I UNCLASSIFIEDHLIMITTECT- IIEFENSE TEBIINIGAL RENTER DEFENSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFUHMATIDN CENTER 3725 JOHN J KINEMAN ROAD 0944 FORT VIRGINIA 22060-5213 t'Nt Policy an the Redistrilmtiutt ul' TIC-Supplied lnt urmutittn s 1 tor ert tees all tnturmuttnn recess-ed Item that ts n t clean marked for public release ml be used only to ml or nerturm work under a 1 tunemmem or grant or for purposes 5p Cl C Jlj uuthuneed bx the ties-emment agent that ts punsunng access Further the tnt mmuttnn mil not be fur pro t or tn 111 uttered for sale may 7e5ult tn ternunattnn nt access und 1 to return all mtormutmn obtained from DTIF Ni We are pleased to supple this document tn response tn your request the of technical reports toter etc 15 an acme ungmnu prourum at the Defense I'echntenl Informant-n enter that depends tn part on the ell't'trts lnd nterest users and Therefore tfyou knew ut' the extstence pl anyr 5tgn1tleunt reports etc that 1te nut tn the colleetton we 1attituld Ippteetate cuptes or tntormuttnn related to the-tr wurees tnti t'alh Jbttity The upptuprtate regulattuns ure Department ut' Defense 12 Dull and I'eeltnteal Program Department t3-t' Defense 5231 2-1 nn Fechnteel Documents Urgunmattun standard Z39 ill-1995 Selentt c and Technical Reports - Elements llesten Department of Defense 5300 HI Seeunty Regulatth Hur equnsitinm Branch w1ll tn resolving any uu hme cun- to he submnted Telephone numbers for the Mile th' ur l'he Reference md Retrtm a Seniee Branch 111 HRH mil duc- ument tuentltimtten urdenng and eleted questions telephone numbers tut the mike are nr nu 3'01 Mill Hits tmtt'stmt 'thlIlM Tt THE NATIONAL SECURITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Information Assurance Task Force Electric Power Information Assurance Risk Assessment FINAL NOT FOR EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION December 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LO INTRODUCTION 2 0 OVERVIEW OF POWER GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION 2 1 BACKGROUND 2 2 OVERVIEW OF ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY 2 3 OVERVIEW OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS 2 3 1 Control Center 2 3 2 Energy Management System 2 4 INDUSTRY LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT 2 5 INDUSTRY TRENDS 2 6 PREVIOUS STUDIES 3 0 THREAT 3 1 PHYSICAL THREAT 3 2 ELECTRONIC THREAT 3 2 1 Insider Threat 3 2 2 Outsider Threat 3 3 THREAT CONCLUSIONS 4 0 DETERRENTS 5 0 5-I CONTROL CENTER VULNERABILITIES Corporate MIS 5 1 2 Other Utilities and Power Pools 5 1 3 Supporting Vendors 5 1 4 Remote Maintenance and Administration 5 1 5 Impacts 5 2 SUBSTATION VULNERABILITIES Digital Programmable Devices 5 2 2 Remote Terminal Units 5 3 COMMUNICATIONS VUWERABILITIES Private Infrastructure Vulnerabilities 5 3 2 Public Infrastructure Vulnerabilities NUMBER TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED 6 0 PROTECTION MEASURES 7 0 POTENTIAL IMPACTS no CONCLUSIONS 9 0 RECOMMENDATIONS 9 1 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE POWER 9 1 1 Aware-nose 9 1 2 Information Sharing 9 1 3 Mechanism for Prevention Detection Response and RCSIOFMIOH 9 2 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE PRESIDENT 9 2 1 Awareness 9 2 2 Information Sharing 9 2 3 Mechanisms for Prevention Detectton Response and Restoration 9 3 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE NSTAC 9 3 1 Awareness 9 3 2 Information Shnring 9 3-3 tot Prevention Deteetton Response and Restoration PAGE NUMBER Lb IA Lulu-IL I ll IJ dmf 0 Lu nl I I 1 National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee Information Assurance Task Force Electric Power Risk Assessment Executive Summary The security ofelectric power control networks represents a signi cant emerging risk to the electric power grid This risk assessment is the result of a 6 month e 'ort by the Information Assurance Task Force of the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee that included interviews and discussions with representatives throughout the electric power industry The electric power grid is a highly interconnected and dynamic system ofover 3 000 public and private utilities and rural cooperatives These utilities have incorporated a wide variety of information and telecommunications systems to automate the control of electric power generation transmission and distribution The electric power industry is undergoing signi cant change fueled by marketplace forces and Federal legislative and regulatory activities New players are entering the power generation and delivery market and existing utilities are being required to offer open access to their transmission systems The functions of power generation transmission and marketing which traditionally hate been integrated are now being separated within mimics and in some cases even spun off into new companies Competition aging proprietary systems and reductions in staff and operating margins are leading utilities to rapidly expand their use of information systems and to interconnect previously isolated networks Physical destruction is still the greatest threat facing the electric power infrastructure Compared to this electronic intrusion represents an emerging but still relatively minor threat Insiders are considered to be the primary threat to information systems Downsizing increased competition and the shift to standard protocols will add to the potential sources of attacks whether from inside or outside a utility Recent legislation increases the jurisdiction of Federal state and local law enforcement authorities over attacks on electric power control systems However the lack of effective reporting mechanisms inconsistent use of logins passwords and warning banners and a low probability of being detected caught and prosecuted hinder effective deterrence of potential attackers Substations represent the most significant information security vulnerability in the power grid Many ofthe automated devices used to monitor and control equipment within transmission and distribution substations are poorly protected against intrusion Interconnections between control centers and corporate data networks Widespread use of dial-up modems and use ofpublic networks are other sources of vulnerabilities ESvl L'tilities use a yttrier of mechanisms to protect the electric power grid from disruption including contingency redundant control centers dial-back modems and rewalls Hawet et t'eu utilities have an information security function for their operational systems and the lack of convincing evidence ofa threat has led senior managers to minimize information security investments The recent US western power outages left 2 milliOn people without power for up to 6 hours on July 2 1996 and 5 6 million people without power for up to 16 hours on August 10 996 A critical node analysis combined with knowledge of wealt protections on substation automation elements could allow an electronic intnider to achieve similar effects A major coordinated attaclt could disrupt activities at a national level The study found no evidence ofa disruption ofelectric power caused by an electronic intrusion Three trends however will increase the exposure of electric power control networks to attacks' The shift from proprietary mainframe control systems to open systems and standard protoCols Increasing use ofautomation outside contraetors and external connections to reduce staff and operating costs The reqmrement to provide open access to transmission system information dictated under FERC orders 838 and 889 The probability ofa nationwide disruption ofclectric power through electronic intrusion short of ii major coordinated attack is extremely low but the potential for short-term disruptions at the regional level is increasing The report closes with a number of recommendations for the President the electric power industry and the NSTAC Of these the most important reconuriendaiion is that the President should consider assigning to the appropriate Depal'l ' r- or Agency the mission to develop and conduct an ongoing program within the electric power industry to identity the threat and increase the awareness of vulnerabilities and available or emerging solutions ES-E 1 0 INTRODUCTION In January 995 the Director ofthe National Security Agency briefed the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee NSTACJ on threats to 1 1 8 information systems and the need to improve the security of critical national infrastructures The NSTAC principals discussed those issues and subsequently sent a letter to the President in March ofthat year stating that lthe integrity ofthe Nation's information systems both governmem and public are increasingly at risk from intrusion and attack and that other national infrastructures such as finance air tra ic control power etc also depend on reliable and secure information systems and could be at risk President Clinton replied to the NSTAC letter in July 1995 stating that he would welcome continuing effort to work with the Administration to enunter threats to our Nation s information and telecommunications systems 2 The President further asked the principals with input from the full range of NH users to provide me with your assessment of national security emergency preparedness requirements for our rapidly evolving information infrastructure 3 In May 1995 the NSTAC formed the Information Assurance Task Force to work closely with the US Government to identify critical national infrastructures and their importance to the national interest Following several meetings With elements of the national security community civil departments and agencies and the private sector the task force