UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFf'lCIAL USE ONLY UNlTEO STATES CYBER COMMAND FORT GEORGE G MEADE MARYLAND 20755-6000 The Honorable John McCain Ranking Member Committee on Anned Services United States Senate 241 Senate Russell Office Building Washington DC 20510-0303 Dear Senator McCain U FOUO Thank you for your Jetter of29 March 2012 expressing concerns about the cyber threats facing our nation I share your view that the United States will inevitably face a large-scale cyber aitack and I take very seriously the issues you outlined Both U S Cyber Command USCYBERCOM and the National Security Agency Central Security Service NSA CSS are taking mea Sures to mitigate the threat and build the capability to respond in cyberspace as directed by the President I would like to invite you to visit us at Fort Meade and see for yourself the capabilities we have currently and those we are developing to take actions in cyberspace against potential adversaries In the interim I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your questions and concerns • U FOUO What additional authorities do you believe are necessary to defend tl1e United States from a cyber attack initiated by a peer-competitor like China or Russia U FOUO Let me clarify my views about what I believe we need now to defend the Nation in cyberspace I believe we need both supportive legislation and appropriately delegated authorities My views on these issues have been consistent and are reflected in my public statements and testimony I believe supportive legislation is needed in two related areasinformation sharing and core critical infrastructure hardening If the Department of Defense DoD is to defend the Nation against cyber attacks originating from outside the United States it must be able to see those attacks in real time This requires legislation that at a minimum removes existing barriers and disincentives tl1at inhibit the oVv11ers of the critical infrastructure from sharing cyber threat indicators with the Govenunent U IFOUO AdditionaiJy given DoD reliance on certain core critical infrastructure to execute its mission as well as the importance of the Nation's cdtical infrastructure to our national and economic security overall legislation is also needed to ensure that infrastructure is ufficiently hardened and resilient Recent events have shown that a purely voluntary and market driven system is not sufficient Some minimwn security requirements will be necessary to ensure that the core critical infrastructure is taking appropriate measures to harden its networks to dissuade adversaries and make it more difficult for them to penetrate those networks At the same time it is important that legislative requirements not be too burdensome UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY U FOUO The President has the necessary authority to order military action to defend our nation against all attacks whether they com e from terrorists or nation states and in any domain from sea air land or cyberspace Since the President can delegate appropriate auth01ities to the Secretary of Defense to use the Department's operational capabilities including USCYBERCOM to defend the Nation from cyber attack le gislative action is not required This has been the subject of extensive dialogue with the Senate Armed Services Committee and I look forward to the continuation of that dialogue 1 will keep you and the Committee informed as we mature our operational capabilities in cyberspace • U FOUO Which agency within the federal govermnent has the most cybersecurity expertise and is most capable of protecting critical infrastructure U FOUO No single public or private entity has all of the required authorities resources and capabilities cybersecurity requires a team In the Federal Government the responsibilities and capabilities are distributed across Department of Homeland Secw·ity DHS the Federal Bureau oflnvestigation FBI and the DoD Intelligence Community lC most notably USCYBERCOM and ·sA CSS This distribution is at once both distinguished and complementary All three working as a team play a role in protecting our networks preventing intrusions and responding to cyber events U FOUO DHS' primary roles are to protect civilian government networks increase the cybersecurity capability of core critical infrastructure networks and enhance national resilience and preparedness DHS secures unclassified federal civilian government networks and provides response mitigation and support to the private sector DHS also coordinates the response to significant cyber inc idents U FOUO The role of FBI is to investigate prevent and respond to cyber events that are criminal or counterintelligence-related inside the United States FBI is the lead for domestic cyber threat intelligence and attribution as well as law enforcement and domestic counterintelligence FBI also informs DHS' cyber mission by providing information to aid their preparation and protection efforts U FOUO With respect to both the DHS and FBi roles the limited voluntary information sharing by the private sector inhibits the government's ability to protect domestic cyberspace which is why it must be a key element of any cyber legislation as I mentioned earlier It would also greatly benefit DoD which assists DHS and the FBI v ith intelligence support in their respective roles U IFOUO As a member of the DoD and IC NSAICSS is responsible for foreign cyber threat intelligence and attribution providing guidance to secure national security systems and furnishing DHS with intelligence and expertise to enhance the protection of U S networks USCYBERCOM is responsible tor defending the Nation from a cyber attack and for the operations defense and security of military systems and networks USCYBERCOM also supports other Combatant Commands CCMD with offensive and defensive cyber capabilities and integrating these capabilities into CCMD Operationa1 Plans UNCLASSIFlEJ fFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 UNCLASSIFIEDI FOR Ofl FlCIAL USE ONLY • lJ IFOUO Does the Department of Defense rely on any critical infrastructure that tmder the Administration's proposals would be subject to Department of Homeland Security oversight lJ FOUO Yes DoD does rely on certain key critical infrastructure to include power transportation telecommunications and the Defense Industrial Base DIB Pursuant to the Administration's proposals DHS would in consultation with the private sector and in coordination vvith DoD and other sector-specific agencies be responsible for setting cybersecurity requirements and ensuring they achieve a baseline level of security DoD would share the responsibility to protect the DIB with DHS support DHS efforts to protect otJ1er critical infrastructure and detend the Nation in the event of a cyber attack on the critical infrastructure FBI would be responsible for conducting investigations of intrusion activity in those critical infrastructure networks inside the United States • U FOUO Can the Department of Homeland Security currently protect our national interest in the cybcr realm without NSA involvement U FOUO No protecting our national interest in the cyber realm requires a team effort consisting of DHS FBI NSAJCSS and USCYBERCOM • U FOUO Do you believe we are deterring and dissuading our adversaries in cyberspace U FOUO No while work is ongoing in each area much remains to be done across both the public and private sectors • UI FOUO Vith respect to imposing requirements on the private sector if the rate of technological advances outpaces tl1e implementation of performance requirements and regulation how would imposing additional regulations better protect us from a catastrophic cyber attack U fFOUO The proposed security requirements in the Administration's proposal would not dictate specific measures that may become outdated but rather would require critical infrastructure to achieve security results using methods of their choice Vl e expect this approach will actually result in greater innovation as companies look to the commercial market to produce security products and servi ces that satisfy these requirements Additionally it is important to note that the Administration's proposal leverages rather than duplicates existing regulatory processes allows for ex cmpt1on of ce rtain core infrastructure for which sector-specific regulatory agencies have sufficient requirements and enforcement mechanisms and explicitly excludes regulation of technology products and services U FOUO Lastly at the 27 March SASC Senate Select Committee on Intelligence briefing you voiced concerns about an imbalance in the cyber workforce allocation between offense and defense My response focused on the need to move to a new paradigm where our military cyber professionals are trained and equipped to execute both offensive and defensive missions As you know this is analogous to how DoD routinely employs Fighter-Attack aircraft in multipl e roles from interdiction of enemy ibrces to defensive counter air missions Our recent UNCLASSlFIED lFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY experiences at CYBER FLAG which was modeled after the DoD's realistic RED FLAG exercises saw us for the first time employing cyber teams that seamlessly executed both offensive and defensive missions The lessons learned prove the powerful operational capability inherent in this organizational model -hich combines both attack and defend capabilities under a single commander U FOUO Senator I look forward to discussing this and any other issues you would like at your convenience and again I would welcome your visit to Team Cyber at Fort Meade if your schedule permits Tremain committed to providing you my best military and technical advice and expertise · KE t dh£ General U S Army Commander U CLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4
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