DOCID 4019609 E L 86 36 Global savor Irztelli enee and In amation War are SIGINT and INF OSEC in Cyberspace amt- attire mien G4 WGNI Giobai Network Intelligence and Information Warfare are two acronyms that have become part ef language over the past couple of years Both convey new and comprehensive activities that are critical to future and both dramaticalty affect the Agency s offensive SIGINT and defensive INFOSEC missions The purpose of this articie is to provide a general overview of the background and ongoing activities in each area to exptnin their interrela- tionships and to discuss a few relevant chalienges that are at general interest to the NSA workforce W GNI and are responses to the dra antic changes in globai telecommunications that began with the transition from anatog to digital communica tions in the 19805 The rapid evolution of digital com- munications and concurrent advances in transmission media especially ber optics- and networking tech- nofogies have radicaily altered the compiexion of the global telecommunications infrastructure and address these changes but from different perspectives LOG $mm1 1mm W50 1 4 P L 86 36 29 2 4 86 36 30 Doom 4019609 Wang no 1 4 536119 WSomc examples may help to clarify the notion of a giobal neMork in terms of the telecommu nications media invoivcd and functions performed When Mrs iooes in Kansas City caiis her sister in Tours France her telephone nail is carried through the local and regional telephone network near her home over the US domestic bcnoptic network through the undersea ber optic network between North America and Europe then through the regional ber-optic net- work in the UK and France and nally into the 20631 Tours telephone system In another example a cellular cail from a Japanese businessman from his car in Tokyo to a branch office of his company in Los Angeles will traverse the Tokyo metropolitan cellular microwave and ber optic system be routed through either the Paci c ber-optic network or over a commercial satel- lite link to the 11 8 then pass through the regional met and iocai ber-optic network to the Los Angeies of ce At the same time the signalling infor- mation for this cali w the E s and 0 s that provide key information to route the call and provide billing infor mation for the telephone companies involved may travel over a completely different path The global net- work has the capacity and exibility to provide many different pathways for connecting one user to another As the network expands through connections of still more local regional and national networks users will be able to contact other users anywhere on the globe without ever knowing exactly how their cails were com pleted The same is true for data communications This connectivity is already for persona computer users through the internet and for an increasing number of tetepnone and data services users As technology improves global connectivity will be faster more diver- si eo in terms of actual call routing and encompass a wider variety of advanced services i INFOSEC information in this and later paragraphs was derived primarily from the NSAJBI booklet Security Sotutions for Today and Tomm published in February 1994 31 DOCID 4019609 mwmma PAL 86-436 tssua1 1995 E0 32 40196019L 86936 33 1' 4 tame 1 1995 33 DGCIB 40%9609 CWGL t tssuet 1 5 235 1 44m Information Warfare Mlnformation Warfare anidrasscs the gEObaI network from a different perspective than GNI 1W fee ognizes that the rapid advances in teiewmmunications directiy affect the US ability to wage war fer USJ Aliied fumes as welt as far potentiai adversaries Future wars may welt be fought and decided an the informa tion bat e cid without a she being red The sophisti cated and data networks new being depiayed werldwide make it possibte tn deny and degrade a potential adversary s command and control communications and sensitive commercial and dipk matic cammunica oxts from great distances with littic or an risk to fife and limb Converseiy the same network make it pos blc for a polcntiai adversary to damage er cause confusion in commuzticatiuns and iafea'mation systems supporting LLS military forces 01' the US at largs P L 86-36 4 EU 34 IDOCID 4019609 30 P L 86 36 9'1 8 3 36 go L96 leave 3 1995 Wespite the many technicai problems in my judgment the more dif cult chaiienges of the tele communications revolution are in the organizational culture area NSA has historicaity risen to technical chailenges of SIGINT and INEOSEC by relying cm the extraordinary talent and resourcefuiness of the NSA workforce Compiex and creative solutions that wouid be considered science ction by the generai population are routine toots in approach to signais collec lion processing and forwarding and information secu- rity One shouid not take for granted that NSA professionals wili be able to meet any and future technology chailenges but we certainly have a good track record Wit tore worrisome than the technology issues are the chaiiettges posed to NSA as an institution by which I mean the organizational culture and tradi- tional ways of doing business The Agency 5 organizau tionai culture has changed dramaticaliy over the past several years because of continuing budget reductions and the detailed examination of national priorities that has taken place since the demise of the Soviet Union But as an institution we stilt tend to function too much as a coilection of stovepipes in the devetopment of new capabilities Let me then conclude this essay with a brief description of the organizationaiicuitural chalienges posed by GM and IW 35 DOCID 4019609 no 1 5 W There is an expanded need for cross-orga- crass'argaf z t ma nizational communications internal to NSA too While commun'cat ons there is some overlap between organizations working on ONE with those working on IW this overiap is not total 0 Commit icatio s among and beiwee There is a continuing need for managers and technical NS organizations is critical To realiy achieve team - leaders to ensure they maintain awareness of what oth- work at NSA individual developers mathema ers are doing and communicate to other organizations a L- 35436 ticians and other specialists have to maintain an the projects and activities underway in their own organi-EO 1 - 4 - C zation This way cross-fertilization of ideas can take 3 awareness of what others are doing and conversely piace that witl iteip both the GM and 1W e ons must share knowledge of their work with others This will ailow greater cross-organizational communications about various aspects of a iarge probiem and lead to faster more complete solutions We need to do a better job of communicating what is going on across the Agency so that those charged with deveioping new or can keep abreast of all relevant activi ties Communications with externaf partners is another essential ingredient for future success Such communi- cations are vastly improved now compared to the past but GM and NI impose new and different demands mm 36 been 4019 j 440 86 136 issue 1 1995 P L 86 36 37
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