AuthorityN 475 7 37 I I 57' ya 042 11 41 I 95 c737 M - A I 3 Bay 39 1961 6% 5 uran - residant KE ne y Prim 4W3 g basaadar Avrahwm irman af Isr el Myer Faean af the Emma Staff and Phillips Talbat Assistant Sacretary Rant East and Sauth Asian Af airs at aha Aataria New Yerk ht S pim ta 6 15 p m Prime' iniater extende best wishes af the Pre ident and the peeple 0f Israel ta Praaident Kennedy for the difficult timaa ahaad Th3 Prasident thanked the r1m Minister an expressed his pleasure at seeing him Pluaging inta ubatantiva discussian the Presi dent raise ch matter 9f Israel s dimona rgactor and expresse his pleasure-that twu Amarican scientists had tha appertunity tu'sae reactcr and had given him a gaad repnrt an it an aha thaary that a woman should act anly be virtuaus but have appearance of virtue the Preai ent aaid that an prablem is haw tn disseminate the informatian'sa as to take away any daubt thare might be as tn the peaeaful natura cf the raactar - The rime minister said he wanted to talk about the reactor in the auntext 0f Israel s problems Tim biggest pmblam ami an almast insalvable cue is an SECRET i '1 1 r y DECLASSIFIED 7'qs- 9 67 AuthorityW ----- c _ is an adequate water suppl Bven when they br1 La the Jordan River there will not beenouah for the southern part of tsrael The only solution to thts he sald 1s desalinization of sea water A process which i8 technically pos ible hut eeoaomlcall practieable 01111 with very cheap power Israel t o hope 1s that atomic power which is now expensive will become much cheaper and will make it possible to clesalinate sea water This would e t a most vital need In eonaultation with Dr lhabba of India and with the scienttsta from lnaland the Israeli aovernment had been advised that this 18ipt be pos ible within t_ or fifteen ears wt in the _ _tiM Israel should pin the n c oooary scientific knowle -a to make these developments pooo ible 'Our main -- for the ti1ae beiDI -- and onl purpose is this t the Prime Minister said He added that after three or four years Israel might a180 want to develop a pilot plan for plutonJ um separation which i8 needed for atomic power but there i no intention to develop weapons capaeity now The Prime Hinister apoke rapidly and 1D a low voice at this paillt and some of his words were mi oood by the rapporteur the pr e dinl two sentences appear to represent the sense of his comments on this point J however Therrime Minister added that he does not believe that Russia wanta to live atomic capacity to Egypt now but that in ten or fifteea years the Egyptians could presumably achieve it tbeas lvooo The Pres1dent commenteci that while this miaht be true we do not want to initiate tension in the Middle last by our own actions We are much involved with you in the Middle Bast It is to our common interests that one thinks that Israel 1s involved in the pro lif atiOl of atomie weapons ObViously the U A 1 would not peruait Israel to 10 ahead 1ft this field without letting into it its lf The President SECRET SEGRET - Tha residant askad again as a matter of reasaurance tha Arab states might be vised 9f fin inga af Amarican acienzists who ha $1awed tha imana_rea ccr In reply Prime i baer sai yam are absolutely frag to d0 what yau wiah with tha rkpatt If yen feal yau shaald publish it we have n9 abjaeticn The Presidant his apgrecistion af the rime Minister's willingness ta agxae ta this aetion He a dnd that af cautae the nit Statae is samatimas suap ct in Kmattera dealing with Israel because we ara clase friends and asked whathgr it vaul at ha to lat neutral scientists alsa abserve tha raactar Ben Gurian askcd who really art neutralists nhgse aaya Tha Frasident cammanted that Khruachav any that an man is nautxal but theta are aftex all nautrala as th Seandiaaviaas and tha Swisa The r1me minister sai ha weald have no abjeatian to this a The Preaidant axptessed his satia aetien at the Primm 5 niaister $ raply He was plugged that he vaul fEal that araal vaul agree t9 gains ahaa with this Prime thistar Ban curinn then raised the questinn cf Israal s aeaurity 3% said that the deficit was in- craasing in Israel s arms as compare te 8 A R military