determined that electric power financial services and transportation were some ofthe most critical ofthe infrastructures The task force determined that it svould study these infrastructures to assess the extent to which their dependence on information and information systems puts them at increased risk to denial-of- service attacks This document is a report of the findings of the Electric Power Risk Assessment Suhgroup s assessment ofthe risk that electronic intrusions pose to electric power distribution systems specifically examining the vulnerability ofthe systems that manage and control generation transmission and distribution This study represents a 6-month effort that included interviews with representatives from the operations security and information systems elements of eight utilities one power pool association the Utility Telecommunications Council UTC the North American Electric Reliability Council NERC the Electric Power Research Institute the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee FERC and a number ofindustry consultants The utilities interviewed ranged in size and location and included both publicly held companies and government-owned and operated p0wer administrations 'Letter from Mr William Esrey Sprint Corporation and Chair of the President's NSTAC to the President of the United States dated March 20 I995 2Letter from the President of the United States to the NSTAC dated July tbid During the course ofthe study interview teams worked under the assumption that the risk to the electric power infrastructure was a function of four factors threat deterrence vulnerabilities and protection measures in this model a threat is any circumstance or event with the potential to cause harm to a system in the form of unauthorized destruction disclosure modi cation of data or denial of service A deterrent is an attempt to prevent or discourage an action befOre it is taken thus mitigating a threat Vulnerabilities are points of weakness within a given system and are mitigated by protection measures Interviews with the utilities and power pool were conducted in a environment and utility Staff were all tort hcorning and helpful throughout the process In addition EPRI provided invaluable support to this study undertaking its own survey of industry managers to assess their views on information security concerns The UTC also assisted by arranging a meeting at its 1996 annual conference in Kansas City Missouri and contacts in a number of utilities ill 1 2 0 OVERVIEW OF POWER GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION This chapter provides an overview of the electric power transmission and distribution Industry This overview describes the structure of the electric utility industry identities roles of key industry players and explains the basic structure of an electric power transmission and distribution system with an emphasis on the mission functions and system components of a typical electric utility control center Finally it highlights major legislative and industry trends causing change within the electric power industry and reviews previous studies of the security of electric power networks and information svstems 2 1 BACKGROUND Since Thorrtas Edison opened the New York City Pearl Street Station in l382 the 1 1 5 and Canadian electric power grid has grown into a highly interconnected international asset composed of 3 000 independent utilities The goal of the modern-day power systems is to generate and deliver electric energy to customers as reliably economically and safely as possible while maintaining the important operating parameters voltage frequency and phase angles within permissible limits To achieve this goal electric utilities use centralized automation technology incorporating high-speed digital computers supervisory and control systems and a variety of communication systems 2 2 OVERVIEW OF THE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY There are about 3 000 independent electric utilities in the United States Each is interconnected with coordinated controls operations telecommunications networks and sophisticated control centers These utilities include investor-owned public uttlities government-owned systems cooperatives and manufacturing industries that also produce power Nearly 80 percent ofthe Nation s power generation comes from the approximately 270 investor-owned public utilities The Federal Governrrent generates another 10 percent of the Nation s power primarin through large facilities such as the Tennessee Valley Authority However the Federal Government owns few distribution facilities The remaining power supply is generated by the cooperatives and manufacturing industries There are approximately 1 000 cooperatives which generally have limited power-generation capacity and focus primarily on transmission and distribution systems In addition some manufacturing industries generate power for their own use but sell surplus power to utilities accounting for a small portion ofthe industry total The 3 000 companies that compose the North American power grid are divided into four regions Eastern Western Texas and Quebec Figure 1 depicts these regional divisions The Eastern Western and Quebec regional power grids are linked through an alternating Ouahle i I I l v 1 age-annuitfn Figure 1 Interconnections ofUtility Systems currentfdirect current ACIDC interconnecttom the Tesas regional power grid is not linked to the other regional pewer grids The four regions are further broken down mm 15 post er pools that share generation 1with one another and are generally r located within the same geographic region Several Federal organizations are involved in various aspeCIs of the electric pots er industry The Department of Energy's mission ts to formulate a comprehensive energyr policy encompassing all national energy resources including cleetricity The Federal Energyr Regulatory Commission is an independent agency the natural gas the electric utilities non-Federal hydroelectric protects and oil pipeline transport FERC was Created in October 1977 through the Department ofEnergy Organization Act and replaced the Federal Power Conm'tission FERC's principal mission is to regulate the wholesale sales ofelectricity in interstate commerce Other Federal agencies that oversee the electric power transmission and distribution utdustr include the Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC the Rural Electri cation Agency the Environmental Protection Agency and the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC State public utility commissions play the most Signi cant role regulating the electric power PUCs control the rate structure for all municipal utilities investor-owned utilities and rural electric cooperatives that own maintain or operate an electric generation transmission or distribution system Within a state By controlling What constitutes an allowable charge classd'ytng accounts and structuring rates the PUCs I 1 can esert signi cant in uence over utilities The PUCs also regulate reliability for both operational and emergency purposes oversee territorial agreements and resolve territorial disputes between utilities The North American Electric Reliability Council NERC is the organization most involved in keeping the lights on in North Amrica NERC does this by reviewing the past for lessons learned monitoring the present for compliance with policies criteria standards principles and guides and assessing the future reliability ol'the bulk electric systems NERC is a nonpro t corporation composed ofnine regional councils focusing on interregional and national electric reliability issues The members ofthe regional councils are electric utilities independent power producers and electricity marketers The electric utility members are drawn from all ownership segments of the industry investor- mrn d State municipal rural and provincial These members account for most of the electricity supplied in the United States Canada and Mexico NERC was formed in 1963 in response to a cascading blackout that le almost 30 million people in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada without electricity Although it is a voluntary industry consortium the NERC Engineering and Operating Committees set standards for the planning engineering and operating aspects of electric system reliability t t'hile NERC handles operational issues the Electric Power Research Institute is another signi cant industry player with a research and development focus EPRI's mission is to discover develop and deliver high-value technological advances through networking and partnership with the electric industry Founded in 1972 EPRI has more than 7 00 member utilities representing approximately 70 percent ofthe electricity generated in the United States The UTC ts another technology-focused industry association UTC represents the telecommunications interests of the Nation s electric gas and water utilities before Congress the Federal Communications Commission FCC and other Federal and State agencies UTC promotes cooperation among its member companies in all matters concerning teleconununications including the development and improvement of telecommunications media Other signi cant electrical power industry bodies include the following The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association The American Public Power Association - The Edison Electric Institute EEI NRECA is a national service organization representing private consumer-owned cooperative electric utilities NRECA provides legislative representation on issues affecting the electric service industry and its environment The APPA represents 2 000 municipal and other state or