1 President Nixon and Julie Nixon Executive Office Building Telephone call March 27 1973 Tape 044-028 Operator Miss Julie's calling Nixon Yeah Operator Alright thankyou Nixon Hello Julie Hello Nixon Hello Julie Daddy Nixon Hi Julie Julie Hi I wanted to tell you that the bowling alley is finished and that it's beautiful Nixon Oh that's great sweetie Well how nice Julie I wanted you to know that it's so beautiful Nixon How nice of you to call Julie It's the prettiest one I have ever seen Nixon I'll get down to see it some time Julie Good Nixon Fine And I won't get over tonight as I told you but Julie I know Until tomorrow We're expecting you for dinner Nixon That's great And you have a good time Julie I wanted you to hear something cheery because it really is gorgeous Nixon Great 2 Julie And also we have the new music machine up in the Solarium It has a TV and on top of the TV is a record player and on top of that is a tape cassette It's fabulous You'll really enjoy that up there Nixon That's great sweetie When does Mommie leave Julie At three o'clock tomorrow Nixon Fine fine I'll give her a call before I go Bye Julie Ok Bye Transcribed from Nixon Library White House Tape 044-028 by Michael Dobbs for King Richard 2021
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