they Aisiiked the prce unt vere mtstrusttil of the tting Being farther from the Prittah— S negotiations they vere tess dnclined than Schactzen to beltere there must cone off Being neezer to Defense Department peobiens—of—the—ponent they were nore tnctinad than Oven to respect a bird—in—hand the Anglo—merfcan relattonshty With Johnson‘s aid —— and a vek atty An the Britsh desk —— they bad held up the Schnetsel draft until 1t uas reduced from ection progren® to nere lecture Bren so they s 111 had been reluctant on Septesber 8 Now as they fount that SKTIOU® was in gecpentyy the sesbies weiss ant Kitchen eay vas how to aquaze the Afglo—Amerfcen retattonship with Birogern poltey snoriticing neither to the others me problen seemed to then nsotubte coupeasstton for the Rettish vas essential but Tory politics vould put the price too high for Burope‘s confort Regending SCOUT Kttchen‘s ortice yearned tor the stam guo Tor 423 these State Department aides mid—Toveaber vas a time of high frustration hey had no 2everage on the tnpenting budget dectaton« More« over as they sow learned one by one through Roven they vould have no place at the negotiating table Meanaray not Rusk was to conmits the Rettish Roven thus vas very velsone vhen he raised with thes his stuy of alternatives Meltaneza‘s interest in alternatives gve then a role to play» On Novenber 23 the day of Molanara‘a meeting at Myanaia Port Roven net with Oven Schastsel Vets ant Bowie anong others at the State Department Bort qust back from a Buropeen trip was there in his cepeotty as a part time conntitent Roven told the vile group what he previously had told somes the mature of his assiguzent and the outcome up to nov Re revieved 2 as nis findings on the four alternatives discussed in Nitze‘s meeting of Noventer 9 vhen he reached POLARIS now moved to fourth place the group exptated Weiss ventured that ths probably vas viere ve vould cone out Hie colleagues to a man denounced hin for the notton Tou‘d have thought Wetss reealte that T‘d cited Coret an atheist in a roon ull of btakope to Oven ant to Scnetsel both with thetr converging interests POLIS risked the viote of Biropean poldcy for nothing but fidelity to a declining ally whose detense posture vas silly on tts ace Schaetzcl more than Oven nad sone interest in the Morten we neaded then to put HBC menberstip through Pastsenent mit not at this expense this risked their chance to get the nesbership Pros Oven‘astentpoint dt riaked more then thats melears for Germans Bovie the consuttant —— with the fresdn of his statue argied Tout and clear that nothing need be risked except the nerve of the tvo Secretertes and the Pressdent the meftfsh should be told that they could lump ft ty offer anything that vent a stngte step beyont stat they already badt Tf they wanted the expense of making SCROUR tet them do t If they vanted RotD 1G 26t then have 6 Nothing mores 2° the goverment should red iet it full Labouz once dn office might turn kinder to the E20 ant senate about defense shtch vound be an tuprovenent Bi the fortes in all 2ikelthood wound not fell ‘hey vould put on a great drema for cur benefit threatening and pleading playing aiternately on our frdentshtp ant our fears Then Af ve stayed irs they wound accommodate sonstow without Josing their grip on aftice A32 it took vas nerves 2 Heastng «1 thts Roven said that 18 these vere State‘s views they should be put before Defense offictatty« fe then vent hone and mit his om views to Mis Secretary By mesorentun Noventer 23 he gave his findings on the four atternattves Re then drev sone constustons o If the Reitish choose to contime the SCROU® progren they would be charged the appropriate fncresentel costs Mitzets state with help from ttch‘s office had been cool to Mellmara‘s fisst—thougats of finnote aid Purther a ¥e shoud orfer then the alternative of ustng OMD Dog T tt 1s tecunteaity reasibte 1t vould be a goot den cheaper e He should Snttcate that they have the alternative of the mutttiateral force » to go beyont this to ««« nattona see—bome mtasile force veild signal to RIO that ve hat abandoned our position of aiding only a mittiGaterally omed ant mewed force L B¢ ve are prepared to change our poltcy against bflatern dliotie arrangement then SUMOUE might be an cecaston But the cructa dectston concerns the baste MAD poldey Same —— not scrout ‘me baste RICO yordsy he cited had been reaffirmed by Meshington in May ant June after two bouts of argument on mclear assistance to the Prench combined with a Jong vengle over RKO needs for lent—based melear sdssties ‘me process of reaftiuation had produced 1BC‘s MSAEIHT in April Mellemara‘s x29 speech at Athens in May hts mbide speech at Ann Artor dn Aine topped aft by Thomas Pistetter‘s statement of Jine 15 to MC Eesentiatty the chotees bad been negatives not to veaken in pursutt of Antegretion for the West‘s stzateste forces and not to comprontse a buildup for the ¥est‘s so conventional forces Merefore by action or fnaction three dectstons fol loved — not to base MUM‘s in central Barope not to aid the Prench ant not to bek Bowie‘s ten of MP in any form viich might confer substance on Burepean mcloer status —— or divert funds from conventional gots If systontsn vould surtice then MLP might do the trick An Anerfcmn technton mtaston the Satth—Les temmy hat gooe to Burope in October offer Ing a mixot—mamed force of surface shipe to cary NAD mtaefles Biropemns mnd been told that 4° they vanted this ye vould pestfcipate but ft ves up to then Privately the President and Metlmaza asorg others —— not Oven ant perhaps not Bunty —— had conceived that 4f the Biropeant pondered M they might decide the trick ves not vorth doing ey then might drop the aystols an leave everything to usy viiich vould be better st112 the simplet ant cheapest fom of integration possible ansuring also nos—mroidferation to the Germans The British bonter force meamviile already had been ntegrated not in theory but in practice The two strateste ate forces vere thorougily co— onitrated Yo one thought that Britain vould assert her indepentesce me Anglo—Aerfcan relaticositp zen deep Mctcar integration ant cooventiontl build—up vere trin themes of beste 1600 poiscy® ant hat been so stnce the Acheson Report the Oreen Rook of 1961 In 396 both thees vere valued equally by Nellmare vho sev then as two facets of a esngle purpose controlted ressonse with a vartety of opttons® conventional defense anong then Roven‘s thinking cofneided vith ie Secretary‘s though dn Reven‘s mind conventiondl options probebty case dirss a Baste 1480 poldey® put Roven on the site of State but not for State‘s reasons To Bovie and to Oven the great stake in these ailitery® matters was poriticats binding Germany ant building Birope Beitain‘s®intepentence was a major obetacie o Roven on the other hand the great stake vas con— trotted use of appropriate force in threats of ver or ver tteeit Britain‘s ®intepentence vas a minor conpttcation a probles not of substance but or satesmanship Mhets agreesent was in thie sease accidental oven an hts coltsegues lort no time in formulating States official vievs me next day November 2b they pressed another Daar Bob letter on the Secretary of State Ayter vent along with this initfaled vist the othere wrote but stayed stove the strusste musk read Adstonnd questfoned then returned the lstter for technical reviston of one point Sone hours 3ater he received a revised version Its cover note informed hin that DoD staff have exptastzed the fuportance of State making ctear directly to Secretary Motenare ite views regenting US ait to a UK nationally named Potarts « Perbape the point was not mut quite in Roven‘s tems Aso Mes Bunty has eteaty conveyed to 20D his on oppo— sition to including such atd anong SCOUT aiternatives Dinty‘s asstotent Gotonet Zaufence Legere ha infeed told Roven thet 16 vould be out of the question from the imite House vievpotnt ‘me letter then vas atgned by Busk and sent to Nellamares Io any dfscussion vith the % 16 began ve should mention these possibilities 1 British contimsation of a SKROU progres » through a cutcbask production program in the Us Nothing was sas of financial adj it seems to have received no thought trom state Department aides intent on Burope scorntit of the Tortes and antici— pating the reactions of Defense Department buigeteers ® Also se o Use of RID DQG on at least cone British atrereft T gather there are veetous Sechntcal problens and uncertainties 3 Pertictpation dn a sencbased MUM force unter multi Interel manning and omershtp much as XAP 4s nov discussing » ts seems essential that we make quite clear to the British thes there Ss no possibility of our helping then set up a nationally manned and owned MRB force the asfticutttes of bringing HBC negotiations to a wiccessmut conctusion might be nigntficantly entanced me political conte of our contiming to deny Muli asa to Prance vould be stgntficantly fncreased me German peobten vould be even more serious « Let Meitemaze conniit Zondon 0 his heast‘s content He vae now under Anstruction s ve mommyoror rams arie London hat been on notice since Movesber 9 then ve were ready to con— sult they wound be ready to respond so ren the reasoning in Washington mit this vas just shat they could pot do without something more from us to ren the reasoning in Tenten me Betish Defence Mintster had kept his counsel no tupact vien Packernan told hin of Hevthome‘s vord that SKIBOL® cencertation vas assured mut by his ow account this vas no neve to Trorneysroft t bad set Bob Mollmara tn Septenbers He cbytousty was not the sort vhofd take the trouble to talk with Gore and then call me untess he protty definitely meant to do scuething T sev that as once orneycrott had aso seen that he himself uas cought in a cleft stick On the one aide f Weskington junked SKOLR so should he the sooner the better e vented no part of that brief llis predecessor Watkinson and the Prize Mintater bad taken the poston that SGOUZ certified Anclo— Anerfcan interdepentence They bat endorsed the verson very publicly as sonething on wich Bustant coutd rely because Anerfca hat chosen 1t vould make 18 and would use dt In private they had reasoned as Watkinson recall z€ 810 go for 16 ve mist have it to maintain the integration of our forces and our gotnt ptanatng with you In 1960 this hat «iso been the cheapest course ant had posed fevest problems buremicretic or political The Covern— ment had bet on t without reserve ant had dose nothing since to heige the bet mut this as much as anything had been a bet on SHC How SAC Zocked Mike a loser o vould be the frst to pay The current Defence Minteter Morneyerott recalts ther vas no point in flogging a deed horse Ose should go on to the next thing Bit hout Tits vas the other site of the sticks s I neeged something to step out on ness mat ts sty 4 mitioned POLES to Mellemare mt i could ret step out until I vas mire I could get it T bad to have thet assurance irst from the Anericans He needed our assurance first He needed t because he could not let his Ate Pore —— or his Hivy or the eviation industry or Sreamizy or the Prize Minister —— tag hin as fevoring POLARIS on prinetste This vas tante— I wount to treason setting SQBOU® down the rivers It vould make hin seen another Zuckerman te coutd not advocate a change to everybody else‘s treanazed status quo until he could show cause and chart another course te was not now an position to do either He could not say aloud vhat he might privatedy Snfer that SKIROUR was a dead horse mo Amertcan bad said so not to hin or Gore Nor coud he aay that tf his colleages vould accept Pout us a evbetitute he count get 1t for then Meltezare had 2dstened not responded muere ves sothing for 1t but to avait the responses Heamviile the tess sata the better within his Ministry momneysroft kept his mouth shut e stared his problem vith his Private Secretary Artinir Mockaday betveen then they made certain discreet Angutetes very coupartzentaltzed mt not even St Rovert Scott the Permanent Unter Secretary was token tnto confitence rest it enberzass him to knov Teast of e22 apparently vee Mickersan to knov he might appleat So Mhommeycrors resets Reakaday backs hin up Superficially thet oe e Watkinson and the Prine Mintater had avept unter the rug two years before unt kept theres that Sory defense postuze vobbied on a verson which uss I aA 35 marginal for those vho had to make 1t and of dubtous utility to then f ever made e now vere draving a consluston vhich had been exbedded like a tine« lob under Beitish potey since 1960 Seetng this the Tory Defence Minister senator decided to atep out so far no gots Bit vig then wait for us to volunteer the steppingestonet iy not make mure of our fntent by epeaiing to us plataiyt ‘mae ansver evidently des in Trorneysroft‘s apprateal of his persoual yostttony his oun stakes iscnorte his Mintstry ant Vittebal2 as a whore In terms of personal ant Nuremeratic politics e€lence with hie colleagues vas the safest course for hin and lack of talk to us assured security at howe Meanara—IIAT—RAP or any vakant was a potential channel of communtcation Suates of Melenara tn Septester wenkess in the Tory poy postion as Trorneyeroft remeabers he per— ceived 1 should heve comseted every effort to make sure of us Or so lost susseots Bit veakmens in his personal portion as he evidently felt 1t counselted attence everywhere not least with us e broke his sitence once in a terse comersation on the shone vith one many Milenare e then sate as exception of some sort —— not vholly clear —« for another his Prine Minister of wich sore later By 411 accounts he vent no further nor Aid he go back a secout time MchaeX Cary the then Acting Cabinet Secretary consents xt he reatty vas avare or thought he knew in Movenber that you neant to cancel SCROIR and that it ves politically imperative for us to have you offer POLALTS then 1% becaas Ancusbent on hin as the responetore Minister to find out wi you hain‘t offered and to make eure you vould do 2 ven Wellizaze cane over s te should have gone to Aatralty House and said ‘Prine Minister ve haven‘t heexd anything we can‘t afford to have Wollsmiza come here without offering us vhat we nee T can‘t be mre he understoot se on the phone vill you comtcnte the mecesstty to the Presitent or have DeBuelete comuntonte # to Bunty xe what he told you da correct he fatted to do hits duty by the mM ant the Capinet ‘Maus speaks the civil servant gianding mettain‘s Cabinet eysten mut before one takes his Juignent as constustve 18 1s vell to consider vhat the Minister a politician fuced in personal terms And 1t to well to rear that Momneycroft‘s sitence tn Moveaber rather resenbles Mollmara‘s stzences before Noveaber 9 to sey nothing of afters Within their Afferent contexts each man faced nternal problens pnresscrette ant poltteat Bich chote to nect his problems in a fashton wich precluded franimess with the other Bich took his oun conventent hopeful view about the other as sufficient substitute tor Azect contect It mist be said for our Secretary that his poldoy poottton —— ant vith it his regine‘s political posttion —— ves ter stronger then their Mintater‘s e vas fer less dependent on the other man‘s perfor— mance ant had tess meet to know viiat that vould be But one may eny for ‘morneycrors that his personal position vas tar veaker then Meenara‘s e vas such sore depentent on good will from his oun side and ren a greater risk in chancing contact oversens which might reverberate at hose e even ran some risk as vi3l be seen in seeking contect through his oun Prine Minister morneycroft‘s proviens started with his services The RAP vas utterly devoted to SKIROUE that and the Y—bombers vere fte mdeston ant tte Mire ‘me Arsy with its atasion on the Riine was not conpetitéve ant service honor assured that 4s vould not hit the other cellov‘s vitis The Nn a had its bouts of honor too one 41d not take the other‘s ataston —— and the money —— untess 1t had been enatched vay ty Mintaters or by Anericans» messes POLARIS as a evbstitute comreyed more threat than proaise With a strategie mtesion unter water coupetitive for men end funds who vaild be tert to shou the ing in the Meatterrancent What might happen to the soney for new carziers in the Tnitan Ocean Shaies of our oun Matrals tn the nter 2910s Also very posstbtyy to quote another Mintstery e liny doesnt vant to shoot at ctttes 1t vents to shoot at shtps or apay at nititary targets Add the Chief of Staff Tord Touts Mountbatten an mastza and royst bestdes which posed a speofal probles in a goverment of Sorter — Another probles speotally etgnificant for Tortes folloved from the RAP‘s close 2inks with intustiy The ailitary—industriat couple in aviation Egutsh—styze is Jess exposed than ours 2eso organtzed more intimate ms it exists ant 1t extents reportedly deep into Hestuinstery to say nothing or snttepai1 To the HAP and frtents it vas no seeret in Novenber that SUOUT vas again on the defensive at the Pentagon« Bit this had cocurred before specifically the year before and the year before that The details of those eptsotes vere somesint clouty but results vere platos all had cone right shy should 296 be different Mellamera after a11 vas acting efreamspectlys he had put the matter to his Service Chiefs No one doubted how they would savise Everybaty nev of course that the Americans had left thenselves an out ‘me Bestish hat accepted 4t —— indeed they bad muggested it —— when terms were aet in 2960 he SQMOLE Agreement called for an American development s f technically feasible with a Beitish share to follow assuming ve vent on duto protustton If tecintoally infeasible there vould be mo couptatat from British services or Rory beck—benches nor erfictem of the goverment for frying mut nothing heard in London had convinced the RAP or mess or politicians or technicians that SOMOTR‘® current plight ves tecmntont far rou it Tn 1962 eost—eftectivenses® vas not a term of art known to the Bettis ‘me Ministry of Defense had no Hitch counterpart as yet Mlesara‘s reason ing was scercely understood his words of vaing about cont ant cine nad faiien on dent ears So snatt He had used these words dn his Jast Snter view vith Watkinson but he had ated asked to know Betttsh profuction needs Watkinson then on the 2ockout for assurencesy took this for a prontse In Septeber Motemare had enployed those vords agein vith Thomeyerofty bnt ha proceeded to rerease production funds If his object was to quiet Atr ¥orce fears he aiso Iutted the messiah Buckerman to be sure anong other scientific advisers hat been scathing n his coments about SONROLE for years past ant verned repeatedly of con peraite sentiments across the water — But hie very tone ant tes —— ant repetition —— mtated hts nonesctentitic colleagues its bete notr vss the weapon‘s guidance system accordingly his vernings seemed more techntort than ftsctt Ant tectnicatly he sounded bypereriticats for British purposes SIXROUI‘s etrectivenens requtzed only that the Soviets should fear it mtgat nit scuemere tn a city Yo sore vas vented rom the weapon than a threat of primary attest witch vourd sustain the British ctatm to have a mlesr deterrent That much the RAP ant Douglas Corporation ant tecintetane on the scene kept routeing count be achieved inteot vas now in stght so T this difference betveen British purposes ant ours lay a great source of deverage which they could use —— and later 414 —— to make goot their inafetence on a eubetttute from us For the dffferense vas reflected in the fuct that ve vere nov about to cancel our development on other grounts than what they saw as techntosl infenstbfldty If eost effectivences vas not a term explayed in iiittebai1 during 1962 1% also had not been used at Comp David two years eariters Nothing on the face of the SOROUR Agreenent gave a prestse forecast of the action ve were taking Our more obligation vas bount up with that ontsston and the Vite Huse session of Novesber 7 shove we knew it So Thommeycroft inferred from ellanara‘s shone call e also Anferved thet stace ve know tt we vob be forthconing vithout Zeverage Pit many of the Mintster‘s associates suspected ve knov nothing of the sort How vas he to argue otherviset By offing our man‘s vordet They could point to astrerent verts from the same source Mommeyerort‘s frtent Bob had opened up a bad Mak five soothe esstter Weitanaze then had spoken at Ann Arbor end had talked with George Brovn In the course of his commencement speech our Secretary of Defense had ctarectertzed other people‘s national detervente as stratestcally frrelsvent unstabiiteing wastenit ant more Afkely to tnvite atteck then to deter it Wary Bngttsh dournaltets and Tortes took thia personallys the upshot had been a disctataer by the Secretary vith respect to Britain Bit in his petvate taik to Broun then Zabour defense spokesman Mellamare had entarged upon the theme altuitng quite specifically to British plane for SKMOLE Brom lost no time in using viat he knav to taint the Tories He had attacked them rountty in the Rouse e Aid not give his source but 16 vas witely known at ko westminster Watkinson replying for the Goverment had stood on the supert— ority of Tory judgrent ant of Mhitehal1‘s information It ves a vainly ptatform but the best he could produce Mow despite Vatitneon‘s departure an after—taste frou that debate resaized So 41d menories of Mellmara‘s eaxiter speech—making Trorneyerort might thick that Bob meant to do right but vould aryone betdeve hin vithout some evbetantiattont On Noveaber 9 and after he had none to offer morneyerort had ptenty of dncentives to be quiets all these and two wore the Rremsiry ant the Prine Minsters POLARIS vould cont Reftain more then SQBOUR the Chencelton‘s reaction vae prodtetable« And SKIOU had been chosen ty Mremitan If the chose vias feitty then the fiilt vas hte He hat done the deal with Rtsenbover at Camp David he had put it through the Cabinet und backed Wetkinson in Comons the verpon had his nave on 48 Vetineon‘s successor vas veil mare of that B22 thomneysroft by his account vas quite prepared to step out on j POLARIS vien the time cane ty POMRIOT Pro his perspective nothing else nade sense To carry on with SKIBOU would be costly moreover he ant Hockaday soon fount that it vould be probfbitive to transfer the deveropment to Bettain Por thes to contract dntepentently of Verhington with Douglas Corporation some 6000 mites avay vas to fun risks of strikes or Jov priority production shoily beyond reach of IMD No Ministry official —— to aay nothing of the RAP —— would have much use for that As for RIVID DG it coubined the disadvantages of shorter range with a poor SH for V—boubers« 2 the tine atepting had been done duproved defenses might preclude ite use messes there vas another disadvantage oversieiatng X muspect s how coud a Tory