locally owned public electric utilities The APPA primary objective is to expand the publicly held utility base The APPA lobbies to impmve public utility access to other power networks The association also markets public as the non-pro t low-cost and innovative alternative to their private competitors The EEI is an association of shareholder-owned electric companies The assoCiation provides a forum for these companies to exchange information and acts as a representative on issues of public interest In addition the association develops informational resources and tools 2 3 OF ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS The basic structure of an electric power transmission and distribution system consists of a generating system a transmission system a subtransrrussion system a distribution system and a control center This con guration is illustrated in Figure 2 Power plant generation systems may include steam turbines diesel engines or hydraulic turbines connected to aiternators that generate AC CitlelCll Generators produce three-phase current at ioltages ranging from 2 000 to 24 000 volts This eleCtriciiv must be transformed to higher voltages for ef cient long distance transmission Modern transmission systems operate at voltages from 69 000 to 765 000 volts It is the interconnection of the transmission systems that forms the power grid which permits the interchange of electricity between utilities Transmission lines terminate at substations in which the mm 2 we volts - - - - - -- Eta Volt 2'3 a1 I a Lulu 16 Iiv- Flu lei-nil Cemented Induunll alum Figure 2 Overview of Electric Power Systems 1 ill voltage is reduced to the primary distribution voltage of34 5 kv to 15 l-tv This voltage is then supplied directly to large industrial users or further transformed down to 4 lo to 34 5 its for local distribution The Control Center The control center monitors 1 utility's generating plants transmission and subtransmission systems distribution systems and customer loads The primary functions ofan electric utility control center is to provide centralized monitoring of power system operations retain historical data and allow for the manual and automatic control of eld equipment The control center system presents the electric system data to operations personnel via a modern araphical user interface Based on the data gathered the operators may initiate control signals to various control points in the power system The control center system may also automatically initiate controls to the eld equipment such as control of generating unit output Figure 3 provides a schematic ofa typical modern distributed control center configuration Generally the communications between the control center system and the eld equipment takes place over utility-owned communications networks Today the minority of these networks are based on analog and digital microwave technology although ber optics is becoming increasingly more popular among the electric utilities Other communications media include dedicated leased lines power line carrier satellite spread-spectrum radio and two-way radio Control center systems acquire the electric system data through communications with hardwired or programmable equipment in the eld This eld equipment called remote terminal units acts as a clearinghouse for incoming data by continuously collecting the electric system data directly from the eld equipment involved in the generation transmission and distribution ofelectric power The in turn support the Iransmission ofthis information to the control center system when requested Newer more intelligent data collection equipment is now being deployed in substations by electric utilities as new substations are being built and as the old substations are being refurbished These computerized eld devices that are directly involved with the generation transmission and distribution systems are called intelligent electronic devices tlEDs These devices represent the growing trend in the industry of pushing the intelligence and decision making capabilities fanher and farther out into the eld closer to the data collection point The lEDs are typically networked together at the substation and communicate with a PC-based unit that replaces the remote terminal unit for the transmission of eld data to the control center system a as a Control Cantu Local Area 0 E135 Sit-stern PC Based Aamealms Caro m-ess Trout-e Ca I Load Management Operator Guts LewData madam rst Gut - Fltu Flam-cite Tom-u an r - IWEuec-acmau Lune-a tum PIN-ail Fair Hutu-m 1 veto-nu Ell-are Foil-t Figure 3 Typical Control Center Con guration 2 3 2 Energy Management A control center energy management system EMS typically houses the utility s systems' databases the operational applications and displays and the power system report- function The need to disseminate valuable electric system data ssithin a utility has resulted in many utilities connecting their EMS systems to their corporate local area network or wide area network to facmtate data sharing With other departments Signi cant historical infOrmation systems have been developed to support this requirement A control center energy management system generaliy consists of Four major elements The supervisory control and data acquisition SCADAJ system The automatic generation control AUG system The energy management applications and database - The user interface U1 system 8 1 ill 1 These elements are depicted in Figure 4 Energy- Manag-cmeru Earl-tern 9-H cud-u nun v n 50 him c I'll u- '11 Control Canto-I Ann moth a rant-u- Figure 4 Energy Management System The SCADA system manages the communications collects the electric system data from the field through a series of frontrend processors initiates alarms to the Operations personnel and issues control commands to the field as directed by the applications in the control center system The SCADA system typically consists of a host or master computer one or more eld data-gathering and control units RTUS and a collection of standard andfor custom software used to monitor and control remote field data elements SCADA systems may have 30 000 to 50 000 data collection points and may transmit analog information le g generator megawatts as well as digital or status information te g breaker openfclose state SCADA systems can also send a control signal leg start a pump as well as receive a status input as feedback to the control operation the pump is started Current computing power allows SCADA systems to perform complex sequencing operations and provides for frequent collection every 2 seconds of power system data The AGC system controls the utility's generating units to ensure that the optimal system load is being met with the most economical generation available The AGC system submits supplementary control signals to the generating units to adjust their output based on the load forecast unit availability unit response rate and scheduled interchange With other utilities The energy management applications and database are the programs and associated data sets that utility operations personnel use to manage state estimation power flow contingency analysis optimal power ow load forecasting and generation unit allocation The UI system provides operational personnel with an interactive utterface to monitor electric system performance manage system alarm conditions and study potential system conditions to ensure that network security criteria are met 2 4 INDUSTRY LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT The electric power industry is in the midst ofa revolution driven largely by a mill of marketplace forces and Federal legislative and regulatory activity An understanding of the legislative actions driving theSe changes in the U S electric power industry is vital to comprehending where these dynamic changes will lead The Federal Power Act of the 1950s laid a foundation for a self suf cicnt vertically integrated electric utility structure The late lgb s and experienced the beginning periods of rapid inflation higher nonunal interest rates and higher electricity rates This resulted the government-sponsored construction ofeitpensive generation facilities Later the oil cartel collapse resulted in a glut of low-priced oi inflation and surging interest rates All or these elements substantially increased the costs ofthese high CHpuClt generating plants resulting in rapidly rising electrical rates Congress recognized that the utility-owned generating facilities were increasing rates and harming economic growth and re5ponded by enacting legislation and encouraguig electric utilities to develop alternative generation sources A new class of generating rms such as independent power producers lPPsi single-asset generation companies and utility- nrganized affiliated power producers sprang into eitistence Through these developments the seeds for a free-market economy were being sown While consumer-based rates helped to develop competitive bulk power markets two issues remained customer access to the transmission services and barriers h1ndeang open access to third parties The Energy Policy Act of 1992 opened up power generation to competition while leaving power transmission and distribution a regulated natural monopoly In March I995 FERC clarified the EPAC language by stating that all utilities under the commission sjurisdiction would be required to le nondiscrin'iinatory open-access transnussion tariffs available to all wholesale buyers and sellers ofelectric energy Concurrently FERC ruled that transmission owners and thetr affiliates did not have an unfair competitive advantage over the wholesale buyers and sellers in using transmission to sell power This rule requires