nutrt rr l-l- u STATEM El ' KEVDJ H 131 GREGGRT DEF EjT't ATTORNEY GENERAL LETTER STATES JUST If BE FGIRE THE UN THE CUES THE HGUSE t1 THE Aria his 24 Mr Chairman and Members m rh-L than Fm Is-1' sits-wins mu this to testify abs uLthE 13w antic-rt taut Carsimrs and this Fcuzth n Lpn'ls 6 2121961 I its-ti Lt tcz thing Estes-s 5 1m sung brazing L111 privacy md the Faust Earn phrast'u' to in the discusstust miay sham Casmit'mc and its min in prnt rting privacy- er the Ernst tintn'urrmt d intrusicn and sham titt' aria 3 4 rah the mass Etisurt that thu is a sat and secure piste Psi-tract and Puts-lit It is hr de dispute that tits qutt the rights sf Americans while tbs wars and pray an the just as i times in the physical ts-srld- The gas is a long- Imnurcd and nah 0114 mt privacy white E1113 safety 1 1me cittzc ns- Du Faunding fashars mmgnizsd that in cards 1 s nut tn remain sat nu intact saw must have 22 ability ts and fur criminal sawdust A thr sme Ems nus wading fathers 11ch in disdain gnvutsuusnt's ismgasd and abuse of in Eugtand Th3 cfttats nation adapted it Fsunh Amendment to the tensmn 111451 can at timss arist- privacy and pubtit Helena - Pat H- ea fety Under the the gerarnment eemenetrate prehebte eataee hefere ehtaint'ttg a e'arrent fer a search arrest er ether err privacy and the have atee that en prieaey he pennined under a lees ea'eetirtg threeheid The EIeetrenie enunurtt'eetiena Frat-tee Act eetabitettee a three-tier system by Which the gememrttertt eats eetain attired in rm-latter eet eteetreet'e eenuttunaeatiert aerate Fret- tters In genera the ge 1return-tent needs a aeareit warrant tr obtain the eentertt eeremettieatterte itlre email a eeur t rattler te e'etajrt and a te ebtatn inferetatiert identi e'eg the eebee aer See 13 treat re t in in erder te aeeree destinatiett t'ttferartetiee in real time the must e etain a trap artti traee er prt register ett-art err er aetltert'airtg the et aeeh ttgfemattee See 3 HELL 321 et- See Beeattee ef the privacy Tahiti-3 itpreteem the wiretap statute 2533-22 tater-tn a5 Title LEE placer a higher burden en the teat-time intercept on rat eret wire amt eteetreet'e than the Fetuth meter-treat requirea In the abrehee at a I statutenr eaeeptrert the geveremeat a eetut eteer te wiretap eemmunieata'enr- Te ehteie eueh art enter the shew that manual int'eetigative teehrtiqttee fer ehtatning the inferrhatien have er are liker te 3 11 at are tee daegereue and that any will he was re ensure that the is rrtirtimieett The ea t eguaree fer represented by the Feurth Ammdmenl and etatutery teen-retainer err te tnferrnatr ert de net prevent et't eetive Iaw eefereemeatt- Inaleatt the pretride berth-tiara ea fer tat-tr dart ring what is evidence Stld Rtie e Fagin I - - - null-gathering and what is net- hi the same time these whe eere aheet preteeling individual priveea-r meet aia-e aekriewieti ge that law has a eritieai rele Ie triage in preserving ptivaey When law eei ereemeht investigates ahei a erimihal whe has swim a eitieeh e pereenai infeenatien here a eemputer Ejt'EiIi-lm f t example Iaw is undeniably teething te preteet privaey arid tietet further ptieaey vieietiene The same it true when Jaw eh ehtie a lied-tee whe eemprernieeti the heheiei et'e hank eustemer he we meve the 1 i we meet Ensure the the nee-ea ef P n' lij and puhiie safety remain in and are in the new and emerging teeitrteiegiee that are changing the thee ftithee the primary et the hepartmeet et' Justice is law entereereeht Genera Rene anti the entire Depenment iihe'lereteeti and there the legitimate eerieertte ef ell tmetieena with regeezi te pereenal privacy The item-intent hee been and remain eemmittee te pro-tectng the prieaey righte We fer-ward t-e were ng with Cengre ea anti ether eeheerheti ate te imtaettaet matters in the menthe aheeti Law Erlfereemeht Teeie in Mtheegh the Feunh Amendment is ever We eiei the htemet eat-tie hhew it ie in its infancy The huge adv in the past ten years have ehangeti ferever the landscape et net jeet'in meme hut weritivhde The latereet 115 5 reeulteei in new and exciting were fer peepie te eemrnenieete transfer i eiertnatiee engage in eemreeree and expand their eppet ttuaities These are but a few et Lhe wetitiert ul bene t ef this rapieiij r ehanging teehneiegy he has been the with every majer teeteteiegjeei in en hieterjr sheet-2 Release - Pastel hewever we are seizing individuals and getting use the te eemmit criminal eets he Deputy 3' General Heidee tele' the