equipmant Tha u a a has planaa and tankg he said and new they hava twa handred Russian instruaters This manna that whila the gap in quantity is grawing the gap in quality is being narrawad aaser g declared aim Prime Minister a ded is ta dastray Igrsel It 13 as anly that aha Arabs wan ta dafaat tha Istaclis but if we are efeatad that will e ta aha Java What ttler did e assaxtgd that tha Arabs da mat valna human life and that this makga the prablem mare aifficult Frime Hintstar anmGurimn re arrad ta his visit last year with rasid nt Eisanhawex an said that ha had then aakad aha Unitad States farwwaapons especially fer def n 31v wuepana the has 26 air fialda and Israel hag four Ehan ha last saw Prasi ent Eisanhuwer he said $3333 i I 94' Authoritym c 37 -1V VT he 331$ 'aan I laave the United Statas with the assumptian that w will get thase weapaas ha said 'it's a fair aSsumptian kre umably the r1me Hinister wax refsrring to Hawk s He said kg still aes net see why Isra 1 aannet sat chase weapans As ta him they 1 Hauld he mare at less safa baggage hny are dafhnsive wwapans Tha Prasident commanted 7 that we before fauna recar s Whi h prawida a firm con alusian abeut what was committad by ptavious Ag ministratian but that the prablam as wa see it is that while the Hawk is a efensiva wwapgn it is also 3 missile snd as missiles came inta the Hg le Eastarn area military weapanry will esealate fist This is a matter to which we will eantinue ta ad rass surselvaa becaase we de nah want an sae I raal at a isa vantage But we at reluctant ta intraducelmissile into the Middle East the athar aide might than introduce ground te-gtaund missilas e repaatcd that $3 Israel was faeed-with a critical hreak-thraugh of weapens an the ather aids mm would have an views af what ta da but mu hesitata to intrn ume missiles into the regian Iba Prime Miaistat Explai ad that he mg asking for these waapan an the basis 9f 3 cammi mt ma a by the praviaus A ministratian but an marita sf ease this Preai ent observed again that what we are cancerna abaut is introducing missilna into tha region There fallawed a brief discuasion of tankg and planes available ta and ta Israel with fig- uras takan fram the briefing beak that Pzaaidant had at han Th3 Prime Hiuister sai chat tarsal has ardated $3 Mirages from tha Franck Thu first af which may bg elivered by uh and af thia year but which will take mare than 12 mantha ta he in full Camim maating on the pgrfarmance capability at tha missila tha reaid nt cammante that cannat eliminate the hasard but wt want ta maka sure that Israel is at in auah a position of inferiority that an attack an it wauld ha encauraged SEEBXT 95 7 Authority A - 5 - enaauraged Prim Hinister again suggested that tag Hawk a dafensive wwayan wani be aha baat way ta avaid this dangat at tha prasent ti and eaubd uac threaten any athar caantty ' gauging up this aspect af tha aathrsatian tha r sidsat sai that ank had haen givun ta only a athar nannSrias and that if it ware intreducad tutu Israal ch en tha oth r si e might b an alr ta gruun 9r graund t gxaund miasila He said am will watch this mattzr with car and ad ed yea don't feel that this is a satis aatery aaswar ta yam request bat yaa can be assured that wa will aantinua ta watchm situatim Tibia 15 mat a matter that we hava finally settle turning to aanthar ubjaat rim magister Begwk Gurian aaid that a3 aha P eai was going to see in 1956 Khms ahev and Bulgmin and Prima Maniacs E en ha issutd an last an gw i i mxg 1 13mm 3' similar declaration mi Hay 19th If a joint daclaratian Ilka chase 5f 195 636 1950 anuld be issuad by the Freai n an Pramier Khruschev it wanld ha helpful Th tnsi ent asked what in tha Prime Hiniater a would ha tha rampanse in Arab cauntries ta swab a declaratia To this the Prime Banister answaxe that several small euntriaa aa Jardan an Iraq waul acaept the daclaratian gladly bacause in would pratect gham against Hanger The resi ent than a ked whethgt gussia would ha likaly ta d9 anything naw ta diapleaae Ragnar rimel iaister Bea Gntien agraed that thia was unliksly but if Khruschav would be willing ta do this it' weuld be helyful Th Pr si ant suggasted