AuthorityN a 1 Ln mt If m- mum if I DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1 Memorandum of Conversation 5 3 1 DATE mm 225 1 61 I Biacna Benctar 3 His Excellency Harman Ambassador at areal G Lewis Jonas Assistant Secratary at State far COPIES To REA 2 Amembassy Barbour - 10c NE - 3 Amembassy T751 Barnes -- lac s s - 3 The hhite House 13c I asked Ambassador Baxwan to call today and sai that I wished to gain out to bin that we and been waiting since January for the invitation to send 1 yacpic to Isra 1 to ace the niman reactar I said that I and faithfully rayortcd to my sukcriora his oxglanation that Mr Ben Gurion and others 3 involved in the Iaraal are in tha throes of a yoliticai crisis still unresolved and that it an difficult in ths e circumstances to get thaw to direct tacit nttentian to other matters such as the viait t0 Dimuna I said however that Thgodcre click see henorananm of conversation dated thrulry 26 1961 had indicated to ma that the invitation vauld he forthaouing I during the month 9 Hatch irrcagcctiva of tho pelitical difficulties He are now clone to tha and a I told Harman that an the United States side interaat in the quiet Vllit remained keen The Preaidgnt hianalr had asked on match 21 the visit unuld tat place tad baa askad for a report run the apertmant by March 51 I told Emrm that u trim of Israel I was anxious to we the mam of deubt Dianna removed it was bad to Israel if the imyresaion got 3 abroad that Mr 30 Burton was stalling regarding tn invitation I urged B rll to tat uy the atter again in tha light of aux tali and telephone mm 2 I It once as noon as ha had nova Karma who I believe is is anxious as Ht are to have the visit take place naplica that he had n9 aws Tha political crisis in Israel 235 atilx Secret INFORMATION COPY DECLASSHHED I Authority o 31 Eacrot Hm m a unrelcived and vunt very 636 In Unitad States turn it was a3 though a coalition of Demacrats and Republicans yer conaidcring setting u a ea kaliticnl group 3 raan ibi th t he had haea gushing his guvernnent as much an be durum but in Iarmexi eyes garticularly the eye at Ben Gurion it was difficult t0 say why there as such a hurry the visit had haen rumiaed the visit would tate ylace I reiterated that us a friend of Israel I considered it important for there to be as furtacr delays un iniuirea regarding tha sensibility of his antainina a favorable reyjy during the next fen days Haruan said he Vii vary ajubtful that anything could he done or tmt'w as th could take lace until attai Paasaver weak which starts Agrll aha runs until pril Lu During tbia yeriod all dayarta nta are an time He would of courae telegragh at once but_h thought it nould be unrealistic to Deileve that there could be a reyiy before yrll Hurman reminded as that the Huaretx orreapondent had heard taut a aniet U 8 visit ua3 tQ take thue ee wamorandum to The Secretary dated March 1561 an said than this correapondant had are recently gotten same stury from U 8 source it had caknn Karman two haurs with the carreuwndent to mummy the star 44 Mma- COMMEHT when the Inlet visit akes place we aw it to the Israelis not to make any aunaunceaant regura ag ther officially or through leaks Secret INFORMATION COPY