that public utilities obtain information about their transmission system for their own wholesale power transactions via an open access same-time information system OASIS available on the Internet to July l996 in an effort to complete the deregulation of the power industry Congress enacted the Electric Consumers Power to Choose Act of 1996 The bill establishes federal mandates for all electric utilities including electric cooperatives and municipal utilities to provide retail choice to all classes ofcustomers by December IS 2000 After ID I ill 11 1 111 ll Ill 1 retail choice in a state has been esrablished state commissions would be prohibited from regulating the rates for retail electricity services Reasonable and nondiscriminatory access to local distribution facilities would be provided on an unbunclled basis to any supplier seeking to provide retail electricity service These mandated government actions will soon provide the consumers generation and distribution rms and power marketers open access to an unregulated electric power industry 2 5 TRENDS The structure ofthe electric power industry is changing The traditional attributes of the power industry such as monopoly status government ownership and government regulations are yielding to free-market forces The future ofthe U S power industry will be driven by competition privatization and deregulation Global competition increasing customer demands capital liquidity the relatively low price of natural gas and environmental concerns are all driving forces that when coupled with deregulation ofthe industry will create great change A number of key trends are affecting the use of networks and information systems in the power industry These include the rise of lPPs signi cant downsizing and restructuring the advent of consumer choice rate restructuring and structural reorganization of access to transmission lines Transmission capacity is controlled by the investor-owned utilities Under FERC order 338 transmission system operators must provide fair and equal access to their lines A number of utilities view the creation of independent system operators 805 as the answer to FE RC order 388 lSOs would coordinate and schedule transmission service independently of electric companies to ensure fairness and promote reliable operations ISOs would talte over management of regional electric transmission grids owned by various electric companies though the companies would continue to own their own parts ofthe regional grid Information technology will be the integrating force for many of the initiatives that utilities have undertaken to prepare for deregulation To prepare for this new focus industry organizations are successfully instituting standards and inter-utility protocols for the deseloprnent of utility systems The Utility Communications Architecture UCA and Database Access Integration Service DAIS have emerged as defer-to industry communications and database protocols for data exchange and DIAS allow the of more sophisticated and interoperable systems however the technical information about these open protocols will be available to a much larger population and thereby a much larger number of potential attackers 4Silt-erman Electric Power The Next Generation Quarterly January 199-1 ll The Te lecommunicat ions Act of 1996 also affects the power utilities by allowing public utilities to enter the telecommunications services market The act allows public utilities to enter the market so long as they do not subsidize their telecommunications activities With moneys from the power side of the business Some utilities are already exploring using their private ber optic networks to offer services rangmg from cable TV to telephone service to leased lines The deregulation of the electric power industry will force the utilities to move farther and faster than ever before The next 4 years hold considerable promise for the industry but also portend signi cant challenges and changes To succeed utilities must offer value- added services optimize the efficiency of their power systems and develop strong customer ties an aggressive economic development plan and a winning corporate culture 2 6 PREVIOUS STUDIES This assessment builds on several previous studies ofthe security of information systems and networks in the electric power irtdustry Them prestious studies include the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency s DARPA's l995 Defensive Information Warfare study analysis of the security ofthe UCA and DAJS the National information Infrastructure risk assessrt'tem prepared by the Reliability and Vulnerability 1'ir lr'trirking Group ofthe and a study ofelectric power's dependence on PM by the Air Force's Air Command and Staff College In addition investigations by the Joint Program Office on Special Technologies Countermeasures and the Of ce ofthe Secretary ofDefense OSDfPolicy into overall infrastructure vulnerabilities have addressed the security of electric power networks Although none of the st studies were comprehensive they have all reached sutular conclusmns First and foremost these independent studies appear to agree that the transition from proprietary systems to standardized systems based on well-known unsecure protocols and architectures will greatly reduce the security of utility control systems These medics also noted potentially worrisome trends such as the reduced skill levels of operations and maintenance personnel ncar universal minimal front-end Heurity and increased interconnectivity through the use ofdial-in modem ports and the Internet One report bluntly stated that data security is negligible to non-esistent These sit-dis also noted the inherent risk to the utilities resulting from single point-of-failure systems None of the studies predicted any signi cant improvements in the near future because tighter operational budgets and efforts to trim costs have made it difficult to justify security expenditures s ll 1 i ll 11 3 0 THREAT This section addresses threats to the electric power grid A threat is any circumstance or event with the potential to cause harm to a system in the form of destruction disclosure modi cation of data or denial of service Generally Speaking threats can be placed into two broad categories physical and electronic 3 1 PHYSICAL THREAT Despite the growing concern about cyberspace attacks the physical destrucfton of utility infrastructure elements is still the predominant threat to electric utilities Physical threats to the infrastructure elerrtents of an electric power utility fall under the general categories of accidental and deliberate events Natural emergencies are the most significant accidental physical event to affect a utility and are the single greatest cause ofoutages in the electric power system However the impact of natural hazards on the power grid is the most manageable because utilities have years of experience with this threat and have designed facilities and infrastructure elements to minimize the impact ofsuch events Additionally service providers design systems and operational procedures to allow them to respond to Outages and restore service quickly Most utilities have extensive experience with storms and other natural disasters and exercise their response systems periodically After natural hazards deliberate physical attacks on utility infrastructure elements cause the most damage to the elecrric power grid Transformers microwave cornmunicat ions towers and transmission substations can often be found in isolated unpopulated areas These pieces ofequipment have proven to be popular targets for vandals criminals ecological terrorists and amateur sharpshooters Every utility visited during the course of this risk assessment recounted anecdotes about teenagers breaking into substations ecological terrorists blowing up or damaging towers supporting transmission lines or bored hunters taking potshots at insulators transformers and lines However transmission and distribution infrastructure elements are not the only target for physical attack as recently as February 1996 pipebombs were used to attack a SCADA system at a hydroelectric plant in Oregon 5 3 2 ELECTRONIC THREAT The electric power industry does not acknowledge a single incident of a power outage caused by an electronic intrusion However a majority ofutility members agree that an electronic attack capable ofeausing regional or widespread disruption lasting in excess of SBurcau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Explosive hinder Listing le March l99t sl l3 24 hours is technically feasible The source for such an attack could come from within the utility or from an external source Insider Threat Insiders can be employees contracmrs or anyOne else with legitimate access to system components andl'or premises Generally insiders are granted varying degrees of access to the software and databases and may use legitimately or surreptitiously acquired computer access privileges to compromise them The primary motives that drive an insider to exploit a system are usually nancial gain or revenge Electric utility personnel believe that alienated employees pose the most signi cant insider security threat to information systems 1 Considering that between 1936 and 1992 the number of employees working for electric mimics has dropped from 529 664 in 1986 to 506 063 in 1992 there are signi cant numbers of potentially bitter former utility employees with system knowledge who could attack the power grid As evidence a letter appeared in the hacker magazine Fliran in which the author claimed to be an employee of an electric utility in Texas In the letter the author claimed to know quite a bit about the systems and