Fittbeetrutlittee ef thie Cemmittee in 13 53 11 ante te eemputee crime is eeteniehineh' high and threatens net nijt eta neneie E'tlieh i g and em exit-rage hue zine this netieii'e eritieei infreshueture Man 31 the crimes that we rent everyday in the physical weehi ere hegtt'mjug 1e eppeer in the eniine weeld Crimes like three- 15 eetertieii freed identity r theft and ehifd pernegi-ephy ere niigeeting In the Internet The Fe urth Amendment and laws addressing pti e' ey ee-d publie safety serve as frameweel-e fee tew eni eiiccmeiir respond tei thie new feeum fer eeirniea aetit'ity If law enforcement mtie y lea individual privacy in ite aei-ei erimineis will elude ie iew er weenie-tit is ten timid in impending te we effeet Tender a safe haven fer erintitieie and teemiieti tei ewe carry mi ei-ii-nel witheut fear elf auntie-edited eureeiihnee- Ifwe feii te melre the Internet safe peepte'e een denee in using the Internet and will decline ands igerieig the verge benefits hreught the hifennatinn Age Prepee balance is the key Te satiety ehligeeiene ten the petitie lei ent'e ree the ewe and pee-serve the eafety we use the same eerts teeheiiqu es and metheds as we tie in the phyeieel we d with the saute eare tl attention te the eta-i et eenetitutiernei Statutery internal and eeunueedered heunderies Carnivore is simply an inuesttg e tee that is used einIine tender nettewl y de ned and only when authorized by late te meet eui reep te the Put ie 5mm Reine - Page I Inn-Fund- Mann flu-l- l' Hui-I 11' d-I- - n- II - a - LA tum-m - a l Tn illustrate isw n cn rs st in nd an Wiicim a drug sies'ier_ iilsisncc is buying his precise s or In the drug dsaisr is Selling To this is is heip si tn wise is with sins drug in sidsn clays nf psrli sips it years age she drug wnulcl have with his supplier and customers exclusis'siy gh use cf and pagers st wciild nhssin en critic Ernm the ni Irsp ease and a pen registef dsvicc cs Elic drug 1ch cs s plicnc cc singer and siihcr the pan or law wcuid have instsiiccl Iiicsc dci'iccs camels-1cm iisc csurt s she snurcs destinatiun c1 liis pliniic calls is-cluici have This is ilisi scans ism-c lisld is net press-creel by any sips is'ssis nsiurc of this inicrmsiicn alic lsii- requircs is n nrtsiin sn ins-cicr circumstances In lisis was privacy is psniectcci and isw is s'slc is investigate in slic public New Iisi ssme cling Ins I be jusi is in send an as sin cc When isw uscs a Irst and Irsce car since register in the cnli c contest we have icmid that at times ihc Enitmsi sch-inc prm idc been uiis isls nr Wen tn supply this inic-nnaticn st saunas sisdicsts iis sci presets puhiic ssi eig I simply because Itssliincringgir has changed Raiser Ihc public-n ghti islly that law cm will cnniinus is he csTectiv-s as sri minsl activity migraiss in the We sci this wishes tcels like Camimm- When cn'minsl Uses evmsil ts send kidnaps demand to buy and scil illegal drugs cs 1st dismbuts child cni nrcci'ncn seeds is knew in when he is sending messages and mm when he Tc sins informsiinn we obtain ccrun cnier which ws mm Release - Pas- - ru- Hun-rhu- I Hana-Lnserve an the apprepriate setvtee previtier Beeatiae ef the nature efint net cemnuttjeetiens the addressing intenttatien which stees net include the eentent et'the tneasagel is etlen mired in with a let ef ether nen-eentertt data that Wt have rte- ttesire er te gather it the Service ereeider can carnal with the enter and preside at with en la the addressing inferniatien required by been enter it will do an and we will net err-inlet laminate if he wetter the senaee prettitter is unwilling er unable ta camel with the eaten we simply give a erirnitiat a free pass It is far that narrew set at circumstances that the FBI designed Cemi'mre Carnivete la in essence a speeial ltering teat that can gather the autheriaea tit terrier and tent that It hennits law enforcement the example he gather early the ernati addresaes at these patterns with here the drug heater is wither-tn atiewint any item an being either here lair etifereetnent er the een't't e provident-t1 View rant-ate tniemtatien eetsade ef the eithe meet in ether wards is a nrr'm'enharr'en tee that Itenntta law en t eteenteat atrietht- ta entirely with eater careers atrengiy te preteet privacy and attentive-i r te enteree the law he pretect the puhiie interest In additien creates an an air trait that earn enstrates eaaetly what it is center-in 5 As with any ether investigative teats there are many rneehaniarns are have in place