Mintater defent the proposition that the mational securtty depended on a hount dogt ia For Thorneycrott POLARIS ths becane the only seans to meet the purpose for which SCMOLE hat been chosen by Miont1tan a viable poldtfcally deres sible ant entistying syabol of Great Reftasn‘a stanting fn the Miclear Club rouins had besites distinct advantages Tor Mhomneysroft dt vas more than a aunstitute ft vas decidedly a better proposition he POUANIS aye— tes eutmacines ant al assured that syubolisn for at 2east a decade longer than the SCMOUE and Y—boubers could have done Also 45 gave the British a fur greater gift to bring across the Channel Anto Rirope Moeneysroft beieved then sf1l does —— in Anglo—Prench melee coltatboretion as the key to settlement of many things of Birope‘s claims on mtear status of Prench estrangemedt from XMM0 ant of Britein‘s bid for nesbershtp in EBC tad 1t been up to hin that bid vould have been buttressed by an offer in the mtear sphere Mrcrflan had decided othervise The Tord Privy Seat Rivest Heath recalls our frtents in Prence had told us that it wuldn‘t help our case vith Deoulle to try to bwy our vay in They my have been veong but tmat‘s the aseurption on witch ve proceeded ete frienis in America had told the something elses that micloar secrets vere sot theis to seit ‘momejerore dtssented but cound not insist hat he could doy hovevery vas visuatize an interesting prospect once they Aid get n POLARIS vould make t nove interesting POLARIS in these terms bore no relation to the ott Anerfcen Adee then being offered by the Suith—Ioe tems a nfzmdcmansed muit laterel force Reitish evbmarines with British misstles speited an intepentent deterrent fit reptacenent for Y—boubers MLP vas something else an estee Pints for such a force on top of money for POLARIS might be the straw that broke ie the Maxy‘s back Morneysroft and hts collenges took at face value Weshtngton‘s ussertion that the Satth—Tee force vas something others should consider ir wanted Mhey Add not vant 4 ant say nothing to considers Oven‘s German problem dst not exist for then they Aid not share his presises POLARIS was the horse to ride in due course but not novi tine enough vien Hellamaze turned up with an offer Meamhile Mhomneyeroft kept quiet ant 41A nothing As a Minteter who had his vey to make on tricky ground he count mot ace that there vas anything to do Contrary to Hashington‘s assumptions and intent tte verning had femobi2ized the man to vion addressed Bit Morneyerost vee not atone in this That verning also had tenobilized Macsttien « is viz moran wre I¢ the Minister of Defence was privately prepared to step out vien the tize cane the Prize Mintater vas not At Meostitan‘s ent or ititenat2 the varning of Novenber 9 brought rather dtfferent motives ant perspectives nto play Bit on a cendinal point these cane to the same thing for the tixe being there was nothing to be done On Novenber 12 rormeycroft sent AMnivalty House a summary of Mellanara‘s telephonic messages intetintte varning of a 1tkely possfbility vith cont tation probable before Deceaber 20 This vas done by formal Mite viich the Private Ortice net atongette Gore‘s dtspatch of November 8 n keeping with his stance of ettence Mhorneyeroft vsote no more to his chief how mich more he seid to hin 4s not entirely stea As he resells in private comver« sution with the BX he told everything‘ his view of Veshington‘s intention «iso Zickermen‘s his thoughts about POLARIS his hint to Millmaze his essunp— tion thet the 2ntter got the point ant vould produce he Mifs Principal Private Secretary Stuothy Bligh recalls Meentian‘s understanding of the matter dn about these ters and thinks there vas a lX exchange between then Another Private Secretary Philp Defuucta 4s dnclined to doubt 1t ont Macatttan count settre the points T 1d not see hin But vhether the Minister said e23 this or not makes 2itthe difference Por according to Wacsii2an‘s aides the FX had sufficient reasons of his own to hold off talk or action on the basts of that phone call ‘Te Prine Minister hat taken office in the aftermath of Dues iitehatt speits it Ditten® with Anerdcan relations at thet vorst British prestige at its lovest Tory prospects din Meontian personally had vorked hard on repairing the American retationsitp ant also on obtaining frou Anerfce the w wnerevithal to help him buttress Britata‘a vorld posttton as a mlear pover Since 2957 these two had been the carttnal points of reference in hie foreign poltcys the epectal relationship‘ and the Antependent deterrent For hin these vere at once essential to Great Britain good for Sorfes ent atcrmente of his place in history poverfil conjunction of dene ‘me 1960 meeting at Comp David crounet ant myubeltzed toth pointe me Gasp David communique had also mentioned Holy Tock a Scotish base for the Anesicens to service thet POLARIS evbmartnes he formal documents had not ussoctated Rot Loch with SETROU® mor had the Anerfcmns in public state mente mit in MientZen‘e mind there vas no doubt that he had made a dents the porttfcat price he paid at hoae‘for Holy loch matched Btsenbover‘s butget cont for SOUR — Bach alone and both together spelled interdepentence How ant for tro years past Macntilen bad been fcking his vey toverd a third point of reference for his country ant his party and his reconts British entry duto Barope wie BBG Miis no vas at the onus eHH22 not assured UntiZ it vas assured he vented to hold tight to viet he had then 1t vas assured he hoped to it the three together yielding none Meamviile there shourd be f he could help t no agonizing chotces posed or taken Usiized Americans insite our State Department he did not view his retationship with us ant his deterrent as syromymous he knew then to be separable But the 2nst thing he vented was a seperation that might force a choice betveen the tvo It might even force a choice between Anerica ant rope WeBamara‘s warning ratsed a horrid prospects andore‘s tox might opens those chotces might exerge The ferve for Macsfien in Novenber vas how to sit on the asa is ‘me Ssoue vore two feces trensatiantie and donestic« In foreign tems the probtem turned on compensation vhat s to be the future of inter depentencet® Washington vas varning of a change on tte Anttiative Bit the inttiator had not offered ansvers to the question Mellamara had not even said to Gore and horneysrort that they could be assured of mua sutstaction He had but said he vound coment on vist they might devise Mis vas courteous but not forthcoming t vas tantemount to no oter at ain wnat then might the Anerfcans have dn thetr mtndat Am Artort Aventoning the sptett of Camp Davidt y and Bisemover‘s evecersor entd nothing to hint ‘The varning vas a pussie hosheycrott bat taken 1t for granted that ¥ellezaza‘s definite intent cound not be stated for some reasons of his oun ‘me Mintster assomed these were Defense Depertasnt reasons Mtr Force rela— tions probably conpountad by thi 08d phenomenon Congresstonal relations Morneysroft hat atso heand the other‘s tone—of—rotce to meen that eommutation® stoot for compensation ant that Wlmare knew froa hin what tt vound have to be Bit Matralty House vas not the Defence Ministry no tons—of—vaice fram Weshington had been heaxd there Beside Macnt2en‘s stakes vere 2arger than his Mintter‘s ant different he Prine Minister in caution coutd take none of this for granted Wacuiizan‘s attes reead that he hoped for the best ant mate allovences tor Washington Kennedy of course had been preoceupied by Cube But in Wacufizan‘s eyes the status quo uas best therefore he had to think about the worst — If Kemmety vere set to cancel SQBOLE vould a threatened breach between then be enough to make hin keep it mis I gather ves the most conpelting feature of the trensettantio problen as cbeerved y the 3 never mint how 16 tecked to his Mintater us ‘n domestic tems the desue at his evel had tvo aspectes Cobnct atii— tutes ant beck—bench reactions The first of these vas much the more aigniticant tor the Bi Bligh recalls for several months T think there had been roving an unerystalitzed uncemvusted 2ntent Cabinet sentiment against proionging the effort to mustain the intepentent deterrent Bither our Prince of ¥etes tor 37 years had never shared the Bile sease of tus electoral Anportance Minding had 2tttle to conplatn of so Jong as the deterzent diin‘t rise in cost bit locking ahead to obnolescing Y—mosbers « Hesthis mandate ren to Z not meleare int certaizty he knev they‘d be arount to heant his sooner or laters Meteot hat been dupressed ty Nellmera‘s Topto —— Athen ant jn Arbor and the 2tke —— ant probaby at heart was for dtemantling ata deterrents except yours« Boyle ant Jonesh vented a12 the money und attention they could got for ‘venture Rory progress ‘me Cabinet had decsted two years exyiter for SEBOIR Mat remained the Gorezmments position Nothing hat occurred to foree revision of the status quo mut 1f a change had been put to the Cabinet tn Novesber espectatty 48 46 dnvolved more money «12 those 2ntent testings might have orystailizes against going on « the hens vin st The MM vas not unavere of that Gary a the Cabinet Ofice has the same recollection almost vord for vord T6 1s vorth moting that of Minteters mentioned Putier and Meutling vere persistent foot—araggers on British entry tuto RM Butler by all accounte was just ther staiting agnicultura consessione Zack of viich had stoved negotiations to a cravt The M vould not have been altogether anong frdenia® hed SCTROL gone to Cabtnet in Moveaber« Tn Novenber there vis nothing for the Cabinet to consider ntefinite wasntags do not go there ad we given definite notice without compensation someting vould have had to go there Fortunately we did not me BI tius was spared one agonizing chocs preserving his deterrent then vould have ar required raitying the Cabinet and his party against us Or had ve coupled vernings with an eseured compensation witch vas generous but expenstve this two vould have gome theres Bat ve did not do thet either wich spared Wacsiitan quite another agonizing chotce Out of curfontty I anked three Sentor Ministers Mextting Meteod ond Mhorneycrotts hat 1f ve had mate a ©$0—50‘ otfer on remaining SNIBOLR conte dn mtd—ovenbery dnstend of tive vetks 2ntert — Bush anevered That vould have been very couplicated for us ‘me civil servants Bligh and Cary were less discreet or nore decidnd mere d have been a lov of sentiment perhaps oversielning to let the deterrent gos to cerzy on arose vould have been unattractive ant they couttn‘t have biased anything on you‘ Cabinet dectstons once taken are best left alone as Tong as possibte at lease snite they eaboty vtint the TX ventes Iffy propoottiohn are not tess for discussion least of e12 vien the agenta—zaker has vhat he vente wit cannot be sure that others ant the Mintstries behind then st1% support his view So 16 vas vith SKBOU® on Rovesber 9 and afters Cary recalls Motiing mich vas onda except that you Anertcans vere reviewing again ant if you thought to make a change ve‘d be commited the Cibinet vould be kept advise not onty as it best to 2eave dectstons atone but also St %s no Light mater to seck nev ones As Defutueta pute ft me RM has it easter vith Mintaters than vith the oil servants ‘Tis reste of oivi servants do not vork for bin They have to be brought etong ‘nay are loyal to a Goverment Dectaton® int that takes the form of action in Cabinet where the great machines ase represented ty thet Mintaters a «s tt may be that the Minister who represents effectively in Cabinet House and press or with his snterest groups gains something of a shield against the Ms pover of appointment and ientase2 If so this helpe explata viy eivit servants have a hold on Minteters Witness omnayeroft‘s concern about his Mintetzy ant Services At any rate Detiduete dravn a moral me obverse of our show of monolithic untty behind a Goverment yosttion nen ve have one 4s rlomets ponderousness deviousnese in approsching a position getting 16 taken getting a ‘sense of the meeting Noting in our system is hander to do espectalty 1% prose less are at rak You Anerfcans don‘t seem to unterstend that Discussion of an tty proposition orten will proceed in an informal nner group But now resending SKDI even this vas too much for Mecailian such a group could hardly manage without Mountbatten Bit he vas not a Mints— ter an possibly no Tory he might talk to Services including RIF If so the taik vound spread Wile Nanara‘s varning remained ttfy® there could be mo point in that Ant ater a11 vhat vas there to dtscurst As for backbenchers the HM evidently fert that if t came to choosing a ney Line his troops vould choke 1t downy at least vile he could put the case in hie oun terms and tims He vas more sanguine than a Gore or thn our State Department 3000 mites ave» 3f Washington made good its varning there vould be esberzasssent and Labour jeers no doubt regantless of the chotce Bit provided we kept quiet until thet choice had been made the Goverment could cope with any hating in the Rouse mis vas of course a large proviso On the plane ores erations the Anericens vere security risks As vieved in Moveaber from Mdatralty Huse the beck—bonch problem vas a washington probie So was everything else io On Movenber 15 the FM cubted his Anbassador in Veshington Core vas asked to pit three matters of procedure to the Presidents first that there should be no press lesks before consutation secont that there should be no dectotons until after consultation third that consultation shount take place as econ as posstbte assuming we proposed to make a change Wacni2ten atso asked Gore whether at this Juncture he should have a vord with Kennedy directly on thete telephone Gore repited November 21 it took hin a veek which 1s snteresting in tsedf Be reported that the President vas most responsive on the matters of procedure As for teleshoning ow Gore thought 1t premature Kennedy had told hin that he had mot yet gone deep tuto the matter ant vas taking a22 the papers with hin to Myonnte Port over Thanksgiving Before the hotdey therefore there vould be Mitte point n Zooton‘s cell artervards presumably Washington vould be heard tron On this unterstanting Menten dtd not use the private phone With negotiations in the offing he mist not appeer to press lest he seen verk me initiative vas Kennedy‘s —— not his The President hat chonen to begin at 2over revels 2st him choose vien to move the level up waemtZian vas not verk in personal terme and evidently had no feer of seeming so the Profuse case has taught us simce vist he then took for grantet Hite poltcy postbton and electoral prospects were on another foot— tng also eitish yover relative to ours Here Snteed vere werknesses but these were of a sort which he habitually turned into strength vith us Using venkness as a veapon to assure our cqutessence vas 8 0 9 for hins the ctasste technique of the verker ally Comp Devid evidentty ts an Instance Nasseu vas to be another But this calls for a certein staging so time becoues tnportant also scenery also prope Tor hix the shone did not appear a proper vehicle mor was the timing right not vien the man vho shound have spoken first had chosen for sone reason to exploy the author of Jon Astor as his epokerman« If MnontZian vere to save the status quo he could not trust us to pre— serve dt for hin as a private favor on his private urging from a dtstence of 3000 mites shen he was heard not seen He could not trust us because our behavior tnttcated either that we meant to do him mrchief —« which he doubted —— or that this vas no 2ight matter in our mints Like Thomeyerott the 7M evidently did not think a Meanaze vould take trouble without reason Waentitan got the point of Malimarats cell vitch ts uy he forsbore to tele— hone once Gore who knew the President fer better than he did advised delay Mith that advice to buttress oamaza‘s verning an untorited phone call seemed no way to make the President keep SKROLR Mit the MH meant to mike hin keep dt 4f he count ‘n Weakington the question still artes iy didnt he cell ust tn Zondon not 200g ago Mentian talked to Henry Braaten sore bluatly than Mis staft to me putting the sane question with some bite —— and in reverse Hite Kenedy proceeded to yranate Tort Mecnilian took the neve of the Movesber by—etscttons on viich fories had been basking to show good resuite from his purge in Julyy his nev fece for the Purty mere vere six of these Novesber 2p me resulte vere fur from happy» A11 stx elec Hons disappointed Purty hopes and cast new doubts on Tory standing with Naving voters mere soon vas beck—bench grumbling thet the nev ice vas not new erough« Waenttan now had a new veapon in his hands to use with us Unfortunately he vond soon see st121 another ally who did not view Tory verkness as a strength s In the post—election atzormhere Mend1an vated for some vord from Washington — None cane Messages went beck and forth on other subjects but not SCIMOUR on November 27 Aniraity Rouse ant the iite House ansounced meeting of the Prestent ant the Prine Mintater in Nassau three verks hense Decesber 18 mhe meeting had been pending for some tine as one mong their senf—anmint got togethers On these Montien doted as a stgn of thats reruttonshtp How the date vas aet for three days after an engagement to see his prospective partner tn the 2G Deonte The meeting vith the French wes not expected to be easy Mentlan had looked forvend to relaxing with Americans Bit by ovesber 27 with nothing heard from Weshtngton he took 4% that S200 vould be the mita business of Nesems« Ris aide Detuteta had not made this potnt to Bunty when they settled the ersangement Prom his site viat coutt he sayt Tot unti Deceber 3 Ad London hear that Washington vas ready to con silt Mellamaze vould aee Mhomneyeroft Deceber 11 On Decenber 22 both men vere schoduted to arrive in Parts for a 20 ministerial meeting Mcaitan was to meet Deonte Decenber 15 At Mairaty House no one supposed that Wellmmaza‘s one—iry stant in thts progression could constude the SUROIT case Nasrna necessarily remained the place for that Dit there was hope of clarification vetting vas about to ent Mellmare‘s visit void show washington‘s intentions se von ponom mermuume Gur Secretary of Defense had not deliberately delayed hts trip to Tonton At Ryanats Port Moveaber 23 when he got hts dectsion he hat thought to eo the next veek vel pefore Decesber 20 the cutsiie date that he bad given morneyeroft Thie evidentty vas the thought in everybodys mind at the desis ton—saking meting ‘The President so fer as T can find anid nothing at Ryanate Fort about hiis vords with Gore on satters of procedure Bridently he say nothing to be said Mose procedures vere tuplcft when he first bad talked vith musk and Wellmmere on Novenber 7 ths 1% had been eny to accede to Gore‘s request Brerything done since seenld in accord with that rement Conit tation in a veek vohld be more of the same mut the next veek vas a busy one for Mellamare Re vas readying other chapters of hie budget viitch had piled up as a conseqience of Oibe he vas about to dest with Totten requente for aid Also he had scheduled on Hoventer 30 an dnteragency defense policy conference a preview of Decenter‘s X2 meeting Yor a variety of reasone the Gaith—ee teem exon then he dtd not vant to miss that conference So Neamaze st not go before Hoveber 30 aftervants the ATD meeting Aooued so close that 16 eppeared a vaste to lose a day from vork and make two trips tastend of one Accordingly he rolled the two together and decided to see Tromeyerott en route to Partes hence his request Decesber 3 that they should seet in Zooton on Decenber 12 In the process two things slipped from sights Maeniilen bad sought mo pbtieity before dectston and no pecteone before connittation The Presttent hnd prostsed both though perhaps no one kne that ant both vere consistent ss with the Secretary‘s carter asvurmnces to Thorneysroft The action at Ryams Pork did not stem inconststent to Anerfcens ance 1% had been dectares mibject to consuitation® ant stace there hat been no publicity But the vorkinge of the budget process vould transform thet action into formal —— vell nigh dereveretble —— Decteton at the monent vhen the Services were noterint Buch vas the Jogi of Mollamaza‘s probable 2edk date December 20 estinated carty in Howeaber Ris eatinate vas off by three days On Deceaber 4 iittch notified the Services that SKOU® vas eiintnated from the udget curent progrens would be cancelled at the ent of the month in the Anteris there shound be no dfsclonsres On Decesber 7 ithoritative neve stories tuptying cemseltation appeered in the Hew York Zines ant the washington Post Meltemara‘s trip vas sll four days may» tad Metimaze known viat rorneyeroft vas thinking or Mtent1an or how their thoughts diverged or had he even known hov 2tttle they vere doing no doubt he vound have used his om ime rether differently in the daye after Noventer 23 mit he knew none of this The Reitish evidently had abrorbed hits warning catnty more cataty than Core Hothing to the contrary ves neend from thetr Anbassedory or Srom cur own men Broce Inteed nothing vas neend at al about Zooton‘s reaction Sttence probebly amounted to assent no neve probebty was gout nevs« So 4 seemed to Milanare hard as vork jy dd he 2earn nothing from the British Aubassadort Core vas no nearer Tonton than he for a11 Gore knew there had been no reaction except dng the Prime Mintater‘s consern about procedures which ne most feptied a waiting game What horneyerort could not tell his oun Under Secretary he # Add not contide to cabies atned at Gore What Mtcntiian vould sot aay to Cabinet Mintaters he 841 not pit in Foreign Office messages Prom vhere Core set 15 locked as though his Goversment had stuck fte head in the sent Iacking information or dnstrustions he took tt as his teak to report a12 he count and to prepare the ground as best he could for a solution vien ant an nis ostriches shoud vent st Gore vorked in the dark to compMcate is Zack of vord from hone he evidently dA not grasp the procenses and politics of Ritch‘s defense buiget« ing BarBy n Deceaber Gore ant Oilpateic discussed the proportion that ve keep SKMOU® ationt from month to month witte RBO negotiations clartffed ant wy—etection fuli—out mibesdeds Ofizhtede was encouraging so 1% seemed to Gore int the ten got snort shrift tn the Pentagon Prom vhere Ititch sat contimntion thts year ant elimination next vas nonsnase an a matter of Congressional presentation ant vould arm propoentes of the progam« To post youe etinination vould be vorse f posbthte to start the sesston Justifying something hen one knew that 2ater one vould mock the opporite broke every canon of effective budgeting ant iaked the viole stake in the Pressdent‘s decteton $0 5 boiron to Gore this sti2l seems a perochiat concerns in programatic terms