hinted that his knowledge would be helpful if someone wanted to attack a utility's systems 3 2 2 Outsider Threat An Outsider is anyone not legitimately associated with the system in question Outsiders could be rival companies criminal elements or foreign national intelligence agenciea Examples include technical hackers motivated by the challenge terrorist groups motivated to in ict damage to systems for a variety of political ideological or personal reasons or rival companies seeking competitive information Until the passage ofthe Energy Policy Act the Electric Consurriers' Power to Choose Act and the FERC rulings most utilities operated as natural regulated monopolies This has changed signi cantly and utilities are now competing for customers power and transmission capacity- In this newa competitive environment rivals In the electric power market Will have signi cantly more motivation to collect information through whatever means possible As one respondent to the EPRI Electronic Information Security Survey I Infamiari on Security Server Summer 1996 bre Moulton Curtis More Customers Fever Workers Electric Perspective-r September I l il l l pg as team to the Editor Primer - April I 5 most 14 1 ll ll said As the utility industry has been heavily regulated many are naive to the potential risk of info security violations While there have been instances ofhackers breaking into electric utilities' business and support systems the utilities have not encountered the full-scale attacks that the telecommunications services providers have experienced in the EPRI Electronic information Security Survey 35 percent ofthose polled were not aware ofany breaches oftnformation and control systems at any electric utility and 60 percent were aware of only minor security breaches This is not to say the hacker corruttunity has not tried to enter the utilities systems members ofa radical environmental group were arrested for trying to hack into a data network However with industry deregulation the stakes are getting higher perhaps high enough to attract more attention Stanley Klein an industry consultant estimates that the pro t at an energy derivative delivery point could be as high as SID million a day certainiy enough to attract the attention of market manipulators and the intruder conununtty Furthermore ifan outside organization had goals beyond nancial gain a structured electronic attack targeting the utility's operations systems could be a way to cause widespread disruption to a given geographic region Organizations have used structured physical attacks on utility infrastructure elements around the world to achieve a variety of goals a Department of Energy database records 10 200 incidents over the past 16 years An organization with suf cient resources such as a foreign intelligence service or well- supportcd terrorist group could conduct a structured attack on the electric power grid electronically without having to set foot in the target nation and with a large degree of anonymity it is important to note that information systems do not just represent a way to dtrectly attack the electric power grid During the course of this study many ofthe electric utility of cials interviewed expressed a concern about the amount ofinformation about their infrastructure elements that is readily available to the public Utility officials felt that the information on the various FERC forms which are currently available in the public reading room at FERC in Washington DC and are posted on FERC electronic bulletin boards a ould be of value in planning an attack on the power grid Additionally the inforntat ton that is requiring utilities to post on their OASIS node will further Simplify the process of target analysis One utility of cial was asked to sapply a Federal agency with a list oftheir top ten most vulnerable locations as part ofan infrastructure study the utility refused to supply the agency with the requested information lForeigrt irtfoniroriort Senior-Weary Europe Edition #053 23 March 1989 llIIClein Stanley information Securin' impiirorious of FERC Orders 338 and 389 and Rrirtted Rt'tir'ttc'i t'mg Stanley Kiein Associates August 15 3 3 THREAT CONCLUSIONS The electric power industry clearly recognizes and has considerable experience in dealing with the risks to the energy infrastructure from physical threats However the implications of electronic intrusions are understood less well Given the limited experience with electronic attacks government efforts to identify and scope these threats must be coordinated Iwith an industry effort to identify and report intrusion incidents A clear threat identification combined with an infrastructure vulnerability assessment and guidelines for protection measmes is critical to stimulating effective response by individqu utilities I ll 4 0 DETERRENTS A deterrent is an attempt to prevent or discourage an action before it is initiated generally through fear or doubt The ability of law enforcement to investigate prosecute and com ict is the principle deterrent to computer crime Recent and pending legislation increases the jurisdiction of Federal state and local law enforcement authorities over attacks on electric power control systems However the lack of effective reporting mechanisms inconsistent use of logins passwords and warning banners and a low probability of being detected caught and prosecuted hinder effective deterrence of potential attackers The proposed National Information Infrastructure Protection Act HR 4095 would greatly expand the jurisdiction of Federal law enforcement authorities over attacks against the computer systems of critical infrastructures such as electric power In particular the act would Broaden the jurisdiction of Section 1030 of Title IB ofthe US Code from Federal interest computers to that of protected computers which would Include any use in interstate or foreign commerce or communicat ion Espands the de nition of damage to include any impairment to the integrity or at of a system that threatens public health and safety or causes any toss over 35 000 in value in addition the recent passage of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 increases the penalties related to improper disclosure of proprietary information providing an improved deterrent against electronic intrusions aimed at gaining competitive advantage A number of factors tend to greatly reduce the effectiveness deterrents Most network and systems administrators lack ef cient tools to detect intrusions reliably Only 115% of the respondents to information security survey reponed use of any intrusion detection methods Even when intrusions are detected the ma le'Il of the organizations effected do not report these events ln a recent survey conducted jointly by the Computer Security Institute the Hill and the International Computer Crirre Squad less than percent of the 423 reSpondents said that they would notify lav r enforcemem if they thought the had been attacked Most ofthe respondents 70 percent said they feared negative publicity Furthermore more than 70 percent ofthe respondents do not have warning banners stating that computing activities may be rrtonitored hampering Investigations because law enforcement of cials would likely be able to tap computers or prove trespassing Use of shared logins and relatively weak passwords furtth cumpiicatcs this situation for the electric power industry ll'tomputer Study Finds Cancun But Insu 'tcicnt Action Tiltca l Hem-ark Securi'q- Review May I996 I3 11 Ill 111 I 5 0 VULNERABILITIES An organization s systems are most vulnerable at the point where the connectivity is the greatest and the access control is the weakest Figure 5 depicts the electric power generation transmission and distribution infrastructure with the supporting communications and control systems If someone opted to attack the electric power grid electronically rather than physically he or she would have several options to consider the control center the substation and the communications infrastructure The lollowing sections address the nature ofeach vulnerability any trends affecting the vulnerability and likely avenues of attack il- MSW Sumter-ar- Pn we Morme - Hy II II LIME put-ill Fiber tilt-volt 1- mm Eta-an PM Roam cam Loads Ln I-nldl Figure 5 Electric Power Infrastructure With Supporting Communications and Control Systems 5 1 CONTROL CENTER VULNERABILITIES There is no standard control center system con guration they range from isolated mainfrarne based systems developed in-house more than 20 years ago to off-the-shelf commercially developed networked Unix clienu'server systems The industry trend is for utilities to procure standard vendor system products based on the diStributed clienta server technology to reduce schedule risk and minimize project costs They continue to use their private commonications networks to support remote data acquisition 19 although the use ofthe public networks is increasing to interconnect corporate facilities neighbor utilities and the Internet As seen in Figure 6 an electronic intruder may access the control center through seteral interfaces Links to the corporate information system - Links in ether utilities or power pools - Links to supporting vendors Remote maintenance and administration ports The following paragraphs review the details of industry practices for each interface I 'itanutacturer Dawn ii qt RES-CABAL Connor I Srilem Center Locll L-r u' a To Corn-crate To PowerPo-ol TOOASIS Her-ark Figure 6 Typical Control Center interfaces Corporate 3115 Although not all utilities have an interface between the control center and the corporate information system the distinct trend within the industry is to link