te prevent against pessihte misuse at Cathie-are anti ta retneey rrtisttse that has The Feerth restricts what law enfereernent can at - with C mlh' m as tie the atatuter I requirements at Title ll and the Eieetrenie Private hat and the Fer federal Title Itt applicatiena the Department of lustiee impulses ita guidelines en tap tn the entrant preteetiens prarittea try the Censtitrttien statutes anti the tenets For example 5 14am Millie Page E5 - 'r Fl-u - - I I I iacfot'c Camivotc may hc cacti to or ciccttottjc cotaattutticatiotta tho itch-ligatotjjt agott y must obtain approval from tho of Juaticc thicc of Eafotcctacot Operations in titc Criminal Diviaioh of tlic Etch artotcat rat'ica-a cach propoacti Titlc Ill appiication to coattcc that titc aatiai'tca Fourth rccg ttircoicota anti is itt compliancc with applicahlt Statotca and rcgolationa Simiiati typically r US httomc'y or the acctiott thicf within who is Lita imcstigatiott also rcviawa tht Till l toquctt EU tl if propotai clcata Litc GEO approval moat hc gjirct his a hacicttatt httoract' cttarai although thia rcouircmcat of high-lava it rcottirco by I itic l onij it'itit to proposcd ofwirc anti on Communication tit-'3 tho Erotic lot-oi oi tci'icw For propoacc ofcicct rortic caccpt digitat-diaclat' pagcrt lithicallt-J agcncicc at titc Eur-Jar t'tiint'caiigattott have aimiial' Etit a'mt and apatt ora or Dcpaatotctit ofittcticc if inacctigatiua agcticy and tha cut of l caucc approvc a coat-cl Titlc HI rcqacat it still must inc acorot'ccl propct coon Tho cottIl wiil cvalttatc application tinder Fourth Amandattcm and familiar ataattarda of Titic llI By atatctc for Examplo the application to the court moat show through sworn af davit what the it occasion as oppoaccl to lcaatiatrotit'c Th application moat also pro-riot additional dctail including haw tact-o previous of communications of tho taract identity of target it loiown tiaturc and location of communications faciliticc and a ticactiptiott of type of commicationa cough and tilt Hflt 1 Page uh at -I - I at t't- Lua- et't'enses te which the autumn eieatieus relate- Ev statute anti intents Departrn re gulattett the tatereeptieu utatr East rte leeger than se days u-ltlteut art esteesiee by the eetut lILTeLu-ts else eiien inspese their etvtt requirementst Fer eaarepie malty federal ee urts require that the investigaters previee perierlie reperts setting Earth inferrnatien sueit as the member ef eemmtutieatiees intercepted stees taken as minimise irrelevant traffic and whether the interceptietts have heart fruitful The tea et eeut se terminate the ietereeptiett at any time The remedies fer vielatieg Titie IE er by impregaerlt' intercepting eta-street east srrtetiees civil suit and fer latv enfereemertt agents adverse eetir-n- Fer vieiatiees ef the fetu th Amendment ef the reestee'vei suppress'tert is else availahie Camivere itselfalse eeataias self-regulating features I- er example heeause et its seuttistieatett passive tterittg features it the ei atler'rnirstiee tuiuteut ntettitetaitg by trtvestigaters and sirttelv disregards peel-tats ei infertrtae'ert that rie rtet satisf r the et-iteria ie the eeurfs authettratr'ett leased ef the reest powerful privacy preteetittg features ef Carnivese is its ahilitgrr te iguere that is eutside the seep ef the eeur't-ertieree autherity Fer later veri eatiert it alse legs the lter settings in atlditiee as a praetieaI mattert Cat-revere is net depleted with elese with the system presides In any event the FBI ees net use Carrtitrere in every instance in urhielt the eeurt eseers a Title E1 eteerrenie remuturtt'eatien I understand that the Bureau uses truly in these iastartees when the sensiee previttes is unable let eemely with the eeutt erster using its ewe eqaiertteet as when the previeer asks the FBI te use Bureau equipment sealer sit-sew 1 hasmhrJ-hur-dt' - - - Lin rum - - - - Inna-1 Hr 13 - I - mu - - I - - l'h'testi ed in np'n't we face three rnejnr estegeries efeiteiienges in trying tn teen din Internet a safe and seense piece 1' er enr citizens These are it Teelinieni ehaitenges that hamper iatJ-I' minreernent s ability tn lee ate end preseeute criminals that enersle nnline Certain substantive and prneed laws that have net kept pace with the changing teeimelngy meeting signi cant Eegsl challenges in effective iswestigstinn end preseeutinn nf erinn in cyberspace and Rests-wee needs Li E l must be addressed ensure that isw enfereement can keep pace witir changing