UNCLASSIFIED 1 RELEASED IN FULL TELCON Sec Kissinger Harry Schlaudeman 6 30 76 12 12 p m K demarche has been made to Argentina urging them to make a demarohe to Argentina on human rights In what way is it compatible with my policy S t is not K How did it happen S I will make sure it doesn't happen again K If that doesn t happen again something else will happen again What do you guys think my policy is S I know what your policy is And will make sure they know too K What can be done about this nowcan't send a clarifying message K You better be careful I want to know who did this and consider having him transferred S I will look into it K I Want an answer this afternoon S Yes Sir UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY ROBERT FUNSETH 28 JUL 2003 200102979