the systems to access control center data necessary for business purposes One utility interviewed conSideredi the bosiness value of access to the data within the control center worth the risk of open connections between the control center and the corporate network More common solutions used fuewalls or masked Subnet routing schemes to create a secure link between the corporate information system and the EMS Current trends towards intercOnnectivity further increase the chances ofan attacl through the corporate network by providing more access routes into the corporate network 20 111 1 111111 Internct connectivity modem pools and individual modems all can serve as points of access for an electronic intruder into the corporate sysrem and Subsequently into the EMS Despite the protective measures taken to isolate the control center network from the corporate information system the control systems are still vulnerable to an attack through the corporate system Utility operations personnel interviewed believed that rewalls and dial-back modems were suf cient to protect their systems from intruders and they were surprised to learn about the experiences of the telecommunications industry with hackers defeating these measures 5 1 2 Other Utilities and Power Pools Many utilities have links between their control room and the control centers of adjacent utilities and the regional power pool Most ofthese links are one way connections carrying system data that operators use to balance the load on the power grid schedule transmission compute economic dispatch and perform security analysis Application- level controls and proprietary protocols make these links dif cult targets for an electronic attack Several trends within the industry will increase the risk posed by these links As the industry migrates to standard protocols the pool of people with the knowledge to attack the system will grow signi cantly The flurry of mergers resulting from deregulation of the industry further creates a need for merger partners to communicate electronically increasing exposure The creation of 130 will signi cantly increase the amount of traf c exchanged between the utilities and their 130 In all likelihood this traf c will require two-way data flows Furthermore the information owing berween the organizations line capacity and scheduling information will have signi cant economic value and will enable a potential attacker to identify critical nodes in the transmission and distribution system Disabling these links would not however cause any direct disruption ofthe power system 5 1 3 Supporting Vendors As they move to client-server architectures utilities are using more commercially developed software and are outsomcing the customization and maintenance and sapporting applications To support the installation debugging and ongoing maintenance of these new systems utilities are providing remote access to manufacturers and integrators Remote access is generally accomplished through a dial in port on the system although some utilities have dedicated links in place These remote access links represent a potential point of access for an intruder A representative ofa major EMS manufacturer con rmed that all of his company's products with a dial-in port will al 10w the manufacturer s engineering staff to connect to the system to perform software updates and Electronic Information Survey Summer 1996 other maintenance functions These products frequently share a simple password that has not been changed in years One electric utility reported that an intruder accessed a chemistry-monitoring system in its nuclear division through a dedicated Link between the system and its manufacturer Once in the chemistry system the intruder moved into the utility's nuclear enginee ring support network accessed database entries and altered audit logs to elude detection Another utility increased access control on a dedicated line to a system integrator after it detected intrusion attempts 5 1 4 Remote Maintenance and Administration Many utilities are allowing operations and information systems personnel to access systems remotely for after-hours support Generally this Ls accomplished by configuring dial-up modems on the EMS network Operations and support personnel can dial into the EMS network through these modem pools and log into the EMS system Once in they can assist in troubleshooting perform system administration functions and in some cases operate EMS applications These dial-in links represent a point of access for electronic intruders Although some utilities have taken measures to limit the operations that can be performed remotely or have further strengthened access control with token-based authentication systems other utilities have only minimal protective measures place 5 1 5 Impacts Regardless of the access point once in the control system network the intruder may crash the EMS knowledgeable intruder Cari employ other more subtle options For example a sophisticated attacker could corrupt the databases causing signi cant economic damage to the utility by disrupting billing operations A knowledgeable intruder could issue false commands to the system opening and closing relays shutting down lines and potentially affecting generation An extremely knowledgeable attacker could manipulate the ow of data to the control center causing the control center operators to respond to spurious indicntions Fortunately the technical skills and speci c knowledge ofan individual utility's applications and procedures limit this kind of attack to a very small number of potential attackers Furthermore most utilities can revert to manual coordination if all control center functions are lost however this is a costly measure fOr the utility 5 2 SUBSTATION VULNERABILITIES A substation serves as a clearinghouse for power as it is stepped down from the high voltages used to transmit the power across the scryice area and then directed to i ll 1 distribution systems for deliver ' to residential and commercial customers In an effort to provide higher service levels to customers and reduce staffing requirements the electric power industry is automating substation operations with remote terminal units and a of intelligent electronic devices An automated substation is depicted in Figure 7 Digital programmable breakers switches and relays are being produced by several manufacturers and utilities are now using them in place of xed or manually set devices Both the RTUs and the new automated devices are susceptible to electronic attack Digital Programmable Devices Ev dialing into a port on a digital breaker a utility engineer can re5et the device or select any of six levels ofproteetion An electronic intruder who could identify the telephone Pa we Dance Active Dev- 6 Digital Pregame-bl Device Modem for Female Terminal U ll RTU Flernote Access blotter-n let-r Hen-note Access ultra- 3 ED CDHHOF Canter d an Leaf-l nmnw J mn Figure 7 Typical Substation Interfaces line serving such a device could dial into an unprotected port and reset the breaker to a higher level ol'tolerance than the device being protected by the breaker can withstand By doing this it would be possible to physically destroy a given piece of equipment within a substation The intruder could also set the device to be more seusitive than conditions for normal operations and cause the system to shut down for self-protection Several ofthe utilities visited did not have any type of security or access control on these dial-in devices In either case utilities reported that such an intrusion capable of a major irnpact would result in no more than a minor alarm 5 2 2 Remote Terminal L'nits Besides collecting data for the control center an operates as a clearu'ighouse or control signals to transmission and distribution equipment A number of utilities reported having rttaintenance ports on substation RTUs that can be remotely accessed through a dial-up modem some without even dial-back protection An intruder could that into this port and issue conunancls to the substation equipment or report spurious data back to the control center Due to the highly networked nature ofthe power grid knocking out an RTU can have a signi cant impact on any systems or customers from the substation housing the RTU 5 3 COMMUNICATIONS Utilities rely on a mix of private microwave radio private ber and the public networks for communications among control system elements Any one of these mediums could be exploited in an electronic attack In most cases an attack on the communications Infrastructure alone would constitute a nuisance attack In such an event most utilities would equip personnel with cellular phones and mobile radios and dispatch them to key sites to report operating data back to the control center However an attack on the communications infrastructure in conjunction an attack on the electric power control system was characterized by one utility offiCial as a nightmare scenario Restoring power would be extremely ditt'icult and dangerous ifall inc-ans of coordination between the control center and generation and transmission elemems were 10st 5 3 1 Private Infrastructure Vulnerabilities Microwave s stems operating in the 2 and gigahenz range and aerial or buried ber optics make up the majority private communications networks Utilities view their private communications network as a key asset several utilities stated that they would rather lose access to the public networks than to their private systems In several cases utilities sell excess capacity on these networks to corru'nerCial carriers or plan to use these infrastructures to enter the telecommunications market A utility's private communications infrastructure