eebnnierry end has the hire and train penple tn ght eybererirne Cssnis'nre is en irn'estigehee test that ess1sts es in meeting the rst eireiienge its me have witnessed tracking 1 en' mine enline is net ain'sjrs en impessihle task using en itt eestigative tents example iast yes isrierni and stare taw enfnreernent seinhineri tn suneess iy apprehend the the virus and the indivirttral who crested fraudulent Elenmberg News Service website in erder tn enitieistiy drive tip Use steel prise nf Pait ein heated in Califernia ame-ugh we are proud of these irnpestent we stilt see sigii eanr challenges as eniine criminals tie-seine mere mere snphistieateri In newin every enline ease trading the eniine crimi ai requires inw eni'ereentent tn attempt tn trace the eieetrenie trail Earn the victim bee tn tire pr Ipetsater In effect this elee trem't trait is the ngerprint ef the century ens Inneh harder to End and net a-Iu seem Elsi-ease - Page ill ' rree - exit-TL stir It 2 I as permanent as its mere traditiehal In the phleet'eal werld a criminal and hit t'ietfnt are generally in the same leeatt'en But e Ie 11 ttl have te phyeleally visit the etirne Irtetetta the 1 eieah their itlegai teeth-tee weaving elateteaehleatt ene threugh a series ef remailere by creating fetgea ermatf heatfets with eewer tl paint and elt'eI-t tenets read detthleatfahle -ere haelter websites he using a er twe er by wiping eleart the le ggittg that he et tt lenee ef their aetiefty in Same the er mleet my net even he in the same as the vietirtt The glee-at ef the Internet tt'hfte ette ef the greatett attett ef ta ta citizens allewr erem'ttatt te eettettet their illegal Eih t tt jr' aerate the glehe In these eat-tee the ta aste' tract the et-tntsea t it and eften frustrated try the fat that the activity takes plate threttgheet titffetent With mere than 190 eeantries C Th'tEtTtEtd he the httehtet it it easy te eeteetetaetl the ehatlenget that face law Fenhermete in theae eases thee Es ef the eseettee anti the mag r net even teal'tte the t have been vietihtiaed Matt the has lane t'Lraee SignEd GH Clearly the teehnieal ehallettgea the late are real and prefetfna Tht'e feet wet made eleer in the ndings and reached in the recently released repert ef the Preeldertt'e We tittg Greup ett Unlawful Candaetee the Internet lentitjea f't he Eleethenfe Freetier The Challenge at Unlawful Canavet the Use ef the httemet This I eateaeitte repert highlights in detail the signi cant eheJIeeger feeing law enfereemeht in eyhettpaee he the repert states the meet anti ehalleegee eegn -eeting law eefereement are neither triviai net theeretieat The eatliaee a threeaerenged appraaeh fer le aetivity an the htternet rr rm -- 'Ih-e- - - - - - In - - MIME Release Flue - mwmuvmw 1 - - - fi-TCenduet en the Internet she qu he treatise in the same manner as simiter eenduci i 1 a l h nl ntt i manner 2 We must tee gnize that the needs and eheEiehges et'lsw enfhreemeht posed by the are substantial iiteluding her the need for resources upstei date - investigative tents and enhsneied multirjttiisttietiehsi ee eperstiett- 3 Fitteily eentinuett supper the private seeter iesdership in ttet'eterpieg tet s ant ntetiteids ten help internet utets tti present and minimize the risks efunlawfut enlist i eneens'ege tent-ens with an interest in this topic It review esteittiiy the rep-mt the it-huts The Irene- 1 can he titted the Lutemet by Visiting the If Dt m l tti Crime httelleettial Prepe y E ti l Ieeatett st ere rime see in edditittn to the tt t'sn f mtf v arse- eestsine ether use ii he wiete may et httemet related issues including the tepie-ef today's htt 'i 11g p vaey- Despite the type ef dif eutties eetiine-tt in the Canduct Repett and discussed tenths the Instiee Depment and law semss this natien ass summed te eentinuing in watt tegether and with their counterparts in either eeuntries tn deseiep and impiement investigative strategies te success tjr teeth apprehend and preseeute intiitridusis whe eentIue-t erimin'al activity ext the Internet In st thing the same privacy standards that apply it the physics remain eit eetitte ermine- Mr- Chaim an the Department tit Justiee has tel-ten a proactive iesiiership rate in melting eyhersptee safer fee all Americans The eemeretene ef eyhererime pregnant is the 11 Hell re - Fig 31 mt h _u I - - 1111 Criminal Divisimt s CDmputET Crime and Bastian instant-m as CCEPS Was faunas-ti it't I991 as tha Computst Cairns Unit and a Section in I995 CCIPS has grams t'ttra in 