hovever t had overtones of Atfecand—death much 1ike MecatZan‘s concern with his Cabinet Both vere parochial in the seme sense and both becane dectetve Gore 1s not the sole Anbassadory nor is the only Foreign Service to find such behavior pissing shen practiced by foreigners As for Bruce n Tonton he might have learned shat Gore could mot he vas on easy terms with momneycrors and the Mj he might have anted ant they might then have hinted vhat they thought Bit ruse had been SamobHidzed fn the saze vay as they by the terms of his messege from elimare« 5s ‘me cable Bruce received November 22 was the first in his mesory viich had reached hin Byes Only from another Secretary thin Risk through channels other then the State Departments Did this mean Helemre vented State kept in the derkt Wise security Snvolved or feuding Wes Mick fully Anformedt If so shy had there been no vond from hint Melamare‘s cable did not ask Bruce to do anything 1% couplet poo—instmuction with the information that direct taike had begun ant vould proceed at mintatertal level What might Bruce be dotng f he got tuto that sett In prudence he stayed out of tt Ore of Rruce‘s aides Reymond Courtaey lite Politico—Mittary® Oficer vas sutsctently concerned to draft a cable which Bruce signet after sone thought and sent through thet Doptrtaent State to Moamere on Novenber 21 I¢ a dectston to Adscontime the SIMBOUR program is taken or seens 2ikely T beieve the Goverment here shoutd ve afforded maxim amount of tine possible to make ite on consequent decsstons and to prepare tte mans and thet® presen tation SGZOUT abendoment nov could have the sort Auntazentai consequences « ms thie tort State ant Pentagon —— and Hite Rouse —— nothing they ha not heard three veeks easiter from Courtay‘s fellow—Po‘s the BIA desk officers in Washington Gourtany night as wel have been in Washington for al he nev of Zondon‘s Annee thoughts He could not deal with Mintaters Untess he had been dnttzate with Prormaycroft‘s Private Secretary he could have earned nothing from Inside the Defence Mintstay« Dntess he had been very close to meabers of the Bile stat he count not have learned anything elsevtere Ant Courtaey —— like wost of his colleagues in our ubassy —— vas not the sort of person to ston senior ctvil servents in sensitive posttlons volunteer the private thoughts of princtpals The tones politics of the beremscrecy in Beitain ds not eutied 56 y our Mission there Hor are tts menbers men with vio their Reitish counter pasts outeiie the Foreign Office feel professional affinity trate Antimate shop talk Bruce vould not Courtney could not penetrate the minds of a Wacstitan or a Mrorneyerofc So there was nothing further thet our Bevessy coud oter int vas offered vas no use to Meskington wat Weehington requented more —— through State Department chamnels or wy tetestons pestinpe —— the Bebassy®s coubined resources mobilized and focussed probably mifficed for an informative remitt Volunteering was another matter ‘he ack of vord from london may not have bothered Nellemaze but t did disturb some of his aides Brom rees1le that as Novenber drew to a close tt made me nervous that ve hada‘t heard anything about viat they were pranaing how their considerations vere going —— vien T had tine to think of 4s that 42 which vaon‘t often oven recalls that on Novesber 28 can— cerned about the time—table he suggested to the Secretary that if his ons trip vere detayed Nitze ant mubel go as an advance party Mellanara‘s reply 122 take care of 14 Roven took the hint ant turned to other thinge ‘mis interchange occurred as Roven handed in a nenorentum supplesenting Mis report of Novenber 23 ¥here SETROUR vas concerned that fintahed is assigment The Secretazy‘s coment told hin thet he did not have a new one No one eise did efter in fintahing his omy Roven hat finished Misee‘s me Secretary handed out no more Concerned or not hts aides rere it at that SMOLE vas his pigeon at his options hey were busy men An thet consern 448 not run very deep In Reven‘s tems 5r t knew Polaris was possible but T assumed there probably ves sone way to mike the Rettish accept one of the three alter natives I assumed Mifemaze could ant vould stove one of ‘en dom their unroate « provanty found Dog Since that Yas snot enough for S10 it cugre to do for then ayiny it vasn‘t my responefbil4tys I dtd ask Hittze now and then wich the Setretary was going and wy the delay Pest mrofensed ignorance ant ctoanty he didn‘s have the responsibility either« Meanviilay we had Tots to do uf Pentagon consern ves Asmtted Hite House concern vae almost non existent On Novesber 27 hen assm vas announced SKEPOU was not even envisaged as a enject Metamaze vould have got 1 setted by then he man who hat just got the beabers out of Cube certainty could do that Nether he nor Musk vas etated for the teip to the Bihasasy Mellamare had a holiday in mint ant musk voutd dine the Diptbnatic Corps« Hessen vas to be a pro forme affete Ariently tatk and synbolten for the Bilo ploanire no negotiations Bo Bunty recalls Bundy also recalls a certain nervousness akin to Browns about the taming not the substance of Melamaza‘s consuttation e called the Secretary nore than once to urge against detay Me ansver he received ves such 1ike Roven‘s As State meamiils there stf1X were a fe active voreers Wetes and Kitchen doubtful about the Anstruction® of Noveaber ab ant Fearful Tendon wound have none of 1 kept searching for a way back tovend the status guo Like Gore they sought 1 n a budgetary accomodation On Roveater 30 they wrote musk urging hin to get SCMOLE contimed through a mibeidy for Beitish development thus echoing an early Nellmare thought The thought sat vert with Risk vhose mind vas moving 4n the sane direction But in the sequence of events theis advice vas a bit berated 3 vould have serepd better a week before — ss Enseshere in the State Depertaent other fames crowed SNIROUT alnost out of mina As Mier pute ft oue ansotute prtortty Atsplaced another absolute préontty ‘Tae HC meeting was the thing ve had to work on in the last veek of November ant the start of Decesber Hie and Schactzel ant ther estes proceeded to do thet Oven vent beck to pranaing provided Nellemaze felloved hia instructions everything vould be aan right As the defense pottcy conference Noveaber 30 a free—astociating sentnas® stich mizgled atl the ranks these people gathered with thetr prinetpats the President excepted SQ2OU® was not mich dfscunged te— yorteity Busk vishet alout that ve‘hed renamed HOMD D00 Bpteit 3 ant Wetamaze refoined Deen you‘d have been great in the automobile business Weamaze 2ater voiced the thought that sales of US mtestice without varherds sight be one atternattve Musk the mtmutes note dld mot Like at ‘my ant their assoctates then turned to talk of XH force requirements ‘me Secretary of Detense pursued a fevorite theme the need for Jerger Piro yean contributions of conventional forces At one point he uggented that f Rropeane vere insistent stout meleer status—mymtels ve untererite «11 conts of NIP and tree their funds for serfous business conventional forces This ed to running intermittent argent about the nature of our petey tovart MF Mxtanare lectured Schastzed on the nonecomntttel cast of our support for the stea and for the atth—lee tem Snplying that sonebody wes over enttustastic me Secretary spoke vith contidence he thought he knew both Rusk‘s mind ant the President‘s Bit Schnetsel seeaed dnpervicus Oven looked wuntounted Rusk ant Bandy vere not to be drain Discussion vantered ons no one returned to surzott so Such dnastention dtd not 2ast for long Mhat conference coincided vith a vere of trensetiantie press reporte hitch shortly shoved the SCBOIT femve back dnto the minis of men at White Eouse Pentagon ant State ‘me press began to get tuto the act November 28 hat day Tord Beaver brock‘s Detty Repress treated Zondon to a front page piece witch dectared SKNBOU® in danger from a State Department lshty trying to etrike down the British independent deterzent r eptes zeport the source of this vas Boum his torque in check Antent on making trouble forthe fortes This saze day the Ads Minister announced in Comont that It remains our poldey to push forvand the development of SUOLR® the next day Novester Washington announced the fifth meodsetve fatlure of a faight—test On Roventer 30 the Daly Eelegragh comeyed reports from Hashington that vork wound go forvend despite fefDurass no present intention of scrapping St20000 On Decenber 2 hovevery Brandon veote from there that enti—IKIIOUT nen vere now tn the ascendancy Mhen Deceber T came the euthoritative Mints of SQMONR‘s denise Mhese brought a resh of reactions in the Rettish press the stronger for a sad cofmetdences on Decesber 5 Dean Acheron had tecturea at west Point ‘me Prine Mintater isent spoke in the House to enever Acheson‘s alleged denigration of Greet Bettatn — It vas an enottonal performance Beneath the scorn for Acheson there tay a mounting vorzy at the lack of official vord frou Hasitngton on scrzort on December 20 Wcllmere and musk met the President and Bunty at the White House once again for final tatks before the Seoretaztes vent thei viye to Mazo — musk drect to Paris Menara yin Looton Just before the President cane in Musk quested his colleague on tte poestbiltties of mbeidizing 6o British efforts to contime the development of SCOUT Risk had heen thinking of his three approved alternatives the wore he thought about then the more he sus a need to eveeten the pM Nellamaze told hin that by various devices ve certainly could shoutder sone remaining costs 4f Britain chore to carty on deveroment Pinenetal ad had been in his oun mind an early as Noverter 9 thete states had 2st it drop vatle fremtng those alternatives e told Risk he vound pursue the matter the next day 4f need be vhen he sey Mhomneyerot ‘me President then dotned then munty‘s nates record that vith respect to Reitainand the three approved sitermatives We Mefanaze st not beideve that the Bettish vould be pleased by any one of the arternattves iiiat he thought we might cor— Eider at sone stage in the negotiations was a propose to give the British access to a more up—to—date verpons ryaten on the condition that the venture became muttitateral 4f an when a multttatered force shound be developed Bich a course wight conceivably be taken for exaple with Polarts As time vould show mittiGatera in this context vae not Adentiel vith Mu to Metasara or hte auttors Purthers me Secretary of State vile not disagreeing indfcnted his own deep cossern with the difficulties that vould be posed for the British by a cancellation of Sot He appeared to Incline toverd a major effort to assist then tn meeting the resaining development contoy so they vould at Teast have a Zur snot at ontaining stat they‘d been counting on « — me President Sntcatet his genersl approval of Secretary Holanara‘s propose and said he vas not eager to join tn a large ature of Partner deveropment costs tor a veepon to be supplied only to the prision ‘mais conversation bears coupertson with Rusk ® fnstruction® Roven‘s conctuston Legere‘s statement on the ltte Huse viespoint® three vetks exsiters musk bad been supportive of his aites n thetr presence Melinare a had been sttent with his oun TMI take care of £6 Tegere spoke for hout Apparently for part of Binty‘s undecided mind Nothing in the record repre sented shat the Secretates ant the President now satd to one another Eren thi conversation scerooly represents in Al viat Molanare evidently thought — POLARIS had been in his mind from the beginning SCOUT once‘ discarded locked sore dubtous each vek not only for hinself bnt for an ally hen he received Roven‘s report and Misk‘s instructionahebad reced a chotce As he recel3s he made 1t deliberately ant has regretted At atrce I sever thought Statets three alternatives contained a viable solution I thought I ought to give then a run for their mney in case T vas wrong Bat E mever dst tine whe Brieteh vere 2ikely to buy any of them and I never thought for a Coment that 4f the Rettish dida‘t buy thes we count leave it at that I thought ve‘d provably ent by giving then Polaris Fa matd that on Movenber 7 ant Mac had agreed me Presstent and Deen han‘ disagreed mus my oun people vere dubtous ant Rusk‘s people vere dead ugaizet it 1 thought hé wanted me to give thes a crack at what they vented 5 decided T might just as vell do that ather then precipitate a zou with his assoctates he meent to 2et the Reftish press POLARIS on hia And no he few to Zondon to meet Mommeycroft vho had proctsety the seme notion in reverse 3 m veins meme emoneeverort on the morning of December 12 as he arrived in Tendon our Secretary of befense sate a short statenent to the Bettiah press We Mhommeyeroft ant T will have a AlL discaerion — One or We things ve ure going to tail stout 1s the Siytolt program wo tn Tesnington ve are taxing a very hard look at a12 of GX prograas Riis includes Siyrott fe do a very expensive Protras ant technically extremely complex T ds no atcret that aln give ight tests attempted so fer have Failed ant program conte have citubet sharply Yhen this statement hit the streets early that afternoon there vas considerable shock n nttebal1 ant at Westminster The Anerfoin ves denigne« ting SUHROUR before consnttation even had begun Pron the antety of Sciverpes Wadkinson for one was outraged he decattsy If T‘d st22 been tn office T‘d have refused to see hin Morneyeroft hovever remained cats He vas at the atzzort and he heard the statement made As he recalls he thought 1t a bit pressture but posstoly quite usefit since that afterncon he vas to get un offer of POLARIS Wellsmara‘a attitude vas no surprise to morneysrort he feat no shock Hts urn was acon to cone ‘orneycroft vent of to Cabinet on the understanting that they vould neet after dunch Mlfenaze 2unched with the assistants he had brought along Mize ant muber Shen they 2eft to meet the Mintatery Wellemara comentey as Ruben recants tive got a cant up my sieeve tut Tm going to let thm play St ve gie then Rotate on the unterstenting they assign theiz Wisk to MMD T think thats where we‘re going to cone out PHR stare with my tree options then 7 think they 12 ask for mie Shortly arter they assenbled in Morneysroft‘s office vith the Minister and severe1 sentor Mintstzy officials Wellsmare opened ty distributing copter of an Aide Memoire viich gave the grownts for SUBOUE censeltation and 6 presented the three State Department alternatives He then read the vhote document tout Trorneyeroft rementers ruffling through the pages looking Hor the vord POLARIS Be fount it only in conjunction vith the adjectives atxed—memed and mitilatere Satth—lee no lossy in Thorneycrott‘s rmirase a nonestarter ««« no relevance to this matter at all nothing to do with a mvbstitute for SCOUt as a means of maintadning our Sntepentent deterrent ‘me Atscovery tert hin profountly stocked Ever since Noventer 9 Tromeyeroft had calculated thet POLARIS must be brought to hims he could not go for dt He could not be seen by Bnglishnen to peat on my knees vith Americans Nor had he vented s to be seen by my people in the Services in the Huse or in the press to be locked in a struggle with Bob Mollemare for SCIBOIT a strigele vere I vould ail to beat hin Bren 4f the ooteame vere POLARIS 4t vould then be tagged tn public as a aop a secout—best a detent So i later ves How to is surprise he faced the abectute necessity of choosing one of these eppeezances he secretazy‘s somning press statement deprived hin of e12 chance to duck the chofce Did he vant to Took a pleader or a 2osert T took Thomeyerort no time at a11 to make that chotcer better vartant than craven hire the other still vas reading he decided on hts course In Hockaday‘s phrase he had to move back to Square One he monent Mollmara rintsned reating Thocmeyeroft proceeded to do that Re spoke exstatically wat stouty Rubel fascinated took verbatim notes t vor‘ coment on the teshntonl Juignente I an contidess that your experts have advised you as you have tntfcated n your paper I an equally contient that other experts could be fount to argue the other site r vil discuss the political implications Thie missile to at the heart of British defence yolicy tt is the key to the continaing of the Y—bouber force It is the only exaaple of conptementartty betveen the U 8 ant Great Rettain Wereover the SCBOUE project arose as part of the context urd conplex of other deetatons — ¥e mate the U K a target by agrecing to base POLARIS at Holy Lock Tat agreement and the CHROTR agreement vere both taken in the same context A dectston to cancel the SKBOUE vould not ony here grievous political consequenses to me and to ay party It vould not only be seized by the opposition for that purpose «« we on ou site of course always sesh you vould never et us‘dovn we mad to say that because ve put our relsance in you avsohutety ow they will be able to say that they vere wight ant ve vere wrong » « Wereover the position ts pade harder by recent statements by American spokemen concerning the Sntepentent Bettish deterrent A master of 0 9 spskessen have made thesserves heard on this enbject recently Bres your speech at Aon Artor Bob the Brtéish press ant muy others will eay the SCOU® decteton is part of that potty Mey vill say this deciaton to really taken to force Retain out of having an ntepentent mclear deterrent me recent speech by Me Acheson vill be sefzed uson to piace this action in that context hot so Bob T vound 2tke to ask you a question If you are going to caseet the project are you going to mey that tt von‘t work or are you going to may thet it vill cost too mcht Wezaza anovered cantiy We von‘t eny that 1t 4s tnpossihle but ve will say that technscat probless dontnate the dectston « Tromeyeroft resosness of course but most atsstics slip thetr schetutes Mort of these projects cost nore Mazy of then are less accurate then they might ve destred to be Bit to cancel this project tears the heart out of our relations ‘me Secretary then attenpted to proceed to precfoalitten Would you contiime the SGBOIE project alone 1f we Add cancel tt me Mintater snapped back mat 1s the only interesting aiternattve Bearing this Wellmaze tod hin ¥e 32 certainly make dt as easy as we can for you to take 6 that aiternative — There folloved sone Aiscussion of veys ant means ‘men rorneyerofe returned then to another evel or course Boby this matter « really relates to the poidttcnt ‘tectors mese dontate I realty concerns the interpretation that to going to be placed upon this action me opposttion is bound to say that your rear reason for cancelling the SKROUR do to end this rels— mdonahip and to change the posture of Beitain What do you say to that mob dst as vest he counts Well Td ony that ve have spent ant we are spenting a 20t of sony to keep you in the postbon of having an intepentent mcteas deterrent mis naturally vas not enough for Thomneyeroft« e put the question in a harder form Aseusing that you vere to cancel SOBOIR vout you be prepared to state publicly that the United States s wiliing to do everything possible to assist Britain to keep tte tntepentent meleas deterrent Wetlssare aneverets Yes I vould Of course we would have to consider Germany Prence and for that matter you and your commitments to the Comon Wasket mit Mromneysroft vas having none of that If you vould upport us pbadcly we‘ze not vorrted about the Comon Market Meemarn tried another tack He coud do that n the framevork of our villingness to Jst you con— time the project Mhomeyeroft shot beck I‘s talking of policy To virich Mefamara responteds But the best evidence of policy 1s speaifice such as our wiliingness to support SKOOUT until you take it over Mey vere tatiing ditrerent Janguages yoltcy to Thomeyerort meant aymtols not specttics me Minister then got down to cases point by point yes tnt how can ve realistically expect to do that we have canceited other projects we have mate ourselves absoiutely depentent upon you Besides we can‘t really atford to take the project over in ay case ««« Hone of these aiternatives that are set forth in the paper are viatre The cost for SETBOUR vourd be excessive werd never conster the 20000 B00 t an the greatest muttiiateraiiat or e22 But after I have uy forces not before It is eary for you to favor muiti2aterd arrengesente joa tizaily I notice youtve dropped POLARIS trom your peper Ue talked about POLARIS on the terehone viy have you dropped t Weltmaze evidentty priced up his care After seying he 814 not recall such atk he put a question « Would you buy POLARIS ayatens Af ve count make then aveiZablet oue dtscusnton folloved ant then Thorneycrort Aoqutzed Wy do furnahitng POLARIS a problem to yout Agein MeXemere Aid the best he coutas Hel there are legal problen especially with respect to the mucteas parts of the mbdarine euch as the resctor « uckersan then trted to change the subjects df most experts feel that SCMOUN tn so eoot it reeily woundn‘t make very much sense for the U K to support 46 If the U 9 decides that that‘s vi SCEROL sound be dropped then the U K shouldnt pik is up Wellzaze qutckdy —— yestaps gratefully —— tossed that bell beck me pubic shourd sot be misled ty our statement fe have kext #s up only because or the Rettish snterest to te You Solty have alays korn this Your other experts have alviys known it too mt Thseneyeroft vas not to be diverted ho the question goes beyond SEMOUR or the problems of stdmout me decisions vere 1% taken tn context ¥e mad serort ant you mad the POLARIS berthing at Toly Loch You mist go out of the decision on SOBOZZ 2 you do vith another dectsion that is taken at the sane mat other dectston must be a postive one —— manely the decision to mblicly spectsy that the U 9 support the Reitish intepentent deterrent 6r Mitze recalte that at about this point I asked Mhomneyeroft 4f they hat considered the effect upon their relations to the Comon Market of the UK noqutring an intepentent POLARIS force Thorneycrort said thet first of ali this vas a mitter for then to vorry about and mot for us to contern ourselves with ant secontly that peGaitte wound have no legitinate grounds for coupaint Atter x32 DeGestze ves the man arguing most loully for a mational deterrent Discussion then turned for a vhile to subsarine programe on viich the Minister did not seen vert—informed At that point Rubel notes Wes Motimaza proposed the alternative that he had nttcated before the meeting he hoped the Bettish would Advance on thetr cunt Would you consider saying that after you got your on OLARIS inbuarize force you would make 4 pert of a multttateral foreet ‘mornaysrots responted strongly ot as a contitton upoo us Atter the announcement ant the dectston then the UC can go tuto mi2ttiateral arrangements Just as the US can But the UK mist enter any such