decussnen wren inmmou moms putea L2I79000 _ 010 won oun 228 verarniut or sere AIRGRAM T I 4h rou mu ust ohir R a_ 9% _ sewn ______— Hime T Ero pepertzent or state spite the or 7 7 nav _ pevertaent of perense eer po Anmbasey PNUS A ag 4 mam Ta mPagh — dp mz MZ P cuccam LE joounon « A g af 0 21 1961 J enou mnesbasey omor care October 21 39 r suesccr me uaited Kinatos routs Prossen T c copy no _L —SEAES A — 5 piass ror vero am sums oncrtm ron rovip crictair ror rorap 7 alby — 1 Poltoving the Nassen Conference ot Decesber 2962 the United Staten ant ine‘ Datecé Ringlon Governments on Apri 6 199 entered tnto t Ife le Baise Rrecuen for the pursiace of Polarts AJ mtastion Tove ave 1 iate bo eantp lie constrnctes Some mevponethtiiny Sn fhe Anplenentetion y of the Agreement on tne meietan aide yee Jodtect 12 4 spectaty estepiimied 1 a organization in the Toe New catted the Oiier Polaria Executive On £ ff the U S side the Spectal Projects office Departsest of the Nagy was £ Co Bisctth to Hutatater the 0 5 aspecto of the program and a Mopeciah z reogeote ttasson office ws act up in London to vork vith the Roys Hey ¢ 2 therers program responsibility in the United Kington it 4 centered in the Cnter Polaris meecutive Royal Kiwy procurement authority 8 E 22 divided the antps fie control mevigetion and 1mwncher exutzanst ate 5 purcased by the Mintatry at Defease livy missile procuresent and var R head development and procurement hovever are the responsibility of the Mintatzy of Ariation 5 British defense panning tnttialty contenplated a fieet of f 3 seraese eicartses » moverer Buring the perense dovetot tn Poonpty vou $ Rormer Mintater of Derense Thomeyeroft recognizing that a totel ot tive N ppi — ribmartnes veutt be mented to ohits Peisth ‘wo permazentiy deptoyet on s 3 patzol anounced the plan to baila a fifth Polaris sibsarine At thas tf ¢ C 2s rated thee asm bows would cost about 70 sitten pounds $196 mtltton Including the cort of the Polaris verpons system Current pritiah goreram C — Pn secret ror oe cour €34 iy chresse ge __ Om mint nnn rigs EFenid nees i org oue nrpey Lfesnees Tenaae zl a R ua — cuppffofuerty fap — wifeie ndeuC SECRE ic peouissined uronsmavemrou moms wery £20057000 _ slot wo on Rah mme rs secmer Page 2 of Ategeam No #4 0¢b ABE fonien estimates of the corte of the progrem from 199 through 197° are as follows cepttat corte 1380 station $1 006 viriton Running corte matn« tenance sitantes etc £112 fik mititon mote £500 mtazion $1 4 vtittos ‘he October 2 196h etimate by Special Projects Office of the total U delia expentituze included in the above ts $72 6 milion D Status of the Program 4 the keelator the first ant secont eibsarines B RESODVEION and RMO were 1414 in February and June 29Gb respectively Steclvork including shop Tanrtoation 18 now 206 comptete on the RESOLITION and about 27% complete on the RHM Sttetork on BGBMs G3 and Ob has been initiated to meet current keel laying tergete of Harsh 2965 and Apri 2965 respectively ‘here has not yet been any con tzact 2et for soit 05 5 Present slane envioage the attaimaent of operation capability for the tires aitmarine by Jine 1968 vith the remainder becoutng operational at a rate of one bors each atx mouths ‘The folloving schedule shove current RI planning 1365 Maren —— Zay keel of GB 03 thing estuarine ken Tay ket or soni ob May —— Complete deltvery of Polaris veepon eauipuent to Royal Nery Potazis Achool Pastane 136 revrusy — Lay keer or som 05 Naren — Tamen som on aay « Comtenion Royal Nery Polaris Schoo Beptesber —— Taunch sont cz 167 Herea —— Tammen sour 05 Aen —— nesotzton starte contractors see triats Taxiane base acteres Xtatted support capability Jue — Roys Nery Ammanent Depot reaty to process missiles Septezber —— Temnch sam ob October —— RBIDM stazte contractors nen trials cecmee SeouissineD nncociontnearcim mons Auteny Lr Rit — 0 Int won one 2228 seomer Page 3 of Atzgren A Ole x0—A—486_1omon 198 revrury RESOLMTION Denonatzation ant analyte of system operations at Cape Kemedy Merch —— Taznch sont 05 Hers —— Fasiane base achleves Axl support captiity June —— BSB OL deploys on first operatioott patrol 6 tong recent stgntficant program deveropoente are the following a In Novesber 296 1t uas agreed that the United Kington vould Anstal1 test and tue U S verpons ‘eyutem equtpent purchased for the dtuarines wd for‘s actoot to be eetaniianed at Pastane Scotland Under this dectaton TX Firms aze being used as agents for the Anerican suppitere to cerry out this function » to Merch 2964 the V X made ito dectoton on the type of recentzy systems 1t vould use A key eletent in this dectston is compatibility of the U S nipplied MCB entry system and the U K produced verhend c over 90f of the technica docamentetion on the Polarta weapons system has now been transferred to the U K control and 4s either in the hans