19961 - twstity shits and we nits-it more It itssp pass with th titsmaIt-Ii far their stipent'sa Tits in C 't'i'S st-stri slits-sly shmputss with hasas with Assistant Units-ti as Computer anti Ehardinatars at In US Artist-hays Di sas ssamtti Each ETC pcsist training and equipment aan a t vcs as the district's E'Ipc hmputat crime and this W l k in casts spearheading shitting far lasat stats shti sits-rat ast- tt ttr'aticinf with th asid- rass anti Firsts- int ltgai shit thai mitai to assist in tha a this hatiuh 's at itisai Wt as us r1 hi thi whirls thesis tit and we 1will th was ts httip stop criminals itast peep his lists I It 'i that pubis education is an impattaht compshast hitha strategy on shitthatitig Ct imc his the st nutss same chiids'an who that it is Wrong ts sits a mail at tits nut sham that it is squishy stung th steal a can sit as ships a mammary shtith its music it withth paying in it To this ptahtsm this Dspastmant 'tf iustiss with tit-s Infamtatihn ssaaiatihtt af marica has stash asi-titti a national campaign as e'tittast-rs anti raise st mmttutsr anti ta ptssids is sitischs Th Aw Pragrash ssaits ts sngagc children grating aduits and rs st basics hftmiticai ihihmtatiats pratmtisin and security and an the limits straits hahsvihr This hhjastivas at pm grant an to gist children an undsistanding 12 shims Edits-5E - Pats 31 -- II Cf bmc ta and Ic p mibililics an awaxantas resulting Lh-t misus-r of the mtdium and 2H Mme puss- 12 danger that en's on L'Ixr intern- 1 and ecimiques amid hating human- 1 Emuam ML Cilaiaman I wam 1n mars yum again thii pp unjiy inti r Ends 313-311 mm tn - grjli mm m the whim preserving the ghts carrier mi 113- ha Faun Am n mcn and 513mm L iimaluh thr dvciai n as ts 1hr appropriam parameters at law 41mm Jim squamly Marlin 11 Con iiuljma and the uf th nc n ud 1- 31mm 31 privacy fth hmurican peep nmjm fr m the gm'trnmem 'L-ua 53m Fran cr mnr s majua in like warm 51 L51 bu i1 genera Thu Deparcnerm rail-55 11 stands mam-1n wmlr with akis Suhz mmitt-tc and when to achieve Em pmpc $313333 hum $111111 Empo nn med 122 preaccz ng graham and the used In 1-2 gnawing 11 23 1 43f aims in Mr Chaila nm hat my prepared summem wauld b pl s d f0 Ema-mp 31 51ch any qutstiam Ihal you may have a Ibis 5 14am Harm Pill 33 nu 1 Statement fer the ei' Dettaid M Kerr Assistant Direeter Federal Bureau efIrtyestigatien Retare the United States Please ef Representatives The Centatittee en the judiciary Suhee rnmittee en the C stiluii n Washingtert 11C- fined alierneert Mr Chairman and Members at the Sttheennaittea iarn grate ii fer this te diseess the FBi's Internet and data intereeptien capabilities and te help set the straight regarding this impettarn issue tweeid like te rst discuss I- Hi s legal aetherity ier intereeptiens en the Internet attd thert deserihe Carniyere Titre weeks age the Wadi Street euhiislred an artiele entitled F l s system te eeyertiy seareh e-ntaii raises grit-tasty legal issues This stery was immediately sitniiar reperts in the press and ether ntedia depietiag Zaraiyere as eerirtees and raising eeneeres the eessihility ei' its peterttiat te sheep witheet a seed erder the private Ev mails et'r-t'ttnerieart eitiaens I third that it is impenartt that this tepie be discussed eaenlynartd in that this was the eereese behind the Hill eheesing te share iai ermatiee regarding this capability 1with the industry experts several weeks age It is eritieally impertant that as teehnelegy aad particulady teehneiegy eerttittaes te eyeltre rapidly the public he gearanteed that their geyentntent is ehserying the statetery and eeastitutiertal preteetiens whieh they demand i believe that it is else yet-y impertanr that these diseaasiens he piaeed iate the inte whieh they tireperly heleng and that the tree facts eeneerning this issue are made clear Mere te the peirtt and hear - in - at I feiletyed by a number et Eli-mil Reiease - Pay 1 r- sift-it- - 1 a iulInn- h that these oapahilities are used ooh r with Istw ul authorization and that they are oirooteo at the other egregious violations ofnattohai security and puhiio safetyr First ofali the FBI performs interceptions of criminal who and eieetrooio E mmU 1i ij n5_ totomet communioatioos under authorities haunted in part from Tilie of the Jim or'hus Crime Control and Safe Streets shot of 1953 as amended whieh is referred to as Titie Hi and portions of the Eiootrortie Communioatto us Privacy riot oF 1936 as amended or i want to stress that sit seoh