is nearly as vulnerable to intrusion and physical attack as the public network Utilities reported instances til then of voice services as well as the loss ofvoice and data service resulting from physical damage One utility lost to most ofits private ber network when a truck knocked down a pole at a critical Juncture in the system Microwave communications can be intercepted or Jana-nod quite easily There are multiple sites on the Internet with direction for assembling an inexpensive microwave jamming unit One utility interviewed was experiencing severe disruption of its microwave communications system which it nally traced to frequency 2-1 I 11 spillover from a cellular service provider Despite all of this utilities seem to believe that bet ause their private systems are isolated from the public networks they are safe and 5 3 2 Public Infrastructure Vulnerabilities Roughly a third ofthe electric utility control communications traf c is carried on the PN Most utilities use the PN to augment their private networks in the form of redundant communications lines to key I substations in geographically remote regions or in last mile situations Utilities appear to be aware of the threats to the PM and take risk nutigation measures on critical control links such as requiring diverse routing in leased line contracts or providing for redundant transmission media Several utilities reported that outages had isolated pans of their control networks and led them to increase private net working to key facilities It is worth mentioning that the single greatest source of interdependence between the electric power tnlrastrueture and the PN is in their use of common In many cases public carriers lease spare conveyances or share transmission paths with utilities In such a situation a physical attack is more likelon disrupt multiple infrastructures than an electronic attack would 0 0 PROTECTION MEASURES Electric utilities use a variety of mechanisms to protect the electric power grid from disruption The most signi cant measure is a double contingency analysis system which uses a real-time simulator to look for the two worst things that could happen to the grid at any instant and offers Operators corrective actions to consider and initiate These security systems are powerful however the system does not loolt at elements beyond the power grid and is only as accurate as the data that it receives from the eld If the flow ofthis information from the eld is cut off the value ofthis system is reduced drastically Beyond actively monitoring the status ofthe power grid most utilities have taken measures to guard their control centers and EMS systems from both physical attack and system failure Practically all utilities have established back-up control centers some collocated others in separate facilities that include uninterruptible power supplies and backup generators Other utilities have installed completely redundant telecommunications lacilities svith their own telecommunications control center In most cases is herever the EMS interfaces with the outside world utilities have Installed dial back modems and firewalls Furthermore most EMS systems Support individual logins and passwords and have extensive alarms and event logs Organizationally all utilities have a robust physical security depart ment and most utilities have some information systems security function to handle the information security requirements fer corporate systems The corporate information system security office in conjunction with the internal auditing depart menis will generally conduct or contraCt for security evaluations and audits ofcorporate systems But these audits rarely extend into the operational elements ofthe utility and few utilities have an equn'alent information security function for their operational control systems In an effort to improve security utilities reported that they are considering a variety of improvements Conducting intensive security evaluations and audits Ensuring dial access control modem security Using existing security features - Eliminating security holes - Evaluating and deploying new security technologies 26 - Improving coordination betv een operations staff and corporate information security staff - Improving skills of the security staff - Establishing security awareness programs However utility personnel consi5tently stated that such investments were dif cult to sell to senior managers who were often unaware of or skeptical of the risks to their information systems Many expressed concern that reduced operating margins would further threaten their ability to implement effective security Forty percent of the respondents to the Surnmer 1996 Electronic Information Security Survey believed that internal priorities in a competitive environment were the most signi cant obstacle to tiiaintaining a high level ofinformation security 7 0 POTENTIAL IMPACTS The electric power grid is a complex l'llgl'll networked entity whose elemems are highly interdependent A of the highly networked power grid is the potential for a cascading power failure When transmission capacn is unexpectedly lost generation must immediately be taken off-line otherwise the generator's output Will reroute and overload remaining transmission lines This creates voltage oscillations that will ripple through the power grid Unless corrective action is taken these oscillations can pull down significant portions of the electric power grid The largest instance of such a widespread event was the famous New York blackom of November 9 1965 which knocked out power for up to 13 hours and affected 30 million people in eight States and Canada More recently on July 2 1996 a cascading power failure in the Western Interconnect region affected 2 million customers in States Canada and Mexico Most customers had power restored within 30 minutes but some did not regain service for over 6 hours This situation was repeated on August 10 19% when all major transmission lines between Oregon and California were dropped This outage affected 5 6 million users for up to to hours in 10 western States see Figure Even regional outages can have wide-ranging effects On May 14 1996 an improper setting on a high-Voltage circuit breaker at a single substation resulted an 8thour hlackout affecting 290 000 customers through southern Delaware and across the eastern shores of Maryland and Virginia Michael Conte an economist at Towson State Scrum-d outta-q meals in 4 ti mun-m users Ion poser Min-1M has-red wag-s trimmer- sag-s mama IE S lmI pn-It Lung-1mm mum earl-mm Tainan Iranian-nutter in mm mauled-via whine-tin cue-no accent-gr melamine-n M5155 Figure 8 Effects of August 1996 Western Outage 23 1 University estimated the loss for regional businesses to be as high as $30 8 million H These outages illustrate the tremendous effects a dismption of the electric power system can have on a given region Signi cant portions ofthe US economy and infrastructure are dependent on electric power including and certainly not limited to transportation financial services health care and telecommunications services While many facilities have back-up generators these systems are not foolproof and in many cases are not exercised on a regular basis During these aforementioned outages traf c lights stopped working ight operations were suspended schools were closed and nuclear reactors were shutdown In addition a sewage treatment plant released six million gallons of sewage into the Paci c When electrically powered pumps stopped working Critical node analysis combined with an attack on poorly protected elements of substation automation systems can achieve effects equivalent to these recent outages More than 50 percent ofthc electric utility personnel who responded to the EPRI Survey believed that an intruder in the information and control systems at an electric utility could cause serious impact on or beyond the region for more than 24 hours Open sources including FERC lings electric industry publications regional maps and the Internet would provide enough information to identify the most heavily loaded transmission lines and most critical substations in the power grid Relatively simPlc hacking techniques could then be used to locate dial-in ports to these points and modify settings to trigger an outage Only a detailed review of logs or the elimination ofall other factors would lead to the detection of such an attack IIJ'Humphrey Theresa Power Outage Darkens Delmarva Peninsula The May 29 CONCLUSIONS The Electric Power Risk Assessment subgroup found no evidence of power outages attributed to deliberate electronic intrusion into utility control systems The greatest risk facing the electric power infrastructure of the United States remains physical damage and destruction Compared to the threat posed by natural disasters and physical attacks on electric power infrastructure elements electronic intrusion represents an emerging but still relatively minor threat However changes within the electric power industry and in technology are increasing the risk posed by electronic intrusion As detailed in the preceding sections the security of electric power control networks and information systems varies widely from utility to utility In general though three trends will increase the exposure of electric power control networks to attacks and raise the probability of disruptions due to electronic introsions First the shift from mainframe-based control applications relying on propriemry communications protocols to client-server applications using the Utility Control Architecture or other publicly documented protocols built on the transmission control protoml nlernet protocol TCPIIPJ expands