arrenge gent as an independent pover No matter vit the sevings in Govt might be we have mo option except to go that vay Mitze then asked about the possibility of an Anslo—merfcan collaborative overationat arrengezent He mentioned the memer tn viich both atrateste air forces coordinated plane Mromneyeroft replied es ve could make collaborative arrengemente of that kind Are‘these forces operable on thetr oun mat s the teat e have mo objection t6 integrated operations but there must be the poostbiidty of separate even if degraded operations ‘me meeting recessed on that note« uf Mosneyerors was shocked by Mellamaza‘s Ade Mesotze the Matter vas Neppuited® by Morneyerott‘s response The accusntory lecturing left Yeltemir« moved as atitee reale he took 28 1ike a tark being spettered with esse mis the Mintster‘s 2ack of prectaton on costs his unconsern fory even ignor— ance of protiems tn adepting his oun submarine progrem these things dtsturbed the Secretary deeply mubel‘s notes record that when discusston turned to British evimarine destgns ant time—schetules in case these should becone POLRTS carriers T was not cteer to vist extent the UK hat given this or any related matter much consideration « Solly revented that Shey hat a stogte shoot of paper on viiich they had wettten down their thoughts Insofar as T vas abe to Adscover this vas the only document tn nio possession or mytody else‘s concerning this matter In Milimara‘s recoliection of the necting mey magn‘t done thet hepevork« © mey hadn‘t done a thing« They hat made no plans They omiousty hada‘s given any thought to vit vould be setts Iuctory tor then and how to get 45 ant how to present tt pubtdely T‘d given then a perfectly anod warning ant it vas oorious theyd made so use of 2¢ Welamaze had not done hts homevork either vien t case to POLARIS he brought nothing to read Bit orneysroft‘s state seemed quite unlike his orn at 2east to hin mais inpresston shocked the Secretary of Defense but he vas soon to have a stronger shock e dined with the Minister ant carried on fnto the even— ing hen when they adjuzned he sav the evening paperss e vas featured An then a12 as a man vho had assoutted Reiss Anterests but had been stoat off by Thormeysrott in a tempestuoul meeting Beitain‘s Defence Mintater had sate 1 ptatn to Me» Melfemara that cencellation of the SKOL® project vould ead to couptete reeppratsal of British poltcy ant defence comttnents According to Defence Mintstzy spokemmen Bettain had counted on the SEBOIR us dts chier deterrent veepon® hat counted intead on the United States ant weHenare had been tert under no ilDustons as to the consequences of cansettation ‘Tre Secretary took 1t thet these stories bad been veitten n the Mintatry There probably ves no need for that Mockaday recall acter Moilanaza‘s statement in the morning all the press needed to knov vas that he hatn‘t offered settafuctory alternatives AX 48 took to know that vas the Tack of better vont e had no goot mews to pass along There vas no need to write thei stories and no way to stop thea efther Maybe so but Moamare rend then as deliberate etanted leaks Viet vas morneyerots trying to dot Maybe he really meant to fun antt—Anertomn Tne thought trailed the Americans to Paris the next morning ‘ormayrofe vent off to Peris on another plane pursued by other thoughts ‘my hadnt Mi¥amare endd 0 K 7 Maybe they reslty meant to strike dovn his deterrent If ao vhat vould becou of 1t and hint Tor both these men the Fight vas short but not relaxing to x mur m ms mows On Wedventay Decenber 20 a large part of officiel Verhington assented n Parts Busk ant Mellemazn Myler and Nitze Rostov Bchsetsel ant Roven usong others A portion of offictit Tonton vas there too notably Mhomneycrort und the Poreign Secretary Tord Home Montien stayed behind but not for Jong On Saturday morning he vas to meet DeGeulte at the Caters of rasbouf3ict Kemmedy resained on hts stde of the Atlastto Mecntllan vas to ueet hin the next Testa Yor atx days echoes of the Mellamers—Thomeyerott exshange reverberated in Parse onion washington and Ranboufliet On the seventh day cane Massa ‘The move that tamara brought from London split the Americans in Parts He and musk agreed at once that they vented no criets in Anglo—Amerfcan retattons ‘mie formula vould have to be about vhat he had thoughts POLARIS with some sort of MMD Ain 4f possible to eyuboltze miltilatera1 and to signity integration Mite squared with Nitee‘s thinking on bilateral rela Honshipe apobes tn a shee and his concern lest Reitain siite tovard nevtrendsn Roven hen he heard the neve thought no more then Ob hell so they‘ve got 6 Bit Rostou Schactzel and assorted others vhose eyes vere fixed on EBC or MLP or both dissented vigorously almost frenttotly against that forme musk bore the brunt of thet resction the dtasenters vere hte people Our Ambassador Quarles Bohlen gave a dinner vhere the host and virtually «1% the guests untted to asseutt the Secretary of State for putting British j wants ahead of Boropeen purposes In everytady‘s view but his he valued our I relattonsntp vith Britain much too high By all accounts their vigor finally nuffied his conponures What do you vant of me and the President n he reportetty desanted ve have to have souetoty to taik to in the vorld ve can‘t tatk to DeGaulte or Adenavery do you vant to take MecxtIan avay ant eave us nobody «« me nex day in a staff meeting Rusk reveled nore of his viewss As one dstressed euboritzate then told a fetent in Heshington by Dictrbert s me Secretary said he vasn‘t agninet the spectal retation ship unti he could see something better to take tte place ‘me Secretary sata catesortoatty he vas sot concerned shout the yoestbility of a Gerean mucteas program stating that the Cereaze vere comitted unter the mussels Agreements ant that aay change on the Germans part vound constitute a radicn hinge an tete relations vith us ant he didnt think they vourd take dt c ‘me dictation contimet opriousty if the US s not consernet about the posstbGiity of a Gerean program or of diffuston in general we are on a weong wicket Roverer T don‘t make too mich of this eines as you kicu Foreign Wintsters are assatted vith a misiite or problems during N40 meetings ant the purpose of our session wite the Secretary vas merely to report the facts to hin not to try to get any dectston « musk sight taxe a stant resardtess of his aides ant so might Noamara with a cheer from ittze but between then they could not coms their govern— sent to anything until they got to Meshington ant aay the President Mean white tose ant Phomneyerott vere close at hand and asking there vas nothing the Anertcans count anover mis left the Bngitstnen less confortable then every and Mhorneycroft for his part more incited than ever to suepect a plot Re may have talked then to Prerve Messmer his Prench colleague about a schene for meleer coltsboration they certainty tatked tater Rovever that may be he did ungrestionabty pace the Floor with Home A British Bebassy official vividly recatts the tro of thew marching up and down the reon saying to one another MER thay give 1% to ust and ‘My God f they don‘t the Goverment might nox re mack hose their Cabinet colteagues vere in shock confronting this nev trouble suidenty on top of others viich atzendy had unsettled many Rorfess scantate in security the Yessqtl case Novesber‘s bycerections Katanga —— unt hotest —— and two months of Cabinet agontztng over agefeulturel concessions to the BG The BL for his own pert contemplated Restoutliet unt Hassou gust shed In Washington meesviile rump groups at State ant Pentagon vorked unter minty‘s urging on the problen now exposed by Melanara‘s eonnnitation A futety goat account of hts exchange with Thorneyeroft reached Veshington from Gourtacy on Decesber 22 So Aid press regorts These demonstzeted that Hovenber‘s three arternatives vould not euttice to meet the British probles Oourtaey‘s cable dst not menage to comey with Thomeyeroft‘s AIM force that the heart of set probes vas our generosity ant that ve vere generous onty 4f ve backed thet intepentence T told enough hovever to yut the President on Dunty‘s beck ant Bunty on the phone vith the Depertzents calling for a tresh arternative ‘me Peotagoo reastion vas straightforverds ireftation at the lack of British panning anger at the charge that ve had shirked our obidgrtions und a wiltingness to 1et then have POLARIS as a substitute 1f that vas wnat they wanted andt vere now prepared to pay for Cooperation between Nevies cound be just as between Ar Forces Reganting HAD ties there had been no prerequisite vere SQMOLE vas concerned so need be none with a straight snbstitution The aiternative of going on with SOBOUT as a miveidized British project vas considered and dtscanded vty throw good money after bait ‘mase vere the prenises on viich stat vork proceeded unter Gilpatric‘s negts between ednesday ant Sunday when Moamare returned n In State the prenises were eitogether different George all the Unter Secretary hat been following the SOOU® question only since the first veek in December Sctastsel formerly his om assistant then had brought it forefbly to Nis attention But Bell vas deeply personally comitted to 220 to Bettis entry to United Birope a 2n dean Mowat Hts comection with Wonnet ran beck without a break to Tent Lease days« Bill bad not regularly foltoved mciear Semen but United Birope set him against mational forces dsposed hin toward Bowie‘s view and Oven‘a senever his attention vas engaged Once he got into SKMOUE his reaction though more flexible and nore constterate of Beitain‘s plight did not differ essentially frou thetre Before Mtameze vent to Tonton Bell hat told Olipateic that ve mist not seen to have decided test and then consulted Re had urged Melamere to sey nothing to the Reitish press Mow that his advice had been Agnored so it appeared he vas to cope with vit he neturaity regarded as the consequences In that frame of mind Bail conferred off ant on for days with his avaitable associates anong then Bruce vho had reached Veshtngton an route to Nassau Bovie along vith Oven Johnson Kitchen ant Heiss The there of every session vas the same the thinking at Defense mist be reversed a mibstitu— tion of POLARIS must not happen After failing to help Prance opposing Innt—based atasites onfertig MZ we daze not signal Rirope that ve vould disorintnate afresh in Zooton‘s favor —— especially sot now with Britain stitl cutsite the 220 ant especially not POLIS with submarines nore glescrous then Suith—Zee surface ships« that to dot Motfons of «12 sorts vere camrmased There vas much re ploughtng of oid grounts SHOUT RRD 200 MP Sovte at one point contributed a nev thought an Anglo—imertcan joint study to buy time Others m etreted back to putting prices on POLARIS terms of NIO or of MP comnttnent wesss in desperation vent the whole vay back to cilling for reversel of the SKEBOL tnaget dectston Ryer fresh from Paris arrived on the fifth day of these proceedings ‘mey astontahed hin With his car as senatttve as ever he had left Prance teeting that the deoue vas essentially decided Re found hie colleagues taiking as though sit he gust 2ived through was the future not the past mets Atscusston seeded to hin uncests It ves sonething 2ike going under veters rere they vere purmiing the dome with enormous peesiony as though they Count affect vhat had atrendty bapponad T had been at Munch vith musk ant a22 our people shen Melmare Siev in trom London Before the deal vas over one could tell hoy this vas untsnately going to cone out Here ther vere fn Yashington stitl passionate with Resto ant Schactzcl vho had been there contag back to reinforce then T vs curious other returning traveiters dtd not share this perception Schaetzel cme hose tu2 of gloon ant tight Rostov eretved bursting with eae Ake Bail he had got into the act late 46 et12l intrigued hin e brought hove copies of his two most recent mesorenta both of viich had gone to Risk and nov reached e23 the others these proposed that ve distinguish sharply between ust to bouber ant to missile forces en oid then of Keyren‘s once considered for the Preach Vite bosbers lasted we could help mational forees with offers for Deoeutie as vell as Britain It was not very clear viat our asststance vourd enteits the choices ranged free ROOID DoG vith 2—52‘s attached to further stuly Reguntiose as ve offered ait ant got our frfents to take it ve coud bargain on the 2ine that they stop short of surface wisstzes ant accept a miltilatereh ercengesent for that stage 1s Rostor‘s shortuess on spectiics tonsed the ball to others but his drav« ng of a line hie atress on bargaining hie mention of the French appear to have left traces in the mids of sose among his readers white the Metanare—Morneycrort exchange aet off there notses at Defense unt State tto airing ty the Rettish press drev nottce from another part of Waslington Oo Setlinday Deceaber 15 a ong load edftortal tn the Washington Post comented asidlys euknesses of Stolt ae a verpon are less arning ant Jess dimsppointing than the veskmensen tn the contuct of Anerfcen foreign poltey « the Goverment of the United States has hanied ite relations with Great Bettata with little conrideration for British teclings ant not mich evidence of reat concern about the mettish postion me tvo countries entered tto a mitua agreement to develop Sxybolt That agreement 2nd Great Britain to abandon the Hue Stren ant make the Sytelt the basta of the country‘s thermo—mctear yover tne United Stater should have developed an atternative proposal for maintaining Great Rritain‘s thermo—mcioar capability ant for preserving that matton‘s air arm With this alternative in hast American oftictals of behest level shound have taken the matter directly to British counterparte tnstent or this the United States Goverment Atsctontng ite mrerent atsconception of the nature ant gravity of the crisis dispatened tto abie Secretary or Defense to Rusland tit this ts not sotety a weapons problem an ft 1s elarntng to ate fit this Aninistration is handling tt as though 4% vere tering begun the Sybolt matter as avivantly as posible there beens mw a grin deternination to stick to procetent ust carry throuh at the sexe fumbling level Prine Mintzer Montien ant Foreign Minteter Tome will journey to Mesom Tes Secretary of State camot go because he to entertaining we Diplomatic Corpe He may go down in history as ‘the nan vho vent to dinner‘ me mettish are feeling i1—uset « 16 tf we don‘t respond as a friend ought to respont to that feciing their esottons vill be qusttfied an fears about the atequacy of the State Department confiruet musk vas the ostensibte target but the White Huse knew at shon the Post vas shooting on Sunday Decesber 26 the Secretary of Defense returned and vent stzaignt to a neeting vith the President Ofipetric brought a delegation fron the Pentagon Bell brought sone of his dtscussentes isk vas absent he had stopped in Liston Binty‘s notes record Mifanara Anitcnted he opteton that ve could consider selting Reitain the Potarte missile meat expressed is grave concern any mvc arrengesent vould Teat us at once to the question of unit ve wld do to the Preach ant so inexorably to the question of the Germane the presient pointed out that in the eyes of the Rei€ish there could veld be a claim that the canoeitn— tion of Sgott Aupited some obligation to provide a substitute on our part Looking at it from their point of view witch they do alsort better than anybody‘ he sate ‘15 might vell appear to then that stance Siptoit vas a sitetitute for Bue Streak viich they had cancelled on our assurences ve stould now provide an eiternative‘ to aay nothing of the eyes of Dritain‘s frients in the United States dncluting a Repubtican naaed Bizeshover Mete outlook vas not mentioned but reporteily 1t vas mich tn the Presitent‘s mind me Publisher of the Mashington Post Mn a personal call mad brought 46 forefily to hits attention So had press reporte with Tonton datelines Row vould our bipartisan EstabMistsent react 1f Bettatn charged us with dishonoring an Efsertover obngntiont What vould becoue of that articatate elite wupport for Boropean poly viich Descoratic Presidents nd mrtured stzce the Vest Ynat of the board—roons of the Fost the Himes tr Neveveek Rése—Lfe and CBSt What of their infiuential readers ant vieverst Has Kemedy risking his menbership card tn the CouneiZ on Poretan Relattonst Bunty‘s notes contime Mllmare argued stzongly that ous current yosttton witli respect to a multilateral force stuply vill not vork the Ruroprans wil not my and py for both a multi— fnterel force ant « THO conventional forse gots « » Bai s told the President that this might be the biggest decison he was catted upon to make ‘me Presitent‘s reply vas ‘at ve get every veek George‘ Yot the President cleasty recopntzed grave politican iske for Mr Mentiian and serious risks also for our oun policy dn Birope « — qurther discussion led the Prestent to approve for plaining purposes the folloving general projosst a te woud orfer appropriate components of Polaris «n to the Rettian a the Bestish vould comtt thetr eventual Relarts force to a mittttatera or a mlti mationst force n %o 3 the Betttah vould undertake to bald up iets conrenttonat forces b me terms governing the use of SUBOUZ vould «opty aiso to Polarts « hie conctuston vas mich Snftuenced by the advice of 1 Bruce that since we had told the world we vount not help mattonat forces we should relate my ansiatance in this tteld of MN‘s ‘to a Targe—sente sotution of the broad probiem of the Atlantic deterrent ‘mis conctuston ves not nttuenced by Thormeyerort‘s advice that ttem two made stem one no substitute for him no anaver to our obligntton Dandy‘s notes do not suggest that empbody dvelt on this No one present hat heart ‘ormeycrort except Mamars No one asked for Nisee‘s testimony or mabel‘s 7 Quriousty it ves only in the course of this meeting that Melonara‘s state discovered he had been under some stanpprebension about the ortgtnal HOBOLR Agreement te evidently had thought 45 provided for XMT assignment of the atsstte—bearing Y—boubern his proposttton on POLIS thus may have appeared to hin straight mbstitution Rio assistant Mem Tareolinily vio neg spent the past vek making himself master of the 21lee — including Eiseshover‘s oun Camp David £iiee —— hastened to correct hin The correction 41d not change the present dome Ruving got this fa the Presitent ert plamning to the others for a day while he did other things Mong these was a yearend television Anterview with three Veshington correspondents This vae released on Yontey beceaber 27 In his response to questions the President looked cogent ant eoitected One question deatt with an advertisenent for SCZOU® vhich the Dougtes Corporation bad placed in the Anerfcmn ent meitish press me Presstent replied l I am that aa totey The only thing that ve ought to point out 1s we are talking about two and a hair bOHon dortars to buia a weapon to hang on our 2—508 when ve aixeady have bi2iion doverted in Polaris and Mimizeman W E wound mey vien ve start to taik about the seat Comage ve could bring into a moter ver we are Sailing avout anthlation How many times do you have to hit a Rexget with meteer verponst That is why vien we are taiking about spenttng tte $2 5 bf2iton we don‘t thisk that ve are going to get $2 5 billion vorth of mational securtty ‘me mext day Mollamaze and the President met isk mo hone ageing for a Just word before they vent to Hessen vile he resatned behind Despite the readings of assorted asdes the Secretary of State declined to cancel is engagements with the Diplomatic Corps The three men net alone As musk to recalts the sain thing they discussed vas Yersoldnaty‘s £1ie—research ant ite inadequacy as a test of shat they oved MecnfZan Yo matter how the documents might read the British vould belteve that at Cenp David there had been a dest and in the circumstances this was not unreesoneble The preceding dunday eventng anty had dectared dn puarded terms on Meet The Press that ve nad mo tized obtigation ized or mot these three accepted 1 as reat With this dn mint the President explaned for Hessen so xt moro seers neoanae While Veshington vas churning the Prine Minteter of Retain spent a mtserabte verk—ent Tt rained at Rexbouiliet but veather vas the east of it In eprending cht13 DeGentle outdid the atm Wacsi1tan and Deoeilte bad last met atx months eeritery at Champe« The veather and the atzoeere vere then nore pronteing« By el account the PH had convinced the General that he really ves determined to cose fnto Birope accepting ite political potential acknounedging the consequences for the Gomomventth Bestdes he bat displayed avereness of the contrast betveen French ant British stakes in agriculture he had offed 2nbor—force percentages 20 to 5 Also he had touched on ailitary cooperation be bad alluded to thetr two meteer forces ant had spoken of contingency planning for dotnt use in cases where Anerfcn might choose to stant aside Tate scene a tar ery from Mhormeycroft‘s coltatoration® Int not meaninglons DeGeulte may or may not have been delighted but reportedly he vas Anpressed If the Rettish vere so Piropemenizded Prance alone could hardly keep then out ¢ they were so determined they were bount to get in Bit aix months de a Jong time many things had happened after Chanpe In Prance Algerian Independence Day had cone and been accepted n Brassers Pritain had altoved the tempo of negottations to fell off ant seemed nore eager to unravel hard—von deals esong the Stx than to accept their ugricuttural arrangements eitish tactics screened protracted Cabinet efforts to choke those arrangements dove Bit Riropeans 2ike Americans etseve in the efficiency of Buglish dectston—making so he atmorpbere at Rrusses bad groun cooter than before s Germany there bad been cheers for a peGautte n September here also had been the Optegel Atfaiz One outeose was to put the Chansettor on terms Aenmer mow his oun time running out hnd becone engery anlous for the stgns and ayabols of a Prenco—Gernan reconct2tatton Britain counted less Prance nore Tn Boland meenvii2e Micni1an had got into trouble Hever mind tntent what of his capebi2tty Anthony Men had cone to Paris in October and had taiked of Moxy oppostton to the 220 an a British Ravasey aide pute 2 he ptunged his knife Anto the Ph‘s back at every opportunity ugh Cattskelt d come over in Toveaber and had talked of abour Perty opposttion 17 the Rortes took hts country dn a Tabour Goverment might well get out To underscore these views there cone the by—elections of Novesber 22 An An Prence three days later on November 25 Deowitie quite unespec— teily had won a startling victory in Assenbly elections ite personct perty now vas as securely in controtor the Prench legislative breach as he of the