interceptions with the esoeption of a rarely used entorgetaoy authority or consent ol a pattio'toant in tho oommuttioatiom are performed under a court order issued he Uooer emergency provision the Attorney- Generai the Deputy or the attorney Genera may if authorised Eoitiato eioottoo'to ot wr're or oieetrooio ooromunieatiorts without a court order hut ooh ii an application for such order is made within as hours shes the surve'tiianee is initiate-ti Federai surveillartoe iaws must comply with the Fourth dictates reasonable searches and seizures but they aiso a number of provisions that are intended to ensure that this investigative technique is used jttdioiottsiy and with dc srence to the privacy of intercepted suhjoots anti oettaieh r with ooferertoe to tho prioaoy of those who are not the suhjeot of the court order For example unlit-to search warrants for phs'siealiy searching a house under Title 1H and Department oFIustioe pnli y applications for interception oforal wire and eieetronie arses Holean - Page J 1 mr-L 1 1require HIE autherieetien ef high-lend eperlment ei' iestiee spatial 1113 it r331 United Stetes ef ees eeh htehe an appiicetien te t ederei cetirt Further interceptien ef cemmunieatiens is Eitnited te certeis federal criminal e enses Applicatiehs fer eicctrenie surveillance niest demenstrete prebahie ceuse and stete with particutaritp and speci city the efi'enses heinpr centmitted the er pi frent which the subject's cemnttinicetiens are to he intercepted a deecriptien cf the types et ceneersetiens tn he intercepted and the identities ef the persehs centrhitting the et t enses and anticipated tn lee intercepted Thus erirttinei eicctrenic surveillance iews feces en gathering herd eridence- net hppiicatinns must ittdicete that ether investigative techniques have been tried end faiieri tn gather evidence et crirne er net teeth er ere tee dengerees end attest inei'ude in fermetien ceneernihg any print electrenic regarding the sehjeet er in qeestien C u erdere ere initieiijr limited tn days with esten siens pessihic end meet terminate seener it the nhject'tees are ehtaineeL Judges they end Itiseeihr de require pet-indie repcets tn the chi t1 typically every i' te it days advising it ef the preeress ef the interceptinn e h rt This assures eiese end ee-geing et-ersight ef the eleetrenic surveilienee the United States Attemqt's ei' ee handling the eese and Frequently the cenrt Smith Release I'm-'1 Hill 'rli'l'IJ-HIE - 1wai-1'Qu-uhihuhm a- Eh EE Eit Jl lEn titejudge cite eneure thet the subject tit the interceptien ercier and ether pertiet It rtereeptierte are required te he conducted in such a way as tc minimize the intereeptiett et net ethent-iee subject te interceptien under the Jew such as unrelated irrelevant and eenet'ititittel eFthe eithjecte end net named in the applicatien Te ensure Ir-ritrecg r preteeticn end m d nti r t integrity cf the that ere-interceptedr euch intercepted cemmutticetierte ere required te he recerded en tape er ether device and recerded in euch it way ttr pretect the recetdittg free-i editing er ether ehereticne Immediater upcrt the eetpt'retiert et the intereeptiee eeriett reccrdinge are then required te he presented te the i'cdetei district ceurt judge and seeded under his et her directiene The presence eFthe tee eheii he ti prerequisite the their etc er diecietute er Fer the intreductien cf evidence derived the tepee t tppit'eetiette and et'dertt Eigeed lhejudge ere It he sealed by the judge Within a peried et time after the terrttinet'tett ei the intercept erder including deemed apprepriete ere tntiehed ett invent-EH pr 'v'tding nctiee ef the erderr the dates during which the interceptientt were carried me and whether at net the pereert wee intercepted Upctt metiert the judge my eIec direct that pcrtierte cf the ef the intercepted he made te fer their inepectiec he eerten whet war a petty te er intercepted eemmuniceden er was 3 pretty against where an intereeptieri was directed in arty triel hearing cr ether preceedirtg tc suppress the cert- sheet Helene - Page 3 - tents efentr intereepted eemmunieatien et ttn r evidenee derived therefrent it there are greunds dentenstreting that the Wes intercepted in t-ielstjen efTitie ECPA er the Fetn th Amendment The ef eieetrenie is a federal erintinet effense punishehte is fer up te ve years a ne er heth ht e-tieitienr any persen whese ere eniew ti'ty intereepted diseteseti er ueeti they in a aetien item the petsett er entity