that Nassar prubably wuuld abject 9 this d claratian bacauan h thinks that SECRET yrtme tar said that he daubted that Khruachev wauld d9 this but it wanld he a test @353 ta see whathar Khxuachav is feally interasted in relaxing warld tensiona Khruschav is pushing hard an athgr issues tha Presi ent said Ha axpressa interest in the Prime Hin- ister'a viaw af asset s ralatiana with Ruskin These are very alasa BennGurian aa wared 3333 is mat a Cammunist but ha raligs on Russin gats Russia's suggas- tians ta gat 1nto Africa Afriesn lea ets are not C mmumist eithar evnn Sakau Tsure but they era pravcammunist and asser is warking vary hnr at thsse cauntries and bringing aha Russians into thaw In reference ta bxoadgr strategy the President and Frima inister agraed that while tha American penple don t want war nor dc aha Russian people If aha Russians shaul attemgt ta farce ua an of Burlin Europe might as langar aasoaiate itself with ua in and there waal ha haavy praagur to fox a 3 cut af Euxope but an t in an ta be pushed to nut awn It is diffianlt tag Prime Ministar paintad out whan ene side accepts an afands the status qno aad tha athat aids tries to break it Ralating aha Berlin situatien ta Israel's groblems reai ent asked what intarast Israel vauld hnvu in a gffg iin ykiram us if we shaul 311 ta stand fast tn'aetlin and camma tad he was nat sure that aur'security - prablams war great as Israal's sacurity problam Bann urian regpandea that differenea is that um are the only remmants af a peepla wha have bean fighting for 0ao ygars If efeats as we are net juat dew fasted we are dasttoyed The prima SECRET DECLASSHHED 95937 1 'aurxant tangianx in tha are 9f Israal -7- Eng yru i snt udth ha riwa Himia ar angulatad Th$ hat ara arm w xa at leaa qniat tha rinaj ini ta raspan a hat remain in auah Fla $ as Jard n and Iraq whats aha rcgima ugaa ue lift af siagie man 3nd thnxafar tha sihaaniaa baanuaa massar aauld at way ta asnaainata A analaratian ax guaranty uauld Siva mart ta all af tat A335 statas an van 3 a3 Tazkay 1h rcaidant sai ha had waata ta ask ha Erima Emnis ar abaat thu alastina anciliatian ammittaa A aha rima H nintex knawi n ar ahligs ad ta maka a tepart iu tug a11 -wa hay theta may ha an apg r unity Isnaai nals ahuat 1t rag t9ae$1nd that sang yaara resid at Eiannhawwm S t a an tha Middla 33m Ra ha apnimisw tie 6% his first trip but aha cagnna Viait ha agraa All qgastiaas in tha lddl Egan 33333 Thu Prtcidant ta apen a that a way havn ta aasuma t at Ragnar a li ma a an lift diffieml in aha aagatiutiaa The riaa H n star abnng East this ba'tran pransame is gmnaratadgamaag h1ar95091 far n sai maat all gaapla in tha aarl are uut htag sn ather' natcra auntriea Fax tans paayla raa am ages amt waan what 1 ats 26 aa _ what wakas in aavvusiaa is hattar standaxdn a livims ua a uaatiaa It 1 a9 j at ma a thiy want want 9 fmel that tag ara truana as hmman haings Xf yak will aha Carp i na wv with mmriaans gains an mm at saparior human Ewing but ta athgxa mm this piyahalagiaal fagcar 111 an wwma taparhan thug aha Lurga aw unta af an vr yea give TE Pr aa IDECLASSHHED _r -Rw k q in Th Prima Ministar than dasaribad haw Israel has 5 braught ssiana and Afriaanl inta its papulatian and has ma a ita Axmy an adumatianal institutian which is af graat intarast an ether saancties auah as Ghaua that ar trying ta dsvalap themselvaa pake of tha Inatitata in mh Enivarsity uhare Asians and friaans are taught and 3f ather that attract many peepig t9 laara in Isrnal Hua rads a Indians arg gaming ta Israal ha said aithwush Rehru will hawn up ralatians with Israal Cantianing hiskcammanta an aha ganaral warl ait untian the Frimm Maniacs absaxvad that the unly imu garialiatie gauntxy that axists new is Russia whiah kaapi undar its damiaatian many-musl m countries in Aaia farmax parts af China and many aauntries in Eurape Y3 in the wax af pragaganda thay-w1a hacauae thsy go against the sta ua quo in ether eauntrias nless tha w at can prawi a what ether aauntxies naa wm will lane antaraing ta Eh subjeat af the Palsstina Conciliav 21am Cammissian tha rasi snt stacad hat its new mead a symyathatie haaring becauaa if thay 311 w mmy get