executive AMenmer might beccee a supplicant Mecni2tan might be verkening but he vas vastly stronger than before shen Mecxi2ian vent to Rastouiliet he hat not added up the past in such a vay hts host apparently had done Just that ant had dren a conctuston M thet test meeting Saturday DeGaulie dit everything but say that he vould veto Bettish mesbersitp in EBC te dit not speak of veto he ves patrontsing not threatentng Bat he dfscoursed at Jeagth on every conceir« abe coetacte to Bettish entry and‘he left no doubt that in his mtn these vould prove oversteintng Britain snd to ay vas just not ready to join Burope and Burope was unable to absorb a foreign boi» He vent so fer as to supgest that Britain vould be vell advised to drop her case for menbership and seek association de waenltan ves astontshed also angry The next day for the first time An thete retations he inststed on speaking through an interpreters e wanted his response to be entirely unterstood ant vented to use Bnglish vhere a mance sight be missed Miis may not have been helpfi When the M turned to Buptish the General pridefilty kept hurrying the Snterpreter ant Aussed hin in the process ‘me Prine Mintster‘s resotoder Sunday morning vas devoted in the mato to refutation point by point of vhat he had been told the day before e erguct Beitatns Peropean—ness on Deouutte‘s terms and tt is not of record that the General vas tupressot In the process of asserting hib goot faith the PX toushed on SQBOIT e szoke in English cerefiltys ‘he Betis do mot know how he was heard but shat he said apjeers atsost yertettn in thet mtmites He told Deouutie that as the General ines his muclear deterrent vas dependent upon SCOTR ‘me Americans vere nov in doubt about the verson ant might cancel having other «iternatives If they Mid so he vould ty at Tesseu to obtain POLARIS An dts stead If he dM not miccend in that then he vould have to develop Mis oun etternative %o do so might vell mean curtailing many other elesents An Retétsh mititazy forces Be wished Dedeutte to kmov this as a possibilty f it eventuated he vould keep the Preach informed Peoeutte acinovnedged the receipt of information ant shoved no ts— pressure te 2ater made a favorable altuston to Anglo—Zrench cooperation on the Conconda® sugersonte transport Bit 4f this vae a staal as Preach sources ater ciatmot the British did not see 18 so ant doubt that he Aid esther Concorde cooperation then ant since tnvalyed tvo seperate mational ustabtistments If dt hat any patterncsetting relevance in melear terms 8 this ran along the 2tnes the MM had laid down at Chemgo« To Rettish eyes DeGauite and they had atvays been agreed that a Great Hation Should have pational forces in this they vere Ganlliet ent he a Sory» Mecntiian now nad told htm thet Greet Beftain vas determined to proceed on the sexe course as Prance 1f necessary ty Prench means going it atone The General‘ ettence atgntiied assent his Concorde reference signitied a tro—force Ausure So Montien evidently thought then and sH11 does Perfstan rusors to the contrary sotvithstenttng hw ‘Taexe had been antoabie tetecactetes at Chenps not so at Resboutlict shen the tvo men vere intahed with thetr fomal talks they had no more to uay to one anothers Monin Jeft for Bugtand with bis mind mae up on one thing — as he ercived in Tonton he vas overheant to say I‘m damned if T0 go there again P on Sunday arterncon DeBuieta veote up mimites Over night the British bassy dn Paris pondered then On Monday norning Cabinet idinteters —— ant Private Secretactes —— read then vith attention Reactions vere neerly wunentzous — Bebassy officials agreed to a nas thet there could be only one meaning Deesite vas going to keep them out of ZBC After hesttation about teiting the BL vit he presunably had heard the Bnbessy dispatched fte view to London There at Jeast outside the Foreign Office most renters agreed With the rerative detachment of Great George Street one of the ChancedMor‘s secretaries recalls we knew at once of course that it vas atl over Ant at Autsarty Bouse Bligh receils only a bloody fool vould have thought ve nad a chance arter that a mit Bligh vas Private Secretary not Prine Ministery a lending ctvil servant not a governing politician Tor Macn lan it ves not so staple On the one hand as Heath recalls ve vere getting split appeetoats at the Foreign Offices 1t 818 not look as black in Brussels as in Paris ant Paris had been urong before On the other hand and more nportantlyy Ment1ian —— und Heath atso —— had too much at eteke to quit until the vitsthe bte To matter viat DeGaitte might thisk or plan the gene was not yet overs there vere other dotepentent players on hie aide the Pive also the Borocrate Jot on the British aide there rematond tricks to play notably the hong« sought agrteutturad consensions Pron his comer of the Private Office petutuete comente ‘ imen one ts in a negotiation one eimply cannot know hov it wil cone ous unti2 it 4s over to conctute prematurely Tat one 1 mount to Tose as to dearm one‘s rels me M charectertsticanty 16 very much mvare of that Its stince as a negotiator to never to Jet down unti0 the Wei2 and never above aln to shou that one is giving up «« » peestae bad never been fetently at ReshoufMst he vas merely colder wut that‘a relative Re had changed hta Tack before he might mgain Deotden there vere the Five Mowatter the vorse 1t locked for us the nore fnportant to give him the sense that ve vere going on straight on despite hta as dong and as far as ve could To let hin neste arything eise vould have been to play Sato his hands High concurs ant atte mis put the 7M in a epectal difficulty vith you He could mot very velt wiak press reaks frou your side that he bat Tid mmtrtouns me French vere going to do us in mat Featty would mave torn iz Pedeutte vould have had more Run vin that then vith rouus Besides ant sore duportantly the TM had a prion problem a different negotiation never mind the other Regendioss of Dedeutte and ERC he now mist go to Kemedy for SGBOU® or POLARIS 85 with this next on his 1st he spent a busy Monday and then lew to weet the President at Masons Home accompanied hin So did Duncen Sentye a former Defense Ministery now Comomeatth Secretary ant reputed tough bey in the Cabinet Add for Tnita vas on the agenda also perhaps toughness Morneysrort trated behind he first put in a Tong day at the House SKXROUE was debated there that Monday As he had forescen Labour Jeered Brows croved ¥e told you so As he had also foreseen Sory rightiste raltted to the Covermment on grounts of British honor ant perfitfous Aeria Six Arthur Vere Rervey Colonel Bling in our time usheld the Mintater for fighting the Amertcans Thorneyerort once wanted to avoid the role now he nad to play 1% for smatever is vas morth %o give thetr team a boost 103 Rory Meabers signet a notion calling on the Government to safeguard their deterrent Armed with this the Ministery in his turn flew to Masemu« There the Bits party leasued from an Anerfomn reporter Gf the Presitent‘s RV remarks concerning SKIROUT Kennedy vas st111 dn Washingtons reporters hat preceded him Arter a frantic serasble Menilan‘s atdes obtained a text to pit before tete chter The MM then discovered thet his status quo vas wrecked beyout repatz Pinlly and dectatyely frou his om point of view the veron‘s reputation hat been ruined There now vas nothing for dt but POLARIS netustanthy Montien put aside 412 thought of reversing the President on SOBOUE the question that his Mintaters had asked thenselves n Paris now —— ant ontyc nov —— becane the sole question for hin I2 they wive ts to ust its astes report that he veo frou sure they woud ‘By 1% accounts the s mood vas grumpy vien he drove to the atzport to vercone the Presttent as iu pmenemwccuit ‘me Presssentiah perty viich exptaned for Messen included the British Anbassator as veld as key Anerfcans MeXanare Mitee Dll Zylery Bruce and munty Once the plane vas in the atr ant headed south the President invited Gore to goin him for a chat ‘en for the stzst time as he recaine the President got to the beart or the British problem say beneth the surface of Asester® for the fortes to the posnt that there vere but two ways for then to vard At off by hafl— tng our generosity or by assafhing our bad faith e Bettish problen vas Mis problen he hexd the key to thete resotution As Mhorneysroft had pointed out to Mellamaze they needed our support in pubs for the ntepentence of their deterrent Tat vas ginerostty a11 else vae bad tatt me point vas pare polities not policy not steategy not diplonncy mot cost ‘mae President hat been hearing up to now from his adutntstrators and dSplomatists he had not quite got the point before Bit he aind Gore con— verso as politctans Tn thirty mtmutes they devised a nent political responses ve vould drop SCBOIR as a verson for ourselves but we vould carey on develoment dotntly vith the Bettiah splitting costs betveen us 50—50 so that they count get vat they had said they vented Musk once care close to this on grounts of honor ant obiigation Melemare case appronched 1t but Mis people had backed off on grounts of cost—effectirenses he President now sessed tt and refined tt 50—50% as a way to square our foreign polder with tory portic vont Wetes and Kitchen once hat thought could not be done the Pressient ast Gore worked out on peper five veeka 2ater n a spare balt—hour me formita vas cbicusty generous 1% blocked off any charges of bad fatty yet it kept meitasn‘s deterrent on the right site of the ine between bosbers ar and mtssizes no Biropean conplications in thet Ant although generous to a fails 4% retsed the monetary cost of independence to the Britta wich might hasten a rethinking of thet whole deterrent postures As a political device for squaring our waate vith theis needs to our advantage the 50—%0 formita was very nearly perfect Poiitcally 1b had only two flav Pirst 1t cost us money Bight diye before with Molimare and Musk the President had qtved at that Nov he vas instructed ty evente Bit second as he ant Gore soon fount they vere too late men thets ptane arrived at Hessen they discovered this at once After the airport ceresontes Gore drove off with the TK A brief exchange nutticed to notify Meeatiian that as he had bupposed the President could be beced off soue vay from cancellation But Gore fount out in turn that the Ti had Jost taste for any SKBOL® dest he now assumed the posture Thorneyeroft hat held he mov vanted POLARIS — hat evening MtcniZian took the President for a vatk ant tort hin so « Before that vatk the Presstent learned of another conversation during the dourney don Tate dn the afterncon he happened to ask Ryer hov the situation locked to hin Tyler responted with the evbetance of vhat he ant matt had dtscussod on the plane some hours carter Myler then had veitten mai a note george T recomment that ou onjective at this meeting be to gain tlme 3 recomment the Pres ant the MM agree to fhe Reteing up dmadiately of a joint stuty group ressonstbie to Pres ant M this group count be directed to report recormmntations on a mubstisute for Stott not later then dun 15 or 20 UC ParManent recouvenes ent Jan 2963 mail who bad heard of this before from Route vas encouraging Tyler wit At to the Presidents Bell accontod he Presfdent had 2 in mtnd when he vent vating vith Macnitian nether he then passed 1 to the BC 42 not steer ss White they were walking and for hours after Gore vas engaged tn sitting on homneysrott If the TM now was bent upon POLARIS the original enttusi— ast for that approuch was more concerned about his stence as Aighter of Anerscans morneyeroft by 812 accounts proferzed a breach with us to any sestiesent witch might susgest that he had lost hio battle The atmorshere nside the Dettish detegatton spurred hin on Brandon recalls this as the angriest delegation in any Anglo—Anerfcen mumtt since the Wer The only counterpart 1s fecling after Suez but then there vas to ontrontationts ‘morneyerort vanted to leave in a hutf relly the country go 1 lone und ret you take the falt—out as an Associate 2ater ut 1% Core with Hom supporting argued hard Re pointed out as he recalls that If ve try to state that the Aerfcans have 1et us downy they will publicize their 50—50 offer witch they‘d have every right to do Once mbitctzed we youlda‘t be abie to sustain the ctatn at hose that they are against our deterrent ‘me offer will show that‘s fuse Tt‘s a fair offer Gore got support frou un unexpected quarter Duncan Sandys acknoviedged the force of his argument me otfery Sandys thought vas as muchas they had a ight to expect That coment Gore recalls deflated Thomeyeroft« Taus the 50—50 otter vas of use that might even though the JM ha refused 16 out of hent ‘ms next sorning Vednentay Decesber 29 the BX and the President with detegations present met for formal tats Unaterer they had suid the might before they now vere tatking for the recon ‘me Prine Minister began ty recounting a history of Anglo—Amercen m— clear coltaboration from the var years through Camp David Interdepentence to the present e seid he thought the other allies unterstood that washington and London vere a founting company in mclear affatze with an 8 Mstorfcad epeotat—renationthip POLARIS as a substitute for SKOU serety wound sustain 5% not depart from it y should the elltes object to thatt As for EIC negotistions these vere separate ant apart wholly unconnected ‘he negotiations vould succeed or fail over egrtcntture me effects of an agreement on POLARIS wound be frankly absolutely none Regarding milti— Anters arcangesents in the mlear sphere mattonal forces would contiime site by side with any joint ones pending euprenattonal political authority ‘mere uas no escaping that ant Pranse vould scarcely disagree Allied ntvunterstanting did not seem to hin a problen me President when his turn cane ‘revieved history from his site ent then posed the 50—50 offer Micatlian declined 1% bluntly the giri had been victated in a mbide place The President ergusd without mich force He knew viat the response vould bes bestdes his Secretary of Defende had no entiustasm for the thing and shoved ft As Bligh recite Weltasare vas a splenda chap he set there saying Bells Tn Nellenara‘s oun terms as he later put 16 the 50—50 offer vas not Sntellectusity respectable except as a lust resort cost argued against 16 so Aid the prouct ant so did British contracting with our producer 6000 mites avay But public relations quite sufticed for the B he said no without reference to these other argments ‘me Pressent had atso surfaced Tyler‘s scheme proposing joint study of sotuttons for the Beitish after SQMOIR With supportive interventions from 2a23 he countered the Macmillan claim of AMet cqutessence if there were to be dectston at this juncture for POLARIS He spoke of warnings from Antassadors he bad heard frou Bohlen and from others as vell as Bruce e $ Anvoked meteer stands to vith his Coverment vas vedded very publMelys non protieration midtiGateral sotutions no aid for the Presen Re ant main betveen then brought up Gerany ‘me mM vound have mone of $ He and Home Adenased the German problen out of hand The Germans hd Jeanet frou Hitler ite then turoad to attack the dome frontelly« is vords vere a denent for our dmediate agreement oo rous me President now got the treatment Mollmare had received frou Thoineycroft aight days before in e€113 more vivid form with the Prine Mintster‘s nil weight benina tt munty‘s notes record the Bis perorstion carshi22 hat tond hin in 1910 that tn losto tt vss fmposstbte to vin the var int they had gone on There vere lots of people in Rettatn who vould 2ike to chuck 16 which vould Eabte then to have better pensions ant a more satisfactory Msfe ‘me arternative to a POLARIS agreement was to may this to a conpMcates system —— The Americans von‘t give Mt to us —— ve vill go on ant make 16 eventually ant be free mis vould be better then putting a British safer atoond shtp to hare ten with the Porbuiese To give up vould mem that Britain vae not the mation thet had gone through tte previous history Ve should consider that 4° the people vho vanted to give up in Britain came to pover who vould make the better Hilyt mose vere the ones ve vere supporting in Beftain by Gur portctes It vas true thet Germany vas dangerous bnt mot as mich as before the ver because the vile batarce had changed ant there vere now two super povers Hither Britain must stay in the mcleer ciub or he vould resign and ve vourd have a pernanent sertes of Onttakei2s te vourd not engage in anything petty ¥e coult stay at Holy Tock Britain could make eubmarines —— not mclear ones —— to carry missites This count be accomplished bnt the costs woud have to be compensated elseitere They vould have to tax thete people nore as vel Ouch a course wound lead to a deep rir vith the United States Re snit he vould not accuse Amertce »» Tn the midst of this statement Macntltan inserted one sentence t wound be prepared to put in to 000 el of is part of a Polazis force provided the Queen hat the uttinate yorer ant right to drew back tn case of a dire emergency staler to 1910 an Now everything vas on the table imy A14 Mecntitan spirn Joint study Why A4 he fire all his gus for a dectston nout he ansver may be thet he found himself engaged th two—front var Mhorneycroft vas 1stening as vell as Kennedy Yore stgniticant peshope ds Biights recoitection me 1M pressed Kennedy out of fers that 1 he dtta‘t get a concrete offer at this Junature he vould never get 1t later If he vent for a dotnt study and another meting there vould be no TOALIS at the ent of the road Meentilan felt this because of Eemedy‘s ovn attitudes he was ovriounly remctent to 2et 2c0te of POLARIS in a bilateral deal with us Tt was plain in his vhote tone ant mammer that he dsdn‘t vant to do 28 diéa‘® think he ought to do it ¥e 12 sensed that mack—bench reberiton had nothing to do with t That began after Nessen Tere vas rusling before but it vee enti American not antt—MeentMan Me hout eftemts vas radsot by press reports viitch got t wrong ant enlted the outoone a defent‘ tf ve‘d taken a dotnt study Anstend he vouldn‘t Mave been any worse off artervands ant maybe better pro— vided he coutd have passed the vord in private that you‘d be generous shen the study vas done ts vasn‘t the beck—benchers tnt poidey ant perbepe election yolittcs thet he had on is mint Ne thought the deterrent vas good ‘for the country ant he‘d better try to get 1% then ant there So the ptaying on our rdendaltp an our fears viich Bowie had predicted caze to pass in a nore fommitable fashion then he pertape hind thought about when he advised sertance upon Presidential nerve The President now feced an inpesstoond order man estodying a valued verker ally vho fvoked in his can person a nagniticent var record an historts frfendahtpy and a clain upon ous houor —— in Etseshoves‘s name — to say nothing of one politician‘s feeling for another Wellemare ant Promneyeroft had spoken different languages hese to spoke the seme se At these ingredients vere mixed into the PMs peroretion Mncntlian evidentty had pot put then there in conscious catculation of the other man‘s peychotogy As Bigh recalls e wes not being tricky nor vas he making a cool calculation of he Kennedy peychology« Me vas stuply making the strongest pitch he could making the best effort in his pover mustering #1 the argumeite he cound think of « at the President hat respouted ‘T‘m sorry but T cantt « o ‘me Ti vouldn‘t have taken to Atak or resigned or anything Herd have gone on to face the sttuation as 15 then presented Atsent feehtng that he‘d done the very best he could —— ant j able to point out to Tomneyeroft an attentive witaess that he had done the best there vas to do xf Kennedy bad sata those verde the BM vould be sitting in aftice yet gust as he ds no with this view of the proceedings Bligh himselt set on the wintor 2edge and vetted for the President to say ‘Prine Ministery T‘m sorry ‘ The vords never cane %o have expected them masks the detachnent of a Sentor Civin Servant witch perings is not unlike that of a Hervant Professore matever eise the President may have thought one thing no doubt vas punto to him thet the chfefs of our Coverment Mellemare Rusk and he himsent nad never been Afsposed to wittbold an agreement on POLARIS 4f there vere no other vay to meet the Beitish problen Three days earlier Deceaber 26 he hat ctearet for planning purposes a Beitish POLARIS force assigned to M20 He since bat seen two more attractive schemes McaiZMen had regected these mit vourd accept the other as a new shase of ntentepentence provided he could get one moditication an escape—clause witch preserved the pretfous syubortom of his intepentence ‘me President was not prepared to bak at that proviso Instead he turnad attention to fts terms and to vit mestain count do for us in response ss mere foltoved a succession of informal talks and formal meetings focussed on the vords n viich agreement should be couched The extent of our concesston to the Bettish and the character of their response vere vorked out In the guise or drafting a communique Poltey discussion in the act of choosing vonds negotiation in the act of svapping drafts vere hasty improvised atfates Bestdes there were so fev of us as Tyler pute 18 And those fev Aid not Anclute the vorking draftmen of our prior pronouncements on melear atfutzs For Oven and hts colteagues mttilatern vas a term of art now signt— fying nothing but tatth—Les Our nen at Hessen used 15 interchangeably with mirtinationa® ant thought exstustvely of submarines The pain this caused in State need not be described The Brittah though vere pleased Ts had been quite a shock to find that ve insisted on a mltlatere sotutton It was quite a sender to find that we enconpaased in the term a A00 assignment of nattomt forces With this they vere prepared to Mve onée they had their escape—cimuse mey even vere prepared to be forthconing MentMan offered to begin the move tovant broad allded soluttons by putting his T—boubers sito 400° at once Ts later turned out that their notion of assigment vas so loose as to be useless in our eyes int at the time this seemed a real return for our concession He also offered to collaborate vith us in further exploration of a nized—mamed force so that nations Germans without mattona deterzents aight obtain a voice in MMO molear attates Here vas a change of front in British vievs on MB or so 1% then appeared Zogethes with the gesture on V—bombers and a bow to comreational forces this ecuprised thete quid pro quo for an escepe—ciause We took then up on it ent mate our deal A Statement on Muctear Defense Systems uas jotatly drafted for fenvance as part of the Commnique T read 9 the President and the Prine Mintater agreed that POLARIS must be considered tn the widest context an opportunity