engaged in the eitrii damages htelutiing it eepreeriete punitive damages as well as attemey'e fees end ether eests t'nenrreti The teehnieei essistenee eitite sewiee in heiping iew enteseentent egenej r execute an eieetrenie ertler is eiweys inteettane end in men - eeses it is ehseieteitr eteeattitti This eiteumstenee is irteteesinng r the ease with the advent ef entreneed eetnnteniestiees services and nete-erits such as the Internet Title nteetietes settriee pretteer assistenee ineitientei te law et eteette nie su enters by that ereer eethetieing the intereeptien sheTi epnn the tequeet ef the diteet the 3 send ee previeer iendiet'tl eestediee er ether persee shell ereish the epetieent fen hwith infeneetien end teehnieei essistenee te the intereeptien - end with a minimum et' interfetenee with the sen-tees that eueh set-triee preuider e1 stedien er persen is the eereen whese ere te he inteteerated Mite - File 33 Fill in practice judges may sign tire carriers ert ier authorizing the law eat'arcernent agency in cenduet the electrenie stiryeiilancc and a secund appreciated assistance under ciirected te the sen-ice pretrider specifying fer example in the case Niki-mail the Email name eree subject that is the uttject eithe erder and directing the pres-isiert ei necessary assistance I Seryittc pres-riders and their are subject in the eiectreaic surveillance laws like public tt icials and private permits That is unautitcri zed surveillance is forbidden and criminal and cit-ii liability may be assessed i er yiuiatiens Net enly are interceptians pruacri heel iint se arse is the use er cf the certterti that ltat-e been illegally intercepted it is tltis rcasett amenp ritiiers that sert-ice pretenders typically talre great care irt pretridinp assistance ta law crt ircentmil in carrying cut pursuant ta eeiirt erder in same instances service providers ept ten prrwide fail service essentiaily carrying cut the iittereeptien fer law enl'crcement and presiding the nal interceptien precinct hut in meat cases service pres-rears are inclined precede the level et assistance necessary te ailuw the Ian eni ercentent agency in ceuduct the intereeptien i want te stress that the FBI dues net cenduct intereeptipns install anti uperate pen registers er use trap d trace without lawful antheriaatien item a men In recent years it has became increasingly can-linen fer the FBI te see-tr and i'erjudges in issue erders fur Title interceptictns which are much mere detailed than cider crders which were directed against plain cid telephene seniees These detailed enters in erder te he successfully implemented require eemplea appreaehes tc ensure that truly messages fer which there is Release Page 3 - 1r ernhahte cause tn intErcept are in that intercepted The fact that cnurt nrders are heen ming rtter-e detailed is in resennse i think he facts Fitst the Hutu-'th titre the tnternetI as well as the senselesin nt medern users demand better diserirninatinn than t nr elder anatng eernmunicat'rens example Internet users Frequently use electrenic messaging sen-ices like its mail tn with ether individuals in a manner reminiscent nfa teleph call eels with er-rt instead cit eeice Such messages are uhen the targets et ceurt erdercd iritercentien Users else use sen-ices like the wet-Id wide weir which heirs mere litre print media than a shunt call Similarly snare internet services lihe streaming virtue has-c mere in an with hrnadeast media like televisinu than with tetephnne cniFs These types are less the targets ut'an interccetinn nrtier The secnnd fact is that her many Internet scnrices users share channels addresses etc These there make the interceptinn nt messages t nr which law has pruhahie cause In the cactusinn ef all very di 'rcuit Unurt erders re thercfere increasingly 1r-h'itten tn include detailed fer ensuring that the privacy ef eemmnniestiens fer which there is un- prehahte cause he intercept is guaranteed tn re a critical need the tents tn implement these cnmpies cnurt nrders the FBI a number including the sn ware prugrarn catled Demitasse Car-revere is a very specialised analyser er sniffer which runs an a Persnnal Cnmpurer running the mere Retest - 3 - - JIn'H- I Mictesn cine-rating system It wan-ts he shitting the archer nerticns ct netwcik packets anei capying and aiming uni these packets which amid a nch defined set etcgrarned in ceiitiicrrinitg t witit the teen erect This lter set can he extremely and this presides the FBI with an tn cciiee