LESLIOILALDLEI OF detween representatives of tho Governent of Cuba and the Cu- ban Families Committee for the Liberation of Prisoners of war Inc nade in Havens this 2lst day of December 1962 The basic understanding of the parties on matters pre- viously agreed upon is ratified and confirmed 2 - This memorandum is designed for the further assurance - of the Goverment that the Committee in good faith and to the best of its ability will perform its pledges to the Goverment The Committee agrees that it will exert every effort to supply the Goverment with medical and pharmaceutical supplies including foodstuffs nutritious for children- beiore July lst 1953 and in conformity with the list - prepares by the Goverment The values shall be determined as provided in the Le -- tter of Credit issued to the Governent today by the R0- yal ank of Canada Montreal 4A- 15% shall be the agreed percentage to cover all cost of transportation lane sea and air all insurances all overseas packing and any and all other'charges beyond - the FUD prices I 5 - To the extent that the Committee certifies that it is - absolutely unable to supply any items in whole or in the quantities specified in the Goverment list the never - ment shall specify other alternatives and the Committee shall make every effort to obtain such substitute mate- rials However in the event the Committee finally -- Egg4il certiJies that it has exhausted all such alterations - the Goverment shall have the right to have the equiva-- lent value supplied in basic foodstufis nutritious for a 90- - f i ia I - - chileren such as the materials referred to in the first liSt supplied to the Committee by the est This is an agreement in Lich the utmost good faith is 3 time quireo on the part of both parties who agree that is o the essence and every etiort humanly possible will be made to effect the exchange or the prisoners uyon oe livery of the first shipment covered by the Letter of Credit To that end the Goveraeat shall send ted to Miami Florida U 5 a several reyresentatives of the- Cuban Red Cross who shall together with re-resentatives of the American Red Cross and the Committee inspect the- ShimeJtS Dr Donovan will remain in Havana to complete the attes- tation in the Canadian embassy to make effective the Le tter of Credit in accoraance with its items a copy of this memorandum shall he degosite with the 33 yal dank of Canada to clarify the intent of the parties under the Letter of Credit The Cover eat states its intention that the materials 53 pplied uneer the agreeaent satisfy the indemnity fixed by the Revolutionary frihunals nhich passed judbeaeit upon the aap enings or the pay oi xi s For the doverment For the Committee 55General Counsel
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