the population of attackers with sufficient technical knowledge to attack these systems This migration to client-server applications also introduces a potential for extended disruptions as the complexity of interactions continues to outpace tbe skills and tools of systems adminiStrators Sec0nd the pressures to downsize streamline autontate and cut costs resulting from increased competition tn the wholesale and eventually retail power market will drive utilities to rely even more on remote automation administration and maintenance on outside contractors for applications development and support and on intemetworking ot control systems with corporate networks Without a clear business case to support investments in information security the relatively inunature level of information assurance within the industry is likely to continue Third the requirement to previde open access to transmission system information dictated under FERC orders 333 and 389 introduces two new sources of exposure to attack the interface to the OASIS host and new links required for the separate p0wer marketing effort Having to post transmission system information on a World Wide Web Server connected to the Internet requires utilities to establish some kind ofinterface between their EMS and the Internet Although in all known cases this will be an indirect connection controlled with fire walls screened subnets or proxy servers the individual utility's 30 1 i Jill interface to its OASIS host creates a new and signi cant point ofettposurc Apart from insider attacks the internet is the greatest potential source of inforrnatiOn system attacks Utilities are in many cases relatively new to Unix and security and the short given for activating an OASIS site increases the opportunity for vulnerabilities to be introduced in the rush to meet FERC's deadline These rulemakings are forcing utilities to separate power marketing from transmission system management These functions were formerly integrated and operated on the unquestioned principle that system reliability always took precedence over economic pro t The procedures for resolving system problems between utilities were relatively informal which was understandable given the consistency of operating philosophies and exposure to risk of the players involved At the inlortnation systems level the separation of these functions is forcing utilities to disconnect networks and applications often in the midst of already ongoing redesign efforts Under great pressure to meet deadlines and costs information systems staffs may resort to workarounds that could ultimately introduce major vulnerabilities At the operational level it is not clear that the industry will be able to maintain the principles and procedures that have guided it for the past 30 years Today utilities resolve imbalances of generation load and transmission system capacity on a relatively informal basis relying on phone ecordinat ion and recognized rules of conduct in the new OASIS environment this arrangement may not suf ce especially when transmission system operators may begin driving their lines further towards capacity At the industry level these rulemakings will certainly lead to a major restructuring as terttcaily integrated utilities spin off functional elements and a new set of players power marketers independent system operators derivatives traders retail power resellers develops The interactions ofthese businesses create new and unforeseen tensions tnotivat ions and risks With vertically integrated utilities the responsibility for the reliability of electric power was clear The responsibility for reliability in a restructured industry is for the moment largely theoretical In sum these trends suggest that in the future the electric power industry and its infrastructure will become more complex and networks and information systems will play a major role in how individual utilities deal with the new business environment As a result electric power control networks will be exposed to a considerably wider range of attacks and potential attackers Although the probability ofa nationwide disruption of electric power through electronic intrusion will remain extremely low for any but a major structured attack short-term disruptions up to the regional level may become easier to achieve unless appropriate precautions are taken 3 9 0 RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendations of this study are directed toward three different groups the President the p0wer industry and the NSTAC Each set of recommendations is further organized into three categories that reflect increasing levels of maturity in a program of information assurance Awareness - Information sharing - Mechanisms for prevention detection response and restoration Before effective mechanisms for'coordinating information assurance activities between and industry can be established there must be a consensus on the threats risks technical issues business censiderations legal constraints and other factors IIlH ll i'ULl This consensus cannot be established ifthe two parties disagree on whether a problem exists in the first place For that reason the recommemanons aimed at increasing awareness of network and information systems security should be given first priority RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE PRESIDENT 9 1 1 Awareness The President sht'iuld consider assigning to the appropriate Department er Agency the mission to develop and conduct an ongoing program within the electric pou er industry to identify the threat and increase the awareness of vulnerabilitiea and available or emerging solutions The prOgrarn should be coordinated with other Departments Agencies and advisory groups as appropriate to insure completeness and to maximize effectiveness 9 1 2 Information Sharing The President should consider establishing an NSTAC-liite advisory comn uttee to_enhancc industry-Government cooperation in light ofsigni cant regulatory changes affecting power generation transmission and distribution and the critical importance of electric power to National and Economic security the gavernment and its eituenry The committee should advise the head of the Department or Agency assigned the lead role for National Security and Emergency Preparedness protection of the national electric power infrastructure Such an advisory committee could perform a number of functions to include the following Provide informatioa on factors affecting the reliability of the electric power infrastructure 1 - Provide the means for sharing information between Government and industry on potential electric power system faults vulnerabilities and protection measures - Provide a forum for reconunending Government support activities to help ensure a highly reliable and available nationwide electric power capability Review existing or proposed legislation and advise the Government on the potential NSEP irnplications for the electric power infrastructure 9 1 3 Mechanisms for Prevention Detection Response and Restoration The Government should provide threat information and consider providing incentives for industry to work with government to develop and deploy appropriate security features for the electric power industry 9 2 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE POWER INDUSTRY A wareness Electric power associations executive bodies and individual organizations need to promote information systems security within the industry as a whole With industry restructuring and the interoperability and networks a lack of security in one element ofthe electric power industry could likely impact other providers or power transporters 9 2 2 information Sharing Electric power associations should establish procedures for sharing sensitive information among member companies This sensitive information might include threat and vulnerabilities data security processes procedures tools and techniques and lessons learned 9 2 3 Mechanisms for Prevention Detection Response and Restoration A secure network communications and computing environment will be important to the continued reliability of the electric power infrastrueture Security needs to be considered in communications and systems architectures and standards in products that are purchased and in employee methods procedures and training Additionally industry should consider establishing an electronic incident reporting and clearing function for electronic intrusions similar to what is already done for power outages and physical attacks 33 9 3 TO THE NSTAC 9 3 1 Awareness The NSTAC should reach out to the electric power industry and offer its support expertise and assistance in establishing an NSTAC-lilte capability NSTAC should share past reports and recommendations to the President prO t'lLlC advice on lessons learned throughout its tenure and perhaps sponsor meetings to discuss common concerns 9 3 2 Information Sharing The NSTAC should invite representatives ofthe electric poster industry to part icipaie in open activities of the Network Security Information Exchange and appropriate meetings of the Information Assurance Task Force In addition NHTAC should actively foster opportunities for the exchange of information on protection technologies attack trends assurance programs and other aspects of information security with industry assocmtions 9 3 3 Mechanisms for Prevention Detection Response and Restoration The NSTAC should consider the needs ot the electric power control networks in its insesligations of tntrusion detection indications and warnings coordination mechanisms and other elements of infrastructure assurance Ml'l lil I Ellf'LlM l'l'lil
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