ttaiisntissinns which cenntihir with pen register enmt er'dets trap ti trace cctirl tit-tiers Titie intercepticn creiers etc it is tn distinguish new what is meant it sniffing The prehiem efeiiscrittiinstittg hetwcen titera' messages etc the internet is a ecniniea nnc iinwceer this is enactis- what tines It aces hh 'l search tiircegh the centenis nf ever-3 - message and cciieet these that match certain key wersz hnnih ct dings it seieets messages haseti cit criteria expressly set nut in the ccitrt enter int E's'itl'li'g L' messages transmitted in cr item a at its ct item a particular user Iftiie tics-ice is pieces at same tinint can the tetis-eri when it discriminate messages as set cat in the man cities it simpr Jets art such messages pass 1 unrecmded- Cine might asks why use Carnis-cre at ait'i In many instances ISi s tiiarticuiarig r the iatget maintain capabilities which aiiew them tc ecrnpijn ct partiein campsite with iaw si creiers eaampie ntang r iSPs have the te cicnc er intercept when ere ereti te tic an E- mail tc anti speci ed user accent-its In such cases these are anti alicw faii campiiance with a cents erect- Hewever in eases ISFs tic net have such cr cannct entering them in a secure manner n 1st systems assisted by service precincts ct purchased the sheii lack the tc pr p iy discriminate between messages in a Fashicn s ti l Release Page i I - I- I I'that eetuphes with the eeurt erder ruse mens- eeurt erdets ge heyend Earned sneei ring grim te he intercepted such as instant messaging In these eases a eiened maiihes is mu su ieient tn eemtdy with the enter ef the stunt New ithinh it is that 'y'e'tu understand hew Cernivere is used in prestiee First there is the issue ereuie Cemieere is a stneii-sesie devise intended fer use euthr when and where it is needed in sh ea eh Carnivste devise is maintained et the Laheretery in Quentiee until it is eetuaiige needed in en aetiee ease it is then displayed tu satisfyr the needs his single ease er enurt timer and afterwards upen esniraIien ed the ureter the device is reruns-ed end te Qtaentiet t The sesnnd issue is use ed netwurit interfiereitee Carttiunre is seFe te enerete en It is by a high impedance hiidge and es net have any te trensrnit sheathing ente the in feel we get tn great te- ensure that the Carnittere is satisfeetnriiy isnlated i reni the netwerh tn whieh it is attached I'slsn Cantiuere is duly etteehed tn the network st ter eenstritatien with and with the egreemhnt ni'r teehnieei perennttei them the 13 This in feet raises the third et Te- date Ch 'ti'e' r has in rest knewiedge never been installed ente an ISP's netwerir withntit assistance i'rnnt the teehrdeel persen net The internet is a higth eentsiea and heteregenenus in whieh te enndu-st sheh eneratiehs and fees assure yes that witheut the teehnieet knewiedge nfthe it wettid he tiersr dif eult and in seine ittstettees immssihie t'nr Iaw enth reerrtent agencies tn share ReieeseKw- - 51 3 - - I ed trzun-T ants-H's In-L'Jiu'r'r'IWh- midwa h ql hg h I i imPIEmEnt and with the strict language et an interceptinn erder The FBI else depends tipun the ISP tn understand the pretech and architecture et theit patticttiar heather prirnarjir censideratinn t'nr using Csrnivere is data integrity As yen knew Rule set et the ederel Rates nt Evidence require the anthentieatien ct evidence as a t'er its The use ed the Semis-ere spstern hit the F i tn intercept and share cninnitinicaticns prcuides fer an undisturhed chain presiding a 1eritness can testin in the retrieval cf the evidence and the prccess by which it was rectirdcd Fett crrnance is else a he rcascn fer the use et'tfarnienre rivet snitiers shifters Bernie-ere is designed in intercept and the setected withnut tireppcd packets in certclusicn I Weuld like tn say that cit-er the last ve years er retire we hate witnessed a- centinuihg steady prewrh in instances ni cc ntputer-t'ciatcd crimes including lraditinnsl crimes and terrerist activities which have been pianrted er carrier cut in part using the Internet The ahility cf the law ent nrcement tn cii ectitrelt r investigate and prevent these crimes is in part dependant ripen nut shitin in last-thiin ccl'tect 1ritai evidence cf this the Internal hecernes ntcte enni plea se dc the challenges pieced ch as tn keep pace We net dc se udthent the centinned eenpetatinn nt cut in dustry partners and such as the Catnittnre sct'twsre Ii Willi Release 1 15 - 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