of the British firms or appropriate V X Ministry persomel T Construction of the Roys Hevy Polaris School at Faslane to well advanced Joint occupancy with the contractors tnvolved 1a now scheduled for Novesber 1 1961 with beneficial coompancy anticipated by April 1965 Delivertes of fire control equipment are aizenty being made to the nchool tenting will begin An Merch 1965 and the school 4s expected to be fully operational tn the numer of 1966 Mt that tine crew training for the SG wili be started at the nchool Reatsing for the creve of the GABI O1 and Still 02 and the instructional stat for the school is being accouplithed in U 8 Rew facilities t Den Heck Vizginta 8 we understand the Royel Hex has stanfoy plans witch it politica dectoton 16 no made vill pernit turning plamed Polari® submarine construction program tnto‘nunter—killer eubmarine program Present best Hoyn Hiny estimates are that critical date to perait practfont and econontonl comeraton of the S 01 ReSOLOEION fron Polacte to hunter—kilier mibonrine is Sumer 2965 9 Although fizet Polaria minsile deliveries are not due to atart wth August 2961 the deadline for the purchase request covering procurenent of the Fizst tify ntostise 2s now at hand A U X Preanury decision concerning release of there funds has been pending for over a month t in not mown wnat Af any decteton has veen made 10 Imuncher fire control navigation minefle checkout ant test Snstru— mentation sub—syptem equipments for the esbearines ant Hoya livy Pours School have a12 been ordered through Spectal Projecto Office Through Jily 1 2984 the U K had piaced purchase orders for materials and services anounting to shout di01 milion net payments into a U K Polarts Trust Pund entabidatied to cover secret seoussmen wesceoinemom mons Amory APRT yon wen onn BAD de eABRZ L_ ceoren Page k of gtrgeen U 8 purchases have enounted to $0 5 mfltton with expenditures of about $7 5 ifiiinCateent Information on contract atatle obligations and expenditures om be oveained from Special Projects in Venktngton« 0 Prospects for the Polaris Progren under the Present Labor Goverment 13 pospite te many provouncemente againet the independent deterrent and the 102 bots price to ant during the election onpatgs Labor has never really Preclacty stated fe intentions regunting the Polaris exbmarine program Herold Tiros mis on mmerous cccanions emnounced that 1€ Labor te lected he vould Rcregvhiate the Nasoms Agreement this 10 reiterated tn the Zetor Hnntfento Rs ante begree this vas wentsizned by Pateick Gordon Walker now appotited rereien Secretary in Foreign Atfate of April 2904 as meaning not stuply canceitatton of the fosarts progran bus the meeotistton of a Oar potanty my arrangement vith timnizgton® Teafize to Beitinh and even Preach ant Gézaam sering with the 0 5 An the deveropoont of Asiance motser poltcy and steategy including targeting to Protabty the best statement on Labor‘ intentions with rempect to ‘the Potacis progean wan outlined by Reaiey during the February 1961 defenne debates 4 cloadt mal 1eb whather or not ve wilt cancel the Potanta mbmartne Uhat T MTL any in Tat ve will certatily not contime the program tn tte capctty an an fate— Plaats Beith Force mad secondly Ar we decided thatfhere vaa no Aliance requize Tonk Res a Beibtan Fotarta component we vould not heve the stightent diffiontay Tn Somerting these mibsartzes into busterckilier mtmarines le have repeatedly dias Hint ve have no fnterest in the Polacis progean as a contribution to an inte Pindect Reitumn deterrent Whether 15 16 of any value arpart of an Mitance effort 20 emech maze up oun minde unti we negotiate the question vith the Untted Staten Tits qestvat there ma reiterated by Hiison in hts Bepteaber 27 speech at Pirsoith Tied Er abd Ne have to recmegotiate the lissen Agrecment The nibnartnet may To inated for MAID We certataly do not vant them for any niclour Sues Bab Af they Me Tot vented as mociess mteette carrying verscle they vl st be but with Wheveves modifrontions ae neoted as mucieas povered tracker svbanzines 15 Generally Babor defense epotemmen in the pre—election period have soupt to croate the piblic image that viile seeing no need for UK Polaria mb Movies und wishing to renegotiate the Hessen Agreement no dectaton vould be mate amii tere had beta overath defense saike vith the 5 tf as a result of there Falke mays cound be found that vould remitt in Integrating all Ato melear veavons thier‘ eHeovive politica control saat vould nsure that meabers of ATO vould have a Mole in their deployment and control a labor Government vould place UK Polasia Inooarries White shan MGO oontrot provided a ntlitary need extoted for these vetpons Pitot hs uever tintly stated is vould somnton the Poinnis program Wat has adopted aval ana see sppronch 14 has in some viye created the pression that it