for « nev wnt closer arrangements of strategic Western defense 6 ‘me Prine Minteter suggested a start be mage by sub seribing to NKO some part of the forees already in extatence mie could include allocation from United Kington Router Command assigned as part of a NMD melear force 1 Returning to Polarts they agreed that the purgose of their wo govermments vith respect to the provisions of Polaris mtssizes must be the developuent of a multilateral ATD meter force tn the closers connsitation vith other X0 atites they will use thete best enteavors to this end 8 Accordingly they agreed that the U S will make avaiiabte Polaris missties loss varheats British forces der this plan v132 be eestgned and Sarpeted as the forces described in persgram 6 mese forces and at 2east egal U S forces vould be made available for fnctuston in a MMD matilateral meloer force « excent where EL 0 may decide that suprene national interests are at stake thase Bettish forces v3 be used for the purposes of The Western Alliance in all circumstances Tis 2enguage mate explicit our agreement to supply then vith RLAIS Not vhotty untenverately 14 2eft the larger dovues less then clears What vas a ATD miltiateral muckeer force in viich thei submarines and ours vould be Anctuded Repended forces unter Peregrash 61 An adaptation of ouith—Zeet® A coubinationt ime ant other gorerments vould have to tell Meanvite metther of these governsents tied ite prestige to any single ansver So both Chiefs of Governsent seen to have thought Both vere satteriea to have tt so Both wiahed to know vat time vould stow before they got comitted This vas a subtle outcone ambiguities vere purposeAil The purpore vas protection for each goverment‘s prestige in Aminching an untested Amprovised Initiative with Prencimen Germans and assorted others« Bruce a spectator at these proceatings vhose om vievs vere unambiguous later commented 95 Wacntizan vas so pleased to have done better than he teared he would a victory in his eyes thet ve could have got anything ve vented out of hin éven an MP comituent on the spot Af only veld known hat ve vented Not having planned to give thes an escape—clause ve vere unprepared to mane our price and improvised accordingly« Thts has depressed Bruce ever since along with many others But that improvisation does not account aitogether for the 2nck of spectficity tn vit ve told the vorld As events wound dtsciose the President and the Prine Mintater alike had more at stake than trates between thenselves they had at stake shat they coud sell to others an unkmzoun Mite they explored 1t they vere loath to buy a peidler‘s cense in the coin of their prestige They vould have ahfed mvay from this promumably no matter viet thet offers to ench others maging from vat he later sath to others the President unterstood that very vel Bunty also may have understood dt then or Tater Not so most of thets colteagics at Tessms or in Washington Wty should they Others mostly road dnto the words of the Commmique a Mcense for viatever product they wanted to sell nterpeetations vere as varied as the potty perspectives of a Mite ant an Oven Mis Messon helped to set the stage for sti another stomp I2 imize the Communique vas being put in fina form the TM asked for time to consutt his Cabinet he could act only with thete approval Rather reluc tantly the President agreed to vat a day Therevpony Mcnt2lan cabled thetr agreement to the Deputy Prine Minister in Loxton asking a reply ithin four hours of receipt as an accomodation to the vetting President Strictly spetking the Prine Mintater ves unter lese restraint then this susgests franked by ome Sendye and Thomneyszoft he could have told Tonton not 56 commuted — But forn dn Bogltsh governing hes very real tuportance ron urbitrertness secures Prine Ministers against a host of troubles as Men fount vien he ddd othervise on Sues Bren Winston Qhirch 22 at the height of his personal pover ves punctihtous about the foms of collective responst— WM2Sty he atways consuited his collergies Mcstlian vas dtsposed to do zo Jess Re had no doubt of thete responses vith the key mesbers at Hasta ant four hours to reply the rasp in London scercely could demi and 41d not do so me Cabinet‘s reply vas acqutescent Bottuaiass though vas fer from hign Cary recants ‘ ters to tete oun devices the Cabinet at hose vould rather have seen Hasse constute vith‘a fofnt—rtudy of viet should be done after Stolt cancellation — ant then another meeting Kenaety‘a proponel vould have been acceptable Mesbers at home veren‘t pressing for an tmandiate decttons they vere tndeed dubtous about taking this dectsion vithout further study Mad they been alloved even as mich as 2b hours for their dounte to crystallize hey might have cubted a preference for oint—stidy beck to the me mitter ant Moteot veren‘t sold on the deterrent Mudting vas conserned about the money so ves Reyte Meath vas terribly vorried about Brussens Mounthatsen whose views vould have been heard had Etme allowed was scornful about going on with Siytoi but he atso vas unprepared for and unhappy about arte 0 mt time dtd not attoy for secont thoughte even had MontZian wished to know thes witch he dsdn‘t The Presstent was vaiting Bitler cabled thei agree— nent The Prine Mintster could act on his own terms There obviously are some vays to get a quick —— and favorable —— dectston out of HILO especially Af one 1s the Prine Minister vio has a President to use as his exsuse Hite ient1tan at Messes vas vating for his colleagues the Anerfcans vere thinking about Prence Tow hard would this agreement hit our eins tn Burope never mint the Pi‘s bland assurances ov ves this form of sr miltiietera sotutton to be fosteredt Row might ve turn this deal to goot nccountt Peowute stood at the center of a11 questions Anvers for the scnent seemed to te in offering the French vhat ve agreed to give the British DeGailte had shown mo fncltnation to accept essts— tance for his muctsar force f there vere any hint that aid might conprontse its integentence But Bettain‘s escepe—ciause might do for hin as vell as for Macmitten An offer of POLARIS on the sexe terms might conceivably entice hin back to MMD to cooperation even integration At the least 1t aight Souce hin to be courteous at Brussels while he thought the matter overs Ve Ad not know vint he had ona at Restoutiet bnt kaiew enaigh of viat the Preach vere saying etseviere to be nervous Ant at most f he should spurn the otter everyone vourd knovthet ve had tried to deal with Prende just as ve dealt with Retain Merefore ve shoutd make him the same offer and at once How to make DeGstte an offer Thought was given Irrterly to a dramatio gestures Macnittan should fiy back to Prance or Kennedy might go there Put neither picked the notion up ant 16 got lost anidst distractions of last» mimite vork on the Comntque A letter then vould be the vehicle Bobten had been brought to Massaus he coutd go to Paris ant pursue the matter orally ‘me 2etter coutd be short ant he explanatory So 48 vas decided It a1so ves decied to sent Menaver notice of vit ve had done for Beitatn and wound now propose to Prance ts letter vas dispatched and then detvered vith such prosptoess thet ve could not call it back tit neamtiile we hat reattzed tha ve did not know vhat 1t vourd take to deal vith Prence ant Rettain even—tandeity To offer France the seme ters on POLARIS vas dnaulting Britain had the meters techsorogy to build warheads ant submarines the Preach Aid not How taz they vere from this ve scarcely kmev We offered Beitatn stastiess s to give France no more vas to give less But atviig on equivalent meant noving tovert atzect support for Presch mlear prograns« Me had avoided this before and tn the process had lost touch vith thet progressing Bren f ve dropped our no add poldcy nobody knew at Hessen viat the aid vould have to be merefore pending study sane was changed to statlar in the 2etter for DeGeitte Tt proved too late to make that change in Menmer‘s letter o douse the Bysée reat both — At Nesom the Anerfcans monopolized concern about the Preach ‘Wonths ater the President reportedly told Audre Pootaine of te Yeute that our after to DeGeitte had been suggested by Macntiien If so At ves a private hint viitdh the BA dd not think vorth discussing with his people No one on the Beitish site in London or in Paris betrayed to ue the toast avare— ness that our offer had been anything but sheer public relations No one saw the east significance in mbstifuting sinter for seme Micatiian may have planted the iden —— Bill Myler ltte vere also on the scene —— mit not apparently with any sersous purzose here DeGeilte was concerned the 3 ceted sertousness to use Pive days had passed since Renboutlict ant no he had POLARIS to being hone on Priday Decesber 21 the Hassan Conference ended me President vent aft to Parm Beach taking Gore ant Bohlen vith hin Bohten fev to Paris shortly after me Bits perty Angered on for tatks vith the Canattans then Stew houe in high sptetts T had been a hard veek but not a bat one« mete elation vas short—1tved Targ sections of the Prittsh press ant of the Tory party saw then coning without SKIOU en transporting hose Anstend the paper promise of a costly NM—tied Anerican device wich did s not #it ¥—boubers ant vould go in vessels yet unbuilt Por that matter the missiles vere not buflt the BH had dnetated on Ac3‘a Initial press reaction vas to cry detent e Mouse vas happily dn recess Respers were not improved by an announcement from our Atr Force of vhat loosely vas described as a successtul test for SQOUR This vas almost the last gasp of Air Force ressstance but the British did not know that until tater Veamnize the zest of the Amerfcans flew back to Veshington and vent to see the Secretary of State 100 imm rmomusew rume ‘me Anerfcens who iew to Washington frou Hessen vere relased in relier at the constuston of a difficult potentially disruptive contrentation In thets renter they alt vere optiatetic for the future But their mutual contitence had dtverse sources Pach man looked to the future from his on predispositions cach sav tn Nasseu‘s outcone opportunites to further the perticutar perspective with viich he himselt vieved basic MIO polder ent Buropean prospects Welamaza ant litze vere particularly pleased the PLANS offer to the British with 10s NIO assignment and escape—clause seemed to then a perfect forme on vitch negottation with the Preach coud be begun« at Biytert hadn‘t happened 4 should have been duvented he negative deston of six months before could now be set aste DeGeuitc Ake Mcatlien might find this forma sufficiently protective for the indepentence of his national deterrent If so the Preach could rejoin tD with thetr force de frapse tor targeting ant planning Tats might not be Adeat but vould be an dnprove— ment as close as one could cone in present efremstences toverd integre— tion of Presch meterr forces Once negotiation begany on this formula beoautte wight be enticed by varheads ant by avimartness Mims etflar could be rendered equivalent Mitre viouattzed another epohe in his heet Metlimern visualized French funds for conventional forces And 4f negotiation proved that Deoeulte was not interested even on the beste of this formita ve vould know vhere ve stood with hin once and for at2 Bren a negative outcome could Anprove the atatus quos 18 wound put to rest a11 doute about our prior negativim rn In the perspective of these tvo men from Defense miltilateral meant mtinattonat for usy for Britain and for Pranos but it could also sean antth—tee tor Germans and for lesser fy as one component of a NMD lear force tied to NAD targetting and tied to us through our participation —— st412 another spoke for Mitee‘s viet s Beal saw al this differently The Deitish formila vas vorth supporting if it mate 2ite bearable for Zorfes viite they Aid their vork of brihging Britain into BBG Tt ves vorth offering the Prench eince a negotfation might entangle then in such a vay as to assure couplateance toverd the British at the contng rount of talks on RBC Bit once the Bettiah had got fato Birope we should modity that formula as fast as possible ant vork our vy beck to the safe grount of a truly miltilaternl solution —— MP Otherviae the German probes vould renain to haunt us So long as Prence ant Britain vere eoabted with our afd to matntain something different ant more mational Satth—Iee vas bound to fuply a dtsortnination® against Germans ¥hen we coud we should return to our attack on national forces M0 remained the route Ant mesmviite ve should reassure the Germans that 16 remained our gout for everytoty not just then Itke his colleagues from Defense the Unter Secretary of State vas pieaset at Hesseu‘s outcome but shat pleased hin most vas the term milti Interni so used as to retain a connotation of atund—mmmed Pron this Bel drew some personal sntiefaction he recalls If the Secretary had gone and T‘d stayed hone MLF would have been lost entirely As for Dinty tt vas Tater sail in State that he had Atked the outcome ecsuse he saw something dn 1 for everytody a typical ‘Dean‘s sctution‘ If s0 bis 1tking seeus enticely reasouable in 2ight of his responsibilities 20e as aste to the one man sho needed mast to keow how forces vere arrayed vhere Mistory vae tenting before he put his oun foot down frrerocebiy Tndeet vit sees Jess reasonable is that as the veeks passed Banty anong others was unable to control the bureeveratic process by viich balances vere upset faster than the Wite House vanted and an outsize Merchant Mtsston® nore btudgeon then scatze turned a probe of MUP into commitment But that 1s another story — when their plane touched down in Washington these five drove to the State Department and amy Busk« Mhey reported on the recent past and canrassed Aubure prospects Tt vas generally agreed that there vould have to be dnten— stve foltow—up on al aspects of Hassen a sntes—agreenent for the Bettiah an exantzation of the bases for negotiation vith the Prench a 2ook gnto the ways and means for RMO muclear foreesy both miltinationa2 and truly mititateral including adaptation of the Satth—Lee offers It also vas agreed thas State should ent the follov—up assenbling inter—agency task forces for the purpose Busk prepared to get this under vay at once Taking hin asite MeTemarn urged that 1t be put in other hants than Oven‘s or Schactzel s« Rusk therespon mened Kitchen as his representative to lead the total effort and to hate a steering group vith mub—groups for each phase In the next days Kitchen vas to draw on men from both Departents As he did so Oven vas usstgned to the aubegroup on MP and Sctmetsel to the aub—group on Prance This may not haye been quite vhat eltemere intended but evbordinate assign— nents vere detaila ant the authority vas Rusk‘s Both at the start ent Tater the Secretary of Defense forehore to press the point beyond Kitchen‘s love 103 Once the general outline of next steps had been agreed Melanara ant Mitze ftew vest for the hotddays« Ball and Dinty vent thetr viys« musk started Kitchen off and set Deceaber 20 for an intial meeting with his group Ten Coristaas intervened Mad there been any opportunity to Snfiuence the Prench that fntervention aithough bier seems fetal ‘me Presstent vas in Pein Beach for Christaas On hts vay thefe from Nessen he and Zokilen had dSscussed our offer to the Prench« Bolen recalls me President vas in no sense optinistic about the morpects of negotiation with the Prench At no point in our conversation 41d he suegent that he was reaty to atve verhond or eutmerine assistance to the French Dut T got the clear tnpression that he had not exctuted these possibilities nat he vented above 412 ves to get the General into serious negotiation ant entab« 2th scue reat contact He knew that tr ve started ant 2¢ DeGsutte vere forthcouing varhends and euimazines might follow Ke vasn‘t exsiuding then as posefbH2itien« On the other hand he had very much in mind the Congresstoont haserds ant other hazards 42 he vere to go that fur ant vien ve talked he vaen‘t renty to aevuze he‘d have to He knev ve vouldn‘t have to 1 Decetas acted as ual ut this io not to say he ves unedlling to In some such frame of mind the President received the Prench Ambassador Herve Alpband just after Coristans The Mite fouse files do mot Atsclose the date but Gore vho vas a house quest recalls that Alphand artervarts cme out 2ike a ‘eochcof—the—valk e intimated plainly that the President hat given hin a hint viich made hin hayoy« He count sue1l varhents at the ent of the road iybe our warheads wich vould have been a12 right If they got Sito a sertous segotfation he could see that at the end ‘state vould be converted into ‘equal pertape in a tripartite context Bit Alphant evidently dtd not convey this impression to his government Or if ne did the Prench chose to ditute 18 An Anerfcan corressontent vas informed by Prench officiate that Alshant found Kennoty non—comittal about verhends 10s If that vas the Alpband report he may have had some reason to tesper his intttah stow of optintzns On dnstrustion from the Ryseey reportedly the Prench vere out in force for ten days after Messen attempting to gauge HMeshington‘s tntentions On Decenter 2 their Counselor of Rebassy quizzed Scnaetzen on the matters Schastzel‘s notes reconts te asked shat a ‘stuer errangenent with France meant I eaid ve vere st112 deveroping our thinking but wy persoont view vas that 1t ought to be consttered exactiy statier to the arrangements vorked out vith the Bettish T satd tt presun— abty exctuted techies varhend asstetence ant peenimably the mefstsh ant the Pench wound construct their om mclear subsartnes « Schactsen vas in for a surprize The next day he dotned other mesbers of the Kttehen group to hear hts Secretary lay down Mines for then to follow with respect to Preach negotiations Schnetsel‘a special charge the mtmites of that meeting show Mes Sehastsel 68 not thizle we could or should at Wiis ttze attenpt to have Zobien in hts tnttint Atsous etons with‘ the Prench anpitty on the Nasonu Agrecment The Secretary agreed this vould be presature since the details vere yet to be developed Rovever he stated that the discussione stould avoid a presature foreclonire to a Aull exthange of views me Secrctary stated that atl aitermattves stould be explored at his time Vite he did not for eznaple beiteve ve shoud tnticate our teneAiate villtngaess to provide muctear assistance to Prance even this previous Runtamental poltey stourd be recreated in Might of Nesom ‘me xey wuld be a sufficiently fundamental change in Prench poldcy« The mediate matter hovever vas not to Judge » mt rather to explore a2l possible avenes Without enthustess Schactzed did as he vas told Re organtzed his sub group ant cxttet tvo meetings which vere marked by clashes betveen nesters from Defense and State with different vievs of urgency and differing degrees of Sencrence about Preach mclean programs The group then turned to stuty without meeting hey stil vere doing so oo Jamary 1b 105 Neamhize after some debate in Schactzel‘s group and eiseviere State exbted Boten now back at his post The cable contained his instructions hese reached hin Jumazy 2 He vas not very pleased to have then after Nassn ant Pain Beach the points that should be stven perticutar expnasts are tires that the U 8 to prepared to make a major dectston of policy ant to accord to France —— at least sofar as the Hass propossts are concerned —— the sane status as Peitain wit only on the underetendtng thet the Prench thenseives revise their poldcy to accept the miltilatera principle the reach comet at this Auncture be apprised of the exact nature of further 0 5 assistance beyond the offer of the ‘atntlar arrangenent as suggested by the President in his etter to Deouitte ‘Te American Ambassador proceeded to the Biysce and put his best foot forvent with the President of the Republic DeGeulte Aid not appear enthused bat Bobilen thought hin dnterested and cheerfully exceeded State‘s instruc— tons as he read them He did mot exceed Witte House intent DeGeule vas told in Boilen‘s recoltection that n possibilities vere exsiuded all relntfonstips were open for discussion‘ our offer from Messen represented a beginning not an end The end vould be discovered through negotiation we were eager for a serfous exploration But ve lncked the information to proceed alone we hoped the Prench vould doin us Rotten left the Eiysce quite hopeful of the outcome Dedaulle he thought wound probably negotiate to see stat did Iie at the ent and at sat price Bohlen vas avare that f the General did so he could not at the sene tine be beastly to the Rettish Ant our man‘s hopes were refed by vhat his mgtish colteague tord hin ‘he Beféish Ambassador also sav the General DeGauite hd volunteered that he intended to be cmutious in his forthcoming weess conference Jamary 2b mits cheered the Poglishnan and Bohlen too 106 In Heshtngton neamile Oven had produced a semorantus enalyzing Nassents tupect on our Paropean poldey te wrote 2 Problem Messen left us with two tracks to purmie Te Wiustte nelp for UC ant Presch national MBI forces in return for these countries‘ commitments to support ant eventually dnclude thetr Polaris forces in a multilateral force s oreation of a mittitaters mtred manned force witen vourd be open to atl NAFO nations o Basic Course T ds in our Interest to press ahead vigsrously with the secout track ‘mis will tend to absord German an Ttartan post— lossmn moteur pressures Moreover progress tovrd a miltic Interi force wits betoign to these countries the posstbie eventual end of UK and Preach mational Polaris forces and ths the possible end of Antra—Biropean disertaination «t On those premises he urged that AZO organs and the Germans should be ze— assured of our figeitty to pre—extsting poly prosounsementsy ant stould have authoritative word that MP reaained our favored treck ‘me 2o5ic appeated videly neide State and eisevnere there was general recognition of a need for soothing notses at the Torte Dauphine and Bom Even in Defense viere Oven‘s prenises vere scercely shared there ves no Adsposston to sgnore the Germans Ball met no opposition vhen he volunteered to explain Nessex to then On duniary 20 the Unter Secretary tew to Parts for a session with the North Atantic Counei2 Mite there he spent sone tine with the Prench Tor— «ign Mintster Cowe de Miryiate Beit passed a pleasent evening with his Brgiish colteague Heath who atso had seen Cours and had been told thet 1% the Beitish cane to terms on Sedtinteal demes ho pover on earth could keep then out of 220 Bath then fiev to Boony ant on the morning of the ith met with Menmuer As Ball recalls that meeting fully Justified his trips 107 « me Chancellor began by saying ‘This sorning T ave with the terrible feeling that this vas the day T vould have a