a Trainka cummisaian In xanpansa aha inter cammantad that-any wwald be likaly to fail in this effart Thay the and any Arabs w dan t ax what hapyena ta peogleg Thay ragard the refugaas as the has waapan at hand thay could g t i hundrada 6f thauaandn 6f anks iate Israal u auld have and still be surxaun ad'hy many millians af other Ahaba e than xeaayitula a the fallawtag Israal s in apandanee after quiat days tha Arabs left Israal in larga numb$r and in succea iag manths Israul ha ta many hun reds at thousands af Jawiah rafnggaa fram ether eauntries The Prasidanc ahsarvmd that-mayba 3h Arabs vauld nut agxse ta any realiatia plan that tha c c 13h put Authorityw gut farward but Ha vaul rather have the waspansibiltky af dig an tham a era likely ta have at traublaa with an Gnagxass if the nanziamas yay ins 76%Aaf aha kwa caats far-aaring far ragugaas If it appaaxs that Israel is eanatruntiva it 111 ma a aha tax it is always Hagan try rtma Hinister teapanda Eat antil thata it ance ba twang stael and tha Amnba I dan t saa numb ahaaga af auacass Iha zasi ant ani that althaugh wa had haan atnaaka by grass in the Egadk an cuba an athar we want ta g any has ta nae if this af art an saneaad wha Prima ulaistar the Bang ag Geagxasa at whiah rmpr saatazives af many states ianluding Baumuai t Chian ataaekad the 338 Ha aai that 133331 ha make the tnfarma- km thia r913 i thiak aa apeak In the $3asi aat ti that the eanvar satiaa ha caverad sawaral t pi i an maa 11es 3 esire ta ravi w aha missile situamian Ha axa ralugtant ta give Iataal mi ailas an yau un arstan that but wenl kc diaturbe if I t l ahauld take a wituatian thag wvul invite attaak we will Rea the raw v ew in au awxawistratigm I ygu an aha aha security gaaranty I ll saa what aha is Ra 333a that will at wish 9 l asea the tansian Wk will hawa ta aal an way thraugh this Tha grablam pr ba%ly will be that ya gs agraam nt an variaus issuas If 3% sh ul am might try 9 gas an agramaant limiting arms as all rxen a139 a ara - A emu i Authorityml - 10 - iprf I Bafbre ending tha cauversation tha rima Minister said ha wiaha alsa ta taka nate 9f aha fact that Israel has gaad ralatians with Persia and Thrkay Turkay is the mate stable and can take care of itaalf In Farsi thara is a vary aifficulc aitaation while tha peapla are man- archista chars is corruptien and much iffieulty It would help if tha emld give them a little more help and ancmragmnt In respmue the rasi ant said that an and th praviaus administgatian have devated mare attantian and effort ta Iran than 9 almost any other country in that region Iran has a large Army During the racent #1923 same af nut panpla had questionad whather tha Army Haul supper tha Shah Thara has baan a 399d eal af corruption and thare are even stariea sham the rayal family Hawuvar I think this Govarnmant rapre- sent tha last base hope and am will 39 thraugh everything to supper it We are far this Gavarnmant and the haw Prime Ministar 100% The Prtma Hinister said he was elighted to hear this - 1a conclusian aha Presidant observad that he and tha Prims Minister had had praviaus canvaraatiens in 1951 in Israel and new hare He wanted 2h Ertma Minister to know that 3% wish r lattons betwaen an two aauntrias to ba clasa aa and n want ta be halpful 1n East It was far this ranson that he had ta Nasseri Rnspanding tha Primm Numis- ter asaura the r sidant that he eas net hate Arabs ha ragar s them as human bxinsa an that want yuu ta halp thaw Tha Praaidant sai ha felt that we want ta maintain saws 1nf1uene with them A Prims Ministar tuna ta leave he han e to the Praaidant as a gift a hawk writtan in Latin publishad in 1960 This book ha sai was recardad in the Haly Land by the authnr Endaivilli aha was a fuxsbearer gt Prince Ra aiwill tha husban of Prasidant sister-invlaw -Ac apting tha bank with gtatitude the Pxesidant said he was gains ta tha Christening 9f Radziwill s child 1n Lan an next waek and with the Prima Minister's DECLASSHHED 1_ Authoratymisj g i Miniataris parmisaien unuld pzasent this bank ta the child Tha Praaidant and the Prim HintsCar parta with mutual exprcasians af raspact
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