omeider That In Thin progran 2 has a bergataing ansct derived frou what 1% belteres i an iarvicinting ferize on the past of the 0 5 to bring about the eldnination of nattont miclons strntegte deterrent sener pecuassineD wncscron newmon mome Autony £20230400 oy o won onn RAZ$ aM seoren page 5 or Arran xs—hct980mon A #44 Th Precisely what Zabor has in mind by talking of renegottating Messe ant piaitsg K Foinzin niboasince under AGO has never been made clean Ts hao Poised string cnjections to the supreme nettonal fnterest clause of the lnsons Mereemmats bit 26 bes aot etaboraten on how UK Polarto mibmaztnes vound be placed AEE MRG Eontrcts® Te certaiity bas never euggented ntzed—nanning or that the wibeivhhes sould mot be commanted or named by purely ettfah oreve If nettich Pointle mibuaninen ase contributed to MCO® in the seme Fashion as the V—Bouber Taree thay vould stiln be minject to national control reerdlens of wether Tact alperord the puprens naticoat anterent clause No forces of Alliance Rubra are ixsevocsty ntegrated or comitted to MGD in the seare that they Tamot be withdean after comuitabton to the HHC and conptance vith other pro— CMG Petuizenente notesiy country evtmiestons to the Annia Review proces The Snly poeelothaty —— an ustixety one —— would be to tranater omership and TEAREET Renponatofitty for the Polaris eibassines to MGO Streit or tome tater EERE tomtend body esyectaily created for the purpore tabor defense apobetnen dive privately aduitied that even under an arrangement of thin type so Tong as the nibearrnes Ware coupretely mansed by metotan creva a etgont trom the Adatraity vould Pemite Tn the vsobes of MBB seing obeyed While not prepared to atnit 1% openty They Eetogntze tint the myprens national fnterent claine vould as a precttcnl Rifle Coitine to operate unter any arrangement short of an MB—type force v massy Coment 15 we beitere Labor has not as yet taken a firm dectaton on the Suture or the Ut Félazie program noe in the Goverment 1ikely to make up tte wind until Wve tis Setense taize the reine Mintater to ytanaing to heve vith Proptdent sonnton« Pews Mvely bechatont standpoint as outlinat zove tabor has stoiffRidicmer of TGG to becide without aajormogrim delays viether‘to contimue vith rolarts S520 whaarizen or to comvere then to musterkiiten types Tate should afford the Tabat boveimzent fully adequate opportunity to explore the alternatives open to 1t whroigh the Polarin programy both biiatersily vith the 0 9 ant with Nito 16 on thether hand the financial losses witch could be Sncurred by the U X through concertation of Polasts purchases trom the U 8 md conversion T Gote could markedly dntimence tabor‘s dectaton If these amount to a very high Figier Labor woud hve a serastvely Lintted option and vould provatty be Inclined bn continne vith me Polarts progean 12 hoverer the U S should decite to make n thnseilation conte on the tow aide Libor could be encouraged to sbendon the Poiarls propres Gough it vould probaby ontvage current construction for a muster Rider progran in favor of some type of mucleas force unter NATO 17 we doubt shether unter either course tabor vil view the MP ms the type of NAO azzangencnt to han in mind It appears to us more Mkely that Labor TeX Pick to Teoim on arrangements for a multi—nationat mustees force under 100 hth Aeifefactory contron and portcy formaating provistons Thie vourd in Lavorts hod 04 emnistent vith Fase 6 of the Manon Agremment Tf thts prospect apporred Tkety Inbor vould probably continue the Polarts program and contribute tt to this force comet wer vewissmen wreocios newsou oms wutery L2003700 _ opm won on BAP an mete _ secner w page 6 or Argan 18 qrough dte geterntzation of cancellation conts tor the U 5 prosire nese Bhs uri Retarte mrognans the 15 t5 52 A0 ie oprcc astect the Hosoi Metta eccieion on tate Prosi If Ports poling The erintzation U in irt inh matser detsmment an a Pert of t Stan Sones ring stout ths Reais of matioont mctess deterrents tov ensth ation 290 vould herp Wone cGo inter dvermment to commer ite Rolarts #000 10 3 nnter iter Thocte bregras ute would Reveren nen the Ot Chase uy $6 miiaton is t mtinet tvougs stows 29 with tan ronenitnrseinies how we vs Tne sh Mibnenton® nigh exncetinnion conte tor the meiSL® Pod e a factor in their dectstons ant could influence the tabor Governaent to continie the program May press stories and other publications over the past four or tive mouths have suggested that Tabor after dt# Initial orientation period vould To Pace reach this constueton — Acconirg1t ‘e Laver Government vould not C124 Pits ated vite a atrong adverse pic rtection af ft eventie1ly Heotica that or Hratin simazine program should be contimet wor the mnpassadors 7 fb aa coders ba Gomseton for ferittco—40ery Attaize seoun
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