serious Misegreement with the Anerfomns‘ Before the morning ented he vas reassured When I started to describe viat ve had in mint by Paregreph 7 of the Nassau Communique Adenaver asked ‘Ts this the Guith—Lee force imen I eaid ‘Yes he brightened visibly ant expressed setistiction To our Antessator in Parts nothing justified Ball‘s trip No matter how pteased he had mate the Chancerlor that morning Bolen baxes him for vist DeGeutte Asa that arterncon imen George sew Coure he told hin that the vhots exshnste of Meoseu‘s mittilatern arrangements vas on the atxed—manaed force Cove expressed surprise Clearly 1f this 4s viat Hessen 01d wear DeGmulte could have no conceivable tnterest in t No doubt he heard of 14 from Coure ant then attached George‘s vorts to everything had tord‘hin Until then T think he bad seen the ‘miltiGateral business as something for the somevint Atstant future Mamhite vith our hetp he coud speet up creation of his national forces men when the future cane to be decided he vould have an equal voice tn vorking out vhat ‘miltilateral should mean 18 anything beyont 1A9 assignment Mow George bad changed the tsmtng George mate it sound as though shat we vere after vas a quick move tolurd very tight essentially non—nationa arrangenents If this vas our timing the whore thing became plary unscceptable mat‘s viat surprised Cure T think dts vhat decited Boonie This 1s interesting but rather hard to credtt Dedeulte reportedly comite to mesory every ine he utters in press conference Boiten‘s view presuses a heavy task of memorization in one veck—ent Cove reportedly discounts this view on nore avbetantial grounts Re recently told Brandon asong others that his master‘s sense of Nasseu had veen mich tke that in most inital Bogltsh press reporte Meentllan for— feted ntepentence Tost his fight came home without the mattonal deter— rent he had told the Preach at Rasboud22et he vould maintain This 1s alleged as the dectatve factor in DeGmiite‘s response to Massai a factor present before atl arsived upon the scone 1co British Poreign Oftice sources Aisberteve both explanations In their eyes the dectsive factor antedated RasboutZiet The General had decied thet they shound not enter E80 If so he had to turn our muckear offer doun or ense risk thetr abthity to besgain their vay in Messes gave him a dre matic chance to stem the door no ifs or bute or technical obscurities hy shourd Decuutte the dreeatist dey himselt this chance to do viat he vould othervise have done by other seanst There vas nothing to dissuade hin but our uncertain beginning e coud not offer more thet could not be enough ie uissed no opportuntty® there was none to ve taken ‘ In the Beitish Defence Mintstzy the retrospect is different Momeycroft hinsext resarke © tou never cound ant never v2 get DeGaulte into mekear eoitaboration vith you t is too transatlantic e Eeins dt shen he says he will not et Prance Movn® T Io ve vio can bring him tnto collaboration vith us end so with you Our doint deterzent count be tinked with Fours through 1M mint 40 the only way Mit just as he can‘t bea ‘demanteu® with usy so ve can‘t be with you » ou must tell us ve can carry our technology across the mannen We can‘t ank to do so vould cart doubt upon us You might vent to stop sharing secrets with us froa ‘hen on Very well Dut you must tree us to share past secrete with then ‘mis is quite a statement from a Minister faatiter vith Mecaiian a man who dst not hesttate in 1957 to ask us to ament the Atone Bherey Act ant at Casp David three years 2ater asked for SKOLR %o Mhornayerofty I take is this is a devater‘s point and T a menber of the House ite contimes se vouldn‘t propose thet course to you before Massai But n ay person opinton—4f you had proposed tt ve d be in ‘he Common Market now and France would be in the Aldance with us and with you y colleagues didn‘t think ve could ‘bay our way dnt to RBC I don‘t agree mis is the course ve shat alt have to taxe some days He court have done st in 2962 109 So the Foreign Office ant Defence contend Toei views of past events are not without significance totey witness the Cabinct on MIP Regardless one or another may be right and Bolen rong and Cour a retfonalizer loboty knows exept peouutts On Jamazy 14 the General staged his dru When he met the press that artemson he let then know that he vould keep the British out of Burope Much of vhat MostZan had been told a month before vas now put on the public recort ugland 4s in effect dnsular maritine Mnked through its erate markets and foot supply to very diverse ant often very distait countries In short the nature structure ant econonts context of foglant dtffer profountly from those of the other States of the Continent one vas scmetines Jed to beldere that our Bnglish frtents 4n applying for mesbership in the Comen Market agreed to change their ow vays even to the point of applying all the contitfons accepted and practiced by the Six but the question ts to know 1f Great Britain can at present place fesens vith the Constnent « oue casnot suy that 1t has now been resolved WSL 4t be so one dayt Opvlously Britain alone can anaver that It 4s possible that Beftain vould one day cone round to Stansforning tself enough to belong to the Buropern Comunity without restriction ant without reservation ant placing it ahead of anything ese ant in that case the Six would open the door to 1% and Prance vould place no obstacle tn tts path te 4s also possible that Bugland s not yet prepared to do this ant that indeed appears to be the outcome of the ong long Brussels tails ‘he Generel then proceeded to reject our Hessau offer France has taken note of the Anglo—Amerforn Nissen agreesent As 4 vas conceived undoubtedly no one will be surprised that ve camnot aubscribe to 18 Tt truly vould not be useri for us to my Polaris mtssties vien ve have neither the svhaarines to Inamch them nor the thermomciear vathends to ara then In other vords for us in tems of technology this affair 1s not the question of the moment no mit also 4% does mot meet with the principle which consists of Aisporing in our on right of our deterrent force %o turn over ous veepons to a multitaterel force unter a foreign coment would be to act contrary to that principle of our defense and our Boitcy Tt ds true that ve too can theoretiatty retain the Winity to taxe vack in our hands in the prem lypothests our atonte verpons incorporated in the mititaterat force But hor coun ve 00 2t in practice during the usheard of mosents or the Monte apoceiypeet® And then this mitiGaterst force necessertly entatis‘a ven of Matsone transntonions and interferences vithin Meers ant on the outaide a ring of obligations such that ir an nteged part vere suddenty mnatched trom 15 there vould be a strong risk of paralyzing 1t just at the monent perbaps vien it should act m sun ve will athere to the dectoton we have mades to donstruct and 12 necessary to enploy our atonte force ourselves quite wnststakably the Genera understood and A14 not Atke prectsely viat ustrected Weitemara ant Hitze an approach toward integrettony a trensstlantie tie a veb of 2iateons transmtstons and Anterferences DeGentte cured more for ntepentence than ent1tan tte concern vent beyond syabols or veatnuinge to epectfics DeGailie in Prench vas talking Neilimara‘s language as he fusned hits beck on Mmara‘s sins Im Russet two veks tater the Prench halted Bitain‘s effort to join E me Six could not contiime to negotiate Heath vent hose In Ionton the PM prepared to face —— and to fuse dom —— an cutery rom his pertanentary critics Ristory now helped hia he could spent of the Amerscans as fiends and Presse syoke for herself Meny Sores vere relteveds next to getting nto HBG triumphantly there vas no better posture than to be kept out ty Prenctmen Mcnttan may have sensed this all along Distnterest n cur offer to the Presc suggests he ata As any rate the PM got through Rouse dette without Toning his hold upon POLARIS or this Dedenite deserves sone crédi also Kennedys As one of Mormeycrort‘s esststenté put 1t mat television program in Decenber really an helped us with the RAP and livy and their frends f they wanted a deterrent force at a12 ant inks to you they had to cltnb abound POLARIS ater that n Heshington antast the witn of assorted hopes for other things the budget vent to Congress without SOMOUR the President‘s TV remarks a month before vere anplitied in telling fashion ant the cancelation now appeared in context of the defctt Miis lest act of ay story evoked mtninal reaction me Mr Force scarcely ratoed tts hand and Erfends in Congress scarcely bothered to complain Yor many Mashingtontans Stolt renatns a dirty word liftch ts not anong then Wize the budgetary fome vantabet from the scene officials alternately cursed Dedeutte ant cammesed thet constricted range of chotcs The Merchant Mission folloved in de course me xiv comeror An appratae of this story 4s a matter for dulgsent Tn vhat follows I have drevn upon sy oun Brery point 1s arguable Readers are on notice Mo appraise the story one mist first decide viet vere ite costs and benerits for vhon If evidence sustained the charge that it onused® Deoeaite‘s check to Momnet‘s Barope 14 might vell deserve the 2ebel of atsaster wich vas often pasted on 1t ater Janay lk T find nothing to sustain the charge he outcose then vas no disaster for our Goverment Bat this 1s not to sey it cost us nothing vhat vere the costs to ust Piret we gave Deeutc a stage—aet for his Arona he is Ingenious end he might have done as veil without bnt ve made easy vhat might have cone hard Secont when his action blighted many other hopes the MZ exerged as something we could citng to we ctung and got comitted in the process vith no compary of note except the Germans iether this will turn out to have been a long—tern benefit nobaty knows In the short run T include it as a cost because 18 is so piatay vhat the constituttonat contuctor of our foreign relations dtd not vest Mist we paved the vay tovard this result and others by intensifying peresotd reactions in our oun offictaldon After Nassau Zntians vere sore estranged from Chiefs than they hat been before ant more discordant in relations with each other Moree inticative exanpless Kitchen end Schretzel for a time stopped speaking to each other Oven and Roven more or Jess Jost touch — Rosto st113 thinks Massau a disaster Another Antfcation Schaotsel sf wi OVG ancly sther87 use the Seeseteny at Sederge as an Snteterete seidies io Shui Seoretens‘s Gesioess Sittinich see Show ag Sust‘s Aatret Autgebont Sevounld pestsimns yoo mst quite wontindh to astiens Sourlh we depressed on Sop or Shes sow shite to Soot semnuntt seastists io Sooth Sitaly Meatestiontte abtifutes sescsuse tong Stbmes sites Tht werely Sory ight—vingers but many correspondents of respectable pepers set ERic ILE 26 uiloe Wisteteten sone Siptaters nose seule cfe Wieistecs are a degree more vary of us after SCOR than before Tast nuteer‘s brief smigieg of Setetiitwint sueplesmsntess abot dhe Severteh stece wn Stats semgeity is trespafte dicecity to the verbs or orang monte aevites ts duty 1963 reportetly At ves atiegst by informed civil servant never sind the yeote SAS Savedy Siuset Sat penton the uitce as es aide too souttling our Agressent on POLARIS ‘me ‘homneyerofte of Britain —— vio are not confined to Tory renia —— regent svet aire So ws dn mations uP uote Severeet aut afe ore Aussines drug Shes to Series ve ds Ste cones ime eestee cin semvente woo sepueist 56 Sonl esuly afies ves ecliebtration ase seitect os seticiny 4 Ci90ls muspicton spreads with fever checks thin formerly and SQOU® helped to apreat $t Fifth in many circles on the Continent this Sotett—Tessen sequence dot the seuse M66 oor oomseptione ant ow essoution vere atthe erratic wore teportentiyy 14 deh a base oo witch Later snpresstons sould‘ nite os sit Seash 1s the widiing sourse we N00 ont artes earing aoevetoes Is Shosk we deos dove one SpoiEre% svet Sixth to some degree ve did the suze at hone ant tett a sense of diserrey improvisation trouble casting doubt upon the eredit—line am extended arter Oube This story seems the Teast of causes for such doubts asong our wider public but within our on bipertisen Establishment ve surely paid scee peice ant et411 are paying Seventh ant most specutative we lost what myte vas a chance to fur ther our proctaned concern for Baropean unity and steategto Integration Hasses may heve been an opportunity Mellamare may have been correct in thinicing iyboit vas andonie vorth fnventing to produce that opportunity 46 the President and BM bat been able to keep their mints on DeGeulie if he had been or could have bech induced to turn a shade less Prench Af ve had spent the months preceding Hessen thtriing through a Duropean mclear deter rent based on Anglo—Prench collaboration and £6 we had 2iked 16 vien we thought 4t through —— then Hessen vould have set a dtfferent stage ant morneyeroft‘e prediction night have come to pass« vere governing as easy as some gournatste suppose this Yost cuence should rark first anong my costes Bat there are fur too many ife in it for we I note it but I‘m sot inclined to count 1 So much for costs to us vit of the benefitat Pirst ve Aisencubered our prospective detense budgets of $2 5 M1Mdon vithout uss or tight in Congress this 1s no nein feat Second we sustained Rusk‘s forma Im not against the ‘special retationship‘ until T can see something better to take dts place Merety we kept sonchoty to talk to Also ve averted fer worse notses from our om BstabMishnent then ve have heard A publie breach with Bitatn vould not have cone cheap at hone Besides 1 might have cost us dear abroad e helped Mecnfitan squetch temptations tovard fory Onillisn mt more than this we kept chips in our hands for leter bererining with Rero Mitmon the 2tkely next Prine Minister should he ever be teapted tovert Soctattat GmiBdizm Mis scene to ne decidedly a benefit for us us West Anerfcans betteve that such temptations have no substance that hatever Rortes —— or the Zabourites —— might threaten neither could bring off a beotish turn to anti—Amertcan continentaiton mit Britain now 4s going through a puise of doubt uncertainty over the shaye ant meaning or it a12 a moot not shotty different from viat ve are alyays hearing of Hest Germans Confidence about the certibudes of polities and poldey aay not be mich nore uesvented th one case than the other If so Mesas vas prudent ant prudence a senoris o underscore the point 18 is vorth noting that a year ago during the mnben ertsts unttl the vorst vas over Oxford Done vio peite thensetves on knoving Anerdea® ascribed ou stastt to pro—election politics Tt also is vorth noting that in July Hilson told me You Amerteans should understand that your support of Waeatllan‘s deterrent vill make me take an anti—Gernan 2ine He ds ustng the deterrent to play uson a widely dstiuset patriotie sentiment anong men tn the mbes T don‘s thi this do as tegortant as he does T thisk ‘the erection vill turn on dosesti tames Bat tt ton‘t uninportant and T can‘ dgnore 45 So T shall have to Play ujon another widety—dittused sentinent the ony one available antt—Gernanion I shall have to sty That ‘ve must give up our deterzent to keep the Booty Gersazs from geting theirs One counters exotion with esotion I rather think the FM has the better line but T must take viat ds available 3 know that Musbington von‘s ike tt mt I hope your people understand that they‘ve lett me no choice If the then I had got the better line might not Hilson once in ofice wish to tike 1t for his om reducing outeries free the left by giving it an anti— cupitantst tvistt ty vould he not at least toy with this tactict One need neither dske him nor euspect him to regard ft as a tectic vorth consiter atton n hts terms —— especially 4f he should fink some continental Socialist regimes witt viich to make or at least cain a comon cause The Anglc— American rerationshtp sustained at Messeu then vould be a tie on hin ant got for us f this more tater me aking costs and benefits together T consider that our batance—snces Mocks reasonebty good ice Siytolt was a orists betveen Washington ant Tonton hintsight fails to show me how ve could have done much better in the lap which then prevailed Miis redses a next question need St have becone a Fesistt® Before I turn to that hovever one more note on benefits and corta in his oun terms vitever ve may think of then Maenttan‘s betancecsheet looks better then ours strategtcatty the Tortes had at stake ast 2112 the future of their countzy to aay nothing of thetr pasty‘s bord on office The stakes remain und rise pestape since Jeniary 2h So we tend to ace it But tecticanlyy for Rortes the next best thing to Joining B20 on decent terms vas an out» right resection by DeGmilie he ext best thing to SCBOIT vas POLARIS So at least Yanan evidently sav 1t Tn the event he got his secont—best Sizence in Noveaber and a ertets in December helped hia do 1 Given Deowutte‘s stand at Restouf12et Montien was in poor shape to achteve first—best on Busope without Hasse he might vel heve had to settle for thirdcbest a dvagget—out death at Prussets witch cout seen his faite Ant given our oun mdgeting he vas in no stage to achieve Airst—best on his deterzent Unter these contittons and in this imperfect world to have achieved his secont—best on both scores 1s not bat ‘me m di not pian it that vay to be eure Put rone of his oun actions Anterfered with the resutt ant most of thes contrituted toverd it even that Jong stzence viiich annoys some of us sti On that he folloved our exaaple Prom our standpoint as strategists Mecn1ian‘s contuct may not seasize up to his strateste stakes by viich ve unsally meen cur om attriluted to nize Pros hts standpoint the attefbution probably ds faulty Row may British porttscions ever varmad to strategy Bow many men tn Rglish lire think such a thing vorth having Not many I suspect not anyway outside a ar few rooms in and neer the Foreign Office an perhaps a fev oid comers of the Mouse Mrcnttan I assune Aid not frequent mich places Straten for hin vas evidently tentemount to general loogerin hunches plus spectfie short—run tactics In terms of tection secont—best locks good Prom a ory point of view the look might be st41 better tf their mC hind ctatmet publicly that Messon vas a Erfuagh of diplomacy for Intepentence‘ at our expense mit nofses on that subject lout enough to be convincing wound have sectousty esberransed us Macmillan too paid something to sustain Anglo— Anerscan retattons not least sttting on Thoeneyerott but also keeping off the thene that he outvitted Kennedy Uniess St Ates Douglas—ome can pull a Truman on the pelisters a ley Assue for us in the next months of those relations becomes hoy to fashios instituttonattzed evbstitutes for the cantankerous but sturdy pro—Anentoentan of Macsiizan Or so 1t seems to me Of this also nore laters Mow for that next question Did there have to be a ériotat Almost certainty there had to be sone fuse Mecaiiian‘s tecttont dexterity brought hin to seek and buy a pig—in—a—pobe at Camp David Nellamera‘s vigorous pursutt of cont—erfecttveness vas bound dn time to put us back on the collsstom course his peefecessor charted merely months after Comp Devi Te M mate what seens to me a otasstc error in high potcy or politics he pursued objectives diplomatic ant political disguised as something else a aflitay posture which vas unconvincing on ite free in tts ow terms ant hard to hold We cansot be too orftfcal of hiny from 1960 tnto 1963 ve 41d the suse with MP — mut this for us vas not a dearest object or ndt then while his deterrent atvays had that qusity for hin Once he tied it to our pursuit of SKIBOLE he exbedded trouble in our situs relations ns roubie vas rendered the more 1ikety by our change of Anintstration which resoved the men sho had dealt vith Mecaitian at Camp David It vas rendered st112 more so by their deat‘s survival through one budget season under each Adsintstration The third buiget setson cofnefided with a atl An Sory fortunes an a turning—point at Brussels Clearly Af ve cenceited there vas bound to be at least a private fuss mit neat a private fuss have turned fnto a public crtatet The hover probaby do no Miroughout Movember 2968 before the press got tnto the act there vere avecessive turning points at any one of witch a Aitrerent course of contuct on somebody‘s part might have forestalled that escelation tike att such Anstances this stity see be summarized for vant of a nail a shoe vas lost for vant of a shoe « and so forth neaders v2 bave noted many moments shen each actor might have done a Little differently vith large resulta Zoose matia abount At the Shite Rouse for exasple had the President preceded Metamaze on the transatlantic telemone Novester 9 or had Bunty put Miis om mind ant the Presttent‘s to vork on vhat Havthorne was trying to con— vey or had the President conveyed with expast to others the procedural assurance he gave Gore before ankagtvin or had he ant Gore got down to cases vith cach other then At departachtal levers had Kebter gone to Moscow three sonths tater than he did or had Risk supplemented Mellnara‘s vord to Bruce or had musk exited for better start work on Noveaber 2b or hat Mellamaze been 26s busy after that or hat he sbouldered shat he knew to be his burden surfacing hts difference of optnton vith misk‘s staft At both levels had Cite not occurred ust vien t Aid or in fta aftermath hat Molamara‘s Tal take care of 18 carriot a tittle ese comniction to his mutttore no Missed opportunities® Like these soall matters—of—the—noment ster the grount on our side and on Tondon‘s site are others In Novesber the British ssssed fever then ve did they used their quote but had fever to mites Te initiative vae curs Some of these mails may not cone loose next time Regertence conveys te oun correctives Bunty and DeQubuete for example know each other better than they dtd a year ago Prom them and from their pefnetpals the private hone has had a 20t of use stnce last Hovenber As a second exasple Nellimera unt Mhorneyerort are not in the east likely to take one another for granted again mat might—have—dones are not confined to nonentary lapses at high tevets A lover levels one £ints nore enduring problems T6 4s by no neens certain that expertence has yet corrected these or can one of the nost revesting things in this entize story —— Snticative of a dcep—seated probten —— is the State Departaent letter of fnstructicn to Defense the three—aiternatives letter of November 2b Tor viet this Initcates 4s that at upper official levels vhere stétf work vas contined State‘s Tntons vho took the 2ead in drafting neither grasped the Bettish problen nor took time for thought ébout 1t sor faced upoto the ditema 1 created for thete Chieco ho Washington‘s objectives could be squared with Tondon‘s wants ty hinistght 1t 1s evident that they missed an extreordinazy oppor— tuntty had missed 1t for the three preceding veeks vould mtas 19 for _ the three veeks after that ant have not seen #t yet the 50—50 offer Bad no one ever seen 1 T coutd not say that they itesed 1% but Melamare and musk in turn case close and then the President at last produced t for ninsers 10 ‘me virtue of the 50—50 offer vas not that had t been made easiter the British sight have baught it in terms of Ifte‘s tactics this count velt be quaged a vice Yor vas its virtue that a tinely offer might have brought the Cabinet to dtspense with thetr deterrent thus delighting every Tniten in sight Despite the Btighs ant Carys T an hard mut to berteve Meonttan vould have wanted what we dropzed on any terns an even harter put to think that he could have been commered by lis Cabinet ant deprived of his deterrent attogether Yhat I find entirely easy to beiteve ds that tf ve had made the 50—50 offer in Novesber Mecstiian vourd have been at Messes hat in bint thanking the President for generosity ant asking could he please have sonething else Tt then shound heve been no trick to arrange dofat—ntudy while ve both watched Rrassers If DeGaitts—had proved adamant on 2B we cound have gtven Hooton the POLARIS at Jess cost If he had not and Brussels were succeeding sendo amid have wshed Sein to gots Wht wide ar the stfiey tre Shish os nasy variations on this theme €11 2ikenter to meet our problen thin the three ungensrous® options of Noventer 2b ‘me virtve of the 50—50 offer vas precisely vhat the President say tn it and Core used 1t for vith helt—nuesess a shov of generostty so plain as to prectude anti—Anerscenton vite putting off BRIS Bre in Decenber that virive served us veld witoess the effect on Thorneyerort Tn Hovesber 1 should have eutriced to spare us frou or mute a mbit erste mt in fase 1 took the ertsts to secure Mite Rouse attentions S% took Kennedy hiasef to see the needed virtues ant to find then in this offer at the tagrent of the day here vere the Iuitans meamiDet Miry vere intent im on‘ Birope and on non—proidferation conforting themselves with Bovie‘s happy thought that they could use the President as though he were a bludgeon to be wiedded in support of thetr priorities They scarcely gave a thought to his prionities ant stil cemot conceive that theirs and his could be legtttnately astrerent Dupertictatly the finger points to personalities Since last November frequent repetition of the sane sort of behavior has aroused harsh coment ubout Biropeen—ortented Tnttans in general and tvo in perticular Schaetsel and Oven Tase two have certain natura advantages in drawing such attention to thensetves Both are determined dedionted publ servants with a vigorous concern fo public ceases viich the White Touse mich adaired vien the Kemedy Mntntstration izst case on the scene They share a distinction anong State Depertment ofticers in higher ranks they have masiged to survive ant rise for nary years vithout accepting the restratnto of Metstonteation They share other distinctions also Both men are articulate beyont the capebi2t— ties of sost associates Both have enfoyed —— ant stH11 parade —— connections n high paces‘ a matter st121 significant to nary of thet colleagues Schastsel with Baily Oven vith Bunty» Dinty #940 is hard put to restat the lure of Oven‘s interesting aind clean prose ant indefatigable staff vork Rusty asyoue can Belts coincidence of purpose keeps his door open to Schnetsel Rostou Oven‘ nouinal superior has status as a farfly friend Myer Schaetsel‘s nontnal superiory has status as cheese in a sandwich But personatities cemnst‘suffice as explanation for enduring probless at any rate these personstities comot« Gripes against buresvrate now sain upon theis heads n the course of ny Snterviering T have heard with tee frequency that ansvers 2te tn cutting off their heats I dou it Tre sources of those gripes run decper than these men Rxile the two tonorrow ant the problen now attributed to then will still renain Miis 4s not to argue int thetr next asstgnmente ought to be That ie Secretary Rusk‘s business not mine Mite ts to argue againet action on false presses Conssder uy exauple of State‘s letter Jast Noveaber shen the Intians vere actually these men mere are tive things one can criticize tn their yer— formance a biinkered view of poltcy Minited perceptivityy lov torerence for Asstentng unconcern for feed—back and a tendency to shove It my be that a Schactzen and an Oven men of pesston and frustration are predtsposed toverd done tone an peel sn maison snme ts a ieel mans each stem on this 2det in turn First these men brought to SOBOU as an eme and to the consideration of attesnatives their om poltcy perspectives They ranked objedtives and ussignet prioctties by Light of thei official duties thet buremeratio Anterests hete personal Ateas Bit no Aid everybody else a Hitze ant a Roven quite as such as they to say nothing of others tn thts story And everbody had a varrent or at least a bunting—Mcense signed ty Jobn 7 Kemedy to certity his om views as Amtnistration poltey ‘me Poitey Directive of 1961 seems to be untoue in this regime one may count one‘e bnessinge and be thanitil for that Mit even 2f the Oreen Book hed contained no ambiguities there vould have been enough of these in Presstentsat speeches between Mey 1961 and July 2962 2et alone the addresses of others there vere also anbiguittes in private to Judge from many nevoranta of conversations aes over dssies so couptex as those encoupsssed by our haste MTD policy ent hopes for Burope Presidents aze bount to have divided minds especially vile history has not Adsclosed to then vere 1% 1 going Bit vhen some sort of Presidential 2aven is aftined to several sites of most dtvietons the pro— ponents of then all are free to hint as est they can So they id in this Hnstance ant so they vill in future Poldeing to a White Bouse fob not thetes From the stentpotnt of the denuing muthority some Mcenses may be better thin others Bit why exzect the dcensees to read e11 that fine print e who Crave dfstinctions must enforce then If he can That ts the av of this Jungle Secont our two Inntsmen Schastzen and Oven did not perceive the maniford conetderstions other then thet oun wich were to be dectatve for thetr Cofe ‘ey 414 not read the fine print from the past nor 01d they poter stat might 246 ahead as 18 vould look to those vho had been vziting fine Motty these two men vere sattefied to read vint they hat vettten T misted then But almost everyone regardless of location 41d souething of the same sort dn this story — If an Oven and a Schactsel mtased wnat mattered in Rusk‘s mind a Roven fated to futhou Mollmara‘s AMittle 2ater Rostov failed to sense vhat vas essential for the President On occasion even Bunty anong the most perceptive actors on the stage seend to have assed his cues in that regent Part of the reason for these non—perceptions is that Chiefs in self« protection tent to veil thet thoughte The tine print 4s put in dnvistble dnk Miis tenency seems strong although not equel in the Chiefs encountered here The Presstent may confuse other staffs but eidently not his om not asyuay when they take patas to probe hia mind Prom vhat T hear and rend he a 4s the best de—brdefer of the three His thoughts as vell as actions seen wvaitabie for reading by associates of Bunty‘s sort f rather more at thei option than his vint happened in the case of those assurences to Goret ‘me Secretary of Defense appears someviiat 2ese open even with his personal assoctates to say nothing of otherst« mite story shove hin as a selective ae—breren® who serectivety turns off or on his contitences witness Hite Roven Yersoldnaly in Novenber and Deceber As for the Secretary of State he 2iterally has no counterparte to minty or to Millemara‘s sen no perscns1 assoctates shou he can call hts on Ant with the departzental officers vho serve as evtetitutes he evidently tents to do as on Movesber 2b ant on September 8 Me questions ant he Listens only under provosntion does he epe his mind Apparently this 4b so rere that ven t happens viat he says may get the trestment his words got at Perte in ose ear an out the other rattonaiized aviy mated State‘s non—percefvers of vhat mattered to their Caters also vere non—ldsteners for vit mattered to others These anount to the same tentercy at vork on dteferent ronts ino 2istenct hard for binte fron British sourcest tho stened hard for hints from Pentagon sources Who Mstened hard to Ais— sitents inode the State Department Not Staeteel or Oven They vere Anfuenced ty Bouse sho vas seying shat they wished to heer They also Atstened Jong exough to Roven ant to Bunty to catch vintever retnforeed thei orm perceptions It scens that their ears vere—mot closed merely selective mut throughout thts story Mdstening in a selective fashion 10 typical of activiate with operating Jobe Wellsmara‘s Metering stens sixttarty scrective f rather sore sopisttcated So does Bell‘s By State Depertment stenterts Sctmetsen has an operating job On paper Oven has a staff joby but he is so — 123 wsefut to so many operators that the term state as applied to hin dravs a distinction without a difference Both are activists and both vere operating mey say have overdone their selectivity but ears Ake theirs seen stantaxt or the men vio play much parts» In this story‘s cast of characters the most sensitive ear apparently belongs to Syler ostenstoly another operating officer sho heard so veld that in etfect he censed to operate The most patient Mstener unteubtetly vas Rusk No doubt he fount a gain in thts he also paid a peices The next best Mistences —— asste frm a fev sctentists —— vere evidently Panty and Roven me term staff has soue meaning in thetr Snstencess they had the duty As one task asong many they untertook to Jookeant—listen for thet Chters Unbeppiiy they 41d not look or 1tsten long at comers ‘me sore sees to be that Mstening and operating are distinctive tasks watch do not £1% together very well No doubt there are sone Renatssance Hen equipped by temperment to do both things at once with equal aki11 mat T seo nothing to suggest that there are many not enough to staff the State Departzent If so it sakes no sense to blame State‘s operators for not Atstentng Rourth these operators thought about our contuct tovard Oreat Britain In entirely dsfferent terms than ve vould ust —— or at Joust tell ourselves to use —— abouts cosperable act against the interests of a hostile country» mere are of course real differences Britain 1s our closest frient mere also are sone eritical sizlerities These seem to have gone alnost unrecogatzed vien State framed tto alternative for SEROUR it State vas not alone in thts Oven and Schertsel vere two among many Roven with others 126 vas in their company also Mindy to say nothing of the President Above the deve of the Beitish desk viich wrote in vain the company included most of Hnsiington Had Bettatn seened more enesy® than friend a 2ikery question in Hovesber veud have beens if we hurt them vat har can they do ust tad Britain been both hostile ant poverfit —— a Russia —— o doubt ve then vould have pursued that question cerefully the poostbi2ities of harm becose immense ant curious Pit Britain being Beftain notody purmied that question carefully or othervise And yet in the event the harm ve felt might follow from a pubic breach with Bettain quite sufficed to satisty our Chiefs that they must 46 precisery vat thete Znttans erd trying to prevent In Noveaber f the question hat ocemstoned thought this might have been forescen my hindsight it to ctear that vit the frasers of alternatives required tn Novenber vas at once an unterstenting of reactions to our verning ant a fore— cast of responses to the options ve vere franing feadcbeck on the one ant estimation of the other The her eftatn night do to us depented on two things how certain politicians vould perceive viat ve had done ant hov they then vould calsutate thet means to counter us —— in ters of their om utakes as they conseived them Our chance to miniize the harw or verd t oft depented on two more things how ve shaped their view of vint ve vere about ant how ve tnftuenced the stakes they veighed in thetr oun calculations It ve vere in the habis of appratsing friends as enetes these things vould have been in our minds as early as Moventer Bit ve do not have that habit and such things vere out—of—nind for Oven ant for Schactzel and for all of their superiors rer AM knew that we were pure in heart end seen no harm to Britain ve ussused our frients vould know this because ve 41d Can one blame Tottus for staring the assumptions of thete Chefs Especially vile one conptaine of thetr inseristtovity to shat Chiers thinet But even had evbordinates attempted to mirsie the question of shat hare our frsents might do usy 1t 1s fur from clear that tn Noveaber they —— at Intten—tevel —— could have got the information for an anever The President might have earned something on the tereshone ant so might Rusk or Bunty Bruce might have learned something fece—to—face Prom Indian to Tntian hoverer from the State Department to our Foreign Service Officers tn Tonton there was 2tttre they cound 2eern Por the caloulations of a Mrorneycrott or a Mecstiian inctute matters on vitch 250 are generally uninformed unused to seeking informaton poorly placed to get it personal stakes reocedural stakes buresmoratic ant political stakes as seen within the close confines or inttemani Tf uy experience is any guste the keenest students of much matters are a banttut of officiate mostly Sreanizy not Foreign Office scattered through top reaches of thet goverment iho tn our Pabasey deals intimately with thent Our people there autor three Atsatiantagens they von no firsts at Oxford or Cambridge or equivatent they veer a Foreign Office lapel and they have but 2ittle feeling for our Preasury—types® or for our buremcratic— politics as practiced outsite State A Bunty T daresay vould soon Jean every secret in the Cabinet Office ant the Private Office he looks so frzes Astably 1tke one of thetes to then ¥e have no Buntys at cur Babersy in Lonton« For that matter ve have none on Syler‘s staet in Washington Tor nave ve any stsitthtng back and forth 228 Had London been Moscou the Kreniinotogtats vould have case out in force during Novesber here were our Whitenaii—ologste They scarcely exist Fifth ant finetty our tvo Inttans proved hard to manage m Noventer they vent after vhat they vented with the drive ant stngte—nindedness they later vould dteptay on MLP Tet fmmedtate superiors vere passive as this happened Myler kept his counsel Rostow vorked on other things Intians with atssstent optntons vere outflanked or shoved aside The Secretey of State shose tater contuct stows that he had mental reservationt saddled their Winiered horse for then and tord his colleague at Defense to ride mre secretary of Defense agreed to do 1 fingers crossed ty Asivers go beyond the operating style of Sthastzel or of Oven what this suggests is vhat these eriticisus a11 suggest that the main atssed opportunity tn this affate turns on tvo intiituals vhore contict vas contitionet ty the operating styles of everytody eise entattcelly including Spier Rostow me12 musk Melinara Bunty ant the Presfdent It this 4s a fatturé in managesent look to the managers the Secretaries unt the Stitte Rouse above 12 In the course of this story especially ito Messeu shase the President attempted vint he tater tried vith MB to trace a rather subtle 2ine of action through competing aspirations viich vere unresolved and unressivabte until time ctarsfied unsowne Ouch entervors are npressive at least to ne and very mresidentiat But frou a buremeratic point of view they are atmost usbeersbie the pain they cause ts real our contemporary bis busessracy 1s a blunt dnstrument effectively responsive to biunt chattenges when grtzped by a blunt oldey Its character was shaped tn World He ant in Cond Wer To wield 4 on bebalf of subtlety 129 seatnst diffuse and contradictory challenges is an exceetingty hard tesk of munagesent T 1s not rendered easier by the peculiar interlock of operating styles suggested in this story St422 as ve approach the fourth year of a ffest term I voild not urge basy men with the responsibilities of governing ant re—election on their backs to vorsy overmich about their operating styles Self—consciousness may help pertape this story can induce 12 Bit bane or mee culpas vould be silly Thie vas not a disaster after all Bveiytody‘s vices are the obverse of his virtues on the shoving of this story virtues dontnate Wanagenent tnprovement 4s mo pearl to be discovered by restyling all our topmost personne Besstes how vould one go about A7 The sane thing can be gast of structure an procedure at thete level On the shoving of this story none of these requires change and change vould vork no mirectes From ‘Siytott as an dame dn our poicy—making T draw a etmple esson reguntiess of structures or procedures much of viet occurred here will coour ugatn How much depents upon the vigitance ent luck of tnttriduts especially of those vio have the duty to protect thete Ciers a Bunty at the ite Mouse and his counterparts eiseviere Diroughout this story most of what vent wrong cast shadovs in advance There vas no Zack of clues the Jack vas tine or thought to pick then up ant read then Dinty in partic« wss is an accoupliabed qusgler of nary bails at once He qugetes vile he skates and skates so fast that even in a close—up ike thts story he himself renutns a btu —— witch fn as dt should be with d staff officer Bit sonetines ase bail or another crunches through the dee recovery 4s costly One vonters whether Bunty might not need a Dinty of his oun Wether he could use one 1e another matters T an inclined to doube 15 he atso needs ent 2tkes to 130 travel Mgt Rovever that may bey avoiding other Bytelte is a probles day by day for men n Bunty‘s line of ork 2f there are no auch men at state 4f at Defense they are turned on—mndcoft the larger the probles for may Wanagenent improvement means more—of—the—same but better done This peobien witl not yiekd to institutton—batidtng siyrott as an temue in Anglo—Amertcan relations 1s on a different footing My study does suggest a high priority for thought ant vork on Anstitutton—tuf4ing with the British Raters relationships are fromed on tn some querters test they becone exclusive T do not see hy they shout If ve mow need dnstitutionatized evbstitutes for Montien the Germans stil appear to need such evbetitutes for Duites We ought to vork on both White ve are vatting for our oun election ant for theirs ant for Peris and for Rome to clarify the Barope we shall det with in a accont term this sort of vork appears to me decidedly vorth doing ‘mere might we put our thought Not Anto over—arching mechentons shatow enterprises or another set of staffs at MMCO a place with ail the verve of our Depertment of Commerce Alreaty e have more than enough of these mathery T suggest ve ought to think about unpibtetzed font ventures goverment to goverment viich actually put bnremicrate to vork on matters relevant for then and for their Ministers tn the nternal conduct of ench government —— and so affect the stakes a Ministry will veigh as 1 pertcipates in shaping natsonnt policy» Our money and our veapoory have ceased to be decteive £ ve wish a steady sntruence upon alttence portey® viich is but a reflection of mational decisions ve mist get dom to the boiler rooms vhere such deciatons start in We need to help each fireman do what matters to hin until at lest he camot thik of shovelling without us Of course he will sot think 1t 2f he hes not been Snesde our boiler room ant found 5t useful dn his business to be there I see no point in sterting a oin venture viich ve are not ready to pire n comon at dectsfon—making levers Anything else is Joint a 22 somort witch was not doin at a11 and surely is a motel not to foltow Assuring we can contemplate some gemiine dotnt ventures two spheres suagest theasetves for careful exploration reseerch—ant—teveloment ant defense indgeting Bf a Zabour Goverment takes office in Great ritatn the untforn Inpression T have gained from sbadov—nintatere to that they look to us for peychic entistection in the fom of commultation Trey think of thete to— herence POLARIS as thete trading—rtock Bit I doubt that 1t can buy then vhat they want hat they talk of venting stems to me a 2ot Tess setiefying in office thin outs Ministers of State attendant on the President stat officers attentait on the J08 an so forth These evidently meen more to a shadovegovernsent then a real Goverment is ikely to find in them The nore one knows about our erate operations and ver plans the ese there 4s to Aigntty the statov—concepte of those statownintsters Disi2tueton T euepect vill follow the entightement obtaizable in office Before that time arrives 16 vould be helpful if there vere a vite vartety of ventures unter vay between our goverments viich otvil servants knew to be and Minteters vould find to be of use in their own vork ant also curs Buigeting ant ReandcD are a far ery from Great Dectsions this is to thetr advantage Dovn in the depths of govermentel processes vhere ase Ancresental chotces year by year shape later options day ty day Joint ventures after souething rest to buttress emeultation Minteters and their machines might gain a 20¢ from this ant ve as yells thet stakes becone our ties on their Prine Mintater« with Britain ve have merous connections even nov many of them relics of the Yaz soue mew some to the telkertage These span more erheres than defense and inctude tnterldigence In tome epheres notably defense the talk of new departares voth at iiittenel ant the Pentagon ts vell advanced Bit so fur as I heve fount on casuad inquiry present connections and proposed ones ure uneven Sone say engage reat interests create stakes for key officials in both goversments Most apparently do not Mixy seem to vanter in a vcs adscomnected from dectesons ty the national estabiisimente Sone are Invieible at a tires glance As a guste to tnstitution— building vith the British 1% may be vell to survey shat 1s now in piace or planned and uy s grew and hov ft vorks to whose advantage tn both governments A survey of thet sort might shor soae fatal flave n trying to make any such bureavcrattsed Joint ventures serve the politteat purpose sketched above 36 so I vould be sorry but Anclined to try asain we then should look for other means to initituttonsitze MaentMan Te need remains ‘moat need ds the main lesson I draw from Stolt as an deve in our foreign redatione my extension I vould guess thet it applies no Tese to Anststurton— mizing with the Germans
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